HomeMy WebLinkAboutCONSOLIDATED MAILING SERVICES LLC I' / ," .4.-'.' . 'i _ ... ,. .-." Consolidated Mailing Services, LLC Retail Lockbox Service Contract The Contract made and enlered inl0 this ,;2. r day of..I'~._."__, 20_~Y and l)ctween Consolidated Mailing Services, LLC and Augusta. Georgia, a political subdivi.~ion a/flu? Stale ql'Georgia (hereinafter rderred to as "Customer"). The parties named above agree Consolidated Mailing Services, LLC shall provide Retail l';ockbox Service to the Customer under the following terms and conditions: I. It is the responsibility of the Customer to notify its payors thai remittanCes shall be mailed to Customer at a remittance address agreeable to both parties. Consolidated Mailing Services. LLC shall pick up mail at an agreed to local specified address or the Customer shall have such remittances delivered to Consolidated Mailing Services, LLC for processing Consolidated Mailing Services, LLC will pick up tnail according 10 Consolidated Mailing Services, LLC processing Schedule B, which may be amended from time to time by customer and Consolidated Mailing Services, LLC 2. Consolidated Mailing Services, LLC shall use its Remittance Proc~ssing equipment and programs to capture payment information for each payment received, provide.d such payments are accompanied by machine readable coupons whic.h meet the fomlats and specification required by Consolidated Mailing Services, LLC. 3. Customer authorizes Consolidated Mailing Services, LLC to endorse all checks on lheir behalf and deposit said checks to the Customer's business office or to a local depository bank for deposit to Customer's account. 4. Customer has sole responsihility to resolve disputed items deposited with the Customer's barn" Consolidated Mailing Services, LLC has no responsibility and is absolved of any dispute. 5. Cons.olidated Mailing Servic~s, LLC shall provide the Customer with a Remittance Detail Report reflecting all payment infOlnlation. This report shalJ be provided in the medhim f:pecificd by the Customer. Examples of payment media include printed media inclucle printed reports, diskettes, or data transmission. 6. Consolidated Mailing Services, LLC shall not process any item not accompanied by a valid payment coupon, or <lilY payment whose coupon cannotbe read by Coni;olidated Mailing Services, l.LC system. Th~e non-processable items shall be delivered by courier the following day to the Customer for further handling. CD . t.ft/ 7. Consolidated Mailing Services, LLC shall create a ~ record of payments processed and will deliver the developed film to the City of AugUSta as film canisters are filled.. The film will be property of the City of Augusta. . 8. Consolidated Mailing SerVices, LLC shall maintain a temporary backup liIe of all payments processed. This backup file is the sole basis for recreating work which may be required in the evenl that the transmitted output by Consolidated Mailing Services, LtC to the Customer is unusable It is the Customer's responsibility to promptly (within 3 business days at no additional charge) report to Consolidated Mailing Services, LLC if there is a problem with any data provided so the data can be retrieved prior to the erasure of the backup. 9. Consolidated Mailing Services, LLC and the Customer shall each make available to the other the names and phone nUl11bers ofop\lrational contacts who should be notified in the event of any processing difficulties experienced by either party. Spedal Senices Contract for Consolidated Mailing Scrvices, LLC 09.114 .4...;' ..;.. ~ . .. " 10. Chafge~ for tlus service are provide.d in the attached Proposal. Consolidated tvlailing Services, LLC Olay amend within ninety (90) days prior to renewal of contract any fees set forth in the attached proposal effective with renewal. Augusta Richmond County has the fights to refbse or reject any proposed increases to Ihis contract. II. The Customer agrees to, hold harmless Consolidated Mailing Services, LLC from and agaulst any and all expenses, cost, claims, causes of action, and liabilities resulting from claims by third parties, which directly or indireclly arise from the handling of, and credit given for, remittallce items handled under this <:ontraet, it being wlderstood that Consolidated Mailing Services, l..LC acts herein as agent. for the Customer. 12. Cunsolidated Mailing Services, LLC shall not be liable 10 Customer or any other party for additional damages to inciude consequential damages, ex.cept in the caRe of gross neglIgence, fraud, or willful misconduct on Consolidated Mailing Service$, LLC part. 13. Strikes, tires, shortages of labor or materials, severe weather, natural disasters, or Consolidated Mailing Services, LLC processing systems, or other cal1ses beyond the control of Consolidated Mailing Services, LLC which shall affect Consolidated Mailing SerVices, LLC ability to pertonn hereunder shall constitute valid grounds for suspension of Consolidated Mailing Services, L1.C performance standards until such time as the event causing the delay has ceased to affect Consolidated Mailing Services, LLC ability to perform. 14. Tcnnination of this contract may be made by either party upon ninety (90) days written notice of the other. This contract shall rel1lllin ill full force and effect after the effective date of cancellation with respect 10 items previously received aTld processed here.under. 15. This contract, together with all exhibits referenced herein, constitutes the entire contract between the Consolidated Mailing Services, LLC and the Customer and supersedes all other proposals, oral or written, between the parlies on this subject. This contract may be modified only in v,rriting and with tile mut\lal consent of the parties hereto. This contract shall be construed and regulated under and by the laws of the State of Georgia. . 16. Consolidated Mailing Services, L.LC agrees to safeguard Customer's confIdential or proprietary infonnation to the same extent that Consolidated Mailing Services, LLC safeguards confidential and proprietary infonllstion in its own business, Consolidated Mailing Services, LLC agrees to lake all reasonable steps to prevent the disclosure, publication, or dissemination of Customer's contldential or proprietary infomlstion to any other person, entity, or govermnental agency, except where and to the extent specifically required by law. 17. In all cases, the parties a{,'ree to use all reasonable effort to carry out the letter and spirit of tbis Conlract and to use good f8ithand commercial reasonableness in their dealing with one another. I R. All claims. disputes and other matters in questions between the Customer and Consolidated Mailing Services, LLC arising out of or r'elating to the contract, or the breach the.reof, shall be decided in the Superior Court of Richmond County, Georgia. Consolidated Mailing Services, LLC, by executing this Contract, specifically consent to venue in Richmond County and waive any right to contest the venue in tbe Superior Court of Richmond County, Georgia. 19" Any and all Consolidated Mailing Services, LLC employees who are to pick up, transport or deposit or otherwise handle checks belonging to Augusta, ur who are involved in accounting to Augusta for such monies, pursuant to tbis contract shall be bonded in an amount not less thall $50,000. 20. CoIt~olidated Mailing Services, LLC shall maintain at all times, or shall cause its courier to maintain at all tinles during t.he Lerm of this Contract, at Consolidated Mailing Services, LLC sole eXpCIDit:.: comprehcm,ive and general public liability insurance coverage against claims for personal injury. death and/or property Special Senkes Contract for Consolidated 1'I1aillng Ser\'ites, LLC 09-114 't. ,. ..-... ,. ..... damage occuniug in connection with the pcrfonnallce of this Contract, with limits of (;()verage of not less than $500,000 for penH.1llul injury (including dealh) per persoll and $1,000.000 per OC(;urrencc and not less than $100,000 for property damage. 21 The parties agree that they arc not joint ventures or partners for any purpo:>es, but that Consolidated Mailing Services, LLC acts as an independent contractor of the Customer. The C\lstomcr acknowledges and agrees that it cannot und shall nol control the time, method, alldJor mallner of perfonnance under this Contract 22. This Contract shall be for an illitialteml five (5) years, and shall automatically rel1ew tor additional term of one (1) year up to five (5) years unless either party indicates, ill writing ilDd at Ieast 90 days' prior to the scheduled expiration of the current teon. its desire to cancel the Contracl, Of unless the Contract is tenn.inated in accordance with Section 14 above. 23. Consolidated Mailing Services, LLC will provide annual rebate to Augusta/Richmond County based on doing the work outlined in this document and the attached proposal (Atiacllment A) with the exception of the following: , Printing Envelopes (which was agreed upon that Augusta/Richmond County Print Shop will print ALL envelopes for its billing). Yenr 1 ..2009 - Rebate of 3% due 1/31/2010 Year 2 - 201 0 - Rebate of 4% due 1/3\120 I I Vear 3 -,2011 - Rebate of 5% due 1/31/2012 Year 4 - 2012.- Rebate of6% due 1/31/2013 Year 5 - 2013... Rebate of7% due 1/3112014 24. Any Augusta Richmond County Department can be added under tillS Contract as necessary and agreeable to both the city and the Consolidated Mailing Services, LLC. IN WITNESS WHEREOf, Consolidated Mailing SeI\'ices, LLC, Inc. and the Customer have caused this Contract to be executed by their duly authorized officers and to be effective as of the day and year first above noted. Consolidated Mailing Services, LLC By: Jt:kI E ./!~_ffL - Print Name;~;.9 plT Z. /l~/~ . -ar;;: T;t1, A~ tlJ-t- Customer, Authorized Representative By Sl2- ~~ ~--- Print Name: 7~ J~p. s. ~~~ J+A.v6~ Depanments to be included: District Attorney License & Inspections Department State Court Superior Court Tax Assessor Tax Commission Utilities Department Special Services Contract for (:ousQlidnIL-d Mailing Senices, l-LC 09-114 i: Ii I; !I l: I - - , ;;<:I 0 tTl ....., . - [/l -0 (I) n >' rt I-' 0 >' '0 rtPJrr::J >-3 f-" >-3 tJj 01 f-"::J H GJ Ul>-3 UlhJ Ul tJj --l ~ ~ r.F1 E trl r; f-'. 0 C r; ::J'O'< 01 ::J' rt::J' 0 ::J Ul 0 rt (]) C 0 (]) r; f-" 0 0 ~ '"l = [/l 001 01 r;tO (]) (]) 0 S f-" f-'- rr o.Ul:<: (]) r; rr o' ::J 0 tOrr - 0 r:::1' (I) "::Jrrr;CUl (]) (]) (]) Ul :<: Ul C S f-'- LJ. rtS ::J (D 3 ..... ..... to < t--' Ul f-'- C Ul (]) f-" '0 I 0. 01 rt(])'O (])GJ.... rt .. 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