HomeMy WebLinkAboutWACHOVIA BANK I ~ Book 01015: 1868 Augusta - Richmond County 200504551809/26/200510:54:54.00 $0.00 AGREEMENT 111111111111 1111I1111111111 11111111111111111111111111111 /111 2005045518 Augusta - Richmond County Return to: County Attorney's Office 701 Greene Street, Suite 104 Augusta, GA 30901 STATE OF GEORGIA ) ) COUNTY OF RICHMOND ) THr;; AGREEMENT, made and entered into this 20 {"day of 5 p ~ 1-( M b ~ .r- , 2005, by and between AUGUSTA, GEORGIA, a political subdivision of e State of Georgia (hereinafter referred to as "AUGUSTA"), and WACHOVIA BA~K f/k/ q FIR~T UNION, N A TI,ONALBAN~, ,.chereinafter:ref~rred, to as~'BANK':); , SUBORDINATION AGREEMENT . ..~'.I . . ,,'! '., ..';.i I ,l' : fO . . '~'j. .-~, .. :..',q. '. . ,;_. ,,::, :' ',.., .,:. ',,,. :"-; ", ,.' WJTN.E~S;,~"E;}H:. ; .;;: .:.. ". ;.. . ,~., :,.:' : ~ '.: . ~ .h . ,. t . ,_ :__. <" '," ~ ; . \\.TIEREAS;NORMAN L. OWNES:(hereinafter. refer'r~d to as ~'OWNER") on December 4, 2000 gave to BANK a Security Deed to the property described on Exhibit A, to secure a certain indebtedness to BANK and said Security Deed is recorded in the Office of the Clerk of the Superior Court of Richmond County, Georgia, in Realty Reel 709, page 1585. WHEREAS, OWNER has granted an Easement dated to AUGUSTA across the property described on Exhibit A, the original of which is to be recorded in the Office of the Clerk of the Superior Court of Richmond County, Georgia; and WHEREAS, BANK is willing to subordinate the lien of its said Security Deed dated December 4, 2000 to any interest that AUGUSTA may have in the above referenced easement. NO:\,\. THEREfORE~ ,in ~9~sideration of the ,premises and the mutual covenants and promises hereinafter contained'and the duties to be undertaken, BANK does hereby agree and declare that the lien of the Security Deed from OWNER to BANK, .' ~. '. :, ~ :' dated December 4, 2000, and recorded in the Office of the Clerk of the Superior Court of Richmond :~ounty, Geo, rgia,. in Realty Reel 709, page 1585,.is and forever ;~hall be . .. . . ' Book 01015:1869 Augusta - Richmond County 2005045518 09/26/2005 10:54:54.00 subject, subordinate and inferior in lien right and dignity at all times to the easement from OWNER to AUGUSTA which is to be recorded in the aforesaid Clerk's Office. WHEREFORE, BANK has caused this instrument to be executed by its duly authorized officers and seal affixed, all on the date above first written. W ACHOVIA BANK f/k/a FIRST UNION NATIONAL BANK BY: Its: ~d ATTEST: Juri Snead Its:~is1ant Se~r~t~ry ,<<L;~: ':/~1 : r:: : '41;'! I. ,,1': ::,'-.1..:1 . . \ I t>:~;,,:. f~..~~....,. >::' :.7 i ..'. (..\ \ I ~Sign , Sealed and Delivered in th en,c@' I '([j,;;LQ_ Unoffi al Witness NO~- if ...,..~......-.o........~""--'''''''''''''''' , 1---- OFFICIAL SEAL >>;Jl"Al-W PLro::, I' ~.o;&'()f-l\l<r:NJH (f VIlQINIA AMY SPRAGUE \ ~COUNTY OF. RO~j\lOI<E l l My Corl'.mlSSIOC) t:r.pu'6S ) 7-31-2006' L~~~......-"-"'"""""~...,-."....~~..,....~""'" I~ '! ~ , -- ~~05045k 01015:1871 Augusta - Richmond County 51909/26/200510:54:54 01 $0.00 AGREEMENT . ~IIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIII/ ~005045519 Augusta - Richmond County Return to: County Attorney's Ol1ice 701 Greenl.:' Street. Suite 104 Augusta. CiA 30901 STATE 01, CiI':ORCi[r\ ) ) COL~T\{ OF RJCH;V!O!\[) ) SUBORDINATION AGREF~v!ENT E~(\~. THIS AGRI::E.VIENT. mack and entered into this ~,-&r da" of ~'02..( _ _' 2005. b~ and hetween j\L;(JUSTA. GEORGIA. a political ~bd(\'isiol} of the State or Georgia (hereinafter referred to as "AUGUSTA"). and. (W)<'~~ E\ec\m\\c.. ~\S\fCt\1c()6\.1S"\'d'{\S/'J.(\Q... . (hereinafter referred to as "I1AI\K"): WITNESSETH: WHERL"'.S, (hereinaller referred to us "OWNER") on \'Iarch 11. 2003 gave to BANK :1 Security Deed to the property described on Exhibit :\. to secure a certain indebtedness to BA:--JK. and said Security Deed is recorded in the Office of the Clerk of the SupL:rior C01ll1 of Richmond County. Georgia, in Realty Reel 844. page 2200, \\'HEREAS. C)\\-NER has granted an Easement dated __ _ _ to AUGUSTA across the property described on Exhibit A. the original of which is to be recorded in the Oftice of the Clerk of the Superior Court of Richmond County, Georg.ia: and WIIERJ:AS. BANK. is willing to subordinate the lien of its said Security Deed dated \!Iarch II. 2003 to :my interest that AUGUSTA may have in the above referenced C:1Sell1ent. NO\V. TIIEREFORE. in consideration 01' the prcmises :md the mutual covenants and promises hereinalier contained and the duties tl) be unde11aken, I3ANK docs hl.:rcby agree and declare that the lien of the Securi(~' Deed ti'om OWNER to BA!\K. dated \,larch II; 2003, ai'll! recorded in the Oftice of the Clerk 01' the Superior Court of Richmond County. Georgia in Realty Reel 844, page 2200. is and forever shall be r;- . J ? . ,- " - -- - ------ -~- -~----.. Book 01015:1872 Augusta' - Richmond County 2005045519 09/26/2005 1 0: 54: 54.01 subj.:\:t. subordinatt: and inl't:rior in li.:n right and dignity at all times to thl: l:asel11~nt from OWNER 10 AU( II JSTA \\hich is to bl: r~corded inlht: al'()J"csaid Clerk's Onke. \VHERU701{1~, BA1'\K. has caused this instrument to be c:-;ccuted by its duly :mthorized ofticcrs and seal arthed. all on the dati: abo\'c tirsl writt~n, 1Y\6r\O)O-'jQ.' t::.\<2C- \1"tj")\Q. ~~().\\C(\ ~ ~. . ~ Its:InQf\-\ broc.e. APer~\-h...J ViC-e. ~fe.~\d&.(\\-. .~\'$~~;t\ltf.;UUlUUII!f.t!ff~ .,~tI';~ REGISr. "''l!1~. , ~~~ ............ -9.., ~ 'l~ I~ ...O~~OF:,qf..... ~~\. I! c.., :' CJe:- '. ~ 'i- OJ! 4.i . ' ,... ,t ......I. . Cf)'. ~~LI.J ~ SEAL ~;;I f. ~ ... 1999 i ~ If ~ '.~ ~... f:!j g; ~ ".f!.. '" W ~ ~., \~- It ~~~ .-\ fTEST. ~ __ lts:-.&~~\~~ ~sc~. ~Q.Te.~ Signl:d. S.:alcd and Ddivercd in tI1~':-t...i C:nofticial \\'itlll'sS t-\ P" - e L0 ' ~--~ :\otary Public. Stale or-=-~ "~~~~'~~;-" HENDRIKA L. WOJDYLA :':'O.~/'i\Notary Public. State of Florida [, : : . EflMCommissiooExpires.Jan25,2008 <.;;,:, '.,0"/ Commission # DD 279085 "If OF ~\.q\,\ -,,,,,,., Bonded By National Notary Assn. .. , " F:xhibil i\ ~ Book 01015:1873 Augusta - Richmond County 2005045519 09/26/2005 10:54:54.01 A\I that lot or p:ll'\;el or land with improwmenls tberCl)n. situate. lying and being in the State of (,corgia. County or Richmond, being known and designated as Lot 7, Block C. on Karken R(lad all is more pat1icularly 5hown UPl)!1 a pial prepared by Cleorge L. GOllman. I.and Surveyor. and being record.:d in the Ofticc of the Clerk or thL' Superior Coun of Riehlllllnd C()unt~.. (,eorgia. in Reel 220. at page 17-l5. rct\.'rence is hereby made to said plat for a more complete and aCCll1'aIL' dest:ri ption as tll mclL's. bounds. and loeation lIt' said propert)'. This property is con\"cycd subject to all easements and restridilll1s of rec'oj'ds in said clerk's onice. ~ Filed in this office: Augusta - Richmond County 09/2612005 10:54:54.01 Elaine C. Johnson Clerk of Superior Court