HomeMy WebLinkAboutBoard of Regents of the University System of Georgia Augusta Richmond GA DOCUMENT NAME: 'CX:::OKO D~ '(~ot-S a\-'~G 1lI\1\\Je'f8\~ $.,jS~ at C'\eD'(l}\CL . DOCUMENT TYPE: Ci)(\~~(A~t YEAR: C\\l BOX NUMBER: O~ F~ENUMBER: \~~l\ NUMBER OF PAGES: e::J .-" ..' , " -". (I (OUNlY EXTENSION PERSONNEL CONTRACT/MEMORANDUM OF UNDERSTANDING J 4. . Between THE BOARD OF REGENTS OF THE UNIVERSm SYSTEM OF GEORGIA On Behalf ot ffB) 1. ~ . THE UNIVERSm OF GEORGIA COOPERATIVE EXTENSION SERVICE and the Augusta - Richmond COUNTY BOARD OF COMMISSIONERS In accordance with the Smith-Lever Act of the U.s. Congress of 1914, an agreement betWeen The Board of Regents of the University of Georgia system on behalf ofThe Univenity of Georgia Extension Service and the U.s. Department of Agriculture to conduct Extension work in Georgia, and by virtue of the alIthority conferred upon the governing authority of the county under Article 9, Section 4Jaragraph 2. of the Constitution as amended in 1983. as implemented in the 0, C. G. A. # 20-2-62 and O.c.G.A. # 48-5-210. 10. the Augusta-RichmondCounty Board of Commissioners hereinafter referred to as the COUNTY and the Board of Regents of the Univenity of Georgia by and on behalf of The UGA Extension Service hereinafter referred to as THE UGA EXTENSION SERVICE do hereby agree to cooperate in the operation of an Extension education program in agriculture, natural resoun:es and environmental management. family and consumer science, 4-Hlyouth work. and subjects related thereto in Augusta-RichmondCounty. SECTION I The UGA EXTENSION SERVICE shall: I. _ employ and supervise County Extension personneL It shall be the responsibility of THE UGA EXTENSION SERVICE to establish minimum qualifications for County Extension penonntl. certify the qualifications of all applicants, and to determine the total salary applicants are to be paid. 2. _ appoint County Extension personntl in compliance with Equal Employment Opportunity regulations and subject to the approval of the COUNTY. 3. _ in the event the work of any County Extension staff member be<omes unsatisfactory to the COUNTY. it shall be the responsibility of the COUNTY to communicate this dissatisfaction to the District Extension Director of the UGA EXTENSION SERVICE. It shall then be the responsibility of the UGA EXTENSION SERVICE to appropriately deal with the dissatisfaction and advise the COUNTY of action taken. if any. The UGA EXTENSION SERVICE shall have the right to terminate or transfer penonnel from the county. In either case. a replacement will be selected for the county. following the procedure described above. 4. - keep at all times an accurate re<ord of all funds re<eived and disbursed under this agreement including all support documenn. THE UGA EXTENSION SERVICE shall retain such records for a period of three (3) years unless an audit has begun but not been completed or if the audit findings have not been resolved at the end of three (3) year period. In such cases, the re<ords shall be retained until the audit is complete or until the resolution of the audit findings. s. - carry out all work under this agreement in accordance with the administrative and other requirements, including personnel matters. established by the Univenity of Georgia. federal and state laws. regulations. and standards. 6. _ provide County Extension personnel with the ne<essary stationary. envelopes. publications and other educational materials needed for an effective program. THE UGA EXTENSION SERVICE also agrees to plan. implement and conduct training as ne<essary to keep County Extension personnel adequately prepared to conduct effective. releVant Extension programs. 7. . pay a portion of the salary and associ~ted benefits of County Extension personnel at a rate in compiiance with the Board of Regents and the UGA EXTENSION SERVICE salary adminisr:ation policieS.' _ reimbu~'~1I Co~nty Ext"et:!sion~p~nnel directly for expenses incurred on behalf of the UGA EXTENSION SERVICE for officially designated travel outside Augusta-Richmond County.. . , 8. 9. - support County Extension personntl and the Extension program inAugusta-Richmond County,with ne<essary assis&lllce of district and state subject matter and supervisory penonnel and other resoun:es as available from the Univenity of Georgia, The UniversitY System of Georgia, and other agencies and organizations with whom THE UGA EXTENSION SERVICE cooperat~s. . "', . . " .. ... 10. _ report to the August-Richmond County Board of Commissioners at regular intervals on the nature of the County Extension program and progress being made. ~. ~ >1" SECTION II The COUNlY shaU: I, - provide a SlJitable County Extension offICe: the suitability of the office to be agreed on by all parties. The COUNTY further agrees to provide sufficient funds to pay for necessary office SlJpplies, office equipment, telephone, utilities, postage, demonstration materials, janitorial service and other items necessary for the operation of an effective Extension education program. 2. - provide a portion of the salaries and/or associated benefits of County Extension personnel as shall be agreed upon by UGA EXTENSION SERVICE and the COUNTY. Salary and benefits, including leave, shall be calculated according to policies established by the Board of Regents. The UGA EXTENSION SERVICE will provide quarterly statements to the COUNTY reflecting the COUNTY portion of benefits and/or salary. COUNTY reimbursement for county portion of benefits will be made to the UGA EXTENSION SERVICE in the full amount upon receipt of the statement.. COUNTY reimbunement for county portion of salary shall be paid monthly by the COUNTY directly to County Extension pmonnel unless some other method is agreed upon in writing by the UGA EXTENSION SERVICE and COUNTY, 3, - reimburse the travel expenses of County Extension personnel for official county travel withirt\.ugusta-RichmOladJnty. The COUNTY travel reimbursement shall be paid monthly by the COUNTY directly to County Extension personnel unless some other method is agreed upon in writing by the UGA EXTENSION SERVICE and COUNTY. 4, - approve or disapprove appointments of County Extension personnel. 5. -notify the District Extension Director of the UGA EXTENSION SERVICE if the work of any County Extension staff member is unsatisfactory to COUNTY. 6, - evaluate financial support to THE UGA EXTENSION SERVICE annually. make adjustments as necessary for continued effective SlJpport. and to notify THE UGA EXTENSION SERVICE of these adjustments. SECTION III \. ihis Contract/Memorancium shall take effect when it is executed by theAugusta-Richmond:OUHTY BOARD OF COMMISSIONERS and THE UGA EXTENSION SERVICE, 2, The term of this Agreement shall be from April 1, 1997 written notice of such intent provided ninety (90) days in advance. to March 31, 1999 However, it may be terminated by either party by 3, This Agreement may be modified by mutUal written agreement of the parties hereto. 4, This Agreement may be renewed annually by letter of agreement signed by the parties hereto. 5, Neither party to this agreement will discriminate against any em college or against any stUdent in his/her course of stUdy or. nln Date 10/95