HomeMy WebLinkAboutPREMIER ELEVATOR CO INC SECTION A AGREEMENT THIS AGREEMENT, made this 6th day of July , 2007. by and between Augusta Georgia, a political subdivision of the State of Georgia, hereinafter called "Owner" and Premier Elevator Co., Inc. doing business as a corporation hereinafter called "Contractor. " WITNESSETH: That for and in consideration of the payments and agreements as hereinafter mentioned the sufficiency which is hereby acknowledged, the parties agree to as follows: 1. The Contractor will commence modernization of the three (3) traction elevators in the Augusta Municipal Building Lobby in accordance with the specifications included in RFB# 07-104 and related documents as listed in item 5 below. 2. The Contractor shall provide all labor, material, parts, engineering, licensing and certifications required by any applicable regulation. Furthermore, the Contractor will furnish all drawings, product data, material, supplies, tools, equipment, labor and other services necessary for the construction and completion of the project described herein. 3. The Contractor will commence the work required by the Contract Documents within Thirty (30) calendar days after the date of the Notice of Award and will complete the work within Three Hundred thirty-one (331) calendar days unless the period of completion is extended otherwise by the Contract Documents. 4. The Contractor agrees to perform all the work described in the Contract Documents (Including Alternate(s): Number 1) for the sum of Four Hundred Twelve Thousand Seven Hundred Six and no/100 dollars ($412,706.00). 5. The term "Contract Documents" means and includes the following: Advertisement for Bids Bid Bond Performance/Payment Bonds Change Order Supplemental General Conditions Addendum No. , dated Addendum No. , dated Request for Bids #07-104 Notice of Award Certificate of Owner's Attorney General Conditions Special Conditions Bid Agreement Notice to Proceed Technical Specifications 6. The Owner will pay to the Contractor in the manner and at such times as set forth in the General Conditions such amounts as required by the Contract Documents. 3 .. # 7. This Agreement shall be binding upon all parties hereto and their respective heirs, executors, administrators, successors and assigns. IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the parties hereto have executed or caused to be executed by their duly authorized officials, this Agreement in Six (6) counterparts, each of which shall be deemed an original on the date first above written. OWNER: AUGUSTA, GEORGIA ATTEST: NAM~d7~j#//p Deke Copenhaver (Mayor Lena Bonner (Clerk) ~ (SEAL) \\\\'\lII/IIIIII/. ~,,\,' ~. COA/11/;.: ~_\...\~...... ":""'<."~ ~ ~>'.,' 5 N .:,.- ~ '" ~.'~~ '- ~.~ ~.. ~ :: :'::. JUNE ~~ :: ~*: 24 : *s S ...." 2011 ~/ ~ ~.~ &.;.: ~~O"',~co.,G~q/~~ ~ 'h ...... o..v ~ '///'/.-'lAV pU,,:,\\~ 11111111I """\\~ CONTRACTOR: Premier Elevator Co.. Inc. ATTEST: NAME: Philip Reid (Type or Print) NAME: Jamie R. Conklin (Type or Print) TITLE: Vice President TITLE: Secretary ADDRESS: 230 Andrew Drive Stockbridge GA 30281 4 . ~ '" .. SECTlQN ..p..a _..... .. ...... PERFORMANCE BOND Bond No GSB 13497 (NOTE: n.ns BOND IS ISSUED SlMVLTANEOUSL Y WITH PAYMENT BOND ON PAGES 7~8. IN FA VOR OF TIffi OWNER CONDITIONED POR THE PA YlVlBNT OF LABOR AND MATERIAL.) KNOW ALL MEN BY THESE PRESENTS: That Premier Elevator Company, rne. , as Princip~l!, here.inaner called C0l1tl'3Clor. a1)(1 The Gray Tmmr;mrp Coo , a Cll1:pOralion organize.d aDd existing unde.r the laws of the State of l,A , with its principal offic.e in [he City of Metairie , Stale of ---LA...... as Surely, hereinafter. called Surety, a.r'c held 1111t! firmly_bound lI~JlO AU(!:lJShl., G(:()r"~.if!., a" Ohli~~c, hereinafter called the Owner, in the penal Four ~undred Twel~e Thousand Seven-Hundred amoullfof Six & 00/100 Dollars($ 412.706.00 ) for the paymem whereof Contractor ami Surety bin<.lLhc.rni>dvcs, lheir' hell'S, exeCUTors, auministrators, successors, and ass.igns, jointly and severally, firmly by rhcsc present.s for the faithful performance of a cerLain wrilten agrcc:OlcrH. WlIEREAS, Comractor hac; by said written '\Ii,'ree.menr d<tr~ tt:; ( /-db ~ntered into a contract with Ownt'~r [or the conslrueuoIl of Muuicimd Ruildin!! Traction Rlevliltm"S Modc.rnizalion, Augusta, Georgia, in ."lccordanco witb the spr.ciJicatiolls issl.le-.d by rhe Richmond County Puhlic Works anti EngiClc(:;ring Departmcul, which c.ontract is by rc.fere.ncc made a part he.re.of, and is here.inafter ref(~.rrecllo :'IS lh~ CONTRACT. NOW, THEREFORE, the c\.lf1dil.iu.u orl.his ohliRation is such that, ifContractorshaU prompUy and fahhfully perfom1 said CONTRACT, then lhis obligaLiun shall be Hull aod void; oll1erw.isc. it shall remain in full force and cff~:cr. TIle Surely he.reby wai.ves notice of any alteration or extensjoJ..l or time rn~dl: by the Owncr.'", Whenever Contractor shall be., and de.clared by Owner to be in default. under the:: CONTRACT, the:: OWlllT having perfoffi1ed Owner's obligations thereunder, the SU1'ety may promptly remedy (h~ c1~f,H1l(, Or ~hall pl'Omprly ( I) Complete the CONTRACT in aceordan<.:~ with ils l.erm.s :.tIltl cumliti.ons, 01', (2) ObUiln II bi.d or bjd~ for completing rhe Contl'llct in accordance with its terms (U),d conditions. and upon determinarjon hy Surety of the lowest r~spunsiblc biJdcr, or, if the OWlIcr elects, upon determinarion by [h~~ Owner and tL'1(: Slln~ry jointly of the lowest responsihle bidder, lUTange for a cOlllract between such bidder <.md Owner, .U1d make available as Work progresses (e.ven lhough (h~re ~hol11d he a default nr a succession of defautl~ untie.r Lh~ t:unlTctCl or contracts of completion iUT<mged under (his pflragrilph) sufficient funds tu pay the COSlllf completion less the halance of the contracL price; but not exceeding, i.nc.l.uding other COSLS and damages for which the Sllrcty may be liablchuc.\ITldcr, the amOllnt set fOith in the fil'st paragraph he./:eof. TIle term "balance of the ~Qnl:racl' p6c~," a.t; m(::d i/1 this paragraph. shall m~an the total amount payable by Owner to Contractor under the Contract and any amendments lh~rc~to, kss (he amount properly paid hy Own~r LO Conrracl.o!', n .. #-, Any snit under this non.d must be instituted befom the cx_pirsrion of two (2) years frO/ll (JK~ uate 00 which final payment under the CONTRACT flilJā‚¬o: due. No right of ac/ioll shall accrue on this bond to or for [he Ulie of any pe-.rson or corpomtion mher than the Owner named I~crdn or the h~i,$, ex.eclltol'~. adnu.oislratol's or S\lCCl".ssors of the Owner. Signed and sca.led ['his 11 th &ty of _July 2007 Witness Premier Elevator Company, Inc. (Seal) (Contractor) Attest x ~~~~ (Title) By x jt/~d d~~ (Seal) Witness x 94../JUf 41. "J!~ (Surety) The Gray Insurance Company ( Seal) Attest X~(JI!l~ ~ ~ By (Title) / ..,. ~ Note: Date of Bond must be prior to date of Contract. If Contractor is Partnership, all partners should execute Bond. 1.4 ... ~.. SEC:r.IQtiLMffJ LABOR AND MATERIAL PAYMENT BOND Bond No. GSB 13497 (NOTE: Tf-ns BOND IS TSSlJRD STMT,JLTANEOUSLYWlTHPGkl-''ORMANCEHOND ON PAGES 5-6, IN FA VO" OP THE OWNER CONDITIONED FOR TIlE PERPORMANCE OF THE CONTRACT.) That KNOW ALL MEN BY THESE PRESENTS: Premier Elevator Comvanv. Inc. The Gray Insurance , as ..Principal, he.reinafter caUed Contracroi', and Co . a corporation org:ll1ized and existing unde.r the laws of the State of LA , with its principal office in l.ht: City of Metairi~State of LA . a8 SUrl:ly, hcrcinlllkr calico Surety, are held and fimlly hound limo AllglJ~t.~. Georgia, as Obligee, hereinafter called the Own~r.Jor the l1se and benefit of claimants as he.reinbelow defined Four Hundred Twelve'~uousand intheamoun[of Seven Hundred Six and 00/100 Doll aI'S ($ 412,706.09 for the payment whe,re.of Contractor and Surety bind themse.lve.s, thelr heirs, executors, adl.lunlstnttorii, SIJl.:C(:gsors, and assigl1s, jojmly and ~everally, fi.rrnly by these. pre.sentti. WHEREAS, Contractor has, by written agreement dared ,elltered into a COlllnlCl with Owner for the Conslruction of Municipal BuildinJ! Traction Elevators Mod emi 7.ation, in ~ceord;:tn(:e, wi.th specificatiofls iRSIJed hy the "Richmond (;C,llJnfy D~p.lr(menl ofrublic Works and Engineering, whjch contract is by refe['Cncc rna.(Jc a parl hereof, and is hereina.fter referred to a.'i the CONTRAC' r. NOW, THEREFORE, the. condition of this obligation i~ such that, if rhe COil tractor shall promptly make. payment to all claimants a.~ hereinafter deti ned, for all labor and materiil,lused Ot I't::flsorlilbly required to lIse in the perform!1nce of the CONTRACT, then tIlis ohligation shall be voic1: otherwise it shaH remain in full force (uld effect, subjt:c/, h()w(;:v<.~r, 1.0 lh~ ((IU.owing (;ondiliO!Js: (1.) A claimant is uefine.c1 as one having a direct contract with the Contractor or with a subc.On\:ractor of the ContraCTor for labor, malerial, Or both, use.d or rea..\;onably required for llse in the pert"o.IJ.ll3IlCC of lb~ contrac.t, labor and material being construed as to include that prut of water, ga<;, power, light, heal, nil, gasoline, telephone sCI,vice 01' rental of equipment direclly applicabk lu the CONTRACT. (2) The above named Contl'a.clor and Surety bereby joiutly aDd s!::ven.Llly age!::t:: WiUllht:: Owner lhaL ~very claimant all herein defined, who hilS nor heen palel in fllll bdCJn: Ihl:'. e.1l.piration of It pt:.riod of nine,ty (90) uays after the date on which the le1."{ of such cla.imam's work or .Iabor W(.lS done or performed, or materials w('.r.e furnisbt'.d by sneh claimMt, may SlIe. on this bond for the use of such claimant. prosec.ute the suit to final judgement for such sum or smus as may be justly due c1aimallt, and have execution the(con. TIle Owner shallllot be liable for the payrm.:nl of any coslS or expenses of any such suit (3) No suit or action shall be commenced hert~.under by any claimant, (a) Unle~s c.laimant, other than ODe having a direct contract with The Contr.actor, shall have given written notice to any two of 1l1C following: 111t; Cunlm(;(or, Lhl:- Own~r, or Lhc Sur~ly ahove named, within ninety (90) days after sllch claimflnt did or pelformcct the last of the work or labor, or furnished the. last of the material!; for whi.ch said claim is made., stating with suhstantial accuracy the am.ount cl!lime~\arld the name of the parry to whom the matcl'ial8 weJ'e furnished, OJ' for whom the 'Work OJ' lahor was done 01' pelfonned. Such noticc shall he served by mailing the same by registere<.l mail or certified mail, poslage. prepaid, in an 15 envelope addresseu to the Conlr;JcT.or, Owner or Surety, ;.u any place where an office regularly lllairlUlincd for tht.~ tr<tnsacrion of busine.ss, or senred in any manner in whic11 ltgall'roC(:S!) may be ~e.l\fed in the state in which the aforesaid project is located, saw: rhill SI.lch st.".rvice need not be made by a public officer. (b) After. the. expiration of one (1) yellr f()l1owing the date 00 which ConrracI(,)r ceased work on said CONTRACT, it being under!o\tood, however, that if any limitation eJuboclied III uris bond is prohihited by any law controlling the cunstI11ction here.of. such limit.\tion shall he deemed to he ill/lcJ\ckd ~o as to be equal to the. minimum peLiod oflimira.tion pen.ll.iucd by sllch law, (c) Other than in rt. st:ltC court of competellt jurisdictiun ill and for the county or orhcr polir.ical subdivision ofthe state in which the project, or any part rhetcof, is si.tualed, orin the Un.lt.ed .stales District COUll for the dislrkl in whkh lhe project., or any part therc.of, is situated, and not e1sewhcn::. (4) The amouDt of thill bond shall he /'educed hy 1md lu (he extent of any payrne.nt or payments made in good faith hereunder, inclusive of th(': payment by ~urety of me.chanics' Hens which may be fi./cd of record against said improvement, whether or not claim fOr I.he amOllnl uf slIch lie..t) be prese.nled under .lDd against [his hOlld. Signed amj sealed this 11 th day of July , 2007 Witness x~~~U (Contract r) Premier Elevator Company, Inc. (Seal) Attest x~~ (Tit By X~~Seal) Witness x ~~~ (Sur ) The Gray Insurance Company (Seal) Attest x\64/h<<. (] () )~U (Title i By J L2 ~eal) Dukes ,Attorney-In-Fact Note: Date of Bond must be prior to date of Contract. If Contractor is Partnership, all partners should execute Bond. 16 .. . -, "I -" THE GRAY INSURANC.E COMPANY THE GRAY CASUALTY & SURETY COMPANY 116216 GENERAL POWER OF ATTORNEY KNOW ALL BY THESE PRESENTS, THAT The Gray Insurance Company and The Gray Casualty & Surety Company, corporations duly organized and existing under the laws of Louisiana, and having their principal offices in Metairie, Louisiana, do hereby make, constitute, and appoint Greg Keller, Suzanne Walker, Jennifer S. Freeman,Sandra L. Petty and Shirley F. Dukes, of Newman, Georgia jointly or severally on behalf of each of the Companies named above its true and lawful Attorney(s)-in-Fact, to make, execute, seal and deliver, for and on its behalf and as its deed, bonds, or other writings obligatory in the nature of a bond, as surety, contracts of suretyship as are or may be required or permitted by law, regulation, contract or otherwise, provided that no bond or undertaking or contract of suretyship executed under this authority shall exceed the amount of $1 0,000,000. This Power of Attorney is granted and is signed by facsimile under and by the authority of the following Resolutions adopted by the Boards of Directors of both The Gray Insurance Company and The Gray Casualty & Surety Company at meeti~gs duly called and held on the 26th day of June, 2003 "RESOLVED, that the President, Executive Vice President, any Vice President, or the Secretary be and each or any of them hereby is authorized to execute a power of Attorney qualifying fhe attorney named in the given Power of Attorney to execute on behalf of The Company bonds, undertakings, and all contracts of surety, and that each or any of them is hereby authorized to attest to the execution of such Power of. Attorney, and to attach the seal of the Company; and it is FURTHER RESOLVED, that the signature of such officers and the seal of the Company may be affixed to any such Power of Attorney or to any certificate relating thereto by facsimile, and any such Power of Attorney or certificate bearing such facsimile signature or facsimile seal shall be binding upon the Company now and in the future when so affixed with regard to any bond, undertaking or contract of surety to which it is attached. IN WITNESS WHEREOF, The Gray Insurance Company and The Gray Casualty & Surety Company have caused their official seals to be hereinto affixed, and these presents to be signed by their authorized officers this 25th day of April, 2005. By ~~ All"t~4r_ Mark S. Manguno Secretary, The Gray Insurance Company, The Gray Casualty & Surety Company Michael T. Gray President, The Gray Insurance Company and Vice President, The Gray Casualty & Surety Company 'S'lU";""""J: t:...~.....~~~,... VI.. .....,..\ ~ ! \ ~ ~*~ j*~ Lisa S. Millar, Notary Public, Parish of Orleans \01';.... PuBLIC. /~"Cl State ofLouisiana ...,.1,.;:........~\..\.".' My Commission is for Life ""'flll,R"f.'I~'~\\'\\\\\\" I, Mark S. Manguno, Secretary of The Gray Insurance Company and The Gray Casualty & Surety Company, do hereby certify that the above and' forgoing is a true and correct copy of a Power of Attorney given by the companies, which is still in full force and effect. Parish of Jefferson On this 25th day of April, 2005, before me, a Notary Public, personally appeared Michael T. Gray, President of The Gray Insurance Company and Vice President of The Gray Casualty & Surety Company, and Mark S. Manguno, Secretary of The Gray Insurance Company and The Gray Casualty & Surety Company, personally known to me, being duly sworn, acknowledged that they signed the above Power of Attorney and affixed the seals of the companies as officers of, and acknowledged said instrument to be the voluntary act and deed, of their companies. d(Jc-? ..-J~ State of Louisiana ss: IN WITNESS WHEREOF, I have set my hand and affixed the seals of the Companies this 11 th day of July, 2007 . ~~~jWfAAa Mark S. Manguno, Secretary The Gray Insurance Company The Gray Casualty & Surety Company POA 1000 1 Rev 6/15/2003 5341034/25/2005 Jul 19 07 02,=46p JUL-06-2001 08:30 From: Facilities Management (706)821-2484 p.2 To: 7703891586 P,1-'2 A4c..Q.BD~ ' PIlObut:IilR CERTIFICATE OF LIABILITY INSURANCE ..iM-'t "~:~' THIS CI!RTIFIOATe IS ISSUED AS A MATiEiR OF INFORMATION ONL.Y AND CONFERS NO RIGHTS UPON THE CERTIFICATE HOl.DER. THIS CERTIFICATE DOES NOT AMEND. EXTEND OR ALTER THE COVERAGE AFFORDE!) 8Y THe POLICIES BELOW. MCGAR.!T!t XNEI~ P 0 SOX 13 0 McDONOUGH QA 30253 Phona:770-957-2925 IMSURI!D -_0_. ......_..._ "-'_"fl'-',__",u _.._____ INSURERS AFFORDING COVERAGE Il(aUflER A S'1'ARNJI:T X~~,g1UWeE co INSUReR P: Alal:nxCAN lll~IUIA.'I'lQIW.. .!~2!L_ ." ....... ~8~~.e~ E.__ _n.'_._ NAIC. 1~~Xl:~ eOHPANY :tHQ STOCKBRIDGE GA 30281 COVERAGES INSURliA D: INIIURfR e THE POllCle:S 01' INSURANC~ LI8TIID IlI1!LOW MAVa BEliN III$UfO'T'O THE INBUAl:O NMlEO AlI01/E FOl\ THI!: I"OI.lCY PERIOO INOIClA'I'l:"O NOfWl""STANDING ANV AEOUlAEMEN'r. TERM OR CONDITION OF ANV CONTRACT OR OTl-lllA DOOuMUN'I' WITI( RIlSPCCT TO W'OOtt THIS OOA'71I7ICATI! MAY DIl 11ISUlfD Oil w.y PeRTAIN, THe ItlGURANCIii "I'FORN!O Ilv THl! POLICies OEseRIBED HERem 1$ $\JBJECT TO ALL 'rH!; TERMS EXCLU$ION$ AND CClNOITIONS OF SUCH POLll.:ilr.S AGGRI!OA TIl LIMI'rS SHOWN MAY NAve BI$eN Rl!DIJCfD IlY PAID Cl.AIMS ....... L TR NBR[ ""PI! 0/1 INSURANCl!: I'OUCY ItlU~IlI!R ~NBRAl.. LlAlJlLf'l'T X beCNu!;liIelA"Q~"4I!FtAUIAPII'I'n' JMS000021801 I-- . CLAIMIl MAD!! 00 oacv" ~_....... .....,-.-ro.P!'l!CTI'iIIr /lllOevl!'lCIIlAAYlON ...- ... -. .' QATiilIfMlDa,.,yl~ . DAii!'IMMJOONVi' LIMITS ~ACH OCCURREItlCe $ 1 t 000,000 -DAMAGIl:TO'Rf:Ifl'EO' .. ...- '-"" 06/19/08 PRIiMISESTeoaccutellC01_ .~_.;.EO"I.~OO _ MEDEXP (Anrana plIl'1onl ,10 000 .!'!!~~~ ~~~~~~~~, _,_~ l_tO~.~.J ooq... QCNI!AALAGGROG"TI! 5 3,000 000 P~~E.U.~~$. CO~~I~."~~ '3.,000 I. 000_..__ 06/1L)/07 A A I~L AGGRI!~ LIMIT AP~~8 peR IX I POLICY ~ I ~f~i I "I Loe ~~OMOBILe LlABl1.lTv ANV AUTO ".~. . f-- Al.!. OWNED AUTOS .... SCHEOULED AUros X HIR~D AUTos X NON.OWNlm AUTOa JMS000021BOl 06/19/07 06/U/08 COMBINED SINGLE LIMrr (lia leclc."ll $ 1,000,000 w__._........ ...........-. ..".,,_ l\ODII.Y INJURV (Por porion) $ f-- 00011. If INJURV (P.I'~I) -"'-.. '" ., .a BAR4GC! lIABILl1Y l ANY AUTO llMCll.S&IUMBRELLA LlABII,I'l'v ~J OCCUR 1 J CI.AIMS MADE h Oe:OUCTllILE 'Xl Re1'ONlION : 10,000 WOAMGAll COMPGN8A'l'ION At.lD IlMPLOYI!R" UAWl.l'!Y ANV PROPAIETORJPARTNl1:RIr;lXIiCUTlvr. OFI'ICl!flIMEMQI!R EXCuJO/I01l ~~M.t~~V1~~~S bBlQ., OTHeR PROPER'l'Y l:l"'MAGI~ (Per GOCICllInl' ^Y.T~.~!'i~!. . r:A ~.CC..IP~~~ 13AACC AGG .-.-......-. .- .'_. . "_"N _ ... . _ _.__._. ..,".. s , S '5,0001009_ . ,S 5, ooo,q"P-L s OTloIell TIoIAN AUTQ C!HLY E903120e96 06/19/07 Il"C~1 OCCURRCNOll 06/:1.9/08 A!;QAE"GA 11: G . ITORV 1.IMll'B I J.:'rl/l- e l.. l!4CH ACCIDI!Nf $ -. .....-.,.... . ".- .... ...- .... .....----.......,. " I.. DIBnAsn. nA I!MPI.OYr.:e s E L OfBEA8E . POLlev lIMJ\' $ 048CAlpTION 01' Ol"CMTIONIlI ~OCATIONII , YeHIC41!l1 I exCLUllONS Aaoeo ISV IlNDOR81l1lI!HT I 81tl!ClAL PR0l/1810Na JOB: AUQUS!rA NCNIC:rli'AL BU:IUlJ:N'- CERTIFICATe HOL.PER AUQUSO:2 CANCELLATION 'IiOUI.D ANY 01' THI: AIOVI!: oel1:RlSI!P POlICI!!I IS!! CANr;:eLI.!D IIIlPOR! T1'f1! exPIRATION DATl! MRI!QII, TH~ ISSUING 1HB1IRI!R WIl.l. ENDl!AVClIt TO MAIL ~ DAYS WRJrrl!H NOTtC! TO 1HB CIiRTIPlCA'I"1l HOUlIIR N"MdO TO 'I'H! L&:P'I'. BUT FAII,UIlI/ '1'0 DO 80 8HA~L IMPOIS NO OSUQAOON 011 UAIllLl'l'v 0" ANY KIND UPON nlllIN8UJll\R. ITII AGeNTS 011 IiNTA'!'1 IlIl AUGUS!'A PtJnLI(: Sll:R.VJ:QS DEPARTMIl:NT 301 GREENE S~ 9301 AUGUSTA GA 30g01 I) CORPORATION 18B8 ACORD 26 (2001108) Jul IS 07 02: 4710 JUL-06-2007 08:3~ From: Facilities Management (706)821-2484 10.3 .- To: 7703891586 P.2/2 \ .. IMPORTANT I I If the certificate holder is a~ ADDITIONAL INSURED, the pOlicy(ies) must be e"dorsed. A statement on this oertificate does not confer rights to the certificate helder in lieu of such endorsement(s). I If SUBROGATION IS WAIVED, Subject to the tenns and conditions of the policy, certain policies may require an endorsement. A statement on this certificate does not confer rights to the certificate hOlder in lieu of such endoraement(s). DISCLAIMER TneCertificate of Insurance on the reverse side Of this torm does not constitute a contract between the issuing insurer(s), authoriZed representative or producer, and the eertlflcate hOlder. nor does it affil'l'natively or negatively amend, extend or alter tne coverage afforded by the poliCies listed thereon. . . I I I ~CORO 25 (ZD01J08) SECTION NP NOTICE TO PROCEED TO: DATE: PROJECT: Municipal BuildinQ Traction Elevators Modernization You are hereby notified to commence work in accordance with the Agreement dated _ This Notice accompanies the accepted Shop Drawings. On site work is to begin on the first elevator within seventy (70) consecutive calendar days following this date, the date first written above. You are to complete the work within Three Hundred and One (301) consecutive calendar days after the date of this notice, the date first written above.. The date set for completion of all work is therefore BY: Richard M. Acree,Jr., Assistant Director Augusta Public Services Department Facilities Management Division ACCEPTANCE OF NOTICE Receipt of the above NOTICE TO PROCEED is hereby acknowledged on this day of BY: TITLE: 10 SECTION GC GENERAL CONDITIONS Section GC-O 1 GC-02 GC-03 GC-04 GC-05 GC-06 GC-07 GC-08 GC-09 GC-10 GC-11 GC-12 GC-13 GC-14 GC-15 GC-16 GC-17 GC-18 GC-19 GC-20 GC-21 GC-22 GC-23 GC-24 GC-25 GC-26 GC-27 GC-28 GC-29 GC-30 GC-31 GC-32 GC-33 GC-34 GC-35 GC-36 INDEX TO ARTICLES OF GENERAL CONDITIONS Definitions Additional Instructions and Detail Drawings Schedules, Reports and Records Drawings and Specifications Shop Drawings Materials, Services and Facilities Inspection and Testing Substitutions Patents Surveys, Permits and Regulations Protection of Work, Property and Persons Supervision by Contractor Changes in the Work Changes in Contract Price Time for Completion and Liquidated Damages Correction of Work Subsurface Conditions Suspension of Work, Termination and Delay Payments to Contractor Acceptance of Final Payment as Release Insurance Contract Security Assignments Indemnification Separate Contracts Subcontracting Engineer's Authority Land and Rights-of-Way Guarantee Taxes Work Adjacent to Railway or Other Property Order and Discipline Warning Devices and Signs Special Restrictions As-Built Drawings Allowances 12 14 14 14 15 15 15 16 16 17 17 18 18 18 18 19 19 20 21 21 22 23 24 24 24 25 25 25 26 26 26 26 26 26 26 27 Paqe 11 GC-01. DEFINITIONS: Wherever used in the Contract Documents, the following terms shall have the meanings indicated which shall be applicable to both the singular and plural thereof. 1. ADDENDA: Written or graphic instruments issued prior to the execution of the Agreement which modify or interpret the Contract Documents, Drawings and Specifications, by addition, deletion, clarifications or corrections. 2. BID: The offer or proposal of the Bidder submitted on the prescribed form setting forth the prices for the work to be performed. 3. BIDDER: Any person, firm or corporation submitting a bid or proposal for the work. 4. BONDS: Bid, Performance and Payment Bonds and other instruments of security furnished by the Contractor and his Surety in accordance with the Contract Documents. 5. CHANGE ORDER: A written order to the Contractor authorizing an addition, deletion or revision in the work within the general scope of the Contract Documents or authorizing an adjustment in the contract price or contract time. 6. CONTRACT DOCUMENTS: The contract including, but not limited to, Request for Proposals, Advertisement for Bids, Information for Bidders, Proposal, Bid Bond, Notice of award, Agreement, Performance Bond, Payment Bond, Notice to Proceed, Change Order, General Conditions, Supplemental General Conditions, Special Conditions, Technical Specifications, Drawings and Addenda. 7. CONTRACT PRICE: The total monies payable to the Contractor under the terms and conditions of the Contract Documents. 8. CONTRACT TIME: The number of calendar days stated in the Contract Documents for the completion of the work. 9. LIFE OF THE CONTRACT: The total duration of the Contract from Notice to Proceed to completion of all the work. 10. CONTRACTOR: The person, firm or corporation with whom the Owner has executed the Agreement. 11. DRAWINGS: The part of the Contract Documents which show the characteristics and scope of the work to be performed and which have been prepared or approved by the Engineer. 12. ENGINEER: The person, firm or corporation named as such in the Contract Documents. For purposes of this contract, the Assistant Director of Public Services, Facilities Management Division or his designated representative shall act as the Engineer. 13. FIELD ORDER: A written order effecting a change in the work not involving an adjustment in the contract price or an extension of the contract time issued by the Engineer to the Contractor during construction. 14. NOTICE OF AWARD: The written notice of the acceptance of the Bid from the Owner to the successful Bidder. 12 15. NOTICE TO PROCEED: Written communication issued by the Owner to the Contractor authorizing him to proceed with the work and establishing the date of commencement of the work. 16. OWNER: A public or quasi-public body or authority, corporation, association, partnership or individual for whom the work is to be performed. 17. PROJECT: The undertaking to be performed as provided in the Contract Documents. 18. RESIDENT PROJECT REPRESENTATIVE: The authorized representative of the Owner who is assigned to the project site or any part thereof. 19. SHOP DRAWINGS: All drawings, diagrams, illustrations, brochures, schedules, and other data which are prepared by the Contractor, a Subcontractor, Manufacturer, Supplier or Distributor, which illustrate how specific portions of the work shall be fabricated or installed. 20. SPECIFICATIONS: A part of the Contract Documents consisting of written descriptions of a technical nature or materials, equipment, construction systems, standards and workmanship. 21. SUBCONTRACTOR: An individual, firm or corporation having a direct contract with the Contractor or any other Subcontractor for the performance of a part of the work at the site. 22. SUBSTANTIAL COMPLETION: That date as certified by the Engineer when the construction of the project or a specified part can be utilized for the purposes for which it is intended. 23. SUPPLEMENTAL GENERAL CONDITIONS: Modifications and/or additions to the General Conditions of a specific nature generally aimed at the specific contract of which it is a ~~ ' 24. SUPPLIERS: Any person, supplier or organization who supplies materials or equipment for the work, including that fabricated to a special design, but who does not perform labor at the site. 25. WORK: All labor necessary to produce the construction required by the Contract Documents and all materials and equipment incorporated or to be incorporated in the project. 26. WRITTEN NOTICE: Written notice to any party of the Agreement relative to any part of this Agreement. Said Notice is considered delivered and the service thereof completed, when posted by certified or registered mail to the said party at his last given address or delivered in person to said party or his authorized representative on the work. 13 GC-02. ADDITIONAL INSTRUCTIONS AND DETAIL DRAWINGS: 1. The Contractor may be furnished additional instructions or detail drawings, by the Engineer, as necessary to carry out the work required by the Contract Documents. 2. The additional drawings and instructions thus supplied will become a part of the Contract Documents. The Contractor shall carry out the work in accordance with the additional detail drawings and instructions. GC-03. SCHEDULES, REPORTS AND RECORDS: 1. The Contractor shall submit to the Owner such schedule of quantities and costs, progress schedules, payrolls, reports, estimates, records and other data as the Owner may request concerning the work performed or to be performed. 2. Prior to the first partial payment estimate, the Contractor shall submit schedules showing the order in which he proposes to carry on the work, including dates at which he will start the various parts of the work, estimated date of completion of each part and as applicable: 2.1 the dates at which special detail drawings will be required; and 2.2 respective dates for submission of shop drawings, the beginning of manufacture, the testing and the installation of materials, supplies and equipment. 3. The Contractor shall also submit a schedule of payments that he anticipates he will earn during the course of the work. GC-04. DRAWINGS AND SPECIFICATIONS; 1. The intent of the Contract Documents is to describe the scope of work for which the Contractor shall furnish all design, labor; materials, tools, equipment and transportation necessary for the proper execution. All work is to be in accordance with the Contract Documents and all incidental work necessary to complete the project in an acceptable manner, ready for use, occupancy or operation by the Owner is to be included. 2. In case of conflict between any drawings and specifications, the specifications shall govern. Figure dimensions on drawings shall govern over general drawings. 3. Any discrepancies, inconsistencies, or ambiguities found between the Contract Documents and site conditions shall be immediately reported to the Engineer, in writing, who shall promptly correct such inconsistencies or ambiguities in writing. Work done by the Contractor after his discovery of such discrepancies, inconsistencies or ambiguities shall be done at the Contractor's risk. 4. All work that may be called for in the specifications and not shown on the drawings, or shown and not called for in the specifications, shall be executed and furnished by the Contractor as if described in both these ways. Should any work or material be required which is not detailed in the specifications or drawings, either directly or indirectly, but which is nevertheless necessary for the proper carrying out of the intent thereof, the Contractor is to understand the same to be implied and required and shall perform all such work and furnish any such material as fully as if they were particularly delineated or described. 5. It is understood and agreed that the Contractor, by careful examination, has satisfied himself as to the nature and location of the work, the conformation of the ground, the character, quality and quantity of the materials to be encountered, the character of equipment and facilities needed preliminary to and 14 during the prosecution of the work, the general and local conditions and all other matters which can in any way affect the work under this contract. No verbal agreement or conversation with any officer, agent or employee of the Owner, either before or after the execution of this contract, shall affect or modify any of the terms or obligations herein contained. GC-05. SHOP DRAWINGS: 1. The Contractor shall provide design drawings, shop drawings and product data for all components as may be necessary for the prosecution of the work as required by the Contract Documents. The Engineer shall promptly review all shop drawings. The Engineer's approval of any shop drawings shall not release the Contractor from responsibility for deviations from the Contract Documents. The approval of any shop drawing that deviates substantially from the requirement of the Contract Documents shall be evidenced by a Change Order. 2. When submitted for the Engineer's review, shop drawings shall bear the Contractor's certification that he has reviewed, checked and approved the shop drawings and that they are in conformance with the requirements of the Contract Documents. 3. Portions of the work that require shop drawings or sample submission shall not commence until the shop drawings or submissions have been approved by the Engineer. A copy of each approved shop drawing and each approved sample shall be kept in good order by the Contractor at the site and shall be available to the Engineer. GC-06. MATERIALS, SERVICES AND FACILITIES: 1. It is understood that, except as otherwise specifically stated in the Contract Documents, the Contractor shall provide and pay for all materials, labor, tools, equipment, transportation, supeNision, temporary construction of any nature and all other seNices and facilities of any nature necessary to execute, complete and deliver the work within the specified time. 2. Materials and equipment shall be so stored as to insure the preseNation of their quality and fitness for the work. Stored materials and equipment to be incorporated in the work shall be located so as to facilitate prompt inspection. 3. Manufactured articles, materials and equipment shall be applied, installed, connected, erected, used, cleaned and conditioned as directed by the manufacturer. 4. Materials, supplies or equipment shall be in accordance with samples submitted by the Contractor and approved by the Engineer. 5. Materials, supplies or equipment to be incorporated into the work and purchased by the Contractor or the Subcontractor will be subject to a chattel mortgage or under a conditional sale contract or other agreement by which an interest is retained by the seller. GC-07. INSPECTION AND TESTING: 15 1. All materials and equipment used in the construction of the project shall be subject to adequate inspection and testing in accordance with generally accepted standards. 2. The Contractor shall provide, at his expense, the necessary testing, inspection and certification seNices required by the Contract Documents, unless otherwise provided. 3. The Owner shall provide all other inspection and testing services required by the Contract Documents. 4. If the Contract Documents, laws, ordinances, rules, regulations or orders of any public authority having jurisdiction require any work to specifically be inspected, tested or approved by someone other that the Contractor, the Contractor will give the Engineer timely notice of readiness. The Contractor will then furnish the Engineer the required certificates of inspection, testing or approval. 5. Neither observation by the Engineer nor inspections, tests or approvals by persons other than the Contractor shall relieve the Contractor from his obligations to perform the work in accordance with the requirements of the Contract Documents. 6. The Engineer and his representatives will at all times have access to the work. In addition, authorized representatives and agents of any participating Federal or State Agency shall be permitted to inspect all work, materials, payrolls, records of personnel, invoices of materials and other relevant data and records. The Contractor will provide proper facilities for such access and observation of the work and also for any inspection or testing thereof. 7. If any work is covered contrary to the written request of the Engineer, it must, if requested by the Engineer, be uncovered for his observation and replaced at the Contractor's expense. 8. If any work has been covered which the Engineer has not specifically requested to observe prior to its being covered or if the Engineer considers it necessary or advisable that covered work be inspected or tested by others, the Contractor at the Engineer's request, will uncover, expose or otherwise make available for observation, inspection or testing as the Engineer may require, that portion of the work in question, furnishing all necessary labor, materials, tools and equipment. If it is found that such work is defective, the Contractor will bear all the expenses of such uncovering, exposure, observation, inspection and testing and of satisfactory reconstruction. If, however, such work is not found to be defective, the Contractor will be allowed an increase in the contract price or an extension of the contract time, or both, directly attributable to such uncovering, exposure, observation, inspection, testing and reconstruction and an appropriate change order shall be issued. 9. The Contractor shall give the Engineer 24 hours notice of starting any new work. No work shall be done or materials used without suitable supervision and inspection by the Engineer. The Contractor shall furnish the Engineer with necessary samples of material for testing purposes. GC-08. SUBSTITUTIONS: 1. When a material, article or piece of equipment is identified on the drawings or specifications by reference to brand name or catalogue number, the performance or other salient requirements and that other products of equal capacities, quality and function shall be considered. The Contractor may recommend the substitution of a material, article or piece of equipment of equal substance and function for those referred to in the Contract Documents by reference to brand name or catalogue number and if, in the opinion of the Engineer, such material, article or piece of equipment is of equal substance and function to that specified, the Engineer may approve its substitution and use by the Contractor. Any cost differential shall be deducted from the contract price and the Contract Documents shall be appropriately modified by change order. The Contractor warrants that if substitutes are approved, no major changes in the function or general design of the project will result. Incidental changes or extra component parts required to accommodate the substitute will be made by the Contractor without a change in the contract price or contract time. 16 GC-09. PATENTS: 1. The Contractor shall pay all applicable royalties and license fees. He shall defend all suits or claims for infringement of any patent rights and save the Owner harmless from loss on account thereof except that the Owner shall be responsible for any such loss when a particular process, design or the product of a manufacturer or manufacturers is specified, but if the Contractor has reason to believe that the design, process or product specified is an infringement of a patent, he shall be responsible for such loss unless he promptly gives such information to the Engineer. GC-10. SURVEYS, PERMITS AND REGULATIONS: 1. The Owner shall furnish all land surveys and establish all base lines for locating the principal component parts of the work together with a suitable number of benchmarks adjacent to the work as shown in the Contract Documents. From the information provided by the Owner, unless otherwise specified in the Contract Documents, the Contractor shall develop and make all detail surveys needed for construction such as slope stakes, batter boards, stakes for pile locations and other working points, lines, elevations and cut sheets. 2. The Contractor shall carefully preserve benchmarks, reference points and stakes and in case of willful or careless destruction, he shall be charged with the resulting expense and shall be responsible for any mistakes that may be caused by their unnecessary loss or disturbance. 3. Permits and licenses necessary for the prosecution of the work shall be secured and paid for by the Contractor. The Contractor shall give all notices and comply with all laws, ordinances, rules and regulations bearing on the conduct of the work as drawn and specified. If the Contractor observes that the Contract Documents are at variance therewith, he shall promptly notify the Engineer in writing and any necessary changes shall be adjusted as provided in Section GC-13, Changes in the Work. 17 GC-11. PROTECTION OF WORK, PROPERTY AND PERSONS: 1. The Contractor will be responsible for initiating, maintaining and supervising all safety precautions and programs in connection with the work. He will take all necessary precautions for the safety of and will provide the necessary protection to prevent damage, injury or loss to all employees on the work and other persons who may be affected thereby, all the work and all materials or equipment to be incorporated therein, whether in storage on or off the site or other property at the site or adjacent thereto, including trees, shrubs, lawns, walks, pavements, roadways, structures and utilities not designated for removal, relocation or replacement in the course of construction. 2. The Contractor will comply with all applicable laws, ordinances, rules, regulations and orders of any public body having jurisdiction. He will erect and maintain, as required by the conditions and progress of the work, all necessary safeguards for safety and protection. He will notify the owners of adjacent properties when prosecution of the work may affect them. The Contractor will remedy all damage, injury or loss to any property caused, directly or indirectly, in whole or in part, by the Contractor, and subcontractor or anyone directly or indirectly employed by any of them or anyone for whose acts any of them are liable, except damage or loss attributable to the fault of the Contract Documents or to the acts or omissions of the Owner or the Engineer or anyone employed by either of them or anyone for whose acts either of them may be liable and not attributable, directly or indirectly, in whole or in part, to the fault or negligence of the Contractor. 3. In emergencies affecting the safety of persons or the work or property at the site or adjacent thereto, the Contractor, without special instructions or authorization from the Engineer or Owner, shall act to prevent threatened damage, injury or loss. He will give the Engineer prompt written notice of any significant changes in the work or deviations from the Contract Documents caused thereby and a Change Order shall be issued covering the changes and deviations involved. 4. The work under this Contract in every respect shall be at the risk of the Contractor until finished and accepted, except to damage or injury caused directly by the Owner's agents or employees. GC-12. SUPERVISION BY CONTRACTOR: 1. The Contractor will supervise and direct the work. He will be solely responsible for the means, methods, techniques, sequences and procedures of construction. The Contractor will employ and maintain on the work a qualified supervisor or superintendent who shall have been designated in writing by the Contractor as the Contractor's representative at the site. The supervisor shall have full authority to act on the behalf of the Contractor and all communications given to the supervisor shall be as binding as if given to the Contractor. The supervisor shall be present on the site at all times as required to perform adequate supervision and coordination of the work. GC-13. CHANGES IN THE WORK: 1. The Owner may at any time as the need arises, order changes within the scope of the work without invalidating the Agreement. If such changes increase or decrease the amount due under the Contract Documents or in the time required for performance of the work, an equitable adjustment shall be authorized by Change Order. 2. The Engineer, also, may at any time, by issuing a field order, make changes in the details of the work. The Contractor shall proceed with the performance of any changes in the work so ordered by the Engineer unless the Contractor believes that such field order entitles him to a change in the contract price or time or both, in which event he shall give the Engineer written notice thereof within ten (10) days after the receipt of the ordered change pending the receipt of an executed change order or further instruction from the Owner. GC-14. CHANGES IN CONTRACT PRICE: 1. The contract price may be changed only by a change order. The value of any work covered by a change order or of any claim for increase or decrease in the contract price shall be determined by one or more of the following methods in the order of precedence listed below: 1.1 Unit prices previously approved. 1.2 An agreed lump sum. 1.3 The actual cost for labor, direct overhead, materials, supplies, equipment and other services necessary to complete the work. In addition there shall be added an amount to be agreed upon but not to exceed fifteen (15) percent of the actual cost of the work to coverthe cost of general overhead and profit. GC-15. TIME FOR COMPLETION AND LIQUIDATED DAMAGES: 1. The date of beginning and the time for com pletion of the work are essential conditions of the Contract Documents and the work embraced shall be commenced on the date specified in the Notice to Proceed. 18 2. The Contractor will proceed with the work at such rate of progress to insure full completion within the contract time. It is expressly understood and agreed, by and between the Contractor and the Owner, that the contract time for the completion of the work described herein is a reasonable time, taking into consideration the average climatic and economic conditions and other factors prevailing in the locality of the work. 3. If the Contractor shall fail to complete the work within the contract time or extension oftime granted by the Owner, then the Contractor will pay to the Owner the amount for liquidated damages as specified in SGC-11 for each calendar day that the Contractor shall be in default after the time stipulated in the Contract Documents. 4. The Contractor shall not be charged with liquidated damages or any excess cost when the delay in completion of the work is due to the following and the Contractor has promptly given written notice of such delay to the Owner or Engineer. 4.1 To any preference, priority or allocation order duly issued by the Owner. 4.2 To unforeseeable causes beyond the control and without the fault of negligence of the Contractor, including but not restricted to, acts of God or of the public enemy, acts of the Owner, acts of another Contractor in the performance of a contract with the Owner, fires, floods, epidemics, quarantine restrictions, strikes, freight embargoes and abnormal and unforeseeable weather; and 4.3 To any delays of subcontractors occasioned by any of the causes specified in Paragraphs 4.1 and 4.2 of this Article. GC-16. CORRECTION OF WORK: 1. The Contractor shall promptly remove from the premises all work rejected by the Engineer for failure to comply with the Contract Documents, whether incorporated in the construction or not and the Contractor shall promptly replace and re-execute the work in accordance with the Contract Documents and without expense to the Owner and shall bear the expense of making good all work of other Contractors destroyed or damaged by such removal or replacement. 2. All removal and replacement work shall be done at the Contractor's expense. If the Contractor does not take action to remove such rejected work within ten (10) days after receipt of written notice, the Owner may remove such work and store the materials at the expense of the Contractor. 3. Any omissions or failure on the part of the Engineer to disapprove or reject any work or material shall not be construed to be an acceptance of any defective work or material. The Contractor shall remove, at his own expense and shall rebuild and replace same without extra charge and in default thereof the same may be done by the Owner at the Contractor's expense or in case the Engineer shall not consider the defect of sufficient importance to require the Contractor to rebuild or replace any imperfect work or material, he shall have the power and is hereby authorized to make an equitable deduction from the stipulated price. GC-17. SUBSURFACE CONDITIONS: 1. The Contractor shall promptly and before such conditions are disturbed, except in the event of an emergency, notify the Owner by written notice of: 1.1 Subsurface or latent physical conditions at the site differing materially from those indicated in the Contract Documents. 19 1.2 Unknown physical conditions at the site, of an unusual nature, differing materially from those ordinarily encountered and generally recognized as inherent in work of the character provided for in the Contract Documents. 2. The Owner shall promptly investigate the conditions and if he finds that such conditions do so materially differ and cause an increase or decrease in the cost of, or in the time required, for performance of the work, an equitable adjustment shall be made and the Contract Documents shall be modified by a Change Order. Any claim of the Contractor for adjustment hereunder shall not be allowed unless he has given the required written notice; provided that the Owner may, if he determines the facts so justify, consider and adjust any such claims asserted before the date of final payment. GC-18. SUSPENSION OF THE WORK, TERMINATION AND DELAY: 1. The Owner may, at any time and without cause, suspend the work or any portion thereof for a period of not more than ninety days or such further time as agreed upon by the Contractor, by written notice to the Contractor. The Engineer shall fix the date on which work shall be resumed. The Contractor will resume that work on the date so fixed. The Contractor will be allowed an increase in the contract price, an extension of the contract time, or both, directly attributable to any suspension. 2. If the Contractor is adjudged bankrupt or insolvent, or if he makes a general assignment for the benefit of his creditors or if a trustee or receiver is appointed for the Contractor or for any of his property or if he files a petition to take advantage of any debtor's act to reorganize under the bankruptcy or applicable laws or if he repeatedly fails to supply sufficient skilled workmen or suitable materials or equipment, or if he repeatedly fails to make prompt payments to subcontractors or for labor, materials or equipment or if he disregards laws, ordinances, rules, regulations or orders of any public body having jurisdiction of the work or if he disregards the authority of the Engineer, or if, in the opinion of the Engineer, the Contractor fails to make satisfactory progress in prosecuting the work, or if he otherwise violates any provision of the Contract Documents, then the Owner may, without prejudice to any other right or remedy and after giving the Contractor and his Surety a minimum often (10) days from delivery of a written notice, terminate the services of the Contractor and take possession of the Project and of all materials, equipment, tools, construction equipment and machinery thereon owned by the Contractor and finish the work by whatever method he may deem expedient. In such case, the Contractor shall not be entitled to receive any further payment until the work is finished. If the unpaid balance of the Contract Price exceeds the direct and indirect costs of completing the Project, including compensation for additional professional services, such excess shall be paid to the Contractor. If such costs exceed such unpaid balance, the Contractor will pay the difference to the Owner. Such costs incurred by the Owner will be determined by the Engineer and incorporated in a Change Order.. 3. The Contractor must obtain permission from the Engineer before any equipment can be removed from the job site. In the event such equipment is removed without the Engineer's approval, the job will be terminated until such time as the equipment is returned to the project and any time and money lost by the Contractor as a result of moving the equipment shall be absorbed by the Contractor. 4. Where the Contractor's services have been so terminate by the Owner, said termination shall not affect any right of the Owner against the Contractor then existing or which may thereafter accrue. Any retention or payment of monies by the Owner due the Contractor will not release the Contractor from compliance with the Contract Documents. 5. After ten (10) days from delivery of a written notice to the Contractor and the Engineer, the Owner, may, without cause and without prejudice to any other right or remedy, elect to abandon the Project 20 and terminate the Contract. In such case, the Contractor shall be paid for all work executed and any expense sustained plus reasonable profit. 6. If, through no act or fault of the Contractor, the work is suspended for a period of more than ninety (90) days by the Owner or under an order of court or other public authority of the Engineer fails to act on any request for payment within thirty (30) days after it is submitted or the Owner fails to pay the Contractor substantially the sum approved by the Engineer within thirty (30) days of its approval and presentation, then the Contractor may after ten (10) days from delivery of a written notice to the Owner and the Engineer, terminate the Contract and recover from the Owner payment for all work executed and all expenses sustained. In addition, and in lieu of terminating the Contract, if the Engineer has failed to act on a request for payment or if the Owner has failed to make any payment as aforesaid, the Contractor may, upon ten (10) days notice to the Owner and the Engineer, stop the work until he has been paid all amounts then due, in which event and upon resumption of the work, Change Orders shall be issued for adjusting the contract price or extending the contract time or both to compensate for the costs and delays attributable to the stoppage of the work. 21 7. If the performance of all or any portion of the work is suspended, delayed, or interrupted as a result of a failure of the Owner or the Engineer to act within the time specified in the Contract Documents, or if no time is specified, within reasonable time, an adjustment in the contract price or an extension of the contract time or both, shall be made by Change Order to compensate the Contractor for the costs and delays necessarily caused by the failure of the Owner or the Engineer. GC-19. PAYMENTS TO THE CONTRACTOR: 1. Between the first (1st) and the fifth (5th) of each month, the Contractor will submit to the Engineer a partial payment estimate filled out and signed by the Contractor on an approved form covering the work performed during the period covered by the partial payment estimate and supported by such data as the Engineer may reasonably require. If payment is requested on the basis of materials and equipment not incorporated in the work but delivered and suitably stored at or near the site, the partial payment estimate shall also be accompanied by such supporting data, satisfactory to the Owner, as will establish the Owner's title to the material and equipment and protect his interest therein, including applicable insurance. The Engineer will, within ten days after receipt of each partial payment estimate, either indicate in writing his approval of payment and present the partial payment estimate to the Owner, or return the partial payment estimate to the Contractor indicating in writing his reasons for refusing to approve payment. In the latter case, the Contractor may make the necessary corrections and resubmit the partial payment estimate. The Owner will, within ten days of presentation to him of an approved partial payment estimate, pay the Contractor a progress payment on the basis of the approved partial payment estimate. The Owner shall retain ten (10%) percent of the amount of each payment until final completion and acceptance of all work covered by the Contract Documents. The Owner at any time, however, after fifty (50%) percent of the work has been completed, if he finds that satisfactory progress is being made, may reduce the retained percentage to five (5%) percent on the current and remaining estimates. On completion and acceptance of a part of the work on which the price is stated separately in the Contract Documents, payment may be made in full, including retained percentages, less authorized deductions. 2. The request for payment may also include an allowance for the cost of such major materials and equipment which are suitably stored and insured either at or near the site. 3. All work covered by partial payment shall thereupon become the sole property of the Owner, but this provision shall not be construed as relieving the Contractor of the sole responsibility for the care and protection of the work, material and equipment upon which payments have been made or the restoration of any damaged work, or as a waiver of the right of the Owner to require the fulfillment of all terms of the Contract Documents. 4. Upon completion and acceptance of the work, the Engineer shall issue a certificate attached to the final payment request that the work has been accepted by him under the conditions of the Contract Documents. The entire balance found to be due the Contractor, including the retained percentages shall be paid to the Contractor, except such sums as may be lawfully retained by the Owner for saving the Owner or the Owner's agents harmless from all claims growing out of the lawful demands of Subcontractors, laborers, workmen, mechanics, materialmen and furnishers of machinery and parts thereof, equipment, tools and supplies, incurred in the furtherance of the performance of the work. The Contractor shall, at the Owner's request, furnish satisfactory evidence that all obligations of the nature designated above have been paid, discharged, or waived. If the Contractor fails to do so, the Owner may, after having notified the Contractor, either pay unpaid bills or withhold from the Contractor's unpaid compensation a sum of money deemed reasonably sufficient to pay any and all such lawful claims until satisfactory evidence is furnished that all liabilities have been fully discharged whereupon payment to the Contractor shall be resumed, in accordance with the terms of the Contract Documents, but in no event shall the provisions of this sentence be construed to impose any obligations upon the Owner to either the Contractor, his Surety, or any third party. In paying any unpaid bills of the Contractor, any payment so made by the Owner shall be considered as a payment made under the Contract Documents by the Owner to the Contractor and the Owner shall not be liable to the Contractor for any such payments made in good faith. 5. If the Owner fails to make payment 30 days after approval by the Engineer, in addition to other remedies available to the Contractor, there may be added to each such payment, interest at a maximum rate of 1 % per month commencing on the first day after said payment is due and continuing until the payment is received by the Contractor. 22 GC-20. ACCEPTANCE OF FINAL PAYMENT AS RELEASE: 1. The acceptance by the Contractor of final payment shall be and shall operate as a release to the Owner of all claims and all liability to the Contractor other than claims in stated amounts as may be specifically excepted by the Contractor for all things done or furnished in connection with this work and for every act and neglect of the Owner and other relating to or arising out of this work. Any payment, however, final or otherwise, shall not release the Contractor or his Sureties from any obligations under the Contract Documents or the Performance Bond and Payment Bonds. ~ INSURANCE: 1. The Contractor shall purchase and maintain during the life of this Contract such insurance as will protect him from claims set forth below which may arise out of or result from the Contractor's execution of the work, whether such execution by himself or by any Subcontractor or by anyone directly or indirectly employed by any of them or by anyone for whose acts any of them may be liable. 1.1 Claims under Workman's Compensation, disability benefit and other similar employee benefit acts, 1.2 Claims for damages because of bodily injury, occupational sickness or disease or death of his employees, 1.3 Claims for damages because of bodily injury, sickness or disease or death of any person other than his employees, 1.4 Claims for damages insured by usual personal injury liability coverage which are sustained (1) by any person as a result of an offense directly or indirectly related to the employment of such person by the Contractor or (2) by any other person; and 1.5 Claims for damages because of injury to or destruction of tangible property, including loss of use resulting therefrom. 2. Certificates of Insurance acceptable to the Owner shall be filed with the Owner prior to commencement of the work. These Certificates shall contain a provision that coverage afforded under the policies will not be cancelled unless at least fifteen (15) days prior written notice has been given to the Owner. . 3. The Contractor shall procure and maintain, at his own expense, during the life of the Contract, liability insurance as hereinafter specified. 3.1 Contractor's General Public liability and Property Damage insurance including vehicle coverage issued to the Contractor and protecting him from all claims for personal injury, including death, and all claims for destruction of or damage to property, arising out of or in connection with any operations under the Contract Documents, whether such operations be by himself or by any Subcontractor under him or anyone directly or indirectly employed by the Contractor or by a Subcontractor under him. Insurance shall be written with a limit of liability of not less than $200,000 for all damages arising out of bodily injury, including death, at any time resulting therefrom, sustained by anyone person in anyone accident; and a limit of liability of not less than $500,000 for any such damages sustained by two or more persons in anyone accident. Insurance shall be written with a limit of liability of not less than $200,000 for all property damage sustained by anyone person in anyone accident; and a limit of liability of not less than $500,000 for any such damage sustained by two or more persons in anyone accident. 3.2 The Contractor shall acquire and maintain, if applicable, Fire and Extended Coverage insurance upon the Project to the full insurable value thereof for the benefit of the Owner, the Contractor and Subcontractor as their interest may appear. This provision shall in no way release the Contractor or Contractor's Surety from obligations under the Contract Documents to fully complete the Project. 4. The Contractor shall procure and maintain, at his own expense, during the life of the Contract, in accordance with the provisions of the laws of the state in which the work is performed, Workman's Compensation Insurance, including occupational disease provisions, for all of his employees at the site of the project and in case any work is sublet, the Contractor shall require such Subcontractor similarly to provide Workman's Compensation Insurance, including occupational disease provision for all of the latter's employees unless such employees are covered by the protection afforded by the Contractor. In case any class of employees engaged in hazardous work under this Contract at the site of the Project is not protected under Workman's Compensation statute, the Contractor shall provide and shall cause each Subcontractor to provide adequate and suitable insurance for the protection of his employees not otherwise protected. 5. The Contractor shall secure, if applicable, "All Risk" type Builder's Risk Insurance for work to be performed. Unless specifically authorized by the Owner, the amount of such insurance shall not be less than One Million Dollars ($1,000,000.00). The policy shall cover not less than the losses due to fire, explosion, hail, lightening, vandalism, malicious mischief, wind, collapse, riot, aircraft and smoke during the contract time and until the work is accepted by the Owner. The policy shall name~as the insured the Contractor, the Engineer and the Owner. GC-22. CONTRACT SECURITY: 1. The Contractor shall, within ten (10) days after the receipt of the Notice of Award, furnish the Owner with a Performance Bond and a Payment Bond in penal sums equal to the amount of the contract price, conditioned upon the performance by the Contractor of all undertakings, covenants, terms, 23 conditions and agreements of the Contract Documents and upon the prompt payment by the Contractor to all persons supplying labor and materials in the prosecution of the work provided by the Contract Documents. Such bonds shall be executed by the Contractor and a corporate bonding company licensed to transact business in the state in which the work is to be performed and named on the current list of "Surety Companies Acceptable on Federal Bonds" as published in the Treasury Department Circular N um ber 570. The expense of these bonds shall be borne by the Contractor. If at any time a Surety on any such bond is declared a bankrupt or loses its right to do business in the state in which the work is to be performed or is removed from the list of Surety Companies accepted on Federal Bonds, Contractor shall within ten (10) days after notice from the Owner to do so, substitute an acceptable bond (or bonds) in such form and sum and signed by such other Surety or Sureties as may be satisfactory to the Owner. The premiums on such bonds shall be paid by the Contractor. Nofurther payments shall be deemed due nor shall be made until the new Surety or Sureties shall have furnished an acceptable bond to the Owner. GC-23. ASSIGNMENTS: 1. Neither the Contractor nor the Owner shall sell, transfer, assign or otherwise dispose of the Contract or any portion thereof, or his right, title or interest therein, or his obligations thereunder, without written consent of the other party. GC-24. INDEMNIFICA TION: 1. The Contractor will indemnify and hold harmless the Owner and the Engineer and their agents and employees from and against all claims, damages, losses and expenses including attorney's fees arising out of or resulting from the performance of the work, provided that any such claim, damage, loss or expense is attributable to bodily injury, sickness, disease or death, or to injury to or destruction of tangible property, including the loss of use resulting therefrom; and is caused in whole or in part by any negligent or willful act or omission of the Contractor and Subcontractor, anyone directly or indirectly employed by any of them or anyone for whose acts any of them may be liable. 2. In any and all claims against the Owner or the Engineer or any of their agents or employees, by an employee of the Contractor, Subcontractor, anyone directly or indirectly employed by any of them, or anyone for whose acts any of them may be liable, the indemnification obligation shall not be limited in any way by any limitation on the amount or type of damages, compensation or benefits payable by or for the Contractor or any Subcontractor under Workman's Compensation acts, disability benefit acts or other employee benefits acts. 24 3. The obligation of the Contractor under this paragraph shall not extend to the liability of the Engineer, his agents or employees arising out of the preparation or approval of maps, drawings, opinions, reports, surveys, change orders, design or specifications. GC-25. SEPARATE CONTRACTS: 1. The Owner reserves the right to let other contracts in connection with this Project. The Contractor shall afford other contractors reasonable opportunity for the introduction and storage of their materials and the execution of their work and shall properly connect and coordinate his work with theirs. If the proper execution or results of any part of the Contractor's work depends upon the work of any other Contractor, the Contractor shall inspect and promptly report to the Engineer any defects in such work that render it unsuitable for such proper execution and results. 2. The Owner may perform additional work related to the Project by himself or he may let other contracts containing provisions similar to these. The Contractor will afford the other Contractors who are parties to such contracts (or the Owner, if he is performing the additional work himself), reasonable opportunity for the introduction and storage of materials and equipment and the execution of the work and shall properly connect and coordinate his work with theirs. 3. If the performance of additional work by other Contractors or the Owner is not noted in the Contract Documents prior to the execution of the Contract, written notice thereof shall be given to the Contractor prior to starting any such additional work. If the Contractor believes that the performance of such additional work by the Owner or others involves him in additional expense or entitles him to an extension of the contract time, he may make a claim therefor as provided in Sections GC-13 and GC- 14. GC-26. SUBCONTRACTING: 1. The Contractor may utilize the services of specialty Subcontractors on those parts of the work which, under normal contracting practices, are performed by specialty Subcontractors. 2. The Contractor shall not award work to Subcontractor(s), in excess of fifty (50%) percent of the Contract Price, without prior written approval of the Owner. 3. The Contractor shall be fully responsible to the Owner for the acts and omIssIons of his Subcontractors, and of persons either directly or indirectly employed by them, as he is for the acts and omissions of person directly employed by him. 4. The Contractor shall cause appropriate provisions to be inserted in all subcontracts relative to the work to bind the Subcontractors to the Contractor by the terms of the Contract Documents insofar as applicable to the work of Subcontractors and to give the Contractor the same power as regards terminating any subcontract that the Owner may exercise over the Contractor under any provision of the Contract Documents. 5. Nothing contained in this Contract shall create any contractual relation between any Subcontractor and the Owner. GC-27. ENGINEER'S AUTHORITY: 1. The Engineer shall act as the Owner's representative during the construction period. He shall decide questions which may arise as to quality and acceptability of materials furnished and work performed. He shall interpret the intent of the Contract Documents in a fair and unbiased manner. The Engineer will make visits to the site and determine if the work is proceeding in accordance with the Contract Documents. 2. The Contractor will be held strictly to the intent of the Contract Documents in regard to the quality of materials, workmanship and execution of the work. Inspections may be made at the factory or fabrication plant or the source of material supply. 3. The Engineer will not be responsible for the construction means, controls, techniques, sequences, procedures, or construction safety. 4. The Engineer shall promptly make decisions relative to interpretation of the Contract Documents. GC-28. LAND AND RIGHTS-OF-WAY: 1. The Owner shall provide the Contractor information which delineates and describes the land owned and right-of-way acquired. . 25 2. The Contractor shall provide at his own expense and without liability to the Owner any additional land or building and access thereto that the Contractor may desire for temporary construction facilities, or for storage of materials. GC-29. GUARANTEE: 1. The contractor shall provide a warranty on all work, materials and equipment incorporated into this project. The warranty period shall not be less than one (1) year from the date of completion and shall coverpartsandlabo~ GC-30. TAXES: 1. The Contractor will pay all sales, consumer, use and other similar taxes required by the law of the place where the work is performed. GC-31. WORK ADJACENT TO RAILWAY OR OTHER PROPERTY: 1. Whenever the work em braced in this Contract is near the tracks, structures or buildings of the Owner or of other railways, persons, or property, the work shall be so conducted as not to interfere with the movement of trains or other operations of the railway, or, if in any case such interference be necessary, the Contractor shall not proceed until he has first obtained specific authority and directions therefor from the proper designated officer of the Owner and has the approval of the Engineer. GC-32. ORDER AND DISCIPLINE: 1. The Contractor shall at all times enforce strict discipline and good order among his employees and any employee of the Contractor who shall appear to be incompetent, disorderly or intemperate or in any other way disqualified for or unfaithful to the work entrusted to him, shall be discharged immediately on the request of the Engineer and he shall not again be employed on the workout with the Engineer's written consent. GC-33. WARNING DEVICES AND SIGNS: 1 . The Contractor shall furnish, erect, paint and maintain appropriate warning devices in and around the construction area. GC-34. SPECIAL RESTRICTIONS: 1. Construction activities shall occur at times that will minimize disruption to ongoing operations within the building. Because of the nature of operations, sound and sound transmission are a particular concern and some activities may need to be scheduled outside normal working hours. Any such activities must be coordinated through the Richmond County Marshal's Office. 2. The facility at which the work is to occur, is a secure facility. All employees of the Contractor and any subcontractors, suppliers or vendors shall comply with restrictions for security as set forth by the Richmond County Marshal's Office. GC-35. AS-BUILT DRAWINGS: 1. The contractor shall maintain a set of as-built Drawings in the construction trailer or office, as applicable. All deviations or important measurements shall be recorded on the as-builts daily. 26 Measurements should be made form visible surface objects such as manholes, fire hydrants, valves, property corners, fence corners, etc. Measurements shall locate underground and surface objects by two measurements as stated above. These measurements should be to the nearest tenth of a foot. Three sets will be provided at the contractor's expense, one set must be the originals drawn in red ink while the remainder may be copies. Each shall be clearly marked on the first sheet in one inch high letters "As-Built Drawings". GC-36. ALLOWANCES: 1. The Contract Price includes an allowance of $6,000 each for each of the three elevator cabs to cover the cost of interior upgrades ($18,000 total). Should this amount exceed the actual cost for said testing, the Owner will direct the Contractor to issue a deductive Change Order for the difference. 2. The Contractor shall notify the owner in advance if the cost of the testing is estimated to exceed the allowance before any action is taken. 27 SECTION SGC INDEX TO SUPPLEMENTAL GENERAL CONDITIONS SECTION TITLE SGC-01. Contractor's Breakdown of Lump Sum Payment Items SGC-02. Prior Use By Owner SGC-03. Cleaning Up SGC-04. Maintenance of Traffic SGC-05. Maintenance of Access SGC-06. Erosion Control and Restoration of Property . SGC-07. Safety and Health Regulations SGC-08. Pre-Construction Conference SGC-09. Settlement of Disputes SGC-10. Open Records Act 28 SECTION SGC SUPPLEMENTAL GENERAL CONDITIONS SGC-01. CONTRACTOR'S BREAKDOWN OF LUMP SUM PAYMENT ITEMS: The Contractor shall, immediately after the contract has been awarded, submit to the Engineer for his approval, a breakdown showing estimates of all costs apportioned to the major elements of design, equipment, material and labor comprising the total work included under any of the lump sum items shown in the proposal. These estimates as approved will serve as the basis for estimating of payments due on all progress estimates. SGC-02. PRIOR USE BY OWNER: Prior to completion of the work, the Owner may take over the operation and/or use of the incomplete project or portions thereof. Such prior use of the facilities by the Owner shall not be deemed as final acceptance of any work or relieve the Contractor from any of the requirements of the Contract Documents. SGC-03. CLEAN-UP: The Contractor shall keep the premises free from the accumulation of waste material and rubbish and upon completion of the work, prior to final acceptance of the completed project by the Owner, he shall remove from the premises all rubbish, surplus materials, implements, tools, etc., and leave his work in a clean condition, satisfactory to the Engineer. Periodic cleaning will be scheduled by a representative of the owner. SGC-04. MAINTENANCE OF TRAFFIC AND OPERATIONS: Operations in the Municipal Building will continue for the duration of this project. Two elevators must remain operable at all times during this project. The Contractor shall provide adequate warning and protection for pedestrian and vehicular traffic from any hazard arising out of the Contractor's operations and will be held responsible for any damage caused by negligence on his part or by the improper placing of or failure to display danger signs and road lanterns. All traffic lanes, sidewalks and driveways will be kept open and clear at all times except as provided below. The Contractor shall not block traffic on any street more than 30 minutes or without written permission from such agency. Before leaving the work each night, it shall be placed in such condition as to cause the least possible hazard therefrom. Should the Contractor fail to comply with the provisions of this paragraph, the Owner may, with his own forces, provide signs, flagmen, barricades and/or passageways or clear the pavement and deduct the cost thereof from sums due to the Contractor. Detours and traffic controls are to be reviewed by Traffic Engineering before implementation. SGC-05. MAINTENANCE OF ACCESS: The Contractor will be required to maintain access to the establishment during all times it is normally open for business. Bridges across open trenches and work areas will be required to provide vehicular and pedestrian access. Bridges with handrail protection will be required for crosswalks at street intersections. It is recognized that it will be necessary to remove bridges and to block cross traffic while equipment is in operation. The Contractor shall, however, plan and pursue his operations so as to minimize the time that direct entrance is blocked. SGC-06. EROSION CONTROL AND RESTORATION OF PROPERTY: The Contractor will be required to schedule his work and perform operations in such a manner that siltation and bank erosion will be minimized during all phases of construction. This work should included protective measures in places before land disturbing activities begin in accordance with Federal, State and Local 29 Ordinances covering soil erosion and siltation prevention. Any areas disturbed during the course of construction shall be restored to a condition equal or better than the original condition. SGC-07. SAFETY AND HEALTH REGULATIONS: The Contractor shall comply with the Department of Labor Safety and Health Regulations for construction promulgated under the Occupational, Health and Safety Act of 1970 (PL31-596) and under Section 107 of the Contract Work Hours and Safety Standards Act (PL91-54). SGC-08. PRE-CONSTRUCTION CONFERENCE: A pre-construction conference may be held at an acceptable time to the Owner and the Contractor prior to the "Notice to Proceed" to coordinate the work and satisfy all requirements of the Contract Documents. SGC-09. SETTLEMENT OF DISPUTES: This Agreement shall be governed by and construed in accordance with the laws of the State of Georgia, U.S.A. All claims, disputes and other matters in question between Licensee and Icon Software Corporation arising out of, or relating to, this Agreement, or the breach thereof, shall be decided in the Superior Court of Richmond County, Georgia. Contractor, by executing this Agreement, specifically consents to venue and jurisdiction in Richmond County, Georgia and waives any right to contest jurisdiction and venue in said Court SGC-10. OPEN RECORDS ACT: Contractor acknowledges that this Agreement and certain documentation may be subject to the Georgia Open Records Act (O.C.G.A. ~ 50-18-70, et seq. Contractor shall cooperate fully in responding to such request and shall make all records, not exempt, available for inspection and copying as required by law. SGC-11. LIQUIDATED DAMAGES: Time is of the essence in completion of this project. As such failure to achieve completion within the time set forth within these contract documents shall result in the Contractor being assessed liquidated damages in the amount of $1 00.00 per work day for each day the project remains incomplete beyond the specified time frame as compensation for loss of beneficial use. 30 SPECIAL CONDITIONS SC-01. LICENSE: The successful bidder shall have a current Business license during the term of this contract. The license shall be purchased form the Business License and Enforcement Department. SC-02. COORDINATION OF WORK: The Contractor shall coordinate his work with the Municipal Building Operations Manager. The Contractor is required to follow security protocols as set forth by the Richmond County Marshal. All construction shall be in accordance with the contract documents and applicable codes and regulations. SC-03. OPERATION AND STORAGE AREAS: All operations of the Contractor (including storage of material) shall be confined to areas authorized and approved by the Engineer and the Municipal Building Operations Manager. The owner will not be responsible for providing security for any stored materials, on site or off. SC-04. PRESERVATION OF EXISTING VEGETATION: The Contractor will preserve and protect existing vegetation such as trees, shrubs and grass on or adjacent to the site which do not unreasonably interfere with the construction as may be determined by the Engineer. SC-05. CLEAN-UP: The Contractor shall keep the premises free from the accumulation of waste material and rubbish. Upon completion of the work, prior to final acceptance of the completed project by the Owner, he shall remove from the premises all rubbish and surplus materials to the satisfaction of the Engineer. 31 Au~~sta Georgia Public Services Department 501 Greene Street, Suite 301 Augusta, GA 30901 Facilities Management Division (706) 821-2426 Phone (706) 821-2484 Fax To: Augusta Mayor's Office 530 Greene Street Augusta, GA 30911 Date Re: 13-Jul-07 Municipal Building Traction Elevator Modernization Attn: Mayor Deke Copenhaver We are sending you herewith: File Ref: RFB# - 07-104 Co ies 7 ea 1 ea 1 ea 1 ea I Prints D Samples I X I Documents I Submittals Descri tion Contracts for the Munici al Buildin Traction Elevator Modernization Certificate of Liabilit Insurance Performance Bond Pa ment Bond Date 07/12/07 Receipt Acknowledged By: Date: Time: Approved Rev & Resubmit For Your Approval You May Proceed Approved as Noted Do Not Proceed Rejected For Your Use Please Return R E M A R K S 6 Corrected or Approved Copies Mr. Mayor: This contract has been approved by Commission. As soon as you have signed and returned the agreement to my office, I will issue a Notice to Proceed. DF"E~<V E" " nl~~J :~~~.!".i JUL 1 8 2007 cc: File Mike Greene (Transmittal Only) Signed: Rick Acree COUNTY ATTORNEY I IQ'-'.&. .L .&. ........ 11::'::;) nClrlC!c;t='m~n""(" l IUb J tic 1 -cq.t:fq. 'v p. 1 '. Augusta Georgia Public Services Department 501 Greene Street, Suite 301 Augusta, GA 30901 Facilities Management Division (706) 821-2426 Phone (706) 821-2484 Fax To: Shepard Plunkett Hamilton Boudreaux & Tisdale 701 Greene Street AUQusta, GA 30901 Attn: Betty Carrera Date Re: 19-Jul-07 RFP 07-121 - Broad Street Medians RFB 07-100 - Municipal Building Traction Elevators . We are sending you herewith: I Prints I X I Documents File Ref: I Submittals o Samples Co ies 1 ea Commission A 1 ea Commission A Descri tion roval Letter - Broad Street Medians roval Letter - Munici al Buildin Elevators &,/' Date 06/05/07 06/19/07 Receipt Acknowledged By: Date: Time: Approved Rev & Resubmit Rejected For Your Use For Your Approval You May Proceed Approved as Noted Do Not Proceed Please Return Corrected or Approved Copies R Betty E Here are the Commission Approval Letters you requested. M A R K S cc: File Signed: Rick Acree I .... - ... ... ... '"" ... C" ~ I I a I I a G C III C I I ..... l/UOJOC.1-C.,.O.,. p.e:. .~ Frederick L. Russell, Adminlstrator Office Of The Administrator Tamel<a Allen, Interim Deputy Administrator Robert Leverett, Interim Deputy Adminiso-ator Room 801 - Municipal Building 530 Greene Street - AUGUSTA, GA. 30911 (706) 821-24{)0- FAX (706) 82'1-28J9 www.augustaga.gov June 19, 2007 Mr. Rick Acree Assistant Director - Public Services 501 Greene Street Augusta, GA 30901 Dear Rick: The Augusta-Richmond County Commission, at their regular meeting held on Tuesday, June 19, 2007, took action on the following items. GJ -Approved tne award oftiieCOnlt.~,o-Jf"OiH!mlzethetnree Municipal Building traction' "'eliivatorsttihe low bidder, Premier Elevator, with.a base bid of $398,747.00 and Add Alternate, ;Lan additional $1~ ~fiq 00 for a total of $412.706.0D to be funded from SPLOST Phas~lIl. Also, award the annual maintenance contract for these same three elevators to Premier at the completion of the work in the amount of $11,970.00 for the first year, $12.497.00 for the second year and $13,247.00 for the third year, to be funded from the annual General Fund operating budget for the Municipal Building. (Approved by Finance and Engineering Services Committees June 11, 2007) 39. Approved Proposal from Midwest Maintenance Inc., to Execute Exterior Renovations to the Municipal Building, including re-roofing, resealing cladding and replacement of existing windows in accordance with RFP 07-'25. (Approved by Engineering Services Committee June 11, 2007) If you have any questions, please contact me. ameka Allen Interim Deputy Administrator cc: Ms. Donna Williams Ms. Geri Sams Mr. Bob Munger 06-19-07: #26, #39 EXHIBIT III Municipal Building Traction Elevators Modernization RFB # 07- fot/- INDEX TO CONTRACT Section Title PaQe NA Notice of Award 2 A Agreement 3-4 PB Performance Bond 5-6 LMPB Labor & Material Payment Bond 7-8 COA Certificate of Owner's Attorney 9. NP Notice to Proceed 10 GC General Conditions 11-27 SGC Supplemental General Conditions 28-30 SC Special Conditions 31 1 SECTION NA NOTICE OF AWARD TO: PROJECT DESCRIPTION: Municipal Building Traction Elevators Modernization The Owner has considered the BID submitted by you for the PROJECT named above in response to its Request for Bids (RFB) due on You are hereby notified that your BID (Including Alternates amount of ) has been accepted in the You are to execute the AGREEMENT (Section A) within Ten (10) calendar days from the date of this Notice to you. Furthermore, the Owner has elected to require a Contractor's Performance Bond (Section PB) and a Labor and Materials Payment Bond (Section LMPB). The price of said bonds is included in the contract amount stated above. If you fail to execute said Agreement and to furnish said Bonds within Ten (10) working days from the date of this Notice, said OWNER will be entitled to consider all your rights arising out of the OWNER'S acceptance of your PROPOSAL as abandoned and as a forfeiture of your Bid Bond. The OWNER will be entitled to such other rights as may be granted by law. Shop drawings and other submittals are due within thirty (30) calendar days of the issuance of this Notice of Award. You are required to return an acknowledged copy of this NOTICE OF AWARD to the OWNER. Dated this day of BY: Richard M. Acree, Jr., Assistant Director Augusta Public Services Department Facilities Management Division ACCEPTANCE OF NOTICE Receipt of the above NOTICE OF AWARD is hereby acknowledged on this _day of ,2007. BY: TITLE: 2