HomeMy WebLinkAboutSpirit Creek Interceptor Sewer Rehabilitation Augusta Richmond GA DOCUMENT NAME: 'Sy\ '( \1- L- '( ee~ \ n+ex' C -e.\5\DY S ~ ~y '( e. '()Q.,b ) \ \to-tl CYJ DOCUMENT TYPE: (j)~XCALt- YEAR: 08 BOX NUMBER: \ S FILE NUMBER: \ lu \ q ';) NUMBER OF PAGES: l\L\D I I I I I I I I I I I I - . .... MARCH 2002 J~-iI- /6/9 V SPECIFICATIONS AND CONTRACT DOCUMENTS FOR I. "FIND & FIX" PILOT PROJECT SPIRIT CREEK INTERCEPTOR SEWER REHABILITATION prepared for AUGUSTA-RICHMOND COUNTY COMMISSION Augusta, Georgia Bid Item #02-114 $30 27 Spirit Creek Interceptor Sewer Find & Fix Utilities Bid Due April 26,2002 @ 11 a.m. Please submit a marked original & a copy of your bid. Unless otherwise indicated State of Missouri } County of St. Louis} ss: OnJu..n f:-- I 2- ( 21:X)'2. , before me, a Notary Public in and for said County and State, residing therein, duly commissioned and sworn, personally appeared Kathleen A. Petchulat known to me to be Attorney-in-Fact of National Fire Insurance Company of Hartford the corporation described in and that executed the within and foregoing instrument, and known to me to be the person who executed the said instrument in behalf ofthe said corporation, and he/she duly acknowledged to me that such corporation executed the same. IN WITNESS WHEREOF, I have hereunto set my and affixed my official seal, the day and year stated in this certificate above. DEBORAH M. JENNINGS Notary Public - Notary Seal State of Missouri City of St. Louis My :,=-ommission Exp. 07/13/2U02 .:> Performance Bond Bond No, 929249327 Any singnlar reference to Contractcr, Surety, Owner or other pany Shill! be considered plural whcre !lrpliC:lI>k. CONTRACTOR (Name and Address). Insituform Technologies, Inc. 4016 Flowers Road, Suite 470 Atlanta, GA 30360 OWNER (Name anu ^ddrt:.\s): Augusta-Richmond County Conunission Augusta Utilities Dept., 530 Greene Street, Room 605, Augusta, GA 30911 CONl1V\('T Dare: 6/12/02 Amount: $600,000,00 n"S(;nplion (Name and Location): "Find and Fix" Pilot Project Spirit Creek Interceptor Sewer Rehabilitation Project SURETY (Name and AddJ:e.ss of 1'1ll\cip~.l Place of Business): National FIre Insurance Company of Hartford P,O, Box 419375 Kansas City, MO 64179-0461 BOND Date (Not earlier man Contract D3te). 6/12/02 Amount $600,000.00 MoJificatiutls to tilis Bond Form. N/A Surery Ilnd Contractor, intending to be k.~a\ly bound hr.leby, subject to the tcnns printed !.in the rever.';c ~Idt: hoc.of. do c~ch cause tlus Pcrfon:nance 130111'1 to hI:. duly cxccut~d on it~ nehlllf by its authorized officer, agent or rcpresr.ntJt.iv.,. CON'fRACIOR AS PRINCIPAL '.:.l'IlnPl'aY:InSituform TechnO~ S:gl1aturc: -~~_t. _ - Narr.e ll;110 Ti cS.. James R. Hansbrough, Projec SURETY National Fire Insurance Cornprmy: Company of Hanford (C<lf!). Seal) {Space is provided. bcluw for signarures of additional par1i(:s. if requiree.) Signarure;Kcn Q. OQ{'L--..... ~ ~... _.. Name and Title:Kathleen A. Petchulat, Attorney-in-fact (AttJcb Pow~r of Attllrlli.:Y) Countersigned by: Ctd:/J.!d. f<). i:tu1 f Clifford A. Davis, Duluth, GA CONTRACTOR AS PR1J'iCIl'AL Company; (Corp. Seal) SURETY Company: (Co 11'. Seal) Sl~n,~tllrc: _ _ Name tWO Tille: Slgnarure: "- N:mu; and 'rille: EJeDe No. 191O-'28-A (\996 Edition) 0, ig,oaUy prepared 'h,ollgh the Joinl effOrTJ of Ibe Surety AS ,0< i.wm of ",[1'\e, i<:h, rior,i"rrn J(,im CootnCI DoccmcDll C:ommil1rr., t:le AssOCIated Geom Contnc::on of !\menc~. Md ~he Am':':1c!n :n<;cl\ntt. (\( ^Id\\tti,~!o OIJ6!()-1 I. The CONrtl.ACrUR ond tI>e Su",')', )Qintl~ l\nd. l.venJl,\ bind tl1om.lt.l,c<, <he,. hc:if1. ~CCUlOrs. adotil'1istr8tQ:r'5. S\Jccc..$to~ tnd B.1$lglU to lhe- ()\.l,'DC'1 fOf" r11t perlOrft].4l1CO of tho Coomer. whIch ;1 wcOrpon.~~ hc.rC1D b)l rtftreoco. 'i. [{ (he: CONTRACTOK ......(~ the Contract, tM S=I'J tnd the COlrrR.ACfOR b.lrvC no obUpWon Wldc:r w!o Hond.. excepr to p1lticip&tfl in I'()Jd,o;rcur.c.\ nt provided In p.lJDJ:"'pL 3.l. 3. 1f tllc.rc II DO OWNER DelRull. tho S\lfGt:y'~ obligation UD~ct ihis aood shall ~.e <.fla: J.l Th. OWNER ~ oolir,r.il m. r.ON"lR.'\t~I)R oorl the SIJn:tj. .r the J<Idres<eS de<ccibcd in pUnb"'ph 10 !odo"', .hAt the Q"lfNER is considenng 6e<:\aring .. CotfTRAC1'OR De!.u), oed bM rcqnweJ and ,nemprell to ll1nIlge . rocJ'=oce wilh the CONTRACTOR Ind tho Sun:ry to be held (u)l (lIbr 1ll4Jl liftc:<:. dAy< aft<< =\pt o{ lut\'. ,,~ce 10 Ilistu" me\hO<l$ of perl'Q<'I1\lng 1116 Con~t. [!" Ii>< OWNER, the CONTRACJ'OR and <he Surety ~~ tho ClJ~rm."CTOR .holl Do ~Io",ed . <=9OlIohle "-,,,e /1l peltOrtl1 the ContraCt.. bur oru:h "'" Igrecll1eUl sIu.lJ no< w:oj..... the OWNER's right. if allY, .ubs~~etltly to declare 0 CONTRACTOR {)(,fDulr: and 3.2. Thr. oWNER hlU dr,dlll<d I CONTRAI TOR l"'follll ~~ fonn.illy roani,..tccl 1m- (.YJNTI<ACTOR'. ';rhl to r.<nopll'>," ,h" Conl1...1. Sua. rol'l'rR/ICTOIl lkl,ult .h.fl nor h< dcclan:d carli.., <haD :weDt'f do>" .fief the CONTRACTOR and ~ SurelY have =.cl~ Dotic<: 9S pro,'ickd iD pnr,gr.ph 3.1; and ).3. '111" OWNf'R hOf op'l'd rn P'Y rhe Halnlleo orthe ('ODD'''''' Priu to: 3.3, I, 1M Sur<:ty in llGeOl1lanee wi'" lhe fOrm' of the Contnec 3.3.2 Another cOntnle'OC ocleet<d pU~UllJlt 10 pangraph 4.) 10 perlocn <h. Coo<n<:t ~. Wbm 11", OWNER hA< ..nlfi.4 the (Qaditi.;>,,' uf I'lU1lgrorb J, the Surery R",1l f"""SIp"y....ul ot tho S=ry" e,'ptl1Je tUo One of the foUowlng "<JOM: 4,1. Am>ngr (", "'0 (.'()NTRAC!'OI{. w;th co....,nl ,,( the OWN"lC tn p:rfOlm anrf cuulfl'''tc rhr. Contract; UC" 4,2. Undertoke In perf""" ""r\ r.(\fnpl'-te ,hr. CnnlT1"r iuelf. rhrol1&b III l~COL< <<Wou~ lndep<:naeol cOotneWll: or .".,:\, Ob,a,in'mh O[ ut'~utLBr~d proposa1.l frum qU.1.\if~1 L"tmr,r&Cln~ ac.c:r::.pttob\r. lD tl>e O~ (0' . CDn,,"'~ (,Ir P""I>mt"nCC Ind C<JalpletiQll of the Contne:' ~e {oc . ocn\nCI \0 "'" p,cpand (or e.ccutioD by the OWNER end the conlne,or "'*<te<l wilh thc OWNER', eoncum:nCll. 10 ~ Iccured wi,h pcri-lrlIanCe and ~\ ~& c.1.r;i;utc.d \)~ '!. -q1,li~{i1;d tro~\~ cqui~lk.nt (0 the. 3l.ln<u \su\t'J.:l en tht- C"nstncl. ODd PDY 10 'ho OWNER the ll1IlOunl of diln",g'S L\ (,^<<:utwl i:l pllroy.rnpl\ ~ u. C,l.LY.:it of the R.Il~ a(thfIJ CJ..lt\tt'tot:( p"t:c \or.\urr.o by tht: O\\"NE.J.l ~'illltl(lr. from cb<: CONlllACl'OR 0.., .ul r: 0< 4.4 9leivc ll!. nght 10 periorrn IU'ld CClO'1plt:'"" flrnTIge ((lr eompi~t..ioo. or ClbWn 0 new ronlIXlor and wirh reuODahle prom.,lna1 unckt It". t~"mn.,,'e.s; .; 4.1 A(\l;r InVetuption, dcrctn\inr. rhl"' IIrnnllnllor \I.llm:h i~ m1\Y be llIhlt to Ib~ O\1lNIa<. Md. u soon u preC'ucablc ah~1 lhe e,m"UtH is de.lcn:n1nl!d. - P'ynlcOt the~(ar 10 the OWNER: Or 4.4.7 !x.ny ',"biliry in w/tole or III pon ond notity the OWNER dlUl& rQlO<!S Ibt.n:f or. ,. tf \he Su~.t'j d~-e> no\ proc""o .. prDv'16,o In pDrIlg<1lph ~ .....ith (<..,.,oRbie JWU't\pfOf'.Ci. t.hr. SUL"r'IY tfu~1I be rl.ccwt'tI to h~ in .1,dA..d, rtf' !.hi.. Rood fifTeen days. III\a l't'CI:i,Jt of an ~...ct,(;'{'I\"'" 'Nt'lnr.n nQiict. htm'. the OWN"2.R to tht; Suroty cloocDondiDg 1ll.1 the SW'Cry perfo"" j" obligDtion, UJI~cr (hi. BOlld.. IInd 11\. oWto'ER ~ be ""titled to eDfocee ....y ",tt\Cd~ avtul..ble "" t/1<. OWN't'lL lf th. :>u'"'ty prtaCG.o:1J as pro\rictect In pt\l'llp1lph -44, Ilnd the O\'.r'NER ref:Jsc-1 the r;\yrnr:or ~d Of rh< Surery nns dCl1i..c pHl'IhilJty. m ',N\)olc. Or i:l plU"t. '#ltbou! rUft.hn W,')lJc('". the OWNr-.R 1.1-\,,1\ bo ctlull,.~ {() cofo"", .ny lUMdy .vliloblt \0 me OW)-.'F.I< 6. A.he( d>o OWNJ2J\ hat ternl10;l<d tho COl'fTRAr.fOR'. fiRh' In 'olLplcle the COQlTiCI. rlI1rl ir VIO Suruy dcct! :0 01t'~ llllcirl pAf'M,~ph. 4.i.. 4.2. or .s,J abOve. (n~ll ,he ''''ponsibUlti<.l of the Sur<1y ~llho OWN!'.\!. .lull 001 be gte"Ler <1\"" rhe"e "r 'he COC'lTRACTOR uunu 11,<. r:O"<T1Il'~ lnd the mspon,ihw';.., of the UWNl!.R to tl" S~ty ,h>Il ur~ t>e fJulc:r Ihon rho" o( tho OWNER u.n<lel me C,u:lrl1Ct. To a li:ni, of rlor. Iml"nl t)f Uu< Bond. bUl l"bjr.<:I 10 r.(>1\JI1I1,rl\o:n! by tho O\l.>N!::R of the RAlDOc.e oft..bc Cor.01!r.1 f'nce fo jIlJlicDrtoM of r..n.u~ ll.nn ti.~.rt'Htg~ oil the ~,nrllrBCl. the Surety.., obliGa,ed witJlOtlt dup:icalioll for' ~.1. The" Icspon.....lhditir..' or lbe. COJ\"TR..ACTO~ ftl,. \,urrec:inu of flf".ff'll.tl...r Work lOa colDplc~Hln ()f lh... C,()Dtra;::r;, 6.' AIMiunt\l\~ It.gtJ, daig':\ proff"':~i()1lAl and dt.\ny CO~~ ~\.11Hnp; flom lhr. CUNTllACroR', 1l<'.t"clL .n.! r"uloog from lbe OCtiOlU or [rulliI'< III lilt of the S"n:ry "ndr. p>nl7"l'h 4: and r; J l'qoldulr.d~, N if 00 UqllinAl.~ d.",of.e.< "'" ,!"",Jf,CJJ I. (1)e ConollCL actU!l dnm-agu ,,"uk<! by dcLw.red 1'<.'(""Illlnr.. Or non-pcrfOm1/lece o;,f the CONl11.ACTOR, 7. The SUlr.ry ,h,U nOt be Uablo 10 the OWNER Of <'\her> 1<>< nhlig'UOM Or the C()~ffiACTOR thai """ ullItflU64 [0 the Con""", IUld the 8o.1llnrr. or ,h" CODlncl "',"" IhoU 00' be rcdu~ or let of! ou lceOUDt of IJ1Y ,,'eh unrel4lCJJ obliptiOI,., /'10 righl or nctioo slall tecru. aD L"i5 !loud to ..,y s><non or enlt')' other the:! I~e QWN'ER or h.: heirs. CArr.IHCIS:. IldlltinlotCT11rci~, or .\urZ;CS10n. g, The SW'Oty lIe"'b'l WlllYe, nnljce "I .ny chMge, ineluW1lK chonga.s of lime. rll .hr Ccntror.'~ (y to 1f'.i,M.d s.ubcOl'\tt'I(',It., ;'I\\f':"h~(, oroG:!. -.nd nther obligau",,"&. 9. Any vmr.i'"r(dJnl). LogoJ a( cquitible. W1dct rh1! Baed D1IlY br: 11I1I11Hl(d III ,,"ycnur. of r.nmpc::tr.nl itlrill~lrtjoo In U\I:. k,...c.uQ":! 10\ "",hich rbe Work: Or part of rlar.. \VOfi I~ ~".".:f anti 'Mil be in.<tiru....d llIilllin 'we yr."" 8f:.r CONTRACrOR Ilotil1lil Or w;rl\,o twn l"'orn otter the CONTRACTOR ~e<l wOcDDg v< withIn twn Y"1l.n o~" rhr. Surety ~fllR"." or r"j~ to perlorm ILl obliglllinlU: undc( W.1 BOllll ""t'ti(."ht:Vfr' uc:r.n" (,"',. If 1M provuioDJ of l!l.u p/l11l~ph ..~ VOId at pJO"'~ilC11 hy Illw. me minImum pcnoo of lunit&tion ft"'o.iJRble to SU~tJCI al . t1d~uu: /1'\ me JIlt'iSrijctJOt\ of t'v> .Iuil ,lull be "I'plicoblr 1 O. Nonce ro (1Ir. Sun:')', the O.....'NER or Ill.. CON1RACTOR '08\\ be ,,,..lled Ot dchv~n:f\ 'l)tht lIr1drc..n sl'mwn an the jjPll[U.ft page It. \'{h.~ \his BaDd h.. l>r01l hllnilh<<1 'e <oo\ply ",th . 'taN lOry llr othr.r logaJ requur.me.m in the: loC':.1'l.\lon wla:.n: u.,t Cor.t:r"QCt \1,l~ he performed. an."1 provlSH\r\ 1n thi.\ Hr>>t'! umtti.C:linr., w1th ,u"d HAr\.Her)' or lcgAJ requircrncDf !ih4111,r: dMn\crl citlleted htrt. {rom .l\d t\rov\.s\OEU. confutt'!\i.r.g to SlICtl f.\4n.l1.ory (It (lthM k~Bl reqt~i~meot lh.11 b< ck-.ef1ted in(.orpontt.d ht'Jftin. The UH.tn~ is IhAI thi.\ nnl'\d lIhAll he COMCTl.:ee a.s I J~l\Jlory boad and IJ..:JI tU 4 CDfTU't:On b"", h~aJ. 12, OefLllir,oos. 12.1 /Jolo"", oflhe ContrBc. P:'lce: nO 101"; owoun: r'yoblo by the QWNHR. tu 1M CONTRACTOH under :he COnU'llcl aIt., III p'''p<.r rvJJ\lW1~ll\ h.ve h<:r~ mede. includiog 0110"'9I1ce 10 lh~ CONTR,\C10H of any .",OUOU =ei~ or <0 be rcc!!ived by ~ OWNER ill .O;:l'\ltlemAt~t of 1r.~urwDce or nri'l"'r C.l~ for d..u:w,!;c~ lI'I wlu.:h the CONTI-tACTOR 1'1 cnnlkd. tc.duccG by c.l1 valid and pWr"r r"ynlenl:. m.r1c 10 Dr M ~el-.tU.f of the CO~'TR.A.c-rop. unl1",r (hr. COtlft.)C;t n,2. COnl1llc~ Th^ 1r.rc:Cr.".tllt 1><.!"'1'-"" the OWNER ond Ihe CON111.AC'i()? idc:t\nr'l':d on ~hr. 1:l:nacun: ;.a.ge-, i.Jlcludiog ldJ COl\crnCI Oo-:umro.nL\ .nd chADge.\ \here, o. 12.), CO;o..TR"aOIt {,-<rlla!': F,,\t;re cf Iht CO~CT()K. ....hid, h< "c:lIh~( br-.t:1\ ll:ro.t'.tt;e;:{ "~t wll'.'ed. 1C r<:r.or"rn or olhl:NfUe tt; c.ulIlFly wuh :J:e lr.l/'J'i': or the. COnfntCl. J 2..~. DV..~,T.R Dda~tt Fni:ll~ u( Lllc O'NN1:R. wllU:h hllV ~~itht:r bt.en r'r.rT1r.dl~d DM U'Al\"Cd. 10 pl:lY the CONl1t....Cl UK lL1 r.--'1"iJcd by the Ct,)ntrJct Of l.., perf0r.:t3 ~~ cOeJpltte or ,'ompty wII., rhe. OI11r.l (er:ns rhereof. 00610-2 Payment Bond Bond No. 929249327 Any singular ref~renCl; to Contrar:or, Surety, Ov:ner or Qlher P~IlY .~h811 be considereo plural where: :lppli""hk. CONTRACTOR (Name and Address): SURETY (Nome: :'Ind ^,1drcss of PrincipAl Place Insitufornl Technologies, inc. or H\I~ill(;$s), 4016 Flowers Road, Suite 470 National Fire Insurance Company of Hartford Atlanta, GA 30360 P.O. Box 419375 OWNER (Name aud Address): A t Ri hm d C ty C .. Kansas City, MO 64179-0461 ugus a- c on orm OmmISSIOn Augusta Utilities Dept., 530 Greene Street, Room 605, Augusta, GA 30911 CONTRACT Dale: 6/12/02 .~ount: $600,000.00 (k..sctiplion (Nllme and Locatioo): "Find and Fix" Pilot Project Spirit Creek Interceptor Sewer Rehabilitation Project BOND Dale: (Null:./Irliu than Conlmc( DSIP.): 6/12/02 AmouIlt.: $600,000,00 Modifications 10 ulis BUild !'urm: N/A SUrery and Conlncror, Ul:ellwug 10 be legally u\.ll:nd hereby. subje.ct to the. \o!n~ ptilltc(l on the reverse side hereof, do each calls~ Ihi.1 Payment gonrllu he: ctuly e:K",;ulen on ill behalf by it~ aUlhmil.crl 'J[[lce:r, aer.lll, or rr:prcscntaltVe. CO Nl'RACfOR AS PRINCIPAL Comp:;ny: lnsituform Technolo ies, .'i\gn~:ur(:. _ /J AAr~~ _ . Nan-.e and Ti;vrames R. (Cor.). Seal) SURETY National Fire Insurance Company: Company of Hartford (Corp, Seal) Si!;J1lllurc:Kcp- n.. ~A... Pr .~.. Name and Title: Kathleen A. Petchulat, Attorney-in-fact (Attach Power of AUomey) _ Countersigned by: ~ f-J ,f2aij.r Clifford A. Davis, Duluth, GA (Sp:\ce j~ pnwiekrl below for Signlllllr.P.S of additlon!!1 p:u-t;r_~. if rcqIlJH:d.) CONTRACTOR AS PRiNCIPAL :::::..~.1!9/ i~S"\) NamCanrlT~ ~ F.ICDC No, 191O-28-B (1996 Edition) OriK\D~H)' V1e.PMrO tbr'Jup.h Ihr JC)inl ('UOI1.~ (,11 UI(". Surety A<>S('H:iullOn of ^mcn~;\. Engmeen. JOint Cootnc1 Doc.'Jrneou CommlOr:e. the ..\..;~ocjBtcd Gcncnl COntnlClO(~ of Arnc"ca. the ArtlCnCWl InsllCutc of Archicccu, the Amenc"" S"hfOPlI1JC!"" A:."",i,'{lco. "'1d /bc A>.oo<:i.rcd SprclMI!y C(.I11tr.~'nr' S IJR.ETY Company CCOtp. Seal) Siy,uatllrp.: Name aDd Title: 00620-1 J. lhr. CONTHACTOR .nd rhe SnrrJy, JOintly Md ""'"nUI~', ~incl Ihe",""lv~, rheir hciJ1i.. CJ(t.CU[rrrs. adminutJUClO. SUCt_r:9~lrs unci njsign~ I.n the OVINER ~ pay fl>r \9.00(. m4L::tU11. R'Id <qtllp"'en~ (umuhcd foe UAG in the patormA!\Ce of tht: CoalfUr. wtueh IS Incorpornttd herein by ref=occ.. 2. With res~el to the OWNER. lhis obbgation shllll b: null Mil void it lhe COl'ITRACTOR: ?..l Pm"'plly wnke, p.ymr.lll.. dIrectly or lcdiI=ly. for aU rua:.s due Claimant'>, !\nd 2..2.. o.,fer.ds. llldemniiies o.od hold! h=1os. <he O'i'n-.reR frolll &IJ d!lJ.1llS, d.emal\~. lien, IX sui~ by any penon or enClty who fumisl>erllllbor, llWr.IiRJ, or <,<\uipm=l (or use (n \tie perfor(llA{\ee of the Cf./ollllC'. provide..! !he UWNER bll5 pnllllptly notified the. CONTRACTOR a.od the. SUI'ety (at 11.1.. o.dtl.<:S><JlICMer'.\>e(\;o pOJ~)'3llh 12) of OilY clnims. deJUlulllJl. heM (11 .,niIS and tcI.d~ de(= o( such c1a.i~. dcllWld$, lienS or O"lfS CO the r.ONTRACTOR Inrtlh e SurelY, ftnrl proVIded thctC L' no OWNl'.R l)efRult. 3. With r<3p<Cl to Clnimanls, tlus obUg..cion shall ~ Dill! and VOId if the COJ'(TRACTOR promptly truIlccs plyment. directly or indi~:tJy, {or all sutru due. 4 TIle Swtly duill hAve no obliS:lllon \J\ r.u.im:uu., unrlr: (hh Rond !Jnal: 4 t l.I.i[TVllIr, who n", rmployM hy or havr, R rlit eel eonlUlCl with the CONTRAr.TOR h"v," l(lven nll';ee to Ihr, SurelY (ftl the Ilkl= dJ::scl\~ i..., pangnl'h 12) And scnt A Copy. or noticc thereof. to the O?/NF.R, .,.ring thAI a cLum "Mnp, IlIRdr. u"tin thl5 BOll(j Md. with <Uh.'IMhRf JlCCUNlCY. the amount or u,., claim. 4.2. ClaimantS who do not h~vc Q dirttt cootrBet with .:he CONJRACI'OR' l. Have furni.hed wntlcn notic<: to ttxl CONTIl ACIOR nnd >=t a copy, al uotioc: thel'C>Jf, to the OWl'o'ER. WIthin '10 ''''Yl' bft" h"Vlng 14.11 pcrlon:ru:d labo1' or lAst fumlsl\l:d lllJIrcnlll, or orl'"ptmnl il\Clu<led in the cla.m 'ltAUDg, with sub!Lanti.oJ "e<:1.u:llcy. the AftlOUD( of the claim an<! the lUIDe of the parry to wtlom the materinh were fumiIDed 0: sUPPIio1 or fO' whomlhe labot w~ done ar pett'orm.-d; and ? Have cithrr rccelvtd ~ ,~~,ion In wh,,1c (0 in part tmm the mNTRA(:rQR. Ot: Mt receivt'd willlin '\0 .lilY" of furni.h,nr the ohovo noUCe .oy Ulm/1lJlnienlion from Ihe. C:()/'fJTlACIOR hy which rhe '.:Or-rrR.AcroR had indlC&falthr: dB.ltn ...,dll><: paJd di",clly or lnrtirr.f:fly; lU},j J. Nor h1vlnr. I~ pairl wirhin the ..hove 30 MY", hovo = I writtt:n notter. 111 the SlIlrry onrl =1 a copy. or notiCe thc.re<lf. to !11e OWNER. Italint that I claim i. being nude under Itill Ban<l And eedoslnc a copy of the pt'eVi0U3 wriaen nouee flunishcd to the CONTRAcroR. ~. If. notice requITed by parur,rnph 4 is r,ivrll lly ,he OWNER ro :he CONTRACfOR or to the SIlltt)', Ih:.t i. sufficient C<lmplnnc, 6. WI"'..l) th<. Chu""",. h.u s.,Ii.fted the eoorunons of pA(1lgrt>?b J. the Sur-...:y ""aU promprlyand at the SUrcl)"s e1pense tAke the toUov.ing ""aO"": 6.1 Selld WI amwr. to ,hr. CI.imnnr. WIth ~ copy to Ihl: OW}:l::'R. within 45 ~Y1 a/II'T rcr.r.lpt of the r.laun. SlAting the 1ID0unu that are undispurtd And rhe bll.!U forcha11englng any =unl5 thll = disputed, 6,2 P"y Or arr;ln&o for paymenl of any undi.potbd l\a1O~nt$. 1. 'The Surery'o 1C(aj obligLl,on.h.olI DOl ...c.oj the amount ,)f r/U'J Bood, lUld the amount of duo Bond !.hall be CTCditcd for any pa>Tneou made ,,:. good (llJlh by the Swdy. r. Amounts owed by the OWNER to the CONTRACfOR ,lIt,in' tl,e COnu.cJ .h_1I be tU<d fl,lf the p<:rComulIICc of the Contnlct -nd 10 ....risfy cl:Wn.'. if my. ur.cler aJ:>' :;:<Ylno:loe llocd. By the CO:-'TRA.CrOR fllrtU5Qiog and tl1~ O'lS.'l'<'F.R R'''''j''lllg BOod. u,ey a<o= thftl all funds eame.rl bv W. CC)i\TKACLOR \It the perfOl:ln.\n<e of Ule L.)I"':<.c.1 ~.re <bllU\lcd ;0 n';,f-! obup.u(lo.! of rr.r CONTRAcrOR llIlJ tho SU:'dy under thiS flood.. subject to the OWNER', pnomy 10 use the f\lnd~ foo ':,c compl<.Uan of tho WorY_ 9, TI,e SU'rlY m.U oot 00 U~ble to U1e OWNfl.H.. CIWnaDr.s or arhas tor obllgUlon> of Ihe CONTRACTOR Ihll RIC. IInrcl,Cb:l to the COntract 'lbe OWNER ohaJl 001 be liable (or paymrJlI ot .ny <'0'" ar eXf'C'lJ;C1 of MY Cia III,.,,, Unde: this Baed, Md ,hill have Ul:drJ ,his Bond no ot>\ij;atlo"" \0 malee p.ymrnL' fO, give nouces on behalf nf. nr othetwise have oblig;u:iooa to Clni,n...", uncia rn:. Bood II). '[1". ~"""ty ~ w~v~ notic<: of Ill1Y ehAllge. mclurling eb:Lllg-rs of Wl1e. 1<1 .hr. C;"nrrA/:1 [11 tjJ relJtcd Subcontrnct& porcc"se ,n.lrt. Rnd nth,-.. o!>liptions II. N" SUit Or acooo ~haJI be corrunenccd by a C!nunan, under !hi.< Hend olhrr th.n in a coUrt o( competent juri!<c1tr:uon III :he locallOO in wtuch the Ww k or pal' of the Work is 1"",,(<<1 ut a.{tu the explI'ltion of one y= frofJ' tho d31e (I) 011 w~.Jrh the Claimant gave the noticn requi,w by par3gr1lph 4.1 or plll1lgI1lf'h 4.2.],0' (1) or. whicb thc IBsl 1,1)0: IX "",vi::./! W8.' p<rlor.ned by anyone cr tllr. In'" m~,erI~\;' '" eqwpmeDt ""'I': f'lIni!:.'>t:O by ~y(\ne unch- !t,e COlL."U"';"" Conl'."l_ u.t-JcheYrJ of (I) (l{ (2) ti", OCCUlS. [f the pl'Ovi51ons o( llru parot.' nph l\l'< void or prorubil<:<J by law, 11u:: rniul.rnum ~od oi tim'tBUOn available l(l SUIWc.s Ll I defonse in th~ Jurisdiction of the &tI,t mill ht, "I'P\iclhlr_ 12 :-IOOce to the Surety, IN: OWNER ()[ the COf\ITRAClDR shAU h<-. m.,iled or dcliv~ to th"- !llldn:sse.I show" on thr. 1i~ paC'" Actual ~<lpl of nlJtlc< "( Surcry, rhe OWNl'Jl. 0: rhr r.ONTRACTOR. however 8":UllIpIJshr.d, ,h.:1 be sufli~ient cOlI:jJlilllJCG ." a/illC'. dnlr. rc<elvr;d .1 the addrus 5hown 00 the .igll.tuf'(: page. 13. Wheu this H"f,d h", boon fumiJ;bce.o comply wiL~ a .U~"t"'y In 'Jther legn!'e<)llUr.IMJU In the locAuoo wh= the Con,",,( was to be prJt"rmed, ney provision tn lhi. TlolI" Cflul1irong with <Sid StAtuto!)' or 1cs:>.J N:qlli,mlrm shall he doxmod del",,,,J horetrom uui provUions eonlcnl\,ing \0 ~""h .'Oll.l:cry or other IcglJ reqU\ll:UlCot .hllli be deemed ineorp<X'1!led IoClr111 The tnleo! i.. thaI thl.1 Bond ,hlJl he C(lllStrucd lL'l 8 SUnl!ory lI()~d ""I riot ft., ~ Cammon IIW bOn.l 14. Upon ""1"em ,,' sny p":-oon Cr cn~ty .ppe.1ring co be. pOlenli,,1 brw..!lClaty of tl,.... BCJllll. Ihe COl'<J1\ACTOR shlll1 promptly furouh 8 copy..,f lh" Tlourl or S!lall ""mill copy to be m:i<le. 15, D8'l1>mONS 15.1. Claimant: An i.r:dividll!lj or eali,y (.avlng Q di=t eOOlr.1ct with 0". CONTRACTOR 0\' wim a S\\~><:l\II\nu:IDr of Ih,. COr-rrnACf'OR to fllmj,l, I.bcx, mauriall or oquipmcol (Or lLSe il: t~e P<"1m monce of the COntraCL TItc iuler.[ of this Bone! shall be 10 Inclu,lr, without l,rnilBlJOn in the Icrms "I.t>or. 1Illl',erials or oqulpmenl" llUI parr vi """1", ga.!, [>0"':,(, light. hellt, oil. &81cltnr.. tekrhonc oer"ec: Ot lUlUlI equipment \l>cd in tile Cn"rnli:l, arclllfr<:"lflU and cII!:,oocr.ng nr.rV1Ce.~ rr'1"~d (or pcti'=ee nf the W",l 01 th' CON'fRACTOR llld the COt'fTRACTOR's SubcontrUtnrs. .:,,1 all oWer ,terns fOI \IotSch . ~h.\Ilic', Ii", may be =ro In lion jUl1sdicuon whe~ the ilt\},x. ma\eri.I!, '" ")Illl'''',..n\ """e fumi,hed. 15.7.. COII[ncr: The Ib=",.ent beh~n the OWN"-R tnd the CO~.AcroR tdcotiF.ed Oil Cle "~3'"11': 1"'6". inc\udi<lg RlI ellntrael Docul'Oetlts and ch411gc.s pthe..-el(l 15.1. OWNER Dc.faull: F-ilure o~ ~'>e Ollv'NF.R. wbicb 0113 nellller h<v-n rouc<ji<<l MI w8\'1<'<\. Ie p.y lh.. COl'olRACTOR "" ~\l"".d by <1<<" <':o"tr:\<, '" 10 IJl:'3rlKfn awl cnmpleJt: x c()fTIDli wi1l the (UJICl lClfU'i: l.he~f 00620-2 POWER OF ATTORNEY APPOINTING INDIVIDUAL ATTORNEY-IN-FACT Know All Men By These Presents, That Continental Casualty Company, an Illinois corporation, National Fire Insurance Company of Hartford, a Connecticut corporation, and American Casualty Company of Reading, Pennsylvania, a Pennsylvania corporation (herein called "the CNA Companies"), are duly organized and existing corporations having their principal offices in the City of Chicago, and State of Illinois, and that they do by virtue of the signatures and seals herein affixed hereby make, constitute and appoint Stephen E, Ricci, Thomas C, Ricci, Jr., Kathleen A. Petchulat, Kathleen M, Hoffard, Individually of Creve Coeur, Missouri their true and lawful Attorney(s)-in-Fact with full power and authority hereby conferred to sign, seal and execute for and on their behalf bonds, undertakings and other obligatory instruments of similar nature --- In Unlimited Amounts - and to bind them thereby as fully and to the same extent as if such instruments were signed by a duly authorized officer of their corporations and all the acts of said Attorney, pursuant to the authority hereby given is hereby ratified and confirmed. Continental Casualty Company National Fire Insurance Company of Hartford American Casualty Company of Reading, Pennsylvania -?/A-~ ~~ Michael Gengler Group Vice President State of Illinois, County of Cook, ss: On this 18th day of April, 2002, before me personally came Michael Gengler to me known, who, being by me duly sworn, did depose and say: that he resides in the City of Chicago, State of Illinois; that he is a Group Vice President of Continental Casualty Company, an Illinois corporation, National Fire Insurance Company of Hartford, a Connecticut corporation, and American Casualty Company of Reading, Pennsylvania, a Pennsylvania corporation described in and which executed the above instrument; that he knows the seals of said corporations: that the seals affixed to the said instrument are such corporate seals; that they were so affixed pursuant to authority given by the Boards of Directors of said corporations and that he signed his name thereto pursuant to like authority, and acknowledges same to be the act and deed of said corporations. >>~ ~~ + MOFFICIAL SEAL' .r DIANE FAULKNER J Notory Public;, Stote of I/Iinoil My Commission ExpireI9/17/05 +.. I:,:: /: / .n;,/JtJl/;~JI/ I /i ..+ My Commission Expires September 17, 2005 Diane Faulkner Notary Public Mary A. Ribikawskis Assistant Secretary (Rev. 10/11/01) Authorizing By-Laws and Resolutions ADOPTED BY THE BOARD OF DIRECTORS OF CONTINENTAL CASUALTY COMPANY: This Power of Attorney is made and executed pursuant to and by authority of the following By-Law duly adopted by the Board of Directors of the Company. "Article IX-Execution of Documents Section 3, Appointment of Attorney-in-fact. The Chairman of the Board of Directors, the President or any Executive, Senior or Group Vice President may, from time to time, appoint by written certificates attorneys-in-fact to act in behalf of the Company in the execution of policies of insurance, bonds, undertakings and other obligatory instruments of like nature, Such attorneys-in-fact, subject to the limitations set forth in their respective certificates of authority, shall have full power to bind the Company by their signature and execution of any such instruments and to attach the seal of the Company thereto. The Chairman of the Board of Directors, the President or any Executive, Senior or Group Vice President or the Board of Directors, may, at any time, revoke all power and authority previously given to any attorney-in-fact." This Power of Attorney is signed and sealed by facsimile under and by the authority of the following Resolution adopted by the Board of Directors of the Company at a meeting duly called and held on the 17th day of February, 1993. "Resolved, that the signature of the President or any Executive, Senior or Group Vice President and the seal of the Company may be affixed by facsimile on any power of attorney granted pursuant to Section 3 of Article IX of the By-Laws, and the signature of the Secretary or an Assistant Secretary and the seal of the Company may be affixed by facsimile to any certificate of any such power and any power or certificate bearing such facsimile signature and seal shall be valid and binding on the Company. Any such power so executed and sealed and certified by certificate so executed and sealed shall, with respect to any bond or undertaking to which it is attached, continue to be valid and binding on the Company." ADOPTED BY THE BOARD OF DIRECTORS OF AMERICAN CASUALTY COMPANY OF READING, PENNSYLVANIA: This Power of Attorney is made and executed pursuant to and by authority of the following By-Law duly adopted by the Board of Directors of the Company. "Article VI---Execution of Obligations and Appointment of Attorney-in-Fact Section 2. Appointment of Attorney-in-fact. The Chairman of the Board of Directors, the President or any Executive, Senior or Group Vice President may, from time to time, appoint by written certificates attorneys-in-fact to act in behalf of the Company in the execution of policies of insurance, bonds, undertakings and other obligatory instruments of like nature. Such attorneys-in-fact, subject to the limitations set forth in their respective certificates of authority, shall have full power to bind the Company by their signature and execution of any such instruments and to attach the seal of the Company thereto. The President or any Executive, Senior or Group Vice President may at any time revoke all power and authority previously given to any attorney-in-fact." This Power of Attorney is signed and sealed by facsimile under and by the authority of the following Resolution adopted by the Board of Directors of the Company at a meeting duly called and held on the 17th day of February, 1993. "Resolved, that the signature of the President or any Executive, Senior or Group Vice President and the seal of the Company may be affixed by facsimile on any power of attorney granted pursuant to Section 2 of Article VI of the By-Laws, and the signature of the Secretary or an Assistant Secretary and the seal of the Company may be affixed by facsimile to any certificate of any such power and any power or certificate bearing such facsimile signature and seal shall be valid and binding on the Company. Any such power so executed and sealed and certified by certificate so executed and sealed shall, with respect to any bond or undertaking to which it is attached, continue to be valid and binding on the Company." ADOPTED BY THE BOARD OF DIRECTORS OF NATIONAL FIRE INSURANCE COMPANY OF HARTFORD: This Power of Attorney is made and executed pursuant to and by authority of the following Resolution duly adopted on February 17, 1993 by the Board of Directors of the Company. "RESOLVED: That the President, an Executive Vice President, or any Senior or Group Vice President of the Corporation may, from time to time, appoint, by written certificates, Attorneys-in-Fact to act in behalf of the Corporation in the execution of policies of insurance, bonds, undertakings and other obligatory instruments of like nature. Such Attorney-in-Fact, subject to the limitations set forth in their respective certificates of authority, shall have full power to bind the Corporation by their signature and execution of any such instrument and to attach the seal of the Corporation thereto. The President, an Executive Vice President, any Senior or Group Vice President or the Board of Directors may at any time revoke all power and authority previously given to any Attorney-in-Fact." This Power of Attorney is signed and sealed by facsimile under and by the authority of the following Resolution adopted by the Board of Directors of the Company at a meeting duly called and held on the 17th day of February, 1993. "RESOLVED: That the signature of the President, an Executive Vice President or any Senior or Group Vice President and the seal of the Corporation may be affixed by facsimile on any power of attorney granted pursuant to the Resolution adopted by this Board of Directors on February 17, 1993 and the signature of a Secretary or an Assistant Secretary and the seal of the Corporation may be . affixed by facsimile to any certificate of any such power, and any power or certificate bearing such facsimile signature and seal shaJJ be valid and binding on the Corporation. Any such power so executed and sealed and certified by certificate so executed and sealed, shall with respect to any bond or undertaking to which it is attached. continue to be valid and binding on the Corporation." ACORJJN CERTIFICA TE OF. LIABILITY INSURANCI;Ns~~d~ H~ DATE (MMlDDIYY) 06/11/02 PRODUCER THIS CERTIFICATE IS ISSUED AS A MATTER OF INFORMATION ONLY AND CONFERS NO RIGHTS UPON THE CERTIFICATE Lockton Companies/St. Louis HOLDER. THIS CERTIFICATE DOES NOT AMEND, EXTEND OR 1 Cityplace Drive, Suite 160 AL TER THE COVERAGE AFFORDED BY THE POLICIES BELOW. St. Louis MO 63141 Phone: 314-432-0500 INSURERS AFFORDING COVERAGE INSURED - INSURER A: Liberty Mutual Insurance Co. -- INSURER B: Insituform Technolo~ies, Inc. INSURER c' - 4016 Flowers Road, uite 470 INSURER 0: Atlanta GA 30360 INSURER E. #46 COVERAGES THE POLICIES OF INSURANCE LISTED BELOW HAVE BEEN ISSUED TO THE INSURED NAMED ABOVE FOR THE POLICY PERIOD INDICATED. NOTWITHSTANDING ANY REOUIREMENT, TERM OR CONDITION OF ANY CONTRACT OR OTHER DOCUMENT WITH RESPECT TO WHICH THIS CERTIFICATE MAY BE ISSUED OR MAY PERTAIN, THE INSURANCE AFFORDED BY THE POLICIES DESCRIBED HEREIN IS SUBJECT TO ALL THE TERMS, EXCLUSIONS AND CONDITIONS OF SUCH POLICIES. AGGREGATE LIMITS SHOWN MAY HAVE BEEN REDUCED BY PAID CLAIMS. INSR -- ~- b~f~iM~b5W,W P~}+~j~~ib~~WN LTR TYPE OF INSURANCE POLICY NUMBER LIMITS GENERAL LIABILITY EACH OCCURRENCE $1,000,000 A X ' COMMERCIAL GENERAL LIABILITY RG2-641-004218-031 07/01/01 07/01/02 - FIRE DAM~GE (Anyone fire) I $ 100 I 000 CLAIMS MADE X OCCUR MED EXP (Anyone person) 1$10,000 +- - X, Indpnt Contractor BROAD FORM PO/CONTRACTUAL PERSONAL & ADV INJURY i $1,000,000 --- - X XCU BLKT A,I./WAIVER OF SUBRO GENERAL AGGREGATE $2,000,000 I $2,000.000 GEN'L AGGREGATE LIMIT APPLIES PER: PRODUCTS - COMP/OP AGG PRO. - I POLICY X JECT LOC AUTOMOBILE LIABILITY I COMBINED SINGLE LIMIT i $ 1,000,000 A X , ANY AUTO AS-641-004218-021 07/01/01 07/01/02 (Ea accidenl) . ALL OWNED AUTOS BLKT ADDITIONAL INSURED BODILY INJURY i$ I SCHEDULED AUTOS BLKT WAIVER OF SUBRO (per person) X : HIRED AUTOS BODILY INJURY 1$ : X.I NON.OWNED AUTOS (Per accident) ! -- I PROPERTY DAMAGE 1$ (Per accident) I GARAGE LIABILITY AUTO ONLY- EA ACCIDENT I $ --- EAACC ! $ : ANY AUTO OTHER THAN 1 AUTO ONLY AGG! $ : EXCESS LIABILITY EACH OCCURRENCE !$ I -, OCCUR CLAIMS MADE AGGREGATE 1$ $ ----- DEDUCTIBLE $ RETENTION $ '$ WORKERS COMPENSATION AND ...'C TORY lIMrrS I !U~~-, A EMPLOYERS' LIABILITY WA2-64D-009004-441 07/01/01 07/01/02 : $ 1,000,000 E.L. EACH ACCIDENT HC7-641-004218-011 (WI) 07/01/01 07/01/02 , E,L. DISEASE - EA EMPLOYEE! $ 1 , 000 , 000 E.L. DISEASE - POLICY LIMIT $ 1 000,000 OTHER DESCRIPTION OF OPERATIONS/LOCATIONSNEHICLES/EXCLUSIONS ADDED BY ENDORSEMENT/SPECIAL PROVISIONS RE: "Find and Fix" Pilot Project, Spirit Creek Interceptor, Sewer Rehabilitation Project. Certificate Holder is included as Add'l Insured under General Liability and Auto Liability as respects the operations of the Insured. Waiver of Subrogation applies as required by contract. CERTIFICATE HOLDER N ADDITIONAL INSURED; INSURER LETTER: CANCELLATION - 46AUGU1 SHOULD ANY OF THE ABOVE DESCRIBED POLICIES BE CANCELLED BEFORE THE EXPIRATION Augusta-Richmond County DATE THEREOF, THE ISSUING INSURER WILL ENDEAVOR TO MAIL ~ DAYS WRITTEN Conunission NOTICE TO THE CERTIFICATE HOLDER NAMED TO THE LEFT. BUT FAILURE TO DO SO SHALL Augusta Utilities Department IMPOSE NO OBLIGATION OR LIABILITY OF ANY KIND UPON THE INSURER, ITS AGENTS OR 530 Greene Street - Room 605 Augusta GA 30911 REPRESENT A TIVES, A~ORI~~E~ ACORD 25-S (7/97) @ACORD CORPORATION 1988 .~ IMPORTANT If the certificate holder is an ADDITIONAL INSURED, the policy(ies) must be endorsed. A statement on this certificate does not confer rights to the certificate holder in lieu of such endorsement(s). If SUBROGATION IS WAIVED, subject to the terms and conditions of the policy, certain policies may require an endorsement. A statement on this certificate does not confer rights to the certificate holder in lieu of such endorsement(s). DISCLAIMER The Certificate of Insurance on the reverse side of this form does not constitute a contract between the issuing insurer(s), authorized representative or producer, and the certificate holder, nor does it affirmatively or negatively amend, extend or alter the coverage afforded by the policies listed thereon. 25-:5 (7/97) ACORDN CERTIFICATE OF. PROPERTY INSURANGJ;pPID HE DATE (MM/DDIYY) E02 06/11/02 PRODUCER THIS CERTIFICATE IS ISSUED AS A MATTER OF INFORMATION ONLY AND CONFERS NO RIGHTS UPON THE CERTIFICATE Lockton Companies/St. Louis HOLDER. THIS CERTIFICATE DOES NOT AMEND, EXTEND OR 1 Cityplace Drive, Suite 160 ALTER THE COVERAGE AFFORDED BY THE POLICIES BELOW. St. Louis MO 63141 I COMPANIES AFFORDING COVERAGE COMPANY Phone: 314-432-0500 I A Zurich American Insurance INSURED COMPANY B COMPANY C Insituform Technolo~ies, Inc. 4016 Flowers Road, uite 470 COMPANY Atlanta GA 30360 D #48 COVERAGES THIS IS TO CERTIFY THAT THE POLICIES OF INSURANCE LISTED BELOW HAVE BEEN ISSUED TO THE INSURED NAMED ABOVE FOR THE POLICY PERIOD INDICATED, NOTWITHSTANDING ANY REQUIREMENT, TERM OR CONDITION OF ANY CONTRACT OR OTHER DOCUMENT WITH RESPECT TO WHICH THIS CERTIFICATE MAY BE ISSUED OR MAY PERTAIN, THE INSURANCE AFFORDED BY THE POLICIES DESCRIBED HEREIN IS SUBJECT TO ALL THE TERMS, EXCLUSIONS AND CONDITIONS OF SUCH POLICIES. LIMITS SHOWN MAY HAVE BEEN REDUCED BY PAID CLAIMS. I CO TYPE OF INSURANCE POLICY NUMBER POLICY EFFECTIVEI POLICY EXPIRATION COVERED PROPERTY I LIMITS LTR, DATE (MM/DDIYY) DATE (MM/DDIYY) , , PROPERTY BUILDING $ , I CAUSES OF LOSS PERSONAL PROPERTY $ I BASIC I BUSINESS INCOME $ , i BROAD ] EXTRA EXPENSE ' $ , i , SPECIAL . BLANKET BUILDING ,$ < I EARTHQUAKE , BLANKET PERS PROP 1$ ! FLOOD 1 1$ . BLANKET BLDG & PP t ,] . 1 I $ I 1 ' $ A I X: INLAND MARINE MCP3500408-00 07/01/01 07/01/02 Xi Laasad/Rented Equip] $ 1,500,000 I I TYPE OF POLICY I : $ Contractors Equipmnt I r $ , ~1 CAUSES OF LOSS ; 1$ I I ! NAMED PERILS j ]$ X OTHER i$ CRIME i$ , J I 1$ TYPE OF POLICY I I I $ BOILER & MACHINERY I j 1$ ,-- i i$ I A X I OTHER IM3500414-00 07/01/01 07/01/02 See Below See Below Installation I LOCATION OF PREMISESIDESCRIPTION OF PROPERTY **SEE ATTACHED NOTEPAD** SPECIAL CONDITIONS/OTHER COVERAGES All Risk Installation Floater, including Earthquake and Flood: Per Job Site/Project Limit $2,000,000; Transit Limit $2,000,000 Earthquake and Flood Sublimits $1,000,000. CERTIFICATE HOLDER CANCELLATION 48AUGU1 SHOULD ANY OF THE ABOVE DESCRIBED POLICIES BE CANCELLED BEFORE THE Augusta-Richmod County EXPIRATION DATE THEREOF, THE ISSUING COMPANY WILL ENDEAVOR TO MAIL Commission 29- DAYS WRITTEN NOTICE TO THE CERTIFICATE HOLDER NAMED TO THE LEFT, Augusta Utilities Department BUT FAILURE TO MAIL SUCH NOTICE SHALL IMPOSE NO OBLIGATION OR LIABILITY 530 Greene Street - Room 605 Augusta GA 30911 OF ANY KIND UPON THE COMPANY, ITS AGENTS OR REPRESENTATIVES. I A~ORM:~E~ ACORD 24 (1/95) ACORD CORPORATION 1995 IMPORTANT If the certificate holder is an ADDITIONAL INSURED, the policy(ies) must be endorsed, A statement on this certificate does not confer rights to the certificate holder in lieu of such endorsem~nt(s), If SUBROGATION IS WAIVED, subject to the terms and conditions of the policy, certain policies may require an endorsement. A statement on this certificate does not confer rights to the certificate holder in lieu of such endorsement(s), DISCLAIMER The Certificate of Insurance on the reverse side of this form does not constitute a contract between the issuing insurer(s), authorized representative or producer, and the certificate holder, nor does it affirmatively or negatively amend, extend or alter the coverage afforded by the policies listed thereon. Z5-:S 17l~1) NOTEPAD: HOLDER CODE 48AUG~1 INSTE02 INSURED'S NAME Insi tuform Technologies, Inc. OP ID HE CERTIFICATE NUMBER 48AUGUl ISSUED TO AUGUSTA-RICHMOND COUNTY PAGE 2 DATE 06/11/02 ATTACHMENT TO COl'-1M:ISSION. RE: "Find and Fix" Pilot Project, Spirit Creek Interceptor, Sewer Rehabilitation Project. Certificate Holder is included as Additional Insured under Installation as respects the operations of the Insured. Waiver of Subrogation applies as required by contract. IMPORTANT If the certificate holder is an ADDITIONAL INSURED, the policy(ies) must be endorsed, A statement on this certificate does not confer rights to the certificate holder in lieu of such endorsemf!nt(s), If SUBROGATION IS WAIVED, subject to the terms and conditions of the policy, certain policies may require an endorsement. A statement on this certificate does not confer rights to the certificate holder in lieu of such endorsement(s). DISCLAIMER The Certificate of Insurance on the reverse side of this form does not constitute a contract between the issuing insurer(s), authorized representative or producer, and the certificate holder, nor does it affirmatively or negatively amend, extend or alter the coverage afforded by the policies listed thereon. 'Z5-:S (l/!U) I I I I I \ I I I \ I I \ I I I I I I I , I I I I MARCH 2002 j . . ~ SPECIFICATIONS AND CONTRACT DOCUMENTS FOR "FIND & FIX" PILOT PROJECT SPIRIT CREEK INTERCEPTOR SEWER REHABILITATION prepared for AUGUSTA-RICHMOND COUNTY COMMISSION Augusta, Georgia I- I I I I II I I I I I I I I I I I I I FIND & FIX PILOT PROJECT SPIRIT CREEK SANITARY SEWER REHABILITATION Bond Item No. 60140 Index to Specifications Title Invitation To Bid Instruction To Bidders Bid Form Agreement General Conditions Supplementary General Conditions Notice of Award Perfonnance Bond Payment Bond Notice to Proceed Application for Payment Change Order Certificate of Substantial Completion Section Title 01010 01016 01025 01040 01060 01091 01200 01320 01340 01410 01420 01500 01532D 01540 01562 01569 01580 01590 01610 01611 Summary of Work Occupancy Measurement and Payment Project Coordination Field Engineering Codes and Standards Project Meetings Progress Reports and Digital Photographs Shop Drawings, Product Data, and Samples Testing Laboratory Services Inspection of Work Temporary Control of Construction Operations Manhole Condition Assessment Job Site Security Dust Control Safe!y on Projects Project Identification and Signs Field Offices Transportation and Handling Storage and Protection 1 Page 01010-1 01016-1 01025-1 01040-1 01060-1 01091-1 01200-1 01320-1 01340-1 01410-1 01420-1 01500-1 01532D-l 01540-1 01562-1 01569-1 01580-1 01590-1 01610-1 01611-1 I I I I I I I I I I I I I I, I I I' I I 01710 01720 02125 02126 02140 02200 02270. 02491 02511 02520 02730 02750 02752 02757 03010 Cleaning Record Documents Erosion and Sediment Control Stream Crossing and Construction Exits Dewatering Earthwork Vegetative Erosion Control Rehabilitation of Sanitary Sewer Manholes Preconditioning and Cleaning Manholes and Sewers Cured-In-Place Pipe Liner (CIPP) Sewers and Accessories Wastewater Flow Control Internal Sewer Condition Assessment Sanitary Sewer Point Repair Concrete Work 01710-1 01720-1 02125-1 02126-1 02140-1 02200-1 02270-1 02491-1 02511-1 02520-1 02730-1 02750-1 02752-1 02757-1 03010-1 2 I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I Purchasing Department Geri A. Sams, Purchasing Director Room 605- Municipal Building 530 Greene Street - Augusta, GA 309 I 1 (706) 821-2422 - FAX (706) 821-2811 . MEMORANDUM TO: All Bidders FROM: Geri A. Sams DATE: April 19 , 2002 SUBJ: ADDENDUM #1 Item Bid Item #02-114 Spirit Creek Interceptor Sewer Find & Fix Please note the follow:ing addition to your bid package: Toole Engineers Current Survey Data of the Spirit Creek Basin Sanitary Sewer Phase lA Please acknowledge receipt of addendum in your bid package. If you have any questions regarding this correspondence, please contact me at (706) 821-2422. Cc: Walter Hornsby Equal Opportunity Officer Ron Crowden Augusta Georgia Fleet Managment I .' { I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I Purchasing Department' Geri A_ Sams, Purchasing Director Room 605-1vlunicipal Building 530 GreeDe Street - Augusta, GA 3091] (706)821-2422 - F.'<\"'{ (706) 821-2811 lJ1EMORANDUM FROM: Oeri A. Sams TO: All Bidders DATE: Apri125,2002 SUBJ: ADDENDUM #2 Item Bid Item #02-114 Spirit Creek Interceptor Sewer Find & Fix Please note the following addition to your bid package: Comments Questions / Responses The Bid Due date of Wednesday, May 1,2002 at 11:00 a.m. has been changed to Thursday, May 9, 2002 af3:00 p.m. Please acknowledge receipt of addendum in your bid package. If you have any questions regarding this correspondence, please contact me at (706) 821~2422. Cc: Walter Hornsby Equal Opportunity Officer Max Hicks Augusta Georgia Utilities .~ I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I . . I I I Addendum' Find & Fix Pilot Project Spirit Creek Interceptor Sewer Rehabilitation Augusta Utilities Department Date: April 24, 2002 Item Reference Paqe/Sheet No. Com ments-Questiions/Res ponses 1 Supplemental Flow- Data is provided with this Addendum. 2 Invitation to Bid Product substitutions/innovative technologies. The Owner is willing to consider substitutions/innovative technologies. Proposals including informational material, references and Pay Item Schedule unit pricing should be provided to receive further consideration. A completed Pay Item Schedule responding to all items listed 'should be . provided in any case to be considered responsive. 3 Invitation to Bid Proposal limit of 25 pages. Will informational literature, etc, be considered as appendices? Preprinted literature and/or brochures (only) can be included as appendices. 4 Pre Bid Meeting Will all of the sewer within the defined area be included in the Find & Fix? The.Find & Fix approach is being used by AUD as a pilotprojed with the intent of maximizing the effort and funds available.to reduce known infiltration in the system. It is expected that the "Find" activities will be completed for the portion of pipeline between Hwy 56 and OldWaynesboro' Road, but that limit of "Fix" activities will be based on available funds ana . the direction of the Owner. .' 5 Bid Form Pay Items 34 and 35: Will consideration be given to providin'g separate bid items for 4 foot and 5 foot diameter manholes? No. 6 Bid Form Pay Items 11 and 38. Will the pay items be paid if only de-watering or by- pass is done and not both? . . . :Temporary pumping shall be provided as necessary for by:-pass pumping and/or de- watering excavations for emergen<?y work in conjunction with Pay Items 17 & 42 . at locations as approved by the Owner. Temporary pumping for by-pass and/or de- watering associated 'with other Pay Items shall be inCluded in the unit prices for' those Pay Iterris. C:IDClCUMEmS ANO SETTINGSITT1NSLEYlLOCAL SETTINGsITEMPORARY INTERNET FILEsIOLK2lAoOENOUM 2.DOC 04/24/2002 I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I 04/24/02 7 Bid Form Pay Item 19. Is the Pay Item for a permanent access road or just for the purpose of the Contract? Vehicular access improvements to manholes and sewer lines shall be provided where directed by the Owner to facilitate execution of the work. Contractor shall be responsible for determining the improvements required for their equipment. 8 Bid Form Pay Items 12 - 14. Is the point repair to be made with DIP or RCP? - DIP. 9 Bid Form Pay Items 26 - 28. Is the Manhole to Manhole Pipe Replacement to be made with DIP or RCP? DIP. 10 General Add to title of Professionalllor Engineer". Conditions, Article 1 (paqe 2). . 11 General . Replace Sections 11.9.1 thru 11.9,3 with the following: Conditions, 11.9.1. Where the Contract Documents provide that all or part of the Work Article 11, (page 34) is, to be Unit Price Work, the Contract Price will be deemed to include for all Unit Price Work an amount equal to the sum of the established unit prices for each separately identified item of Unit Price Work times the quantity of each item as measured complete in the field. Determinations o~ the actual quantities and classifications of Unit Price Work performed by CONTRACTOR will be made. by PROFESSIONAL in accordance with Paragraph 9.10. 11.9.2. Each unit price will be deemed to include an amou:i1t considered by CONTRACTOR to be adequate to cover CONTRACTOR's . overhead, profit and all associated costs for the satisfactory completion of each separately . . identified' item. . ' . 12 General Replace the address with the following: Conditions, 360 Bay St, Augusta, GA30901. Article 17, : (paqe 55) ~ Liquidated damages shall be $2000/day. : 13 Agreement, , ArtiCle II 14 Notice of Award Replace with the revised attachment. i Application for Replace with the revised attachment. -I 15 I Payment i 16, .Chanqe Order Replace with the revised attachments. I C:\DOCUMENTS AND SETTINGS\TTINSLEY\LOCAL SETTINGS\TEMPORARY INTERNET FILES\OLK2\ADDENDUM 2.DOC 04/24/:': I I I I I I I I I I I. I I I I I I I I 04/24/02 17 Section 1010 Replace Sub part A with the following: Part 1.06A The Contractor shall provide Level 1 facilities as described in Section 015.90 - Field Offices for his use. No field office is required for the Resident Inspector. 18 Section 1025 Replace Sub part B with the following: Part 1.01 The basis of payment will be the unit prices andJor lump sum amounts included in the Pay Item Schedule. Nothing in this Section shall be coIistrued as providing for additional payment beyond the bid items. Prices will include all labor, equipment and materials necessary for a complete instaJlation in accordance with the Contract Documents. All incidental work necessary for a complete and operable project shall be included in the price bid. No payment will be made for partially completed bid items. 19 Section 1025 Replace Sub part A with the following: Part 1.03 Transmittal Summary Form: Attach one Summary Form with each detailed Application for Payment for each schedule as applicable. Execute certification by authorized officer of Contractor. 20 Section 1091 Replace Sub part A with the following: Part 1.04 Copies of applicable standards are not bound with the Contract Documents. Where copies of the standards are needed to perform a required construction activity, the Contractor shall obtain copies of the applicable standard(s) directly from the publication source at his 0'Wll expense. 21 Section 1500 Replace Sub part A with the following: Part 3.02 Install pipelines and appurtenances along highways, streets and roadways in accord.a.i1ce with the applicable regulations of, and pen;nits issued by, the Department of Transportation and City of Augusta with reference to construction operations, safety, traffic control, road maintenance and repair. 22 Section 2750 Is a detailed Bypass Pumping/Flow Diversion Plan to be submitted with the Bid? The detailed bypass Pumping/F10w Diversion Plan shaH be submitted after the "Find" work activities and prior to the ''Fix'' work activities. 23 Section 2752 Who determines whether the lines are to be CCTV or sonar inspected? See Specifications 2752/1.08. C:\DOCUMENTS AND SETTINGS\TTINSLEY\LoCAL SETTINGS\TEMPORARY INTERNET FILES\OLK2\ADOENDUM 2.DOC 04/24/02 V I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I Purchqsing Department Geri A. Sams, Purchasing Director" Room 605- Municipal Building 530 Greene Street - Augusta, GA 30911 (706) 821-2422 - F A,'{ (706) 821-2811 MEMORANDUM TO: All Bidders FROM: Geri A Sams DATE: Apri125, 2002 SUBJ: ADDENDUM #3 Item Bid Item #02-114 Spirit Creek Interceptor Sewer Find & Fix Please note the -following addition to your bid package: Most Recent Flow Data for the Spirit Creek Basin Please acknowledge receipt of addendum in your bid package. If you have any questions regarding this correspondence, please contact me at (706) 821-2422. Cc: WalteI Hornsby Equal Opportunity Officer Max Hicks Augusta Georgia Utilities - - - - - - - - - SpiritCreek@OWR Flowlink 4 for Windows - - - - - - - - - - Velocity (3.22 ftfs) - Rainfa 0.00 in) - Level (0.704 ft) - ''f i l i./' ; <'~/'V " . ?V1 i !; I !'T: ':'l' \ " \('i T:\ . 1" .\t !.!rf ~ I ., " {. 'j _:1 \,.. ; \,i:' \! V " \.,h .\ . V\...i..\J" V f 1, ii, I:, Vi ,^fv ....,1 "p )'l/V ~. ' !, ' ,ll \ j, . i~ u~t '\ II. . .~ '; 5 ga 1 ^ ..,..,1\ v \ _ I / \ .II "'J". ,j l[vV '-J vV I I ; i .~ I .. I . ! j' . -I:: i;" I \ t . , " '1.1 I! n >1 ! V ,v ~, ; 1:1!' ~ /I . \:1 ; I '\ ~ . ;'" " I'!:", "j I:;; I' \ 1 \J' ill' I, I I frl- ! Vii \i v~: \ II; A I 1\" ~ ! ij , I ,:fl jV V\ (, , j\ \ (, ,..~.. j i~ \ -\ r 'fl\.' "\ I V\ , I I I , i ift ~ V\:I ( ,Ill. f ~~' :\ "\ -I-~ ~ /l I 11 n h J iI ' . >',1 ~ i I I !\"!;"'-,v \ fi V'\J I r ' :1 .1 t: ',-'JI:' !j:l: ;r 1'1: I V ~! MW " ~~~~~~~~ Flow Rate (2437411 '1 .' ," Ii" \i ^ V '\\H " '! I" T i\ ~ I~/\ ' I' '^ ' , i, '.' :: \\ AI ' IJ 1 \I ~ - ~A^~M ~ ~ 0.75 \:/\/ 0.70 ~ 0.65 3.5 UJ ~ 3.0 2000 E 1750 n.. 0) 1500 1 0 c .:1 8 Fri 9PM I 6AM 9AM 12PM 3PM 6PM 3/7/2002 12:00:00 AM - 3/8/2002 12:00:00 AM I I I 3AM 7 Thu Mar 2002 ,I I I I I I I I I ~~ 0] @)~ ~~ Q)-.:;t H U~ +-' .-< .,...; ~ .~ 0 p.,~ r:/'J I I I I I I I I I I U) ~ I ~I! g c Q) ('(l > 0::: o e CO CO I ~ I ~ (l) > (l) --1 c l:. <'.. 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(0N ...- N o o N -- Q) 2?:i 0.., ~2 <{ o o o o 2N <{...- Q)N o o N -- co -- (0 2 <!: CD 2 <{ (0 ...- I N o o N L- ('\J 2 '~ LL co - - - - - - - - - SpiritCreek@OWR Flowlink 4 for Windows - - - - - - - - - - Velocity (3.25 fUs) Rainfall (0.22 in - Level (0.693 ft) - Flow Rate (2599312.5 r "'JI V ; \ .\ . v', , ... :\ fi ,\ . b {\ I. A' '-,\.~ \1 \J'\./ V \f "J (\'\ I\I~' . , a :\.; i\ '- ;, \ / I i 10 Sun 9PM 9AM 12PM 3PM 6PM 3/9/2002 12:00:00 AM - 3/10/2002 12:00:00 AM 6AM 3AM 0.75 0.70 <t::: 0.65 4.0 3.5 lJ) ~ 3.0 2250 2000 K 1750 0> 1500 0.10 .~ 0.05 0.00 9 Sat Mar 2002 \, "f :i _...!\, , :!t t, :,: \, :~ .' .\,- JI ,.:. r. " '1A ii'l; : : 'vV :'; : : I 11 I' } t\ :i ,I, .) 1 ." .~ 1 /' " . ~ ~ " '1\,\ ~ ' . i " f, ~: '!,hii ,.~' i j /i :}, i 'V y li\ r ~ i' I .... A ~ .'\,/; 1\ ~ V'" Ii I" .' J \1. f'! ': ;j \ \ \ . " ~ } \J II " I,i V-.jV '.'1...; , ! i\, :;'\ "Hi .1" II ',: ,I'll I fV V::",.' \, T '.1 V .J !.. 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'v. ^ 1\ :I~' '\. \ I 1 \ I ^ \'V'" \ \.\ " \ I. v 12 T ue 9PM 6AM 9AM 12PM 3PM 6PM 3/11/2002 12:00:00 AM - 3/12/2002 12:00:00 AM 3AM 0.70 q:: 0.65 3 Ul ~ 2 2000 E 1500 0.. 0> 1000 1 0 c -1 11 Man Mar 2002 Flow Rate 2559480.7 al Rainfall' 0,50 in ?, .' t: \ 'I, ~ I ,I j ~;' . " t, .' i ~ ',< \' "j' ..", t./ \ . 1 . ~ \'\..../ i '\I .;' ... :j,,\ ! !\I" V, \ \ "\ iV.!" '\ "j,1 ! ", . \':"'vi. ".1 1'/ ...j'f . f":\ A ,,' \/ t...: f . ~\(\. "/v') '~ ~ \ ! , , \ " ....'.tV.. I ~ _ _~_____w.~_._--; I " .; t... . " N\ lv\\'.:1 t :'\ I' f~ ;..\ At: 'L. ''/V\'''\ !I /\../.1/'...../\ ~\ ! _. -.j ....\1\/..1..: " :'\ A.~ I J \I'l:' i ~ I ~! T <. r '.t" -l . "' . ~ ~ " ...... l' - \ ;' (;, ,I ., 'j I; I /............ / 13 Wed 9PM 6AM 9AM 12PM 3PM 6PM 3/12/2002 12:00:00 AM - 3/13/2002 12:00:00 AM 3AM Ul .4= 2000 E ~ 1500 0.2 .~ 0.1 0.0 2002 0.70 0.65 4 3 2 12 Tue Mar q::: LJ ( ~ \ \~:J" ''':J Z'\ "'" AUGUSTA-RICHMOND COUNTY UTILITIES - AUGUSTA, GEORGIA SANIT ARY SEWER SYSTEM ADG~ SPIRIT CREEK BASIN FLOW MONITOR & RAIN GAUGE LOCATIONS AUGUSTA DESIGN GROUP JOHNSON, LASCHOBER & ASSOCIATES, P.C. I MONTGOMERY WATSON i SCALE DATE PROJECT NO, DRAWING NO. REV. 1"=5000' 7/27/00 42.705 FIG, 4-1 0 d'"" ~r '. I '\ rj '. . /7/ . \{ \ /'1" \'_ \ 4! /- / . i <.~'\ \. . . '-\. i. f \ ...------...j.J c' '~\ ( \ ol.:'.:! ~ .0 "" ..~ ~. ~ ~ I\.. .'. ....-~ ':1":'; ," " -' ~-." ~ <>9 " - /' 0' ./" ~/ ~=--- ~ L Cl . ~.' v SANITARY SEWER FLOW MONITOR RAIN GAUGE ~ N ~ LEGEND . Gl #29 . @ ~r;Jc-':..: I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I :Purchasing Department . '-, -'. .... . .' Geri A. Sams, Purchasing Director . Room 605- Municipal Building 530 Greene Street - Augusta, GA 30911 (706) 821-2422 - FAX(706)S21-2811 . '.~: ';.'~i~"~. .~;. '.,. ..~ .. -;.J.:: ~~~~:~: .!. i Memorandum REC'D MAY 0 3 zaoz To: From: Date: Subject: All Bidders Geri A. Sams April 30, 2002 ADDENDUM #4 Item Bid Item #02-114 Spirit Creek Interceptor Sewer Find & Fix Enclosed are copies of the following revised documents as specified in addendum 3. as item numbers 14,15 and 16. Additional Comments Questions / Responses · Item #14 - Notice 0 Award · Item #15...,... Application for Payment · Item #16 -:- Change Order Please acknowledge receipt of addendum. in your.bid package. If you have any questions, please call. Cc: Walter HOIIlsby Max Hicks I'; ,1 .f... I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I Addendum NO.4 Find & Fix Pilot Project Spirit Creek Interceptor Sewer Rehabilitation Augusta Utilities Department MISSING FROM ADDENDUM NO.3 WERE THE REVISED FORMS FOR: ITEM NUMBER(S) 14 - NOTICE TO PROCEED 15 - APPLICATION FOR PAYMENT 16 - CHANGE ORDER REVISED FORMS Date: April 30, 2002 . Item Reference .,.> Page/Sheet No. Comments-Questiions/Responses 1 Supplemental Flow Data is provided with this Addendum. 2 Invitation to Bid. Product substitutionslinnovative technologies. The Owner is willing to consider substitutions/innovative technologies. Proposals including informational material, references and Pay Item Schedule unit pricing should be provided to receive further consideration A completed Pay Item Schedule responding to all items listed should be I provided in any case to be considered responsive. 3 Invitation to Bid Proposal limit of 25 pages. Will informational literature, etc. be considere as appendices? .~ Preprinted literature and/or brochures (onlv) can be included as appendices. 4 Pre Bid Meeting Will all of the sewer within the defined area be included in the Find & Fix~ The Find & Fix approach is being used by AUD as a pilot project with the intent of maximizing the effort and funds available to reduce known infiltration in the system. It is expected that the "Find" activities will be completed for the portion of pipeline between Hwy 56 and Old Waynesboro Road, but that limit of "Fix" activities will be based on available funds and the direction of the Owner. s Bid F ann Pay Items 34 anc:l 35. Will consideration be given to providing separate bid items for 4 foot and 5 foot diameter manholes? No. - - - . C:\DOCUMENTS AND SEITlNGSIGS3499\My DOCUMENTSI02 114 FIND AND FIX.DOC 04130/2002 I I. If ,', .' 6 I ~.: ~ ~. !. I" I I' ~ I: i ~ 1-- i r I. L ,:'., " , .1\ t~ ~d I tt *' !f ~; It, t~ J,"O. t, I}.; ~~ f. ~ ~:; <.' " I lilt: ~, ir. I if If It'. I?:. . I i~~ II-t t;. 12 . ~!.. ~ ~. ~!~. ~['}. fir I~~: !~:' 13 7 8 9 10 11 Bid Form Bid Form Bid F onn Bid Fonn General Conditions, Article 1 (P9ge 2). General Conditions, Article 11, (page 34) General Conditions, 'Article 17, (page 55) Agreement, Article II Pay Items 11 and 38. Will the pay items be paid if only de-watering or by- pass is done and not both? Temporary pumping shall be provided as necessary for by-pass pumping and/or de- watering excavations for emergency work in conjunction with Pay Items 17 & 42. at locations, as approved by; the Owner. Temporary pumping for by-pass and/or de- watering associated with other Pay Items shall be included :in the unit prices for those Pay Items. Pay Item 19. Is the Pay Item for a permanent'access road or just for the purpose of the Contract? Vehicular access improvements to manholes and sewer lines shall be provided where directed by the Owner to facilitate execution of the work. Contractor shall be resnonsible for dete .. the improvements required for their equipment. Pay Items 12 - 14. Is the point repair to be made with DIP or RCP? DIP. Pay Items 26 - 28. Is the Manhole to Manhole Pipe Replacement to be made with DIP or RCP? DIP. Add to title of Professional "or Engineer". Replace Sections 11.9.1 thru 11.9.3 with the following: 11.9.1. Where the Contract Documents provide that all or part of the Work . is to be Un...~ Price Work, the Contract Price will be deemed to include for all Unit Price Work an amount equal to the sum of the established unit prices for each separately identified item of Unit Price Work times the quantity of each item as measured complete in. the field. Determinations of the actual quan- tities and classifications of Unit Price Work performed by CONTRACTOR will be made by PROFESSIONAL in accordance with Paragraph 9.10. 11.9.2. Each unit price will be deemed to include an amount considered by CONTRACTOR to be adequate to cover CONTRACTOR's overhead, profit and all associated costs for the satisfactory completion of each separately identified item. Replace the address with the following: 360 Bay St, Augusta, GA 3Q901. Liquidated damages shall be $2000/day. ~: C:IOOOJMENTS AND SETTINGS\GS3499\My DOCUMENTS\02 114 FIND AND FIX.DOC &1.;. 04130/02 I I I I I I I I I I I I I I - 14 Notice of Award Replace with the revised attachment. 15 Application for . Replace with the revised attachment. Payment 16 Change Order Replace with the revised attachments. 17 Section 1010 Replace Sub part ,A, with the following: Part 1.06A The Contractor shall pro"\ride,Levell facilities as described in Section 01590 - Field Offices for his use. No field office is required' for the Resident Inspector. 18 Section 1 025 Replace Sub part'B with the following: Part 1.01 The basis of payment vvill be the unit prices anclJor lump sum amounts included in the Pay Item Schedule. Nothing in this Section shall be construed as providing for additional payment beyond the bid items_ Prices will include all labor, equipment and materials necessary for a complete installation in accordance with the Contract Documents. An incidental' work necessary for a complete and operable project shall be included in the price bid. No payment will be made for oartiallv completed bid items. 19 Section 1025 Replace Sub part A with the following: Part 1.03 Transmittal Summary Form: Attach one Summary Form with each detailed Application fOT Payment for each schedule as applicable. Execute certification by authorized officer of Contractor. 20 Section 1091 Replace Sub part A with the following: Part 1.04 Copies of applicable standards are not bound with the Contract Documents. Wllere copies of the standards are needed to perform a required construction activity, the Contractor shall obtain copies of the applicable standard(s) directly from the oublicatio'u' source. at his own expense. 21 Section 1500 Replace Sub part A with the following: Part 3.02 Install pipelines and appurtenances along highways, streets and roadways. in accordance 'With the applicable regulations of; aild permits issued by, the Department of Transportation and City of Augusta with reference to construction operations, safety, traffic corrtro~ road maintenance and repair. 22 Section 2750 Is a detailed Bypass Pumping/Flow Diversion Plan to be submitted with the Bid? The detailed bypass Pumping/Flow Diversion Plan shall be submitted after the "Find" work activities and prior to the "Fi..x" work activities. 23 Section 2752 Who determines whether the lines are to be CCTV or sonar inspected? See SpecificatioDS 2752/1.08. ii - ~ .- ~-"-~'''''C'''AOO\~Av nr-r.llt.ll~Ts\02 114 FIND AND F1X.ooc Q4I3C I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I - I , : , i , I NOTICE OF AWARD Dated [Certified Mail- Return Receipt Requested] TO: (BIDDER) ADDRESS: Contract: (Insert:name of Contract as it appears in the Bidding Documents) Project: OWNER's Contract No. You are notified that your Bid dated for the above Contract has been considered_ Yau are the apparent Successful Bidder and have been awarded a Contract for _ . (Indicate total Wark, alternates or sections or Wark awarded) .:.- copies of each of the proposed Contract Documents (except Drawings) accompany this Notice of Award. _ s.ets of the Drawings will be delivered separately or otherwise made available to you immediately. You must comply with the following conditions precedent within 15 days of the date you receive this Notice of Award. 1. Deliver to the OWNER _ fully executed counterparts of the Contract Documents. [Each of the . Contract Documents must bear your signature on ( )]. 2_ Deliver with the executed Contract Documents the Contract security (Bonds) as specified in the Instructions to Bidders (Article 20), [and] General Conditions (paragraph 5.01) [and Supplementary Conditions (paragraph SC-5.01).] . EJCDC No. 1910-22 (1996 Edition) Prepared by the Engineers Joint Contract Documents Committee and endorsed by Th~ Associated General Contractors of America an.d the Construction Specifications Institute. I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I - . . . . . APPLICA TION FOR PAYMENT NO. To: From: Contract: Project: OWNER's Contract No. For Work accomplished through the date of: (OWNER) (CONTRACTOR) ENGINEER's Project No. 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. Funds Available: Net change by Change Orders and Written Amendments (+ or -): Current Funds Available (1 plus 2): Total completed to date: Retainage (per Agreement): _% of completed Work: $ $ $ $ $ 6. 7. 8. $ $ $ $ Total completed to date less retainage (4 minus 5): Less previous Application for Payments: DUE THIS APPLICA nON (6 MINUS 7): Accompanying Documentation: CONTRACTOR'S Certification: The undersigned CONTRACTOR certifies that (1) all previous progress payments received from OWNER on account of Work done under the Contract referred to above have been applied on account to discharge CONTRACTOR's legitimate obligations incurred in connection with Work covered by prior Applications for Payment numbered 1 through _ inclusive; (2) title of all Work, materials and equipment incorporated in said Work or otherwise listed in or covered by this Application for Payment will pass to OWNER at time of payment free and clear of all Liens, security interests and encumbrances (except such as are covered by a Bond acceptable to OWNER indemnifying OWNER against any such Lien, security interest or encumbrance); and (3) all Work covered by this Application for Payment is in accordance with the Contract Documents and not defective. Dated CONTRACTOR By: State of County of Subscribed and sworn to before me this day of Notary Public My Commission expires: Payment of the above AMOUNT DUE TIDS APPLICATION is recommended. Dated ENGINEER By: EJCDC No, 191D-g-E (1996 Edition) Prepared by the Engineers Joint Contract Documents COlIunittee and endorsed by TIle Associated General Contractors of America and the Construction Specification Institute, I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I - . . - . - ii - APPLICATION FOR PAYMENT INSTRUCTIONS A. GENERAL INFORMATION The sample form of Schedule of Values is intended as a guide only. Many projects require a more extensive form with space for numerous items, descriptions of Change Orders, identification of variable quantity adjustments, summary of materials and equipment stored at the site and other information. It is expected that a separate form will be developed by Engineer and Contractor at the time Contractor's Schedule of Values is finalized. Note also that the format for retainage must be changed if the Contract permits (or the law provides), and Contractor elects to deposit securities in lieu of retain age. Refer to Article 14 of the General Conditions for provisions conceming payments to Contractor. B. COMPLETING THE FORM The Schedule of Values, submitted and approved as provided in paragraphs and 2.07 of the General Conditions, should be reproduced as appropriate in the space indicated on the Application for Payment form. Note that the cost of materials and equipment is often listed separately from the cost of installation. Also, note that each Unit Price is deemed to include Contractor's overhead and profit. All Change Orders affecting the Contract Price should be identified and included in the Schedule of Values as required for progress payments. The form is suitable for use in the Final Application for Payment as well as for Progress Payments; however, the required accompanying documentation is usually more extensive for final payment. All accompanying documentation should be identified in the space provided on the form. C. LEGAL REVIEW All accompanying documentation of a legal nature, such as Lien waivers, should be reviewed by an attomey, and Engineer should so advise Owner. I 00 f-d~ ~ I ~~O o ~-H-' ~~@ I U--< fA €A , ~O ~~ f-<O Q <t:f-< I ::;E[/] fA €A ~ 0 . f-< ~ .~ 0 , ::;E <t: €A €A ;>-<0 I f-<D.:l _f-< f-<D.:l ~~ I O~ C/O u I ~[/]f-< S~S O~O I ~>~ U[.I..; [/]0 €A €A I 0;>-< ~f-< f-<E=: ~~ I E-<~ [/]ry ~ f-<D.:l I -u ~~ fA ii - . . ...:l - ::;E < Eo-< - ~ 0 . l-< Eo-< - . - . . . . . . . . '6~N~~~0~oo~6~N~~~0~oo~6 - ~NM~~~~OO~~-~~~~~~-~NNNNNNNNNNM - Q) ~ ct ..... u ro .... 1:: o u 1:: l!) .... .... ::3 U '" .s C;; ;:::l Cl" l!) "0 :; o ..c: CIl ..... s::: ::l o E -< CIl l!) ::l C;; > '+-< o l!) :; "0 l!) -C () C/) C;; '0 E- l!) ..... o Z - . I I I CHANGE ORDER INSTRUCTIONS A. GENERAL INFORMATION I This document was developed to provide a uniform format for handling contract changes that affect Funds Available or Contract Times. Changes that have been initiated by a Work Change Directive must be incorporated into a subsequent Change Order if they affect Price or Times. I I Changes that affect Funds Available or Contract Times should be promptly covered by a Change Order. The practice of accumulating Change Orders to reduce the administrative burden may lead to unnecessary disputes. If Milestones have been listed in the Agreement, any effect of a Change Order thereon should be addressed. I For supplemental instructions and minor changes not involving a change in the Contract Price or Contract Times, a Field Order should be used. B. COMPLETING THE CHANGE ORDER FORM I Engineer normally initiates the form, including a description of the changes involved and attachments based upon documents and proposals submitted by Contractor, or requests from Owner, or both. I I Once Engineer has completed and signed the form, all copies should be sent to Owner or Contractor for approval, depending on whether the Change Order is a true order to the Contractor or the formalization of a negotiated agreement for a previously performed change. After approval by one contracting party, all copies should be sent to the other party for approval. Engineer should make distribution of executed copies after approval by both parties. I If a change only applies to price or to times, cross out the part of the tabulation that does not apply. I I I I I - - - . I CHANGE ORDER I No. DATE OF ISSUANCE EFFECTIVE DATE I OWNER CONTRACTOR Contract: Project: OWNER's Contract No. ENGINEER I ENGINEER's Contract No. I You are directed to make the following changes in the Contract Documents: Description: I I Reason for Change Order: Attachments: (List documents supporting change) I I CHANGE IN FUNDS A V AILABLE: Original Funds Available $ Net Increase (Decrease) from previous Change Orders No, - to - $ Funds Available prior to this Change Order: $ Net increase (decrease) of this Change Order: $ Funds Available with all approved Change Orders: $ I I I I I - - - APPROVED: - RECOMMENDED: CHANGE IN CONTRACT TIMES: Original Contract Times: Substantial Completion: Ready for final payment: (days or dates) Net change from previous Change Orders No. _ to No. - Substantial Completion: Ready for final payment: (days) Contract Times prior to this Change Order: Substantial Completion: Ready for final payment: (days or dates) Net increase (decrease) this Change Order: Substantial Completion: Ready for final payment: (days) Contract Times with all approved Change Orders: Substantial Completion: Ready for final payment: (days or dates) ACCEPTED: By: CONTRACTOR(Authorized Signature) By: By: ENGINEER (Authorized Signature) OWNER (Authorized Signature) Date: Date: Date: EJCDC 1910-8-8 (1996 Edition) Prepared by the Engineers Joint Contract Docwnents Committee and endorsed by The Associated General Contractors of America and the Construction Specifications Institute. I"j I I I I I I I I I I I I I I 3. (List other conditions precedent).. ,.1' Failure to c'omply with these conditions within the time specified will entitle OWNER to consider your Bid in default., to annul this Notice of Award and to declare your Bid security forfeited. Within ten days after you comply with the ab()ve conditions, OWNER will return to you one fully executed counterpart of the Contract Documents. (OWNER) By: (AUn30RlZED SIGNATURE) (TIILE) - . - . . Copy to ENGJNEER (Use Certified Mail, Return Receipt Requested) - I I I I I :1 I I I I I I I I I I ...... INVITATION TO BID FOR SPIRIT CREEK INTERCEPTOR SEWER REHABILITATION: ''FIND & FIX" PILOT PROJECT AUGUSTA-RICHMOND COUNTY COMMISSION, GEORGIA AUGUSTA UTILITIES DEPARTl\1ENT SCOPE OF SERVICES - I The Augusta Utilities Department ("Owner") hereby requests proposals for a "Find and Fix" Sanitary Sewer System Rehabilitation Project for the Spirit Creek Sanitary Sewer Interceptor. The Owner seeks to enter into a contract with a Firm to provide the requested services outlined herein. This contract is intended to be an inspection/repair/rehabilitation project with the emphasis placed on documenting and correcting defects found within sanitary sewer lines and manholes that are contributing inflow and infiltration to the system. The successful Firm will conduct the inspections, perform necessary repairs to complete the inspections and complete rehabilitation/repairs to the sewer system to eliminate defects identified from the inspections. Owner personnel will review recommendations, approve corrective actions prior to implementation, provide project oversight and inspect the quality and progress of the work. The work consists of furnishing all labor, materials, equipment, other incidental items, and technical competency necessary for performing all operations required to professionally execute the contract. The work may include, but is not limited to, performing manhole inspections, sewer line cleaning and internal Closed Circuit Television (CCTV) pipeline inspections, point repairs, sewer main replacement, manhole rehabilitation, and Cured-In-PI ace-Pipe (CIPP) sewer rehabilitation. All work shall be completed on or before July 30, 2002. This contract will consist of indi vidual task orders issued by the Owner to the successful Firm. Separate task orders will be developed for the "Find" and the ''Fix'' portion of the contract. Quantities listed in the Unit Pay Item Schedule are estimates. These quantities may be exceeded or may not be used; the use of these Pay Items shall be approved by the Owner. The current funding available for this project is $600,000. Interested Finns shall submit sealed proposals to the City of Augusta Purchasing Department by the close of business , 2002 at the following location: Geri A. Sams The City of Augusta Purchasing Department 530 Greene Street - Room 605 Augusta, GA 30911 I ~ . -; I I I I I ,I I II I I I I I I I I I I I - At that time, the sealed proposals will be publicly opened and proposing Finn's names will be read aloud. Proposals received after this date will be returned unopened. A mandatory pre-proposal conference and site visit will be held at 10:00 AM in the Purchasing Department's conference room , 2002. A complete set of proposal documents will be available , 2002. . Copies maybe obtained upon payment of $25.00 per set (non refundable). MlNORITY AND ECONOl\1ICALL Y DISADVANTAGED BUSINESS SUPPORT It is the intent of the Augusta-Richmond County Commission to increase the involvement of qualified minority and economically disadvantaged businesses in its contracted work. In an effort to support this intention, this project is offered to all qualified Finns. The proposaIs will be evaluated based on qualifications, unit prices and other items as noted in the Basis of Contract Award. With all other items being considered equal, the contract, if awarded will be awarded to a minority and economically disadvantaged Finn or a Finn that has included such Firms as subcontractors on this project. The proposals shall include a statement of qualification for themselves and/or any qualified subcontractors explaining why they should be considered a minority or economically disadvantaged Firm. If the Finn does not fall into this category, no information is necessary. ADDENDA AND INERPRETA TIONS No interpretation of the meaning of plans, specifications or other pre-bid documents will be made to any Finn orally. Every request for such interpretation should be given in writing addressed to the City of Augusta Purchasing Department, and to be given consideration must be received at least ten days prior to the date fixed for the submittal of proposals. Any and all such interpretations and any supplemental instructions will be in the form of written addenda to the specifications which, if issued, will be sent by certified mail with return receipt requested to all prospective Finns (at the respective addresses furnished for such purposes), not later than five days prior to the date fixed for the submittal of proposals. Failure of any Firm to receive any such addendum or interpretation shall not relieve such Firm from any obligation under proposal as submitted. All addenda so issued shall become part of the Contract Documents. . PROPOSAL SUBMISSION REQUIREMENTS Ten (10) copies of the proposal shall be submitted. All proposals and supporting materials as well as correspondence relating to this RFP become the property of the Owner when received. Any proprietary information contained in the proposal should also be indicated. However, a general indication that the entire contents, or a major portion of the proposal is proprietary will not be honored. Proposal packages should be limited to twenty-five (25) pages, excluding completed Bid Form, bonds, copies of licenses and/or addenda, and shall include the following information: 1. A description of the Firm's personnel and their qualifications that will be assigned to the contract. A proposed contract organization chart shall be submitted that identifies all key personnel and their respective roles. The proposal shall designate a project manager who will be assigned to the contract for its duration. A resume for the project manager shall be included. 2. The Firm shall submit descriptions and references for at least five (5) projects of a similar type and scope completed within the past five(5) years; one of these projects must be underway or completed in the past year. Each reference shall include the project name, project description, owner's name and location, date of completion, cost, the Finn's role, and owner's project manager name and current phone number. 3. A listing of all proposed sub-consultants and subcontractors, a description of the work they will perform, and their qualifications to perform this work. Project descriptions and references shall be provided for each subcontractor or at least five (5) similar projects for the type work to be performed. Each reference shall include the project name, project description, owner's name and r= . . - I I I I ,I I location, date of completion, cost, the subcontractor's role, and owner's project manager name and current phone number. 4. A list and license number of all contractors possessing Georgia Utility Contractors License Numbers. 5. A project approach that describes how the Finn would manage the contract, proposed scheduling of work, and technical approach on executing the pay items. Include a description on how costs will be controlled so that the maximum number of sewer system defects are eliminated with the available funds for this contract. 6. The Owner is willing to consider other innovative/alternative technologies, the Firm is encouraged to submit experience history and references in a similar format described above for further consideration by the Owner. Descriptions of any alternatives, unit prices and unit price descriptions that would be added to the Pay Item Schedule should also be included in the proposal. Acceptance of any Finn proposing innovative/alternative technologies does not imply any guarantee of their use on this project and all items on the Pay Item Schedule must be completed for any proposal to be considered complete. 7. A completed Pay Item Schedule with proposed unit prices for each pay item listed. Failure to quote on all pay items may disqualify the proposal. 8. Acknowledgement of receipt of all Addenda. 9. Proposals by wholly owned proprietorships or partnerships will be signed by all owners. Proposals of corporations will be signed by an officer of the Finn and his signature attested by the secretary thereof who will affix the corporate seal to the proposal. - I I I I I I I I I BASIS OF CONTRACT A WARD The proposal will reviewed and evaluated based in part on the following criteria and scoring criteria noted below. i Item Criteria Points 1 Qualifications, experience, and location of the Firm and the designated 20 project manager on projects of similar type and magnitude. 2 Qualifications, experience, and location of proposed subcontractors and sub- 15 consultants. 3 Response of references provided in the proposal. 20 4 Project approach_ 15 5 Unit prices provided in the Pay Item Schedule. 25 6 Innovative/Alternative technologies 5 7 Total Possible Points 100 - The contract will be awarded to the responsible firm whose proposal is deemed to be in the Owner's best interest. The Owner reserves the right to reject any proposal if the review and investigations of the proposal fail to satisfy the Owner that the Finn is properly qualified to carry out the obligations of the contract and to complete the contemplated work therein. . - . - . - I [I !I I :1 I I I I I I I I I I I SECTION IB INSTRUCTION TO BIDDERS IB-Ol GENERAL All proposals must be presented in a sealed envelope, addressed to the Owner. The proposal must be filed with the Owner on or before the time stated in the Invitation to Bid. Mailed proposals will be treated in every respect as though filed in person and will be subject to the same requirements. Proposals received subsequent to the time stated will be returned unopened. Prior to the time stated any proposal may be withdrawn at the discretion of the Firm, but no proposal may be withdrawn for a period of sixty (60) days' after proposals have been opened, pending the execution of contract with the successful Firm. IB-02 EXAMINATION OF WORK Each Firm shall, by careful examination, satisfy itself as to the nature and location of the work, the conformation of the ground, the character, quality and quantity of the facilities needed preliminary to and. during the prosecution of the work, the general and local conditions, and all other matters which can in any way affect the work or the cost thereof under the contract. No oral agreement or conversation with any officer, agent, or employee of the Owner, either before or after the execution of the contract, shall affect or modify any of the terms or obligations therein. IB-03 ADDENDA AND INTERPRETATIONS I No interpretation of the meaning of plans, specifications or other prebid documents will be made to any Firm orally. - - Every request for such interpretation should be in writing addressed to the OWNER, and to be given consideration must be received at least five days prior to the date fixed for the opening of proposals. Any and all such interpretations and any supplemental instructions will be in the form of written addenda to the specifications which, if issued, will be sent by certified mail with return receipt requested to all prospective Firms (at the respective addresses furnished for such purposes), not later than three days prior to the date fixed for the opening of proposals. Failure of any Firm to receive any such addendum or interpretation shall not relieve such Firm from any obligation in the proposal as submitted. All addenda so issued shall become part of the Contract Documents. IB-04 PREPARATION OF PROPOSALS Proposals shall be submitted on the forms provided and must be signed by the Firm or authorized representative. IB-l ~ I I I , I I I I I I I , I I I Any corrections to entries made on bid forms should be initialed by the person signing the bid. Firms must quote on all items appearing on the bid forms, unless specific directions in the advertisement, on the bid form, or in the special specifications allow for partial . proposals. Failure to quote on all items may disqualify the bid. Alternative proposals will not be considered unless specifically called for. Telegraphic proposals will not be considered. Modifications to proposals already submitted will be allowed if submitted by telegraph prior to the time fixed in the Invitation for Bids. Modifications shall be submitted as such, and shall not reveal the total amount of either the original or revised proposals. Proposals by wholly owned proprietorships or partnerships will be signed by all owners. Proposals of corporations will be signed by an officer of the firm with a signature attested by the secretary thereof who will affix the corporate seal to the proposal. IB-06 FIRM'S OUALIFICATIONS ~ No proposal will be received from any Firm unless it can present satisfactory evidence of'skilled work of a similar nature to that covered by the contract and that it has sufficient assets to meet all obligations to be incurred in carrying out the work. A FINANCIAL EXPERIENCE AND EQUIPMENT STATEMENT shall be submitted with the proposal, sealed in a separate envelope, giving reliable information as to working capital available, plant equipment, experience and general qualifications. The Owner may make such investigations as are deemed necessary to determine the abili ty of the Firm to perform the work and the Firm shall furnish all such additional information and data for this purpose as may be requested. The Owner reserves the right to reject any bid if the evidence submitted by the Firm or investigation that fails to satisfy the Owner that such Firm is properly qualified to carry out the obligations of the contract and to complete the work contemplated therein. . ~ - IB-07 PERFORMANCE BOND At the time of entering into the contract, the Contractor shall give bond to the Owner for the use of the Owner and all persons doing work or furnishing skill, tools, IB-2 I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I machinery or materials under or for the purpose of such contract, conditional for the payment as they become due, of all just claims for such work, tools, machinery, skill and terms, for saving the Owner harmless from all cost and charges that may accrue on account of the doing of the work specified, and for compliance with the laws pertaining thereto. Said bond shall be for the total amount of funding available for the contract satisfactory to the Owner and authorized by law to do business in the State of Georgia. Attorneys-in-fact who sign bonds must file with each copy thereof a certified and 'effectively dated copy of the power of attorney. IB-08 REJECTION OF PROPOSALS These proposals are asked for in good faith, and awards will be made as soon as practicable, provided satisfactory proposals are received. The right is reserved, however to waive any informalities in bidding, to reject any and all proposals, or to accept a bid other than the lowest submitted if such action is deemed to be in the best interest of the Owner. IB-I0 GEORGIA UTILITY CONTRACTOR'S LICENSE The Firm shall provide the Firm's Georgia Utility Contractor's License Number on the outside of the Sealed Envelope. A utility contractor's license number held by a subcontractor or issued by another state does NOT fulfill this requirement in lieu of the Firms Georgia Utility Contractor's License. Failure to provide the Firm's Georgia Utility Contractor License Number on the outside on the sealed envelope will result in a rejection of the proposal at the proposal opening. IB-ll ADDITIONAL PROJECT INFORMATION Additional site information is available to the contractor for examination at the Owner's office: · Recent survey drawings of the interceptor . . · "Final Report for the Sanitary Sewer Rehabilitation of the Spirit Creek Basin Service Area", by Augusta Design Group, July 2000. · Flow monitoring data IB-3 I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I MINORITY AND ECONOMICALLY DISADVANTAGED BUSINESS SUPPORT It is the intent of the Augusta-Richmond County Commission to increase the involvement of qualified minority and economically disadvantaged businesses in the contracted .work of County Government. In an effort to support this intention, this project is offered to all qualified firms. The proposals will be evaluated based on qualifications, price and construction time. With all other items being considered equal, the contract, if awarded will be award~d to a minority and economically disadvantaged firm or a firm that has included such firms as subcontractors on this proje~t. The Firms shall include with their bid a statement of qualification for themselves and/or any qualified subcontractors explaining why they should be considered a minority or economically disadvantaged firm. If the firm does not fall into this category, no information is necessary; i 'IB-4 IRE9EIVED: 8/3/02 10:18; ->CH2M HILL; #595; PAGE 2 06/03/2002 10:07 FAX 13038462231 .7 I . I~ I I I I I I I I I I I I I iii . - . .. Insituform TechnDlogies; lnc. Worlcfivide Pipeline Rehabilitation 4016 Flowers Road, Suite 470 Atlanta, GA 30360 Tel: (770) 457-3050 Fax: (770) 425-8470 www.insituform.com May 9, 2002 Augusta-Richmond County Commission Augusta Utilities ,Department 530 Greene Street - Room 605 Augusta, GA 30911 RE: Spirit Creek Interceptor Sewer Rehabilitation Project: "Find and Fix" Pilot Project Augusta Utilities Department: After having carefully reviewed the plans, specifications, and the project site, we are proposing the following price structure for cured-in-place pipe rehabilitation: If Augusta Utilities Department issues work so that we can line 800' or more at a time, the add on cost of lining the 36~' pipes will be $145.00 per linear foot or a savings of 14%. ' Sincerely, INSlTUFORM TECHNOLOGIES, INC. '~7" David Ramiey Contract and Attesting Officer Page 1 of 25 I4J 902 RECEIVED: 6/ 3/02 10:16; ->CH2M HILL; #595; PAGE 3 II 0~/03/2002 10:07 FAX 13038462231 \ '" I' I I I I I I I I I I I . 14J003 I. Bid Forni To: City of Augusta From: /;VSITi./?OI? tr:1 -ritJ///otO ~/b5, /A/L.' / Submitted: jJ/JAI/ 9 ,20001. .I F1ND & FIX PILOT PROJECT SPlRIT CREEK SANITARY SEWER REHABILITATION . , The undersigned, as Bidder, hereby declares that the only person or persons in this Bid, as principa1 or principals, is or are named herein and that no other person than 'herein mentioned has any interest . in this Bid or in the Contract to be entered into; that this Bid is made without connection with anY, other person, company or parties making a bid or proposal; and that it is in all respects fair and ini good faith without collusion or fraud. I The Bidder further declares that he has examined the site of the work and informed himself fully in~ regard to aU conditions pert:alning to the place where the work is to be done; that he has examined; the Contract Documents for the work furnished prior to the op.ening of bids; and that he has I satisfied himself relative to the work to be performed. ; The bidder proposes and agrees, if this Bid is accepted, to contract with the City, in the form of' contract specified, to furnish all necessary materials, equipment, means of transportation and labor: neceSsary, and to complete this project in full and complete accordance with the shown, noted" described and reasonably intended requirements of the Contract Documents to the full and entire i satisfaction of the City, and with a definite understanding that no money will be allowed for extra: work except as set forth in the Contract Documents. : Bidder hereby agrees to commence work under this contract on or before a date to be specified in , I written "Notice to Proceed" from the City and to fully complete the project within the time limits,- identified in the City - Contractor Agreemenl. Bidder furtheJ;' agrees to pay liquidated damages, in'; accordance with the provisions of the General Conditions of the Contract Documents for each. consecutive calendar day thereafter. I 4P(IL 11; ta::JZ 3 /J1',f/l-.:J.e ;2lJO).. . Z jlf1KIt is' M2 1- II PRIL.5JJ ZOO 2.- The undersigned acknowledges receipt of addenda numbered: .I r y i In accordance with the above understanding, the undersigned proposes to do aU of the work, furnish; I all of the niaterials, and complete the work in accordance with the Contract Documents at the prices I listed in the Pay Item Schedule. . Spirit Creek 5mitary Sewer Rehabilitation City of Augusta 03/ J 4/02 RECEIVED: 61 3/02 10:16; ->CH2M HILL; #595; PAGE 4 II 06/03/2002 10:07 FAX 13038462231 I4J 004 ~i " I. I I I I I I I I I I I I Exhibit A -'3 Bid Forin The undersigned declares that he understands that the quantities shown are approximate only and are subject to either increase or decrease and that should the quantities of any of the items of work be increased, the undersigned agrees to do the additional work at the unit prices set forth herein, and should the quan~ties be decreased, he also understands that payment will be made on the actudI quantities installed at the unit bid .price, and the undersigned will make no claims for anticipated profits for any decrease in the quantities. Actual quantities will be determined. upon completion of the job. ' Amounts shall be' shown in both words and figures, where indicated: In case of discrepancies between the figures shown in the unit prices and the totals, the unit prices shall apply and the tota1.S shall be corrected to agree with the unit prices. In case of discrepancies between written amounts and figures, written amounts shall take precedence over figures. The bid prices shall include all costs of completion of the work except as otherwise specified in the Contract Documents: , u The names and residence addresses of all persons and parties interested in the foregoing bid as principals are as follows: ' (Give first and last names in fulL In the case of a corporation, give name of president, treasurer,: and manager, and in the case of a partnership, give names and addresses ofrnembers_) The undersigned hereby certifies that he is able to furnish labor that can work in harmony with all': other elements of labor employed. or to be employed on the work. ' Notice of acceptance should be mailed, telegraphed, or delivered to the undersigned bidder at the: following address: . (Name of Bidder) /; (Signature of Authorized Representative) . iiii (Title) &/'IIR/JC r lj HTTb5TiiVtf O,cFlceR- (Business Address) 40/10. FLOLJER..s kD../ SuI7E '47tJ (City and State) Jl.-rLJ)NIi1 GA 303hO ~ / (Telephone Number)1 7 7CJ) 4-57.- 305(J '- (Fax Number) (77tJ) 425-8416 - Spirit Creek SnnilNy Sewer RchJ.bililation City of Augusta 03/14/02 - J) o m Cll 0 ...... m o H 0.> < ...... m I\) 0 o .. o I\) f-' OJ o .... o Ul 00 .... o "Ij N ~ -' f-' 0 v: :.: ~ '" 00 .. ... Cll I\) V I\) 0 0.> I f-' N s: I H r r ., ~ 01 lD 01 ., 1) )> Gl m 01 ... - - - - - - - - - - - SPIRIT CREEK INTERCEPTOR REHABILITATION Find and Fix' UNIT PRICE (In Figures) UNIT PRICE (In Wrlllan Words) Item Schedule Pay Project Pilot ITEM NO, QUANTITY UNIT DESCRIPTION 7 $1,500 $2,500 $5,000 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 LS LF EA EA EA EA LF ~ EA .hE. DAY EA EA EA INVESTIGATIONS & REHAB RECOMMENDATIONS "FIND' Moblllz.aUon for Ph... 1 (Fixed (a! $10,000) Vehicular Acca.. Improvoments 10 Manhole. Manhole Inspections (abo"e gro"-' _ Manhole _ CI.an Ma lei 01 Dobns Ral.e bU . Cloanlng CCTV 1m Reverse s Root Rer Sewer Unl!l5 Tampore .Pa.s or ExcavaUon Deweterlng) Emeroar . PHASE 1 1 2 ~ 4 5 6 7 B 9 ~ 11 ~ ~ L5. ror Point Ja" 0 to B' cove Point JaM ;8 to 12' cove Point RepaJr(16'lenglh) 24 - J6" Pipe; >12' cover Allowance lor Trame Control Jor Phaso 1 work (Costs Cor Trame Control groater Ulan thl. allowanca to be Included In tholndlvldu.1 pay noms) (Fixed (ill $1,500) Data Analysls/Roport PreparaUon/Rehab/Utatlon RecommendaUons (Fixed (a! $2,500) Allowance for Emergency Repairs or Work Not Covered By Pay Itoms Fixed Ciil $5,~00) ~ Plpo lenglhl2( lellQlhl24 Repair(16 RopalrllS' 1!. !l 14 12. !! 17 Bl o o '" 1 1 1. ~ LF .. .fA- ---".E. LF 00' long 10n.9- 2,Omm U~lckn.ss 100 up to (or segmenl:s ,. n JO" CIPP REHABIUTA TlON & REPLAG.EMENT "FIX' MoblOuUon lor Ph... 2 {Fixed @ $10,0001 MH Vehicular Access/mprovement. CIPP JO" pipe w/12,Omm liner Crom manholo 10 manhole ~gmenl.--'" .-- -_.==,. odd on casl of JO" CIPP w/12.0mm liner great. add on or d~ducl for each 1.5mm change cos pHASE 2 1! 11 =i0-- ~ Z2 I II "" I I I III. - - - - - - - - - - - - - ~- lJ 0 m 0> 0 ...... m 0 H c.> < ...... m SPIRIT CREEK INTERCEPTOR REHABILITATION N 0 0 .. 0 "Find and FIx" Pilot Project - Pay Item Schedule N OJ I-' ..... - - - - - - - - 0 .. Ul ITEM - - - - - 0 00 "- NO. OESCRIPTlON UNIT QUANTITY 0 CIPP 36" pipe wI 15,omm liner from manhole to menhole up 10 100' 10~ ~ ~ "lj N ;l> 23 .eoment ~ L ~ .... 0 24 _ add on cost of ~6" CIPP w/15.0mm IInor oreoler for seomente > 100' lono ~ L I-' .. c.> .... 0 '-l 25 _ add on or deduct cosl lor eech 1.~mm chanooln ~6" CIPP 15.0mm thickness ~ 1 c.> ", - 00 26 Monholo to Manhole PIpe Replacement 30.36" {a to 0' Coyerl ----.!:L .... 1 0> - N V 27 Manhole to Manhola Ploe ReDlacemont 30.36" f810 12' Coyarl ----.!:L L N 0 c.> I . Manhole to Menhole PIDe ReDlacement ~O. 35" I >12' CDyerl I-' N 28 ~ !... s: 29 Trench ShoaUng & Shoring Lelt In Place ~ !... I H r 30 Manhole Renlacement . uo 10 S' Ola. wI Frame'!. Coyer -..::!L .L r ", 31 Inlernal Frame. Chimney Seal -EL !.. 'II: ()1 32 RemoYII & Replace EJ;lsUl1g Frame & Cover --.::!L 1 CO - ()1 13 Add on costs for .ub,tituUno Watertloht Fram. & Coyer ~ L ., 1) 34 Manhole Seallnq . up to 5' 010. -.YL L )> G) 35 Manhola Liner. UD 10 5' Ola. -.YL 1 m Rebulldlno ExlsL Manhole Sonchlno end Invert Channel OJ 38 ~ 1. 37 Plun abandoned sewer Dlpes In manhole. with concrele ~ 1 Temporary Pumplng (Sewer Flow By.Pass or EXcllvlUon Dewatering) ror 38 Emeroency Repel" ~ 1- Allowance ror TrZlrne Conlrol for PhS5IB 2 work (Costs tor Trame: Control groaler lhan this allowance 10 bo Included In tho Individual p.y Ilem.} 39 Fixed Illl $1 5001 ' . ~ 1. Allowanc.e for Speclal LllIndscape Restorallon (Sod; Tree & Shrub 4'0 Replacemenl Costs grealer than cosls Included In the Indl_ldual pay Ilem',1 ~ ! $1,000 41 Record Orewlno Preo.raUon for Eecn Task Order rFlxed (ciJ $2 0001 ~ 1. $2,000 Allowance (Dr Emergency Repair. or Work Not COYerod By Pay Items 42 (FTxod @1 $2,500) - ~ 1 S10000 - f-- =r' PROJECT MANAGEMENT 1- Full Time On.Slle Projecl Managemenl for OuraUon 01 Contrad ~Q L /!:fJf&.{JtJl) riVE', 4J Fixed ~500 per Week} - WK - 1 - - - .._ n _ _~. -.. -- - - - - - - - - ..--::.......:.= =.. ~=- .. .. - .. - ~ 0 0 0> I I ! I I I I I I I I I I I I I ~ '\ AGREEMENT THIS AGREEMENT, made on the /4 & day of ::r:-~ , 20 O-z, by and between AUGUSTA, GEORGIA, BY AND THROUGH THE AUGUSTA-RICHMOND COUNTY COMM,SSION, party of the first part, hereinafter called the OWNER, and IN';/.. - -';;'I,#O./~I("d party of the second part, hereinafter called the CONTRACTOR. WITNESSETH, that the Contractor and the Owner, for the considerations hereinafter named, agree as follows: .ARTICLE .I ~ SCOPE OF THE WORK The Contractor hereby agrees to furnish all of the materials and all of the equipment and labor necessary, and to perform all of the work presented in the Specifications for the project entitled: "Find & Fix pilot Project - Spirit Creek Sanitary Sewer Rehabilitation, Bond Item 60140." and in accordance with the requirements and provisions of the Contract Documents as defined in the General and Special Conditions hereto attached, which are hereby made a part of this agreement. 'ARTICLE II - TIME OF COMPLETION - LIOUIDATED DAMAGES The work to be performed under this Contract shall be commenced within 10 calendar days after the date of written notice by the Owner or the Contractor to proceed. All work shall be substantially completed by July 30, 2002 with all such extensions of time as are provided for in the General Conditions. Substantial completion shall be defined as the sewer being in service. Final completion shall be 30 days after substantial completion. It is hereby understood and mutually agreed, by and between the Contractor and the Owner, that the date of beginning, rate of progress and the time for completion of the work to be done hereunder are ESSENTIAL CONDITIONS of this contract. Contractor agrees that said work shall be prosecuted regularly, diligently, and uninterruptedly at such rate of progress as will ensure full completion thereof within the time specified. It is expressly understood and agreed by and between the Contractor and the Owner, that the time for completion of the work described herein is a reasonable time for completion of the same, taking 1nto consideration the average climatic range and construction conditions prevailing in this locality. IF THE CONTRACTOR SHALL NEGLECT, FAIL, OR REFUSE TO COMPLETE THE WORK WITHIN THE TIME HEREIN SPECIFIED, then the Contractor does hereby agree, as a part of the consideration for the awarding of this contract, to pay the ,Owner the sum of Dollars, not as a penal ty , but as liquidated damages for such breach of contract as hereinafter set forth, for each and every calendar day that the Contractor shall be in default aft~r the time stipulated in the Contract for completing the work. I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I The said amount is fixed and agreed upon by and between the Contractor and the Owner because of the impracticability and extreme difficulty of fixing and ascertaining the actual damages the Owner would, in such event, sustain, and said amounts shall be retained from time to time by the Owner from current periodical estimates. It is further agreed that time is of the essence of each and every portion of this Contract and the specifications wherein a definite portion and certain length of time is fixed for the additional time is . allowed for the completion of any work, the new time limit fixed by extension shall be the essence of this contract. ARTICLE III - PAYMENT (A) The Contract Sum The Owner shall pay to the Contract an as stated in the in the amount except as set forth . the contractor for the performance of Bid Form. No variations shall be made in the specifications attached hereto. (B) Proqress Payment On no later than the fifth day of every month, the Contractor shall submit to the Owner's Engineer an estimate covering the total amount of the Work which has been completed from the start of the job up to and including the last working day of the preceding month, together with such supporting evidence as may be required by the Owner. This estimate shall include only the quantities in place and at the unit prices as set forth in the Bid Form. Following approval of the invoice for payment, the Owner shall after deducting previous payments made, pay to the Contractor 90% of the amount of the estimate on units accepted in place. The 10% retained percentage may be held by the Owner until the final completion and acceptance of all work under the Contract. ARTICLE IV - ACCEPTANCE AND FINAL PAYMENT (A) Upon receipt of written notice that the work is ready for final inspection acceptance, the Owner shall within 10 days make such 'inspection, and when the work is found to be acceptable under the Contract and the Contract has been fully performed, will promptly issue a final certificate stating that the work required by this Contract has been completed and is accepted under the terms and conditions thereof, and the entire balance found to be due the Contractor, including the retained percentage, shall be paid to the Contractor by the Owner within 15 days after the date of said final certificate. (B) Before final payment is due, the Contractor shall submit evidence satisfactory to the Owner that all payrolls, material bills, and other indebtedness connected with work have been paid, except that in case of disputed indebtedness of liens of evidence of payment of all such disputed amounts when adjudicated in cases where such payment has not already been guaranteed by surety bond. (C) The making and acceptance of the final payment shall constitute a waiver of all claims by the Owner, other than those arising . I from unsettled liens, tram faulty work appearing within 12 months after final payment, from requirements of the specifications, or from manufacturer's gullrantees. It shall also consti tute a waiver of all claims by the Contractor except Lhose previously made and still unsettled. (D) If after the work has b~en Substantially completed, full completion thereof ~s materially delayed through no fault of the Contractor, the OWner shall without terminating the Contract, make payment of the balance due for that portion of the work fully completed and accepted. Each payment shall be made under the terms and conditions governing final payment. except that it shall not constitute a waiver of claims, (SEAL) Agreement original. shall be deemed an ~..1 l -'fYfJ . Witness (SEAL) CONTRACTOJl,-:rn~ Te c\,f\ol .3: < \Tf), BY'~ =. its' DJe i' -ec.\..L+;v~ , A'l:'I'ES'I' : 'PLL\~", C. ~~ Secl.-etary Address: LtO\~ ~low~'\'s -\.<d '; S~:-te 4-10 A-\ \Q,,+o., G A ?:> 0 34>0 ~ ?,!?, 30Vd ~~~:~~ ?'o- ~~-Nnr ~6?'V?'EO~90L ~llIH ~?'H~ :A8 lN3 I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I Septe%nber 19, 2000 Defective-An adjective which when modifying the word Work refers to Work that is unsatisfactory, faulty or deficient, or does not conform to the Contract Documents, or does not meet the requirements of any inspection, reference standard, test or approval referred to in the Contract Documents, or has been damaged prior to PROFESSIONAL's recommendation of final payment, unless responsibility for the protection thereof has been assumed by OWNER at Substantial Completion in accordance with paragraph 14.8 or 14,10), Drawings-The drawings which show the character and scope of the Work to be performed and which have been prepared or approved by PROFESSIONAL and are referred to in the Contract Documents. Effective Date of the Agreement-The date indicated in the Agreement on which it becomes effective, but if no such date is indicated it means the date on which the Agreement is signed by the Mayor of the Augusta, Georgia. Field Order-A written order issued by PROFESSIONAL that modifies Drawings and Specifications, but which does not involve a change in the Contract Price or the Contract Time. General Requirements-Sections of Division I of the Specifications. Laws and Regulations: Laws or Regulations-Laws. rules, regulations, ordinances, codes and/or orders. Notice of Award-The written notice by OWNER to the apparent successful bidder stating that upon compliance by the apparent successful bidder with the conditions precedent enumerated therein, within the time specified, OWNER will sign and deliver the Agreement. Notice to Proceed-A written notice given by OWNER to CONTRACTOR (with a copy to PROFESSIONAL) fixing the date on which the Contract Time will commence to run and on which CONTRACTOR shall start to perform CONTRACTOR'S obligations under-,the Contract Documents. OWNER- Augusta, Georgia, and the Augusta-Richmond County Commission. Partial Utilization-Placing a portion of the Work in seNice for the purpose for which it is intended for a related purpose) before reaching Substantial Completion for all the Work. Professional-The ArchitecturaVEngineering firm or individual or in-house licensed person designated to perform the design and/or resident engineer services for the Work. Project-The .total construction of which the Work to be provided under the Contract Documents may be the whole, or a part as indicated elsewhere in the Contract Documents. Project Area-The area within which are the specified Contract Limits of the improvements contemplated to be constructed in whole or in part under this Contract. Project Manager-The professional in charge, seNing COUNTY with architectural or engineering seNices, his successor, or any other person or persons, employed by said COUNTY, for the purpose of directing or having in charge the work embraced in this Contract. . Resident Project Representative- The authorized representative of PROFESSIONAL who is assigned to the site or any part thereof. Shop Drawings-All drawings, diagrams, illustrations, schedules and other data which are specifically prepared by or for CONTRACTOR to illustrate some portion of the Work and all illustrations, brochures, standard . schedules, performance charts, instructions, diagrams and other information prepared by a Supplier and 2 I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I - . SeptGmber 19. 2000 submitted by CONTRACTOR to illustrate material or equipment for some portion of the Work. Specifications- Those portions of the Contract Documents consisting of written technical descriptions of materials, equipment, construction systems, standards and workmanship as applied to the Work and certain administrative details applicable thereto. Subcontractor-An individual, firm or corporation having a direct contract with CONTRACTOR or with any other SUBCONTRACTOR for the performance of a part of the Work at the site. Substantial Completion- The Work (or a specified part thereof) has progressed to the point where, in the opinion of PROFESSIONAL as evidenced by PROFESSIONAL's definitive certificate of Substantial Completion, it is sufficiently complete, in accordance with the Contract Documents, so that the Work (or specified part) can be used for the purposes for which it is intended, or if there be no such certificate issued, when final payment is due in accordance with paragraph 14.13. The terms "substantially complete" and "substantially completed" as applied to any Work refer to Substantial Completion thereof. Supplementary Conditions- The part of the Contract Documents which amends or supplements these General Conditions. Supplier-A manufacturer, fabricator, supplier, distributor, materialman or vendor. Underground Facilities-All pipelines, conduits, ducts, cables, wires, manholes, vaults, tanks, tunnels or other such facilities or attachments, and any encasement containing such facilities which have been installed underground to furnish any of the following services or materials, electricity, gases, steam, liquid petroleum products, telephone or other communications, cable television, sewage and drainage removal, traffic or other control systems or water. Unit Price Work-Work to be paid for on the basis of unit prices. Work-The entire completed construction or the various separately identifiable parts thereof required to be furnished under the Contract Documents. Work is the result of performing services, furnishing labor and furnishing and incorporating materials and equipment into the construction, and furnishing documents, all as required by the Contract Documents. Work Directive Change-A written directive to CONTRACTOR, issued on or after the Effective Date of the Agreement and signed by OWNER and recommended by PROFESSIONAL, ordering an addition, deletion or revision in the Work, or responding to differing or unforeseen physical conditions under which the Work is to be performed as provided in paragraph 4.2 or 4.3 or to emergencies under paragraph 6.22. A Work Directive Change may not change the Contract Price or the Contract Time, but is evidence that the parties expect that the change directed or documented by a Work Directive Change will be incorporated in a subsequently issued Change Order following negotiations by the parties as to its effect, if any, on the Contract Price or Contract Time as provided in Article 10. Written Amendment-A written amendment of the Contract Documents, signed by OWNER and CONTRACTOR on or after the Effective Date of the Agreement and normally dealing with the non-engineering or nontechnical rather than strictly Work-related aspects of the Contract Documents. 3 I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I - - . I Sept.emhar 19. :2000 ARTICLE 2-PRELlMINARY MATTERS Delivery of Bonds: 2.1. When CONTRACTOR delivers the executed Agreements to OWNER, CONTRACTOR shall also deliver to OWNER such Bonds as CONTRACTOR may be required to furnish in accordance with these Contract Documents. Copies of Documents: 2.2. After the award of the Contract, OWNER shall furnish CONTRACTOR, at no cost, one (1) complete set of the Contract Documents for execution of the work. Additional sets of the project manual and drawings and/or individual pages or sheets of the project manual or drawings will be furnished by COUNTY upon CONTRACTOR's request and at CONTRACTOR's expense, which will be OWNER's standard charges for printing and reprod~ction. Commencement of Contract Time, Notice to Proceed: 2.3. The Contract Time shall commence as established in the Notice to Proceed. A Notice to Proceed may be given at any time after the Effective Date of the Contract. Starting the Project: 2.4. CONTRACTOR shall begin the Work on the date the Contract Time commences. No Work shall be done prior to the date on which the Contract Time commences. Any Work performed by CONTRACTOR prior to date on which Contract Time commences shall be at the sole risk of CONTRACTOR. Before Starting Construction: 2.5. Before undertaking each part of the Work. CONTRACTOR shall carefully study and compare the Contract Documents and check and verify pertinent figures shown thereon and all applicable field measurements. CONTRACTOR shall promptly report in writing to PROFESSIONAL any conflict, error, ambiguity, or discrepancy which CONTRACTOR may discover and shall obtain a written interpretation or clarification from PROFESSIONAL before proceeding with any Work affected thereby. CONTRACTOR shall be liable to OWNER for failure to report any conflict, effort, ambiguity or discrepancy in the Contract Documents, if CONTRACTOR knew or reasonably should have known thereof. 2.6. Within ten days after the Effective Date of the Agreement unless otherwise specified in the General Requirements), CONTRACTOR shall submit to PROFESSIONAL AND PROJECT MANAGER for review: 2.6.1. an estimated progress schedule indicating the starting and completion dates of the various stages of the Work: 2.6.2. a preliminary schedule of Shop Drawing and Sample submissions: and 2.6.3. a preliminary schedule of values for all of the Work which will include quantities and prices of items aggregating the Contract Price and will subdivide the Work into component parts in sufficient detail to serve as the basis for progress payments during construction. Such prices will include an appropriate amount of overhead and profit applicable to each item of Work which will be confirmed in writing by CONTRACTOR at the time of submission. 4 I \ I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I September 19. JOOO 2.7. Before any Work at the site is started, CONTRACTOR shall deliver to OWNER, with copies to each additional insured identified in the Supplementary Conditions, an original policy or certified copies of each insurance policy (and other evidence of insurance which COUNTY may reasonably request) which CONTRACTOR is required to purchase and maintain in accordance with Article 5. Pre-construction Conference: 2.8. Before any Work at the site is started, a conference attended by CONTRACTOR, Project Manager, Professional and others as appropriate will be held to establish a working understanding among the parties as to the Work and to discuss the schedules referred to in 2.6, procedures for handling Shop Drawings and other submittals, processing applications for payment and maintaining required records. Finalizing Schedules: 2.9. At least ten days before submission of the first Application for Payment a conference attended by CONTRACTOR, PROFESSIONAL and Project Manager and others as appropriate will be held to finalize the schedules submitted in accordance with paragraph 2.6. CONTRACTOR shall have an additional ten (10) calendar days to make corrections and adjustments and to complete and resubmit the schedules. No progress payment shall be made to CONTRACTOR until the schedules are submitted to and acceptable to Project Manager and PROFESSIONAL as provided below. The finalized progress schedule will be acceptable to Project Manager and PROFESSIONAL as providing an orderly progression of the Work to completion within any specified Milestones and the Contract Time, but such acceptance will neither impose on PROFESSIONAL responsibility for the sequencing, scheduling or progress of the Work nor interfere with or relieve CONTRACTOR from full responsibility therefor, The finalized schedule of Shop Drawing submissions and Sample submissions will be acceptable to PROFESSIONAL as providing a workable arrangement for reviewing and processing the submissions. CONTRACTOR's schedule of values shall be approved by PROFESSIONAL as to form and substance. CONTRACTOR, in addition to preparing an initially acceptable schedule, shall be responsible for maintaining the schedule, including updating schedule. Schedule updates shall include progression of work as compared to scheduled progress on work. Schedule updates shall accompany each pay request. 5 I I I I I I - I , I I I I I I I I I . - - . September 19. 2000 ARTICLE 3-CONTRACT DOCUMENTS; INTENT, AMENDING, REUSE Intent: 3.1. The Contract Documents comprise the entire agreement between OWNER and CONTRACTOR concerning the Work. The Contract Documents are complementary: what is called for by one is as binding as if called for by all. The Contract Documents will be construed in accordance with the law of the State of Georgia. 3.2. It is the intent of the Contract Documents to describe a functionally complete Project (or part thereof) to be constructed in accordance with the Contract Documents. Any Work, materials or equipment that may reasonably be inferred from the Contract Documents or from prevailing custom or trade usage as being required to produce the intended result will be supplied whether or not specifically called for. When words or phrases which have a well-known technical or construction industry or trade meaning are used to describe Work, materials or equipment, such words shall be interpreted in accordance with that meaning. 3.3. Except as otherwise specifically stated in the Contract Documents or as may be provided by amendment or supplement thereto issued by one of the methods indicated in 3.6 or 3.7, the provisions ofthe Contract Documents shall take precedence in resolving any conflict, error, ambiguity or discrepancy between the provisions of the Contract Documents and the provisions of any such standard, specification, manual, code or instruction (whether or not specifically incorporated by reference in the Contract Documents)and the provisions of any such Laws or Regulations application to the performance of the Work (unless such an interpretation of the provisions of the Contract Documents would result in violation of such Law or Regulation). Clarifications and interpretations of the Contract Documents shall be issued by PROFESSIONAL as provided in paragraph 9.4. 3.4. Reference to standards, specifications, manuals or codes of any technical society, organization or association, or to the Laws or Regulations of any governmental authority, whether such reference be , specific or by implication, shall mean the latest standard, specification, manual, code or Laws or Regulations in effect at the time of opening of Bids (or, on the Effective Date of the Agreement if there were no Bids), except as may be otherwise specifically stated in the Contract Documents. 3.5. If, during the performance of the Work, CONTRACTOR discovers any conflict, error, ambiguity or discrepancy within the Contract Documents or between the Contract Documents and any provision of any such Law or Regulation applicable to the performance of the Work or of any such standard, specification, manual or code or of any instruction of any Supplier referred to in 6.7, CONTRACTOR shall so report to PROFESSIONAL in writing at once and before proceeding with the Work affected thereby shall obtain a written interpretation or clarification from PROFESSIONAL; however, CONTRACTOR shall not be liable to OWNER or PROFESSIONAL for failure to report any conflict, error ambiguity or discrepancy in the Contract Documents unless CONTRACTOR had actual knowledge thereof or should reasonably have known thereof. Amending and Supplementing Contract Documents: 3.6. The Contract Documents may be amended to provide for additions. deletions and revisions in the Work or to modify the terms and conditions thereof in one or more of the following ways: 3.6.1. a formal Written Amendment, 6 I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I . - . September 19. :2000 3.6.2. a Change Order (pursuant to paragraph 10.3), or 3.6.3. a Work Directive Change (pursuant to paragraph 10.4). As indicated in paragraphs 11.2 and 12.1, Contract Price and Contract Time may only be changed by a Change Order or a Written Amendment. . 3.7. In addition. the requirements of the Contract Documents may be supplemented, and minor variations and deviations in the Work may be authorized, in one or more of the following ways: 3.7.1. a Field Order (pursuant to paragraph 9.5). 3.7.2. PROFESSIONAL's approval of a Shop Drawing or sample (pursuant to paragraphs 6.24 and 6.26), or 3.7.3. PROFESSIONAL's written interpretation or certification (pursuant to paragraph 9.4). Reuse of documents: 3.8. Neither CONTRACTOR nor any Subcontractor or Supplier or other person or organization performing or furnishing any of the Work under a direct or indirect contract with OWNER shall have or acquire any title to or ownership rights in any of the Drawings, Specifications or other documents (or copies oil any thereof) prepared by or bearing the seal of PROFESSIONAL or PROFESSIONAL's consultant; and they shall not reuse such Drawings, Specifications or other documents (or copies of any thereof) on extensions of the Project or any other project without written consent of OWNER and PROFESSIONAL and specific written verification or adaptation by PROFESSIONAL. 7 I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I SeptUlbor 19. :1:000 ARTICLE 4-AVAlLABILlTY OF LANDS, PHYSICAL CONDITIONS; REFERENCE POINTS A vailabllity of Lands: 4.1. OWNER shall furnish as indicated in the Contract Documents, the lands upon which the Work is to be performed, rights-of-way and easements for access thereto, and such other lands which are designated for the use of CONTRACTOR. Necessary easements or rights-of-way will be obtained and expenses will be borne by OWNER. If CONTRACTOR and OWNER are unable to agree on entitlement to or the amount or extent of any adjustments in the Contract Price or the Contract Times as a result of any delay in OWNER's furnishing these lands, rights-of-way or easements, the CONTRACTOR may make a claim therefor as provided in Articles 11 and 12. The CONTRACTOR shall provide for all additional lands and access thereto that may be required for temporary construction facilities or storage of materials and equipment. Physical Conditions: 4.2.1. Explorations and Reports: Reference is made to the Supplementary Conditions for identification of those reports of explorations and tests of subsurface conditions at or contiguous to the site that have been utilized in preparing the Contract Documents, and those drawings of physical conditions in or relating to existing surface or subsurface structures at or contiguous to the site (except Underground Facilities) that have been utilized in preparing the Contract Documents. 4.2.2. CONTRACTOR may rely upon the general accuracy of the "technical data" contained in such reports and drawings. Such "technical data" is identified in the Supplementary Conditions, Except for such reliance on such "technical data," CONTRACTOR may not rely upon or make any claim against OWNER, PROFESSIONAL, or any of PROFESSIONAL's Consultants with respect to: the completeness of such reports and drawings for CONTRACTOR's purposes, including, but not limited to, any aspects of the means, methods, techniques, sequences and procedures of construction to be employed by CONTRACTOR and safety precautions and programs incident thereto, or other data, interpretations, opinions and information contained in such reports or shown or indicated in such drawings, or any CONTRACTOR interpretation of or conclusion drawn from any "technical data': or any such data, interpretations, opinions or information. 4.2.3. If conditions are encountered, excluding existing utilities, at the site which are (1) subsurface or otherwise concealed physical conditions which differ materially from those indicated in the Contract Documents or (2) unknown physical conditions of an unusual nature, which differ materially from those ordinarily found to exist and generally recognized as inherent in construction activities of the character provided for in the Contract Documents, then CONTRACTOR shall give COUNTY notice thereof promptly before conditions are disturbed and in no event later than 48 hours after first observance of the conditions. 4_2.4. The Project Manager and PROFESSIONAL shall promptly investigate such conditions, and, if they differ materially and cause an increase or decrease in CONTRACTOR's cost of, or time required for, performance of any part of the Work, the Project Manager and PROFESSIONAL shall recommend an equitable adjustment in the Contract Price or Contract Time, or both. If the Project Manager and PROFESSIONAL determines that the conditions at the Site are not materially different from those indicated in the Contract Documents or are not materially different from those ordinarily found and that no change in 8 I , I - I I I I I I I I I I I . . september 19. 2000 the terms of the Contract is justified, the PROFESSIONAL shall notify CONTRACTOR of the determination in writing. The Work shall be performed after direction is provided by the PROFESSIONAL. Physical Conditions-Underground Facilities: 4.3.1. Shown or Indicated: The information and data shown or indicated in the Contract Documents with respect to existing Underground Facilities at or contiguous to the site is based on information and data furnished to OWNER or PROFESSIONAL by OWNERs of such Underground Facilities or by others. Unless it is otherwise expressly provided in the Supplementary Conditions: OWNER and PROFESSIONAL shall not be responsible for the accuracy or completeness of any such information or data: and The cost of all of the following will be included in the Contract Price and CONTRACTOR shall have full responsibility for reviewing and checking all such information and data. for locating all Underground Facilities shown or indicated in the Contract Documents. for coordination of the Work with the OWNERs of such Underground Facilities during construction. for the safety and protection thereof as provided in paragraph 6.20 and repairing any damage thereto resulting from the Work, the cost of all of which will be considered as having been included in the Contract Price. 4.3.2. Not Shown or Indicated. If an Underground Facility is uncovered or revealed at or contiguous to the site which was not shown or indicated in the Contract Documents and which CONTRACTOR could not reasonably have been expected to be aware of, CONTRACTOR shall, promptly after becoming aware thereof and before performing any Work affected thereby except in an emergency as permitted by paragraph 6.22), identify the owner of such Underground Facility and give written notice thereof to that owner and to OWNER and PROFESSIONAL PROFESSIONAL will promptly review the Underground Facility to determine he extent to which the Contract Documents should be modified to reflect and document the consequences of the existence of the Underground Facility, and the Contract Documents will be amended or supplemented to the extent necessary. During such time, CONTRACTOR shall be responsible for the safety and protection of such Underground Facility as provided in paragraph 6.20. CONTRACTOR shall be allowed an increase in the Contract Price or an extension of the Contract Time, or both, to the extent that they are attributable to the existence of any Underground Facility that was not shown or indicated in the Contract Documents and which CONTRACTOR could not reasonably have been expected to be aware of. If the parties are unable to agree as to the amount or length thereof, CONTRACTOR may make a claim therefor as provided in Articles 11 and 12. Reference Points: 4.4. OWNER shall provide Engineering surveys to establish reference points for construction which in PROFESSIONAL's judgment are necessary to enable CONTRACTOR to proceed with the Work. CONTRACTOR shall be responsible for layin.g out the Work (unless otherwise specified in the General Requirements), shall protect and preserve the established reference points and shall make no changes or relocations without the prior written approval of OWNER. CONTRACTOR shall report to PROFESSIONAL whenever any reference point is lost or destroyed or requires relocation because of necessary changes in grades or locations, and shall be responsible for the accurate replacement or relocation of such reference pOints by professionally qualified personnel. Asbestos, PCBs, Petroleum, Hazardous Waste or Radioactive Material: 9 I I I I- I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I September 19. 2000 4.5 COUNTY shall be responsible for any Asbestos, PCBs, Petroleum, Hazardous Waste or Radioactive Material uncovered or revealed at the site which was not shown or indicated in Drawings or Specifications or identified in the Contract Documents to be within the scope of the Work and which may present a substantial danger to persons or property exposed thereto in connection with the Work at the site. COUNTY shall not be responsible for any such materials brought to the site by CONTRACTOR, Subcontractor, Suppliers or anyone else for whom CONTRACTOR is responsible. 4.6 CONTRACTOR shall immediately: (i) stop all work in connection with such hazardous condition and in any area affected thereby (except in an emergency as required by 6.22), and (ii) notify OWNER and PROFESSIONAL (and thereafter confirm such notice in writing). OWNER shall promptly consult with PROFESSIONAL concerning the necessity for OWNER to retain a qualified expert to evaluate such hazardous condition or take corrective action, if any, CONTRACTOR shall not be required to resume Work in connection with such hazardous condition or in any such affected area until after OWNER has obtained any required permits related thereto and delivered to CONTRACTOR special written notice (i) specifying that such condition and any affected area is or has been rendered safe for the resumption of Work, or (ii) specifying any special conditions under which such Work may be resumed safely. If OWNER and CONTRACTOR cannot agree as to entitlement to or the amount or extent of an adjustment, if any, in Contract Price or Contract Times as a result of such Work stoppage or such special conditions under which Work is agreed by CONTRACTOR to be resumed, either party may make a claim therefor as provided in Articles 11 and 12. , 4.7 If after receipt of such special written notice, CONTRACTOR does not agree to resume such Work based on a reasonable belief it is unsafe, or does not agree to resume such Work under such special conditions, then CONTRACTOR may order such portion of the Work that is in connection with such hazardous conditions or in such affected area to be deleted from the Work. If COUNTY and CONTRACTOR cannot agree as to entitlement to or the amount or extent of an adjustment, if any, in Contract Price or Contract Times as a result of deleting such portion of the Work, then either party may make a claim therefor as provided in Articles 11 and 12. COUNTY may have such deleted portion of the Work performed by COUNTY's own forces or others in accordance with Article 8. 4.7.1 The provisions of 4.2 and 4.3 are not intended to apply to Asbestos, PCBs, Petroleum, Hazardous Waste or Radioactive Material uncovered or revealed at the site. 10 I I I , I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I September 19. :l000 ARTICLE 5-BONDS AND INSURANCE Performance and Other Bonds: 5.1. CONTRACTOR shall furnish performance and payment Bonds, each in an amount at least equal to the Contract Price as Security for the faithful performance and payment of all CONTRACTOR's obligations under the Contract Documents. These Bonds shall remain in effect at least until one year after the date when final payment becomes due, except as otherwise provided by Law or Regulation or by the Contract Documents. CONTRACTOR shall also furnish such other Bonds as are required by the Supplementary Conditions. All Bonds shall be in the forms prescribed by Law or Reputation or by the Contract Documents and be executed by such sureties as are named in the current list of "Companies Holding Certificates of Authority as Acceptable Sureties on Federal Bonds, and as Acceptable Reinsuring Companies" as published in Circular 570 (amended) by the Audit Staff Bureau of Accounts, U.S. Treasury Department. All Bonds signed by an agent must be accompanied by a certified copy of the authority to act. Licensed Sureties and Insurers; Certificates of Insurance 5.2.1 All bonds and insurance required by the Contract Documents to be purchased and maintained by CONTRACTOR shall be obtained from surety or insurance companies that are duly licensed or authorized in the State of Georgia to issue bonds or insurance policies for the limits and coverages so required. All bonds signed by an agent must be accompanied by a certified copy of authority to act. Such surety and insurance companies shall also meet such additional requirements and qualifications as may be provided in the Supplementary Conditions. 5.2.2. CONTRACTOR shall deliver to OWNER, with copies to each additional insured identified in 5.3, an original or a certified copy of the complete insurance policy for each policy required, certificates of insurance (and other evidence of insurance requested by OWNER or any other additional insured) which CONTRACTOR is required to purchase and maintain in accordance with 5.3. 5.2.3. If the surety on any Bond furnished by CONTRACTOR is declared a bankrupt or becomes insolvent or its right to do business is terminated in any state where any part of the Project is located or it ceases to meet the requirements of paragraph 5.1. CONTRACTOR shall within five days thereafter substitute another Bond and Surety, both of which must be acceptable to OWNER. CONTRACTOR's liability Insurance: 5.3. CONTRACTOR shall purchase and maintain such comprehensive general liability and other insurance as is appropriate for the Work being performed and furnished and as will provide protection from claims set forth below which may arise out of or result from CONTRACTOR's performance and furnishing of the Work and CONTRACTOR's other obligations under the Contract Documents, whether it is to be performed or furnished by CONTRACTOR, by any Subcontractor, by anyone directly or indirectly employed by any of them to perform or furnish any of the Work, or by anyone for whose acts any of them may be liable: 5.3.1. Claims under workers' or workmen's compensation. disability benefits and other similar employee benefit acts; 5.3.2. Claims for damages because of bodily injury, occupational sickness or disease, or death of CONTRACTOR's employees; 11 I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I . . = iii - . September 19. 2000 5.3.3. Claims for damages because of bodily injury, sickness or disease, or death of any person other than CONTRACTOR's employees; 5.3.4. Claims for damages insured by personal injury liability coverage which are sustained (a) by any person as a result of an offense directly or indirectly related to the employment of such person by CONTRACTOR, or (b) by any other person for any other reason; 5.3.5. Claims for damages, other than to the Work itself, because of injury to or destruction of tangible property wherever located, including loss of use resulting therefrom; 5.3.6. Claims arising out of operation of Laws or Regulations for damages because of bodily injury or death of any person or for damage to property; and 5.3.7. Claims for damages because of bodily injury or death of any person or property damage arising out of the ownership, maintenance or use of any motor vehicle. The insurance required by this paragraph 5.3 shall include the specific coverages and be written for not less than the limits of liability and coverages provided in the Supplementary Conditions, or required by law, whichever is greater. The comprehensive general liability insurance shall include completed operations insurance. All of the policies of insurance so required to be purchased and maintained lot the certificates or other evidence thereof) shall contain a provision or endorsement that the coverage afforded will not be canceled, materially changed or renewal refused until at least thirty days' prior written notice has been given to OWNER, PROGRAM MANAGER, and PROFESSIONAL by certified mail. All such insurance shall remain in effect until final payment and at all times thereafter when CONTRACTOR may be correcting, removing or replacing defective Work in accordance with paragraph 13.12. In addition, CONTRACTOR shall maintain such completed operations insurance for at least two years after final payment and furnish OWNER with evidence of continuation of such insurance at final payment and one veal thereafter. Contractual Liability Insurance: 5.4. The comprehensive general liability insurance required by paragraph 5.3 will include contractual liability insurance applicable to CONTRACTOR's obligations under paragraphs 6.32 and 6.33. Owner's Liability Insurance: 5.5. OWNER shall be responsible for purchasing and maintaining OWNER's own liability insurance, and/or Risk Retention Program, and, at OWNER's option, may purchase and maintain such insurance as will protect OWNER against claims which may arise from operations under the Contract Documents. Property Insurance: 5.6. Unless otherwise provided in the Supplementary Conditions, OWNER shall purchase and maintain property insurance upon the Work at the site to the. full insurable value thereof (subject to such deductible amounts as may be provided in the Supplementary Conditions or required by Laws and Regulations). This insurance shall include the interests of OWNER, CONTRACTOR, Subcontractors, PROGRAM MANAGER, PROFESSIONAL and PROFESSIONAL's consultants in the Work, all of whom shall be listed as insureds or additional insured parties, shall insure against the perils of fire and extended coverage and shall include "all risk" insurance for physical loss and damage including theft, v"andalism and malicious mischief, collapse and water damage, and such other perils as may be provided in the Supplementary 12 - I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I. I September 19. 2000 Conditions, and shall include damages, losses and expenses arising out of or resulting from any insured loss or incurred in the repair or replacement of any insured property (including but not limited to fees and charges of PROFESSIONALs, architects, attorneys and other PROFESSIONALs). If not covered under the "all risk" insurance or otherwise provided in the Supplementary Conditions, CONTRACTOR shall purchase and maintain similar property insurance on portions of the Work stored on and off the site or in transit when such portions of the Work are to be included in an Application for Payment. 5.7. OWNER shall purchase and maintain such boiler and machinery insurance or additional property insurance as may be required by the Supplementary Conditions or Laws and Regulations which will include the interests of OWNER, CONTRACTOR, Subcontractors, PROFESSIONAL AND PROFESSIONAL's consultants in the Work, all of whom shall be listed as insured or additional insured parties. 5.8. All the policies of insurance (or the certificates or other evidence thereof) required to be purchased and maintained by OWNER in accordance with paragraphs 5.6 and 5.7 will contain a provision or endorsement that the coverage afforded will not be canceled or materially changed or renewal refused until at least thirty days prior written notice has been given to CONTRACTOR by certified mail and will contain waiver provisions in accordance with paragraph of 5.11.2. 5.9. OWNER shall not be responsible for purchasing and maintaining any property insurance to protect the Interests of CONTRACTOR, Subcontractors or others in the Work to the extent of any deductible amounts that are provided in the Supplementary Conditions. The risk of loss within the deductible amount, will be borne by CONTRACTOR, Subcontractor or others suffering any such loss and if any of them wishes property insurance coverage within the limits of such amounts, each may purchase and maintain it at the purchaser's own expense. 5.10. If CONTRACTOR requests in writing that other special insurance be included in the property insurance policy, OWNER shall, if possible, include such insurance, and the cost thereof will be charged to CONTRACTOR by appropriate Change Order or Written Amendment. Prior to commencement of the Work at the site, OWNER shall in writing advise CONTRACTOR whether or not such other insurance has been procured by OWNER. Waiver of Rights: 5.11.1. OWNER and CONTRACTOR waive all rights against each other for all losses and damages caused by any of the perils covered by the policies of insurance provided in response to paragraphs 5.6 and 5.7 and other property insurance applicable to the Work, and also waive all such rights against the Subcontractors, PROFESSIONAL, PROFESSIONAL's consultants and all other parties named as insureds in such policies for losses and damages so caused. As required by paragraph 6.11. each subcontract between CONTRACTOR and a Subcontractor will contain similar waiver provisions by the Subcontractor in favor of OWNER, CONTRACTOR, PROFESSIONAL, PROFESSIONAL's consultants and all other parties named as insureds. None of the above waivers shall extend to the rights that any of the insured parties may have to the proceeds of insurance held by OWNER as trustee or otherwise payable under any policy so issued. 5.11.2. OWNER and CONTRACTOR intend that policies provided in response to paragraphs 5.6 and 5.7 shall protect all of the parties insured and provide primary coverage for all losses and damages caused by the perils covered thereby. Accordingly, all such policies shall contain provisions to the effect that in the event of payment of any loss or damage the insurer will have no rights of recovery against any of the parties named as insureds additional insureds, and if the insurers require separate waiver forms to be signed by PROFESSIONAL or PROFESSIONAL's consultant OWNER will obtain the same, and if such waiver forms are required of any Subcontractor, CONTRACTOR will obtain the same. 13 ~ I I I I , I I I - I I I I I I I I I - I - - - - September 19, 2000 Receipt and Application of Proceeds: 5.12. Any insured loss under the policies of insurance required by paragraphs 5.6 and 5.7 will be adjusted with OWNER and made payable to OWNER as trustee for the insureds, as their interests may appear, subject to the requirements of any applicable mortgage clause and of paragraph 5.13. OWNER shall deposit in a separate account any money so received, and shall distribute it in accordance with such agreement as ,the parties in interest may reach. If no other special agreement is reached the damaged Work shall be repaired or replaced, the moneys so received applied on account thereof and the Work and the cost thereof covered by an appropriate Change Order or Written Amendment. Receipt and Application of Insurance Proceeds 5.13. OWNER as trustee shall have power to adjust and settle any loss with the insurers unless one of the parties in interest shall object in writing within fifteen days after the occurrence of loss to OWNER's exercise of this power. If such objection be made, OWNER as trustee shall make settlement with the insurers in accordance with such agreement as the parties in interest may reach. If required in willing by any party in interest, OWNER as trustee shall, upon the occurrence of an insured loss, give bond for the proper performance of such duties. Acceptance of Insurance: 5.14. If OWNER has any objection to the coverage afforded by or other provisions of the insurance required to be purchased and maintained by CONTRACTOR in accordance with paragraphs 5.3 and 5.4 on the basis of its not complying with the Contract Documents, OWNER shall notify CONTRACTOR in writing thereof within ten days of the date of delivery of such certificates to OWNER in accordance with paragraph 2.7. If CONTRACTOR has any objection to the coverage afforded by or other provisions of the policies of insurance required to be purchased and maintained by OWNER in accordance with paragraphs 5.6 and 5.7 on the basis of their not complying with the Contract Documents, CONTRACTOR shall notify OWNER in writing thereof within ten days of the date of delivery, of such certificates to CONTRACTOR in accordance with paragraph 2.7. OWNER and CONTRACTOR shall each provide to the other such additional information in respect of insurance provided by each as the other may reasonably request. Failure by OWNER or CONTRACTOR to give any such notice of objection within the time provided shall constitute acceptance of such insurance purchased by the other as complying with the Contract Documents. Partial Utilization-Property Insurance: 5.15. If OWNER finds it necessary to occupy or use a portion or portions of the Work prior to Substantial Completion of all the Work, such use or occupancy may be accomplished in accordance with paragraph 14.10; provided that no such use or occupancy shall commence before the insurers providing the property insurance have acknowledged notice thereof and in writing effected the changes in coverage neces- sitated thereby. The insurers providing the property insurance shall consent by endorsement on the policy or policies, but the property insurance shall not be canceled or lapse on account of any such partial use or occupancy. Indemnification 5.16.1. CONTRACTOR shall indemnify and hold harmless COUNTY, PROGRAM MANAGER,and its employees and agents from and against all liabilities, claims, suits, demands, damages, losses, and expenses, including attorneys' fees, arising out of or resulting from the performance of its Work, provided that 14 ~ - I I I I I I I I I I I I I , I I I I i . . sepcember 19, 2000 any such liability, claim, suit, demand, damage, loss, or expense (a) is attributable to bodily injury, sickness, disease or death, or injury to or destruction of tangible property, including the loss of use resulting therefrom and (b) is caused in whole or in part by an act or omission of CONTRACTOR, any Subcontractor, anyone directly or indirectly employed by and of them, or anyone for whose acts any of them may be liable, whether or not it is caused in whole or in part by the negligence or other fault of a party indemnified hereunder. 5.16.2. In any and all claims against COUNTY or any of its agents or employees by any employee of CONTRACTOR, any SUBCONTRACTOR, anyone directly or indirectly employed by any of them, or anyone for whose acts any of them may be liable, the indemnification obligation under the previous paragraph shall not be limited in any way as to the amount or type of damages, compensation or benefits payable by or for CONTRACTOR or any SUBCONTRACTOR under workmen's compensation acts, disability benefit acts, or other employee benefit acts. 5.16.3. CONTRACTOR shall indemnify and hold harmless COUNTY and anyone directly or indirectly employed by it from and against all claims, suits, demands, damages, losses expenses (including attorney's fees) arising out of any infringement or patent or copyrights held by others and shall defend all such claims in connection with any alleged infringement of such rights. 15 ~ I I -I I I I , I I I I I I I I I. I I september 19. 2000 ARTICLE 6-CONTRACTOR'S RESPONSIBILITIES 6.1. CONTRACTOR shall supervise and direct the Work competently and efficiently, devoting such attention thereto and applying such skills and expertise as may be necessary to perform the Work in accordance with the Contract Documents. CONTRACTOR shall be solely responsible for the means, methods, techniques, sequences and procedures of construction, but CONTRACTOR shall not be responsible for the negligence of others in the design or specification of a specific means, method, technique, sequence or procedure of construction which is shown or indicated in and expressly required by the Contract Documents. CONTRACTOR shall be responsible to see that the finished Work complies accurately with the Cdntract Documents. 6.2. CONTRACTOR shall keep on the Work at all times during its progress a competent resident superintendent, who shall not be replaced without whiten notice to OWNER and PROFESSIONAL except under extraordinary circumstances. The superintendent will be CONTRACTOR's representative at the site and shall have authority to act on behalf of CONTRACTOR. All communications to the superintendent shall be as binding as if given to CONTRACTOR. Labor. Materials and Equipment: 6.3. CONTRACTOR shall provide competent, suitably qualified personnel to survey and layout the Work and perform construction as required by the Contract Documents. CONTRACTOR shall at all times maintain good discipline and order at the site. Except in connection with the safety or protection of persons or the Work or property at the site or adjacent thereto, and except as otherwise indicated in the Contract Documents, all Work at the site shall be performed during regular working hours, and CONTRACTOR will not permit evening work or the performance of Work on Saturday, Sunday or any legal holiday without OWNER's written consent given after prior written notice to PROFESSIONAL. 6.4. Unless otherwise specified in the General Requirements, CONTRACTOR shall furnish and assume full responsibility for all materials, equipment, labor, transportation, construction equipment and machinery" tools, appliances, fuel, power, light, heat, telephone, water, sanitary facilities, temporary facilities and all other facilities and incidentals whether temporary or permanent necessary for the execution, testing, initial operation, and completion of the Work as required by the Contract Documents. 6.5. All materials and equipment shall be of good quality and new, except as otherwise provided m the Contract Documents. If required by PROFESSIONAL, CONTRACTOR shall furnish satisfactory, evidence including reports of required tests) as to the kind and quality of materials and equipment. All materials and equipment shall be applied, installed, connected, erected, used, cleaned and conditioned in accordance with the instructions of the applicable Supplier except as otherwise provided in the Contract Documents; but no provision of any such instructions will be effective to assign to PROFESSIONAL, or any of PROFESSIONAL's consultants, agents or employees, any duty or authority to supervise or direct the furnishing or performance of the Work or any duty or authority to undertake responsibility contrary to the provisions of paragraph 9.14 or 9.15. Adjusting Progress Schedule: 6.6. CONTRACTOR shall submit to PROFESSIONAL for acceptance to the extent indicated in paragraph 2.9) adjustments in the progress schedule to reflect the impact thereon of new developments; these will conform generally to the progress schedule then in effect and additionally will comply with any provisions of the General Requirements applicable thereto. Substitutes or "Or-Equal" Items: 16 ~ - I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I September 19. 2000 6.7.1. Whenever materials or equipment are specified or described in the Contract Documents by using the name of a proprietary item or the name of a particular Supplier the naming of the item is intended to establish the type, function and quality required. Unless the name is followed by words indicating that no substitution is permitted, materials or equipment of other Suppliers may be accepted by PROFESSIONAL if sufficient infonnation is submitted by CONTRACTOR to allow PROFESSIONAL to determine that the material or equipment proposed is equivalent or equal to that named. The procedure for review by PROFESSIONAL will include the following as supplemented in the General Requirements. Requests for review of substitute items of material and equipment will not be accepted by PROFESSIONAL from anyone other than CONTRACTOR. If CONTRACTOR wishes to furnish or use a substitute item of material or equipment, CONTRACTOR shall make written application to PROFESSIONAL for acceptance thereof, certifying that the proposed substitute will perform adequately the functions and achieve the results called for by the general design, be similar and of equal substance to that specified and be suited to the same use as that specified. The application will state that the evaluation and acceptance of the proposed substitute will not prejudice CONTRACTOR's achievement of Substantial Completion on time, whether or not acceptance of the substitute for use in the Work will require a change in any of the Contract Documents (or in the provisions of any other direct contract with OWNER for work on the Project) to adapt the design to the proposed substitute and whether or not incorporation or use of the substitute in connection with the Work is subject to payment of any license fee or royalty. All variations of the proposed substitute from that specified will be identified in the application and available maintenance, repair and replacement service will be indicated. The application will also contain an itemized estimate of all costs that will- result directly or indirectly from acceptance of such substitute, including costs of redesign and claims of other contractors affected by the resulting change, all of which shall be considered by PROFESSIONAL In evaluating the proposed substitute, PROFESSIONAL may require CONTRACTOR to furnish at CONTRACTOR's expense additional data about the proposed substitute. 6.7.2. If a specific means, method, technique, sequence or procedure of construction is indicated in or required by the Contract Documents, CONTRACTOR may furnish or utilize a substitute means, method, sequence, technique or procedure of construction acceptable to PROFESSIONAL, if CONTRACTOR submits sufficient information to allow PROFESSIONAL to determine that the substitute proposed is equivalent to that indicated or required by the Contract Documents. The procedure for review by PROFESSIONAL will be similar to that provided in paragraph 6.7.1 as applied by PROFESSIONAL and as may be supplemented in the Gen- eral Requirements. 6.7.3. PROFESSIONAL will be allowed a reasonable time within which to evaluate each proposed substitute. PROFESSIONAL will be the sole judge of acceptability and no substitute will be ordered, installed or utilized without PROFESSIONAL's prior written acceptance which will be evidenced by either a Change Order or an approved Shop Drawing. OWNER may require CONTRACTOR to furnish at CONTRACTOR's expense a special performance guarantee or other surety with respect to any substitute. PROFESSIONAL will record time required by PROFESSIONAL and PROFESSIONAL's consultants in evaluating substitutions proposed by CONTRACTOR and in making changes in the Contract Documents occasioned thereby. Whether or not PROFESSIONAL accepts a proposed substitute. CONTRACTOR shall reimburse OWNER for the charges of PROFESSIONAL and PROFESSIONAL's consultants for evaluating each proposed substitute. Concerning Subcontractors. Suppliers and Others: 6.8.1. CONTRACTOR shall not employ any Subcontractor, Supplier or other person or organization (including those acceptable to OWNER and PROFESSIONAL as indicated in paragraph 6.8.2). whether initially or as a substitute, against whom OWNER or PROFESSIONAL may have reasonable objection. CONTRACTOR shall not be required to employ any Subcontractor, Supplier or other person or organization to furnish or perform any of the Work against whom CONTRACTOR has reasonable objection. 17 ~ I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I - . - - - September 19. 2000 6.8.2. If the Supplementary Conditions require the identity of certain Subcontractors, Suppliers or other persons or organizations including those who are to furnish the principal items of materials and equipment} to be submitted to OWNER in advance of the specified date prior to the Effective Date of the Agreement for acceptance by OWNER and PROFESSIONAL and if CONTRACTOR has submitted a list thereof in accordance with the Supplementary Conditions, OWNER's or PROFESSIONAL's acceptance (either in writing or by falling to make written objection thereto by the date indicated for acceptance or objec- tion In the bidding documents or the Contract Documents} of any such Subcontractor, Supplier or other person or organization so identified may be revoked on the basis of reasonable objection after due Investigation, in which case CONTRACTOR shall submit an acceptable substitute, the Contract Price will be increased by the difference ,n the cost occasioned by such substitution and an appropriate Change Order will be issued or Written Amendment signed. No acceptance by OWNER or PROFESSIONAL of any such Subcontractor, Supplier or other person or organization shall constitute a waiver of any right of OWNER or PROFESSIONAL to reject defective Work. - 6.9. CONTRACTOR shall be fully responsible to OWNER and PROFESSIONAL for all acts and omissions of the Subcontractors, Suppliers and other persons and organizations performing or furnishing any of the Work under a direct or indirect contract with CONTRACTOR just as CONTRACTOR is responsible for CONTRACTOR's own acts and omissions. Nothing in the Contract Documents shall create any contractual relationship between OWNER or PROFESSIONAL and any such Subcontractor, Supplier or other person or organization, nor shall it create any obligation on the part, of OWNER or PROFESSIONAL to payor to see to the payment of any moneys due any such Subcontractor, Supplier or other person or organization except as may otherwise be required by Laws and Regulations. 6.10. The divisions and sections of the Specifications and the identifications of any Drawings shall not control CONTRACTOR in dividing the Work among Subcontractorsor Suppliers or delineating the Work to be performed by any specific trade. 6.11. All Work performed for CONTRACTOR by a Subcontractor will be pursuant to an appropriate agreement between CONTRACTOR and the Subcontractor which specifically binds the Subcontractor to the applicable terms and conditions of the Contract Documents for the benefit of OWNER and PROFESSIONAL and contains waiver provisions as required by paragraph 5.11. CONTRACTOR shall pay each Subcontractor a just share of any insurance moneys received by CONTRACTOR on account of losses under policies issued pursuant to paragraphs 5.6 and 5.7. Patent Fees and Royalties: 6.12. CONTRACTOR shall pay all license fees and royalties and assume all costs incident to the use in the performance of the Work or the incorporation in the Work of any invention, design, process, product or device which is the subject of patent rights or copyrights held by others. CONTRACTOR Shall indemnify and hold harmless OWNER and PROFESSIONAL and anyone directly or indirectly employed by either of them from and against all claims, damages, losses and expenses including attorneys' fees and court and arbitration costs arising out of any infringement of patent rights or copyrights incident to the use in the performance or the Work or resulting from the incorporation in the Work of any invention, design, process, product or device not specified in the Contract Documents, and shall defend all such claims in connection with any alleged infringement of such rights. Permits: 6.13. CONTRACTOR shall obtain and pay for all construction permits, licenses, governmental charges and inspection fees, and all public utility charges which are applicable and necessary for the execution of the Work. All permit costs shall be included in the base bid. Permits, if any that are provided and paid for by OWNER are listed in the Supplementary Conditions. Any delays associated with the permitting process will be considered for time extensions only and no damages or additional compensation for delay will be allowed. 18 I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I September 19. :2000 Laws and Regulations: 6.14.1. CONTRACTOR shall give all notices and comply with all Laws and Regulations applicable to furnishing and performance of the Work. Except where otherwise expressly required by applicable Laws and Regulations, neither OWNER nor PROFESSIONAL shall be responsible for monitoring CONTRACTOR's compliance with any Laws or Regulations. 6.14.2. If CONTRACTOR observes that any of the Contract Documents are contradictory to such laws, rules, and regulations, it will notify the Project Manager promptly in writing. Any necessary changes shall then be adjusted by an appropriate Change Order. If CONTRACTOR performs any Work that it knows or should have known to be contrary to such laws, ordinances, rules, and regulations and without such notice to the Project Manager, it shall bear all related costs. Taxes: 6.15. CONTRACTOR shall pay all sales, consumer, use and other similar taxes required to be paid by CONTRACTOR in accordance with the Laws and Regulations of the place of the Project which are applicable during the performance of the Work. Use of Premises: 6.16. CONTRACTOR shall confine construction equipment, the storage of materials and equipment and the operations of workers to the Project site and land and areas identified in and permitted by the Contract Documents and other land and areas permitted by Laws and Regulations, rights-of-way, permits and easements. CONTRACTOR shall not unreasonably encumber the premises with construction equipment or other materials or equipment. Any loss or damage to CONTRACTOR's or any Subcontractor's equipment is solely at the risk of CONTRACTOR. CONTRACTOR shall assume full responsibility for any damage to any such land or area, or to the owner or occupant thereof or of any land or areas contiguous thereto, resulting from the performance of the Work. Should any claim be made against OWNER or PROFESSIONAL by any such owner or occupant because of the performance of the Work, CONTRACTOR shall promptly attempt to settle with such other party by agreement or otherwise resolve the claim by arbitration or at law. CONTRACTOR shall to the fullest extent permitted by Laws and Regulations, indemnify and hold OWNER harmless from and against all claims, damages, losses and expenses (including, but not limited to, fees of PROFESSIONAls, architects, attorneys and other professionals and court and arbitration costs) arising directly, indirectly or consequentially out of any action, legal or equitable, brought by any such other party against OWNER to the extent based on a claim arising out of CONTRACTOR's performance of the Work. 6.17. During the progress of the Work, CONTRACTOR shall keep the premises free from accumulations of waste materials, rubbish and other debris or contaminates resulting from the Work. At the completion of the Work CONTRACTOR shall remove all waste materials, rubbish and debris from and about the premises as well as all tools, appliances, construction equipment and machinery, and surplus materials, and shall leave the site clean and ready for occupancy by OWNER. CONTRACTOR shall restore to original condition all property not designated for alteration by the Contract Documents. 6.18. CONTRACTOR shall not load nor permit any part of any structure to be loaded in any manner that will endanger the structure, nor shall CONTRACTOR subject any pan of the Work or adjacent property to stresses or pressures that will endanger them. Record Documents: 19 ~ I j I I I I I I I , I I I I I I I .. I . . Septe.mber 1.9, JOOO 6.19. Contractor shall keep at the site and in good order one record copy of the Contract Documents and all Drawings and Specifications. These documents shall be annotated on a continuing basis to show all changes made during the construction process. These shall be available to PROFESSIONAL and the Project Manager and shall be submitted with the Application for Rnal Payment. Safety and Protection: 6.20. CONTRACTOR shall be responsible for initiating, maintaining and supervising all safety precautions and programs in connection with the Work. CONTRACTOR shall assume all risk of loss for stored equipment or materials, irrespective of whether CONTRACTOR has transferred the title of the stored equipment or materials to OWNER. CONTRACTOR shall take all necessary precautions for the safety of, and shall provide the necessary protection to prevent damage, injury or joss to: 6.20.1. all employees on the Work and other persons and organizations who may be affected thereby: , 6.20.2. all the Work and materials and equipment to be incorporated therein, whether in storage on or off the site; and 6.20.3. other property at the site or adjacent thereto, including trees, shrubs, lawns, walks, pavements, roadways, structures, utilities and Underground Facilities not designated for removal, relocation or replacement in the course of construction. CONTRACTOR shall comply with all applicable Laws and Regulations of any public body having jurisdiction for the safety of persons or property or to protect them from damage, injury or loss; and shall erect and maintain all necessary safeguards for such safety and protection. CONTRACTOR shall notify OWNERs of adjacent property and of Underground Facilities and utility OWNERs when prosecution of the Work may affect them, and shall cooperate with them in the protection, removal, relocation and replacement of their property, All damage, injury or loss to any property referred to in paragraph 6.20.2 or 6.20.3 caused, directly or indirectly, in whole or in part, by CONTRACTOR, any Subcontractor, Supplier or any other person or organization directly or indirectly employed by any of them to perform or furnish any the Work or anyone for whose acts any of them may be liable, shall be remedied by CONTRACTOR (except damage or loss atbibutable to the fault of Drawings or Specifications or to the acts or omissions of OWNER or PROFESSIONAL or anyone employed by either of them or anyone for whose acts either of them may be liable, and not attributable, directly or indirectly, in whole or in part, to the fault or negligence of CONTRACTOR). CONTRACTOR's duties and responsibilities for the safety and protection of the Work shall continue until such time as all the Work is completed and PROFESSIONAL has issued a notice to OWNER and CONTRACTOR in accordance, with paragraph 14.13 that the Work is acceptable (except as otherwise expressly provided In connection with Substantial Completion). . 6.21. CONTRACTOR shall designate a responsible member of its organization whose duty shall be the prevention of accidents at the site. This person shall be CONTRACTOR's superintendent unless otherwise designated in writing by CONTRACTOR to the Project Manager. 20 - I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I Septembor 19. 2000 Emergencies: 6.22. In emergencies affecting the safety or protection of persons or the Work or property at the site or adjacent thereto, CONTRACTOR, without special instruction or authorization from PROFESSIONAl or OWNER, Is obligated to act to prevent threatened damage, injury or loss. CONTRACTOR shall give PROFESSIONAl prompt written notice if CONTRACTOR believes that any significant changes in the Work or variations from the Contract Documents have been caused thereby. If PROFESSIONAl determines that a change In the Contract Documents is required because of the action taken in response to an emergency, a Work Directive Change or Change Order be Issued to document the consequences of the changes or variations. 6.22.1. CONTRACTOR shall immediately notify PROFESSIONAL of all events involving personal injuries to any person on the Site, whether or not such person was engaged in the construction of the Project, and shall file a written report on such person(s) and any other event resulting in property damage of any amount within five (5) days of the occurrence. 6.22.2. If PROFESSIONAL determines that a change in the Contract Documents is required because of the action taken by CONTRACTOR in response to such an emergency, a Change Order will be issued to document the consequences of such action. Shop Drawings and Samples: 6.23. After checking and verifying all field measurements, CONTRACTOR shall promptly submit to PROFESSIONAL for approval, in accordance with the accepted schedule of submittals, all submittals and samples required by the Contract Documents. All submittals and samples shall have been checked by and stamped with the app"roval of CONTRACTOR and identified as PROFESSIONAL may require. The data shown on or with the submittals will be complete with respect to dimensions, design criteria, materials and any other information necessary to enable PROFESSIONAL to review the submittal as required. At the time of each submission, CONTRACTOR shall give notice to PROFESSIONAL of all deviations that the submittal or sample may have from the requirements of the Contract Documents. 6.24. PROFESSIONAL shall review and approve submittals and samples. Professional's review and approval shall be only for conformance with the design concept of the Project and compliance with the information given in the Contract Documents. The approval of a separate item as such will not indicate approval of the assembly in which the item functions. CONTRACTOR will make any corrections required by PROFESSIONAL and resubmit the required number of corrected copies until approved. CONTRACTOR's stamp of approval on any submittal or sample shall constitute its representation to PROFESSIONAL and County that CONTRACTOR has determined and verified all quantities, dimensions, field construction criteria, materials, catalog numbers, and similar data, and that each submittal or sample has been reviewed or coordinated with the requirements of the Work and the Contract Documents. 6.24.1. No Work requiring a submittal or sample submission shall commence until the submission has been approved by PROFESSIONAL. A copy of each approved submittal and each approved sample shall be kept in good order by CONTRACTOR at the site and shall be available to PROFESSIONAL and County staff. Any delays associated with the submittal process will be considered for time extensions only, and no damages or additional compensation for delay will be allowed. 6.25.1. Before submission of each Shop Drawing or sample CONTRACTOR shall have determined and verified all quantities, dimensions, specified performance criteria, installation requirements, materials, catalog numbers and similar data with respect thereto and reviewed or coordinated each Shop Drawing or 21 - - I I I I I I I I I I I I I I - . . - - ) september 19. ~OOO sample with other Shop Drawings and samples and with the requirements of the Work and the Contract Documents. 6.25.2. At the time of each submission, CONTRACTOR shall give PROFESSIONAL specific written notice of each variation that the Shop Drawings or samples may have from the requirements of the Contract Documents, and, in addition, shall cause a specific notation to be made on each Shop Drawing submitted to PROFESSIONAL for review and approval of each such variation. 6.26. PROFESSIONAL will review and approve with reasonable promptness Shop Drawings and samples, but PROFESSIONAL's review and approval will be only for conformance with the design concept of the Project and for compliance with the information given in the Contract Documents and shall not extend to means, methods, techniques, sequences or procedures of construction (except where a specific means, method, technique, sequence or procedure of construction is indicated in or required by the Contract Documents) or to safety precautions or programs incident thereto. The review and approval of a separate item as such will not indicate approval of the assembly in which the item functions. 6.27. No Work requiring a submittal or sample submission shall commence until the submission has been approved by PROFESSIONAL. A copy of each approved submittal and each approved sample shall be kept in good order by CONTRACTOR at the site and shall be available to PROFESSIONAL and Project Managery staff. Any delays associated with the submittal process will be considered for time extensions only, and no damages or additional compensation for delay will be allowed. 6.28. PROFESSIONAL's approval of submittals or samples shall not relieve CONTRACTOR from responsibility for any variation from the requirements of the Contract Documents unless CONTRACTOR has in writing called PROFESSIONAL's attention to each such variation at the time of submission and the Project Manager has given written approval to the specific deviation; any such approval by PROFESSIONAL shall not relieve CONTRACTOR from responsibility for errors or omissions in the submittals. 6.29. Where a shop drawing or sample is required by the Contract Documents or the schedule of shop drawings and sample submissions accepted by PROFESSIONAL as required, any related work performed prior to Professional's review and approval of the pertinent submittal will be at the sole expense and responsibility of Contractor. Continuing the Work: 6.30. CONTRACTOR shall carry on the Work and adhere to the progress schedule during all disputes or disagreements with OWNER. No Work shall be delayed or postponed pending resolution of any disputes or disagreements, except as permitted by paragraph 15.6 or as CONTRACTOR and OWNER may otherwise agree in wilting. Cleaning Up: 6.31. CONTRACTOR shall maintain the site free from accumulations of waste materials, rubbish, and other debris or contaminates resulting from the work on a daily basis or as required. At the completion of the work, CONTRACTOR shall remove all waste materials, rubbish, and debris from the site as well as all tools, construction equipment and machinery, and surplus materials and will leave the Site dean and ready for occupancy by OWNER. All disposal shall be in accordance with applicable laws and regulations. In addition to any other rights available to OWNER under the Contract Documents, CONTRACTOR's failure to maintain the site may result in withholding of any amounts due CONTRACTOR. CONTRACTOR will restore 22 ~ ~ I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I - - I . . SG.ptemb6r 19. 2000 to original condition those portions of the site not designated for alteration by the Contract Documents. Indemnification: 6.32. To the fullest extent permitted by Laws and Regulations CONTRACTOR shall indemnify and hold harmless OWNER and PROFESSIONAL and their consultants/ agents and employees from and against all claims/ damages, losses and expenses, direct, indirect or consequential (including but not limited to fees and charges of PROFESSIONAls/ architects, attorneys and other PROFESSIONAls and court and arbitration costs) arising out of or resulting from the performance of the Work, provided that any such claim, damage, loss or expense (a)is attributable to bodily injury, sickness, disease or death, or to injury to or destruction of tangible property (other than the Work itself) including the loss of use resulting therefrom and (b) is caused in whole or in pan by any negligent act or omission of CONTRACTOR, any Subcontractor/ any person or organization directly or- indirectly employed by any of them to perform or furnish any of the Work or anyone for whose acts any of them may be liable, regardless of whether or not it is caused in part by a party indemnified hereunder or arises by or is imposed by Law and Regulations regardless of the negligence of any such party. 6.33. In any and all claims against OWNER or PROFESSIONAL or any of their consultants, agents or employees by any employee of CONTRACTOR, any Subcontractor/ any person or organization directly or indirectly employed by any of them to perform or furnish any of the Work or anyone for whose acts any of them may be liable, the indemnification obligation under paragraph 6.32 shall not be limited in any way by any limitation on the amount or type of damages, compensation or benefits payable by or for CONTRACTOR or any such Subcontractor or other person or organization under workers' or workmen's compensation acts. disability benefit acts or other employee benefit acts. 6.34. The obligations of CONTRACTOR under paragraph 6.32 shall not extend to the liability of PROFESSIONAL, PROFESSIONAL's consultants, agents or employees arising out of the preparation or approval of maps/ drawings, opinions, reports/ surveys, Change Orders, designs or specifications. 23 - - I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I Septmnber 1.9. 2000 ARTICLE 7---0THER WORK Related Work at Site: 7.1. OWNER may perform other work related to the Project at the site by OWNER's own forces, have other work performed by ailed OWNERs or let other direct contracts therefor which shall contain General Conditions similar to these. If the fact that such other work is to be performed was not noted in the Contract Documents, written notice thereof will be given to CONTRACTOR prior to starting any such other work: and, if CONTRACTOR believes that such perfonnance will involve additional expense to CONTRACTOR or requires additional time and the parties are unable to agree as to the extent thereof. CONTRACTOR may make a daim therefor as provided in Artides 11 and 12. - 7.1.2. CONTRACTOR shall afford each utility owner and other contractor who is a party to such a direct contract for OWNER, if OWNER is performing the additional work with OWNER's employees)proper and safe access to the site and a reasonable opportunity for the introduction and storage of materials and equipment and the execution of such work, and shall properly connect and coordinate the Work with theirs. CONTRACTOR shall do all cutting, fitting and patching of the Work that may be required to make its several. pans come together properly and integrate with such other work. CONTRACTOR shall not endanger any work of others by cutting, excavating or otherwise altering their work and will only cut or alter their work with the written consent of PROFESSIONAL and the others whose work will be affected. The duties and responsibilities of CONTRACTOR under this paragraph are for the benefit of such utility owners and other contractors to the extent that there are comparable provisions for the benefit or' CONTRACTOR in said direct contracts between OWNER and such utility owners and other contractors. 7.2. If any part of CONTRACTOR's Work depends for proper execution or results upon the work of any such other contractor or utility owner (or OWNER), CONTRACTOR shall inspect and promptly report to PROFESSIONAL in writing any delays, defects or deficiencies in such work that render it unavailable or unsuitable for such proper execution and results. CONTRACTOR's failure so to report will constitute an acceptance of the other work as fit and proper for integration with CONTRACTOR's Work except for latent or nonapparent defects and deficiencies in the other work. Coordination: 7.4. If OWNER contracts with others for the performance of other work on the Project at the site, the person or organization who will have authority and responsibility for coordination of the activities among the various prime contractors will be identified in the Supplementary Conditions, and the specific matters to be covered by such authority and responsibility will be itemized, and the extent of such authority and responsibilities will be provided, in the Supplementary Conditions. Unless otherwise provided in the Supplementary Conditions, neither OWNER nor PROFESSIONAL shall have any authority or responsibility in respect of such coordination. 24 - I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I , September 19. 2000 ARTICLE 8---0WNER'S RESPONSIBILITIES 8.1. Except as otherwise provided in these General Conditions, COUNTY shall issue all communications to CONTRACfOR through the Project Manager or PROFESSIONAL. 8.2. In case of termination of the employment of PROFESSIONAL, OWNER shall appoint a PROFESSIONAL against whom CONTRACfOR makes no reasonable objection, whose status under the Contract DOaJments shall be that of the former PROFESSIONAL. Any dispute in connection with such appoint- ment shall be subject to arbitration. 8.3. OWNER shall furnish the data required of OWNER under the Contract Documents promptly and shall make payments to CONTRACfOR promptly after they are due as provided in paragraphs 14.4.and 14.13. 8.4. OWNER's duties in respect of providing lands and easements and providing Engineering surveys to establish reference points are set forth in paragraphs 4.1 and 4.4. Paragraph 4.2 refers to OWNER's . Identifying and making available to CONTRACfOR copies of reports of explorations and tests of subsurface conditions at the site and in existing structures which have been utilized by PROFESSIONAL in preparing the Drawings and Specifications. 8.5. OWNER's responsibilities in respect of purchasing and maintaining liability and property insurance are set forth in paragraphs 5.5 through 5.8. 8.6. OWNER is obligated to execute Change Orders as indicated in paragraph 10.3. 8.7. OWNER's responsibility in respect of certain inspections, tests and approvals is set forth in paragraph 13.4. 8.8. In connection with OWNER's right to stop Work or suspend Work, see paragraphs 13.10 and 15.1. Paragraph 15.2 deals with OWNER's right to terminate services of CONTRACfOR under certain circumstances. 25 - I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I - . - - - September 19. 2000 ARTICLE 9---PROFESSIONAL'S STATUS DURING CONSTRUCTION Owners Representative: 9.1. PROFESSIONAL will be OWNER's representative during the construction period. The duties and responsibilities and the limitations of authority of PROFESSIONAL as OWNER's representative during construction are set forth in the Contract Documents and shall not be extended without written consent of OWNER and PROFESSIONAL. Visits to Site: 9.2. PROFESSIONAL will make visits to the site at intervals appropriate to the various stages of construction to observe the premises and quality of the executed Work and to determinel in generall if the Work is proceeding in accordance with the Contract Documents. PROFESSIONAL will not be required to make exhaustive or continuous on-site inspections to check the quality or quantity of the Work. PROFESSIONAL's efforts will be directed toward providing for OWNER a greater degree of confidence that the completed Work will conform to the Contract Documents. On the basis of such visits and on-site observations as an experienced and qualified design PROFESSIONAL. PROFESSIONAL will keep OWNER informed of the progress of the Work and will endeavor to guard OWNER against defects and deficiencies in the Work. Project Representation: 9.3. If OWNER and PROFESSIONAL agree, PROFESSIONAL will furnish a Resident Project Representative to assist PROFESSIONAL in observing the performance of the Work. The duties, responsibilities and limitations of authority of any such Resident Project Representative and assistants will be as provided in the Supplementary Conditions. If OWNER designates another agent to represent OWNER at the site who is not PROFESSIONAL's agent or employee, the duties, responsibilities and limitations of authority of such other person will be as provided in the Supplementary Conditions. Clarifications and Interpretations: 9.4. PROFESSIONAL shall issue such written clarifications or interpretations of the Contract Documents (in the form of Drawings or otherwise) as may be determined necessary, or as reasonably requested by CONTRACTOR, which shall be consistent with or reasonably inferable from the overall intent of the Contract Documents. If CONTRACTOR believes that a written clarification and interpretation entitles it to an increase in the Contract Price, and/or Contract TIme, CONTRACTOR may make a claim as provided for in Articles 11 or 12. Authorized Variations in Work: 9.5. PROFESSIONAL may authorize minor variations in the Work from the requirements of the Contract Documents which do not involve an adjustment in the Contract Price or the Contract lime and are consistent with the overall intent of the Contract Documents. These may be accomplished by a Reid Order and will bc binding on OWNER, and also on CONTRACTOR who shall perform the Work involved promptly. If CONTRACTOR believes that a Reid Order justifies an increase in the Contract Price or an extension of the Contract Time and the parties are un~ble to agree as to the amount or extent thereof. CONTRACTOR may 26 I I ~ I I I I I I I I I I I I I I . . - - - - - . September 19, 2000 make a claim therefor as provided in Article 11 or 12. Rejecting Defective Work: 9.6. PROFESSIONAL will have authority to disapprove or reject Work which PROFESSIONAL believes to be defective, and will also have authority to require special inspection or testing of the Work as provided in paragraph 13.9, whether or not the Work is fabricated, installed or completed. Shop Drawings, Change Orders and Payments: 9.7. In connection with PROFESSIONAL's responsibility for Shop Drawings and samples, see paragraphs 6.23 through 6.29 inclusive. 9.8. In connection with PROFESSIONAL's responsibilities as to Change Orders, see Articles 10, 11 and 12. 9.9. In connection with PROFESSIONAL's responsibilities in respect of Applications for Payment, etc." see Article 14. ' Determinations for Unit Prices: 9.10. PROFESSIONAL will determine the actual quantities and classifications of Unit Price Work performed by CONTRACfOR. PROFESSIONAL will review with CONTRACfOR PROFESSIONAL's preliminary determinations on such matters before rendering a whiten decision thereon (by recommendation of an Application for Payment or otherwise). PROFESSIONAL's written decisions thereon will be final and binding upon OWNER and CONTRACfOR, unless, within ten days after the date of any such decision, either OWNER or CONTRACfOR delivers to the other party to the Agreement and to PROFESSIONAL whiten notice of intention to appeal from such a decision. Decisions on Disputes: 9.11. PROFESSIONAL will be the initial interpreter of the requirements of the Contract Documents and judge of the acceptability of the Work thereunder. Claims, disputes and other matters relating to the acceptability of the Work or the interpretation of the reqUirements of the Contract Documents pertaining to the performance and furnishing of the Work and claims under Articles 11 and 12 in respect of changes m the Contract Price or Contract Time will be referred initially to PROFESSIONAL in writing with a request for a formal decision in accordance with this paragraph, which PROFESSIONAL will render in writing within a reasonable time, Written notice of each such claim, dispute and other matter will be delivered by the claimant to PROFESSIONAL and the other party to the Agreement promptly (but in no event later than thirty days after the occurrence of the event giving rise thereto, and written supporting data will be submitted to PROFESSIONAL and the other party within sixty days after such occurrence unless PROFESSIONAL allows an additional period of time to ascertain more accurate data in support of the claim. 9.12. When functioning as interpreter and judge under paragraphs 9.10 and 9.11, PROFESSIONAL will not show partiality to OWNER or CONTRACTOR and will not be liable in connection with any interpretation or decision rendered in good faith in such capacity. The rendering of a decision by PROFESSIONAL pursuant to paragraphs 9.10 and 9.11 with respect to any such claim, dispute or other matter (except any which have been waived by the making or acceptance of final payment as provided in paragraph 14.16) will be a 27 , I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I September 19, 2000 condition precedent to any exercise by OWNER or CONTRAcrOR of such rights or remedies as either may otherwise have under the Contract Documents or by Laws or Regulations in respect of any such claim, dispute or other matter. Limitations on PROFESSIONAL s Responsibilities: 9.13. Neither PROFESSIONAL's authority to act under this Article or elsewhere in the Contract Documents, nor any decision made in good faith to exercise such authority shall give rise to any duty or responsibility of PROFESSIONAL to CONTRAcrOR, any Subcontractor, any of their agents or employees. 9.14. PROFESSIONAL shall not be responsible for the construction means, methods, techniques, sequences, or procedures or the safety precautions and programs used. PROFESSIONAL shall not be responsible for CONTRAcrOR's failure to perform the Work in accordance with the Contract Documents. 9.15. PROFESSIONAL shall not be responsible for the acts or omissions of CONTRAcrOR, any Subcontractors, any agents or employees, or any other persons performing any of the Work. 28 , I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I - Septamber 19. 2000 ARTICLE 10--CHANGES IN THE WORK 10.1. Without invalidating the Contract, OWNER may at any time or from time to time order additions, deletions, or revisions in the Work. The Project Manager shall provide CONTRACTOR with a proposal request, identifying the Work to be added, deleted or revised. Upon receipt, CONTRACTOR shall promptly submit a written proposal for the changed work prepared in accordance with Articles 11 and 12. If the proposal request calls only for the deletion of Work, the Project Manager may order the partial suspension of any Work related to the proposed deletion, in which case CONTRACTOR must cease performance as directed; CONTRACTOR shall not be entitled to claim lost profits on deleted work. All changed Work shall be executed under the applicable conditions of the Contract Documents. 10.2. Additional Work performed by CONTRACTOR without authorization of a Change Order will not entitle CONTRACTOR to an increase in the Contract Price or an extension of the Contract Time, except in the case of an emergency as provided in Article 7. The effect of this paragraph shall remain paramount and shall prevail irrespective of any conflicting provisions contained in these Contract Documents. 10.3. Upon agreement as to changes in the Work to be performed, Work performed in an emergency as provided in Article 6, and any other claim of CONTRACTOR for a change in the Contract Time or the Contract Price, PROFESSIONAL will prepare a written Change Order to be signed by PROFESSIONAL and CONTRACTOR and submitted to OWNER for approval. lOA. In the absence of an agreement as provided in 11.1.3, OWNER may, at its sole discretion issue a Work Directive Change to CONTRACTOR. Pricing of the Work Directive Change will be in accordance with Section 12.1.3. The Work Directive Change will specify a price, and if applicable a time extension, detennined to be reasonable by OWNER. If CONTRACTOR fails to sign such Work Directive Change, CONTRACTOR may submit a claim in accordance with Articles 11 and 12, but CONTRACTOR shall nevertheless be obligated to fully perform the work as directed by the Construction Change Directive. 10.5. CONTRACTOR shall proceed diligently with performance of the Work as directed by OWNER, regardless of pending claim actions, unless otherwise agreed to in writing. 10.6. If notice of any change affecting the general scope of the Work or the provisions of the Contract Documents (including, but not limited to, Contract Price or Contract Time) is required by the provisions of any Bond to be given to a surety, the giving of any such notice will be CONTRACTOR's responsibility, and the amount of each applicable Bond will be adjusted accordingly. 29 I I - I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I . . --' - . September 19. 2000 ARTICLE II-CHANGE OF CONTRACT PRICE 11.1. The Contract Price constitutes the total compensation (subject to written authorized adjustments) payable to CONTRACTOR for performing the Work. All duties, responsibilities and obligations assigned to or undertaken by CONTRACTOR shall be at CONTRACTOR's expense without change in the Contract Price. 11.2. The Contract Price may only be changed by a Change Order or by a Written Amendment. Any claim for an increase or decrease in the Contract Price shall be based on written notice delivered by the party making the claim to the other party and to PROFESSIONAL promptly (but in no event later than thirty days) after the occurrence of the event giving rise to the claim and stating the general nature of the claim. Notice of the amount of the claim with supporting data shall be delivered within sixty days after such occurrence (unless PROFESSIONAL allows an additional period of time to ascertain more accurate data in support of the claim and shall be accompanied by claimant's written statement that the amount claimed covers all known amounts (direct, indirect and consequential) to which the claimant is entitled as a result of the occurrence of said event. All claims for adjustment in the Contract Price shall be determined by PROFESSIONAL in accor- dance with paragraph 9.11 if OWNER and CONTRACTOR cannot otherwise agree on the amount involved. No claim for an adjustment in the Contract Price will be valid if not submitted in accordance with this paragraph 11.2. 11.3. The value of any Work covered by a Change Order or of any claim for an adjustment in the Contract Price will be determined by the following procedures: 11.3.1. Designated Unit Price (Reid Measure) CONTRACTOR and OWNER recognize and acknowledge that the quantities shown for those items designated in the Bid Proposal as unit price items are approximations prepared by OWNER for bid purposes and that the actual compensation payable to CONTRACTOR for the utilization of such items is based upon the application of unit prices to the actual quantities of items involved as measured in the field and required to complete the Work as originally defined in the Contract Documents. 11.3.2. When it is determined by OWNER that an addition, deletion, or revision to the Work as defined in these Contract Documents is required and affects the quantities required for items designed in the Bid Proposal as unit price items, CONTRACTOR and OWNER agree that the compensation payable to CONTRACTOR for such unit price items shall be adjusted accordingly by a Change Order based upon the application of the appropriate unit prices shown in the Bid Proposal to the quantity of the unit price item required to complete the Work as defined in the Contract Documents. 11.3.3. Other Unit Prices. For items not designated in the bid proposal as unit prices, OWNER and CONTRACTOR may establish unit prices as agreed on by Change Order. 11.3.4. Lump Sum. When it is determined by OWNER that an addition, deletion or revision to the Work is required which results in a change in Work designated in the Bid Proposal as a lump sum item, the amount of increase or decrease in the lump sum price shall be established by mutual agreement of the parties. 11.3.5. If the pridng methods spedfied in 11.3 are inapplicable, or if the parties are unable to agree 30 ~ I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I - . ... Septe.mbclr 19. 2000 on a price for the changed work( a reasonable price for the same shall be established by OWNER in accordance with 11.4 and 11.5. OWNER shall then process a unilateral Change Order, specifying the said reasonable price, in accordance with 11.4 through 11.6. CONTRACTOR shall perform the Work as directed in the Change Order. 11.3.6. Failure on the part of CONTRACTOR to construct any item to plan or authorized dimensions within the specification tolerances shall result in: reconstruction to acceptable tolerances at no additional Costs to OWNER; acceptance at no pay; or acceptance at reduced final pay quantity or reduced unit price( all at the discretion of OWNER. Determinations of aggregate monetary change for items identified as lump sum quantities shall be made by OWNER based upon an analysis of the scope of CONTRACTOR's failure to construct to plan or authorized dimensions. Cost of the Work: 11.4. The term Cost of the Work means the sum of all costs necessarily incurred and paid by CONTRACTOR in the proper performance of the Work. Except as otherwise may be agreed to in writing by OWNER, such costs shall be in amounts no higher than those prevailing in the locality of the Project( shall include only the following items and shall not include any of the costs itemized in paragraph 11.5: 11.4.1. Payroll costs for employees in the direct employ of CONTRACTOR in the performance of the Work under schedules of job classifications agreed upon by OWNER and CONTRACTOR. Payroll costs for employees not employed full time on the Work shall be apportioned on the basis of their time spent on the Work. Payroll costs shall include, but not be limited to, salaries and wages plus the cost of fringe benefits which shall include sodal security contributions, unemployment( excise and payroll taxes, workers' or workmen's compensation( health and retirement benefits, bonuses, sick leave, vacation and holiday pay applicable thereto. Such employees shall include superintendents and foremen at the site. The expenses of performing Work after regular working hours, on Saturday, Sunday or legal holidays, shall be included in the above to the extent authorized by OWNER. 11.4.2. Cost of all materials and equipment furnished and incorporated in the Work, including costs of transportation and storage thereof, and Suppliers' field services required in connection therewith. All cash discounts shall accrue to CONTRACTOR unless OWNER deposits funds with CONTRACTOR with which to make payments( in which case the cash discounts shall accrue to OWNER. Trade discounts, rebates and refunds and all returns from sale of surplus materials and equipment shall accrue to OWNER, and CONTRACTOR shall make provisions so that they may be obtained. 11.4.3. Payments made by CONTRACTOR to the Subcontractors for Work performed by Subcontractors. If required by OWNER. CONTRACTOR shall obtain competitive bids from Subcontractors acceptable to CONTRACTOR and shall deliver such bids to OWNER who then determine, with the advice of PROFESSIONAL, which bids will be accepted. If a subcontract provides that the Subcontractor is to be paid on the basis of Cost of the Work Plus a Fee( the Subcontractor's Cost of the Work shall be determined in the same manner as CONTRACTOR's Cost of the Work. All subcontracts shall be subject to the other provisions of the Contract Documents insofar as applicable. 11.4.4. Costs of special consultants (including but not limited to PROFESSIONAL's architects, testing laboratories( surveyors( attorneys and accountants) employed for services specifically related to the Work. 31 I i I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I . ., september 19, 2000 11.4.5. Supplemental costs including the following: The proportion of necessary transportation, travel and subsistence expenses of CONTRAC- TOR's employees incurred in discharge of duties connected with the Work. Cost, including transportation and maintenance, of all materials, supplies, equipment, machinery, appliances, office and temporary facilities at the site and hand tools not owned by the workers, which are consumed in the performance of the Work, and cost less market value of such items used but not consumed which remain the property of CONTRACTOR. Rentals of all construction equipment and machinery and the pans thereof whether rented from CONTRACTOR or others in accordance with rental agreements approved by OWNER with the advice of PROFESSIONAL, and the costs of transportation, loading, unloading, installation, dismantling and removal thereof---all in accordance with terms of said rental agreements. The rental of any such equipment, machinery or parts shall cease when the use thereof is no longer necessary for the Work. Sales, consumer, use or similar taxes related to the Work, and for which CONTRACTOR is liable, imposed by Laws and Regulations. Deposits lost for causes other than negligence of CONTRACTOR, any Subcontractor or any- one directly or indirectly employed by any of them or for whose acts any of them may be liable, and royalty payments and fees for permits and licenses. Losses and damages (and related expenses), not compensated by insurance or otherwise, to the Work or otherwise sustained by CONTRACTOR in connection with the performance and furnishing of the Work (except losses and damages within the deductible amounts of property insurance established by OWNER in accordance with paragraph 5.6). provided they have resulted from causes other than the negligence of CONTRACTOR, any Subcontractor, or anyone directly or indirectly employed by any of them or for whose acts any of them may be liable. Such losses shall include settlements made with the written consent and approval of OWNER. No such losses, damages and expenses shall be included in the Cost of the Work for the purpose of determining CONTRACTOR's Fee. If, however, any such loss or damage requires reconstruction and CONTRACTOR is placed in charge thereof, CONTRACTOR shall be paid for services a fee proportionate to that stated in paragraph 11.6.2. The cost of utilities, fuel and sanitary facilities at the site. Minor expenses such as telegrams, long distance telephone calls, telephone service at the site, expressage and similar petty cash items in connection the Work. Cost of premiums for additional Bonds and insurance required because of changes in the Work and premiums of property insurance coverage within the limits of the deductible amounts established by OWNER in accordance with paragraph 5.6. 11.5. The term Cost of the Work shall not include any of the following: 11.5.1. Payroll costs and other compensation of CONTRACTOR's officers, executives, principals (of partnership and sole proprietorships), general managers, PROFESSIONAls, architects, estimators, attorneys, auditors, accountants, purchasing and contracting agents, expeditors, timekeepers, clerks and other 32 I I - I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I s.-ptember 19, 2000 personnel employed by CONTRACfOR whether at the site or in CONTRACfOR's principal or a branch office for general administration of the Work and not specifically included in the agreed upon schedule of job classifications referred to in paragraph 11.4.1 or specifically covered by paragraph 11.4.4--all of which are to be considered administrative costs covered by CONTRACfOR's Fee. 11.5.2. Expenses of CONTRACfOR's principal area branch offices other than CONTRACfOR's office at the site. 11.5.3. Any part of CONTRACfOR's capital expenses, including Interest on CONTRACfOR'S capital used for the Change Order Work and charges against CONTRACfOR for delinquent payments. 11.5.4. Cost of premiums for all Bonds and for all insurance whether or not CONTRACfOR is required by the Contract Documents to purchase and maintain the same (except for the cost of premiums covered by subparagraph above). 11.5.5. Costs due to the negligence of CONTRACfOR, any Subcontractor, or anyone directly or indirectly, employed by any of them or for whose acts any of them may be liable, including but not limited to, the correction of defective Work, disposal of materials or equipment wrongly supplied and making good any damage to property. 11.5.6. Other overhead or general expense costs of any kind and the costs of any item not specifically and expressly included in paragraph 11.4. CONTRACTOR's Fee: 11.6. CONTRACfOR's Fee allowed to CONTRACfOR for overhead and profit shall be determined as follows: 11.6.1. a mutually acceptable fixed fee; or if none can be agreed upon. 11.6.2. a fee based on the following percentages of the various portions or' the Cost of the Work: for costs incurred under paragraphs 11.4.1 and 11.4.2, CONTRACfOR's Fee shall be fifteen percent: for costs incurred under paragraph 11.4.3, CONTRACfOR's Fee shall five percent; and if a subcontract is on the basis of Cost of the Work Plus a Fee, the maximum allowable to CONTRACfOR on account of overhead and profit of all Subcontractors shall be fifteen percent: no fee shall be payable on the basis of costs itemized under paragraphs 11.4.4, 11.4.5 and 11.3: the amount of credit to be allowed by CONTRACfOR to OWNER for any such change which results in a net decrease in cost will be the amount of the actual net decrease plus a deduction in CONTRAC- TOR's Fee by an amount equal to ten percent of the net decrease: and 33 ~ ~ I I I I I I I I I I I I - Sept~r 19. 2000 when both additions and credits are involved in anyone change, the adjustment in CON- TRACTOR's Fee shall be computed on the basis of the net change in accordance with paragraphs through, indusive. 11.7. For all changes, CONTRACTOR shall submit an itemized cost breakdown, together with. supporting data in such detail and form as prescribed by the Project Manager. When a credit is due, the amount of credit to be allowed by CONTRACTOR to OWNER for any such change which results in a net decrease in cost will be the amount of the actual net decrease in direct cost as determined by the Project Manager, plus the applicable reduction in overhead and profit. When both additions and credits are involved in any change, the combined overhead and profit shall be calculated on the basis of the next change, whether an increase or decrease. In any event, the minimum detail shall be an itemization of all man-hours required by discipline/trade with the unit cost per man-hour and total labor price, labor burden, equipment hours and rate for each piece of equipment, material by units of measure and price per unit, other costs specifically itemized, plus the overhead and profit markup. Cash Allowances: 11.8. It is understood that CONTRAcrOR has induded in the Contract Price all allowances so named in the Contract Documents and shall cause the Work so covered to be done by such Subcontractors or Suppliers and for such sums within the limit of the allowances as may be acceptable to PROFESSIONAL, CONTRACTOR agrees that: 11.8.1. The allowances include the cost to CONTRACTOR (less any applicable trade discounts) of materials and equipment required by the allowances to be delivered at the site, and all applicable taxes; and 11.8.2. CONTRACTOR's costs for unloading and handling on the site, labor, installation costs, overhead, profit and other expenses contemplated for the allowances have been included in the Contract Price and not in the allowances. No demand for additional payment on account of any thereof will be valid. Prior to final payment, an appropriate Change Order will be issued as recommended by PROFESSIONAL to reflect actual amounts due CONTRAcrOR on account of Work covered by allowances, and the Contract Price shall be correspondingly adjusted. Unit Price Work: 11.9.1. Where the Contract Documents provide that all or part of the Work is to be Unit Price Work, initially the Contract Price will be deemed to include for all Unit Price Work an ~mount equal to the sum of the established unit prices for each separately identified item of Unit Price Work times the estimated quantity of each item as indicated in the Agreement. The estimated quantities of items of Unit Price Work are not guaranteed and are solely for the purpose of comparison of Bids and determining an initial Contract Price. Detenninations of the actual quantities and classifications of Unit Price Work performed by CONTRACTOR will be made by PROFESSIONAL in accordance with Paragraph 9.10. . 11.9.2. Each unit price will be deemed to include an amount considered by CONTRACTOR to be adequate to cover CONTRACTOR's overhead and profit for each separately identified item. 34 I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I September 19. :1:000 11.9.3. Where the quantity of any item of Unit Price Work performed by CONTRACTOR differs materially and significantly from the estimated quantity of such item indicated in the Agreement and there is no corresponding adjustment with respect to any other item of Work and if CONTRACTOR believes that CONTRACTOR has incurred additional expense as a result thereof, CONTRACTOR may make a claim for an increase in the Contract Price in accordance with Article 11 if the partes are unable to agree as to the amount of any such increase. - I - I . . 35 .j ~ - I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I - . - . . - Soptamber 19. 2000 ARTICLE 12--CHANGE OF CONTRACT TIME 12.1. The Contract lime may only be changed by a Change Order. Any request for an extension in the Contract lime shall be made in writing and delivered to PROFESSIONAL and Project Manager within seven (7) calendar days of the occurrence first happening and resulting in the claim. Written supporting data will be submitted to PROFESSIONAL and Project Manager within fifteen (15) calendar days after such occurrence unless the Project Manager allows additional time. All claims submitted by CONTRACTOR for adjustments to the Contract lime must set forth in detail the reasons for and causes of the delay and clearly indicate why the subject delay was beyond CONTRACTOR's control or fault. 12.2. If CONTRACTOR is delayed at any time in the performance, progress, commencement, or completion of the Work by any act or neglect of OWNER or PROFESSIONAL/ or by an employee of either, or by any separate CONTRACTOR employed by OWNER, or by changes ordered in the Work, or by labor disputes, fire, unavoidable casualties, utility conflicts which could not have been identified or foreseen by CONTRACTOR using reasonable diligence, or any causes beyond CONTRACTOR's control or fault, then the Contract lime shall be extended by Change Order for such reasonable time as OWNER may determine. CONTRACTOR shall be entitled to an extension of time for such causes only for the number of days of delay which OWNER may determine to be due solely to such causes and only to the extent such occurrences actually delay the completion of the Work and then only if CONTRACTO-R shall have strictly complied with all the requirements of the Contract Documents. Provided, however, notwithstanding anything in the Contract Documents to the contrary, no interruption, interference, ineffidency, suspension or delay in the performance, progress, commencement or completion of the Work for any cause whatsoever, including those for which OWNER or PROFESSIONAL may be responsible in whole or in part, 'shall relieve CONTRACTOR of its duty to perform or give rise to any right to damages or additional compensation from OWNER. CONTRACTOR's sole and exclusive remedy against OWNER for interruption, interference, inefficiency, suspension or delay of any aspect of the Work shall be the right to seek an extension to the Contract lime in accordance with the procedures set forth herein. 36 ~ I \ - I I I I I I , I I I I I , I I I I I - I I I September 19. 4000 ARTICLE 13--WARRANTY AND GUARANTEE; TESTS AND INSPECTIONS: CORRECTION, REMOVAL OR ACCEPTANCE OF DEFECTIVE WORK Warranty and Guarantee: 13.1. CONTRACfOR warrants and guarantees to OWNER that all materials and equipment will be new unless otherwise specified and that all work will be of good quality, performed in a workmanlike manner, free from faults or defects, and in accordance with the requirements of the Contract Documents and any inspections, tests, or approvals referred to in this Article. All unsatisfactory Wo~ all faulty Work and all Work not conforming to the requirements of the Contract Documents or such inspections, tests, approvals, or all applicable building, construction and safety requirements shall be considered defective. Notice of all defects shall be given to CONTRACfOR by PROFESSIONAL All defective work, whether or not in place, may be rejected, corrected, or accepted as provided in this Article. Access to Work: 13.2. For the duration of the Work, PROFESSIONAL and its representatives, other designated representatives of OWNER, and authorized representatives of any regulatory agency shall at all times be given access to the Work. CONTRACfOR shall provide proper facilities for such access and observation of the Work and also for any inspection or testing by others. Tests and Inspections: 13.3. If the Contract Documents, laws, ordinances, rules, regulations or orders of any public authority having jurisdiction require any Work to speCifically be inspected, tested, or approved by someone other than CONTRACfOR, CONTRACfOR shall give PROFESSIONAL timely notice of readiness therefore. 13.4. The testing firm(s) (if assigned by OWNER to this Work) and all such inspections, tests, or approvals provided for by OWNER shall be identified in writing by PROFESSIONAL to CONTRACfOR. All other inspections( tests or approvals shall be at CONTRACfOR's expense including additional expenses for inspection and tests required as a result of delays by CONTRACTOR or hours worked in excess of 40 hours per week. For all required inspections, tests, and approvals on any Work prepared, performed, or assembled away from the site, CONTRACfOR will furnish PROFESSIONAL with the required Certificates of Inspection, testing, or approval. All such tests will be in accordance with the methods prescribed by the American Society for Testing and Materials or such other applicable organizations as may be required by law or the Contract Documents. Materials or Work in place that fail to pass acceptability tests shall be retested at the direction of PROFESSIONAL and at CONTRACfOR's expense. 13.5. All inspections, tests or approvals other than those required by Laws or Regulations of any public body having jurisdiction shall be performed by organizations acceptable to OWNER and CONTRACfOR (or by PROFESSIONAL if so specified). 13.6. If any Work (including the work of others) that is to be inspected( tested or approved is covered without written concurrence of PROFESSIONAL, it must, if requested by PROFESSIONAL, be uncovered for observation. Such uncovering shall be at CONTRACfOR's expense unless CONTRACfOR has 37 ~ ~ I - I I , I I , I I I ~ I I I I I I I I Sept:e.mber 19. 2000 given PROFESSIONAL timely notice of CONTRACTOR's intention to cover the same and PROFESSIONAL has not acted with reasonable promptness in response to such notice. 13.7. Neither observations by PROFESSIONAL or Project Manager nor inspections, tests, or approvals by persons other than CONTRACTOR shall relieve CONTRACTOR of its obligations to perform the Work in accordance with the requirements of the Contract Documents. Uncovering Work: 13.8. If any Work required to be inspected, tested or approved is covered prior thereto without the prior written approval of PROFESSIONAL, or if any Work is covered contrary to the request of PROFESSIONAL, the Work shall, if requested by PROFESSIONAL, be uncovered for observation, inspection, testing or approval and replaced at CONTRACTOR's expense. 13.9. If PROFESSIONAL considers it necessary or advisable that covered Work be observed by PROFESSIONAL or inspected or tested by others. CONTRACTOR, at PROFESSIONAL's request, shall uncover, expose or otherwise make available for observation, inspection or testing as PROFESSIONAL may require, that portion of the Work in question, furnishing all necessary labor, material and equipment. If it is found that such Work is defective, CONTRACTOR shall bear all direct, and consequential costs of such uncovering, expo- sure, observation, inspection and testing and of satisfactory reconstruction, (including but not limited to fees and charges of PROFESSIONAls, architects, attorneys and other PROFESSIONAls), and OWNER shall be entitled to an appropriate decrease in the Contract Price, and, if the parties are unable to agree as to the amount thereof, may make a claim therefor as provided in Article 11. If, however, such Work is not found to be defective, CONTRACTOR shall be allowed an increase in the Contract Price, or an extension of the Contract lime, or both, directly attributable to such uncovering, exposure, observation, inspection, testing and reconstruction; and, if the parties are unable to agree as to the amount or extent thereof, CONTRACTOR may make a claim therefor as provided in Articles 11 and 12. Owner May Stop the Work: 13.10. When Work is defective or when CONTRACTOR fails to supply sufficient skilled workmen or suitable materials or equipment, or make prompt payments to Subcontractors for labor, materials, or equipment, or if CONTRACTOR violates any provisions of these Contract Documents, OWNER may order CONTRACTOR to stop the Work until the cause for such order has been eliminated. However, this right of OWNER to stop the Work shall not give rise to any duty on the part of OWNER to exercise this right for the benefit of CONTRACTOR or any other party. CONTRACTOR shall have no right to claim an increase in the Contract Price or Contract Time or other damages for a stop work order under this paragraph. Correction or Removal of Defective Work: 13.11. When directed by PROFESSIONAL, CONTRACTOR shall promptly, without cost to OWNER and as specified by PROFESSIONAL, either correct the defective Work whether fabricated, installed, or completed, or remove it from the site and replace it with non defective Work. If CONTRACTOR does not correct such defective Work or remove and replace such defective Work within a reasonable time, all as specified in a written notice from PROFESSIONAL, OWNER may have the deficiency corrected. All direct and indirect costs of such correction shall be paid by CONTRACTOR or deducted from payment to CONTRACTOR. CONTRACTOR will also bear the expense of correcting or removing and replacing all Work of others destroyed 38 - ~ I I I I I I I , I I I I I I I I I I I I Septtmber 19, 2000 or damaged by the correction, removal, or replacement of the defective Work. 39 ~ ~ I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I - sepce.mber 19, 2000 One Year Correction Period: 13.12. If, after approval of final payment and prior to the expiration of one year after the date of substantial completion or such longer period of time as may be prescribed by law or by the terms of any applicable special guarantee required by the Contract Documents, any Work or materials are found to be defective, incomplete, or otherwise not in accordance with the Contract Documents, CONTRAcrOR shall promptly, without cost to OWNER and in accordance with OWNER's written instructions, either correct such defective Work, or if it has been rejected by OWNER, remove it from the Site and replace it with non- defective Work. If CONTRAcrOR does not promptly comply with the terms of such instructions, OWNER may have the defective Work corrected, removed, or replaced. All direct, indirect and consequential costs of such removal and replacement (including but not limited to fees and charges of engineers, architects, attorneys and other PROFESSIONAls) will be paid by CONTRAcrOR. Acceptance of Defective Work: 13.13. If, instead of reqUiring correction or removal and replacement of defective Work, OWNER (and, prior to PROFESSIONAL's recommendation of final payment, also PROFESSIONAL) prefers to accept it, OWNER may do so. CONTRAcrOR shall bear all direct, indirect and consequential costs attributable to OWNER's evaluation of and determination to accept such defective Work (such costs to be approved by PROFESSIONAL as to reasonableness and to include but not be limited to fees and charges of PROFESSIONAls, architects, attorneys and other PROFESSIONAls). If any such acceptance occurs prior to PROFESSIONAL's recommendation of final payment, a Change Order will be issued incorporating the necessary revisions in the Contract Documents with respect to the Work and OWNER shall be entitled to an appropriate decrease in the Contract Price, and, if the panics are unable to agree as to the amount thereof. OWNER may make a claim therefor as provided in Article 11. If the acceptance occurs after such recommendationf an appropriate amount will be paid by CONTRAcrOR to OWNER. OWNER May Correct Defective Work: 13.14. If CONTRAcrOR fails within a reasonable time after written notice of PROFESSIONAL to proceed to correct and to correct defective Work or to remove and replace rejected Work as required by PROFESSIONAL in accordance with paragraph 13.11, or if CONTRACTOR fails to perform the Work in accordance with the Contract Documents, or if CONTRACTOR falls to comply with any other provision of the Contract Documents, OWNER may, after seven days' written notice to CONTRAcrOR, correct and remedy any such deficiency. In exercising the rights and remedies under this paragraph OWNER shall proceed expeditiously, to the extent necessary to complete corrective and remedial action, OWNER may exclude CONTRAcrOR from all or part of the site, take possession of all or part of the Work, and suspend CON- TRAcrOR's services related thereto, take possession of CONTRAcrOR's tools, appliances, construction equipment and machinery at the site and incorporate in the Work all materials and equipment stored at the site or for which OWNER has paid CONTRAcrOR but which are stored elsewhere. CONTRAcrOR shall allow OWNER, OWNER's representatives, agents and employees such access to the site as may be necessary to enable OWNER to exercise the rights and remedies under this paragraph. All direct, indirect and con- sequential costs of OWNER in exercising such rights and remedies will be charged against CONTRAcrOR in an amount approved as to reasonableness by PROFESSIONAL, and a Change Order will be issued incorporating the necessary revisions in the Contract Documents with respect to the Work, and OWNER shall be entitled to an appropriate decrease in the Contract Price, and, if the parties are unable to agree as to the 40 , - I , I I I I I I I I , I I I I - I - . ...... I . . ., september 19. 2000 . . amount thereof, OWNER may make a claim therefor as provided in Article 11. Such direct, indirect and consequential costs will include but not be limited to fees and charges of PROFESSIONAls, architects, attorneys and other PROFESSIONAls, all court costs and all costs of repair and replacement of work of others destroyed or damaged by correction, removal or replacement of CONTRACTOR's defective Work. CONTRACTOR shall not be allowed an extension of the Contract Time because of any delay in performance of the Work attributable to the exercise by OWNER of OWNER's rights and remedies hereunder. Neglected Work by CONTRACTOR 13.15. If CONTRACTOR neglects to execute the Work in accordance with the Contract Documents, including any requirements of the progress schedule, PROFESSIONAL may direct CONTRACTOR to submit a recovery plan and take specific corrective actions including, but not limited to, employing additional workmen, and/or equipment, and working extended hours and additional days, all at no cost to OWNER in order to put the Work back on schedule. If CONTRACTOR fails to correct the deficiency or take appropriate corrective action, OWNER may terminate the contract or CONTRACTOR's right to proceed with that portion of Work and have the Work done by others. The cost of completion under such procedure shall be charged against CONTRACTOR. A Change Order shall be issued incorporating the necessary revisions in the Contract Documents, induding an appropriate reduction In the Contract Price. If the payments due CONTRACTOR are not sufficient to cover such amount, CONTRACTOR shall pay the difference to OWNER. 13.16. Should CONTRACTOR work overtime, weekends or holidays to regain the schedule, all costs to OWNER of associated inspection, construction management and resident PROFESSIONAls shall be identified to CONTRACTOR and the Contract Price reduced by a like amount via Change Order. 41 . - I I I I I , I I I 1 I I I I I I - . September 19. :2000 ARTICLE 14-PAYMENTS TO CONTRACTOR AND COMPLETION Schedule of Values: 14.1. The schedule of values established as provided in 2.9 will serve as the basis for progress payments and will be incorporated into a form of application for Payment acceptable to Project Manager. Progress payments on account of Unit Price Work will be based on the number of units completed. Application for Progress Payment: 14.2. At least twenty (20) calendar days before the date established for each progress payment. (but not more often than once a month), CONTRACTOR shall submit to PROFESSIONAL for review an application for Payment filled out and signed by CONTRACTOR covering the work completed as of the date of the application and accompanied by such supporting documentation as is required by the Contract Documents. If payment is requested on the basis of materials and equipmef'it not incorporated in the Work but delivered and suitably stored at the site or at another location agreed to in writing, the Application for Payment shall also be accompanied by a bill of sale, invoice or other documentation warranting that OWNER has received the materials and equipment free and clear of all liens and evidence that the materials and equipment are covered by appropriate property insurance and other arrangements to protect OWNER's interest therein, all of which will be satisfactory to OWNER. Payment is subject to a ten percent (10%) retainage that will be held until the final payment or acceptance by OWNER. The amount of retainage with respect to progress payments will be as stipulated in the Agreement. CONTRACTOR's Warranty of Title: 14.3. CONTRACTOR warrants and guarantees that title to all Work, materials and equipment covered by any Application for Payment, whether incorporated in the Project or not, will pass to OWNER no later than the time of payment free and clear of all Uens. Review of Applications for Progress Payment: 14.4. PROFESSIONAL will, within ten (10) calendar days after receipt of each Application for Payment, either indicate in writing a recommendation of payment and present the application to OWNER, or return the application to CONTRACTOR indicating in writing PROFESSIONAL's reasons for refusing to recommend payment. In the latter case, CONTRACTOR may make the necessary corrections and resubmit the application. OWNER shall, within thirty-one calendar days of presentation to him of the application for payment with PROFESSIONAL's recommendation of the amount for payment, pay CONTRACTOR amount recommended. 14.5. PROFESSIONAL's recommendation of any payment requested in an Application for Payment will constitute a representation by PROFESSIONAL to OWNER, based on PROFESSIONAL's on-site observations of the Work in progress as an experienced and qualified design PROFESSIONAL and on PROF- ESSIONAL's review of the Application for Payment and the accompanying data and schedules that the Work has progressed to the point indicated; that, to the best of PROFESSIONAL's knowledge, information and belief, the quality' of the Work is in accordance with the Contract Documents subject to an evaluation of the 42 I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I . . .,. . . - , Sept-ember 19. 2000 Work as a functioning whole prior to or upon Substantial Completion, to the results of any subsequent tests called for in the Contract Documents, to a final determination of quantities and classifications for Unit Price Work under paragraph 9.10. and to any other qualifications stated in the recommendation^': and that CONTRACTOR is entitled to payment of the amount recommended. However, by recommending any such payment PROFESSIONAL will not thereby be deemed to have represented that exhaustive or continuous on-site inspections have been made to check the quality or the quantity of the Work beyond the responsibilities specifically assigned to PROFESSIONAL in the Contract Documents or that there may not be other matters or issues between the parties that might entitle CONTRACTOR to be paid additionally by OWNER or OWNER to withhold payment to CONTRACTOR. 14.6. PROFESSIONAL's recommendation of final payment will constitute an additional representation by PROFESSIONAL to OWNER that the conditions precedent to CONTRACTOR's being entitled to final payment asset forth in paragraph 14.13 have been fulfilled. 14.7. PROFESSIONAL may refuse to recommend the whole or any part of any payment if, in PROFESSIONAL's opinion, it would be incorrect to make such representations to OWNER. PROFESSIONAL may also refuse to recommend any such payment, or, because of subsequently discovered evidence or the results of subsequent inspections or tests, nullify any such payment previously recommended, to such extent as may be necessary in PROFESSIONAL's opinion to protect OWNER from loss because: 14.7.1. the Work is defective, or completed Work has been damaged requiring correction or replacement. 14.7.2. the Contract Price has been reduced by Written Amendment or Change Order. 14.7.3.. OWNER has been required to correct defective Work or complete Work in accordance with paragraph 13.14. or 14.7.4. of PROFESSIONAL's actual knowledge of the occurrence of any of the events enumerated in paragraphs 15.2.1 through 15.2.9 inclusive. OWNER may refuse to make payment of the full amount recommended by PROFESSIONAL because claims have been made against OWNER on account of CONTRACTOR's performance or furnishing of the Work or Uens have been filed in connection with the Work or there are other items entitling OWNER to a set-off against the amount recommended, but OWNER must give CONTRACTOR immediate written notice (with a copy to PROFESSIONAL) stating the reasons for such action. Substantial Completion: 14.8. When CONTRACTOR considers the entire Work ready for its intended use CONTRACTOR shall notify OWNER and PROFESSIONAL in writing that the entire Work is substantially complete (except for items specifically listed by CONTRACTOR as incomplete) and request that PROFESSIONAL issue a certificate of Substantial Completion. Within a reasonable time thereafter, OWNER, CONTRACTOR and PROFESSIONAL shall make an inspection of the Work to determine the status of completion. If PROFESSIONAL does not con- sider the Work substantially complete, PROFESSIONAL will notify CONTRACTOR in writing giving the reasons therefor. If PROFESSIONAL considers the Work substantially complete, PROFESSIONAL will prepare and 43 I - I I I I - I I I I I i I I I I I I , I J ~ Septem.ber 19. 2000 deliver to OWNER a tentative certificate of Substantial Completion which shall fix the date of Substantial Completion. There shall be attached to the certificate a tentative list of items to be completed or corrected before final payment. OWNER shall have seven days after receipt of the tentative certificate during which to make written objection to PROFESSIONAL as to any provisions of the certificate or attached list. If, after considering such objections. PROFESSIONAL concludes that the Work is not substantially complete, PROFESSIONAL will within fourteen days after submission of the tentative certificate to OWNER notify CONTRACTOR in writing. stating the reasons therefor. If, after consideration of OWNER's objections, PROFESSIONAL considers the Work substantially complete, PROFESSIONAL will within said fourteen days execute and deliver to OWNER and CONTRACTOR a definitive certificate of Substantial Completion (with a revised tentative list of items to be completed or corrected) reflecting such changes from the tentative certificate as PROFESSIONAL believes justified after consideration of any objections from OWNER. At the time of delivery of the tentative certificate of Substantial Completion PROFESSIONAL will deliver to OWNER and CONTRACTOR a written recommendation as to division of responsibilities pending final payment between OWNER and CONTRACTOR with respect to security, operation, safety, maintenance, heat, utilities, insurance and warranties. Unless OWNER and CONTRACTOR agree otherwise in wilting and so inform PROFESSIONAL prior to PROFESSIONAL's issuing the definitive certificate of Substantial Completion, PROFESSIONAL's afore- said recommendation will be binding on OWNER and CONTRACTOR until final payment. 14.9. OWNER shall have the right to exclude CONTRACTOR from the Work after the date of Substantial Completion, but OWN ER shall allow CONTRACTOR reasonable access to complete or correct items on the tentative list. Partial Utilization: 14.10. Use by OWNER at OWNER's option of any substantially completed part of the Work which (i) has specifically been identified in the Contract Documents, or (ii) OWNER, PROFESSIONAL, and CONTRACTOR agree constitutes a separately functioning and usable part of the Work that can be used by OWNER for its intended purpose without significant interference with CONTRACTOR's performance of the remainder of the Work, may be accomplished prior to Substantial Completion of all the Work subject to the following. 14.10.1. OWNER at any time may request CONTRACTOR in writing to permit OWNER to use any such part of the Work which OWNER believes to be ready for its intended use and substantially complete. If CONTRACTOR agrees, CONTRACTOR will certify to OWNER and PROFESSIONAL that said part of the Work is substantially complete and request PROFESSIONAL to issue a certificate of Substantial Completion for that part of the Work. CONTRACTOR at any time may notify, OWNER and PROFESSIONAL in writing that CONTRACTOR considers any such part of the Work ready for its intended use and substantially complete and request PROFESSIONAL to issue a certificate of Substantial Completion for that part of the Work. Within a reasonable time after either such request, OWNER, CONTRACTOR and PROFESSIONAL shall make an inspec- tion of that part of the Work to determine its status of completion. If PROFESSIONAL does not consider that part of the Work to be substantially complete, PROFESSIONAL will notify. OWNER and CONTRACTOR in writing giving the reasons therefor. If PROFESSIONAL considers that part o(the Work to be substantially complete, the provisions of paragraphs 14.8 and 14.9 will apply with respect to certification of Substantial Completion of that part of the Work and the division of responsibility in respect thereof and access thereto. 14.10.2. OWNER may at any time request CONTRACTOR in writing to permit OWNER to take over 44 ~ I I I I I , I I I I , I I I I I I I 1 - September 19. 2000 operation of any such part of the Work although it is not substantially complete. A copy of such request will be sent to PROFESSIONAL and within a reasonable time thereafter OWNER, CONTRACTOR and PROFESSIONAL shall make an inspection of that part of the Work to determine its status of completion and will prepare a list of the items remaining to be completed or corrected thereon before final payment. If CONTRACTOR does not object in writing to OWNER and PROFESSIONAL that such part of the Work is not ready for separate operation by OWNER, PROFESSIONAL will finalize the list of items to be completed or corrected and will deliver such list to OWNER and CONTRACTOR together with a written recommendation as to the division of responsibilities pending final payment between OWNER and CONTRACTOR with respect to security, operation, safety, maintenance, utilities, insurance, warranties and guarantees for that part of the Work which will become binding upon OWNER and CONTRACTOR at the time when OWNER takes over such operation (unless they shall have otherwise agreed in writing and so informed PROFESSIONAL). During such operation and prior to Substantial Completion of such part of the Work, OWNER shall allow CONTRACTOR reasonable access to complete or correct items on said list and to complete other related Work. 14.10.3. No occupancy or separate operation of part of the WorK will be accomplished prior to compliance with the requirements of paragraph 5.15 in respect of property insurance. 14.1004. OWNER, may at its discretion, reduce the amount of retainage subject to Beneficial Occupancy. Final Inspection: 14.11. Upon written notice from CONTRACTOR that the entire Work or an agreed portion thereof is complete, PROFESSIONAL will make a final inspection with OWNER and CONTRACTOR and will notify CONTRACTOR in writing of all particulars in which this inspection reveals that the Work is incomplete or defective. CONTRACTOR shall immediately take such measures as are necessary to remedy such deficiendes. Final Application for Payment: 14.12. After CONTRACTOR has completed all such corrections to the satisfaction of PROFESSIONAL and OWNER and delivered in accordance with the Contract Documents all maintenance and operating instructions, schedules, guarantees, bonds, certificates or other evidence of insurance required by 5.2, certificates of inspection, marked-up record documents and other documents, CONTRACTOR may make application for final payment following the procedure for progress payments. The final Application for Payment shall be accompanied (except as previously delivered) by: (i) all documentation called for in the Contract Documents, including but not limited to the evidence of insurance required, (ii) consent of the surety, if any, to final payment, and (Hi) complete and legally effective releases or waivers (satisfactory to OWNER) of all liens arising out of or filed in connection with the Work. In lieu of such releases or waivers of liens and as approved by County, CONTRACTOR may furnish receipts or release in full and an affidavit of CONTRACTOR that (i) the releases and receipts include all labor, services, material and equipment for which a lien could be filed, and (ii) all payrolls, material and equipment bills and other indebtedness connected with the Work for which OWNER or OWNER's property might in any way be responsible have been paid or otherwise satisfied. If any Subcontractor or supplier fails to furnish such a release or receipt in full, CONTRACTOR may furnish a bond or other collateral satisfactory to OWNER to indemnify OWNER against any lien. 45 - I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I . - Sepeember 19, 2000 14.12.1. No application for final payment will be accepted by OWNER until approved as-built documents by CONTRACTOR are accepted and approved by PROFESSIONAL. 14.12.2. Notwithstanding any other provision of these contract documents to the contrary, OWNER and PROFESSIONAL are under no duty or obligation whatsoever to any vendor, materials provider, Subcontractor, laborer or other party to ensure that payments due and owing by CONTRACTOR to any of them are or will be made. Such parties shall rely only on CONTRACTOR's surety bonds for remedy of nonpayment by him. CONTRACTOR agrees to defend and resolve all claims made by Subcontractors, indemnifying OWNER and PROFESSIONAL for all claims arising from or resulting from Subcontractor or supplier or material men or laborer services in connection with this project. 14.12.3. General Indemnity: CONTRACTOR shall indemnify OWNER and PROFESSIONAL for any damages sustained including lost profits resulting from CONTRACTOR's failure or refusal to perform the work required by these contract documents. Final Payment and Acceptance: 14.13. If, on the basis of PROFESSIONAL's observation of the Work during construction and final inspection, and PROFESSIONAL's review of the final Application for Payment and accompanying documentation as required by the Contract Documents, PROFESSIONAL is satisfied that the Work has been completed and CONTRACTOR's other obligations under the Contract Documents have been fulfilled, PROFESSIONAL will, within ten (10) working days after receipt of the final Application for Payment, indicate in writing PROFESSIONAL's recommendation of payment and present the Application to OWNER for payment. At the same time PROFESSIONAL will also give written notice to OWNER and CONTRACTOR that the Work is acceptable subject to the proVisions of 14.6. Otherwise, PROFESSIONAL will return the application to CONTRACTOR, indicating in writing the reasons for refusing to recommend final payment, in which case CONTRACTOR shall make the necessary corrections and resubmit the Application. After the presentation to OWNER of the application and accompanying documentation, in appropriate form and substance and with PROFESSIONAL's recommendation and notice of acceptability, the amount recommended by PROFESSIONAL will become due and will be paid by OWNER to CONTRACTOR. 14.14. If, through no fault of CONTRACTOR, final completion of the Work is significantly delayed and if PROFESSIONAL so confirms, OWNER shall, upon receipt of CONTRACTOR's final Application for Payment and recommendation of PROFESSIONAL, and without terminating the Agreement, make payment of the balance due for that portion of the Work fully completed and accepted. If the remaining balance to be held by OWNER for Work not fully completed or corrected is less than the retainage stipulated in the Contract, and if bonds have been furnished as required in Article 5, the written consent of the surety to the payment of the balance due for that portion of the Work fully completed and accepted shall be submitted by CONTRACTOR to PROFESSIONAL with the application for such payment. Such payment shall be made under the terms and conditions governing final payment, except that it shall not constitute a waiver of claims. CONTRACTOR's Continuing Obligation: 14.15. CONTRACTOR's obligation to perform and complete the Work in accordance with the Contract Documents shall be absolute. Neither recommendation of any progress or final payment by PROFESSIONAL, nor the issuance of a certificate of Substantial Completion, nor any payment by OWNER to CONTRACTOR 46 , I I I I I I I , I I I I I I I I 'T I Septe.mbor 19, 2000 under the Contract Documents, nor any use or occupancy of the Work or any part thereof by OWNER, nor any act of acceptance by OWNER nor any failure to do so, nor any review and approval of a Shop Drawing or sample submission, nor the issuance of a notice of acceptability by PROFESSIONAL pursuant to paragraph 14.13. nor any correction of defective Work by OWNER will constitute an acceptance of Work not in accordance with the Contract Documents or a release of CONTRACTOR's obligation to perform the Work in accordance with the Contract Documents (except as provided in paragraph 14.16). 47 - - I I I I I - I I I , I I I I I September 19. 2000 Waiver of Claims: 14.16. The making and acceptance of final payment will constitute: 14.16.1. A waiver of all claims by OWNER against CONTRACTOR, except claims arising from unsettled liens, from defective Work appearing after final inspection pursuant to 14.11 from failure to comply with the Contract Documents or the terms of any special guarantees specified therein, or from CONTRACTOR's continuing obligations under the Contract Documents; and 14.16.2. A waiver of all claims by CONTRACTOR against OWNER other than those previously made in writing and still unsettled. 48 , I I I I I I I I I I I I , I I , I , I I ~ I Sept-.mbe.r 19. 2000 ARTICLE 15--SUSPENSION OF WORK AND TERMINATION Owner May Suspend Work: 15.1. OWNER may, at any time and without cause, suspend the Work or any portion thereof for a period of not more than ninety days by notice in wilting to CONTRACTOR and PROFESSIONAL which will fix the date on which Work will be resumed. CONTRACTOR shall resume the Work on the date so fixed. CONTRACTOR shall be allowed an adjustment in the Contract Price or an extension of the Contract Time, or both, directly attributable to any suspension if CONTRACTOR makes an approved daim therefor as provided in Articles 11 and 12. Termination For Cause: 15.2. Upon the occurrence of anyone or more of the following events: 15.2. 1. if CONTRACTOR commences a voluntary case under any chapter of the Bankruptcy Code (Title 11, United States Code), as now or hereafter in effect, or if CONTRACTOR takes any equivalent or similar action by filing a petition or otherwise under any other federal or state law in effect at such time relating to the bankruptcy or insolvency; 15.2.2. if a petition is filed against CONTRACTOR under any chapter of the Bankruptcy Code as now or hereafter in effect at the time of filing, or if a petition is filed seeking any such equivalent or similar relief against CONTRACTOR under any other federal or state law in effect at the time relating to bankruptcy or insolvency; 15.2.3. if CONTRACTOR makes a general assignment for the benefit of credito~s; 15.2.4. if a trustee, receiver, custodian or agent of CONTRACTOR is appointed under applicable law or under contract, whose appointment or authority to take charge of property of CONTRACTOR is for the purpose of enforcing a Lien against such property or for the purpose of general administration of such property for the benefit of CONTRACTOR's creditors; 15.2.5. if CONTRACTOR admits in writing an inability to pay its debts generally, as they become due; 15.2.6. if CONTRACTOR fails to perform the Work in accordance with the Contract Documents (including, but not limited to, failure to supply sufficient skilled workers or suitable materials or equipment or failure to adhere to the progress schedule established under paragraph 2.9 as revised from time to time); 15.2.7. if CONTRACTOR disregards Laws or Regulations of any public body having jurisdiction; 15.2.8. if CONTRACTOR disregards the authority of PROFESSIONAL; or 15.2.9. if CONTRACTOR otherwise violates in any substantial way any provisions of the Contract. Documents, 49 , I : I j I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I ! I September 19. 2000 OWNER may, after giving CONTRACTOR (and the surety, if there be one) seven days' written notice and to the extent permitted by Laws and Regulations, terminate the services of CONTRACTOR, exclude CONTRACTOR from the site and take possession of the Work and of all CONTRACTOR's tools, appliances, construction equipment and machinery at the site and use the same to the full extent they could be used by CONTRACTOR (without liability to CONTRACTOR for trespass or conversion), incorporate in the Work all materials and equipment stored at the site or for which OWNER has paid CONTRACTOR but which are stored elsewhere, and finish the Work as OWNER may deem expedient. In such case CONTRACTOR shall not be entitled to receive any further payment until the Work is finished. If the unpaid balance of the Contract Price exceeds the direct, indirect and consequential costs of completing the Work (induding but not limited to fees and charges of PROFESSIONAls, architects, attorneys and other PROFESSIONAls and court and arbitration costs) such excess will be paid to CONTRACTOR. If such costs exceed such unpaid balance, CONTRACTOR shall pay the difference to OWNER. Such costs incurred by OWNER will be approved as to reasonableness by PROFESSIONAL and incorporated in a Change Order, but when exercising any rights or remedies under this paragraph OWNER shall not be required to obtain the lowest price for the Work performed. 15.3. In the event OWNER terminates the contract for cause and it is subsequently judicially determined that there was no cause for termination, the termination for convenience provision will be the means for disposition of the balance of the contract obligations. Termination for Convenience 15.4. Upon seven working days' written notice to CONTRACTOR and PROFESSIONAL, OWNER may, without cause and without prejudice to any other right or remedy of OWNER, eJect to terminate the Contract. In such case, CONTRACTOR shall be paid (without duplication of any items): 15.4.1. For completed and acceptable Work executed in accordance with the Contract Documents prior to the effective date of termination, induding fair and reasonable sums for overhead and profit on such Work; 15.4.2. For expenses sustained prior to the effective date of termination in performing services and furnishing labor, materials or equipment as required by the Contract Documents in connection with uncompleted Work, plus fair and reasonable sums for overhead and profit on such expenses; 15.4.3. For all claims, costs, losses and damages incurred in settlement of terminated contracts with Subcontractors, suppliers and others; and 15.4.4. For reasonable expenses directly attributable to termination. CONTRACTOR shall not be paid on account of loss of anticipated profits or revenue or other. economic loss arising out of or resulting from such termination. 15.5. Where CONTRACTOR's services have been so terminated by OWNER, the termination will not affect any rights or remedies of OWNER against CONTRACTOR then existing or which may thereafter accrue. Any retention or payment of moneys due CONTRACTOR by OWNER will not release CONTRACTOR from liability. 50 , I I I I I I I I I I \ I I , I I I I I ~ I september 19. 2000 CONTRACTOR May Stop Work or Terminate: 15.6. If through no act or fault of CONTRACTOR, the Work is suspended for a period of more than ninety calendar days by OWNER or under an order of court or other public authority, or PROFESSIONAL fails to act on any Application for Payment within thirty days after it is submitted or OWNER fails for thirty-one days to pay CONTRACTOR any sum finally determined to be due, then CONTRACTOR may upon seven working days' written notice to OWNER and PROFESSIONAL and provided OWNER or PROFESSIONAL did not remedy such suspension or failure within that time, terminate the Agreement and recover from OWNER payment on the same terms as provided in 15.2. In lieu of terminating the Agreement and without prejudice to any other right or remedy, if PROFESSIONAL has failed to act on an Application for Payment within thirty days after it is submitted, or OWNER has failed for thirty-one days after it is submitted, or OWNER has failed for thirty-one calendar days to pay CONTRACTOR any sum finally determined to be due, CONTRACTOR may upon seven day's written notice to OWNER and PROFESSIONAL stop the Work until payment of all such amounts due CONTRACTOR, including interest thereon. The provisions of this paragraph are not intended to preclude CONTRACTOR from making claim under Articles 11 and 12 for an increase in Contract Price or Contract Times or otherwise for expenses or damage directly attributable to -CONTRACTOR's stopping Work as permitted by this paragraph. The provisions of this paragraph shall not relieve CONTRACTOR of the obligations under paragraph 6.30 to carry on the Work in accordance with the progress schedule and without delay during disputes and disagreements with OWNER. 51 ~ , I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I , I \ ~-, September 19. 2000 ARTICLE 16--DISPUTE RESOLUTION 16.1. All disputes arising under this Contract or its interpretation whether involving law or fact or both, or extra work, and all claims for alleged breach of contract shall within ten (10) working days of the commencement of the dispute be presented by CONTRACTOR to OWNER for decision. All papers pertaining to claims shall be filed in quadruplicate. Such notice need not detail the amount of the claim but shall state the facts surrounding the claim in sufficient detail to identify the claim, together with its character and scope. In the meantime, CONTRACTOR shall proceed with the Work as directed. Any claim not presented within the time limit specified in this paragraph shall be deemed to have been waived, except that if the claim is of a continuing character and notice of the claim is not given within ten (10) working days of its commencement, the claim will be considered only for a period commencing ten (10) working days prior to the receipt by OWNER of notice thereof. Each decision by OWNER will be in writing and will be mailed to CONTRACTOR by registered or certified mail, return receipt requested, directed to his last known address. 16.2 All claims, disputes and other matters in question between OWNER and CONTRACTOR arising out of, or relating to, the Contract Documents or the breach thereof shall be decided under Georgia Law in the Superior Court of Richmond County, Georgia. CONTRACTOR by execution of the Contract consents to jurisdiction and venue in the Superior Court of Richmond County, Georgia, and waives any right to contest same. 52 , I I I I , I , I I - I I I I I I I I I I I I i ~ Soptember 19, 2000 ARTICLE 17-MISCELLANEOUS Giving Notice: 17.1. Whenever any provision of the Contract Documents requires the giving of written notice, it will be deemed to have been validly given if delivered in person to the individual or to a member of the firm or to an officer of the corporation for whom it is intended, or if delivered at or sent by registered or certified mail, postage prepaid, to the last business address known to the giver of the notice. Computation of Time: 17.2.1. When any period of time is referred to in .the Contract Documents by days, it will be computed to exclude the first and indude the last day of such period. If the last day of any such period falls on a Saturday or Sunday or on a day made a legal holiday by the law of the applicable jurisdiction, such day will be omitted from the computation. 17.2.2. A calendar day of twenty-four hours measured from midnight to the next midnight shall constitute a day. General: 17.3. Should OWNER or CONTRACTOR suffer injury or damage to person or property because of any error, omission or act of the other partY or of any of the other party's employees or agents or others for whose acts the other party is legally liable, claim should be made in writing to the other party within a reasonable time of the first observance of such injury or damage. The provisions of this paragraph 17.3 shall not be construed as a substitute for or a waiver of the provisions of any applicable statute of limitations or repose. 17.4. The duties and obligations imposed by these General Conditions and the rights and remedies available hereunder to the parties hereto, and, in particular but without limitation, the warranties, guarantees and obligations imposed upon CONTRACTOR by paragraphs 6.32, 13.1, 13.12, 13.14, 14.3 and 15.2 andall of the rights and remedies available to OWNER and PROFESSIONAL thereunder, are in addition to, and are not to be construed in any way as a limitation of, any rights and remedies available to any or all of them which are otherwise imposed or available by Laws or Regulations, by special warranty or guarantee or by other provisions of the Contract Documents, and the provisions of this paragraph will be as effective as if repeated spedfically in the Contract Documents in connection with each particular duty, obligation, right and remedy to which they apply. All representations, warranties and guarantees made in the Contract Documents will survive final payment and termination or completion of the Agreement. 17.5. CONTRACTOR shall keep adequate records and supporting documentation applicable to this Work and Contract. Said records and documentation shall be retained by CONTRACTOR for a minimum of five (5) years from the date of final completion or termination of this Contract. OWNER shall have the right to audit, inspect, and copy all such records and documentation as often as OWNER deems necessary during the period of the Contract and for a period of five (5) years thereafter provided, however, such activity shall be conducted only during normal business hours. OWNER, during this period of time, shall also have the right to obtain a copy of and otherwise inspect any audit made at the direction of CONTRACTOR as concerns the aforesaid records and supporting documentation. 53 ~ ~ I I I I I , I I I I I I I I - ii ~ I -\ SeptiUlber 19, 2000 17.6. The Contract Documents are Intended by the Parties to, and do, supersede any and all provisions of the Georgia Prompt Pay Act, O.c.G.A. Section 13-11-1, et seq. In the event any provision of the Contract Documents are inconsistent with any provision of the Prompt Pay Act, this provision of the Contract Documents shall control. 17.7. Notwithstanding any provision of the law to the contrary, the parties agree that no interest shall be due Contractor on any sum held as retainage pursuant to the Contract Documents and CONTRACTOR specifically waives any claim to same. Substitutions: 17.8. Notwithstanding any provision of these general conditions, there shall be no substitutions of materials that are not determined to be equivalent to those indicated or required in the contract documents without an amendment to the contract. Sanitary Sewer Overflow Prevention: 17.9. Procedures to Prevent Overflows During Sanitary Sewer Construction 17.9.1 The CONTRACTOR is hereby notified that the discharge of any untreated wastewater to waters of the State is a violation of Georgia Water Quality Regulations and is prohibited. 17.9.2 The CONTRACTOR will submit an Emergency Response Plan prior to beginning work. This plan will include a list of key personnel with 24-hour contact information who will respond during an emergency situation. The ERP will include estimates of mobilization time for a response crew to arrive onsite. Any changes to the Emergency Response Plan will be submitted to the RESIDENT PROJECT REPRESENTATIVE prior to implementation. 17.9.3 In the event bypass pumping is required to facilitate new sewer construction, bypassing plans and supporting calculations must be submitted to the Augusta Utilities Department for review prior to establishment of the bypass. All bypass systems will include complete redundancy in pumping systems, if failure of the primary pumping system could result in a discharge of untreated wastewater to waters of the State. 17.9.4 Bypass pumping will be monitored continuously by a person knowledgeable in pump operation and maintenance, if the failure of the bypass pump could result in the discharge of untreated wastewater to waters of the State. 17.9.5 In the event of a discharge of untreated wastewater, the CONTRACTOR will take the following actions: 1. Take immediate steps to eliminate or minimize the discharge of untreated wastewater. 2. Immediately notify the Utilities Department dispatcher (706.796.5000) and the RESIDENT PROJECT REPRESENTATIVE (contact information will be provided at the preconstruction conference). 3. Maintain a chronicle of releveant information regarding the incident including specific actions taken by the CONTRACTOR and estimates of the discharge volume. 54 , I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I . I I I -l SlIptembor 19. 2000 17.9.6 The RESIDENT PROJECT REPRESENTATIVE will coordinate notification of the Georgia Environmental Protection Division (800.241.4113) and the Augusta Emergency Management Agency if appropriate. 17.9.7 If, in the opinion of the RESIDENT PROJECT REPRESENTATIVE and the Superintendent of Construction and Maintenance, the CONTRACTOR is not responding to an emergency situation in an appropriate manner, the Utilities Department will undertake necessary actions to abate an overflow situation. The cost of these actions will be the responsibility of the CONTRACTOR. 17.9.8 Following a discharge of untreated wastewater, a downstream inspection will be conducted by the Utilities Department to assess potential mitigation measures that may be required of the CONTRACTOR. PROGRAM MANAGER: 17.10 The PROGRAM MANAGER for the project is CH2M HILL, 2822 Central Avenue, Augusta, GA 30909. The presence or duties of PROGRAM MANAGER's personnel at the construction site, whether as onsite representatives or otherwise, do not make PROGRAM MANAGER or PROGRAM MANAGER's personnel in any way responsible for those duties that belong to OWNER and / or the CONTRACTOR or other entities, and do not relieve the CONTRACTOR or any other entity of their obligations, duties, and responsibilities, including, but not limited to, all construction methods, means, techniques, sequences, and procedures necessary for coordinating and completing all portions of the construction work in accordance with the construction Contract Documents and any health and safety precautions required by such construction work. PROGRAM MANAGER and PROGRAM MANAGER's personnel have no authority to exercise any control over any construction contractor or other entity or their employees in connection with their work or any health or safety precautions and have no duty of inspecting, noting, observing, correcting, or reporting on health or safety deficiencies of the CONTRACTOR(s) or other entity or any other persons at the site except PROGRAM MANAGER's own personnel. . The presence of PROGRAM MANAGER's personnel at the construction site is for the purpose of providing to OWNER a greater degree of confidence that the completed construction work will conform generally to the construction documents and that the integrity of the design concept as reflected in the construction documents has been implemented and preserved by the construction contractor(s). PROGRAM MANAGER neither guarantees the performance of the construction contractor(s) nor assumes responsibility for construction contractor's failure to perform work in accordance with the construction documents. For this AGREEMENT only, construction sites include places of manufacture for materials incorporated into the construction work, and construction contractors include manufacturers of materials incorporated into the construction work 55 ~ I I I I I I I I I I I I , I I I I I I I I I I SC-l. SC-2. SC-3. SC-4. SC-5. SUPPLEMENTARY GENERAL CONDITIONS These supplementary conditions amend or supplement the Standard General Conditions of the Construction Contract and other provisions of the Contract Documents as indicated below. All provisions which are not so amended or supplemented remain in full force and effect. The terms used in the supplementary condition which are defmed in the Standard General Conditions to the Construction Contract have the meanings assigned to them in the General Conditions. Revise paragraph 2.7 in its entirety and insert the following. Before any work at the site is started, CONTRACTOR shall deliver to OWNER, with a copy to ENGINEER, certificates (and other evidence of insurance requested by OWNER) which CONTRACTOR is required to purchase and maintain in accordance with paragraphs 5.3 and 5.4. Amend paragraph 4.2.1 Add: Soil boring report is not available. The limits of liability for the insurance required by paragraph 5.3 of the General Conditions shall provide coverage for not less than the following amounts or greater where required by Laws and Regulations: a. Policies, Certificates, Limits and Disposition of Documents. - The Contractor shall obtain at his expense insurance with limits as shown hereinbelow unless the Contractor desires to broaden the limits and obtain more protection. [1] OWNER'S PROTECTIVE LIABILITY INSURANCE - Taken out in name of the owner as insured. (See Invitation to Bid for exact legal name of owner.) Bodily injury, including death -limits of $1,000,000.00 for each person and $2,000,000.00 for each accident. Property damage -limits of $500,000.00 for each accident and $1,000,000.00 for the aggregate of operations. DISPOSITION: Original policy must be deposited with owner prior to commencement of work. [2] CONTRACTOR'S PROTECTIVE LIABILITY INSURANCE - Taken out in the name of the Contractor. Bodily injury, including death -limits of $1,000,000.00 for each person and $2,000,000.00 for each accident. Property damage -limits of $500,000.00 for each accident and $1,000,000.00 for the aggregate of operations. DISPOSITION: Certificate of insurance must be sent to owner prior to commencement of work. [3] CONTRACTOR'S PUBLIC LIABILITY INSURANCE - Taken out in the name of the Contractor. Bodily injury, including death -limits of $1,000,000.00 for each person and -1- P~lS1Q.17\161047 AUD 2000 PMlSPJRIT CREEK WASTEWATERICONVEY ANCE\SPECS'of&FMASTERSlSUPFCOND.DOC , , I \ I I I I I I , I I , I I I \ I I ~ I $2,000,000.00 for each accident. Property damage -limits of $500,000.00 for each accident and $1,000,000.00 for the aggregate of operations. DISPOSITION: Certificate of insurance must be sent to Owner prior to commencement of work. [4] BUlLDER'S RISK INSURANCE - Payable to the Contractor and Owner, as their interests may appear, upon the entire structure and upon all materials in or adjacent - thereto which are to be made a part of the insured structure to 100% of the insurable value thereof covering frre, extended coverage, vandalism and malicious mischief. DISPOSITION: Original policy must be deposited with Owner prior to commencement of work. b. Acceptability of Insurers to Owner. - No insurance will be acceptable unless written by a company licensed by the State Insurance Commissioner to do business in Georgia at the time the policy is issued, and the company must in addition be acceptable to the Owner. To avoid inconvenience, any general contractor or subcontractor must get in touch with the Owner to detennine whether the insurance company or companies he expects to use is or are acceptable to the Owner. All policies and certificates must be signed or countersigned, as the case may be, by resident Georgia agents. c. Tennination of Obligation to Insure. - Unless otherwise expressly provided to the contrary, the obligation to insure as prescribed herein shall not terminate until the Engineer shall have executed the frnal certifrcate. d. Contractor shall purchase and maintain during the full course of construction "All Risk" Builder's Risk Insurance coverage which names the Contractor, Owner and Engineer as co- insured. e. The Contractor will turn over areas completed for construction prior to substantial completion. Contractor shall maintain insurance on work he performs within "battery limits". SC-6. Add to paragraph 6.8.2. The CONTRACTOR shall identify any SUBCONTRACTOR performing more than 20% of the overall project costs, within two (2) days of being notified that the CONTRACTOR is the apparent low bidder. SC-7. Add paragraph 7.5 7.5. Should CONTRACTOR cause damage to the work or property of any separate contractor at the site, or should any claim arising out of CONTRACTOR's performance of the Work at the site be made by any separate contractor against CONTRACTOR, OWNER, ENGINEER, the Construction Coordinator or any other person, CONTRACTOR shall promptly attempt to settle with such other contractor by agreement, or to otherwise resolve the dispute by arbitration or at law. CONTRACTOR shall, to the fullest extent permitted by Laws and Regulations, indemnify and hold OWNER, ENGINEER and the Construction Coordinator harmless from and against all claims, damages, losses and expenses (including, but not limited to, fees of engineers, architects, attorneys and other professionals and court and arbitration costs) arising directly, indirectly or consequentially out of any action, legal or equitable, brought by any separate contractor -2- P:\161047\1 01047 AUO 2000 PMlSPIRIT CREEK WASTEWATER\CONVEYANCE\SPECS'F&FMASTERS\SUPPCONO.DOC - I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I - I against OWNER, ENGINEER, or the Construction Coordinator to the extent based on a claim arising out of CONTRACTOR's performance of the Work. Should a separate contractor cause damage to the Work or property of CONTRACTOR or should the performance of Work by any separate contractor at the site give rise to any other cla.i.m. CONTRACTOR shall not institute any action, legal or equitable, against OWNER, ENGlNEER or the Construction Coordinator or permit any action against any of them to be maintained and continued in its name or for its benefit in any court or before any arbiter which seeks to impose liability on or to recover damages from OWNER, ENGlNEER or the Construction Coordinator on account of any such damage or claim. If CONTRACTOR is delayed at any time in performing or furnishing Work by any act or neglect of a separate contractor and OWNER and CONTRACTOR are unable to agree as to t he extent of any adjustment in Contract Time attributable thereto, CONTRACTOR may make a claim for an extension of time in accordance with Article 12. An extension of the Contract Time shall be CONTRACTOR's exclusive remedy with respect to OWNER, ENGlNEER and Construction Coordinator for any delay, disruption, interference or hindrance caused by any separate contractor. This paragraph does not prevent recovery from OWNER, ENGlNEER or Construction Coordinator for activities that are their respective responsibilities. SC-8 Right of Way and Construction Access Existing Sewer easements and public right-of-way areas are designated as the Contractor's Work Area. The Contractor will be responsible for observing the limits of the right-of way and shall prohibit any work being done on or any damage to property outside the bounds of the right-of-way. Additional work areas, access points and storage space, if required, shall be obtained by the Contractor at no additional cost. SC-9 Disposal of Waste Material The disposal of all excavated material or spoil not required for use in the permanent work shall be the responsibility of the Contractor. He shall remove all excess excavated material or spoil from the site of the Work and dispose of the same in a legal manner at no additional cost. Burning of debris on site will not be allowed. SC-lO Environmental Protection Contractor shall conduct his operation in a manner to prevent pollution of the environment surrounding the area of work by every means possible and shall be responsible for furnishing all necessary items for fulfilling the work described herein. A. No waste or erosion materials shall be allowed to enter natural or manrnade water or sewage removal systems. Erosion materials from excavations, borrow areas, or stockpiled fill shall be contained within the work area. Contractor shall develop methods for control of waste and erosion, which shall include such means as fIltration, settlement, and manual removal to satisfy the above requirements. B. No burning of waste shall be allowed. C. The contractor shall at all time control the generation of dust by his operations. Control of dust shall be accomplished by water sprinkling or other approved -3- P:\161 047\161047 AUO 2000 PMlSPIRIT CREEK WASTEWATERICONVEY ANCE'SPECS\F&FMASTERS\S\JPPCONO.DOC ~ ~ I , I means. D. All chemicals used during construction or furnished for project operation, whether herbicide, pesticide, disinfectant, polymer, reactant or other classification, must show approval of either EP A or FDA. Use of all such chemicals and disposal of residues shall be in conformance with instructions. E. In the event that the Contractor causes or has a spill or accidental discharge for which the Owner is fined by the State of Georgia EPD, the Contractor agrees to remediate the spill or discharge immediately in accordance with current EPD regulations and to pay any fines assessed against the City and/or Contractor. I I I , , I \ I I I I I I I I I I I ~ I I -4- P:\161047\161047 AUD 2000 PM\SPIRIT CREEK WASTEWATERICONVEYANCElSPECS\F&FMASTERS\SUPPCOND.DOC I I I I I I I I I I , I I I I I I I I , I I I I I ~ NOTICE OF AWARD Dated [Certified Mail- Return Receipt Requested] TO: (BIDDER) ADDRESS: Contract: (Insert name of Contract as it appears in the Bidding Documents) Project: OWNER's Contract No. You are notified that your Bid dated for the above Contract has been considered. You are the apparent Successful Bidder and have been awarded a Contract for _ (Indicate total Work, alternates or sections or Work awarded) The Contract Price of your Contract is Dollars ($ ). [Insert appropriate data if Unit Prices are used. Change language for Cost-Plus contracts} _ copies of each of the proposed Contract Documents (except Drawings) accompany this Notice of Award. _ sets of the Drawings will be delivered separately or otherwise made available to you immediately. You must comply with the following conditions precedent within 15 days of the date you receive this Notice of Award. 1. Deliver to the OWNER _ fully executed counterparts of the Contract Documents. [Each of the Contract Documents must bear your signature on ( )]. 2. Deliver with the executed Contract Documents the Contract security (Bonds) as specified in the Instructions to Bidders (Article 20), [and] General Conditions (paragraph 5.01) [and Supplementary Conditions (paragraph SC-5.01).] EJCDC No. 1910-22 (1996 Edition) Prepared by the Engineers Joint Contract Documents Committee and endorsed by The Associated General Contractors of America and the Construction Specifications Institute. ~ ~ I I I I I I I I I ! I I , , I \ I I I I I I ~ ~ 3. (List other conditions precedent). Failure to comply with these conditions within the time specified will entitle OWNER to consider your Bid in default, to annul this Notice of Award and to declare your Bid security forfeited. Within ten days after you comply with the above conditions, OWNER will return to you one fully executed counterpart of the Contract Documents. (OWNER) By: (AUTHORIZED SIGNATURE) (TITI.,E) Copy to ENGINEER (Use Certified Mail, Return Receipt Requested) ~ ~ I I I CONTRACTOR (Name and Address): Performance Bond Any singular reference to Contractor, Surety, Owner or other party shall be considered plural where applicable. SURETY (Name and Address of Principal Place of Business): I OWNER (Name and Address): I CONTRACT , Date: Amount: I Description (Name and Location): 'BOND Date (Not earlier than Contract Date): Amount: , Modifications to this Bond Form: I . Surety and Contractor, intending to be legally bound hereby, subject to the tenns printed on the reverse side hereof, do each cause this . Penoonanee Bond to be duly execuled on its behalf by its authorired officer. agent or representative. CONTRACTOR AS PRINCIPAL SURETY I Company: (Corp. Seal) Company: (Corp. Seal) Signature: I Name and Title: Signature: Name and Title: (Attach Power of Attorney) I (Space is provided below for signatures of additional parties, if required.) CONTRACTOR AS PRINCIPAL Company: (Corp. Seal) SURETY Company: (Corp. Seal) . . ElCDC No. 1910-28-A (1996 Edition) I Originally prepared through the joint efforts of the Surety Association of America. Engineers Joint Contract Documents Committee, the Associated General Contractors of America, and the American Institute of Architects. Signature: Name and Title: Signature: Name and Title: I I ~ 00610-1 ~ ~ ~ I I. The CONTRAcrOR and the Surety, jaintly and severally, bind themselves. their heirs, executers, administraters. successers and assigns te the Owner for the perfarmance .of the Centract. which is incerporated herein by reference. 2. If the CONTRAcrOR perferms the Cantract, the Surety and the CONTRAcrOR have ne ebligatien under this Bend, except te participate in conferences as provided in paragraph 3.1. 3. If there is ne OWNER Default, the Surety's ebligatien under this Bend shall arise after. 3.1. The OWNER has notified the CONTRAcroR and the Surety at the addresses described in paragraph 10 belew, that the OWNER is cansidering declaring a CONTRAcrOR Default and has requested and attempted ta arrange a cenference with the CONTRAcroR and the Surety te be held net later than fifteen days after receipt .of such netice te discuss methods .of perf arming the Centract. If the OWNER, the CONTRAcroR and the Surety agree, the CONTRAcrOR shall be allewed a reasenable time te perf arm the Contract, but such an agreement shall net waive the OWNER's right, if any, subsequently te declare a CONTRAcrOR Default; and I I 3.2. The OWNER has declared a CONTRAcroR Default and farmally terminated the CONTRAcroR's right te cemplete the Centract. Such CONTRAcroR Default shall not be declared earlier than twenty days after the CONTRAcrOR and the Surety have received notice as provided in paragraph 3.1; and - 3.3. The OWNER has agreed te pay the Balance .of the Centract Price te: I I 3.3.1. The Surety in accerdance with the terms .of the Centract; 3.3.2 Anether cantracter selected pursuant te paragraph 4.3 te perferm the Centract. I 4. When the OWNER has satisfied the conditiens .of paragraph 3, the Surety shall premptly and at the Surety's expense take .one .of the fellewing actiens: I 4.1. Arrange fer the CONTRAcroR, with censent .of the OWNER, te perferm and cemplete the Contract; or 4.2. Undertake te perferm and cemplete the Centract itself. threugh its agents .or through independent centracters; .or I 4.3. Obtain bids .or negetiated proposals from qualified centracters acceptable te the OWNER fer a centract fer perfermance and cempletien .of the Centract, arrange fer a centract te be prepared fer executien by the OWNER and the centracter selected with the OWNER's cencurrence, te be secured with perfermance and payment bands executed by a qualified surety equivalent te the Bends issued en the Contract, and pay te the OWNER the ameunt .of damages as described in paragraph 6 in excess .of the Balance .of the Centract Price incurred by the OWNER resulting frem the CONTRAcroR Default; .or I I 4.4. Waive its right te perfarm and cemplete, arrange fer cempletien, .or .obtain a new cantractar and with reasenable promptness under the circumstances; I 4.4.1 After investigatien, determine the ameunt fer which it may be liable te the OWNER and, as soon as practicable after the amaunt is determined, tender payment therefer te the OWNER; .or 4.4.2 Deny liability in whele .or in part and natify the OWNER citing reasens therefer. I 5. If the Surety does nat proceed as provided in paragraph 4 with reasenable promptness, the Surety shall be deemed te be in default an this Bend fifteen days after receipt .of an additienal written netice frem the OWNER te the Surety demanding that the Surety perferm its ebligatiens under this Bend, and the OWNER shall be entitled te enferce any remedy available te the OWNER. If the Surety proceeds as provided in paragraph 4.4, and the OWNER refuses the payment tendered .or the Surety has denied , . I I ~ pliability, in whele .or in part, witheut further netice the OWNER shall be entitled te enferce any remedy available te the OWNER. 6. After the OWNER has terminated the CONTRAcroR's right te cemplete the Centract, and if the Surety elects te act under paragraph 4.1, 4.2, .or 4.3 abeve. then the responsibilities .of the Surety to the OWNER shall net be greater than those .of the CONTRACTOR under the Centract, and the respensibilities .of the OWNER to the Surety shall net be greater than these .of the OWNER under the Centract. Te a limit .of the ameunt .of this Bend. but subject te cammitment by the OWNER .of the Balance .of the Contract Price te mitigatien .of costs and damages en the Centract, the Surety is .obligated witheut duplicatien fer. 6.1. The responsibilities .of the CONTRAcrOR fer carrectien .of defective Werk and cempletien .of the Centract; 6.2. Additienal legal, design prefessienal and delay cests resulting frem the CONTRAcrOR's Default, and resulting frem the actiens .or failure te act .of the Surety under paragraph 4; and 6.3. Liquidated damages, .or if ne liquidated damages are specified in the Contract, actual damages caused by delayed perfermance .or nen-perfermance .of the CONTRACTOR. . 7. The Surety shall not be liable te the OWNER .or ethers fer ebligatiens .of the CONTRACTOR that are unrelated te the Centract, and the Balance .of the Centract Price shall net be reduced .or set .off an account .of any such unrelated obligatiens. Ne right .of actien shall accrue en this Band ta any persen .or entity ether than the OWNER .or its heirs, executers, administraters, .or successars. 8. The Surety hereby waives netice .of any change. including changes .of time, te the Centract .or te related subcentracts, purchase .orders and ather ebligatians. 9. Any proceeding, legal .or equitable, under this Bend may be instituted in any ceurt .of cempetent jurisdictien in the locatien in which the Werk .or part .of the Werk is located and shall be instituted within twe years after CONTRACTOR Default .or within twe years after the CONTRAcrOR ceased warking or within twe years after the Surety refuses .or fails te perferm its ebligatiens under this Band, whichever occurs fU'St. If the provisiens .of this paragraph are veid .or prohibited by law, the minimum period .of limitation available tesureties as a defense in the jurisdictien .of the suit shall be applicable. 10. Netice te the Surety, the OWNER .or the CONTRAcroR shall be mailed .or delivered ta the address shewn on the signature page. 11. When this Bend has been furnished ta camply with a statutery or ather legal requirement in the locatien where the Centract was be perfarmed, any previsien in this Bend conflicting with said statutaty .or legal requirement shall be deemed deleted here from and provisiens cenfarming ta such statutory .or ether legal requirement shall be deemed incerporated herein. The intent is that this Band shall be censtrued as a statutory band and net as a cemmen law band. 12. Definitiens. 12.1 Balance .of the Can tract Price: The tatal amaunt payable by the OWNER ta the CONTRAcrOR under the Centract after all proper adjustments have been made, including allewance te the CONTRAcrOR .of any ameunts received .or to be received by the OWNER in settlement .of insurance .or ether Claims far damages te which the CONTRAcrOR is entitled, reduced by all valid and preper payments made te .or en behalf .of the CONTRAcrOR under the Contract. 12.2. Centract The agreement between the OWNER and the CONTRAcroR identified en the signature page, including all Centract Documents and changes therete. 12.3. CONTRAcrOR Default: Failure .of the CONTRAcroR, which has neither been remedied nar waived, te perferm .or .otherwise te cemply with the terms .of the Can tract. 12.4. OWNER Default; Failure .of the OWNER. which has neither been remedied ner waived, te pay the CONTRAcrOR as required by the Can tract .or to perferm and cemplete .or cemply with the ether terms thereef. 00610-2 , , , CONTRACfOR (Name and Add'",,), I I Payment Bond Any singular reference to Contractor, Surety, Owner or other party shall be considered plural where applicable. SURETY (Name and Address of Principal Place of Business): OWNER (Name and Address): I I CONTRACT Date: I Amount: I Description (Name and Location): I . BOND III Date (Not earlier than Contract Date): Amount: I Modifications to this Bond Form: I I Surety and Contractor, intending to be legally bound hereby, subject to the terms printed on the reverse side hereof, do each cause this Payment Bond to be duly executed on its behalf by its authorized officer, agent, or representative. I CONTRACTOR AS PRINCIPAL Company: (Corp. Seal) SURETY Company: (Corp. Seal) , I Signature: Name and Title: Signature: Name and Title: (Attach Power of Attorney) (Space is provided below for signatures of additional parties, if required.) I I CONTRACTOR AS PRINCIPAL Company: I (Corp. Seal) SURETY Company: (Corp. Seal) Signature: Name and Title: Signature: Name and Title: ~ EJCDC No. 191O-28-B (1996 Edition) I Originally prepared through the joint efforts of the Surety Association of America, Engineers Joint Contract Documents Committee, the Associated General Contractors of America, the American Institute of Architects, the American Subcontractors Association, and the Associated Specialty Contractors. ~ - 00620-1 , , I 1. The CONTRACTOR and the Surety, jointly and severally, bind themselves, their heirs, executors, administrators, successors and assigns to the OWNER to pay for labor, materials and equipment furnished for use in the performance of the Contract, which is incorporated herein by reference. 2. With respect to the OWNER, this obligation shall be null and void if the CONTRACTOR: 2.1. Promptly makes payment, directly or indirectly, for all sums due Claimants, and I 2.2. Defends, indemnifies and holds harmless the OWNER from all claims, demands, liens or suits by any person or entity who furnished labor, materials or I equipment for use in the performance of the Contract, provided the OWNER has promptly notified the CONTRACTOR and the Surety (at the addresses described in paragraph 12) of any claims, demands, liens or suits and tendered defense of such claims, demands, liens or suits to the CONTRACTOR and the Surety, and provided there is no OWNER Default , I ! 3. With respect to Claimants, this obligation shall be null and void if the CONTRACTOR promptly makes payment, directly or indirectly. for all sums due. 4. The Surety shall have no obligation to Claimants under this Bond until: . I 4.1. Claimants who are employed by or have a direct contract with the CONTRACTOR have given notice to the Surety (at the addresses described in paragraph 12) and sent a copy, or notice thereof, to the OWNER, stating that a claim is being made under this Bond and, with substantial accuracy. the amount of theclaim. 4.2. Claimants who do not have a direct contract with the CONTRACTOR: . - I 1. Have furnished written notice to the CONTRACTOR and sent a copy, or notice thereof, to the OWNER, within 90 days after having last performed labor or last furnished materials or equipment included in the claim stating, with substantial accuracy, the amount of the claim and the name of the party to whom the materials were furnished or supplied or for whom the labor was done or performed; and 2. Have either received a rejection in whole or in part from the CONTRACTOR, or not received within 30 days of furnishing the above notice any communication from the CONTRACTOR by which the CONTRACTOR had indicated the claim will be paid directly or indirectly; and . - 3. Not having been paid within the above 30 days, have sent a written notice to the Surety and sent a copy, or notice thereof, to the OWNER, stating that a claim is being made under this Bond and enclosing a copy of the previous written notice furnished to the CONTRACTOR. 5. If a _ notice required by paragraph 4 is given by the OWNER to the CONTRACTOR or to the Surety, that is sufficient compliance. I 6. When the Claimant has satisfied the conditions of paragraph 4, the Surety shall promptly and at the Surety's expense take the following actions: 6.1. Send an answer to the Claimant, with a copy to the OWNER, within 45 days after receipt of the claim, stating the amounts that are undisputed and the basis I for challenging any amounts that are disputed 6.2. Payor arrange for payment of any undisputed amounts. I 7. The Surety's total obligation shall not exceed the amount of this Bond, and the amount of this Bond shall be credited for any payments made in good faith by the Surety. I I 8. Amounts owed by the OWNER to the CONTRACTOR under the Contract shall be used for the performance of the Contract and to satisfy claims, if any, under any Performance Bond. By the CONTRACTOR furnishing and the OWNER accepting this Bond, they agree that all funds earned by the CONTRACTOR in the performance of the Contract are dedicated to satisfy obligations of the ~ ~ CONTRACTOR and the Surety under this Bond, subject to the OWNER's priority to use the funds for the completion of the Work. 9. The Surety shall not be liable to the OWNER, Claimants or others for obligations of the CONTRACTOR that are unrelated to the Contract The OWNER shall not be liable for payment of any costs or expenses of any Claimant under this Bond, and shall have under this Bond no obligations to make payments to, give notices on behalf of, or otherwise have obligations to Claimants under this Bond. 10. The Surety hereby waives notice of any change, including changes of time, to the Contract or to related Subcontracts, purchase orders and other obligations. 11. No suit or action shall be commenced by a Claimant under this Bond other than in a court of competent jurisdiction in the location in which the Work: or part of the Work: is located. or after the expiration of one year from the date (I) on which the Claimant gave the notice required by paragraph 4.1 or paragraph 4.2.3, or (2) on which the last labor or service was performed by anyone or the last materials or equipment were furnished by anyone under the Construction Contract, whichever of (1) or (2) first occurs. If the provisions of this paragraph are void or prohibited by law, the minimum period of limitation available to sureties as a defense in the jurisdiction of the suit shall be applicable. 12. Notice to the Surety, the OWNER or the CONTRACTOR shall be mailed or deli vered to the addresses shown on the signature page. Actual receipt of notice by Surety, the OWNER or the CONTRACTOR, however accomplished, shall be sufficient compliance as of tlle date received at the address shown on the signature page. 13. When this Bond bas been furnished to comply with a statutoI)' or other leg<:.\ requirement in the location where the Contract was to be performed, any provision in this Bond conflicting with said statutoI)' or legal requirement shall be deemed deleted herefrom and provisions confonning to such statutoI)' or other legal requirement shall be deemed incorporated herein. The intent is, that this Bond shall be construed as a statutoI)' Bond and not as a common law bond. 14. Upon request of any person or entity appearing to be a potential beneficiary of this Bond, the CONTRACTOR shall promptly furnish a copy of this Bond or shall pennit a copy to be made. 15. DEFINITIONS 15.1. Claimant: An individual or entity having a direct contract with the CONTRACTOR or with a Subcontractor of the CONTRACTOR to furnish labor, materials or equipment for use in the performance of the Contract The intent of this Bond shall be to include without limitation in the tenns "labor, materials or equipment" that part of water, gas, power, light, heat, oil, gasoline, telephone service or rental equipment used in the Contract, architectural and engineering services required for perfonnance of the Work of the CONTRAcrOR and the CONTRACTOR's Subcontractors, and all other items for which a mechanic's lien may be asserted in the jurisdiction where the labor, materials or equipment were furnished. 15.2. Contract: The agreement between the OWNER and the CONTRACTOR identified on the signature page, including all Contract Documents and changes pthereto. 15.3. OWNER Default: Failure of the OWNER, which has neither beec remedied nor waived, to pay the CONTRACTOR as required. by the Contract or to perform and complete or comply with the other terms thereof 00620-2 I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I - , NOTICE TO PROCEED Dated TO: (CONTRACTOR) ADDRESS!: Contract: (Insert name of Contract as it appears in the Contract Documents) Project: OWNER'S CONTRACf NO. You are notified that the Contract Times under the above contract will commence to run on . By that date, you are to start performing your obligations under the Contract Documents. In accordance with Article 4 of the Agreement the date of Substantial Completion is and the date of readiness for final payment is Before you may start any Work at the Site, paragraph 2.05.C of the General Conditions provides that you and Owner must each deliver to the other (with copies to Engineer and other identified additional insureds) certificates of insurance which each is required to purchase and maintain in accordance with the Contract Documents. Also, before you may start any Work at the Site, you must (add other requirements) (OWNER) By: (AUIHORIZED SIGNATURE) (TITLE) Copy to ENGINEER (Use Certified Mail, Return Receipt Requested) ~ I I I I I I I , I I I I I I I I I I - I I . "'"'T To: From: Contract: Project: OWNER's Contract No. For Work accomplished through the date of: Original Contract Price: Net change by Change Orders and Written Amendments (+ or -): Current Contract Price (1 plus 2): Total completed and stored to date: Retainage (per Agreement): _% of completed Work: $ _ % of stored material: $ Total Retainage: 6. Total completed and stored to date less retainage (4 minus 5): 7. Less previous Application for Payments: 8. DUE THIS APPLICATION (6 MINUS 7): 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. APPLICATION FOR PAYMENT NO. (OWNER) (CONTRACTOR) ENGINEER's Project No. $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ Accompanying Documentation: CONTRACTOR'S Certification: The undersigned CONTRACTOR certifies that (1) all previous progress payments received from OWNER on account of Work done under the Contract referred to above have been applied on account to discharge CONTRACTOR's legitimate obligations incurred in connection with Work covered by prior Applications for Payment numbered 1 through _ inclusive; (2) title of all Work, materials and equipment incorporated in said Work or otherwise listed in or covered by this Application for Payment will pass to OWNER at time of payment free and clear of all Liens, security interests and encumbrances (except such as are covered by a Bond acceptable to OWNER indel1U1ifying OWNER against any such Lien, security interest or encumbrance); and (3) all Work covered by this Application for Payment is in accordance with the Contract Documents and not defective. Dated CONTRACTOR By: State of County of Subscribed and sworn to before me this day of Notary Public My Conunission expires: Dated Payment of the above AMOUNT DUE THIS APPLICATION is recommended. ENGINEER By: EJCDC No. 1910-8-E (1996 Edition) Prepared by the Engineers Joint Contract Documents Committee and endorsed by The Associated General ConlrllclOrs of America and the Construction Specification Institute. ~ - I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I , I I . ~ . ....,. APPLICATION FOR PAYMENT INSTRUCTIONS A. GENERAL INFORMATION The sample form of Schedule of Values is intended as a guide only. Many projects require a more extensive form with space for numerous items, descriptions of Change Orders, identification of variable quantity adjustments, summary of materials and equipment stored at the site and other information. It is expected that a separate form will be developed by Engineer and Contractor at the time Contractor's Schedule of Values is finalized. Note also that the format for retainage must be changed if the Contract permits (or the law provides), and Contractor elects to deposit securities in lieu of retainage. Refer to Article 14 of the General Conditions for provisions concerning payments to Contractor. B. COMPLETING THE FORM The Schedule of Values, submitted and approved as provided in paragraphs 2.05.B.3 and 2.07 of the General Conditions, should be reproduced as appropriate in the space indicated on the Application for Payment form. Note that the cost of materials and equipment is often listed-separately from the cost of installation. Also, note that each Unit Price is deemed to include Contractor's overhead and profit. All Change Orders affecting the Contract Price should be identified and included in the Schedule of Values as required for progress payments. The form is suitable for use in the Final Application for Payment as well as for Progress Payments; however, the required accompanying documentation is usually more extensive for final payment. All accompanying documentation should be identified in the space provided on the form. C. LEGAL REVIEW All accompanying documentation of a legal nature, such as Lien waivers, should be reviewed by an attorney, and Engineer should so advise Owner. aa f-dI.l ~ ~~o o~~ ~~i ~ Y7 ~~ e<j ~o ~ <~ ~U') ~ Y7 ~ , ~ u 0 ~ ~ ~ I >-a ~~ I <~ go u I ~U')~ S~5 a~o I ~>~ U~ U')o ~ I a >- ~~ I ~ ~ I ~~ ~ gjO' I ~~ , 5~ I I I I i ~ I ~ ~ ~ t: . . . . . . . . 'O~NM~~0~oo~O~NM~~0~oo~o -~~~~~~oo~__________~~~~~~~~~~~ ~ u Y7 ;E .... ~" \..) 9 ~ ,iiiJ;._~: ~ :'~:<'''j 0 \;>L~' U ,,,;:\,,-~~. ....., ~:j,~~~';i ~ ,<;0~ t:: }~i~ ~ ;.t~,>~ .s ~k . Cd .~~;l :l ,~Jt\~~ tjl >((';.t(~if: 0..> ..?{~~~ ~ :\~;:~~~ ~ ~-''''' .. ~ :l o S -< ~ :l ca > ..... o ~ -5 E-l 13 o -5 E-l CI) ca '0 E-< o '0 Z - I I CHANGE ORDER No. DATE OF ISSUANCE EFFECTIVE DATE OWNER CONTRACTOR Contract: Project OWNER's Contract No. ENGINEER ENGINEER's Contract No. I I You are directed to make the following changes in the Contract Documents: Description: I , I Reason for Change Order: , I Attachments: (List documents supporting change) I CHANGE IN CONTRACT PRICE: Original Contract Price $ Net Increase (Decrease) from previous Change Orders No. - to - $ Contract Price prior to this Change Order: $ Net increase (decrease) of this Change Order: $ Contract Price with all approved Change Orders: $ I I I I I I RECOMMENDED: APPROVED: CHANGE IN CONTRACT TIMES: Original Contract Times: Substantial Completion: Ready for final payment: (days or dates) Net change from previous Change Orders No. _ to No. - Substantial Completion: Ready for final payment: (days) Contract Times prior to this Change Order: Substantial Completion: Ready for rmal payment: (days or dates) Net increase (decrease) this Change Order: Substantial Completion: Ready for final payment: . (days) Contract Times with all approved Change Orders: Substantial Completion: Ready for final payment: (days or dates) ACCEPTED: - . B~ B~ ENGINEER (Authorized Signature) OWNER (Authorized Signature) - Date: Date: By: CONTRACTOR(Authorized Signature) Date: . EJCDC 1910-8-B (1996 Edition) Prepared by the Engineers Joint Contract Documents Committee and endorsed by The Associated General Contractors of America and the Construction Specifications Institute. - - , I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I , I - CHANGE ORDER INSTRUCTIONS A. GENERAL INFORMATION This document was developed to provide a uniform format for handling contract changes that affect Contract Price or Contract Times. Changes that have been initiated by a Work Change Directive must be incorporated into a subsequent Change Order if they affect Price or Times. Changes that affect Contract Price or Contract Times should be promptly covered by a Change Order. The practice of accumulating Change Orders to reduce the administrative burden may lead to unnecessary disputes. If Milestones have been listed in the Agreement, any effect of a Change Order thereon should be addressed. For supplemental instructions and minor changes not involving a change in the Contract Price or Contract Times, a Field Order should be used. B. COMPLETING THE CHANGE ORDER FORM Engineer normally initiates the form, including a description of the changes involved and. attachments based upon documents and proposals submitted by Contractor, or requests from Owner, or both. Once Engineer has completed and signed the form, all copies should be sent to Owner or Contractor for approval, depending on whether the Change Order is a true order to the Contractor or the formalization of a negotiated agreement for a previously performed change. After approval by one contracting party, all copies should be sent to the other party for approval. Engineer should make distribution of executed copies after approval by both parties. If a change only applies to price or to times, cross out the part of the tabulation that does not apply. , , I I I I I I I I I I I I ~ I - - - -, I CERTIFICATE OF SUBSTANTIAL COMPLETION DATE OF ISSUANCE OWNER CONTRACTOR Contract: Project: OWNER's Contract No. ENGINEER's Project No. This Certificate of Substantial Completion applies to all Work under the Contract Documents or to the following specified parts thereof: To OWNER And To CONTRACTOR The Work to which this Certificate applies has been inspected by authorized representatives of OWNER, CONTRACTOR and ENGINEER, and that Work is hereby declared to be substantially complete in accordance with the Contract Documents on DATE OF SUBSTANTIAL COMPLETION A tentative list of items to be completed or corrected is attached hereto. This list may not be all-inclusive, and the failure to include an item in it does not alter the responsibility of CONTRACTOR to complete all the Work in accordance with the Contract Documents. The items in the tentative list shall be completed or corrected by CONTRACTOR within days of the above date of Substantial Completion. EJCDC No. 1910-8-D (1996 Edition) Prepared by the Engineers' loint Contrnct Documents CoIDIciltee and endorsed by The Associated General Contractors of America and the Construction Specifications Institute. , I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I ~ I I I The responsibilities between OWNER and CONTRACTOR for security, operation, safety, maintenance, heat, utilities, insurance and warranties and guarantees shall be as follows: OWNER: CONTRACTOR: The following documents are attached to and made a part of this Certificate: [For items to be attached see definition of Substantial Completion as supplemented and other specifically noted conditions precedent to achieving Substantial Completion as required by Contract Documents.] This certificate does not constitute an acceptance of Work not in accordance with the Contract Documents nor is it a release of CONTRACTOR's obligation to complete the Work in accordance with the Contract Documents. Executed by ENGINEER on Date ENGINEER By: (Authorized Signature) CONTRACTOR accepts this Certificate of Substantial Completion on Date CONTRACTOR By: (Authorized Signature) OWNER accepts this Certificate of Substantial Completion on Date OWNER By: (Authorized Signature) I - I I I I I I I I I I I I , I SECTION 01010 Summary of Work PART 1- GENERAL 1.01 SCOPE A. This contract is intended to be an inspection/repair/rehabilitation project with the emphasis placed on documenting and correcting defects found within sanitary sewer lines and manholes that are contributing inflow and infIltration to the system. The successful Firm will conduct the inspections and perform necessary repairs to complete the inspections as well as rehabilitation to the sewer system to eliminate defects identified through the inspections. Owner will review recommendations and approve corrective actions prior to implementation; and provide project oversight and inspect the quality and progress of the work. This contract will consist of individual task orders issued by the Department to the successful Firm. Separate task orders will be developed for the "Find" and the "Fix" portion of the contract. Quantities listed in the Unit Pay Item Schedule are . estimates. These quantities may be exceeded or may not be used; the use of these Pay Items shall be approved by the Department. The Work to be performed under this Contract shall consist of furnishing all plants, tools, equipment, materials, supplies, and manufactured articles and furnishing all labor, transportation, and services, including fuel, power, water, and essential communications, and performing all work, or other operations required for the fulfillment of the Contract in strict accordance with the Contract Documents. The Work shall be complete, and all work, materials, and services not expressly indicated or called for in the Contract Documents which may be necessary for the complete and proper construction of the Work in good faith shall be provided by the Contractor as though originally so indicated, at no increase in cost to the Owner. 1.02 PROJECT LOCATION A. The Work described by the Specifications is located 10 the City of Augusta, Georgia. The exact location is shown on the Drawings. 1.03 WORK COVERED BY THE CONTRACT DOCUMENTS A. The Spirit Creek Rehabilitation Project comprises the renewal and rehabilitation of a portion of the sewer collection system in the City of Augusta. The Work includes, but is not limited to: 1. Manhole Inspections & Condition Assessment. Spirit Creek Sanitary Sewer Rehabilitation City of Augusta 03/13/02 - I I I I I I I I I I I , I , I I I I 01010-2 Summary of Work 2. Cleaning of 30-inch & 36-inch diameter pipe. 3. CCTV Inspection & Internal Condition Assessment. 4. Rehabilitation of 30-inch & 36-inch sewer pipe. 5. Replacement of 30-inch & 36-inch sewer pipe. 6. Rehabilitation of sewer manholes and appurtenances. 7. Replacement of sewer manholes and appurtenances. 10. Other work associated with the above items. All work shall be performed according to the requirements of the construction drawings and specifications. 1.04 PROJECT SCHEDULE A. All work shall be completed on or before July 30,2002. 1.05 WORK COORDINATION A. The Contractor shall coordinate his work with third parties (such as public utilities and telephone company) in areas where such parties may have rights to underground property or facilities; and, request maps or other descriptive information as to the nature and location of such underground facilities or property. B. The Contractor shall also coordinate his work with owners of private and public property where access is required for the performance of the work. Legal access will be acquired and provided by the City. 1.06 FIELD OFFICES A. The Contractor provide Level I facilities as described in Section 01590 - Field Offices. 1.07 CONDITIONS AT THE SITES A. The Contractor shall make all necessary investigations to deterinine the existence and location of underground utilities. B. The Contractor will be held re~ponsible for any damage to and for maintenance and protection of existing utilities, structures, and personal property. Spirit Creek Sanitary Sewer Rehabilitation City of Augusta 03/13/02 ~ ~ I I I I I I I I I I I I I I , I I I I I 01010-3 Summary of Work C. Nothing in these Contract Documents or associated Drawings shall be construed as a guarantee that such utilities are in the location indicated or that they actually exist, or that other utilities are not within the area of the operations. 1.07 SEQUENCE OF WORK General Listed below is a general description of how the work in this contract will be sequenced. The goal of this contract is to maximize the amount of sewer line repairs that can be made with the current project budget. Contractor shall not proceed with any work without prior approval from the Owner. The Owner reserves the right to revise this sequence at any time during the contract. Field Investigations (''Find'') A. Location of manhole inspections finalized by Owner. B. Contractor initiates manhole inspections. Manholes .with defects or in need of repairs to complete the manhole inspections shall be reported to the Owner with recommended repairs. Contractor shall obtain approval of manhole improvements from the Owner. C. Contractor completes manhole improvements and manhole inspections. D. Locations of CCTV inspection surveys fInalized by the Owner. E. Contractor submits completion schedule of improvements to Owner. F. Contractor initiates CCTV inspection surveys. Contractor shall reverse CCTV inspection when an obstruction inside the pipe prevents completion of the survey; and notify the Owner of the obstructions. G. Contractor shall make point repairs on the sewer line to complete the CCTV inspection survey. If the survey cannot be completed after the second point repair, the entire pipe segment between its upstream and downstream manhole shall be scheduled for replacement. H. After completion of CCTV inspections, Contractor shall prepare an inspection report including all inspection forms and data collected; with recommendations for sewer line improvements for Owner approval. Contractor shall estimate the cost of improvements using the unit prices in the Pay Item Schedule. r. Locations of sewer line improvements fInalized by Owner. J. Locations of additional Field Investigations(if necessary) finalized by Owner. Sewer Line Improvements (''Fix'') A. Contractor :mbrnits completion schedule of improvements to Owner for approval. B. Contractor mobilizes labor, material, and equipment necessary to complete improvements. Spirit Creek Sanitary Sewer Rehabilitation City of Augusta 03/13/02 , I I I I I , I I I I I I I I I I I I I , I I 01010-4 Summary of Work C. Owner performs periodic inspections of improvements constructed by Contractor. D. Upon [mal approval of improvements by Owner; Contractor completes site restoration and demobilization of labor, excess materials, and equipment. END OF SECTION Spirit Creek Sanitary Sewer Rehabilitation City of Augusta 03113/02 ~ ~ I I I I I I I I I I I I - I I I . SECTION 01016 Occupancy PART 1- GENERAL 1.01 PARTIAL OCCUPANCY BY CITY A. Whenever, in the opinion of the City, any section or portion of the work is in suitable condition, it may be put into use upon the written order of the City and such usage will not be held in any way as an acceptance of said work, or any part thereof, or as a waiver of any of the provisions of these Specifications and the Contract. Pending final completion and acceptance of the work, all necessary repairs and replacements, due to defective materials or workmanship or operations of the Contractor, for any section of the work so put into use- shall be performed by the Contractor at Contractor's own expense. PART 2 - PRODUCTS (NOT USED) PART 3 - EXECUTION (NOT USED) END OF SECTION Spirit Creek Sanitary Sewer Rehabilitation City of Augusta 03f13f02 ~ ~ I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I i - I I PART 1- GENERAL 1.01 SCOPE SECTION 01025 Measurement and Payment A. This Section describes the methods and procedures that will be used in and for processing Applications for Payment. The provisions will apply to work under all Sections of the Contract Documents unless specific instructions are provided within individual Specification Sections. B. The basis of payment will be the unit prices and/or lump sum amounts included in the Pay Item Schedule. Estimated quantities are provicfed for guidance only and do not necessarily reflect the total work to be carried out. The Owner reserves the right to adjust the quantities up or down as necessary and to prioritize the work in any order. Nothing in this Section shall be construed as providing for additional payment beyond the bid items. Prices will include all labor, equipment and materials necessary for a complete installation in accordance with the Contract Documents. All incidental work necessary for a complete and operable project shall be included in the price bid. No payment will be made for partially completed bid items. 1.02 MEASUREMENT Item CY CY - VM EA GAL DAY JT LB LF LS SF ~ehabilitation Project Method of Measurement Per Cubic Yard-Field Measure by Owner within the limits specified or shown Per Cubic Yard-Measured in the Vehicle by Volume Each-Completed Unit; Approved by Owner Per Gallon-Field Measure by Owner Per Day - Field Count by Owner Per Joint - Field Count by Owner Per Pound(s)-Weight Measure by Scale Per Linear Foot-Horizontal Field Measure by Owner Lump Sum-% Complete; Approved by Owner Per Square Foot - Field Measure by Owner City of Augusta 03/14/02 ~ ~ I I I I I I I I I I I I I - !!!!! .... I 01025-2 Measurement and Payment Item Method of Measurement SY Per Square Yard - Horizontal Field Measure by Owner VF Per Vertical Foot - Vertical Field Measure by Owner WK Per Week- Field Measure by Owner 1.03 APPLICATION FOR PAYMENT A. Transmittal Summary Form: Attach one Summary Form with each detailed Application for Payment for each schedule and include Request for Payment of Materials and Equipment on Hand as applicable. Execute certification by authorized officer of Contractor. B. Use detailed Application for Payment Form suitable to Owner. C. Provide separate form for each schedule as applicable. Include accepted schedule of values for each schedule or portion of Work, the unit price breakdown for Work to be paid on unit price basis, if applicable, and allowances, as appropriate. D. Applications for payment will be acceptable on a calendar month cycle, or less frequently; and shall be submitted in accordance to the General Conditions PART 2 - PAY ITEMS Items 1 & 18 - Mobilization: Mobilization shall consist of all the Contractor's preparatory administrative operations including all labor, materials, equipment, maintenance and other incidental costs which are necessary to execute the work on the project. Mobilization will not be measured, but will be paid on a lump sum basis in two (2) installments. Fifty Percent (50%) of the lump sum price will be made on the first montWy estimate after initial mobilization and beginning of work. The second and final payment will be made on the next montWy estimate after completion of all mobilization. The costs for demobilization, and re-mobilizations due shut downs or suspensions of the work caused by the Contractor shall not be compensated. Item 2 & 19 - Vehicular Access Improvements: Vehicular access improvements to manholes and sewer lines shall be provided where directed by the Owner to facilitate execution of the work. Contractor shall be responsible for determining the improvements required for their equipment. The unit price in the Pay Item Schedule for this work shall include all labor, materials, equipment, maintenance and other incidental costs which are necessary to complete the requirements of this pay item. Measurement and payment will be in accordance to the Pay Item Schedule and based on the actual quantities completed, measured in the field, and approved to the satisfaction of the Owner. .. Rehabilitation Project City of Augusta 03/14/02 2 , , I I I I I I I I I I I I I I , I I I I - - 01025-3 Measurement and Payment Items 3 & 4 - Manhole Inspections: Manhole Inspections shall be performed at locations designated by the Owner to field locate and assess the condition of each manhole for subsequent CCTV inspection of sewer lines. In addition, a physical inspection of the manhole structure shall be performed to locate possible sources of inflow and infiltration. Data collection and reporting, as well as recommendations for manhole rehabilitation or replacement shall be in accordance to the Contract Specifications. The unit price in the Pay Item Schedule for this work shall include all labor, materials, equipment, maintenance and other incidental costs which are necessary to complete the requirements of this pay item. Measurement and payment will be in accordance to the Pay Item Schedule and based on the actual quantities completed, measured in the field, and approved to the satisfaction of the Owner. Item 5 - Clean Manholes - Remove and Dispose of Debris: Cleaning of manholes shall be performed to allow completion of Manhole Inspections, and improve the functional performance of the manhole. Manhole Cleaning sh~ include the removal and disposal of all soil, silt, rocks and other granular material and as well as other foreign debris. The unit price in the Pay Item Schedule shall include all labor, materials, equipment, maintenance and other incidental costs which are necessary to complete the requirements of this pay item. Measurement and payment will be in accordance to the Pay Item Schedule and based on the actual quantities completed, measured in the field, and approved to the satisfaction of the Owner. Item 6 - Raised Buried Manhole Covers to Grade: Raising buried manholes covers to grade shall be performed to allow completion of Manhole Inspections, and improve the functional performance of the manhole. Buried manhole covers approved for raising by the Owner shall be performed in accordance to Contract Specifications. If approved by the Owner, replacement of manhole frames and covers will be paid under the appropriate separate pay item. The unit price in the Pay Item Schedule for this work shall include all labor, materials, equipment, maintenance and other incidental costs which are necessary to complete the requirements of this pay item. Measurement and payment will be in accordance to the Pay Item Schedule and based on the actual quantities completed, measured in the field, and approved to the satisfaction of the Owner. Item 7 - Cleanine - 24-36" Sewer Lines: Cleaning in sewer lines shall be performed to allow completion of CCTV Inspections, and improve the functional performance of the sewer lines. All cleaning work shall be performed in accordance to the Contract Specifications. The unit price in the Pay Item Schedule shall include all labor, materials, equipment, maintenance and other incidental costs which are necessary to complete the requirements of this pay item. Measurement and payment will be in accordance to the Pay Item Schedule and based on the quantities completed as measured in the field horizontally from the center of manholes on each pipe segment as approved to the sa~sfaction of the Owner. Measurements for payment shall not exceed the actual length of pipe measured between manholes. Payments will not be made until verification of contract conformance by CCTV inspections and satisfaction of the Owner. . Rehabilitation Project City of Augusta 03/14/02 3 ~ - I , I I I I I I I I I I I ~ - i I ~ - ~ 01025-4 Measurement and Payment Item 8 - CCTV Inspection - 24-36" Sewer Lines: CCTV inspections shall be performed to determine the internal structural condition of sewer pipes and performed to locate possible sources of inflow and infiltration. CCTV Inspections, Data collection and reporting, as well as recommendations for sewer pipe rehabilitation or replacement shall be in accordance to the Contract Specifications. The unit price in the Pay Item Schedule for this work shall include all labor, materials, equipment, maintenance and other incidental costs which are necessary to complete the requirements of this pay item. Measurement and payment will be in accordance to the Pay Item Schedule and based on the quantities completed as measured in the field from the center of manholes on each pipe segment as approved to the satisfaction of the Owner. Measurements for payment shall not exceed the actual length of pipe measured between manholes. Payments will not be made until verification of contract conformance by review of CCTV inspections and satisfaction of the Owner. Item 9 - Reverse Setups for CCTV Inspection: Reverse selups shall be performed as necessary when obstructions inside the pipe prevent completion of the CCTV inspection in a single direction. The unit price in the Pay Item Schedule for this work shall include all labor, materials, equipment, maintenance and other incidental costs which are necessary to reset the CCTV inspection equipment to complete the inspection from the opposite manhole. Measurement and payment will be in accordance to the Pay Item Schedule and based on the actual quantities completed, measured in the field, and approved to the satisfaction of the Owner. Item 10 - Root Removal/Joint Cleaninl! - 24-36" Sewer Lines: Root removal and/or joint cleaning in sewer lines shall be performed to improve the functional performance of the sewer lines and/or to remove obstructions and protrusions in preparation for CIPP lining. Locations shall be approved by the Owner prior to removal. All root removal work shall be performed in accordance to the Contact Specifications. The unit price in the Pay Item Schedule for this work shall include all labor, materials, equipment, maintenance and other incidental costs which are necessary to complete the requirements of this pay item. Measurement and payment will be in accordance to the Pay Item Schedule and based on the total length of pipe measured between manholes and approved to the satisfaction of the Owner. Items 11 & 38 - Temporarv Pumpinl!: Temporary pumping shall be provided as necessary for by-pass pumping and/or de-watering excavations for emergency work in conjunction with Pay Items 17 & 42 at locations as approved by the Owner. The unit price in the Pay Item Schedule for this work shall include all labor, materials, equipment, maintenance and other incidental costs which are necessary to complete the requirements of this pay item. Measurement and payment will be in accordance to the Pay Item Schedule and based on the actual quantities completed, measured in the field, and approved to the satisfaction of the Owner. Items 12, 13 & 14 Point Repairs (up to 16' lem!th) 24-36" pipe: Point repairs shall be performed to repairs sewer lines with internal defects that prohibit the completion of III Rehabilitation Project City of Augusta 03/14/02 4 ~ ~ ~ I i I I I , I I I I I I I I I I I I" . - I 1 ., 01025-5 Measurement and Payment CCTV inspections as approved by the Owner. All work shall be performed in accordance to the Contract Specifications. The unit price in the Pay Item Schedule for this work shall include all labor, materials, equipment, maintenance and other incidental costs which are necessary to complete the requirenients of this pay item. Measurement and payment will be in accordance to the Pay Item Schedule and based on the actual quantities completed, measured in the field, and approved to the satisfaction of the Owner. Point repairs greater than 16'; the amount of pipe replaced in excess of 16' in length shall be paid under Pay Items 26 through 28. Items 15 & 39 - Traffic Control Allowance: Traffic control shall be provided as necessary for maintaining traffic for each of the pay items listed in the Pay Item Schedule for the duration of the contract. The cost for traffic control greater than this allowance shall be included in the unit price of the individual pay items. The traffic control allowance will not be measured, but the allowance provided in the Pay Item Schedule will be divided and paid in three (3) equal installments starting wi~h the first monthly estimate after initiation of the work as approved by the Owner. Item 16 - Data Analysis/Report PreparationJRehabilitation Recommendations: A final report containing all inspection forms and other data collected as well as rehabilitation recommendations shall be combined in a single report. Rehabilitation work shall not begin until Owner's approval of the report. The unit price in the Pay Item Schedule for this work shall include all labor, materials, equipment, maintenance and other incidental costs which are necessary to complete the requirements of this pay item. Measurement and payment will be in accordance to the Pay Item Schedule and based on the actual quantities completed and approved to the satisfaction of the Owner. Items 17 & 42 - Allowance for Emergency Repairs or Work not Covered by Pay Items: Emergency repairs or work not covered by pay items shall not be performed without prior approval by the Owner. This allowance will be used under the sole direction of the Owner. Any unused allowance will revert back to the Owner. Compensation for this work shall include all labor, materials, equipment, maintenance and other incidental costs which are necessary to complete the requirements of this pay item. Measurement and payment will be either on a lump sum or time and material basis as approved by the Owner. Item 20 through 25 - Cured-In-Place-Pipe liner: Segments of pipe approved for installation of a Cured-In-Place-Pipe liner system (CIPP) shall be installed at the minimum approved thickness approved by the Owner. Liners installed that are thicker than approved will not be approved for additional payment. All CIPP work shall be performed in accordance to the Contract Specifications. The unit price in the Pay Item Schedule for this work shall include all labor, materials, equipment, maintenance and other incidental costs which are necessary to complete the requirements of this pay item. Measurement and payment will be in accordance to the Pay Item Schedule and based on the actual quantities completed, measured horizontally in the field, and approved to the . Rehabilitation Project City of Augusta 03/14/02 5 J J I I I I , I I I I I I ; I I I , I I I I I I 01025-6 Measurement and Payment satisfaction of the Owner. Cleaning, CCTV Inspection, and temporary by-pass pumping required to install the CIPP shall be included in the unit price for CIPP. Items 26 through 28 - Manhole to Manhole Pipe Replacement: Removal and replacement of existing sewer line with new sewer line shall be done at locations approved by the Owner. All pipe replacement work shall be in accordance to the Contract Specifications. The unit price in the Pay Item Schedule for this work shall include all labor, materials, equipment, maintenance and other incidental costs which are necessary to complete the requirements of this pay item. Measurement and payment will be in accordance to the Pay Item Schedule and based on the actual quantities completed, measured horizontally in the field, and approved to the satisfaction of the Owner. Item 29 - Trench Sheeting & Shoring Left in Place: Trench sheeting and shoring shall be left in place at locations approved in writing by the Owner. The unit price in the Pay Item Schedule for this work shall include all labor, materials, ~quipment, maintenance and other incidental costs which are necessary to complete the requirements of this pay item. Measurement and payment will be in accordance to the Pay Item Schedule and based on the actual quantities left in place, measured in the field, and approved to the satisfaction of the Owner. Item 30 - Manhole Replacement: Removal and replacement of existing sewer manholes shall be done at locations approved by the Owner. All manhole replacement work shall be in accordance to the Contract Specifications. The unit price in the Pay Item Schedule for this work shall include all labor, materials, equipment, maintenance and other incidental costs which are necessary to complete the requirements of this pay item. Measurement and payment will be in accordance to the Pay Item Schedule and based on the actual quantities completed, measured in the field, and approved to the satisfaction of the Owner. Item 31- Chimnev Seals: Chimney seals shall be installed at locations approved by the Owner. All chimney seal work shall be in accordance to the Contract Specifications. The unit price in the Pay Item Schedule for this work shall include all labor, materials, equipment, maintenance and other incidental costs which are necessary to complete the requirements of this pay item. Measuremen~ and payment will be in accordance to the Pay Item Schedule and based on the actual quantities completed, measured in the field, and approved to the satisfaction of the Owner. Item 32 - Remove & Replace Existing Frame & Cover: Removal and replacement of existing sewer manhole frames and covers shall be done at locations approved by the Owner. The unit price in the Pay Item Schedule for this work shall include all labor, materials, equipment, maintenance and other incidental costs which are necessary to complete the requirements of this pay item. Measurement and payment will be in accordance to the Pay Item Schedule and based on the actual quantities completed, measured in the field, and approved to the satisfaction of the Owner. .. Rehabilitation Project City of Augusta 03/14/02 6 - - I I I , I I I I I I I I I I I I I I - 01025-7 Measurement and Payment Item 33 - Watertight Frame & Covers: Watertight manhole frames and covers shall be substituted for new standard frames and covers at locations approved by the Owner. All manhole frame and cover replacement work shall be in accordance to the Contract Specifications. The unit price in the Pay Item Schedule for this work shall include all labor, materials, equipment, maintenance and other incidental costs which are necessary to complete the requirements of this pay item. Measurement and payment will be in accordance to the Pay Item Schedule and based on the actual quantities completed, measured in the field, and approved to the satisfaction of the Owner. Item 34 - Manhole Sealing: Manhole sealing shall be done at locations approved by the Owner. All manhole rehabilitation work shall be in accordance to the Contract Specifications. The unit price in the Pay Item Schedule for this work shall include all labor, materials, equipment, maintenance and other incidental costs which are necessary to complete the requirements of this pay item. Measurement and payment will be in accordance to the Pay Item Schedule and based on the actual quantities completed, measured in the field, and approved to the satisfaction of the Owner. Item 35 - Manhole Lining: Manhole lining shall be done at locations approved by the Owner. All manhole rehabilitation work shall be in accordance to the Contract Specifications. The unit price in the Pay Item Schedule for this work shall include all labor, materials, equipment, maintenance and other incidental costs which are necessary to complete the requirements of this pay item. Measurement and payment will be in accordance to the Pay Item Schedule and based on the actual quantities completed, measured in the field, and approved to the satisfaction of the Owner. Item 36 - Rebuild Exist. Manhole Benching & Invert Channel: Existing manhole benches and invert channels shall be rebuilt at locations approved by the Owner. All work shall be in accordance to the Contract Specifications. The unit price in the Pay Item Schedule for this work shall include all labor, materials, equipment, maintenance and other incidental costs which are necessary to complete the requirements of this pay item. Measurement and payment will be in accordance to the Pay Item Schedule and based on the actual quantities completed, measured in the field, and approved to the satisfaction of the Owner. Item 37 - Plug Abandoned Sewer Pipes in Manholes with Concrete: Abandoned sewer pipes in manholes shall be plugged at locations approved by the Owner. All work shall be in accordance to the Contract Specifications. The unit price in the Pay Item Schedule for this work shall include all labor, materials, equipment, maintenance and other incidental costs which are necessary to complete the requirements of this pay item. Measurement and payment will be in accordance to the Pay Item Schedule and based on the actual quantities completed, measured in the field, and approved to the satisfaction of the Owner. Item 40 - Special Landsc.,'lPe Restoration Allowance: Special landscape restoration shall be provided at locations approved by the Owner. The special landscape restoration 11II Rehabilitation Project City of Augusta 03/14/02 7 - - , I I I I I I I , I I I I I 01025-8 Measurement and Payment allowance will be used under the sole direction of the Owner for specific site restoration requirements to supplement the standard site restoration requirements included in the individual pay items in the Pay Item Schedule. Any unused allowance will revert back to the Owner. Compensation for this work shall include all labor, materials, equipment, maintenance and other incidental costs which are necessary to complete the requirements of this pay item. Measurement and payment will be either on a lump sum or time and material basis as approved by the Owner. Item 41- Record Drawings: Record drawings of all rehabilitation and replacement work shall be approved by the Owner prior to payment. Record drawings shall be prepared in accordance to the Contract Specifications. The lump sum price in the Pay Item Schedule for this work shall include all labor, materials, equipment, maintenance and other incidental costs which are necessary to complete the requirements of this pay item. Item 43 - Project Management Allowance: Project management allowance shall be provided as necessary for providing full time on-site project management, contractor's field office, and other associated incidental costs for the duration of the contract. The cost for project management greater than this allowance shall be included in the unit price of the individual pay items. The project management allowance provided in the Pay Item Schedule shall be measured on a weekly basis, and paid with each monthly pay estimate after initiation of the work as approved by the Owner. i - III Rehabilitation Project City of Augusta 03/14/02 8 -, , I I I I I , I , I I I I I \ I I - I I I I SECTION 01040 Project Coordination PART 1- GENERAL 1.01 SCOPE A. Management of the Project shall be through the use of a logical method of construction planning, inspection, scheduling and cost value documentation. B. The work under this section includes all surface and subsurface condition inspections and coordination by the Contractor necessary for the proper and complete performance of the work. C. This section applies to the work of every division and every section of these Specifications. D. The Contractor shall become thoroughly familiar with the requirements of the Contract Documents, as well as jobsite conditions and the work of separate contractors (if any), and shall make any adjustments necessary to maintain the Project schedule. E. Close coordination will be required by the Contractor with the City, Engineer, other authorities having jurisdiction, separate contractors (if any), and others having an interest in the Project to assure that all work on the site, access to and from the site, and the general conduct of the operations is maintained in a safe and efficient manner, and that disruption and inconvenience to existing streets and property are minimized. 1.02 SITE CONDITIONS A. Inspection: 1. Prior to performing any work under a section, the Contractor shall carefully inspect the installed work of other trades and verify that all such work is complete to the point where the work under that section may properly commence. 2. The Contractor shall verify that all materials, equipment and products to be installed under a section may be installed in strict accordance with the original design and pertinent reviewed shop drawings. 3. Observation of the work by the Engineer or others shall not be interpreted as relieving the Contractor of its responsibility for the coordination of all Spirit Creek Sanitary Sewer Rehabilitation City of Augusta 03/12/02 ~ - - I I I I I I I I I I I I I I 1.03 1.04 - -, -, 01040-2 Project Coordination work, superintendence of the work, or scheduling and direction of the work. B. Discrepancies: 1. In the event of discrepancy, immediately notify the Engineer. 2. In the event of discrepancy, the General Condition will govern. EXISTING FACILITlES A. The existing services shall remain in FULL operation while new construction is in progress. B. The Contractor shall coordinate the work with the City_so that the construction will not restrain or hinder the operation of the existing wastewater facilities. If, at any time, any portion of the wastewater facilities are out of service, the Contractor must obtain prior approval from the City as to the date, time and length of time that portion of the wastewater facilities are out of service. C. Connections to the existing facilities or alteration of existing facilities will be made at times when the piping or facility involved is not in use or at times, established by the City, when the use of piping of facility can be conveniently interrupted for the period of time needed to make the connection or alteration. D. After having coordinated the work with the City, the Contractor shall notify the Engineer of the time, time limits and methods of each connection or alteration and have the approval of the Engineer before any work is undertaken on the connections or alterations. E. Before any roadway or facilities are blocked off, the City's approval shall be obtained to coordinate operations for these facilities, and any signage, plating, bypass pumping, sinking of bypass conduits, ramping or any other temporary accommodation work shall be implemented by the Contractor as directed by the City. COORDINATION A. Carefully coordinate work with all other trades and subcontractors to insure proper and adequate interface of the work of other trades and subcontractors with the work of every section of these Specifications. B. The Contractor shall coordinate operations with all utility companies in or adjacent to the area of Contractor's work. The Contractor shall require said utilities to identify in the field their property and provide Drawings as necessary to locate them. ; Spirit Creek Sanitary Sewer Rehabilitation 03/12/02 City of Augusta ~ , , I I I , I I I I , I I . 01040-3 Project Coordination C. The Contractor shall so schedule the Contractor's work that the Contractor does not interrupt the operation of any existing facility, including water mains and sewers. In the event certain tie-ins or other operations make it absolutely necessary to interrupt the operation of existing facilities, the City will be notified and such work will be done at a time and in a manner acceptable to the CityfEngineer. PART 2 - PRODUCTS (NOT USED) PART 3 - EXECUTION (NOT USED) END OF SECTION Spirit Creek Sanitary Sewer Rehabilitation City of Augusta 03/12/02 ~ I I I I I I I I I I I I ==r SECTION, 01060 Field Engineering PART I-GENERAL 1.01 SCOPE A. Permits and Responsibilities: The Contractor shall, without additional expense to the City, be responsible for obtaining all licenses and permits, including building permits, and for complying with any applicable federal, state, city and municipal laws, codes and regulations, in connection with the prosecution of the work. B. The Contractor shall take proper safety and health precautions to protect the work, the workers, the public and the property of others. C. The Contractor shall also be responsible for all materials delivered and work performed until completion and acceptance of the work, except for any completed unit of construction thereof which may heretofore have been accepted. D. Business Licenses: The Contractor shall provide the City, on the proper form, proof of being licensed to do business within the City; proof of proper business licenses shall also be provided by the Contractor for any and all subcontractors corning under the jurisdiction of this Contract. E. The Contractor shall furnish all materials, professional engineering services, and surveying services necessary to perform the work; obtain permits; or required by law, code, or regulation. PART 2 - PRODUCTS 2.01 MATERIALS A. All surveying equipment, stakes and any other material necessary to perform the work, shall be furnished by the Contractor and shall be approved by the Engineer. PART 3 - EXECUTION 3.01 CONSTRUCTION A. The Contractor shall be responsible for establishing sufficient reference points from which the project datum can be re-established. B. The Contractor shall be responsible for establishing benchmarks and preserving them throughout the life of the Project at no expense to the City. The Contractor Spirit Creek Sanitary Sewer Rehabilitation 03/13/02 City of Augusta ~ - - I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I 01060-2 Construction Layout must check these for accuracy after clearing and prior to any construction, and must report any discrepancies which are found to the Engineer. The Contractor must establish any additional benchmarks which are needed for construction. C. Any stakes or monuments destroyed or disturbed shall be replaced at the Contractor's expense. D. All other line and grade stakes necessary to construct the job shall be set by the Contractor. E. The Contractor shall furnish personnel fully qualified and capable of establishing or re-establishing all line and grade points necessary to complete the work in accordance with plan dimensions and to the tolerance generally acceptable to the degree of precision in surveying required for the work being performed. F. The Contractor shall furnish a copy of all survey records made by his forces to the Engineer, who reserves the right to check, correct where necessary, or require any layout work to be revised. These records shall be furnished upon request or as they are completed. and shall become a part of the permanent Project records. G. Acceptance of all or any part of the Contractor's layout by the Engineer shall not relieve the Contractor of his responsibility to secure proper dimensions in the completed work. END OF SECTION Spirit Creek Sanitary Sewer Rehabilitation City of Augusta 03/13/02 ~ ~ ~ I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I ~ i I SECTION 01091 Codes and Standards PART 1- GENERAL 1.01 DESCRIPTION A. Whenever reference is made to conforming to the standards of any technical society, organization, body, code or standard, it shan be construed to mean the latest standard, code, specification or tentative specification adopted and published at the . time of Advertisement for Bids.. This shall include the furnishing of materials, testing of materials, fabrication and installation practices. In those cases where the Contractor's quality standards establish more stringent quality requirements, the more stringent requirement shall prevail. Such standards are made a part hereof to the extent that is indicated or intended. B. The inclusion of an organization under one category does not preclude that organization's standards from applying to another category. C. In addition, all work shall comply with the applicable requirements of local codes, utilities and other authorities having jurisdiction. D. All material and equipment, for which a UL Standard, an AGA or NSF approval or an ASME requirement is established, shall be so approved and labeled or stamped. The label or stamp shall be conspicuous and not covered, painted, or otherwise obscured from visual inspection. E. The standards which apply to this Project are not necessarily restricted to those organizations which are listed in Item 1.02. 1.02 STANDARD ORGANIZATIONS A. Piping and Valves: 1. ACPA American Concrete Pipe Association 2. ANSI American National Standards Institute 3. API American Petroleum Institute 4. ASME American Society of Mechanical Engineers 5. AWWA American Water Works Association Spirit Creek Sanitary Sewer Rehabilitation 03/12102 City of Augusta , I ! I I I I I I I I I I I I ~ I I I I I I I - I. I 6. CISPI 7. DIPRA 8. FCI 9. MSS 10. NCPI 11. NSF 12. PPI B. Materials: 1. AASHTO 2. 3. ANSI ASTM 01091-2 Codes and Standards Cast Iron Soil Pipe Institute Ductile Iron Pipe Research Association Fluid Controls Institute Manufacturers Standardization Society National Clay Pipe Institute National Sanitation Foundation Plastic Pipe Institute Uni-Bell PVC Pipe Association American Association of State Highway and Transportation Officials American National Standards Institute American Society for Testing and Materials C. Painting and Surface Preparation: 1. NACE SSPC 2. National Association of Corrosion Engineers Steel Structures Painting Council D. Electrical and Instrumentation: 1. ABIC Association of Edison illuminating Companies 2. AlEE American Institute of Electrical Engineers 3. EIA Electronic Industries Association 4. ICEA Insulated Cable Engineers Association 5. IEEE Institute of Electrical and Electronic Engineers 6. IES illuminating Engineering Society 7. IPC Institute of Printed Circuits Spirit Creek Sanitary Sewer Rehabilitation City of Augusta 03/12102 I I 01091-3 ~ Codes and Standards 8. IPCEA Insulated Power Cable Engineers Association I 9. ISA Instrument Society of America I I 10. NEC National Electric Code 11. NEMA National Electrical Manufacturers Association I 12. NFPA National Fire Protection Association I 13. TIA Telecommunications Industries Association 14. UL Underwriter's Laboratories I 15. VRCI Variable Resistive Components !nstitute . E. Aluminum: - 1. AA Aluminum Association 2. AAMA American Architectural Manufacturers Association I F. Steel and Concrete: I 1. ACI American Concrete Institute 2. AISC American Institute of Steel Construction, Inc. I 3. AISI American Iron and Steel Institute I 4. CRSI Concrete Reinforcing Steel Institute , 5. NRMA National Ready-Mix Association I 6. PCA Portland Cement Association I I 7. PCI Prestressed Concrete Institute I G. Welding: 1. AS:ME American Society of Mechanical Engineers . - 2. AWS American Welding Society Spirit Creek Sanitary Sewer Rehabilitation City of Augusta 03/12102 ~ 01091-4 ~ Codes and Standards H. Codes and Government and Technical Organizations: , I. AIA American Institute of Architects I 2. ANSI/NFP A 101 Life Safety Code American Public Health Association , 3. APHA I 4. APWA American Public Works Association , 5. ASA American Standards Association 6. ASAE American Society of Agricultural Engineers , 7. ASCE American Society of Civil Engineers , 8. ASQC American Society of Quality Control I 9. ASSE American Society of Sanitary Engineers 10. CFR Code of Federal Regulations , II. CSI Construction Specifications Institute I 12. DOT Department of Transportation (Georgia) I 13. EDA Economic Development Administration I 14. EPA Environmental Protection Agency I 15. EPD Environmental Protection Division (Georgia) I 16. FCC Federal Communications Commission I 17. FMHA Farmers Home Administration I 18. FS Federal Specifications I 19. IAI International Association of Identification 20. ISEA Industrial Safety Equipment Association I 21. ISO International Organization for Standardization - I ii 22. ITE Institute of Traffic Engineers ~ . Spirit Creek Sanitary Sewer Rehabilitation City of Augusta 03/12/02 ~ ~ 01091-5 ~ Codes and Standards 23. MEC CABO Model Energy Code with Georgia Amendments ~ 24. NBFU National Board of Fire Underwriters I 25. (NFP A) National Fluid Power Association 26. NBS National Bureau of Standards I 27. NISO National Information Standards Organization I 28. OCGA Official Code of Georgia Annotated 29. OSHA Occupational Safety and Health Administration I 30. The following are all part of: I I Southern Building Code Congress Intemational~Inc. 900 Montclair Road Birmingham, Alabama 25213-1206 I a. SBC SBCCI Standard Building Code with Georgia Amendments I b. SFPC SBBCCI Standard Fire Prevention Code with Georgia Amendments I c. sac SBCCI Standard Gas Code with Georgia Amendments I d. SMC SBCCI Standard Mechanical Code with Georgia Amendments I e. SPC SBCCI Standard Plumbing Code with Georgia : Amendments I 30. SI Salt Institute I 31. SPI The Society of the Plastics Industry, Inc. I 32. USDC United States Department of Commerce 33. \VEF Water Environment Federation I I - I Spirit Creek Sanitary Sewer Rehabilitation City of Augusta 03/12/02 I I ~ I I I I I , I , I I I , I I I I I I I I I I ) 01091-6 Codes and Standards 1. General Building Construction: 1. AHA American Hardboard Association 2. AHAM Association of Home Appliance Manufacturers 3. AITC American Institute of Timber Construction 4. APA American Parquet Association, Inc. 5. APA American Plywood Association 6. AWPA American Wood Preservers Association 7. BHMA Builders Hardware Manufacturers Association 8. BIFMA Business and Institutional Furniture Manufacturers Association 9. DIll Door and Hardware Institute 10. PM Factory Mutual Fire Insurance Company 11. HPMA Hardwood Plywood Manufacturers Association 12. RTI Hand Tools Institute 13. IME Institute of Makers of Explosives 14. IS ANT A International Staple, Nail and Tool Association 15. ISDSI Insulated Steel Door Systems Institute 16. IWS Insect Screening Weavers Association 17. MBMA Metal Building Manufacturers Association 18. NAAMM National Association of Architectural Metal Manufacturers 19. NAGDM National Association of Garage Door Manufacturers 20. NCCLS National Committee for Clinical Laboratory Standards 21. NFPA National Fire Protection Association Spirit Creek Sanitary Sewer Rehabilitation City of Augusta 03/12/02 , 01091-7 Codes and Standards , 22. NFSA National Fertilizer Solutions Association , 23. NKCA National Kitchen Cabinet Association I 24. NWMA National Woodwork Manufacturers Association 25. NWWDA National Wood Window and Door Association I 26. RMA Rubber Manufacturers Association I 27. SDI Steel Door Institute I 28. SIA Scaffold Industry Association I 29. SMA Screen Manufacturers Association I 30. SPRI Single-Ply Roofing Institute 31. TCA Tile Council of America , 32. UBC Uniform Building Code I J. Roadways: I 1. AREA American Railway Engineering Association 2. DOT Department of Transportation I 3. SSRBC Standard Specifications for Road and Bridge Construction, Georgia Department of Transportation I 4. SSHC Standard Specification for Highway Construction, 1986 Edition, South Carolina Department of Highways and Public I Transportation K. Plumbing: I 1. AGA American Gas Association I 2. NSF National Sanitation Foundation I 3. PDI Plumbing Drainage Institute I I Spirit Creek Sanitary Sewer Rehabilitation City of Augusta 03/12/02 , 01091-8 , Codes and Standards L. Refrigeration, Heating, and Air Conditioning: , 1. AMCA Air Movement and Control Association I 2. ARI American Refrigeration Institute : 3. ASHRAE American Society of Heating, Refrigeration, and Air I Conditioning Engineers I 4. ASME American Society of Mechanical Engineers 5. CGA Compressed Gas Association I 6. CTI Cooling Tower Institute - 7. HEI Heat Exchange Institute 8. ITAR International Institute of Ammonia Refrigeration I 9. NB National Board of Boilers and Pressure Vessel Inspectors I I 10. PFMA Power Fan Manufacturers Association 11. SAE Society of Automotive Engineers I 12. SMACNA Sheet Metal and Air Conditioning Contractors National Association I 13. TEMA Tubular Exchangers Manufacturers Association I M. Equipment: I 1. AFBMA Anti-Friction Bearing Manufacturers Association, Inc. 2. AGMA American Gear Manufacturers Association I 3. ALl Automotive Lift Institute I 4. CEMA Conveyor Equipment Manufacturers Association I 5. CMAA Crane Manufacturers Association of America I 6. DEMA Diesel Engine Manufacturers Association I 7. MMA Monorail Manufacturers Association I Ii Spirit Creek Sanitary Sewer Rehabilitation City of Augusta 03/12/02 I , , I I I I , I I I I - I I I I I I I I I , ~ 01091-9 Codes and Standards 8. OPEl Outdoor Power Equipment Institute, Inc. 9. PTI Power Tool Institute, Inc. 10. RIA Robotic Industries Association 11. SAMA Scientific Apparatus Makers Association 1.03 SYMBOLS A. Symbols and material legends shall be as scheduled on the Contract Drawings. 1.04 COPIES OF STANDARDS A. Copies of applicable standards are not bound with the Contract Documents. Where copies of the standards are needed to perform a required construction activity, the Contractor shall obtain copies of the applicable standard(s) directly from the publication source. 1.05 PERMITS, LICENSES, AND CERTIFICATES A. The Contractor shall submit copies of all permits, licenses, certifications, inspection reports, releases, jurisdictional settlements, receipts for payment of fees, judgements and similar documents, correspondence, and records established in conjunction with compliance and regulations bearing upon performance of the work to the City for record purposes. PART 2 - PRODUCTS (NOT USED) PART 3 - EXECUTION (NOT USED) END OF SECTION Spirit Creek Sanitary Sewer Rehabilitation City of Augusta 03/12/02 , , ~ ~ I I I I I I I , I I I I I I I I I I I I I I , - l , SECTION 01200 Project Meetings PART 1- GENERAL 1.01 DESCRIPTION A. The Engineer will schedule and administer the preconstruction meeting. B. The Engineer shall schedule and administer periodic progress meetings and specially called progress meetings throughout the progress of the work. The Engineer shall prepare agenda for these meetings, distribute written notice of each meeting 7 days in advance of the meeting date, and make physical arrangements for the meetings. The Engineer shall preside at the progress meetings,. record the minutes, including all significant proceedings and decisions. The Engmeer shall reproduce and distribute copies of minutes within 3 days after each meeting to all participants in the meeting and to all parties affected by decisions made at the meeting. C. Representatives of contractors, subcontractors, and suppliers attending the meetings shall be qualified and authorized to act on behalf of the entity each represents. D. The Engineer shall attend progress meetings to ascertain that work is expedited consistent with the Contract Documents and the construction schedules. 1.02 RELATED SECTIONS A. The work of the following sections specifically apply to the work of this section. Other sections of the Specifications, not referenced below, shall also apply to the extent required for proper performance of work. 1. Section 01010: Summary of Work 2. 3. Section 01340: Shop Drawings, Product Data, and Samples 1.03 PRECONSTRUCTION MEETING A. The Engineer will schedule the meeting within 7 days after Notice of Award of Contract. B. The location of the meeting will be designated by the Engineer. c. The Following Parties Shall Attend the Meeting: Spirit Creek Sanitary Sewer Rehabilitation City of Augusta 03/13/02 ~ 01200-2 ~ Project Meetings ~ 1. City's Representative. 2. Engineer and his professional consultants. I 3. Contractor's Superintendent. I 4. Major subcontractors. 5. Major suppliers. I 6. Others as appropriate. I D. Suggested Agenda: 1. Distribution and Discussion of: I a. List of major subcontractors and suppliers. I b. Projected Construction Schedules. I 2. Critical work sequencing. 3. Major equipment deliveries and priorities. I 4. Project coordination. I I a. Designation of responsible personnel. 5. Procedures and Processing of: I a Field decisions. I b. Proposal requests. I c. Submittals. I d. Change Orders. . e. Applications for Payment. . 6. Adequacy of distribution of Contract Documents. - 7. Procedures for maintaining Record Documents. Spirit Creek Sanitary Sewer Rehabilitation City of Augusta 03/13/02 U1 , , I I I I I I I I , I I I I I I 01200-3 Project Meetings 8. Use of Premises: a. Office work and storage areas. b. City's requirements. 9. Construction facilities, controls and construction aids. 10. Temporary utilities. 11. Safety Plan and fIrst-aid procedures. 12. Security procedures. 13. Traffic Control Plan and procedures. 14. Emergency Communications: a. (XXX)XXX-XXXX 15. Day-to-Day Activities Coordination: a. Planned work. b. Email procedures. - - 16. Public relations procedures. 17. Hours of work. 18. Permits. 19. Testing. 20. Payment Schedule. - I 1.04 PROGRESS MEETINGS A. The Contractor shall hold regular Project meetings every week or as agreed to by the Engineer, and shall hold additional meetings as required by progress of the work. B. The meetings shall be held at the field office of the Contractor or at other locations made available by the Contractor and allowed for in the Contractor's rates. C. The Following Parties Shall Attend the Meetings: Spirit Creek Sanitary Sewer Rehabilitation City of Augusta 03/13/02 , I I I , I I I I I , I I I I I I ii - I 01200-4 Project Meetings D. 1. City's Representative. 2. Engineer, and his professional consultants, as needed. 3. Subc'ontractors as appropriate to the agenda. 4. Suppliers as appropriate to the agenda. 5. Others as required. Suggested Agenda: 1. Review and approval of minutes of previous meeting. 2. Review of work progress since previous meeting. 3. Field observations, problems, and/or conflicts. 4. Problems which impede Construction Schedule. 5. Review of off-site fabrication, delivery schedules. 6. Corrective measures and procedures to regain projected schedule. 7. Revisions to Construction Schedule. 8. Plan progress, schedule, during succeeding work period. 9. Coordination of schedules. 10. Review Submittal schedules; expedite as required. 11. Maintenance of quality standards. 12. Review Proposed Changes for: a. Effect on Construction Schedule and on completion date. b. Effect on other components of the Project. 13. Other business. Spirit Creek Sanitary Sewer Rehabilitation City of Augusta 03/13/02 , , I I I I I t , , I , . I , . I I . . - I - , l' I 01200-5 Project Meetings PART 2 - PRODUCTS (NOT USED) PART 3 - EXECUTION (NOT USED) END OF SECTION Spirit Creek Sanitary Sewer Rehabilitation City of Augusta 03/13/02 , ~ I I I I I I , , I I I I I- I I I I I I . - I -I SECTION 01320 Progress Reports and Digital Photographs PART 1- GENERAL 1.01 GENERAL A. The Contractor shall submit to the Engineer, on the last day of each week, the daily progress reports for each day worked that week, .including the following information: 1. A statement of work performed each day. - . 2. A manpower report indicating numbers working each day by trade, including subcontractors. 3. A copy of a delivery receipt of all deliveries, to the Project each day, of the equipment or materials that require approval according to these Specifications. 4. Weather conditions. 5. Other data pertinent to the progress of the work. B. Prior to the beginning of any work, the Contractor shall take Project digital photographs of the work area to record existing conditions. The digital camera used shall incorporate me dating of each photograph. Following completion of the work, another recording shall be made showing the same area and features as in the pre-construction digital photographs. All conditions that might later be subject to disagreement shall be shown in sufficient detail to provide a basis for decisions. The pre-construction digital photographs shall be submitted to the Engineer within 25 calendar days after the date of receipt by the Contractor of Notice to Proceed. Post-construction digital photographs shall be provided prior to final acceptance of the Project. Two (2) hardcopy 8-inch x lO-inch color prints of each digital photographic shotshall be submitted for the Pre-Construction and Post-Construction Phases together with all electronic dated digital photo files. Pertinent annotation will be provided at the bottom front left corner of each digital photographs, including Project name, Contractor's name, description of subject, orientation, and date and time of exposure. Digital photographs submitted shall be enclosed back to back in a double face plastic sleeve punched to fit a standard three-ring binder. PART 2 - PRODUCTS (NOT USED) Spirit Creek Sanitary Sewer Rehabilitation City of Augusta 03/l3/02 ~ I I I I I I I I I I I , I I ~ ~ I I I ~ I I I I I . ~ PART 3 - EXECUTION (NOT USED) END OF SECTION Spirit Creek Sanitary Sewer Rehabilitation City of Augusta 01320-2 Progress Reports and Digital Photographs 03/13/02 , I I I , I I I I I I J I I I I I I I , I I I I , SECTION 01340 Shop Drawings, Product Data, and Samples PART 1- GENERAL 1.01 SCOPE A. The Contractor shall submit shop drawings, product data and samples as required by the Contract Documents or as requested by the Engineer. . 1.02 SHOP DRAWINGS AND PRODUCT DATA A. Submit Shop Drawings. Product Data, and/or Samples Covering the Following Items of Work and As Described Elsewhere in These Contract Documents: 1. Cured in Place Pipe. 2. Manhole frames, covers, and hatches. 3. Sleeves, couplings, flexible joints, and insulation seals. 4. Bypass Piping layouts and procedures. 5. Project Schedule. B. Submit shop drawings and product data for any additional items of work, as necessary for the successful completion of the Project. C. Shop drawings for any structure shall consist of such detailed plans as may be required for the prosecution of the work but not included in the Drawings. All necessary shop drawings shall be furnished by and through the Contractor. They shall include shop details, erection plans, and bending diagrams for reinforcing steel. Review by the Engineer must be obtained before any work involving these plans may be performed. Plans for falsework, centering, and formwork may also be required, and such cases shall be likewise subject to review by the Engineer. 1.03 CONTRACTOR'S RESPONSIBILITIES A. The Prime Contractor shall approve shop drawings, product data, and samples prior to submission to the Engineer. B. Determine and Verifv: 1. Field measurements and quantities. Spirit Creek Sanitary Sewer Rehabilitation City of Augusta 03/12/02 ~ I I I I I , I I I I I I I I I I I I I I 01340-2 Shop Drawings, Product Data, and Samples 2. Field construction criteria. 3. Materials of construction. 4. Catalog numbers and similar data 5. Conformance with Specifications. C. Coordinate each submittal with requirements of the work of other submittals and of the Contract Documents. D. Notify the Engineer in writing, at time of submission, of any deviations in the submittals from the requirements of the Contract Documents in order that, if the deviations are deemed acceptable, suitable action may be taken for proper adjustment Otherwise, the Contractor will not be reli~ved of the responsibility for executing the work in accordance with the Drawings and Specifications even though such shop drawings have been reviewed by the Engineer. E. Fabrication or work that requires submittals shall not begin until return of submittals after the Engineer's review. F. Keep one set of approved and reviewed shop drawings on the jobsite at all times. G. Produce the required shop drawings. 1.04 SUBMISSION REQUIREl\1ENTS A. Make submittals promptly in accordance with approved schedule, and in such sequence as not to cause delay in the work or in the work of any other contractor. B. Number of Submittals Required: 1. Shop Drawings and Product Data: The Contractor shall submit five copies of shop drawings and product data to the Engineer for review. 2. Samples: The Contractor shall submit two samples with tags, properly identified, for each item requiring samples. Earthwork materials samples shall be approximately 5 pounds each. C. Each submission must be accompanied by a consecutively numbered letter of transmittal, in duplicate, listing the contents of the submission and identifying each item by reference to Specification section or Drawing number. Spirit Creek Sanitary Sewer Rehabilitation City of Augusta 03/12/02 , I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I - I 01340-3 Shop Drawings, Product Data, and Samples D. Submittals Shall Contain: 1. The date of submission and the dates of any previous submissions. 2. The Project title and number. 3. Contract identification. 4. The Names of: a. Contractor. b. Supplier. c. Manufacturer. 5. Identification of the product, with the Specification section number. 6. Field dimensions, clearly identified as such. 7. Relation to adjacent or critical features of the work or materials. 8. Applicable standards, such as ASTM or Federal Specification numbers. 9. Identification of deviations from Contract Documents. 10. Identification of revisions on resubmittals. 11. An 8-inch by 3-inch blank space for Contractor and Engineer stamps. 12. Contractor's stamp shall be initialed or signed, certifying to approval of the submittal, to the verification of products, field measurements and field construction criteria, and to the coordination of the information within the submittal with the requirements of the work and of Contract Documents. E. Catalog plates and other similar materials that cannot be conveniently labeled shall be bound in suitable covers bearing the identifying data. F. Shop drawings shall be accompanied by all required certifications and other such supporting materials, and shall be submitted in such sequence or in such groups that all related items may be reviewed together. When shop drawings cannot be reviewed because the submission is not complete, or because related shop drawings or items have not been received, such shop drawings will be returned without action or will be held until the lacking materials are received. Any delay to the Project, resulting from the submission of incomplete shop drawing data, shall be the Spirit Creek Sanitary Sewer Rehabilitation 03/12/02 City of Augusta , I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I J - 01340-4 Shop Drawings, Product Data, and Samples responsibility of the Contractor and shall not constitute grounds for a Project time extension. G. Other special requirements may be listed in the Specifications and/or given to the Contractor at the pre-construction conference. 1.05 RESUBMISSION REQUIREl\1ENTS A. Make any corrections or changes to the submittals required by the Engineer and resubmit for review. B. Shop Drawings and Product Data: 1. Revise initial Drawings or data, and resubmit as specified for the initial submittal. 2. Indicate any changes that have been made other than those requested by the Engineer. C. Samples: Submit new samples as required for initial submittal. 1.06 DISTRIBUTION A. Distribute Shop Drawings and Product Data Which Have Been Reviewed By the Engineer To: 1. J obsite file. 2. Subcontractors. 3. Supplier or manufacturer. 4. As requested by Engineer. 1.07 ENGINEER'S DUTIES A. Review submittals with reasonable promptness and in accordance with the shop drawing schedule. B. Affix review stamp and initials or signature, and indicate whether the review is complete, or resubmittal is required. C. Return submittals to the Contractor for distribution, or for resubmission. Spirit Creek Sanitary Sewer Rehabilitation City of Augusta 03/12/02 , I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I - - . -, I 01340-5 Shop Drawings, Product Data, and Samples 1.08 REVlEW OF DRAWINGS A. Review of shop drawings will be general, for conformance with the design concept of the Project and compliance with the information given in the Contract Documents, and will not include verification of quantities, detailed dimensions, or adjustments of dimensions to actual field conditions. Review shall not be construed as permitting any departure from the Contract requirements, as authorization of any increase in price, or as relieving the Contractor of the responsibility for any error in details, dimensions or otherwise that may exist. B. Review by the Engineer of Contractor's shop drawings does not relieve the Contractor of any responsibility for accuracy of dimensions and details. The Contractor shall be responsible for agreement and conformity of his shop drawings with the Drawings and Specifications. - C. Allow a minimum of 10 days for the Engineer's initial processing of each submittal. This timeframe shall also apply to resubmitted shop drawings. 1.09 PAYMENT A. The Contract Price shall include the cost of furnishing all shop drawings, product data, and samples. No extra payment will be made for such Drawings, data, and samples. PART 2 - PRODUCTS (NOT USED) PART 3 - EXECUTION (NOT USED) END OF SECTION Spirit Creek Sanitary Sewer Rehabilitation City of Augusta 03/12/02 , , , I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I SECTION 01410 Testing Laboratory Services PART 1- GENERAL 1.01 SCOPE A. This section includes testing which the City may require, beyond that testing required of the manufacturer, to determine if materials provided for the Project meet the requirements of these Specifications. B. This work also includes all testing required by the City to verify work performed by the Contractor is in accordance with the requirements of these Specifications, i.e., fIDPE/CIPP flexural modulus, in situ material for use in installed pipe, etc. C. This work does not include materials testing required in various sections of these Specifications to be performed by the manufacturer, e.g., testing of pipe. D. The testing laboratory or laboratories will be selected by the City. The testing laboratory or laboratories will work for the City. 1.02 PAYMENT FOR TESTING SERVICES A. The cost of testing services required by the Contract to be provided by the Contractor shall be paid for by the City through their respective TASK ALLOWANCE. B. The cost of additional testing services not specifically required in the Specifications, but requested by the City or Engineer, shall be paid for by the City through the T ASK ALLOWANCE. C. The cost of material testing described in various sections of these Specifications or as required in referenced standards to be provided by a material manufacturer, shall be included in the Price Bid for that item and shall not be paid for by the City. D. The cost of retesting any item that fails to meet the requirements of these Specifications, and/or false starts due to the Contractor's failure to properly schedule testing technicians in accordance with scheduled work, shall be paid for by the Contractor. Retesting shall be performed by the testing laboratory working for the City. 1.03 LABORATORY DUTIES A. Cooperate with the City, Engineer, and Contractor. Spirit Creek Sanitary Sewer Rehabilitation City of Augusta 03/13/02 ~ 01410-2 - Testing Laboratory Services I B. Provide qualified personnel promptly on notice. C. Perform specified inspections, sampling and testing of materials. I 1. Comply with specified standards, ASTM, other recognized authorities, and I as specified. 2. Ascertain compliance with requirements of the Contract Documents. I D. Promptly notify the Engineer and Contractor of irregularity or deficiency of work which are observed during performance of services. I E. Promptly submit three copies (two copies to the Engineer and one copy to the Contractor) of report of inspections and tests in addition to those additional copies I required by the Contractor with the following information included: 1. Date issued. I 2. Project title and number. I 3. Testing laboratory name and address. 4. Name and signature of inspector. I 5. Date of inspection or sampling. I' 6. Record of temperature and weather. I 7. Date of test. 8. Identification of product and Specification section. I 9. Location of Project. I 10. Type of inspection or test. I 11. Results of test. I 12. Observations regarding compliance with the Contract Documents. - F. Perform additional services as required. . G. The laboratory is not authorized to release, revoke, alter or enlarge on requirements - of the Contract Documents, or approve or accept any portion of the work. - - Spirit Creek Sanitary Sewer Rehabilitation City of Augusta 03/13/02 , , I I I I I I I I I I I I I - I I I I , 01410-3 Testing Laboratory Services 1.04 CONTRACTOR RESPONSIBILITIES A. Cooperate with laboratory personnel, provide access to work and/or manufacturer's requirements. B. Provide to the laboratory, representative samples, in required quantities, of materials to be tested. C. Furnish Required Labor and Facilities To: 1. Provide access to work to be tested. 2. Obtain and handle samples at the site. 3. Facilitate inspections and tests. 4. Build or furnish a holding box for concrete cylinders or other samples as required by the laboratory. D. Notify the laboratory sufficiently in advance of operation to allow for the assignment of personnel and schedules of tests. E. Laboratory Tests: Where such inspection and testing are to be conducted by an independent laboratory agency, the sample(s) shall be selected by such laboratory or agency, or the Engineer, and shipped to the laboratory by the Contractor at Contractor's expense. F. Copies of all correspondence between the Contractor and testing agencies shall be provided to the Engineer. 1.05 QUALITY ASSURANCE A. Testing shall be in accordance with all pertinent codes and regulations and with procedures and requirements of the American Society for Testing and Materials (ASTM). 1.06 PRODUCT HANDLING A. Promptly process and distribute all required copies of test reports and related instructions to insure all necessary re-testing or replacement of materials with the least possible delay in the progress of the work. 1.07 FURNISIllNG MATERIALS Spirit Creek Sanitary Sewer Rehabilitation City of Augusta 03/13/02 , I I I I I I I I I I , I I I - I 1.08 1.09 1.10 1.11 1.12 - . 01410-4 Testing Laboratory Services A. The Contractor shall be responsible for furnishing all materials necessary for testing. CODE COMPLIANCE TESTING A. Inspections and tests required by codes or ordinances or by a plan approval authority, and made by a legally constituted authority, shall be the responsibility of, and shall be paid for by the Contractor, unless otherwise provided in the Contract Documents. CONTRACTOR'S CONVENIENCE TESTING A. Inspection or testing performed exclusively for the Contractor's convenience shall be the sole responsibility of the Contractor. SCHEDULES FOR TESTING A. Establishing Schedule: 1. The Contractor shall, by advance discussion with the testing laboratory selected by the City, determine the time required for the laboratory to perform its tests and to issue each of its findings, and make all arrangements for the testing laboratory to be on site to provide the required testing. 2. Provide all required time within the construction schedule. B. When changes of construction schedule are necessary during construction, coordinate all such changes of schedule with the testing laboratory as required. C. When the testing laboratory is ready to test according to the determined schedule, but is prevented from testing or taking specimens due to incompleteness of the work, all extra costs for testing attributable to the delay will be back-charged to the Contractor and shall not be borne by the City. TAKING SPECIMENS A. Unless otherwise provided in the Contract Documents, all specimens and samples for tests will be taken by the testing laboratory or the Engineer. TRANSPORTING SAMPLES A. The Contractor shall be responsible for transporting all samples, except those taken by testing laboratory personnel, to the testing laboratory. . -.. PART 2 - PRODUCTS (NOT USED) . - "I Spirit Creek Sanitary Sewer Rehabilitation City of Augusta 03/13/02 , , I I I I I I , I , I I - I I I i - - - - ..., . - ......, I 01410-5 Testing Laboratory Services PART 3 - EXECUTION (NOT USED) END OF SECTION Spirit Creek Sanitary Sewer Rehabilitation City of Augusta 03/13/02 - - I I I I 1 I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I SECTION 01420 Inspection of Work PARTI-GENERAL 1.01 ENGINEER'S INSPECTION A. The Engineer shall have the right of access to and inspection of the work at all times. Materials, equipment, and'products shall be subject to the Engineer's review as specified herein. B. The Engineer is responsible for general surveillance of the work on behalf of the City. The Engineer is not responsible for construction means, methods, sequences, or procedures or for safety precautions and programs in connection with the work. The Engineer is not responsible for supervision of tIie work and shall not give instruction to the Contractor's personnel as to methods of execution of the work. The Engineer is not responsible for the Contractor's failure to carry out the work in accordance with the Contract Documents. 1.02 CONTRACTOR'S DUTIES A. The Contractor is responsible for all materials, equipment, methods, and procedures in satisfactory and acceptable execution of the work. B. The Contractor shall correct, to the satisfaction of the Engineer, any work or material found to be defective or of deficient quality. Such corrections shall be made by the Contractor at no additional expense to the City. / C. Contractor shall perform a TV inspection prior to expiration of the I-year warranty period. The TV inspection shall be a color VHS system video tape of the inside of every reach of sanitary sewer installed. The tape shall record manhole number to manhole number, date of recording, and distance from start of run. The manhole numbering system shall be the same as shown on construction documents. Contractor shall perform a TV inspection prior to expiration of the I-year warranty period. 1.03 RIGHT OF ENTRY A. Representatives of the City, the Environmental Protection Division of the Georgia Department of Natural Resources, and the U.S. Department of Agriculture, Soil Conservation Services and others as may be identified by the City, shall have access to the work wherever it is in preparation or progress. The Contractor shall provide proper facilities for such access and inspection. Spirit Creek Sanitary Sewer Rehabilitation City of Augusta 03/12/02 , I I I I I , , I , I I I I I I I I I , - I I ~ 01420-2 Inspection of Work PART 2 - PRODUCTS (NOT USED) PART 3 - EXECUTION (NOT USED) END OF SECTION Spirit Creek Sanitary Sewer Rehabilitation City of Augusta Draft 03/12/02 - I I I I I I I I I I I I I - I SECTION 01500 Temporary Control of Construction Operations PART I-GENERAL 1.01 SCOPE A. The work covered by this section includes furnishing all labor, equipment, and materials required for temporary control of construction operations. 1.02 RELATED SECTIONS A. The work of the following sections specifically apply to the work of this section. Other sections of the Specifications, not referenced below, shall also apply to the extent required for proper performance of work. 1. Section 02125: Erosion and Sediment Controls 2. Section 02140: Dewatering 3. Section 02520: Cured-In-Place Pipe Liner (CIPP) 4. Section 02730: Sewers and Accessories 5. Section 02750: Wastewater Flow Control 1.03 PUMPING A. The Contractor shall furnish and operate pumping and appurtenant piping for dewatering, flow rerouting, or any similar purposes. B. Pumping equipment that could disturb the public shall be operated only during a standard workday or as approved by the Engineer. c. No discharge of raw sewage will be permitted to area watercourses under any circumstances. 1.04 TEl\1PORARY FACILITIES A. The Contractor shall provide all temporary facilities for water, heat, electric light; and power as required for the work during the entire period of operations. Contractor shall be responsible for payment of utility costs for the duration of construction. Spirit Creek Sanitary Sewer Rehabilitation City of Augusta 03/12/02 , I I I I I I I I I I I I I I 1.05 1.06 1.07 . . 01500-2 Temporary Control of Construction Operations B. The Contractor shall provide temporary toilets, as required, and shall maintain them in a sanitary condition for the duration of the work and remove them at completion. C. On or before the completion of the work, the Contractors shall remove all temporary facilities, together with all rubbish and trash, as directed by the Engineer. STORAGE A. The Contractor shall secure adequate storage to accommodate the required equipment, vehicles, and materials for the period of performance of the Contract. USE OF PREMISES A. The Contractor shall not load nor permit any part of any structures to be loaded with a weight which will endanger its safety. B. The Contractor shall confme his apparatus, the storage of materials and the operations of his workmen to the limits defined by laws, ordinances, permits or directions of the Engineer and shall not unduly encumber the premises with his materials. C. The Contractor shall enforce the instructions of the Engineer regarding SignS, advertisements, fIre and smoking. FLOW CONTROLS A. During the entire span of the construction, including inspection, the Contractor shall be responsible to maintain flow in the sewerage system and service to all properties. B. Any line plugging or flow restriction shall be with equipment designed specifically for such purpose. A sewer line plug shall be inserted into the line at a manhole upstream from the section being worked on. C. Care shall be taken to prevent sewage from backing into buildings, ponding, flooding, or otherwise damaging public or private property. D. Controls shall be utilized to prevent sewage from entering surface drainage facilities or water courses, either directly or as a result of overflow from drainage structures. E. When bypass pumping is required and ordered by the Engineer, the Contractor shall supply the necessary pumps, conduits, and other equipment to divert the flow of sewage around the manhole section in which work is to be performed into a downstream section. The bypass system shall be of sufficient capacity to handle existing flows. No additional payment will be made for bypass pumping. Spirit Creek sairitary Sewer Rehabilitation City of Augusta 03/12/02 , . I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I . . I "'"'!' !!! - 01500-3 Temporary Control of Construction Operations F. No flows shall be diverted from the sewerage system unless a schedule has been approved by the Georgia Environmental Protection Division. G. See Specification Section 02750 - Wastewater Flow Control, for additional requirements. 1.08 MAINTENANCE OF EXISTING OPERATION A. The Contractor shall schedule all demolition and construction and to maintain continuous operation of the existing wastewater system facilities. B. Piping to be abandoned shall be plugged with concrete in a manner approved by the Engineer, so as to be made watertight. All active utilities traversing the site shall be preserved in operating condition. 1.09 MAINTENANCE DURING CONSTRUCTION A. The Contractor shall maintain, at his expense, the work during construction and until fmal acceptance of all work under the Contract. Continuous and effective work shall be prosecuted day-by-day, with adequate equipment and forces as required to keep the backfill, pavement, structures, pipelines and other features in satisfactory and acceptable condition at all times. B. In the event the Contractor fails to remedy any unsatisfactory situation, within 24 hours after receipt of written notice from the Engineer describing the unsatisfactory conditions, the City may immediately proceed with adequate forces and equipment to maintain the Project, and the entire cost of this maintenance will be deducted from the monies otherwise due the Contractor under the Contract. C. As an alternative to the above specified maintenance, the cost of all of the items which are not properly maintained may be deducted at the Contract Prices from the current partial payment request, even if such items have been paid for in previous estimates. PART 2 - PRODUCTS (NOT USED) PART3-EXECUTION 3.01 CLEAN-UP AND DISPOSAL A. At the end of each day's operation, the Contractor shall thoroughly clear the work site of all dirt or debris, and generally restore the site to an acceptable condition. Upon completion of the work, all excess material and rubbish shall be removed from the jobsite and disposed of. The surrounding construction area shall be left in as good a condition as that which existed prior to construction. Spirit Creek Sanitary Sewer Rehabilitation City of Augusta 03/12/02 ~ I I I I I I I , I , I I I I I I I I I . . iiii I 01500-4 Temporary Control of Construction Operations B. The Contractor shall transport and expeditiously dispose of all materials removed from the construction site. Disposal shall be at a site approved by the Engineer, at no additional cost to the City, and in a manner consistent with all applicable codes and regulations. 3.02 CONSTRUCTION ALONG IDGHW A YS, STREETS, AND ROADWAYS A. Install pipelines and appurtenances along highways, streets and roadways in accordance with the applicable regulations of, and permits issued by, the Department of Transportation and City of Atlanta with reference to construction operations, safety, traffic control, road maintenance and repair. B. Traffic Controls: 1. The Contractor shall provide, erect and maintain all necessary barricades; suitable and sufficient lights and other traffic control devices; provide qualified flagmen where necessary to direct traffic; take all necessary precautions for the protection of the work and the safety of the public. Flagmen shall be certified by a Georgia DOT approved flagman training program. 2. Construction traffic control devices and their installation shall be in accordance with the current Manual On Uniform Traffic Control Devices for Streets and Highways. 3. Placement and removal of construction traffic control devices shall be' coordinated with the Georgia Department of Transportation and City a minimum of 48 hours in advance of the activity. 4. Placement of construction traffic control devices shall be scheduled ahead of associated construction activities. Construction time in street right-of-way shall be conducted to minimize the length of time traffic is disrupted. Construction traffic control devices shall be removed immediately following their useful purpose. Traffic, control devices used intennittently, such as "Flagmen Ahead," shall be removed and replaced when needed. 5. Existing traffic control devices within the construction work zone shall be protected from damage. Traffic control devices requiring temporary relocation shall be located as near as possible to their original vertical and horizontal locations. Original locations shall be measured from reference points and recorded in a log prior to relocation. Temporary locations shall provide the same visibility to affected traffic as the original location. Relocated traffic control devices shall be reinstalled in their original locations as soon as practical following construction. Spirit Creek Sanitary Sewer Rehabilitation City of Augusta 03/12/02 I I , I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I , I . . 01500-5 Temporary Control of Construction Operations 6. Construction traffic control devices shall be maintained in good repair, and shall be clean and visible to affected traffic for daytime and nighttime operation. Traffic control devices affected by the construction work zone shall be inspected daily. 7. Construction warning signs shall be black legend on an orange background. Regulatory signs shall be black legend on a white background. Construction sign panels shall meet the minimum reflective requirements of the Department of Transportation and City of Augusta. Sign panels shall be of durable materials capable of maintaining their color, reflective character and legibility during the period of construction. Channelization devices shall be positioned preceding an obstruction at a taper length as required by the current Manual On Uniform Traffic_ Control Devices for Streets and Highways, as appropriate for the speed limit at that location. Channelization devices shall be patrolled to insure that they are maintained in the proper position throughout their period of use. C. Construction Operations: 1. Stripping: Where the pipeline is laid along road right-of-way, strip and stockpile all sod, topsoil and other material suitable for right-of-way restoration. 2. Trenching. Laying and Backfilling: Do not open the trench any further ahead of pipe laying operations than is necessary. Backfill and remove excess material immediately behind laying operations. Complete excavation and backfill for any portion of the trench in the same day. 3. Shaping: Reshape damaged slopes, side ditches, and ditch lines immediately after completing backfIlling operations. Replace topsoil, sod and any other materials removed from shoulders. 4. Construction operations shall include cleanup and utility exploration. D. Excavated Materials: Do not place excavated material along highways, streets and roadways in a manner that obstructs traffic. Sweep all scattered excavated material off the pavement in a timely manner. E. Drainage Structures: Keep all side ditches, culverts, cross drains, and other drainage structures clear of excavated material. Care shall be taken to provide positive drainage to avoid ponding or concentration of runoff. City of Augusta Spirit Creek Sanitary Sewer Rehabilitation 03/12/02 I I I I , I I I J I I I I I I I I I J I I I I I I I 01500-6 Temporary Control of Construction Operations F. Landscaping Features: Landscaping features shall include, but are not necessarily limited to: fences; property corners; cultivated trees and shrubbery; manmade improvements; subdivision and other signs within the right-of-way and easement. The Contractor shall take extreme care in moving landscape features and promptly re-establishing these features. 3.03 ACCESS ROADS A. Streets, road and drives used by the Contractor for access to and from the site of the work shall be protected from damage caused by the normal traffic of vehicles used for or in connection with construction work. Any such damage done shall be repaired immediately and left in good condition at the end of the construction period. Any new access road construction shall be all weather and have drainage structures placed as shown or as required. 3.04 SOIL EROSION A. The Contractor shall be required to take the necessary steps to minimize siltation and soil erosion during construction. This work shall consist of furnishing all labor, equipment, and materials and performing all operations in connections with the construction, installation, and maintenance of all erosion and pollution controls through the use of berms, sediment basins, mulches, hay erosion checks, ditches, debris filters, and other devices. B. Temporary pollution control shall be coordinated with the permanent landscape program to assure economical, effective and continuous erosion control throughout the construction period. END OF SECTION Spirit Creek Sanitary Sewer Rehabilitation City of Augusta 03/12/02 , I , I I I I I I I J I I I I I I I I I I I SECTION 01532D Manhole Condition Assessment PART 1- GENERAL 1.01 WORK OF TmS SECTION A. The purpose of manhole condition assessment (manhole inspections) is to determine the physical condition, location and possible sources of infiltration and inflow in all manholes within the designated sewersheds. Information obtained during the physical survey will be utilized in determining rehabilitation costs and methods. B. Two levels of manhole condition assessment are covered by this Specification: Level One: "Detailed, Ground Level Surface Based Manual Condition Assessment Using Pole Mounted Viewing Camera(s) and/or Hand-held Light(s)." This form of inspection is generally appropriate for manholes less than 12 feet deep and where the corresponding sewer is less than 42-inch diameter. Level Two: "Detailed Manual Condition Assessment Within the Manhole." This form of inspection is generally appropriate for manholes greater than 12 feet deep and/or where the corresponding sewer is 42-inch diameter and greater unless revised by the Owner. OwnerDetailed manual inspections shall be carried out in manholes with overflow weirs or other specialty features or chambers. C. The visible portion of each pipeline, lined or otherwise, entering designated manholes shall also be inspected to assess overall structural and service condition and possible forms of inftltration. D. Digital high resolution (1,600x 1,200 pixels, minimum) photographs shall be taken, as a minimum, showing general surrounding view, or views, to co-locate the manholes above ground location and other GIS map features, plan view looking down at the manhole invert and clear elevation views looking into the incoming and outgoing lines. Major defects in the manhole shall be photographed where the defect is significant and is not indicated on other photos. E. It is the responsibility of the Contractor to comply with OSHA regulations, the City's Safety Guidelines, and the City's Confined Space Guidelines as applicable. The Contractor shall provide written documentation that all workers have received the training required under these regulations and guidelines by qualified persons or organizations. Spirit Creek Sanitary Sewer Rehabilitation City of Augusta 03/13/02 - - I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I , I 01532D-2 Manhole Condition Assessment F. The Contractor shall provide all labor, material, supplies, equipment, and transportation necessary to complete the manhole condition assessments. 1.02 DEFINITIONS A. Buried or Paved Over Manhole: A manhole on a sewer, which is not visible at ground surface All buried and paved manholes on the sanitary sewer system designated for inspection shall be raised for inspection.. B. Designated Manhole(s): Manholes identified by Owner to be inspected. C. Manhole: A subsurface structure in which two or more pipes meet, with person access from the ground surface. D. Manhole Structure: Reference to and all activities relevant to manhole structures throughout the text shall also be taken to include -junction boxes, inspection chambers, drop shafts, sumps, and all other auxiliary structures appurtenant to the sanitary sewer system. E. Mapped Manhole: A manhole that appears on the City's sewer system map. F. Raised Manhole: A manhole in which the cover and frame are above normal levels above ground, i.e., more than 30-inches above ground level. G. Unburied Manhole: A manhole on a sewer to be inspected formerly buried or paved over located below ground surface.. H. Unmapped Manhole: A manhole discovered that is not included on the City's sewer system map. An unmapped manhole is also known as an uncharted manhole. Unmapped manholes shall be inspected at the approval of the Owner 1.03 EXPERIENCED WORKERS A. Supervisor of the field crews shall have received proper training in this function and have a minimum of 3 years' experience in performing such inspections, condition assessments, including safe working practices, access to and decent into confmed spaces, etc. B. Crew LeadersIField Supervisors assessing the condition of manholes shall have received proper training in this function and have a minimum of 1 years' experience in performing such assessments, including safe working practices and access to and decent into confmed spaces, etc. No crew members shall enter confined spaces without the necessary certified training and at least 1 years' expenence. C. The Contractor shall provide the designated Owner with written documentation (certification) that all crew members responsible for assessing the condition of Spirit Creek Sanitary Sewer Rehabilitation City of Augusta 03/13/02 , , I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I 01532D-3 Manhole Condition Assessment manholes have received the proper training and where required the requisite experience. D. The Contractor shall provide a detailed reference list of his Manhole Condition Assessment experience during the last 3 years. References shall include contact (name and position), agency, telephone number, address, date of work, and number of manholes inspected. 1.04 RESPONSIBILITY FOR OVERFLOWS AND SPILLS A. It shall be the responsibility of the Contractor to schedule and perform his work so as to result in no overflows or spills of sewage or combined sewage from the system. If sewage flows are such that they interfere with the Contractor's ability to perform work, the Contractor shall be responsible to schedule his work during low flow periods or provide bypass pumping. Bypass pumping shall be provided. only with specific written approval of the designated Owner. B. In the event of overflows caused by the Contractor's work activities, the Contractor shall immediately take appropriate action in accordance with the City's Emergency Response Plan (ERP), to contain and stop the overflow, clean up the spillage, disinfect the area affected by the spill, and notify the designated Owner in a timely manner. The Contractor shall prepare his own written Standard Operating Procedure (SOP) for handling and reporting spills, which shall be compatible with the City's ERP. C. Contractor will indemnify and hold hannless the City and the Owner for any fines or third-party claims for personal or property damage arising out of a spill or overflow that is fully or partially the responsibility of the Contractor. Should fines subsequently be imposed as a result of any overflow for which the Contractor is fully or partially responsible, the Contractor shall pay all such fines and all of the City's legal, engineering, and administrative costs in defending such tilles and claims associated with the overflow. 1.05 SUBl\1ITT ALS A. The Contractor shall provide to the Owner, in writing, the following information below prior to the set deadline, or at the indicated frequency, whichever is applicable. Type of Submittal TimelFrequency of Submittal 1. Contractor's Record of Manhole Condition Assessment Experience (See Exhibit D) With the Proposal 2. Spirit Creek Sanitary Sewer Rehabilitation City of Augusta 03/13/02 I I I \ , I J I I , I I I I I I I I , I I I 01532D-4 Manhole Condition Assessment 3. Workers Confined Space Certification At commencement 4. Daily Progress Logs Daily 5. Confined Entry Logs (Attachment D) Weekly 6. 7. Time Sheets (where required) Weekly 8. Manhole Condition Assessment Forms Weekly 9. Manhole Condition Assessment! Weekly Electronic Data 10. SOP in the event of spills Prior to Initiating Work 11. Quality Assurance Plan Prior to Initiating Work '- B. Daily progress reports (by 9.00 a.m. on day following survey) and weekly progress reports (by 9.00 a.m: on Monday following week of survey) shall be e-mailed to Owner's Representative. A copy of the fire department notification of Manhole Condition Assessment schedule shall also be e-mailed to the designated Owner. c. The Contractor shall complete a daily written progress record (diary) detailing the work carried out and any small items of work which were incidental to the Contract. The Contractor shall include in his daily progress record, reference to: 1. Delays: e.g. dense traffic, lack of information, sickness, labor or equipment shortage. 2. Weather: conditions, e.g. ram etc. (see General Information Attachment A). 3. Equipment On Site: e.g. specialist cleaning, bypass equipment, etc. 4. Equipment Downtime: e.g. pump out of fuel, CCTV camera lights. 5. Personnel: on site by name, e.g. all labor, specialist services, etc. 6. Submittals: to the designated Owner, e.g. daily report, Manhole Condition Assessment Report, etc. . 7. Accident: report, e.g. all injuries. -: - - 'I Spirit Creek Sanitary Sewer Rehabilitation City of Augusta 03/13/02 , - I , I I I I I I , I I I I I I I I I I I - 01532D-5 Manhole Condition Assessment 8. Incident: report, e.g. damages to property, property owner complaints, etc. 9. Maior Defects Encountered. Including Collapsed Pipe. If Any: e.g. cave in, sink holes, etc. 10. Visitors: on site. The designated Owner on site shall certify, in writing, receipt of the daily record noting any items, and adding any observations, with reference to claims for payment to the Contractor. The Owner may at his discretion, for which the Contractor must receive direction also in writing, an exception to this requirement for weekly submission of progress rather than for daily submission. E-mail alternative forms of exchange are permissible as agreed. D. The Contractor must give the Owner 4 weeks notice, in writing, to receive pre- printed Manhole Condition Assessment forms. 1.06 RELATED SECTIONS A. The work of the following sections apply to the work of this section. Other sections of the Specifications, not referenced below, shall also apply to the extent required for proper performance of the work. 1. Section 02511: Preconditioning and Cleaning of Manholes and Sewers 2. Section 02730: Sewers and Accessories 3. Section 02491: Rehabilitation of Sanitary Sewer Manholes 4. Section 01569: Safety on Projects 1.07 DATA QUALITY CONTROL A. Data must be of a quality that accurately represents conditions found in the field and provided in form that matches valid criteria of the City's Maintenance Management System. Contractor must implement a Quality Assurance/Quality Control (QA/QC) Program that follows a written procedure. The written procedure must be submitted for approval by the Owner. Written documentation must be provided each time data is submitted indicating results of the QA/QC check. B. The Contractor's data quality control program shall include routine outside auditing of the work completed by a qualified subcontractor. The qualified subcontractor shall meet the minimum specified Contract requirements for the performance of the work and shall be approved in Spirit Creek Sanitary Sewer Rehabilitation City of Augusta 03/13/02 , , , , I , , I J I - I - I I I i I - - . . -... I . I 01532D-6 Manhole Condition Assessment writing by the Owner. The Contractor shall repeat and/or correct any unsatisfactory work, at his own expense, until the work is accurate. 5. 1.08 FOREIGN MATTER DISCOVERED A. If any human tissue, artifacts, or other substances of a criminal nature are discovered during the Project, Contractor shall notify the Owner immediately. PART 2 - PRODUCTS (NOT USED) PART3-EXECUTION 3.01 METHODOLOGY A. Manholes To Be Assessed (Designated Manholes): 1. The Contractor shall identify all manholes designated by the Owner on the sewer line to be assessed and confirm the manhole referencing system to be used throughout the survey and for all subsequent reporting. The Contractor shall inspect and record all designated manholes. 2. The Contractor shall paint all manhole covers white, as directed by Owner, then mark the cover of the manhole with a suitably approved marker paint indicating the unique manhole in accordance to the City's manhole numbering system. Prior to painting, covers will be cleaned, with a wire brush, of all impurities and rust. 4. The allowable time for "fmding" manholes is 30 minutes (crew time) from the time of arrival at the location of the manhole, and this shall be allowed for in the manhole inspection rates base bid item If the Contractor fails to locate the manhole during this crew-minute period using metal detectors and probes, the Contractor shall notify the Owner and shall continue the search during closed circuit television inspection, together with radio signal transmitters and receivers, if necessary. If the Contractor is unable to locate the missing manhole, after due diligence with tapes, metal detectors, probing, smoke detection, and closed circuit television inspection together with radio signal transmitters and receivers, hand excavation to a depth not exceeding 3 feet, or other methods as available, Contractor shall notify the Owner, in writing, for City assistance, only after all other methods fail. 5. When buried manholes are discovered, Contractor will uncover and raise manholes to grade in accordance with Section 02491 - Rehabilitation of Spirit Creek Sanitary Sewer Rehabilitation City of Augusta 03/13/02 , I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I 01532D-7 Manhole Condition Assessment Sanitary Sewer Manholes. Contractor will advise the Owner, in writing, each day of buried manholes that he encounters. After raising manhole to grade, Contractor will complete the manhole condition assessment. No extension of Contract Time will be allowed for this work. Only one payment will be made for the manhole condition assessment. 6. When active infiltration is identified as a "runner" or "gusher," Contractor will make a localized seal to stop the infiltration in accordance with Section 02491 - Rehabilitation of Sanitary Sewer Manholes. Contractor will advise the Owner, in writing, each day of manholes that he encounters requiring sealing. No extension of Contract Time will be allowed for this work. 7. When a broken manhole cover and/or casting are identified, Contractor will replace broken partes) in accordance with Section 02491 - Rehabilitation of Sanitary Sewer Manholes. - Contractor will advise the Owner, in writing, each day of broken manhole covers or castings that he encounters. No extension of Contract Time will be allowed for this work. 8. When a collapsed pipe, that is known to continue to an upstream manhole or c1eanout, is identified, Contractor will make a point repair in accordance with Section 02757 - Sanitary Sewer Point Repair, to facilitate further inspection of the sewer pipe. Contractor will advise the Owner, in writing, each day of collapsed pipes that he encounters. No extension of Contract Time will be allowed for this work. 9. SSES data, electronic and on paper, and high resolution digital photographs will be delivered to the Owner when completed, but not less than weekly. Deliveries will be made on the first Monday following 1 week past the date that data was collected, such that the Contractor has a full week to perform QA/QC and make corrections. B. Ground Level Surface Based Manhole Assessment Procedures: 1. Manholes less than 12 feet deep, with all pipes less than 42-inches III diameter, will be inspected using this method. 2. The manhole interior condition assessment shall be carried out remotely using hand held equipment from the ground surface incorporating high level illumination and a digital camera or similarly approved technology which shall have an intensity of light and picture quality sufficient to convey all required information in a clear and distinguishable manner. Information gathered shall provide a full illustrative account of the manhole's interior, including all defects as well as each pipeline entering the manhole. Spirit Creek Sanitary Sewer Rehabilitation City of Augusta 03/13/02 , , , I I' I I I I I I I I I - I - I I I I I 01532D-8 Manhole Condition Assessment 3. The Contractor shall take the digital photos described in Item 3.03, complete the assessment report, make map verifications, and record map corrections as necessary. C. Detailed Manual Condition Assessment Within the Manhole Procedure: 1. Manholes that are 12 feet deep and greater will be inspected using the detailed manual condition assessment method. Also, manholes with any pipe 42-inches in diameter and greater or with offset manholes, overflow weirs, or other unique features precluding effective ground level assessment will be inspected using this method. 2. The Contractor shall manually carry out each manhole assessment by descending each manhole to determine the dimensional configuration and physical condition of the base, channel(s), barrel, corbel, connections, cone, ring (\I1d cover of the structure and locate possible sources of infiltration and inflow. The arrangement in the manhole shall be characterized with a Drawing that shall indicate the invert and direction of flow. The Manhole Condition Assessment Report attached to this Specification shall be used by the Contractor to record all manhole inspection data, including map verification, assessment log, and record map concerns as necessary. 3. The manhole interior structure shall be manually inspected usmg high-level illumin.ation. High-resolution digital photographs with approved picture quality shall be taken of observed defects, as well as all other relevant features as specified in Item 3.03. Information gathered shall provide a full illustration of the condition of the manhole's interior, as well as each pipeline entering the manhole. 3.02 DOCUMENTATION A. The following data will be recorded by the Contractor and submitted in the form of both a hardcopy and electronic data, including all text and digital photos. The data shall be submitted to the Owner on the first Monday following 1 week past the date that data was collected, such that the Contractor has a full week to perform QNQC and make corrections. Submitted data shall incorporate the following: 1. Manhole Number. 2. 3. 4. Clock reference of each defect (12 o'clock at North). 5. Date of condition assessment. 6. Location of manhole. Spirit Creek Sanitary Sewer Rehabilitation City of Augusta 03/13/02 , I , I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I 01532D-9 Manhole Condition Assessment 7. Status as covered, buried, or un-located manhole. 8. Number and size of holes, if any, in manhole cover. 9. Deficiencies in the ring and cover. 10. Whether or not the manhole is subject to ponding and the size of the runoff/ponding area. 11. The length, size, type, and depth of pipe(s). 11. Drawing of invert showing direction of flow, incoming and outgoing pipe(s). 13. Construction materials and conditions of the walls, step Irons, aprons (benches), troughs and inlet and outlet pipelines. 14. Location and nature of visible defects and obstructions, i.e., indication of structural conditions or special problems in the pipe/manhole. 15. Root growth and type in manhole wall/base, if any. 16. Evidence of leaks and locations, along with measured or estimated sources of extraneous flows, i.e., identification and quantification of visible inflow and infiltration sources. 17. Special problems and conditions, such as overflows, bypasses, etc. 18. Presence of any potable water flushing valves. 19. Type and depth of debris and deposition in the manhole. 20. Evidence of surcharge. B. The following inlet and outlet pipeline data will also ?e recorded on the manhole assessment forms: 1. Size, material, and depth of pipes. 2. Root growth in pipes. 3. Type of deposition in pipe and recommended cleaning method. 4. Visible infiltration/inflow sources in pipes. 5. Structural condition of pipes. . - 'I 6. Special problems that may exist in pipes. . iii 'I Spirit Creek Sanitary Sewer Rehabilitation City of Augusta 03/13/02 - - I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I 3.03 . ~ 3.04 - - -, , 01532D-IO Manhole Condition Assessment 7. Clock reference. C. Example Manhole Condition Assessment Form and Instructions for Completing Manhole Condition Assessment Form are provided at the end of this section, in Attachments A and B respectively, to illustrate the content intended to be received. PHOTOGRAPIDC DOCUMENTATION PROCEDURES A. A set of high-resolution digital color photographs shall be taken for each manhole assessed, showing: 1. Above ground features and conditions in the vicinity of the manhole to be assessed - photograph to be taken looking downstream with manhole in immediate foreground (All Assessments). 2. Plan view from surface, of manhole invert - photographers feet placed on location of outgoing pipe (All Assessments). 3. Elevation view of each incoming and outgoing sewers (All Assessments). 4. All observed defects and obstructions (All Assessments). B Groups of digital photographs for each designated manhole, orientated so that the long side of the photograph is horizontal shall be incorporated in the hardcopy of the MCA report, and shall also be supplied on a CD-ROM(s) incorporated for each work order issued by the Owner, unless otherwise directed C The digital photographs shall incorporate annotated references superimposed on the image to both manhole number and date when the photograph was taken. The annotation shall be clearly visible and shall have a 12 point (uppercase) font size. Reference to location of each photograph shall be indicated on the sketches at the end of the report. Photographs taken within the manhole shall indicate depth below ground surface and clock reference, relative to North at 12 o'clock. Each photograph filename shall be entered into the electronic database in the appropriate record that it is associated with. D. Example photographs are provided in Attachment C to illustrate the content intended to be received. E. Digital photographs not meeting the Owner's approved picture quality shall be retaken at no additional cost to the City. PUBLIC NOTIFICATION Spirit Creek Sanitary Sewer Rehabilitation City of Augusta 03/13/02 , ~ ~ I I I I' I I I I I I I 3.0S 3.06 - "l 01532D-ll Manhole Condition Assessment A. Public notification is critical and compliance with the public notification criteria is a prerequisite for conducting manhole condition assessments on private property. At a minimum, the following steps shall be taken: 1. Residential/Commercial: Distribute pre-approved advance notice flyers between 24 and 72 hours before inspection commences for each section of pIpe. 2. Advance notice flyers shall be customized by the Contractor to suit this Project and must be submitted for approval by the Owner prior to Project commencement. The flyer will be similar to the example found in the General Conditions. The warning flyer shall include, as a minimum, information concerning: a. The reason for the manhole inspection. b. The date of inspection. c. The Contractor's name. d. Contact telephone and contact persons for further information. B. The Contractor shall note all contact with the affected agencies and institutions and incorporate reference to the same in his daily-submitted log. TRAFFIC CONTROL A. Contractor to provide adequate traffic control devices necessary to com?lete the manhole condition inspection. DELIVERABLES A. Electronic database with inventory and condition data, along photographs of each shall be submitted to the Owner. The electronic database, using the required me format in Microsoft ACCESS @ Version 2000, shall be tied to the City GIS sewer maps through the manhole numbers. ' B. A binder with hardcopies of the Manhole Condition Assessment Reports, including photos, shall be submitted to the C. All photographs shall be digital pictures in both hardcopy and electronic format. D. Data Collection Methods: The Contractor may use whatever method he chooses to collect the data. The data tables to be populated are described in detail in Attachment C to this section. Electronic copies of blank data tables will be provided to Contractor at the Pre-construction Conference. Spirit Creek Sanitary Sewer Rehabilitation City of Augusta 03/13/02 , , , , 3.07 I I I I I I I I I I I I , I - - - 'I 01532D-12 Manhole Condition Assessment E. The Manhole Condition Assessment form must be delivered in the format given in Attachment A. Contractor may provide this as a printout from his system for collecting the data. COLLAPSING MANHOLES, COLLAPSING SEWERS A. Any manhole, with severely compromised structural integrity and posing a hazard or threat of personal injury to the public, must be reported to the designated Owner immediately for remedial action. In the event of emergency, phone (XXX) XXX-XXXX. Written confIrmation of the report, including all details of the defectlhazard, shall be made to the Owner within 24 hours of the discovery of the problem. B. Any manhole, with conditions that pose a threat of personal injury to the public, must be protected by the Contractor until the Owner arrives at the jobsite. In the event of emergency, phone [~~~.-These manholes shall be scheduled for replacement to complete manhole sinspection 34 C. Grade 5 Sewers are pipe or brick sewers that are severely compromised structurally and pose a threat of person~ injU~ ~l Gra?e 5 Sewers must be reported by telephone to l~t~~.\ ImmedIately upon discovery, and written confIrmation of the problem made to the Owner within 24 hours. Typical Grade 5 Sewer conditions exist when: I. The sewer is in a state of collapse (> 1 0% deformation) or broken. 2. A gas service passes through the sewer structure. 3. Extensi ve areas of missing brickwork or pipe wall exist in the sewer revealing soil strata. 4. Dangerous build up of gas or other chemical hazard exists 5. Severe depressions or sinkholes exist at ground level directly on the alignment of the sewer. D. Any manhole, with "Flushing Valves" connecting the potable water system to manholes, must be reported to the Owner immediatelx for remedial action. In the event the Owner cannot be contacted, phone _~. When anyone or more of these conditions or any other similar condition is encountered as the manhole inspection is carried out, contractors are required to notify '~~~~ immediately by telephone, report the defect found and follow instructions. -, 3.08 BOLTED COVERS Spirit Creek Sanitary Sewer Rehabilitation City of Augusta 03/13/02 , I , I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I . . -.. - 01532D-13 Manhole Condition Assessment A. For all bolt-down style manhole covers, upon completion of the assessment, all bolts that were removed must be put back in place using sealing gaskets as necessary. 3.09 RAISING MANHOLES A. See Section 02491 - Rehabilitation of Sanitary Sewer Manholes, Item 3.12 - Manhole Frames and Covers. B. Prior to raising manholes (i.e., adjusting manhole frames and covers above or at grade), the Owner shall approve, in writing, as to the method of raising each specific manhole. Spirit Creek Sanitary Sewer Rehabilitation City of Augusta 03/13/02 , , , I (This Page was left blank intentionally.) I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I Spirit Creek Sanitary Sewer Rehabilitation City of Augusta 01532D-14 Manhole Condition Assessment 03/13/02 , I I ~ I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I 01532D-15 Manhole Condition Assessment ATTACHMENT A EXAMPLE MANHOLE CONDITION ASSESSMENT FORM Spirit Creek Sanitary Sewer Rehabilitation City of Augusta 03/13/02 , I I I I (This Page was left blank intentionally.) I I I I I I I I I I I I I I --, Spirit Creek Sanitary Sewer Rehabilitation City of Augusta 01532D-16 Manhole Condition Assessment 03/13/02 , 04/01101 I , (EXAMPLE) MANHOLE CONDIT/ON ASSESSMENT City of Augusta 1 - , District Basin: Sewershed: GISID: Inspector: Date: I X Coord: Y Coord: Point 10: OS Point 10: I Type: Surtace Cover Type: Inspect Status: Surtace Cover Mat'l: Weather: Street Address: , Location Comment: Surtace Photo Plan Photo: 2- I ITEM TYPE/SHAPE MATUUNER DEPTH TO BOTTOM' SIZE MISCELLANEOUS: Cover: No. Vents: Size: I Frame: N/A + / - Grade: inches I Rings: Inflow Dish: Yes - No I Cone: N/A Concen: Eccen: Wall: Ponding: Yes _ No Pond Area: ft by ft Bench: N/A N/A Ground Water Level: Channel: N/A Debris/Silt: Yes No Type: Base: Surcharge Evidence Depth: Steps: N/A N/A N/A No. landings: 3 - Y//"C UAIA 4- ~ ENTRY F/DEPTH f NO. IN/OUT DIAM. SHAPE MAT'l UNER DEPTH (INCHES' CLOCK PHOTO 1 2 3 ) 4 1 5 6 7 I I I I I I - I -, 04102/01 Spirit Creek Sanitary Sewer Rehabilitation City of Augusta 03/13/02 , I I 01532D-18 Manhole Condition Assessment (EXAMPLE) MANHOLE CONDITION ASSESSMENT 5 - REHABIUTATlON INFORMATION City of Augusta , I Manhole Accessibility: To Cover. Good _ Poor _ Space for Rehabilitation and Staging: 1.) Choose those applicable: Intersection _ Street_ Location: Commercial_ Residential:_ From Cover to Pipe: Good _ Poor _ 1-Way _ 2-Way_ Median_ Shoulder_ Sidewalk_ Number of lanes: _ 2.) Description of Surrounding Area: I 3.) Area Available for Equipment: 5.) Other. 4.) Overhead Obstructions: , PART DEFECT Cover I Frame Rings I Cone Wall I I Bench Channel Base I Pipe Penel Sleps I Other I POSITION 6 - POINT DEFECTS SEVERITY ROOTS III QTY COMMENT PHOTO I , - I I NOTE: 1. . denotes a dimension, or range from top of frame. For Pipe or Defect position, add the from/to Clock positions, from North as 12, clockwise. I 2. Figure 2 and Figure 2 indicate Part Description and Dimensional Relationship to be used with this form. I I Spirit Creek Sanitary Sewer Rehabilitation City of Augusta 03/13/02 , - - I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I FRAME & COVER RINGS/ CHIMNEY CONE WALL BENCH CHANNEL BASE ,- I MANHOLE CLOCK POSITION 12 OC TO 2 OC .'" ,," .~. '2~~;1:; '_.'1:.:'.,', :~.<:-~.: f~~ -,.~-::~-::. ~~~r+l~~ ~,~;;::- " '.,J.:"',-, ~. '>, ',....;~ ~~~~~:(, ~;.7.. ":..'~ ..:~,:......... ~: ~. ..', FRAME DEPTH 01532D-19 Manhole Condition Assessment RINGS DEPTH CONE DEPTH DEFECT jHOLE: HEIGHT = D2 (MINUS) D1 WIDTH = CLOCK POSITION 12 OC TO 2 OC CITY OF AUGUSTA SPIRIT CREEK SANITARY SEWER REHABILITATION fi.?J~~;:;~?~ :~~~1::::~\zfSl~j~:~(i;~@}1~;f?~}:tf.;;:~[!, WALL DEPTH BENCH DEPTH CHANNEL DEPTH (DEPTH OF MANHOLE TO INVERT) MANHOLE TERMINOLOGY FIGURE & DEFECT LOCATION SECTIONAL ELEVATION , I , I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I WEST 9:00 OC NORTH 12:00 OC MANHOLE 01532D-20 Manhole Condition Assessment ~DEFECT/HOLE: ~ WIDTH = CLOCK POSITION 1 2 OC TO 2 OC BE CH / CHANNEL EAST + MANHOLE 3:00 OC BE CH \ SOUTH 6:00 OC CITY OF AUGUSTA SPIRIT CREEK. SANITARY SEWER REHABILITATION MANHOLE TERMINOLOGY & DEFECT LOCATION DIAGRAMMATIC Pu\N ! \ FIGURE 2 , , , I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I 01532D-21 Manhole Condition Assessment ATTACHMENT B INSTRUCTIONS FOR COMPLETING MANHOLE CONDITION ASSESSMENT FORM Spirit Creek Sanitary Sewer Rehabilitation City of Augusta Draft 03/13/02 , , I (This page was left blank intentionally.) , I I I I I I I I I I I I I , I . I . - Spirit Creek Sanitary Sewer Rehabilitation City of Augusta 01532D-22 Manhole Condition Assessment Draft 03/13/02 , - I I I I, 1 , I I I I I I I I I I I . - ..., 01532D-23 Manhole Condition Assessment 1. GENERAL INFORMATION DISTRICT - This is a designation assigned by the City. If one has not been provided to you, do not enter data in this space. BASIN - This is a designation assigned by the City. If one has not been provided to you, do not enter data in this space. SEWERSHED- Print the number assigned to the appropriate Sewershed. GISID - Print clearly the "Manhole" number shown on the map for the manhole inspected.. INSPECTOR - Print clearly the name of the crew leader. DATE - Print clearly.the date the manhole was inspected. X COORD & Y COORD - These are 12 character numbers that will be provided to you from the GPS survey crew. POINT ill - This is the same number as the GISID, except when this is a new manhole, not on the map. DS POINT ID - Print clearly the number of the manhole immediately downstream of the manhole being inspected. TYPE - Enter the code identifying the type of structure from the list below. !cODE DESCRIPTION lAG Angle Point (bend in sewer but no access) ~SS Combination Storm & Sanitary ~O Cleanout ILH Lamphole tr Tee Intersection (where there is no access structure) lEND End of Line but no Manhole or Cleanout, (> 15LF) ~H Sanitary Manhole STB Stub-out End (<15 LF) SMT Summit Manhole (where there are two outgoing lines in different directions) DO Discharge - Open Pipe Spirit Creek Sanitary Sewer Rehabilitation City of Augusta Draft 03/13/02 , , , , I I I I I I - I I I I I I I I I '"'i . ..., 01532D-24 Manhole Condition Assessment SURFACE COVER TYPE - Enter the code identifying the type of surface cover from the list below. This is also referred to as LOCATION in the "Code Definition" tables. CODE DESCRIPTION ~C Along Creek ~ Alley ~U Cul-de-sac IoD Drainage Ditch lOw Driveway lEA Easement tFD Field fY Front Yard S Intersection JT Other PL Parking Lot ST Street RS Road Shoulder RW Right of Way, outside roadway RY Rear Yarc! ')W Sidewalk SY Side Yard WD Wooded Area INSPECT STATUS - Enter the code identifying the type of inspection from the list below. CODE DESCRIPTION Inspected B Buried, No Inspection Can Not Locate. No Inspection J Lid Seized, Can Not Open. Minimal Inspection ') Surcharged, Partial Inspection D Debris In MH, Partial Inspection ~ No Access V Void Spirit Creek Sanitary Sewer Rehabilitation Draft 03/13/02 City of Augusta , , I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I - I 01532D-25 Manhole Condition Assessment SURFACE COVER MATERIAL - Enter the code identifying the type of surface cover material given in the list below. This is also referred to as "SURFACE TYPE" in the "Code Definition" tables. CODE DESCRIPTION A Asphalt BM Building Moveable BU Building Unmovable C Concrete Surface tKC Creek Crossing D Dirt EBH Elevated Bridge Hanger EP Elevated Pier ~ Fence p Grass iPA Pipe Above Ground ~ Gravel ~ Sod rrS Trees / Shrubs ~ Utility W Water Z Other WEATHER - Generally indicate the weather conditions using groups of the following words that explain Sky Condition, Temperature and Precipitation. Example 1 - Clear, Hot, None. Example 2 - Cloudy, Freezing, Snow. SKY CONDITION TEMPERATURE PRECIPITATION CONDITION Clear Freezing None Cloudy Cold Drizzle Partly Cloudy Warm Rain Hot Flumes Snow STREET ADDRESS - Print clearly the address nearest the manhole in the sequence noted in the following, including ALL parts of the address that apply - number, direction, name, suffix, direction, apartment number. Use the following abbreviations for Direction and Suffix. For Suffixes not found on the list below, use the full name. When the manhole is not located near a building displaying an address, use the nearest address, if you can find one, give the approximate distance from that address and explain in the LOCATION COMMENTS. Spirit Creek Sanitary Sewer Rehabilitation City of Augusta Draft 03/13/02 , , , I I I I I I I I I I I I I I - I 01532D-26 Manhole Condition Assessment DIRECTION ABBREV. SUFFIX ABBREV. North N Alley AL South S Avenue AVE East E Boulevard BLVD West W Bypass BYP North East NE Circle CIR North West NW Court cr South East SE Drive DR South West SW Expressway EXPY Freeway FWY Highway HWY Lane LN Place PL Road RD Street ST Terrace TER Way WAY LOCATION COMMENT - Print any comment that may help to identify the location of the manhole, such as the intersection of streets, or identify some feature in a field or wooded area near the manhole. PHOTOS-SURFACE & PHOTOS-PLAN - Print the three sequence numbers from the digital camera in this space. However, NAME the photo file according to the following convention. After the data is entered into the database, this number will be combined with other data to "create" the filename in the database to match the filename you gave the photo. DESCRIPTION PHOTO FILENAME Surface Photo (manhole in foreground looking downstream) [Manhole Number]AG[Three character sequence number] (Example: SP0312AGO 15 Plan Photo (looking into manhole while standing above the [Manhole Number]PL[11lree character sequence number] outl!'oinl!' oipe) (Example:SP0312PLOI6 Upstream Pipe (all incoming pipes) [Manhole Number]U[11lree character sequence number] (Example: SP0312UOl7 Downstream Pipe (all outgoing pipes) [Manhole Number]D[Three character sequence number] (Examole:SP0312D018 Defects (the same photo can be used for defects in pipes and [Manhole Number]F[Three character sequence number] the above pipe photos unless the "pipe photo" does not clearly (Example: SP0312FOl9 present the defect) Spirit Creek Sanitary Sewer Rehabilitation City of Augusta Draft 03/13/02 , , I I I J I I , I I I I , I I I I I I I I . . .., - - 01532D-27 Manhole Condition Assessment 2. CHARACTERISTICS Physical characteristics of manholes are entered into the table using "codes" which represent descriptions and numbers that may represent dimensions or counts. In the column for DEPTH TO, the units arefeet to the nearest 1/100. ITEM TYPFlSHAPE MA TL/LINER DEPTH TO SIZE COVER Select the appropriate Select the Enter the distance in Enter the horizontal code from MANHOLE appropriate code feet from the top of the dimension(s) of the cover COVER TYPE codes from CI, CO, and frame to the bottom of (diameter for circular and below PL (Listed below) the cover's support lip. length by width for square or rectangular) FRAME Select the appropriate Leave Blank Enter the distance in Enter the horizontal code from MANHOLE feet from the top of the dimension(s) of the cover FRAME TYPE codes frame to the bottom of (diameter for circular and below the frame length by width for square or rectangular) RINGS Enter C for Circular, S Select the Enter the distance In Enter the horizontal (Chimney) for Square, and R for appropriate code feet from the top of the dimension(s) of the cover Rectangular, 0 for Other from MANHOLE frame to the bottom of (diameter for circular and and N for None. MATERIALS codes the rings (chimney) length by width for square or below rectangular) CONE Enter C for Circular, S Select the Enter the distance in Leave Blank for Square, R for appropriate code feet from the top of the Rectangular, 0 for Other from MANHOLE frame to the bottom of and N for None. MA TERlALS codes the cone below WALL Enter C for Circular, S Select the Enter the distance in Enter the horizontal for Square, R for appropriate code feet from the top of the dirnension(s) of the wall Rectangular, 0 for Other from MANHOLE frame to the bottom of (diameter for circular and and N for None. MATERIALS codes the exposed wall (top length by width for square or below of bench) rectangular) BENCH Leave Blank Select the Enter the distance in Leave Blank appropriate code feet from the top of the from MANHOLE frame to the bottom of MATERIALS codes the bench (top of below channel) CHANNEL Leave Blank Select the Enter the distance in Enter the nominal width of appropriate code feet from the top of the the channeL from MANHOLE frame to the bottom of MATERIALS codes the channel (invert) below BASE If available, enter PRC If available, select If available, enter the If available, enter the for pre-cast, CON for the appropriate code distance in feet from horizontal dimension(s) of Cast in Place, X for from MANHOLE the top of the frame to the base (diameter for other, otherwise leave MATERIALS codes the bottom of the base, circular and length by width blank below, otherwise otherwise leave blank for square or rectangular), leave blank otherwise leave blank STEPS Leave Blank Select the Leave Blank Leave Blank appropriate code from CI, CO, PL, and BRK (Listed below) Spirit Creek Sanitary Sewer Rehabilitation City of Augusta Draft 03/13/02 - , I I , I I I I I I I I I I I I - I I .... !!! ! 01532D-28 Manhole Condition Assessment MANHOLE COVER TYPES leODE DESCRIPTION IV 122 Vented with 12 Holes, 1/2" Dia (2/4 ths) 1V123 Vented with 12 Holes, 3/4" Dia (3/4 ths) IV 124 Vented with 12 Holes, 1" Dia (4/4 ths) 1v022 Vented with 2 Holes, 112" Dia (2/4 ths) 1V023 Vented with 2 Holes, 3/4" Dia (3/4 ths) V024 Vented with 2 Holes, 1" Dia (4/4 ths) V042 Vented with 4 Holes, 112" Dia (2/4 ths) V043 Vented with 4 Holes, 3/4" Dia (3/4 ths) V044 Vented with 4 Holes, 1" Dia (4/4 ths) V242 Vented with 24 Holes, 112" Dia (2/4 ths) V243 Vented with 24 Holes, 3/4" Dia (3/4 ths) V244 Vented with 24 Holes, 1" Dia (4/4 ths) S Solid B Bolted L.. Lock Downs E Concealed Pickholes ~ Concrete MANHOLE FRAME TYPES CODE DESCRIPTION CI Cast Iron CO Concrete PL Plastic MANHOLE MATERIALS CODE DESCRIPTION BRK Brick CI Cast Iron CLBK Clay Block CaSK Concrete Block CON Cast-in-Place Concrete FG Fiberglass MBK Manhole Block IpE Polyethylene IPRC Precast Concrete ~OC Rock ~TON Cobblestone Ivcp Vitrified Clay Pipe NO VENTS & SIZE - Number of vent holes in the cover and the nominal diameter of the holes. +/- GRADE - The dimension in inches of how much the top of the frame sets above (+) or below (-) surrounding grade. Spirit Creek Sanitary Sewer Rehabilitation City of Augusta Draft 03/13/02 , , I I , I , I I I I I I I I I I I I I i I r 01532D-29 Manhole Condition Assessment INFLOW DISH (MANHOLE INSERT) - Is there a device installed below the cover to prevent "Inflow" from getting into the manhole. Check the appropriate answer. CONCEN & ECCEN - Check the appropriate type of manhole, whether Concentric (CONCEN) or Eccentric (ECCEN). Is the cover centered over the wall or not? Examples: CONcrg ECCEg PONDING - Will water pond 0 hole - YES or NO? Che priate answer. POND AREA - Approximate ho an area can the pond cov de length by width to approximate a square/rectangular area. GROUND WATER LEVEL - Distance from the top of the frame to the vertical point in the manhole where the ground water level appears to be. DEBRIS/SILT & TYPE - Is there silt in the manhole - YES or NO? Check the appropriate answer. If there is debris, then enter the code for the type from the list below. CODE DESCRIPTION S Silt G Grease D Dirt OT Other SURCHARGE EVIDENCE DEPTH - Enter the depth from the top of the frame to the point where it is evident that sewage has risen up to at some time in the past. Enter Depth to Invert (channel) if there is no evidence of surcharging. ' NO. LANDINGS - Enter the number of major landings within the manhole. A major landing would be a large platform or flat surface (part of the structure) inside the manhole chamber intended to be part of the access to the sewer pipe. 3. PIPE DATA IN/OUT - Identify whether a pipe has flow coming into (IN) the manhole or leaving (OUT) of the manhole. DIAM - Enter the pipe diameter in inches. SHAPE - Enter the shape from the following list. MAT'L - Enter the type of material from the following list. L~NING - Enter the type of lining from the following list. Spirit Creek Sanitary Sewer Rehabilitation City of Augusta Draft 03/13/02 , , I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I . .. ~ ., 01532D-30 Manhole Condition Assessment Material Shape EFINITION ched (with flat bottom) arrel (e.g. beer barrel shape) ircular gg shaped orseshoe (i.e., inverted U) val ectangular quare rapezoidal -Shaped with flat top ther (state in Comments) EFINITION crylonitrile Butatiene Styrene rick ast Iron Pipe orrugated Metal Pipe ast-In-Place Concrete Pipe ed-In-Place Liner uctile Iron Pipe iberglass Reinforced Pipe on-Reinforced Concrete Pipe rangeburg Pipe olyethylene Pipe VC Lined Pipe (Fold/Reforrn) olyvinylChloride Pipe einforced Concrete Box einforced Concrete Pipe teel itrified Clay Pipe ood ther (state in Comments otKnown Existing Lining itumen oft inversion type liner lastic ther (state in Comments) ot Known ENTRY DEPTH - Enter the distance from the top of the frame to the invert of the pipe. FillEPTH - Enter the flow depth in inches. CLOCK (CLOCK REFERENCE) -Identify the position of the pipe inside the manhole using the face of a clock with 12 o'clock being north and moving in a clockwise position. PHOTO - Print the three sequence numbers from the digital camera in this space. However, NAME the photo file according to the following convention. After the data is entered into the database, this number will be combined with other data to "create" the filename in the database to match the filename you gave the photo. DESCRIPTION PHOTO FILENAME Surface Photo (manhole in foreground looking downstream) [Manhole Number]AG[Three character sequence number] (Example: SP0312AG015 Plan Photo (looking into manhole while standing above the [Manhole Number ]pL[Three character sequence number] outgoing pipe) (Example:SP0312PLOI6 Upstream Pipe (all incoming pipes) [Manhole Number]U[Three character sequence number] (Example: SP0312U017 Downstream Pipe (all outgoing pipes) (Manhole Number]D[Three character sequence number] (ExanlPle:SP0312DOI8 Defects (the same photo can be used for defects in pipes and [Manhole Number]F[Three character sequence number] the above pipe photos unless the "pipe photo" does not (Example: SP0312F019 clearly present the defect) Spirit Creek Sanitary Sewer Rehabilitation City of Augusta Draft 03/13/02 ~ - I I I I I I I I I I I I I I 1 I I 01532D-31 Manhole Condition Assessment 4. MANHOLE SKETCH Sketch the pipe entering and leaving the manhole. Add an arrow to indicate whether incoming or out-going and write the number of the connecting manhole by each pipe. 5. REHABILITA TION INFORMATION MANHOLE ACCESSIBILITY . To Cover - How easy or difficult is it to get a truck or construction equipment to the manhole. . From Cover to Pipe - Are there any offsets or obstructions inside the manhole. SPACE FOR REHABILITATION AND STAGING - . Assess spatial access to locate construction equipment particularly overhead restriction. 6. POINT DEFECTS PART - These are the major components of a manhole. . Cover - Also known as manhole lid. . Frame - Normally, the cast iron ring that the cover sets in. . Rings - Also known as the chimney. · Cone - Conic section expanding the manhole from a typical 24-inch opening to a typical 48-inch opening. . Wall - Also known as the barrel. · Bench - Relatively flat area at bottom of a manhole · Channel - Also known as the invert. May actually be the bottom half of a pipe section. . Base - A structural foundation upon which the manhole wall sets. Usually this component is buried and will not be seen or inspected. . Pipe Penet - Where the pipe penetrates the wall. There may be several. · Steps - Self-explanatory. . Other - An example may be an inside drop connection. Spirit Creek Sanitary Sewer Rehabilitation . City of Augusta Draft 03/13/02 I ) - I 01532D-32 Manhole Condition Assessment DEFECT - Enter the code for a defect type from the following list. Use only the defect codes listed. I ~ODE DESCRIPTION lac Manhole Cover Cracked or Broken IBF Manhole Frame Cracked or Broken ~C Crack Circumferential 2M Cracks Multiple ~I Connection Intruding :x Connection Defective ~y Connection Defective Intruding DB Displaced Bricks IDE Debris IDG Debris Grease IDs Debris, Silt IDR Deformation - Horizontal IEL Encrustation ~L Scale IFc Circumferential Fracture !PM Multiple Fractures fI Hole lID Joint Displaced ~ Missing Bricks ~ Mortar Missing ~S Mortar Missing, Surface PB Obstruction pJ Open Joint ~ Fine Roots ~ Mass Roots IRT Tap Roots ~S Surface Damage, Spalling ~W Surface Damage, Wear ~ Collapsed Manhole I I I I 1 I I I I I I POSITION - Enter the distances from the top of the frame to the point where the defect starts and stops. Also, add the clock positions starting and ending using clockwise rotation. SEVERITY - Enter the appropriate code from the following list. ESCRlPTION Light Medium Heavy None I I I I ROOTS - Enter the appropriate code from the list above under Severity. I Spirit Creek Sanitary Sewer Rehabilitation City of Augusta Draft 03/13/02 , , I 01532D-33 Manhole Condition Assessment m QTY. - Enter the appropriate codefrom the following list. I CODE IDESCRIPTION S Seeper [D Dripper [R Runner G Gusher N None I I COMMENT - Enter description of defect if code is insufficient to describe. However, use and enter a defect code from the list that best represents the defect. PHOTOS - Print the three sequence numbers from the digital camera in this space. However, NAME the photo file according to the following convention. After the data is entered into the database, this number will be combined with other data to "create" the filename in the database to match the filename you gave the photo. 1 DESCRIPTION PHOTO FILENAME- Surface Photo (manhole in foreground looking [Manhole Number]AG[Three character sequence number] downstream) (Example: SP0312AG015 Plan Photo (looking into manhole while standing above [Manhole Number]PL[Three character sequence number] the ou~oing pipe) (Exarnple:SP0312PLOI6 Upstream Pipe (all incoming pipes) [Manhole Number]U[Three character sequence number] (Example: SP0312U017 Downstream Pipe (all outgoing pipes) [Manhole Number]D[Three character sequence number] (Example: SP0312DOl8 Defects (the same photo can be used for defects in pipes [Manhole Number]F[Three character sequence number] and the above pipe photos unless the "pipe photo" does (Example: SP0312F019 not clearly present the defect) I I I I I I I I . Spirit Creek Sanitary Sewer Rehabilitation City of Augusta Draft 03/13/02 , , I 01532D-34 Manhole Condition Assessment 7. PIPE DEFECTS PIPE NO. - Enter the connecting manhole number from Section 4 above. I DEFECT - Enter the code that best identifies the type defect from the following list. I IeODE DEFINITION Is Broken Pipe IsJ Sewer Broken at Joint ~C Crack Circumferential CL Crack Longitudinal CM Crack Multiple CI Connection Intruding CX Connection Defective CXI Connection Defective Intruding DH Deformed Sewer - Horizontal DB Bricks Displaced DE Debris DEG Debris Grease DES Debris, Silt DH Horizontal Deformation DI Dropped Invert DV Deformed Sewer - Vertica1 EL Encrustation SL Scale - Light SM Scale - Medium SH Scale - Heavy PC Fracture Circumferential FL Fracture Longitudinal PM Fractures Multiple H Hole JD Joint Displaced ME Missing Bricks MM Mortar Missing DB Obstruction OJ Open Joint RF Fine Roots RM Mass Roots RT Tap Roots sC Sewer shape changes at this point sS Surface Damage, Spalling SW Surface Damage, Wear V Vermin (rats/mice) Ix Structural Collapse I I I I I I I I I I I - I . . - ) = ~ , Spirit Creek Sanitary Sewer Rehabilitation City of Augusta Draft 03/13/02 , , I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I . ~ 01532D-35 Manhole Condition Assessment POSITION - Enter the estimated distance in feet from center of manhole to the point up/down the pipe to the defect. SEVERITY - Enter the appropriate code from the following list. CODE DESCRIPTION 1 Light ~ Medium ~ Heavy ~ None ROOTS - Enter the appropriate code from the list above under Severity. III QTY. - Enter the appropriate code from the following list. k;ODE DESCRIPTION S Seeper ~ Dripper ~ Runner G Gusher ~ None COMMENT - Enter description of defect if code is insufficient to describe. However, use and enter a defect code from the list that best represents the defect. PHOTOS - Print the three sequence numbers from the digital camera in this space. However, NAME the photo file according to the following convention. After the data is entered into the database, this number will be combined with other data to "create" the filename in the database to match the filename you gave the photo. DESCRIPTION PHOTO FILENAME Surface Photo (manhole in foreground looking downstream) [Manhole Number]AG[Three character sequence number] (Example: SP0312AGO 15 Plan Photo (looking into manhole while standing above the [Manhole NumberJPL[Three character sequence number] outgoing pipe) (Example: SP0312PL016 Upstream Pipe (all incoming pipes) [Manhole Number]U[Three character sequence number] (Example: SP0312U017 Downstream Pipe (all outgoing pipes) [Manhole Number]D[Three character sequence number] (Example: SP0312D018 Defects (the same photo can be used for defects in pipes and the [Manhole Number] F[Three character sequence number] above pipe photos unless the "pipe photo" does not clearly (Example: SP0312F019 present the defect) Spirit Creek Sanitary Sewer Rehabilitation City of Augusta Draft 03/13/02 , , I 1 I , I I I I I I I I 1 I I I I - I 01532D-36 Manhole Condition Assessment ATTACHMENT C EXAMPLE MANHOLE CONDITION ASSESSMENT PHOTOS . Spirit Creek Sanitary Sewer Rehabilitation City of Augusta Draft 03/13/02 , , I I (This page was left blank intentionally.) I I I I I I I I I I I I I I - I I Spirit Creek Sanitary Sewer Rehabilitation City of Augusta 01532D-37 Manhole Condition Assessment Draft 03/13/02 - , I I 01532D-38 Manhole Condition Assessment MANHOLE CONDITION ASSESSMENT PHOTOS (EXAMPLE) UPSTREAM MANHOLE DOWNSTREAM MANHOLE DATE ICONTRACTOR . CREW. PICTURE # I COMMENTS 1 I I I I I I I I I - I I I I Spirit Creek Sanitary Sewer Rehabilitation City of Augusta Draft 03/13/02 , I I I I , I I I I I I I I I 01532D-39 Manhole Condition Assessment ATTACHMENT D EXAMPLE CONFINED ENTRY LOG MANHOLE/SEWER SAFETY CHECK - . - . Spirit Creek Sanitary Sewer Rehabilitation City of Augusta Draft 03/13/02 , , I , (This page was left blank intentionally.) I I I , I I I I I I I I . - - - . - ) -I Spirit Creek Sanitary Sewer Rehabilitation City of Augusta 01532D-40 Manhole Condition Assessment Draft 03/13/02 , I , I I I I I I , I I I I I I . I -... , - 01532D-41 Manhole Condition Assessment (EXAMPLE) CONFINED ENTRY LOG MANHOL~SEWERSAFETYCHECK ~OBECOMPLETEDD~~ Date: Supervisor: Vehicle No. Time Manhole No. Manhole Location 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. Workers on site: (Underline those with safety training certification) Safetv Apparatus on Site: (tick) Multi Gas Monitor 0 Lifting Harness 0 Lifeline 0 Helmet! Safety Boots 0 First Aid Kit 0 Torch Light 0 Aluminum Ladder (AL) 0 Breathing Apparatus 0 Air Blower 0 Headphone 0 Cell Phone 0 Safety Check: (tick) Manhole Vented by Blower? 0 Manhole Tested for Gases? 0 Oxygen Sufficiency OK? 0 Protective Clothing Worn? 0 Top Men Carrying BA? 0 Ladder Used 0 Traffic Signs and Cones OK? 0 Blinkers and Beacons OK? 0 Site Plans? 0 G M "t . R d' as om orIn!! ea ml!S Time Hydrogen Sulfide Level Oxygen Carbon Monoxide Level I Methane Level Level % Detected Not Detected Not Detected Not (pPM) Detected (PPM) Detected (pPM) Detected Manhole/ Sewer Safe to Enter? o Yes o No Incidents, if any: (Append Lengthy Description) Signature of Safety Officer/ Supervisor: Date: END OF SECTION Spirit Creek Sanitary Sewer Rehabilitation City of Augusta Draft 03/13/02 , , I I I I I I I I I I I I I I . - .... I - I I SECTION 01540 Job Site Security PART 1- GENERAL 1.01 BARRICADES, LIGHTS, AND SIGNALS A. The Contractor shall furnish and erect such barricades, fences, lights and danger signals and shall provide such other precautionary measures for the protection of persons or property and of the work as necessary. Barricades shall be painted in a color that will be suitably luminescent and visible at night. From sunset to sunrise, the Contractor shall furnish and maintain at least one light at each barricade. The Contractor shall furnish sufficient numbers of erected barricades to keep vehicles from being driven on or into any work under construction. B. The Contractor will be held responsible for all damages to the work due to failure of barricades, signs, and lights and whenever evidence is found of such damage, the Contractor shall immediately remove the damaged portion and replace it at the Contractor's cost and expense. The Contractor's responsibility for the maintenance of barricades, signs, and lights shall not cease until the Project has been accepted by the City. C. The Contractor shall employ, when necessary, watchmen on the work and shall, when necessary, erect and maintain such strong and suitable barriers and such light as will effectively prevent any accident to health and/or property. Lights shall be maintained for the hours between sunset to sunrise. PART 2 - PRODUCTS (NOT USED) PART 3 - EXECUTION (NOT USED) END OF SECTION Spirit Creek Sanitary Sewer Rehabilitation City of Augusta 03/12/02 , , I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I . . I - I . ~ SECTION 01562 Dust Control PART 1- GENERAL 1.01 SCOPE A. Limit blowing dust caused by construction by applying water or employing other appropriate means or methods to maintain dust control subject to the approval of the City. As a minimum, this may require the use of a water wagon twice a day to suppress dusty conditions. 1.02 PROTECTION OF ADJACENT PROPERTY A. The Bidders shall visit the site and note the buildings, landscaping, roads, parking areas, and other facilities near the work site that may be damaged by their operations. The Contractor shall make adequate provision to fully protect the surrounding area and will be held fully responsible for all damages resulting from Contractor's operations. B. Protect all existing facilities (indoors and out) from damage by dust, spray or spills (indoors or out). Protect motors, bearings, electrical gear, instrumentation and building or other surfaces from dirt, dust, welding fumes, paint spray, spills or droppings causing wear, corrosion, malfunction, failure or defacement by enclosure, sprinkling or other dust palliatives, masking and covering, exhausting or containment. PART 2 - PRODUCTS (NOT USED) PART 3 - EXECUTION (NOT USED) END OF SECTION Spirit Creek Sanitary Sewer Rehabilitation City of Augusta 03/12/02 ~ I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I J I I ~ I SECTION 01569 Safety on Projects PART 1- GENERAL 1.01 SCOPE A. The Contractor shall be responsible for conducting all work in a safe manner and shall take reasonable precautions to ensure the safety and protection of workers, property, and the general public. The Contractor's responsibility for protection is described in Article 15 of the General Conditions. B. All construction shall be conducted in accordance-with the latest applicable requirements for Part 1926 of the Occupational Safety and Health Act, Safety and Health Regulations for Construction, Section 107 of the Contract Work Hours and Safety Standards Act, as well as any other local, state, or federal safety codes and regulations. C. The Contractor shall designate a trained and qualified employee who is to be responsible for ensuring that the work is performed safely and in conformance with all applicable regulations. D. The Contractor shall determine the safety hazards involved in prosecuting the work and the precautions necessary to conduct the work safely. E. The Contractor shall bear all risks associated with performing the work and shall fully indemnify and hold harmless the City and Engineer. PART 2 - PRODUCTS (NOT USED) PART 3 - EXECUTION (NOT USED) END OF SECTION Spirit Creek Sanitary Sewer Rehabilitation City of Augusta 03/12/02 I I I I I , I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I J I SECTION 01580 Project Identification and Signs PART 1- GENERAL 1.01 SCOPE A. The work under this section shall include the furnishing of a minimum of four painted signs of not less than 32 square feet in area, with painted graphic content that includes: 1. Project title. 2. City's name. 3. Names of governmental units participating in the Project. 4. Engineer's name. 5. Names and titles of other parties to be directed by the Engineer. 1.02 DESIGN A. The Contractor shall provide a scale drawing showing the graphic design, style of lettering and colors, to the Engineer for approval. PART2-PRODUCTS 2.01 MATERIALS A. Structure and Framing: May be new or used, wood or metal, in sound condition structurally adequate to work and suitable for specified ftnish. B. Sign Surfaces: Exterior soft wood plywood with medium density overlay, standard large sizes to minimize joints. C. Thickness: As required by standards to span framing members, to provide even, smooth surface without waves or buckles.. D. Rough Hardware: Galvanized. E. Paint: Exterior quality, equal to Tnemec. Spirit Creek Sanitary Sewer Rehabilitation City of Augusta 03/12/02 , I , , I I I I I , I I ~ I I I I I I I I ~ 1 I ~ ~ I 01580-2 Project Identification and Signs PART 3 - EXECUTION 3.01 ERECTION A. Erect the sign on the site in a high visibility location, adjacent to the Project, as approved by the Engineer. 3.02 MAINTENANCE A. Contractor shall maintain the Project Sign in good condition during the Contract period. END OF SECTION Spirit Creek Sanitary Sewer Rehabilitation City of Augusta 03/12/02 I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I SECTION 01590 Field Offices PART 1- GENERAL 1.01 SCOPE A. The work under this section shall include the providing of Level 0, 1, 2, or 3 facilities, as identified in Section 01010 - Summary of Work, for the Resident Inspector and Contractor. The work shall include providing and preparing the site for the field offices, located conveniently near the Project site. - B. Furnish, install, and maintain storage and work sheds needed for construction. C. Level 0 facilities shall mean field offices are not required for the Contractor nor the Resident Inspector. D. Levell facilities shall mean a field office is required for the Contractor but not for the Resident Inspector. E. Level 2 facilities shall mean a field office is required for the Contractor and a Category A Field Office for the Resident Inspector. F. Level 3 facilities shall mean a field office is required for the Contractor and a Category B Field Office for the Resident Inspector. 1.02 REQUIREl\1ENTS A. General: 1. The materials, equipment, and furnishings provided under this section may be new or used, but must be serviceable, adequate for the required purpose, and must not violate applicable codes or regulations. 2. The Contractor shall make all provisions, and pay all costs for installation, utilities, rent, permit fees, and site work for field offices and facilities. 3. The Contractor's and Resident Inspector's field offices shall be separate buildings. B. Construction: 1. Structurally sound, weathertight, with floors raised above ground. Spirit Creek Sanitary Sewer Rehabilitation City of Augusta 03/12/02 I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I 1 , I J I I 01590-2 Field Offices 2. Temperature Transmission Resistance: Compatible with occupancy and storage requirements. 3. At the Contractor's option, portable or mobile buildings may be used. a. Mobile trailers, when used, shall be modified for office use. b. Do not use mobile trailers for living quarters. 1.03 RESIDENT INSPECTOR'S FIELD OFFICE - CATEGORY A A. A separate space for the sole use of designated occupants, with secure entrance doors with a 3 x 3 foot minimum covered stoop and one-key per occupant. B. Area: 160 square feet minimum, with minimum dimension 8 feet. C. Windows: 1. Minimum: Three, with a minimum total area of 10% of floor area. 2. Operable sash and insect screens. 3. Venetian blinds on all windows. 4. Locate to provide view of construction areas. D. Furnishings: 1. One standard size (36 x 60 inches), five-drawer desk. 2. One plan table (39 x 72 inches x 36 inches high). 3. One metal, double-door storage cabinet. 4. One water cooler with refrigerator compartment below. 5. One standard four-drawer, legal-size, metal filing cabinet with lock and keys. 6. 20 linear feet of bookshelves (minimum 4 feet high). 7. One swivel chair on castors. Spirit Creek Sanitary Sewer Rehabilitation City of Augusta 03/12/02 , I , - I 1 I I I I I I I I I I I I ~ ~ 01590-3 Field Offices 8. Two side chairs. 9 One drafting table stool on castors. 10. Two wastebaskets. 11. One tackboard, 36 x 30 inches. 12. One rain gauge. 13. One plan rack to hold a minimum of six sets of Project Drawings. 14. Copy machine, with reduction and multiple copy capability. 15. One facsimile machine with minimum 30-page automatic document feed, stand, paper, supplies, and service contract for the Project duration, equal to Okidata 800, Panasonic Panifax 270, Sharp 551 or AT&T 9025 FX. 16. One standard office touch-tone phone. 17. One answering machine, capable of having messages checked via outside phone. 18. One personal computer, equal to Dell, with the following features and software: a. Pentium ill based processor with 128 MB RAM, VGA graphics card, parallel, USB and serial ports (one each). b. 3-1/2 inch high density diskette drive, 100 MB ZIP Drive and compact disk drive. c. Minimum 5.0 GB hard drive. d. Window NT, Latest Version. e. NIC Card and 56K Modem. f. HP Laserjet 4 Plus printer with toner cartridge. g. Parallel printer cable. h. Font cartridge with letter gothic 12 font capability. Spirit Creek Sanitary Sewer Rehabilitation City of Augusta 03/12/02 , , , I I I I I I I I I I I I I I ~ - 01590-4 Field Offices 1. 17-inch VGA color monitor. J. On-site service contract coverage for major components to minimize machine down-time to 1 day or less. k. Microsoft Word, Latest Version. I. Microsoft Office Suite E. Services: 1. Lighting: 50 foot-candles at desk top height. 2. Exterior lighting at entrance door. 3. Automatic heating and cooling equipment sufficient to maintain comfort conditions of 780F inside in winter with outside air temperature of 200F and 720F inside in summer with outside air temperature of lOooF. 4. Minimum of four llO-volt duplex electric convenience outlets, at least one on each wall. 5. Convenient access to drinking water (water cooler) and toilet facilities with sink. 6. Two phone lines, one for office phone and one for facsimile machine. Both lines shall be touch-tone compatible. F. The office shall be available on the site at the beginning of the on-site work, including the delivery of products and shall remain on the site until the Project is completed. G. The Contractor shall make all provisions and pay for all installations and other costs for the Resident Inspector's construction office in order to provide telephone service, power service, exterior lights, and any dry type photocopy machine and facsimile machine supplies. The Contractor shall pay all monthly charges for various services provided to the Resident Inspector's Office throughout the construction period. 1.04 RESIDENT INSPECTOR'S FIELD OFFICE - CATEGORY B A. The office shall be available on the site at the beginning of the on-site work, including the delivery of products, and shall remain on the site until the job is completed. The office shall be separate from the Contractor's. Spirit Creek Sanitary Sewer Rehabilitation City of Augusta 03/12/02 , , , I I I I I I I I I I I I I I ~ I I 01590-5 Field Offices B. The office shall have, when finished, not less than 1,200 square feet of floor space with 8-foot high partitions dividing the office into the following rooms: 1. One office, minimum 14 x 14 feet. 2. Four offices, minimum 10 x 10 feet. 3. One conference room, minimum 12 x 20 feet. 4. One waiting area, minimuni 10 x 10 feet 5. Two restrooms. 6. One break room, minimum lOx 14 feet. C. The office shall be a pre-fabricated building or a mobile trailer having ceiling, floor and walls adequately insulated. The office shall have sufficient windows to allow adequate sunlight and ventilation, properly weatherproofed with proper screens. The office shall be properly skirted as approved by the Engineer. The office shall have at least one outside entrance with proper screen. Awnings or sunscreen approved by the Engineer shall be furnished over all windows. The outside entrance shall have a lock and a stoop or covered porch at least 4 feet square, and shall be suitable for occupation prior to initiating any work and shall remain on the site until the Project is completed. D. The interior of the office shall be manufacturer's standard. Dimensions for all rooms and number of closets shall be determined by the Engineer. The Inspector's office shall be complete with adequate facilities for toilet, lavatory, and hot and cold running water. Utility, telephone and security services shall be provided for the duration of the Project. Sufficient duplex outlets shall be provided to insure reasonable set up of furnishings listed below. E. The office building shall be adequately wired for electricity in accordance with applicable codes to handle the total lighting, air conditioning, and other loads. Lighting fixtures, in adequate numbers, shall be installed to give an illumination of 150-foot candles average and minimum glare. Fluorescent lamp fixtures with minimum 45 degrees shielding will be required. 11O-volt convenience outlets, one per wall in each room shall be provided. Provide air conditioning and heating combination unit to maintain 780F inside in winter with outside air temperature of 200F and 720P inside in summer with the outside temperature of 100oF. Spirit Creek Sanitary Sewer Rehabilitation City of Augusta 03/12/02 , , , I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I 01590-6 Field Offices F. The Contractor shall provide furnishings, fixtures, and equipment, durable and of good, standard industrial quality as approved by the Engineer, as follows: 1. Five desks, 60 x 30 inches, with at least three drawers. 2. Swivel chairs on castors, one for each desk. 3. One secretary desk with side tables with sufficient surface area for personal computer, electronic typewriter, and general work area. 4. Secretary type chair, on castors. 5. Two plan layout tables, 8 x 3 feet wood, with forrnica top., 6. One 12 stick plan racks. 7. Four 4-drawer, legal size filing cabinets with locks. 8. One double pot coffee machine. 9. One electronic type"mter with stand equal to IBM Selectric II. 10. One facsimile machine with minimum 30-page automatic document feed, with stand, dedicated telephone line, paper, supplies, and service contract, equal to Okidata 800, Panasonic Panifax 270, Sharp 551 or AT&T 9025 FX. 11. Two folding chairs for each desk, including secretaries, plus eight chairs for waiting area. 12. One copy machine with reducing and enlarging capabilities, including paper, supplies and a service contract, equal to Xerox 5028. 13. Conference table with 10 chairs. Conference table shall be of a size that 10 persons may all sit at the table. 14. One personal computer, equal to Dell, with the following features and software: a. Pentium III based processor with 128 MB RAM, VGA graphics card, parallel, USB and serial ports (one each). b. 3-112 inch high density diskette drive, 100 MB ZIP Drive and compact disk drive. Spirit Creek Sanitary Sewer Rehabilitation City of Augusta 03/12/02 , I I , I I I I I I I I I I I I J I I - I 01590-7 Field Offices c. Minimum 5.0 GB hard drive. d. Window NT, Latest Version. e. NIC Card and 56K Modem. f. HP Laserjet 4 Plus printer with toner cartridge. g. Parallel printer cable. h. Font cartridge with letter gothic 12 font. 1. 17-inch VGA color monitor. J. On-site service contract coverage for major components to minimize machine down-time to I day or less. k. Microsoft Word, Latest Version. I. Microsoft Office Suite. 15. Five, 5-gallon waste baskets. 16. One electric adding machine. 17. One rain gauge. 18. One 3 x 5 foot tackboard. 19. One water cooler. 20. One refrigerator/freezer, minimum 18 cubic feet, equal to Hot Point Model CTX 18CL. 21. One microwave oven, equal to Kenmore Model 5658972996. 22. Three field radios with base station; station to be equal to Motorola UHF system with 2-mile range. 23. Office shelves a minimum of 75 linear feet at least 12-inches vertically paced, minimum 4 feet high. 24. One answering machine, capable of having messages checked via outside phone. Spirit Creek Sanitary Sewer Rehabilitation City of Augusta 03/12102 , I I , I I I I I I I I I I I I - I I I I I I 01590-8 Field Offices G. The telephone in the Inspector's office will be a four line system with touch-tone phones and intercom, plus one additional dedicated line for facsimile machine. The Resident Engineer, the clerk, and each pair of Inspectors shall have a separate telephone line. One unit shall be a speaker phone acceptable to the Engineer. 1.05 CONTRACTOR'S FIELD OFFICE AND FACILITIES A. The Contractor shall maintain a local office with telephone in the general area of the work, and will be required to have a responsible representative on call at all times. B. Size: As required for general use and to provide space for Project Meetings. C. Lighting and Temperature Control: As specified for Engineer/Resident Inspector's office. D. Telephone: As required for Contractor's operations. E. Racks and files for Project Record Documents. F. Other Furnishings: Contractor's option. G. ' One lO-inch outdoor-type thermometer. 1.06 UTILITIES A. Temporary Utilities: 1. General: Provide and pay all costs for all water, sewer, and electricity required for the field office through Project completion. Upon completion of the work, remove all temporary utilities and telephone equipment. 2. Temporary Water and Sewer: Furnish and install all necessary temporary piping and appurtenances for water and sewer service required for field offices. 3. Temporary Electricity: The Contractor shall furnish and install all necessary electrical service for field offices. B. Telephone Service: 1. The Contractor shall make all necessary arrangements for outside telephone service to Contractor's office and a separate service to the Inspector's office. All portions of the communication system shall be maintained in good Spirit Creek Sanitary Sewer Rehabilitation City of Augusta 03/12/02 , I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I - . . -, - - 01590-9 Field Offices working condition. Schematic drawings, showing the complete telephone system, including location of jacks to be installed shall be provided for review by the Engineer before installation of service. 2. All expenditures for the installation costs of lines, line extensions, service charges and recurring service charges for telephone services shall be paid by the Contractor. 3. Telephone service shall be local to the site area code. 1.07 PARKING FACILITIES A. Parking facilities for the Contractor's field office shall be the Contractor's responsibility. The storage and work facilities provided by the City will not be used for parking. B. The Contractor shall provide ample parking, either graveled or paved, adjacent to the Inspector's office. Adequate parking space will be provided for three cars for Category A and eight cars for Category B at the Inspector's office. 1.08 USE OF PERMANENT FACILITIES A. Permanent facilities shall not be used for field offices or for storage. PART 2 - PRODUCTS (NOT USED) PART 3 - EXECUTION 3.01 PREPARATION A. Fill and grade sites for temporary structures to provide surface drainage. 3.02 INSTALLATION A. Construct temporary field offices and storage facilities on proper foundations and provide connections for utility services. 1. Secure portable or mobile buildings when used. 2. Provide steps and landings at entrance doors. 3. Provide tie-downs for 100 mile per hour gusts and winds. Spirit Creek Sanitary Sewer Rehabilitation City of Augusta 03/12/02 , , I ; I I I I I I I , I I I I I I I I 01590-10 Field Offices B. Mount thermometer at convenient outside location, not in direct sunlight. C. Mount rain gauge in accessible open area. D. Locate construction office facilities at locations within the Project approved by the Engineer. 3.03 MAINTENANCE AND CLEANING A. The Contractor shall repair and clean the offices, parking areas and access routes and provide complete janitorial services, including toilet paper and paper towels, in the Inspector's office for the duration of the Project. Cleaning shall be done on a daily basis during other than normal working hours. During other than normal working hours, the Contractor shall provide security measures and area protection equivalent to that used by Contractor and Contractor's jobsite shop and office facilities. If the Contractor uses an electronic security system, Contractor shall provide a totally separate electronic security system for the Inspector's office. An exterior security flood light in the area of the Inspector's office shall be provided. 3.04 REMOVAL A. Remove temporary field offices, contents, and services at a time when no longer needed. Offices and contents shall be the property of the Contractor. B. Remove foundations and debris; grade site to required elevations and clean areas. END OF SECTION Spirit Creek Sanitary Sewer Rehabilitation City of Augusta 03/12102 , , I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I , SECTION 01610 Transportation and Handling PART 1- GENERAL 1.01 SCOPE A. The Contractor shall provide transportation' of all equipment, materials, and products furnished under these Contract Documents to the work site. In addition, the Contractor shall provide preparation for shipment, loading, unloading, handling and preparation for installation and all other work and incidental items necessary or convenient to the Contractor for the satisfactory prosecution and completion of the wou. - B. All equipment, materials, and products damaged during transportation or handling shall be repaired or replaced, prior to being incorporated into the work, by the Contractor at no additional cost to the City. 1.02 TRANSPORTATION A. All equipment shall be suitably boxed, crated or otherwise protected during transportation. B. Where equipment will be installed using existing cranes or hoisting equipment, the Contractor shall ensure that the weights of the assembled sections do not exceed the capacity of the cranes or hoisting equipment. C. Small items and appurtenances such as gauges, valves, switches, instruments and probes that could be damaged during shipment shall be removed from the equipment prior to shipment, packaged and shipped separately. All openings shall be plugged or sealed to prevent the entrance of water or dirt. 1.03 HANDLING A. All equipment, materials and products shall be carefully handled to prevent damage or excessive deflections during unloading or transportation. B. Lifting and handling Drawings and instructions furnished by the manufacturer or supplier shall be strictly followed. Eyebolts or lifting lugs furnished on the equipment shall be used in handling the equipment. Shafts and operating mechanisms shaU not be used as lifting points. Spreader bars or lifting beams shall be used when the distance between lifting points exceeds that permitted by standard industry practice. Spirit Creek Sanitary Sewer Rehabilitation City of Augusta 03/12/02 , , I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I ~ . I 01610-2 Transportation and Handling C. Under no circumstances shall equipment or products such as pipe, structural steel, castings, reinforcement, lumber, piles, poles, etc., be thrown or rolled off of trucks onto the ground. D. Slings and chains shall be padded as required to prevent damage to protective coatings and finishes. PART 2 - PRODUCTS (NOT USED) PART 3 - EXECUTION (NOT USED) END OF SECTION Spirit Creek Sanitary Sewer Rehabilitation City of Augusta 03/12/02 , , I i I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I SECTION 01611 Storage and Protection PART 1- GENERAL 1.01 SCOPE A. The work under this section includes, but is not necessarily limited to, the furnishing of all labor, tools and materials necessary to properly store and protect all materials, equipment, products and the like, as necessary for the proper and complete performance of the work. B. The Contractor shall store materials, supplies, and equipment at the site in such orderly fashion and in such locations as approved by the Engineer that will not unduly interfere with the progress of the work or the work of any other contractors, or the activities of City personnel. 1.02 STORAGE AND PROTECTION A. Storage: 1. Maintain ample way for foot traffic at all times, except as otherwise approved by the Engineer. 2. All property damaged by reason of storing of material shall be properly replaced at no additional cost to the City. 3. Packaged materials shall be delivered in original unopened containers and so stored until ready for use. 4. All materials shall meet the requirements of these Specifications at the time that they are used in the work. 5. Store products in accordance with manufacturer's instructions. B. Protection: 1. Use all means necessary to protect the materials, equipment, and products of very section before, during, and after installation and to protect the installed work and materials of all other trades. Spirit Creek Sanitary Sewer Rehabilitation City of Augusta 03/12/02 , , I i I , I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I , . - - , , . 01611-2 Storage and Protection 2. All materials shall be delivered, stored, and handled to prevent the inclusion of foreign materials and damage by water, breakage, vandalism or other causes. 3. Substantially cqnstructed weathertight storage sheds, with raised floors, shall be provided and maintained as may be required to adequately protect those materials and products stored on the site which may require protection from damage by the elements. C. Replacements: In the event of damage, immediately make all repairs and replacements necessary for the approval of the Engineer and at no additional cost to the City. D. Equipment and products stored outdoors shall be supported above the ground on suitable wooden blocks or braces arranged to prevent excessive deflection or bending between supports. Items such as pipe, structural steel, and sheet construction products shall be stored with one end elevated to facilitate drainage. E. Unless otherwise permitted in writing by the Engineer, building products and materials such as cement, grout, plaster, gypsum board, particle board, resilient flooring, acoustical tile, paneling, fInish lumber, insulation, wiring, etc., shall be stored indoors in a dry location. Building products such as rough lumber, plywood, concrete block, and structural tile may be stored outdoors under a properly secured waterproof covering. F. Tarps and other coverings shall be supported above the stored equipment or materials on wooden strips to provide ventilation under the cover and minimize condensation. Tarps and covers shall be arranged to prevent ponding of water. 1.03 EXTENDED STORAGE A. In the event that certain items of major equipment such as air compressors, pumps and mechanical aerators have to be stored for an extended period of time, the Contractor shall provide satisfactory long-term storage facilities which are acceptable to the Engineer. The Contractor shall provide all special packaging, protective coverings, protective coatings, power, nitrogen purge, desiccants, lubricants and exercising necessary or recommended by the manufacturer to properly maintain and protect the equipment during the period of extended storage. PART 2 - PRODUCTS (NOT USED) PART 3 - EXECUTION (NOT USED) END OF SECTION Spirit Creek Sanitary Sewer Rehabilitation City of Augusta 03/12102 I \ I \ I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I ~ I SECTION 01710 Cleaning PART 1- GENERAL 1.01 SCOPE A. This section covers the general cleaning which the Contractor shall be required to perform both during construction and before fInal acceptance of the Project, unless otherwise shown on the Drawings or specifIed elsewhere in these Specifications. 1.02 QUALITY ASSURANCE A. Daily, and more often if necessary, conduct inspections verifying that requirements of cleanliness are being met. B. In addition to the standards described in this section, comply with all pertinent requirements of governmental agencies having jurisdiction. 1.03 HAZARDOUS MATERIAL AND WASTE A. The Contractor shall handle hazardous waste and materials in accordance with applicable local, state, and federal regulations. Waste shall also be disposed of in approved landfIlls as applicable. B. The Contractor shall prevent accumulation of wastes that create hazardous conditions. C. Burning or burying rubbish and waste materials on the site shall not be allowed. D. Disposal of hazardous wastes or materials into sanitary or storm sewers shall not be allowed. 1.04 DISPOSAL OF SURPLUS MATERIALS A. Unless otherwise shown on the Drawings, specified or directed, the Contractor shall legally dispose off the site all surplus materials and equipment from demolition and shall provide suitable off-site disposal site, or utilize a site designated by the City. B. To clean up all refuse, rubbish, scrap materials, and debris caused by his operations, to the end that at all times the site of the work shall present a neat, orderly and workmanlike appearance. No items shall be left or discarded elsewhere on the site, Spirit Creek Sanitary Sewer Rehabilitation City of Augusta 03/12/02 , , , I I I I I , I I I I I I I I I ~ I I I I I 01710-2 Cleaning or any other City sites. Items that are to be discarded shall be removed to approved dump areas. C. To remove all surplus material, false work, temporary structures, including foundations thereof, plants of any description and debris of every nature resulting from his operations, and to put the site in a neat, orderly conditions before fmal payment. Such final cleanup work shall be performed within the time specified for completion of work, with such exceptions as may be approved in writing by the Engineer. Unless otherwise provided in the Specifications, Contractor shall clean any portion of work for which a separate time for completion is specified and the site thereof to the above standards within the specified time, with such exceptions as may be approved in writing by the Engineer. D. The disposal of all excavated material or spoil not required for use in the permanent work shall be the responsibility of the Contractor. He shall remove all excess excavated material or spoil from the site of the work and dispose of the same in a legal manner at no additional cost to the City. Burning of debris on site will not be allowed. PART 2 - PRODUCTS 2.01 CLEANING MATERIALS AND EQUlPl\1ENT A. Provide all required personnel, equipment and materials needed to maintain the specified standard of cleanliness. 2.02 COMPATIBILITY A. Use only the cleaning materials, methods and equipment that are compatible with the surface being cleaned, as recommended by the manufacturer of the material or as approved by the Engineer. PART 3 - EXECUTION 3.01 PROGRESS CLEANING A. General: 1. Do not allow the accumulation of scrap, debris, waste material and other items not required for construction of this work. 2. At least each week, and more often if necessary, completely remove all scrap, debris, and waste material from the jobsite. Spirit Creek Sanitary Sewer Rehabilitation City of Augusta 03/12/02 I I I \ I 1 I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I 01710-3 Cleaning 3. Provide adequate storage for all items awaiting removal from the jobsite, observing all requirements for fIre protection and protection of the environment. B. Site: 1. Daily, and more often if necessary, inspect the site and pick up all scrap, debris and waste material. Remove all such items to the place designated for their storage. 2. Restack materials stored on site weekly. 3. At all times, maintain the site in a neat and orderly condition which meets the approval of the Engineer. C. Structures: 1. Weekly, and more often if necessary, inspect the structures and pick up all scrap, debris, and waste material. Remove all such items to the place designated for their storage. 2. Weekly, and more often if necessary, sweep all interior spaces clean. "Clean," for the purpose of this subparagraph, shall be interpreted as meaning free from dust and other material capable of being removed by using a hand-held broom. 3. As required preparatory to installation of successive materials, clean the structures or pertinent portions as recommended by the manufacturer of the successive material. 4. Following the installation of fInish floor materials, clean the finish floor daily. "Clean," for the purpose of this subparagraph, shall be interpreted as meaning free from all foreign material which, in the opinion of the Engineer, may be injurious to the fInish floor material. 5. Schedule cleaning operation so that dust and other contaminants resulting from cleaning operations will not fall on wet, recently painted surfaces. 3.02 FINAL CLEANING A. Defmitions: Unless otherwise specifically specified, "clean" for the purpose of this Article shall be interpreted as the level of cleanliness generally provided by commercial building maintenance subcontractors using commercial quality building maintenance equipment and materials. Spirit Creek Sanitary Sewer Rehabilitation City of Augusta 03/12/02 , I I I , 1 I I I I I , I I , I I I I I I I I I I 01710-4 Cleaning B. General: Prior to completion of the work, remove from the jobsite all tools, surplus materials, equipment, scrap, debris, and waste. Conduct final progress cleaning as described in Item 3.01 above. C. Site: Unless otherwise specifically directed by the Engineer, hose down all paved areas on the site and all public sidewalks directly adjacent to the site; rake clean other surfaces of the grounds. Completely remove all resultant debris. D. Structures: 1. Remove all traces of soil, waste material, splashed material, and other foreign matter to provide a uniform degree of exterior cleanliness. Visually inspect all exterior surfaces and remove all trace...s of soil, waste material, and other foreign matter. Remove all traces of splashed materials from adjacent surfaces. If necessary to achieve a uniform degree of exterior cleanliness, hose down the exterior of the structure. In the event of stubborn stains not removable with water, the Engineer may require light sandblasting or other cleaning at no additional cost to the City. 2. Visually inspect all interior surfaces and remove all traces of soil, waste material, smudges and other foreign matter. Remove all paint droppings, spots, stains, and dirt from finished surfaces. 3. Clean all glass inside and outside. 4. Polish all surfaces requiring the routine application of buffed polish. Provide and apply polish as recommended by the manufacturer of the material being polished. E. Post-Construction Cleanup: All evidence of temporary construction facilities, haul roads, work areas, structures, foundations of temporary structures, stockpiles of excess or waste materials, or any other evidence of construction, as directed by the Engineer. F. Restoration of L'lndscape Damage: Any landscape feature damaged by the Contractor shall be restored as nearly as possible to its original condition at the Contractor's expense. The Engineer will decide what method of restoration shall be used. G. Timing: Schedule final cleaning as approved by the Engineer to enable the City to accept the Project. Spirit Creek Sanitary Sewer Rehabilitation City of Augusta 03/12/02 , I , I I I I I , I I I I I I I I I I I . . - 01710-5 Cleaning 3.03 CLEANING DURING CITY'S OCCUPANCY A. Should the City occupy the work or any portion thereof prior to its completion by the Contractor and acceptance by the City, responsibilities for interim and final cleaning of the occupied spaces shall be as determined by the Engineer in accordance with the Supplementary Conditions of the Contract Documents. END OF SECTION Spirit Creek Sanitary Sewer Rehabilitation City of Augusta 03/12/02 , I i I , I I I I I I i I I I I I I I I I I - I I I SECTION 01720 Record Documents PART 1- GENERAL 1.01 SCOPE A. The work under this section includes, but is not necessarily limited to, the compiling, maintaining, recording, and submitting of Project Record Documents as herein specified. B. Record Documents Include, But Are Not Limited To: 1. Drawings. 2. Specifications. 3. Change orders and other modifications to the Contract. 4. Engineer field orders or written instructions, including Requests for Information (RFI) and Clarification Memorandums. 5. Reviewed shop drawings, product data, and samples. 6. Test records. C. The Contractor shall maintain on the Project site throughout the Contract Time, an up-to-date set of Record Drawings. 1.02 MAINTENANCE OF DOCUl\1ENTS AND SAMPLES A. Storage: 1. Store documents and samples in the Contractor's field office, apart from documents used for construction. 2. Provide files and racks for storage of documents. 3. Provide locked cabinet or secure storage space for storage of samples. B. File documents and samples in accordance with format of these Specifications. Spirit Creek Sanitary Sewer Rehabilitation City of Augusta 03/12/oi , I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I - 01720-2 Record Documents C. Maintenance: 1. Maintain documents in a clean, dry, legible condition and in good order. 2. Do not use Record Documents for construction purposes. 3. Maintain at the site for the City, one copy of all Record Documents. D. Make documents and samples available at all times for inspection by Engineer. E. Failure to maintain the Record Documents in a satisfactory manner may be cause for withholding of a certificate for payment. 1.03 QUALITY ASSURANCE A. Unless noted otherwise, Record Drawings shall provide dimensions, distances, and coordinates to the nearest 0.1 foot. B. Unless noted otherwise, Record Drawings shall provide elevations to the nearest 0.01 foot for all pertinent items constructed by the Contractor. C. The Contractor shall employ a currently registered surveyor to prepare the Record Drawings from a post-construction, field run survey. The Record Drawings shall provide elevations to the nearest 0.01 foot for all manhole inverts, manhole frames and other pertinent items constructed by the Contractor. The Record Drawings shall provide dimensions, distances, and coordinates to the nearest 0.01 foot and horizontal angles to the nearest 10 seconds. 1.04 RECORDING A. Label each document "PROJECT RECORD" in neat, large printed letters. B. Recording: 1. Record information concurrently with construction progress. 2. Do not conceal any work until required information is recorded. 1.05 RECORD DRAWINGS A. Record Drawings shall be reproducible, shall have a title block indicating that the drawings are Record Drawings, the name of the company preparing the Record Drawings, and the date the Record Drawings were prepared. The Contractor will be provided paper sepias of the Drawings, or it may elect to provide reproducible Spirit Creek Sanitary Sewer Rehabilitation City of Augusta 03/12/02 , , I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I 01720-3 Record Documents drawings via another method. Reproducible shall be defined as being translucent so as to allow a blueline print to be produced. B. Legibly Mark Drawings To Record Actual Construction., Including: 1. All Construction: a. Changes of dimension and detail. b. Changes made by Requests for Information (RFI), field order, clarification memorandums or by change order. c. Details not on original Drawings. 2. Site Improvements, Including Underground Utilities: a. Horizontal and vertical locations of all exposed and underground utilities and appurtenances, both new facilities constructed and those utilities encountered, referenced to permanent surface improvements. b. Location of and dimensions of roadways and parking areas, providing dimensions to back of curb when present. c. The locations shall be referenced to at least two easily identifiable, permanent landmarks (e.g., power poles, valve markers, etc.) or benchmarks. d. The Record Drawings shall include the horizontal angle and distance between manhole covers. 3. Structures: a. Depths of various elements of foundation in relation to finish fIrst floor datum or top of wall. b. Location of internal and buried utilities and appurtenances concealed in the construction, referenced to visible and accessible features of the structure. 1.06 SPECIFICATIONS A. Legibly Mark Each Section To Record: 1. Manufacturer, trade name, catalog number, and supplier of each product and item of equipment actually installed. Spirit Creek Sanitary Sewer Rehabilitation City of Augusta 03/12/02 I I , I I I I I 1 , I I I I I I I I I I 01720-4 Record Documents 2. Changes made by Requests for Information (RFI), field order, clarification memorandums, or by change order. 1.07 SUBMITTAL A. At Contract Closeout, deliver Record Documents to the Engineer for the City. B. Accompany Submittal With Transmittal Letter. In Duplicate. Containing: 1. Date. 2. Project title and number. 3. Contractor's name and address. 4. Title and number of each Record Document. 5. Signature of Contractor or Contractor's authorized representative. PART 2 - PRODUCTS (NOT USED) PART 3 - EXECUTION (NOT USED) END OF SECTION Spirit Creek Sanitary Sewer Rehabilitation City of Augusta 03/12/02 I I I I I I I - I I - I I I I I I I ! I I -. I "I ii -I SECTION 02125 Erosion and Sediment Control PART 1- GENERAL 1.01 SCOPE A. Submittals and Permits: 1. The Contractor shall acquire Land Disturbance Permits from the appropriate authority. The City shail pay any fees for the Land Disturbance Permit. The Contractor shall be responsible for submitting to the appropriate authority sufficient documents such that the authority c@ acquire approval from the local Soil and Water Conservation District. All fmes imposed for improper erosion and sedimentation control shall be paid by the Contractor. A copy of the local soil erosion and sedimentation control ordinances is available from the Engineer. Submittal to Local Authority will be required only if disturbed area exceeds 1.1 acre. 2. Land disturbance activity shall not commence until the Land Disturbance Permit is issued. 3. B. Basic Principles: 1. Conduct the earthwork and excavation activities in such a manner to fit the topography, soil type and condition. 2. Minimize the disturbed area and the duration of exposure to eroSIOn elements. 3. Stabilize disturbed areas immediately. 4. Safely convey runoff from the site to an outlet such that erosion will not be increased off site. 5. Retain sediment on site that was generated on site. 6. Minimize encroachment upon watercourses. C. Implementation: Spirit Creek Sanitary Sewer Rehabilitation City of Augusta 03/13/02 , . , I I I I I I I I I I I I , I , I I I I 02125-2 Erosion and Sediment Control 1. The Contractor's methods of operation may dictate required erosion and sedimentation control measures. The Contractor's failure to stabilize disturbed areas immediately following intermediate or [mal grading may dictate additional erosion and sedimentation control measures which shall be the Contractor's responsibility to determine and install said measures. 2. The Contractor shall notify the Engineer of any changes and/or additions to the erosion and sedimentation control necessary to accommodate the Contractor's methods of operation. No payment shall be made for erosion and sedimentation control measures made necessary by the Contractor's methods of operation. 3. The Engineer may direct the Contractor to implement additional erosion and sediment control measures as needed. 3. The Contractor shall be solely responsible for control of erosion within the Project site and prevention of sedimentation of any adjacent waterways. 4. The Contractor shall install controls, which will ensure that storm water and drainage from the disturbed area of the Project site shall pass through some type of fIlter system before being discharged. The fIlter system must meet the requirements of the Georgia Erosion and Sedimentation Act of 1975 as amended. D. Temporary Erosion and Sedimentation Control: In general, temporary erosion and sedimentation control procedures shall be directed toward: I. Preventing soil erosion at the source. 2. Preventing silt and sediment from entering any waterway if soil erosion cannot be prevented. 3. Preventing silt and sediment from migrating downstream in the event it cannot be prevented from entering the waterway. E. Permanent Erosion Control: Permanent erosion control measures shall be implemented to prevent sedimentation of the waterways and to prevent erosion of the Project site. 1.02 QUALITY ASSURANCE A. General: Perform all work under this section in accordance with all pertinent rules and regulations, including, but not necessarily limited to, those stated herein and these Specifications. Spirit Creek Sanitary Sewer Rehabilitation City of Augusta 03/13/02 , , I I I I I I I I I I I I , I I I I J I 02125-3 Erosion and Sediment Control B. Conflicts: Where provisions of pertinent rules and regulations conflict with these Specifications, the more stringent provisions shall govern. PART 2 - PRODUCTS 2.01 TEl\1PORARY EROSION AND SEDIl\1ENTATION CONTROL MATERIALS A. Silt Fence: 1. Silt fence shall be polymer type netting with a built-in cord running throughout the top edge of the fabric. Posts shall be steel or pressure treated fir, southern pine or hemlock and shall be spaced not more than 6 feet on center. Silt fence shall be provided with netting to provide reinforcing when necessary. Silt fence shall have an Equivalent Opening Size (EOS) of 40 to 100. Silt fence fabric shall have a maximum permeability of 40 gallons per minute per square foot. 2. Silt fence fabric shall be equal to Mirafi 100X, Amoco 1380 or Exxon GTF-lOO Series. B. Hay bales shall be clean, seed-free cereal hay type. C. Netting shall be 112-inch, galvanized steel, chicken wire mesh. D. Filter stone shall be crushed stone conforming to Georgia Department, of Transportation Table 800.01H, Size Number 3. E. Concrete block shall be hollow, non-load-bearing type. F. Plywood shall be 314-inch thick exterior type. 2.02 RIP RAP A. Use only one method throughout the job. B. Stone Rip Rap: Use sound, tough, durable stones resistant to the action of air and water. Slabby or shaley pieces will not be acceptable. Specific gravity shall be 2.0 or greater. Rip Rap shall have less than 66% wear when tested in accordance with AASHTO T -96. Unless shown or specified otherwise, stone Rip Rap shall be Type 1 Rip Rap. 1. Type 1 Rip Rap: The largest pieces shall have a maximum volume of 2 cubic feet. At least 35% of the mass shall be comprised of pieces that weigh 125 pounds or more. The remainder shall be well graded down to the fmest sizes. Rock fmes shall comprise a maximum of 10% of the total Spirit Creek Sanitary Sewer Rehabilitation City of Augusta 03/13/02 , , I I I I I 1 I I I I I I I I I - 2.03 2.04 - I 02125-4 Erosion and Sediment Control mass. Rock fInes are defmed as material passing a No.4 sieve. Rip Rap size shall conform to Georgia Department of Transportation Section 805.01 Stone Dumped Rip Rap, Type 1. 2. 200-Pound Rip Rap: Minimum weight of individual stones shall be 200 pounds. C. Sand-Cement Bag Rip Rap: 1. The bags shall be of cotton, burlap or fIber reinforced paper capable of containing the sand-cement mixture without leakage during handling and placing. Bags previously used for sugar or any other material, which will adversely affect the sand-cement mixture, shall not be used. Capacity shall be not less than 0.75 cubic foot, or more than 2 cubic feet. 2. Sand and Portland cement shall be mixed at the maximum ratio of 5:1 by weight and shall obtain a minimum compressive strength of 500 psi in 7 days. For sand-cement bag rip rap, the amount of water used shall be just enough to make up the optimum moisture content of the aggregate and cement, as determined by AASHTO T134. When sand-cement rip rap is to be pre-bagged, the sand-cement shall be mixed dry, and after placing each course, the bags shall be wet until sufficient moisture is present for proper cement hydration. FILTER FABRIC A. The filter fabric for use under Rip Rap shall be a monofilament, polypropylene woven fabric meeting the specifications as established by Task Force 25 for the Federal Highway Administration. The fIlter fabric shall have an equivalent opening size (EOS) of70. B. Filter fabric shall meet the requirements of Trivera Spunbound 011/280. Mirafi 180N or Amoco 4553. CONCRETE A. Concrete shall have a compressive strength of no less than 3,000 psi, with no less than 5.5 bags of cement per cubic yard and a slump between 3 and 5 inches. Ready-mixed concrete shall be mixed and transported in accordance with ASTM C94. Reinforcing steel shall conform to the requirements of ASTM A615, Grade 60. B. Provide a concrete mix design for job mixed concrete for the Engineer's approval. Spirit Creek Sanitary Sewer Rehabilitation 03/13/02 City of Augusta , I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I ~ - 02125-5 Erosion and Sediment Control PART 3 EXECUTION 3.01 GENERAL A. Standards: Provide all materials and promptly take all actions necessary to achieve effective erosion and sedimentation control in accordance with the Georgia Erosion and Sedimentation Act of 1975 as amended in 1989, local enforcing agency guidelines and these Specifications. 3.02 TEl\1PORARY EROSION AND SEDIl\1ENTATION CONTROL A. Temporary erosion and sedimentation control procedures should be initially directed toward preventing silt and sediment from entering the creeks. The preferred method is to provide an undisturbed natural buffer, extending a minimal 25 feet from the top of the bank, to fIlter the runoff. Should this buffer prove infeasible due to construction activities being too close to the creek, or if the amount of sediment overwhelms the buffer, the Contractor shall place silt fences to fIlter the runoff and, if necessary, place permanent Rip Rap to stabilize the creek banks. When excavation activities disturb the previously stated preventative measures or if they are not maintained, or whenever the construction activities cross the creeks, the check dams shall be installed downstream and within 200 feet of the affected area. B. Silt dams, silt fences, traps, barriers, check dams, appurtenances and other temporary measures and devices shall be installed as approved and shall be maintained until no longer needed, and shall then be removed. Deteriorated hay bales and dislodged fIlter stone shall be replaced with new materials. Detention ponds, if constructed, shall be maintained in a condition ensuring that unfiltered water will not leave the pond. C. Where permanent grassing is not appropriate, and where the Contractor's temporary erosion and sedimentation control practices are inadequate, the Engineer may direct the Contractor to provide temporary vegetative cover with fast growing seedlings. Such temporary vegetative cover shall be provided by the Contractor in compliance with the Manual for Erosion and Sedimentation Control in Georgia, specifically in the selection of species, planting dates and application rates for seedlings, fertilizer and mulching, with the exception that kudzu shall not be permitted. D. All erosion and sedimentation control devices, including check dams, shall be inspected by the Contractor at least weekly and after each rainfall occurrence and cleaned out and repaired by the Contractor as necessary. E. Temporary erosion and sedimentation control devices shall be installed and maintained from the initial land disturbance activity until the satisfactory completion Spirit Creek Sanitary Sewer Rehabilitation City of Augusta 03/13/02 . I I I I I I I I I I I I I I - I - I 02125-6 Erosion and Sediment Control and establishment of permanent erosion control measures. At that time, temporary devices shall be removed. 3.03 PERMANENT EROSION CONTROL A. Permanent Erosion Control Shall Include: 1. Restoring the work site to its original contours, unless otherwise directed by the Engineer. 2. Permanent vegetative cover shall be performed in accordance with Item 3.04 of this section. 3. Permanent stabilization of steep slopes and creeks shall be performed in accordance with Item 3.05 of this section. B. Permanent erosion control measures shall be implemented as soon as practical after the completion of pipe installation or land disturbance for each segment of the Project. In no event shall implementation be postponed when no further construction activities will impact that portion or segment of the Project. Partial payment requests may be withheld for those portions of the Project not complying with this requirement. 3.04 GRASSING A. General: 1. All references to grassing, unless noted otherwise, shall relate to establishing permanent vegetative cover as specified herein for seeding, fertilizing, mulching, etc. 2. When final grade has been established, all bare soil, unless otherwise required by the Contract Documents, shall be seeded, fertilized and mulched in an effort to restore to a protected condition. Critical areas shall be sodded as approved or directed by the Engineer. 3. Specified permanent grassing shall be performed at the first appropriate season following establishment of final grading in each section of the site. 4. Permanent grassing shall be of a perennial species. B. Replant grass removed or damaged in residential areas using the same variety of grass and at the first appropriate season. Where sod is removed or damaged, replant such areas using sod of the same species of grass at the first appropriate season. Outside of residential or landscaped areas, grass the entire area disturbed by the Spirit Creek Sanitary Sewer Rehabilitation City of Augusta 03/13/02 , , I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I , I I I 02125-7 Erosion and Sediment Control work on completion of work in any area. In all areas, promptly establish successful stands of grass. C. Grassing activities shall comply with the Manual for Erosion and Sediment Control in Georgia, specifically for the selection of species, with the exception that kudzu shall not be permitted, planting dates and application rates for seeding, fertilizer and mulching. Where permanent vegetative cover (grassing) cannot be immediately established (due to season or other circumstances), the Contractor shall provide temporary vegetative cover. The Contractor must return to the site (at the appropriate season) to install permanent vegetation in areas that have received temporary vegetative cover. D. information. See Specifications SectiOIll 02270 - Vegetative Erosion Control, for related 3.05 PLACING OF RIP RAP A. Rip rap shall be placed where ordered by the Engineer, at all points where banks of streams or drainage ditches are disturbed by excavation, or at all points where natural vegetation is removed from banks of the streams or drainage ditches. Carefully compact backfill and place rip rap to prevent subsequent settlement and erosion. This requirement applies equally to construction along side a stream or drainage ditches as well as crossing a stream or drainage ditch. B. When trenching across a creek, place Rip Rap a distance of 10 feet upstream and 10 feet downstream from the top of the trench excavation. Place Rip Rap across creek bottom, across creek banks and extend Rip Rap placement 5 feet beyond the top of each creek bank. C. Preparation of Fou.ndations: The ground surface upon which the rip rap is to be placed shall be brought in reasonably close conformity to the correct lines and grades before placement is commenced. Where fIlling of depressions is required, the new material shall be compacted with hand or mechanical tampers. Unless at creek banks or otherwise shown or specified, Rip Rap shall begin in a toe ditch constructed in original ground around the toe of the fill or the cut slope. The toe ditch shall be 2 feet deep in original ground and the side next to the fill or cut shall have that same slope. After the Rip Rap is placed, the toe ditch shall be backfilled and the excess dirt spread neatly within the construction easement. D. Placement of Filter Fabric: The surface to receive fabric shall be prepared to a relatively smooth condition free from obstructions, depressions and debris. The fabric shall be placed with the long dimension running up the slope and shall be placed to provide a minimum number of overlaps. The strips shall be placed to provide a minimum width of 1 foot of overlap for each joint. The filter fabric shall be anchored in place with securing pins. of the type recommended by the fabric Spirit Creek Sanitary Sewer Rehabilitation City of Augusta 03/13/02 , I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I - I I I 02125-8 Erosion and Sediment Control manufacturer. Pins shall be placed on or within 3 inches of the centerline of the overlap. The fabric shall be placed so that the upstream strip overlaps the downstream strip. The fabric shall be placed loosely so as to give and therefore avoid stretching and tearing during placement of the stones. The stones shall be dropped no more than three feet during construction. The fabric shall be protected at all times during construction from clogging due to clay, silts, chemicals or other contaminants. Any contaminated fabric, or any fabric damaged during its installation or during placement of Rip Rap, shall be removed and replaced with uncontaminated and undamaged fabric at no expense to the City. E. Placement of Rip Rap: The Rip Rap shall be placed on a 6-inch layer of soil, crushed stone or sand overlaying the filter fabric. This 6-inch layer shall be placed to maximize the contact between the soil beneath the fIlter fabric and the fIlter fabric. Rip Rap shall be placed with its top elevation conforming to the finished grade or the natural slope of the stream bank and stream-bottom. 1. Stone Rip Rap: Stone Rip Rap shall be dumped into place to form a uniform surface and to the thickness specified on the Drawings. The thickness tolerance for the course shall be - 6 inches and + 12 inches. If the Drawings or the Bid do not specify a thickness, the course shall be placed to a thickness of not less than 18 inches. 2. Sand-Cement Bag Rip Rap: The bags shall be uniformly filled to the maximum capacity, which will permit satisfactory tying. The bagged Rip Rap shall be placed by hand with the tied ends facing the same direction, with close, broken joints. When directed by the Engineer or required by the Drawings, header courses shall be placed. After placing, the bags shall be rammed or packed against one another to produce the required thickness and form a consolidated mass. The top of each bag shall not vary more than 3 inches above or below the required plane. END OF SECTION Spirit Creek Sanitary Sewer Rehabilitation City of Augusta 03/13/02 ~ I I I I I I I I 1 I I I I I I I I I 1 I , I I I SECTION 02126 Stream Crossing and Construction Exits PART 1- GENERAL 1.01 SCOPE A. The section shall apply to all temporary road construction, including stream crossings and access roads. B. Temporary road construction includes, but is not limited to, providing all construction exits, riprap, traffic control, and excavation work necessary to create vehicular access to pipelines throughout the Project. 1.02 JOB CONDITIONS A. Location of the Work: The area to be constructed is shown schematically on the Drawings or specified below. 1.03 RELATED SECTIONS A. The work of the following sections specifically apply to the work of this section. Other sections of the Specifications, not referenced below, shall also apply to the extent required for proper performance of work. 1. Section 02125: Erosion and Sediment Control PART 2 - PRODUCTS (NOT USED) PART3-EXECUTION 3.01 CONSTRUCTION EXIT A. Provide temporary stone exit/entrance pad located at points of vehicular ingress and egress to the site and maintain in service until instructed otherwise by the Owner. Minimum pad thickness shall be 6 inches; minimum length shall be 50 feet. Maintain in a condition that will prevent tracking or flow of mud onto public road. 3.02 STREAM CROSSINGS Spirit Creek Sanitary Sewer Rehabilitation City of Augusta 03/13/02 I I I \ I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I 02126-2 Stream Crossing and Construction Exits A. Provide temporary stream crossings located at points of vehicular crossings and maintain in service until instructed otherwise by the Owner. Structures shall be protected from washout during periods of peak discharges by diverting water around the structures. Structures shall be designed to withstand flows from a 10-year, 24-hour frequency storm or the storm specified in Title 12-7-1 of the Official Code of the Georgia Annotated. Contractor shall obtain the services of a licensed Georgia Professional Engineer (p.E.) to size these structures and certify that the design has met the above referenced criteria. Refer to the Drawings for details. END OF SECTION Spirit Creek Sanitary Sewer Rehabilitation City of Augusta 03/13/02 ~ ~ I I I I I I I I I - I I I I I , I I I SECTION 02140 Dewatering PART 1- GENERAL 1.01 SCOPE A. The Contractor shall dewater trench and structure excavations, in accordance with the Contract Documents. The Contractor shall secure all necessary permits to complete the requirements of this section of the Specifications. B. Design, construct and maintain all wells, pumps, vacuum systems, sumps, dikes, levees, cofferdams and diversion and drainage channels as necessary to maintain the areas free from water and to protect the areas to be occupied by permanent work from water damage. Remove temporary works after they have served their purpose. C. The Contractor shall be responsible for the stability of all temporary and permanent slopes, grades, foundations, materials and structures during the course of the Contract. Repair and replace all slopes, grades, foundations, materials and structures damaged by water, both surface and subsurface, to the lines, grades and conditions existing prior to the damage, at no additional cost to the City. PART 2 - PRODUCTS (NOT USED) PART3-EXECUTION 3.01 CARE OF WATER A. Except where the excavated materials are designated as materials for permanent work, material from required excavation may be used for dikes, levees, cofferdams and other temporary backfill. B. Furnish, install, maintain and operate necessary pumping and other equipment for dewatering the various parts of the work and for maintaining the foundation and other parts free from water as required for constructing each part of the work. C. Install all drainage ditches, sumps and pumps to control excessive seepage on excavated slopes, to drain isolated zones with perched water tables and to drain impervious surfaces at final excavation elevation. D. Dewater by means which will insure dry excavations, preserve final lines and grades, do not disturb or displace adjacent soil. Spirit Creek Sanitary Sewer Rehabilitation City of Augusta 03/13/02 ~ ~ I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I J 02140-2 Dewatering E. All pumping and drainage shall be done with no damage to property or structures and without interference with the rights of the public, owners of private property, pedestrians, vehicular traffic or the work of other contractors, and in accordance with all pertinent laws, ordinances, and regulations. F. All dewatering activities shall be in compliance with Specification Section 02125 - Erosion and Sediment Control. G. Do not overload or obstruct existing drainage facilities. H. After they have served their purpose, remove all temporary protective work at a satisfactory time and in a satisfactory manner. All diversion channels and other temporary excavations in areas where the compacted fill or other structures will be constructed shall be cleaned out, backfilled and processed under the same Specifications as those governing the compacted fill. -Fill or grout all temporary- dewatering wells unless otherwise directed by the Engineer. I. When the temporary works will not adversely affect any item of permanent work or the planned usage of the Project, the Contractor may be permitted to leave such temporary works in place. In such instances, breeching of dikes, levees and cofferdams may be required. 3.02 DEWATERING A. By the use of well points, pumps, tile drains or other approved methods, the Contractor shall prevent the accumulation of water in excavated areas. Should water accumulate, it shall be promptly removed. B. Excavations shall be continuously dewatered to maintain a ground water level no higher than 3 to 4 feet below the lowest point in the excavation. Dewatering systems shall be designed to allow for localized variations in the depth of excavations required to reach a suitable foundation. Dewatering shall be accomplished well enough in advance of excavation to ensure that groundwater is already lowered prior to completing the [mal excavation to finish sub grade. C. All destabilized subgrade conditions caused by inadequate or untimely dewatering operations shall be undercut and backfilled with suitable backfill material at no additional cost to the City. D. Piezometric observation wells are required to monitor the ground water level to insure proper dewatering prior to excavation below the static water table. The number of wells required will vary depending on the size and depth of structures. END OF SECTION Spirit Creek Sanitary Sewer Rehabilitation City of Augusta 03/13/02 ~ ~ I , I I I I I - I I I I i I I I , I I - I SECTION 02200 Earthwork PART 1- GENERAL 1.01 THEREQUIREMENT A. The Contractor shall perform all earthwork indicated and required for construction of the work, complete and in place, in accordance with the Contract Documents. 1.02 CONTRACTOR SUBMITTALS A. The Contractor shall submit samples of all materials '-proposed to be used in the work in accordance with the requirements in Section 01340 - Shop Drawings, Product Data, and Samples. Sample sizes shall be as determined by the testing laboratory . PART 2 - PRODUCTS 2.01 SUITABLE FILL AND BACKFILL MATERIAL REQUIREMENTS A. General: Fill, backfill, and embankment materials shall be suitable selected or processed clean, fine earth, rock, or sand, free from grass, roots, brush, or other vegetation. B. Fill and backfill materials to be placed within 6 inches of any structure or pipe shall be free of rocks or unbroken masses of earth materials having a maximum dimension larger than 3 inches. C. Suitable Materials: Materials not defmed as unsuitable below are defined as suitable materials and may be used in fIlls, backfilling, and embankment construction subject to the indicated limitations. In addition, when acceptable to the Engineer, some of the material1isted as unsuitable may be used when thoroughly mixed with suitable material to form a stable composite. D. Suitable materials may be obtained from on-site excavations, may be processed on-site materials, or may be imported. If imported materials are required by this section, or to meet the quantity requirements of the Project, the Contractor shall provide the imported materials at no additional expense to the City, unless a unit price item is included for imported materials in the bidding schedule. Spirit Creek Sanitary Sewer Rehabilitation City of Augusta 03/13/02 ~ I I ~ I I I I I I I I - I , I I I I I I I } 02200-2 Earthwork E. The Following: Types of Suitable Materials Are Defined: 1. Tvpe A (3/4 Inch Minus Granular Backfill): Crushed rock or gravel, and sand with the gradation requirements below. The material shall have a minimum sand equivalent value of 28 and a minimum R-value of 78. If the sand equivalent value exceeds 35, the R-value requirement is waived. Sieve Size Percentage Passing 3/4 inch No.4 No. 200 100 30 - 50 0-12 2. Type B (Class I Crushed Stone): Manufactured angular, crushed stone, crushed rock, or crushed slag with the following gradation requirements. The material shall have a minimum sand equivalent value of 75. Sieve Size Percentage Passing 3/4 inch No.4 No. 200 100 30 - 50 0-5 3. Type C (Sand Backfill): Sand with 100% passing a 3/8-inch sieve, at least 90% passing a Number 4 sieve, and a sand equivalent value not less than 30. 4. Type D: Not used. 5. Type E (Pea Gravel Backfill): Crushed rock or gravel with 100% passing a 1/2-inch sieve and not more than 10% passing a Number 4 sieve. 6. Tvpe F (Coarse Drainrock): Crushed rock or gravel meeting the following gradation requirements: Sieve Size Percentage Passing 2 inch 1-1/2 inch 1 inch 3/4 inch No. 200 100 90 - 100 20 - 55 0-15 0-3 7. TYpe G (Aggregate Base): Crushed rock aggregate base material of such nature that it can be compacted readily by watering and rolling to form a firm, stable base for pavements. At the option of the Contractor, the grading , Spirit Creek Sanitary Sewer Rehabilitation City of Augusta 03/13/02 I J ~ ~ I , I \ I I , I - I I I ! I I I , I I j I , I I - 02200-3 Earthwork for either the 1-1/2-inch maximum size or 3/4-inch maximum size gradation shall be used. The sand equivalent value shall be not less than 22 and the material shall meet the following gradation requirements: Percentage Passing Sieve Size 1-1/2- Inch Max. Gradation 3/4- Inch Max. Gradation 2 inch 1-112 inch 1 inch 3/4 inch No.4 No. 30 No. 200 100 90 - 100 50 - 85 25 - 45 10 - 25 2-9 100 90 - 100 35 - 55 10 - 30 2-9 8. Type H (Graded Drainrock): Drainrock shall be crushed rock or gravel, durable and free from slaking or decomposition under the action of alternate wetting or drying. The material shall be uniformly graded and shall meet the following gradation requirements: Sieve Size Percentage Passing 1 inch 3/4 inch 3/8 inch No.4 No.8 No. 30 No. 50 No. 200 100 90 - 100 40 - 100 25 - 40 18 - 33 5 - 15 0-7 0-3 The drainrock shall have. a sand equivalent value not less than 75. The fmish-graded surface of the drainrock immediately beneath hydraulic structures shall be stabilized to provide a fInn, smooth surface upon which to construct reinforced concrete floor slabs. The Contractor shall use, at its option, one of the asphalt types listed below: Type 1 Tvpe 2 Tvpe 3 Designation Spray Temperature C'F) Coverage (gal/sq. yd) SC-8OO 175-255 0.50 SC-250 165-200 0.50 RS-1 70-120 0.50 Spirit Creek Sanitary Sewer Rehabilitation City of Augusta 03/13/02 ~ ~ ~ I I I I I I I I ~ I I I I I I I I I t . 02200-4 Earthwork If the surface remains tacky, sufficient sand shall be applied to absorb the excess asphalt. 9. Type I: Any other suitable material as defined herein. 10. Type J (Cement-Treated Backfill): Material which consists of Type H material, or any mixture of Types B, C, G, and H materials, which has been cement-treated so that the cement content of the material is not less than 5% by weight when tested in accordance with ASTM D2901 - Standard Test Method for Cement Content of Freshly Mixed Soil Cement. The ultimate compressive strength at 28 days shall be not less than 400 psi when tested in accordance with ASTM D1633 - Standard Test Method for Compressive Strength of Molded Soil- Cement Cylinders. 11. Tvpe K (Topsoil): Stockpiled topsoil material,-which has been obtained at the site by removing soil to a depth not exceeding 2 feet. Removal of the topsoil shall be done after the area has been stripped of vegetation and debris. 12. Type L (Controlled Low Strength Material): (Not Used) 13. Type M (Aggregate Subbase): Crushed rock aggregate subbase material that can be compacted readily by watering and rolling to form a fIrm stable base. The sand equivalent value shall be not less than 18 and the material shall meet the following gradation requirements: Sieve Size Percentage Passing 3 inch 2-1/2 inch No.4 No. 200 100 87 - 100 35 - 95 0- 29 14. Type N (Trench Plug): Low permeable fill-material, a non-dispersible clay material having a minimum plasticity index of 10. 2.02 UNSUITABLE MATERIAL A. Unsuitable Materials Include the Materials Listed Below: 1. Soils which, when classified under ASTM D2487 - Standard Classification of Soils for Engineering Purposes (Unified Soil Classification System), fall in the classifications of Pt, OH, CH, MH, or OL. - I I Spirit Creek Sanitary Sewer Rehabilitation City of Augusta 03/13/02 - - - I I I I I I I I I I I I I I , , I 02200-5 Earthwork 2. Soils that cannot be compacted sufficiently to achieve the density specified for the intended use. 3. Materials that contain hazardous or designated waste materials, including petroleum hydrocarbons, pesticides, heavy metals, and any material which may be classified as hazardous or toxic according to applicable regulations. 4. Soils that contain greater concentrations of chloride or sulfate ions, or have a soil resistivity or pH less than the existing on-site soils. 5. Topsoil, except as allowed below. 2.03 USE OF FILL, BACKFILL, AND EMBANKl\tIENT MATERIAL TYPES A. The Contractor shall use the types of materials as designated herein for all required fill, backfill, and embankment construction hereunder. B. Where these Specifications conflict with the requirements of any local agency having jurisdiction or with the requirements of a pipe material manufacturer, the Engineer shall be immediately notified. In case of conflict between types of pipe embedment backfills, the Contractor shall use the agency-specified backfIll material if that material provides a greater degree of structural support to the pipe, as determined by the Engineer. In case of conflict between types of trench or fmal backfill types, the Contractor shall use the agency-specified backfill material if that material provides the greater in-place density after compaction. C. Fill and Backfill Types Shall Be Used In Accordance With the Following Provisions: 1. Embankment fills shall be constructed of Type I material, as defined herein, or any mixture of Type I and Type A through Type H materials. 2. Pipe zone backfill, as defined under "Pipe and Utility Trench Backfill" below, shall consist of the following materials for each pipe material listed below. a. Mortar coated pipe, concrete pipe, and un-coated ductile iron pipe shall be provided Type A or B pipe bedding and embedment backfill material. b. Coal tar enamel coated pipe, polyethylene encased pipe, tape wrapped pipe, and other non-mortar-coated pipe shall be backfilled with Type C bedding and embedment zone backfIll material. c. Plastic pipe and vitrified clay pipe shall be backfilled with Type B Spirit Creek Sanitary Sewer Rehabilitation City of Augusta 03/13/02 ~ I I ~ I I J - , - I , I , I , I I I ; I , I , 02200-6 Earthwork bedding and embedment zone backfill material. Vitrified clay pipe shall be backfIlled with Type B material to the top of the pipe zone. d. Where pipelines are installed on grades exceeding 4%, and where backfill materials are graded such that there is less than 10% passing a Number 4 sieve, trench plugs of Type J, L, or N material shall be provided at maximum intervals of 200 feet, unless indicated otherwise. 3. Trench zone backfill for pipelines as defined under "Pipe and Utility Trench BackfIll" shall be Type I backfill material or any of Types A through H backfIll materials or any mixture thereof, except: a. Type K material may be used for trench zone backfill in agricultural areas, unless otherwise shown or specifi~d. 4. Final backfill material for pipelines under paved areas, as defined under "Pipe and Utility Trench Backfill," shall be Type G backfIll material. Final backfIll under areas not paved shall be the same material as that used for trench backfill, except that Type K material shall be used for final backfill in agricultural areas, unless otherwise indicated. 5. Trench backfIll and final backfill for pipelines under structures shall be the same material as used in the pipe zone, except where concrete encasement is required by the Contract Documents. 6. Aggregate base materials under pavements shall be Type G material constructed to the thicknesses indicated. Aggregate subbase shall be Type M material. 7. Backfill around structures shall be Type I material, or Types A through Type H materials, or any mixture thereof, except as shown. 8. Backfill materials beneath structures shall be as follows: a. Drainrock materials under hydraulic structures or other water retaining structures with underdrain systems shall be Type H material. b. Under concrete hydraulic structures or other water retaining structures without underdrain systems, Types G or H materials shall be used. . I Spirit Creek Sanitary Sewer Rehabilitation 03/13/02 City of Augusta , ~ - , - - I , , - , , , , I I I , . . - 02200-7 Earthwork c. Under structures where groundwater must be removed to allow placement of concrete, Type F material shall be used. Before the Type F material is placed, fIlter fabric shall be placed over the exposed foundation. d. Under all other structures, Type G or H material shall be used. 9. Backfill used to replace pipeline trench over-excavation shall be a layer of Type F material with a 6-inch top fIlter layer of Type E material or fIlter fabric to prevent migration of fines for wet trench conditions or the same material as used for the pipe zone backfill if the trench conditions are not wet. 10. The top 6 inches of fill on reservoir roofs, embankment fills around hydraulic structures, and all other embankment-fills shall consist of Type K material, topsoil. 11. Filter fabric shall be Mirafi 140 N, Mirafi 700X, or equal. 2.04 MATERIALS TESTING A. All soils testing of samples submitted by the Contractor will be done by a testing laboratory selected by the City and paid from the Project's Cash Allowance-Testing Services. At its discretion, the Engineer may request that the Contractor supply samples for testing of any material used in the work. B. Particle size analysis of soils and aggregates will be performed using ASTM D422 - Standard Test Method for Particle-Size Analysis of Soils. C. Detennination of sand equivalent value will be performed using ASTM D2419 - Standard Test Method for Sand Equivalent Value of Soils and Fine Aggregate. D. Unified Soil Classification System: References in this section to soil classification types and standards shall have the meanings and definitions indicated in ASTM D 2487. The Contractor shall be bound by all applicable provisions of said ASTM D2487 in the interpretation of soil classifications. E. The testing for chloride, sulfate, resistivity, and pH will be done in accordance with ANSI/AWWA C105/A21.5 Standard. Spirit Creek Sanitary Sewer Rehabilitation City of Augusta 03/13/02 ~ ~ ~ I I I I I - I r I . J I I I r I I I I , , . - I 02200-8 Earthwork PART 3 - EXECUTION 3.01 EXCA V AnON - GENERAL A. General: Except when specifically provided to the contrary, excavation shall include the removal of all materials of whatever nature encountered, including all obstructions of any nature that would interfere with the proper execution and completion of the work. The removal of said materials shall conform to the lines and grades indicated or ordered. Unless otherwise indicated, the entire construction site shall be stripped of all vegetation and debris, and such material shall be removed from the site prior to performing any excavation or placing any fill. The Contractor shall furnish, place, and maintain all supports and shoring that may be required for the sides of the excavations. Excavations shall be sloped or otherwise supported in a safe manner in accordance with applicable State safety requirements and the requirements of OSHA Safety and Health -Standards for Construction (29CFR1926). B. Removal and Exclusion of Water: The Contractor shall remove and exclude water, including stormwater, groundwater, irrigation water, and wastewater, from all excavations. Dewatering wells, wellpoints, sump pumps, or other means shall be used to remove water and continuously maintain groundwater at a level at least 2 feet below the bottom of excavations before the excavation work begins at each location. Water shall be removed and excluded until backfilling is complete and all field soils testing have been completed. 3.02 STRUCTURE, ROADWAY, AND EMBANKMENT EXCAVATION A. Excavation Beneath Structures and Embankments: Except where otherwise indicated for a particular structure or ordered by the Engineer, excavation shall be carried to the grade of the bottom of the footing or slab. Where indicated or ordered, areas beneath structures or fills shall be over-excavated. The subgrade areas beneath embankments shall be excavated, removing no less than the top 6 inches of native material. If such sub grade is sloped, the native material shall be benched. When such over-excavation is indicated both over-excavation and subsequent backfIll to the required grade shall be performed by the Contractor. When sucb"over-excavation is not indicated, but is ordered by the Engineer, such over-excavation and any resulting backfill will be paid for under a separate unit price bid item, if such bid item has been established. Otherwise, payment will be made in accordance with a negotiated price. After the required excavation or over-excavation has been completed, the exposed surface shall be scarified to a depth of 6 inches, brought to optimum moisture content, and rolled with heavy compaction equipment to obtain 95% of maximum density. B. Excavation Beneath Paved Areas: Excavation under areas to be paved shall extend to the bottom of the aggregate base or subbase, if such base is called for; otherwise, Spirit Creek Sanitary Sewer Rehabilitation City of Augusta 03/13/02 ~ ~ ~ ~ I , I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I , I I , , 02200-9 Earthwork it shall extend to the paving thickness. After the required excavation has been completed, the top 12 inches of exposed surface shall be scarified, brought to optimum moisture content, and rolled with heavy compaction equipment to obtain 95% of maximum density. The finished subgrade shall be even, self-draining, and in conformance with the slope of the finished pavement. Areas that could accumulate standing water shall be re-graded to provide a self-draining sub grade. C. Notification of Engineer: The Contractor shall notify the Engineer at least 3 days in advance of completion of any structure excavation. He shall also allow the Engineer a review period of at least 1 day before the exposed foundation is scarified and compacted, covered with backfill, or covered with any construction materials. 3.03 PIPELINE AND UTll..ITY TRENCH EXCAVATION A. Exploratory Excavation: 1. The Contractor shall excavate and expose buried points of connection to existing utilities as required by Engineer. Excavation shall be performed prior to preparation of shop drawings for connections and before fabrication of pipe. The data obtained shall be used in preparing shop drawings. 2. Data, including dates, locations excavated, and sketches, shall be submitted to the Engineer within 1 week of excavation. 3. Damage to utilities from excavation activities shall be repaired by the Contractor at no charge to the City. B. General: Unless otherwise indicated or ordered, excavation for pipelines and utilities shall be open-cut trenches with widths as indicated. C. Trench Bottom: Except when pipe bedding is required, the bottom of the trench shall be excavated uniformly to the grade of the bottom of the pipe bedding. Excavations for pipe bells and welding shall be made as required. D. Open Trench: The maximum amount of open trench permitted in anyone location shall be 500 feet, or the length necessary to accommodate the amount of pipe installed in a single day, whichever is greater. All trenches shall be fully backfilled at the end of each day or, in lieu thereof, shall be covered by heavy steel plates adequately braced and capable of supporting vehicular traffic in those locations where it is impractical to backfill at the end of each day. The above requirements for backfilling or use of steel plate will be waived in cases where the trench is located further than 100 feet from any traveled roadway or occupied structure. In such cases, however, barricades and warning lights meeting safety requirements shall be provided and maintained. Spirit Creek Sanitary Sewer Rehabilitation City of Augusta 03/13/02 ~ - I I - I I I I i I , I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I , 02200-10 Earthwork E. Trench Over-Excavation: Where trenches are indicated to be over-excavated, excavation shall be to the depth indicated, and backfill shall be installed to the grade of the bottom of the pipe bedding. F. Over-Excavation: When ordered by the Engineer, whether indicated on the Drawings or not, trenches shall be over-excavated beyond the depth and/or width. shown. Such over-excavation shall be to the dimensions ordered. The trench shall then be backfilled to the grade of the bottom of the pipe bedding. Over-excavation less than 6 inches below the limits on the Drawings shall be done at no increase in cost to the City. When the over-excavation ordered by the Engineer is 6 inches or greater below the limits shown, or wider, additional payment will be made to the Contractor. Said additional payment will be made under separate unit price bid items for over-excavation if such bid items have been established; otherwise payment. will be made in accordance with a negotiated price. G. Where pipelines are to be installed in embankments, fIlls, or structure backfIlls, the fill shall be constructed to a level at least 1 foot above the top of the pipe before the trench is excavated. H. If a moveable trench shield is used during excavation operations, the trench width shall be wider than the shield so that the shield is free to be lifted and then moved horizontally without binding against the trench sidewalls. If the trench walls cave in or slough, the trench shall be excavated as an open excavation with sloped sidewalls or with trench shoring, as indicated and as required by the pipe structural design. 3.04 OVER-EXCAVATION NOT ORDERED OR INDICATED A. Any over-excavation carried below the grade ordered or indicated, shall be backfilled and compacted to the required grade with the indicated material. 3.05 EXCA VA TION IN LAWN AREAS A. Where excavation occurs in lawn areas, the sod shall be carefully removed, dampened, and stockpiled to preserve it for replacement. Excavated material may be placed on the lawn, providing that a drop cloth or other suitable method is employed to protect the lawn from damage. The lawn shall not remain covered for more than 72 hours. Immediately after completion of backfilling and testing of the pipeline, the sod shall be replaced and lightly rolled in a manner that restores the lawn as near as possible to its original condition. Contractor shall provide new sod if stockpiled sod has not been replaced within 72 hours. 3.06 EXCAVATION IN VICINITY OF TREES A. Except where trees are indicated to be removed, trees shall be protected from injury during construction ope~ations according to the Tree Protection Plan. No tree roots Spirit Creek Sanitary Sewer Rehabilitation City of Augusta 03/13/02 , , , - I I I I I I I I , I I I I I I I I I , I I I I I I 02200-11 Earthwork over 2 inches in diameter shall be cut without express permission of the Engineer. Trees shall be supported during excavation by any means previously reviewed by the Engineer. 3.07 ROCK EXCAVATION A. Rock Excavation Shall Include Removal and Disposal of the Following: 1. All boulders measuring 1/3 of a cubic yard or more in volume. . 2. All rock material in ledges, bedding deposits, and un-stratified masses which cannot be removed without systematic drilling and jack-hamniering. 3. Concrete or masonry structures which have been abandoned. 4. Conglomerate deposits which are so firmly cemented that they possess the characteristics of solid rock and which cannot be removed without systematic drilling and jack-hammering. B. Rock excavation shall be performed by the Contractor. Should the quantity of rock excavation be affected by any change in the scope of the work, an appropriate adjustment of the Contract Price will be made under a separate bid item if such bid item has been established. Otherwise, payment will be made in accordance with a negotiated price. C. Explosives and Blasting: Blasting shall not be permitted. 3.08 DISPOSAL OF EXCESS EXCAVATED MATERIAL A. The Contractor will be required to remove from the site of the work all earth in excess of that required to backfill the excavation and to create necessary fills. This shall be done immediately after the backfill is completed to the satisfaction of the Engineer. Acceptable material shall be stored at Engineer's request. All materials removed shall become the property of the Contractor, and he shall make. his own arrangements satisfactory to the Engineer for their disposition. B. All surplus material, and such other materials as the Engineer may deem unfit for use as backfIll, shall be disposed of by the Contractor to reduce the inconvenience to the public. In case of settlement after backfill, the Contractor shall supply sufficient material satisfactory to the Engineer to make up for the defIciency. C. When so ordered by the Engineer, the Contractor shall immediately remove all excavated materials from the site and dispose of the same. Spirit Creek Sanitary Sewer Rehabilitation City of Augusta 03/13/02 - ~ I J - I I I - I , , , I I I , I I , I J , , 02200-12 Earthwork D. Any material, which may spill or drip from vehicles by hauling in the streets, shall be removed and the streets cleaned by the Contractor, to the satisfaction of the Engineer, or the proper officials of the municipality in which the hauling or work is being done. E. The surface of all graded and spoil areas shall be left in a smooth and level or evenly sloped condition, free from stones, rubbish, or other debris. 3.09 BACKFILL - GENERAL A. Backfill shall not be dropped directly upon any structure or pipe. Backfill shall not be placed around or upon any structure until the concrete has attained sufficient strength to withstand the loads imposed. Backfill around water retaining structures shall not be placed until the structures have been tested, and the structures shall be full of water while backfill is being placed. B. Except for drainrock materials being placed in over-excavated areas or trenches, backfill shall be placed after all water is removed from the excavation, and the trench sidewalls and bottom have been dried to a moisture content suitable for compaction. C. If a moveable trench shield is used during excavation, pipe installation, and backfill operations, the shield shall be moved by lifting the shield free of the trench bottom or backfill, and then moving the shield horizontally. The Contractor shall not drag trench shields along the trench, which could cause damage or displacement to the trench sidewalls, the pipe, or the bedding and backfill. D. hnmediately prior to placement of backfill materials,. the bottoms and sidewalls of trenches and structure excavations shall have all loose sloughing, or caving soil and rock materials removed. Trench sidewalls shall consist of excavated surfaces that are in a relatively undisturbed condition before placement of backfill materials. 3.10 PLACING AND SPREADING OF BACKFILL MATERIALS A. Backfill materials shall be placed and spread evenly in layers. When compaction is achieved using mechanical equipment, the layers shall be evenly spread so that when compacted each layer shall not exceed 8 inches in thickness. B. During spreading, each layer shall be thoroughly mixed as necessary to promote uniformity of material in each layer. Pipe zone backfill materials shall be manually spread around the pipe so that when compacted the pipe zone backfill will provide uniform bearing and side support. Spirit Creek Sanitary Sewer Rehabilitation City of Augusta 03/13/02 ~ ~ I I I I ~ , - I I ~ ~ I I , , I I I I , I J I r ~ 02200-13 Earthwork C. Where the backfill material moisture content is below the optimum moisture content, water shall be added before or during spreading until the proper moisture content is achieved. D. Where the backfill material, moisture content is too high to permit the specified degree of compaction the material shall be dried until the ,moisture content is satisfactory. 3.11 COMPACTION OF FILL, BACKFILL, AND EMBANKMENT MATERIALS A. Each layer of Types A, B, C, G, H, I, and K backfill materials as defined herein, where the material is graded such that at least 10% passes a No.4 sieve, shall be mechanically compacted to the indicated percentage of density. Equipment that is consistently capable of achieving the required degree of compaction shall be used and each layer shall be compacted over its entire area- while the material is at the required moisture content B. Each layer of Type E, F, and J backfill materials shall be compacted by means of at least 2 passes from a flat plate vibratory compactor. When such materials are used for pipe zone backfill, vibratory compaction shall be used at the top of the pipe zone or at vertical intervals of 24 inches, whichever is the least distance from the subgrade. C. Equipment weighing more than 10,000 pounds shall not be used closer to walls than a horizontal distance equal to the depth of the fill at that time. Hand Qperated power compaction equipment shall be used where use of heavier equipment is impractical or restricted due to weight limitations. D. Backfill around and over pipelines that is mechanically compacted shall be compacted using light, hand operated, vibratory compactors and rollers. After completion of at least 2 feet of compacted backfill over the top of pipeline, compaction equipment weighing no more than 8,000 pounds may be used to complete the trench backfill. E. Compaction Requirements: The following compaction test requirements shall be in accordance with ASTM D 1557 - Test Method for Laboratory Compaction Characteristics of Soils Using Modified Effort (56,000 ft - lbf/ff) (2,700 kN-m/rn3) for Type A, B, C, G, H, L K, M, and N materials and in accordance with ASTM D4253 - Standard Test Method for Maximum Index Density and Unit Weight of Soils Using a Vibratory Table, and D4254 - Standard Test Method for Minimum Index Density and Unit Weight of Soils and Calculation of Relative Density, for Type B, E, F, and J materials. Where agency or utility company requirements govern, the highest compaction standards shall apply. Spirit Creek Sanitary Sewer Rehabilitation City of Augusta 03/13/02 - I I I I I I 1 I , I I I , , I I I I. I I I J I - ~ '"T 02200-15 Earthwork 3.12 PIPE AND UTILITY TRENCH BACKFILL A. Pipe Zone Backfill: 1. The pipe zone is defined as that portion of the vertical trench cross-section lying between a plane below the bottom surface of the pipe and a plane at a point above the top surface of the pipe as indicated. The bedding is defined as that portion of pipe zone, backfill rriaterial between the trench subgrade and the bottom of the pipe. The embedment is defmed as that portion of the pipe zone, backfill material between the bedding and a level line as indicated. 2. After compacting the bedding, the Contractor shall perform a final trim using a stringline for establishing grade, such -that each pipe section when first laid will be continually in contact with the bedding along the extreme bottom of the pipe. Excavation for pipe bells and welding shall be made as required. 3. The pipe zone shall be backfilled with the indicated backfIll material. The Contractor shall exercise care to prevent damage to the pipeline coating, cathodic bonds, and the pipe itself during the installation and backfill operations. 4. If a moveable trench shield is used during backfill operations, the shield shall be lifted to a location above each layer of backfill material. This shall be accomplished prior to compaction of the layer. The Contractor shall not displace the pipe or backfill while the shield is being moved. B. Trench Zone Backfill: After the pipe zone backfills have been placed, backfilling of the trench zone may proceed. The trench zone is defined as that portion of the vertical trench .cross-section lying as indicated between a plane above the top surface of the pipe and a plane at a point 18 inches below the finished surface grade, or if the trench is under pavement, 18 inches below the roadway sub grade. If flooding, ponding, or jetting is used the pipe shall be filled with water to prevent flotation. C. Final Backfill: Final backfill is all backfill in the trench cross-sectional area within 18 inches of finished grade, or if the trench is under pavement, all backfill within 18 inches of the roadway subgrade. Spirit Creek Sanitary Sewer Rehabilitation City of Augusta 03/13/02 - , I I I I I J I I I I , I I I I I I , - I I I 02200-16 Earthwork 3.13 FILL AND EMBANKMENT CONSTRUCTION A. The area where a fill or embankment is to be constructed shall be cleared of all vegetation, roots, and foreign material. Following this, the surface shall be moistened, scarified to a depth of 6 inches, and rolled or otherwise mechanically compacted. Embankment and fill material shall be placed and spread evenly in approximately horizontal layers. Each layer shall be moistened or aerated, as necessary. Unless otherwise approved by the Engineer, each layer shall not exceed 6 inches of compacted thickness. The embankment, fill, and the scarified layer of underlying ground shall be compacted to 95% of maximum density under structures and paved areas, and 90% of maximum density elsewhere. B. When an embankment or fill is to be made and compacted against hillsides or fill slopes steeper than 4:1, the slopes of hillsides or fIlls shall be horizontally benched to key the embankment or fIll to the underlying ground. A minimum of 12 inches normal to the slope of the hillside or fill shall be removed and re-compacted as the embankment or fill is brought up in layers. Material thus cut shall be re-compacted along with the new material. Hillside or fill slopes 4: 1 or flatter shall be prepared in accordance with Item A, above. C. Where embankment or structure fills are constructed over pipelines, the fIrst 4 feet of fill over the pipe shall be constructed using light placement and compaction equipment that does not damage the pipe. Heavy construction equipment shall maintain a minimum distance from the edge of the trench equal to the depth of the trench until at least 4 feet of fill over the pipe has been completed. 3.14 FIELD TESTING A. General: All field soils testing will be done by a testing laboratory of the City 's choice at the City 's expense, except as indicated below. B. Where soil material is required to be compacted to a percentage of maximum density, the maximum density at optimum moisture content will be determined in accordance with Method C of ASTM D1557. Where cohesionless, free draining soil material is required to be compacted to a percentage of relative density, the calculation of relative density will be determined in accordance with ASTM D4253 and D4254. Field density in-place tests will be performed in accordance with ASTM D1556 - Standard Test Method for Density and Unit Weight of Soil in Place by the Sand-Cone Method, ASTM D2922 - Standard Test Methods for Density of Soil and Soil-Aggregate in Place By Nuclear Methods (Shallow Depth), or by such other means acceptable to the Engineer. C. In case the test of the fill or backfill show non-compliance with the required density, the Contractor shall accomplish such remedy as may be required to ensure Spirit Creek Sanitary Sewer Rehabilitation City of Augusta 03/13/02 ~ ~ I I I - I I I I , I I I I I I , , 02200-17 Earthwork compliance. Subsequent testing to show compliance shall be by a testing laboratory selected by the City and paid by the Contractor. D. The Contractor shall provide test trenches and excavations including excavation, trench support, and groundwater removal for the City's field soils testing operations. The trenches and excavations shall be provided at the locations and to the depths required by the City. END OF SECTION . Spirit Creek Sanitary Sewer Rehabilitation City of Augusta . 03/13/02 ~ I , I ~ I , I ~ I , - I I I I I , I , , I 1 , I I SECTION 02270 Vegetative Erosion Control PART 1- GENERAL 1.01 SCOPE A. The Contractor shall provide erosion protection, including fertilizing, seeding, and mulching for all areas indicated or specified in the Contract Documents or directed by Engineer. PART2-PRODUCTS 2.01 MATERIALS A. Fertilizer: Fertilizer shall be a commercial, chemical type, uniform in composition, free flowing, conforming to state and federal laws and suitable for application with equipment designed for that purpose. Fertilizer shall have a guaranteed analysis showing not less than 11 % nitrogen, .8% available phosphoric acid, and 4% water-soluble potash. B. Seed: Seed shall be delivered in original unopened packages bearing an analysis of the contents. Seed shall be guaranteed 95% pure with a minimum germination rate of 80%. Seed mix shall be equal parts by weight of fescue and perennial ryegrass or perennial ryegrass and barley. C. Mulch: Mulch shall be a fibrous, wood cellulose product produced for this purpose. It shall be dyed green and shall contain no growth or germination inhibiting substances, and shall be manufactured so that when thoroughly mixed with seed, fertilizer, and water, in the proportions specified it will form a homogenous slurry, which is capable of being sprayed. The mulch shall be Silva Fiber as manufactured by Weyerhaeuser Company; Conwood Fiber as manufactured by Consolidated Wood Conversion Corp.; or equal. PART3-EXECUTION 3.01 GENERAL A. Weather Conditions: Fertilizing, seeding, or mulching operations will not be permitted when wind velocities exceed 15 miles per hour or when the ground is frozen, unduly wet, or otherwise not in tillable conditions. Spirit Creek: Sanitary Sewer Rehabilitation City of Augusta 03/12/02 ~ ~ ~ I I I , I I I ~ - I I I I I I I , I ~ ~ 02270-2 Vegetative Erosion Control B. Soil Preparation: The ground to be seeded shall be graded in conformance with the Drawings and shall be loose and reasonably free of large rocks, roots, and other material which will interfere with the work. C. Method of Application: Fertilizer, seed, and mulch may be applied separately (Dry Method), or they may be mixed together with water and the homogeneous slurry applied by spraying (Hydraulic Method), except that all slopes steeper than 3 units horizontal to 1 unit vertical shall be stabilized by the hydraulic method. 3.02 DRY METHOD A. Fertilizing: The fertilizer shall be spread uniformly at the rate of 800 1bs. per acre (approximately lib. per 55 square feet). The fertilizer shall be raked in and thoroughly mixed with the soil to a depth of approximately 2 inches prior to the application of seed or mulch. B. Seeding: The seed shall be broadcast uniformly at the rate of 601bs.!acre (approximately lIb. per 730 sq. ft). After the seed has been distributed, it shall be incorporated into the soil by raking or by other approved methods. C. Mulch Application: Mulch shall be applied at the rate of 1,500 lb. (air dried weight) per acre (approximately lib. per 30 sq. ft). 3.03. HYDRAULIC METHOD A. The hydraulic method consists of the uniform application by spraying of a homogeneous mixture of water, seed, fertilizer, and mulch. The slurry shall be prepared by mixing the ingredients in the same proportions as specified above. The slurry shall have the proper consistency to adhere to the earth slopes without lumping or running. Mixing time of materials shall not exceed 45 minutes from the time the seeds come into contact with the water in the mixer to the complete discharge of the slurry onto the slopes; otherwise the batch shall be recharged with seed. The mixture shall be applied using equipment containing a tank having a built-in, continuous agitation and recirculation system, and a discharge system, which will allow application of the slurry to the slopes at a continuous and uniform rate. The application rates of the ingredients shall be the same as those specified for the Dry Method. The nozzle shall produce a spray that does not concentrate the slurry nor erode the soil. Spirit Creek Sanitary Sewer Rehabilitation City of Augusta 03/12/02 ~ ~ ~ I , I I I I I - I I i I I - I , , I I. I I I , 02270-3 Vegetative Erosion Control 3.04 EROSION CONTROL BLANKET A. Placement 1. Biodegradable erosion control blanket shall be used on all slopes 4H:IV and steeper. 2. The erosion control shall be spread only on prepared, fertilized and seeded surfaces. 3. On all slopes, the erosion control blanket shall be laid up-and-down the slope in the direction of water flow. 4. Waste of erosion control material shall be minimized by limiting overlaps as specified and by utilizing the full length of the netting at roll ends. B. Anchorage: 1. Ends and sides of adjoining pieces of material shall be overlapped 6 inches and 4 inches respectively and stapled. Six anchors shall be installed across ends. A common row of staples shall be used at side joints. Staple through both blankets, placing staples approximately 6 inches apart. 2. The top edge of the erosion control blanket shall be anchored in a 6-inch deep by 6-inch wide trench. Backfill and compact trench after stapling. 3. Anchorage shall be by means of 9-inch long, two-legged staples driven vertically and full-length into the ground. The legs shall be spread 3 inches to 4 inches apart at the ground to improve resistance to pullout. In loose soils, the use of 18-inch metal/washer pins may be required to properly anchor the blankets. 4. All slopes which are 3:1 or greater shall be stapled with 2 staples per square yard in a triangular pattern. Staples shall be installed per the manufacturer's recommended staple pattern guide. 5. The erosion control blanket shall not be stretched, but should be laid loosely over the ground to avoid the blanket being pulled downslope. 6. The erosion control blanket shall not be rolled out onto ground containing frost within the 9-inch penetration zone of the anchorage staples. Further, no stapling shall be undertaken while any frost exists within the staple penetration zone. Spirit Creek Sanitary Sewer Rehabilitationc City of Augusta 03/12/02 ~ ~ ~ I I I I I I - - I i - I I I - I I I , , I I 02270-4 Vegetative Erosion Control 3.05 WATERING A. Upon completion of the erosion control seeding, the entire area shall be soaked to saturation by a fine spray. The new planting shall be kept watered by a sprinkling system on the site during dry weather or whenever necessary for proper establishment of the planting until final project acceptance. At no time shall the planting be allowed to dry out. Care shall be taken to avoid excessive washing or puddling on the surface and any such damage caused thereby shall be repaired by the Contractor. 3.06 MAINTENANCE PRIOR TO FINAL ACCEPTANCE A. The Contractor shall maintain the planted areas ill a satisfactory condition until final acceptance of the Project. Such maintenance shall include the filling, leveling, and repairing of any washed or eroded areas, as may. ~e. necessary, and sufficient watering to maintain the plant materials in a healthy condition. The Engineer may require replanting of any areas in which the establishment of the vegetative ground cover does not appear to be developing satisfactorily. 3.07 MAINTENANCE AFTER FINAL ACCEPTANCE A. The Contractor shall water the permanently planted areas sufficiently to maintain the plant materials in a healthy condition during the I-year correction period. END OF SECTION Spirit Creek Sanitary Sewer Rehabilitation City of Augusta 03/12/02 ~ I I - I , I I I I I , , I I I I I , I , I SECTION 02491 Rehabilitation of Sanitary Sewer Manholes PART 1- GENERAL 1.01 SCOPE A. This Specification covers the work necessary to expose and raise existing sanitary sewer manholes to grade and to rehabilitate existing sanitary sewer manholes. The primary focus of this contract will require lining of entire manholes, however should a severely derelict sewer be encountered, the Engineer may order additional works: 1. Rehabilitation methods include lining of manhoie interiors; and/or . 2. Rehabilitating manholes bases; and/or 3. Replacement and/or removal of broken manhole covers and frames, corroded step irons or corroded ladders; and/or 4. Manhole seals. B. Manholes.to be raised and/or rehabilitated shall be those that are buried as found during "Find" inspections or those found to have significant infIltration through defects in the structure. C. The information about the City's facilities shown on the Drawings is taken from existing records. The Contractor is solely responsible for field verification. D. The Contractor shall provide all labor, materials, and equipment required to clean, raise, and rehabilitate the manholes. E. The Contractor shall comply with the City's and OSHA requirements for confmed space entry. F. To minimize disruption to vehicular traffic, no manhole cover slabs shall be removed to undertake the work until prior notice has been given to the Engineer. G. Before commencing work at existing manholes, a perforated catch bucket (to retain particulate larger than U.S. No.8 sieve, for subsequent removal), or similar, shall be fitted to the outgoing pipe from the manhole structure. Contractors shall strictly adhere to the requirement that construction debris and waste material be prevented from entering downstream sewers. Spirit Creek Sanitary Sewer Rehabilitation City of Augusta 03/14/02 I I ~ ~ I , I I I I I I I I I I I , , I I I I 02491-2 Rehabilitation of Sanitary Sewer Manholes H. The Contractor shall keep accurate records of the location of and nature of work performed at each manhole. The Contractor shall provide copies to the Engineer as required. 1.02 REFERENCE SPECIFICATIONS, CODES, AND STANDARDS A. The following references. are part of this Specification. In case of conflict between the requirements of this Specification and those of the listed documents, the requirements of this Specification shall prevail. The latest edition of the following references shall be used: 1. ASTM C794, Test Method for Adhesion-in-Peel E1astomeric Joint Sealant. , - . 2. ASTM D412, Test Methods for Vulcanized Rubber and Thermoplastic Rubbers and Thermoplastic Elastomers - Tension. 3. ASTM D882, Test Methods for Tensile Properties of Thin Plastic Sheeting. Jl.03 SUBMITTALS A. The Contractor Shall Submit the Following Information: 1. Written certification by the manhole rehabilitation system manufacturer stating that the installation Contractor is approved to install the rehabilitation system specified. Submit with the Proposal Documents. 2. Manhole rehabilitation system manufacturer's literature describing the rehabilitation system components, along with the Contractor's equipment. Submit with the Proposal Documents. 3. The Contractor shall provide at least five references of projects successfully completed, incorporating not less than 150 manholes in total and in which all forms of manhole rehabilitation, including sealing, were successfully performed within the last 5 years. Each reference shall include the name of the agency, the name of the project, the date of the project, and the agency contact (telephone, fax, and e-mail). Submit with the Proposal Documents. 4. Manufacturer's technical literature on the rehabilitation material utilized, including the materials physical and chemical characteristics. Submit with the Proposal Documents. Spirit Creek Sanitary Sewer Rehabilitation 03/14/02 City of Augusta , , , , I I I I I I I , I , I , I , , I - - 02491-3 Rehabilitation of Sanitary Sewer Manholes 5. Description of Installation Method. Including: . a. Product Material Safety Data Sheets. b. Maximum pot life, storage life and essential storage requirements of all rehabilitation materials. c. Mixing and proportioning requirements (as applicable). d. Environmental requirements for application and worker safety, including ventilation, humidity, and temperature ranges. e. Application fIlm thickness per coat of activator and mastic (as applicable). f. Curing time, including specific formulation requirements to provide specified setting time for foamed mastic (as applicable). 6. The Contractor's method description, layout, and application sequencing plan of manhole rehabilitation works shall be submitted to the Engineer for approval not less than 14 days prior to commencement of rehabilitation work. 7. Manufacturer's certification of applicator to be used for the lining installation work, including spray operator (as applicable). B. The Contractor Shall Also Submit the Following: 1. Methodology, including detail drawing for finishing all anticipated pipe connections to rehabilitated manholes to prevent infiltration and exftltration: Anticipated connections, including through or entering modified manhole, side connections and drop connections. C. The Contractor shall conform to. all the requirements of the flow bypass and diversion pumping specification (Section 02750 - Wastewater Flow Control). 1.04 QUALITY ASSURANCE A. Materials and supplies provided shall be the standard products of manufacturers. The standard products of manufacturers, other than those specified, may be accepted if it is demonstrated that they are equal in composition, durability, and usefulness for the purpose intended. B. The Engineer will inspect the rehabilitated manholes to evaluate the Contractor's work. Spirit Creek Sanitary Sewer Rehabilitation City of Augusta 03/14/02 ~ , I \ I I I I I I . - I I I I , , I I , I I I T . I 02491-4 Rehabilitation of Sanitary Sewer Manholes 1.05 RESPONSmll-ITY FOR OVERFLOWS OR SPll-LS A. It shall be the responsibility of the Contractor to schedule and perform his work in a manner that does not cause or contribute to incidence of overflows or spills of sewage from the sewer system. B. In the event that the Contractor's work activities contribute to overflows or spills, the Contractor shall immediately take appropriate action, in accordance with the City's Emergency Response Plan (ERP), to contain and stop the overflow, clean up the spillage, disinfect the area affected by the spill, and notify the designated Engineer's Representative in a timely manner. The Contractor shall prepare his own written Standard Operating Procedure (SOP) for handling and reporting spills, which shall be compatible with the City's ERP. C. Contractor will indemnify and hold harmless the City and the Engineer for any fines or third-party claims for personal or property damage arising out of a spill or overflow that is fully or partially the responsibility of the Contractor, including the legal, engineering and administrative expenses of the City in defending such fines and claims. 1.06 RELATED SECTIONS A. The work of the following sections apply to the work of this section. Other sections of the Specifications, not referenced below, shall also apply to the extent required for proper performance of work. 1. Section 01532D: Manhole Condition Assessment 2. Section 02511: Preconditioning and Cleaning Manholes and Sewers 3. Section 02750: Wastewater Flow Control PART 2 - PRODUCTS 2.01 GENERAL A. The installer shall warrant and hold harmless the City and the Engineer against all claims for patent infiingement and any loss thereof B. The materials used shall be designed, manufactured and solely intended for sewer manhole rehabilitation and the specific application in which they are used. The materials shall have a proven history of performance in sewer manhole Spirit Creek Sanitary Sewer Rehabilitation City of Augusta 03/14/02 ~ ~ ~ - I I - I I I I I \ I I I , , I , , I -r 02491-5 Rehabilitation of Sanitary Sewer Manholes rehabilitation for a minimum of 3 years in sewer systems elsewhere nationally, of similar age, groundwater levels and circumstance. C. The materials shall be delivered to the jobsite in original unopened packages and clearly labeled with the manufacturer's identification (brand name) date of manufacture, storage life and printed instructions. D. Stored materials shall be protected from weather and excessive heat or cold, and stored in accordance with the manufacturer's instructions. Flammable materials shall be stored in accordance with state and local codes. Materials exceeding storage life recommended by the manufacturer shall be removed from the site. E. The Contractor shall dispose of all wastes in accordance with applicable regulations. F. At the request of the Engineer, the Contractor shall provide a representative employed by the manufacturer having technical training in any of the specific manhole rehabilitation materials and/or system or technique being applied. The appropriate specialist shall be available for consultation on site within 24-hours notice, at no cost to the City. G. All Completed Rehabilitation Work Shall Be Resistant To: 1. Continuous immersion in septic sewage at temperatures up to 850F. 2. Continuous exposure to hydrogen sulfide gas from septic sewage at temperatures up to 8YF. 3. Deposits of free sulfur on exposed surfaces. 4. Continuous exposure to 10% sulfuric acid at temperatures up to 850F. PART 2A - MANHOLE SEALING TO EXCLUDE INFILTRATION 2A.Ol GENERAL A Stopping active leaks in concrete and masonry manholes shall be achieved by the use of one or more of the four methods and products listed immediately following. Generally, Methods 1, 2, and 3 shall be used only for small leaks - seeping, dripping, or possibly running forms of infIltration, and only as directed by the Engineer. Method 4 shall be used for all sealing initiatives in the base of manholes and for running and gushing forms of infiltration in walls. Only Method 4 shall be used for all leaks greater thim 1 gallon per minute: Spirit Creek Sanitary Sewer Rehabilitation City of Augusta 03/14/02 ~ - ~ I , I I I I - I I I I I , I I I I , , 02491-6 Rehabilitation of Sanitary Sewer Manholes 1. Method 1: A premixed fast-setting, volume-stable waterproof cement plug consIstmg of hydraulic cement, graded silica aggregates, special plasticizing and accelerating agents. It shall not contain chlorides, gypsums, plasters, iron particles, aluminum powder or gas-forming agents, or promote the corrosion of steel it may come in contact with. Set time shall be approximately 1 minute. Ten-minute compressive strength shall be approximately 500 psi. 2. Method 2: A siliconate-based liquid accelerator field mixed with neat Portland Cement. The set time shall be approximately 1 minute. 3. Method 3: The e1astomeric polyurethane resin-soaked method, using lightly oiled marine spun oakum, or resin-rod with polyurethane resin (water activated). 4. Method 4: The use of a chemical grout injected for excessive groundwater control as specified hereinafter in detail: 2A.02 CHEMICAL MANHOLE SEALING (METHOD 4 GROUTING) MATERIALS A. General: 1. The generic chemical sealing materials to be used are listed with the basic properties, performance standards, and mix ratios that are known to give acceptable performance. 2. In every case, mixing and handling of chemical sealing material shall be in accordance with the manufacturer's recommendations. B. Characteristics of Sealing: Chemicals: 1. All chemical sealing materials used in the performance of the work specified must have the following characteristics: a. The chemical sealant must be able to react/perform in the presence of water (groundwater) while being injected, i.e., the sealant must be hydrophilic. b. The cured material must withstand submergence in water without degradation. c. The resultant sealant (grout) formation must prevent, on a continuing basis, the passage of water (infIltration) through the sewer pipe joint. Spirit Creek Sanitary Sewer Rehabilitation City of Augusta 03/14/02 - ~ I I I I I I ; I I I I I I I I , I I , , 02491-7 Rehabilitation of Sanitary Sewer Manholes d. The sealant material, after curing, must be flexible as opposed to brittle. e. The sealant formation should be able to withstand freeze/thaw and wet/dry cycles without adversely affecting sealant properties. Note: This primarily applies to storm sewers, which are shallow and sometimes dry. f. The sealant formation must not be biodegradable. g. The cured sealant should be chemically stable and resistant to the mild concentrations of acids, alkalis, and organics found in normal sewage. h. Packaging of component materials ml!..s~ be comp~tible with field storage and handling requirements. Packaging must provide for worker safety and minimize spillage during handling. 1. Mixing of the component materials must be compatible with field operations and not require precise measurements of the ingredients by field personnel. J. Clean up must be done without inordinate use of flammable or hazardous chemicals. k. Residual sealing materials must be easily removable from the sewer line to prevent reduction or blockage of the sewage flow. C. Typical Chemical Sealing: Materials: 1. The following is a generic listing of permissible chemical sealing materials currently in use and the basic requirements, properties and characteristics of each. a. Acrylamide Base Gel Sealing Material: 1) A minimum of 10% acrylamide base material by weight in the total sealant mix. A higher concentration (%) of acrylamide base material may be used to increase strength or offset dilution during injection. 2) The ability to tolerate some dilution and react in moving water during injection. 3) A viscosity of approximately 2 centipoise which can be Spirit Creek Sanitary Sewer Rehabilitation City of Augusta 03/14/02 ~ ~ - I , I - I I I , I I i I I , I I , I I I , , , 02491-8 Rehabilitation of Sanitary Sewer Manholes increased with additives. 4) A constant viscosity during the reaction period. 5) A controllable reaction time from 10 seconds to 1 hour. 6) A reaction (curing) which produces a homogeneous, chemically stable, non-biodegradable, firm, flexible gel. 7) The ability to increase mix viscosity, density and gel strength by the use of additives. b. Acrylic Base Gel Chemical Sealing Material: 1) A minimum of 10% acrylic bas~. material by volume in the total sealant mix. A higher concentration (%) of acrylic base material may be used to increase strength or offset dilution during injection. 2) The ability to tolerate some dilution and react in moving water during injection. 3) A viscosity of approximately 2 centipoise, which can be increased with additives. 4) A constant viscosity during the reaction period. 5) A controllable reaction time from 5 seconds to 6 hours. 6) A reaction (curing) which produces a homogeneous, chemically stable, non-biodegradable, flexible gel. 7) The ability to increase mix viscosity, density and gel strength by the use of additives. c. Urethane Base Gel Chemical Sealing Material: 1) One (1) part urethane prepolymer thoroughly mixed with between 5 and 11 parts of water by weight. The recommended mix ratio is 1 part urethane prepolymer to 8 parts of water (11 % prepolymer). 2) A liquid prepo1ymer having a solids content of 77% to 83%, specific gravity of 1.04 (8. 65 pounds per gallon), and a flash point of 20oF. Spirit Creek Sanitary Sewer Rehabilitation City of Augusta 03/14/02 ~ ~ I I I I I I , , I , , I , I I I I , ~ I I ~ 02491-9 Rehabilitation of Sanitary Sewer Manholes 3) A liquid prepo1ymer having a viscosity of 300 to 1,000 centipoise at 700F that can be pumped through 500 feet of 1I2-inch hose with a 1,000-psi head at a flow rate of 1 ounce per second. 4) The water used to react the prepolymer should have a pH of 5 to 9. 5) Gel times shall be as short as practical and as short as 2 minutes for polyurethane grouts, in accordance with the manufacturer's recommendations. Control of gel times is a critical aspect of successful chemical grouting. Higher water ratios give longer cure times. 6) A relatively rapid viscosity mcrease of the prepolymer/water mix in the fIrst minute. (Viscosity increases from about 10 to 60 centipoise in the fIrst minute for 1 to 8 prepolymer/water ratio at 50op). 7) A reaction (curing) which produces a chemically stable and non-biodegradable, tough, flexible gel. 8) The ability to increase mix viscosity, density, gel strength and resistance to shrinkage by the use of additives to the water. d. Urethane Base Foam Chemical Sealing Material: 1) Approximately one part of urethane prepolymer with one part of water by weight (50% prepolymer). 2) A liquid prepolymer having a solids content of 82 specifIc gravity of 1.1 (9.15 pounds per gallon) flash point of 200oF. 3) A liquid prepolymer having a viscosity of 30 centipoise at 720F that can be pumped through 50 feet of 1/2-inch hose with a 500-psi head at a flow rate of 1 ounce per second. 4) A cure time of 15 minutes at 40oF, 8.2 minutes at 60oF, 4.6 minutes at 1000F when the prepolymer is reacting with water only. 5) A cure time of 5.5 minutes at 40oF, 8.2 minutes at 60oF, 2.6 minutes at 1000F when the prepolymer is reacting with . ., Spirit Creek Sanitary Sewer Rehabilitation City of Augusta 03/14/02 ~ ~ I \ I I I I I I I I I - I I , I , I I I I I , I I I 02491-10 Rehabilitation of Sanitary Sewer Manholes water containing 0.4% accelerator. 6) During injection; foaming, expansion, and viscosity increase occur. 7) Physical properties of the cured foam of approximately 14 pounds per cubic foot density, 80 to 90 psi strength, and 700% to 800% elongation when a mixture of prepolymer and 50% water undergoes a confmed expands five times its initial liquid volume. 8) Acrylamide and acrylic gel grouts maintain a viscosity close to that of water (2 centipoise) during the time between mixing material solution with the activator solution and the formation of a gel. This time _period is referred to as the cure time, induction period, or gel time. The low viscosity is advantageous for penetration but makes the grouts susceptible to dilution during the reaction period. 9) Urethane gel grout undergoes a viscosity increase during the time between mixing the base material water and the formation of a gel. This time period is cure time or gel time. The increasing viscosity limits penetration by dilution, particularly by groundwater. PART 2B - MANHOLE LINING 2B.Ol GENERAL A. Manhole lining systems shall be completely watertight and free of any joints or openings other than pipe inlets and the rim opening. The junction of the lining material with the pipe material at the inlets and outlets shall be completely watertight. B. Each lining application shall be designed for application over damp (but not wet or active running water) surfaces without degradation of the fmal product and the bond between the product and the manhole surfaces. C. Generally, the entire interior walls of manholes designated to be rehabilitated shall be lined polyurethane and polyvinyl chloride co-lining system, or fiberglass lining system. Spirit Creek Sanitary Sewer Rehabilitation City of Augusta 03/14/02 ~ I I I I - I I 1 I I , I \ I I I I I \ I I I \ I I I I . 02491-11 Rehabilitation of Sanitary Sewer Manholes 2B.02 POLYVINYL CHLORIDE (PVC) CO-LINING SYSTEM A. PVC Sheet Lining: PVC sheet lining material shall be a white homogeneous thermoplastic film, Vinyl thane manufactured by Linabond, Inc., which has been formulated for application with the Linabond Cross Link Activator (CLA-2), or equal. The Liner shall exhibit the following minimum physical properties at + 770F or - 50F: Specification Requirement Tensile, ASTM D882 Specific Gravity, ASTM D792 Elongation, ASTM D882 Tear Strength Thickness 2,400 psi 1.33 300% 250 psi 30 mils B. Surface activator shall provide cross-linking with the PVC sheet liner and the polyurethane mastic. The surface activator shall be Linabond CLA-2 as manufactured by Linabond, Inc. C. Is a plural-component, high strength, acid resistant, closed cell, urethane structural polymer specifically formulated for bonding (mechanically and molecularly) to concrete, brick and steel surfaces, and cross-linking with and activated PVC sheet liner. It shall be non-flow and shall be resistant to weathering, aging, dilute (10%) solutions of sulfuric acid, and intermittent wetting by raw sewage. D. Linabond Seam Material is an expansion1ess version of Linabond Structural Polymer that retains the chemical and adhesive properties of the Structural. Polymer while permitting relatively flat, smooth laps between adjacent PVC sheets. 2B.03 FIBERGLASS LINING SYSTEM A. The fiberglass lining system shall consist of a three layer composite, laminate system comprised of one non permeable synthetic, environmental membrane embedded and bonded between two layers of structural fiberglass woven fabric impregnated with a modified epoxy resin system. The average wall thickness of the fiberglass liner system shall be no less than 0.5 inch, unless otherwise allowed, but shall be structurally designed to withstand all hydraulic loads as determined by the Engineer. Spirit Creek Sanitary Sewer Rehabilitation City of Augusta 03/14/02 ~ ~ ~ I I I ~ ~ I ~ I ~ I I I I I , I I I I I j , 02491-12 Rehabilitation of Sanitary Sewer Manholes PART 2C - PATCHING 2C.Ol GENERAL A. For patching isolated manholes not being lined and not affected by lined sewers upstream or downstream: 1. Patching, re-pointing, filling, and repairing non-leaking holes, cracks, and spalls in concrete and masonry manhole walls, benchings and slabs, as well as through-flow channel dressing and repair. 2. The patching material shall consist of a premixed non-shrink cement-based patching material consisting of hydraulic cement, graded silica aggregates, special plasticizing and accelerating agents, which has been formulated for vertical or overhead use. It shall not contain chlorides, gypsums, plasters, iron particles, aluminum powder, or gas forming agents or promote the corrosion of steel it may come into contact with. Set time (ASTM C191) shall be less than 30 minutes. One hour compressive strength (ASTM C109) shall be a minimum of 200 psi and the ultimate compressive strengths (ASTM C882 Modified) shall be a minimum of 1,700 psi. PART 2D - NEW MANHOLE COVERS 2D.Ol GENERAL A. New manhole covers and frames shall conform to the requirements of the City's standards, which will be determined on site by the Engineer as necessary. Watertight and bolted/locking covers as well as conventional ventilation, lightweight, medium duty or heavy duty may be used. PART 2E - ELASTOMERIC CORBEL SEAL TO EXCLUDE RDIII 2E.Ol GENERAL A. Provide a frame-to-manhole elastomeric seal consisting of a two component, aliphatic chemical curing, urethane sealant formulated as a high build coating to seal the casting to the manhole corbel. The purpose is to stop infIltration by the application of a corrosion resistant flexible coating to be applied to the inside wall. The corrosion resistant flexible urethane shall be Flex-Seal Utility Sealant as manufactured by Sealing Systems, Inc., Loretto, or approved equal. Spirit Creek Sanitary Sewer Rehabilitation City of Augusta 03/14/02 ~ - ~ I I I I J I j I - I I - I I I I - , I I , , 02491-13 Rehabilitation of Sanitary Sewer Manholes B. Minimum Requirements for Flexible Aromatic Urethane Resin Liner Primer: Hardness Elongation Tensile Strength Adhesive Strength Tear Resistance ASTM D2240 ASTM D412 ASTM D412 ASTM D0903 ASTM DI004 85 Brinell 400% 3,000 psi 3 50 1b./in. 200 lb./in. C. Minimum Requirements for Flexible Aromatic Urethane Resin Liner Final Coat: Hardness Elongation Tensile Strength Adhesive Strength Tear Resistance ASTM D2240 ASTM D412 ASTMD412 ASTM D0903 ASTM DI004 D. Minimum Final Thickness: 80 mils. 50 Brinell 750% 1,100 psi 175 lb./in. 155 Ib'/iQ.. PART 2F - MANHOLE CASTING EMBEDMENT SEALANT TO EXCLUDE RDIJI 2F.Ol GENERAL A Provide a premium, extruded bituminous tacky rubber sealant in rope form for use on manholes as an embedment material for the frame to adjusting brick/mortar corbel. B. Sealant shall conform to AASHTO M198 Type Band SS-S-210 and SS-S-210A. C. Properties: Chemical Composition Hydrocarbon Plastic Content % by wt Inert Mineral Filler % by wt Volatile Matter % by wt 1. SPEC REQUIRED ASTM D4 (mod.) 50-70 SS-S-21OA 30-50 ASTMD6 3.0 max Physical Properties Specific Gravity, 770F Ductility, 770F Softening Point Flash Point, C. O. C. min Fire Point, C. O. C. min. Penetration, 770F (150 gm) 5 sec. 2. Spirit Creek Sanitary Sewer Rehabilitation City of Augusta ASTM D71 ASTMDI13 ASTM D36 ASTM D92 . ASTM D92 ASTMD217 1.20-1.35 5.0 min 320 min 600 min 625 min 50 to 120 03/14/02 , , I I I I I I I , I I I I , , I I I , I I I I I I I I ~ I I ~ 02491-14 Rehabilitation of Sanitary Sewer Manholes 3. Chemical Resistance 30-Day hnmersion:No visible deterioration when tested for 30 days in 5 % caustic potash, 5% hydrochloric acid, 5% sulfuric acid, or 5% saturated hydrogen sulfide Elongation Initial, 770F 300% min Two Weeks, Total Water Immersion 300% min Flow Resistance (1 inch wide overhead No Flow joint exposed to 1350F for 7 days) Storage Life Indefinite Application Temperature Range 10 to 1250F Service Temperature Range -20 to 2000F PART 3 - EXECUTION 3.01 PERFORMANCE REQUIREMENTS A. Perform work needed to make manholes structurally sound, improve flow, prevent entrance of inflow or groundwater infiltration, and prevent entrance of soil or debris. B. Existing manhole shall be Preconditioned and Cleaned in accordance with Specification Section 02511 - Preconditioning and Cleaning Manholes and Sewers, prior to any and all rehabilitation work. 3.02 PROJECT CONDlTIONS A Manholes Containing Flow Monitoring: Equipment: 1. Drawings may not show locations of flow monitoring equipment. If a manhole contains any mechanical hardware or electrical flow monitoring equipment, immediately notify the Engineer. 2. Reschedule work in such manholes until equipment has been removed by the City and. further instructions are given, at no additional cost. 3. Do not subject manholes with mechanical hardware or electrical equipment to bypass or diversion pumping. 4. Damage to installed equipment, due to Contractor's failure to adhere to the above, will be repaired by the City and cost of repairs charged to Contractor. Spirit Creek Sanitary Sewer Rehabilitation City of Augusta 03/14/02 , , I I . I I I I I I I ! , I , , I ! , I , I I ~ I , ~ 3.03 3.04 3.05 3.06 3.07 . - ~ I 02491-15 Rehabilitation of Sanitary Sewer Manholes B. Field Location of Manholes: 1. Contractor is responsible for locating and uncovering all manholes as specified in Section 0l532D - Manhole Condition Assessment. 2. Manholes may be located within Project limits, which are not part of the system being rehabilitated. Properly identify manholes before starting work. No payment will be made for work in manholes not indicated on the Drawings or not directed in writing by the Engineer. SALVAGE A. Manhole covers and frames, as well as adjusting rings from abandoned or broken or adjusted manhole castings remain the property of the City. Deliver salvaged items to City's storage facility or as otherwise directed by the City at the conclusion of the Project. PROTECTION A. Provide barricades and warning lights and signs for excavations created by manhole casting work in accordance with the Drawings. B. Do not allow sand, debris or runoff to enter sewer system. EXCA VA TION A. Excavate in accordance with City's Standard Specifications. B. Perform work in accordance with OSHA standards. Employ a trench safety system, as required for excavations. C. Install and operate necessary dewatering and surface water control measures as required. FLOW BYPASS AND DIVERSION PUMPING A. Install and operate bypass and diversion pumping equipment to maintain sewage flow and to prevent backup or overflow in accordance with Specification Section 02750 - Wastewater Flow Contro1. LINERS A. General: The entire interior walls of manholes as designated to be rehabilitated shall be lined with polyurethane and polyvinyl chloride co-lining system, or Spirit Creek Sanitary Sewer Rehabilitation 03/14/02 City of Augusta ~ ~ I I I ! I I I - - , I I I , I I , I I I , , ~ I I 02491-16 Rehabilitation of Sanitary Sewer Manholes fiberglass lining system, or rehabilitated using non-shrink epoxy mortar as directed. B. All liners shall be installed ill accordance with the manufacturer's written instructions. 3.08 POLYURETHANE AND POLYVINYL CHLORIDE CO-LINING SYSTEM A. After cleaning and prior to liner installation, all large voids and spal1ed areas shall be filled and patched with polymer cement patching compound at the Contractor's expense. The patching shall be as recommended by the lining system manufacturer. B. The Contractor shall establish a minimum of I-inch base course of calcium aluminate cement on the shelf of the manhole. Calcium aluminate cement shall be SewperCoat/2000 HS Regular as manufactured by Lafarge Calcium Alurninates, or equal. C. The Contractor shall also perform a "peel test" prior to commencing application of the lining system. The peel test shall follow the guidelines of ASTM C794 and shall demonstrate that a I-inch strip of PVC lining will resist a pulling force of 16 pounds. The test will be performed on a portion of the manhole as specified by the Engineer. The Contractor shall not proceed with application of the lining system until the peel test is accepted by the Engineer. Additional peel tests shall be performed by the Contractor if so directed by the Engineer. The Contractor shall assume one peel test for each five manholes lined. D. The Contractor Shall Applv the Lining System As Follows: 1. Primer: The primer mastic shall be applied at a coverage rate not to exceed 250 square feet of concrete surface per gallon of primer. The spraying of the primer shall precede the application of the mastic by not more than a 40-minute time period. 2. Mastic: The mastic and activator shall be mixed and proportioned in accordance with manufacturer's written instructions with the equipment specified by the manufacturer. Mastic shall be applied to a dry, sound surface by troweling at a rate of 8 gallons per 100 square feet, with a minimum average film thickness of 120 mils. The application of mastic shall not exceed that area which can be lined within 3 hours of application or by end of daily work period. Spirit Creek Sanitary Sewer Rehabilitation City of Augusta 03/14/02 , , I I I ) I I I I , I , , I I I I I I I , - . . . . 02491-17 Rehabilitation of Sanitary Sewer Manholes 3. Activator: The activator shall be applied to clean, dry PVC sheet in accordance with the manufacturer's instruction. For solid mastic, allow activator to dry tack free. Activator shall be applied to the PVC sheet in a warm (70oF minimum), protected environment and allowed to dry. Protect prepared sheets from debris contamination. 4. Sheet Liner: The activator prepared surface of the PVC sheet liner shall be pressed into the mastic and rolled to remove trapped air. Seams shall overlap a minimum of 4 inches and shall be fully bonded. The top surface of any sheet that will be lapped during installation shall be activated after the sheet is in place. Maximum size sheet applied in a single piece shall not exceed 8 feet in any dimensions without prior approval by the Engineer. PVC sheets shall be applied while the mastic is still tacky. 5. Lining Termination: The PVC liner shall exteIld to the limits shown on the Drawings. 6. Atmospheric Conditions: Maintain sufficient forced air supply and construction heating to provide a minimum of 700F and a circulating airflow inside the manholes during the lining process. 7. Repair of Defects: Defects shall be repaired in the lining system where directed by the Engineer. Trim damaged areas, activate PVC surfaces with instant cross-link activator (CLA-2) and cover with new mastic and PVC sheet. Cut open poorly adhered areas and large air pockets 4 inches in diameter or greater, apply new activator and mastic, embed cut ends in mastic, and overlay with an activated PVC patch. Maintain a minimum 4-inch lap for repairs. 3.09 FIBERGLASS LINING SYSTEM A. After cleaning and prior to liner installation, all large voids and spalled areas shall be f1lled and patched with a suitably patching compound at the Contractor's expense. The patching compound shall be as recommended by the lining system manufacturer. B. The installation of the lining system shall be III strict accordance with the manufacturer's written installation procedures. C. After the liner system is installed, it shall be cut and trimmed. The completed product shall be a permanent, monolithic, lined and impervious structure shaped to the interior of the existing manhole. The manhole shaft lining systems shall be completely water tight and free of any joints or openings other than pipe inlets, pipe outlets, and the rim opening. Spirit Creek Sanitary Sewer Rehabilitation City of Augusta 03/14/02 , , I I I J , I I J , I I I I 1 I I I I I I I I ! I I I I ~ I I ~ 02491-18 Rehabilitation of Sanitary Sewer Manholes D. All defective areas and imperfections including, but not limited to, poor adhesion, excessive void, and air bubbles shall be repaired in strict conformance with the recommendation of the lining system manufacturer and subject to the approval of the Engineer. 3.10 MANHOLE BENCHESffHROUGH FLOW CHANNELS A. Formation of Through-Flow Channel: 1. Remove obstructions and loose materials from benches prior to shaping the through flow channel. Form a smooth, U-shaped channel having a minimum depth of one pipe diameter and channel it across the floor of the manhole using an approved manhole rehabilitation material. Control flow to allow sufficient setting time for material used. 2. Form a smooth transition with a reshaped channel and a raised manhole bench to eliminate sharp edges.of pipe and concrete bench. Build up and smooth through flow channel of manhole to match flow line of pipe. 3. Make finished benches and through flow channels smooth and without defects which would allow for accumulation of debris. B. Remedial Work to Existing Manhole: 1. Exposed reinforcement shall be sand blasted, epoxy primed and protected by a premixed non-shrink cement-based patching material consisting of hydraulic cement, graded silica aggregates, special plasticizing and accelerating agents, which has been formulated for vertical or overhead use. It shall not contain chlorides, gypsums, plasters, iron particles, aluminum powder, or gas forming agents or promote the corrosion of steel it may come into contact with. C. Connection of Renovated (Lined) Pipelines to Existing Manholes: 1. The Contractor shall note that in connecting renovated pipelines by in situ lining to existing manholes, every care shall be taken to ensure that the connections are watertight and that the existing sewers and manholes are not damaged. 2. The Contractor shall ensure that there is no interruption to existing flows during the connection works. 3. The Contractor shall not allow sewage to flow into newly rehabilitated pipelines unless the rehabilitated pipeline concerned and the downstream Spirit Creek Sanitary Sewer Rehabilitation City of Augusta 03/14/02 , , , I J I I I , I , I I , I I , I , I . , I I ~ ~ 02491-19 Rehabilitation of Sanitary Sewer Manholes rehabilitated pipelines have been completed, inspected and certified complete by the Engineer. 4. When upstream and/or downstream sewers connecting to a manhole are lined, the manhole through-flow channel shall also be lined where possible. Where the concrete benching is sound the sides and invert of the through-flow channel shall be broken out prior to lining to a minimum depth of 0.5 inch. A 0.5-inch minimum thickness of acid resistant, premixed, non-shrink, cement-based patching material consisting of hydraulic cement, graded silica aggregates, with special plasticizing and accelerating agents, shall be used. A bonding agent shall be applied if necessary. Where the upstream and downstream linings have been separately installed, they shall abut in the manhole where possible at the entrance to the downstream pipeline. 5. The Contractor shall adjust manhole benchings and bases to accommodate linings to ensure a continuous invert without steps between the lining and the existing sewer. 6. On completion of rehabilitated sewer and manhole, the liner in the manhole through-flow channel shall be exactly over the pipe entry and exit and O.5-inch above springing level. A premixed, non-shrink, cement- based patching material consisting of hydraulic cement, graded silica aggregates, with special plasticizing and accelerating and bonding agents, shall be applied to the whole of the benching and exposed channel, behind the free edge of the cut liner and to the channel sides. Where the upstream and downstream linings abut in the manhole, the butt joint shall be not more than 0.5-inch wide and shall have neat parallel faces. The butt joint shall be finished off with a premixed, non-shrink, cement-based patching material consisting of hydraulic cement, graded silica aggregates, with special plasticizing and accelerating and, if required, bonding agents. 7. In manholes where two dissimilar lining materials/section adjoin, the channel between the linings shall be broken out to a depth to allow a D.5-inch minimum thickness of acid resistant, premixed, non-shrink, cement-based patching material to be applied between and under the leading edge of the linings and 0.5-inch above springing level. The upstream and downstream pipeline lining shall abut at the inlet to the downstream pipe, unless otherwise allowed. 8. All connections into manholes shall be designed and installed so as to ensure that groundwater is not permitted to enter the confines of the sewer or manhole. The Contractor shall submit proposals together with any material specification for making such connections to the Engineer for approval. Spirit Creek Sanitary Sewer Rehabilitation City of Augusta 03/14/02 , , , I J I I , I , , I I I I , I ) I I I I , , I I I 02491-20 Rehabilitation of Sanitary Sewer Manholes D. Connection of Replacement Pipelines to Existing Manholes: 1. The Contractor shall note that in connecting replacement pipelines to existing manholes, every care shall be taken to ensure that the connections . are watertight and that the existing sewers and manholes are not damaged and/or are fully remediated as appropriate. 2. The Contractor shall ensure that there is no interruption to existing flows during the connection works. 3. The Contractor shall not allow sewage to flow into newly replaced pipelines unless the replaced pipeline concerned and the downstream pipelines have been completed, inspected, and certified complete by the Engineer. 4. When upstream and/or downstream replacement sewers connect to a manhole, the manhole through-flow channel shall also be lined where possible with epoxy material or other accepted treatment. Where the concrete benching is sound, the sides and invert of the through-flow channel shall be broken out to a minimum depth of 0.5 inch. A 0.5-inch minimum thickness of acid resistant, premixed, non-shrink, cement-based patching material consisting of hydraulic cement, graded silica aggregates, with special plasticizing and accelerating agents, shall be used. A bonding agent shall be applied if necessary. Where the upstream and downstream . replacement sewers have been separately installed, they shall abut in the manhole where possible at the entrance to the downstream pipeline. 5. The Contractor shall adjust manhole benchings and bases to accommodate replacement pipelines to ensure a continuous invert without steps. 6. All connections into manholes shall be designed and installed so as to ensure that groundwater is not permitted to enter the confines of the sewer or manhole. The Contractor shall submit proposals together with any material specification for making fully sealed connections into manholes to the Engineer for approval. 3.12 MANHOLE FRAlVlES AND COVERS A. Adjust all buried manhole frames and covers above or at grade, reset loose frames, and install elastomeric corbel seal. B. Where manholes are constructed in paved areas, frames and covers shall be Vulcan V -1357 (heavy duty), or equivalent. Light duty covers shall not be used. The top surface of the frame and cover shall be combined with the pre-cast Spirit Creek Sanitary Sewer Rehabilitation City of Augusta 03/14/02 , , , I I I , I I I , , I I I , I I , , , , . I I . 02491-21 Rehabilitation of Sanitary Sewer Manholes concrete adjustment rings so that the elevation of the installed casting cover is flush with the surrounding pavement constructed to the exact slope, crown and grade of the existing adjacent pavement. Manholes in locally low-lying areas, where surface water may collect, may incorporate self-sealing covers or manhole inserts as directed by the Engineer. Inside surface of all manhole cover frames shall incorporate the unique manhole number corresponding to the City's GIS or map coordinate system. The number shall be stenciled with 1.5-inch high epoxy painted figures on surface prepared to manufacturer's requirements. C. Where manholes are constructed in paved areas in flood plains, frames and covers shall be Neenah-R-662-KH (heavy duty "T" hinged), or equivalent. Light duty covers shall not be used. The top surface of the frame and covers shall have bolt down lids with a watertight gasket. The top surface of the frame and cover shall be combined with the pre-cast concrete adjustment rings so that the elevation of the installed casting cover is flush with the surrounding pavement constructed to the exact slope, crown and grade of the existing adjacent pavement Inside surface of all manhole cover frames shall incorporate the unique manhole number corresponding to the City's GIS or map coordinate system.. The number shall be stenciled with 1.5-inch high epoxy painted figures on surface prepared to manufacturer's requirements, or as directed by the Engineer. D. Where manholes are constructed in non-pavement areas in flood plains or otherwise, frame and covers shall be Neenah-R-662 (heavy duty ''T' hinged), or equivalent. Light-duty covers shall not be used. The top surface of the frame and covers shall have bolt dqwn lids with a watertight gasket. Manhole frame and covers in the wooded or un-maintained areas shall be 30-inches above grade when combined with the pre-cast concrete adjustment rings. Manholes in grassed areas maintained as lawns etc. shall be adjusted to be flush with the ground, unless otherwise directed. The inside surface of all manhole cover frames shall incorporate the unique manhole number corresponding to the City's GIS or map coordinate system. The number be shall stenciled with 1.5-inch high epoxy painted figures on surface prepared to manufacturer's requirements, or as directed by the Engineer. E. An approved sealant shall be applied between the top adjustment ring and the manhole frame. No less than two beads shall be applied 1/2 inch wide and 3/4 inch high. An approved manhole lining material shall be applied between the rings and no less than 1 inch of non-shrink cement based patching material shall be applied to the inside and outside face of the adjustment rings. F. Six-inch diameter ductile iron manhole vent pipes covered with a 3/16-inch mesh screen and incorporating a breakaway coupling shall be placed in strategic locations where sealed manhole covers have been used. Normally the vent pipe shall extend approximately 4 feet below ground and 4 feet above ground. Spirit Creek Sanitary Sewer Rehabilitation City of Augusta 03/14/02 , , , I I I , I I 1 , I I \ I I I I I - I \ I I I I - ~ 02491-22 Rehabilitation of Sanitary Sewer Manholes 3.13 ELASTOMERIC CORBEL SEAL TO EXCLUDE RDIJI A. The surfaces on which the elastomeric seal is to be installed shall be circular, clean, reasonably smooth and free of any loose material and excessive voids. If the surface is rough or irregular and would not provide an effective seal, it shall be smoothed with an approved rnicrosilica enhanced grout. Any flaw or flaws in the manhole frame such as cracks, pits or protrusions, shall be repaired by filling with concrete or grinding smooth. This type of surface work will need to be done on manholes that have not been lined. Manholes that have been lined should not need any surface work in order to install the seal. B. Installation of seal shall be as directed by the manufacturer's installation instructions. A manufacturer's representative will train the Contractor in the proper method of installing the seal and will assist. the Contractor with any problems they might encounter installing the seals. C. Frame to manhole seals shall be installed in such a manner that will prevent water . migration between the manhole frame and manhole structure. D. The lower 3 inches on the casting frame and top 3 inches of the corbel must be prepared according to the manufacturer's instructions. The corbel/casting interface area shall receive a thickened flexible urethane to achieve a thickness of 80 mils to 120 mils. The seal shall be applied by spray, brush, or trowel 3 inches above the bottom of the frame, and shall cover the entire area to 3 inches below the lowest of bottom of the frame or lowest adjusting ring. 3.14 INSPECTION AND TESTING COMPLETED MANHOLE A. After manhole sealing or manhole rehabilitation has been completed, the surface of the installed liner shall be cleaned and prepared to permit visual inspection. Visually inspect the manhole in the presence of the Engineer. Check for cleanliness and for elimination of active leaks. B. Assist Engineer in verifying installation of lining thickness and sounding. Test several points on the manhole wall. Repair verification points prior to final acceptance of payment. The finished surface shall be free of blisters, "runs" or "sags," or other indications of uneven lining thickness. No evidence of visible leaks shall be allowed. C. In addition, at the City's request, the Contractor will be required within 1 year to visually inspect the manholes that were rehabilitated. Any work that has become defective within the I-year period shall be redone by the Contractor, at no additional expense to the City. Spirit Creek Sanitary Sewer Rehabilitation City of Augusta 03/14/02 , , , I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I - - I I I - ~ 02491-23 Rehabilitation of Sanitary Sewer Manholes D. Low vacuum testing is required for all manholes repaired. This test must meet all requirements of Section 02730 - Sewer and Accessories, Item 3.09. The Engineer must be present during the test. 3.15 REPLACEMENT OF EXISTING MANHOLE A. The Contractor shall replace manholes where shown on the Drawings, or as directed by the Engineer. The Contractor shall dispose of all materials from the removed manholes to a licensed landfill. 3.16 VACUUM TESTING A. Rehabilitated and replaced pipelines and manholes shall be vacuum tested and/or low air pressure tested for infiltration. All inlets to the system shall be effectively closed and any residual flow shall be deemed to be infiltration. B. The Contractor shall be deemed to have allowed in his rates for the purposes of carrying out the vacuum low pressure air test and all the foregoing requirements of this paragraph. Spirit Creek Sanitary Sewer Rehabilitation City of Augusta 03/14/02 - ~ - I I I - I I I I I , I I I I I - I I I I , 02491-24 Rehabilitation of Sanitary Sewer Manholes A TTACHMEN.T A MANHOLE LEAKAGE TEST RESULTS VACUUM-AIR METHOD Spirit Creek Sanitary Sewer Rehabilitation City of Augusta 03/14/02 - - , I , I , I , I I I I I I I I , I I I I I - I 02491-25 Rehabilitation of Sanitary Sewer Manholes MANHOLE LEAKAGE TEST RESULTS VACUUM-AIR METHOD Work Order Number: Date: Project Description: Contractor: *Manhole Diameter: Specific Location of Test: Manhole Depth From Flowline to Top of Cone (feet): Initial Vacuum Gauge Reading: Must Be to-inch Hg Time Test Must Be Conducted: In Seconds MINIMUM TEST TIMES FOR VARIOUS MANHOLE DIAMETERS AND DEPTHS Depth Diameter (feet) (feet) 4 5 6 8 20 28 33 10 25 33 41 12 30 39 49 14 35 48 57 16 40 52 67 18 45 59 73 20 50 65 81 22 55 72 89 24 59 78 97 26 64 85 105 28 69 91 113 30 74 98 121 Pinal Vacuum Gauge Reading: Inches of Hg Is Final Vacuum Gauge Reading greater than or equal to 9" of Hg? YES or NO Mark One: If YES is marked above, the test has If NO is marked above, the test has PASSED FAILED Inspector's Signature: * Per Manufacturer of Vacuum Test Unit For a 60-inch Manhole Over 30 ft. deep add 6.5 seconds for each 2-feet over 24-feet depth to a base time of 78 seconds. Therefore, [((Depth - 24)/2) x 6.5] + 78 = Test Time In Seconds. Spirit Creek Sanitary Sewer Rehabilitation City of Augusta 03/14/02 , , I , I ! I I I I , , , I , I I , - I I I I ~ ~ SECTION 02511 Preconditioning and Cleaning Manholes And Sewers PART 1- GENERAL 1.01 SCOPE A. The objective of preconditioning and cleaning is to maximize sewer and manhole service efficiency and effectiveness. Preconditioning and cleaning involves removal of silt defined as any and all solid or semi-solid materials, including fine and granular material, such as sand, grit, gravel, and rock as well as debris, grease, oil, sludge, slime, or any other loose material or encrustation lodged in the manhole or sewer. Preconditioning and cleaning also involves removal of invading roots, corroded concrete, corroded manhote rungs, corroded ladders, intruding laterals and any other extraneous debris. Two levels of performance concerning preconditioning and cleaning of manholes and sewers shall be adhered to in this contract, as directed: 1. Preconditioning and cleaning as a general level of service; this requires that manholes and sewers shall be considered preconditioned and cleaned if: a. Silt is removed and disposed of to not more than a nominal depth of 10% of the through flow channel in manholes, or sewer between manholes, where the through flow channel or sewer has an equivalent diameter up to and including 24 inches, and b. Silt is removed and disposed of to not more than a nominal depth of 5% of the through flow channel in manholes or sewer between manholes, where the through flow channel or sewer has an equivalent diameter greater than 24 inches. c. No surface or appurtenance in manholes including walls, cones, slabs (both intermediate and roof slabs), rungs and benches and drop shafts shall have any remnant of silt, coating, loose bricks, unsound concrete or mortar or loose material. d. All roots, corroded concrete, corroded rungs, corroded ladders and intruding laterals are treated or reduced and cut flush with the interior surface of manholes and sewers, removed and disposed of. Fulfillment of these requirements (e.g., depth of silt or cleanliness of surface) is to be determined by internal manhole and sewer condition Spirit Creek Sanitary Sewer Rehabilitation City of Augusta 03/12/02 , , I I I , I I I , I I I , I I \ I i I I I , I I I I I I I I ~ I I 02511-2 Preconditioning and Cleaning Manholes and Sewers surveyor inspection of each manhole and sewer length preconditioned or cleaned as directed. 2. Preconditioning and cleaning prior to rehabilitation and repair; which requires that manholes and sewers shall be considered preconditioned and cleaned if, in addition to the requirements of 1.01.A.l above, all silt has been removed from a minimum of 95% of the through flow channel and sewer cross section. In the case of manholes, all surfaces shall be free of cleaning agents and their reactant products. Fulfillment of these requirements is to be established by internal manhole and sewer condition surveyor inspection of each manhole and sewer length preconditioned or cleansed as directed. B. The Contractor shall precondition and clean the manholes and sewers listed and/or shown on the Contract Drawings or specified herein so as to remove all silt, debris, roots, corroded concrete, corroded rungs and ladders, intruding laterals etc and dispose of the material at an approved site. C. The manholes and lengths of sewers listed in the Bid Form provide the Contractor with a basis for estimating the lengths and quantities of silt to be removed and preconditioning to be performed. The Contractor must estimate quantities and types of silt to be removed and the extent of preconditioning work required from his own field reconnaissance of the manholes and sewers as well as inspection and evaluation of any available relevant City record information. Interpretation of any field observations and review of City records is the responsibility of the Contractor. D. During preconditioning and cleaning work, and all other associated Contractor operations, sewer services shall be maintained at all times. This requirement may be relaxed only with the written approval of the Engineer. E. The manholes and sewers to be preconditioned and cleaned convey sanitary sewage or combined sewage. In many instances, such sewers are subject to high flows, either continuously or in a periodically varying cycle, due .to rainfall, infIltration, and/or pumping operations. The Contractor shall include in his bid provisions for dealing with such variations, and where necessary, schedule his work to accommodate such variation in flows. F. The Contractor shall submit a comprehensive equipment list to the Engineer before commencement of the work. . The complete list, which shall include all backup and standby equipment, shall be broken down into. the following categories (at a minimum): 1. Safety equipment. 2. Manhole preconditioning and cleaning equipment. Spirit Creek Sanitary Sewer Rehabilitation City of Augusta 031l2/02 ~ I I I I I I I , I I , I I : I I , I I I I I I , I I I I I I ~ 02511-3 Preconditioning and Cleaning Manholes and Sewers 3. Sewer preconditioning and cleaning equipment. 4. Flow diversion and flow control equipment. 5. Traffic control equipment. 6. All other equipment necessary for the completion of the work. 1.02 RELATED SECTIONS A. The work of the following sections apply to the work of this section. Other sections of the Specifications, not referenced below, shall also apply to the extent required for proper performance of work. 1. Section 02752: Internal Sewer Condition Assessment 1.03 STANDARD SPECIFICATIONS A. Except as otherwise indicated in this section of the Specifications, the Contractor shall comply with the latest edition of all relevant local, state, and federal Standard Specifications for Public Works Construction. 1.04 REGULA TORY REQUIREMENTS A. The work of this section shall comply with the current versions, with revisions, of the following: OSHA 29 CFR 1910.146 (permit-required confined-space regulations). . B. All work and testing shall comply with the applicable Federal codes, including Federal Occupational Safety and Health Act of 1970 and the Construction Safety Act of 1969, as amended, and applicable state and local codes and standards; and to the extent applicable with the requirements of the Underwriter's Laboratories, Inc. and the National Electric Code. 1.05 EXPERIENCED WORKERS A. All workers(s) responsible for preconditioning and cleaning work shall have a minimum of 3 years' previous experience in preconditioning, cleaning and related activities including: 1. Use of gas safety monitors/detectors/testers. 2. Safe working in confined spaces. 3. Utilization of hydraulic pressure jetting/water blasting III sewers and confined spaces. Spirit Creek Sanitary Sewer Rehabilitation City of Augusta 03/12/02 I I , , ) , I J I I , I I I I I I I I I I - I I I I I I I I I I ~ 02511-4 Preconditioning and Cleaning Manholes and Sewers 4. Utilization of root cutters and/or root treatment using chemicals. 5. Utilization of a wide range of cleaning nozzles in widely differing conditions. The Contractor shall provide the Engineer with written documentation that all workers on site meet these experience requirements. This documentation shall include a list of projects on which each individual worked and client name and telephone number for each reference. PART 2 - PRODUCTS - NOT USED PART3-EXECUTION 3.01 GENERAL A. Preconditioning and cleaning works shall be carried out from the downstream access manhole or chamber to the upstream access manhole or chamber and shall entirely comply with the performance requirements defined in the relevant sub-clause of Item 1.01 above. 3.02 WORKING AREA A. The working area in which machinery and equipment operates is to be kept to a minimum. Equipment not in use shall be removed from the work site so as to minimize disruption to traffic and general public. B. The working area is to be free from silt and debris when the Contractor leaves the site at the end of each visit. C. Open manholes, machinery, and standing equipment shall be protected at all times. 3.03 LOCATION A. The locations of sewers included in the work are indicated in the Drawings. 3.04 NOISE CONTROL A. The Contractor shall employ the "best practicable means" to mmnllize and mitigate noise as well as vibration resulting from operations. Mitigation measures shall include the utilization of sound suppression devices on all equipment and machinery, particularly in residential areas and in the near vicinity of hospitals and schools, especially at night. Spirit Creek Sanitary Sewer Rehabilitation City of Augusta 03/12/02 , , I \ I I I ! I I I , I I I , I I I I I I I I I I I - ~ 02511-5 Preconditioning and Cleaning Manholes and Sewers B. Sound reduced compressors are defined as compressors which emit a sound pressure level not exceeding 75dB(A) at 30 feet in any direction from the center of the machine if the compressor is to be used between the hours of 0700 and 1900, and 65 dB(A) if used outside those hours. C. The Contractor shall inform the Engineer before the commencement of any portion of the work of any significant change in the methods of noise attenuation from those previously approved. D. All pumps, generators, combination cleaners or other noise emitting equipment shall be suitably screened to minimize nuisance and pollution. E. This requirement shall not be taken as preventing or prohibiting the execution of work necessary for the saving of life, protection of property, or safety of the personnel and/or facilities. The Contractor shall notify the Engineer of such use of plant or equipment in an emergency situation as soon as practicable. 3.05 FENCING A. All unattended open manholes and working areas shall be provided with temporary fencing and/or barriers meeting applicable Federal, State, and City of Atlanta standards and subject to the approval of the Engineer. 3.06 WORKING HOURS A. Daytime work hours are defined as 7:00 a.m. to 7:00 p.m. No work shall be carried out at any other time or on a public holiday, including Saturday and Sunday, without permission in writing from the Engineer, except when the work is unavoidable or necessary for the saving of life or protection of property. In such case, the Contractor shall immediately notify the Engineer. B. Night work shall be defined as the period of 7:00 p.m. to 7:00 a.m. C. Weekend work shall be defined as the period from 7:00 a.m. Saturday to 7:00 a.m. Monday. D. Work on principal highways and major roads shall be restricted to certain hours as directed by the Engineer and/or specified herein. No work will be permitted outside these designated hours. 3.07 SCHEDULING OF WORK A. After discussion with the Engineer, the Contractor shall prepare and submit a schedule of work that will meet the requirements of the City and the limitations imposed under the Contract Documents. The Contractor shall follow the approved schedule as specified in the General Conditions of the Contract. Spirit Creek Sanitary Sewer Rehabilitation City of Augusta 03/12/02 , , , I J I I I I i , , I , I j I J I. I , I I I I - - - 02511-6 Preconditioning and Cleaning Manholes and Sewers 3.08 PROLONGED ABSENCE FROM SITE A. If the Contractor will be absent from the work site, or part of the work site, for a prolonged period, he shall inform the Engineer, replace manhole covers, and clear any roadways of his equipment and materials, including temporary traffic control measures he may be using. 3.09 OPERATIONAL REQUIREMENTS A. Each preconditioning and cleaning unit and each CCTV/sonar unit shall carry sufficient numbers of guides and rollers such that, when cleaning and inspecting or surveying, all bonds are supported away from sewer and manhole structures. B. Each preconditioning and cleaning unit shall carry a range of flow control equipment, as opposed to bypass pumping equipment; for use in controlling the flow during the work. A minimum of one item of each size of equipment ranging from 4-inch to 36-inch diameter inclusive shall be carried. C. The system of silt and debris removal shall be capable of operating in such a way as to minimize the obstruction to sewer flows and preconditioning and cleaning operations. D. Basements, homes and all other vulnerable property shall be prevented from being flooded where hydraulic preconditioning and cleaning methods are used to precondition and clean manholes and sewers. E. The Contractor shall make his own arrangements for the secure "off road" overnight parking of his vehicles and plant and shall comply with all relevant statutory traffic regulations and local laws. 3.10 HANDLING AND DISPOSAL OF REMOVED MATERIAL A. The Contractor shall remove all silt, debris, detritus, etc. resulting from all manhole and sewer preconditioning and cleaning activities at least once each working day. Such material shall be caught and collected in a suitable trap, weir, or dam within the manhole or chamber being preconditioned and cleaned and/or at the downstream manhole of the sewer segment being preconditioned and cleaned. The Contractor shall ensure that the capture method or methods used effectively prevent silt migration downstream. Descriptions of such methods, including details of the equipment used, shall be provided to the Engineer on request. B. All supernatant resulting from the cleaning process shall be decanted and returned to the sewer system. Spirit Creek Sanitary Sewer Rehabilitation City of Augusta 03/12/02 , , I , I I I I I I I I , I I I i I I I I I I I I . I I ~ ~ 02511-7 Preconditioning and Cleaning Manholes and Sewers C. All material removed from sewers and manholes shall be deposited in suitable closed watertight containers such that the total amount removed can be easily measured if required. The Contractor is to give the Engineer such assistance as may be necessary in carrying out this measurement work. D. The type and capacity of containers to be employed for the holding and transport of the removed materials shall be determined by the Contractor. The Contractor shall not accumulate or store debris silt and/or liquid waste or sludge on site. Under no circumstances shall sewage, silt or solids be dumped onto the ground surface, ditches, catch basins or storm drains. E. The Contractor's work procedures shall be such that sewer preconditioning and cleaning work is not delayed by a lack of an empty container in which to deposit the materials removed for the sewer. F. The Contractor is advised that it may not always be possible for the container to be positioned immediately adjacent to the manhole from which materials are being removed, and that "double handling" of the materials may be necessary. The Contractor shall provide for such "double handling" to be carried out safely and efficiently at no additional cost to the City. G. The Contractor must make his own arrangements for the proper disposal of materials removed from the sewer. The disposal site must be licensed to accept such materials and must be approved by the Engineer prior to commencement of the work. H. All costs associated with disposal must be included in the Contractor's rates for work. I. The containers for the disposal of materials removed from sewers and manholes shall be routed through an approved weigh station and a copy of each weight ticket submitted to the Engineer. Such tickets shall be used to determine the quantities of materials removed. 3.11 WATER SUPPLY A. Prior to the commencement of work, the Engineer shall provide the Contractor with a plan showing the location of all hydrants from which water may be obtained. B. The Contractor is responsible for making his own arrangements for obtaining water for the work, and he shall comply with all local conditions regarding the use of construction and flushing water. Such arrangements shall be approved by the Engineer prior to commencement of work. Spirit Creek Sanitary Sewer Rehabilitation City of Augusta 03/12102 , , I I , I , I , I , I I - I I I I I I I I - I I I I ~ ~ ~ . 02511-8 Preconditioning and Cleaning Manholes and Sewers C. All details of the point of water connection, backflow protection, conveyance methods, draw-off rates, times and all local conditions regarding the use of water shall be approved by the Engineer prior to commencement of work. All equipment, labor, and material required for obtaining water for the work shall be provided by the Contractor. D. The Contractor shall provide constant attendance when water is being drawn off any hydrant. E. Water will be furnished by the City free of charge to the Contractor, provided that there is no undue waste or misuse. F. The Contractor must ensure that a 12-inch minimum air gap is maintained at the supply point on desiltinglcleaningljetting equipment or any other receiving apparatus. G. The use of any standpipe or hydrant, which has not been approved by the Engineer, is expressly forbidden. 3.12 TRAVEL A. The cost of all travel required in the completion of the specified work shall be included in the Contractor's rates for work. B. The cost of travel required for the completion of extra work for which unit costs are not included in the Contract shall be at rates documented in writing by the Contractor. 3.13 SUPERVISION A. A responsible representative of the Contractor shall be present on the site of the work, or other location approved by the Engineer, to provide supervision of the work. At all times, and especially when a change of work location is underway, the Contractor's representative shall keep the Engineer continuously aware of the location, progress, planned execution of the work, and problems encountered. 3.14 COMMUNICATION A. The Contractor's on-site representative directly responsible for the work shall be immediately reachable at any time during the normal working day and shall immediately respond to all questions and directions by the Engineer. B. Adequate means of communication by telephone, portable radio, or other electronic means of communication must be maintained at all times as part of the routine work methodology and in case of an emergency, between all points of activity along the length of the sewer being preconditioned and cleaned. Spirit Creek Sanitary Sewer Rehabilitation City of Augusta 03/l2/02 , , I I I I I I I I , - I 1 I I I I I I I I I I I I I I J I I 02511-9 Preconditioning and Cleaning Manholes and Sewers 3.15 DAMAGE TO MANHOLES OR SEWERS CAUSED BY CONTRACTOR A. The Contractor shall use special care in his work methods and take all necessary precautions against improper use of the preconditioning and cleaning equipment to avoid damaging the sewer and/or manholes being preconditioned and cleaned. If, in the Engineer's opinion, the Contractor's work has caused damage to the manhole or sewer, the Contractor shall repair the damage to the complete satisfaction of the Engineer at no additional cost to the City. 3.16. RESPONSffiILITY FOR OVERFLOWS OR SPILLS A. It shall be the responsibility of the Contractor to schedule and perform his work in a manner that does not cause or contribute to incidence of overflows or spills of sewage from the sewer system. B. In the event that the Contractor work activities contribute to overflows or spills, the Contractor shall immediately take appropriate action to contain and stop the overflow, clean up the spillage, disinfect the area affected by the spill, and notify the designated Engineer in a timely manner. C. Contractor will indemnify and hold harmless the City for any fines or third-party claims for personal or property damage arising out of a spill or overflow that is fully or partially the responsibility of the Contractor, including the legal, engineering and administrative expenses of the City in defending such fines and claims PART 4A GENERAL TECHNICAL EQUIPMENT SPECIFICATION _ SEWERS 4A.Ol GENERAL A. The Contractor shall certify that sufficient cleaning units can be provided, including standby units in the event of breakdown, in order to complete the work within the Contract period. Further, the Contractor shall certify that standby or backup equipment can be delivered to the site within 48 hours in the event of equipment breakdown. B. The cleaning unit (s) shall be capable of operating routinely, up to a minimum of 500 feet from the point of access to the sewer. C. Each cleaning unit shall carry a mobile telephone to facilitate communication with the Engineer, and to comply with relevant safety requirements defined in the safe working procedures approved by the Engineer for the execution of the work. Spirit Creek Sanitary Sewer Rehabilitation City of Augusta 03/12/02 , , I I I I , I I , I I I , I I I I , I I I I ~ 02511-10 Preconditioning and Cleaning Manholes and Sewers 4A.02 CCTV AND SONAR INSPECTION/SURVEY UNITS A. All CCTV and sonar survey units shall comply with Specification Section 02752 - Internal Sewer Condition Assessment, unless otherwise determined. 4A.03 WINCHING EQUIPMENT A. Winching equipment shall be sufficient for the purposes of attaining the degree of cleanliness specified in Item 1.01.A. B. The Contractor shall provide conventional power winching equipment and all associated equipment, including winching buckets, balls, breakers, kites, scooters, scrapers, tires, tools and safety apparatus. Complete details of equipment proposed for use in preconditioning and cleaning shall be provided to the Engineer before work commences. C. Dredging of sewers shall be undertaken by passing various sized buckets, balls, breakers, kites, scooters, scrapers, tires etc, through the. sewers to physically remove accumulated silt, sludge and other debris. Where conditions dictate, power boring equipment and/or winching equipment shall be used to loosen the silt prior to its removal. All necessary equipment, including cables, lines, and tools must be available at all times as required. D. The equipment shall be capable of operating efficiently and effectively in the sizes of sewers and depth included in the Project at distances of up to 500 feet between adjacent manholes. E. The Project sewers convey sanitary sewage, storm water, or combined sewage flows. Certain sections of sewer may be flowing entirely full or in a surcharged condition, and the Contractor must be prepared at all times to use manual pushing rods, mechanical boring equipment or other methods to pass a leading line through the sewer prior to commencing dredging operations with winching. F. Any item of CONTRACTOR plant or equipment associated with the work, which may cause obstruction to the flow in the sewer, shall be removed from the sewer at the close of work each day. It shall be permitted to leave a line or winching cable through the sewer during breaks in the work. G. Dredging operations in a particular section of sewer will generally proceed in a downstream direction, working between consecutive manholes using winch buckets of sizes stated below. H. The size of winch bucket used in sewers up to 48 inches shall be 90% of the sewer bore up to a maximum of 24 inches. It is anticipated that for sewers greater than 48 inches, that scooters, kites, and other alternative means of silt removal will be used. It is anticipated that buckets of smaller sizes than those stated will Spirit Creek Sanitary Sewer Rehabilitation City of Augusta 03/12102 , , , I I I , I I I ~ I I I I I I I I , - 02511-11 Preconditioning and Cleaning Manholes and Sewers need to be winched through sections of sewer prior to the use of the maximum sizes. The maximum size bucket as stated may be varied at the discretion of the Engineer. However, no buckets larger than these maximum sizes specified shall be used without the approval of the Engineer. I. The Contractor is advised that use of the maximum size buckets listed above may not be practical due to restricted access through manhole covers and other access points. The Contractor shall ensure that his working procedures will not be unduly affected by such restrictions and shall allow for inefficiencies due to all such restrictions in his unit rates. J. The winches used to draw buckets, balls, breakers, scooters, scrapers, or tires shall be power driven. They shall incorporate a torque-limiting device to prevent the breaking of winching lines in case the line becomes jammed by obstructions. K. Where the operational cleaning equipment is towed oj winch and bond through the sewer, all winches shall be stable with either lockable or ratcheted drums. All bonds shall be steel or of an equally non-elastic material to ensure the smooth and steady progress of the equipment. All winches shall be inherently stable under loaded conditions. 4A.04 PRESSURE JETTING EQUIPMENT A. Pressure jetting equipment used shall be sufficient for the purposes of attaining the degree of cleanliness in sewers and manholes as specified in Item 1.01. B. Jetting units in sewers must be capable of jetting a minimum distance of 500 feet, either upstream or downstream from a manhole. Minimum nominal hose size shall be I-inch diameter. C. The Contractor's rates specified in the Bid Forms shall be for jetting in sewers, both upstream and downstream. D. Successive passes using constantly moving pressure jetting techniques shall be applied to sewers until they are cleaned to the level specified. Nozzle hold-time (stationary time), for any particular location, shall not be more than 60 seconds in order to forestall damage to the pipe being cleaned. Ideally, nozzles shall have jet angles of between 300 to 450. "High efficiency nozzles" (discharging "pencil jets") with jet angles higher than this figure shall not be allowed to be stationary at any time. E. Silt shall be collected at manholes as specified in Item 2.1 OA. No silt shall be allowed to pass beyond the section of sewer being cleaned. Spirit Creek Sanitary Sewer Rehabilitation City of Augusta 03/12/02 , , I I I i I I I , I I I ~ I' I I i I I I I I ~ 02511-12 Preconditioning and Cleaning Manholes and Sewers F. Pass rates (rewind speed) for the jetting head shall be at a consistent speed without jerking and excessive variations. Typical pass rates shall be 4 inches to 8 inches per second. The hose reel shall be power dri.ven in the rewind direction. G. Manhole pressure jetting for the purpose of cleaning or preconditioning shall be executed either: 1. Manually from the ground surface, or 2. Robotically within the manhole. Manual pressure jetting within manholes shall not be allowed. Progress towards the desired level of service specified in manholes may be monitored by a stem linked TV camera. H. The Engineer shall be notified in the bid documents" of the jetting equipment proposed by the Contractor. The proposed equipment shall be categorized from the following table: TABLE 4.4.1 CATEGORY MACHINE TYPE CAPACITY PRESSURE (GALS/MINUTE) (bar) min max min max Manholes 1 High pressurellow volume - trailers 1-35 200 -700 2 High pressurellow volume - mini 9 - 35 200 -700 3 High pressure/low volume - non 9-35 200 - 350 HGV IHGV jetter/combination Sewers 4 Low pressurelhigh volume - HGV 30 min. - 50 100 - 140 5 Low pressurelhigh volume- 30 min. -75 100 - 200 combination 6 Low pressurelhigh volume - super 75 - 175 140 - 175 combination 7 Low pressurelhigh volume - separate 75 - 200 140-175 jumbo jetter/suction units Other Spirit Creek Sanitary Sewer Rehabilitation City of Augusta 03/12/02 , I I ) I I I I , , I I , , I 02511-13 Preconditioning and Cleaning Manholes and Sewers Notes for Table 4.4.1 1. The categories listed are typical only of the equipment for use in the present contract. Exceptions to the duty and equipment shown above will be allowed subject to appropriate notification and approval. The Contractor is required to complete the table with details of any other equipment proposed. 2. Discretion shall be used concerning the maximum pressure used for cleaning sewers. In general for asbestos cement, clay, and concrete pipes, cleaning pressures shall be limited to 5,000 psi (340 bar). For brick sewers, cleaning pressures shall be limited to 3,500 psi (240 bar) For pitch fiber and plastic pipes, cleaning pressures will be limited to 1,500 psi (102 bar) and 2,500 psi (170 bar), respectively. 3. Cleaning pressures in concrete manholes shall be limited to 5,000 psi (340 bar). Cleaning pressures in new brickwork manholes shall be limited to 5,000 psi (340 bar) and in old brickwork manholes to 3,500 psi (240 bar). . 4. Higher pre-conditioning pressures in sewers and manholes prior to rehabilitation may be allowed at the sole discretion of the Engineer. The Engineer's agreement to use higher pressures shall not relieve the Contractor of his responsibilities for any resultant damage in accordance with the requirements of Item 3.16 above. 1. Where a jetter is fitted with an airflow suction unit for removal of silt and other material from the sewer, it shall be capable of removing materials such as sludge, silt, and bricks from depths up to 32 feet, with minimum suction of 2,500 cfm. A tank, with a minimum capacity of 175 cf, shall be provided and be capable of decanting collected liquids and conveying them back to the sewer. The suction hose of such a system shall have a minimum internal diameter of 6 inches. I J. Jetting equipment shall be calibrated on an annual basis by an approved body and calibration certificates made available for inspection by the Engineer as requested. Such equipment shall be maintained on a regular basis in accordance with the manufacturer's Specification. The Contractor shall make available copies of his maintenance certificates and/or schedules to the Engineer, as requested. I i ii K. An automatic pressure relief valve shall be incorporated on the pump discharge chamber to prevent the pressure exceeding the safe maximum for the system as a whole. This may take the form of a pressure relief valve of the bursting disc type in holder; an automatic pressure regulating valve (unloading valve)~ -r I Spirit Creek Sanitary Sewer Rehabilitation City of Augusta 03/12/02 , I' I , I I I I I I , I I I I I I I ~ - ~ I 02511-14 Preconditioning and Cleaning Manholes and Sewers NOTE: The maximum working pressure is the lowest value of the maximum working pressure ratings of all individual components of the system. 4A.05 AIR DRIVEN, ELECTRO-MECHANICAL ANDIOR PRE-CONDITIONING AND CLEANING TOOLS :MECHANICAL A. Where necessary, and additional to winching and pressure cleaning equipment, appropriate air driven, electrically driven and/or mechanical tools may be used to needle, hammer, scrape or grind off corroded concrete, scarify and remove compacted silt, chip-off spilt grout, detach encrustation, trim and cut laterals and roots, etc. The Contractor shall provide prior notification to the Engineer prior to the use of such equipment and techniques. 4A.06 VENTILATION OF CONFINED SPACES A. The Contractor shall provide, operate, maintain, ana' subsequently remove on completion, adequate ventilation apparatus in the form of blowers and/or fans. The ventilation apparatus shall introduce a fresh air supply to support a safe environment for work in sewers, manholes and all other confined spaces, which shall be kept free from dangerous, toxic and/or explosive gases, whether generated from sewage, soil strata or other source. PART 4B GENERAL TECHNICAL EQUIPMENT SPECIFICATION - MANHOLES 4B.Ol PRECONDITIONING AND CLEANING AS A GENERAL LEVEL OF SERVICE A. With the exception of the "through flow" channel, all surfaces shall be thbroughly cleaned using high pressure water with sufficient pressure (minimum force of 3,500 psi.(240 bar)) to achieve the specified level of preparation. Preconditioning and cleaning shall include the removal of all roots, corroded concrete, corroded rungs, intruding laterals and any other extraneous, loose material, debris or foreign matter using air driven, electrically driven or mechanical equipment as specified. B. Before preconditioning and cleaning work commences, silt, sand and debris traps shall be installed at the entrance to the downstream sewer to capture all silt and debris material. 4B.02 PRECONDITIONING AND CLEANING PRIOR TO REHABn..ITATION AND REPAIR A. All concrete and masonry surfaces to be rehabilitated or repaired shall be meticulously cleaned by water blasting utilizing a 2100F steam unit and appropriate nozzles to provide a contamination-free and sound surface. Other methods, such as wet or dry sand blasting, acid wash, concrete cleansers, Spirit Creek Sanitary Sewer Rehabilitation City of Augusta 03/12/02 , , , I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I , I 02511-15 Preconditioning and Cleaning Manholes and Sewers degreasers or mechanical means, may be required to completely clean the manhole surface prior to rehabilitation or repair. B. All surfaces on which preconditioning and cleaning methods outlined in Item 4.B.02.A above have been used shall be thoroughly rinsed, scrubbed, and neutralized to remove cleaning agents and their reactant products before rehabilitation commences. Concrete surfaces shall be accepted for the purpose of rehabilitation when they are sound, surface dry, porous and free from dust, dirt, oil, grease, fat efflorescence, concrete hardening or sealing chemicals, previous coatings, rust, form-release agents, laitance, other penetrating contaminants, fms, surface projections, thin crusts, bridging voids, and loosely adhering concrete and dirt particles. C. All manhole infiltration leaks shall be sealed in areas where linings are to be installed. The Contractor will not be allowed to commence rehabilitation work until leaks have been sealed to the satisfaction of the E"nogineer. D. Where required by the relevant manhole rehabilitation system, manhole surfaces to be rehabilitated shall have a pH of 7 to 10. Surfaces shall be tested in accordance with ASTM D4262. E. Where instructed by the Engineer, the Contractor shall test prepared surfaces by Swiss impact hammer or other physical method to determine soundness. PART 5 - QUALITY CONTROL/PRECONDITIONING AND CLEANING REPORT 5.01 GENERAL 0" A. A quality control inspection or survey of preconditioned and cleaned sewers shall be carried out as directed, immediately following completion of preconditioning and cleaning work. If a sewer or pipe line has not been preconditioned or cleaned as specified (by visual inspection, tape review or field analysis) in the sole opinion of the Engineer, the sewer shall be re-preconditioned and cleaned in accordance with the Specification at no additional cost to the City. B. The Contractor shall supply one copy of surveylinspection video tapes for each reach of sewer completed. No more than five surveys/inspections segments will be allowed on each video cassette. C. When required by the Engineer, the Contractor shall supply one copy of the full internal sewer condition assessment report, completed in accordance with the requirements of Specification Section 02752 - Internal Sewer Condition Assessment. This Specification includes a sflIIlple report sheet also reproduced at the end of this Specification. The sample report sheet shall be accurately and fully Spirit Creek Sanitary Sewer Rehabilitation City of Augusta 03/12102 , , I I I I I I I \ , , , I I I I \ I I ~ ~ 02511-16 Preconditioning and Cleaning Manholes and Sewers adopted in format and in detail and submitted by the Contractor immediately following the QA/QC inspection. 5.02 DAILY LOG A. The Contractor shall provide a report of work completed each day. The report shall be submitted to the Engineer no later than 1 work day following completion of the work. The report shall contain a separate sheet for each manhole and sewer reach preconditioned. The report shall utilize the form provided at the end of this Specification. B. The Contractor shall immediately notify the Engineer of any material such as bricks, concrete, or broken clay pipe appearing in the materials removed from the sewers and/or manholes during preconditioning and cleaning activities. Spirit Creek Sanitary Sewer Rehabilitation City of Augusta 03/12/02 , I , , I i I I I , , , I I , I I I I I I , I j ~ 02511-17 Preconditioning and Cleaning Manholes and Sewers ~OL~SEWERSAFETYCBECK (TO BE COMPLETED DAILY) Date: Supervisor: Vehicle No: Time Manhole No. Manhole Location 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. Workers on site: (Underline those with safety training certification) Safety Apparatus on Site: (tick) o Multi Gas Monitor o Lifting Harness o Lifeline o HelmetJ Safety Boots o First Aid Kit o Torch Light o Aluminum Ladder (AL) o Air Blower o Breathing Apparatus o Headphone Safety Check: (tick) o Manhole Vented by Blower? o Manhole Tested for Gases? o Oxygen Sufficiency OK? o Protective Clothing Worn? o Top Men Carrying BA? o Ladder Used o Traffic Signs and Cones OK? o Blinkers and Beacons OK? o SitePlans? Gas Monitorinl! Readinl!s: Hydrogen Sulfide Level Carbon Monoxide Level Methane Level Time Detected Not Oxygen Detected Not Detected Not (pPM) Detected Level % (PPM) Detected (PPM) Detected o Manhole/ Sewer Safe to Enter? 0 Incidents, if any: Yes No (Append Lengthy Description) Signature of Safety Officer/ Supervisor: Date: Spirit Creek Sanitary Sewer Rehabilitation City of Augusta 03/12/02 ---- ... -- -- --- -- - -- -- -- -- -- - - - ----- 02511-18 - - - - - - - -- - - - Preconditioning and Cleaning Manholes and Sewers PRECONDITIONING & CLEANING REPORT SHEET FORM 'A' (TO BE COMPLETED DAILY) Date_ Sheet_ of Crew Time of Arrival_ Site Time of Departure Location VIS DIS Sewer Unit in Sewer Silt Depths Sewer Length Upstreaml Comments (Street No., Manhole Manhole Length Highway Material @Manholes Size Cleaned Downstream Easement Site) (ReO (ReO (feet) (YesINo) (inches) (inches) (feet) (VIS-D/S) Typical Emergency Urgent Bad Excessive Intense Concrete Roots I High Clayware Number of Intruding Comments Repair Joints Silt/Grease Odor Debris (Size) Levels Debris Laterals (Size) <Initial) (**EM**) (*VR*) (BJ) (DESIDEG) (0) (DECO) (R) ffiWL) (DEC) (CNO 03/12/02 Dnift Note: Continue on next line where extensive comments or space is required Signed Signed_ (Engineers Representative) (Contractors Representative) END OF SECTION Spirit Creek Sanitary Sewer Rehabilitation City of Augusta I I , , I I I , I I I I I I I I ii I SECTION 02520 Cured-In-Place Pipe Liner (CIPP) PART 1- GENERAL 1.01 SCOPE A. The work of this section includes providing a cured-in-place-pipe (CIPP) liner to stabilize structural defects and constructional inadequacies in sanitary sewer pipelines. The liner shall be smooth, hard, strong, and chemically inert. Additionally, the interior surface shall closely follow the contours of the host pipe. B. The scope of work requires the Contractor to provide all materials, labor, equipment, and services necessary for: bypass pumping and/or diversion of sewage flows, rehabilitation of existing sanitary sewers by lining the existing pipe, connecting into manhole, restoring affected manhole conditions, initial and final cleaning, CCTV inspection, and final testing of the pipe system. C. CIPP liner not meeting specifications shall be removed and replaced by the Contractor at no additional cost to the Owner. 1.02 RELATED SECTIONS A. The work of the following sections specifically apply to the work of this section. Other sections of the Specifications, not referenced below, shall also apply to the extent required for proper performance of work. 1. Section 02752: Internal Sewer Condition Assessment 2. Section 02511: Preconditioning and Cleaning Manholes and Sewers 3. Section 02750: Wastewater Flow Control 1.03 REGULATORY REQUIREMENTS A. The work of this section shall comply with the current versions, with revisions, of the following: 1. OSHA 29 CPR 1910.146 (permit-required confined-space regulations). Spirit Creek Sanitary Sewer Rehabilitation City of Augusta 03/14/02 I I , , I I I , I , , I I I I I I I I I I ~ , 02520-2 Cured-in-Place Pipe Liner (CIPP) B. . All work and testing shall comply with the applicable Federal codes, including Federal Occupational Safety and Health Act of 1970 and the Construction Safety Act of 1969, as amended, and applicable state and local codes and standards; and to the extent applicable with the requirements of the Underwriter's Laboratories, Inc. and the National Electric Code. 1.04 SPECllITCATIONSANDSTANDARDS A. Except as otherwise indicated, the current editions of the following apply to the work of this section: 1. ASTMC581 2. ASTM D543 3. ASTM D790 4. ASTM D903 5. ASTM D5813 6. ASTM F1216 7. ASTM F1743-96 8. ASTM D3567 1.05 SUBMITTALS Spirit Creek Sanitary Sewer Rehabilitation Standard Practice for Determining Chemical resistance of Thermosetting Resins Used in Glass- fiber-reinforced Struch!.res Intended for Liquid Service. Test Method for Resistance of Plastics to Chemical Reagents. Test Method(s) for Flexural Properties of Un- reinforced and Reinforced Plastics and Electrical Insulati.tJ.g Materials. Standard Test Method for Peel or Stripping Strength of Adhesive Bonds. Cured-In-Place Thermosetting Resin Sewer Pipe. Standard Practice for Rehabilitation of Existing Pipelines and Conduits by the Inversion and Curing of a Resin-Impregnated Tube. Rehabilitation of Existing pipelines and conduits by pulled-in-place installation of cured-in-place thermo- setting resin pipe. Standard Practice for determining dimensions of reinforced thermosetting resin pipe (RTRP) and fittings. City of Augusta 03/14/02 ~ I I I I I I I I , , I , I I , I , I I I I - I I \ 02520-:\ Cured-In-Place Pipe Liner (CIPP) A. The following shall be submitted to the City, in writing, prior to or at the time indicated. Failure to do so will prevent progression of the work to the next step. With Proposal 1. Manufacturer's technical literature on the proposed lining system, including an affidavit attesting to the previous successful use of the material for lining sanitary sewers and references for projects completed within the past 5 years. 2. Written certification from the manufacturer that the Contractor is an approved applicator of lining materials, with a minimum of 5 years' standing experience and 100,000 LF of installed lining in place. The Contractor's proposed superintendent for the work shall have a minimum of 5 years' experience with 3 years as a superintendent (ExperiencelReferences for the Contractor and superintendent shall be provided). 3. Information from the resin manufacturer, _ . including specifications, characteristics, properties, type test information and methods of application, including a written certification that the resin material is appropriate for the intended application. 4. Certified copies of test reports on physical properties and chemical resistance of the proposed resin. 5. CIPP sampling, preparation/curing and testing procedures. 6. Manhole Pipe and Coupon Test Sealing Methods and Materials. 7. CIPP Repair Methods and Materials. 8. Point Repair Methods and Materials. Prior to CIPP Mobilization 1. Analysis of design criteria and 'calculations for CIPP thickness. The Contractor shall submit complete data and design calculations for each lining, together with an installation method statement to the Engineer. The installation method statement shall also include details concerning repairing sewer defects in conjunction with manholes, joints, laterals, and infIltration. The installation method statement shall also include all requirements concerning quality control/quality assurance including testing of the material of which the local repair is made. Approval of the calculations shall not relieve the Contractor of any contractual obligations. 2. The Contractor shall include a typical schedule for "wet out" of the flexible tube in the method statement together with a typical insertion and curing schedule/plan at the outset of the Contract For each and every lining subsequently proposed, the Contractor shall submit a schedule for "wet out" of the flexible tube together with the specific insertion and curing schedule/plan at least 24 hours in advance of installation. 3. Installation and Resin Curing Schedule. 4. Certified copies of the resin material used for this project. 5. Proposed testing laboratory with qualifications and experience history and references. . ~ Spirit Creek Sanitary Sewer Rehabilitation City of Augusta 03/14/02 , , I I I I I I I I I , I , I I I \ I I I I I -. 02520-4 Cured-In-Place Pipe Liner (CIPP) 6. Installation PlanlDiversion Pumping Plan (including Emergency Plans): 7. Traffic management plan, including provision for the safe passage of pedestrians and vehicular access to property affected by the proximity of the proposed work. After Completion of Each Section 1. Process Control Sheet to include TemperaturelTime Log Information Tap Cut Information and Curing Cycle. . 2. Pre and Post CCTV inspection tapes. 3. CIPP supplier certification of proper installation 4. Certified copies of test reports on CIPP coupons obtained during actual installation in the presence of the Contractor. 5. Physical Samples. Samples removed for Testing shall be individually labeled and logged to record the following: A. City's Project number and title. B. Sample number. C. Segment number of line as noted on plans. D. Date and time of sample. E. Name of Contractor. F. Date, location and by whom tested. G. Results of test. H. Samples shall be numbered as follows: A. Sample #/ A: B. Sample #IB: C. Sample #/C: D. Sample #ID: Resin sample. (not us~d) Flat plate sample. D pstream thickness test. Downstream thickness test. Weekly L Daily Logs. 1.06 INSTALLER QUALIFICATIONS A. The Contractor or subcontractor performing the work of this section shall be employees of the company manufacturing the CIPP system components, or shall be licensed by the repair system manufacturer. Notwithstanding these requirements, every individual installing the repair material shall be licensed by the lining system manufacturer. 1.07 RESPONSffiILITY FOR OVERFLOWS OR SPILLS ~ , Spirit Creek Sanitary Sewer Rehabilitation City of Augusta 03/1 4/02 , I I , I , I I I 1 I I I I I I I I - I ~. ~ I . . , J . ii, 02520-5 Cured-In-Place Pipe Liner (CIPP) A. It shall be the responsibility of the Contractor to schedule and perform his work in a manner that does not cause or contribute to incidence of overflows or spills of sewage from the sewer system. B. In the event that the Contractor's work activities contribute to overflows or spills, the Contractor shall immediately take appropriate action to contain and stop the overflow, clean up the spillage, disinfect the area affected by the spill, and notify the designated Engineer in a timely manner. C. Contractor will indemnify and hold harmless the City for any fines or third-party claims for personal or property damage arising out of a spill or overflow that is fully or partially the responsibility of the Contractor, including the legal, engineering, and administrative expenses of the City in defending such fmes and claims. 1.08 WARRANTY A. Material Warranty: A written guarantee of 5 years shall be provided by the manufacturer against any breakdown of the material effectiveness of the structural repair elements. B. W orkmanshio Warranty: A written guarantee of 2 years rrummum shall be provided by the Contractor against any shortcoming in workmanship. PART 2 - PRODUCTS 2.01 MATERIALS A. Flexible Liner Tube: 1. The flexible liner shall be a composite tube with one or more layers of needled felt or equivalent woven or non-woven material manufactured under quality controlled conditions set by the manufacturer. Tube shall be sized so that, when installed, it will fit snugly and fmnly inside the existing sewer and produce the required thickness after the resin is cured. 2. The flexible liner tube shall fit completely by length and diameter in the sewer, with allowance for proper longitudinal or circumferential stretching or shrinkage due to pressure or expansion being made. The lining shall be fabricated in such a length that when installed, it will occupy exactly the length of the pipeline between the launch and reception manholes and in addition the through-flow channels of the launch, intermediate and reception manholes in accordance with Item 3.06 below. The lining shall be of the correct diameter so that after inversion or winching-in-situ it does not wrinkle by more than 1 % for linings in sewers equal to or greater th~ Spirit Creek Sanitary Sewer Rehabilitation City of Augusta 03/14/02 , , ~ I I I I I I I I I I I , I I I I I I I - 02520-fi Cured-In-Place Pipe Liner (CIPP) 24-inches internal diameter, and by more than 2% for linings in sewers less than 24-inches internal diameter. 3. The tube shall contain no intermediate layers that may delaminate after resin curing. It shall not be possible to separate any layers with a probe or knife blade such that the layers separate cleanly or the probe or knife blade moves freely between the layers. Where several layers of felt are required, the inner layer shall be stitched or spot-welded to form a tube. Each successive layer shall be individually wrapped around the previous one and spot-welded or stitched together. The outer layer of felt shall have an installation tube pre- bonded to it, or a sheet of this material shall be wrapped around the completed felt tube. Where a pre-bonded material is used, a covering strip shall be bonded over the seam to form an airtight joint. 4. The dimensions of the lining shall take account of any loss of pipe wall thickness due to hydrogen sulfide corrosion and deformation of the pipe to be lined where this is less than 10% of diameter. B. Resin: 1. The resin used to impregnate the tube shall produce a cured tube that shall be resistant to shrinkage, shall not corrode or oxidize, and shall also be resistant to abrasion from solids, grit, and sand in wastewater. The resin shall have proven resistance to the municipal wastewater environment that may comprise, as a minimum, all of the following factors: a Immersion in septic sewage at temperatures up to 850F. b. Exposure in hydrogen sulfide gas from septic sewage at temperatures up to 850F. c. Exposure to ultra-violet light (sunlight) at any stage pnor to installation. 2. The internal wall color of the cured liner shall be white or light brown. 3. The chemical resistance of the resin system selected shall.have been tested by the resin manufacturer in accordance with ASTM C581. Exposure to the chemical solution listed below at temperatures of up to 850F, shall result in a loss of not more than 20 percent of the initial physical properties when tested in accordance with ASTM C581 for a period of not less than 1 year. Spirit Creek Sanitary Sewer Rehabilitation City of Augusta 03/14/02 , , - I I I I I I I I" I I I I 02520.7 Cured-In.Place Pipe Liner (CIPP) Chemical Solution Concentration, % Tap Water (pH 6-9) 100 Nitric Acid 5 Phosphoric Acid 10 Sulfuric Acid 10 Gasoline 100 Vegetable Oil 100 Detergent or Soap 0.1 4. The resin system shall be manufactured by a company selected by the CIPP supplier. Only polyester and vinyl ester resins complying with the following requirements shall be used. 5. Polyester Resin: A resin created by reaction products between isophthaliclterathalic acid, maleic anhydride, and a glycol characterized by reactiveunsaturation located along the molecular chain. This resin is compounded with a reactive styrene monomer and reacted together with initiators/promoters to produce cross-linked copolymer matrices. 6. Vinyl Ester Resin: A resin created by reaction products of epoxy resins with methacrylic acid and characterized by reactive unsaturation located in terminal positions of the molecular chain. This resin is compounded with a reactive styrene monomer and reacted together with initiators/promoters to produce cross-linked copolymer matrices. c. CIPP Properties: 1. The CIPP after curing shall meet the minimum structural properties listed below: = Property Reference Minimum Value Flexural Strength ASTM D790 4,500 psi Short Term Flexural ASTM D790 250,000 psi Modulus of Elasticity - ,.. D. CIPP Thickness: 1. The minimum thickness for the CIPP, after curing, shall be calculated based on the following design conditions: -, a. Fully deteriorated pipe condition. -I Spirit Creek Sanitary Sewer Rehabilitation City of Augusta 03/14/02 , , I I I I I I I I I I I I I ....,.. 02520-8 Cured-In-Place Pipe Liner (CIPP) b. The existing sewer is considered to have an ovality of no greater than 10% in circumference. c. The CIPP is subjected to a full soil load of 120 pounds per cubic foot. d. The CIPP is subjected to traffic live loads as calculated by AASHTO Standard Specifications for Highway Bridges, HS-20-44 Highway Loading. No vehicular loading if more than 4 feet below constructed pavement level, unless otherwise specified e. The modulus of soil reaction for pipe zone backfill material is 1,000 psi. f. The CIPP is subject to a groundwater elevation at ground surface. g. The long-term flexural strength and long-term flexural modulus of elasticity for CIPP shall be equivalent to 50% of the initial flexural strength and' initial flexural modulus of elasticity, respectively, as measured in accordance with ASTM D790. h. The minimum overall factor of safety is 2.0. 1. The design life of the CIPP repair shall be 50 years 2. The thickness of the CIPP shall be within minus 5% and plus 10% of the design thickness. PART 3 - EXECUTION 3.01 DELIVERY, STORAGE, AND HANDLING A. If the flexible tube is impregnated with resin at the factory, it shall be transported, installed, and cured before expiration of the shelf life. -, B. Impregnated tube shall be stored and transported under refrigerated, ultraviolet light-free conditions. C. No cuts, tears, or abrasions shall occur during handling. The Engineer may inspect the tube before it is placed into the host pipe. -1 3.02 TEMPORARY FLOW BYPASS AND DIVERSION PUMPING -, Spirit Creek Sanitary Sewer Rehabilitation City of Augusta 03/14/02 , , I I I I I I I I I I I I I = - I 02l:i20-9 Cured-In-Place Pipe Liner (CIPP) A. Temporary Flow Bypass and Diversion Pumping shall be carried out in accordance with Specification Section 02750 - Wastewater Flow Control. 3.03 PRE-INSTALLATION PROCEDURES A. All requisite pre-installation submittals shall be approved, including traffic management measures, safe pedestrian passage, provision of vehicular access to property, by pass/diversion pumping and emergency measures. B Preconditioning and Cleaning shall be carried out in accordance with the specification for Preconditioning and Cleaning. In addition to the requirements of Preconditioning and Cleaning, the Contractor shall immediately, prior to installation of the lining: high pressure, flush and vacuum every sewer section to be rehabilitated and repaired including pertinent manholes, and remove any root, grease buildup or any other obstruction that may interfere with lining operations. C. All debris removed from the sewer during cleaning shall be transported in watertight containers to the City's treatment plant as directed, unless directed otherwise, and discharged as directed by authorized personnel. D. Condition of existing line shall be verified following cleaning by CCTV inspection. E. The accurate location and serviceability of any existing laterals and/or service connections (taps) shall be confmned. Serviceability shall be confmned by flowing water, dye testing or visually with CCTV inspection, if necessary. F. Any necessary point repairs shall have been completed by the Contractor. 3.04 CORRECTION OF PIPE ALIGNMENT A. Significant misalignments in the sewer must be corrected prior to installing CIPP liners. Correction will be accomplished by point repair as specified in Section 02757 - Sanitary Sewer Point Repair. 3.05 GENERAL INSTALLATION PROCEDURES A. Wet Out: 1. ThorougWy saturate flexible tube prior to installation. Catalyst system or additives compatible with the resin and flexible tube shall be as recommended by the manufacturer. Spirit Creek Sanitary Sewer Rehabilitation City of Augusta 03/14/02 , I , I , I I I I I I , I I I I -; 02'i20..10 Cured-in-Place Pipe Liner (CIPP) 2. Handle the resin impregnated flexible tube to retard or prevent resin setting until it is ready for insertion. B. Insertion: 1. Insert flexible tube through an existing manhole by means of procedure approved by the manufacturer. 2. The addition of water pressure shall be adjusted to cause the impregnated flexible tube to invert from manhole to manhole, holding the tube tight against the host sewer pipe. C. Curing: 1. If feasible, gauges (thermocouples) shall be placed between impregnated tube and invert of the original pipe to monitor outside liner temperatures during resin curing process. 2. The Contractor SHALL COMPLETE A PROCESS CONTROL SHEET FOR EVERY LlNING COMPLETED. The form of the process control sheet shall be as directed by the Engineer. Initial cure may be considered completed when exposed portions of the flexible tube pipe take a hard set and temperatures are adequate; as recommended by the manufacturer. D. The fmished CIPP shall be continuous and free from visual defects such as foreign inclusions, dry spots, pinholes, delamination, and wrinkles specified above. Any section of lining with such defects shall be removed and replaced at no additional cost to the City. 3.06 MANHOLES A. CIPP connections at the manhole opening shall be completed as watertight seals. The annular space between the CIPP and host pipe shall be sealed with a quick set epoxy mortar or high viscosity epoxy. Materials and methods shall be submitted for approval prior to implementing any work on site. -, B. . Manhole inverts shall be finished to provide a smooth transition between connections. CIPP liner material, an approved epoxy mortar, or similar material may be used to form a smooth transition to eliminate sharp edges of CIPP, within the host pipe and in manholes at the concrete bench, and channel invert. Materials and meth~s shall be submitted for approval prior to implementing any work on site. . C. CIPP connections aild invert rehabilitation shall be compatible with manhole rehabilitation activities. Coordination and compatibility of materials and methods -, ~l --) ~I Spirit Creek Sanitary Sewer Rehab~tation City of Augusta 03/l4/02 , I , I I I I I I I I , , I , - I I I . - ----, I -, 02<;20.11 Cured-In-Place Pipe Liner (CIPP) shall be submitted for approval prior to implementing any work on site. 3.07 POST -TELEVISING OF COMPLETED WORK A. Following completed installation of CIPP liner, a CCTV inspection shall be . carried out in accordance with the requirements of the Internal Sewer Condition Assessment (Section 02752 - Internal Sewer Condition Assessment in these Specifications). The finished tape shall be continuous over the entire length of the- sewer between two manholes. The completed line shall be completely free from visual defects. B. Submit to the Engineer a color VHS videotape showing completed work. C. Correction of failed CIPP or CIPP deemed defe~tive from post-installation television inspection or test reports for structural values, thickness, etc., shall be repaired at no extra cost to the City. Method of repair, which may require field or workshop demonstration, shall be approved by the Engineer. D. An internal condition survey shall be allowed for in the Contractor's installation rates and work schedule, to be carried out 1 year following the installation of the repair. Should any fault be found with the repair, the fault shall be rectified as specified by the City. Rectification may include complete removal and renewal of the previously installed repair and re-inspection 1 year later. Correction of failed CIPP or CIPP deemed defective from mid-warranty internal condition inspection or test reports for structural values, thickness, etc., shall be repaired or replaced at no extra cost to the City. Spirit Creek Sanitary Sewer Rehabilitation City of Augusta 03/14/02 ~ ~ I I I I. I I I I I I t I I , I I I I I I - 3.08 3.10 - 02520-12 Cured-In-Place Pipe Liner (CIPP) TESTING A. Field Thickness Testing: 1. Two (2) 2-inch diameter core samples shall be taken for each section of CIPP installed. Samples shall be taken by the Contractor in locations approved and for testing by the Engineer. The coupon samples shall be taken from the top of the pipe, one from each end of the CIPP installation. Measurements of sample thickness shall be taken by the Engineer from four locations on each coupon after any inner/outer film has been removed. The average thickness of the eight measurements shall be equal to or greater than the required design thickness. The Contractor shall repair the CIPP linerlhost pipe per the approved submittal as a part of the CIPP unit cost. Failure of the thickness test shall be grounds for rejection of the CIPP liner. B. Laboratory Testing 1. Two (2), cured plate (6 inch by 16 inch) samples shall be prepared by the Contractor and tested by an independent laboratory for physical properties tests. Both samples shall be tested for modulus of elasticity and flexural strength. Preparation and testing standards shall be performed in accordance with the approved submittals. Failure of either the modulus or flexural strength tests on both samples shall be grounds for rejection of the CIPP liner. INFIL TRA TION A. Rehabilitated pipelines and manholes shall be visually inspected for infiltration. All inlets to the system shall be effectively closed and any residual flow shall be deemed infIltration. B. Notwithstanding the satisfactory completion of the above test for pipelines, if there is any discernible flow of water entering rehabilitated pipelines or manholes at a point which can be located either by visual or CCTV inspection, the Contractor shall take such additional measures as are necessary to stop infiltration at his own cost. END OF SECTION Spirit Creek Sanitary Sewer Rehabilitation 03/14/02 I City of Augusta I , ~ I I I I I I I I I I I I I J I I - , I I , I - - T - SECTION 02730 Sewers and Accessories PART 1- GENERAL 1.01 SCOPE A. This section describes products to be incorporated into sewers and accessories and requirements for the installation and use of these items. Furnish all products and perform a111abor necessary to fulfill the requirements of these Specifications. B. General: Supply all products and perform all work in accordance with applicable American Society for Testing and Material (ASTM), American Water Works Association (A WW A), American National Standards Institute (ANSI), or other recognized standards. Latest revisions of all standards are' applicable. 1.02 QUALIFICATIONS A. If requested by the Engineer, submit evidence that manufacturers have consistently produced products of satisfactory quality and performance for a period of at least 2 years. 1.03 SUBMITTALS A. If required by the .City or Engineer, complete product data and engineering data, including shop drawings, shall be submitted to the Engineer in accordance with the requirements of Section 01340 - Shop Drawings, Product Data, and Samples, of the Contract Documents. 1.04 TRANSPORTATION AND HANDLING A. Unloading: Furnish equipment and facilities for unloading, handling, distributing and storing pipe, fittings, valves and accessories. Make equipment available at all times for use in unloading. Do not drop or dump materials. Any materials dropped or dumped will be subject to rejection without additional justification. B. Handling: Handle pipe, fittings, valves and accessories carefully to prevent shock or damage. Handle pipe by rolling on skids,. forklift, or front loader. Do not use material damaged in handling. C. Lined pipe shall be handled and transported to prevent damage to linings. 1.05 STORAGE AND PROTECTION A. Make arrangements for the use of suitable storage areas for piping and other materials required for the work. Spirit Creek Sanitary Sewer Rehabilitation City of Augusta 03/13/02 I I . I , I J I I - I , I I I I I I , I I I I I I 02730-2 Sewers and Accessories B. Stored materials shall be kept safe from damage. The interior of all pipe, fittings and other appurtenances shall be kept free from dirt or foreign matter at all times. C. Pipe shall not be stacked higher than the limits recommended by the manufacturer. The bottom tier shall be kept off the ground on timbers, rails or concrete. Pipe in tiers shall be alternated: bell, plain end; bell, plain end. At least two rows of timbers shall be placed between tiers and chocks, affixed to each other in order to prevent movement. The timbers shall be large enough to prevent contact between the pipe in adjacent tiers. D. Store joint gaskets in a cool location, out of direct sunlight. Gaskets shall not come in contact with petroleum- products. Gaskets shall be used on a first-in, first-out basis. 1.06 QUALITY ASSURANCE A. Product manufacturers shall provide the Engineer with written certification that all products furnished comply with all applicable provisions of these Specifications. B. If ordered by the Engineer, each pipe manufacturer shall furnish the services of a competent factory representative to supervise and/or inspect the installation of pipe. This service will be furnished for - a minimum of 5 days during initial pipe installation. PART 2 - PRODUCTS 2.01 DUCTaE IRON PIPE (DIP) A. Ductile iron pipe shall be utilized where shown on the Drawings. B. Ductile iron pipe shall be manufactured in accordance with A WW A C 151. All pipe, except specials, shall be furnished in nominal lengths of 18 to 20 feet. Sizes will be as shown on the Drawings. All pipe shall have a minimum pressure rating, as indicated in the following table, and corresponding mii1imum wall thickness, unless otherwise specified or shown on the Drawings. Pipe wall thickness shall be determined based on dead loads indicated on the Drawings and the anticipated live loads, assuming a minimum HS 20 live load. Pipe Sizes Pressure Class (inches) (psi) 4-12 350 14 - 20 250 24 200 30 - 60 150 Spirit Creek Sanitary Sewer Rehabilitation City of Augusta 03/13/02 - - I I I I I I I I I I I I , I 02730-3 Sewers and Accessories C. Fittings and Accessories: 1. Fittings shall be ductile iron and shall conform to A WW A ClIO/ ANSIA21.1O or AWWAC153/ANSIA21.53, with a minimum rated working pressure of 250 psi. 2. Flanged elbow fittings shall be ANSI pattern using short radius elbows, except where noted differently on the Drawings. Special fittings, ductile iron wall pipes and sleeves shall conform to the dimensions and details as shown on the Drawings. D. Joints for Ductile Iron Pipe and Fittings: 1. General: a. Joints for ductile iron pipe and fittings shall be mechanical joints, flanged joint or push-on joint as shown on the Drawings or specified herein. b. Unless otherwise shown on the Drawings, specified or directed, all ductile iron pipe laid underground shall be joined using push-on type joints. c. In all cases, gaskets shall be made Of material that will not be damaged by the fluid being transported or by the environment in which the pipe is installed. d. Provide the necessary bolts for connections. All bolts and nuts shall be threaded in accordance with ANSIB1.1, Coarse Thread Series, Class 2A external and 2B internal fit. All bolts and nuts shall be made in the U.S .A. - . 2. Mechanical Joints: - a Joints shall conform to AWWA C111/ANSI A21.11. T b. Bolts and nuts shall be Tee Head Bolts and nuts of high strength low-alloy steel in accordance with ASTM A242 to the dimensions shown in A WW A C11I/ANSI A21.11. c. Gaskets shall be in accordance with A WW A C1111 ANSI A21.11 and shall be constructed of plain rubber. d. Mechanical joint glands shall be ductile iron. Spirit Creek Sanitary Sewer Rehabilitation City of Augusta 03/13/02 - , I I I , I J I I I I I I I I - . - ,.. - !!!! T I 02730-4 Sewers and Accessories 3. Push-On Joints: Push-on joints and gaskets shall conform to A WW A C Ill/ANSI A21.11. Details of the joint design shall be in accordance with the manufacturer's standard practice such as ACIPCO "Fastite", McWane (Clow) "Bell-Tite", or U.S. Pipe "Tyton" joints. E. Cement Linings: Pipe and fittings shall be cement lined in accordance with A WW A C104/ANSI/A WW A CI04/A21.4. Seal coat is not required. F. Polvethylene Encasement: Polyethylene film shall meet the requirements of AWWAC105. G. Wall Sleeves and Wall Pipes: 1. Where piping passes through concrete structures, furnish and install wall sleeves unless wall pipes or other provisions are specifically shown on the Drawings. Wall sleeves shall be accurately located and securely fastened into position before concrete is poured. 2. Wall Sleeves: a. For pipe sizes smaller than 3 inches, wall sleeves shall be steel oversize sleeves furnished with a full circle, integral, or continuously welded waterstop collar. The sleeve seal shall be the mechanically expanded, synthetic rubber type. Provide all associated bolts, seals and seal fittings, pressure damps, or plates necessary to achieve a watertight installation. Sleeves shall extend the full thickness of the concrete. Sleeves and seal shall be Link Seal. b. For larger pipe sizes, wall sleeves shall be ductile iron mechanical joint wall sleeves. Unless specified or shown otherwise for a specific situation, wall sleeves shall be mechanical joint bell-plain end types with waters top/thrust collar. The collar shall be capable of withstanding a thrust force caused by a 250-psi dead end load from either direction on that size pipe. Sleeves shall be constructed with studs and mechanical joint retainer gland on the air side of the concrete structure. Provide retainer gland where shown on the Drawings. . Where the concrete structure is exposed to dirt on one side and is wet on the other side, construct with studs and glands on the dirt side. Wall sleeves shall be equal to ACIPCO A-10771. 3. Wall Pipes: a. Wall pipes shall be either ductile iron with integral waterstop/thrust collar or centrifugally cast ductile iron with a continuously welded waterstop/thrust collar. The welded on collar shall be attached to the Spirit Creek Sanitary Sewer Rehabilitation City of Augusta 03/13/02 ~ - I J I , I I , I I I I I I I . - ! 02730-5 Sewers and Accessories pipe by the manufacturer. The collar shall be capable of withstanding a thrust force caused by a 250-psi dead end load from either direction on that size pipe. Wall pipes shall be furnished uncoated on the outside and cement lined on the inside. Unless specified or shown otherwise, wall pipes shall be flange end types. b. Wall pipes shall be cast and/or fabricated and lineCl in one manufacturer's facilities and delivered to the jobsite ready for use. 2.02 REINFORCED CONCRETE PIPE (RCP) A. Pipe: 1. Pipe shall be bell and spigot reinforced concrete conforming to ASTM C76 for Class ill, IV, and V pipe as shown on the Drawings. Wall thickness design shall correspond to Wall C. - . 2. In addition, the pipe and materials shall meet the following requirements: a Concrete shall have a minimum compressive strength of 5,000 psi for Class ill and IV, and 6,000 psi for Class V. b. Cement shall meet the requirements of ASTM C150, Type II. c. Absorption shall not exceed 6^ when tested in accordance with ASTMC497. 3. Reinforced concrete pipe shall be supplied in lengths of at least 8 feet, except for specials. B. Joints: Pipe shall have concrete and rubber O-ring gasket type joints conforming to ASTM C361. A rectangular groove shall be supplied in the spigot end to receive the rubber O-ring gasket, and it shall be so formed that when the joint is complete, the gasket will be deformed to a rectangular shape and confined on all four sides. Bell and spigot surfaces shall be accurately formed and smooth to provide a close sliding fit with a nominal clearance of 1/16 inch. C. Fittings and Specials: Reinforced concrete pipe fittings and specials shall meet all requirements for reinforced concrete pipe, including materials of construction, structural strength, linings, and joints. Provide special adapters or transition pieces for connection to pipe of different materials where shown on the Drawings. Spirit Creek Sanitary Sewer Rehabilitation City of Augusta 03/13/02 - - I I I , I , I I I I I I I I 02730-6 Sewers and Accessories D. Acceptance: 1. Acceptance of pipe shall be on the basis of plant load-bearing tests for.-the load to produce O.Ol-inch crack, material tests, and inspection of manufactured pipe for visual defects and imperfections as described in Paragraph 5.1.1 of ASTM C76. 2. Provide results of tests on pipe, pipe materials, joint material, and made-up joints performed by an independent testing laboratory approved by the Engineer. Include materials, absorption, crushing, and hydrostatic leakage tests on pipe of each size in accordance with applicable Specifications. 3. Each length of pipe shall be stamped by a regular employee of the approved testing laboratory. 4. Inspect pipe after delivery for laboratory stamp; shape, cracks, uniformity, blisters and imperfect surfaces, hammer test, damaged ends, and gasket grooves. Do not accept or use pipe with repaired or patched gasket grooves or shoulders. Any pipe repaired or patched is subject to rejection if such repairs or patches, in the opinion of the Engineer or City, are not sound and properly finished. 5. The City shall, at its own discretion, select another independent testing laboratory to confIrm those tests performed by the manufacturer's testing laboratory. This testing laboratory shall observe the tests conducted by the laboratory selected by the manufacturer, or, as necessary, conduct its own tests. The manufacturer shall provide the necessary facilities for the performance of these tests at the plant site. These test specimens shall be provided in accordance with paragraph 11 of ASTM C76. 6. No pipe shall be shipped before it has been cured for a minimum of 14 days. 2.03 POLYVINYL CHLORIDE (PVC) GRA VITY SEWER PIPE A. Acceptability of PVC Pipe for Gravity Sewers Is Indicated In the Following Table: I Standard Minimum Thickness Acceptable 8 to Type PVC1 Wall Manufacturers ~6 15 18 21 24 ASTM D3034 Solid Open Yes Yes No No No SDR 35 Wall 12454B I As specified in ASTM D 1784. .. T Spirit Creek Sanitary Sewer Rehabilitation City of Augusta 03/13/02 - - I I - I I I I I I I I I E. F. I G. , . 02730-7 . Sewers and Accessories B. All pipe shall have a rmmmum pipe stiffness of 46 psi at 5% deflection as determined by ASTM D2412. C. PVC gravity sewer pipe shall be supplied in lengths not longer than 13 feet. D. Fittings: 1. Fittings 15 inches in diameter and less shall be manufactured in accordance with ASTM D3034. PVC compound shall be 12454B or 12454C as specified in ASTM D 1784. a. For sizes 8 inches and less in diameter, fittings shall be molded in one-piece with no solvent welded joints. Minimum socket depths shall be as specified in ASTM D3034, Table 2. b. For sizes 10 inches and larger in diameter, fittings shall be fabricated from pipe conforming to ASTM D3034 using solvent welding. No field fabrication of fittings will be allowed. All such fabrication shall be performed at the factory and the fittings shall be delivered ready for use. 2. Fittings 18 inches in diameter and larger shall be fabricated from pipe conforming to ASTM F679, using solvent welding. No field fabrication of fittings will be allowed. All such fabrication shall be performed at the factory and the fittings shall be delivered ready for use. Joints: Joints for pipe and fittings shall be of the integral bell and spigot type with a confined elastomeric gasket having the capability of absorbing expansion and contraction without leakage, when tested in accordance with ASTM D3212. Gaskets shall meet the requirements of ASTM F477. The joint system shall be subject to the approval of the Engineer and shall be identical for pipe and fittings. Manhole Connections - Solid Wall Pipe: The sewer shall be connected to manholes utilizing a boot connection. Acceptance: Acceptance will be on the basis of the Engineer's inspection and the manufacturer's written certification that the pipe and fittings were manufactured and tested in accordance with the applicable standards. 2.04 HDPE PIPE AND FITTINGS . A. The pipe supplied under this Specification shall be high performance, high molecular weight, high-density polyethylene pipe equal to Driscopipe* 1000 as. manufactured by Phillips Driscopipe Inc., Richardson, Texas. The pipe material shall be Type III, Class C, Category 5, P34 material as described in ASTM D1248. -, Spirit Creek Sanitary Sewer Rehabilitation City of Augusta 03/13/02 - - I j - I I I I , , , I , I I I I . . 02730-8 Sewers and Accessories Minimum cell classification values of the pipe material shall be (3 4 5 4 3 4 c) as referenced in ATSM D3350. The SDR shall be 19. The fittings supplied under this Specification shall be molded from a polyethylene compound having a cell classification equal to or exceeding the cell classification of the pipe supplied under this Specification. B. Physical Properties of Pipe of Pipe Compound: 1. Density: The density shall be 0.941 - 0.957 gms/cm when tested m accordance with ASTM D1505. 2. Melt How: Melt How shall be no greater than 0.11 gmllO min. When tested in accordance with ASTM D 1238 - Condition E. 3. Hex Modulus: Hexural Modulus shall be 110,000 psi to less than 160,000 psi when tested in accordance with ASTM D790. 4. Tensile Strength at Yield: Tensile strength at yield shall be 3,200 psi to less than 3,500 psi when tested in accordance with ASTM D638. 5. ESCR: Environmental Stress Crack Resistance shall be in excess of 5,000 hours with zero failures when tested in accordance with ASTM D1693 Condition C. 6. Hydrostatic Design: Basic shall be 1,600 psi at 23-C when tested m accordance with ASTM D2837. c. Deviations: If a supplier chooses to subinit a bid that does not meet all the requirements of this Specification, his bid shall include a written description of the deviation with data that shows the magnitude of the deviation and the justification for the deviation from this Specification. The decision to accept material deviating from this Specification shall be the responsibility of the specifying Engineer. E. Certification: The City or the specifying Engineer may request certified lab data to verify the physical properties of the materials supplied under this Specification, or may take random samples and have them tested by an independent laboratory. F. Reiection: Polyethylene pipe and fittings may be rejected for failure to meet any of the requirements of this Specification. G. Pipe Dimensions: Pipe supplied under this Specification shall have an inside diameter (ID) as shown on the Drawings, unless otherwise specified. The SDR (Standard Dimension Ratio) of the pipe supplied shall be as specified by the Engineer. Spirit Creek Sanitary Sewer Rehabilitation City of Augusta 03/13/02 I , J , I I I I I I I , I , I I I I . . . 02730-9 Sewers and Accessories 2.05 HOPE MANHOLES A. Material: The material used under this Specification shall be high performance, high molecular weight, high density polyethylene plastic compound having a cell classification of 334433C or higher. The material must have a proven capacity for sustaining long-term stresses (radial loading, ring compressive thrust, bending, buckling, axial strain, axial buckling, and groundwater effects). as quantified under ASTM Test Method D2837, or other applicable testing procedures under ASTM. B. Appurtenances: 1. Polyethylene Manhole Covers: Polyethylene flat-plate covers shall be designed to withstand light live-loads, such as light equipment and personnel.. All manhole covers shall prove to meet this requirement through either physical testing or design calculations. If subject to repeated vehicular loading, the cover should be capped or cast in concrete. 2. Risers: All riser sections shall be joined by thermal fusion or gasket joints. Where risers are joined by a gasket joint, the joints must meet the requirements of Specification D3212. 3. Cones: Where gasket joints are required to seal the connection between a manhole cone or top, the gask~t joint shall prove to provide an adequate seal against the maximum water-head expected for the joint in question. 4. Antiflotation Devices: Where manhole risers extend below the groundwater level, antiilotation devices are to be installed in order to overcome any foreseen uplifting forces. These devices may include, but are not limited to, anchoring to a concrete slab, or attaching a concrete ring to the base or riser. Wherever such a device is to be installed, the Contractor shall be responsible to shall perform the necessary calculations to ensure that both the manhole will not float AND that the antiflotation device will not be overstressed. These calculations shall be included with the shop drawing submittals. 5. Pipe Connection: Each HDPE manhole will have a stub for all pipes entering and leaving the chamber. The Contractor shall supply under this section all necessary connections, couplings etc. to join adjacent pipe to HDPE stub pipe. 2.06 PRECAST CONCRETE l\1ANHOLES AND PRODUCTS A. Precast Concrete Sections: 1. Precast concrete sections shall meet the requirements of ASTM C478 or ASTM C913. The minimum compressive strength of the concrete in precast sections shall be 4,000 psi. Spirit Creek Sanitary Sewer Rehabilitation City of Augusta 03/13/02 . - , I I I I , I I , , , I I I 02730-10 Sewers and Accessories 2. Wall thickness shall be as shown on the Drawings. 3. Transition slabs or cones which convert bases larger than 4-feet in diameter to 4-foot diameter risers shall be designed by the manhole manufacturer to carry the live and dead loads exerted on the slab. 4. Seal joints between precast sectipns by means of rubber O-ring gaskets or flexible butyl rubber sealant. Butyl rubber sealants shall meet the requirements of AASHTO M-198. Sealant shall be pre-formed type with a minimum nominal diameter of 1 inch. Butyl rubber sealant shall be equal to Kent Seal No.2 or Concrete Sealants CS202. B. Brick and Mortar: Brick shall be whole and hardburned, conforming to ASTM C32 Grade MS. Mortar shall be made of one part Portland cement and two parts clean sharp sand. Cement shall be Type 1 and shall conform to ASTM C150. Sand shall meet ASTM Cl44. C. Iron Castings: 1. Cast iron manhole frames and covers shall meet the requirements of ASTM A48 for Class 30 gray iron and all applicable local standards. All castings shall be tough, close grained, smooth and free from blow holes, blisters, shrinkage, strains, cracks, cold shots and other imperfections. No casting will be accepted which weighs less than 95% of the design weight. Shop drawings must indicate the design weight and provide sufficient dimensions to permit checking. 2. Manhole frames and covers shall be as shown on the Standard Details. 3. All frames and covers shall have machined horizontal bearing surfaces. 4. All manholes shall have standard frames and covers, except where specifically shown otherwise on the Drawings. . - 5. Watertight covers shall be bolt-down type and shall be equipped with four 1/2-inch stainless steel bolts and a lI8-inch red rubber or rubber O-ring gasket. Covers shall be rotatable and interchangeable. Bolt holes shall be bored through so that debris entering the bolt hole will fall into the manhole. Bolt holes shall have the full 360 degree circle within the cover's radius when bored through the cover. T . 1 D. Boots: Provide preformed rubber boots and fasteners equal to those manufactured by Kor-N-Seal or Press Seal Gasket Corporation. Boots may be mechanically attached to the manhole or cast into the walls of the manhole. Spirit Creek Sanitary Sewer Rehabilitation City of Augusta 03/13/02 ~ - - I I , - I 1 I I I I , I I . r 02730-11 Sewers and Accessories 2.07 MISCELLANEOUS ACCESSORIES A. Flexible Adapter Couolings: 1. Couplings for pipe sizes 15-inches in diameter and less shall be elastomeric plastic sleeves designed to connect pipes of dissimilar materials. Adapters shall provide a positive seal against infIltration and exfIltration and remain leakproof and roQtproof up to 4.3 psi. The adapter manufacturer shall provide all stainless steel clamps and required accessories. 2. Couplings shall be products of Fernco and shall be installed in accordance with the manufacturer's recommendations. PART3-EXECUTION 3.01 EXISTING UTILITIES AND OBSTRUCTIONS A. The Contractor shall call the Utilities Protection Center (UPC) (1-800-282-7411) as required by Georgia law (O.C.G.A. 9925-9-1 through 25-9-13) and all utilities, agencies or departments that own and/or operate utilities in the vicinity of the construction work site, at least 72 hours (3 business days) prior to construction, to verify the location of the existing utilities. B. Existing Utility Location: The following steps shall be exercised to avoid interruption of existing utility service. 1. Provide the required notice to the utility owners and allow them to locate their facilities according to Georgia law. Field utility locations are valid for only 10 days after original notice. The Contractor shall ensure, at the time of any excavation, that a valid utility location exists at the point of excavation. 2. Expose the facility to verify its true location and grade for a distance of at least 200 feet in advance of pipeline construction to verify its true location and grade. Repair, or have repaired, any damage to utilities resulting from locating or exposing their true location. 3. Avoid utility damage and interruption by protecting it with means or methods recommended by the utility owner. 4. Maintain a log identifying when phone calls were made, who was called, area for which utility relocation was requested and work order number issued, if any. The Contractor shall provide the Engineer an updated copy of the log bi-weekly, or more frequently if required. , Spirit Creek Sanitary Sewer Rehabilitation City of Augusta 03/13/02 - I I I 1 I I I J I , I I I I 1 I I . 02730-12 Sewers and Accessories c. Conflict with Existing Utilities: 1. Horizontal Conflict: Horizontal conflict shall be defmed as when the actual horizontal separation between a utility, main, or service and the proposed water main does not permit safe installation of the sewer by the use of sheeting, shoring, tieing-back, supporting, or temporarily suspending service of the parallel or crossing facility. The Contractor may change the proposed alignment of the sewer to avoid horizontal conflicts if the new alignment remains within the available right-of-way or easement and complies with regulatory agency requirements after a written request to and subsequent approval by the Engineer. Where the Engineer does not approve such relocation of the sewer, the Contractor shall arrange to have the utility, main, or service relocated. 2. Vertical Conflict: Vertical conflict shall be defined as when the actual vertical separation between a utility, main, or seFYice and the proposed sewer does not permit the crossing without immediate or potential future damage to the utility, main, service, or the sewer. The Contractor may change the proposed grade of the sewer to avoid vertical conflicts if the changed grade provides minimum required capacity, maintains adequate cover and complies with regulatory agencies requirements, after written request to and subsequent approval by the Engineer. Where the Engineer does not approve such relocation of the sewer, the Contractor shall arrange to have the utility, main, or service relocated. D. Electronic Locator: Have available at all times an electronic pipe locator and a magnetic locator, in good working order, to aid in locating existing pipe lines or other obstructions. E. Water and Sewer Separation: l. Sewers should maintain a minimum lO-foot edge-to-edge separation from water mains. Where the sewer crosses a water main, an IS-inch vertical separation shall be maintained where possible. Where possible, a full joint of sewer pipe shall be centered over the water main. Any deviation shall be requested in writing to the Engineer. 2. No water main shall be permitted to pass through or come in contact with any part of a manhole. F. Installation: The covers of all manholes shall be at least 30 inches above grade after installation, except in traffic areas. After completion of the manhole survey, the.Contractor shall submit finish grades of all manhole covers and submit with shop drawings. T Spirit Creek Sanitary Sewer Rehabilitation 03/13/02 City of Augusta I I I - I , I I I I I I I 3.02 3.03 3.04 . - . - . ... - .. . T 02730-13 Sewers and Accessories CONSTRUCTION ALONG IDGHW A YS, STREETS AND ROADWAYS A. Refer to Specifications Section 01500 - Construction Facilities and Temporary Controls, Item 1.15 for requirements. PIPE DISTRIBUTION A. Pipe shall be distributed and placed in such a manner that will not interfere with traffic. B. No pipe shall be strung further along the route than 1,000 feet beyond the area in which the Contractor is actually working without written permission from the City. The City reserves the right to reduce this distance to a maximum distance of 200 feet in residential and commercial areas, based on the effects of the distribution to the adjacent property owners. C. No street or roadway may be closed for unloading of pipe without fIrst obtaining permission from the proper authorities. The Contractor shall furnish and maintain proper warning signs and obstruction lights for the protection of traffic along highways, streets and roadways upon which pipe is distributed. D. No distributed pipe shall be placed inside drainage ditches. E. Distributed pipe shall be placed as far as possible from the roadway pavement, but no closer than 5 feet from the roadway pavement, as measured edge-to-edge. LOCATION AND GRADE A. The slope shown on a pipeline profile and/or called for in the Specifications is the slope of the invert of the pipe. B. Prior to clearing and grubbing, construction staking shall be performed. c. Construction shall begin at the low end of the sewer and proceed upstream without interruption. Multiple construction sites shall not be permitted without written authorization from the Engineer for each site. As a minimum, cut sheets between construction sites shall be submitted and approved before multiple construction sites will be permitted. D. The Contractor shall be responsible for any damage done to reference points, base lines, center lines and temporary bench marks, and shall be responsible for the cost of re-establishment of reference points, base lines, center lines and temporary bench marks as a result of the operations. T Spirit Creek Sanitary Sewer Rehabilitation 03/13/02 City of Augusta - J I I I , I I I I I I I - . . --. - --. -. ~T 02730-14 Sewers and Accessories 3.05 LA YlNG AND JOINTING PIPE AND ACCESSORIES A. Lay all pipe and fittings to accurately conform to the lines and grades established by the Engineer. B. Pipe Installation: 1. Proper implements, tools and facilities shall be provided for the safe performance of the work. All pipe, fittings and valves shall be lowered carefully into the trench by means of slings, ropes or other suitable tools or equipment in such a manner as to prevent damage to sewer materials and protective coatings and linings. Under no circumstances shall sewer materials be dropped or dumped into the trench. 2. All pipe, fittings and appurtenances shall be examined carefully for damage and other defects immediately before installation. Defective materials shall be marked and held for inspection by the Engineer, who may prescribe corrective repairs or reject the materials. 3. All lumps, blisters and excess coating shall be removed from the socket and plain ends of each pipe, and the outside of the plain end and the inside of the bell shall be wiped clean and dry and free from dirt, sand, grit or any foreign materials before the pipe is laid. No pipe that contains dirt shall be laid. 4. Foreign material shall be prevented from entering the pipe while it is being placed in the trench. No debris, tools, clothing or other materials shall be placed in the pipe at any time. 5. As each length of pipe is placed in the trench, the joint shall be assembled and the pipe brought to correct line and grade. The pipe shall be secured in place with approved backfill material. 6. It is common practice to lay pipe with the bells facing the direction in which work is progressing, however, it is not mandatory. 7. Applying pressure to the top of the pipe, such as with a backhoe bucket, to lower the pipe to the proper elevation or grade shall not be permitted. 8. Polyethylene Encasement: For Ductile Iron Pipe, installation of encasement shall be in accordance with A WW A ClOS and the manufacturer's instructions. All ends shall be securely closed with tape and all damaged areas shall be completely repaired to the satisfaction of the Engineer. Spirit Creek Sanitary Sewer Rehabilitation City of Augusta 03/13/02 , , I ! , , I J I I I ! , I I I , 02730-15 Sewers and Accessories C. Alignment and Gradient: 1. Lay pipe straight in alignment and gradient or follow true curves, where shown on the Drawings, as nearly as practicable. Do not deflect any joint more than the maximum deflection recommended by the manufacturer. 2. Maintain a transit, level and accessories on the job to lie out angles and ensure that deflection allowances are not exceeded. 3. The Contractor shall check the invert elevation at each manhole and the pipe invert elevation at each bell in open cut areas of pipe installation. 4. The Contractor shall check the horizontal alignment of the sewer and ground surface elevations at the same schedule as for invert elevations. D. Expediting: of Work: Excavate, lay the pipe, and backfill as closely together as possible, as determined by the Engineer. Do not leave unjointed pipe in the trench overnight. Backfill and compact the trench as soon as possible after . laying and jointing is completed. Cover the exposed end of the installed pipe each day at the close of work and at all other times when work is not in progress. If necessary to backfill over the end of an uncompleted pipe or accessory, close the end with a . suitable plug, either push-on, mechanical joint, restrained joint or as approved by the Engineer. E. Joint Assembly: 1. Joints shall be assembled m accordance with the manufacturer's recommendations. . . 2. The Contractor shall internally inspect each pipe Jomt to insure proper assembly for pipe 30-inches in diameter and larger after the pipe has been brought to final alignment. . 3. On reinforced concrete pipe, diameters 30 inches and larger, the Contractor shall fill the voids, on the pipe joint interior, with grout. F. Cutting Pipe: 1. Cut ductile iron pipe using an abrasive wheel saw. 2. Cut PVC/HDPE pipe using a suitable saw. 3. Remove all burrs and smooth the end before jointing. 4. The Contractor shall cut DIP pipe and bevel the end, as necessary, to provide the correct length of pipe necessary for installing the fittings, valves, -r Spirit Creek Sanitary Sewer Rehabilitation City of Augusta 03/13/02 - - , I . I . I 3.06 I , I I I I , I , , I ~ --" - - I - , ! 02730-16 Sewers and Accessories accessories and closure pieces in the correct location. Only push-on or mechanical joint pipe shall be cut. Plastic and HOPE Pipe shall be cut precisely square. G. House Connections: Install wyes or tees in locations required or as designated by the Engineer for re-connection of service lines. Record the location of fittings installed on a copy of the Contract Drawings to be submitted as Record Drawings, and on the report form supplied by the City. See Section 02735 - Sewer Service Connections, in these Specifications. CONSTRUCTION PRACTICES FOR POLYETHYLENE PIPE A. Handling of Pipe: Pipe shall be stored on clean, level ground to prevent undue scratching or gouging of the pipe. If the pipe must be stacked for storage, such stacking should be in accordance with the pipe manufacturer's recommendations. The pipe should be handled in such manner that it is not" damaged by being dragged over sharp objects or cut by chokers or lifting equipment. B. Repair of Damag:ed Sections: Segments of pipe having cuts or gouges in excess of 10% of the wall thickness of the pipe shall be cut out and removed. The undamaged portions of the pipe shall be rejoined using the butt fusion joining method. e. Pipe Joining:: Sections of polyethylene pipe should be joined into continuous lengths on the jobsite above ground. The joining method shall be performed in strict accordance with the pipe manufacturer's recommendations. The butt fusion equipment used in the joining procedure shall be capable of meeting all conditions recommended by the pipe temperature, alignment, and fusion pressure. D. Handling of Fused Pipe: Fused segments of pipe shall be handled so as to avoid damage to the pipe. When lining fused sections of pipe, chains or cable-type chokers should be avoided. Nylon slings are preferred. Care should be exercised to avoid cutting or gouging the pipe. E. Trenching and Backfill: 1. Trench Construction: The trench and trench bottom should be constructed in accordance with ASlM D2321 - Section 7. 2. Embedment Material: Embedment materials should be Class I, Class II, or Class ill materials as defined in ASTM D2321 - Section 6. The use if Class IV and/or Class V materials for embedment is not recommended and should be allowed only with the approval of the Engineer. 3. Bedding: Bedding of the pipe should be performed in accordance with ASTM D2321 -Section 8. Compaction should be specified in ASTMD 2321. Deviation from the specified compaction shall be approved by the Engineer. Spirit Creek Sanitary Sewer Rehabilitation City of Augusta 03/13/02 , - I , I I I I , I I I I I I 02730-17 Sewers and Accessories 4. Haunching and Initial Backfill: Haunching and initial backfill should be as specified in ASTM D2321- Section 9 using Class I, Class II, or Class ill materials. Materials used and compaction shall be as specified by the Engineer. Compaction 85% Standard Proctor Density must be maintained. 5. Special Conditions: ASTM D2321 - Section 11.2, Minimum Cover for Load Application, Section 11.3, Use of Compaction Equipment and Section 11.4, Removal of Trench Protection, should apply unless directed otherwise by the Engineer. 3.07 MANHOLE AND PRECAST CONCRETE PRODUCT CONSTRUCTION A. Construct manholes as shown on the Drawings. B. Precast Concrete: Handle sections carefully to prevent cracking or chipping. Provide uniform bedding of the bottom section to prevent uneven loading. Install gaskets and joint sealants in accordance with manufacturer's recommendations to produce a watertight structure. C. Brick: Bed the bottom and sides of every brick in mortar. Apply a smooth coat of mortar, 3/4-inch thick, on the inside and outside. D. Pipe Connections: Seal the connection between the pipe and the manhole as follows: 1. Pipe 36-Inch Diameter and Less: Connect pipe to manhole utilizing rubber boots. 2. If rubber boots are damaged, replace Type I boots with a new boot and repair Type II boots by constructing a manhole collar. 3. If preformed openings must be enlarged or altered, or if new openings must be made in the field, minimize the amount of material removed to provide closely matched surfaces for grouting. E. Inverts: Form channels as shown on the Drawings, rounded, and troweled smooth with brick faces exposed. Maintain consistent grade through the invert. --. F. - G. 1 Top Elevations: Build manholes outside of paved areas to 30-inches above finished grade, unless otherwise shown on the Drawings or directed by the Engineer. Build manholes in paved areas to existing grades. Drop Connections: Replace existing manholes that contain drop connections, where required, with a similar drop connection. Construct drop connections of the same materials as the upstream sewer and in accordance with the details shown on the Drawings. Spirit Creek Sanitary Sewer Rehabilitation City of Augusta 03/13/02 , I I , I I I I I I I , I I 3.08 3.09 = --.- -, I 02730-18 Sewers and Acc.essories H. Frames and Covers: Unless frame and cover is at grade, the frame shall be cast into the cone section. Covers shall be solid, cast-iron, without ventilation holes. 1. Seal all manhole joints and lift holes, both inside and out, with grout. Between precast sections, this is in addition to joint sealant. CONCRETE COLLARS A. Construct collars as shown on the Drawings. INSPECTION AND TESTING A. Clean and test lines before requesting fmal acceptance. Where any obstruction is met, clean the sewers by means of rods, swabs, or other instruments. When requested by the Engineer, flush out lines and manholes-before final inspection. B. Alignment: Pipe lines shall be straight and show a uniform grade between manholes. Correct any discrepancies discovered during inspection. e. Watertightness: Infiltration tests and exfIltration tests shall be performed on all new sewers constructed as indicated below, except for those new sewers constructed which have active services tied into it as the pipe is being installed. In such cases the watertightness of the sewers less than or equal to 24 inches shall be based on a visual inspection, and for sewers 30 inches and larger based on the individual joint test as specified below. All visible leaks, including those found via television inspection, shall be repaired. D. Infiltration Tests: 1. Install suitable weirs in manholes selected by the Engineer to determine the leakage of ground water into the sewer. The maximum length of line for each infiltration test shall be 5,000feet. Install weir for a minimum of 4 hours before measuring flow. If leakage in any section of the sewer line exceeds 100 gpdlinch diameter/rnile, locate and repair leaks. Repair methods must be approved by the Engineer. After repairs are completed, re-test for leakage. 2. Furnish, install, and remove the necessary weirs, plugs, and bulkheads . required to perform the leakage tests. 3. Weirs shall be V-notch type equal to Pollard (800/437-1146). , Spirit Creek Sanitary Sewer Rehabilitation 03/13/02 City of Augusta , , , I I I I I I I I I I 02730-19 Sewers and Accessories E. Exfiltration Tests: 1. Low-Pressure Air Test: Sewer diameters less than or equal to 24 inches. a. Prior to air testing, the section of sewer between manholes shall be thoroughly cleaned and wetted. Immediately after cleaning or while the pipe is water soaked, the sewer shall be tested with low-pressure air. At the Contractor's option, sewers may be tested in lengths between manholes or in short sections (25 feet or less) using inflatable balls pulled through the line from manhole to manhole. Air shall be slowly supplied to the plugged sewer section until internal air pressure reaches approximately 4.0 psi. After this pressure is reached and the pressure allowed to stabilize (approximately 2 to 5 minutes), the pressure may be reduced to 3.5 psi before starting the test. If a 1.0-psi drop does not occur within . the test time, then the line has passed the test. If the pressure drops more than 1.0 psi during the test time, the line is presumed to have failed the test, and the Contractor will be required to locate the failure, make necessary repairs, and retest the line. Minimum test time for various pipe sizes and types is as follows: Nominal Time Pipe Size, inches (MinII00 feet) VCP, DIP, RCP PVC 6 0.7 5.7 8 1.2 7.6 10 1.5 9.4 12 1.8 11.3 15 2.1 14.2 18 2.4 17.0 21 3.0 19.8 24 3.6 22.8 b. Required test equipment, including inflatable balls, braces, air hose, air source, timer, rotameter as applicable, cut-off valves, pressure reducing valve, 0-15 psi pressure gauge, 0-5 psi pressure gauge with gradations in 0.1 psi and accuracy of + 2%, shall be provided by the Contractor. Testing equipment shall be equal to Cherne Air-Loc Testing Systems. Spirit Creek Sanitary Sewer Rehabilitation City of Augusta 03/13/02 , , I I I j I I I , I I , I I I I I 02730-20 Sewers and Accessories c. The Contractor shall keep records of all tests made. Copy of such records will be given to the Engineer or the City. Such records shall show date, line number and stations, operator, and such other pertinent information as required by the Engineer. d. The Contractor is cautioned to observe proper safety precautions in performance of the air testing. It is imperative that plugs be properly secured and that care be exercised in their removal. Every precaution shall be taken to avoid the possibility of over-pressurizing the sewer line. 2. Individual Joint Test: Pipe joints for sewers 3D-inches in diameter and larger shall be air tested individually. The joint tester assembly shall be placed over the joint and shall pressurize the joint area to 4 psi. The pressure shall not drop more than 2 psi in 10 seconds. The jOint tester assembly shall be equal to Cherne Industries, Inc. E- Deflection Test: 1. All polyethylene pipe gravity sewers. a. Test PVC and HDPE gravity sewer for excessive deflection by passing a mandrel through the pipe. Deflection of the pipe shall not exceed 5%. b. The mandrel size shall be based upon the maximum possible inside diameter for the type of pipe being tested, taking into account the allowable manufacturing tolerances of the pipe. The mandrel shall have an odd number of legs, or vanes, with a quantity of such equal to or greater than rune. The legs of the mandrel shall be permanently attached to the mandrel. A mandrel with variable sizes shall not be allowed. The mandrel shall be constructed of steel, aluminum or other material approved by the Engineer, and shall have sufficient rigidity so the legs of the mandrel will not deform when pulling through a pipe. The mandrel dimensions shall be checked by the Engineer before use by the Contractor. " c. Excavate and install properly any section of pipe not passing the test Re-test until results are satisfactory. d. The Test Shall Be Performed Twice: 1) Once within the first 30 days of installation. Spirit Creek Sanitary Sewer Rehabilitation6 City of Augusta 03/13/02 - - I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I 02730-21 Sewers and Accessories 2) Once during final inspection, but no sooner than 30 days after pavement backfIll done, at the completion of this Contract. G. Closed Circuit Television: The interior of the gravity sewers shall be subjected to a televised inspection. The audiolvideo tape shall provide an audio description of what is being viewed; provide a continuous running footage indicator between manholes; and be prepared in the presence of the City's representative. Prior to Final Acceptance, the City shall be provided with one copy of the TV inspection report and videocassette showing the entire length of gravity sewer being tested. The report shall contain the condition of pipe, type of pipe, depth, location of services, length, type joint, roundness, and distance between manholes. Any pipe found to be cracked, leaking, misaligned, bellied or otherwise defective shall be removed and replaced. H. Manholes: 1. Prior to testing manholes for watertightness, all liftholes shall be plugged with a non-shrink grout, all joints between precast sections shall be properly sealed and all pipe openings shall be temporarily plugged and properly braced. 2. Vacuum Tests: The manhole, after proper preparation as noted above, shall be vacuum tested prior to or after backfilling. The test head shall be placed at the inside of the top of the cone section and the compression head inflated to 40 psi to effect a seal between the vacuum base and the manhole structure. Connect the vacuum pump to the outlet port with the valve open. A vacuum of lO-inches of mercury shall be drawn and the vacuum pump shut off. With the valves closed, the time shall be measured for the vacuum to drop to 9 inches. The manhole shall pass if the time is greater than that specified in the table below. If the manhole fails the initial test, necessary repairs shall be made with non-shrink grout while the vacuum is still being drawn. Retesting shall proceed until a satisfactory test is obtained. Vacuum testing equipment shall be equal to that as manufactured by P.A. Glazier, Inc. . MINIMUM TEST TIMES FOR VARIOUS MANHOLE DIAMETERS AND DEPTHS Diameter, feet Depth (feet) 4 5 6 8 20 28 33 10 25 33 41 T Spirit Creek Sanitary Sewer Rehabilitation City of Augusta 03/13/02 ~ ~ - I I I I I I I I - , I 1 I 3.10 I I I I I I ! I I - I I 02730-22 Sewers and Accessories MINIMUM TEST TIMES FOR VARIOUS MANHOLE DIAMETERS AND DEPTHS Diameter, feet Depth (feet) 12 30 39 49 14 35 48 57 18 40 52 67 18 45 59 73 20 50 65 81 22 55 72 89 24 59 78 97 26 64 85 105 28 69 91 113 30 74 98 121 PROTECTION AND RESTORATION OF WORK AREA A. General: Return all items and all areas disturbed, directly or indirectly by work under these Specifications, to their original condition or better, as quickly as possible after work is started. 1. The Contractor shall plan, coordinate, and prosecute the work such that disruption to personal property and business is held to a practical minimum. 2. All construction areas abutting lawns and yards of residential or commercial property shall be restored promptly. Backfilling of underground facilities, ditches, and disturbed areas shall be accomplished on a daily basis as work is completed. Finishing, dressing, and grassing shall be accomplished immediately thereafter, as a continuous operation within each area being constructed and with emphasis placed on completing each individual yard or business frontage. Care shall be taken to provide positive drainage to avoid ponding or concentration of runoff. 3. Handwork, including raking and smoothing, shall be required to ensure that the removal of roots, sticks, rocks, and other debris is removed in order to provide a neat and pleasing appearance. Spirit Creek Sanitary Sewer Rehabilitation City of Augusta 03/13/02 - - - I I I I I I I I I I , I I , I - E. F. I ,. 02730-23 Sewers and Accessories 4. The Engineer shall be authorized to stop all work by the Contractor when restoration and cleanup are unsatisfactory and to require appropriate remedial measures. B. Man-Made Im{Jrovements: Protect, or remove and replace with the Engineer's approval, all fences, walkways, mail boxes, pipe lines, drain culverts, power and telephone lines and cables, property pins and other improvements that may be encountered in the work. Fences crossing the easement shall be gated. C. Cultivated Growth: Do not disturb cultivated trees or shrubbery, unless approved by the Engineer. Any such trees or shrubbery that must be removed shall be heeled in and replanted under the direction of an experienced nurseryman. D. Cutting of Trees: Do not cut trees for the performance of the work, except as . absolutely necessary. Protect trees that remain in the vicinity of the work from damage from equipment. Do not store spoil from excavation against the trunks. Remove excavated material stored over the root system of trees within 30 days to allow proper natural watering of the root system. Repair any damaged tree over 3-inches in diameter, not to be removed, under. the direction of an experienced nurseryman. All trees and brush that require removal shall be promptly and completely removed from the work area and disposed of by the Contractor. No stumps, woodpiles, or trash piles will be permitted on the work site. The Contractor may chip and grind vegetation and spread over the disturbed area if approved by the City. Disposal of Rubbish: Dispose of all materials cleared and grubbed during the construction of the Project in accordance with the applicable codes and rules of the appropriate City of Augusta, state and federal regulatory agencies. All debris and rubbish from clearing operations shall be removed from site within 1 week after cutting. Swam{Js and Other Wetlands: 1. The Contractor shall not construct permanent roadbeds, berms, drainage structures or any other structures that alter the original topographic features within the easement. 2. All temporary construction or alterations to the original topography will incorporate measures to prevent erosion into the surrounding swamp or wetland. All areas within the. easement shall be returned to their original topographic condition as soon as possible after work is completed in the area All materials of construction and other non-native materials shall be disposed by the Contractor. T Spirit Creek Sanitary Sewer Rehabilitation 03/13/02 City of Augusta , I , I I I I I , I I I I I I I I I 02730-24 Sewers and Accessories 3. The Contractor shall provide temporary culverts or other drainage structures, as necessary, to permit the free migration of water between portions of a swamp, wetland or stream that may be temporarily divided by construction. 4. The Contractor shall not spread, discharge or dump any fuel oil, gasoline, pesticide, or any other pollutant to adjacent swamps or wetlands. END OF SECTION I , Spirit Creek, Sanitary Sewer Rehabilitation City of Augusta 03/13/02 ,- - I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I == J SECTION 02750 Wastewater Flow Control PART 1- GENERAL 1.01 SCOPE A. The Obiective of Flow Bvpass and/or Diversion Pumping Is To: 1. Maintain an efficient and uninterupted level of service to wastewater collection system users while maintenance or construction operations (including rehabilitation, repair or replacement) are facilitated on the segment or segments being bypassed and/or_ from which flow is being diverted, within the wastewater collection system. 2. Ensure all levels of sewage flow are continuously and effectively handled around the segment or segments of sewer being bypassed and/or from which flow is being diverted by: a. Ensuring that bypass and diversion pumps are adequately fueled, lubricated, and maintained. b. Ensuring backup spare parts are expeditiously applied to the flow bypass and/or diversion pumping system in the event of component breakdown. c. Ensure an emergency backup plan is smoothly implemented in the event of system failure. d. Preventing backup, spillage, flooding or overflow onto streets, yards and unpaved areas or into buildings, adjacent ditches, storm sewers, and waterways, while flow bypass or diversion pumping takes place and ensure that installation, startup and subsequent disassemby of the flow bypass and diversion pumping system is smoothly transitioned. B. When pumps are operating, an experienced bypass/diversion pump maintenance operator/mechanic and/or assistant shall continuously be on site to monitor the operation of the entire bypass/diversion system. The operator/mechanic and/or assistant shall comprehensively, methodically and continuously: 1. Adjust pump speed as appropriate so as not to adversely impact upstream or downstream flow condition levels. \ Spirit Creek Sanitary Sewer Rehabilitation City of Augusta 03/12/02 - I I I I I I I I I I i I I I I I . I . J 02750-2 Wastewater Flow Control 2. Check that the effectiveness and security of bulkheads, dams, diaphragms, plugs, valves, weirs, and all other flow control devices are working effectively and according to plan. 3. Check the integrity of hoses and couplings along the entire bypass/diversion system. 4. Monitor fuel tanks and top up as appropriate. 5. Monitor lubrication levels and top up as necessary. 6. Facilitate minor repairs as required. 7. Report on potential problems arising. 8. Inspect bypass-pumping system at least hourly-to ensure that the system is working correctly. 9. Maintain adequate supply of spare parts on site as required. 1.02 SUBMITTALS A. The design, installation, and operation of the temporary pumping system shall be the Contractor's responsibility. The Contractor shall employ the services of a vendor that can demonstrate to the Engineer that the vendor specializes in the design and operation of temporary bypass pumping systems. The vendor shall provide at least three (3) references of projects of a similar size and complexity as this Project, which were successfully performed by the vendor's firm within the past 3 years. The reference shall include the name of the agency, the name of the project, the date of the project, and the agency contact (telephone, fax, and e-mail). The bypass system shall meet the requirements of all codes and regulatory agencies having jurisdiction. Submit with Bid Documents. B. The Contractor shall prepare with the vendor a general, detailed description of the proposed Bypass PumpinglFlow Diversion Plan and submit it and the vendor's references with the bid proposal. Bid proposals wi~out an acceptable methodology for temporary Bypass PumpinglFlow Diversion Plan shall be rejected. Submit with Bid Documents. C. During the course of the Project, the detailed, work-specific Bypass PumpinglFlow Diversion Plan for any bypass utilizing multiple pumps, or a single pump greater than 4-inch discharge, shall be submitted to the Engineer at least 10 days before required. This plan shall outline all provisions and precautions, to be taken by the Contractor, regarding the handling .of existing wastewater flows. This Plan must be specific and complete, including such items as schedules, Spirit Creek Sanitary Sewer Rehabilitation City of Augusta 03/12/02 , , , I I D. I I I I I I I - I . - - 02750-3 Wastewater Flow Control locations, elevations, capacities of equipment, materials, and all other incidental items necessary and/or required to insure proper protection .of the facilities. The Plan shall also include details of protection of the access and bypass pumping locations from damage due to the discharge flows, and compliance with the requirements and permit conditions specified in these Contract Documents. No construction shall begin until all provisions and requirements have been reviewed and accepted by the Engineer. The Contractor shall submit two copies of the Flow Bypass PumpinglFlow Diversion Plan for each sewer bypass set-up with sufficient detail to show: 1. Staging areas for pumps. 2. Sewer plugging method and types of plugs. 3. Number, size, material, location, and method of installation of suction pIpmg. 4. Bypass pump sizes, capacity, number of each size to be on site and power requirements. 5. Calculations of static lift, friction losses, and flow velocity (pump curves) showing pump-operating rang'e shall be submitted. 6. Standby power generator size, location. 7. Downstream discharge plan. 8. Method of protecting discharge manholes or structures from erosion and damage. 9. Thrust and restraint block sizes and locations. 10. Sections showing suction and discharge pipe depth, embedment, select fill, and special backfill where required. 11. Method of noise control for each pump and/or generator. 12. Any temporary pipe supports, including rollers and elevated rollers, as well as anchoring required. 13. Design plans and computation for access to bypass pumping locations indicated on the Drawings. 14. Calculations for selection of bypass pumping pipe size. - I Spirit Creek Sanitary Sewer Rehabilitation 03/12/02 City of Augusta , , I , I I I I I I I I I I 02750-4 Wastewater Flow Control 15. Schedule for installation of and maintenance of bypass pumping lines. 16. Plan indicating selection location of bypass pumping line locations. 17. The Plan shall indicate the means by which flows from laterals are provided for either by plugging tankering, or subsidiary pumping. Building laterals shall not be disconnected or plugged overnight. Plugging of laterals is only allowed form 9 a.m. until 5 p.m. of the same day. Any proposal to implement flow control arrangements on sewers, including plugging and/or blocking, high-velocity nozzles, and/or bypass and/or diversion pumping as well as any sewer rehabilitation, repair or replacement construction, shall be outlined in writing and submitted to the Engineer at least 10 days prior to the implementation of the now control system, sewer rehabilitation, repair or replacement. E. All proposed flow control arrangements, including flow bypass and/or diversion plans, shall indicate or show the location and position, in detail if necessary, any special features where pipes or hoses cross roadways, including intersections, such as temporary trenches, support bridges, ramp-overs etc. F. All proposed flow control arrangements, including flow bypass and/or diversion pumping plans for sewers, shall also include an emergency response plan to be followed in the event of a failure of the bypass pumping and/or diversion system. G. The Contractor shall notify the Engineer 24 hours prior to commencing actual flow bypass and/or diversion pumping operations. The Contractor flow control proposal shall be agreed to by the Engineer before the Contractor shall be allowed to commence sewerage bypass pumping and/or diversion. 1.03 RELATED SECTIONS - . A. The work of the following sections apply to the work of this section. Other sections of the Specifications, not referenced below, shall also apply to the extent required for proper performance of work. ... 1. Section 02752: Internal Sewer Condition Assessment 2. Section 02511: Preconditioning and Cleaning Manholes and Sewers 3. Section 02757: Sanitary Sewer Point Repair -\ Spirit Creek Sanitary Sewer Rehabilitation City of Augusta 03/12/02 ~ , I - I , I ! I I I , , - I , I - . - - ~T 02750-5 Wastewater Flow Control 1.04 REGULATORY REQUIREMENTS A. The work of this section shall comply with the current versions, with revisions, of the following: 1. OSHA 29 CFR 1910.146 (permit-required confined-space regulations). B. All work and testing shall comply with the applicable Federal codes, including Federal Occupational Safety and Health Act of 1970 and the Construction Safety Act of 1969, as amended, and applicable state and local codes and standards; and to the extent applicable with the requirements of the Underwriter's Laboratories, Inc. and the National Electric' Code. PART 2 - PRODUCTS 2.01 PUMPING EQUIPMENT A. All pumps used shall be fully automatic self-priming units that do not require the use of foot-valves or vacuum pumps in the priming system. The pumps may be electric or diesel powered. All pumps used must be constructed to allow dry running for long periods of time to accommodate the cyclical nature of effluent flows. B. The Contractor shall provide the necessary stop/start controls for each pump. c. . The Contractor shall include one stand-by pump of each size to be maintained on site. Back-up pumps shall be on-line, isolated from the primary system by a valve. D. The Contractor shall design all piping, joints, and accessories to withstand twice the maximum system pressure or 50 psi, whichever is greater. The back-up pump, appropriate piping, fuel, lubrication and spare parts shall be incorporated into the bypass arrangement at the site, ready for use in case of breakdown. A bypass "drill" shall be carried out by the Engineer before the bypass arrangement is accepted on all sewers> 12-inches diameter, at no cost to the City. The drill shall demonstrate the incorporation of all standby equipment to handle flows when the main pump set is switched off. The Engineer's instructions following the drill shall be adhered to in full at no cost to the City. E. No more than two (2) pump discharge hoses shall be used for the bypass/diversion over the length of the line of segment(s). If the flow exceeds the capacity of 2 "hoses" then rigid piping shall be used. The rigid piping shall consist of HDPE or steel pipes with suitably pressure rated couplings to withstand twice the maximum system pressure or 50 psi, whichever is greater. Spirit Creek Sanitary Sewer Rehabilitation City of Augusta 03/12/02 , I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I - I -, 02750-6 Wastewater Flow Control F. Under no circumstances will aluminum "irrigation" type piping or glued PVC pipe by allowed. Discharge hose will only be allowed in short sections and by specific permission from the Engineer. 2.02 SYSTEM DESCRIPTION A. Design Requirements: 1. Bypass pumping systems shall have sufficient capacity to pump a peak flow in the pipes that are being rehabilitated or repaired. The Contractor shall provide all pipeline plugs, pumps of adequate size to handle wet weather peak flows, and temporary discharge piping to ensure that the total flow of the main can be safely diverted around the section to be repaired. Bypass pumping system will be required to be operated 24 hours per day. 2. The Contractor shall have adequate standby equipment available and ready for immediate operation and use in the event of an emergency or breakdown. One standby pump for each size pump utilized shall be installed at the mainline flow bypassing locations, ready for use in the event of primary pump failure. 3. Bypass pumping system shall be capable of bypassing the flow around the work area and of releasing any amount of flow, up to full available flow, into the work area as necessary for satisfactory performances of work. 4. The Contractor shall make all arrangements for bypass pumping during the time when the main is shut down for any reason. System must overcome any existing force main pressure on discharge. B. Performance Requirements: 1. It is essential to the operation of the existing sewerage system that there is no interruption in the flow of sewage throughout the duration of the Project. To this end, the Contractor shall provide, maintain and operate all temporary facilities such as dams, plugs, pumping equipment (both primary and back-up units as required), conduits, all necessary power, and all other labor and equipment necessary to intercept the sewage flow before it reaches the point where it would interfere with his work, carry it past his work, and return it to the existing sewer downstream of his work. 2. The design, installation and operation of the temporary pumping system shall be the Contractor's responsibility. The bypass system shall be the Contractor's responsibility. The bypass system shall meet the requirements of all codes and regulatory agencies having jurisdiction. Spirit Creek Sanitary Sewer Rehabilitation City of Augusta 03/12/02 I I I I , I I I I I I I I I I I . . 02750-7 Wastewater Flow Control 3. The Contractor shall provide all necessary means to safely convey the sewage past the work area. The Contractor will not be permitted to stop or impede the main flows under any circumstances. 4. The Contractor shall maintain sewer flow around the work area in a manner that will no~ cause surcharging of sewers, damage to sewers and that will protect public and private property from damage and flooding. 5. The Contractor shall protect water resources wetlands and other natural resources. PART 3 - EXECUTION 3.01 PLANNING A. The Contractor shall be solely responsible for planning and executing sewer flow control, bypass and diversion pumping operations. The' Contractor shall be entirely liable for damages to private or public property that may result from his operations and for all cleanup, disinfection, damages, and resultant fmes in the event of a spillage, flooding or overflow. 3.02 GENERAL A. If, during normal rehabilitation work on manholes and sewers, where flow control devices, including flow bypass and diversion pumping, has not been deployed, and wastewater flow depth exceeds the workable levels, rehabilitation work shall be immediately discontinued. Rehabilitation works shall only re-continue, at no extra cost to the City when minimum flow levels prevail normally between 2:00 a.m. to 5:30 a.m. Under these circumstances, one or more of the following flow control systems shall be deployed, whichever is appropriate for the levels of flow encountered: 1. Plugging or blocking. 2. High-velocity jet nozzles. 3. Bypass and/or diversion pumping. B. Before any flow control arrangement is installed, the Contractor shall arrange to desilt the segment of sewer to be bypassed whilst still under flow. Subsequent jetting and final cleaning before rehabilitation or repair shall be undertaken whilst the segment of sewer is bypassed. Spirit Creek Sanitary Sewer Rehabilitation City of Augusta 03/12/02 , , I I I I I I I I , I , I : I I I I I 02750-8 Wastewater Flow Control. C. Precautions: 1. Contractor is responsible for locating any existing utilities in the area the Contractor selects to locate the bypass pipelines. The Contractor shall locate his bypass pipelines to minimize any' disturbances to existing utilities and shall obtain approval of the pipeline locations from the City and the Engineer. All costs associated with relocating utilities and obtaining all approvals shall be paid by the Contractor. 2. During all bypass-pumping operations, the Contractor shall main, manholes, and all local sewer lines from damage inflicted by any equipment. The Contractor shall be responsible for all physical damage to mains, manholes, and all local sewer lines caused by human or mechanical failure. 3.03 PLUGGING OR BLOCKING A. Insert sewer line plug into the line at a manhole upstream from the manhole or' sewer that is to be rehabilitated and tested. For manhole rehabilitation, the plug shall be designed so that a portion of the sewage can be released downstream. During this portion of the operation, shut off or substantially reduce flows so that the manhole can be properly cleaned, prepared and rehabilitated. Flow shall be shut off as required, to properly rehabilitate the manhole or sewer. B. Plugging or blocking of sewage flows shall incorporate primary' and secondary plugging device. When plugging or blocking is no longer needed for performance and acceptance or work, it is to be removed in a manner that permits the sewage flow to slowly return to normal without surge, to prevent surcharging or causing other major disturbances downstream. 3.04 FLOW BYPASS AND/OR DIVERSION PUMPING SCHEDULING A. If the City is operating or maintaining conventional pumping facilities and/or flow bypass and/or diversion pumping in the construction area of the present Contract, the Contractor shall coordinate with the City as necessary to determine and effect optimum working arrangements. - B. The Contractor shall immediately cease bypass and/or diversion pumping when so ordered by the City. 11II 3.05 FIELD QlJALITY CONTROL A. During flow bypass and/or diversion pumping, the Contractor is prohibited from allowing any sewage to be dumped, or spilled in or onto the ground or any area outside of the existing wastewater collection system. In addition, due care and \ Spirit Creek Sanitary Sewer Rehabilitation City of Augusta 03/12102 , I J I i I I I I I I I I I I I 3.06 3.07 02750-9 Wastewater Flow Control attention shall be given to prevent vehicular or pump fuel or lubrication oil to be leaked. PIPE RESIDUE A. When flow bypass and diversion pumping operations are complete, the residual contents of sewage in piping shall be drained into the existing sewer prior to disassembly. RESPONSffiILITY FOR OVERFLOWS OR SPILLS A. It shall be the responsibility of the Contractor to schedule and perform his work in a manner that does not cause or contribute to incidence of overflows or spills of sewage from the sewer system. B. In the event that the Contractor work activities contribute to overflows or spills, the Contractor shall immediately take appropriate action to contain and stop the overflow, clean up the spillage, disinfect the area affected by the spill, and notify the designated Engineer in a timely manner. C. Contractor will indemnify and hold harmless the City for any fines or third-party claims for personal or property damage arising out of a spill or overflow that is fully or partially the responsibility of the Contractor, including the legal, engineering, and administrative expenses of the City in defending such fines and claims. END OF SECTION Spirit Creek Sanitary Sewer Rehabilitation City of Augusta 03/12/02 , , , I I I I i I , , I I - I I I . III . 11II I" I I I SECTION 02752 Internal Sewer Condition Assessment PART 1- GENERAL 1.01 SCOPE A. It is the intent of this Contract to assess the internal structural and service condition of sewers, prior to preconditioning or rehabilitation. Assessment will be performed using pan and tilt color camera-CCTV. In those circumstances where depth of flow is too great for CCTV, sonar or a combination of sonar and CCTV shall be used. B. It is also the intent of this Contract to survey individual sewer lines that have been preconditioned to further assess condition and record findings. C. It is the responsibility of the Contractor to comply with OSHA regulations, the City of Augusta's Safety Guidelines, and the City of Augusta's Confined Space Guidelines as applicable. The Contractor shall provide written documentation that all workers have received the training required under these regulations and guidelines. D. Two Forms of Internal Condition Assessment Are Required As Part of This Contract As Follows: 1. Sewer Survey: Detailed viewing of the sewer ("survey"), either manually or with the aid of CCTV and/or sonar equipment, to assess internal structural condition, service condition, and identify and locate miscellaneous constructional features, as well as assess the structural and service condition of laterals. Data logging is required. 2. Sewer Inspection: Viewing the sewer ("pull-through") pursuant to investigative work, possibly incorporating a radio-zonde transmitter for locating purposes and/or following other operational activity including: a. Locating manhole(s) and/or lateral(s) with or without radio-zonde. b. Sewer preconditioning and cleaning activities. c. Sewer rehabilitation, including point repairs. d. Such other similar purposes as may be required by the Engineer. Sewer inspection shall be carried out manually or with the aid of CCTV and/or sonar equipment, to assess overall condition. No data logging is required. Spirit Creek Sanitary Sewer Rehabilitation City of Augusta 03/13/02 , , I I. I I I I I I , I I I I I I 1.02 . iii ...... .. I SUBMITTALS 02752-2 Internal Sewer Condition Assessment A. The Contractor shall provide to the City, in writing, the listed information below prior to the set deadline, or at the indicated frequency, whichever is applicable. Type of Submittal Experience Record of Contractor Experience Record of Sub-Contractors Project Schedule Listing of Cleaning Equipment & Procedures Listing of Flow Diversion Procedures Listing of Preconditioning Procedures Listing of Safety Precautions and Traffic Control Measures Listing of CCTV and SONAR Equipment Listing of Backup and Standby Equipment Manufacturers Details of CCTV and SONAR Equipment Location where Debris from Cleaning will be Disposed 2 Copies of CCTV and SONAR findings (2 hard copies of fully detailed logs incorporating a summary statistical breakdown of defects and main findings, 2 electronic discs of fully detailed logs and VHS tapes of video output) Daily Logs and Progress Reports Confined Space Entry Logs -, Spirit Creek Sanitary Sewer Rehabilitation City of Augusta Time/Frequency of Submittal With the Proposal With the Proposal At Pre-Construction Conference At Commencement At Commencement At Commencement At Commencement At Commencement At Commencement At Commencement At Commencement 1 week After Completion of Section Daily Daily 03/13/02 , I ) I I , I I , I I , I I I I I 1.03 I I . .... 02752.3 Internal Sewer Condition Assessment B. Daily reports (by 9:00 a.m. on day following survey) and weekly reports (by 9:00 a.m. on Monday following week of survey) shall be e-mailed to the designated Engineer. C. The Contractor shall complete a daily written record (diary) detailing the work carried out and any small items of work which were incidental to the Contract. The Contractor shall include in his daily record, reference to: 1. Delays: e.g. Dense traffic, lack of information, sickness, labor or equipment shortage. 2. Weather: Conditions, e.g. ram, etc. see MCA - General Information Attachment A. 3. Equipment: On site, e.g. specialist cleaning, by-pass equipment, etc. 4. Submittals: To the designated Engineer's representative. 5. Personnel: On site by name, e.g., all labor, Specialist Services, etc. 6. Accident: Report, e.g. all injuries, vehicles, etc. 7. Incident: Report, e.g. damage to property, property owner complaint, etc. 8. Maior Defects Encountered. fucluding Collapsed Pipe. If Any: e.g. cave-ins, sink holes, etc. 9. Visitors: On site. D. The designated Engineer on site shall certify receipt of the daily record, noting any items and adding any observations with reference to claims for payment to the Contractor. The Engineer may at his discretion, for which the Contractor must receive direction in writing, an exception to this requirement for weekly submission of progress rather than for daily submission. REQUIREMENTS AND EXTENT OF SURVEYIINSPECTION A. The Contractor shall survey and/or inspect pipelines with color pan and tilt CCTV imagery and sonar and or combined color pan and tilt CCTV /Sonar (TISCIT) as specified so as to record all relevant features and to confirm their structural and service condition. SurveyslInspections of pipelines shall be carried out in accordance with the reporting format determined by the Engineer. A sample report sheet is attached to this Specification (Attachment A), and includes the recording of both target total length of sewer surveyed/inspected between manholes as well as actual length surveyed/inspected. B. All CCTV/sonar operator(s) responsible for direct reporting of sewer condition shall have a minimum of 3 years' previous experience in surveying, processing, and Spirit Creek Sanitary Sewer Rehabilitation City of Augusta 03/13/02 , ~ I I I I I I I , I I I I I I I 1.04 1.05 . iii 02752-4 Internal Sewer Condition Assessment interpretation of data associated with CCTV and sonar surveys/inspections. The Contractor shall provide the designated Engineer with written documentation that all CCTV and sonar survey operators 'meet these experience requirements, which shall include a list of projects undertaken as well as client name and telephone number for reference. C. All approved Contractors will be required to provide certification that they have undergone training prior to undertaking internal condition assessment work in the City of Augusta. Defect Coding, as well as Material, Shape and Lining Coding used throughout the Project will conform to the attached listing (Attachment B). General inspection logging requirements are also included with this section (Attachment C). Training will be carried out at the Contractor's expense. No charge will be levied for the training, which is expected to last 1 day. D. The Contractor shall complete a daily written record (diary) detailing the work carried out, and any small items of work which were incidental to the Contract as previously described in Item 1.03. SURVEY/INSPECTION UNITS A. The Contractor shall provide sufficient survey/inspection units and all relevant ancillary equipment, including standby units in the event of breakdown, in order to complete all sewer and manhole surveys/inspections as specified. SURVEY/INSPECTION VEmCLE A. The survey/inspection vehicle shall comprise two totally separate areas. One of these, designated as the viewing area, shall be insulated against noise and extremes in temperature, include the provision of air conditioning, and shall be provided with means of controlling external and internal sources of light in a manner capable of ensuring'that the monitor screen display is in accordance with the Specification. Seating accommodation shall be provided by the Contractor to enable two people, in addition to the operator, to view clearly the on-site monitor, which shall display the survey/inspection as it proceeds. B. The working area shall be reserved for equipment, both operational and stored, and no equipment utilized within the sewer shall be allowed to be stored in the viewing area. C. The Contractor shall allow in the rates and provide at no additional cost, a vehicle when required by the City, together with a driver, to assist with visual reconnaissance surveys and/or inspections. The vehicle shall be suitable for carrying the survey team and laborers and shall be equipped with the following: 1. Equipment for easing and lifting manhole covers. 2. Sewer safety equipment. Spirit Creek Sanitary Sewer Rehabilitation City of Augusta 03/13/02 , I ) I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I 02752-5 Internal Sewer Condition Assessment 3. Road safety equipment. 4. Protective clothing for the survey/inspection teams comprising coveralls, boots, gloves, hard hat etc. 1.06 CCTV SURVEY/INSPECTION AND OPERATIONAL EQUIPMENT REQUIREMENTS A. The surveying/inspecting equipment shall be capable of surveying/inspecting a length of sewer up to at least 1,500 feet when entry onto the sewer may be obtained at each end; and up to 100 feet by rodding or up to 750 feet where a self propelled unit is used, where entry is at one end only. The Contractor shall maintain this equipment in full working order and shall satisfy the designated Engineer at the commencement of each working shift that all items of equipment have been provided and are in full working order. B. Each survey/inspection unit shall contain a means of transporting the CCTV camera and/or sonar equipment in a stable condition through the sewer under survey and/or inspection. Such equipment shall ensure the maintained location of the CCTV camera or sonar equipment when used independently on or near to the central axis of a circular shaped sewer when required in the prime position. C. Where the CCTV camera and/or Sonar head are towed by winch and bond through the sewer, all winches shall be stable with either lockable or ratcheted drums. All bonds shall be steel or of an equally non-elastic material to ensure the smooth and steady progress of the CCTV camera and/or Sonar equipment. All winches shall be inherently stable under loaded conditions. D. Each unit shall carry sufficient numbers of guides and rollers such that, when surveying or inspecting, all bonds are supported away from pipe and manhole structures and all CCTV/Sonar cables and/or lines used to measure the CCTV cameta's/sonar head location within the sewer are maintained in a taut manner and set at right angles where possible, to run through or over the measuring equipment. E. Each unit shall carry a range of flow control plugs or diaphragms for use in controlling the flow during the survey/inspection. A minimum of one item of each size of plug or diaphragm ranging from 6 inches to 2-feet diameter inclusive shall be carried. F. Each survey/inspection unit shall have on call equipment available to carry out the flushing, rodding and jetting of sewers as and when such procedures are deemed to be necessary. Spirit Creek Sanitary Sewer Rehabilitation City of Augusta 03/13/02 , , I I I I I I I I I I , I I I I' . - - - 02752-6 Internal Sewer Condition Assessment 1.07 FffiLD SUPERVffiIONBY CONTRACTOR A. The Contractor shall maintain on site, at all times, a competent field supervisor in charge of the survey/inspection, see Item 3.01 below. The field supervisor shall be approved, in writing, by the designated Engineer prior to commencement of work. Any change of supervision must also be approved, in writing, by the designated Engineer prior to the change. The field supervisor shall be responsible for the safety of all site workers and site conditions, as well as ensuring that all work is conducted in conformance with these Specifications and to the level of quality specified. 1.08 APPLICATION OF INSPECTION TYPE A. The following guidelines concerning the use of CCTV and sonar shall be followed, subject to the review and approval of the designated Engineer: 1. Generally CCTV alone shall be used for internal condition assessment where the depth of flow of sewage is less than 25% of overall sewer diameter for pipe diameters 24-inches or less, and 30% for pipe diameters greater than 24-inches. The Contractor shall provide temporary by-pass pumping to maintain the flows to meet or exceed these requirments. 2. Generally, CCTV combined with sonar, shall be used for internal condition assessment where depth of flow of sewage varies from 25% to 75% of. overall sewer diameter for sewers greater than 24-inches in diameter. Where the sewer is less than 24-inches in diameter, and depth of flow of sewage exceeds 25% and is less than 75% of overall sewer diameter, the designated Engineer shall instruct Contractor to either: (a) continue using CCTV (where depth of flow is only marginally greater than 25% of overall diameter) or (b) use sonar (by damming or plugging the sewer so that depth of flow exceeds 75% of overall diameter). 3. Generally, sonar alone shall be used where depth of flow in the sewer exceeds 75% of overall diameter, and the level of the flow will be artificially increased, without the risk of flooding, to ensure that the pipe is completely surcharged. 1.09 RESPONSffiILITY FOR OVERFLOWS OR SPILLS A. It shall be the responsibility of the Contractor to schedule and perform his work in a manner that does not cause or contribute to incidence of overflows or spills of sewage from the sewer system. B. In the event that the Contractor work activities contribute to overflows or spills, the Contractor shall immediately take appropriate action to contain and stop the overflow, clean up the spillage, disinfect the area affected by the spill, and notify the designated Engineer in a timely manner. Spirit Creek Sanitary Sewer Rehabilitation City of Augusta 03/13/02 , , I I I i I i I ! I I J I , I I I I I . -i 02752-7 Internal Sewer Condition Assessment C. Contractor will indemnify and hold harmless the City for any fines or third-party claims for personal or property damage arising out of a spill or overflow that is fully or partially the responsibility of the Contractor, including the legal, engineering, and administrative expenses of the City in defending such fines and claims. PART 2 - PRODUCTS (NOT USED) PART 3 - EXECUTION 3.01 CLEANING PRIOR TO INTERNAL CONDITION INSPECTION A. Contractor shall clean the sewer prior to internal condition inspection in accordance to Section 02511 Preconditioning and Cleaning Manholes and Sewers. A. B. 3.07 CCTV/SONAR - GENERAL A. CCTV Camera/Sonar Head Prime Position: The CCTV camera/sonar head shall be positioned to reduce the risk of picture distortion. In circular sewers, the CCTV camera lens and/or sonar head shall be positioned centrally (i.e., in prime position) within the sewer. In non- circular sewers, picture orientation shall be taken at mid-height, unless otherwise agreed, and centered horizontally. In all instances, the camera lens/sonar head shall be positioned looking along the axis of the sewer when in prime position. A positioning tolerance of:t 10% of the vertical sewer dimension shall be allowed when the camera is in prime position. B. CCTV Camera/Sonar Head Speed: The speed of the CCTV camera in the sewer shall be limited to 8 inches per second for surveys to enable all details to be extracted from the ultimate VHS recording. Similar or slightly higher speed, as agreed by the designated Engineer, shall be provided for inspections. The speed of scanning sonar shall be limited to 4 inches per second. C. CCTV Color Camera: The Contractor shall provide a color pan and tilt camera(s) to facilitate the survey and inspection of all laterals, including defects such as hydrogen sulfide corrosion in the soffit of sewers and benching or walls of manholes over and above the standard defects that require reporting, where required by the designated Engineer. These will be carried out as part of the normal CCTV assessment as the surveyor inspection proceeds when instructed by the designated Spirit Creek Sanitary Sewer Rehabilitation City of Augusta 03/13/02 ~ ~ ~ I I I I I I I , I I , I I I I I I I - 02752-8 Internal Sewer Condition Assessment Engineer. A 360. rotational scan indicating general condition must be implemented at every 50 feet interval (min.) along sewers, and at manholes and any salient, specified, defect features. The tilt arc must not be less than 2250. D. Linear Measurement: 1. The CCTV /Sonar monitor display shall incorporate an automatically updated record in feet and tenths of a foot of the footage of the camera or center poin! of the transducer, whichever unit is being metered, from the cable calibration point. The relative positions of the two center points should also be noted. 2. The Contractor shall use a suitable metering device, which enables the cable length to be accurately measured; this shall be accurate to :tl % or 3 inches, whichever is the greater. 3. The Contractor shall demonstrate compliance with the tolerance in Item 3.07.D.2 is being complied with, using one or both of the following methods in conjunction with a linear measurement audit form which shall be completed each day during the survey: a. Use of a cable calibration device. b. Tape measurement of the surface between manholes. A quality control form will be completed and submitted by the Contractor depicting the level of accuracy achieved. ' 4. If the Contractor fails to meet the required standard of 'accuracy, the designated Engineer shall instruct the Contractor to provide a new device to measure the footage. The designated Engineer retains the right to instruct the Contractor in writing, to re-survey those lengths of sewer first inspected with the original measuring device using the new measuring device. E. Data Display. Recording. and Start of Survey/Inspection: . . 1. At the start of each sewer length being surveyed or inspected and each reverse set-up, the length of pipeline from zero footage, the entrance to the pipe, up to the cable calibration point shall be recorded and reported in order to obtain a full record of the sewer length. Only one survey shall be indicated in the final report. All reverse set-ups, blind manholes, and buried manholes shall be logged on a separate log. Video digits shall be recorded so that every recorded feature has a correct tape elapsed time stamp. Each log shall make reference to a start (ST) and finish (PM) manhole, unless abandonment took place because of blockage. Manhole number shall be indicated in the remark's column of the detail report Surveys must not extend over 2 tapes. ! I Spirit Creek Sanitary Sewer Rehabilitation City of Augusta 03/13/02 , I I , I I I I I" I I I I I I I I I I . -1 02752-9 Internal Sewer Condition Assessment 2. The footage reading entered on to the data display at the cable calibration point must allow for the distance from the start of the survey/inspection to the cable calibration point such that the footage at the start of the survey is zero. 3. In the case of surveying through a manhole where a new header sheet must be completed, the footage shall be set at zero with the camera focused on the outgoing pipe entrance. 4. At the start of each manhole length, a data generator shall electronically generate and clearly display on the viewing monitor and subsequently on the VHS recording a record of data in alpha-numeric form containing the following minimum information: a. Automatic update of the camera's footage position in the sewer line from adjusted zero. b. Sewer dimensions. c. Manhole/pipe length reference numbers. d. Date of survey. e. Road name/location. f. Direction of survey. g. Time of start of survey. h. Sewer use (S-Sanitary Sewer, C-Combined Sewer, etc.). 1. Material of construction of the pipe. 5. The size and position of the data display shall be such as not to interfere with the main subject of the picture. 6. Once the survey of the pipeline is under way, the following minimum information shall be continually displayed: a. Automatic update of the camera's footage position in the sewer line from adjusted zero (see Item A.4). b. Sewer dimensions in inches. c. Manhole or pipe length reference number (PLR). General convention allows upstream manhole number to be designated PLR. Spirit Creek Sanitary Sewer Rehabilitation City of Augusta 03/13/02 , , I I , I I I I I , , I I I I I I 3.08 I - I '""I" . iiii -. . - -, - 02752-10 Internal Sewer Condition Assessment d. Direction of survey, i.e., downstream or upstream. 7. Correct adjustment of the recording apparatus and monitor shall be demonstrated by use of the test tape or other device approved by the" Contractor. Satisfactory performance of the camera shall be demonstrated by the recording of the appropriate test device at the commencement of each day for a minimum period of 30 seconds. 8. Footage and corresponding time elapsed video digit shall be given throughout survey/inspection for all relevant defects and construction features encountered unless otherwise agreed. 9. Where silt encountered is greater than 10% of the diameter of the pipe, the depth of silt shall be measured and recorded at approximately 50-foot intervals. 10. VHS capacity shall be adequate to record 2 hours of video inspection. Recording of a single segment shall not extend over more than one video tape. No unrecorded gaps shall be left in the recording of a" segment between surveys/inspections as the original video tape. 11. Only segments between manholes on the same sewer reach or basin shall be included on one VHS tape. There shall be no "split surveys" or "split-basins" between VHS tapes. 12. All continuous defects shall incorporate a start and finish abbreviation in the log report. Coding: Defect Coding, as well as Material, Shape, and Lining Coding, and conventions used throughout the Project will be provided by the designated Engineer. See Attachments to this section. The CCTV Contractor must ensure that all surveyors conform to the detailed requirements of the reporting procedure concerning feature description and feature defmition. MAN ENTRY SURVEY-GENERAL A. - Photographic Camera Position - Generallllustration Of Sewer Interior: 1. The hand-held photographic camera or CCTV camera shall be positioned to reduce the risk of picture distortion. In circular sewers, the camera lens shall be positioned centrally looking along the axis of the sewer. In non-circular sewers, picture orientation shall be taken at mid-height, unless otherwise agreed, and centered horizontally. 2. The hand held photographic camera or CCTV camera shall be positioned so that the long side of the photograph is horizontal. ( Spirit Creek Sanitary Sewer Rehabilitation City of Augusta 03/13/02 , I" I , , I I I J I , , , I I J - - I I I - , I I I I - I 02752-11 Internal Sewer Condition Assessment B. Photographic Camera Position - Laterals/Specific Defect: 1. A means of accurately locating the photographic or camera's footage and any recorded lateral or defect, along the sewer shall be provided, to an accuracy of:!: 1 % or 6 inches, whichever is the greater. 2. When requested by the designated Engineer, in writing. at any time during a surveyor inspection, the Contractor shall demonstrate compliance with the above tolerance in Item 3.02.B.l. The 'device used by the Contractor to measure the footage along the sewer will be compared with a standard tape measure. The results will be noted. If the Contractor fails to meet the required standard of accuracy, the designated Engineer shall instruct the Contractor to provide a new device to measure the footage. The designated Engineer retains the right to instruct th~ Contractor, in writing, to re-survey those lengths of sewer inspected with the original measuring, device at no extra cost. C. Photographic Quality: The in-sewer photographic camera or hand held ccrv system and suitable illumination shall be capable of providing an accurate, uniform and clear record of the sewer's internal condition. In-sewer lighting standards shall meet the requirements of the designated Engineer and applicable codes regarding safety and power. 3.09 CCTV, MAN ENTRY AND SONAR SURVEY DATA SPECIFICATION A. Survey Reporting: 1. No later than 14 days following the completion of a pipeline survey/inspection, Contractor shall submit to the Engineer two hard copies of all details, i.e., typed "Full English" reports" including summary statistical breakdown of all defects encountered, two floppy diskettes containing the data transfer file, and two VHS tapes shall be submitted to the designated Engineer. The supplied data and information shall remain the property of the City. 3. When requested, the Contractor shall provide hard copy output or manually completed site coding sheets at the time of the survey and shall forward copies of these sheets to the designated Engineer, preferably each day, but at least every other day, together with a daily report on progress. B. Site Coding Sheets: Each sewer length, i.e., the length of sewer between two consecutive manholes, shall be entered on a separate coding sheet or entered separately electronically. Thus, where a Contractor elects to "pull through" a manhole during a CCTV and/or Sonar Surveyor "walk through" during a Man Entry survey, a new coding sheet shall be started at the manhole "pulled or walked Spirit Creek Sanitary Sewer Rehabilitation City of Augusta 03/13/02 , , I I I I I I I I J I I I I I i I , I I 02752-12 Internal Sewer Condition Assessment through" and the footage re-set to zero on the coding sheet. Where a length of sewer between consecutive manholes is surveyed from each end (due to an obstruction), two coding sheets should be used. Where a length of sewer between two consecutive manholes cannot be surveyed or attempted for practical reasons, a (complete header) coded sheet shall be made out defming the reason for abandonment. At uncharted manholes a new coding sheet must be started and the" footage re-set to zero. c. Measurement Units: All dimensions shall be in feet and inches. Measurement of sewers shall be to the nearest inch. D. CCTV And Man Entry Photographs: 1. Photographs shall be taken of ,all defective laterals and pipeline defects where requested in writing. Where a defect is continuous or repeated, the photographs shall be taken at the beginning of .the defect and at not less than 10-foot intervals thereafter. Where photographs are not otherwise required, a general condition photograph shall be taken not inore than 50 feet after the previous photograph. 2. CCTV Photographs must clearly and accurately show what is displayed on the monitor, which shall be in proper adjustment. 3. Photographs must be durable and 3-inch x S-inch size and shall be supplied in a suitable album or storage drawer, the standard of which shall be to the satisfaction of the designated Engineer. 4. Still photographs shall be durable and clearly identified in relation to the photograph number (cross referenced to the site survey sheet), street location, sewer dimensions, manhole start and finish numbers, survey direction, footage, and date when the photograph was taken. 5. The annotation shall be clearly visible and in contrast to its background, shall have a figure size no greater than 14 point, and be type printed in upper case. 6. The annotation shall be positioned so as not to interfere with the subject of the photograph. 7. The Contractor shall provide color photographs using digitaJ. camera or such other mutually agreed hard copy color image together with electronic copy. . "'1 E. Control Sample Photograt>hs and/or CD-ROMs: The designated Engineer may issue a written instruction to the Contractor to provide a sample of the photographs and/or CCTV /Sonar tapes taken during the Contract period, which the Contractor shall provide within 5 working days of receiving the written instruction. J Spirit Creek Sanitary Sewer Rehabilitation City of Augusta 03/13/02 , , I , I I J , I I , I I , , , I 02752-13 Internal Sewer Condition Assessment 3.10 CCTVfflONARPERFORMANCE A. Color CCTV /Sonar: All CCTV and/or Sonar work shall use color CCTV /sonar reproduction. B. CCTV Picture Quality: 1. An approved test device shall be provided and be available on site throughout the Contract, enabling the tests specified in this. clause to be checked. 2. The test card shall be Marconi Regulation Chart No.1 or its approved derivatives with a color bar, clearly differentiating between colors, with .no tinting, to show the following: White, Yellow, Cyan, Green, Magenta, Red, Blue, and Black. 3. At the start of each and every working shift, the camera shall be positioned centrally and at right angles to the test card at a distance where the full test card just ftlls the monitor screen. The Contractor shall ensure that the edges of the test card castellations coincide with the edges of the horizontal and vertical scan (raster). The card shall be illuminated evenly and uniformly without any reflection. The illumination shall be to the same color temperature as the color temperature of the lighting that recorded for subsequent use by the designated Engineer, the recording time to be at least 30 seconds. The type of camera used is to be identified on the test recording. The recording must show the camera being introduced into the test device and reaching its stop position. Other test devices may be used subject to approval by the designated Engineer. 4. The electronic systems, television camera and monitor shall be of such quality as to enable the following to be achieved. C. Shades of Gray: The gray scale shall show equal changes in brightness ranging from black to white, with a minimum of five clearly recognizable stages. D. Color: With the monitor adjusted for correct saturation, the six colors plus black and white shall be clearly resolved with the primary and complementary colors in order of decreasing luminance. The gray scale shall appear in contrasting shades of gray with no tint. E. Linearity: The background grid shall show squares of equal size, without convergence/divergence over the whole of picture. The center circle shall appear round and have the correct height/width relationship (:t 5%). F. Resolution: The live picture must be clearly visible with no interference and capable of registering a minimum number of TV lines/pictures height lines. The resolution Spirit Creek Sanitary Sewer Rehabilitation City of Augusta 03/13/02 ~ ~ I - I I I I I I I I I , ii .... I ~f 02752-14 Internal Sewer Condition Assessment shall be checked with the monitor color turned down. In the case of tube cameras this shall be 600 lines. \ G. Color Constancy: To ensure the camera shall provide similar results when used with its own illumination source, the lighting shall be fixed in intensity prior to commencing the survey. In order to ensure color constancy, generally no variatio.n in illumination shall take place during the survey. 1. The Contractor shall note that the designated Engineer may periodically check both the live and picture color consistency against the color bar. Any differences will require re-survey of the new length or lengths affected, at the Contractor's expense. H. Pia vback: 1. Playback video shall be capable of a resoluti6h" of a minimum of 400 lines recorded at standard (SP setting) VHS speed. 2. Each VHS tape shall be labeled by reference to the header record for the survey section completed together with the following information: a. Sequential (unique) VHS number. b. Basin / catchment worked in. c. Survey company name and logo. d. Survey date. I. CCTV Focus/Iris/Illumination: The adjustment of focus and iris shall allow optimum picture quality to be achieved and shall be remotely operated. The adjustment of focus and iris shall provide a minimum focal range from 6 inches in front of the camera's lens to infinity. The distance along the sewer in focus from the initial point of observation shall be a minimum of twice the vertical height of the sewer. The illumination must allow an even distribution of the light around the sewer perimeter without the loss of contrast picture, flare out or shadowing. J. Sonar Survey Requirements: 1. Rates Shall Allow For: a. Complete structural and service assessment to the equivalent standard as that obtained through conventional CCTV imagery. b. The means of attenuating flow, where necessary, to facilitate appraisal of the full sewer cross section. Spirit Creek Sanitary Sewer Rehabilitation City of Augusta 03/13/02 , , I I I I I I I I I I , . 02752-15 Internal Sewer Condition Assessment c. Measurement of flow depth and silt depth. 2. Rates shall allow for continuous output on conventional annotated CD-ROM format of all sewers surveyed, supported by complete defect code sheets. Additionally, silt levels shall be assessed as a percentage depth of sewers at 25-foot intervals for each pipeline surveyed. To facilitate thiS" requirement, and in addition, to assist in diametrical measurement particularly where a sewer is deformed and/or where a sewer has suffered hydrogen sulfide corrosion; screen graphic facilities shall be made available to enable measurements to be taken in any position across the diametrical proflle of the sewer as the sonar survey proceeds and where specifically directed by the designated Engineer. 3. Where combined CCTV and Sonar imagery is required," the output shall display combined CCTV and Sonar images of the sewer being surveyed. The sonar image shall be superimposed on -the real CCTV image as a combined operation. 4. Rates shall allow for a comprehensive final report on the fmdings concerning major defects, including fractures, displaced joints~ deformation, corrosion and lateral intrusions, as well as dominant surface features, including encrustation and silt depths. 5. The monitor display resolution shall be a minimum of 512 x 512 pixels. The color palette shall have a minimum of 16 colors with text. 6. The picture update speed shall not compromise compliance with Item A.(l) or result in unsatisfactory picture resolution. 7. The range of resolution shall be :t 1/10 inch. 8. The maximum beam width of sonar energy pulse shall be no greater than 20 from the center of the transducer. 9. The transducer shall be of the continuous scanning type. K. Contractor's Data Quality Control Procedure: - , -, 1. The Contractor shall operate a quality control system, to be approved by the designated Engineer, which will effectively gauge the accuracy of all survey reports produced by the operator. 2. The system shall be such that the accuracy of reporting IS a function particularly of: a. The number of faults not recorded (omissions). Spirit Creek Sanitary Sewer Rehabilitation City of Augusta 03/13/02 , I I I I I . I I I , I I I I I I 02752-16 Internal Sewer Condition Assessment b. The correctness of the coding and classification of each fault recorded. 3. The minimum levels of accuracy to be attained under the various survey headings are as follows: a. Header Accuracy 95%. b. Detail Accuracy 85%. L. The Contractor's data quality control program shall include routine outside auditing of the work completed by a qualified subcontractor. The qualified subcontractor shall meet the minimum specified Contract requirements for the performance of the work arid shall be approved in writing by the Engineer. The accuracy of the Contractor's data shall be based on the percentage of the data confirmed correct by the subcontractor. The minimum acceptable accuracy-of the data shall be 85%. The general sequence of the auditing shall be as follows: 1. The Engineer shall randomly select 1 day per month, typically in the first week of the month, and the work performed during this day shall be reviewed and/or repeated by the qualified subcontractor. 2. If the work is greater than or equal to 85% accurate, no further outside auditing will be required for the month unless requested by the Engineer at his sole discretion. The cost for this audit is included in the allowances specified in the Bid Form. .- Spirit Creek Sanitary Sewer Rehabilitation City of Augusta 03/13/02 , , I ! I I , I I I I I I I I I I I I I - I I I - 02752-17 Internal Sewer Condition Assessment 3. If the work is less than 85% accurate, the Contractor shall, at his own expense, repeat and/or correct the work and have the work re-audited by the qualified subcontractor. 4. If this work is still less than 85% accurate, the Contractor shall repeat and/or correct and have the work re-audited, at his own expense, until the work is greater than or equal to 85% accurate. 5. When this re-audited work is found to be greater than or equal to 85% accurate, the Contractor shall have the work of another randomly selected day in the same month reviewed and/or repeated by the qualified subcontractor at the Contractor's own expense. 6. Steps 2 through 5 shall be repeated at the Contractor's own expense until the selected day is 85% accurate on the initial audi.1.. 7. The occurrence of five randomly selected days not achieving 85% accuracy on initial subcontractor review will constitute cause for dismissal. 8. If the Contractor successfully meets the 85% accuracy requirement for the initial.randomly selected day for 2 consecutive months (Step 2 above), the Contractor may subsequently audit 1 day every other month. The Contractor may continue auditing 1 day every other month until the initial randomly selected day does not meet 85% accuracy, at which time it must resume auditing 1 day every month. 3.11 COLLAPSED SEWERS/DEFECTIVE MANHOLES A. Any sewer found with greater than 10% deformation (i.e., collapsed or near to collapse), must be reported to the designated Engineer immediately for remedial action. In the event of emergency, phone (XXX)XXX-XXXX. B. Any manhole found broken, cracked, with missing covers or surcharged, must be reported to the designated Engineer immediately for remedial action. In the event of emergency, phone (XXX)XXX-XXXX. C. Any sewer found where the existing conditions pose a threat of personal injury to the public, such as a collapsed sewer with attendant depression to roadway, must be protected by the Contractor until the Engineer arrives at the jobsite. In the event of emergency, phone (XXX)XXX-XXXX. D. Any manhole found where the existing conditions pose a threat of personal injury to the public, such as broken, cracked or missing covers or covers found in traveled portions of any sidewalk or roadway, must be protected by the Contractor until the Engineer arrives at the jobsite. In the event of emergency, phone (XXX)XXX- XXXX. Spirit Creek Sanitary Sewer Rehabilitation City of Augusta 03/13/02 I I I I I (This page was intentionally left blank.) I , I , I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I Spirit Creek Sanitary Sewer Rehabilitation City of Augusta -, 02752-18 Internal Sewer Condition Assessment 03/13/02 , , I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I , I I I I 02752-19 Internal Sewer Condition Assessment ATTACHMENT A INTERNAL SEWER CONDITION ASSESSMENT SAMPLE REPORTS - iiii - .. Spirit Creek Sanitary Sewer Rehabilitation City of Augusta 03/13/02 - I I I I I I I I 02752-20 Internal Sewer Condition Assessment I ) DElAIL ) Digit Ph. Diet CD Code Other Details 157 , SURVEY 'REPORT ) ( Page I'twlber : 157 >- Date : 8Z as zses Tillie : lS:28 Contractor Cont,act No Job No Drainage Area. Diu Diet Pipe L. Ref ASI/DG ASS/OOSt a S a ooe 23ZSS2G15alX Locat ion P lAce Mallie BEHXEI.E STREET t1CDANIEL BASIN Start Manhole No. : 2325S2(31OO1 Depth: as.a Total Length : 355.6 Finish Kanhole No. : 2325SZS15a1 Depth: 69.8 Suyed Length : 286.7 Use Direction . Size Shape I14terial Lining vr Laid Pipe L COl1BINED UPSTHEA/'1 8in, CIRe. U. CLAY' Z 3.ea CD-Rm1 No U. l1od.e I COllUllents eee15 - Purpose Wea.ther Location Further Infor!lldtion . DRY - I 9136 azse 855a 8153 9189 9186 ezee eza3 EIZZ5 8Z35 8Z56 GZ7a e285 6383 6316 83Z5 8333 6345 ,33&6 9375 6385 6786 lX15 e8'!6 9133 6'lS3 lX7a 9'183 8'379 19'!6 lX96 6513 esz9 I I I I I a.a ST a,s MH 6.a WI. 313.Z JM' '\1.5 JDH i3.3 .m S'!.5 OJM 56.3 IN 79.a IN 83.Z IN 1135.5 IN lea.5 IN lZO.9 011 135.4 CL 135.a 011 147.Z IN 1'\9.8 IN 1S7.~ IN 175.9 IN .~ ,181.9 JM 18'1.9 IN 184.9 S1 DES ZS9.3 IN za9 . 3 F1 DES' Z18.9 IN Z3'1.Z m Z~.8 FCJ 25i.7 JI'! 251.7 SZ DES ZS4.7 S3 RP 2S7.5 IN 219.5 CZ DES zae.5 IN ( Page' Nwqoer Start of Survey Manhole Z3ZSSZ01a61 lilater Leucl is nOw e~ Junction. 5in at €I30/c F\J Joint Displaced Medl~ Junction. 5in at 690/(; SW Open Joint Medi~ Junction. 6in At 890/c Junction. 6in at a30/c Junction. 5in at S90/C Ju~ction. 61n at 9ZO/c Junction. 51n at a90/c Conn. Intruding by 1in. F\J Longitudinal Cracx At 1Zo/c Conn. Intruding by l1n: 6in Dia at 1ZO/c FIn Junetion. 5in at 830/c F\J Junction. f;lln at 8'30/c SW Junction. 6in at 83o/c SW Junction. bin at 180/c SW Junction. 5in at GZO/c FW7 Junction. &in at laO/c SW Debris Silt. GS% loss Junction. 51n At 190/c FW7 Debris' Silt. es~ los8 Junction. &In At 9Zo/c SlJ, Junction. 6in at 180/c 'SW CircuMferential Fracture at Joint at S3 to eso/c Junction. 5in At ezO/c F\J7 Debris Silt. 8~ loss Fine Roots Junction. 6in 'At 8'30/c SW Debris Silt. 59~ loss Junetlon-. 51n At ezO/c SW reeDS] SW F\J7 F\J FIn FW 5in Dia at 1.Zo/c I For Page NulIIber 157 I DETA IL CONT INUED ON NEXT PAGE Spirit Creek Sanitary Sewer Rehabilitation City of Augusta 03/13/02 I I I I 02752-21 Internal Sewer Condition Assessment Location BEHXELE STHEET CONTINUATION PAGE ) , Page I1ulllber Place l'l4Me I1CDAI't lEI. BAS 11'1 1&7 >- Start tfo.nhole t'1a. : "Z3Z5eza1OO1 Depth: l38.a rotal Length : 365.13 Finish tfo.nhole 1'10. : 232SaZ81Sa1 Depth: 69.13 Suyed Length : 280.7 I I ' DETAIL CONTINUED ) Digit Ph. Dist CD Code Other Details , Page /'twIlber : 1&7 1 I 85Z3 1ese e5Z3 zaa.7 P'Z DES Debris Silt. 58'/. lass "Z88.7 P'3 RF .Fine Roots zaa . 7 SA Survey Ab4ndoned DUE ra SURVEY OUERUIP I St /1h No. SUI1t1ARY) , Page I1uIllber 1&7 >- Z3Z5eZl31881 Fh"/1h t'1a. Z3Z5aza1S81 Suyed Length Z80. 7 SOl1E 11AJ0H clcfects in this length: Deforlll4tlons: NO -" I t\llt/Long/Ctrc HeavyA1edill/ll Gusher/Runner 114_ Bre4ks/Holes Fractures Encrustation Infiltration Roots Obstructions NO NO NO NO NO CIRe Faulty Junctlons/Connectlol19 : ~ END OF SUI'1l'1RR Y I I I I I I I ..... . --. Spirit Creek Sanitary Sewer Rehabilitation City of Augusta 03/13/02 - - I I 02752-22 Internal Sewer Condition Assessment I I SURUEY REPORT , < Page NWlIber : 17E1 >- Date : ez ElS zeee Tillle : 17:Z13 Contrllctor Contract ,No Job No Drat nage ArC/l Diu DIst Pipe L. Ref ASI/DG ASG/OO131 13 13 9 eoo Z3Z5ElZOO1.13lX Location PIll= N4l1le MCDAI'IIEL STREET I1CDAN IEL BAS IN Start I'Idnhole No. : nZ5eZSl9131 Depth : 09.5 Tota I Length : 685.8 Finish ~nhole No. : Z3Z5GZe&\91 Depth: 98.a Suyed Length : a85.8 U8e Direction Size Shape I'Id ter i III Lining 'ir lAid PiPe L COI1BINED UPSTREA/1 lZin CIRC. U. CLAY Z 3.SS CD-ROr1 1'10 U. Nadel CollIllICnts 9Ele15 - Purpose We4ther Location Further I of OI'1ll4 ti on .DRY - I I , I I , DETAIL Digit Ph. Dist CD Code Other DetllJIs - , Page Nu/lIber 17S I , 9583 ' (3.8 ST Start of Suruey [13311] me a.a l1H Manhole Z3Z5SZS1gel 19'W a.a lJL l.I4ter Leuel is now as:-. E15B3 a.s Sl DEG Debris Grease at E170/c to eso/c. as;.: 10S9 66'33 13.9 JDN Joint DIsplllced MediulIl EI79a 18.3 OB Obstruct ion. eS% lOlls STONE ene 25.3 SZ DES Debris Silt. 95% loss 97Z9 35,,1 CXI Conn Defect./ I ntr. by 31n. 51n Dla. At 160/c SW 11113 35.1 IN Junct.ion. 5in lit E1Zo/c CAPPED OFF e735 1a.5 IN Junction. 5in at ezo/c CAPPED OFF 97S9 15.5 CZ DES Debris Silt. 15:1. loss 9755 53.9 IN Junction. 51n lit lGo/c 'CAPPED OFF 97B3 73.7 JX Junction. Defectlue. 51n Dill at ezo/c SW' lS7e 73.7 B Break. From 110/c to E110/c 97'35 81.1 IN Junction. 51n at lE1O/c eaaa 85.8 F1 DEG Debris Grease lit 070/c to E1SO/c. as;.: loss 1500 85.8 FZ DES Debris Silt. 15% 1088 Z100 85.8 tlH Manhole 23ZSaZoe4EIl ,eaee 85.8 FH FlnJsh of Survey. I I I . St I1h tic. SUtll1AJ\ 'l ZJZSeW 1'301 Fh I1h No. ) ( Page NWlIber : Z3ZSeZEl6'1E11 Suyed Length 1713 >- ass.a SOI1E I1AJOR defects In this length: Deformat.ions: NO ttult./Long/Circ HeauyA1ediullI Gusher/Runner Mass Breaks/Holes Frllctures Encrustation Infiltration Roots Obstructions YES NO NO NO NO YES Faulty Junctions/Connections : YES END OF SUMMARY Spirit Creek Sanitary Sewer Rehabilitation City of Augusta 03/13/02 , , I I 02752-23 Internal Sewer Condition Assessment I I SURUEY REPORT ) < Page Nulllber : 184 >- Date : 8Z 87 2800 Tillie : 14:5.2 ContrllCtor Contract No Job No Drainage Area Diu Dist Pipe L. Ref ASI/DG ASG/GOO1 e e e 8ee Z3358395681}( Location Place NdRe GAULT STREET BOULEVARD BASIN Start I1anho Ie No. : 23358385681 Depth : 22.8 Total Length : 561.2 Finish I1anhole Mo. : 23356315561 Depth: ee.8 Suyed Length : sal.2 Use Direction Size Shape Naterial Lining 'If' l.4id Pipe L COMBINED D/STREAI1 12in CIRC. U. CLAY Z 3.G9 CD-ROr1 no U. Model COlIlllIe nta eee17 - Purpose Weather Location Further InfoMllation DRY - - , I J I I I I DETAIL " Digit Ph. Di&t CD Code Other Details C Page Number 18i I I G786 a.6 ST Start of Suruey [G392] 1588 a.a I1H Manhole 23358305601 Z36G G.a lilt t.Ia ter (.eve 1 'I s now 85% 9796 6.9 51 El'1J Encrust Mec1 at Jnt. ~ loss at 670/c to t3So/c CLOClCS UARY eaaa 12.9 EHJ Encrust Heavy at Jnt. ZS% loss at 12o/c to 65o/c 9819 15.3 IDJ 'Infiltration Dripping at Joint at 11o/c to 12o/c 0016 18.6 EHJ Encrust He4uy at Jnt. ZS'/. 108s at 610/c to 050/c 98Z3 ,2i.7 CL Longituc1Inal Crack at 12o/c e83G 31.5 FL Longitudinal Fracture at l2o/c as4a 43.Z EHJ Encrust He4uy at Jnt. 3€1'/. loss at 13?O/C to 3So/c G846 '\6.3 EHJ Encrust Heauy at Jnt. ZS% loss at 970/c to GSo/c 1766 46.3 SZ IOJ Infiltration Dripping at Joint 4t 12o/c ZS6G 16.3 RFJ Fine Roots 4t JoInt 6856 56.9 EHJ Encrust He4UY 4t Jnt. 58% los8 at 090/c to 63o/c OBSCURING UISION G9W 87.5 FZ IDJ Infiltration Dripping at Joint 4t 12o/c G'356 117.1 IDJ Infiltration Dripping at Joint 4t 1Zo/c El'3C6 161.0 F.HJ Encrust Heauy at Jnt. Z5% IOS8 at 890/c to G30/C 19'16 161.8 IDJ Infiltration Dripping at Joint at 110/c J080 161. 0 RFJ Fine Roots dt Joint 6973 166.5 EHJ Encrust He4UY at Jnt. 25% loss at 68o....c to 120/C EI983 --171.1 IOJ Infiltration Dripping at Joint at 110/c fJ<39fi 1S'!.7 IDJ Infiltration Dripping at Joint at 110/c 1a03 zaz . '! IDJ Infiltration Dripping at Joint at 610/c 101& 213.7 BJ : Break at Joint. Frolll 860/c to 880/c lGZO 217.6 IDJ Infiltration Dripping at Joint at 110/c to 12o....c 1633 Z25.Z IDJ Infiltration Dripping at Joint at 010/c 1658 252.9 Fl ENJ Encrust Ned at Jnt. 15% loss at (370/c to 850/c CLOCl<S UARY 1300 ZSZ. '3 53 ELJ Encrust Light at Joint at 870/c to 6So/c CLOCl<S UARY 180li 286.1 IDJ Infiltration Dripping at Joint at 120....c 1073 296.Z RI1J /'14ss Roots at Joint. 39% 1088 13Sa 296.Z IDJ Infiltration Dripping at Joint at G2o/c I I I I - I - I - I I DETAIL CONTINUED ON NEXT PAGE For Page Nwlber 184 I l Spirit Creek Sanitary Sewer Rehabilitation City of Augusta 03/13/02 - I I I I I Location GAULT STREET Tot.a.1 Length : se1.2 Suyed Length :581.2 02752-24 Internal Sewer Condition Assessment CONT I/"IUAT 10t1 PAGE ) ( Page /'twIlber Place N4/IIe BOULEUARD BASIn ' 181 >- Start. I14nhole 110. : Z33S838soal Depth: zz.e Finish rto.nhole no. : Z33S~15Sel Depth: sa.a ( 'Page I'1u.IIIbcr : 181 ( DETAIL CONTINUED Din CD Code Other Dcu'ils I I IDigit Ph. I I 1ea6 3G'1.2 RI1J 1113 349.6 RI1J 11.3a 367.1 RI1J 1133 37e.1 Rl1J 1H6 375.8 RMJ l1Sa 377.8 51 ilPJ 1186 441. 6 BJ 1193 442.1 B lZae ~.8 B 1.Za6 446.3 CCJ 1213 448.5 B 12ZG 451.8 B 123e 454.1 B 1248 'iS7.Z B 1ZSa '16a.3 B 1256 'lCZ . 1 B 1266 111.9 B 1Z73 118.5 Rt1J 175a 478.5 RTJ 1346 485.1 Rl1J 13613 19Z . 7 SS DES 137e 581.2 F3 ELJ 19"!a sal.Z Fot RFJ 3G8G se1.Z Fs DES 376(3 sal.2 I1H 1378 sal.Z FH , I I I I I I I I Mass Roots at Joint. 1a~ loss /14S& Roots at Joint. 6S~ 1088 '/14ss Roots at Joint. as:-. .108s Mass Roots at Joint. &e~ loss Mass Roots at Joint. e5% los8 Pine Roots at Joint Break at Joint. Fro~ e9o/c to 1Zo/c Break. Fro~ 110/c to alO/c Break. From 110/c to elo/c REPA IRED CirctJlllf'erential Crack at Joint at G70/c to 690/c Break. FI'OllI leo/c to elo/c REPAIRED " Bre4.lc. FI"OIll 11o/c to 810/c REPA IRED Break: FrolIl IGO/c to 12O/c REPA IRED Break. P'I"OIll 100/c to 12o/c REPA IRED Break. P'1'OllI a90/c to IUO/c REPA IRED Break. F.ran leo/c to elovc RErA Im;p Break. P'1'OllI Hovc to 6Zo/c REPAIRED Mass Roots at Joint. Z5:I. loss Tap Roots at Joint Mass Roots at Joint. ZS% loss Debris Silt. l~/. lo~ Encrust Light at Joint at 870/c to G50/c CLOCXS UAJll/ Pine Roots at Joint Debris Silt. la~ i08s Manhoie 233sa315561 Finish of Suruey. I St tfh No. StJt1I1AA II' ( P cge I1wtbcr: 181 >- Z335a36S&01 Fh Mh No. Z33Sa31S581 Suyed Length Sal.Z SOME I1RJOR defects in this' length: Deformations: I'tO I1u 1 t/Long/C I t"C Hea uy/t1ed i UI'll Breaks/HOles Fractures Encrustation YES LONG HEAU II MEDIUM Faulty Junctionlf/Connections : NO . END OF SUt1l'IAR II I .,.. I I Spirit Creek Sanitary Sewer Rehabilitation Gusher/Runner /14S8 In! 11 trat Ion Roots Obstructions NO MASS NO City of Augusta 1 03/13/02 , I , I I I I I I I I I I I 02752-25 Internal Sewer Condition Assessment ATTACHMENT B DEFECT, MATERIAL, SHAPE, AND LINING CODES . -. .- -. .- Spirit Creek Sanitary Sewer Rehabilitation City of Augusta 03/13/02 , - - - , I I I I I I , I I . . ! - . I - I I I 02752-26 Internal Sewer Condition Assessment DEFECT CODING SORTED ALPHABETICALLY BY CODE CODE TYPE DEFINITION B Structural Conduit broken at..(OR from ...to...) o'clock BJ Structural Conduit broken at ioin at... (OR from ...to...) o'clock BLC Lining Circumferential blister (at ioint) from ...to... o'clock BLL Lining Longitudinal blister (at ioint) from ...to... o'clock BLM Lining Multiple blisters (at ioint) from... o'clock to ... o'clock BR Construction Major branch BUC Lining Circumferential bulge (at joint) from.. . o'clock to .. .o'clock BUL Lining Longitudinal bulge (at joint) at .. .0' clock BUM Lining Multiple bulges (at joint) from o'clock to ... o'clock CC Structural Circumferential crack from.. .to... o'clock CCB Structural Circumferential crack in bricks from ...to... o'clock CCJ Structural Circumferential crack at ioint from.. .to... o'clock CI Miscellaneous Cameral inverted, top of center line at ...0' clock , CL Structural Longitudinal crack at ...o'clock CLB Structural Longitudinal crack in bricks at ...o'clock CU Structural Longitudinal crack at joint at.. .o'clock CM Structural Multiple cracks from... to ...0' clock CMB Structural Multiple cracks in bricks from... to... o'clock CMJ Structural Multiple cracks at ioint from.. .to... o'clock CN Construction Connection at ... o'clock, diameter... nun CN! Construction Connection at ... 0' clock, diameter.. nun, intrusion ....nun CS Miscellaneous Camera submerged CX Construction Defective connection at... o'clock, diameter... rom CX! Construction Defective connection at ... o'clock, DB Structural Bricks displaced at ... (OR from... to ...) o'clock DC Miscellaneous Dimension of conduit changes at this point, new dimension... rom. DDC Lining Circumferential degradation (at ioint) from... o'clock to;.. o'clock DDL Lining Longitudinal degradation (at joint) at... o'clock DE Service Debris (not silt/grease), ... % cross-sectional area loss DEG Service Debris (grease) ... % cross-sectional area loss from... to ... o'clock DEGJ Service Debris (grease) atioint ... % cross-sectional area loss from... to ... 0' clock DEl Service Debris not silt/grease) at joint, ... % cross-sectional area loss DES Service Debris silt), ... % cross-sectional area loss DESI Service Debris silt) at joint, ... % cross-sectional area loss DR Structural Conduit deformed. ... % change of horizontal dimension DRB Structural Brick conduit deformed. ... % change of horizontal dimension DI Structural Dropped invert, gap... nun ONC Lining Circumferential delamination (at joint) from.. .o'clock to . ..o'clock DNL Lining Longitudinal delamination (at joint) at... o'clock OTC Lining Circumferential detached (at joint) from... o'clock to... o'clock DTL Lining Longitudinal detached (at joint) at... o'clock DV Structural Conduit deformed, ... % change of vertical dimension DVB Structural Brick conduit deformed, ... % change of vertical dimension EH Service Heavy encrustation, ... % cross-sectional area loss from... to ... o'clock Em Service Heavy encrustation at joint, ... % cross-sectional area loss from. .. to ... o'clock EL Service Light encrustation from... to ... o'clock EU Service Light encrustation at joint from... to ... o'clock EM Service Medium encrustation, ... % cross-sectional area loss from... to ... 0' clock EMJ Service Medium encrustation at ioint, ... % cross-sectional area loss from... to ... 0' clock ERM Service Minor erosion (<4 inches) behind channel wall at... o'clock Spirit Creek Sanitary Sewer Rehabilitation City of Augusta 03/13/02 I ) , I I I I I , I 1 , I I I I . . I 02752-27 Internal Sewer Condition Assessment CODE TYPE DEFINITION ERS Service Silmificant erosion (>4 inches) behind channel wall at ... o'clock ESH Service Heavy scale, ... % cross-sectional area loss from... to ... 0' clock ESL Service Light scale from... to ... o'clock ESM Service Medium scale, ... % cross-sectional area loss from... to ... o'clock FC Structural Circumferential fracture from... to ... o'clock FCB Structural Circumferential fracture in bricks 'from... to ... o'clock FCJ Structural Circumferential fracture at joint from... to ... o'clock FH Miscellaneous Finish on conduit survey length FL Structural Longitudinal fracture at ... o'clock FLB Structural Longitudinal fracture in bricks at ... 0' clock FU Structural Longitudinal fracture at joint at ... o'clock FM Structural Multiple fractures from ... to ... o'clock FMB Structural Multiole fractures at ioint from... to ... o'clock GC Miscellaneous General comment at this point GP Miscellaneous General ohotograph at this ooint H Structural Hole in sewer at... (OR from... to ...) o'clock ill Service Infiltration dripoer at ... (OR from... to ...) o'clock. illJ Service Infiltration dripper at ioint at ... (OR from... to ...) o'clock IG Service Infiltration gusher at... (OR from ... to ...) o'clock. IGJ Service Infiltration gusher at joint at... (OR from... to ...) o'clock IR Service Infiltration runner at ... (OR from ... to ..To'clock IRJ Service Infiltration runner at joint at ... (OR from... to ...) o'clock IS Service Infiltration seeper at... (OR from... to ...) o'clock ISJ Service Infiltration seeper at joint at... (OR from... to ...) o'clock IDL Structural Joint displaced large (> 1.5 "t"). JDM Structural Joint disolaced medium ("t" to 1.5 "t") IDS Structural Joint displaced slight (<"t") IN Construction Junction at... o'clock, diameter... rnm JX Construction Defective junction at... o'clock, diameter... nun LC Miscellaneous Conduit lining changes (starts) at this ooint LD Service Line of conduit deviates down LL ServiCe Line of conduit deviates left LR Service Line of conduit deviates right LV Service Line of conduit deviates up MB Structural Missing bricks at ... (OR from... to ...T o'clock MC Miscellaneous Conduit material changes at this ooint MH Construction Manhole/node MM Structural Mortar missing medium (1/2 inch - 2 incheS) at ...(OR from... to ... ) o'clock MS Structural Mortar missing surface (under 1/2 inch Tat... <OR.from... to ... ) o'clock MT Structural Mortar missing total (over 2 inches) at ... <OR from... to ... ) o'clock DB Service Obstruction, ... % height/diameter loss OBF Service Rock fall OBJ Service Obstruction at ioint, ... % height/diameter loss OBM Service Foreign mechanical obiect causing structural damage at.. .(OR from... to...) 0' clock OBS Service Failing structural suooort mechanism at... (OR from... to ...) o'clock OJL Structural Ooen joint large (> 1.5 "t") OJM Structural ()Oen ioint medium ("t" to 1.5 "t") OJS Structural Doen ioint slight (< "t") PC Miscellaneous Length of pipes fonning conduit changes at this ooint, new len~ ... rnm PLB Lining Bulge in lining at... (OR from~.. to...) o'clock PLM Lining Lining missing at... (OR from... to ... ) o'clock PLS Lining Lining separated or hanging from conduit at... (OR from... to ...) o'clock PLW Lining Weld failure at... (OR from... to ..T o'clock Spirit Creek Sanitary Sewer Rehabilitation City of Augusta 03/13/02 I I I I I I I I I I I I I ii . - 02752-28 Internal Sewer Condition Assessment CODE TYPE DEFINITION RF Service Fine roots RFJ Service Fine roots at joint RM Service Mass roots, ... % cross-sectional area loss from... to ... o'clock RMJ Service Mass roots at joint, ... % cross-sectional area loss from... to ... o'clock RT Service TaD roots RTJ Service TaD roots at ioint SA Miscellaneous Survev abandoned SC Miscellaneous Conduit shane changes at this point SDM Service Minor scour protection damage at ... o'clock SDS Service Significant scour protection damage at ... 0' clock SEL Structural Surface damage, erosion large - no invert in conduit from... to ... o'clock SEM Structural Surface damage, erosion medium - holes and wear at ... (OR from... to...) 0' clock SES Structural Surface damage, erosion slight - surface under cut from... to ... o'clock SGE Structural Surface damage, gas attack extreme - major holes invert, walls, crown or full circumference or conduit section missing at ... (OR... to...) o'clock SGL Structural Surface damage, gas attack large-exposed aggregate and/or reinforcement at ... (OR from... to ...) o'clock - . SGM Structural Surface damage, gas attack medium - exposed aggregate and or pocking at ... (OR from ... to ...) o'clock SGS Structural Surface damage, gas attack slight - surface corrosion at ...(OR from. ..to...) o'clock SS Structural Surface damage, spalling at... (OR from... to ...) o'clock SSB Structural Surface damage, spalling in bricks at ... (OR from... to ...) 0' clock ST Miscellaneous Start of conduit survev length SW Structural Surface damage, wear at... (OR from... to ..:fo'clock SWB Structural Surface damage in bricks at... (OR from... to ...) o'clock TC Lining Circumferential tear (at ioint) at... o'clock TL Lining Longitudinal tear (at joint) from... o'clock to ... o'clock V Miscellaneous Vermin (rats and mice) WB Service WeeDhole blocked at... o'clock WC Lining Circumferential wrinkle (at ioint) from... o'clock to ... o'clock WFC Lining Circumferential weld failure (at joint) from... 0' clock to ... 0' clock WFL Lining Longitudinal weld failure (at ioint) at ... o'clock WL Service Water level, ... % height/diameter WLL Lining Longitudinal wrinkle (at ioint) at... o'clock WM Lining Multiole wrinkles (at ioint) from... o'clock to ... o'clock WO Service Weephole obstructed at... o'clock X Structural Conduit collapsed, ... % loss of cross~sectional area loss XB Structural Brick conduit collapsed,... % loss of cross-sectional area loss Spirit Creek Sanitary Sewer Rehabilitation City of Augusta 03/13/02 , , I I I I I I I I I I I I . I I I I I - . - -; - - - I ~I I -I 02752-29 Internal Sewer Condition Assessment DEFECT CODING SORTED ALPHABETICALLY BY TYPE CODE TYPE DEFINITION BR Construction Major branch CN Construction Connection at... o'clock, diameter... rom CN! Construction Connection at ... 0' clock, diameter.. rom, intrusion....nun CX Construction Defective connection at ... o'clock, diameter... mrn CX! Construction Defective connection at ... o'clock, IN Construction Junction at... o'clock, diameter... mrn JX Construction Defective iunction at ... 0' clock, diameter... mm MH Construction Manhole/node BLC Lining Circumferential blister (at joint) from ...to... o'clock BLL Lining Longitudinal blister (at ioint) from... to... o'clock BLM Lining Multiple blisters (at joint) from... o'clock to ... o'clock BUC Lining Circumferential bulge (at ioint) from ...o'clock to ...o'clock BUL Lining Longitudinal bulge (at ioint) at ...o'clock BUM Lining Multiple bulges (at joint) from... 0' clock to ... 0' c1cick DDC Lining Circumferential degradation (at joint) from... o'clock to ... o'clock DDL Lining Longitudinal degradation (at joint) at... o'clock DNC Lining Circumferential delamination (at ioint) from ...o'clock to ...o'clock DNL Lining Longitudinal delamination (at ioint) at ... 0' clock DTC Lining Circumferential detached (at joint) from ... o'clock to... o'clock DTL Lining Longitudinal detached (at joint) at... o'clock PLB Lining Bulge in lining at... (OR from... to...) o'clock PLS Lining Lining separated or hanging from conduit at... (OR from... to ...) o'clock. PLM Lining Lining missing at... (OR from... to ... ) o'clock PLW Lining Weld failure at ... (OR from... to ...) o'clock TC Lining Circumferential tear (at joint) at... o'clock TL Lining Longitudinal tear (at joint) from... o'clock to ... o'clock WC Lining Circumferential wrinlcle (at ioint) from. .. 0' clock to ... 0' clock WFC Lining Circumferential weld failure (at ioint) from... o'clock to... o'clock WFL Lining Longitudinal weld failure (at ioint) at ... o'clock WLL Lining Longitudinal wrinkle (at joint) at... o'clock WM Lining Multiple wrinkles (at iointO from... o'clock to ... o'clock CI Miscellaneous Cameral inverted, top of center line at .. .0' clock CS Miscellaneous Camera submerged DC Miscellaneous Dimension of conduit changes at this point, new dimension ... mm. FH Miscellaneous Finish on conduit survey length GC Miscellaneous General comment at this point GP Miscellaneous General photograph at this point LC Miscellaneous Conduit lining changes (starts) at this point MC Miscellaneous Conduit material changes at this point PC Miscellaneous Length of pipes forming conduit changes at this point, new length. .. mm SA Miscellaneous Survey abandoned SC Miscellaneous Conduit shape changes at this point ST Miscellaneous Start of conduit survey length V Miscellaneous Vermin (rats and mice DE Service Debris not silt/grease , ... % cross-sectional area loss DEG Service Debris ,grease)... % cross-sectional area loss from... to ... o'clock DEGJ Service Debris :grease) at joint... % cross-sectional area loss from... to ... 0' clock DEJ Service Debris (not silt/grease) at joint, ... % cross-sectional area loss DES Service Debris (silt), ... % cross-sectional area loss Spirit Creek Sanitary Sewer Rehabilitation City of Augusta 03/13/02 , , I I , I , I I I , I I I I I I I I I I - -I 02752-30 Internal Sewer Condition Assessment CODE TYPE DEFINITION DESI Service Debris ( silt) at joint, ... % cross-sectional area loss EH Service Heavy encrustation, ... % cross-sectional area loss from... to ... o' clock EID Service Heavy encrustation at joint, ... % cross-sectional area loss from... to ... o'clock EL Service Light encrustation from... to ... 0' clock EU Service Light encrustation at ioint from... to ... o' clock EM Service Medium encrustation, ... % cross-sectional area loss from... to ... o'clock EM! Service Medium encrustation atioint, ... % cross-sectional area loss from... to ... o'clock ERM Service Minor erosion (<4 inches) behind channel wall at... o'clock ERS Service Significant erosion (>4 inches) behind channel wall at ... o'clock ESH Service Heavy scale, ... % cross-sectional area loss from... to ... 0' clock ESL Service Light scale from... to ... o'clock ESM Service Medium scale, ... % cross-sectional area loss from... to ... 0' clock ill Service Infiltration dripper at... (OR from... to ...) o'clock 101 Service Infiltration dripper at joint at ... (OR from... to ...) o'clock IG Service Infiltration gusher at ... (OR from ... to ...) o'clock IGJ Service Infiltration gusher at joint at ... (OR from... to ...) o'clock IR Service Infiltration runner at... (OR from... to ...) o'clock IR1 Service Infiltration runner at joint at ... (OR from... to ...) o'clock IS Service Infiltration seeper at ... (OR from... to ...) o'clock ISJ Service Infiltration seeper at joint at... (OR from... to ...) o'clock LD Service Line of conduit deviates down LL Service Line of conduit deviates left LR Service Line of conduit deviates right LU Service Line of conduit deviates up OB Service Obstruction, ... % height/diameter loss OBF Service Rock fall OBJ Service Obstruction at joint, ... % height/diameter loss OBM Service Foreign mechanical object causing structural damage at... (OR from... to...) 0' clock OBS Service Failing structural support mechanism at ... (OR from... to ...) 0' clock RF Service Fine roots RFJ Service Ene roots at joint RM Service Mass roots, ... % cross-sectional area loss from... to ... 0' clock RMJ Service Mass roots at joint, ... % cross-sectional area loss from... to ... 0' clock RT Service Tap roots RTJ Service Tap roots at joint SDM Service Minor scour protection damage at... o'clock SDS Service Significant scour protection damage at ... 0' clock WB Service Weephole blocked at... o'clock WL Service Water level, ... % height/diameter WO Service Weephole obstructed at... o'clock B Structural Conduit broken at..(OR from.. .to...) o'clock BJ Structural Conduit broken at join at ... (OR from... to...) o'clock CC Structural Circumferential crack from ...to... o'clock CCB Structural Circumferential crack in bricks from ...to... o'clock CCJ Structural Circumferential crack at joint from... to... o' clock CL Structural Longitudinal crack at ...0' clock CLB Structural Longitudinal crack in bricks at .. .o'clock CU Structural Longitudinal crack at joint at .. .0' clock CM Structural Multiple cracks from ...to ...o'clock CMB Structural Multiple cracks in bricks from ...to... o'clock CM! Structural Multiple cracks at joint from.. .to... o'clock DB Structural Bricks displaced at ... (OR from... to ...) 0' clock DH Structural Conduit deformed. ... % change of horizontal dimension Spirit Creek Sanitary Sewer Rehabilitation 03/13/02 City of Augusta I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I 02752-31 Internal Sewer Condition Assessment CODE TYPE DEFINITION DHB Structural Brick conduit defonned. ... % change of horizontal dimension Dr Structural Dropped invert, gap... mm DV Structural Conduit deformed, ... % change of vertical dimension DVB Structural Brick conduit deformed, ... % change of vertical dimension FC Structural Circumferential fracture from. .. to ." 0' clock FCB Structural Circumferential fracture in bricks from... to ... 0' clock FC! Structural Circumferential fracture at ioint from... to .., 0' clock FL Structural Longitudinal fracture at ... o'clock FLB S truc'tural Longitudinal fracture in bricks at ... o' clock FlJ Structural Longitudinal fracture at ioint at ... 0' clock PM Structural Multiple fractures from... to ... o'clock FMB Structural Multiple fractures at joint from ... to ... o'clock H Structural Hole in sewer at... (OR from... to ...) o'clock IDL Structural Joint displaced large (>1.5 "t"). IDM Structural Joint displaced medium ("t" to 1.5 "t") IDS Structural Joint displaced slight (<"t") MB Structural Missing bricks at ... (OR from... to ... ) 0' clock MM Structural Mortar missing medium (1/2 inch - 2 inches) at ... (OR from... to ...) o'clock MS Structural Mortar missing surface (under 1/2 inch) at ... (OR from... to ... ) o'clock MT Structural Mortar missing total (over 2 inches) at... (OR from... to ... ) o'clock OIL Structural Open ioint large ( > 1.5 "t") aIM Structural Open joint medium ("t" to 1.5 "t") OJS Structural Open ioint slight (< "t") SEL Structural Surface damage, erosion large - no invert in conduit from... to ... o'clock SEM Structural Surface damage, erosion medium - holes and wear at ... (OR from... to...) o'clock SES Structural Surface damage, erosion slight - surface under cut from. .. to ... 0' clock SGE Structural Surface damage, gas attack extreme - major holes invert, walls, crown or full circumference or conduit section missing at ... (OR... to...) 0' clock SGL Structural Surface damage, gas attack large-exposed aggregate and/or reinforcement at ... (OR from... to ...) o'clock SGM Structural Surface damage, gas attack medium - exposed aggregate and or pocking at ... (OR from... to ...) o'clock SGS Structural Surface damage, gas attack slight - surface corrosion at.. .(OR from ...to...) o'clock SS Structural Surface damage, spalling at ... (OR from... to ...) o'clock SSB Structural Surface damage, spalling in bricks at ... (OR from... to ...) 0' clock SW Structural Surface damage, wear at ... (OR from... to ...) o'clock SWB Structural Surface damage in bricks at... (OR from... to ...) o'clock X Structural Conduit collapsed, ... % loss of cross-sectional area loss XB Structural Brick conduit collapsed, ... % loss of cross-sectional area loss Spirit Creek Sanitary Sewer Rehabilitation City of Augusta 03/13/02 , , , I I 02752-32 Internal Sewer Condition Assessment I Material Codi!!g I J crylonitrile Butatiene Styrene rick t Iron Pipe orrugated Metal Pipe ast-In-Place Concrete Pipe ured-In-Place Liner uctile Iron Pipe iberglass Reinforced Pipe on-Reinforced Concrete Pipe angeburg Pipe olyethylene Pipe VC Lined Pipe (Fold/Reform) olyvinylChloride Pipe einforced Concrete Box einforced Concrete Pipe teel itrified Clay Pipe cod ther (state in Comments otKnown I , I I I Shape Coding I ! I 1 ched (with flat bottom) arrel (e.g. beer barrel shape) ircular gg shaped orseshoe (i.e.. inverted U) val ectangular quare rapezoidal -Shaped with flat top ther (state in Comments) I I , I I Existing Lining Coding I ft inversion type liner lastic I - I I ther (state in Comments) otKnown Spirit Creek Sanitary Sewer Rehabilitation City of Augusta 03/13/02 ~ I I I j I 1 I I I i I I I I I , I ; I I I I I I I I I ~ 02752-33 Internal Sewer Condition Assessment .~ ATTACHMENTC GENERAL INSPECTION LOGGING REQUIREMENTS Spirit Creek Sanitary Sewer Rehabilitation City of Augusta 03/13/02 I I ~ I I I I I I I I I I I I . . 02752-34 Internal Sewer Condition Assessment General Inspection Logging Requirements (to be read in conjunction with other related documentation, i.e., Manual of Sewer Condition Classification): The fIrst three lines of each set of survey details must have the codes ST or MH. The Manhole Number must be entered in the Remarks column against the MIl code (this is essential as a number of Data Interrogation packages stores the Header and Detail records separately which are "connected" by an Index. To ensure data integrity, a QC check can be run against the Detail information to confIrm that the correct Details are against the relevant Header). I.e.: OD10230 0.0 ST OD1 0.0 MH OD1 0.0 WL SJ34255521 10 Each line of Detail (or as a minimum the fIrst and last Detail lines) must have the video digit entered against each code, presented in the following way: - The video digits must conform to the National elapsed time based standards (time into the tape) for Video Tape recorders: - Always four digits (hmms, where s = units of 10 seconds). - Always right justified and zero filled. - The following elapsed time format MUST be adhered to, i.e.: 0230 o = Number of hours (Zero hours). 23 = Number of minutes (23 minutes). o = Units of 10 seconds each (0 seconds). Other examples: 0032 = 3 minutes and 20 seconds into the tape. 0244 = 24 minutes and 40 seconds into the tape. 1503 = 1 hour, 50 minutes and 30 seconds into the tape. 2451 = 2 hours, 45minutes and 10 seconds into the tape. The final detail line for each survey must end with a Termination code, either SA or FH. Le. OD1 89.0 RMJ OD1 89.0F1JDS OD10410 89.0 SA 30 DUE TO ROOTS MASS Spirit Creek Sanitary Sewer Rehabilitation City of Augusta 03/13/02 , , I I I I I I ~ I I I I I I ----. 02752-35 Internal Sewer Condition Assessment ------------ or ------------- OD1 33.0 D 10 OD1 34.9 MH 8J35513464 OD10670 34.9 FH ~... Each Survey Report MUST only contain one survey hence, in the case of Survey Abandonment or a buried or uncharted manhole being encountered, a new Header and Detail must be completed. The above are essential for the Validation of the data to take place. Spirit Creek Sanitary Sewer Rehabilitation City of Augusta 03/13/02 , I J I I I I I I I I I I , I ; I - - . 11II - I -,- -,- SECTION 02757 Sanitary Sewer Point Repair PART 1 - GENERAL 1.01 SCOPE A. This section desc~bes repairs to sections of existing sanitary sewers that require excavation from the surface to correct major defects in pipe alignment or collapse. Point repairs are necessary external corrective open cut trench pipe replacement/renewal construction, both as an independent solution to a specific problem and also as supplemental work to allow another rehabilitation method to proceed. Furnish all products and perform all labor necessary to fulfill the requirements of these Specifications. 1.02 APPLICABLE REHABILITATION :METHODS A. Pipe and fittings furnished for this work must comply with the requirements of Section 02730 - Sewer and Accessories, of the Contract Documents. Replacement pipe shall be the same size as the existing pipe and shall be laid on a uniform grade between the ends of existing pipe which remain in place, unless otherwise indicated in writing to be acceptable to the City. It is the Contractor's complete responsibility to set controls as necessary to attain true line and grade for the replacement pipe. B. Point repairs are made at specific locations and involve relatively short lengths of sewer. Isolation of affected reaches of sewer, by plugging and/or bypass pumping if required, shall be performed in accordance with Section 02750 - Wastewater Flow Control, of the Contract Documents. The cost for such plugging and/or bypass pumping shall be included in the unit bid price for point repairs. C. Locations where point repairs are identified on the Drawings are based on previously performed smoke tests and/or television inspection. It is understood that the exact location of pipe leaks and failures cannot always be determined before the pipe is exposed because the smoke injected into the existing pipe to detect their presence can migrate through passages in the earth, overburden, and may not emerge directly over the leak or failure. Precise location of required point repairs shown on the Drawings is the responsibility of the Contractor, and shall be included in the unit bid price. D. Mter the designated repairs have been made, the Contractor will test them as described in this section of these Specifications. The costs of testing will be borne by the Contractor. If a repaired joint or section should prove to be defective, the Contractor shall re-perform the work at no additional cost to the City, and shall also Spirit Creek Sanitary Sewer Rehabilitation City of Augusta 03/13/02 , , I I , I J I I I I , I , I I \ I I I 02757-2 Sanitary Sewer Point Repair be responsible for the costs of any re-testing required by the City to document the success of the re-work. E. Excavation, backfill, resolution of conflicts with other utilities, and miscellaneous work shall conform to the requirements of Sections 02730 - Sewers and Accessories, and 02200 - Earthwork, of the Contract Documents. F. This Specification applies to the following rehabilitation methods, varying only in length and purpose of repair as described below. The application of these requirements to specific cases shall be submitted to the Engineer, with a written and suitably illustrated methodology, and approved by the Engineer prior to construction on a case-by-case basis. 1. Unpaved Point Repair: This is for correcting a defect .on a mainline that requires excavation in an unpaved area Pipe defect(s) may include collapsed pipe (> 1 0% deformation), broken pipe,. intruding laterals, dropped joint, offset joint, or blockage that prevents the closed circuit television (CCTV) inspection from proceeding.' Repair includes excavation and backfill, as well as site restoration in accordance with Specification Section 02270 - Vegetative Erosion Control. Repair may also include replacing a section of pipe; replacing a service connection; installing a flexible repair clamp; and/or, encase the pipe in concrete for a minimum of 5 feet either side of the defect(s) after sealing the defect from water leakage. Encasement will only be allowed if the Engineer confirms that future pipebursting will not be required. Included in this method is the proper disposal of. excavated waste material. The cost basis for this rehabilitation method will be a price per each. When the unpaved point repair is located outside the Right-of-Way (ROW), the price per each will be paid as provided in the Bid Form. --, 2. Paved Point Repair: This is for correcting a defect on a mainline that requires excavation in a paved area. Pipe defect(s) may include collapsed pipe (> 1 0% deformation), broken pipe, intruding laterals, dropped joint, offset joint, or blockage that prevents the closed circuit television (CCTV) inspection from proceeding. Repair includes excavation and backfill, as well as site restoration in accordance with Specification Section 02270 - Vegetative Erosion Control. Repair may also include replacing a section of pipe; replacing a service connection; installing a flexible repair clamp; and/or, encase the pipe in concrete for a minimum of five feet either side of the defect(s) after sealing the defect from water leakage. Encasement will only be allowed if the Engineer confirms that future pipebursting will not be required. Included in this method is the proper disposal of excavated waste material. The cost basis for this rehabilitation method will be a price per each. When the paved point repair is located outside the T -r , Spirit Creek Sanitary Sewer Rehabilitation City of Augusta 03/13/02 I \ , I I I I , I I 02757-3 Sanitary Sewer Point Repair Right-of-Way (ROW), the price per each will be paid as provided in the Bid Form. 1.03 SUBMITTALS A. The Contractor shall submit shop drawings to delineate staging, traffic control, and access arrangement when the complexity of the repair warrants, as determined by the Engineer and in accordance with Section 01340 - Shop Drawings, Product Data, and Samples, of the Contract Documents. . 1.04 TRIAL TEST AND METHODOLOGY REVIEW A. The Contractor shall comply with the following conditions before a rehabilitation technique becomes accepted as a viable option on a repeat basis: 1. A successful demonstration trial length of sewer pipeline, chosen by the Engineer, which requires manhole rehabilitation, shall be carried out including type and quality control tests as recommended by the manufacturer and in compliance with third party specification. . . 2. The trial shall be carried out at the measured rate prior to approval for adoption by the Engineer of the manhole rehabilitation system to prove that the. equipment, materials, and installation methodology are fully acceptable to meet local conditions. - - 3. The Contractor shall allow for any further requirement of the Engineer, subsequent to the trial, to modify the equipment, material, and/or installation methodology in order to complete the work satisfactorily and meet all testing standards at no cost to the City. - , 4. The Engineer shall formally accept the Contractor as having successfully completed the trial stage should this be the case. PART 2 - PRODUCTS ,- 2.01 PIPE AND PIPE FITTINGS A. All pipe and fittings for point repairs shall be PVC as specified in Section 02730 _ Sewers and Accessories. Spirit Creek Sanitary Sewer Rehabilitation City of Augusta 03/13/02 I - I I , I I I I I I I I I 02757-4 SanituySewerPorntRepak PART 3 - EXECUTION 3.01 GENERAL A. The Contractor shall furnish all labor, tools, materials, and equipment necessary for installation and jointing of the pipe. All piping shall be installed in accordance with the Contract Documents in a neat workmanlike manner and shall be set for accurate .line and elevation. All piping shall be thoroughly cleaned before installation, and care shall be taken to keep the piping clean throughout the installation. 3.02 PREPARATION A. Flow Control: Flow control shall be exercised as required to ensure that no flowing sewage comes into contact with sections of the sewer under repair or replacement in accordance with Section 02750 - Wastewater Flow Control, of the Contract Documents. 3.03 REMOVAL AND REPLACEMENT OF SEWER A. After the limits of a particular portion of the existing sewer have been established on the ground, operations shall progress generally as follows: 1. Carefully remove or protect surface features in work area. Expose the existing pipe. For non-plastic pipe, expose a minimum of four sections of pipe, including three joints. For PVC pipe, expose a full section of pipe, including the joints at each end. This will normally be a distance of 12 to 16 feet, depending on the pipe section lengths. Take adequate precautions not to disturb any other existing underground facilities. Handle all excavated. materials as described in Section 02200 - Earthwork, Item 3.09 of the Contract Documents. 2. That section of pipe to be replaced shall be isolated by plugging and/or bypass pumping as described in Sections 02750 - Wastewater Flow Control, of the Contract Documents, or by any other method proposed by the Contractor and acceptable by the City. 3. After the defect is located and exposed, the defective pipe or fitting shall be removed by cutting each side along lines perpendicular to longitudinal axis of pipe so as to leave "spigot ends" to be connected to replacement pipe and dispose of the existing pipe and concrete encasement, if any. 4. Excavate the trench to a minimum of 8 inches below the proposed pipe bottom, place bedding material in the trench and shaped to form continuous uniform support for the pipe barrel. Spirit Creek Sanitary Sewer Rehabilitation City of Augusta 03/13/02 I I ~ - I I I , I , , I , I I , I I 3.04 3.05 . - .., . - T 02757-5 Sanitl!I)' Sewer Point Repair 5. Pipe shall be installed and jointed, normally beginning at its low or outlet end and proceeding upstream, with the bell ends facing upstream toward the direCtion of flow. Make connections to existing manholes or existing pipe remaining in place. Install wyes or tees, with branches temporarily plugged, to make reconnections to existing service laterals, if any. Complete bedding or encasement and place compacted backfill as necessary to avoid flotation if water should enter the trench. Encasement will only be allowed if the Engineer confirms that future pipebursting will not be required. 6. Perform leakage test using one of the methods given in Section 02730 - Sewers and Accessories, of the Contract Documents. When testing is completed and acceptable to the City, remove temporary plugs and reconnect wyes or tees to service lines. 7. Complete placement and compaction of backfill. 8. Restore surface features to at least as good condition as existed before construction began, including landscaping, grass, roadways, driveways and walks. EXCAVATION AND BACKFILL A. The Contractor shall excavate and backfill in accordance with Section 02200 - Earthwork, of the Contract Documents. Under no circumstances shall the Contractor be allowed to remove concrete or asphalt without prior saw cutting. The saw cutting shall be deep enough to produce an even, straight cut. LAYING PIPE A. Proper and suitable tools and appliances for the safe convenient handling and laying of pipe shall be used and shall, in general, agree with manufacturer's recommendations. At the time of laying, the pipe shall be examined carefully for defects, and should any pipe be discovered to be defective after being laid, it shall be removed and replaced with sound pipe by the Contractor at his expense. B. Upon satisfactory completion of the pipe bedding, a continuous trough for the pipe barrel and recesses for the pipe bells, or couplings, shall be excavated by hand digging. When the pipe is laid in the prepared trench, true to line and grade, the pipe barrel shall receive continuous, uniform support and no pressure shall be exerted on the pipe joints from the trench bottom. C. Pipe shall be installed in accordance with the manufacturer's recommendation. Before being lowered into the trench, the pipes and accessories shall be carefully -, Spirit Creek Sanitary Sewer Rehabilitation 03/13/02 City of Augusta , , I I I i I I. I , I I I I 02757-6 Sanitary Sewer Point Repair examined and the interior of the pipes shall be thoroughly cleaned of all foreign matter and other methods acceptable to the City. D. Lines shall be laid straight and depth of cover shall be maintained uniform with respect to finish grade, whether grading is completed or proposed at time of pipe installation. No abrupt changes in direction or grade will be allowed. E. AFTER PIPE HAS BEEN LAID, REVIEWED AND FOUND SATISFACTORY, SUFFICIENT BACKFllL SHALL BE PLACED ALONG THE PIPE BARREL TO HOLD THE PIPE SECURELY IN PLACE DURING THE TEST. NO BACKFllL SHALL BE PLACED OVER THE JOINTS UNTIL TIlE TEST IS SATISFACTORlL Y COMPLETED, LEAVING THE EXPOSED JOINTS TO VIEW FOR THE DETECTION OF VISIBLE LEAKS. UPON SATISFACTORY COMPLETION OF THE TEST, BACKFllLING OF THE TRENCH SHALL BE COMPLETED. 3.06 PIPE- TO-PIPE CONNECTIONS A. Pipe-to-pipe connections shall be made in accordance with Section 02730 - Sewers and Accessories, by using flexible banded couplings or adapters, couplings with compression joints in compliance with ASTM C425. 3.07 PIPE- TO-MANHOLE CONNECTIONS A. When a sound pipe stub-out exists from a manhole to which connection is to be made, a pipe-to-pipe connection shall be made as described above. If one is not present or is faulty, an opening shall be cut in the manhole wall and the connection, consisting of a pipe stub-out with elastomeric waters top grouted into the opening with non-shrink grout shall be made. The invert or floor inside the manhole shall be cut and reshaped as necessary. i 3.08 TELEVISION INSPECTION ""I'"' A. Post construction internal sewer condition inspection in accordance with Section 02752 - Internal Sewer Condition Assessment, I Item 1.01.D.2. of the Contract Documents, is required for all point repairs on sanitary sewers at no additional cost. I" 3.09 INFILTRATION A. Rehabilitated and replaced pipelines and manholes shall be tested for infIltration. All inlets to the system shall be effectively closed and any residual flow shall be deemed to be infiltration. Spirit Creek Sanitary Sewer Rehabilitation City of Augusta 03/13/02 I I , I I I I I I I. I I I I I I I , I I ii ~ -, 02757-7 Sanitary Sewer Point Repair B. Rehabilitated and replaced pipelines shall be accepted as satisfactory if the infiltration rate in 30 minutes does not exceed 0.25 gallons per linear foot per foot of nominal internal diameter. c. Notwithstanding the satisfactory completion of the above test for pipelines, if there is any discernible flow of water entering rehabilitated pipelines or manholes at a point which can be located either by visual or CCTV inspection, the Contractor shall take such additional measures required by the Engineer to stop infIltration at his own cost. D. The Contractor shall be deemed to have allowed in his rates for the purposes of carrying out the infiltration test and all the foregoing requirements of this paragraph. END OF SECTION Spirit Creek Sanitary Sewer Rehabilitation City of Augusta 03/13/02 I I , I I I I , I , I , I , I I I , I I i - I I 'I - I -, - !! I .. SECTION 03010 Concrete Work PART 1- GENERAL 1.01 SCOPE A. The extent of concrete work is shown on the Drawings and indicated in the Specifications. 1.02 QUALITY ASSURANCE A. Codes and Standards: Comply with the provIsIOns. of the following codes, specifications and standards, except as otherwise shown or specified: 1. ACI301, "Specifications for Structural Concrete for Buildings." 2. ACI 311.4R, "Guide for Concrete Inspection." 3. ACI 3l8, "Building Code Requirements for Reinforced Concrete." 4. ACI 347, "Recommended Practice for Concrete Formwork." 5. ACI304, "Recommended Practice for Measuring, Mixing, Transporting and Placing Concrete." 6. Concrete Reinforcing Steel Institute, "Manual of Standard Practice. " 7. Where local building code requirements exist, comply with provisions of such codes that are more stringent than the preceding codes and standards. B. Workmanship: The Contractor is responsible for correction of concrete work that does not conform to the specified requirements, including strength, tolerances and finishes. Correct deficient concrete as approved by the Engineer. C. Construction Tolerances: 1. Variation from Plumb: For lines and surfaces of columns, piers, walls, and arises, do not exceed 1/4 inch in 10 feet nor more than 1 inch total; except for exposed corners, control joints and other conspicuous lines, do not exceed 1/4 inch in any story or 20 foot maximum, nor 1/2 inch in 40 feet or more. Spirit Creek Sanitary Sewer Rehabilitation City of Augusta 03/12/02 I I , I I , I I I I I , I I I 03010-2 Concrete Work 2. Variation from Grade: For grades shown for slab soffits, ceilings, beam soffits and in arises, do not exceed 1/4 inch in 10 feet, 3/8 inch in any bay or 20 foot maximum, nor 3/4 inch in 40 feet or more. For exposed lintels, sills, parapets, joints and other conspicuous lines, do not exceed 1/4 inch in any bay or 20 foot maximum, or 1/2 inch in 40 feet or more from horizontal or grade indicated. 3. Variation from Linear Building Line: For position shown in plan and related position of columns, walls, and partitions, do not exceed 1/2 inch in any bay or 20 foot maximum, nor 1 inch in 40 feet or more. 4. Variation in Cross-Sectional Dimensions: For columns and beams and thickness of slabs and walls, do not exceed minus 1/4 inch nor plus 1/2 inch. 1.03 TESTING AND MIX DESIGN A. Testing Before Construction: Employ concrete testing laboratory~ acceptable to Engineer, at Contractor's expense to perform material evaluation tests and to design concrete mixes. B. Tests for Concrete Materials: .1. Test aggregates by the methods of sampling and testing of ASTM C33. . 2. For Portland cement, sample the cement and determine the properties by the methods of test of ASTM C150. --, 3. Certificates of material properties and compliance with specified requirements may be submitted in lieu of testing, when acceptable to the Engineer. -. , -. C. Proportioning and Design of Mixes: 1. Submit written mix design to the Engineer for review and approval at least 15 days prior to start of work. Do not begin concrete work until the mix design has been approved by the Engineer. 2. Prepare design mixes for each type of concrete. Use an independent testing facility acceptable to the Engineer for preparing and reporting proposed mix designs. 3. Proportion mixes by either laboratory trial batch or field experience methods, using materials to be employed on the Project for each class of concrete required, complying with ACI 211.1. Spirit Creek Sanitary Sewer Rehabilitation City of Augusta 03/12/02 I I I I I I I I I I I I I 03010-3 Concrete Work Submit written reports to the Engineer of each proposed mix for each class of concrete at least 15 days prior to start of work. Do not begin concrete production until mixes have been reviewed by the Engineer. D. Laboratory Trial Batches: 1. Then laboratory trial batches are used to select concrete proportions, prepare test specimens in accordance with ASTM C192 and conduct strength tests in accordance with ASTM C39, as specified in ACI 301. 2. Establish a curve showing relationship between water-cement ratio (or cement content) and compressive strength with at least three points representing batches that produce strengths above and below that required. Use not less than three specimens tested at 28 days, or an earlier age when acceptable to the Engineer, to establish each point on the curve. E. Field Experience Method: 1. When field experience methods are used to select concrete proportions, establish proportions as specified in ACI 301. 2. Strength data for establishing standard deviation will be considered suitable if the concrete production facility has certified records consisting of at least 30 consecutive tests in one group or the statistical average for two groups totaling 30 or more tests, representing similar materials and projects' conditions. F. Standard Deviation: 1. If standard deviation exceeds 600 psi, or if no suitable records are available, select proportions to produce an average strength of at least 1,200 psi greater than the required compressive strength of concrete. 2. After sufficient experience and test data become available from the job, using ACI214 methods of evaluation, the standard deviation may be reduced when the probable frequency of an average of three consecutive tests below required compressive strength will not exceed 1 in 100. - G.' Adiustment to Concrete Mixes: Mix design adjustments may be requested by the Contractor when characteristics of materials, job conditions, weather, test results, or other circumstances warrant; at no additional cost to the City and as accepted by the Engineer. Laboratory test data for revised mix designs and strength results must be submitted to and accepted by the Engineer before using in the work. Spirit Creek Sanitary Sewer Rehabilitation City of Augusta 03/12/02 , I I I I I I I I I I' I , I I I I I I 03010-4 Concrete Work H. Compressive Strength: 1. Design mixes for a specified strength of 3,500 psi at 28 days using a minimum of 5 1/4 bags of cement (94 pounds), and a maximum of 6 gallons of water per bag of cement, unless otherwise indicated. 2. Design mixes to provide concrete with the properties shown on the Drawings. 1. Admixtures: 1. Use air-entraining admixture in all concrete, unless otherwise shown or specified. Add air-entraining admixture at the manufacturer's prescribed rate to result in concrete at the point of placement having air content by volume within the following limits: a. 6% to 9% for maximum aggregate 1/2 inch and under. b. 4% to 6% for maximum aggregate over 1/2 inch through 1-1/2 inch. c. 2.5% to 4.5% for maximum aggregate over 1-1/2 inch. J. Slump Limits: 1. Proportion and design mixes to result in concrete slump at the point of placement as follows: a. Ramps and Sloping Surfaces: Not more than 3 inches. b. Reinforced Foundation Systems: Not less than I inch and not more than 3 inches. c. All Other Concrete: Not less than 1 inch and not more than 4 inches. K. Testing During Construction: 1. . Perform one slump test (ASTM C143) for each concrete load at point of discharge, and prepare one set of three standard compressive strength cylinders (ASTM C31) for each 50 cubic yards or fraction thereof of concrete placed in any 1 day. Store compressive strength cylinders in dampened protective material. The expense of transportation and testing of the cylinders will be the responsibility of the Contractor. I 2. Employ, at Contractor's expense, a testing laboratory and/or properly trained and equipped technician, acceptable to the Engineer, to perform --, -, , Spirit Creek Sanitary Sewer Rehabilitation City of Augusta 03/12/02 ,- , , I- I I I I ,-, I- , I I I I I I , I I - . o. - - I - I" 03010-5 Concrete Work testing during construction which IS not specifically designated as a responsibility of the City. L. The Following Quality Control Testing Is Required During Construction: 1. Sampling Fresh Concrete: ASTM C172, except modified for slump to comply with ASTM C94. 2. Slump: ASTM C143; one test for each concrete load at point of discharge; and one for each set of compressive strength test specimens; additional tests when concrete consistency seems to have changed. M. Compressive Strength: 1. ASTM C39, one set of 6 standard cylinders (ASTM C 31) for each 50 cubic yards or fraction thereof, of each concrete class placed in any 1 day or for each 5,000 square feet of surface area placed; 2 specimens tested at 7 days, 3 specimens tested at 28 days, and 1 specimen retained in reserve for later testing if required. 2. When the total quantity of a given class of concrete is less than 50 cubic yards, or the quantity of concrete or any single structure is less than 10 cubic yards, the Engineer may waive compressive strength testing, but such action shall not relieve the Contractor from responsibility for furnishing concrete of the required strength. 3. The strength level of concrete will be considered satisfactory if the averages of all sets of three consecutive strength test results equal or exceed the specified strength and no individual strength test result falls below the specified strength by more than 500 psi. N. Air Content: ASTM C231, pressure method or ASTM C173; one for each set of compressive strength test specimens. Additional Tests: When test results indicate specified concrete strengths and other characteristics have not been attained, perform additional testing to determine the extent to which deficiencies exist. Additional testing program is to be performed by a testing laboratory and acceptable to the Engineer. Where cored cylinders are utilized to determine adequacy of concrete, comply with ASTM C42. It is the Contractor's responsibility to pay for additional testing. i 1.04 SUBMITTALS A. I I Manufacturer's Data: For information only, submit manufacturer's specifications with application and installation instructions for proprietary materials and items, inCluding reinforcement and forming accessories, admixtures, patching _I Spirit Creek Sanitary Sewer Rehabilitation 03/12/02 City of Augusta , , , I I I , I I I I I I , I I I - I -, I" -, "I 03010-6 Concrete Work compounds, waterstops, joint systems, curing compounds and others as requested by the Engineer. B. Shop Drawings: Submit shop drawings for fabric,ation, bending, and placement of concrete reinforcement. Comply with the ACI Special Publication No. 66 (SP-66) "ACI Detailing Manual" showing bar schedules, stirrup spacing, diagrams of bent bars, arrangements of concrete reinforcement. Include special reinforcement required at openings through concrete structures. C. Laboratory Test Reports: Submit laboratory test reports for concrete materials and mix design test as specified. PART 2 - PRODUCTS 2.01 FORM MATERIALS A. Forms for Exposed Finish Concrete: 1. Unless otherwise shown or specified, construct all formwork for exposed concrete surfaces with plywood, metal, metal-framed plywood-faced or other acceptable panel-type materials, to provide continuous, straight, smooth, exposed surfaces. Furnish in largest practicable sizes to minimize number of joints and to conform to joint system shown on Drawings. Provide form material with sufficient thickness to withstand pressure of newly-placed concrete without bow or deflection. 2. Where plywood is used in formwork, provide material complying with U.S. Product Standard PS-I"A-C or B-B High Density Overlaid Concrete Form", Class I, unless otherwise acceptable to Engineer. B. Forms for Unexposed Finish Concrete: Form concrete surfaces which will be ~nexposed in finished structure with plywood, lumber, metal or other acceptable material. Provide lumber dressed on at least two edges and one side for tight fit. C. Forms for Textured Finished Concrete: Form textured finish concrete surfaces with units of face design, size arrangement and configuration as shown on the Drawings. Provide solid backing and form supports to ensure stability of textured form liners. D. Cylindrical Colurrins and Supports: Form all round-section members with metal, fiberglass reinforced plastic, or paper or fiber tubes. Construct paper or fiber tubes of laminated plies using water-resistant type adhesive and wax-impregnated exterior for weather and moisture protection. Provide units with sufficient wall thickness to resist loads imposed by wet concrete without deformation. Spirit Creek Sanitary Sewer Rehabilitation City of Augusta 03/12/02 I , I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I 2.02 2.03 03010-7 Concrete Work E. Curved Structures: Form round or curved surfaces to true arcs without flat planes unless otherwise indicated on the Drawings. F. Form Coatings: Provide commercial formulation form-coating compounds that will not bond with, stain nor adversely affect concrete surfaces, and will not impair subsequent treatments of concrete surfaces. REINFORCING MATERIALS A. Reinforcing Bars: ASTM A615, Grade 60, unless otherwise shown. B. Epoxv-Coated Reinforcing Bars: ASTM A775. C. Steel Wire: ASTM A82, plain, cold-drawn steel. D. Welded Wire Fabric: ASTM A185, welded steel wire fabric. E. Supports for Reinforcement: Provide supports for reinforcement including bolsters, chairs, spacers and other devices for spacing, supporting and fastening reinforcing bars and welded wire fabric in place. Use wire bar type supports complying with CRSI recommendations, unless otherwise specified. Solid precast concrete block may be used for supporting footing and foundation mats against earth material. Wood, clay, brick and other non-standard devices will not be acceptable. 1. For Slabs-on-Grade: Use supports with sand plates or horizontal runners where base materials will not support chair legs. 2. For Exposed-to- View Concrete Surfaces: Where legs of supports are in contact with forms, provide supports with legs that are plastic protected or stainless steel protected. CONCRETE MA TERIAI..S A. Portland Cement: 1. ASTM C150, Type I, unless otherwise acceptable to Engineer. 2. Use only one brand of cement throughout the Project, unless otherwise acceptable to Engineer. B. Aggregates: ASTM C33, and as herein specified. Provide aggregates from a single source for all exposed concrete. 1. Fine Aggregate: Clean, sharp, natural sand free from loam, clay, lumps or other deleterious substances. ---r Spirit Creek Sanitary Sewer Rehabilitation 03/12/02 City of Augusta I I I , I I I , I I , I , I i I I I I , I I I "I -r I - , 03010-8 Concrete Work 2. Coarse Aggregate: Clean, uncoated, crushed granite or similar hard stone processed from natural rock or stone, and containing no clay, mud, loam or foreign matter. 3. Maximum Aggregate Size: Not larger than one-fifth of the narrowest dimension between sides of forms, one-third of the depth of slabs, nor three-fourths of the minimum clear spacing between individual reinforcing bars or bundles of bars. Size limitations may be waived if, in the judgment of the Engineer, workability and methods of consolidation are such that concrete can be placed without honeycomb or voids. 4. Water: Clean, fresh, and safely drinkable by humans. 5. Air-Entraining Admixture: ASTM C260. 2.04 RELATED MATERIALS A. Grout: Ready mixed Portland cement, sand and water mixture conforming with materials and mix design of highest strength Project-required concrete except for deletion of coarse aggregate. B. Nonshrink Grout: Factory-premixed cementItIous material containing no . corrosive material, which is nonshrink from time of placement and shows no expansion after final set when tested under ASTM C827, has an initial setting time of not less than 45 minutes, has a 24-hour compressive strength of not less than 3,000 psi under ASTM C109 for a trowelable mix, and is selected and applied in conformance with manufacturer's recommendations. C. Waters tops (Plastic): Provide flat, dumbbell type or centerbulb type waterstops at construction joints and other joints as indicated. Size to suit joints. Use polyvinyl chloride (PVC) waters tops complying with Corps of Engineers Spec. CRD-C572. D. Waterstops (Copper): Provide formed-sheet, annealed copper waters tops as shown. E. Preformed Expansion Joint Fillers: See Section 07900. F. Joint Sealing Compound: See Section 07900. G. Moisture Barrier: Polyethylene sheet not less than 8-mils thick. H. Liquid Chemical Floor Hardener: Colorless aqueous solution containing a blend of magnesium fluosilicate and zinc fluosilicate combined with a wetting agent, containing not less than 2 pounds of fluosilicates per gallon. Spirit Creek Sanitary Sewer Rehabilitation City of Augusta 03/12/02 I I I I I I I I I I I I I I , I I I I I 03010-9 Concrete Work 1. Absorptive Cover: Burlap cloth made from jute or kenaf, weighing approximately 9 ounces per square yard, complying with AASHTO M182, Class 2. J. Moisture-Retaining Cover: One of the following, complying with ASTM Cl7l. 1. Waterproof Paper. 2. Polyethylene Film. 3. Polyethylene-coated burlap. K. Membrane-Forming Curing Compound: ASTM C309, Type 1, unless other type acceptable to Engineer. 2.05 CONCRETE MIXING A. J obsite Mixing: 1. Mix materials for concrete in an acceptable drum type batch machine mixer. For mixers of one cubic yard, or smaller capacity, continue mixing at least 1-112 minutes, but not more than 5 minutes after all ingredients are in the mixer, before any part of the batch is released. For mixers of capacity larger than one cubic yard, increase the minimum 1-1/2 minutes of mixing time by 15 seconds for each additional cubic yard, or fraction thereof. 2. Provide a batch ticket for each batch discharged and used in the work, indicating the Project identification name and number, date, mix time, quantity, and amount of water introduced. B. Ready-Mix Concrete: 1. Comply with the requirements of ASTM C94, and as herein specified. 2. Delete the references for allowing additional water to be added to the batch for material with insufficient slump. Addition of water to the batch will not be permitted. 3. During hot weather, or under conditions contributing to rapid setting of concrete, a shorter mixing time than specified in ASTM C94 may be required. 4. When the air temperature is between 850P and 90oF, reduce the mixing and delivery time from 1-l/2 hours to 75 minutes, and when the air temperature is above 90oF, reduce the mixing and delivery time to 60 minutes. Spirit Creek Sanitary Sewer Rehabilitation City of Augusta 03/12/02 I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I 03010-10 Concrete Work PART 3 - EXECUTION 3.01 FORMS A. Design, Erect, Support, Brace, and Maintain: 1. Design, erect, support, brace and maintain formwork to support vertical and lateral loads that might be applied until such loads can be supported by the concrete structure. Construct formwork so concrete members and structures are of correct size, shapes, alignment, elevation and position. 2. Design formwork to be readily removable without impact, shock or damage to cast-in-place concrete surfaces and adjacent materials. 3. Construct forms complying with ACI347, to sizes, shapes, lines and . dimensions shown, and to obtain accurate alignment, location, grades, level and plumb work in finished structures. Provide for openings, offsets, sinkages, keyways, recesses, moldings, rustications, reglets, chamfers, blocking, screeds, bulkheads, anchorages and inserts, and other features required in work. Use selected materials to obtain required finishes. Solidly butt joints and provide back-up at joints to prevent le~age of cement paste. 4. Fabricate forms for easy removal without hammering or prying against the concrete surfaces. Provide crush plates or wrecking plates where stripping may damage cast concrete surfaces. Provide top forms for inclined surfaces where slope is too steep to place concrete with bottom forms only. Kerf wood inserts for forming keyways, reglets, recesses, and the like, to prevent swelling and for easy removal. 5. Provide temporary openings where interior area of formwork is inaccessible for c1eanout, for inspection before concrete placement, and for placement of concrete. Securely brace temporary openings and set tightly to forms to prevent loss of concrete mortar. . Locate temporary openings on forms at inconspicuous locations. 6. Chamfer exposed comers and edges as shown, using wood, metal, PVC or rubber chamfer strips fabricated to produce uniform smooth lines and tight edge joints. B. Form Ties: 1. Factory-fabricated, adjustable-length, metal form ties, designed to prevent form deflection, to prevent spalling concrete surfaces upon removal, and to prevent pa')sage of water along tie surface through concrete. Spirit Creek Sanitary Sewer Rehabilitation City of Augusta 03/12/02 I , I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I , . == - - - 03010-11 Concrete Work 2. Provide ties so portion remaining within concrete is at least I inch inside concrete, and do not leave holes larger than I-inch diameter in concrete surface. C. Provisions for Other Trades: Provide openings in concrete formwork to accommodate work of other trades. Determine size and location of openings, recesses and chases from trades providing such items. Accurately place and securely support items built into forms. D. Cleaning and Tightening: Thoroughly clean forms and adjacent surfaces to receive concrete. Remove chips, wood, sawdust, dirt or other debris just before concrete is placed. Retighten forms and bracing after 'concrete placement if required to eliminate mortar leaks and maintain proper alignment. 3.02 PLACING REINFORCEMENT A. Comply with the specified codes and standards, and Concrete Reinforcing Steel Institute's recommended practice for "Placing Reinforcing Bars," for details and methods of reinforcement placement and supports, and as herein specified. B. Clean reinforcement of loose rust and mill scale, earth, ice, and other materials that reduce or destroy bond with concrete. C. Accurately position, support and secure reinforcement against displacement by formwork, construction, or concrete placement operations. Locate and support reinforcing by metal chairs, runners, bolsters, spacers and hangers, as required. D. Place reinforcement to obtain at least the minimum coverages for concrete protection. Arrange, space and securely tie bars and bar supports to hold reinforcement in position during concrete placement operations. Set wire ties so ends are directed into concrete, not toward exposed concrete surfaces. E. Do not place reinforcing bars more than 2 inches beyond the last leg of continuous bar support. Do not use supports as bases for runways for concrete conveying equipment and similar construction loads. F. Install welded wire fabric in as long lengths as practicable. Lap adjoining pieces at least one full mesh and hlce splices with wire. Offset end laps in adjacent widths to prevent continuous laps in either direction. Spirit Creek Sanitary Sewer Rehabilitation City of Augusta 03/12/02 I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I - ---, 03010-12 Concrete Work 3.03 JOINTS A. Construction Joints: 1. Locate and install necessary construction joints, which are not shown on the Drawings, so as not to impair the strength and appearance of the structure, as acceptable to the Engineer. 2. Provide keyways in all construction joints in walls, slabs and between walls and footings; accepted bulkheads designed for this purpose may be used for slabs. Construct keyways 1-1/2 inches deep, unless otherwise detailed. 3. Place construction joints perpendicular to the main reinforcement. Continue all reinforcement across construction joints. B. Waterstops: Provide waterstops in construction joints as indicated. Install waterstops to form a continuous diaphragm in each joint. Make provisions to support and protect waterstops during the progress of the work. Fabricate field joints in waters tops in accordance with manufacturer's printed instructions. Protect waterstop material from damage where it protrudes from any point. C. Isolation Joints in Slabs-on-Ground: Construct isolation joints in slabs on'ground at all points of contact between slabs on ground and vertical surfaces, such as column pedestals, foundation walls, grade beams and elsewhere as indicated. D. Control Joints in Slabs-on-Ground: 1. Construct control joints in slabs-on-ground to form panels of patterns as shown. Use inserts 1/8 to 1/4 inch wide x 1/4 of the slab depth, unless otherwise shown. 2. Form control joints by inserting a premolded plastic, hardboard or fiberboard strip into the fresh concrete until the top surface of the strip is flush with the slab surface. Tool slab edges round on each side of insert. After the concrete has cured, remove inserts and clean grooye of loose debris. ' 3.04 INSTALLATION OF EMBEDDED ITEMS A. General: Set and build into the work anchorage devices and other embedded items required for other work that is attached to, or supported by, cast-in-place concrete. Use setting drawings, diagrams, instructions and directions provided by suppliers of the items' to be attached thereto. Spirit Creek Sanitary Sewer Rehabilitation City of Augusta 03/12/02 I , , I I , I I I I I I I I I I I I 3.05 3.06 I , - --,- 03010-13 Concrete Work B. Edge Forms and Screed Strips for Slabs: Set edge forms or bulkheads and intermediate screed strips for slabs to obtain the required elevations and contours . in the finished slab surface. Provide and secure units sufficiently strong to support the types of screeds required. Align the concrete surface to the elevation of the screed strips by the use of strike-off templates or accepted compacting type screeds. PREPARATION OF FORM SURFACES A. Clean re-used forms of concrete matrix residue, repair and patch as required to return forms to acceptable surface condition. Coat the contact surfaces of forms with a form-coating compound before reinforcement is placed. B. Thin form-coating compounds only with thinning agent of type, and in amount, and under conditions of the form-coating compound manufacturer's directions. Do not allow excess form-coating material to accumulate in the forms or to come into contact with concrete surfaces against which fresh concrete will be placed. Apply in compliance with manufacturer's instructions. C. Coat steel forms with a non-staining, rust-preventative form oil or otherwise protect against rusting. Rust-stained steel formwork is not acceptable. CONCRETE PLACEMENT A. Pre-Placement Inspection: 1. Before placing concrete, inspect and complete the form work installation, reinforcing steel, and items to be embedded or cast-in. Notify other crafts to permit the installation of their work; cooperate with other trades in setting such work, as required. Moisten wood forms immediately before placing concrete, where form coatings are not used. 2. Coordinate the installation of joint materials and moisture barriers with placement of forms and reinforcing steeL B. Construction Sequence: Before placing any concrete, complete blasting, heavy earthwork and other construction operations that might cause damage to concrete structures. 1. General: a. Comply with ACI 304, and as herein specified. b. Deposit concrete continuously or in layers of such thickness that no concrete will be placed on concrete which has hardened sufficiently to cause the formation of seams or planes of weakness Spirit Creek Sanitary Sewer Rehabilitation City of Augusta 03/12/02 , I I , I I I I I I I I I I I I I I 03010-14 Concrete Work within the section. If a section cannot be placed continuously, pn?vide construction joints as herein specified. Deposit concrete as nearly as practicable to its [mal location to avoid segregation due to rehandling or flowing. C. At all horizontal waters tops, place 1/2 inch of grout for each foot . of wall pour height in bottom of forms immediately before pouring concrete walls. 2. Placing Concrete in Forms: a. Deposit concrete in forms in horizontal layers not deeper than 24 inches and in a manner to avoid inclined construction joints. Where placement consists of several layers, place each layer while preceding layer is still plastic to avoid cold joints. b. Consolidate placed concrete by mechanical vibrating equipment supplemented by hand spading, rodding or tamping. Use equipment and procedures for consolidation of concrete in accordance with ACI 309 recommended practices. c. Do not use vibrators to transport concrete inside of forms. Insert and withdraw vibrators vertically at uniformly spaced locations not farther than the visible effectiveness of the machine. Place vibrators to rapidly penetrate the placed layer of concrete and at least 6 inches into the preceding layer. Do not insert vibrators into lower layers of concrete that have begun to set. At each insertion limit the duration of vibration to the time necessary to consolidate the concrete and complete embedment of reinforcement and other embedded items without causing segregation of the mix. . 3. Placing Concrete Slabs: a. Deposit and consolidate concrete in a continuous operation, within the limits of construction joints, until the placing of a panel or section is completed. - . b. Consolidate concrete during placing operations so that concrete is thoroughly worked around reinforcement and other embedded items and into corners. \ - == c. Bring slab surfaces to the correct level with a straightedge and strikeoff. Use bull floats or darbies to smooth the surface, leaving it free of humps or hollows. Do not disturb the slab surfaces prior to beginning finishing operations. --; Spirit Creek Sanitary Sewer Rehabilitation City of Augusta 03/12/02 ~-, I I , , I I I I I I I I I I 03010-15 Concrete Work d. Maintain reinforcing III the proper position during concrete placement operations. 4. Cold Weather Placing: a. Protect concrete work from physical damage or reduced strength . that could be caused by frost, freezing actions, or low temperatures, in compli.ance with ACI 306R and as herein specified. b. When air temperature has fallen to or is expected to fall below 40oF, uniformly heat all water and aggregates before mixing to obtain a concrete mixture temperature of not less than 50oF, and not more than 800F at point of placement. c. Do not use frozen materials or materiais containing ice or snow. Do not place concrete on frozen subgrade or on sub grade containing frozen materials. d. Do not use calcium chloride, salt and other materials containing antifreeze agents or chemical accelerators, unless otherwise accepted in writing by the Engineer. 5. Hot Weather Placing: a. When hot weather conditions exist that would seJiously impair the quality and strength of concrete, place concrete in compliance with ACI 305R and as herein specified. - b. Cool ingredients before mixing to maintain concrete temperature at time of placement below 90oF. Mixing water may be chilled, or chopped ice may be used to control the concrete temperature provided the water equivalent of the ice is calculated to the total amount of mixing water. c. Cover reinforcing steel with water-soaked burlap if it becomes too hot, so that the steel temperature will not exceed the ambient air temperature immediately before embedment in concrete. d. Fog spray forms, reinforcing steel and sub grade just before concrete is placed. T e. Do not uSy retarding admixtures without the written acceptance of the Engineer. Spirit Creek Sanitary Sewer Rehabilitation City of Augusta 03/12/02 I I , I I I. I I I I I I I I I 3.07 3.08 I . - , 03010-16 Concrete Work FINISH OF FORMED SURFACES A. Concealed Surfaces: For formed concrete surfaces not exposed-to-view in the finished work, leave surface finish imparted by the form facing material used, with defective areas and form tie voids repaired and patched as specified, and fins. and other projections exceeding 1/4 inch in height rubbed flush. B. Visible Surfaces: For formed concrete surfaces exposed-to-view, including those surfaces of water or other material holding structures visible when the structure is empty, or surfaces that are to be covered with a thin or flexible finish material bonded to the concrete, perform finish operations as specified above under "Concealed Surfaces," and in addition wet and rub entire surfaces with a carborundum stone of medium fineness until all form marks and other surface irregularities have been removed and a uniform surface appearance achieved. Do not create a plaster coating on concrete. C. Unformed Visible Surfaces: At tops of walls, horizontal offsets and similar unformed surfaces occurring adjacent to formed surfaces, strike-off smooth and finish with a texture matching adjacent formed surfaces. Continue final surface treatment of formed surfaces uniformly across adjacent unformed surfaces. MONOLITIDC SLAB FINISHES A. Scratch Finish: 1. Apply scratch finish to monolithic slab surfaces that are to receive concrete floor topping or mortar setting beds for tile, Portland cement terrazzo, and other bonded applied cementitious finish flooring material, and as otherwise indicated. 2. After placing slabs, plane surface so that depressions between high spots do not exceed 1/2 inch under a lO-foot straightedge. Slope surfaces uniformly to drains where required. After leveling, roughen surface before final set, with stiff brushes, brooms or rakes. B. Float Finish: 1. Apply float finish to monolithic slab surfaces that are to receive trowel finish and other finishes as hereinafter specified, and slab surfaces which are to be covered with membrane or elastic waterproofing, membrane or elastic roofing, or sand-bed terrazzo, and as otherwise indicated. 2. After screeding, consolidating and leveling concrete slabs, do not work surface until ready for floating. Begin floating when surface water has disappeared or when concrete has stiffened sufficiently to permit operation of floats. Consolidate surface with power-driven floats, or by Spirit Creek Sanitary Sewer Rehabilitation City of Augusta 03/12/02 I I , , I I I , I I I I I I I I I I I' I I - I . - - - I 03010-17 Concrete Work hand-floating if area is small or inaccessible to power units. Check and level surface plane so that depressions between high spots do not exceed 6/16 inch under a lO-foot straightedge. Cut down high spots and fill low spots. Uniformly slope surfaces to drains. Immediately after leveling, refloat surface to a uniform, smooth, granular texture. C. Trowel Finish: 1. Apply trowel finish to monolithic slab surfaces that are to be exposed-to- view, unless otherwise shown, and slab surfaces that are to be covered with resilient flooring, carpet, ceramic or quarry tile, paint or other thinfilm finish coating system. 2. Mter floating, begin first trowel finish operation using a power:'driven troweL Begin final troweling when surface produces a ringing sound as trowel is moved over surface. Consolidate concrete surface by final hand- troweling operation, free of trowel marks, uniform in texture and appearance, and with a level surface plane so that depressions between high spots do no.t exceed 1/8 inch under a lO-foot straightedge. Grind smooth surface defects that would telegraph through applied floor covering system. D. Chemical-Hardener Finish: 1. Apply chemical-hardener finish to interior concrete floors where indicated. Apply liquid chemical-hardener after complete curing and drying of the concrete surface. Dilute liquid hardener with water, and apply in three coats; first coat, 1/3 strength; second coat, 1/2 strength; third coat, 2/3 strength. Evenly apply each coat, and allow 24 hours for drying between coats. 2. Apply proprietary chemical hardeners, in accordance with manufacturer's printed instructions. 3. After final coat of chemical-hardener solution is applied and dried, remove surplus hardener by scrubbing and mopping with water. E. Non-Slip Broom Finish: 1. Apply non-slip broom finish to exterior concrete platforms, steps and ramps, and elsewhere as indicated. 2. Immediately after trowel finishing, slightly roughen concrete surface by brooming with fiber bristle broom perpendicular to main traffic route. Coordinate required final finish with the Engineer before application. -, Spirit Creek Sanitary Sewer Rehabilitation 03/12/02 City of Augusta I , I I I I I I I I I I I I I I , I I I I I I I I - . "I 03010-18 Concrete Work F. Trowel and Fine Broom Finish: Where ceramic or quarry tile is to be installed with thin-set mortar, apply trowel finish as specified, then immediately follow with slightly scarifying surface by fine brooming. 3.09 CONCRETE CURING AND PROTECTION A. General: 1. Protect freshly placed concrete from premature drying, and excessive cold or hot temperature, and maintain without drying at a relatively constant temperature for a period of time necessary for hydration of cement and proper hardening. 2. Start initial curing as soon as free water has disappeared from concrete surface after placing and finishing. Weather permitting, keep continuously moist for not less than 7 days. 3. Begin fmal curing procedures immediately following initial curing and before concrete has dried. Continue final curing for at least 7 days and in accordance with ACI 301 procedures. Avoid rapid drying at end of final curing period. B. Curing Methods: Perform curing of concrete by one or more of the following methods as selected by the Contractor: 1. Provide Moist Curing: By covering concrete surfaces with specified absorptive cover, thoroughly saturating cover with water and keeping continuously wet. Place absorptive cover to provide coverage of concrete surfaces and edges, with 4-inch lap over adjacent absorptive cover. 2. Provide Moisture-Cover Curing: By covering concrete surfaces with moisture-retaining cover, placed in widest practicable width with sides and ends lapped at least 3 inches and sealed by waterproof tape or adhesive. Immediately repair any holes or tears during curing period using cover material and waterproof tape. 3. Provide Membrane Curing: By applYing compound to damp concrete surfaces as soon as film has disappeared. Apply uniformly in continuous operation by power-spray or roller equipment in accordance with manufacturer's directions. Recoat areas that are subjected to heavy rainfall within 3 hours after initial application. Maintain continuity of coating and repair damage during curing period. 4. Do not use membrane curing compounds on surfaces which are to be covered with a coating material applied directly to concrete or with a covering material bonded to concrete, such as other concrete, liquid floor Spirit Creek Sanitary Sewer Rehabilitation City of Augusta 03/12/02 , - I I. I i I , I I I , I I I I I I I I 3.10 3.11 3.12 i T -,- --,- - I 03010-19 Concrete Work hardener, waterproofmg, dampproofing, membrane roofmg, flooring, painting, and other coatings and finish materials, unless otherwise acceptable to the Engineer. C. Curing Formed Surfaces: Cure formed concrete surfaces, including undersides of beams, supported slabs and other similar surfaces by moist curing with forms in place for full curing period or until forms are removed. If forms are removed, continue curing by methods specified above, as applicable. D. Curing Unformed Surfaces: Initially cure unformed surfaces, such as slabs, floor topping, and other flat surfaces by moist curing. Final cure unformed surfaces, unless otherwise specified, by methods specified above, as applicable. FORM REMOVAL A. In all cases, time' and sequence of concrete fomf "removal is at Contractor discretion. Formwork supporting weight of concrete, such as beams and slabs must remain in place at least 14 days and until concrete has attained minimum design 28-day compressive strength. Formwork not supporting weight of concrete such as sides of beams, walls and columns, may be removed no sooner than 48 hours after placement of concrete or when concrete is sufficiently hard as not to be damaged by form removal operations. RE-USE OF FORMS A. Clean and repair surfaces of forms to be re-used in the work. Split, frayed, delaminated or otherwise damaged form facing material will not be acceptable. Apply new form coating compound as specified for new formwork. B. When forms are extended for successive concrete placement, thoroughly clean surfaces, remove fins and laitance, and tighten forms to close joints. Align and secure joints to avoid offsets. Do not use "patched" forms for exposed concrete surfaces, except as acceptable to Engineer. NUSCELLANEOUSCONCRETElTEMS A. Filling-In: Fill-in holes and openings left in concrete structures for passage of work by other trades, unless otherwise shown or directed, after work of other trades is in place. Mix, place and cure concrete as herein specified, to blend with in-place construction. Provide other miscellaneous concrete filling shown or required to complete work. B. Curbs: Provide monolithic finish to interior curbs by stripping forms while concrete is still green and steel-troweling surfaces to a hard, dense finish with comers, intersections and terminations slightly rounded. Spirit Creek Sanitary Sewer Rehabilitation City of Augusta 03/12/02 , I \ I I J I I- I I I ; I I I I I I I 03010-20 Concrete Work C. Equipment Bases and Foundations: Provide machine and equipment bases and foundations, as shown on Drawings. Set anchor bolts for machines and equipment to template at correct elevations, complying with certified diagrams or templates of manufacturer furnishing machines and equipment. Grout base plates and foundations as indicated, using specified non-shrink grout. Use non-metallic grout for exposed conditions, unless otherwise indicated. D. Steel Pan Stairs: Provide concrete fill for steel pan stair treads and landings and associated items. Cast-in safety inserts and accessories as shown on Drawings. Screed, tamp, and finish concrete surfaces as scheduled. E. Reinforced Masonry: Provide concrete grout for reinforced masonry lintels and bond beams where indicated on Drawings and as scheduled. Maintain accurate I location of reinforcing steel during concrete placement. 3.13 CONCRETESURFACEREPA~ A. Patching Defective Areas: 1. Repair and patch defective areas with cement mortar immediately after removal of forms, but only when acceptable to Engineer. 2. Cut out honeycomb, rock pockets, voids over 1/8 inch in any dimension and holes left by tie rods and bolts, down to solid concrete but, in no case to a depth of less than one inch. Make edges of cuts perpendiCular to the concrete surface. Thoroughly clean, dampen with water and brush-coat the area to be patched with neat cement grout. Proprietary patching compounds may be used when acceptable to Engineer. 3. For exposed-to-view surfaces, blend white Portland cement and standard Portland cement so that, when dry, patching mortar will match color of surrounding surface. Provide test areas at inconspicuous location to verify mixture and color match before proceeding with patching. Compact mortar in place and strike-off slightly higher than surrounding surface. B. Repair of Formed Surfaces: 1. Remove and replace concrete having defective surfaces if defects cannot be repaired to satisfaction of Engineer. Surface defects, as such, include color and texture irregularities, cracks, spalls, air bubbles, honeycomb, rock pockets and holes left by tie rods and bolts; fins and other projections on surface; and stains and other discolorations that cannot be removed by cleaning. Flush out form tie holes, fIll with dry pack mortar, or precast cement core plugs secured in place with bonding agent. Spirit Creek Sanitary Sewer Rehabilitation City of Augusta 03/12/02 , , I I I I I I I I I I I 03010-21 Concrete Work 2. Repair concealed formed surfaces, where possible, that contain defects that adversely affect the durability of the concrete. If defects cannot be repaired, remove and replace the concrete. c. Repair of Unformed Surfaces: 1. Test unformed surfaces, such as monolithic slabs, for smoothness and to verify surface plane to toletances specified for each surface and finish. Correct low and high areas as herein specified. Test unformed surfaces sloped to drain for trueness of slope, in addition to smoothness, using a template having required slope. 2. Repair finished unformed surfaces that contain defects that adversely affect durability of concrete. Surface defects, as such, include crazing, cracks in excess of O.Ol-inch wide or which penetrate to reinforcement or completely through non-reinforced sections regardless of width, spalling, pop-outs, honeycomb, rock pockets, and other objectionable conditions. 3. Correct high areas in unformed surfaces by grinding, after concrete has cured at least 14 days. 4. Correct low areas in unformed surfaces during, or immediately after completion of surface finishing operations by cutting out low areas and replacing with fresh concrete. Finish repaired areas to blend into adjacent concrete. Proprietary patching compounds may be used when acceptable to the Engineer. . . 5. Repair defective areas, except random cracks and single holes not exceeding I-inch diameter, by cutting out and replacing with fresh concrete. Remove defective areas to sound concrete with clean, square cuts and expose reinforcing steel with at least 3/4-inch clearance all around. Dampen concrete surfaces in contact with patching concrete, and brush with a neat cement grout coating or concrete bonding agent. Place patching concrete before grout takes its initial set. Mix patching concrete of same materials to provide concrete of the same type or class as original concrete. Place, compact and finish to blend with adjacent finished concrete. Cure in the same manner as adjacent concrete. 6. Repair isolated random cracks and single holes not over I-inch in diameter by dry-pack method. Groove top of cracks and cutout holes to sound concrete and clean of dust, dirt and loose particles. Dampen cleaned concrete surfaces and brush with neat cement grout coating or concrete bonding agent. Place dry-pack before cement grout takes its initial set. Mix dry-pack, consisting of one part Portland cement to 2-112 parts fine aggregate passing a No. 16 mesh sieve, using only enough water as required for handling and placing. Compact dry-pack mixture in place and ,. Spirit Creek Sanitary Sewer Rehabilitation City of Augusta 03/12/02 I I I I I I I I I I . I I I 03010-22 Concrete Work finish to match adjacent concrete. Keep patched areas continuously moist for not less than 72 hours. 7. Repair methods not specified above may be used, subject to acceptance of Engineer. 8. Agreement by the Engineer to permit repair or patching of concrete does not waive the Engineer's authority to require complete removal and replacement of defective concrete pours should the patch .not prove satisfactory to the Engineer,' due either to deficiency in strength, function or appearance. END OF SECTION T Spirit Creek Sanitary Sewer Rehabilitation City of Augusta 03/12/02