HomeMy WebLinkAboutHBA GROUP INTL INC JUN-Uj-U~ r~j Uj,~~ rn l" H)\ NU. {Un (aouc:u t". UC CONTF{AGT BETWEEN AUGUST A, GEORCIA AND The HBA Group, Infl., INC. FOR YEAr'~'2004 COMMUNITY DEVEl.OPMUJT BLOCK GRANT (CDL~G) rJROGHAM THIS ^GrF:[MC~JT, IT\Jde ,Ill(] ontt~led lilt() fin Hli~; j~ rJflY of Allgllsl 200,1, by :md l)\,;!\wOr1 AlJnUS:rA; GEORGIJl..j llY lh"l Augllsto-Richm.onrf County Commission, tlW1110lllhl) Augusto Housino & rO(}t\ornic Df:vl'llopmilnt tJojJartment, as the Implementor (Jf lhe CClIrlrfll.lllilJ, DQvclopmcnt I"\krck C1r.,1"i1 f~(ograiT\ (1-1.;~rt~ln;lrler rorerrorl to <IS "Grantee"), And The HBA Group, lilt!., INC. (hcrc:ill;Ji01' r;;fd(rcd 10 ~I~; lho "GIJbr()t;:ipicntU). Wlll:J~r/\~~, 1/"10 Grant(;;!; h::l~, rOGo;vu! C) Cornmllnity Davclopmcnl13lock Gr2lnt fran) tl't0 Unitcrl Stal(-;S Dq);,lIlillont of llol.lf;inn mHI UI h()I'1 ()(Jvcloprnont (I'IUD) under Tillo I of the l'jou~~il\r.J ,md Comnwnily f)(w,;lopmcnl Act of 1974, as (li"ilendei! (.12 use G301 f;:t HI':q.) (tho Act); iJ.nd Wi 11.::r~CM), Ilur~~LJEH1t 10 f.ll(JI (ironl, Uw Grantee is uncloilaking certain progmrn:; onli ~;(1rvic(;t; nE;cr~~iS::Jryfllr dlO 1/1,1nnin~I, II i'lplU[JlCn!i.ltiol'1 ;:m() exeClIli()r1 of slIch " Community Devolopm0nl I3lock Gr;:mt r'ro~Jram; F:nd . WIIC:r~EJ\S, ti'\<: nrnnlr"(J t1cslrl:~> to 0n9;'\~)f.: 1110 Subrt:!c;ipienl tq rend or cerl;:lin serv\(;(~~;, prn(Jrnrn~, or .1:;~,i:;I,\w:e in r;OllllUcticil will) S.U<;!1 undertakings of tile Community [)ovnlor)}'f\onl 810ck Grailt PrOtlr';.i,n, f:~itu:lI(';d in 11,(: p!ujoct Af0~1 descriher! ill ^rrcnrJlx A. NOW, Till: nF:.r om~, tho p;ll'ljf~$ h~;n~t(J do fTlutLlcdly <'lgree ;7S follows: 1. 1:~r.()N: or SEHViCr: The ;:~tlbrecipil,H1t slmll pNforrn nil tho nccoDsary servir::cs QrH.I provirk:d undrx tllif, Aqmunent in r.ICCt)rd;;nce with and resrecting lllG fol/DwinO projocl. The pl H'p():~e of lhe pre1jeel I~; to slIpr1y contr ~lct sorvices to identify and assist hLlSi/l(~[;(;m~ wi/hin lho , munlclp,llJly, The lar[loterJ populalion is nflW Clod existing busine%Gs thi"OuOhout tile rnllnicipal;ty. 'fhe 8ul)(BCipienl shall do, porform, and carry Ollt., in;) sC:iti~~rachlry nlli/lnnr, ;'1';; (/(:tennined hy the Gr21nt~H), [he servlco~; and tasks listed below: (1, ~Jk}(:;l ;:!r1(1 COrllITHmic,;ilo with and inform 811 nxislinfJ hllsiness i'w! econornic doveloprncrd orfF.liIi7<.l lions nhOll t thr.: rolo of tile L:conornic Developmont Ombudsman. E~:;lnb!dl wrt'y',".: of how Ihn Olnbudsnli.111 Cr,lf) collabor<:llivcly wOlk tOf.jettler and t:mhanco ()<]f~h l:Hl.sillc~:;~j and orO(J(jj'(iltlon'~ rolo. IJ. Moot one. onotl[~ with bll~;incss own0.rs and nl::llli1gerti to provide lecl-,niC;cll c;tssi~,tnl'\cc to d.:wclop ,1ilcJ exp,md orer'::llic,l1s in AUfjtlst8 by focu$ing Oil c.rc;)lina a po;~itiVt~ onviml1menl (or' bt Ifdno$s retention, Fltlmction lillld r;Jxp.:1n~;lon tlctivitles for n~w unci ())(islif1;.l !)ll~;lnos~~;c~), JUN-Uj-U~ I"Kl Ul;C:i rn r H)\ NU. {Ub (aoUcU I. Uj c, Crcclt~,) ;:HI "Economic OovoJvpmont Aclion Ten/))", designed loward dow:lopillq a "Olw-Slnp ShOrl" ror the pUQlOSh5 of developing slmleoies, laws and roouIHI.ion~)1 Wllk;h nllftlCl r10W tJU~~,lfK::'3S0S to opernt0 within t.he rnunicipnlity; Gstablis11 a means for existinu busjn(~:~sos lo n:'Jln::lin ,Hld pos~iibly expaneJ opt!JrF.lliom\ within the rnlJnlclpalily; c:slablblJ and cDoreJintllt;! oxrodilolJ City roviow rmd pcnnit rmCl:')S~;0S fur bW'Jin(,!5s c}(p~nsion, retontion and ~lrlt'l.lIp; ;Jnd dc-who ways wt11c11 prtwenllllc shut rlown of hUf;inesSEl::i r:lI'lcJ th~ redllc1ion nnt:lJor (:lirnln'1lion of jobs, (I. Dovelop n consensus of tht) dDfinilion of economic dGVEdaprncnl and wllat 1h.Sit nlG<:lns lor Ull:) City IO;;Hler~1, CHy c1F;r.:lrtrnenl heads, economic developmenl offieial::.i, the E<;ol1ornic Dovclopmr::nl Action Tourn, volunteers, community orDani7.Jtions and Cinyon(~ else inlJolvor! witi11 IIp. project. (' Se:lK:rJlIb rnf.~etinDS with tho deparlment Imnds Clrld nlE1l1aoers of sGleclc;d city nu()nci(;:~, l (',:'irn what thoy do and t.h,-:ir responsibilitins, Undor::"lcmd IlOW their d0partmcnts connect nmJ i(lt(~n:)Ct with vnriOlw businesses, Collect frorn the vnrious depJrlmenl's beocIH,lr(~~';, wcbsito malerials, rose,'lrc:h, maps, etc. Link web siles and create 5ev~mll ccnlr<:lllocallo1l5 wlK;re inforn1<ltion is ~wnilr,)blo cmd r-H;cessible. Maintain uprJ~lcrJ inform<1t;on so 011 onlilk'::i know wi10rn lo rcft;;r c1it;~nt.s and customers or the City (me] involve diverso orouj)s {C~1f~A BllSliwSi} Loaquo, Inc., The Metro A1I9!~sta Chamber of Comm(?rGc, lh(.) Universily of GGoroit-' Srncdl BtJsin()~,s Development Center, Geor~II~' Tech Economic Devclc)plllcnt In&lilllto und Mayor's nusirmss ^clion Team} cJl1d individunls or this econorniGdc;vd(')prw~nt prOGD~.;C;. GalllOf ,,\I1d m~intcJin business-rE:lated infornl::'Jtion from all of these entilios rYIOlltionod ahove at Ot1f~ loentian (Ono-Star Shop) to that the Econornic D(}Vi~loprnr.\nt OrnhlJchilll,1n c~m hE) rcf()rml sources to new cmd existing businessFJs. f, Colk':cl, [.;~Ii')rc t.lnd (iislriuulo broGtlm6S lind other rcpn:;senI3Live lTwterin!.c; pr(~p;:H(Jd hy l>uslJ)t\r;~; developmenl olw:mizalions and provide to City DCJpartment hoacJfi, :7. JUI'{-uru:J fl\j Ul 'C:J rJl r H^ J'lU, (UO t c:C)Uc:U r, U4 q, Work will! l)lJ~;lnes~;8s. city officit:ll~; rind mHO msidtmts lo Ci"tJ~tc slmtcgics t:lI)d tochni'1uOf; (]ci:;lnncd lo nxrKltHl alld lncre<:ise the: nU(l1bor (J f rninorily. CiwllCcI bu!,;ln(;~;;8CS and crlli~lprises; remO\!Q fl'iJonV":nted i" FOrr1l:.i lion resources on existing business ;.'irld ecollomic rJeM:loprnent initi,1tivOij and Qfrorls; help reduco ami/or elimln,1tOlhr;) perception of neuatiyo public irnaoa line! (fi:-:;rllptiw~ political clhnale find tilt) pcrc~;plion of localgovenllllenl ,:m [winD 1'1011' f'dondly nnd unresr>onsive to tho needs or the business community, "\. Altolld ~,ChE~dl.ll(!cJ lit 'Sirt"~35-networking tIl~€Jtin9s al:l onc.m CiS possible. Circ;ul.)l(.l infor llIaii()ll l"oO.:.\r{Hnt~ nU:J aval/,ibitity of govtlrnmcntlll gmnl', loan and busin8~:)$ incontive prugrams to i)lernl.iers of the bl.l~.}il1e~;~) comlilunity. i. Work with busin0,:;~; k~G\dN$ r...lf)rj busin8[iS org(4niZCjti()n~; that oporatc and!ot plnn to oporalc in DOllth Al1ousl,1 cnmmcrcii.ll businf,SG ::\re<:l~;, La. (Cler;lr1 and Beal.lllfLlI, AUtJ11~:l~1 r~icrm\ond COLlnly Tr'Oo~ nrid l rlndSGl'lpinQ, Hinhwny Depmtment) to dosign, ndminislGr and rrl;jllf.l[l(~ Cl SC-fiD:>O[ c:1c~an up carnp.:1ign:;; lhl:lt cNeryone con ernbri:lce ,~nd become involved wil!). J. WOI'I< wiltl oxi::;lli1~1. llt Isinf;ss It~<ldcl'$Zlncj business org;~miYi:llions for the purpow::; (..)r ci'\)8ling constructivB "Economic Dev(~lorll1ent ForuJ'l'Is" designed to improve exislin~J ccommle clevclopnwnt h1chnlqul";s and stral'egles; strongthen nnel ullify €;xhlinD orrpnizalions; f!;jt<lbli~h vehicles where economic development techniqlJGS C(;lI'1 be dtwo!oped ~Illl C:XCll,::mned; end create a mcchcmi~;n) wl1E:-re inforrn~lional t()chnical [is~i~jl()l)cO f..0rvice~) find furlhor networldnn 3divilres com take place. k, F'rl.::r,.\r(: and Glib/nit nwnthly reporL.:; to rnernbersof lh(~ Comrnission's /\cjmlnistralivr. ~;C':rvic85 ComrnillF.:o c1otAlllno ~en(Jinplit\hecl objeetjvos ;md rnileslonGs. Tile il:eril~; to Ix: roport(~d includo: " -r 110 It of bll~lnC!ss~~j~; F-l8slsted through Ihe CHy's dcv(~lopment mview amI pcml1illin~J proO):lS ~ Tho !f of bllslncs~~()s rot:0iving gcnorC"ll techniCf.l1 assistanco: 1,1 Tile tl of blmincf:,s (jC\)I1SC7G rroccsscd (stnrtcd) .. Tho if or busirwssos ns~;lsted wilh locating properties! cormnerciClI silus ~ Tho II or bush Ic.:;g~;e':; le21ving the municipaliLy ) -' JUN-Uj-U~ rXI Ul:c3 PM r AX NU, (Ut) (CCOUCU p, U~ I> The: iF of ~;lIr:ce~,:~flfl olllrl::~~ct) markelino C,~'HlIp~iiom for li::lrqel.erl b\Jf,jnes~;efJ CHid indus1riC:J5 (Ii :3t) ~ Tho # of minority owned ;:md/or fCI11::!lo"owncd businessGs C.1<1 rk.ld, exp31llJed rmd t.en nllli'ltelJ (Ij~t) 2. TE:ftM;.;; "rERMINAllON L!, Th(l :::t~(vicef.; of lIw BUl)rcc;i!)ienl nro 10 C(,rnrnilI1CC on Augus[ 1, 200.1, nnd be lIi1cJcrtf\l(on ;',ntl cornr,lot,)(j in such QoquBnCD ~\5 to aSS1,lrC lhoil' expeditious compl0liol) in lhe ifni It or llle pllrp(lS(~s of thi~, !\rjn;(~n,p.nl Llnlc:~s 50 olhelwise specified in Agr~ement Section 20 (General TClrrm <'Ifill C(Jn(Jiliomj), - Thi:; ^orcr.:rnoll\ 51 mil rt'tm(iln In offcGlunfil July 31, 200G. or until tlii~ ^D((:0rr\(;nt is 011 I i::1 '..vb 0 j(:rmln::.Jtor.1, b, "r 1)(', p:lllil:;f., ,1fjrerJ l!l,~t ttlO Grrmtoo mny te,rrn;r.alri this Agror'\I-j1l?mt 01' f1ny Wt)!'k (If (klivcry ((,;quil'od hcrcundm, from timo to time, eitl)t1J' in wl'ln!p.: or in pnrt, whoneve:r the C(1n1rnhF;ion, on mcoi'l'lInondalion fl Dni tho Dlredor of th(~ l'lousing and NeighborhO(JrJ UevC;\oplll('Jl1 [)cpoi"lrncl\t (HND), f~h(\1I drltE~llninf. Hint slIch tt)rnilf1i1tlon i!1ln tho Grantee's bEd irlleresl. Tcrrnln;itlon, in who", Of in pw t, S!l<lll be ofk:cted by tJolivery of (l Notice nf TQnnint:'ltion, Witll till: cOI1;,onl !'of' the COI') \Inb~iioll I'lnd (,.i~Jnr:(j by ttw M0Yor, mailed or dfjliv(~rcd It) Subrccipiont, i.lnd specifjc:'llly sf\ttil1o forth 1I1l! offl-'ctivc iJiilt~ of tCftllin;ilion, c. Eilllor r~:lrty rn::N IfJnnin~:llt'.l tlli~~ AgrOOl'llenl. wlil10ul further oblige/lion, f()r lilt) defwllt of the oU,c)r [l.:irly or its nfJ4'~I1IS or Oillploycc::; with respoct to any agrf.HHT1f:nl or provision cont8inerJ hel'(;:n l'rJiill 15 d;lY~; wriUc:n Iloticn tl) the ollwr pal (y. All reporl'::; or accounlinos prclvid(!Cj for herein Shelll be rencl,"!lwl wllell H~r or not f alllnu rI L10 within the.: ^grc8t11QI11 rp.rioc]. d, Furl!'i1;r, the Gr<H1tcc r(:$~~i Vt~t; lhe riai'll to lermin<ltc Ihis A9reemenl upon written noti!lcallon 10 li Ie ~;;lIbrn(:ipifmt l.mdnr ,my of the f()lIowil'1~1 condi[joll,;: (1) Nntitir::f1ljol'J by !-IUD to tho Gmntce lhfJt s.,id projocl is ineligible beCJLlSD of projecllo(iillinn, sc:rvlcos provldl':cI, or Dny other rC;,l:~Gn citfld by Hl.IO; (r) Nolifi(\1lion by IIUD lo t1)fI Gri-,1I1tCG tllat 5Fllc/ project Is doficif.:l1t nnci thaI conllnllr..d support ('If thr; proje.r.t i~l nol provldinq :111 ndNj1l8to level of servicc~, to low incomf~ "lill! minorily p(,oplo; tir (3) Writl;:!1l notincotiof1 ffOnt HUf.l to lIle Granten thut tile pro}.Jram fLlflds rondo cW"lilabk: to Illf) (;18[\[00 mo being ClJrlllilccl, willldrC'lWll, or oti'(~rwif.jl) f()strir::tod. (), Tile Gr<1f\100 <.11>;0 r\~:~,(;rVm; tile rlgllt to l\~rmin<lle tills Agroemnnl or to rc:duCG tile AarCCIT;ol1t cornp(:I1i~iJlion mnDunt if 11If.! ElJhrociricnt: (1) r<lil:,l to HII'; I nqulrecl rcpurl~ OJ" to moel projoct prooress or completion dOLldline:s; (t.) ~Jb!t'ric\lly f.lib 10 corn ply with any provision of liliG ^omcrm:nt (which molY result in SU5rOn~ii()l) or !orrr,imlt!onil\ :j(,cofcl,\/IC() with 24 CFH 85.43 or OMfl Circular A.,11 O. (:I) Fxp( l'ld" Illi"itl~; 1I11CkJr thi"i ^!Ji<~omcnt for in~lioibll; activities, :;orvlcos, or ifr;rns; 'l JUN-Uj-U~ rKJ UJ:cj ~M r AX NU, (Ub (a~U~U r, UO ('1) Filii::; 10 Gomply willi wrilltHl f'lol.IGc frorn Iho Gmnt()f) (If sLJIJslclndmr1 pcrromwllco lllHlcr lho lonltt; of Ihi~\ A[fI"ce:n1Cl1l, 3. l<EV N::FWONNEL n, ~1IJ\:;rucipient shall t'wqi!)n to this Agreement tile (ollowing k,ey personnu!: (1) ".J'111r'I':"1')r;:{+" ~-.l \:.\ Q.4'-.J fb( 6 l,::ft(~V A"~~/7~"~"~' II, Durin!j lhe rerloc1 or pcrf()rrnanGE~, Sllbr~:ciplenl::;1 )nlllrwke r 1(1 subslilLltos of kqy pcr:.onncl unlo$s the ~;Ilh:-ditljll()rl is nQc()~dlntod by IIlnoG!), r.!o8ih, or lormin:;'l1ion of €~rnploynl8nl. SlllJ((j(.;ipi()rltf;ll~lllll()\jry tho ()rNllo(; nir;:>()tor of HND within five (G) cl:llf;nd3r clays ~fll1r trw o(:(arrreI1GC of L1ny or It,a:io Clvonl~ :111(1 provide thl': follnwh\fj infonn,ltfoll, providin~J n d()t,jil(~d oxplan.,lion of tl10 (;lrcllrl)''JI(ln(:r~lj 1"f~CO:'i:;it[\trno tlll~ propn::.ed suhslltuli()l)s, colI"'1plcl!.1 rCS\H1l8S for tilo prQPos0(1 Sllb~,1iI11 te~;, ~Hlll C\llY nddilio1li:,I infnrn1l:ltk)n rQqlle~~!(:ld by !h~ Gr;)ntcf;'~ Director ()r HNn. Proposed f.juj)~,litUk~f; !)hollltl I1nvc cOI'npmahlo Cjlllllifi\:8iicHlS 10 those of I'-Ie per:;ons bein!') ropl2Ic(:d, Ttlc Gmn\(;,;)'s DirC:H:t01 of Ilr'ID will notify tho GUhfGcipicnt within flfter:n (15) calendar tiay~ nftor mccipt (If All f(-:C\llirc:d inr,)(J ,'lnllon (If 1I1(:1 e]nci:;lon on subslilutions, ThiS cl(J1J~:;e will be modifietl to reflect nny ilpprovHd Cil;lf)!lOS of key perfiOllrlEJI. ll. PEHrOHMANCE MONI'rOHING TII,; Grf\liloc will rllc'lnttor ttlG [1orformnnco of the Sut)recipiL'mt tlo<\inst gO<.lls 'Jl1rJ rc-:rform[lJ)c;c !,~l;'1f1rlJrd!!, rr.:qllimcl Ilorein. Subrecipient ctorees 1.I1~it Gmntcc nlf.lY carry out rnllnilolinn tlncJ nvah;:llion Qclivitios lh(J1 inclucJ(j (1\0 Sllbrecipicnt offices, rroJr..cl 5ilAS ~li'ld client Intct\li0w1 t..) cn5ure ftdhnron(;0 by tl){) Sui.llt!Giplcnt lo 1l'H~ scope of w()rf(, ['lro[)rC\m g081s. cin<1l1it1 hUrl!'Jl'l. Sllb~;tancl,lrcl 110I'rOnn;"llCt: \:\$ dt:1k,((\\iIlf;d by 1110 Grqnt(~e will cotH,lilulr; IlOIl-cDlflrJ!i;::1I1Cf: with tl \i\~ AWi:i:rnnnt. IF Di:lioli:; to ClJrrnr.t 511(.1'1 sIJbl;t;:1ndnl'd pcrforrnanco are not lakf:ll by !rie SlIbreclpie-lI,t wililjll 30 (byu f,)l!owir,o notiFir:alion L)y the Gl'Onte~!, ^~lrecmol1t t(-}rminCltion rrocodLln:;[-, will b(:\ inlli(1!ec!, &, IN;;Pt;iGTION Mm ACCEPTANCE M t,":,/(5 <:\Ild r"-'f'lorls shnll l'lc~ cc\mluclcd .:1ncJ c.omrldod In <lccord,::H1ce willi reGo[Jni;?0.0 i':nd cllslol n:'H'i1y accopled indlH,try prClctice~" -'rld ~hnll bo consid~jrGd tOlnplolo wllc:r1 s0rvic:(~~ ure ,'ipIJY'lwcd t\:i .'lc(:('Jpl.:lhlo by t1H) Gr;:'~l1tol~ in writing, In 1I1G fW(-nt ()f r~:jGclion of any 1'1(,kS, rep[)r'~;, c.le" :~llhn,c:ipiC'nl sh;Jlll)G nolif'i<ld Inwrifinn nnd Sh:'ll1 Ill-we tM (10) wc,rl<ino cJ(\y~ frOi T1 d;~t.) of i;:,;"lliH'\C<: (If l1ntifir.i,l!ion lo (:\m(~GllllC dcficif::nci0~; rilicl /'c-submit accepliilble work witl'dn sclid lrH I day pC.!r iud F,Jill/ff: to submit IlGcc:pt;-ibll; work within said h~n dny period sllAl1 r:on!;lilllto .:1 lmwcll of lhh AOrl:ClflE;nt for wllidl lho StliJrGcirient tn(1Y be held in c)ef[1l1lt. ' 6_ SEVn~^fJIUTY If ;:my 10(((1 Ilr concJiliCln of tilis Agreement i;; found by a cow l of compcl(:Jnt juricrhction to I'll(,: void or jnVl\lid, 1i1 ~ctl invnlicJily shull rF>t affect the: wl\\[Iinin(J torms c:md conditions of t!'d~ ^ur(':r.~rnr.n\, which ~;I HIli r.ontllllJt-lln fu!1 fOiCI~ and erff:ct. 5 JUN-03-Uo fRJ U1:24 PM fAX NU, (UO (~~oU~U ~, U ( "I, COMPf:HSf,TION 'I j)o Sllbrecipkml 8.11::111 b(~ pnlll n lol"ll Gonsidcmlion of twenl~l-five thollSGnd W~H.flOO,O(J) dol\:lrs for full [.H:I fC\rrn<Jnr:c: of lho servic~$ spEJcffied under lhl~ Agrooment. Any cosl ,lhoVf: tllis [1I110Ullll'>lwll hE) 11)\) ~nl'D rospom'libility of lho SlIbroolplnnl. 8lIIJrl')Glplr-;nt ~~Imll subn1it l11onU)ly requests for Ili1ymorJli> lo nit: HOll:;inU nnd Nnlohhorhood I)(wolopl'nnnt (IIND) [)opwlrnonL Cornpon';;;:'1lion $hi'lll h~~ ()/!fl\N0d on ,~ roil'nblln~emont bt\!)i~, or dy nfler exp8ndllllrcs 11iNe t)A(~n IltCllrrtHj by [he EuIW)(:lplont 1Hld prOf)i:!( BLJp[10r tin~J d()CulYionl[ttlon hi)!' heon submitted in (;on(()nnlly willi IIw "j",pmvocl i~nrJ eXGr.IJtecl bllfJOl:lt docul11(;in! Wllich is attacl)f:(J 10 III Is Aorcenwllt Of; I\ppendix C, Incorror.:llorl henJin by rf:fer0nG8. In HVfilY (;,1~.O, pnYTllDr\t will bn r)l~.1c1G sLlbjf~ct to ff-cf.dpt of fl reimburscrnClnl rGqunst for IHilymnnt [rom tl10 Sllbrociplent spodfyinfl cJr)d eet lirylng lh1.ll slIdl oxpenses hr.lve l)c::cn il)CIHl'od wid cXpendfl(1 in GonrOrrm\llCC wilt\ tills AntCC,i'Jlor'll ancl.lt'::lt tile S\Jlm~cipiont 1::; onlllled to roc(;ivc: lhr; rJrnrJunl n~(J1It;fjt(Hl Ilnder the 10rms of this Anr~Cm()nt. Clients' clifJibilily data 5t\all be indud.:;d with s~id r()il111JlIr~~(:rni:')nt requc;.r;L PC-lyrriL(llf, will he: l"MHlc on <l rnc,)I11hly basis only will1 a 30-d2lY turnarollll(J jlorio<.! by Gn-1nI()('l, r~l}rilll:::.tS for p:rYn101'llE, rnus! be received by Gr;;ll1te(~ not I,llcr thnn thol5ttl (l;iY of ene;l'\ r.nlcnd81 nlOll(h for work rGlronn~d cJul'in9 11\0 procorling ctli(mdFlr rnontlt The SubrecipieHt E,hnH riot clailll r()iJ'nL)ulS{~rnent fmm lite Oranlca fo!' ttJ,-ll porl'ion of it!; oblirFllion~) which hm, bc(m p:1id by r.\noll10.r f,nll\'c(l n( rCNOnlJO. '1"1)(: SUhrccir,\j\}l'1t ~.II~I!I notify the Gr,:)nluD in writing of ::111 allU10rllml pc:r:onncj! who f.llt,lI 110 nrlpow.:J"(,d lo file roqllt)!)l~: ror puyrncnt pursu<:lnt to 1his Agreoment. n. USE or FUND!::; lhl) of [llr1(l~) rer,c:iw,d r:llirSt.1~~nt to this A(Jr\WHi'lc:nl shall be in ficcord~lllC(:l with the r€qllirornonls uf Ow IluLl~jno and Cornrnunily [)ovelopment ^d of 1074 (<15 DnlI;}ndecJ), 2,1 CFR Pall rilO t1nd olhc:r rf;~llll:'ltioIlS flovt.irnino ltw C01J\n1Ullity L'levelnplllonl Block GrWlt Proomm, tllld any ,)m(:n(hlcl\l~~ ClI' [lo)iGY I (;v)"iom; llwn~liJ which r.1 \811 bE)Com(-J offE1CtiVCl during the te.rm of t1li;; AOf0(;n\0nt. ^ c:opy of ~i"dd ll)fltllnljons Is Incorpor .1tecl by rCr(~rc:nCH. Anv lJtJwwd funds H:maininu at lit,) mrplf'iltkHt of tlris ttOmt:Jncnl sil;lilnwerl tD Granlee. In addition, the ~Lll'tr(;(:iplai\t ;'\(Jrnr:s to cc,rnply willi other ('lpplicaL\le 1~'lwS, includinQ Uw NiiliGnal F,nv!riJrilYI.::,nt31 r'(jlicy Act of 19'00 ([Incllhe hnplef\1onUno rf~glll~;lioflS tit 2-1 CFR 1)11). 11)0 NDtloll:'il Ildorji:: r(\~fSerV,liion At! or 19(';6 flloi MWl1dcc:i (1 G LJSe 470), Section !104 of till) r(c:l \UbillttiliOIl Acl of 18"(3 (::~n use "1'(4) (:H,d iho imploil1cmlina re{'llllolions 8t 24 CFR 8), 1I1O ;'\r(l()rknn:; willI Ui::.nbililIGiI I\d ()f 1990, tho Ana Di~,crirt)ir1;\lioll Acl of 1 H15 (42 use G 101) ("net tile Irnplcl110nth 1[J reOljl:,\lions i1t 2<1 ern, 1 '1 G), lIh'! prohihition n(I<:I1nst using (kb~lrrod Contwdors <~t 2/t erN 570.G09, <1nrl [xccullvc Onl(;::; 11003, 'I 124fl, D8 nmoli(lccl by f3.xocl.l!iva Order 13279 (EqLl~il r',)rot~(:liofl or tll() I.nwG for rnl11dl,l~';i.')c1 <.1f"teJ COiYlmuflily Or98ni(..~tion~~), 113,5, 120nG, t1nd 12269, r:'wlhr;r, O\ny flJncJcd ni.tlvily must be dc:;,if]r1od Of so loc:olted LlS to prinr,;pr:IiJy bone,.[illmvr;r Incollle rc~mon~, nlrt in Lho prGvenlion or GlimlnDlinn of slums or blinht, or n1en\ IIQ)C:l1t (;(J(rlnlIJl'lity dC;Vf.dl)pmr;nl rH~GcJD, r,t; dofined in tho prorlr.~m rr;~llIl<3tiomj, rj JUN-UJ-Uo r~l Ul:c4 PM rAX NU, (Ub(a~U~U r, Utl Sllbrt)~~il)icnl <1Df{~C;S to eOI nply wi1h 1t1e lIr1ij"(lrrn mlminislmtivc rcquiromenls s[)(;dfil;d 111 ?I\ Cf;n [')70.!i()~~ r.\ntl 2<1 CF'F< ;)lO.G1O. iflcILlclin~,: OMCl Circular ^-122, "Cos,t r'rincipll~S for Non-Profit Oroanizatiol1s," ::wl OMt) 1\-11 () "Uniform !\c!rI1;I)isln.llivo r-:o(juin::l11cmtf\ for Gmnt~ 8. Aareornenls wiHl InntlllJtIQflr, of Hiol1t:r F:dllc3lion, f tospil,)Ir. "nO olhN Non..Profil Org<lnlz.i1lion~:i, t=:lS specified ~t 24 CFR [j70.~m2(b). Sllhr~!I";lpIMt 1;; prc,hibll,:d from llsin[J funos pnwjo(;u horoin for politic;;:lI activitie:..i, :~c(:I<.1rinn ()r mligi')IJ~ ,,(;llviti~;B, ot' lobl)yit)U ,\ctivilies, 9. IN1)m(~Gr CO~jTS Illdin:d CL)GL~ will only 1)0 pelirJ if SlIl>rccipiont has an indirect cost allocation plNl rlprrovl~d by 11i() Ul)p~lrh n~;[lt Df j-10ll:,in9 ami Urban Dev(:lopl(Jcnl prior 10 the eXe(~II\ion of tl1is ^(IrnNcH:r11. 10. It-lDFMI'IlF1CA"1'I0N Sllbmq.1ierll r\orcl~,}r; to ilid.:mnify and Jlol<1 I'lmrnlcss Gr.mte8 from tmy (ind nH claims in nny W[.IY n~l:'lbj In or clrishl(j out 01 SlIbrcclplcnl's p~rformanco or its oblionlions t\Cll'ClJl1dl;r and/<)r Sllbn'~(;iplenl's 1<1111.11'(; to pcrfOl1ll its o!)lirICltlnns 110rCLJndcr or rEll2'itc:ti to or ari:-;ino nul of any dr:llnr\(JA or InjulY to prop0dy or pusons, o(";currin\] or nllcocdly occurring in connection willI Sullrcdl'Jicnl '~, pc:rfNnHlnw or n\.1n'jltJI rmrll,lnCO of ilr. o})lig<:llh)ns Ilcrounr.ler. No l1t'lyn\Ont, I'!<')WOVM, fillul or oil )8:wlsQ, stwll (lpmutc:do rL~len~~ the Sllbrccipklllt from t1ny oblinations lUICk)!" 11lls ^~lmp.rn€:1 \1. 1"1, iW)t/HANCE & RONDING -~ N/A f~llbri][lpir.nl Slhlll c::\rry sllfficir::nl in:::IIr<1ncc COVOfdOP. to rroloct contmcl (I~)scll:.; from loss dl/ll It) lhdl, fl'Clud ;.,nd/or lm(li Ifi pilYl;ici:11 damafjc, ..Ind ~s ;) rninimu)"(l st)Cl/l fH lr(;hi:l~Q a bl;)t\kel fidolity boneJ GOV,;rhl() nil r::n<pIOYN:fillnndlina fLln(]s received or disbLlrsed (lilli/or sioning or Go-sinning thnck(i 10 c1h.tiul $Q fund", lInder l\lh:; i'lgiCC:In(:l)t. TI18 flc]elily hond shall be in i.ln Cll'nollnl nn If~:;s UH)n une 1\111'.(11'1'(1 pDrcenl (I ()O%,) of lho GOntr3cl ;"l(11(J! Il1l. Of he SlJbrf:c1I) ient shall fUllli~,11 1111) C,i em lni-) rrol)f nf ('m ndcqun!(! firj(:lily hond within tllll'ly (30) d8YS of 1I \() drl"JclivD dak: or lhi!; rl(Jl'ccilldlt rmd pri,)r to nny dhl)lIr:~c:rncnt of 1\UI(J~ 1)('~reunrJ8r, ^II rll.)lidf:~5 providing in:,IJI'1:ll'iCiJ covertl\Je roquil'cd to be rnolnlatTii.ld by Sllbri)Gipicnl hore.under Gllrill Hilt O1';I\)[(;e, Tlw AlIflllSld .F~i(hm()nd County COInrnitsion and its Moyor, ElncJ Iheir o[flcl:1f ,':, Dn(;n1.\ II n'HlllH.Jll:>, nrnplnynr:~, anil Sl.\CCt';SS()(S as m1l'I'led i!)!)urod, as tl1eir inlerests O1i'lY f,PJ.h:l<:lr, i'1t1rJ shl'll! Ilu j:.f;\J(;(J hy em In~jllriJl'iCe C,.lITk":r or orl1'riors Iicenf)f:d to do business In the $l.;3It.) of G(!nr~,i;J llml r(:!;I*;.rmilb1y ncr;opldblt~ l,n Gr<'1nlno. All sLlell [iolicll''::s Sllt\ll provldu tl1at no Dd r,r omi~lsion or Gmntdl or ik; ~)ocn15, smvnnts, nr cl'npl()yef;~, ~\)l:lll in any Wi"Y Invalid;:ilt; nny insurnnce C\lw~m(Jo for lhe ollwr 1Ir.:\lY1f!d h'r';lIn~d. No il',sur(jJ)co policy providing 8ny insIJr<:ll1c(: COWiraOC rc:qLlired \0 bn pi ovidec1 by SlllHOf,irient hMt:lIli'Hjer sh::111 be (:r'll1ccln!J!t;; will lOut at le.,~t 15 days ~:llllJ[JliCO wriltfl(l 11011(;0 10 (';,nHl\uo, 1\11 in:;umnco p{JEcl(~.'; rl'1quimd hert.'lJndor, or COpi0!) thereof, shr,11 be prl)Vld~:d to Granlf:lf) IJY [;lIhr~:GipiOl'lt. 7 JUN-03-05 FRl 01 :20 PM ~AX NU,(U~(~~~U~U p, UtJ 12. GH/\NfOn REGOGNi nON fiutJrccipionl ~h;JlI insllfl~ rocCl\:Jnlll()!1 of !lIe rCIII~ oi tile Vrt1fl!or rlocr1cy in provlclill!] !1Nvicus t1lW11011 IIlis ^orer-mlcnt. All nr;!ivifi(;s, f(jl~ililiol) nnd i1(~rns 1I11lizcd purtillant ~o IIli$ AOIMrnenl SllDll ho pmrtiltwi'111y lrjbd(~d ::IS to funding source, In ()dd Ilion. tI,e S\lhr(~(;ipicnt will includ~ <:, mrE:rnnc(J to lht: support proviclc:d tlornln bll publicnliolls rnndo possible with funej!> n1;'dle ..1Vi1i1:iblc L1nclor Ihis Aurcf.qncnt. '1'110 Pff;~;S, p\lblio ,11\11 thn (,r.mltw shall not be denied C'ldrnitlnncc to lhe ['3l1bwcipit:n\'s 1.10:1[(1 \nGcdilID$, Subroeiplontlllwll provide to tho C3(('intee n INllativo annual schodulo of lho Ao,ml of Dirr!<ltorc' 1ll66tinus, r'\ltllic,,~lion5 and mlllu!M; of oneil Tneeting shall be slIl)millcd to Gronloo wllhin 30 (bYE; :1ftor G8ch I'iloGdina. 13. A:>SlnNMENT WithClUI thr. f'lri()(' wrill;;n consenl of the Gr8ntco, 1I1is Aor()(1n1ent is not a~:~,I!.IMblo by lho SLJI)I(;cir\l~mt, (lither in whole or in part. 1f). ENTIHE AGREEMEN'f; ALTERATION TI1I:; f\.rJwcl',wnt Is thn ~:Y1!irc ngreoil1('mt belwo0n Ihe p:lrli0S liorelo. No all(~fi',lion or v"lri'::ltiCiIl in lho 101m!, of l.hir:; A[)co(::nI8nt st\f.lll be valid unlos:-; nllJdD in writing ,md &lgncd by tho pmllm; hNido, Only O/1/) (If) IC/l(/OIOIl/ tu S<lir I uf]fOofllont ShCJIJ b~) filJDwod elurlng it'w program yeoi'. 2-t). GENERAL TfT.:MS AND CONI)rr10NS a. fWpmnS TIII'J :')ul)rcdplont IlGi'U;~3 to submit to Gl'3nh:t! i'llonthly pror:Jrc~::s rororl':l (lnd (my O\ll€";(' f(,POIIS Ulal rn;w 1)( l spccHjod. h, CLlfiHT DATA ~:;III)rnGjplnnl Dort,!(;s tu n"\::1!nlain r<ldol, cUmie, tl,'lnd8r, and business (](;111(10rtipllics sllDwinu 1I1i.l oxlcnt to which tll(:f,O c;;ltcnol ios of persoJ')~ hiNll pRl"ticipated in, or llOndilc:d from lho r1rojcct. c, rn:corms TO er: MAINTAINED f;\l1)10(~lpic)l.lt sl1.'111 mnlnt.::lin 2.11 r<Jcords reqllir\?d by H,e ferlfHnl regulations r.pcclfli"'(J ill/.?\ Cr-'f{ f'.nl 57n.!iOIJ, Find 1I1at <:ll"n pf:rlirlC'nl to tha c1ctiviti(~S to bo funded undor this Aqrc'JIlWIIL Such records ~;h<ill inclwlc: but ;-,i1t; lIolllrnitocl to lhe it(~nlS Iisterl below: " (1) f~{)r.(,)i'<l$ provir.lino " full (Ii::scription of each acllvity undortnl\Cn; (2) r<()l;ord::. c1ornont.h utinU lhnt cacll :Iclivily und(~rtnken meets onl3 of tho Ni;.tion8Il)bJocllvlJs of lilt; CDt\G pmorum: (:l) f"~~l(:ords re:quirccl to t1<::lc.Jrrnillo tl1(: ()II~)ibility of ::1ctlville~'l; (.1) r:inDncj:,1 rN;()(i!s ;:)$ roqtllrn(! by ~4 CFr~ Ptd't 5"10.502, f111d 01\10 Circular A.133; and II JUN-Uj-U~ rKl Ul,~~ rn r I'M nu, I UU I C.C..lUC.U I, ! U (5) Olllf'i r0tJ(,)rd:~ i\()cc:~,sdry It) t1ut:l,lfnetlt cOlTlpliilrH';c wiih Sublwrt 1\ of?4 Cr" 11 570, SIJI.Hf:r.iplcnt ,1W(;>(:$ 10 kt')(;p <.lllnoccssnry honks <Hid rf-corrJs, In<;luclinu prop(;rly, pcrs[lf1nd anti finnrll:bl r/;1r.orr!:'i, in ronnectinn Will) U"le operations and services per[orfPcid lmdr.r ihis ^orenrllf:nl, <H,d SIIr.1I docurrlent 811 Irnl1htl.Gtinns ~Q lhnt :-Ill oxpondilllrOS rrlny bo propmly 11LlcJlt,;d. If th0. 8I1br(-'\;lp!f~nt m(;eh/t;~. mGOO,OOO or 1'i1OfCt in combIned fecJercil ~ssistan(;e, il n{JtT~Ct; to obi.linli1'1 mldil (.ondlldt;.1 in nccnrd,.nCi;} will, OMF.l Circ;ubr A-133, Howover, if an au(lit is nol rf\quirod I IIw elllm:cfpic'nt norons to providf1 an flflnllal f1mmci:J\ rej10rt to \1'\0 Grcmloi.~ d, ^CCE~',;S YO m'::GORDS HH;: Hllbrocirinnt Doreos lhnt Lho Grunlc() or <1ny clulhori7.8d mpresr-mtativc l'1::\s [j(';c()SS lu (Jlld the riOI)l to f:X;:lti)i11~lt;1I r(')C()rdli, books, pZlpcrs, or clOGllrnonts rC[<:llod to lIif: proj!':ct. ("), tH:Tr.:'Jr{ON Tile [;\ItmnJplcnt hereby sovomlly wmrant~ 1I'13t all projecl nlcorcJ~;, books, p21pe:rs, L.ln(1 rlacument::; wIll liel mlftin(jd for 1'1 pf:rio(l of Il(Jt 1C::3S t!lon fOLlr (<1) Y8Cirs OIfter tile lerrrtin<\lion Clf all ,)(;fivil:cs rUfldrJd \JfH1oi" this ^omenNf!L or t'iftp.r tile resQlution of nil [=o(\en1! audit findings, whlr:hev()( ()l';CUri, loler "lid nri1l'l1:'j tho Grunlr;E! till; option of rHt(~ntion of the prt)Jecl rl!COrd~j, books, p8pE":fS, and t1()ClJtl\nfl~s. lhc I"(:\('H liiol \ reriod ~~tlGlI st,'1rt from th~' cJnte of ~utlrnl(~sion of 1I10 Gr<:Iflleo's <1l1nll::,1 pcn !"(inYl;mtt;; rt)f\oll, n;.; prcsl:ribf'ld In 24 (:Fr~ 8 '1.5?O, in which thlJ sp(l\:lfio Clctivity Is rf.:p()rl(~d nr\ for lhe;: f\(ml Urnl'! r"lll H':r th;m flDl1"1 lho r.!ilft:l of slJhrnl(-:f.iion of lhe finHI cxpendituro roport for t1l(~~lward. f. PEHMlfS llw ~;uIJr{':Gip\(;nt <i{liTes to) obtain all nOCeSf,MY permi!." for intendod im[lroVfllllc:I'd"; or ,:1clivilic~; ~l, AHU1MP,l"lVE ACTION nK~ Sl.Ilm,r::irinllt, if il:; prooml1l lnvolvns hnusino, l:10rees to uffhmatively furlliCf fuir frou~lllg" II. CONI':UCT OF INTb.Rf.~S'f TIll' [;lIt,lrt.cipicnl h.:lI'l.~[)Y !>f:Vt!lmlly wmmnl!, that it will est.:lblish <"mel adopt s<:Jft'O\J"rds lo prol1il1it rrp::;mbprs, nffir.;;rr;. ill Id 0I1lj1loy.:lCS from llsin9 posilions for E1 purpOt}l~ 1I Inl is Of !Jives lh~ \"JppnM;ltlC() or l)i,~IIl\) rnn!iv,){cd tlY [} dosiro for prlvcite ~JDIIl for tl \CJn::oolve1') or OlrlCfG r pmlicularly UfOS (': with wi lorn ih:.1Y ll.:lv(: farnily, bUf;!nCSli, nr other tlf-\f\, FIJflli!;r I no member, o1ficer, or emr1oyoe of 81Illl"C"cipii;nt wllo l})(i:rchws roilY flJncli(,)n~ (:lr wsponslLJillty wiLh rt:srmc;tl.o till:: pro(Jr,uTI during l1i~; or rlm lcnwo or fill' On!') YC,,:lr lI)t~rf,;'lfl<,;r. lJlli'lll havo <"my fln;Jnci;,ll inl!)r(.leL direct or indirect. In nny c(inll';;ICI or f;\lllcnrM'lcl, or tile proc":0d~ tlloroof, l,,:ilher for thorn:3clvGs or Ul05e will' whom t11~:Y Il~IVU r;~rnlly or buslnr::~::; ties, for work 10 1:1t:' perfort1lt)(1 in connocllon wilh Ih0 proor'lm nsr.i:".lflij IHlIkr lhi:; ^rJff:crW)llt. 1. J\UTIIOHI:?ATJON 'fO EXECUTE AGREEMeNT Tho 1I11lk)f~11aTl(;q pnrson :::.ionln(] ;:15 an orner:r on bClhnlf at 11\0 Subrccipiont, i1 p::'Jlly to lhis ^!lrc-;,n'lO,.,t, hp.lI~by ~wverc1"Y w;'jl'ral\l~ IJnd r"pro~0.nts lh,~l.snld pc:rsoll has 01 111'lodly (0 cnlnr into Ihi,; J\:.Jr<.:1~I'n0nl on bolnlf of s31(1 ~:iLll1reclplcllt nncJ to bind the S8lne to ttlis Anrocrnent, (.iIKi furlhnr 111;)1 :l;lid :~ubm(';lpjent IIi;l,> ::Iulllority tn crltn Inlo this Agreerrwnl and th~t there UfO nQ fP.~;lrir:linn:, or 0, JUN-03-05 FRI 01:25 PM FAX NO, 7087225020 p, 11 prnhH:,itioi \S (:ontc,lnod Ii l ~lIlY ~I ik;k~ of incorporatiun or hyltJW Bg<'\lnst Bntf.':rinQ intolllh, ^OI"Or:rrl(':I'It. j, ~:;[ClIO~1 504 The Sul:trcc:lpicnll 1(11 e[)y corliri<:s t11nt, in (he implementation of projects funded by lids NF C) 0 Il\l'.:nt , nnd in fltl of 1l~, 01111:( npen.'f/u!'l:>, H will cornply wilh <.)11 roquiromonls of ScclicJII ~j04 cd the f{r:h::,bilitf\1ion Ar;l of 10n (:to use 701) (and ll'lo implon1enling r(~9IJI;lti()ns ill 24 cn~ 13), IhiJ Arnerlc~lns W1tll Di~:j1)ilili(:;s N:t or 19DO (PL 101-336), cmd all stF.lto and In(:fJllaW5 mqllirinu phy~;;iGal .1I1l1 proamn) clCClJSsibilily to people witl) (Ji!inbililif.s, AnlJ nnrce~ to defend, hold t!nfndem-)t nnd in(Jorlii'iify H1C GrCdntl.'C from i~lld <1~8inst any Zlntl fill liability fq\' any noncomplianc(: (,n 111(: porl of lhe: ~:;l IIJfrJr;ipient. 1(. nmfpf:NDENT CON'CHAC10R Nc.U11nO GOlltainp.clli\ 1I1iri AgJ'ccrYllmlls Intended to, or shall be con:-:.trued 111 nny m<'iflnr.::r to, Grotltu (Jr Ct,lnl ilit)il an cfllploynr"Di nployen rQlflliollSl-lip helween the pWlic.:s, nor sholll ';illY 1~ly)plnyn(~ of 1110 ~)lIlJn;ciplcnt by virtue (;f Ihi~i Conlmct bo nrl ('lmployeo of l11e Grnntoo (or any purP()S~; Wh,11~oovor, . nnr sl\nn 'Iny f;rnplnYO(l of Iho Subruclpiont be entitled to Rny nr IJlc rlghl~, privllf:Oos, or hp.nnfllc of Gmntc;il oIYl(JlnYQf;s.. Till'! Sul>reclrionl 5118\1 be ckmncrl at 011 tirnns all inderwndont contrilclor ,-1\1(j to.II:!11 be wtlOlly r ~,SpClI i~l;hlc for time, means anel m;:lI'm~r For porforrn,\rlCE) of tile SEwvlr:r:s 1C:IIUiT cd of il by lhi) tt,r(flS of tI'llf~ l'{jil'":f:t-rI(Hll, Th~~ SubrC!!r;iplont ar.sUIY'1l'lS eXL:lllsivoly tho rcsponslllllity for the Hett; of il:{ (:mploYO(1S os th(~y rl~ll1tn to the sel.vic':lS provided durino lho C;ULlrso <:Inri ~~COP(~ uF thuh' nnl['lloYlnl'n l. l. Pi{OCUfH:ME::Hf Wl1nn procurino prop<'"\rty, gnoclH Elnd Mrvic;0~; unclor $100,Ono, lilo tilll.lreclplont ~11~jli follo'oN ^uuunt;1.F~lohrnCln(i CCl1lntY'~i procurement prOC(:dLlrer. whkh reflects clpplicable sl.:dl; iHj(J IOG,-)! Inws rllld r(~Olll~1tjon:i_ For pUrCh.:'lSl~S of $1 00,000 or more, fe(J~:rc:d law~J, r()ljUlilt!ons nTici cl:m(J:\rcl:; apply. nt. EQlltPMEN'i" ANn PERSONAL PROPER"' Y (1) L'qllirH\1Cllt ,Hili pr.m::ol1,ll propmly slwll [)Q USGd by the Subreclplcnt in tho progr'lirl or [In_)jocl fur which It W.'Ir:: oct!' llrud ~IS lono as I'\EiocJ, W1l0ltlcf Or not the project or proormn contin\lOG lo Il(; t~lIpf'l(,)rl(,J by F orlL'ral fl.lnrls. (7:) Dh,p(/!,il!on, Whon r;o !onnor ti8(,dccJ for lho oriQinal profjrumor proJr::cf, disposition of m,y cqllipmf.Hlt (ir' pd~ionnl proporly or aliY kind slmll bo dCl(;rmined anrl :1prrtwod by ttlO Grw)!~\\) con~;j~.lont wi!.ll pt nvi':.i\inr; Df?4 CF R () 70.202 nnci Circular ^.11 O. except th::ll ((1) in nil C,:\S",S in which fJM:iOll<::!1 property Is sold, 1110 proceeds !~llf\lIl)('; proIJmrn inconH~, ilnd (b) Il(~n~(lth,d proporty not nn(';rjcd by the SLJbrQGiplcnt lor eDGGi ClGlivitlo:; nll;'ll1 be f.lfll1&k:rr()d 10 UI(~ Grilliln!': for Lhll Conllnunily D~WI':\(Jprncnt Proumrn or shull bo ret;:)ined afl(;( ~ubmillil10 cornpC:llsolion 10 01,': Grnntc:0 f(Jl' !I'li; COl)ilnunity Develorllll1nt PlOgram, t"lTH.I (l~) C()n\pt,~(1$i-"ltlon for Ik~rl'1:} of cfl'.Iipll10nt or ['lOf'!;onal properly J'clDinocl or sold ;,h,\1\ 1)0 ,Ii) f.\molllll C;;'",IOLiI. i(l:~d by lilultiplyilllJ the (;{lITont m:~rl<.et vnh 10 Of procf:eds from !;,::dr. hy tl1OporC(:f1liJ~1C! of r.DHG ili!'iCh! Ilro\/!(h~(j on lI\1::.' or1ninrll costs of cl1l1lprn~nt or p(~r:i;of)i.ll prorerl.y, 10 JUN-Uj-U~ I"Kl Ul ;~O rn r Hl\ l'lU, (UO I a~u~u r, U: f\, I:~qlwl [mplOYlYilinl OppMhlllity T hc f(,!lowing rrnvision:; (1) 1ll1d (2) nm ~Ipp!lcablo to ~III r,ontwcts ~nd surJc\)ntrLlc!s; provisions (:\l t1 IroLlul1 (i') uro appllc()blu to all nnn-Qxempl GOl1slf uclion conlr<.lc!s cmd sl.Jbcontroc:t~1 whlcll cxccul n~ 'It). 000: (1) n',!) ~~I)br(:I;lpjcnt f;l1nll no! clirJ<;riminalc E1~Jdinsl ~ny C:ll1ployeo or :'\rpliG(;j1l[ fur cnnpluYIDcnt bCC,'lI1Sfl of rnee:. color, crefHl, mli(Jlon, excopt D5 nllclwed by Exoculive Order 13279, sex. <\{le, I1mldic;l!l, di:';;',blllty. scxlI<.d oric!ntuliof1, anC(lstry, naUon~ll origin, Ill,:il'il,~\ SI<.lll1s, ft\milinl st3lul;, or (Iny olhw b,-I'.b prol1i))il(~r1 by iJprlir;:'tlJle 13W, TliC: ~~lIbf~Gir\(:nt 8;11:111 h'lli.r~ nfnrma!iV8 ar:t)on to ensure tlll)l apfJllcants are crnplnycd f.Hid lll,)l ~\mpl()YCOt; me lrcatf;d clewing ernploynwnl willl{)lJt rOflDrd to their race, cl)lm, crc-n~, fD11oion, !Ie", ,'inG, h:\lIdiG~p, e!is:;l11llily, SElX\1:1! (")rir:Ii~~!ion,anccstry, or national orifJil\. SUGh action Sli311 incll.ltln, but 1'10\ llo limitnd 10 the followinrF crnploYlflr:nt, upgmclino, c1Elmotion or trr'lrlSr/Jr, n:.:crl.litl non\ O[ fC\cluihn,:mt E\c1ve:rtis.ing, li'lyofi or [ofl'llhmUnn, r<lton of PflY or (Jtl\~~r fom):) of comrcns;':ltiot), :Jill! ~do(;lion for tlnining In{;llldino <1pprcntk;()ship. Tl'le Suhreclrirml :lIf]rcQs to post in cOI\Gpiel.lnus n1j'\CiJl" r-l~...)ilf::lbIClI(')_ ('\1 \lpIO~lt~c'~ and ~rrlic3nts r(lr ernploYlnnnt, notic8S to [In provided ;,Dltin[J forth tho plovl'Slons tlf lhls nandlF.Cl'lmlnatlo(l c!uw,c, (2) The t;uL1roc:lplc:ni will, in nil ::;o!icildlio!"l<.i or <.1dvcrtis0ments for ornployC0.S plw;C'd by or on bdwlf of th.:: ~jul)rt-~cipi(ml, t,l;1((: lhill all qualified applic.lnts will recoivo cOllsilieriltlon fore!) IploYrl1ont wlt\)()IJl I 1.1 [j nrd 10 rn;;c, crC::f.)d, r..,!ioio!l, r~~ccrt as allowM hy Ex(;cullv~ Order 1 :iUrJ, tim,_ noo, h,llIr1ic;lP, di:iClbilily, *~()XI 1;',1 ork.nlitllclll, ~Ir'costry, n1'llionJI 01 ioin, rn~\rital statWj, or :~ny olhcr l.Jm:i::. rll"obiI1i1nc! hy i.'I."'fllic, lblt) Ir;w, (a) The f.lllbmo\pk,nt will f,cnd 10 t:clch IObor unlnn Clr ropr(~sent;;l\ivf; of WorkCrli witl1 which illln~) a c(1Ik;dlvo bnr\lilinino ::1~JfuorYWnt or allier conlmet or lll1c1end:<ltldil1g, n n()tjcc~ to b& provh I\~d .ldvisiil1l tlH~ ~;,!id l~lbor Llnion flI" wOi"I(ers' rfl{lloacntntiviJS of lhc-l SllhTClcipie:nt's C(jD1n rilnlOnt:; llnuc:r lhi:; ~;\il:lh-!ll, find ~I\,lll pOGI copil~t; of lht: notjr.e in cOnSplGlll1L1S placos av,iil,"1bI8 l() employoos :II\() cpplk;ont~; for (~rnplOynH"H\t ('I 1 Tho Subreclpi0.lIt wl!l (;ornply wit.\1 nil rr()vi;~ions of t:xeculivo Oiclor1121\8, Eqlla! employment OppCl! hmlly, of $eplornbec 2~, 196~)J nt; Lllll(Jl)rJcd by .ExecLlliv(~ Orders '11375, 13),/8 r:md 120l}G, copl!':s of whh:h ~rr. 011 filn and lwailable i.)1 the Gmntee, and of lhe rules, r09111~ltll.)nG, find rd;v:lIlt ordC:f(1 (I( tho BCCTcl::1ry of I.nl)oJ". (G) ThE! SlIl.rndpiGnt wl!) furnish r,lI InforJl1Z\tion !\od mporls requirc-c! by r:xcclJtiV(~ OrJr:rs 1124G rJI ~~(Jf*'lllh(lr ?4, 1065, [;I!; M1Cn.docl, by f,,:xeclltivt) Order 13279 and by rules, rof)ld;)til)n~;, Dnd or dCI:; of tho S(:cfl:lnry of l.nhol", or pllrSlIal)! therc:to, CJf)(] will p(lrrnlt aeeM,S tn il:> I:JorJI(t~. r l';c(Jrd~'r alld nCI:ollnb by I-IUD ,1/1d t11F.l ScrTfJt;iry of LElbor for purPOSI)S of inv(lsliO.f.llionlo C"I:3CCoH l:-!.in cornpli;:1I"iu, willi Gllch rlll(:~j, rC";f)lIIElti\lm\, ~lncl orders, (('i) In Iho lwent of 111() SubrC!clpiGnt':'] r\oncolnpll;H)r:c with the nomJil:.crimin~llinj) Glnw;("s of 1111~j l\[lfAfll\h:,;'1l or w!!h ('IllY of tho st)lcI rules, roQuli:ltiollS, or orders, this Aoromr1Cnt nl;"iY bo CDI\wIG(1, !CJ1minrd,()(I, or slIspomled in wholo or in pnd nlltl the St Ibl'l'\(;iricnt 11I{~Y uo dcck"Jt"(~d ir,cili(Jibla fo,. fwll Il~r C:;olicrnrnrmt cc;nh'nc!s or federally as~ist(~d construclion c()nl(fl('!~ in ;y;corc\iJl)co willi jifIICC(lUf'i'f,l C\ulhl)ri:lI)c1 in F:xCGllliVt~ Ol'tll~r 112~ 6 of Sepl(~rnber 24, 1 DO 5, llS anH:\t"H"k.'d by i:x(~cllliv() OrdtH 1:tU9 Bod {jllch othcr ~:lillclians n1:?1Y 110 irnflosed nnd rCl1ledi(~~~ il1VOkod ~\~; provided In r:xl':cl.ltive Order 1 t248 ('if {~cplcrnllor 2,1, 1~)65, as nrnen(k~(l by r-:xocutiv~.. order 1 :1;::-19 or ~IS J 1 JUN-03-05 FRI 01:26 PM FAX NO, 7067225020 p, 13 (ill\orv;k;o providod by I::\w, ('1) Tlw ~:;L1tm:ciplt~nt will iilClu(k) tllO portion of Lho se:nloncc irnmGdi;:JI.:,ly prer.ocfinfj p;~ri\grlipl) ('I) nnd Hili rrcrVls!tlll:i of par;-)fjrtlphs (1) throll~~h ("7) in every subconlrclcl or pllJ'G"~\I.c order unlcss oxcmptc'd I.~y rtIlil:~ I rvfJLlI,\liona, or onj()\ n of ilIa Soerolary or Lflbor, IS$L1cd purr.tJrlllt tn !~f.clll)n ?04 01 f,-'x(;(:uliy0. Onler '\1 ?4f:) of Sepf.mnbet" 24, 1965, (Jt, arrvu)dcd, by Executive Cor-dGr 132"/9 so lha! SllI;l) provi~;ioI1S will b1~ 1)lncJin~11I]10n l~'ar;l) 5ulJCol11rnclor or v(mrlor. The [.,ur)J'ecil)lolll will t",I<o GlIcll <.Ic!ion wllll rr'~pecll(j f1ny Subcolll'mt!' or purchfl~;o onlof l1!.i I.IUD ITI8Y dlrc.:ct as a l'YlO~ns 0; f:Mof(;ln{J Slld\ pr(lvi':;i(Jn~;, induclii1\J sClI1clh")ns for noncompliance; proviljed, 11owevor, lil;ll in 111m (wont lJ Stllm;oipi'~nt b(;C(lJI'lCS involvod in, or is thre~llGnEid willi, liU~laJion willl Q ~il" )COnlflll~ltlr or vendrJr t\:, Ll I ("suit of suell dirf!ction l')y Hun, tl)G Sll~m~cipi(mlll lay roqllo:;;! Ii Ie Unilorl Eliaf'cs 10 QntcI intn sllell litiW,tit)!1 to pro\nclll\n in 101 ot-.I~, of [I \~ l h~il()d 814\1,15, o. ECltlid Or1portunil'y In PMUclpntion Undm lllO It:rml~ of f';o<.ilion 1 (It) 01 U If.~ Hou:;ino and Community Df.VE!lopnI0I1t Act of 1 n'l~, ,JIlt! in r;oqforn I"nea Wltt1 GrCllllo~ p()licy and all requirenlCr,ls lmposecJ by or pursuant to 11)0 f~€:nlll;"llion5 <.)( IIUD (2(\ CFR fIart !S'(O,("jO I ~nd if/O,an:?) ISGlIt1(1 plllSlInnt to SCGlio(1 100, no pi::rFiOn ill 1I1{~ UnilerJ Stnlf.',s dl:'I1l on IhF~ !Jf0lmd of WGD, celor, cmed, religion, sex, ,Ioe, liandici.l[l, c1iflnbility. sr~xIL~;1 Ol'ilifllulion, allcoslry. IVI!iClrml ori~Jin, marilr.11 sl;:ttll~" r(illl i1iall>l.rJIIJ<;;, or i",ny olher b",(:;I~; prolli!iilf.~d by iJpplbll:'le low b8 excludl1d frCllll parlicip~llinn In, bc~ denied benofits of. or bG suhJndl1cJ 10 (lincrhlllfl,.lliollllllclor ..my prof)1 ;:lfn or flr;[jvity ftJl1de(lln wholF) or in p<"lrt with COlwollnily Dt:III,:lnpn'\Clll DI(jcl~, (:in::\nl F'ro!:1(l)f(\ f\ Ind~,. Spl\(;itiG (nol ()XGlll})lvo) Dbcriminatory Actions Prol1ihlleti: TI'tel ~'lllbJ'0dpion! nl~\Y not directly or thmugll conlmcltml or other FlrrAnOGI"f111I1t!), on (lIe nroLlnr.h 0; 1",1(;'::, GOlor, creed, roliOion. sflxu:,,1 (iril~nta\ion, r-lncf':s!I'Y, nnlinn81 orioin, rn;:lril..,1 ~:Ialll";, f~lT11ili;'ll sl;ltllr;, Wit;, l'l:li)(\il~np, dif~:lhlily, sex or othm b3Sis rroilibHeLI by applicr.\ble l~iW: (1) {"l\"ny nny f(~cm(le6, :;.,}rvi,~os, iinmlGial nid, 01' other 1:l0neflt!::i provid.::rl LIf1(!<::r Iho pro(jmrn or \'lclivily (2) PI Clvil1e nny f;wilillol>, scrvico!>, finanC;j;';)I f1i(J, 0r eilher benclils whicl1 ~re dilrOrf:r'II, or am provirJL:l(.Iln ~1 difrd(:l\[ (orm frol'i1 Ul;.'it pmvi<led to.oHlcrs under tt1C prowam or l1c;liv[ly. 0) BlJbJ(~cl to ee(jr'2g:'lh:d ()t' scp,.lrnlo trC!.Jlr'(wnt in any facllily, or in Elny 011"101' molter or proco:;s relCilnd to rlltdpt of tlny scrvjr;o or benefil under 1I1\'; proQr<:lJll or rJctivily. (,I) f~listrlcl ir'lllllY W'(iY DCCC~S to, or U1e f~flJ(JyrniJnt of any advant;:-j(Je or privilc:ge enjoytHl flY 011 lor" in cClnncr.lioll WillI fncilHi{)!.'o, sNvicos, fin:-1ncii:11 nld or (llller benefits lindeI' [lle prllrJmrTl or r:lGlivlly. (G) T ri.';C\t fit) indivldu81 dlffc~rGntly fforll olhers in dGtonnining wi Inti J{::r thi~ individll::1 s;.itbric::l .11lY nr1Jfll~:\~i<.)n, flnrollrnenl. c;liOihllHy, memborship, or (llhel" wquirernent or condition whlr.:h th0 individtl;.\1 [mi.st rnQr:t in orc!rH to bo providQcJ any far..ililios, s~rvk(~s, or otller benofil provided unda tho proamm or f'1i:tlVily_ (0) Di~ny any pfm:~oll wilh lhc InOr.d riOt'll to work, except <.IS allowed by L:X(~(;llliv(; Ord(~r 'U1270, ~lrl nprt1r1IIl\ity to p:1I'iicif);'\!(' in n proor"~m or nclivily ,".~ ",n employee), 12 JUN-03-05 FRI 01:27 PM FAX NO, 7067225020 p, 14 p. f.lm;ilwG!J tlm1 crVlpfoVtll011t Opportunltifl5. for Lower Incomo F~o~;irll)nts, WOIL1c;n.Own,HI HlIsj;)(J'~H; El1terprisos, <,nil Mlnol'ity.Ownr:d Bu!;lnoss Elltorpl"i5M. Tho f,uLJr1)cipICint'will t1~\O ils bast Ql'forts to [lfforcJ minority and wGrf1cm..ow!lod \lIJsinc,u$ cnlcrl)ri~;(J~; 1110 tI:iixililllln rrar.liG~ll)I(-~ opro11llllily 10 flnrUcipnli) In tho pcrf0fJliClllCC of thiEi ^nrOt?ln('f\ t. ^~; u~;c:d in 1I1i:, !\f\w()JI)0.nl, tho torm "1I1inority (IMJ f8m;11f.\ bl.lsinesr- tll)lArprlt.>o,' rnCrJflZ nl.llJSlnOFS i'J! 10~,.it fifty. nne (5'1 OIl) p(~rcr.nl nwnorl nnd cilnlrollod by rnln.oil1y OfOUP mcrnbers orwomen, For 11'1(: purpor;o of tI\ls li(~lii,lli()n, "minority fjfOllp fl1embflr.;." are Nr"ican,A1'fleri~;an, Spi:lni:;h"spci.lklt1fj, Spilni~~il ~;llrt\i!(tWrl Ot Wl'il[nn l'\'lfH,(WiJlllHUCins by SubrcJclpicnts rC~Flrding their st."llllS ~!'; mlnc-,rity wld ftHI):.Ilc hLl~.inons onteq:iri;.G:; in lil~l.l of l'\n in(lt~p~ndullt Invcslig,)IlCln. q, LohLY!ll{/ RcsLrf,;ilon:s f.;III~rL~I.~lpicnl ccrtiflns lhnt, to the h~$l of its knowl(KJ!jC Cind belld: No FedNal HPprOI)l i<~t()d fUl'H.lg ImvG boon paid or will be p~icJ, by or em IlOll~llf of It, tn <lilY pOt'son for infiuol\dl.(! or i111(::nlplin~llo inOur.1ncc <3fl offic03i or r.:mployee of any n\lerlGY, tl M.:::mhr,jr of ConDr U:;S, <)1) Qffii;<::r (\f €lmpll)yt;f: of Conorm,!;, 01' an employee of f,l Mem/)or or Connro~;s in cnnrHiC liol1 wiill1hc ~\w;]j{lilln of any Ff\d~rrll AnrE:(lllh'Jnl, tho mukinn of Dny Federal Granl, lhr.} iTwldn(J of any r:ecloliJl Itmn, IlH~ Dllkril1f1 into of ;:my cQopemlivf. ;:Inn~elllent, Md the eXI,en"ion, cOi'lllrn.h\lIon, nmow<ll, nr1lGlldl\1Gnt, or rt)c)dirll:;ifinll of ,my Fndoral contrncl, gn.ml, IO~'ln, or coopCJrativH 1:11](l',Qrncnl; II 1iIly ftmdH nlhor tl1,'ln Fc(I<.Jml 8ppropri;?1~I~cJ rUI\(1(; h~IVl) l.)lj(:;n paid or will 1)(: r;lid to i~ny p(Jr~jon for illflllOTicino or Dttl:~rnplinn 10 Inflllcnco em offlGOr or onlployee of any clooney, n MOIr'lIJCI' (J[ (;OI'l(4iF::;';, ;,1) oriic.or or enlp!ny(-~o of C('lI1Uf'C'l:)r), or crnployo[: of Cl MembM of CQl)nro~m, in conn~':ction wiHI till') F'nrjlmll Contmc:!, ~:Jr;ll",l, \(\6(1, or coopcrnliw:l f.lgrcemenl, it will cornplck and subrnll f31.:1nclmcJ Form' U.L, "nj'.::.(;I()~;Llrtl FCifrJ1 to F<C',part Lobbying" In [1G(;on Jnnco with il~ instrLJc1ion~; rmrl It will rC:(jllirfJ llitlt Ilj(j k~nOl.l.,rYj of tj)h; !,\,/f,)rJr,lph tl(: included in tho aW8rd r1oclJrnon!s for [\11 ~;Ll() ,Wi,'Hdr; ill i'lll ths (ind\Jdino $\ Ihcnnlrndi)l":>, SlIbnmnls, c:md conlr,"lC15 uno..r Uii.'mls, loans, and cooper':llivG L~(1rOCl1iont~;) Ollcllhnt nil subrcc.ipkmt.s sl11'1ll c{'Htify and dL~clm:.r; flcc(Jf(jin(Jly, Tills ccrltf:c:,djnf) h t1 rni.1tc:rinl r8presenli,lion of bet upon which rfJlbnw Wt.l$ pldcocl whl?;I) [I'll,; I.r;lr15;~C(j()fl W8S IYI3CJ"J or enl~H{lCl into. Submission of Ihis r,orUfictllioll is i) prorcqui:;il,; for rrwkinl"j or of)li.'d'ln[l inlo thii'> tn:il)~~(iGllon Il'Ilposod by Sec/i()n 1 :)1.';2, TltI~l 31. Unitt.=:dSt;;l1.r;!:; Codo, ^ny I ~el son wlw r.1i1::; te) fiIf~ tho refIlllruel ccrtjl'ic~1liOI) shrill be ~;"Ibjccllo a civil penally of rl(jtlo~;~ lI'i:m ~; 1 O,OQO nnd not 11101'\) fil::ln ~l: 100.000 for t;;1cl'! l';uch failtlre, s, Provlii-Ions R.IlCjl.lI,.od by I.~w Deamed Inserted f:;,~ch tll)d nvery provi$lol\ ()f !;:lW nnci d::l\Jse required by low to he in5crtC':d In this COllfmcl ~jtlcdl bo c1r.)(,;I1\:"d to hCl insor1.:;d hnrnin f'lntJ tilo conimct ~;lh\lIl.J() f'c.nd ;md enfor(;ed <:l!; lhounh it won~ inch Illi;d h~;ir;lfI, tJncl if t111'ourJill)\i~1C1k0 or olherwb: <lilY ~;uch provision I~; not InGOilod, nr ii,; not cor! cclly in~)0dt')d, tlron upon lile <1pplil:/'\lion of eithc:\r p"rty Iht'; contract sh::JII forlllwilh b8 phy~,;jcn'ly imH.HHkd to Ii1llk(" fill(;tl irlGr~niCln or carree-lion, 1:1 JUN-03-0b fRI 01:2f PM /.2. MI:)CELlJ\N[~OIlS FAX NO, 7067225020 p, 15 u. This l\[Jrt":nnwnt sllalt bn fJLwerned by and construed c.,ccLircllng to lho laws of 010 51,:de of Goor(Jlu b. limo :111l'11l bo of tho C~; scnCG to this Aorc(mwnl, except wheJ((: It Is h.;:reitl $1)E;(';jCin;lIy providt~<Il() U \l~ COlllr<:,ry. Subwcipli:ot ~JII:.ll1 pl'ovll1e lhn 6C()jlt'l or ,j(~1 vlt~t)$ in no<;(mli.'lnc(~ willlllw r;dlr:rJ Ill!": Ej(:t forth In !\ppclldlx B. IN WITN[SS WI'IEr~EOF, ttw rXHlil~:1 have set 1I1cir ~1::iIld$ and t,()als as of 1110 d;'l[(: first wr/lk:[) [.lllOvn. Al'l EST: S1;2' ,d1Jdl'/;I#/#?/ ~ Lonfl ~ lj( (H(fJ( ClNl! 01 CO;'Hnl~;;:;I()i'l [jCAL Af'1 !::S'j" :". __' " ....,__..._._.."._._._,___._____.____.. GE^L -...-_.___. -. ....-....,. ...,....- ... ..~.v...~ .",", ~.. "~'"'' ..... _ ......_____.. IV; il~: COlpOIT1\() Socrelr:lry ...... ....(f{i::)~~il.ii:~~;.;;;)..... _._____.____~!LG W:~ T.6..GJ;_(m.nJ ~___n__._____u.. (Granlt:c) #'-/8/) ~~ lly:_\L ~b~{~::O(J-;~' ~:':~-"--,....... '" As ilslayof ~. . / (SlIbrOC;PiOj' ()-i By -t!J((&/.1CL ~2_jf:JlJ'0/Y ~' {'.S Its President t4 JUN-03-0b FRI 01:27 PM FAX NO, '(Uo(22bU2U ~, 10 M~PEND1X A Erpi Of-.l, N f!.?l f "I ho proj.;cl if; Inl-ntocj wi1l1in 1M (IN)(Jrl:lpl tic lloundt'lI'j(H3 d0SCril.)E'((ns Soutll J\LJ(Jtl5ta. APPE:NDIX 1:.1 \ TIlYl,'\t.'lhh; For 11't'1plcrY1()ntc1tion of Contr<lr,b::d..~:)1 vIces ........... , ) ......._.. ,...__ ..__'...__..,...........~.. .. .,'.. '.~. ..~< ".... ......._. _......__ ____. "___"'H'''__''.~'''' 0'" ....~ _...... ___.........____.......__._....... Ccmtract ServIce It.l'!m E::.tilT111tod Til"l1e Poriod For hylpli:Ilh'~n!f1liol'\ It C<Hl1plotlon e~.h:.kDI"()Un(1 H(:!.;(\rlrcl1 <:111t! Analysis Fl1ur Monlhs [)llwdr.1prrlOllt of Wc)l'\( PI;::(I TW<J Months ^dvocacyiAs&isl,'Jnc~:~ Oulfc:.-.cll 8. OI1-tJolnn tl1rou....lhou! CCJnl.!'jICi flt.;il()d 80(\'iG~~S APPENDIX C --:~t1 BfJpg.I,ljNL.r~n.tl~!!mI!lQoJ). tOj,;-HeJl.... The ~3111)rc;cjph~nt !-;/)<JlI submit to the Gfi'.lnte~ tfln fOllnwin~licporlS for thr; lerm of this C)~lrt~I;lInr:(\t, Th'J (~r,H1\Or iF; 1 e:ljulrcd lli ~L1bmit rnonillly rqmrls rn(~mbers of lho "Adrrlinir;lralive ::~orviCt.!s Cornrniltr.)c" 011 lIll) IOpioc; lisl(':d below on tho topics listed belnw: ~ 'I'bo # (If tmsincsses Hss.istocl lhrough the City's dnvol()prnent review ~\I)d perrniHin~l procoss " Th':J :If of L)ll~)ini"w:;;en receiving gCI)p.rallechnicf)1 f1sSi~,lc1r\Ge WQS providQrl to ~ '1110 ii. or bLlsiness IjcL>nso:'~ proGe~>sect (starlcJ) Thiel iI of bu~.;inr~SEH~~ il8Sistocl with locafinn propertiosl commercial sit(~s .. -ih0 'Il of bllsinc~.scs k:avino lho l'ill1niclp:-J.lily (list) .. Tile) 11 of f)w:;ceesful outmf:jC':h marketlng c.1nlp::ilgns for IMHetecJ bl.lsinesSi.hi "nd industrios (list) Th..; It of mil iority. ownc;d anelloI' femalo-owned bus.inc:SS6S [) tart'~d I e)(r;:ifJ(j(;d 8nd tnnn!m'ltod (Ii~:t) l:)