HomeMy WebLinkAboutSCOTT NIXON MEMORIAL DR PLEASANT HOME ROAD CRANE CREEK DEPARTMENT OF TRANSPORTATION STATE OF GEORGIA CONTRACT ellY CONTRACT I " DO NOTUNSTAPLE THIS BOOKLET'. . ..ENTER ALL REQUIRED INFORMATION ---------------------------- EITHER BY HAND OR BY STAMP. '. DATE OF OPENING NONE PCN S009375C10000 CALL ORDER NONE CONTRACT ID C37548-06-000-0 COUNTY : RICHMOND CODE: 5AU230 1. CITY OF AUGUSTA o3f:;;sfoG PROJECTS AND CONTRACT NO. PRC10-S009-00(375) C1 LIMITED PARTICIPATION GEORGIA DEPARTMENT OF TRANSPORTATION NOTICE TO PROCEED PROJECT NUMBER: . PRC10-S009-00(37S) COUNTY: RICHMOND CONSTRUCTION AUTHORIZATION: DISTRICT 2 EFFECTIVE DATE: SEPTEMBER 01, 2006 CONTRACT ID. NO~: C37548-06-000-0 CONTRACT WITH: CITY OF AUGUSTA DATE CONTRACT EXECUTED: AUGUST 25, 2006 . TERRY GABLE STATE AID ADMINISTRATOR DEPARTMENT OF TRANSPORTATION STATE OF GEORGIA CONTRACT SCHEDULE DATE PAGE 07/10/06 3 CONTRACT ID: C37548-06-000-0 . " .. . PROJECT(S) : S009375C10000 PRC10-S009-00(375) C1 LINE I NO I I ITEM DESCRIPTION APPROX. QUANTITY AND UNITS .1 UNIT PRICE I BID AMOUNT I------~---------I-------~-------- I DOLLARS I CTS I DOLLARS ICTS SECTION 0001 DRAINAGE 104,163.60 . 1001-9998 LIMITED . . I I 1 ~ 0005 1 PARTICIPATION PROJECT, I 1;0001 0.000001 ITHE AMOUNT SHALL NOT 1* 1 j ~---_!~~~~~~-=~~~~~~~~~~~~--~-_!_------------~_!_-----------~-~_!_--------------- 1 I I 11,830.0001 56.920001 ISY I I . ., . -------------~--------------------------~---------------------------------------- I I 0.00 1623~1000 PNEUMATICALLY 0010lAPPLIED CONCRETE 1 . 104,163.60 ITOTAL BID 104,163..60 . . . .... ------------------.--------------------------------------------------------------- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------~-_. TIllS AGREEMENT MADE AND .ENTERED INTO THIS TIlE rzs:; DAY OF if), w. 20~ BY AND. BETWEEN THE DEPARTMENT OF TRANSPORTATION PARTY OF THE FlitS .. PART (HEREINAFTER CALLED THE DEPARTMENT) ANP THE COMMISSION OF THE UNIFIED GOVERNMENT OF AUGUSTA- . RICHMOND (HEREINAFTER CALLED THE UNIFIED GOVERNMENT) WHO HAVE BEEN DULY AUTHORIZED TO EXECUTE THIS AGREEMENT. . WHEREAS, THE DEPARTMENT AND THE UNIFIED GOVERNMENT DESIRE THE IMPROVEMENT AND CONSTRUCTION OF A CERTAIN FACILITY AND THE UNIFIED GOVERNMENT DESIRES AND AGREES TO FURNISH AND DELIVER ALL THE MATERIAL AND TO DO AND PERFORM ALL THE WORK. AND LABOR FOR SAID PURPOSE. THE PROJECT BEING MORE pARTICULARLY DESCRIBED HEREIN. NOW THEREFORE IN CONSIDERATION OF THE PREMISES, THE MuTUAL COVENANTS HEREIN CONTAINED AND THE SUM OF ONE DOLLAR ($1.00) BY EACH OF THE PARTIES TO THE OTHER IN HAND FAID, THE RECEIPT WHEREOF IS HEREBY ACKNOWLEDGED,. THE PARTIES HERETO AGREE AS FOLLOWS: . . fl) THE WORK AND MATERIALS SHALL BE IN STRICT AND ENTIRE CONFORMITY WITH THE PROVISION OF THIS CONTRACT AND THE PLANS AND SPECIFICATIONS PREPARED (OR APPROVED) . BY THE CHIEF ENGINEER OR HIS AUTHORIZED REPRESENTATIVE THE ORIGINALS OF WHICH ARE ON FILE IN THE OFFICE OF CHffiF ENGINEER AND WHICH SAID PLANS AND SPECIFICATIONS ARE HEREBY MADE PART OF TillS AGREEMENT AS FULLY AND TO THE SAME EFFECT AS IF THE SAME HAD BEEN SET FORTH AT LENGTH IN THE BODY OF THIS AGREEMENT. THIS CONTRACT WILL BE EXECUTED AND CONSTRUCTED IN ACCORDANCE WITH.THE STANDARD SPECIFICATIONS, 1993 EDmONAND THE 1997 SUPPLEMENTAL SPECIFICATION BOOK, AND THE SUPPLEMEN:TAL SPECIFICATIONS AND SPECIAL PROVISIONS INCLUDED IN AND MADE A PART OF THIS CONTRACT. (2) IT IS UNDERSTOOD THAT MATERIAL PITS ARE TO BE FURNISHED BY THE UNIFIED GOVERNMENT AT NO COST TO THE DEPARTMENT OF TRANSPORTATION. . . (3) IT IS UNDERSTOOD THAT THE DEPARTMENT OF TRANSPORTATION WILL NOT PARTICiPATE IN THE COST OF ANY lJTILITYFACILITY REMOVAL AND RELOCATIONS NECESSARY IN ~ONNECTION WITH CONSTRUCTION OF THIS PROJECT, UNLESS OTHERWISE SPECIFIED IN THE CONTRACT. THE (COUNTY/CITY) SHALL BE RESPONSffiLE FOR HANDLING THE ARRANGEMENTS WITH THE UTILITY OWNERS FOR ANY REMOVAL AND RELOCATIONS NECESSARY. THE (COUNTY/CITY) SHALL GIVE THE UTILITY OwNERS AMPLE NOTICE, OF THE IMPENDING CONSTRUCTION, TO ALLOW TIME FOR ENGINEERING AND MATERIAL ORDERS REQUIRED FOR ANY REMOVAL AND RELOCATIONS NECESSARY. ALSO, THE (COUNTY/CITY) AGREES TO CLEAR RIGHTS-OF-WAY OBSTRUCTIONS WITHOUT EXPENSE TO THE DEPARTMENT OF TRANSPORTATION. FOR PURPOSE OF APPLYING PROVISIONS OF THIS PARAGRAPH, RAILROADS ARE CONSIDERED UTILITIES.. IN ADDmON TO THE FOREGOING, THE (COUNTY/CITY) SHALL OBTAIN APPROVAL OF PLANS AND ACQUIRE EASEMENTS OR OTHER PROPERTY RIGHTS FROM THE RAILROAD FOR CONSTRUCTION WITHIN RAILROAD . PROPERTYIRIGHT OF WAY AND SHALL PROVIDE FOR THE PROTECTION OF RAILROAD INTERESTS, INCLUDING FLAGGING AND INSPECTION, AS MAY BE REQUIRED BY THE RAILROAD. (4) IT IS UNDERSTOOD THAT THE QUANTITIES SHOWN ARE APPROXIMATE ONLY AND SUBJECT EITHER TO INCREASE OR DECREASE AND ANY INCREASES OR DECREASES ARE TO BE.PAID FOR AT THE CONTRACT UNIT PRICE GIVEN. . . . . (5) THE WORK SHALL BEGIN WITHIN TEN DAYS AFTER NOTIFICATION TO BEGIN WORK BY THE CHIEF ENGINEER TO THE UNIFIED GOVERNMENT AND SHALL BE CARRIED THROUGH TO . COMPLETION WITHOUT UNREASONABLE DELAY AND WITHOUT SUSPENSION OF WORK UNLESS AUTHORIZED IN . WRITING BY THE CHIEF ENGINEER. IF THERE ARE UNREASONABLE DELAYS OR UNAUTHORIZED SUSPENSIONS OF WORK, THE DEPARTMENT RESERVES THE RIGHT TO CHARGE THE UNIFIED GOVERNMENT, NOT AS A PENALTY BUT AS LIQUIDATED DAMAGES, THE COST TO THE DEPARTMENT OF MAINTAINING ITS ENGINEERING AND INSPECTION FORCE ON THE WORK OR TO CANCEL THIS CONTRACT AND COMPLETE THE WORK BY CONTRACT OR OTHERWISE. (6) THE WORK SHALL BE DONE IN ACCORDANCE WITH THE LAWS OF THE STATE of GEORGIA UNDER THE DIRECT SUPERVISION AND TO THE ENTIRE SATISFACTION OF THE DEPARTMENT OF TRANSPORTATION. THE DECISION OF THE CHIEF ENGINEER UPON ANY QUESTION CONNECTED WITH THE EXECUTION OR FULFILLMENT OF THIS AGREEMENT AND INTERPRETATION OF THE SPECIFICATIONS OR UPON ANY FAILURE OR DELAY IN THE PROSECUTION OF THE WORK BY THE UNIFIED GOVERNMENT SHALL BE FINAL AND CONCLUSNE. (7) THE UNIFIED GOVERNMENT AGREES TO PERFORM ALL EXTRA WORK THAT MAY BE REQUIRED OF THEM ON THE BASIS OF ACTUAL COST. (8) THE FiNANCING OF THIS PROJECT SHALL BE AS FOLLOWS: PAYMENTS WILL BE MADE ON MONTHLY STATEMENTS AS THE WORK PROGRESSES. .(9) DRUG-FREE WORKPLACE CERTIFICATION: .~-----------~---------------------~--------------------~-------- . . THE UNDERSIGNED CERtIFIES THAT THE PROVISIONS OF CODE SECTIONS 50-24-1 THROUGH 50-24-6 OF THE OFFICIAL CODE OF THE GEORGIA ANNOTATED, RELATED TO THE **DRUG-FREEWORKPLACE _ ACT** , HAVE BEEN COMPLIED WITH IN FULL. THE UNDERSIGNED FURTIIER CERTIFIES TBAT: . (1) A DRUG-FREE WORKPLACE wll.,L BE PROVIDED FOR THE CONTRACTOR'S EMPLOYEES DURING THE PERFORMANCE O:F THE CONTRACT; AND (2) EACH CONTRACTOR WHO HIRES A SUBCONTRACTOR TO WORK IN A DRUG-FREE WORKPLACE SHALL SECURE FROM THAT SUBCONTRACTOR THE FOLLOWING WRITTEN CERTIFICATION: 'AS PART OF THE SUBCONTRACTING AGREEMENT WITH (CONTRACTOR'S NAME) (SUBCONTRACTOR'S NAME) . . --------------------------------------------------------------- ------------------------------------------------------- . . CERTIFIES- TO THE CONTRACTOR THAT A DRUG-FREE WORKPLACE WILL BE PROVIDED FOR THE SUBCONTRACTOR'S EMPLOYEES DURING THE PERFORMANCE OF THIS CONTRACT PURSUANT TO PARAGRAPH (7) OF SUBSECTION (B) OF CODE SECTION 50-24-3.' . ALSO THE UNDERSIGNED FURtHER CERTIFIES THAT HE WILL NOT ENGAGEIN THE UNLAWFUL MANUFACTURE, SALE,.DISTRlBUTION, DISPENSATION,. POSSESSION, OR USE OF A CONTROLLED SUBSTANCE OR MARUUANA DURING THE PERFORMANCE OF THE CONTRACT. . (iO) SERVICE DELIVERY STRATEGY CERTIFICATION: ~__________~__________________~____M__________~___________________________ BY. EXECUnON OF -THIS CONTRACT, I CERTIFY, UNDER PENALTY OF LAW, THAT TIIEUNiFIED GOVERNMENT. IS IN COMPLIANCE WITH THE SERVICE DELNERY STRATEGY LAW (HOUSE BILL 489) . AND IS NOT DEBARRED FROM RECEIVING FINANCIAL ASSISTANCE FROM THE STATE OF GEORGIA. ALSO, I CE.RTIFY THAT THE FUNDS TO BE USED ON THE PROJECT ARE CONSISTENT WITH THE . . .APPLICABLE SERVICE DELNERYSTRATEGY. .1 IN WITNESS WHEREOF TIIE DEPARTMENT OF TRANSPORTATION HAS CAUSED THESE PRESENTS TO BE . , EXECUTED BY THE COMMISSIONER OF SAID DEPARTMENT, WHO HAS BEEN DULY AUTHORlZED, AND BY THE MAYOR OF THE UNIFIED GOVERNMENT, WHO HAS BEEN DULY AUTHORIZED. BY THE COMMISSION OF SAID UNlFIED.GOVE~NT, WHO HAVE HERETO SET THEIR HAND THIS DAY AND YEAR AS SHOWN BELOW:. . . ****************************************** FED ill NO./IRS NO. 5~- ;;l;;l.oLfc}74 ****************************************** tHIS TIlEZ.YDAYOF A".2t-... BY: ~~_. . COMMISSIONER .2006 EXECUTED ON BEHALF OF THE UNIFIED GOVERNMENT OF AUGUSTA-RICHMOND COUNTY TillS ~fyl~Jf--20~ ~XECUTED ON BEHALF OF THE DEPARTMENT OF TRANSPORTATION RECOMMENDED: Di)o(-~~ - DNISION DIRECTOR WITNESS FOR UNIFIED GOVERNMENT: Y;a..{f-. ,~. ~L; DATE: 8---;(:5 -de . . THIS CONTRACT APPROVED BVTHE MAYOR ~COMMlSSIO~.. . TAMEETIN... G~L~AT ... ft~flQ. .~C~ THIS THE ~.DAYOF 20QL WITNESS FOR THE DEPARTMENT OF TRANSPORTATION: .~ g~~~ (Seal) . EXHIBIT CERTIFICATION OF COMPLIANCE WITH STATE AUDIT REQUIREMENT . ... I. hereby... certi~at Iff1 LSrJn. . it IS a so certified that: I am a principle and duly authorized representative of whose address is, ~~, ~'" 'J<'" . and .. .....s G~ ,l) (( The provisions of Section 36-81-7 of the Official Code of Georgia Annotated, relating to. . the "Requirement of Audits" have been co~p1ied with in full stich that: (a) .Eachunit of load government having a popula~oIi in excess of 1,500 persons or expenditures of $175~OOO.OO or more shall provide for and cause to be made an annual audit of the financial affairs and transactions of all funds and activities of the local government for each fiscal year of the local government .(b) The governing authority of each local unit of government not included. above shall provide for and cause to be made the audit required not less often than once every two fiscal years. . ( c) 'rhe governing authority of each local unit of government having expenditures of less than $175,000.00 in that government's mos~recently ended fiscal year may elect to provide for and cause to be made, in lieu of the biennial audit, an annual report of agreed upon procedures for that fiscal year. (d) A copy of the report and any conunents made by the state auditor shall be maintained as a public record for public ~pection during the regular wOrmg hoUrs at the principal office of the local governmeIit.Those units of local government nothavirig a principal office shall provide a notification to the public as to the location of and times during which the public may inspect the report. . 1> I ~ ( D~ Date. . . J~Jtf~~ Date: Septeinber 24, 2002 First Use Date2b.o1 Specifications: November 1, 2.0.02 DEPARTMENT OF TRANSPORTATION STATE OF GEORGIA SPECIAL PROVISION (For State Aid Contracts Only) . . Sectiol1101---Legal Regulations and Responsibilitytothe Public Delete Subsection l07.23.A and substitute the following: 107.2:3 EnvironmentalCorisiderations All enviromnental considerations and clearances shall be the responsibility of the County or municipality to meet, including the requirements of Section 4.04 of the Clean Water Act (33 use 1344).. . . After July 1, 1991, State funded projects must comply with the requirements of Chapter 16 of Title 12 of the Official Code of GeotgiaAnnotated, the Georgia EnvitonmentalPoiicy Act (GEP A), of 1991. Tn compliance with GEP A, those projects for which Federal funding is sought, and NEP A compliance is accomplished; are exempt from the reqi.tirements of GEP A. . GEP A reqiliresthat environmental documentation be accomplished for County or City projects if more than 50 percent of the total project cOst is funded by a grant of a State Agency or a grant of more that $25.0,.00.0.00 is made by the State Agency to the municipality or County. The "responsible official. of the government agency shall determine if a proposed govei:iunental action is a proposed governmental action which may significantly adversely affect the quality of the environment" . . A~ The Following Projects Would NotSignmcantJy Adversely Affect The Quality Of The Enmoiunent: . . Non~land disturbing activities and minor land disturbing activities that would not be anticipated. to significantly affect the quality of the environment include the following list. These types of projects funded with state money would not be subject to environmental assessment of any kind. Hearing procedures outline in GEP A would not be applicable. L . Minor roadway and non-historic bridge projects. a.. Modernization of an existing highway by resurfacing, restoration, rehabilitation, adding shoulders;~idening a single lane or less in each direction and the addition of a median within previously disturbed existing right-of- . way. . b. Adding auxiliary lanes for localized. purposes (weaving, climbing, speed changes, etc.) and correction substandard curves and intersections within previously disturbed existing right-or-:-way. c. Non-historic bridge rephicement projectS in existing alignment with no detour bridge. 2. Lighting, signing, pavement marking, signalization, freeway surveillance and control systems, and railroad protective devices. 3. Safety projects such as grooving, glared screen, safety bamers, energy attenuators, median barriers, etc. 4. Highway landscaping and laIldscaping modification, rest area projects and truck weigh stations within previously disturbed existing right~of-way. 5. Construction of bus shelters and bays within existing right-of-way. 6. Temporary replacement of a highway facility that is commenced immediately after the occurrence of a natural disaster of catastrophic failure to restore the highway for the health, welfare, and safety of the public. Office of State Aid Section 107...,Legal Regulations and Responsibility to the Public B. The Following Projects May Not Significantly ~dversely Affect The QualitY Of The Environment: For projects that will cause land disturbance and for which there is no anticipation thilt the project may significantly adversely affect the quality of the environment, certain studies will be undertaken, These studies would serve to -document whether or not the County or municipality shQuld anticipate that a project might significantly adversely affect the quality of the environment. Documentation of the studies will be accomplished through the use of the "GEP A Investigation Studies" checklist. The types of projects that would fall under the category, would include: 1. Bridge replacement projects on new location or with a detour bridge, where there are no significant adverseimpacts to his~oric or archaeological resources; no involvement with Federally listed threatened and endangered species and nO significant adverse impact to wetlands. 2. Passing lanes, median additions and widening projects, where there are no significant adverse impactS to historic or archaeologieal resources, no involvement with Federally listed threatened and endangered species and no significant. adverse impact to wetlands. 3. Safety and intersection improvements where there are no significant adverse impacts to historic or archaeological resources, no involvement with Federally listed threatened and endangered species and no significant adverse impact to wetlands. 4. . Rest area projects and truck weigh stations with no purchase of additional right-of-way. 5. New location projects where there are no significant adverse iInpacts to historic or archaeological resources, no involvement withFederally listed threatened and endangered species and no significant adverse impact to wetlands. If studies demonstrate that the project will not significantly adversely affect the quality of the environment, project files. -will be documented. If studies demonstrate that the project may significantly adversely affect the quality of the environment; development of an environmental effects report (EER) will be undertaken along. with full GEPA compliance. C. The Following Projects MaySignincantly Adversely Affect The Quality Of The Environment: This category of projects may include major _widening and new location projects. If such projects result in a significant adverse effect, an EER shall be prepared. D. EER Procedure: GEP A calls for consideration of the "cumulative effectof the proposed government.actions on the environment.. ...if a series of proposed government actions are related eitper geographically or as logical parts ina chain of contemplated actions." Therefore, EER's for sections of roadways to be widened or built as new locatiori facilities will include all projects that are connected geographically or as logical parts in a chain of contemplated actions: 1. During preparation of an environmental effect report, the County or Municipality Will consult with and solicit comments from agencies that have jurisdiction by law, special expertise, or other interest with respect to environmental impacts. 2. In compliance with GEP A the following shall be contained in the EER, at a minimum: a. Cover sheet; b. Executive summary; . c. Alternatives, including the no-build; d. Relevant environmental setting; Geology, soils, water supply and wetlands, floral fauna, archaeology/history,. econoriric environment, energy, cultural resources; e.. The environmental impact of the proposed action of the relevant setting and mitigation ineasures proposed to avoid or minimize adverse impact; f. Unavoidable adverse environmental effects; g. Value of short-term uses of the environment and maintenance and enhancement of its long-term value; h. BenefiCial aspects, both long term and short term and its economic advantages and disadvantages; 1. Comments of agencies which have jUrisdiction by law, special expertise, or other interest with respect to any environmental impact or resource; Office of State Aid Page 2 Section 107--Legal Regulations and Responsibility to the Public 3. At least 45 days prior to making a decision as to whether to proceed with the undertaking, publish in the "legal organ of each County in which th~ proposed governmental action or any part thereof is to occur, notice that an environmental effects report has been prepared". . 4. The County or Municipality shall send a copy of th~EER and all other comments to the Director, EPD. 5. The County or muriicipality shall make the document available to the piIblic and agencies, upon request. 6. A public hearing will be held in each. affected county if at least 100 residents qf the State of Georgia request on within 30 days of publication in the legal organ of an affected County. The responsible official or his designee may hold a public hearing if less than 100 requests are received. (The county or mUilicipality is not relieved of other State legal requirements of public hearings, however.) . 7. Following the public notice period and/or public hearing, a summary of the document, comments received and recorimiendation as to whether to proceed with the action as originally prepared, to proceed with changes, or not to proceed will be prepared (Notice of Decision). 8. This decision document, when signed by the responsible official, will be sent to the director, EPD, and an abbreviated notice of the decision will be published in the legal organ of each County in which the proposed governmental action or ally part thereof is to occur. 9. A copy of the decision docUment, the EER and public hearing comments (if any) will be sent to the Department Of. Transportation, Office of Environment and Location and The Department of Natural Resources, Environmental Protection Division for their files. . . Dep'artment or Transportation Office Of Environment And Location 3933 Aviation Circle Atlanta, Georgia 30336 Department or Natural Resources Environmental Protection Division 205 Butler Street, Se Suite 1152 Atlanta, Georgia 3(}334 . Any mitigation measures identified in the EER will be incorporated into the final project plans. . .' .' Office of State Aid Page 3 . Date: May 29, 2001 First Use Date 2001 Specifications: November 1,2002 .. , DEPARTMENT OF TRANSPORTATION . . STATE OF GEORGIA SPECIAL PROVISION Section 10S---Prosecution and Progress Retain Subsection 108.03 except as modified below: For this Project, the Progress Schedule required by Subsection 108.03 need not be submitted.. Date: July 3, 2001 First Use Date 2001 Specifications: November 1,2002 DEPARTMENT OF TRANSPORTATION STATE OF GEORGIA . SPECIAL PROVISION Section 1 09--Measurei11ent& Payment (City ICounty Contracts) Delete tlie first sentence of Subsection 1 09. 07.A; paragraph one, and substitute the following: A. General: Oil the tenth day of each calendar month, the total value of Items complete in place will be estimated by the Engineer and certified for payment. .... w W :I: en >- c:: <( :liE. :liE :::J en .... (,) lU , o c:: c.. u.i C> oCt z ~ c ~ tn ::> (!) :::> ct. - o z 0 - :E. I I T 1 :I: 0 (i: ~ z :::> 0 0 ~ z w ~ ~ 0 0 ... ::I: ~~ i:o. :: N :I: U. l- e> ....J z "<t W "<t ..J r--.. ....J.~ <{W O::W 00:: ~O WW ~Z Z ~ 1 0 0 ox I <t- o OZ Z ~I= <{ 00 0 wO 0:: ~(/) w <tZ ~ zW 0 wI ~!z W<{ m(/) o..<{ ~w O....J .0.. ~oc coO ~ [2' 00 ..- _z 0:: D.. I - ~ o 1.0 ..... C") o <:> . en o o en I o ~ o " ~ o Z I- o W -, o " ~ COUNTY: RICHMOND PROJECT NO. : PRCIO-S009-00 (375) CITY: AUGUSTA Note: The Local Government shall certify all necessary R/W, and remove or adjust all utilities at n"o cost to the Department of Transportation. Note: The Local Government shall be responsible for placement, maintenance, and inspection of traffic control devices and any required erosion control devices. . Note: The Department of Transportation's participation in constructing this project is limited to the items set up for payment under this contract. Any items or . work required and not set up for payment under this contract will be the responsibility of the Local Government and at no cost to the Department of Transportation. Note: Plans have been prepared for this projectby/for Cranston. Robertson & Whitehurst.P.C dated October 20.2005. Any items or work required by these plans and not set up for payment under this contract will be the . responsibility of the Local Government at no cost to the Department of Transportation. . w , I- W cr: u z: 0 u 0 Cl <I: W :z: I-- >--t Cl (f) --:..I :::E :=l :I: ~ 0- w :=l a.... C2 <I: <I: ~ >= -l I-- ;>"1 -l :z: <I: :=l 1-. 0 U u W >--t I- <I: L ::J W z: in 0.... r- cr: 0 0 CS) LL CS) I (T z: CS) CS) 0 (f) I >--t . CS) I- a u a: W a.. (f) .. -l 0 :z: <I: I- U W >--t W 0- ...., 0 ~ a: I- a.. . , I . I I I I I I I , I I I I I I . I I I I , I , I I . , , . I , , I I I 0: ~l ~ 0, w ffi! ~ I 0::> In 1 l- x: U) 1LJ : X , W I I , I : '\ . I I , I I I , I I , , , , , , I , I I I I I I I I I I . I I . , I I I , , \ , \ . \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ :::E W ~ 0::> c..:> ~ I- (f) X W l1.. o a: W I- W :::E <I: Ci W. Cl u; ~ W :I: I-- W I- W. a: u I-- o :I: (f) (f) :z: B I- <I: ~ l1.. o W a.. (f) I- o Cl . ~ :I: I-- ~ W U :z: <I: Cl a: o u a? Cl a: (f) W . :::E o :x: . I- :z: <I: (f) <I: W .....J a.. ....... a: Cl .....J <I: a: o :::E W :::E :z: o >< Z l- I-- o U (f) :z: W W ~ I- W CD a.. :::E u ~ CD c5 I- (f) !:!:! .....J a.. a.. <I: :z: o j:: u W (f) .....J <I: W 0::: >- I- (f) :c I- ~ Cl W :::i a.. a.. <I: w CD .....J .....J :E (f) .w I- w a: w I- o :x: (f) . . p~ C/{)-SOD 9-00 ( 3 7~ RlcnmonJ ClJun fy