HomeMy WebLinkAboutParsons Infrastructure and Technology Group Inc. Augusta Richmond GA DOCUMENT NAME:'V C<."'-So hS - ~I-'li' rcL'\tn;,cb-"- e. ~ T cclc,-,o \J'f Groll r liCt<L DOCUMENT TYPE: 3"-<-n'1e.nt YEAR: 02 BOX NUMBER: l7 FILENUMBER: tCol-{3:) NUMBER OF PAGES: ~ ,,"" \' 1 " STATE OF GEORGIA AUGUST A MAJOR PROJECTS CONSULTANT SERVICES AGREEMENT BETWEEN AUGUST A, GEORGIA (AUGUST A) AND PARSONS INFRASTRUCTURE & TECHNOLOGY GROUP, INC. (CONSULTANT) CONSULTANT: PARSONS INFRASTRUCTURE & TECHNOLOGY GROUP, INe. PROJECT: DEVELOPMENT OF A WATERSHED IMPLEMENTATION PLAN DATE EXCECUTED: DATE COl\1PLETED: K;IPROCRIPROCURE-ORIA Tl-PROJIAUGUST AIFINAL VERSION\CONTRACT .fINALDOC MODIFIED: SEPTEMBER 5. 2002 'f l' 'j' 1 ST ATE OF GEORGIA AUGUSTA MAJOR PROJECTS CONSULTANT SERVICES AGREEMENT BETWEEN AUGUSTA, GEORGIA (AUGUSTA) AND PARSONS INFRASTRUCTURE & TECHNOLOGY GROUP, INC. (CONSULT ANT) This Agreement is made and entered into this day of ,2002 by and between AUGUST A, Georgia, a political subdivision of the State of Georgia, hereinafter called the II AUGUSTA" or II AUGUSTA UTILITIES DEPARTMENT (AllO)" and Parsons Inirastruc~re & Technology Group, Inc., a Corporation authorized to do business in Georgia, hereinafter called,the "CONSULTANT." WHEREAS, AUGUST A desires to engage a qualified and experience consult::irig firm to furnish professional services for: Development of a Watershed Implementation for Augusta-Richmond County Georgia WHEREAS, the CONSULTANT has represented to AUGUSTA that it is experience and qualified to provide the services contained herein and AUGUSTA has relied upon such representation. NOW, THEREFORE, in consideration of the mutual promises and covenant herein contained, it is agreed by and between AUGUSTA and the CONSULTANT that: K;IPROCRIPROCURE.oRIA TL-PROJIAUGUSTAIFINAL VERSIONICONTRACT .fINAL.DOC MODIFIED: SEPTEMBER 5. 2002 'j' \' r 'I GENERAL PROVISIONS CONSULTANT has agreed in its Agreement with AUGUST A to provide the required professional engineering services for the Project in accordance with the requirements as outlined in and attached as Attachment A - Scope of Services. CONSULTANT COORDINATION The CONSULTANT shall cooperate fully with all municipalities, local government officials, utility companies, and other consultants as directed by AUGUST A. AUGUST A, CONSULT ANT and all relevant parties agree to work together on the basis of trust, good faith and fair dealing, and shall take actions reasonably necessary to enable each other to perform this Agreement in a timely, efficient and economical manner. All parties agree to cooperate in a manner consistent with good design practice and will exercise the degree of skill and diligence normally employed by professional engineers or consultants practicing under similar conditions. CONSULTANT will re-perform any services not meeting this standard without additional compensation, AMENDMENTS TO AGREEMENT Every amendment to the Scope of Services shall become and is hereby made a part of this Agreement. Amendments must be fully executed by both the CONSULTANT and AUGUST A to qe v~}id. REDUCTION IN REQUIRED SERVICES If reductions in the required services are ordered by AUGUSTA, the credits shall be the amounts for such services as described in subsequently executed Amendments to this Agreement, and no claim for damages for anticipated profits shall accrue to the CONSULT ANT. DATE CHANGES If in this Agreement specific periods of time for rendering services are set forth or specific dates by which services are to be completed are provided and if such periods of time or dates are changed through no fault of CONSULTANT, the rates and amounts of compensation provided for herein shall be subject to equitable , adjustment, . AGREEMENT MODIFICATIONS This Agreement shall not be modified except by a duly executed Amendment hereto in writing under the hands and seals of both parties hereto. TIME OF COMPLETION The time of completion shall beas described in th~ schedule attached hereto as Attachment D - Schedule. K;IPROCRIPROCURE-DRIA TL-PROJIAUGUST AIFINAL VERSIONICONTRACT -FINALDOC 1 MODIFIED: SEPTEMBER 5, 2002 " f This Agreement shall terminate immediately and absolutely at such time as appropriated and otherwise obligated funds are no longer available to satisfy the obligations of the CONSULT ANT on behalf of A UG UST A under this Agreement. PROJECT PROGRESS CONSULT ANT'S services and compensation under this Agreement have been agreed to in anticipation of the orderly and continuous progress of the Project through completion. LITIGATION Nothing in this Agreement shall be construed as obligating the CONSULTANT to appear, support, prepare, document, bring, defend or assist in litigation either undertaken or defended in behalf of AUGUSTA except in consideration of compensation. All such services required or requested of CONSULT ANT by AUGUSTA except ?uits or claims between the parties to this Agreement will be reimbursed as additional services, BINDINGS It is further agreed that AUGUSTA and CONSULTANT each binds itself and themselves, its or their successors, executors, administrators and assigns to the other party to this Agreement' and to its or their successors, executors and assigns in respect to all covenants of this Agreement. Except as above, neither A UGUST A nor the CONSULT ANT shall assign, sublet or transfer its or their interest in this Agreement without prior written consent of the other party hereto. . EXTENT OF THE AGREEMENT This Agreement represents the entire agreement between AUGUSTA and CONSULT ANT and supersedes all prior negotiations, representations and agreements, either written or oral. K;IPROCRIPROCURE.oRIA TL.PROJIAUGUSTAIFINAL VERSIONICONTRACT ..fINAL.DOC 2 MODIFIED: SEPTEMBER 5. 2002 ;. .~ T DEFINITIONS Wherever used in this Agreement, whether in the singular or in the pluraL the following terms shall have the following meanings: Agreement Execution - means the date on which CONSULT ANT executes and enters into an Agreement with AUGUSTA to perform the Work. Agreement Price - means the total monies, adjusted in accordance with any provision herein, payable to the CONSULT ANT under this Agreement. AUGUSTA -means a legal entity AUGUSTA Georgia, a political subdivision of the State of Georgia. CONSULT ANT - means the party or parties contracting directly with AUGUST A to perform Work pursuant to this Agreement. . Contract _ means the Agreement Documents specifically identified and incorporated herein by reference. Contract Time - means the period of time stated in this Agreement for the completion of the Work. Prog-ram Manager - means CH2M-Hill as the representative of AUGUSTA who shall act as Li~on between AUGUSTA and the CONSULTANT for all matters pertaining to this Agreement, including review of CONSULTANT's plans and work. Subcontractor - means any person, firm, partnership, joint venture, company, corporation, or entity having a contractual agreement with CONSULT ANT or with any of its subcontractors at any tier to provide a part of the Work called for by this Agreement. Supplemental Agreement - means a written order to CONSULT ANT signed by AUGUSTA and accepted by CONSULT ANT, effecting an addition, deletion or revision in the Work, or an adjustment in the Agreement Price or the Contract Time, issued after execution of this Agreement. Task Order - means a written order specifying a Scope of Services, time of completion and compensation limit for services being provided by CONSULTANT. Task Orders shall be incorporated by reference as part of the Supplemental Conditions of this Agreement. Work - means any and all obligations, duties and responsibilities, including furnishing equipment, engineering, design, workmanship, labor and any other services or things necessary to the successful completion of the Project, assigned to or undertaken by CONSULT ANT under this Agreement. K:IPROCRIPROCURE-ORIA TL-PROJIAUGUST AIFINAL VERSIONICONTRACT .fINAL DOC 3 MODIFIED: SEPTEMBER 5. 2002 f <: T CONTRACT DOCUMENTS List of Documents The Agreement, the General Conditions, the Attachments, and any Supplemental Agreements, including. Task Orders shall constitute the Agreement Documents, Conflict and Precedence The Agreement Documents are complementary, and what is called for by one is as binding as if called for by all. In the event there are any conflicting provisions or requirements in the component parts of this Agreement, the several Agreement Documents shall take precedence in the following order: 1. Agreement - Including Attachments 2. General Conditions 3. Supplemental Conditions - Including Task Orders K;IPROCRIPROCURE-DRIA TL.pROJIAUGUST AIFINAL VERSION\CONTRACT ~INALDOC 4 MODIFIED: SEPTEMBER 5. 2002 f f GENERAL CONDITIONS 1. COMMENCEMENT OF WORK The performance of services as defined in the Prime Agreement between CONSULT ANT and AUGUST A, and herein described in this Agreement as Attachment A shall be commenced upon receipt by the CONSULT ANT of a written Task Order authorization. The effective date of services shall be defined in each Task Order authorization, 2. PROFESSIONAL ST ANDARDS The standard of care for all services performed or furnished by CONSULT ANT under this Agreement will be the level of care that is ordinarily used by members of CONSULT ANT'S profession practicing under similar conditions. 3. CHANGES AND EXTRA WORK AUGUSTA may, at any time, request changes in the work to be performed hereunder. All such changes, including any increase or decrease in the amount of the CONSULTANT's compensation, which are mutually agreed upon by and between AUGUSTA and the CONSULTANT, shall be incorporated in written Supplemental Agreements to the Agreement. " - Changes that involve an increase in the compensation shall be considered major, and require the approval of AUGUSTA. The Program Manager may approve minor changes to the scope of services that do not involve an increase compensation schedule. 4. PE~~EL The CONSULTANT represents that it has secured or will secure, at its own expense, all personnel necessary to complete this Agreement; none of whom shall be employees of, or have any contractual relationship with, AUGUSTA. All of the services required hereunder will be performed by the CONSULTANT under its supervision, and all personnel engaged in the work shall be qualified and shall be authorized or permitted under law to perform such services. All key professional personnel, including subcontractors, engaged in performing services for the CONSULTANT under this agreement are indicated in a personnel listing attached hereto as Attachment C _ Listing of Key Personnel and incorporate herein by reference. No changes or substitution shall be permitted in the CONSULTANT's Key Personnel without the prior written approval of AUGUSTA or his designee. . The CONSULTANT shall employ only persons duly registered in the appropriate category in responsible charge of supervision and design of the work. The CONSULT ANT shall endorse all reports, contract plans, and survey data. Such endorsements shan be made by a person duly registered in the appropriate category by the Georgia State Board of Registration' for Professional Engineers and Land Surveyors, being in the full employ of tI:e CONSULT ANT and responsible for the work prescribed by this Agreement. K:\PROCR\PROCURE .aRIA TL.PROJIAUGUSTAIFINAL VERSIONICONTRACT -FINAL,DOC 5 MODIFIED: SEPTEMBER 5. 2002 .f.' ! 5, ACCURACY OF WORK The CONSULTANT shall be respansible far the accuracy af the wark and shall pramptly carrect errors and amissians in its plans and specificatians withaut additianal campensatian. The CONSUL "fA-NT shall give immediate attentian to. these changes so there will be a minimum of delay to. others. Acceptance af the work by AUGUSTA will nat relieve the CONSULT ANT af the responsibility far subsequent correctian af any errors and the clarificatian af any ambiguities. 6, CONFIDENTIALITY The CONSULTANT agrees that its canclusians and any reparts are for the confidential use and infarmatian af AUGUST A and that it will not disclase its canclusions in whale ar in part to any persans whatsoever, ather than to. submit its writtendacumentatian to. AUGUSTA, and will only discuss the same with it or its autharized represent~tives. Upon campletian of this Agreement term, all documents, drawings, reports, maps, data and studies prepared by the CONSULT ANT pursuant thereto. shall become the praperty af AUGUSTA and be delivered thereto.. Articles, papers, bulletins, reparts, ar ather materials reparting the plans, progress, analyses, ar results and findings of the wark canducted under this Agreement shall nat be presented publicly ar published without priar 'appraval in writing af AUGUSTA. ' -- It is further agreed that if any infarmatian cancerning the PROJECT, shauld be released by the CONSULTANT withaut priar appraval fram AUGUST A, the release af same shall constitute grounds for terminatian af this Agreement withaut indemnity to. the CONSULT ANT, but should any such informatian be released by AUGUST A or by the CONSULT AI'IT with such prior approval, the same shall be regarded as public infarmation and no. langer subject to. the restrictians af this Agreement. 7, OPEN RECORDS CONSULT ANT acknowledge that all recards relating to this Agreement and the services to be pravided under the cantract may, be a public recard subject to Geargia's Open Records Act (O.e.G.A. S 50-18-70, et seq.). CONSULTANT shall caoperate fully in respanding to such request and making all recards, nat . exempt, available for inspection and capying as pravided by law. 8. TURISDICTION The law af the State af Geargia shall gavern the CONTRACT between AUGUSTA and CONSULTANT, with regard to., its interpretatian and performance, and any ather claims related to this agreement. All claims, disputes and ather matters in questian between AUGUSTA and CONSULTANT arising aut af ar relating to. the Agreement, ar the breach thereof, shall be decided in the Superiar Caurt of Richmand Caunty, Geargia. The CONSULTANT, by executing this Agreement, specifically cansents to jurisdiction and venue in Richmand Caunty and waives any right to. cantest the jurisdiction and venue in the Superior Caurt af Richmand Caunty, Geargia. K:\PROCR\PROCURE.QRIA TL.pROJIAUGUST AIFINAL VERSIONICONTRACT -FINAL.DOC 6 MODIFIED: SEPTEMBER 5. 2002 ." ,. 9. TERMINATION OF AGREEMENT FOR CAUSE If through any cause, the CONSULT ANT shall fail to fulfill in a timely and proper manner its obligations under this Agreement, or if the CONSULT ANT shall violate any of the covenants, agreements or stipulations of this Agreement, CONSULT ANT will be given the opportunity to commence correction of . obligation within 5 days of written notice and diligently complete the correction thereafter. Failure to maintain the scheduled level of effort as proposed and prescribed, or dev~ation from the aforesaid schedule without prior approval of AUGUSTA, shall constitute cause for termination. AUGUST A shall thereupon have the right to terminate this Agreement by giving written notice to the CONSULT ANT of such termination, and specifying the effective date thereof, at least five (5) days before the effective date of such termination. In such event, all finished or unfinished documents, maps, data, studies, work papers and reports prepared by the CONSULT ANT under this Agreement shall become the property of AUGUST A, and the CONSULT ANT shall be entitled to receive just and equitable compensation for any satisfactory work completed on such documents, as mutually agreed by AUGUST A and CONSULT ANT. 10. TERMIN A TION FOR CONVENIENCE OF AUGUSTA AUGUSTA may terminate this contract in part or in whole upon written notice to the CONSULT ANT. The CONSULT ANT shall be paid for any validated services under this Contract up to the time of termination. 11. COORDIN AnON AND COOPERATION WITH OTHER UTILITIES AND CONSULT ANTS CONSULT ANT shall thoroughly research all utility records to identify the existing facilities orfthe submitted roadway plans for avoidance, or resolution, of conflicts with the proposed Scope of Services. If AUGUSTA undertakes or awards other contracts for additional related work, the CONSULTANT shall fully cooperate with such other CONSULTANT's and AUGUSTA employees or appointed committee(s), and carefully fit its own work to such additional work as may be directed by AUGUSTA. The CONSULT ANT shall not commit or permit any act, which will interfere with the performance of work by any other CONSULTANT or by AUGUSTA employees. 12. COVENANT AGAINST CONTINGENT FEES The CONSULT ANT warrants that no person or selling agency has been employed or retained to solicit or secure this Agreement upon an agreement or understanding for a commission, percentage, brokerage, or contingent fee, excepting bona fide employees.or bona fide established commercial or selling agencies maintained by CONSULTANT for the purpose of securing business and that the CONSULTANT has not received any non-AUGUST A fee related to this Agreement without the prior written consent of AUGUSTA. For breach or violation of this warranty, AUGUSTA shall have the right to annul this Agreement without liability or at its discretion to deduct from the Agreement Price of consideration the full amount of such commission, percentage, brokerage or contingent fee. 13. RESPONSIBILITY FOR CLAIMS AND LIABILITY The CONSULT ANT shall be responsible for any and all damages to properties or persons caused by its employees, subcontractors, or agents, and shall hold hamiIess AUGUST A, its officers, agents and employees from all suits, claims, actions or damages of any nature whatsoever to the extent found to be resulting from the CONSULT ANT, its subcontracts, or agent in the negligent performance or non- K;IPROCRIPROCURE-DRIA TL-PROJIAUGUST AIFINAL VERSION\CONTRACT -FINAL.DOC 7 MODIFIED: SEPTEMBER 5. 2002 I' performance of work under this Agreement. These indemnities shall not be limited by reason of the listing of any insurance coverage. 14. INSURANCE The CONSULT ANT shall, at all times that this Agreement is in effect, cause to be maintained in force and effect an insurance policy(s) th'at will ensure and indemnify both AUGUSTA, and Program Manager against liability or financial loss resulting from injuries occurring to persons or property as a result of any negligent error, act, or omission of the CONSULT ANT during the term of this Agree~ent. The CONSULT ANT shall provide, at all times that this agreement is in effect, Worker's Compensation insurance in accordance with the laws of the State of Georgia. The CONSULT ANT shall provide, at all times that this Agreement is in effect, Insurance with limits of not less than: A. Workmen's Compensation Insurance - in accordance with the laws of the State of Georgia. B. Public Liability Insurance - in an amount of not less that One Million ($1,000,000) Dollars for injuries, including those resulting in death to anyone person, and.in an amoUnt of not less than One Nlillion ($1,000,000) Dollars on account of anyone occurrence. C. Property Damage Insurance - in an amount of not less than One Million ($1,000,000) Dollars from damages on account of an occurrence, with an aggregate limit of One Million ($1,000,000) Dollars. D. Valuable Papers Insurance - in an amount sufficient to assure the restoration of any plans, drawings, field notes, or other similar data relating to the work covered by the Project. E. Professional Liability Insurance - in an amount of not less than One Million ($1,000,000) Dollars. AUGUSTA will be designatedas an additional insured with respect to CONSULTANT's liabilities hereunder in insurance coverage's identified in items (b) and (c). - 1 The policies shall be written by a responsible company(s), and shall be noncancellable except on thirty-(30) days' written notice to AUGUST A. Such policies shall designate AUGUST A as an additional-insured, except for worker's compensation and professional liability policies, and a copy of such policy or a certificate of insurance shall be filed with the Director at the time of the execution of this Agreement. 15. PROHIBITED INTERESTS 15.1 Conflict of Interest The CONSULT ANT agrees that it presently has no interest and shall acquire no interest, direct or indirect, that would conflict in any manner or degree with the performance of its services hereunder. The CONSULTANT further agrees that, in the performance of the Agreement, no person having such interest shall be employed. 15.2 Interest of Public Officials: Nomember, officer, or employee of AUGUSTA during his tenure or for one year thereafter, shall have any interest, direct or indirect, in this Agreement or the proceeds thereof. K;\PROCR\PROCURE-DRIA TL.PROJIAUGUST AIFINAL VERSIONICONTRACT -F.INAL.DOC 8 MODIFIED: SEPTEMBER 5. 2002 y " 15.3 Emplovment of AUGUST A's Personnel: The CONSULT ANT shall not employ any person or persons in the employ of AUGUSTA for any work required by the terms of the Agreement, without the written permission of AUGUST A except as may otherwise be provided for herein. 16. SUBCONTRACTING The CONSULT ANT shall not subcontract any part of the work covered by this Agreement or permit subcontracted work to be further subcontracted without AUGUST A's prior written approval of the subcontractor. AUGUST A will not approve any subcontractor for work covered by this Agreement that has not been recommended for approval by the Program Manager. All subcontracts in the amount of $5,000 or more shall include, where possible, the provisions set forth in this Agreement. 17. ASSIGNABILITY The CONSULT ANT shall not assign or transfer whether by an assignment or novation, any of its rights, obligations, benefits, liabilities or other interest under this Agreement without the written consent of AUGUSTA. 18. EOUAL EMPLOYMENT OPPORTUNITY During the performance of this Agreement, the CONSULTANT agrees as follows: (1) the CONSULTANT will not discriminate against any employee or applicant for employment because of race, creed, color, sex or national origin; (2) the CONSULTANT will, in all solicitations or advertisements for employees placed by qualified applicants, receive consideration for employment without regard to race, creed, color, sex or national origin; (3) the CONSULT ANT will cause the foregoing provisions to be inserted in all subcontracts for any work covered by the Agreement 'so that such provision will be binding upon each subcontractor, provided that the foregoing provision shall not apply to contracts or subcontracts for standard commercial supplies of raw materials. 19. DRUG FREE WORKPLACE CONSULT ANT shall be responsible for insuring that its employees shall not be involved in any manner with the unlawful manufacture, distribution, dispensation, possession, sale or use of a controlled substance in the workplace. For purposes of the policy, "workplace" is defined as AUGUSTA owned or leased property, vehicles, and project or client site. Any violation of the prohibitions may result in discipline and/ or immediate discharge. CONSULTANT shall notify the appropriate federal agencies of an employee who has a criminal drug statute conviction for workplace violation. CONSULTANT may require drug or alcqhol testing of employees when contractually or legally obligated, or when good business practices would diCtate. K:IPROCRIPROCURE-DRIA TL-PROJIAUGUST A\FINAL VERSIONICONTRACT -FINAL.DOC 9 MODIFIED: SEPTEMBER 5. 2002 \... 1_' 20. ANTI-KICKBACK CLAUSE Salaries of architects, drafters, engineer's, and technicians performing work under this Agreement shall be paid unconditionally and not less often than once a month without deduction or rebate on any account except only such payroll deductions as are mandatory by law. The CONSULT ANT hereby promises to comply with all applicable "Anti-kickback" laws, and shall insert appropriate provisions in all subcontracts covering work under this Agreement. 21. AUDITS AND INSPECTORS At any time during normal business hours and as often as AUGUST A may deem necessary, the CONSULT ANT shall make available to AUGUST A and/ or audit representatives of AUGUST A for examination all of its records with respect to all matters covered by this Agreement. It shall also permit A UGUST A and/ or representatives of the audit, examine and make copies, excerpts or transcripts from such records of personnel, conditions of employment and other data relating to all matters covered by this Agreement. . The CONSULTANT shall maintain all books, documents, papers, accounting records and other evidence pertaining to costs mcurred on the Project and used in support of its proposal and shall make such material available at all reasonable times during the period of the Agreement, and for three years from the date of final payment under the Agreement, for inspection by AUGUST A or any reviewing agenqes, and copies thereof shall be furnished upon request. The CONSULT ANT agrees that the provisions of this'Article shall be included in any Agreements it may make with any subcontractor, assignee, or transferee. Such inspections and auditS of Consultant's books and records shall not include the financial components of the Consultant's hourly rates set forth in Attachment C. 22. OWNERSHIP, PUBLICA TIO'N, REPRODUCTION AND USE All documents and materials prepared pursuant to this Agreement are the property of AUGUSTA. AUGUSTA shall have the unrestricted authority to publish, disclose, distribute, and other use, in whole or in part, any reports, data, maps, or other materials prepared under this Agreement without according credit of authorship. AUGUST A shall hold harmless the CONSULT ANT against all claims arising out of such use of documents and materials without the CONSULT ANT's knowledge and written consent. 23. VERBAL AGREEMENT OR CONVERSATION No verbal agreement or conversaiionwith any officer, agent, or employee of AUGUSTA, either before, during, or after the execution of this Agreement, shall affect or modify any of the terms or obligations herein contained, nor shall such verbal agreement or conversation entitle the CONSULTANT to any additional payment whatsoever under the, terms for this Agreement. All changes to this Agreement shall be in writing and appended hereto as prescribed in Article 3 above. 24. INDEPENDENT CONTRACTOR The CONSULT ANT shall perform the services under this Agreement as an independent contractor and nothing contained herein shall be construed to be inconsistent with this relationship or status. Nothing in K;\PROCR\PROCURE -DRIA TL-PROJIAUGUST AIFINAL VERSIONICONTRACT -FINAL.DOC 10 MODIFIED: SEPTEMBER 5. 2002 .. this Agreement shall be interpreted or construed to constitute the CONSULTANT or any of its agents or employees to be the agent, employee, or representative of AUGUST A. 25. NOTICES All notices shall be in writing and delivered in person or transmitted by certified mail, postage prepaid. Notices shall be addressed as follows: AUGUST A: ADMINISTRATOR AUGUSTA-RICHMOND COUNTY 530 Green Street Augusta, GA 30901 A TIN: George Kolb CONSULTANT: PARSONS INFRASTRUCTURE & TECHNOLOGY GROUP, INC. 5390 Triangle Parkway, Suite 100 Norcross, Georgia, 30092 ATTN: J. Tim Stephens, P.E. Copy to: DIRECTOR AUGUSTA UTILITIES DEPARTMENT 360 Bay Street Augusta, GA 30901 ATTN: Max Hicks, P.E. PROGRAM MANAGER: AUGUSTA PROGRAM MANAGER CH2M HILL, INC. 360 Bay Street Augusta, GA 30901 ATTN: Betsy Horton K:IPROCRIPROCURE-DRIA TL-PROJIAUGUST AIFINAL VERSION\CONTRACT -FINAL.DOC 11 MODIFIED: SEPTEMBER 5. 2002 IN WITNESS WHEREOF, said parties have hereunto set their seals the day and year written below: ~BY: l1" PRINTED NAME: ~ ~yONSULTANT~ PRINTED NAME: S. BHOY GHOSH TITLE: MA YOR TITLE: VICE PRESIDENT ATTE;?JflqkdJ f!zt6 VIS 1" ~i ~ /)),- , DATE: DATE: Copy To: MAX HICKS, P.E. DIRECTOR AUGUSTA UTILITIES DEPARTMENT 360 Bay Street Augusta, GA 30901 K:\PROCR\PROCURE-DR\A TL-PROJ\AUGUST A\FINAL VERSION\CONTRACT-FINAL.DOC 12 MODIFIED: SEPTEMBER 5, 2002 CONSULTANT'S RESPONSIBILITIES CONSULT ANT, in order to determine the requirements of the Project, shall review the information in Attachment A - Responsibilities of the Design Engineer on Utilities Projects. CONSULT ANT shall review its understanding of the Project requirements with Program Manager and shall advise AUGUST A of additional data or services which are not a part of CONSULT ANT s services, if any, necessary for design to begin. PROTECT UNDERSTANDING Upon request from the CONSULT ANT, AUGUSTA may provide all criteria and full information as to AUGUST A's and CONSULT ANT'S requirements for this part of the project, including design objectives and constraints, space, capacity and performance requirements, flexibility and expendability, and any budgetary limitations. CONSULT ANT may request from AUGUSTA to furnish data, reports, surveys, and other materials that may be relied upon in performing CONSULTANT'S services. REVIEW OF WORK Authorized representatives of AUGUSTA may at all reasonable times review and inspect the project activities and data collected under the Agreement and amendments thereto. All reports, drawings, studies, specifications, estimates, maps and computation prepared by or for AUGUSTA in association with this Agreement shall be subject to review. "'.- AUGUSTA may at any time request progress reports, prints or copies of any work performed under this Agreement. Refusal by the CONSULTANT to submit progress reports and/ or plans shall be cause to withhold payment to the CONSULT ANT until the CONSULT ANT complies with AUGUSTA's request in the regard. AUGUSTA's review recommendations shall be incorporated into the plans by the CONSULTANT. CONSULT ANT'S INSURANCE CONSULTANT will maintain throughout this AGREEMENT the following insurance limits as specified in General Condition 14 - Insurance. K:\PROCRIPROCURE -DRIA TL-PROJIAUGUST AIFINAL VERSIONICONTRACT -FINAL.DOC 13 MODIFIED: SEPTEMBER 5, 2001 " AUGUST A'S RESPONSIBILITES AUGUSTA-FURNISHED DATA . AUGUSTA will provide to CONSULTANT all data in AUGUSTA's possession relating to CONSULT ANT's services on the P~OJECT. CONSULT ANT will reasonably rely upon the accuracy, timeliness, and completeness of the information provided by AUGUSTA. RIGHT TO ENTER The CONSULT ANT will notify all property owners or occupants of the intent to enter properties for the purpose of accomplishing work in accordance with the practices of AUGUSTA. The CONSULTANT shall discuss with and receive approval from AUGUST A prior to sending notices of intent to enter private property. Upon request by the CONSULTANT, AUGUSTA will provide the necessary documents identifying the CONSULT ANT as being in the employ AUGUST A for the purpose described in the Agreement. ADVERTISEMENTS, PERMITS, AND ACCESS Unless otherwise agreed to in the Scope of Services, AUGUST A will obtain, arrange, and pay for all advertisements for bids; permits and licenses required by local, state, or federal authorities; and land, easements, rights-of-way, and access necessary for CONSULTANT's services or PROJECT construction. TIMELY REVIEW AUGUSTA will examine CONSULTANT's studies, reports, sketches, drawings, specifications, proposals, and other documents; obtain advice of an attorney, insurance counselor, accountant, auditor, bond and financial advisors, and other consultants as AUGUSTA deems appropriate; and render in writing decisions required by AUGUSTA in a timely manner. PROMPT NOTICE AUGUSTA will give prompt written notice to CONSULT ANT whenever AUGUSTA observes or becomes aware of any development that affects the scope or timing of CONSULT ANT's Services, or of any defect in the work of CONSULT ANT or construction contractors. AUGUSTA'S INSURANCE AUGUSTA will maintain property insurance on all pre-existing physical facilities associated in any way with the PROJECT. . LITIGATION ASSISTANCE The Scope of Services does not include costs of CONSULT ANT for required or requested assistance to support, prepare, document, bring, defend, or assist in litigation undertaken or defended by AUGUSTA. All such Services required or requested of CONSULTANT by AUGUSTA, except for suits or claims between the parties to this AGREEMENT, will be reimbursed as additional serviees. K:\PROCR\PROCURE-DR\A TL-PROJIAUGUSTA\FINAL VERSION\CONTRACT -FINAL.DOC 14 MODIFIED: SEPTEMBER 5. 2002 ATTACHMENT A - SCOPE OF SERVICES j.. .' SCOPE OF WORK - ~UGUSTA-RICI-IMOND COUNTY' TASK 1: PROJECT MANAGElYlENT Under the Project Management Task, the project manager will be responsible for the schedule, budget, coordination, and communication. TASK 1.1 ISSUE FINAL SCOPE OF WORK Consultant will revise the scope of work and budget if required by the Augusta Utility Department ("AUD" or "Augusta"). Consultant will submit a final scope of work ,and a project work plan to Augusta no later than thirty days after receipt of Notice to Proceed (NTP). The project work plan shall define the roles and responsibilities of the Consultant project team, communication protocols, schedule of performance, project budget, and will define the mutUal expectations of the project. Consultant will revise the project work plan based on any comments received by Augusta" TASK 1.2 PROJECT COMMUNICATION Consultant will attend monthly client meetings (up to 24 meetings) for project coordination and updates. Consultant shall prepare the meeting agenda and distribute meeting minutes. In addition, Consultant will prepare and submit a monthly status report to update the study schedule, list milestones achieved, support and document schedule changes, update project costs and justify changes to the schedule or proposed study costs. TASK 1.3 AUGUSTA-RICHMOND COUNTY COMMISSIONERS (ARCC) PRESENTATIONS In addition, Consultant will prepare three presentations to the ARCC. Draft . presentations will first be presented to AUD and then to the technical committee. TASK 1.4 PROJECT CLOSE-OUT Consultant shall deliver GIS data, the monitoring database, the public outreach items detailed in Task 2, and all other hard copy and electronic files of deliverables. PARSONS K:IPROCRIPROCURE-DRIA TL.pROJIA.UGUST A\FINAL VERSIONIA TT ACHMENT A-FINALDOC 2 ... SCOPE OF Wd'RK - A'UGUSTA-RICf-IMOND COUNTY TASK 2: PUBLIC OUTREACH CONTINUATION This task includes the continuation of the public outreach program developed during the watershed assessment. The stakeholder groups have been identified during the watershed assessment and the focus for this phase will be to effectively reach the various groups by continuing the T AC / CAG, periodically creating newsletters, educating through the school systems, and providing information on the website. TASK 2.1: CONTINUE THE TECHNICAL ADVISORY COMMITTEE (T AC) AND CITIZEN ADVISORY GROUP (CAG) . Plan and attend bi-monthly TAC / CAG meetings (up to 9 meetings attended by three Consultant professionals). . Send invitations to all T AC/CAG members 14 days before each meeting. . Select and reserve an Augusta venue. . Arrange for refreshments at each meeting. -" . Prepare and distribute copies of presentation to committee members at each meeting. . Prepare and distribute meeting summaries within 10 days following the meetings. Consultant will organize a subcommittee of the T AC / CAG. This will serve as the Augusta Watershed Roundtable and will consist of up to 11 people including a representative from each of the following organizations: Augusta Clean and Beautiful, Adopt a Stream, Sierra Club, Riverkeepers, SE Natural Science Academy, Augusta Utilities, Greater Augusta Homebuilder Association, Augusta Planning Commission, Augusta Public Works, CSRA ROC, and the Neighborhood Alliance. Consultant will organize quarterly meetings (up to 8 meetings) with the Augusta Watershed Roundtable. These meetings will be held the same day as the TAC / CAG meetings. . The purpose of the first meeting will be to introduce the members and provide a brief description of the various activities each group is conducting within the watershed and to introduce the idea of an Augusta Water Logo. Consultant will coordinate with the Augusta State University Fine Arts Department to organize a class project to design a water logo for Augusta. The Roundtable will provide an award to the student who designs the logo. This logo will be used by various entities within Augusta when addressing watershed issues. . Consultant will interview each Roundtable member to develop a list of potential coordination efforts between the groups. This list will be provided at the second meeting and will be the topic of discussion for the second meeting. . 3 PARSONS K:IPROCRIPROCURE-DRIA TL.pROJIAUGUST A\FINAL VERSIONIA TT ACHMENT A-FINAL.DOC .' SCOPE OF WORK - A'UGUSTA-RICHMOND COUNTY . The Roundtable will report any tindings to the T AC / CAG. Additional agenda topics will be decided basedon input from the Roundtable. Consultant will set up the meetings, select a location. select a focus topic. invite each member, and prepare a meeting summary. . . TASK 2.2: NEWSLETTERS . Consultant will develop a web-based watershed newsletter which will be updated quarterly (up to 8 newsletters); . Consultant will prepare and provide a quarterly column for inclusion In the Neighborhood Alliance newsletter; and . Consultant will prepare and provide a quarterly column for inclusion in the Homebuilders Association newsletter. It is assumed that three of the columns will be the same as the neighborhood alliance columns. This will result in a total of 13 columns. TASK 2.3: EDUCATE AUGUSTA'S YOUTH . Consultant will coordinate with local organizations and groups to publicize the availability of the Enviroscape model. Consultant will mail out up to 75 postcards letting organizations and schools know the Enviroscape model is available. .. . Consultant will conduct Enviroscape demonstrations on behalf Of the AGD at schools or at other children's programs such as scouts, libraries, and Ft. Discovery . Consultant will demonstrate this tool at up to 16 sites. . Consultant will purchase the eight River Rangers activity packets plus eight training videos for elementary schools. Each River Rangers activity packet will consist of 250 children activity packets plus a teacher's guide. Each children activity packet contains a booklet, a badge and eight stickers. The River Rangers program is a comprehensive watershed educational program addressing wastewater treatment, surface water runoff, and water conservation. There are 34 elementary schools in Augusta Richmond County. Over a two-year period, it is anticipated that each elementary school would be reached through the Enviroscape demonstrations or the River Ranger program. . Coordinate participation in career day at schools. Consultant will work with the Board of Education and the Utility Department to develop a program for the Utility staffto participate in career day at Augusta schools. There are eight high schools in Augusta: Consultant will develop a schedule consisting of AUD staff participating at five high schools and Consultant staff at three high schools on career day. ' TASK 2.4: STORJ.vI DRAIN IDENTIFICATION . Consultant will establish a partnership with the TAC / CAG, scouts, summer camps, 4-H groups, school clubs, etc. . Consultant will organize a "Storm Drain ID Saturday" where groups will label storm drains. Each group will be assigned an area of the County. Consultant PARSONS K;IPROCRIPROCURE.DRIA TL-PROJ\AUGUST AIFINAL VERSIONIA TT ACHMENT A-FINALDOC 4 SCOPE OF WORK - A"UGUSTA-RICHMONO COUNTY will work with AUO staff to idt::ntify 1000 storm drains which should bt:: idt::ntified. . Consultant will publicize this event by 1) providing up to 75 flyers. 2) working with the partners toinform citizt::ns of tht:: t::vent, and by 3) providing information to the Augusta Chronicle. . One press release will be used to obtain coverage of the event by the Augusta Chronicle and other news media. Consultant will providt:: a follow-up news release and photo caption for the Augusta Chronicle. . Consultant will purchase and distribute 1000 storm drain marker kits. . After the "Storm Drain 10 Saturday", Consultant will work with the T AC / CAG to visit approximately 10% of the storm drains that were to be identified to make sure the storm drain markers are in place. TASK 2.5: PARTNER \,yITH THE GREATER AUGUSTA HOMEBUILDER ASSOCIATION . Consultant will develop and produce a color brochure for new homeowners. Consultant will deliver up to 1,500 brochures to the Homebuilders Association or Real Estate Groups for inclusion in new homeowner welcome packages. . Consultant will work with the Homebuilder's Association, to insert a quarterly article into the Augusta Chronicle's Sunday Home Section (up to eight articles). This article will be used to discuss water issues effectin-g homeowners such as water restrictions, non point source pollution, and' upcoming water related activities. TASK 2.6: UTILITY BILL MESSAGES . Produce bi-monthly bill messages for inclusions on bills or on the envelopes of bills (up to 12 bill inserts) . Consultant will coordinate .with Customer Service regarding: 1) the available space for the message, and 2) deadlines for submittal of the messages. TASK 2.7: PRODUCE QUARTERLY REPORT TO THE l\tIAYORAND BOARD OF COMMISSIONERS . Consultant will provide a' quarterly (up to eight) p'ublication in draft and final format to the . AUD for distribution to the Augusta-Richmond County Administrator. This publication will summarize -the activities related to watershed protection that have occurred during the quarter and those planned for the upcoming quarter. . Consultant ~ill present the implementation strategies to the ARCe. Up to three ARCC presentations are included in this scope. The presentation topics may include the results of the 303(d) de-listing efforts, Water Roundtable Issues, Watershed Protection Plan, Monitoring Results, Funding Options, or other topics as identified by Augusta Utilities Department. . 5 PARSONS K:IPROCRIPROCURE-DRIA TL-PROJ\AUGUST A\FINAL VERSIONIA TT ACHMENT A-FINALDOC SCOPE OF WORK - A'UGUST A-RICHMOND COUNTY TASK 2.8: EXPAND AND MAINTAIN THE AVD WATERSHED WEBSlTE . Consultant ,will work with th~ Augusta IT staff to update th~ website as outlined below. Consultant and the IT staff will id~ntify a schedule as to when data must be received by AVO in order to have it updated on the website by the first of the month. . Consultant will update the Augusta Watershed Website to include results of the Watershed Assessment and a summary of upcoming water related projects. The results of the Watershed Ass~ssment will be put on the website within two months of Notice to Proceed (NTP). . Consultant will provide links to the various websites that are identified by the Roundtable as well as links suggested by AVO and. Consultant including educational sites. . The website will be updated quarterly to include the newsletter, notices, press releases and public service announcements. Consultant will email the updates to the IT department quarterly (up to 8 updates). TASK 2.9' EV ALVA TION OF PUBLIC OUTREACH PROGRAM Consultant and ADD will evaluate the community outreach activities on an annual basis. This will be accomplished by conducting surveys to determine the effectiveness of the outreach tasks. Surveys will be mailed out to the various stakeholders re~9hed.' Approximately 100 surveys will be mailed out annually. The results of the surveys will provide a feedback mechanism for continuous improvement of the outreach effort to meet the needs and objectives of the AUD, the Commissioners and the public. Based on the results of the surv.eys, AUD may decide to re-scope certain tasks listed above. 6 PARSONS K:IPROCR\PROCURE-DRIA TL-PROJ\AUGUST AIFINAL VERSIONIA TT ACHMENT A-FINAL.DOC SCOPE Of WORK - AUGUSTA-RICHMOND COUNTY " TASK 3 - LONG TERM i\'lONITORING PLAN . ~onsultant will implement the long term monitoring plan with the following revISIons. . All monitoring stations will be monitored eight times a year for the first two years. This will include two wet and two dry events for each of the two seasons. . In order to calculate the geometric mean, Consultan.t will take four fecal coliform samples during one month per quarter. This will consist of eight quarterly numbers for the two-year duration. Based on the results of that monitoring period, Consultant will assist AUD m evaluating future monitoring 'plans. 7 PARSONS K:IPROCRIPROCURE-DR\A TL-PROJIAUGUST AIFINAL VERSIONIA TT ACHMENT A-FINAL.DOC I. SCOPE OF WORK - AUGUSTA-RICHMOND COUNTY TASK 4 - \V A TERSHED PROTECTION PLAN Based on Georgia Department of Natural Resources (ONR) Environmental Protection ~ivision (EPo) Policy Pertaining to Permitting Wastewater Treatment Facilities (2001), Counties under the GA EPO Permitting, Compliance, and Enforcement Program are required to completea Watershed Protection Plan for incorporation into their facility permits (reuse, land treatment, or discharge) with flows greater than I million gallons per day (MGo). AVO currently operates two wastewater treatment plants with capacities greater that I-MGD (James B. Messerly Waste Water Treatment Plant and Spirit Creek Treatment Plan). AVO will be required to submit a watershed protection plan before these permits will be reissued. The Augusta Watershed Protection Plan (Plan) will reflect Augusta water quality goals and objectives and provide the implementation strategy for measures selected to meet these goals and. objectives. Key elements of the Watershed Protection Plan will be incorporated into applicable permits issued and/or renewed within the. County.__ The purpose of a Watershed Protection Plan, as defined by GA EPo, is to: . Correct any current water quality problems that cause water quality standard violations; Develop and implement Best Management Practices (BMPs) to prevent future water quality standards violations; and Provide ongoing monitoring to either verify that BMPs are working or provide information needed to modify practices to achieve water quality standards. . . TASK 4.1 COMMUNICATIONS Consultant shall facilitate the inter-jurisdictional communications related to the watershed implement.ation plan. Consultant will work with AUD to identify the various staff members who should be included in the development of the Watershed Protection Plan. These staff members may include persons responsible for such things as zoning, maintenance, flooding, erosion, industrial pretreatment program, sanitary sewer maintenance, and septic tank permitting to defme roles and responsibilities related to the protection of the watershed. In addition, Coordination with Fort Gordon, Blythe, and Hephzibah will be important in implementing recommendations. Each of these individual staff members shall be invited to an inter-jurisdictional kick- off meeting and then will be invited to each monthly client meeting. The implementation of applicable recommendations and BMPs will be coordinated with these Departments. The schedule and funding responsibilities for these BMPs will be addressed with these Departments within the Plan . PARSONS K:IPROCRIPROCURE-DRIA TL-PROJIAUGUST A\FINAL VERSIONIA TT ACHMENT A-FINAL.DOC 8 ,. SCOPE. OF WORK - AUGUSTA-RICHMOND COUNTY Coordination between the AUO team and GA EPO will be n.:quired during this project. Consultant will coordinate an initiJ-I meeting with GA EPO. This meeting will outline the Watershed Protection Pbn and detine Plan goals and objectives with input from GA EPO. The results of this meeting will be to coordinate with GA EPO to develop a complete and achievable Pbn, which will receive required regulatory approval. A second meeting will held with the AUO team and GA EPO (hosted by Consultant) upon submittal of the" draft Watershed Protection Plan. This meeting will elicit input from GA EPO regarding the draft Plan and present the monitoring results to date. The results of this meeting will be to achieve agreement on the format and content of the final Plan to be submitted to GA EPO for regulatory approval. Consultant will incorporate comments received from AVO and GA EPOand submit a final. Meeting minutes will be prepared and distributed by Consultant for all meetings with the AVO team and GA EPD. Up to two additional meetings with EPO or other relevant state or regional regulatory agencies such as GA EPD, USGS, or EPA is anticipated. The focus of these meetings may include permitting issues arid monitoring results. TASK 4.2 . . PLAN DEVELOPMENT It is anticipated that the Plan will be an extension of the Watershed Assessment Report. The study area for the Plan will be the same as the study area for the Watershed Assessment and include the following major basins within. the Middle Savanpah Ricer drainage basin: Rock Creek, Raes Creek, Rocky Creek, Butler Creek; Oates Creek, Rivers Edge, Spirit Creek, McBean Creek, and Briar Creek which includes Boggy Gut Creek, and Sandy Run Creek. The Plan will outline . specific implementation strategies addressing concerns identified during the Watershed Assessment and will include an implementation . schedule. Activities and implementation strategies approved by GA EPD in the Plan will be required to be undertaken by the County to maintain permit compliance. The Plan will detail the funding sources, the schedule for implementation of the various BMPs, and a schedule for evaluating and adjusting the program if needed. As a result, inter- jurisdictional coordination will be important in implementing and funding the Watershed Assessment recommendations. . As described in Task 4.1, an important component of the protection plan will be the coordination between staff from various departments. Consultant will prepare a draft Watershed Protection Plan for AUD review and comment. The Plan will provide an outline for the cost-effective implementation of BMPs and other pre-determined recommendations for prevention of water quality problems within Augusta. These recommendations will include the strategies already identified by Augusta to address sanitary sewer deficiencies and greenway projects. It will include additional BMPs where needed and will identify the department responsible for implementation of each recommendation. The strategies and results of the Public Outreach Program, the L TMP, and the Funding Analysis will be presented in the Plan. The success of the program will be measured by feedback from the public and stream monitoring conducted through the LIMP. . A preliminary draft Plan will be submitted to AUD for comments. Consultant will incorporate AVO's comments and submit a revised Plan to AUD and GA EPD. Five 9 PARSONS K:IPROCRIPROCURE-DRIA TL-PROJIAUGUST AIFINAL VERSIONIA TT ACHMENT A-FINAL.DOC ,. SCOPE OF WORK - AUGUSTA-RICHMOND COUNTY copies orall deliverables \.vill be submitted to AUD and three copies will be provided to GA EPD. Consultant will prepare a final Plan for AUD. The final Plan will be prepared subsequent to submittal of the draft Plan to GA EPD. Comments from GA EPD and other pertinent items. identified by GA EPD and AUD will be addressed in the final Plan. The final Plan will be submitted to GA EPD for regulatory approval. Three final Plans will be submitted to GA EPD and five to AUD. If the project team chooses the Protection Plan to bean extension of the Watershed Assessment Report, the Executive Summary would be edited to reflect the Protection Plan component of the study. In addition, the Recommendation Section would change as well as an additional section would be added at the end to discuss the implementation strategy. PARSONS K;\PROCRIPROCURE-DRIA TL.PROJIAUGUST AIFINAL VERSIONIA IT ACHMENT A-FINALDOC 10 ATTACHMENT B - COMPENSATION The CITY shall compensate the CONSULT ANT $.l32,367.00 for services, which have been authorized by the CITY under the terms of this Agreement. The CONSULTANT may submit to the CITY a monthly invoice, in a form acceptable to the CITY and accompanied by all support documentation requested by the CITY, for payment for the services, which were completed during the billing period. The CITY shall review for approval said invoices. The CITY shall have the right to reject payment of any invoice or part thereof if not properly supported, or if the costs requested or a part thereof, as determined solely by the CITY, are unreaso"nably in excess of the actual phase of completion of each phase. The CITY shall pay each such invoice or portion thereof as approved, provided that the approval or payment of any such invoice shall not be considered evidence of performance by the CONSULTANT to the point indicted by such invoice, or of receipt of acceptance by the CITY of the service covered by such invoice. The CITY shall pay any undisputed items contained in such invoices. Each invoice shall be accompanied by a letter progress report describing the total work accomplished for each phase and any problems, which have been encountered, which may..- inhibit execution of the work. The CONSULT ANT shall also submit an accurate updated schedule, and an itemized description of the percentage of total work completed for each phase during the billing period. When the CITY authorizes the CONSULT ANT to proceed with the work authorized in a Task Order, it agrees to pay the CONSULTANT for work completed, on the basis of the standard billing rates shown in this Attachment B to the Contract of those principals and employees engaged directly on the work. Compensation for professional services shall be invoiced based on the sum of all actual costs incurred in the performance of the work, including all direct, payroll, overall and profit cost in an amount not-to-exceed the compensation set forth in any authorized Task Order. All invoices submitted by the CONSULT ANT shall be detailed to reflect incurred expenses, labor hours and costs by authorized Task. Overtime may be performed at the discretion of the CONSULT ANT, but the premium time portion of the overtime will not be billed to the CITY unless the CONSULT ANT has requested acceleration of the schedul~d work in writing. 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Role Teresa Crisp Project Manager Talal Sadaka Technical Directors Francis Kung'u Srinivas Jalla Project Engineers - Water Quality Alexander Sharp Shannon Graham GIS specialist Debra James Sr, Public Affairs Specialist Leigh Ann Valletti Public Affairs Katherine Moore - Ingram Planner -..;--. '. ~.~ 't\' ,'- ". ,.- ATTACHMENT D - SCHEDULE FOR PERFORMANCE -- MODIFIED: SEPTEMBER 5. 2002 -4 III III 'lit" :E r- 'V 'V IP 0 C" S' cE g ~ jjl -4 n n ::r ID 0- ~~J~fS~r~~~~~~~i~~~znSJ-~~!~ a~[.~~i!'VE~~~~~[!~=~5!~;tn~~; ~ ~-5" l>> ~ (; a l>> "0 l>>_ III ~ !Ii ii" :> III II n.:c CD gf~S:>!;ig~~~g">Ei~~r:~~~n 3 cnnli!alia~~~a:u "=." > ..;g ID iil i i [ 0 - C -I ~. 5" ~ n. c:; n 'l':> - :> ;a :l-!l!.~0 t n - - Om~ - ~ 'V~DgalD ; : ~ ~g" gaa~G~ ~ ] ~ Q ..~ ~Ii!~= -~ i: ~ 'lil fifa ~ Ii! ., g .. ~ Oct-oc> No,,-oc> Dec-02 ~ ~eb.o3 ~ ~ ~ A1ar-03 .. .. { ~ .. "'\0,-03 3 ~a l\fay-03 ~t ~:p ',8 Jli1).03 ~iil ~ g,~ ~~ 0" -c ''lUg-03 ~.~ e = :: Sep..03 C l>> "\:l ~ i OC/-o3 a "'0"'03 Dr.c'03 ~ "eb.~ Ma,.~ ~ ~-~ o\1ay~ J",,-~ ~ "lLp_~ Sep..~ Oct.~ I I ~ I J I- ., r... I I I , -