HomeMy WebLinkAboutRichmond County Sheriff's Department Augusta Richmond GA DOCUMENT NAME: X\ CJXI\\\Dro Q.DJf\--\Lj ~~'(\ t~ ~ dept DOCUMENT TYPE: C\3~~~ YEAR: C\\ BOX NUMBER: 03 FILE NUMBER: '\()Dsl NUMBER OF PAGES: '1 ; .. AUGUSTA-RICHMOND COUNTY COMMISSION . LARRY E. SCONYERS Mayor ROOM 801 MUNICIPAL BLDG. (II) AUGUSTA, GEORGIA 30911 Bus. (706) 821-2488 Fax No. (706) 722-5984 LEE BEARD ULMER BRIDGES JERRY BRIGHAM HENRY H. BRIGHAM WILLIAM B. KUHLKE. JR. WM. "WILLIE" H. MAYS. ill J. B. POWEll. MOSES TODD ROB ZETrERBERG FREDDIE L. HANDY Mayor Pro Tern April 2, 1997 CHARLES R. OLIVER. P E,.CPA Administrator .// ).. /' " ./ JAMES.B~WALL J ("'Anomey Ms. Lena Bonner Clerk, Commission 8th Floor, Municipal Augusta, GA 30911 Bldg. Reply to: P.O. BOX 2125 Augusta. GA 30903 RE: License Agreement Renewal Richmond County Sheriff's Department Dear Lena: I enclose herewith a fully executed copy of the License Agreement between Tower Broadcasting Corporation of Georgia and Richmond County for the Sheriff's Department tower located at 2400 Barton Chapel Road. Please place this in the permanent records. This was approved by the Commission on March 4, 1997. Thanking you and with best personal regards, I am Yours very truly, ~~ James B. Wall fA.,p JBWjsjp Enclosure " i: '.. . TOWER BROADCASTING CORPORATION OF GEORGIA 809 NA VESINK RIVER ROAD LOCUST. NEW JERSEY 07760 LICENSE AGREEMENT ~ -;-~IS Agreerr.e'lL 'T,ace rr.ls is, cay of Januarl i 99, between Tower Broaccastlna Corcoration of Georcla :: ,:::;eor91a corporation :-:avtng its principal office at 809 Navesink Ri'ler Road. Locust. New Jersey. herelnafrer refer-e.: to as "TBC" and/or "Licensor", and Richmond County ~htlrijft; Dg[iJ:artm~,nt, hereinafter referred to as the "Licensee". '1 -----_..'i('" "",",,~ ;t.~'ir-;-;;I ~fficii 4t C":' C~"-i~:\'I~I'lI>:;Biiill~l'<iliiiilXl~ ~~8 ,':',l1gl1sta Gesrgla ~ PREMISES - I BC here:JY grants non-exclUSive ;:::ermlSSlon to L:cr1see :0 install. ,7'cW~taln :~erate a,-.c ~emcve communications ecuioment. limited to that cescnbed in Exhibit ",,c.' ::ttached upon t:le Premises. r,e'e'~, SelTerlmeS referred to as [he "Premises". as set forth in Exhibit ",A," attachec hereto "- TERM AND TERMINATION - ThiS Agreement snail become effective upon cate written above ana ShaJi continue in effect for a term of one (1) year. Upon termination of the Agreement :'1 accordance .,vith any of its terms. Lice"see shall remove ItS said equipment from TaC's Premises. T:~e commencement date of this Agreement anc commencement of the mont~ly rental payments to TBC shail be the cate as stated hereinabove. 3 ATTACHMENTS TO PREMISES BY LICENSEE - Licensee shall. at its own expense. maintain an:; equioment on or attached to the Premises in a safe condition. in good repair and in a manner suitable to TBC so as not to conflict with the use of the Premises by TBC. or by any other company using the Premises. and so as not ~c interfere With the working use or radio use of facilities thereon or to be placed thereon L:censee agrees to Install equipment of types and frequencies which will not cause interference to TBC or other Licensees of Premises. or in neighboring area. In the event Licensee's equiPment causes such interference. Licensee will immediately take all steps necessary to correct and eliminate the interference. If said interference cannot be eliminated Within forty-eight (48) hours after receipt of written notice from TBC to Licensee of the eXistence of such Interference. Licensee shall discontinue use of the equiomenr: Licensee shall temporarily disconnect the electriC power and shut down Licensee's equipment (except for intermittent operation for the purpose of testing after performing such maintenance, repair modification. replacement or other action for the purpose of correcting such interference). If such interference is not corrected within thirty. (30; days after receipt of said written notice. Licensee agrees to establish alternative faCilities and to remove its eculOment from the Premises. ThiS Agreement shall then terminate Without further obligation by either party. except as mav be soecifically enumeratec herein. - INSTALLATIONS- Licensee shall have the right. at its own cost and expense. and with TBC's consent. :0 have Installed In or on the Premises. only the equipment described in Exhibit ",;:.,," attached. The Licensee will utilize J - the existing electric circuits at the Premises In the event that Licensee's power requirements exceed the existing capacity or power distribution. it will be the Licensee's responsibility to increase the capacity to meet Licensee's nee':s. Any such installation shall be done in conformity With all applicable ordinances and codes. at the Licensee.s. exce:1se The location and. the manner In which the equipment is Ins tailed will be determined by TBC With cons;ceration of the needs of Licensee. TBC shall '10( De unreasonable in its reqUirements. Said reqUiremen:s .::'elr.~ Jased on good engineering practices related to Premises and space utilization and engineering auailty contrOl . of tre Premises. _ REPRESENTATIONS - Licensee has visited and inspected the Premises and accepts the physical condition thereof and acknowledges that no representations or warranties have been made to Licensee by TBC as to concitian of Premises. tower or storage facilities or engineering data. Licensee is responsible for determining ail ascects as to the acceptability. accuracy and adequacy for Licensee's use. e ACCESS - TBC agrees that Licensee shall have access to the Premises fer the purpose of maintaining and ope:a\lng Licensee's equipment. and TBC further agrees to give Licensee Ingress and egress to the Premises dUrir.g the hours of 9 AM. to 5 PM Monday through Friday except for emergencies dUring the continuation of thiS Agreement and any renewals thereof TBC further grants to Licensee a right of access to the areas where suc;, connecting equipment is located for the purposes of maintaining, repairing, testing and replacing the same. Only O:i IIIYJ.. "I"t \V\l. ;trx.:ga.JDI Augusla, GA .1(1).251) 1Ii.1:')() j;t/ renewal: r/augsrg:t. ('.vi " 1 authcnzea engineers. emcloyees. contractors. SLoconrractors and agent of Licer.see. FCC Insaectors. or persons Gneer Licensee's direct sUDervisicn, wiil be cermlned to enter me Premises. COMPLIANCE WITH STATUTES ,AND REGUL,'; TIONS - Licensee's ec;ulpment snail ce erec:ec ar.c ;T1aintainec in accordance with tre ~e'.::uirements and scecifications cf ail laws a,ld ccces ail ,;;cver,-,rner.tat 3,;;e:.o:es. or an'; amendrner1ls:;:- re'/is:cns (;-,ere:: ane:r. ccr:-:.oilance wleh a:O~1 :-utes .cr creers ~cw In effect .cr :~at hereafter may be issued by ,he FeGerai Ccmr:-:ur:!caticns Corn miSSion or anycther govern.--r.er.:al agency. It is the Licensee's responsibility to know and conform to these laws or regulations Licensee will provide TaC with a copy of its !!C2:.se for the radio fac:J:~i to be located at tr.e Premises 8 MAINTENANCE AND OC=~ATION 0;= P~EI\/lISES - TeC reserves to Itse!' Its s~':cess.cJs arc ass!g~.s .,._ fight to maintain the Premises and to cperate its faC!iities thereon in such manner as will oest enabie it to fulfii! Its cwn ser/ice reqUirements but in accordance With the specifications herein mer.tioned. TaC s;-al: not be Ilaole to Licensee for ar.y Interruption of service of Licensee or fsr interference with tr,e cceraticn of L:censee.s esuJc.se:.t arising in any manner from L;se of ~;-:e P;errlses r.ereL:r,cer __ ,~ENT AL OF PRE~JlISES - Lic2r:se~ sl~aq .:3.1 iC TEe fc~ the use cr rhe ~:--~~Ijses ces~:-:ced :.creurc=:" :~;e annL:a! remal speCified in EX:-:lblt'A' cayabie In r.-:omhiy Installments of one t'Neltc:~ eac:: in ac'/:::rce en the 1 s~ :a~/ cf eac:, month dunng the term hereof. cOrT,r.1encing on the commencement cate or the Agreemer.t as provic:::.: In paragraph 2. In the event the commencement date IS not the 1 st day of the month. the rent for SL;cn month sha!1 be appor::ioned. All rental payments will be made to TaC of Georgia at its address as provided in page one of this Agreement. Any payments to ce made by Licensee shall be paid on the date due withcut notice ar.d Wltr.CL:t ~ abatement, ded. uction or set-off. In :ldd/tion. t1:e ~:censo~ sh:lll deposit vdh TSC. J .1':) ;r~:::st ::Jcur:t'/ :::,cc:;~ equ:::1 (:J ::.'10 mont~'c rent. This deposit s~:lll te refunded to L:ccnsco upon tho ~ermir.:Jticn c: this :\g:ocm.:::nr. pr:y;c:d therc Ie '-'0 :Jutst:::nc:ng :r.::cbtodrc::s 'Jf ~:cersce ::J TSC. ilf^' 10. INDEMNIFICATION ,6..ND INSUR,';NCE - [" -r from and against any and all c!aims and demands for damages to property and in to perscns inc!uding any pay under any workmen's comDensation la an for employees' disability and death benefits, which may arise out or 0 ,a atlon, maintenance. presence. use or removal of Licensee's equipment in or about's. cr by any ac 0 or Licensee's agents on or in the vicinity of the Premises ,ereunder, except as said claim or demand may wholly 0 ; om the negligence I , _ ( acticns jucg ,; costs. expense and liabilit!es which may arise out of:r Licensee's use of the Pre, , oxcept such liaoility as shall anse In wnoie au ~ negiigence of T8C. The amcunts of sue" " r,ce against liabilitv " amage to proper::y shali :e one miilion dollars (51 000.000) as to anyone occurrence ana lability due to Injury or death of person one million dollars (51,000,000) as to anyone pers'" - ne million.dollars ( 0 as to anyone occurrence. Licensee il shall also carr,! such ins swill protect it from all claims under any workm ensation laws in effect L \ that may be e to Licensee All insurance required hereunder shall remain in force for ", ~ . e life of :;;is ^ ~ ev:c~~;ng 'h~t s~cn '~su"r;"..:;'5 ;~,;," ", ,- 11 ffL ,L.1'c..e.-S~e. IS ~el+ ,~~U' L V\ 11 RIGHTS TO EQUIPIV1ENT - EqUipment installed by Licensee shall ren-:aln oersonal to Licensee and s~all during the term of this Agreement. belor.g to Licensee. Licensee may. at its election. have said equipment remo'/es on or before the expiration or terminaticn of this Agreement. provided that Licensee shall repair any damage causes '8Y said removal ,..... 'r'''- ;. ..... '''I . , . :: ......; ;nsurance as i"e-:~lreCI ;le:"elr. ,~cs: =-= :-. An~/ of Licensee's prope,,:/ remaining on the Premises thirty (30) days after the exolration cr termination cr this Agreement. which TaC does not require Licer.see to remove. shall become the :::rcperty of TaG. free of any c!ai;T\ by Licensee or any person claiming through Licensee. At the termination or expiration of the Agreement. L:cer'see agrees to restore the Premises to its original condition excepting only reasonable wear and tear thereof. 1)51094/.\.1.\.1 W\.lIilbc~3.J()[ A.ugusla. GA ~60.250 I L~:96 lJirenewaliriaUI:S1Ca. rwl . '~ . i 2. Any :lolding over ar.:::r the eXpiration of the term hereof with the written c~nsenr of TaC shall be construea as a tenanq from month to monrn sucJec: to all of the provisions of thiS Agreement and at the same mcrthiy rent as nere;n orov1ded with aopiicable increases ~:; DEF;;UL T - In the e'/~"t L,cens:::e srail fail tc cc~ciy 'Nlt!1 ar,y of the prc';isicns of this ,';gr~~xe:it. inc[ec:ng :;;e scecif:catlons herein ..'Imten or 5;-.all cefault In a:<'j of its obligations :.;nder this p.gre:::rr.ent. inciedmg :;-,e 5cecificatlons herein wmten, T3C .~a'j. at Its option, immediately terminate this ,..l.,greement provided TaC has given licensee written notice of suc!1 default and Licensee has failed to cu~e the same within twenty (20) days after ~=<:ei~: cr such r:ctice: ~r:\liced ~C-\v'2\'er. t~at Jr. TaC's sere ;L.!c:~:-nent \N~e:e suerl defauit. C2nnct reascnably :2 cc;rec .; s....;c;; tv/enty (2':.) ::a~i ;::erlCC :f Licensee snail oroceed cromptlv tc c:..re the same ar:d prcsec:.;:e SiXr: ':I:.;r:n~ 'Nith jue ciligence t:ie :rr.ie fer .:.;rlng suc:- ,je;ault s,"all te extended jy TaC for suc." .cericd cf :!:71e as ;:-:a\ be necessar:1 to complete such cering .::;;Jt uncer no Circumstances wili thiS be ,:;reater than sixty day'S In aoaitlcn. TaC will not. excect In an emergency, cure ar,y allesea default 0:/ licensee until after Ule exolratlon o~ Licensees time to cure such eefaL.;lt as orJviced r,erelnabC'J;:. anc then cniy If L,censee has falied .juring SL.;C1 ce;:oc. tc cure such defau:: or pericrm SLot1 act. .:;r.'I e:c)ense thes incurred by TaC will ~e pale fer by Lcer:see. In the event the default IS non-pa:r~ent of the license fee as stioulated .r Exi:lblt "X' L!CEi'JSORcr TaC w!il ;-;oti~1 LICENSEE via Cer-ified United Stares fvlail of nen-receipt of payment. In the event thirty (30) days has passed since the delivery of notice to LICENSEE and LICENSEE has failed to make full payment, LICENSOR or TBC shall have the automatic right te disconnect, remove and store the LICENSEE's equipment. All costs and expenses incurred by LICENSOR and/or TaC in connection with such disconnection, removal and storage shall be charged to the LICENSEE; and the LICENSEE agrees to pay such charges It is further understood and agreed that payment of the foregoing cnarges shall not relieve the LICENSEE of Its c:bligation to pay the license fees in default and any additional excenses LICENSOR or TaC incur in connection with the colleelon. ':he rights and remedies of LICENSOR and T3C described in this paragraph and eisewhere in this Agreemer:t are cumulative, and are in addition to any ether rights or remedies that may exist now or in tr,e future, at law or equity. LICENSEE shall indemnify, release, defend and hold LICENSOR and TBC harmless against all losses. costs (including reasonable attorneys' fees), damages, expenses, claims, demands or liabilities arising out of or caused by or alleged to have arisen out of or been caused by the removal by LICENSOR or TBC of LICENSEE's equipment or fcr impairment or Interruption of LICENSEE's service or operation pursuant to this Paragraph 13. ~ 4. QUALITY CONTROL AI\JD SECURITY - For reasens of aeality C8nt(::1. safety and sec:urity Licensee shail submit :c TaC. for TaC's aporoval ce:ailed. ..vritten plans and specifications as to material to be installed at the Premises TBC shall not u~reascnably ','/Ithhold aopraval of said material ToCi/iil be performing. at additional cos, :0 L~censee. the Installaticn of the ante"na(s) ana/or radiO eqeipment at ~r,e Site (Premises), under a separate a<;reerr:ent between Licensee and TBC. In the event that TBC authorizes Licensee to have an installer. other than T8C. ;:;erform the installation of antenna(s) and eqL:lpment the following requirements must be met prior to ins:allation. (A) TBC must grant said authorization in writing; (B) said installer must submit to TaC Certificates of Insurance. naming TBC and the site cwner(s) (if not TaC): (C) the Certificates of Insurance must specifically ir:dic8te that the installer h2S insurance specificaily related [0 tower work, if this ins~allation invoi'/es a tower Tr,e Licensee accepts full resconsibility arC :iability for any and all actions of said Insta:ler engaged by Licensee IBC has :r:e unalterable right. ','/ithoet explar:ation to reject 2n installer or subcontractcr of Licensee Licensee's scie ,,:;mec'/ in this e'lent is tc '.1 2ng2ge a :i:7erent Installer 3nd so nO[I~/ Tac. :" ':mting. immediately or I :i., 'Ioid TIS ;'greerr:ent ~y providing T3C :i1ir:~1 13C, :ays written notice ,- ;'SSIGNrvlEt'oJT - Witheut TaC's written consent. Licensee shall not ha'le the right to assign thiS Agreement or to sc:Clet all or any part of its rights anc obligations hereunder. 1 c. CONTROVERSIES - All controversies relating to. in connection with. or arising out of this Agreement. its r7lcdification. making or the authorit'! cr sbligations of the signatories hereto. c.nd 'Nhether involving the principals. agents. brokers. or others who actually subscribe hereto. shall be settled by arcltratlon in accordance with the rules of cor,c:liatlon and arbitration The arcitration proceeding to be governed by one arbitrator of the American Arbitration Association and "Rules of A(cltration" as the'j eXist at the time of the arbitration (including proviSions as to payment of fees and expenses). Arbitration is the sole remedy hereunder, and It shall be held in accordance with the law of New York State. or in any court of competent jurisdiction All notices or judicial service in reference to arbitration or enforcement shall be deemed given if transmitted as required by the aforesaid rules. 1)511)<)4, 'vI 'vI Au~usta. GA 460.250 1\/4196 W'vl/jeoc,p .uoc lal renewal: r:augstga. [wi .~ Any cemand or notice to either Darty may be given (0 the other pallY oy cellifiec U S mad acdressir:g ,he wntte" :iotlce to. Parties listed in Exhibit "A" 1, QUIET ENJCYME:'JT - TBC c:::l'Ienan:s ar:d ag~e;:s wit~ Lice:'.see :I:a: '-,.::on Lice,'lsee caing :'":e rent a;;c :csern~g ane ;:erforming ail the terms. C2'/ena,-::s anc ccncitlens en Lcensee's ':2"-: :0 ce ocse{'led 2;;C .cerfor:-:-.ec L.,censee may peacefully and qUietly enjoy the ~remlses, suoject ne'/ellhe!ess tc the terms anc conCltlons of ,his Agreerr.ent ~ p CASUAL TV - In :,~e e'lent of dar.:age :y fire er ether casualty :0 the ;::~emlses. ~ce:-:see ::'.ay :e-"'";!n2te [(',s ,00.greer.ent upon thirty :30) cays wrrtten :lo,ice :c T3C :f -'-SC has net ccmeleree. cr car~r:ot cc::'.piete sr reasonaclv be exoected to complete the making of the reculred reealrs and restorations :0 :r,e Premises wltr,!n ,r,ree (:~ :-;oonths f~om the date of suc:, damage er destruc::on. If ary such damage cr destr'-1cticn s:-,ail eccur:::ur:r,g the las: year of the term of this Agreement Licensee ma~1 terminate this /lgreement upon ,hillY (301 davs wrilte." notice to T3C;iven 'N!tr,ln six:y (601 days a~er suen cama;e or .:es~~UCllOr1 19 REPAIRS - L!censee shail not ce requlrec: (0 make any reoalls ,0 ,he Premises unless such reqalrs she:: :e necess;tated by reason of the default or neglec: cf Licensee. its agents serven:s Ol-:C e::'.cloyees 20. TBC reserves the right to utilize improvements in technology or management techniques which will provide for better utilization of space and capacity of both the site or tower and/or the Premises Examples of improvements might be (but not limited to): use of combiners, special antennas. etc. TBC has the right to require the Licensee to incorporate these improvements into his system. in the interest of improving TBC's site and/or tower space. capacity. efficiency and capability. In the event the Licensee declines to incorporate the improvements requested by TBC. the Licensee shall have the right to withdraw from this Agreement and must vacate the Premises within ,1inety (90) days of receipt of notice of request for improvements from TBC or incorporate the improvements within ninety (90) days of TBC's written request for improvements Such requests by TBC shall be reasonable and based on good engineering principles related to communication site management and utilization In nc event shall cost to Licensee. related to these improvements. exceed two thousand dollars during the term of this Agreement. 21. COORDINATION OF OPERATION - As a consequence of the proposed 24 hour daily basis of ooeration by Licensee, any action on the part of TBC Without prior notice in making repairs, alterations, additions or improvements in the operation of the building which might materially interfere with, suspend. cut-off or terminate access to or use of the Premises and its facilities and equipment. including air-conditioning therein. could cause inconvenience. expense and economic loss to Licensee Therefore, TBC agrees to make reasonable efforts to give to Licer:see reasonable advance notice (except in ,he case of emergenc) where advance notice cannot reasonably be given) of any planned shut downs for scheduled routine maintenance and of repairs. alterations. additions or improve:T;ents to be made with respect to the maintenance and operation of the Premises which might materially affect the operation of the Licensee's facilities and equioment. TBC further agrees to make reasonable efforts to minimize such inconvenience or possible loss or expense ro licensee. 22. ELECTRICITY - The electricity consumed by the equipment installed by Licensee shall be an exoense to Licensee TBC will compute or meter the cost of said electricity and shall on a r.iCnr:l/y baSIS bill licensee at ccs~. TBC s;'cll Drovide Licensee with the mathematical oasis fer such billing if requested to do so by Licensee. 23. NONDISCLOSURE - Licensor and Licensee agree not to disclose. without 'mitten consent of (r,e cc:-,er ;:;a:-:/ any of the terms of this Agreement or any ather 'Nlitten ,~greement between the ;:al1ies for the license privile<;es :;ese~i::;ec: herein. except as required by governr.:ental authority. in WhiCh case the ct:-,er pallY WliI be infcr:-:-:ed 24. HEADINGS - The descriptive headings used in thiS Agreement are for purposes of convenience cnly and do not ccnstltute a part of this Agreement. 25. ENTIRE AGREEMENT SEVERABILITY - This Agreement embodies the entire Agreement between the .aarties It may not be modified or terminated except as .:Jrovided herein or by other 'Niitten Agreement t:ecween the parties if any provision herein is Invalid. It shall :::e consicered deleted frem this Agreement and shall not :nvaiidate the remaining provisions of this Agreement 26. PARTIES BOUND BY AGREEMENT - Subject to the provisions hereof. this Agreement shall extend to and bind the heirs, executors, administrators. successors and assigns of the parties hereto. 05 lI)'I4/M.\I W:'vll jrbf.:::3. Jor -l AuguSla. GA 460.250 1114/96 ra; rc:nc:wall rl aU2S(l!3. rNj .~ ':-. IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the parnes hereto have set their hands and seals this date ACCEPTED BY. LICENSE::: TiTL::. () DATE. 3-~--11. "mST/MI4~1V TiTLE DATe. ,A,TIeST 051094/~1:o..1 W\lIjtbcga.dol 5 Augusu, GA -160.250 11/-1;96 {a/renewal/ r/augscga. rwl .') ". '-", Tower Broadcasting Corporation of Georgia EXHIBIT "A" Call Sign KTG559-KTG560 One Transmitter licensed by the FCC :0 operate on 460.250 i'v1Hz One Receiver licensed by the FCC to ooerate on 465250 MHz. One transmission line ccnnecting be~Neen the transmitter and th.e transmit antenna. 1 1/4 " in diemeter One :iansmlssion iine c;::nnec~ii,g between :he receiver ane the receive antenna. 1/2 ., :n aiafT.erer :=ffective Radiated Power radiates ,:::y the Lra,IS,i.it antenna will te _ ',varts Licensee will be installing the following antenna(s) Type I Make ! Model No, r Size I Height i Diameter ! ; TX I DECIBEL I OB809 i 1 i' I I 2.5" Type I Make I Model No. I Size I Height I Diameter I RX I I DISH i I I .7 51v1 One Base Station, model no. B94RCB, 24" width 72 "height 22 "depth, manufacturer Motorola, power output 150 watts. with accessories, not to occupy more than four (4) square feet of floor space; mechanical and electrical hardware, cabinets enclosures and other miscellaneous material needed by Licensee to install, protect and maintain the above equipment Premises: equipment location area 2400 Barton Chapel Road #1 ~ Augusta. Georgia ( -I 4 The annual rental is hereby agreed to as Three Thousand Seven Hundred Four Dollars and Forty Cents ($3,704.40) per year. At OJch JnnuJI Jnni'.'orc:Jrj dJto of this ,^,greement, tho :nnuJI rentJI figure will Jutom:JtiC:Jily IncreJc:J by percent ( _ %) Paid In monthly Increments. equal to one-twelfth of the annual rent, in advance. In order to prepare this site to accommodate the Licensee's equipment. TBC prOVided site preparation service including electrical and/or air conditioning and/or structural and/or engineering services. The cost to Licensee for these services is S N/A at this site This non-refundable amount is due and payable with Licensee's acceptance and submIssion of this Agreement for TBC's (Licensor's) execution. ' Notices To: TaC: Tower Broadcasting Corporation of Georgia 809 Naveslnk River Road Locust, New Jersey 07760 Attention: Mr. William J. Marraccini Licensee: Richmond County ShcriFfo Cel3Grtffie:l"lt County Municipal Building, Room 1 05 Augusta. Georgia 30911 Attenticn. Lin. easley (Licensee) Licensee Sign: Acceptance of EXhibi~A" Sigr.a:ure: Acceptance of Ex~t "A" (TBC) 05109a:\-L\{ W,vUjrbqa .uoc 6 Augusca. GA ~60.250 1\...196 (al r~n~walf rlaugsrga. rwl