HomeMy WebLinkAboutPrecision Planning , Inc. Augusta Richmond GA DOCUMENT NAME: ?( eoS \ on ?\O,,\'(\ \\lg i \ ()(. . DOCUMENT TYPE: 09 X et:mer\t YEAR: 9 5 BOX NUMBER: 03 Fll.ENUMBER: \38 ..5 ~ NUMBER OF PAGES: c:J ~ .~~ r '~ :'- '" Professional Services Supplement AlA Document G604 - Electronic Format THIS DOCUMENT HAS IMPORTANT LEGAL CONSEQUENCES; CONSULTATION WITH AN ATIORNEY IS ENCOURAGED WITH RESPECT TO ITS COMPLETION OR MODIFICATION. AUTHENTICATION OF THIS ELECTRONICALLY DRAFTED AlA DOCUMENT MAY BE MADE BY USING AlA DOCUMENT D40 I. In accordance with the AGREEMENT dated: :t[ebmli'fYT27ii~fi'9Q5 L~i;i~L,2;;.2i~i:i:,,;;,~~i;~~'~ilil BETWEEN: ~U' usta~gi.cliinoncUGQOnt:y,~0Qm1jjis:$iQtl:~0Q.fibcil iR6~rij'.:'6'&5~QfuITI='2':!~:!""':':""""""'ii'i2""''''''''"''''"''"''''''''8L''''''dJ,b2'i G ) for the Project: (Insert Project name and address as it appears in the Agreement) ~~~:~;:~:",:'".:~:~~~"'~!,lli&~~~~~ntgfe,~~~t~~b~~]ll~r: [g!J authorization is (reql:lested) (given) (strike one) [~ to proceed with Additional Services [ J to proceed with revised scope of Basic Services [J to incur Reimbursable Expenses OR [ J notification is made [] of the need to proceed with Contingent Additional services [ ] of the need for other services AS FOLLOWS: The following adjustments shall be made to compensation and time. Compensation: (Insert provisions in accordance with the Agreement, or as otherwise agreed by the parties) 'f\C -. -- -""~-!~c:t~i~!S,~[giQ~~~'n~J(iQc.luain eCeS$lfrxJj!c;l.f;~m~:e,ir[gljil9~!]~J~1tQf'~hQ~.~~~~p'g.IT6cRi'COnr@l~ S'awi,'Erifbrcem"e'n' 6'6:(mO~Cm~::~iConsfructioii~~fjelcG,visitS];.will. O,CCuFat: Int~,w~J~~~?,lli~. ' "(~~[{~'':'k';B'''"~;!cd ,."""".",;;;"",,,,,""'_'~'"'m'" C=., , ." '" C' . 'c', . ..~;;..~" " .' Time: AlA DOCUMENT G604 - PROFESSIONAL SERVICES SUPPLEMENT - AlA - COPYRIGHT 1993 - THE AMERICAN INSTITUTE OF ARCHITECTS, 1735 NEW YORK AVENUE N.W., WASHINGTON D.C. 20006-5292. WARNING; Unlicensed photocopying violates U.S. copyright laws and is subject to legal . prosecution. This document was electronically produced with permission of the AlA and can be reproduced without violation until the date of expiration as noted below. Electronic Format G604 - 1993 User Document: G604RIFO.DOC --' 8/19/1997. AlA License Number 102745, which expires on 8/31/1997 -- Page #1 ~"l (1IJsert provi,vions covering time of commencement and completion of authorized services as applicable.) A---' roVal'"i5f:itt'iislrEF[jesnwithiii~fOl.Trt(4)WeeKs;Willjln6tTaffecHtheFCorfFleti6J:'m:late1 LJ?Ec",c;,;.,c::::'c"c""",c;":ei'.:;i!"",""":,:;;;;c;;'",,,,,:;,;;:;;:,,",;;: ";C\.:;;;;;';;;':';C",;;s;jj;C:;;':C"",C';:;"';'",;i;:';;;"'..".;;:::.",;,;;;.",8:;:.;.""..;;";;;,:;;""",,, Prompt written notice is required if the services indicated are not needed. C' " ;;~I~f~~~e2Ll~~;~~~r[r a.uJ J.)(jiigl~~;E:li,S!1liw;~~lA~ASsista:imMi~~IPF~sjg~i'it !;:wc;'n~~!; ::;,,:::;7';:~;:;;:'Z'."jj;2G:~:;'::':"~;:::;>tl; J.:.ti.isi~~;ki,,~::-.:;~,~,i$,i~ :",~.i,..i~~k!~;";;'::;~, ~ ;~;~L:1G~;.liL:;:;]llij (Printed name and title) (Date) This docUIIl.nt approved as ~MYfl~7.~7 'Y Oat . AlA DOCUMENT G604 - PROFESSIONAL SERVICES SUPPLEMENT - AlA - COPYRIGHT 1993 - THE AMERICAN INSTITUTE OF ARCHITECTS, 1735 NEW YORK A VENUE N.W., WASHINGTON D.C. 20006-5292, WARNING; Unlicensed photocopying violates U.S. copyright laws and is subject to legal prosecution. This document was electronically produced with permission of the AlA and can be reproduced without violation until the date of expiration as noted below. Electronic Format G604 - 1993 User Document: G604RIFO.DOC -- 8/19/1997. AlA License Number 102745, which expires on 8/31/1997 -- Page #2