HomeMy WebLinkAboutNewman Tennis Center Augusta Richmond GA DOCUMENT NAME: A 2J reG IYIc:y,-1- DOCUMENT TYPE: }\. 3 y<:cYY~n-t YEAR: WD 3 BOX NUM~ER: ~O FILE NUMBER: \ '1 0'2-- ~ NUMBER OF PAGES: -7 - h.'... '"~'i \ !'l\Fitn~l ! I d\"r;'7} 1\ ' \ hi ,~~ ,I, 'I i " , ! ' I'; .,i,I,~I,::,,~,:,.~,:;,l~,~.:,li "(,,:1J},-, :~:,:~: I: - : .~.~ :-i ;.;:. '; \ .; ~f- MinW~n l-e1:: ' ,,1: : I;' "',', 'i ':; ~ t" i . i :':~i !' j,~,~1'~j ,:-I,ii' , ,/;'\r .!,i,(:l !I i i.n.n-.'ii:;;ii'" 'I!t( i 'I"~:l:':t;i:il::q I, f,: I' 'i (I' ,.!'! ' ':.', , ',I 'l,:f\} , , r I ",i ',Y ! I, , j I;:,' J I'" I I 1 I FROi-l . L ,-- l ::,A/:;PP '1"--;- i : 7067'3640'3'3 Sep. 03 2m3 11: 23Ar', i" ' !FA;,; m. I , . ' .-. 1 " ! I , . i ( '1 I'. " ;, I. I L i ' : I I ' I I enterea I into effective the , ,! I . , ; Ij i :;'l ,Ii !.;;'!"'! '.If r " ,,'I f- II ,:\ : i ,'I I. " AG~EEMENT . , I ~" i i I '.i i : I , ~': 'I is made I I Sapt~:er26D3, !by i and between AUGUSTA, GEORGIA, a.cting "f Ii '" , I AGRE~MENT ,:,::11 ~ " . ~: ~ r : lj ; , ; r I: I , i , Ii 'I day of,: I I' ii' " I ,I by and through ,the Augusta-Richmond County Commission (the "lcoLtl''':) and D~~ID ROS:i,NBON. ! ; ';'1 'WjI T N E:S S E:T H. WHEREAS, the County! has assmmed operations of the Newman , I 'THIG ,: ,,' and j:1 I 'j. 'i ' i TlenjiS, c?;nter; (t?e; II cenier II ) loc~ted OF Wrightsboro Road in ""11' A!ugmsb: 1",Geor'gi!g) "chnd isi in need of a ~enni8 professional to :' '1 I ;.!, I, ': ,il '\ ' I I ' , '1 ".., 1 I , ,piroolid, ,t.enni',s instructi10n a.t said Center i and , : ',: I ..' ':" I I I : !,' ::. ,I I ' :; WHEREAS, DAVID, ROB::DNSON is ~ble and willing to provide said "I, ; I I' ' ! ! . . ~ , I.. I ' serVlces. 'I ' I : '~i' I NO,W, THERE'FORE, " , I, I J '" d . d h' d th rec"-I pr,ca. Plt~l~es an . ;covenantf contialne ereln, an 0 er gooo andvaluaBl~ consideration, Ithe r~ceipt and sufficiency of : I "I" : I ','I ; I _,'," ,,' I ~rifh.',rt her;ebr/:~knoW,~edged, t~e parties, intending to be ~:e, 9a:~,.~., bound'I~<!!r,'ee as, i.fOllOWS: I , .I, ., ", I" 'I 'I I 111' :, :{;. ~: SERVI:CES1j BY ri;1\.VID ROBINSON. DAVID ROBINSON hereby - I I' , '1 , , ! :: provide iservides to th~ Coun;ty as a tennis professional '.,i i under ttiJ terms in !consider~tion of the mutual and I, " agrees t,o :: I ;:' " j'. l:- I a:t the Center, ': r' : :' I' ' , ~greement . i , I I " I ' , ,r I' 2 J DUTI'ES . , : I J I out~ined in Exhibit I apd I I , I , ROBINSON I , conditions ! i I ! set'forth in this ag~ees to perform the duties ! DAVIn A acltached tb'thi~ Agreement and incorporated ! 1: I I f , " \ j I' 'I': J 'I I , , 1. I ) ~ ,t ~ l~i, ~ ~: " ,', (,' I, ',,;'(,1,', ',/ i I:.J ~ ' , \: P3' I, 'J ' :1 "'I "I ; ! , I " :,iruli~i :nn[il , ;j~t~;! :;'i:,iibl 'T;Ji1~1 If;i~jl,~l !,~1j~t;1~! I, "'I I,.. I, " I. '~. i "I'" I-I " ,I, Iii: : t i, 1"- ,~, : 'r: ~ : ~ :11 ; /": -j iF?' III', .; "i :~ :"1. , i , , ! " ),11.:l'f,,;, ::l;,ttnl " ' 't, ii' ~ ,: '; , ~, ~;i ,;~ ! ; l;;!~ ' ; j ~I+!J '.~ Ii 11;./ ..'...r';" : I " ~ ' . .(; . .It''I' ;":\ . ' , , , ' . .!: , I' I," , , " ' i"t. " , I!I'- .' :" ,:i',' 'I " .r. ,i' n . ;::~l:~! jim~~l ':1 "'i~~:i ~ 1 : l'F~~~~~~ '" j I" : ~jl~~~t~1 i ~ I \ ; i 11 ~ff'I~.~'l:., :tAr~l~ '. ,~i IFA~~: fl0. : 7ib7'3640':J9 Sep. 03 2003 11: 23Af'1 ,P";t,,,: : ;r" )' I I:! i j ..l.'1 ,il: j, I 1.,Uj, he-r.'el'n by' f" I t i h .1 hid It:I,,jf' ...' 1'e e~enoe, oget er w.1i t such other uties as may bel ',, ".) i', , I' I ' ii' I~ i:~ ' i ,I i" ii, ?sslgped by r-he Manager: of the qenter' from time to time. To the "il; exJent p09sibl~, said ~~tie8 ar~ to b~ performed over 20 hours of' ,,( l'd,'1 ,j' '11 " ~o,k1dUr,ing ea~,W week df the tetm of this Agreement,' provided" "'''. ' "", 'I "" - , I"'" I " .. ~ ..t) 'i; :. I: .y :;; I I i j h ,', \ : ". .j < .t' ,.'l'l. , I I I 1 '; to"i7V~f;" Hl no!,~r~nt shill DAVI~ ROBINSON work more or les8 than ; i.I': t, 040 ':hl ours per y~ar, ,i I I :~' i ' ' 3. TERM. The term of ithis ~greement shall be for one ,I. 'li1) y~l~", begi~n1ng sephamber 1,: 2003 i and continuing to August : I, : ;;1 !' I ii' ' I.; ~1,2004; I ;Uhless SOl' oner tel:jminat~"d, this Agreement may be;: , ;;;'f:"~; 1 i 'I .,' I' ' ~ 'E' ,'l! ,. l ill ~I" i : , , I ,) ; ill~11 :' telewer for su~sequent terms of ,one (1) year upon ,the mutual'~il:: ag eement of b~th parti~s. ;~ I. " ' I " < I I I I i , j 1 i 1 ,I , J j ! 1 t ' i . ~~1 'I' !. . COMPENSATION: ! t . ~', t. '.' . f i .I I, \, , , I 1 'j' f. ' I ' I ~ ;;' ". a.1 i'B~$e compensatiori. ,:" I i .. I , i ! ~,ssign,' ed to him, I DAVID RdBINSON I! !! .,. ~ , I ' j I I For the p~rformance of all ]1 . duties I ' I, , cOJpenkationiof Ten Thoh, sand DoIlars ($10,000.00), which 1'1 ' i '1 ! i tep'r%~en~9 p9-yment of$,~.61 per [hour for 20 hours per week for II, I' ",:1 " ",;' Ii, 1 ; ;; ,I"" I I I thj term of thi,,8'Agreement. Registration fee for , "I' ,I I I I i ' " I ~OBINSbN will .feceive a,! maximum "of $2~O per . II i: ;' regist~ationf~e~ for aFtending lseminars or conferences that are fe~at~k to expijl.nding hi~ knOWle4ge of tennis coaching. ""I'.:, ,:t b. li',Tr',e~,:niS Ibsson feJs. DA~ID ROBINSON shall also "" . I'" , I I ~ea1Iel~r' as com~~:n~ationl eighty p.j'ercent (80%) of the fees charged I . ii" I fo ~enni8 lesso'n!? and 'Famps privided: by DAVID ROBINSON at the, benter, with t\le countyl retaini~g the. remaining twenty percent I' 'I l' r shall be paid base ; ~ ; , 1 , -I' I ' ~ ,t 1"lf , it. seminars, DAVID I ;,,';~, ~ v;p ,~ a I ,; '; j , year towards ' . I i[':: : III "~f '1 . i I I i' 12 , { , ;t : ';~ .; (, h~ I . I,;~ ! 'i~' I '" I t L ' dt': !l :1" " i I' , 'Ii ! i I 'I . I, "j :).,;ll[ d.;' ~ .hr , If:' 1;~Jl~ I~W 1~~J, " ;:l; flli. ,'I ' I' " f " :'lH:~!l;i , -l'\l!-Htq.'.i 'i'-l'tI!.t-!~"!~l ~"!lj!U!;.r~1 ~iJJ:!iJj~,'i1 :';"l;l:tl~~i :' ';!~~f.~~f :'~~~h}~ ~1 ,;t II: , : I' : ;"1 I, I ; , . 'I , 'I, : -l,:r':ii:ii~r;~ ,ii' ,';';;;'''~; !'II;" :L.;. iJHt.: I\W' _t4'I' ; I; t ~ ' f-III " ;.m Ii '~fi l .11 J,[l~~-t~i 'I! i n .-.J , I ': I; : , f: I: 1 II l' ! ~.~ ~;~I' !\,YL'"-~t . .~ - ~11~j~ , Li:~iI1l! i .q:~;jirJ "I ,"H~~!i~ t .hi~1~f,J j I !ii.:!r4eJ I -1 ~ :.!~~n~-1~f .t. in- ;' n,<:"",,,,, 1 I, I' I l' , , , j 'I I I ! ;1", 't' ~ \! I, I:." " :1.- " I' ~. f- F?en i~:il'~~ lin~ fll1. ,,, 1\1\!;1,."",.," :1; ~:J[rW~#1t 't ~!HP;;~i ;;+ ;\gfit'1~1 H~~;l("i ;tr~fn ~ ~:~:~~--:.::\ l-'jI'{t! ;"1; i ; !;~] . ! "I' I i;I!lr~$l~~\ , ',' r !.. '~!!:jtl', ; ~l :' :';1f.,'- 1'1':1 ' . i ." , I '! il~i, :t; Ji~ I' " t , i' I ~ I i Fr0l-1_ ::~FP'D " " , I 'j . 'I I I " I : \1 -'J I , I ,'. ',' I J"" . I j',' '~120,%)1 f ,said 15~~8. '"Iii . l' F II' I' '1 , ' ; ~ " I , I ,C.:' ReStringing fees. ! t ".; !:, '. ',' 'I' I . t. " ,., , ~i,ecei'-te as compe!lsatioq! all ).,1 ,'I p;er raiket) for restringing performed:by DAVID ROBINSON. ~estri~g~ng fees in excess of $8'.00 p~r racket shall be J I h" ' ,I .l..jy t e County. : I I i d '8 .J.' .' I ponSOrSl'llp : I , I! secure a,cash sponsorship ii' , ' J j ~e~f~s Center ~?~~namen~8. DAVIDI ROBI~80N will be paid 1 J I , "; i j II! " ! CiomriS' fan on. anY::,caSh ~ponsorSh~.' p de~eloped above the I "I ,I l(evel.j Any shortage" of dash sponborsh:i1p under the base !' I J ' , ,,! d'" i I I $:2,500: shall be paid by iDavid Robinson to NTC, through ii' ',' r.edl!lct'on in base compensation at a rate of 20%- of the a~olnt~under ~~B' $2,500 base. I ,1: , I I ; , 1 e.' Payment of 'ii"t : I re~pdnsible f'qr I I prdv~ded by h~m at the Center, and for providing said t .t " i j,' i acco~nti,hg to I,County f6r the purposes of calculatinq I, , I Ii ~ I ,I,.' " I thJ'portion on DAVID R0BINSON'a compensation relating I , ;,~.~ .,1 I I ' to tem~is les~on fees. 1 DAVIti ROBINSON' a compensation I I I , i I ":"1 " sha'll be payaple in equal biMeekly installments'i ,;!) I I ; : 1 ~ . . :;: . ~. I . /I'i1\ I : 5. STA:TUIs OF DAVI'D ROB INS cIlN . DAVID ROBINSON ::l':r: ' a~knO~:llledges :an:j1q fagrees 'Ithat he Is an !independent contractor with I::!':' i 't I! I i > , ,! I r . 1 i the CO:U'1ty, trait he is ntot an employee: of the County and that he ' I' , i 'I I ',' . i . )'. ! , , ! ;,;rfil'x.~1 ! j'likWjJ} , ,L '~lii~ :' t.~ ' ; Illl~\Etf~ , i'~ . . ~ Uj;~~{~~!: I I :'~ r :q!~U~~t- . I .t '''~HI,!;.> ..J;j;iIEii~i~;' to exceed $8.00 ::1:. I: 'UWjH~ff I', 'I' ",' :i:l.ii\i~t~,l: . ,'~ i ,.' ,'i.,' ,;;Hm".~m,~ Any 'd! i'ii;.j ,. :,:,:'\A ~ Ihi(',;, retalnr=>d "'t' i "'[1"''''':''""'' - Ti: r; r:~'l~!~j I"~ " "j'!m~m 'I i) "';i;,;:":', I I,', ""''''" J i'I"iP;! :~ HiH2i I, ;!I;n;;:;\ : :':~:l :i:~~bq : ;.rJ~l~i! ';;~!~f~ iFA;x~ t.jO. , :7067'36409'3 I . I Sep. 03 20m 11: 23AI'1 ...1 I DAVID ROBINSON shall also ! i rest:ringil)g fees (not . i i i Develppmen~. DAVID ROBINSON shall base of $2,500 annually for Newman .' a 20% $6,000 level of a total , .. I' , , , , r , , ,j "~I ! :.. " :,1 ,',. I I compensation. DAVID ROBINSON shall be ! : maintaining accounts of tennis lessons r, " , ,I:" 3 ~ ; I. , ' $ i: ~ I \ I I ,,' I' I : I i'l' PS' I' I I , j'i."J < ~:I;'} 'ilf', .111;) ;. I I ~ I b.r 1'1" " t' ..j ! , , I ." "I ,i '! " ; ! i I ~ f: ,I 'I 1 J , .: :\ ",' I' ;,1',' . .t'. . ~, .! "i ':. " ' i I . ! i , 'I' '1 f I II I: I I I I I ni'~lEI 'T~ml H"'~~ ;':Kl;'! : 1~:jififj "idiij!l ~.i,:~t~~! ,t!I~IR!1 !"lJj . 'Ii"! I ,"i,..,' ::1 \. i df1.' "j li.I,~ ,I 'ifi 'jli'\:" :. iJ, ';1':":: I 1;1; \1,: II '::"1 'If' " ,f I:' I Fr~! 'II. ' I ~Fj? , I \, " i \ ! :7067'364099 I Sep. 03 2003 11: 23A1'1 " I I iFA>< rID. , I I : Ii" ~ : ,\ I 'l:j}L lis not eintitleid' to any :privilegcbs or benefits of employment, :" ::;Ii'i::' \ .. " ' ,I: I' I I ' "1'.., '" I I '; \\1':' I' iina:l~;dJing wilthlo~t 1 imi dation co-&eragei by the Fair Labor Stand,~rd~\:'~ t++less :s~e~ified + thin t+ Agr~ement. County acknowledges i , 'ian, agre1es t;hajt :Vit 'canr:ot and shall not control the time I method ,; j : ,ariej./o: rr\anne:r;?~ DAVID :ROBINSON ~ B performance of his duties. The 1, i taJ~i~s'furthe~'aLknOw~ldge andiagreel that they are not joint' ' ; I' ' : ' ': :' 'I I ~ , . .. '. I t peltures or partners fop::- any pmrpose.! ' I ' I " I i 6. RE~ORDS AND F~LE8, All business records and files .J I I concerring the: Center sball bel~ng to: and remain the property,of ! I Iii 1 .' the County. ' !' I I ' ;', j , I I I 7, INDE~IFICATIpN. D~VID ROBINSON shall indemnify and rO~d,hla~m,' les:s th,:,e:, Count?1 against all expenses (including without ,I ' " I, l' , i ll.imita~ion reasonable attorneys'; :Eees), damages, judgments, " 'I' '" I ,I , j,; i' ,I I II" I I, i ~ .. Ii, ' t ilea,i and amount"8 paid! in settllement: actually and reasonably I' I ~ I I , I'" 'I I I' " " I ' Iii in9urrrd by the ,County as a res\h t of I acts or omissions of DAVID ,I: I: -I ; I! ;;,L fO~INSfN, j.f~ apd to the! extent ~he DAY-ID ROBINSON' B acts or ",;1 bmJssions constitute gross negl{gencel willful misconduct or ,Ih~ ;1 'I 'I, ' I! j, l!':':: ~llegaQ. condpcp.: ,,;'p 1 !' I! "I:! QUALtrFIcATIONS. D~VID ROBINSON warrants and ,1, , i' ' ~ I I 'f' I I ! rep,resents to the County that a~l of the information DAVID i .\ "I "I' I' I I .; ~ _ . t> .' j : t .: _ . ;' ; 1 ') ROBINSON, has fur-nished to the County regarding his employment I I . \. I , 1,. i ,,: I I I, Li~ih.;cou~tt ~.,tru~ and corJect ahd accurately describes ii' I, :.,: I, ,I :~: I I f bAViIIDROBINSON I B qual if ti..cations,1 experience and background, and I I ..! I ~ ' , : I j fhait ,~pAVID ROBINSON has! provideq no information which is I. \ I ,.il!:! ' "'1"1 . ,. L ~ ~ . I t . ~ '! ~~: - : ~ , l;t. ,t . ; : j~ 'j , I,: I i I \ , 8 . . ~ I 14 I , , 1 ' ~ I I ! ' , , I . r ;', I , I.. :1 "; ~.H~~~~~ " r.~j;~:;;;;:i t'J;JJ:fli~tf,1 !:~H~~;:1:: :.'ijlrij11~i .tili'f"'I.;~1 , irtiml ,,;:l!E\ . d ~~:'~ti .' !:;';~iH~! " :i i , " ,i, 'I ! t: , ;1 ;:f, , ,I;:, \ d l days' written notice to::;ii , . r,l.lt1f!!lr Agreement upon thirt.y "":,,t . i'. . ~,I:lf~ ,'IJ \' 1'1'1,'::, said 3D-day period, ~'!:l~::i , 'I: I: , \ ,I Frl~~'~, :; ~iP~D i, rA;< riD. : 7067964099 . : ,,:,;,If'''''' , '" I 'I' J', t.:! " j ;~: !' L ~ ,:1 l' I ' , , l, :f : \ rbisl1eaoing norhi~6, he f~iled i: : 11 ~, ;! fai ure would make other 'I : I, ,'.~ . TERMIN~TION Of AGREEMENT. " . J " : 't ,I I I ,rl:.erm'iriate thisiAgreement upon tn1irty '1,(30) \' I :, I ',' I!:" ! ~he County, ~n~county'm,',ay term~,nate ~his I: ,I . i' , I 'I (30) days' writ~en notice, I I . :,,:J::n[:,~ ::S::l; ::.: :1 a::r::::: to the terms of this Agreement. I I ,.,; '" I i i ' " I"l I I I, " rrl;toWij1gi:i~iljr notipe of te+mination, DAVID ROBINSON shall fU~lY'rooper~te w~th th~ County;in al~ matters relating to the tildir,up of his pendipg work ~n behalf of the County, and the : '.r.: rd,e~~~,rrani8fe" ~ ~.' f any; such pending ~ork to other contractors fO employees: of ,the Coupty as may be designated by the I :' " I I , Commislsion. I i " 1 . I I Sep. 03 2003 11: 24Ar'1 i to !provide any information which information ~rovided misleading. DAVID ROBINSON may Durilng either to perform his duties and shall j :,j. t J i I' J i' i I I j t 'I" . ~ ' j{ ;~ " 1 I' i : I" , " J i , I , I I I', , ' '" I" i I i I ,I' I ! 1 I: I , : I : i i ' , , ,r! ,it,:;." ", i,. l~ It ':i .i 5 , I' , : l' I' P..." ( , , I I' I , 1: I:{ llrt' ~ :,j ::[:Hi!!.H;1; , i '1'( : II" ,: 'I ; ~ : j, , '1 ;'1' :iiU,~ih;~ , .1.,.'.:,'"....." ~ - ; .~!;:. ". ~: :,-,tC 11'" i.t .. t'';~I'"U',' :';~;I !l!'4 . 'f '.. ~ln ~"_ ~ ; ::~nl1ilH I ",.""'" . ~_l~'tH~:' I ,l.,twii i ;:t~(-~i; I,,: "U i!:-~tjZ'J ,l{~,)~! 'ihI'M,; : n ;~~tim I ! .: 1?[~~} : f. · i . L i.ii~~[l , I ,:., I, ( "!:r~~1~! . 'II': \ ;. ^:,' .: I i to. 1 i l't "... I ;,j... i" or; t', " :13 ), .1., -,' '. I'~~' ~ j;~;' ',' ,",1"';"" .',!,ij I :In :; !:j:J~i1~~ , :\;, \:.. I :; ,~ " .. i I :j I , I i. I I r I I I, t J 1 ; ",': I. ( t I ' i I ,I,':,:; ;1. [ "I ' ,.h ' I , ""I"l I "!;' ;'11'/::4. ;,1 ",;, ::~1j It,-'.:('~ ; 111j; ;:f ',I"" 'I ,,'I' 'iI " . '\,' 'If ' " ,I,"h , ";"1; 'I' (, "~l! , 'I /,' hi I :""1 ! :" ",; t : UFtt~-~~!, I """,."" :1!'~i!l: , ,.ij:J , :1 : t; ii[ , ,.{,: ',I' 't:~nlj~! Sep. 03 2003 11: 240" m) j ;,.:!~. .l.~ I ~. 1,.uiiM ,,\}, ;,l;,"1'I' . : :~,!:rJ 'lj];[.l~~! "/:'1';" ;. ,'I,; shall not operate 0,,'1; : ,1 , i , I ROrNSON: ;" : I I C l This Ag~eement S:hall ~e interpreted and construed:,ll. ' I ' ;1I'r;'~ i , ' . I" i"!".iP ! : aCicording and; subj ect to the laws of the State of Georg~a. . "~::;~ . . 1 ~ I .. ~ "J I ,{. ,. . i ~,I..: \, FS'OI\ :1 ~r~p ; , I I"., ; ','j !.' , I. .. I I IFAX .1 I t'IO. :7067'36409'3 I ' '.' ): , ; :11' :J!O. MISCELLANEOUS PROVI8I~NS. , 'I' ' , I \ "t', ~ I : I a.1 jThe wai'\{er by eit.her ~arty of a breach or 'l '1":[ I I I \ 'I ,~nt proviJion of tris Agreement I ' I lbe corjtrue~ ~,Orb,e a w'ji ver of any subsequent breach or I l:VilOl'~' i,c;m.1' f ,:! i'( : '1 b:; A~ly and jaIl noti6es r~qUired or permitted to be i Igil e4' under : t~i~i~gree,+nt shal:l be ~ufficientlY provided if . :furnished i~ ~riting arid delive~ed personally or by certified ~il ~ith ret~rn receipt reque.ted to the following addresse,: i I I ,I 'j I I ; \ I r , I 1 I I I !: ,\ , , . , i' ,"p j. , ,i F~r l,c~unty: ", i I , , George] Kolb: Adminiistrator Eight~ Floo~, Municipal 530 G~eene Street Augusta, Georgia 30911 BIdg (11) ~ : j' I , ; r For DAVID , 'I ,I I iA9lr~'~T~nt ,!colr~, 't:r'~~d 'I I i I d~ I The headings and names of sections of this : l ' !. I I I I' afejior convfnience ~nlY and shall in no manner be a~ A ~~rt ofithis Agi;eement. , , j I \ i I l j , \ . I ~:' i I .; , 6 I . ~ I \ I I ' I: I I : ' : l ! , , , l:L:,.I. ,J;: I,al . ': . r :~ :J;r; ," "qt , . : i [:1: ~:! -r' I r"; ~ , '[I,: 'I, 'if- : ;i:! , f! 'I I '.. , I ! " , i " ; [, 1 I' f.,,: ; :. 'i1 : ,', 'I ' t l.<~f '\' . - . t. : I : : ,~, :' ~ ' L;!' :'1' i 1 ,HI I' .,1:'" '.j.. ". I;': ' ,l '1 , I ';,.1' ,1.-: .: '. ~: ' i!~lj J m'j~~f~~.r ;".:~,,;p',: dmmlri I fl i1tl;\~~.; '-;,j';:;.t;;i;;-i f (jj;t~r;1;1 ; ;fi!ll.hiii! !.!!!~~~~;. ,'f;' ., .!j:~; .' "1'1 ~' .~:. ;"~ f;\, . ;.j; hi' ,,~ ~!!:mb: :'I~' ; ;-;;;;;;;n~~~ ; ~r .;. ,t I i I I I I I I ,I , [II .I '1- r~ ; Ii!. " ! :':~'iJ:~:~:i. ;~r~\;~l . ~':-'--'! ,:,:!~lj;1: ",n :i1 I' I i , I I 'r .' ; H:\'~fjf:; "imm;;" I.n~~j;";~i; ! ~r:~~.H! : i:i~~~Ll?i: "'!Ill'i1'!:;l"f; :iiljtml , ~4' ~~ I ;,dflm, I. , I , " . f, .;~~.H~f' , <i I t.; ,t, I ~, , \" 1;/'.<: '!Jb, : ;!,i';:. 1;11 I, i':i" 1'< f.; I' I , '1 l' " .}~ i' I ~ 1-: k ',I ' FfiJ,.,r,\" :'IA\ ~D; ",;".~ ,: I . 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',~' t ~r, :~;~:~::'c"~":~: ':t(',;'II: ~1;1 i$i;~iJ .:'.i3h! -. .'j ': .r~;:lJ -'.~ 1,;',,;'I!i':i . II j,llL: " ::"1)1:;:1' " ('I qi; I . ~,;t}i I tJl4 ' ~ ~'~ ,J t" ~~J . IJ" ,~-:,I~,;~}: '1.~:\I'ilitl , . ,[ , ,,;Ii'), \..\ --", Comm18s~~n' i~H:r}:,,~ Il'P~\'i 1,'1. I ' :7067964099 I I t,jO. the da~e first above written, , , I I ! i AqGUSTA,: GEORGIA b~ and through the Au:gusta~ Ri chmondCounty I ! i By: :J1J~ i ' D1\!VID ROBINSON 7 " -~ \ } , i' I Ii " j i "I.' i'" " "I I'" I, l; I"~ '\ ..!1;;, ; t ) : 11 , ; ,:1 ~ 'j I ,I " ,I '.I 'I ,,,\,' hll~' ,I \ k,J" .~:, ~, ,:. 1:1/, '. "'11','" . 11:t.. I "'~ '!~. , 11" , "!(",.l, "l'-!'b :'~'~ir<l! ~; I F+' "~-i:l ",,,.../,./ ,I ",.. I' . ,:t. '. \ : i! :~[~,( I. "t./ 'I"..:" /[1; . ' J.. ',0)',; , 1:; -i'1 I, ,)' I \,,1 I I" I ; .;. i I :'!~:;NhH .:"[1,,,. " I " i. 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