HomeMy WebLinkAboutRICHMOND COUNTY DFCS FUNDING AGREEMENT$120,000 1/01/08 TO 12/31/08 Fundin re uest from Outside A Agency: RichmQnd County DFCS Budget Time Frame: 1/1/08 to 12/31/08 Submitted by: This AGREEMENT made and entered this 4th day of January, 2008, between Augusta, Georgia, acting by and through the Augusta-Richmond County Commission, a political subdivision of the State of Georgia (hereinafter referred to as "Augusta" or "County"), and the Richmond County DFCS., (hereinafter referred to as the "Organization" or "AGENCY"); WITNESSETH: WHEREAS, the Augusta-Richmond County Commission desires to contract with the above named Organization to PROVIDE FUNDS FOR THE OPERA nONS OF THE AGENCY JIL- Whereas the amount of$160,000 $120,000 is now available for use by AGENCY., according to the GENERAL FUND BUDGET ADOPTED ON DECEMBER 6, 2007; NOW, THEREFORE, for and in consideration of the mutual covenants and agreements between the parties, it is agreed as follows: The County agrees to appropriate the following sums to the Organization for the purpose of: Administration/Child Welfare $120,000 Safe Homes 10,000 4(:, ;)Ie- Child Enrichment 30,000 Total $160,000 $120,000 517t./ The Organization agrees to use such funds that it may receive, pursuant to this Agreement, solely and exclusively for the above described Project; said Project, including the Project Budget, is more specifically described at "Exhibits" attached hereto and incorporated herein. In consideration of the disbursement of said funds, AGENCY shall observe all conditions that the law imposes on the use of said funds, which shall include, but not be limited to, the following 1. The agency shall provide the county with a narrative description of the program and a detailed program budget. The budget should include all funding sources that the agency anticipates receiving. 2. The Agency shall provide the following information as part of the narrative: a. Mission Statem~nt b. Performance Budget Overview c. Budget Request d. Summary 3. The Agency shall complete the following forms as part of the budgeting process: a. Budget Preparation Checklist b. Agency / Joint Funding Budget Request (Form AJ) c. Agency / Joint Funding Budget Request Payroll Costs (Form AJ-1) d. Copy of Agencies most recent financial statements. 4. The agency shall have an annual audit performed by an independent CPA Firm. The Agency should specify the County as a funding source. The agency shall provide the County a copy of the audited financial statements within 30 days of delivery of the audit by the contractor. Said reports shall be delivered to Augusta Finance Department, Municipal Building Augusta, GA 30911 to the attention of Ms. Donna Williams, Finance Director or her Designee. 5. The agency shall also submit a completed form W -9 to Augusta Finance Department. AUGUSTA-RICHMOND COUNTY COMMISSION By: C~--t4.tL Mayor . ~1V( &.......... . .. . ...... . . . . . . . . . . . ". . .. . . . . . . ....... .' .. . .. . .. . ~ . . . ATTEST: ORGANIZATION: '~., <:J..v~ r-. ~ c..o\J..'A \'j ~. W AG.ENCY /J _ }' By: j/.cL 1L cl e-J--- '1\ tF As its VII" L c-tz:J.-/ BUDGET PREPARATION CHECKLIST The following checklist is provided to assist you in preparing the required budget documentation and must be included as part of your department's budget submittal. The Department Director must sign the "statement of compliance" at the end of this checklist prior to budget submission. 1. You have received all information related to your entire department. If not contact your Budget Analyst immediately. 2. MISSION STATEMENT a. Departmental Goals and Objectives b. Performance Measures/Managing for Results c. Function Charts 3. ORGANIZATIONS CHART(s) 4. SUMMARY OF MAJOR ISSUES a. Major issues identified b. Brief description of each issue 5. PROGRAM AND SERVICE INVENTORY FORMS a. Program and Service Inventory forms are included for all current servIces b. Program and Service Inventory forms are included for each Request for Additional Funding 6. EXPENSES a. Expense Budget input (Budget Forms) b. Input Data has been checked for accuracy c. Supplementary Expense sheets included 7. POSITION CONTROL - review all position control information a. Verified position information b. Updated pay information as needed c. Included vacant positions projected to be filled in FY2007 d. Included budget for seasonal and temporary positions e. Positions Summaries have been completed according to instructions f. The Position Summary and the Personnel Report agree as to the number and classification of positions YES NO /' /' ./' ../ ,/ / / ~ r II It II N\A u (I ~ ~ \1 l0' II 1'1 ,,~. BUDGET PREPARATION CHECKLIST YES NO 8. CAPITAL BUDGET a. Capital Budget Request previously submitted b. Relationship to General Fund Highlighted N\A STATEMENT OF COMPLIANCE The budget submittal for the Department of 1)FC~ is in compliance with the guidelines as set forth by the Finance Dep' ment. Its contents have been checked and verified against the above checklist. Df!;:rc4/J Cha-i- z /7/00 Date I FamW.g 01 Gl tI'I '" C. c: C Ill"" ii '""'U ~:l J:o 1~ t- oY 15 /lI i III III Request fcOr Taxpayer Identification Number and Certification Gin<fmm tottl. ~lrisr. Do not unci to the fRS. ,w o &.Irnpt ~ ~1rem;;1I'Il1lll::l11lllS flptoolll) Btlw)PurilN In,1ha Bpp~prtstemx. lb!!i1Np~ must,11!I!IiclI tttl!l'1BrnIilgven Oil Une' lD B'tOll! ta::Ia:p wnnllOllIllg.. i><< tndMllUlllS, ttilB IS )'COr llOOlBt secunty mITIoer (BBNJ. HoWaVllr. mr 8 resloant all!ln.1!Ola ~. Cf' tIIngBroaI!llnt~, BSiil tilB. Part I nstm:tlonsDn page. 3. Fer ether ecrtlllea. It Is yoII' empeyerlOantltlCBUOO Illll10er fEIN!. 1f)'OO do not I1lma B: rtIl1'lller, sea #flWlQ gats 11H on page a. Nota. It tile EEXlOunt 15 In mom tnan lJne 11!111'1!1, lee:ttl9 Clls:t CIl1 PI9& 4 ta ~tISll1llli Ell 'It'IllrSa nliJrntEr 1m enter. OIlrtflilaamn Urxler psrnallll!B r.tf ,1E~1ll)', I C1lrttry tttBt: 1. '11'8 mrnber Shll'MtlCfltttls tam II> nrr corrECt lBtpayar lt1enl1nr.alloll rtlmber (Dr 111'II wtng fa a nuntler to tla lS5UE<f'lo mej,sm 2. I, II'TI oot SUIlfEd 1D backUp wlltncldlng tlIKlau;a: (B) I' Bm lIl.9n,:i1ltlm bl1I::llrip '6l1tIlOOIlD'lg, or 03) 1l'B'i'a not bBE!O, lIll'illIll<llly 1ne.lntsl1lBl R!l1/!nue8eMt:B ~FISJ tllat I am SUbject to tBl~ wnnl10ldllll au reBUt or 8 taJi.Im 1n report an IrliIIras't Cf cI'I1l!arxls, C1r(cJ 1!:la IRS haS mthI! mll ttmt I BrIt no IIiIrger SUbject 1XI bB::kl.p \VIIflIIDt2rg. enl! 8.. III'TIB Uta c.l!lzenllr olI'lSf U,S. p8lBOn [l:lllfDld ,~ osrtm::alloo InS1ructlami~ Ycu rnU!rt ClIm5 out Item ~ ab:Ml1T you t\!nIl! tlaEflnalll1s:f lly Ifla IRS tttBt)!llU are CUrIB~ liIltiEd to blClWp wttllb:lltli:1g bl!CSlJi8)PU 1mB 'Isla::! to rep;lftel '1nl:srert EIICl dlWkiarxls Ell yoortal'll11lrn.. Rlrnlal 8'iilBIB tl!l1sadtlcm, fiBm! daas .notfllJPtt. Fer nx:cta. IrrtMlBt pSt!, BIXlut;ltl:ln or alDm:lrJnmEOtllt llSCUJBj property" car&1L!l1lln D1da!ltcanlrl:x:lllw:to an Irl:m!tiJal,lllllramant . 8ll'11'Q31!11S1lt 1IRAl, 8n(1:. 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',troo1.. i:le.d.. .kup- rMtWmli:ling ~ you Mil' & IJA IlKSI'lIpt PS}9!l. If .xu::axe. yoo 8ll3..el80 C8l'titrjll~ that SB-ll us. penlIilI!I, )'OUr iillccal!ltll Bhw of SI'l}' partMflitiip ~ from II; u.s. tr.9d9: CI' buainSSIl is not stbj9ct t<1 the witIt1oltfil'l3' _1m fo1E(gn paRnal&' Ill1:iRo d etfeWleljr o:lIlnlllcbad R:00l3. Note. If. a li!queater gMia.)IlJU II; furtn o1bar than Form W-v to IIqlSl!t ~(TlN. YOIH'Iwsl we tbe IiqU!lst<<'sfam ifit ill ~a1)' Bimilsr to this FmmW-Q, IB~I~ir or lNM"!) 1 0 ~ DefiniScn of B u.s. pel'llOlL f<< federal tc ~ you lIB e~ a UA plDJfI if you fHl . . " An int:lwldua! who ill a U.s. ciIizsn 01' U.s. Mi_ SIan. " A psrtnar8l1jp. Cl€lCpDnilion. company. 01' 8~ CIilIStSd or org!ilU:i in 1M UnitildStstae. a im:i3r the. Isw8. of the United StSteB. " An fllltBtil ~ than 8. foreign ee1Ed:e), (If " A d:lmeetiC trust {ea. dEfined in RsgtlBx1s aection 3Cl1.7l'tl1-1'j. Speclal MeS ior pm:tnnlUp&. ~ip& tllst oondoota tra:i& <<.buBl1\IlIB& In 1h1l Unibid StEll'sr& :genamlly ~red m pay a wit~I1f:l' w m1 snY.~.!lBrtnere' shsrs. of irlClCllTl!l flllm such blllltnelllll. Fw1her, In' oartaIn -ciI1!IlSi where a Form w-v has not been received. a psrlnefl!l1ip i! .~l!lld to pRIlIUITI8 hJI: aprmer ie. a foreign, pEnlrlfl. mil pay 1h& iMlhholdi'!W tal:. Therefore, if )lllti' are a us. p6l11Cln ttWt is a piIIUlIllr rt, a. ~ comucmg s.~tlr buail1illl8 in tbi Unibid S1Bt8e. prov.icIll Ftlm1 W..; m tbi. patrnerahip to eBtlblisb yClUI' U.s. a1BlliI8 sml ftd~9'm1 ~1I'1!hareof ~ inecma. The psTtIOll whOi~ ~ \\1'" to 1h& part~ip ~r fXIlipoees.o1 flSfBbl. ns. US atatUlil w'l!lIOXing, W1lhll:lltfing on, ilB deniable share , net nCOll'lll from 1he pstnefBhip CllrEiile'ling. a Iratle or bU!!iD31l8 in fb9 lllWclBtaI:i!e. ill in the fmbwirt;J -caaaB: . " The VA ownar at 1\. dial'ilgardadan1Ry &'Id not the entity. ClIt Ncl. lD:imX FDR11 W..g (Rill. 10.2001) irJDHR BOARD MEMBERS Marion E. Barnes Dr. Thomas C. Gardiner James L. Kendrick Dr. Louise A. Rice Kathy D. Schofe .. Andre' J. Chambers, Director Department of Human Resources. B. J. Walker, Commissioner. Mary Dean Harvey Division Director. Richmond County Division of Family and Children Services. 520 Fenwick Street. P.O. Box 2277 . Augusta, Georgia 30903-2277 . Phone: 706-721-3000. Family Independence Fax #: 706-721-2967. Office of Child Protection Fax #: 721-8494 February 8, 2008 Susan, Please find enclosed the Richmond County DFCS Budget Packet. Please send a copy of the contract and the award letter to my attention. Please let me know if further information is needed. /' An Equal Opportunity Employer