HomeMy WebLinkAboutCharles G. Bartlett (2) Augusta Richmond GA DOCUMENT NAME: cmY\e,~ 6. ~Q(-\-\-t%- DOCUMENT TYPE: ~~()t\- YEAR: ~I BOX NUMBER: D ~ FILE NUMBER:\~l.\l9 . - NUMBER OF PAGES: 6 \;. 's \" '-. . " COUNCIL OF JUVENILE COURT JUDGES OF GEORGIA '. PURCHASE OF SERVICES FOR JUVENILE OFFENI)ERS CONTRACT FOR SERVICES (Subcontract) SS#: 242-56-7391 This contract is hereby made this between Charles G. Bartlett day of September , 19 97 , (Name) 2316 Baswood Dr., Augusta. Ga. 10906 (Address), hereafter the "Contractor", and the County of . Richmond of the State of Georgia hereafter referred to as the "County'" by which the Contractor a'grees to supply, and the County agrees to purchase, Symbolic re~titution - personne:5ervices for eligible children. WITNESSETH Whereas the County has contracted with the Council ofJuvenile Court Judges,hereafter referred to as the "Council", pursuant to a grant entitled Purchase of Sen';ces for Juvenile Offenders authorizing the County to purchase certain services from public or private persons, organiza~ions, institutions, firms or corporations; And whereas Contractor is a person, organization, institution, firm or corporation engaged . in or able to engage in providing such services; The parties hereto do mutually agree as follows: A. DEFINITIONS -. As used herein: 1. Eligible Child: (a) any child alleged to be delinquent who has not been held in a jail lacking sight and sound separation of adults and juveniles; or (b) any child 'alleged to be a status offender or unruly child . who has not been held in secure detention for longer than twenty-four hours. 2. Judge: the judge charged with hearing juvenile cases in the County. B. SERVICES The Contractor agrees to prov.ide the following service(s) (fill in all appropriate categories) to eligible children upon proper referral in the manner and at the rates set forth below: l'.Il:.I.,"IS.1 ,.) I.S"\ -2 b --. 1. Counseling: For the eligible child at a rate of $ per hour. For the eligible child and his family at a rate of $ per hour. DiagnosticlPsychological testing for the eligible child at a rate of $ per hour. 2. Housing: At $ per day per child. Contractor agrees to. provide housing in a'non-secure facility that meets l,he requirements ofOCGA.., . 915-11-2_. , \. 3. Educationalffutorial Services: At a rate of$ per hour. 4. Per'sonncl Services: $ 10.00 per hour for adult supervision of court-designated work. programs of symbolic restitution for eligible children. . 5. Tr:msportation: For transpo,rtingan eligible child to services purchased pursuant to the . contract between the County and the Council, pa}'IT!Cnt will be II tt cents per mile or the maximum rate allowed by the State. Transport2tion costs for the Contractor odlisagent if services are to be' provided in a' county other than the county in which the Contractor's principal place of business; or if none, home located. The Contractor or llis agent may. receive reimbursement for the actual mileage, by the most direct route possible, 'between Contractor's principle place of business, or if the Contractor has no principle place of business, the Contractor's home and the place at which the services arc to be rendered. The maximum rate of reimbursement will be II II cents per mile or the maximum rate allow~ by tIle State. Travel must be by private automobile. . . ,.-. C. REFERRAL Whether a child is referred to a Coniractor under this contract and the extent and combination ofsclviccs to be provided is within the discretion ofthejudgc. ClCJ."OS.SC J I Itc\', (,/')4 1: i~ ~c. .' .,,1' G. DISPUTES, API)EALS, AND REMEDiES . , . Any di~pu(c a~ising uildcr tllis contract, whichlii tiet disposed of by agreement, shall be dccided,in t~lefon~~ng manner. The contracting parti~sshall reduce to writing their opposi~~ arguments. an~submit thcrf! to Th~ Counci,1 of Juvenile 'Court Judges. 1":he Council,' shall set a time for hearing Within thirty (30) days of receipt of the initial argument. The argument will be heard by The G()~ncil's Grants{ynru,ly ServicesCommillee. The decis.i()nofthe GrantslUru1.1ly~ervices Committee shall be final and conclusive unless detennined otherwise by a court of competent jurisdiction. Pending final decision of a dispute here under. the contracting parties shall proceed diligently ~th the perf~rmance,ofthe contract and in accordance with the tenns of the contract. . H. STATE AND FEDERAL REGULA TrONS This co~tract is subject to all regulations and rules placed on contracts of this type by Office of Juvenile Justice and Delinquency Prevention and the Children and Youth' Coordinating Council. This contract and all rights and obligations thereunder, including matters of construction. validity and performance, shall be governed by the laws of Georgia. The CYCC. OJJDP, the Comptroller General of the United States. the Council, and the County or any oftheir.duly.authorized representatives sha\l.have access. for the purpose of audit and examination-. to any. books. documents. papers and records oCthe Contractor that are pertinent to the:grant. L INTEGRATION AND MODIFICATION This contract represents the sole and entire agreement between the Contractor and the County and all offers. negotiations or agreements between the parties are merged herein. , . I No modification of the contract is binding unless it is in writing and signed by the parties hereto. Time is of the essence of the contract. '4." ...... , .).) Rc\'. GI'?4 C.lCJ.I'O~-~C ;c ~ . .. . '~' " No child shall be referred to or received by a Contractor unless that chil.d is an eligible child under this contract ana. the judg~, has ordered the referral. D. DUAL COMPENSATION No persons holding public office or working full-time and receiving compensation . directly from any department, agency or institution of the State or County government, may enter 'into or receive payment under any subcontract authorized by this contract, unless such services were rendered at times for which such persons were not being compensated by the department, agency or institution of the State or County government employing himlher. Full-tim.ecourt employces or Department of Children and Youth Scrvices pcrsonnel arc not eligiblc to. '.4'. rcceive paymcnt for services rcndered at any time under this contract. In no event shall the Contractor during the term of this agreement apply for funds from any other source - County, State or Federal - or receive payment for services rendered . . under this contract if such payment would be used to supplant funds granted to the Contractor . from any other sourCe for the same services and for the same clients as. are the subject of this contract. This prohibition will'not apply, however, ifin accepting furids from such other sources - County, State, or Federal- Contractor expands the type and/or number,.of services and/or clients it serves. E. PAYMENT The Contractor agrees to provide services to each eligible child referred by the judge. The Contractor is to submiuo the County a monthly statement showing the dateS and times worked, the names of the children for whom' services were provided, a brief description of the services provided, the total number of hours worked, the hourly rate of payment and the total amount owed. The rate of payment for any services shall not exceed the rates 'prescribed in the contract for provision of Purchase of Services between the County and the Council. III no event shall the total payment under this contract exceed $ 5,000.00. F. EFFECTIVE DATE AND TERMINATION This contract will be effective as of the date of signing by both parties and shall tenninate on the 30th day of September. 19 97.A11 requests for payment must be submitted no later than the 15th day of September . 19. 98 . And any requests submitted after the. 15th day of October I 19 98. . must be sent by registered mail. However,-. either party hereto may tenninate this contract at any time prior to the aforesaid expiration date for cause and the County may terminate this contract at its convenience, upon written notice to the other party, thirty (30) days prior to the' termination date. PaYment may be obtained as provided herein for services actually rendered up to the date of termination. CJCJ.I'OS.SC 32 I{,:\'. GI9~ t" -; ~ IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the parties hereto have executed ~his cOntract on the 1 n day of September... H , 19 97 V'... ~,". '. ~ '/;/dtj~ WITNESS: Ilt{, ~V :::~ ~ ....~~ TITLE: Svmbol'ic restitution - Personnel This document approved as to Gagal sufficiency and form. t)!:! '1j-U/?J ttorney :.oC)t1} -... CJCJ.I'OS.SC )'1 . Itc\'. 61'}4