HomeMy WebLinkAboutPerimeter Parkway Augusta Richmond GA DOCUMENT NAME: ~)(\(\()e--'\-eY ~\~~ DOCUMENT TYPE: Gg\eeff\en-\- YEAR: ~l BOX NUMBER: ~ FILE NUMBER: \ ~5d \ NUMBER OF PAGES: 3 D:~.T. 66 ,~ ~ D~PA~T' ttT OF TRANS PORTA' ttN STATE OF Gb0RGIA ; lNTERDEPARTMENT CORRESPONDENCE FILE ,PE~/Mcr€~' ?'4R~W4/ PRLOP-8S3o.~48(24S) C1 Richmond CID # C-31639-960..0 ' ~.~1t. \ Christopher Eo Holmes. bistrict Contracts Manager OFFICE Tennille DATE July 10, 1997 FROM TO Russell Merritt, Area Engineer SUBJECT APPROVED SUPPJLErVIENTAL AGREEMENT NO.1 Please be advised that the Supplemental Agreement for the above numbered project has been approved. CEH:jbh Attachment cc: Contractor - City of Augusta (w/attachment) .' .. .' ~"~I-..J... v-.JQ . ,.Rev. 4-95 ~U.k"'.t""j,II;J"U~w.;;u. ~It:'t:lI1eD.1; ~.. " .. '; FT:MENT OF TRANSPORT} STATE OF GEORGLJ\ e Extension Agreement 0 ;- Project No.: <bONTRA.CT AMENDMENT , . , PRLbp-8530~48(245) Cl , "..l' CoUnty: Richmond Contractor: Cit~ of Ati.~usta Contractor lD.: i 5 ~~ L ~ 3 o C.T.LD.: ~-2--.!..~2-1--~.L~-~ PCN' 3 2 9 0 9 4 4 _ C 1 _ 0 0 0 _ 0 .L. .. _______ _ _ _ _ _ _ W'HEREAS be below 6\ntractor and Surety entered into a contract with the Department of Trs.nspor-.ation, on October 9, 1996 . for the construction of Project No. PRLOP-8530-48 (245) C 1 Richmond County and. W:"'1EREAS, ~rtain ite~ of construction encountered are oat covered by the original contract., the Parties hereby agree 00 the fol1owiftg amerlc.iri1tin,t to the orig;..nal contrac::: , This Supplem~ntal Agreement is for the rev~s~on in items and quantities for the proposed channel construction on Perimeter Parkway i . It is agreed ;:hat as a re~Jlt of the above amendment the contract time:JllldJ. (wiilllot) be er...endeci. The er...ension of time required is i O. ; days. .. t acept as s~iiiC3.i1y ,azh.ended herein. all t.er:n.s and conditions or che ori~..nal conr;nc: :-emain in full force ~d effec:. The sum set forth U:\ t.hi1 cont':3.c:: amendment constitures full oavment ~d settlement or ail additional costs ~d ~ns;;;s including, delay and bpac:: aam3.ges c:lused by, arising ~~ or assoe.ated with the ;vork desc:-ibed in cb.is cont'I's.c~ amencim.erit. , NowThe~!'ofe, We Ma~or/Citv or Augusta N/A Coutr3c:ors. and I . Surety, hereo", agr~ to said cont:'ac~ :inlendment consisting of the above mentioned item.s anci orices. and ~g!'ee that :~ ccntract amend!:len t is hereby made a pdrt or the origi.nal COntr3C:: :0 be performed uncier the 5~c:i.tions thereaI: Da t<! this 2nd; ;. By: Mayor/Cit1~ of Contr3.c::or Aug~$t 11115 leg~ . I .~ AClG;n~j ~/ (.::- (SeaD By: N / A Surety (5 eai) R,e{:Oj!Kndea: \ . .0 tn~q w. ': j . Di,,,",,, En"'~o~." I~ 7 , ,,-',' Approvea;' . h ' Mr--/f!;{uJ~M CJ~iocer. Deotir::ment OIJr't:. 3.D.soor.ation . {(;l (71 llig~U Dat<!: ~/;tI/f7 " (,., . Page 1 of~ J..oI."'. J"... ..J..JUc;.. _,Re'}': 04/95 ,i ..-;; e DEPA..KT,M,.b.'lT UF T.KA.l.'l::i.t'\JKL~l1Ul'l STATE OF GEORGIA .:)llppl.e:Ilen.caJ. Agr=nen.t B..::. ~on Agre::ment C Projec! No,; i PRLOP-B5-30-48,( 245) C! " County: Richmond ITEM CODE ITEM .-- ! , UNIT I QUANTITY PRICE A.J.ylO ONT 204-0001 603-0008 603-1018 668-2100 204-0001 206-0002 207-0203 550-1240 550-1480 550-1720 550-1780 550-4224 603-0008 603-1018 668-2100 668-5000 iTEMS TO hE DELETED i , ' Channel ,Excavation ~tone Bl~nket Protection, ~ In ; ~tn Plai~~Rip Rap, 18 In Drop Inlet, Gp 1 ITEMs TO_,!E ADDED ~ ~. ~ Channel Etcavation Borrow E~~av, Incl MatI , - , Fbund Bkfill MatI, Tp II I Storm Drain Pipe, 24 In, H 1-10 . Storm Drain Pipe, 48 In, H, 1-10 Storm Drain Pipe, 72 In, H: .1-10 , S~orm Dr~in Pipe, 78 In, H' 1-10 F~aJed E~J Section, 24 In, Storm DrcHn Stone Blanket Protection, 8; In S~n Plairi Rip Rap, 18 IN Dtoo Inlet, Gp 1 Jlm~tion Box CY SY SY EA CY CY CY LF LF LF LF EA SY SY EA EA 8,800.00 4.35 8,800.00 7.52 8,800.00 25.12 3.00 776.96 Origina~ Sub-Total 6.,400.00 4.35 13,000.00 1. 45 360.00 18.97 10.00 18.61 230.00 i6.76 12.00 110.18 945.00 76.80 1.00 273.84 5,100.00 7.52 5,100.00 25.12 5.00 776.96 1. 00 790. 12 Revised. Suo-Total $ 38,280.00 $ 66,176.00 $221,056.00 $ 2,330.88 $327,842.88 $ 19,140.00 $ 18,850.00 $ 6,829.20 $ L86.10 s 10,754.80 S 1,322.16 $ 72,576.00 273.84 S 38,352.00 $128,112.00 :;; 3,884.80 S 790.12 $301,071. 02 P'J.g~ -=- or ~