HomeMy WebLinkAboutMars Construction,Inc. AUGusta Richmond GA b DOCUMENT NAME: \'\O..'(S CDDS-\\L\C:TICX1, \nc... DOCUMENT TYPE: ~ '\ eemex\-\- YEAR:C\l BOX NUMBER: 03 FILE NUMBER: \ ~O NUMBER OF PAGES: \~ ~ . . . . Starldard ,forrn 'O~',Jll\g'~Aeernent Betv~ieen Owner an.(~'(~orrlracto!r ' wheie the ,basis qf payrne(1t is a. STIPULA TED SUM AlA POCUt,l,E!-.fT A101/CM' . . ... CONSTRUCTION M/\NAGEMENT' EI)rnOI~ . . T/i/SDOCUMENT liAS IMPORTANT LEGAL CONSEQl'ENCES; CONSU,LTATIONWITH AN ATTORNEY IS ENCOURAGED WlTli RESf'E~T Torr:s'~d)~PLETIC?N PR MODIFICATION Use only \~jth the latest edition of AlA DocuC11ent A201/C,).-I, General cdndilions of the Contract . for Constru'ction, Consfi'uClion M;;'nagernent Editio'n. . . . ", " "'. "'..,'.!. .. ; :, i 'r,'-: . AG REEivlENT made this . I~. Hundred and Ninety-seyen davof September " <',I ..J " . lil the year of Ninete.en BETVVEEN the Own;=r: ~mmaculate Co~ception School 1016 Laney~Walker Boulevard Augusta, Georgia 30901 and the Con tractor: Mars Construction, .Inc. P.O. Box 69371 North augustai South Carolina 29841 For the fol!ovYing Project: (In dude del2ilcd description of Pro]ccl/oc211on and ~cope) ." :" Renovation and addition to bathrooms to mee"t existing building codes, Life Safety Code, an~ ADA code~_ ~rovide new ramp to meet same codes. the Construction Manager: the Architect: Sydney Carter, p~C. i319perkin~.Ro~d .' The Owner and the Contrt&%v.~tgcf~e ~~~~~t5rth3~~~%r. . . '"" . ....'-'7--*-.--:~-;--;-:. ,:.' ; . .;.. "", . ______ " ,.".: . AlA DOCUMENT A 101icM . t;)WNER-CONTRACTOR ^GREEME~T . CONSTRU.CT-ION Mr\t-I.J,Gf:MENT EQli'/ON . M^ Y 1975 EDITION' A/My.' 101975 ':THE.AM.CRIC/\N .INSTlTUn: OF ARC:;I~'ECTS. H3.5.:I'HW Y.ORK ,\Y~.:, N,W,?WASHINCTOt-I;' DoC, 2000G1 ".~, ~,:,'~1~.:" ,-: ; .'.' I :, ,'I:.; , , "~, t,'. . .... '..<. .",~ . . .', .:':: ;,'" ARTICLE '1 ~rHE Co.i-iTRACT DOCUMENTS The Contract Documents consist of this I\greernent and an)'txhibilS attached hereto, C6ndilions of the COntract (Gen- eral, Supplementary and other Conditions), Dr.1wiI1r.s, Spccific.1tions, .11/ Aclder'1d.1 iHucd' prior to execulion 01 'this Agreement and all Modifications issued subsequent therelO. These (orm the Contract, and all are as (ully J '.part o( the Contract as i( attached to this Agreement or repeated herein. An cnumeriltion of the Conlratl Documents appears i i1 A rl i cI e' n, .. ARTICLE 2 THI: WORK. The Contractor, shall perform all the Work required by the Contract Documents for IHuc inscll J plccisc dC)ClipliOil ol/he Woik coycled by :111) COnl"ci lnil "/cl 10 numb~ls 01 DllWin&1 >nil IHIC) 0/. SflccillcJl10lls including ^iJdcnal Md lcccpl<d ""/cln.fo.) PRAWINGS ~-1 A-2 A-3 A-4 A-5 A-6 Cover Sheet Demolition plan Foundation plan Floor Plan Elevations Plumbing Plan Interior Elevations HVAC Plan Electrical Plan Foundation Details Wall'Sections Door-Schedule Finish Schedule SPECIFICATIONS Divisions 1,2,3,4,5,6, 7,8,9,10,15,16 AMENDMENTS Amendment No. 1 - 8/6/97 ARTICLE 3 --:-:-~- ~ I ! TIME Of COMMENCEMENT AND COMPLE'rION (liclc inJtl1 Ihc.specilic proyjlions 1)'11 lIe >.pplloblc 10 Ihl; ~~nlrJCI ;n~iucfin, lny I~(olm;cion PCrff;~inB 10 :ioiicc /0 ploc~ed 01 o/hcl mClhod 01 nocificJlion 101 commcnccmtn/ 01 Work SI1Il/ng' Jnil comp/~l/on dJlcI or dllul/on Jnd Jny IHoyilions lor liquld.lcd dJmJ&tl /Chcins /0 11i1Ult 10 com. pirie on lime,) . .'., I .. r' Contractor shall commence work within five(5) days from the date of execution of this 'Agreement. Contractor sha~l co~plete ~ork within one hundred twenty(120) days from starting date. Time is of the essence 'of this Contract. -' AlA DOCUMENT .4,101/CM . OWNER. CONTRACTOR AGREEMENT . C01~STRlJCTION MANAGEMENT ED!TiON . MAY 1975 EDIT/ON' AIA@ -(01975 .' mE'-AMERIC/I1--iII--IST1rv.U"OF t,RCHITECTS, '17)5 NEW YORK AV:(, N.\-V., WASl-ilNGTON, ().C. 20006 2 ARTICLE 4 . CONTRACY SUM . . The Owner shall pay the Contractor (or the performance of the Work, subject to additions and deductions by Change Order as provided in the Conditions of the Contract, in current funds, the Contract Sum6f IStlle hue Ihe lump /Um lmount, unit pricer, or bOlh, u desired.) qne Hundred Nineteen Thousand,~Tour Hundred ($119,400.00) Dollars. '::.ARTfCUE' 5 PROGRESS P.A YMENTS '. " , . : .' ~ . . .... . ."; ." .. . . I' . . . '. ~.. . , ..'.. Based upon Applications for Payment submitted to the (:onstru;.:tion Manager by the ContraCtor arid Certificates for Pay'ment issued by the Architect, ~the Owner shall, rna~e 'p.rogres~ :p~yr[1ents' 01') a:ccouflt of the Contract Sum to the Contractor as provided in the Conditions of the Contractas folloW'$:' . , . . 'j'" ',. I..::..:::: ,,' Qn or about the last " .' day of each,'.montn. Ninety.,{.90%). per cent of the prOp?rtion of the Contract Sum propei-lya~locab(e.')~ [~:9.;{t~~ie~rS~f:an'dfe8uipr9'e~t.i;:;corporated in th~ Work and Nlnety (90%). per Cent of ~hc pl~r~()f.1!~fft~C.on.tra~SlI(,n properly allOcable to matenals and equipment suitably stored at th~ site Oral somc' ot.h~':I.;!~t!o'~ . a~reed >'up~n in writing .by the parties up to Ten (10) days prIOr to the date on whldY,~he ApplicatIon (or PaymentlS'Submlt\cd less the aggregate of pre~ious paymenls in each casei and upon Substantial ~ompletion of the entir,e Work; it SUm sufficient to increase the total payments to gne Hundred (100% )Jerccnl'of tbe-Contract Sum,)e~s such retainages as the Architect shall determine for .0111 incomplete WOrk and unsettle~ claims. . .' - ..' {I/ not cove,ed elsewhe,e in the Con me! Documenls, .here Inset( .ny provision lor Ilm;tingor reducing Illle .mounl rel.ined .Iler Ihe Wo,k re>ches . cerllln sl.ge 01 comp/e.lion.} , '. .' '. . ." :. . . ... . . ,.1.', Any moneys not paid when due to either party 'under this"Contracl shill' bear iG.lCrest ;:1 the legal rate in force at the place of the Project. . , '- .. . . ,"' ' i' . -, AlA DOCUMENT ^ 101/CM . OWNER-CONTRACTOR AGREEMENT . CONSTRUCTION MAtl^GEMENT EDIT;ION . MAY 1975 EDITION' AlA((\) . ~197S . THE AMERICAN INSTITUTE Of ARCHITECTS, .173S N,EWYORK ;.v~.; NoW., WASHINQTOt-I, D.C. 20006 3 ARTICLE 6 FIN~l PAYME~T , . Final .payment, constituting the entire unpaid balance of the Contract Sum, shall be paid by the Owner to the Contractor Thirty (30) days after Substantial Completion of the Work unless otherwise stipulated in the Certificate of Substantial Completion, provided the Work has then been completed, th~ Contra.ct fully performed" and a final Certificate fOr Payment has been issued by the Architect. ARTICLE 7 TEMPORARY FACILITIES AND SERVICES. (He,e inse;( lemporuy I.cillller .nd solvices wl,ich .,. di((./enl 'rom or 'in' .ddiiion 10 rhore IncludecJ eiJ~whcre ;in rhe Contucl Documentr.) 1. Contractor shall provide temporary toilet facilities. 2. Contractor may use existing water'and eleritricity. . . "'. . ' '.' "I AlA DOCWMENT A101/CM . OWNER-CONTRACTOR AGREEMENT'CONSTRUCTlON MANAGEMENT 'EDITlON . MAY 1975 EDITION' AI^@ . <01975 . THE AMERICAN INS:rtTUTE OF ARCHITECTS, 1735 NEW YORK AVE!., N.W., WASHINGTON, DoC. 20006 4d ARTI CLE 8 ": '. " ' 13.1 Terms used in this Agreement which are designa.lcd in those Conditions, ' . 8,2 Working conditions: MlSCELI..ANEOUS PROVISIONS . , ... '.' defined iii tncCondllions of the Contract shall l)lye the meanings. " . \ (Ull bo/ow lny 'POdll condillonl l((ccllnr In.. ConIne!.) 1. Contractor shall exercise all due care to protect children and school personnel during construction activities. 2. All loose debris shall be removed at the end of each work day. .'-.......":-.'.. \._~ AlA OOCUMENT J,101icM . 6WNER.CONTMCTbRAGRE'EMENT', 'CONS-r:;.UCTI6N I'I\'ANAGEMENT EOI;rION . M,W '\975 EDITION' .f..l,A,@ . G:>1975 ' THL,A,MEIUC^N INSTtTUTE OF M.ti.:mCTS, 17)51~F.W YO,RK ^YE., N,W.,Wf.SIiINGTON. 0,(, 20006 5 6.3' The Contract.Documents, which constitute the entire ;(c;:ecrnent bet....ieen the Owner and tMe ~orl~r~cior,.are listed in Article 1 and, except (or Modifications js~ued after execution of thi~ Agre~mej,t/ar~ tnt)merated as follows: (1111 below'II,e -"'.t<emenl Jnci Jny exit/bill llte,e(o, Conci/lloM 01 1/'. Cont/HI [Gene"'. SupplemcnlJlY; md OIlIN Concilllons), DI1WlnSJ, :;peclnc~(Ions. "'ddcndl lnd ~ccrpl(d }J/C'M/CJ, Jhowlnz p~,t 01 ,heel num~e(J In '~I/ ColUJ lnd d~lel whae. Jppl1c~b/c.) DRAWINGS A-1 A-2 A-3 Cover Sheet Demolition plan Foundation Plan Fl()or plan Elevations Plumbing plan Interior Elevations' HVAC'Plan Electrical Plan Foundation Detail$' Wall Sections Door Scheduilie~_; Finish Schedule SPECIFICATIONS Divisions 1,2,3,4,5,6, 7 , 8 , 9, 1 0 , 1 5 , 1 6 A-4 AMENDMENTS Amendment No. 1 - 8/6/97 A-5 A-6 .- '. \., This Agreement executed the day and yhar first wri~ten aopve, Immaculate Conception School OW~ER Me..:Ii'13 Constr..uct,'" " IJ}nc. -CONTRACTOR , ,'" ' \JT~~~~ .,."". WNE -CONTRA R AGREEMENT' CbNSTRUCTlON MANAGEME~lT EOIT,ION . MAY 1975 A'MERICAN INSTITUTE or- ARCHITECTS, 17)5 NEW YORK AVE., NoW., WASHINGTml, D.C. 2000f., 6 I -,' I I I - I I - I I I I I I I I .. , I .. I I I "97 10.,i) ,;9:~;.' F~~ ~OJ ~uu~ 2i9 -'~:~!'...:.' ,~:~;::S'T r:-;c -: -t ~) ~ SECTION D PERFORMANCE BOND lrn'OW AIL MEN BY TRESE PRES~"TS; That Mars Construction, Inc., POBox 6937, North Augusta, SC 29841 (kgaJ. rut= and acidr:sa of the CAntraclOr) as Principlll. (Her:inafter r:fetted to as "Contractor"), and Selective Insurance Company of America, 40 Wantage Avenue, 'Branchville, NJ 07890. (1cga1 title and address of Surety) as Surety (hereinafter mcncd to as "Surety"), are ho:ld and finn1y bound unto Immaculate Conception School, as Obligee (Her:inafter referred to as "Owner"), in the amount of One Hundred Nineteen Thousand FourHundred--------- Do~ (lmcrt Cmuract Price) ($ 119,400.00 ). to wbi.ch payment Contractor and Surety bind tb.~, their.beiB, executots, ad:ninisttator, successors and as~ jointly and severally 1irmly by these prcsems. 'RHE.RE.~. the above bonded Contractor has entered. into a. contI:act with Owner bearing date of 29 S ep t embe r 1997 for rcnovarlon and addition of the Imm.aculale Conception Schoa4 in .1CCOI'daJ1ce with drawings and specifications prepated by Sydney Carter, P. C., .-'\rchitect, Augusta, Georgia, which: said Can~ct is incOIporated herein referen~ and. made a part hereof: and is hereinafter refc:r:red to as the Contract. NOW, THEREFORE, THE CONDmON OF THIS OBUGATION is such that, if the Contractor sbalI promptly and faithfully perl"arm and comply with the tenns and conditions of said contract; and shall indemnify and save hannless the Ow.n=r against and. from all costs, damag~, ixUmy or loss to which &aid Owner may be subjected. by reason of any wrong doing, including patent iafimgemcm, misconduct, want or care or skill, agents, subcontractors or c:mploye~ in the execution of perlormancc of said. conlnCr, then this obligation shall be null and 0-1 I .. I I I I I I I I I I I I I ~ I I I I . "') " '!"'" . ~.. ';; ,,,., I') .. .... J I ...:..'J' I; ~ '.1,,:,' ..IJ r _~..:... "' ".... .. I" ~Ll.R5 ,~<;::S7 :~{(.. :CQU.~ void; QL~~'ise i: shall remain in fu.a force and effect. 1. The said Surety to this bond, for value received, hereby stipul.1tcs and agrees that no changes, extemions of .time~ alterations or additions to the tenns of the coniract ~r to the wad: to be pcrfonned thereunder, or the spec.i.1ications or drawings accompanying same sha.IJ in any wi$e aff~ct itS obligation OIl this bond, and ir does hereby waive notice of any such changes, extensions of tim;, .ilil::raiions or a.ddirians to the tmns of the contract .:J1' to the: work of to the speci:fiwuions and ~. 2. If pUJ'SU.1nt to the Connel ~umenIs to Contractor shall be declared in default by the Owner under the aforc.said canitact, the Surety may promptty remedy the de:f.tult or sball promptly perfoxm 1he duty of tho Surety to give an unequivocal. notice in writing to the Owner'Mtbin twenty-five (25) days a:fier receipt of1hc declaration of default of the Surety's c1ection eUher to remedy th= default or d~f~ promptly or to pcttorol the contract promptly, time being of the essence. In said notic(; of election, the Surety shall indicate the date on which the remedy or performance will COll1m.CtlCe, and. it shall then be the duty of the Sucety to give prompt notice :in writing to the Owner imme~ly upan compktion of (a) the remcd)' i.IJlcllor correction if each default; (b) the remedy and/or correction of each it;:m of condemned work, (c) the furnishing of each omitted item of wor.k, and (d) the perl'armanc:: of the COIlIract. The Sux:ety &b.aJl not assen solvency of this Principal as jnsti;t:i.cation far its failure to give notice of ele~rion or for its failure to pCOnlPcly rcm.c:dy the default or 4eialilis or pmODIl the Contract. 3. SUpplemeDIary 10 and in addition to !he foregoing, whenever the Owner sball notifY rhe Surety that the Owner ha.s notice that the Comractar has :fa:iled to pay any subcontractor, materialman, or laborer or labor or materials certified by the Conttac1Or <IS having been paid or by !he CotUraCIOr in accardance with said contract, 'Nbicl1 said labor or maIerials b.1.ve been included in a periodical estimat:e and certiiied by the Architect for payment and paid for by the Owner, tht Surety shall, within 20 days of receipt of such notice, cause to be paid any unpaid amounts for such labor and materials 4. It is expressly agreed by the Principal and the Surety that the Owner, if he desires to do so, is allibl:rty Lu make inquiries a1 any Lime of subcoDLractors, laborers, rnaterialJnen, or other parties concemini tb: status of pot}ment far laber, materials, or services furnished in. the wod<.. 5. No right of :u:tion shall accrue on this ooIld to or for ~ use of ;my person or corporation otha than the Owner twned herein or the legal successor of the Owner. D-2 I ; I I I I I I' I I I I I I I ~ I I I ," . ar 1.:;,'03 ..i~:~i) FAX 803 279 74d2 )L.;.RS C,,-;{;ST r:-:c ~ [',D~) . Signed and sealed thiS 9 ~y of Oct A. D. 19~. . IN TIlE PRESENCE OF: 0 ~:;( ~r (Seal) / (Principal) (Tale) D-3 _(Seal) S. jNSU. R-\NCE '. eernve '~r-::--:'_':!',':: !:~:-iurJ.::C-~ l~()r.-1r:;:~:--.~.- .~;~ .\i~l\:.'ric~;, Seie;.:,jve IX'J:-' Insur::mce Cump tI1~.. ~..) '\'c :inC:lge .~ \.e:1~e 13r:lnc!l\'ilk. ~-;ew Jersev IT.'39CJ .2 () I -948- 3000 LABOR AND MATERLU PAYMENT BOND The American InstitU[e of Architects. AlA Document No. A311 (February, 1970 Edicion) THIS BOND IS ISSUED SIMULTANEOUSLY WITH PERFORlvlANCE BOND IN FAVOR OF THE THE OWNER CONDITIONED ON THE FULL AND FAITHFl'L PERFOR~IANCE OF THE CONTR.KT KNOW ALL MEN BY THESE PRESENTS: th;l[ (Here insert full name and address or legal title of Contractor) ~ars Construction, Inc., POBox 6937, North Augusta, SC 29841 Bond No. B708801 :lS Principal. hereinafter called Principal. and, (Here insert full name and address or legal title of Surety) Selective Insurance Company of America, 40 Wantage Avenue, Branchville, NJ 07890 :IS Surety, hereinafter c:tlled Surety, are held and firmly bound untO (Here insert full name and address or legal title of Owner) Immaculate Conception School :lS Obligee. hereinafter c:tlled Owner, for the use and benetit of claimants as hereinbelow defined, in the amount of One Hundred Nineteen Thousand Four Hundred-----------------___ Dollars ($ 119,400.00 ), for the payment whereof Principal and Surety bind chemselves, their heirs, executors, administrators, successors and assigns, jointly and severally, firmly by these presents. WHEREAS, Principal has by written agreement dated September 29 1997 , entered into a contract with Owner for in accordance with Drawings and Specifications prepared by (Here insert full name and address or legal title of Architect) Sydner Carter, P.C., Architect, Augusta, GA which comract is by reference made a part hereof, and is hereinafter referred to as the Comracr. :'-lOW, THEREFORE, THE CONDITION OF THIS OBLIGATION is such thar. if Principal shaJJ promptly ma1<e paymenr to all claimants as hereinafter detin- ed. for all labor and material used or re:lSonably required for use in the periormance of the contract. then this obligation shall be void: otherwise it shall remain in full force and dfect. subject, however, to the following conditions: l. A claimant is defined as one having a direct contract with the Prin- cipal or with a Subcontractor of the Principal for labor. material. or borh. used or re:lSonably required for use in the performance of the Conrract. J:!bor and material being construed to include that pan of water, gas. power, light. heat, oil, gasoline. telephone service or rental of equipment directly :lpplicable to the Contract. 2. The above named Principal and Surety hereby jointly and several- ly agree with the Owner that every claimant as herein defined. who has :'lOt been paid in full before the expiration of a period of ninety (90) days lr'ter the date on which the last of such claimant's work or labor was done ,Jr performed. or materials were furnished by such claimant. may sue on this bond for the use oi such claimant. prosecute the suit to final judgment r'or such sum or sums as mav be justly due claimant. and have c:."(ecution thereon. The owner shall nor be liable for the payment of any COSts or ex- penses of any such suit. ,. :--10 suit or :lction shall be commenced hereunder by any claimant: :1.1 Unless claimant. Other than one having a direct contract with the Principal. sh:!ll have given written notice to anv two of the following: the Signed :lI1d sealed this 9th ~~ ~~~ QrfY--- )W-if'~ - I \\'ilI\C:-.....I 11.215 ('\/l'Nl Principal. the Owner. or the Surety above named. within ninety (90) days after such claimant did or periormed the last of the work or labor. or furnished the last oi the materials for which said claim is made. stating with substantial ac. curacy the amount claimed and the name of the party to whom the materials were furnished, or tor whom the work or labor was done or performed. Such notice shall be served by mailing the same by registered mail or cenified mail. postage prepaid. in an envelope addressed to the Principal. Owner or Suret\.. :It any place where an office is regularly maintained for the transaction of business or served in any manner in which legal process may be served in the state in which the atoresaid project is located. save that such service need nor be made by a public officer. b) After the expiration of one (1) Ye:lr following the date on which Prin- cipal ce:lSed Work on said Contract. it being understood. however. that if :In\' limitation embodied in this bond is prohibited bvany law controlling the con- struction hereof such limitatiO shall be deemed to be amended so as to be equal to the minimum period oi limitation permitted by such law, c) Olher than in a state court of competent jurisdiction in and for the COUnty or other political subdivision of the state in which the Project. or an\' pan thereof. is situated. or in the United States District Coun for the district in which the project. or any part thereof. is situated. and not elsewhere. -to The :lmoum of this bond shall be teduced by and to the extent of :lnv paymenr or payments made in good faith hereunder. inclusive of the payment by Suretv of mechanics' liens which mav be filed of recorG ag:!iilsr said im. provement. whether or not claim for the amounr of slIch 'Ii'en be ;Jrt;,senred under and against this bond. { 4-"'<.::.111 1997 ....<.::111 { Attornev In Fact ( ["ilk1 . .. Sdem\fe Selective Insurance Company of America 40 Wantage Avenue Branchville, New Jersey 07890 201-948-3000 POWER OF AITORNEY KNOW ALL MEN BY THESE PRESENTS: That the Selective Insurance Company of America, a corporation having its principal office in Branchville, State of New Jersey, pursuant to Article VII, Se the By-Laws of said Company, to wit: "The Chairman of the Board, President, any Vice Presidents or the Secretary may, from time to tim attorneys in fact, and agents to act for and on behalf of the Company and they may give such appo authority, as his/her certificate of authority may prescribe, to sign with the Company's narne and se Company's seal, bonds, recognizances, contracts of indemnity and other writings obligatory in the bond, recognizance or conditional undertaking, and any of said Officers may, at any time, remove any such and revoke the power and authority given him/her." . appoint ee such ith the ure of a pointee does hereb\' make. constitute and appoint KARL W. KERZIC, ALICE M. SMITH H5 true and b\\'ru] :\twrnc\'-in-facr [0 make. execute:. sell and deli\'er for and un its ix-half. :111([ a~ deed. honos. unc::tUkl:lgS.' reCl';..:nlz:ln:::es. ClJ1wCr:b"riF/ ~oiiB1r~o.. 'Excffir F'{{;f:'1~Dl )'THb'us" :l Dunu sut):tct it,! tne !D!!ll\Y!I1Q Ilm!t:,l1,Jn~' DOLLARS 500 000.00 . :md tu bind t!-it: S:::ecti\'e Insurance Cump:lI1\' lJi :\me:riCl thereb~' a:-; fulh' :ll1U ll) rilt' S:illle l','\lcnt instrU!11erHS ""ere signed h\' the dui'.- :.!utirof1zed officers of the Selecrin.: Insur:ll1ce CO!1l[)an\' of ..\mcr: the acts of said ......norne\. a're hereb\' ratified and confirmed. . , :l~' \ :t: 1... ~ : l .~: :' ~ 1 i( .>';UC!"': . and :11! >- 10: \'';''ITNESS \X'HEREOF. the Selective Insurance Companv of America has caused . /:~. o ~ '-' by its VTf"F. PRF.I=;TnF.NT ~ affixed this 8TH , 19 JUNE day of ~ 0::: ;...., U BY: JUNE 94 "RESOL VED, the Board of Directors of Selective Insurance Company of America authorizes and appr use of a facsimile corporate seal, facsimile signatures of corporate officers and notarial acknowledgements on powers of attorney for the execution of bonds, recognizances, contracts of indemnity and other obligatory in the nature of a bond, recognizance or conditional undertaking . . . ." 1, P:mici;; A. Fulkrod, As:;istam Secr::~'i of tr.;; :,,:;:;cti'.e h;.;;urallce Company of America, do hereby certify that the above is a true and correct copy of a Power of Attorney executed by said Company which is still in full force and effect. IN WITNESS WHEREOF, I have hereunto set my hand and affixed the sc:U of said Company at Branchville, New Jersey this ctlyof Januarv 19 97 Assistant Secretary iI,4P~l?Jr ~ This DOrOer must oe RED in color. II it is not RED. this is not a cemtied cooy. Teleonone uS at Area GOde 201.948-3000. . .......... .......,..................... ...DE.llllm.IE.ml...II.SIIIIII..I..SIJ.ImI.m.e;.......,....,..................,.......,,'......,.. .\o~~.~:gi~~~0I'*l~~,!!i'z&M~i~~t~,;~;j~~ ~~;~;; ONLY AND CONFERS NO RIGHTS UPON THE CERTIFICATE ari son-Kerzi c, Inc. HOLDER. THIS CERTIFICATE DOES NOT AMEND, EXTEND OR P.O. Box 211110 ALTER THE COVERAGE AFFORDED BY THE POLICIES BELOW. 2601 Commons Bl vd. (30909) COMPANIES AFFORDING COVERAGE Augusta, GA 30917-1110 COMPANY *Auto Owners Insurance Co. Attn: Pam Hunter Ext: A INSURED Mars Construction Inc P.o. Box 6937 N Augusta, SC 29841 COMPANY B COMPANY C COMPANY o 'COVERAGES':':';';';';';';';';';';';';';';';';';';':;';'::;';"';';';""';';';" .. ..,.,.:.:.:.:.:.........::)}}',i'}',t',"?',?tii ..., . :.:,:.:,:.:.:.:.:.:.:.,.",.,.::...:., ..."... """'::':':'::""""""""':':'?:""':"':.,.':i:i,i::,:,}}:{{,}:,}:,:",":{{{{,:,:,:,i::.,.,.,::::::.:.:.:.:.:.:.:.:.:.:.:.:.:.:.:::::,:::::-:.'... ........ ':::'::'::'fA:;~"i~:+gf:~'~+i'A;::f!f:ftg::~'oLlciEs:BW;~$6tLViE~''2iSTE6'BEl.OW' HAVE. BE~N'i~~J'~6"ttft~~:i~$G~gK:N;ZiB':tB8~k:~2m::;tA'~::t8t'i'2~Wg:~I'6g'::"':" ....."... INDICATED, NOTWITHSTANDING ANY REQUIREMENT, TERM OR CONDITION OF ANY CONTRACT OR OTHER DOCUMENT WITH RESPECT TO WHICH THIS CERTIFICATE MAY BE ISSUED OR MAY PERTAIN. THE INSURANCE AFFORDED BY THE POLICIES DESCRIBED HEREIN IS SUBJECT TO ALL THE TERMS. EXCLUSIONS AND CONDITIONS OF SUCH POLICIES, LIMITS SHOWN MAY HAVE BEEN REDUCED BY PAID CLAIMS. CO LTR TYPE OF INSURANCE POLICY NUMBER POLICY EFFECTIVE: POLICY EXPIRATION DATE (MMlDDIYY) DATE (MMlDDIYY) LIMITS GENERAL LIABILITY X COMMERCIAL GENERAL LIABILITY i CLAIMS MADE X OCCUR: 4836637396 OWNER'S & CONTRACTOR'S PROT : 09/18/1997 09/18/1998 .~~N.~~~.AG~.~~<3I\~............$...........l, 000,000 PRODUCTS. COMP/OP AGG : $ 1,000 ,000 .P.E.~~?I'l'.'L.~. ~~~. .'':l:'~.~v.... ~........... ~.I. .0.9.9... .9.99. EACH OCCURRENCE . $ 1, 000 , 000 .:.'.~~ .o.~~~,E. ~~y'.o~~.~~~).,. ...~..... ......... ...... 5..0..!. 9.9.9. MED EX? (Anyone person) : $ 5 000 A AUTOMOBILE LIABILITY X ANY AUTO ALL OWNED AUTOS A SCHEDULED AUTOS X 9430518200 HIRED AUTOS X NON-OWNED AUTOS COMBINED SINGLE LIMIT $ 1,000,000 BODILY INJURY (Per person) $ 09/18/1997 09/18/1998 BODILY INJURY (Per accident) '$ PROPERTY DAMAGE $ EXCESS LIABILITY A UMBRELLA FORM OTHER THAN UMBRELLA FORM WORKERS COMPENSATION AND EMPLOYERS' LIABILITY 48369789 AUTO ONLY - EA ACCIDENT OTHER THAN AUTO ONLY: EACH ACCIDENT' $ AGGREGATE, $ EAC~.?~,C.U.~~.E,~~E ....~...........1, 000,000 09/18/1997 09/18/1998 AGGREGATE $ $ GARAGE LIABILITY ANY AUTO A THE PROPRIETOR! PARTNERSlEXECUTIVE OFFICERS ARE: OTHER INCL EXCL 48403638 09/18/1997 09/18/1998 , . TORY LIMITS: ; "E.L. ~~.~.~c.c.~~~,~....... ,'....... ~ ,.. ,....... ~.I. .9..9.9..~ .0..9..9.. : EL DISEASE. POLICY LIMIT . $ 1, 000, 000 i EL DISEASE - EA EMPLOYEE, $ 1 000 000 DESCRIPTION OF OPERATIONSlLOCATIONSlVEHICLESlSPECIAL ITEMS e: Immaculate Conception School Renovations Richmond County Board of Education 2083 Heckle St Augusta, GA 30904 SHOULD ANY OF THE ABOVE DESCRIBED POLICIES BE CANCELLED BEFORE THE N DATE THEREOF, THE ISSUING COMPANY LL ENDEAVOR TO MAIL OLDER NAMED TO THE LEFT, OBLIGATION OR LIABILITY RESENT ATlVE~ AUGUSTA-RICHMOND COUNTY COMMISSION LARRY E. SCONYERS Mayor ROOM 801 MUNICIPAL BLDG. (II) AUGUSTA, GEORGIA 30911 Bus. (706) 821-2488 Fax No. (706) 722-5984 LEE BEARD ULMER BRIDGES JERRY BRIGHAM HENRY H. BRIGHAM WILLIAM B. KUHLKE. JR. WM. "WILLIE" H. MAYS. III J. B. POWEll MOSES TODD ROB ZEITERBERG FREDDIE L. HANDY Mayor Pro Tern October 21, 1997 CHARLES R, OLIVER. P E. CPA Administrator JAMES B. WALL Attorney Ms. Lena Bonner Clerk, Commission 8th Floor, City-County Bldg. Augusta, GA 30911 Reply to: P.O. BOX 2125 Augusta. GA. 30~03 RE: Standard Form Agreement Between Owner And Contractor: Immaculate Conception School and Mars Construction, Inc. Dear Lena: I enclose herewith one fully executed copy of the above referenced contract for the permanent files. I have forwarded copies of this agreement to the Immaculate Conception School and to Mars Construction, Inc., with a copy to Sydney Carter. Thanking you and with best personal regards, I am Yours very truly, ~~ James B. Wall I~ JBW/sjp Enclosure cc: Ms. Geri Sams (w/enclosure)