HomeMy WebLinkAboutOff- Campus Federal Work Study Terms Augusta Richmond GA DOCUMENTNAME:O-('~ ~ (J:Lm;p.AS ~oJ u.::::oy.}\- S~-----c-crm 3, DOCUMENTTYPE: ~r(.ernef)+ YEAR: 9000 BOX NUMBER: I 0 FILE NUMBER: \ L\ q ~ d. "7 NUMBER OF PAGES: ~ ,J\ 1);/. . '. .~'. ~~' I. ~ .. ~. ~ <-~ ,..... j -; .~ '- OFFICE OF FINANCIAL AID AUGUSTA STATE UNIVERSITY 2500 WALTON WAY AUGUST A, GEORGIA 30904 (706)737-1431 OFF -CAMPUS FEDERAL WORK-STUDY TERMS OF AGREEMENT This agreement, effective this 1st day of July, 2000, is entered into between AUGUSTA STATE UNIVERSITY, hereinafter called the INSTITUTION, and Newman Tennis Center, hereinafter called the AGENCY, for the purpose of providing meaningful employment and work experience to students eligible to participate in the Federal Work-Study Program, hereinafter called the PROGRAM, under the Higher Education Ac~ of 1965, (p.L. 89-329; 79 Stat. 1219, as amended) through employment offered_by the AGENCY under the terms stipulated hereinafter. All terms used herein shall be interpreted in accordance with any definitions thereof contained in the Fe4eral Statutes and Regulatfons (Title 45, Code of Federal Regulations Part 175) governing the Federal Work.Study Program, and this agreement, in its entirety, shall be/construed so as to effectuate the purposes of that PROGRAM. Whereas, by entering into this agreement, the AGENCY will receive the benefits of the services of the student(s) employed and the INSTITUTION will benefit by expanding its abilities to enroll qualified students as a result of the funds which such students will receive through this PROGRAM, the parties agree as follow~: FIRST: The AGENCY shall provide employment for the students duly certified by the INSTITUTION and accepted by)he AGENCY. The AGENCY certifies that it is a (check one) _federal, _state, or -Llocal public agency; OR _private, non-profit organization eligible to participate in this PROGRAM, and that the work performed by the students participating: (1) will be (work for which the AGENCY'S funds are available and. (2) will not result in the displaceinent of the AGENCY'S employed workers or impair its existing contracts for and, (3) will be governed by such conditions of employment as will be appropriate and reasonable in light of such factors as type of work performed, geographical location, and education level and proficiency of the student and any applicable federal, state, or local legislation and, (4) will not involve the construction, operation, or maintenance of so much of any facility as is used or is to be used for sectarian instruction or as a place of religious worship and, ~. \ ,~-~ 1<"> ... . ;',~ - 2 - (5) will not involve any partisan or nonpartisan political activity associated with a candidate, or contending faction or group, in an election for public or party office and, (6) will not be primarily for the benefit of the members of a limited membership organization, rather than the public and, (7) will, where possible, be related to each individual student's educational objectives and background. SECOND: It is agreed 'that the AGENCY SHALL: (1) Provide orientation to the student with regard to hours of duty, place of duties, working conditions, briefing on safety, standards of conduct and familiarization with AGENCY procedures. Such orientation shall be designed to aid the student in adjusting to the job situation. (2) Provide the student with an explanation of his duties, performance requirements in tenns of quality, methods, ,and priorities, and the necessary basic corrective and progressive training. (3) Provide on-site supervision of the employment activities of the student. (4) Establish and maintain such records, including time and attendance records, and provide the INSTITUTION with a time card for each payroll period, certified by an authorized employee of the AGENCY, indicating the hours worked. (Students cannot work during scheduled class hours.) (5) Make prompt payment to the INSTITUTION, upon receipt of an invoice from the INSTITUTION, for an amount calculated to cover the AGENCY'S share twenty-five percent (25%) of the compensation for students employed under the agreement. (6) Not perrnit any student to perform work on any project under this PROGRAM for more than 20 hours in any week. . THIRD: Students will be made available to the AGENCY in a manner prescribed by the INSTITUTION for performance of specified work assignments. Students maybe removed from work on a particular assignment or from the AGENCY by the INSTITUTION, either on its own initiative or at the request of the AGENCY. The Agency agrees that no student will be denied work or subjected to different treatment under this agreement on the grounds of race, color, sex, or national - origin, and that it will comply with the provisions of the of the Civil Rights Act of 1964 (P.L. 88-352; 78 Stat. 225), Title IX of the, Education. Amendments of 1972 (P.L. 92-318), and Regulations of the Department of Education which implement those acts. FOURTH: The AGENCY shall have the right to control and direct the services of the student with regard to the work to be accomplished and the means by which it is to be accomplished. The ~ ,;.. --\. ,. :'''i I' ...-:-. . . .- . .. '- I -, . '",All - 3 - INSTITUTION shall detennine that the student meets the eligibility requirements for employment under the Federal Work-Study Program, assign students to work for the AGENCY, and disburse the appropriate Federal Work-:Study awards to the students, FIFTH: The INSTITUTION shall have the right to control and direct this PROGRAM in accordance With institutional and federal regulations, It shall establish appropriate policies with respect to such matters as the total number of students to be employed, ~e hourly rate of pay, and the total number of hours per week each student will be utilized. The AGENCY shall assume responsibility for . payment of compensation to students for hours worked in excess of such maximum limitations. This paragraph shall not affect the right of the AGENCY to control and direct the activities as specified in the FOURTH paragraph of this agreement. SIXTH: This agreement may be .amended only by addendum hereto executed by authorized officials of both the INSTITUTION and the AGENCY. . SEVENTH: This agreement may be terminated at any time by mutual agreement or upon a 30 days written notice by either party to the other. If not terminated, it will automatically renew itself as of July 1 of each year for the ensuing fiscal year beginning on that date for the INSTITUTION. EIGHTH: This agreement shall supersede any and all prior agreements between the INSTITUTION and the AGENCY regarding the operation of the Federal Work-Study Program under the provisions of the Federal Work-Study Program NINTH: It is understood that the"signing of the Terms of Agreement by the parties enables the AGENCY to commence employment of eligible students as of the date of this AGREEMENT. Augusta Stare University INSTITUTION AGENCY SIGNATURE OF OFFICIAL .otb ~ ~~.:-,,,"... .~ , ..." .. :; I .~ . (f'". r . .. .