HomeMy WebLinkAboutThomas T Irvan Augusta Richmond GA DOCUMENT NAME: \\runos \'. \ X \)o.X, DOCUMENT TYPE: CXjX' eexY)e(\-\- . YEAR: C11 . BOX NUMBER: 0 :s FILE NUMBER: \?::B \ \ NUMBER OF PAGES: c:;; . ~ATE;.~ GEORGIA.AJ~JC:t:.a/Bicl:mxd ~ . COUNTY ,~ ~ A1~lc:ta State FaI'lleI'S Milrket, u;o Fifth Street, .~tn, ChJrgi11 3JX)1 ' THIS AGREEMENT, made and entered into this 1st day of Jaru3ry 19~, between Thomas T. Irvin acting as Commissioner of Agriculture. State of Georgia ami his successors in office, acting under authority vested in him by the laws of Georgia, " A I of Ihe first part, hereinafter called lessor and Al@lst:alRichrrrd ChIDty Cn rrr; l~mmi !=;!=;; m of the other part, hereinafter called lessee. WITNESSETH: That the said lessee has this day rented and leased from said lessor and Lessor has rented and leased to said Lessee the following premises: fuikl:irg #31, lliit #1 (3,440 ~. ft. dry Sj:8:e) \ \ 10 be used for rrotor VEhicle t.qg office / and known as No. 31, liri t #1 situated on the State Farmers Market,Ai g}l<:;t1'llRichrcrri ,Georgia, for a term of 1') rrrnthc: , I 1st commencing on t Ie Janu:n:y , 1921-, and ending onlhe 31st day of Ikari:Er 1997 ,- da y of for which the Lessee agrees to pay to Lessor 'lh:rrAs T. Irvin, Cmmic:c::irn:>r of Pgricult;UJ;;e his successors or assigns, prompty on the first day of each month, in advance, a monthly rental of $522.00 frcm Jaruary 1, FE7 ~ IB::aiter 31, lCJ97. ~ and on failure of lessee to pay same when due. said lessor has the right, at his oplion, to declarc this Lease void, cancel the same, without any legal proceeding, rc- enler and take posscssion of Ihe premises. Lessor at his option, upon a breach of contracl, fur any reason, nmy card for rent and sub-let the premises at the best price obwinable by reasonable effort, under private negotiations, and charge the balance, if any, between said price of sub-Ielling and the contract price of Lessee, and hold him therefore. Such sub-letting on the part of the lessor will not in any scnse be a breach of the contracI on the part of the lessor, but will be merely as agent for the lessee and to minimize the damage. These righls of Ihe lessor arc cumulative and not restriclive or any other rights under thc law, and failure on Ihe part of Lessor 10 avail himself of these privileges at any particular time shall nOI constilule a waiver of these rights. It is further mutually agreed as follows: (I) lessee hereby waives and renounces for himself and family and all homestead and exemplion righls he or they may have under or by virtue of the Jaws of this State or Ihe United States as against any liability Ihat"may accrue under this conlrac!. Lessee agrecs to pay ten pcrcen!. Attorney's fees on any part of said rcnlal lhat may be collectcd by suil or by attorney after Ihe same has becomc due. (2) Lessee is to repair at his own expense any damage to water or steam pipcs caused by freezing, or any neglect on his pari; also to be responsible for all damages 10 Ihe propel1y of Lessor's olher lenants in said building, if there bc any, or to the adjoining buildings, causcd by the overllow or breakage of waleI' works in said premiscs, during the term of this lease, lessee agrees not 10 assign Ihis lease nor to sub-let said premises, or any pari thereof, without the written consent of said Lessor; and will deliver said premises atlhe expiration of Ihis lease in as good order and repair as when first rcceived, natural wear and tcar excepted, (3) L.essee hereby releases Lessor from any and all damages to both person and property and will hold the Lessor harmless from all such damages during Ihe term of this lease. (4) Should Ihe premises be deslroyed or so damaged by fire as to become unlenantable, this lease shall cease from the date of the fire. (5) lessee is to make no changes of any naturc in Ihe above named premises withoutlirsl ohtaining wriiten consent from said lessor or his Agent, nor 10 paint any signs on buildings herein leased; and the Lessor or his agents shall have thc right to enter said premises at reasonable hours, 10 examine Ihe same, make such repairs, additions or alteralions as may be deemed necessary for the safety, comforl and preservation of said building, and to enter upon said preinises at any time to repair or improve lessor's adjoining property, if any. (6) lessee agrees nollO leave the premises herein leased unoccupied, nor to do or to permit any act which would viliate the fire insurance policy upon said properly, or increase lhe insurance rate; 10 pay all e1eclric lighls, waleI', heal, gas and power bills accruing againsl said properly during Ihe term of the contracl, and all rules, orders and regulations promulga.led by the Commissioner of Agriculture in accordance wilh lhe law and shall be binding and become part of lhis eonlract. (7) In Ihe evenl bankruptcy or stale insolvency proceedings shall be filed and sustained against Lessee, his heirs or assigns in any Federal or Stale Court, il shall give the right to lessor, his hcirs, successors. or assigns, atlheir 'option, to imlllediately declare lhis contract null and void, and to at once resume possession of lhe properly, No Receiver, Truslee, or other judicial officer shall evcr have any right, title or inlerest in or 10 the above described property by virtue of this contrac!. (ll) II is mUlually agreeq and understood Ihat Ihe Commissioner of Agriculture rctain full and complcte.control at alllilllcs of the property affecled by Ihis lease. II is further mutually agreed and understood Ihat should any dispute or disagreement arise between Lessor and Lessee and should Lessee desire to lake mailer to Court the Lessee then and in that event hereby agrees to immcdiately surrender premises pending outcome of such sui!. (9) Lessor has Ihe privilege of carding the above described premises for renl or for sale at any time within thirty days previous to the expiralion of this lease, and during lhe said time 10 exhibit said premises during reasonable hours. (10) If the.Lesse.e shall violate any of the restrictions in this lease or should Lessee fail to abide by and keep all rules and regulations promulgated by the Commissioner of Agriculture in accordance with lhe law or fail to keep any of its covenants lhe Lessor 01' his agent may at once, if lhey so elect, declare this lease void, terminale the same and at once take possession of the premises. (II) The within premises shall not be used for any purposes except for the purposes herein designated, without the wrillen consent of lhe Lessor, or of the Lessor's agent. . (12) II is further agreed that no liability shall accrue againsl Thomas T. Irvin personally or as an individual on account of any default or failure on any part of this contract. .' (13) lessee is resp:nsible for collectim arrll"'AlTM'll fmn fh::M:lrkpt of FIll Eflrh=eP ~tFil fit lessee's renta:l sp:ce. IN WITNESS WHEREOF the lessor and Ihe Lessee have hereunto set their hands, Ihe day and year,first above written, (Seal) '~ ~ '" .. ,.. ..... I ~ ", \ ~-~- 9(p CQpt- ~0CI-U0 ~ Ace4 ~ ~~ Qa~ ,(/~ '\