HomeMy WebLinkAboutWACHOVIA BANK NATIONAL (" Book 01143:0372 Augusta - Richmond County 200704884709/17/200715:19:03.00 $0 00 AGREEMENT \ \IIlil \\11\ 1111\ 1111\ \11\\ 11111 11111 \111\ III11 1111111111111 2007048847 Augusta - Richmond County Return to: County Attorney's Office 701 Greene Street, Suite 104 Augusta, GA 30901 STATE OF GEORGIA ) ) COUNTY OF RICHMOND ) SUBORDINATION AGREEMENT THIS AGREEMENT, made and entered into this ;;).7 day of A Inl ~~:r -',2007, by and between AUGUSTA, GEORGIA, a political subdivision ~Georgia (hereinafter referred to as "AUGUSTA"), and W ACHOVIA BANK, NATIONAL ASSOCIATION, (hereinafter referred to as "BANK"); WITNESSETH: WHEREAS, THOMAS M. MITCHELL and SUE L. MITCHELL (hereinafter referred to as "OWNERS") on September 6,2006 gave to BANK an Open-End Deed to Secure Debt to the property described on Exhibit A, to secure a certain indebtedness to BANK and said Open-End Deed to Secure Debt is recorded in the Office of the Clerk of the Superior Court of Richmond County, Georgia, in Realty Reel 1080, page 241. WHEREAS, OWNER has granted an Easement dated _ to AUGUSTA across the property described on Exhibit A, the original of which is to be recorded in the Office of the Clerk of the Superior Court of Richmond County, Georgia; and WHEREAS, BANK is willing to subordinate the lien of its said Open-End Deed to Secure Debt dated September 6, 2006 to any interest that AUGUST A may have in the above referenced easement. NOW, THEREFORE, in consideration of the premises and the mutual covenants and promises hereinafter contained and the duties to be undertaken, BANK does hereby. agree and declare that the lien of the Open-End Deed to Secure Debt from OWNER to BANK, dated September 6, 2006, and recorded in the Office of the Clerk of the Superior Court of Richmond County, Georgia in Realty Reel 1080, page 241, iS,and Book 01143:0373 Augusta - Richmond County 200704884709/17/2007 15:19:03.00 forever shall be subject, subordinate and inferior in lien right and dignity at all times to the easement from OWNER to AUGUSTA which is to be recorded in the aforesaid Clerk's Office. WHEREFORE, BANK has caused this instrument to be executed by its duly authorized officers and seal affixed, all on the date above first written. W ACHOVIA BANK, NATIONAL ASSOCIATION BY:nt~ 16ar Its: Mellnda Vest Aa8L J'~ P,.ljeut <j iiiyJt?};i.::~-y:,\. :*, \,\\\~'~"I'~""r~. I' \." i~"'" ~ it ;/1: ',. ..' ~-t)~)~ J.Jj"#""i '-'/ :~.~, w?n:o-~-fo'-.~:ci~"\ :'1 :: ......" H~,"i> ~'''',tT...l ~~;y ." -f", ~:i~:/rj S~:1 "1 i~~~\~! . ::_.(:;, ~Lli~ .'~'.~ ~'~:.~t.~:.,,~..... 7';:~~ -;::tf"/ :.: ;:- ...... 1 ff Wi; y~~j:...'fJ.l ..,~.. ~.f.>~,' ';'';d., ... ",,~.....- ~A l;. ... .....,'{/t" "'...."'<f. }() .... ;-.";0] 'Jl' <",\. 'I';J,,:! 'fj j\U I;":ll" Its: Signed, Sealed and Delivered in ilie p~nce of: ~ iJJ.AcW Unof cml Witness , I Book 01143:0374 Augusta - Richmond County 2007048847 09/17/2007 15:19:03.00 I Exhibit A THE DESCRIBED PROPERTY: THAT TRACT OR PARCEL OF LAND LYING AND BEING IN LOT(S) 034, BLOCK OOa, SAND RIDGE SUBDIVISION, SECTION 02A, AS PER PLAT RECORDED IN RICHMOND COUNTY, GEORGIA RECORDS. BEING AND INTENDING TO DESCRIBE THE SAME PREMISES CONVEYED IN A DEED RECORDED 10/17/1986, IN BOOK 242, PAGE 209. SUBJECT TO RESTRICTIONS, RESERVATIONS, EASEMENTS, COVENANTS, OIL, GAS OR MINERAL RIGHTS OF RECORD, IF ANY. KNOWN AS: 3738 CREST DR PARCEL: 13 9-0-166-00-0 Filed in this office: Augusta - Richmond County 09/17/200715:19:03.00 Elaine C. Johnson Clerk of Superior Court