HomeMy WebLinkAboutRichard E. Brown Encroachment Augusta Richmond GA DOCUMENT NAME- fZ. \C-I-t (.\-(< \) f, BROW l\J E IV C rz- c /4c)f /VI e;rf r- DOCUMENT TYPE: A j (<.~~In~(/'JT YEAR: I q q q BOX NUMBER: ry FILE NUMBER: 1 Lf ? 7 I.p NUMBER OF PAGES: 3 ~eb-l~-98 02:52P /' ... - ....'\, P.Ol REEL 6313 PAGE 1307 i'.).:! ~.' ~. ~', ~ ~/~; i !t~/I// 1,7 / .99 FES -5 PH 4: 45 ("'" [ L /. ! ~~::: c. J 011 ~~ S m~ !:U:RK !JF SUrJ[,H!UH COURT \ \ j ...../ ORIGINAL REEL RECORDED REEL 630 PAGE 1367 WIP IO: 3870134 --~ ./ . .~..;i , Retur:1 to: .;a:nes 3, h'all ~54 Gree:1e S~reet Aug~sta, G~ 30901 S':'A:'E OF GEORGIA COUNTY OF RICHMOND 3NCRJACHMENT AGREE~E~T ~vhER=:AS ; Orainage \BW4 Kissin9bower Rd wi.t: Augt..:.sta, Georgia is :.he ow::er of a 20 foo:. easer.1ent .loC'atec. on prope'~ty a~ , Aug:;.sta, Georgia, 0.:3 :-:ereinafter described, to See Exh~bit A attached hereto and incorporated herein by refE~re:lCe. 0.:10, Richard E. Brown encroach upon e:=.se:ne:1C in including pqved t.hereoni and ownel- c= sa:.c. ,<1:::=:REP.S, property, des~res to said /.0' drain~e improvemen:.s thereon, and other improvenents , 7. feet oreer co drive 0: ccnstruct W.=-:=:REAS. Augl.:.sta, by anc t hrcugh the Public Works Department, is a9reeabJ.e to permi.t the e::croachmer.:' upor: sa:.Cl. easement provided the owner agrees to inoeD::ify and hold har:n:ess August.a, Georg:.a from any clain for damc.ge co the building, or :0::- any claim ar~sing out of any repa~r or ~eplaceme~c work perfor~ed on the sec:::ion of tte s,:=wer lyi::g wi::h:_n t:~e easer:1enc locate.::i or: the hereinaf~er described proper~y; NOi'i, ':'Hi::RE?ORE, for ar:d in ccms i.de~a:. ::..on of the r.n,.:.t ual pror.1:.ses ar:c::. cov,:=nants herein liiade ,. A'Jgusta, Geci-g:.a, by and throuah t:~e Public Works Department, l:ereby gra~ts co Ri~hard E. Brown I a pe~mit t.o enc~oach upo:: said easemenc by constructing a 20' paved driveway, 17' on the 20' easement as shown on a plan by L. D. Nance, Associate,1 dated Aug 1998 // /- " ," , of said property tere~n described_ REEL 638 PAGE 1308 In fur:.her con:;ideraticn - :or tn:.s =:ncroacnr:le:-x AgreeT:1ent, Richard E. Brown ,~grees to indemnify and ~old harmless Augusta, Georgia, its elected cffici~ls, off~cers, a~d er:lployees, and their s'..:ccesso:::-s and assigns, from any and all c:"ains, derr.ands, actions, causes of act iCl:, :cr inj ury o:~ death, des truct ion, loss or damage of any :<ind or character ari:;;:.::g out of or ':':1 any way related to any :repair or rep:"acement work performed 0:: said paved dr ive locc.r.ed wi ttin the easement 0:: the property ::erein described, inc:~uding reasonab:'e at:.orneys' fees a::d 1 i t igation expenSE~S incurred by :.he paj~ty of the second part iI". defense of any such claims or causes of action. IN W1TN:::SS WHEREOF, instrument to be executed by its this ~ day of E~1l \A.:l1I '1 Signed, sealed and delivered in the Dresence of: ~k~ ~liurzorJ Wl. tness ' :.;, : n~a_-, 2;J>-mc?2mwL ,Notar' - ublic; State 0: 3A MY:,:Co ,mission Expires:__ , NOtarY 'J.'lubll'~C1rumbia County, Georgia My Commlsslon "Expires Aug. 3, 2002 ~."/.() . Signed, sealed and delivered 0n' the p~esen;? of: ,9;b/?/o cC. t;~~/2L2k , :YJ,~tness , " the unQ.:rsigned has caused :.his duly authorized officers officials , 199-8'.79 AUGm;T~nw 17\ 3: ('rM '- I r:, 3y: 2t; Jl' /L t<...~ CL f:. / ' hs i:. s tJt-c.?V'1...1 , . -, ;1~J ATTE~;':': _ ~ot:ary Pu ~~c, State 0=,3A , ::) ,My Comm'iss; on EXD~ resl~'iJo,,;!):11mjilSl0nr:xp;rea ,', 'i' '. ,- ~ - f. .. 11 ~i\'''' .,.. ..... :'.~.' . . f ,;...l~' 1\....,.'fF'Il1 -" . ~ ",- :.~,) '. ......... 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