HomeMy WebLinkAboutStandard Software License and Services Agreement Augusta Richmond GA DOCUMENT NAMES ,J-ardavd' SOt+l/llo.Y€- l-i t!-ense avd Ser V(ce~ A9 reeyr>-eY1 +- DOCUMENTTYPE A311:eWlen+ YEAR: ) qCJ <Z BOX NUMBER: 5' FILE NUMBER: I 0-13 '2. NUMBER OF PAGES: 11) i < 888 West Big Beaver Road Suite 1100 Troy. MI 48084 (248) 269-1000 March 2,1998 ST ANDARD SOFTWARE LICENSE AND SERVICES AGREEMENT This Standard Software License and Services Agreement which includes the attached Exhibits ("this Agreement") is between New World Systems~ Corporation ("New World"), a Michigan Corporation and Augusta, Georgia ("Customer"). This Agreement sets forth the terms and conditions under which New World will furnish the Licensed Products and will provide certain services described herein to Customer. The attached Exhibits include: Exhibit A . , , , , , , . , , ., LICENSED STANDARD SOFTWARE AND FEES Exhibit B , , . , . , . , . , .. INST ALLA nON AND TRAINING SUPPORT SERVICES AND FEES Exhibit C..".....,.. STANDARD SOFTWARE MAINTENANCE AGREEMENT Exhibit D"".,'.,.., NON-DISCLOSURE AND SECURITY AGREEMENT FOR THIRD PARTIES Exhibit E , , , , , , , . , , " DEMONSTRA nON SITE DISCOUNT By signing below, each of us agrees to the terms and conditions of this Agreement together with the attached Exhibits, This Agreement contains the complete and exclusive statement of the agreement between us relating to the matters referenced herein and replaces any prior oral or written representations or communications between us. Each individual signing below represents that (s)he has the requisite authority to execute this Agreement on behalf of the organization for which (s)he represents and that all the necessary formalities have been met. ACKNOWLEDGED AND AGREED TO BY: NEW WORLD SYSTEMS~ CORPORATION (New World) BY'OC Lar IS.5 ID I'( Date: ctf - 2(:)-- tt~ Date: 1&&0 <6, Ifft . This Agreement is effective upon the last date as shown on this cover page. TlIII docIlmelll appmtd BI 2f'~l ~U~rm;f ey ale vi CONFIDENTIAL Page 1 of 8 (Rev SSL&SA 1I/95) AUgu5ta/Riehmond Consolidated Govenunent, Georgia . - 1. DEFINITIONS. The following terms as defined below are used throughout this Agreement: 1. "Licensed Standard Software": The eU:Tent version of New World standard and development applieation software paekage(s) (in maehine readable eode and, if applicable, the related souree eode) listed on Exhibit A. "Development Software" is standard applieation software eurrently under development by New World whieh, ifapplieable, will be eompleted and delivered to Customer as Lieensed Standard Software during the term of this Agreement 2. "Upgrades": Any enhaneed andlor improved versions of the Lieensed Standard Software provided as Lieensed Standard Software under Exhibit C of this Agreement and released after the exeeution of this Agreement 3. "Licensed Cusl'om Software": Any software (programs or portions of programs) developed by New World speeifieally for Customer's own use. 4. "Licensed Software": The Lil:ensed Standard Software (including any Development Software), Upgrades, and Lieensed Custom Software provided under this Agre- ement 5. "Licensed Documentation": New World User Manuals whieh includes the eurrent specifieations for the Lieensed Standard Software and other written instruetions relating to the Lieensed Software (such as Produet Bulletins, installation instruetions, and training materials). 6. "Authorized Cupies": Except as provided in Seetion II, subparagraph 1.3, the only authorized eopies of the Lieensed Software and Lieensed Doeumentation are the copies of eaeh applieation software paekage defined in this Paragraph. They are: (i) the single copy of the Lieensed Software and the related Licensed Doeumentation delivered by New World under this Agreement; and (ii) any additional eopies made by Customer as authorized in Seetion II, subparagraph 1.2. 7. "Licensed Products": The Li<:ensed Software, the related Lieensed Documentation, and the Authorized Copies of the foregoing. 8. "Customer Liaison": A Cust'Jmer employee assigned to aet as liaison between Customer and New World for the duration of this Agreement Within ten (10) days ofexeeution of this Agreement, Customer shall notify New World of the name of the Customer Liaison. 9. "SSM A ": The New World Standard Software Maintenanee Agreement as set forth in Exhibit C. 10."Computer": The single IBM AS/400 model 50 proeessor, to be loeated at: 530 Greene Street Augusta, GA 30911 Custome15hall identify in writing the serial number of the Computer within ten (10) days of reeeipt of the Computer or within ten (10) days of exeeution of this Agreement, whiehever is later. If the Computer is to be relocated, Customer shall notify New World of the new loeation in writing prior to the reloeation. 11. "Confidentia/lnfornuuion": Information disclosed or obtained by one party in conneetion with, and during the term of, this Agreement and designated as "Confidential" by the p~' claiming eonfidentiality at the time of disclosure. Confidential Information does not include any information whieh was previously known to the other party without obligation of eon fide nee or without breaeh of this Agreement, is publicly disclosed either prior or subsequent to the other party's reeeipt of sueh information, or is rightfully reeeived by the other party from a third party without obligation of eonfidenee. II. GENERAL TERMS AND CONDITIONS 1.0 SINGLE USE LICENSE 1.1 In consideration of Customer's payment of the license fees specified in Exhibit A and the applicable custom software fees, if any, New World grants Customer a nontransferable and nonexclusive license to use the Licensed Software only on the Computer and only for its internal processing needs. Once Customer has fully paid the license fees for the Licensed Software, Customer shall have the right and license to use, enhance, or modify the Licensed Software only for Customer's own use and only on the Computer. In accordance with the payment plan(s) on the attached Exhibits, New World will deliver to Customer one copy of each application of the Licensed Software (in machine readable form compatible with the specified operating environment) on storage media supplied by Customer and one copy of the related Licensed Documentation. 1.2 In order to assist Customer in the event of an emergency, Customer is permitted to make up to two (2) back up copies on magnetic media of each application of the Licensed Software and one back up copy of the related Licensed Documentation. These Authorized Copies may be stored off-site away from Custo- mer's premises as specified in the Definitions so long as they are kept in a location secure from unauthorized use. Customer or anyone obtaining access through Customer shall not copy, distribute, disseminate, or otherwise disclose to any third party the Licensed Products or copies thereof in whole or in part, in any form or media. This restriction on making and distributing the Licensed Products or copies of any Licensed Product, includes without limitation, copies of the following: (i) Program libraries, either source or object code; CONFIDENTIAL Page 2 of 8 (Rev SSL&SA 11/95) AugustalRiehmond Consolidated Government, Georgia (ii) Operating control language; (iii) Test Data, sample files, or file layouts; (iv) Program Listings; and (v) Licensed Documentation. 1.3 Upon written request by Customer, and with written permission by New World, additional Authorized Copies may be made for Customer's internal use only. 2.0 OWNERSHIP 2.1 The Licensed Products and all copyright, trade secrets and other proprietary rights, title and interest therein, remain the sole property of New World or its licensors, and Customer shall obtain no right, title or interest in the Licensed Products by virtue of this Agreement other than the nonexclusive, nontransferable license to use the Licensed Products as restricted herein. 2.2 The license to use any Licensed Custom Software provided under this Agreement, if any, is included in this license. New World shall have the right to use any data processing ideas, techniques, concepts, and/or know-how acquired by it in the perfonnance of services under this Agreement including the development of Licensed Custom Software for the advancement of its own technical expertise and the perfonnance of other Software License and Service Agreements or any other applicable agreements. New World shall have, without restriction, the right to use all programs, procedures, infonnation, and techniques that are publicly available, obtained or obtainable from third parties andlor developed independently by New World without specific reference to Customer's organization. 3.0 CORRECTION AND SOFTWARE MAINTENANCE ON STANDARD SOFTWARE 3.1 For a warranty period of ninety (90) days after the date the Licensed Standard Software is installed on computer and during the tenn of Customer's SSMA (see Exhibit C), New World provides software correction service and maintenance for the Licensed Standard Software. See Exhibit C for a description of the services available, the applicable fees and procedures, and the SSMA start date. 4.0 WARRANTIES 4.1 New World warrants that the Licensed Standard Software will perfonn as specified in its user manuals based on the then-current release of the Licensed Standard Software. 4.2 New World warrants that it possesses the necessary intellectual rights to license to Customer the Licensed Software provided hereunder. The foregoing warranties do not apply if the Licensed Product(s) have been modified by any party other than New World. New World does not warrant that the features or functions of the Licensed Software will meet Customer's requir,~ments or in any combination or use Customer selects. EXCEPT AS SPECIFICALLY PROVIDED IN TIllS PARAGRAPH 4.0, NEW WORLD MAKES NO WARRANTIES, EXPRESS OR IMPLIED, INCLUDING BUT NOT LIMITED TO, THE LICENSED PRODUCTS' CONDITION, ITS MERCHANTABILITY, ITS FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE, OR ANY IMPLIED WARRANTY ARISING FROM COURSE OF PERFOR- MANCE, COURSE OF DEALING OR USAGE OF TRADE. 5.0 INSTALLATION AND TRAINING SUPPORT SERVICES 5.1 As provided for in Exhibit B and concurrent with timely payments, New World shall make available to Customer qualified representative(s) who will provide installation and training support services for each application of the Licensed Software delivered. See Exhibit B for a description of the services provided and the applicable fees and procedures. 6.0 CUSTOMER LIAISON AND CUSTOMER RESPONSIBILITIES The successful implementation of the Licensed Products into Customer's environment requires Customer's commitment to and cooperation in the implementation process. Accordingly, Customer hereby agrees to the following: 6.1 Customenmderstands that the Licensed Software is designed to run in a specified operating environment which includes hardware, software and related equipment not provided by New World. Customer is responsible for assuring that the appropriate hardware equipment, the related components and all cabling are installed timely and are suitable for the successful installation of the Licensed Software. 6.2 Customer agrees to provide the management interface and support necessary to successfully complete the CONFIDENTIAL Page 3 of 8 (Rev SSL&SA 1lI95) AugustalRiehmond Consolidated Government. Georgia implementation of the Licensed Software. This support includes upper level priority setting and timely involvement during and after a change in Customer's organization, Customer's operations and/or after changes in Customer's internal policies or procedures which directly affect the software implementation. 6.3 Customer shall assign an upper level employee to serve as the Customer Liaison for the duration of the Licensed Software implementation. If Customer must replace the Customer Liaison for reasons beyond its control, Customer will assign a new Customer Liaison as soon as reasonably possible. New World is not responsible for any delay caused directly or indirectly by the reassignment of the Customer Liaison. In addition to other duties and responsibilities, the Customer Liaison shall: (i) provide timely answers to New World's requests for infonnation; (ii) coordinate a mutually agreeable training schedule; (iii) have authority to sign for and obligate Customer to any matters relating to service requests, design documents, perfonnance test documents and/or delivery and service dates; (iv) in situations where Customer participation is required, provide timely input for systems definition, detail design, and use of the software system. 6.4 Customeris responsible for creating and maintaining its master files, tables and the like which includes accurate data' entry, accurate file editing and overall file control to assure successful systems perfonnance, 6.5 Customer shall provide qualified personnel with sufficient back up to be trained to use the Licensed Software and to interpret the output. Applying the output infonnation in Customer's environment is Customer's sole responsibility. 7.0 BILLiNG AND AS/400 MODEL UPGRADE CHARGES 7.1 The attached Exhibits set forth the manner in which fees and payments shall be allocated and made under this Agreement. To the extent Customer imposes additional requirements on New World for services other than those expressly provided in this Agreement, New World retains the right to make additional price adjustments and/or any other adjustments which may be necessitated. Before perfonning these additional services, New World will notify Customer that the services are subject to additional charge. 7.2 If Customer upgrades the computer model of its AS/400 Computer, at the time of the upgrade, Customer agrees to pay the difference between the standard software charges for the present AS/400 model (see Section I, definition number 10) and the then-current standard software charges for the upgraded AS/400 model. SSMA fees shall be increased according to the upgraded AS/400 charges on the next annual billing date after the upgrade occurs. With said payments, the license provided in Section II, Paragraph 1.0 transfers to penn it Customer's use of the Licensed Software on the upgraded AS/400 model. 7.3 Customershall notify New World when AS/400 models will be upgraded and will pay the upgrade fees promptly when invoiced. 8.0 NON-RECRUITMENT OF PERSONNEL 8.1 During the tenn of this Agreement and for twenty-four (24) months thereafter, each party agrees not to solicit or hire current or former employees of the other without the other's prior written consent. 9.0 CONFIDENTIAL INFORMATION/NON-DISCLOSURE AGREEMENT 9.1 Subject to the requirements of the Freedom ofInformation Act (ForA) and/or other comparable applicable state law, each party shall hold all Confidential Information in trust and confidence for the party claiming confidentiality and not use such Confidential Infonnation other than for the benefit of that party. The other party agrees not to disclose any such Confidential Infonnation, by publication or otherwise, to any other person or organization. 9.2 Customer hereby acknowledges and agrees that all Licensed Products are Confidential Infonnati?n and proprietary to New World. In addition to the other restrictions set forth elsewhere in this Agreement or otherwise agreed to in writing, Customer agrees to implement all reasonable measures to safeguard New World's proprietary rights in the Licensed Products, including without limitation the following measures: (i) Customer shall only pennit access to the Licensed Products to those employees who require access and only to the extent necessary to perfonn Customer's internal processing needs. (ii) With respect to agents or third parties, Customer shall penn it access to the Licensed Products only after New World has received, approved and returned a fully executed Non-Disclosure Agreement to Customer (see Exhibit D), New World reserves the right to reasonably refuse access to a third party after it has evaluated the request. Customer agrees to provide infonnation CONFIDENTIAL Page 4 of 8 (Rev SSL&SA I] 195) Augusta/Richmond Consolidated Government, Georgia reasonably requested by New World to assist New World in evaluating Customer's request to permit third party access to the Licensed Products, In addition to any other remedies, New World may recover from Customer all damages and legal fees incurred in the enforcement of this provision on third party access; (iii) Customershall cooperate with New World in the enforcement of the conditions set forth in the attached Non-Disclosure Agreement or any other reasonable restrictions New World may specify in writing in order to permit access; (iv) Customer shall not permit removal of copyright or confidentiality labels or notifications from its proprietary materials; and (v) Customer shall not attempt to disassemble, decompile or reverse engineer the Licensed Software. 9.3 Customeragrees that in addition to any other remedies that may be available at law, equity or otherwise, New World shall be entitled to seek and obtain a temporary restraining order, injunctive relief, or other equitable relief against the continuance of a breach or threatened breach of this paragraph 9.0 on Confidentiality and Non-Disclosure without the requirement of posting a bond or proof of injury as a condition for the relief sought. 10.0 LIMITATION OF LIABILITY AND RECOVERABLE DAMAGES New World's entire liability and Customer's exclusive remedies are set forth below: 10.1 For any claim relating to the non-conformance or imperfection of any licensed software provided under this Agreement, New World will correct the defect so that it conforms to the warranties set forth in Section 11, subparagraph 4.1; or if after repeated attempts to correct the non-conformity, New World is unable to correct the non-conformity, then Customer may recover its actual damages subject to the limits set forth in subparagraph 10,2 below. For any other claim arising under or in connection with this Agreement, Customer may recover its actual damages subject to the limits set forth in subparagraph 10.2 below. 10.2 New World's liability for damages, regardless of form of action, is limited to the recovery of direct damages up to the Exhibit A Licensed Standard Software fees paid to New World. 10.3 In no event shall New World be liable for any damages relating to Customer's failure to perform its responsibilities or for loss of use, revenue or profits, or for any incidental or consequential damages, even if New World has been advised of the possibility of such damages. Ifit is determined that a limitation of liability or a remedy contained herein fails of its essential purpose, then the parties agree that the exclusion of incidental and/or consequential damages is still effective. 11.0 INTEGRATION WITH US COPYRIGHT ACT 11.1 In addition to all other provisions provided under this Agreement, Customer agrees to be bound by and to comply with any and all provisions of the U.S. Copyright Act (The Copyright Act of 1976. use Sections 101-810 (1976) as amended by 17 US e Sections 101-810 (1982)). Ifa provision of the U.S. Copyright Act and this Agreement conflict, the more restrictive of the two applies. If it cannot be determined which is the more restrictive, then the provision within this Agreement shall apply. 12.0 INDEPENDENT CONTRACTOR 12.1 New World is an independent contractor. The personnel of one party shall not in any way be considered agents or employees of the other. To the extent provided for by law, each party shall be responsible for the acts of its own employees, 12.2 Each party shall be responsible for Workers' Compensation coverage for its own personnel. 13,0 INSURANCE REQUIREMENTS New ';Vorld shall not commence work under this Agreement until it has obtained the insurance required under this paragraph. . 13.1 Workers' Compensation Insurance: New World shall procure and maintain during the term of this Agreement, Workers' Compensation Insurance for all of its employees who engage in the work to be performed, 13.2 Liability and Property Insurance-Comprehensive Form: New World shall procure and maintain during the term of this Agreement, Liability and Property Damage Insurance in an amount not less than $1,000,000 on account of each accident; and in an amount not less than $1,000,000 for each accident for CONFIDENTIAL Page 5 of 8 (Rev SSL&SA 11195) Augusta/Riehmond Consolidated Government, Georgia damage to property. 13.3 Automobile Liability Insurance: New World will procure and maintain during the term of this Agreement, Hired and Non-Ownership Motor Vehicle Bodily Injury and Property Damage Insurance in an amount not less than $500,000 for injuries, including accidental death, to each person; and, subject to the same limit for each person, in an amount not less than $500,000 for each accident; and in an amount not less than $500,000 on account for each accident for damage to property. 14.0 DISPUTE RESOLUTION PROCEDURE 14.1 Except for matters which relate to prompt payment, or which are enforceable by injunction and/or other equitable remedies, or are related to the employee, confidentiality and/or non-disclosure paragraphs (paragraph 9.0 and its subparagraphs therein), any dispute or controversy arising out of or relating to this agreement, or breach thereof, shall be settled by the following procedure. Levell: Before entering into Level 2 or Level 3 of this Dispute Resolution Procedure (DRP), the Customer shall have at least one (I) management meeting for the purpose of resolving the dispute or controversy through nonnal business management practices, The meeting must be held between upper-level managers of both Customer and New World. Both parties agree to put forth their best efforts in these meetings. The meeting shall be held at Customer's offices. The Level 1 period shall begin when one party gives notice to the other by certified mail that it is entering into this Level 1 procedure to resolve the dispute. Level 2: Only after the parties have completed Levell of the DRP without resolving the dispute or controversy and before entering into Level 3 of the DRP, the Customer and New World shall enter into a mediation process. The mediation process is defined as follows: The parties shall select a mediator from the American Mediation Association list to aid the parties in resolving the dispute or controversy. The mediator shall not be an employee or former employee of either party. The hearing shall be held at a location chosen by New World within the State of Georgia. At the hearing, each party may present materials and/or arguments to the mediator. Level 3: Only after the completion of both Levels 1 and 2 above without a satisfactory resolution of the dispute or controversy, either party may bring a legal process in U.S. District Court in the State of Georgia, if the jurisdictional requirement is satisfied. If the party cannot bring a suit in U. S. District Court because the jurisdictional amount is not satisfied, then the party may raise the claim in a court within the State of Georgia having appropriate jurisdiction. Both parties agree to submit to jurisdiction of the court elected by the claiming party and hereby waives any objection to said Georgia jurisdiction. 15.0 TERMINATION 15.1 By Customer: If New World fails to provide the Licensed Software as warranted in accordance with the terms of this Agreement, Customer may at its option terminate this Agreement with ninety (90) days written notice as follows: (i) The termination notice shall provide a detailed description (with examples) of any warranty defects claimed; (ii) New World shall have ninety (90) days from receipt of said notice to correct any warranty defects in order to satisfy the terms of this Agreement; (iii) During the ninety day cure period, Customer shall apply sound management practices and use its best efforts to resolve any issues or obstacles-including cooperating with New World and reassigning personnel if necessary to improve the working relationship; (iv) At the end of ninety (90) days unless the termination has been revoked in writing by Customer, the Agreement terminates. 15.2 By New World: If Customer fails to make prompt payments to New World when invoiced, or if Customer fails to fulfill its responsibilities outlined in Section II, Paragraph 6.0, then New World may at its option terminate this Agreement with written notice as follows: (i) The termination notice shall define the reason for termination; (ii) If the cited reason for termination is Customer's failure to make prompt payment, Customer shall have ten (30) days from receipt of said notice to make payment in full for all outstanding invoiced payments due; If the cited reason for termination is Customer's failure to fulfill its responsib'ilities, (iii) CONFIDENTIAL Page 6 of 8 (Rev SSL&SA 1l/95) AugustalRiehmond Consolidated Government. Georgia Customer shall have ninety (90) days from receipt of said notice to correct any actual deficiencies in order to satisfy the tenns of this Agreement; (iv) During the applicable cure period, New World will use sound management practices and its best efforts to resolve any issues or obstacles -- including the reassignment of personnel if necessary to improve the working relationship; (v) At the end of the applicable cure period, unless the tennination has been revoked in writing by New World, the Agreement tenninates. 15.3 In the event oftennination by either party, New World shall continue to provide its services, as previously scheduled, through the tennination date and the Customer shall continue to pay all fees and charges incurred through the tennination date as provided in the attached Exhibits. 15.4 In the event neither party terminates this Agreement under subparagraphs 15.1 or 15.2 above, it naturally terminates unless it is renewed at the end of the initial SSMA term as set forth in Exhibit C, except that the restricted license to use the Licensed Software on the Computer as provided hereunder is perpetual so long as all Exhibit A license fees and applicable Custom Software fees have been paid in full. 15.5 Upon tennination, Customer shall return to New World all copies of each application of Licensed Software and related Licensed Documentation provided to Customer under this Agreement for which the Exhibit A license fees and applicable Custom Software fees have not been paid in full. 15.6 Nothing in this paragraph on termination is intended to infer that either party has or does not have a claim for damages. 15.7 The Terms and Conditions relating to non-disclosure, confidentiality and non-recruitment of personnel survive termination. 16.0 PATENT AND TRADEMARK INDEMNIFICATION New World agrees to indemnify and save the Customer harmless from and against any and all judgments, suits, costs, and expenses subject to the limits set forth in this Agreement resulting from any alleged infringement of any patem or copyright arising from the licensing of the Licensed Standard Software pursuant to this Agreement, provided that Customer has notified New World in writing of such allegation within thirty (30) days of the date upon which the Customer frrst receives notice thereof. New World's obligation to indemnify and save Customer harmless under this paragraph is void if the claim of infringement arises out of or in connection with any modification made to the Licensed Standard Software or any use of the Licensed Standard Software not specifically authorized in writing by New World. 17.0 NOTiCES 17.1 Notices to Customer shall be deemed effective when sent by Registered or Certified U.S. Mail to the business address of the Customer. 17.2 Notices to New World shall be deemed effective when sent by Registered or Certified U.S. Mail to the following address (or to any other address so specified by New World): New World Systems Corporation 888 West Big Beaver, Suite 1100 Troy, Michigan 48084.Attention: President CONFIDENTIAL Page 7 of 8 (Rev SSL&SA 11/95) AugustalRiehmond Consolidated Government, Georgia 18.0 GENERAL 18.1 This Agreement is the entire agreement between the parties superseding all other communications, written or oral, between the parties relating to the subject matter of this Agreement. This Agreement may be amended or modified only in writing signed by both parties, 18.2 This Agreement is governed by the laws of the State of Georgia and it shall be binding on the successors and assigns of the parties. 18.3 Failure to enforce any provision of this Agreement shall not be deemed a waiver of that provision or any other provision of this Agreement. 18.4 No action, regardless of form, arising out of the services performed or Licensed Products delivered hereunder, may be brought by either party more than one (I) year after the cause of action has accrued, except that an action for non-payment of fees may be brought within two (2) years of the date of the payment was due. 18.5 The paragraph headings which appear herein are included solely for convenience and shall not be used in the interpretation of this Agreement. Any provision of this Agreement determined to be invalid or otherwise unenforceable shall not affect the other provisions, which other provisions remain in full force and effect. [F ;\BDlSKSlGEORG IA \AUGUST A.GA IPROPOSAL\2CNTRCT. T &C] CONFIDENTIAL Page 8 of 8 (Rev SSL&SA 11195) AugustalRiehmond Consolidated Government, Georgia EXHIBIT A FOR LICENSED STANDARD SOFTWARE AND FEES Application Package A. License Fee for LICENSED STANDARD SOFTWARE and DOCUMENTATION selected bv CUSTOMER: 1. Aegis- Combined Law EnforcementfFire/EMS CAD - L"nit Status Monitors and Unit Recommendations - Geo-File Verification and Location Alerts - Note Pads and Tone Alerts - Hazardous Alerts - Interface to Records - Run Cards 2. Additional Aegw Software for Computer Aided Dispatch I E-9II Interface 3. Aegis- Law Enforcement Records Software Base Package (Singlt:-jurisdiction) - Incident Tracking Module - Case Processing Module - Arrest Module - Property Module - PersonnellEducation Module - Computer Aided Investigations Module - UCR (Federal Reports) Module - Wants and Warrants Module - Traffic Tickets and Citations Module - Accidents Module - Business Registry Module 4. Additional Aegis- Law Enforcement Records Software Field Investigations Module Gun Permits Module Ca~.e Management Module Bicycles Module Pawn Shops Module Bookings Module Index Cards Module Career Criminal Apprehension Module Geo File Verification Module 5. Logos-Utility Management Software Water and Sewer Billing LICENSE FEE TOTAL: DEMONSTRATION SITE DISCOUNT TOTAL LICENSE FEES: Exhibit A/LICENSED STANDARD SOFTWARE AND FEES Does not include any required third party equipment or software. CONFIDENTIAL (Rev S.L.&SA 11/95) Cost 120,000 12,000 70,000 12,000 12,000 12,000 12,000 12,000 20,000 12,000 12,000 .1l..Q.Q.Q 45,000 $363,000 (363.000) $Q City of Augusta, Georgia Page 2 B. License Fee Payment Schedule for Licensed Standard Software and Documentation 1. DO\VN PAYMENT $Q (40% of the total Exhibit A cost- Invoiced upon receipt of signed Standard Software License and Services Agreement) 2. DELIVERY PAYMENT $Q (50% of each application cost- Invoiced as each Exhibit A Licensed Standard Sofu^,are package is delivered to Customer) 3. FINAL PAYMENT $Q (10% of each application cost- Invo:iced 90 days after delivery of each Licensed Standard Software package) TOTAL LICENSED STANDARD SOFTWARE PAYMENTS DUE $Q ALL PAYMENTS ARE DUE WITIllNFIFTEEN (15) DAYS FROM RECEIPT OF INVOICE PRICING VALID THROUGH MARCH 31. 1998 CONFIDENTIAL (Rev S.L.&SA 11/95) City of Augusta, Georgia EXHIBIT B INSTALLATION AND TRAINING SUPPORT SERVICES AND FEES 1. Trainine and Installation Support Hours Recommended Allocating adt:quate support service hours for each application of Licensed Standard Software listed on Exhibit A is not only recommended but also is critical for a successful installation of and training on each application package. Based on the Licensed Standard Software listed on Exhibit A, we suggest that at least J1!! hours of New World installation and training support services be scheduled. Actual usage may be higher or lower based on Customer's requirements and use of these support services. Avoiding or minimizing custom or modified features will aid in keeping the support costs to the scheduled minimum. The recommended installation and training support hours include: (a) Project management assistance; (b) Installation of each package of Licensed Standard Software; and (c) Customer training on each package of Licensed Standard Software. The installatiol1. and training support services are typically perfonned at Customer's premises but, at Customer's option, may be provided at New World nationaL headquarters in Troy, Michigan. (Other support services often involve services performed at New World's national headquarters.) New World reserves the right to make cost adjustments for support trips canceled by Customer les~. than ten (10) business days before the scheduled start date to cover New World's out of pocket costs and lost revenues. 2. Trainin~ lllOd Installation Support Service Fees Estimate The recommended hours cited above and any additional support services are available at the rate of $115.00 per hour. This rate is protected for one year from the date New World executes this Agreement. After one year, Customer shall pay the then-current hourly rate for all Exhibit B support services rendered. Based on the hours listed above, the training and installation support service cost is estimated at $13.800. (Plus all actual and reasonable travel expenses incurred by New World divided proportionately between all New World Customers visited on a single trip, and actual employee travel time up to but not exceeding four (4) hours per Customer visit.) 3. Additional Services Available Other New World services may be required or requested for the following: (a) File conversion assistance; (b) Consulting with New World technical staff; (c) Modifying the Licensed Standard Software; (d) Designing and programming Custom Software; (e) Maintaining modified Licensed Standard Software and/or Custom Software; (t) New World Consultation with other vendors or third parties (including PC network connectivity); (g) Software testing; and/or (h) Assistance as Customer is going "live". Customer may request these additional services in writing using New World's Request For Service (RFS) procedure (or other appropriate procedure mutually agreed upon by Customer and New World). 4. Payments for Services and Travel Costs All hours for selvices and travel costs will be billed weekly for the previous calendar week. Payments are due within fifteen (15) days from receipt of invoice. CONFIDENTIAL (Rev S.L.&SA 11/95) City of Augusta, Georgia EXHIBIT C STANDARD SOFTWARE MAINTENANCE AGREEMENT This Standard ~;oftware Maintenance Agreement (SSMA) between New World Systems"" Corporation (New World) and AU2usta. Geoq~ia (Customer) sets forth the standard software maintenance support services provided by New World. I. Service PE~riod This SSMA shall remain in effect for a period of one (I) year beginning on January I, 1998 (start date) and ending on the same calendar date one (I) year after the start date. 2. Services Included The following services or features are available under this SSMA: (a) Upgrades, including new releases, to the Licensed Standard Software (prior releases of Licensed Standard Software application packages are supported no longer than nine (9) months after a new release is announced by New World); (b) Temporary fixes to Licensed Standard Software (see paragraph 6 below); (c) Revisions to Licensed Documentation; (d) Reasonable telephone support for Licensed Standard Software on Monday through Friday from 8:00 a.m. to 8:00 p.m. (Eastern Time Zone); (e) Reasonable telephone support accessible by pager (beeper) to provide 7 x 24 support for Licensed Standard Software outside of "Standard Business Hours" for Combined CAD module; and (f) Invitation to and participation in user group meetings. Items a, b, and c above will be distributed to Customer on magnetic media or other means, as appropriate. After installation, Customer shall return any magnetic media to New World. Additional support services are available as requested by Customer using the then-current hourly rates or applicable fees. Exhibit B has a description of support services available. 3. Maintenance for Modified Licensed Standard Software and Custom Software Customer is advised that ifit requests or makes changes or modifications to the Licensed Standard Software, these changes or modifications (no matter who makes them) make the modified Licensed Standard Software more difficult to maintain. If New World agrees to provide maintenance support for Custom Software or Licensed Standard Software modified at Customer's request, then the additional New World maintenance or support services provided shall be billed at the then-current Exhibit B hour:.y fees plus reasonable expenses. 4. Billine Maintenance costs will be billed annually. (Any Exhibit B support or service hours and travel costs incurred are billed weekly for the previou:; calendar week.) 5. Additions -of Software to Maintenance A2reement Additional Licensed Standard Software licensed from New World will be added to the SSMA ninety (90) days after i~ is installed at Customer's location. Costs for the maintenance for the additional software will be billed to Customer on a pro rata basis for the remainder (If the maintenance year and on a full year basis thereafter. CONFIDENTIAL (Rev S.L.&SA 111'l5) City of Augusta, Georgia Exhi.bit C/STANDARD SOFTWARE MAINTENANCE AGREEMENT Page 2 6. Requests for Software Correction on Licensed Standard Software At any time during the SSMA period, if Customer believes that the Licensed Standard Software does not conform to the current specifications set forth in the user manuals, Customer must notify New World in writing that there is a claimed defect and specify which feature and/or report it believes to be defective. Before any notice is sent to New World, it must be reviewed and approved by the Customer Liaison. Documented examples of the claimed defect must accompany each notice. New World will review the documented notice and when a feature or report does not conform to the published specifications, New World will provide software correction service at no charge. (See paragraph 4.0 of the General Terms and Conditions of this Agreement for the New World warran-:ies provided). A non-warranty request is handled as a billable Request for Service (RFS) (see Exhibit B). The no charge software correction service does not apply to any of the following: (a) situations where the Licensed Standard Software has been changed by anyone other than New World personnel; (b) situations where Customer's use or operations error causes incorrect information or reports to be generated; and (c) requests that go beyond the scope of the specifications set forth in the current User Manuals. 7. Maintenance Costs for Licensed Standard Software Packa~es Covered for IBM AS/400 Model 50 New World agrees to provide software maintenance at the costs listed below for the following New World Licensed Standard Software packages installed at Customer's location: Application Packaee - Public Safety 1. Aegis- Combined Law Enforcement/Fire/EMS CAD 2. Additional Aegis- Software for Computer Aided Dispatch 3. Aegis- Law Enforcement Records Software Base Package 4. Additional Aegis' Law Enforcement Records Software Number of Modules 6 I II 9 TOTAL LIST COST: $ 318.000 ANNUAL MAINTENANCE COST: $51.660 (I-Year Plan, billed annually) Application Plllckal!e - Utility Manaeement Number of Modules I. Logos- Wat(:r and Sewer Billing TOT AL LIST COST: $ IDill! ANNUAL MAINTENANCE COST: $6.750 (1- Year Plan, billed annually) ALL PAYMENTS ARE DUE FIFTEEN (15) DAYS FROM RECEIPT OF INVOICE. CONFIDENTIAL (Rev S.L.&SA 11/95) City of Augusta, Georgia " EXHIBIT D NEW WORLD SYSTEMS~ CORPORA nON NON-DISCLOSURE AND SECURITY AGREEMENT FOR THIRD PARTIES This Agreement, when accepted and executed by New World, grants the undersigned the pennission to use and/or have limited access to certain New World Systems~ Corporation (New World) proprietary and/or confidential infonnation Installed at: !:::itv of AUl!:usta. Georl!:ia Located at: 530 Greene Street Augusta GA 30911 Authorized Siglilature of Customer: Name (please Print or Type) Title Signature In exchange for the pennission to use or have access to New World proprietary and/or confidential infonnation, including without limitation, New World software and/or documentation, the organization and individual whose names appear below, agree to the following: I. No copies in any fonn will be made of New World proprietary or confidential infonnation without the expressed written consent of New Wo:rld' President, including without limitation, the following: · Program Libraries, whether source code or object code; . Operating Control Language; . Test or Sample Files; . Program Li~tings; . Record Layouts; · All written confidential or proprietary infonnation originating from New World including without limitation, documentation, such as user manuals and/or system manuals; and/or · All New Wurld Product Bulletins and/or other New World .product related materials. 2. New World software, New World documentation, or other proprietary or confidential infonnation shall not be used for any purpose other than processing the records of the Customer identified above as pennitted in the Customer's Standard Software License and Services Agreement with New World. 3. The undersigned agree(s) that this Agreement may be enforced by injunction in addition to any other appropriate remedies available to New World. If it is detennined that the money damages caused by the undersigned's failure to comply with the foregoing temlS are difficult to ascertain, they are hereby estimated at liquidated damages of no less than three times the then- current Lic(:nse Fees for the License Software provided to Customer under the Standard Software License and Service Agreement bet\veen Customer and New World. Agreed and Accepted by Third Party (Organization) Agreed and Accepted by Third Party (Individual) Organization: Individual: By: By: Title: Title: Date: Date: Accepted and Approved By New World Systems~ Corp. By: Title: Date: (F:\BDlSKS\G EORGIA IA UGUST A.GA IPROPOSAL\2CNTRCT.EXSI CONFIDENTIAL (Rev S.L.&SA I 1/95) City of Augusta, Georgia < . ", EXHIBIT E DEMONSTRA TION SITE DISCOUNT New World has provided Customer a significant discount in exchange for the privilege of using Customer's site for demonstration purposes. Accordingly, after the Licensed Software has been delivered and installed, Customer agrees to act as a demonstration site for prospective New World customers. Customer also agrees to serve as a reference or remote demonstration site on the telephone for prospective New World customers. By agreeing to be a demonstration site, Customer is not necessarily endorsing the New World software and Customer will not actively participate in any type of market:.ng and advertising campaign for or on behalf of New World. Demonstration, will be coordinated with the appropriate Customer personnel and will be scheduled to minimize the interruption to Customer's operations. New World will provide Customer reasonable notice for preparation. CONFIDENTIAL (Rev S.L.&SA 11/95) City of Augusta, Georgia