HomeMy WebLinkAboutWestinghouse Savannah River Company DOCUMENT NAME: DOCUMENT TYPE: YEAR /910 BOX NUMBER: ! FILE NUMBER: NUMBER OF PAGES: Augusta Richmond GA . /;JU+J n~ hDUSt- CoWl pa~};1 0-0rgp, fNU/L t /;) 7 of{ 4 ~O- V t;- Vl n ().. h R ,VJ2Y LARRY E. SCONYERS Chairman FREDDIE L. HANDY VICe-Chairman BO.L'\RlDOJF 'C:Olv1MISS10NERS HENRY H. BRIGHAM JERRY BRIGHAM Wm. .WILLlE. H. MAYS, III LEE NEEL, III J. B. POWELL MOSES TODD ROOM 605' CITY.COUNTY MUNICIPAL BLDG. (11) AUGUSTA, GEORGIA 30911 LINDA W. BEAZLEY County Admlnlslralor Bus. (706) 82 q488 Fax No. (706) 722.5984 August 5, 1996 WALTER S. HORNSBY, III Ass!. County Admlnlstralor JAMES B. WALL County Attorney APPROVED AUG 6 1996 Reply To: P. O. BOX 2125 Auguste. GA 30903 Ms. Lena Bonner Clerk, Commission-Council City-County Bldg. (11) Augusta, Ga 30911 (AUGUSTA-RICHMOND COUNTY COMMISSION) RE: Mutual Aid Agreement between Westinghouse Savannah River Company, Inc. and Richmond County Dear Lena: I am enclosing a "Mutual Aid Agreement" which I would ask that you place on the addendum for consideration by the Commission- Council tomorrow. A joint signing ceremony has been scheduled for August 14. Thanking you and with best personal regards, I am JBWjsjp truly, Enclosure cc: Commission-Council - via telecopier: Mayor Larry E. Sconyers Commissioner Freddie L. Handy Commissioner Lee Beard Commissioner Rob Zetterberg Commissioner Moses Todd Commissioner Henry Brigham Commissioner J. B. Powell Commissioner Jerry Brigham Commissioner Ulmer Bridges Commissioner Willie Mays Commissioner Bill Kuhlke CONTRACT A.l)lfI~ P. 4/6 ~ U \7" ~Ol1 -o'iI11A[J~ 0S"29~':'_l~: 4~M-J{e..~f1.r:aS-sY? . Q"",V"''' u';'" ...,..... MUT!1AL AID AG:R~ THIS AGREEMENT entered into this the day of 1996 by and between WESTINGHOUSE SA V ANNAB RIVER COMPANY~ INC., a corporation duly org wzccl and existing uncler the law5 of the State of Delaware, iUld having aD office in Aiken. SOU111 Carolilla. (bereinatter WSRC). ~ctiDg under Contract No. DE-AC09-89SR18035 with the UNITED STATES OF AMERICA (hereinafter called the IIGovernm=nr") as represenll.d by [be DEPARTMENT OF ENERGY (herejnafter called "DOEP). and RICHMOND (:OtJNTY. GEORGIA. through its EMERGENCY MANAGEMENT AGENCY (hereillafter ~Ied the "Agency"): WHEREAs, th~ Agency is respouiibJe for developing emergency preparedness plans and procedures and coordinati.Dg real-time response to emergency eVents affecting Ri~hmoJjd County, including severe weather evenLS such as tornadoes. hurricanes and heavy raiQ.$~ as '"eU as the nllSase of h~dous substanc:e.s from indusuiaI sites; and 'WHEREAS. the.se emergency eventS may impacr diose ~ adjacent ro RidJmond Com ry; and WHEREAS; tlle Savannah River Site (SRS) is lo~ated adj~ent to Richmond CCllnty, and potentially impacted by ~neies within Richmond. County; and WHEREAS. WSRC has me meteorological capabilities to assist a:u:l enhance the AgcnGY's emergency preparedness capabilities witbin aDd adjacent ro Riehmond County; and. WHEREAS. both parties listed herein have a willingness [0 provide mutua} assisbrtce when necdccL NOW THEREFORE in consideration of the mutual benefic to be derived. by all parties concerned. it is hereby agreed: 1. SERVICES: a. Meteorological Monitoring for Emergency Response. WSRC stlall assist J~jchmond County by installing. alibrating. and maintaining D1eteorologic:aJ equipment ax l:p to three (3) locatioll$ withip .~riti~al iniu,,~itga). a~eas of Ric:bmond County for w.e during emergencieS' blV8IVihg1ikZiCd.ods sue:rca:nces (a.s defined by 40 CFR 302.4 anI 140 CFR. 355). These areas are: (1) along Marvin Griffin road., (2) along Clanton and Tah:2.CCO road intersection. and (3) along Georgia. Higbway 5'6 south of Bush riel,t WSRC will loan two complete sets of equipment upon a commitment by Richmond CounLY Lo purchase equipment for at least one othOl" monitoring locatioh. A complete 5et of instrw nenta'tioD consists af a cup anemometer. a bi.direetional wind vane, and a temperature ser sor. Any equipment purc:hased by Richmond County or its agents under this agtament ! nail meet specifications established by WSRC. For each monitoring location. Richmond' :ounly or its agents shall arrange for or purcnase (1) acc:ess to a platform for mounting the instrumentation. (2) a climber for placemel1t of th~ equipment and rel:rievall%1:pl81 :ement of [he eq~ipment during calibration, (3) POWI:t and telephoD~ service, (4) a da.ta lagger for :. 2. :; IS. 9 '3 ': 1 : .;, s p :.: ? S 4 lJJ (/',l."'.f:4u"G 05".','96 - . 1~: 49PM -Ref-fiN/I!? J:;I;OIV D~ DIY CONIK.\cr ADKIN P.5/6 l(Z.l ooa Iil 012 processing sensor outpUt and local storage of the data" (5) nec:~ cabliI,g. and (6) modem for transmission of d.a.ta to WSRC computers. In . addition, Riclunond C :)Un~ shall mange for a permanent point of contact for coordination of all insrallalion, .a: aimenacce (routine and non-routine), aga calibration actiVities. Routine maintenance and calibration of the equipment shall be conducted by WSRC once every six months, in a.ccordan..:e With the existinS WSRC %nCteorological tnonitoring program.. Richmond County or its a~ts shall provide WSRC wirh (I' 8Cc::eSS to the mOnitoring platfonn for routit1c mainu nan~ and calJbration of the equipment ana (2) a climber (or recri~~placement of lhe ;quipment during routine maintenance ana calibration. At no time shall WSR.C be required to commit re5~es for maintenaace of these sensors if critical b1eleOrological sensors ,It SRS are determined by WSRC to require the i:mn1ediate attention ofmainteD8.Dl:e pel'SonneJ. Data from the monitoring sites shall be made continually itQ:essible to the emergenc J response inrercsts of WSRC and Richmond County through WSRC"s Weather lnfomlation and Di!pJay System ~ompUters, WSRC will also access. archive and provide :lata from existing moniroring locatiot1$ in Ril:hmond County as mutually acgeptable to \/SR.C and Richmond County. WSRC will not have any responsibility for the C~ Hbration. _maiDte11a.nce or any odl2r services or obligatioQS .relative to any el:lstipg !Jl.ollitoring loc:arioDs in Richmcmci County. b. Consequences ASscsmlcnt Modds. WSRC shall provide cusrom CODsequence B :.tses.'mlent models to Ric:hmond Coot)' for use in emergencies Ul'Volving release of Ilazard.ous SUbSUlACeS to the atmosphere. In addition, WSRC shall pmvide installation of lie models on an IBM compatible pelSOGIl compUter. ttaining on use of the models, user mS:1uals. and me ability to access a data set of up to twelve hours of meteorological data. cOllected by WSRC's Weather InfonnaUQIl and Display (WlNJ)) System for input to the mode- 1.&. c. Meteorological Consultations. In the event of a severe weather threat or J lazardous substances emerge.ney within Richmond CCI Wlty , WSRC shall Iltnder meeeN~logica1 cousultations. interpretations and forecasts, upon request. as an aid in the deve.11 'PlIlCDt of protective measu.~. Severe weather rhr=ats are defined as the occ;tm'ence Ot potential development ofhurricanex'conditions, he.avy rains. heavy ic:e or snow. high win..ts, and/or tornadoc.s. Any lneleorologicaI advice or forecast rendered by WSRC dunllB' severe \&leather events are supplementary to Severe weather watches, warn.in.gs. or other ~ l:atements issued by the National Weather Service, Columbia, se. 2. REQUESTING AS 51ST ANCE: Assistance und.er Chis _agreement may be reql UU'ted or autboriud by the Director. Richmond County Emergency Managc:ment Agency 01' ;"}.i5 or her dmgnee who is direCting the operations for which assistance is being requested. 3. RENU.MERAnON: No compensation will a.cf;fUe or become due for any services rendered uader fhis agreemenL 4. RESPONSIBILITY AND LIABILITY: Each party waives all claims against (he other for compensation tor any loss. .ciamage,. personal injury ~r deatb OCcu.lTing ~ a con5e(;U~ of any assisranee rendered or 1nfonnation. data, or ad.VIce shared under thlS agreemem or as a consequence of th~ performance of this agreelnent in any manner whatsoever. 5. RESPONSIBn..ITY FOR EXECUTION: Agency heads or dcs;gnatc:d rcprescnmti, e& of the parties mWlt together eucute this agreement 2 ....1=: j6 ': t: ";',3 F:',1 == J': ., -..- -RCEMA:--- 0711 ~9U.G.. 0~r.:J3q,I;II}..2,. 5jll!J oU"l;IIoit8S17 ---.. --~ -.. CONnACI' ADMIN P.6/6 '8l UU'll ~C1J 6. TERMINATION: This Agreement may be amendeci by vnitten agreement between WS.RC and Richmond Cowny. This Agreement may be rennin3fe(i by the mutual ~t of the WSRC and Richmond County or by either party upon 3o..day wrirt:en nod" to the. ether pany. However. termination of one pan of this Agreement does not constitute rermim cion of the entire Agreemenr. Unle:iS previously renninated. this Agreement will be in effect fo . five years from the dale ~ eXeQIUOD.. 7. APPR.OV AL BY DOE; This Agreement or any extension, revision or modification l'lel'l!Of shall be l)ubjcct to the W1'i[Ien approval of DOE, and shall not be binding until so ap~ roved. IN WITNESS WHEREOF. the parties heretO have executed this Agreement as of rhe dE y~ montb, and year flrst above 'It'TiueQ. WESTINGHOUSE SAVANNAH RIVER COMP~'~. INC. BY: - NAME: TITLE: RICHMOND COt1NIY. GEORGIA EMERGENCY MANAGEMENT AGENCY BY; NAME: Tn'LE: APPROVED: UNITED STATES DEPARTMENT OP ENERGy BY: NAME: 71TLE: - 3 Cl8. 05. 96 01 :48 PM ?'J6