HomeMy WebLinkAboutSOUTH AUGUSTA REDEVELOPMENT INC CONTRACT BtTWE.f.:N AUGUSTA, GEOI\GiA HOUSING AND NEIGHBORHOOD DEVELOPME:NT DEPAfUMU,IT AND CENfRf\L SAVANNAH RIVER RESOURCE CONSERVATION IJ~ tJF.:VELOPMENT (HeliD) COUNCIL, INC. In ,Joint Venture with SOUTH AUGUSTA REDEVELOPMENT, ING. r- 0 r-t HUD NEIGHBORHOOD INITIATIVES GHANT FUNDS THIS /\C,HEEMENT', mC1df;~ ~nd enterecl into on this 1611' day of June, 2004, by Ull'J bctw(::\~~n AUGUST,\. GEORGIA, by ~:lnd tl1rough l~H; AUffllsta-Richmond County COllllTli~HllQn iJt; lIID ~~drlli[)i!~\r(\lur (lhlough i's HOUSING AND NE1GHBORHOO(.1 PEvriLOPMENT tlEP/\RrMENT) of IJI\'! Ccmltr1unily Development Block. Gr('lnt f'roorutn and uthor C:C:.>n'liTllJrtity lmproY\;'I"WJl1t direcl<::d plograms (hereinafter mferled to us "Gml1lee"), and CENTRAL SAVANNAH HIVEH HC&D COUNCIL, INC. (hercinaflm referred lo as tile "8ul\reclpi~llt") ~mll SOUlH A\JGU;.~TA REVELOPMENT, INC, (hercinaflt;r referred to as SAR). WHI:J\EA:-1, the (3ri1nlee i::; the recipient of Neighborhood Initiatives Grant fund:::. frullllllu Unil~:!IJ ~,t~:lle3 Deparlrnp.nt of HOllSillg Dfld Urbnn DevEliopmcnt (11U D) under Title I, 1.!oU::.iI19 (,Hld <.>;>Itltnunity Development Act of 197 4,as L:lrnelldmJ (42 U.S.C. 53(1) (L11C Act), mid WI-1EHEM3, pUr~)u,mt to such Grant, the Gr~illtee is 1In<iertal"!111J certain pro0r<:Hn:~ wld sorvicc:.; nec,.:::,:$ory for the u~;e of SUGh r(}rler~11 funds towlJrd Augu!~la's revil:.llizLllion; ;Jnu WHEnEAS, the C-jrl'mlf:e desires to f:mgaye tM Subr0tipient to render ccrlnin ~;(';ryk~~)8, pr(1~.Jrorrl:~ or rll,~~i8l;.\Jlc:e In connection wilh such revit!.l\izotion oriented 1I11dertuldnU$ pur~.uant lo the NdghbOlllOOCI Initiatives C,r8nl pro[jrom, GitUC:lt0d In the r-'roject Nee) des.cribl'.J<J in APPC:lldix A: NOW, Tt If::-Hr::FUf{[, t~\0 p8rliGs 1101"0to do 1T'ILllUcJIly ngroG 33 follows: 1. SCOPE OF SERVICE: Tile f3ubr~cl\:1i€!nt shall joint vcntulc with South Augl.l:3lr':! F<odev8Ioptll<::nt. Inc. (SAf\) to pel-forltl nil \tle TlaCElS~;fJfY services provld8d under lhis COI1\r~lct in a';;.Gordc1t\(;(; wi\ll and rc:,pDcl1liq tlw rollCJwing project: "South Augusta Economic l)evelopJnt:nt Rovita!/7.,ntilJl1 In it! HtiVO" Tll(~ pwpo~,e of thi~j projeclls to develop .:me! implernent 8 I evillJIL:::,,1U0I1 slr;]1!~~~JY <:ind/or. pl~1I1 for the t;Jr~Jct m08 by performing the followill0: 1) Assessing .md Invr'}lllorying exisling COf'nlT1e rc:j ,;1 I and rt~:~>idQntial pn)pc:ltics 2) Profiling existing bLlSil1es~; and propt~r\y owr1!~m , 3) Identifying incenliv0s pror.Jr8l'l1S to support broet [\ll~i.l mvil;.)lizotion dforls GO 'd OGOSGGL90L 'ON XU3 Wd lE:90 lUS SO-va-NOr Tile Su!m::c..:ipielll S1101l do, pE;l'lorrn, UI'ilJ (:(~rry oUl, in <J sr:lti',:;filctOry IWJnI'li:)r, i1~.; dr.:lt:l mined LI} lilt) C;,.,u:tGo, lho uool~;, obj(H:tives, <.Illd lm,k:. set 10r III ill Appendix D, ond iIH.:urpor:.lU;r.l hcrrdll LiY Ic!crcllc':!. 2.. 'T EHM; TEHMINA.TION D. Tile services of the StJhrcciplent (Ind SN~ GIH 1l) CO/T'illlt:t\C(1 on .Ju!y 1, 20CH ,H){j bl; l.Hldr)r l;lk(~n ond compl0tod in 0uch sequenr:!") i:lS 10 D:.;GUrG tlH..dr ny.pr..:dl\il)lI~) completion in Uw liUht of (he 1JU rposes ofthis Contt net un1r.\.Cj~:; :;0 ull\t:PNi~:rJ !.:p~.:l.:ifiucJ in the Contrad Sm;lkm 19 (Genor,jl Terllls und ConJitiom;). Tl1i:3 ^urelJrnel'lt :,:kdl rGnl<.:lin in cHoU \lnlil Jlme 1, 700:i. b. r~i[hcr p~lrly may tern)il12Jir~ II lb Contr2ld, wiUwul fLlIl1\Cr obHWliion, for llie cJur;lull or tIle olh(;1' pmiy or i1:, (1genls or Nllpluyccs with rl~spect to III'1Y uurcmnon\ or provision corilained herein upon 15 dDY\:iwriU.oll notice 10 the other p(~lly. l\IIICpolt::; or tICcolJt1tin~s pi ovic.led 101" heroin 511all be Inl'1drm~d whcUlcr or not fn!!illD Liuo wi\hin the (jontl <'let pariocJ. c. l':urll1cr, tho Gronlee re5erVl3S the I.inh! to lcrlllinDlo this contwd UpOI1 writllJll noUficDtiol1 to the Subrocipicmt under any of tl10 followillD t;Onc.liUoI'IH: (1) NulificflliDn by HUD 1.0 the Grontee that s1,id projl!cl is inc:lI~}ible 1)i:-;<;i'Hl~i(J of plOjlH;t IOGHtion, sorvices provided, or uny other 1'E,;l.:\son cjt(~d by HU[); (?) Notificnllon by HUn tD tho Gmntcc ifl::1l r,;::lid project is d(':ilc;il~llt ;Jnd tl\~lt continued :support of ttw plOjccl is not providin~l 31'1 :.::ldcLltJi~,lCl lC'vd t)f servicos to low income ::lIld minority p(!ople; Ot' (3) Wrillcn nolification frolll HUD to tile Gmnloe th"it Ihe progmlll futld~i Hl;Jdc <lv;;Jilnbl.~ to tho c;n.mlcc ~,rc being (:uftaik,d I wit I1d r awn, Of" oHH.nwbl: rnslrided. d The Grante~ <.,1::.;0 reSGIVCS Uv.) rioht to l.errninate this Contract 0'. to rc~(jIJGO Uw c;.ont"~lct cornpom;<-lliotl wnotlflt if the 5ubrecipionl: (1) Fails to fill~ r~;quirnd mporil> or to meol projed progross or compldiotl deadlinos; (?) Mat()ric.llly fails to con )ply with ~ny provi~)ion of II Ii::; AOI.cr~ITICllt {Wllich 111~1Y result iiI suspDnsioll Dr tcrminoUoll in acconi<:l\lc(~ wlLh 24 CF!=( B!.5,113 01' OM[1 CircularA-110. (:-\) [:xpcnd$ runti'; under tills Agr'ccrm:nt for il1tli~.liL\le oc;Uvillm" (>t~rvic\\~, or it{;:m~; ('1) Impli3menls tile projf:el prior to noUfict:.llion from lhl~ C;wn1.ec t1Hll till; Imh.:1 ell /. EO 'd OGOSGGL90L 'ON X~j Wd IE:90 l~S So-vO-Nnr CllviWrllrlcntGI revic:w process IK:lS b({(.;r! compldud; (G) F [I ils to comply willi WI jll(~n IIO!ic.;C [10m the Gr,lIllcH of fjub:')t,md:lI d j)u r l'ornv:Ii(:() undor lhe krrll~, of this I\orcerll(~tlt. 3. PEHFOHMANCE MONITORING TIle (-)I.:IIt!<.:e will rnonitor tile pC;:llorrnnncn or tile SlIbrecipjfJnl :JD~llnst ~Jo;,lIs and pu[onnul)cu sl nnclmLh I C'IIJircd hc.toin. ~3ubsl~Jnd'lr rJ perforl n:mco <.IS ddut mined by OIL) GWlilcq will com;1itutc non'cOTrlplli.H1CC~ wilh tl1i~ contrad. If adions to corrocl such sul)~;li.lnd,Hd pcrklllll,.mC() we not taken by tile Subrodplent within ~)O tiny;; h:dl()win~J OJH,it8 rnonituril1~J by tho Ordf1tC(:, conlrllC'l lr'~rJlliwlljtln proccdUtL:3 will be inilial(~d. 1. INSPECTION AND ACCEPTANCE All tCld(,s unci I cpolls sl1all be cond uded c:md C;OI nplotcLl ill aGCOrdnl ;c:t: with wr;oun1l.ed ~;\Ilcl cll~;l()JrIilrily ,lCCl;ptcd indu~try prm;tir;~::t;, ;;lnd t~liall LH.! cOllsitlcrc:d complclc wh(,;[l 1;;(-~rvicl's mn applCJvcd n~~ :.Jcc~'!ptnble 11Y tilo Grantee in wrllinu. In the Clvctl1uf rejodion of ,lilY tC:l~jh:3, Irqlulls, ctc., ~}uIX8'clpir.mt Sh,lll V~ notifieu in wriUng Lind sh(")1I11UVe h~n (10) worl';inu diJY~i fl'Orn ({;.'ltc or iSSUHYlce of no U Iic t:ltio 11 to correct the ddjclencit.;~~ and 1'0' submit acwpi;;ll;llo vvolk wiUlin N.lid k:n. d~jY p(Jrlorl. h:liluro to :3uurnil acccpt~Jble work witllin 8:Jid len-day pl:riodr.,h<:\lI comililuto iJ brc:odl Llr this COl1tr;Jct for whle;h tile 8ubl E~r;jpiCrtl In<1Y bo hold III defoult. ~L ~~EVEf{ABILI1Y If <lilY turm or COrlclition ofthi:; AWC0ITlc:nt is found I)y iJ court of cOlnpdonfjurisdictiotl to lJO vuld (,r irwC11id, Guc:l1 irwLlllclity S~l~111 not iJrrC(;l th<.: rcrniJining lerrnselld GondiUOllf;; OfU1is AgfOUfnCllt, which SII;;lI CIJnlil1l.10 ill full force and effect. G. COMPENSATION "fflo cOIJ:3.ul\.:ll1t (The: Hr3^ Group, Inll.) ::;Imll be p0.id 0 total c:om;idclalion of $4~',IH.i~; for nJiI pOI fonll::lflco ufth:~ scrviccG specifi(~d undur thi:> Auroornen1. Sl,ll.JlDciplCllt and SAr.~ t!tr.:dl ~;uIJrl1il lllOIlll1ly I L.'q\.le~ ls fur p<JYlJ\onts to tho ~ louslll~ tmd Noiohborhood f)(Nclnprnotil (HND) [J(~fJ<.l1 tlw'nL C()ll1p~)I\:3~!tion sho.ll be ~ll1owG'd on a reirnbur:.~crnclll basis, only Hfler oxpon\.lilllfcu 11;WU lIeu} in~unod by The I IDA (;rollfl, hill. and proper SlJpportlnf) docurncnlnlion Iws bC:(!1I ~jl..llJIl1It1cd ill conforrnHy willi t1'\e i.'lppi'oved ,~nd exc~::;ulod buclUd dOGumcnl which i:; .ll.tnched lo tl1j~; Conlr::d :J~ Appc.mdi>: C, inc')rporL~ted heroin by rdercnc:c. In every (:m~(J, p:Jymont willlw l1\\'ldn (;llbjcd III n~cL:ipt of [J r,~irnburs<mlOnt reque::;t for ptlyrmmt from the Subrcdpicnl t'ipoGlfyir1O tmd \":cllil'ying th:,)l (;UCll ()xpen~:os hilVD beon incurrod and expl;:)t1CJGd ill confoi'lmmce will, \111$ Conlrnc\ ~Jt'ld tIli1t tho Subrccipiont is (~ntitlcd lo oxpolld the omount roque5ll~d ulldGr HH: tCn11S Df this ConllGd. P[-JYIl'Clll~; will Lw IllUue 011 Q lTIont.llly basis only witl1 iJ 30-<l:)y tUI nWNmd poriuLl by Grantee, III ncqucsl', for paYllluniG must be received by GI :mtee not I~Jtcr lIltlTl U1C 15 dny of c:-lch crll(:m!;11 l1'l(mlh for VIOl'\<.. pc:rformed dUlin~ the: prucorl1nfJ Ci.,dendar l11onll1. TI1(; ~iuhl'ccipili;nl ~;ll;Jlll\ul r;1~\lrJ1 rol!nbul::Hilllrmt from Hll~ Gr<.111lcc for t11l'lt portion of ils obligaliLlllt; whidlllUS been pu!d by nnothu rOllrce of r(wunIIU. '3 170 'd OGOSGGL90L 'ON X~3 Wd GE:90 l~S SO-vO-Nnr Tllu f){Jbrccipi(~llt shall notify 1110 Grantee in writill(J ul rJ11 j.)uUlori?cd P()ISOrJI1(~1 1//110 :;1];)\1 bn f,o)lnpt)w(;'/'(~d IIj lill: requests for p~JY/l1(~ht pl.lr~Hl<Hll to tl1b ^l.Jfc::r~I1I(;Iit. 7. USE OF FUNDS l Jf;c 01 funds received pursu;:lnt to this AW8C :mefll she-III tJl~ in ;JcGorcbnC(~ willi tllO f<;lojllilUtll':i1 ils ()1 lIw HousinG tlrld COIl"ll1\unity Dr.NGlo[1ln{!;T1! Act of 1frf4 (mJ rJlllClldcJ),?t1 Cn~ IJurl 1) 10 nnd ulllUf rOOLlklll():I:~ Doveffling tho Cornmunity Dcvr:loprnont 131Clc:k (JrHlll ProfJrnlll,ill'ld cillY wncndmclll:, or pulicy rnvj~;ions Ihumlo wlOlid\ slmllllocOfllC: clr(~ctive Llurin~J the terrn (If lI)is A[lreCII1Cr1t. FurUmr, imy flJlldeLl clctivity rnu~;t be designcr.1 or }:~o !OCr)1Cd Wi to princip:1lly benofit !ower Incof!lo pen,on:;;, (Jicl jl) HI(: prevention or olilTlimllion or l:;lllrn!> or lllintll, or Illcul ur~J1.mt cOlllrnullily clcveloprncnt needs, iJ:j dofined ill the progrom rc!]ulrilions. If i110 Sllr..rer.ipiC:lll i:~ not <.1 governmenl aUl:lllcy. OMO Circulul" ^-122, "(;r:d PI illGipluf> for Non-,o'roril Ornnnil.o'liol1:;." or OMB Circul(lr A,?1, "Cost Principles for Edllcutiom,l! In~~'1ilulioll!3,"I.lG ,qlplic,,:ILIiJ: llnd OMl:I A-'l '10. ,lS :;,pcciIicd at 24 CFf~ 5'lO,[j02(b) sllall be Iflulo Subrucipil)l1t is protJibiled from U:-;illg fUl "Is provided Iwruln for polilicDI 8ctivitics, :,cct,)ri,~n Dr rclifJiO\H; ~H:tiVjtiO~" or lobbying activitios. 8. ENTIHE CONTRACT; ALTERATION This ^911iorncnl is ttlc entiro C:l()ICl:11Wl1t belwcon the pGrlics herct\C), No alkri;1Uon or vnr)ulioJ1 in Ow lorms (If tllis I,!]reemetlt ~~h:311 be; valid unl(J::;~ In"dc in writing ;:Jlld sionmJ by the PClltic);o; Ilutcto. 9. G!:NU~AL TERMS AND CONDIrIONS ~)ulw:ciplC'nt ZlUroes to J(.(:or <-111 rwcc~;swy books and recol"d~-;, includillg propelly, pUI"~~ulll"l'JI and fiJlCJnciill rCGords, ill connedion willI H'iI.~ opc:rnliol1s and ~;crvir;c:~; pcrfc:lnm,H.I undt:r II lit; A:;;loC!rrtcnl, nnd shedl dor~um{;lf1t all trw 1~;(lclirJnS so that nil (~.xpel1d itufOS nltl)> lJO l'HtJ!)(.'lly LH.lditurJ. If tile SUbrf)(;ipient rCGt;ivcG $300,000 or mom In r.OlT1biJlOd fcc.lc:ml ;)~;~:-j:.,tnncu, it Dpreo:;> to obtC:lin nn audit (;onuudcd in aCGorcl;:\l1ce with OMB Circu!ur ^-1 :33. f IoWllvcl", if ~.m audil in not require~d. the Subrecipjont r1[Jrces to provid(~ quwturly flnunci;lll cf.1(,l/ 1.'3 to lIH) C:~rantc!("J, I F ~)lIbrG(;ipit-)nt cJO(~S not prcpnn~ fimmciDI 0tl1icl11<:.nt~ un CI monthly or qU::HiC'rly bnsis, a dCt,lilcu list of cash mr;(-)iphl ('Iml di::tuUlson\cnls sl10uld bt~ sublllitled to (;WIIICCl qIJ<311crly. n. ACCESS TO R[COr~DS '1110 SUbrl)cipient i:lDrGe~ Ul~~t the GIi.mtce or any autlKHiz8d Jc-:\JJt.:~,~.lrltatiV[) IHJ~'; ,1l~CC;'Q to arid UiO ri9ht to eX;:Jl1lirHJ ~111 records, bool"';;;, pi3pcrS, or do(";urJlctltf; lol(llr:d to 1I111 project. b, r~ETENTION '1 SO 'd OGOSGGL90L 'ON X~j Wd GE:90 l~S SO-vO-NOr 'r! m ::Jlltm.:cipicnl l1el cuy s(Ncrcllly WUI rillltt; 1I1,]l 011 pl"uject r(Jc.(Jrd~.. hIH)k\)" fl,l pcr:.;, ;lI'HJ rl OCU Ii lf~nts will be wtu inr;d f Oi' U pel iud 0 r 110t Ie ~s 1l\3n four (,1 } yr;;:HG i.I fl r ;11110\\ ~f1 (ill I;') lil.i11 '>,iF ;~II ,K1ivil.ie5 funded under this contrt.lcl, or aficrlho wl;olulioll of ::dl Fcdehli uudit fllldirl\r" whichovm ocelli'S 1;:][Cl" cmd grm\ls thl~ <.~n:lf"lt(;)() the OpH(Jl1 of I dl:ntiCJrl of 1I1l: pi (')jod r\)cu/(J:), booh;, r:3pnrs, fwd doclIlflent:;. TIIt,~ rd(;llt ion pt.lriod ell:)11 :;;l;lll jJ'orfllhe drl\e of ~~ubl nh:<;iol'l ur l.lw Gr;;mteG'~ cJnfllJill pm [0 r!TWI1Ct; wpoll, CJS pfl)~;cribod in 2..1 CF I~ 915?O, in whlcllll)\) ~ipcdn(; ;Jctivity is rcpollcd on 'for the final timu r,.JUler ttWI1 frolll lllu dulu of ~;ut)llli::;niol'l of file tilHlI uxrur!cJilUW rcp()I't for tho QWDnJ, c PI]'(MlTS (ha Subrccipiont ;~~.W~8~'; to enBW(: lhat ConlrClclor obll:~ins all noce0:.ii'HY p::nllilr; fur int{;ndod irnprovf~lllcnts or m~tivitics. eJ. I\FT'lr~MATIVE ACTION Tl10 ~:';l.1lH(X;ipicnl, j'[ jts Ixo\jr3m involves housinu, oorc<:510 afOrrn;.llively furlt)('rfair I'tOU::ifl(J, (~, CONFLICT OF INTEHEST -rho Subrcdpiont he-TOby sovcrally w\1rl'tlnis lhot ii will oi:ilahlish i:md t-~dopt f';vk:Ulwl de) \(.1 prohibit rnornl)l~rs, olficGrs, Gnd ell1ployees from usinU positions 'for oj pl.ltp(I~1e lhi~l bi Or ~JNe~; tho Dpp<::<.mmce of b0inO motivated by ;':1 rJe.):,}iro 'for priv1l1e ~J,1In for H \;'Jm~iolvl:;;:':~ or olllel :;', pC1lliculw'ly lho~~c with whom tiley hove f,lInily, lJul;incss, or olhur tiC:fi. F:IJIi.II<'.'r, no IIlC/l1bnr, uff)eW', or ernployee of ::'1ubrocipient who ox(:rci:,c[; ;.lIIY funcUon:; or fl'r:~pl)m,ibllil y witl1 rc:;pcct to 1I1(J proUWlll during IIiI.' or her tenure 01' for orlt) Y8arthurC't.111\::r, ~k;llll::J'J(: t.JnyIOlancl;J1 int(::rc~lt, direct or indirGU, ill mlY contr;:;ct or subwntr..lcl, or 11\(') procC'cdG lh~:n:()f, (~iU1CI' for thern:;elves or tho~.::e with whom UIOY II<.IVO fi.1lTlily or bu~~i!Hj~;;) tk:::.;, for wol k to be perfOfr1H.;d in connection with tile progn:-HTl ~lsGisl.ocl under this Aorucl rtt~nt. f, I\UnIORIZATION TO EXECU'( E AGHEEMENT The lIndcmiglled p{~r::;on siuning as on olncO! on b(~h(~lt of ttm SulJror::ipkHlt, 1,1 pmly lo filb l\on.;'Clnent, h~n~by ~,(;ver<.Jlly wOJrrnnlG [lI1d repre::;ollb Hwt :;\Jid j:lOlf;OIl 11~\~i (JI.Jtllorily lo enter into t111s i\!Jrc(~mc:llt on botK11f of ~;aid SubmcipiGld LlIllJ to bind 111(.) ~~l.\lne (0 11)1;~ !\grcHlllcnt, \md further tl1al soid Sulxccipiont tlaS atll11Qrily l () milt.'! into il1i~; f\UtcCl/lf.mt i.lI1cl thul tile!r: me no res1 ricUons or prohibiUllt)~; containod in OilY ;;-It Liclo of inc:orplJll:Jljl)f1 or'llyl::!'Iv (l'J"lin~;l cnlcrinSl into this Agreement. [] SECTION 604 The Subrociplent hcr8by collifies 1hat, ill Hie implelllontali\m or projeds rUlldcd I)y this l\grccll1c 11 t they wilf mquire Contractor compliance wifh all r "quiwlncn ts of <~) c, dinn 601 of the f~oll;Jbilit<~lion Ad of Hfr3 (28 use '1U-1) (;]l1cllhe ilTiplmncI1linu 1'()OllliJliol1s ,;.I1?~ ern [J}, tllO ^rnerbHl~j with Dic;;"lbilities Act of 19DO WL 101-:.,::;G). ~Hld all slrlLe ;111(lloc::11111\'1$ IOqUllillQ phyr.iGl:1 ("!.Ild progr al"n accessibility to people wilh discd)l!itic-J::; 5 90 'd OGOSGGL90L 'ON X~j Wd [[:90 l~S SO-~O-Nnr h. eQUIPMENT I~N[) P[F~SON^L flf~OPfTnY (1) Use. C:quilJrncnt ;::mrl ptm:onal pr-OP81.ty ~Il;)!ll)(.: u:;ed by t11H ~;lIhJ ccipicnt ill tho prout arn or pr(lj~ct for whicl\ il W;:JS ,y:;qLJircd l'J~; luno ;)~i Il'::cd, wi lcHH..:r 01 not the prujocl or prowum r.ontirlues to be ~;IJpporlcd uy 1:".:ldHr,d{ul1f!r;. (2) Di~~~pu~..dtion. WIH~ll no Iml\Jt;r t1cc;uod fOI tl](~ (lriDin(:)\ plOqrt'!l')\ tJrojuCl, r.k.;po:::,iliUI1 or ~Jr1Y GquiplTlcnt or p0r~t)nal proporty of wry fund ~.fdl ilo ddcn Ilincd (-Hld (1pprovc~'cl by lilt! Gr<1nt~(; c:ordslenl wi1h prilvi~:li(Jll:; UJ 24 erH :'>70.202 8nd Circ.:ulw A-11 O. oxcnpl (u) In ;:t11 C;JSOS in wl1icll porEOllc)1 plopolly iH ~Jolu. lhe p'ot..:CC~d~3 shulllnl prugral n incorl1e, <'Jlld (lJ) Pt::rsolKll property tlO! neoded by tll(; ~)ulllocipi(;lIlt iOl Cr)uc:; CJdivili(~s t:h..lll be.: tmnsrcrrcu Iu tl10 Cmntcu fc.lr !.1m COlnrnullily Dc:vulopIrlen\ rHoor~lrn or stloll lm wlaim::d illkr ~l.lbrniUillD c;ornp(m~:atic>n to the Gran\.0(~ for tllO Community Devoloprnent proorCJrn, cIne) (c) CompCnStlliOl1 for items of CqUipIY10lit or per:5omll propclly reLdncd or suld 8hall l)(; rJrl HlIl(llJlll CcJIClIIJtu.J by lIlulliplyill!:) \I 1C CllllUl"1t rnmkcl vi)hJl~ c)r proceeds frurn salo by Hie pcrccnl~'Uc or cunc funds provid ed 011 the orinin.~1 costs uf ()quipnY:Jlll or pOI ~oli,.ll property. 10. OTHt:R PROVISIONS n. E:q\Jnl Emr1oyrnont Oppor1unity (1) l'I1(~ Subrocipic:nl sh:~ll not discriminalt1 i;l~J;'l!ll~t l\ny Ci"l1pl(Jy\,H.~ or f1Pl'lk::'11Il for ernployrnent because of rnee, cotor, creed, rdi\)i()n.s':~x, \l~J(.J, Ili;:)ndicDP, ciif.::-1bility. scxu81 orielltatiOl1, <'Jncestry, n:.:tloni11 origin, nlClrit~"ll q;ll\J~;, fnln'li;tl St8tLls, or nny olher basis prohibited by :3[lp!iGnldc: low. or 110 ()ubi'uciplcrll ~~11,~1I tuke affinTl3live c1r.;tioll to oneure t1mt \1ppliCUl1lS ::He omplufi:d illld th:ll ol1lployces i-lrQ treat8d during elllployrnt.'11t without ron;:u d \0 their mer;:, color, creod, roll[jiOll, :;(~X, aoe, hcrldicLJp, disallillty, s(~xu81 oricnla {jOll, UllCU:JII y, or nation",lorioin. SUC!'l action sh;J1I includo, but not b81il nitccl to tile roilowiT1~r clllployrncnl, upgroding, denlOl.ion or tI8T1srcr, rL,;cll.litlm~nt or Iccru\tmcf'lt advt)(li~>il1f'J, l<1yurr or torlllimltiol1, r,)los or pay Dr OtlH]I' fUl"IIlS of c<Jrnpl)! l:;ation. and :.>oledion for traininG indlldin~l oppr(mti<;o~)! Jip. Tll0. SLlbrC'clpienl ;19re(~s to po~;t in c:nnspicuollS pbcos, .Jvol1"lhlc to (.;rllp!oYl:CS ,~nd npplicC:ll1lS for e;lllployt nent, noticlJf,1 to liL) provided se\linU !"orlll U Ie pmYi:~Il>ns or this nomliscrirnini-ltlo[1 d("H!::>C:~. (2) Tile ~3ul)["ec:ipicnt will, in all ~)olicildtiollS or aJvl'rU~>GIl1f~llts ((11 CTJiploY'Jc:s pli.'Ic.:E)d by or on behalf of 11m Sublcclpient, :~l.ltc Llll\t all quallfil:u ;q1plic~lIils (, In '..1 n?nC;??Hlnl 'nN)(8-1 Wd EE:90 l~S SO-va-NOr will ror:eive cOllsidorntion for cmployrnent willH:lut rl>!FHd 10 I UC";C, cruud, relirJion, ~jex, Doe, IKIIl rjiC1Jr, di:.1:3LJili ly. ~,r.:xu,-il 01 ic: 1'1 1;;11 in)" ;Hll:;!;~j II y, l1i.ltk)l1;d oriOin, rn<Jlltul slzJilw. or Dny oHHlt br'l!.i:,; prnllllJilucJ LIY applicFlblu I.M. b F:qu;11 Opporlunily ill rJL:irlicipalion Undor the (OlTll1:i or Section 100 of [he Housin[j <Jm.! eari'll nunity I.)(:vd(~pmm)'l Ac1 or 1 U14. 1:lIHI in oonrolrnr:lrIco with Gr;Jnloo policy :Jllcl ::'jlllr~qljlrc.'rnelllG ill:pO~.:c:d I)y elf' pursUiHlt to the R(!~'IUlalion::; of flUD (~~4 CH'~ POIi u,O.G01 i:l/ld ~j'(().r;(l2) b:;,ucd pur'~~lJi;llll to SE)cUc)fl1 09, f1[) pr.Hf}{)llln Ih~ IJnilccl StrJte:;i (;hull on lllr,) ~Jlo{Jr1d nl r.lee, color, C':lood, IT::Ii[Jioll, sex, Doe, Ilondlc3p, di::;;lbilily, B()Xllal orjolll,]iiu/1, ~mc()sjry, n0liof!,i1 oriU!Il, Jmll iliJl slLJluG, f;.l1nill;J1 S[;:Jll.I~i, or W1Y tlllwr be'I:;'!:S ptol,ibikd l;y ,:Ipplici'\ble law be: oxcludcu rrurn p;:lrUGip~lUOn in, be duniGtl bcncf,t~) of, ()r l)(J subjccLod to discrirlliJl8tion under ,my progrv.m or' :x;livity fllllc!o(i ill 'vVllOb or in p.Ht will1 CUIlIIIIUJli\y Dc..:vcloprm::nl Glock Grant ProOl"3rTllundu. c. Business ~mc.1 Ernploym~l)t Opportunities for Lower InCiornn r-~e~idl..:nt~, WC\lncn- OWlIDU l3u~;inoss Entt;lpri:;c:;, and M!ilorily-Owl\od Ell.l:.,lnoss l:n~elpil"iCS. The Su1.lrm.:ipinl1t will use ilo be~;t effort.s to afrord rnlnori1y GIlU wmnr::'ll"OWrIO(] bUHine:;~; cnll.:-rpi i';il.J:3 tl1(.~ mmdnlUlll pmdic:3bl~ oppmillllity tQ parlicipf.de 111 lhl) pCl'forll\~IIlCf} of 1his r;tmlnlc\' As u!.ic;d in thl!) conlr:,d, jl10 term "minority r:md fern,Jlo blJsinm~s nl1terpri~>(~,1> tllc..:,.H"lS 1~ bll!;ine~~~ i;lt IowJl rilly.,one (::i1 %,) ovmerl GIld contro!led by rninorily Uroup members or \!Yon lCII. For tile: pUrpOijO uf tillS do!initiuI'J, "II dllOI"ily \JfOUP rnorl1b~;rs" 81"0 AflicDn-Atr10riciJn, Sp;~1I1isll-:;:,pU~lkillg, Sp\1ni'~;11 ~';!Jrr!iHll()d orwIi1l\':1I1()pr(.:~~\;111;)Li()lis by SulJmcipicnts rcg<Hditl~J !Ildr status as ITlillorily and fom,lle but.il1(;;:;s urllGlvlises in lieLJ or Cln indGpclH,Jtmt inV8s1iOClliofl. d, S[:CTION 3 CLAUSE:: Tho ~)ubrecip1c}l11 will conform with the rules and regulations $01 I"ortl \ untJcr St:c!ion 3 of 010 Hou~II1U elnd Urb;:\Il Ocwr;loprnenl Act of Hl6U, (12 use 1701u), ;:i~~ mnondnd, j'Jlld lho !-IUD fO[Jul;:\liull~, is~;ued pursu~mt thereto ~11. 24 CFH Parl '13li. Tl1i~ Ad rl:qllires that, to Um !lf0;J\(~:J cxl(:nl'r!}f.lsjblc~, oPPolluniUes 101' tmilling and cmploymonlbe giVt:3Illu IOWN inco1tlo r(ddr..:nl~ 01 tllO projecl;.I\ l.)~t, ond cOlllriJcls for wor k in connection willi ll1L; projoct be nW<J1 d(~d lo hu(,!nl.;;;:~ cOtlCClI1S Wllid'l ,m; loc<-lLcd in, or owner..! ill sub:slanlii-lJ p:3,-L by persons n::bidinu ill1.hc ;)tOil of lIl~:~ pIUjfH.:1. III ~lll ~.~(llicil<1lion;~ for bids tl10 cCJntrnctor tJ1U~;t. before ~;i\Jnirtrl tl1<.' cOIIiIt:1cl, provido .1 prolirnin;ll Y ~:l(-dcml()1 It of the work for(:(~ noocJs ;md plHns for possible tr~linlll!J rmd clllploYlT1cnl (.If !(Jwcr incol no pOl scm~;. Whnn u Subr6cipiollt uliJizos1.h0 biddinG procf.:;duw to kll ,) IJiJ, the invil,lii()f1 or ~;olldVdion for lllus Glial! advice prospccllvo contractor:) of llll~ r~~quirOJ11onl~ of ~;I..:clioJ1 ~i ()f lh(~ HL)u,;~;n~J and Url);.m l)(ivL'loPI newt Act of 1 ~)GlJ, 36 amended, ~md tile c1i~US() sh;llllJe inz;(~rkd <J~; iJ cornpollcnl pnll or ..1ny C()I1LrrJc\ or sul./conlrac1. If i-l SullT(;c!pI8nl s()IiGil~; 01" rcqllc~~tG an iIlVil....I1.iol1 'for bids, every Glfl)ll fC~1Sible willllt:. J/l:Jde tl) G(m!f)c1. rJ'Jlnnrity..owrH.,d ~.ll1d WOlllcfI-owncd bw;iness crllcrpriGoG for 0 tG~,pon:>e jr) 111\~ !ioliciLo\ion or 'I Rn 'rl O~Oq~~f90L 'ON Xij~ Wd EE:90 lijS SO-vO-NOr invi1.,ltion 101 billdclD. () r\j()rJ(Ji~crirnilH'Jti()Il in F(:d(;r<llly-^~;sislncJ r)ro~r;J1m; Tilt) SlJbrccipjr:nl will cOlllply with Titlo VI uf 1110 Civil r~ighl'3 Act of 1~)()4 (PI. /}(j-3~)~?, 'lil.I;;C 2000d ct ucq.) tclnd the r;'lir H(llJ~if1U Ad (4? use ;~G01-;W). In rlCCordtlll(.;l) wilh (3r(IIII(~t; I 'ulley [Hid 'Till'i! VI of t11~: Civil ninht!:> I\ct of '1 DG4 (F'L nB-3(2). inlhu S,Jll:, lem;e or olhu lmn.~,f()l' oll;lIld ::lcquirHrJ, loa~,od 0'- irnp'ovcd with assiskmce provided undor this A~jrc:cl)lMt, tile (j(;ed O! Ir;\l,\:;r,; for such IIi.m5rer (',ll~1!1 GOflli)il1,J covulliJnt prohibitinfj di,Sc:rimil1alioll L1IJon the Iwsit; of laen, c;nloI', Cfll(~d, rcHfJion, ::;OX, IliJl1c11c;::lP, Lli:';i.}billly. s~xu;:ll oricJ"iti:lliOIl, 3ncc:~)try, llo'liOl1(J! orif,lin. ITI;'Jrili.1! ~;tdtlj:;. or [wlliliiJ! !;li.1lu~:;, ill lIa,) si)I(~, lout,D, or felllnl, or ill the use or o0clIp;mcy of bucl1 /,lnd or ;my 11111HOVCHI)(;[lIH omc:h;d or to be Hff~clGd tI1Q[(H,HI. The Bul>/ccipicl II will comply Wil.ll "I illt: VII of the Civil r\i~llll!l Ad of 1906 (Pi. 80.1'(4) as arn~1r)d\.:d and will lJdrnini!;tr:r ,111 j)mSjli!l1'W Uf\d ;!c!ivilic:i rok.ilec:j tc) I1Qu~;inrJ ulnj community developmont in H f/lunner to iJffinllQtivr::ly fullhl'r f' air 1'lo\!sirID, I. ProviGions of lhe Il;:ltch Act r~dtllGr Ow ~)ubr(:dpir.:tlL pi"oUri:lrrl nul' the; 'funds providecl therefor, nor \h(.: per~,()l)lIc'l crnploycd if! tho 4.l(1rnjllittr~.diOll of i11e proUram ::;h<-lll b(-) in ;iny wny orto <my c..xtenl OI\U'-1nud in llle conduct of polll Icul ~;djvll ie~l in contravan1ion of ChiJpter 1 f) of -ntle 5, UnllQ.:d Stnles Cod~~. tJ, Lobbying Hostrictiolls Subrccip cnt ccrlilil.:s 1I1ot, 10 the best of its knowledgo and bGlief: No Fodimll ..1ppropri<llod fund!; h~lVO beHll p:lid or willl)(} pJid, by Dr on beh€llf of il, \0 any per~~on for InlluollcinO or ,:lliQrnptino to influence r-Jt1 officer or crnploye;e uf W IY t:igC:Jlf.;y, B M 011"1 bcr uf Con(Jrm;r~1. i.l11 otricer or (;:inployce of Congl"0liS, or all crnpl0YGC' of a MelT'lb,Jr of COllom',;:; In (;(jnll~:cUon \~./iU I tl HJ ~.lw(lrdino of any Fcder [II contr;3cl, the 1113kili[J of any f-":(;;dornl GWllt, lhr; maldnu or .my Focleral loon, tllo crllcring into of ;::1I1Y cooperative ~)grccrnenl, ~md 1110 uxIClr.i)UI1, ('~ontinlJ;:lliot1, rCl1uwf.ll, t.lITlc.mcJrn~llt, or lllodificnliol1 of L)ny Foderal C:ufltrJct, Qr;Jt)l, IOe1l1, or coopow[Jvo DorUt:tllCllIl; If ;,my funds o\t lor I!lWl FcLlcral oppropriuleu funds Iwve beon raid or will L)c pnid to ("my PUIH1Tl for InfluondnR ex ullcrrlpU/l~J to illf'I UlJr1ce Drl officer or cl'nployee or ony ~Del1r;y, t'l Mel nl.)(;r 01 C<)f1ljl ~;.:;:;! at! ornet;:/" or crT1pl()yc~l of COflgress, ur ufllpluyc:o Llr 8 MOlTlber of C()nOICS~i, jf) con m~cl1orl withll d;'; fodmi.,1 COlli! ;:lGt, want, lonn. or coop(:)r8tlV(~ ..)orc<::rm:tll, it will complete cind :-"ubn'lil Sti.md;.1rd Form. LL.L, "DiGclo~,l,Jl"e FOf'mlo f\epolt Lobbying" in acc:ordi:J11CO with ils irl~;lrLlcti()ns; und It will n~qulr c II 1;.1t tl10 1J.J1gUl.\DC of tllis pm(]~J r npll M be included in tllU Qw.:lrd dor,\.\II1(~rJl~, for ..III ::,II~H'lwCJrds nl ,:111 tit:rs (includlr\~J 5ullcontlaclt.1l's, ;;ubgrnnts, emu C\lntn'H:r~j under oron{~;;. k)~JllS, ;"lIId coo!lorfllive aoreCfJ1Clll~) ond \l1<1t nil suLJrocipicn\s 511311 certify ;;md di~;c1l)~~O t:lccoruin~lly. -1111::; c()rlificu[\on I:; ~J IlliJtcriul reprc;sc:nlDtion of foct upon whicl1lc1i..lllcc~ wcm plaoGu WllUfI llll'; lr<J.m:;1cllon WilS lTIi1d0 or cntcI ud illlo, Sul)llli:;sion of this c:crU[jr.;CiliOll iH 0 plClOqui:,iIG f~')[' 1J\;:d',inu or ()lllorinq into Ihis tr<JI13,Jdinl1 irllpo~;Cd by Sed ion 13EiL, liLlo 31. United :3tulos C(:rde, NIY pCI :';Oil wl"lO [;:lilt; to fill) Ihe rl:~quln~d c(~Jlifir:ation $hi-lll be .~,UbjLlGtlO a civil pennlly of noller.':; i!1;'lI1 ~1;1CI,()()O K Rn 'J n;mc:.;:.; J an I 'ml \/\.1.1 U~ b~:Qn lH~ ~n-bn-Nnr ~lIId t\(J1ITl01C tllr-m $100,000 for r-)<-Jch such l<lilLJrt~, 11. Provisionr..; 1~r;qlJirod by L.aw DC(lIW)d Ins01'led l~:;]c11 ,11,d (:YI.:ry ptovi~,;io!l of luw cmd c1Qu~~c requirod by luw to boinsorlwllll [hi:; Cr)/l!.r,..Ic) ~'.ll;!11 he d{X~ITletJ 10 1)0 iflscllr:d Ilmdn Hnd the cucltrocl ~,llall be I c;:.ld tmd enforced cl:i 1I1(luUll it VI!)I U llH;lulkJ I1CI<'lill, mlCl if tlllOlJBll rnistoku ur \.Jtli!.~twisu FiI1Y such j)rovislclil is nul irv,crluJ, ur I':; IIO! COI reoUy illhel led, Ihell upon tho <1pplici-ltion or oilllur pol'ly 1I1O COlltrC:JGI :,,1\;)11 ]ortt1\'vilh l)C) plly~iG;Jily i.HrlctlcJt.:d io rn~\k() suell in5NlicHl ()r correction, '11. MISCElLANEOUS (I. T) lis ^urcemcnl ::,Iwll l)(! governed by i:lnd COITJirued Q(:Gt)r dlr1U to 1tH:J kJwr:.; of tho ~)t.;)to of (;r;or ~.ji8. \) o l 'd OGOSGGL80L 'ON X~j Wd vE:80 l~S SO-vO-Nnr I~J WII Nf.:S~'~ WII[f~[OI', tile rKlfli(:~.) hi-Nt: !,,;Qt their h;;lIIos ul'ld s(:~II~i ,is of tl \(] rj;Jl.c flr~;)l \filrHIUII ubuve, Ar]'[;~s r: SE/\L ,JJ/Ih/{rfp/f/Jt/AL- -------- ( I , Llfll/f~J. l3U1:n~r CI:')lkof Corlllrlfs~:;tOn j\TTF.SL SEAL ,.j \ 0 r\' . I. .11.-' ...._.J::~L ~~:"~ _ .U.:.J\.)l.::.~.:::'~:c~,'~:<,';~..... ...---- " Nl'lll:lryt')ublic Nlltt/:'y I'\l;~ilc, Hlti~mflnd 0'1\(('1)1'. GooQ(i;l 1-1)1 cmU1lllfls!r..'n [l~'(plr!l~ 0<;1. 1. 2()()4 ^ TTCS'r: SEAL -, "'11 '7 J.f'~ l '.,,, .~, ','C (~'i'J. '. J". ~ . \!;",_'4.s::',:::t21. ..:./,:~~'!..:::_,__.... r'!o{nry Publi<; Nv!i)1Y j'\'fJ\l(', t~jc,tl'l'l"mtl G';;.!rty, r.~i;'''ll!.iJ My (:('11" ;,!: ',:~m !:"'l1\rOtl (.let. 1, 2Q()4 II 'd OGOSGGL90L 'ON X~j ^U(~U~:.T ^ C;t:OI-<OI/\ ___..._.___. ...._ ". .. ...:....._ ...._'..... , .,.___.....'.'~... pO .... .._...._ ._....., (Cr,)lliee) ~-' 'm.. e Ily______:k::~;~~;~(< -.---- ^:~ Its tayor ....,..,.~ Control SaVllrlll;:11l nivor HCKD CDLlI1GiI, Inc. ( '\ By: ___L~.~.f.). ,C.L::~:"t"/-M~;.(,:_~J\!_. l: HlJ~lh Fulr;l1or .)r. As i\~; !,ll'o:;iident I . "'r' "( , '-., :. ..'--.' Soutl1 AU~lU$h.:tH'fdrNCI()PIT'I:9) Inf;, ;7) r fly: ._L/;~11(!yt--i:~~:__...- _ H____ , J.fJ~/Powcll } A:~ its Pm:;idL:l'1i 10 Wd vE:90 l~S SO-vO-Nor APP[ND)X A E?.Lr~Dg.'p~_(;~~'j 'lllf.; projocl i~,~ IOt;oted nl 1110 f{ocky Cr(~~)k E.ntcHprisG 7:(;1l0. APPENDIX B I? w~l GJ PI? i Ds,~ll~D.:i,.. q!J.t 1. 'Lfj~r.::~ !?11Jlf?Ll 1) ComJucl a~:)e:;:--;mwll of c.~xistit1U bLl8lm)l~:)os, inc;l\.IdinlJ vilc.wl busil1tif:;::;(.:1.:/lllJi1dinU:; WIll inv(~r Ilol"Y Df vnGtmt space iT! twgcl mc<.l, inr;!tJdjll~J profile of W1Gant IIIO[JE\lly uwnm:~;. 2) Irwonlory llw most bli!.:JlltccJ residuntiD] ::md C()ITllllcrd:J1 plOpc:rlios lor rCI".cJ!1sll uclic.:'1 \, lulltlbillli.,lioll or removal. 3) He;)Cl~lrd I ::md rtlcofnrnoncl IOCi;lI, (-itcltn ~md federally funded im;CHllivm; nnd ;;lJpPoll prooralT1:;, dc., naockd lJy lJU::.;iIlC3~WS anellor msidenb loc;Jlt)d in ti'\/fJol ..HEid. APPf::'NDIX C l?lLqg/~1 f)h~:lE;O I M;HKCl ::1naly:;,i~; on I"ci.\1 c~rlrJlt.: IIIVcllt(Jry pruperticfJ ror I cconstruclion, fel1nhilil;'lliol1 or removrd M;.lIk!.)[ ::,urvoy infonJ"wliulI Cre:;Jt(~ ,'JlHJ do::.iUI1 '" wdJ:,;ilc Cleolo and d~lSIOI1 H tllOnlhly ?-pLlgC new::)IGttr..;rlc-newf,lettc~r M"dlltr.iln we!J::?>ilt) Oovc:ll)p nnd Implcl110nt a wfmrJunicaliollsl n1Drketino plall RODcwch ;.11)(1 n:corrllllcnd locnl, state, Blld fcdcrL11 fut\ded Intc:n [ivc.:s tll)lj suppor I pmor;:Hm; l)ublisl1 !-,iX-1l1ontll mporl tlnd 3ssessmcnt Mi3cf:ll,meOLJ!) office ~;upplie~>/lrnvoIlJrlcidcr Italr, r\cmt 1.()~Ji.J1 rt:.c::; ~:2G,()OO $4,100 $BBG!j $1GBO $??~O $700 $1!50D 3J'1 f.\DO $?2D~~ Tutt:ll $4!,).f:;H~i ) I 71 oJ n7nC7?JOnJ oml VI-l..! U~ c~:qn IH~ cn-bn Nnr