HomeMy WebLinkAboutGeorgia State Patrol Augusta Richmond GA DOCUMENT NAME: G eOl~ \ (>- S lC<.- -\--e.- t'1>-- -\-w \ DOCUMENT TYPE: 0-9 r~~Y!\..LV1. t YEAR: J 99w BOX NUMBER: ;) FILE NUMBER: ) ~ 03?-- NUMBER OF PAGES: 0- f j Attachment 1 SOP 118J-0003 WORK ASSIGNMENT AGREEMENT RICHMOND COUNTY C. 1. The fOllowing items are established as guidelines designed for the mutual protection and benefit of the Richmond County Correctional Institution and the GEORGIA STATE PATROL (Name of agency/acti~ity): 1. All inmates sentenced to state custody remain in the cU8tody of the Department of Corrections [GIJG Rule 125-J-1-,Ol]. lnmntes are assigned, by mutual agreement, to provide certain services to your agency. Such services include, but are not limited to, the following: building anti grounds maintenance, vehicle clenn-up and maintenance, and maintenance of equipment and supply items. 2, Under no circumstances shall an inmate be allowed to work on private property, private equipment, or private vehicles. J. Under no circumstances shall an inmate be allowed to place his/her hands on weapons or ammunition, This includes cleaning, carrying, removing from or placing in vehicles or in any other way or manner, q, Inmates wili not normally work on Saturdays, Sundays, or holidays, 5. Inmates will not be permitted to leave the property upon which ~gency/activity is located with the exception of transfer to and l.he institution. the from 6, EKcept in emergency conditions, where life or public property ore in dJ-lnger, inmates should not be required to work in rain or exposed to ii\clement weather conditions which jeopardize the health of those CL'nce rned . 7. Each inmate is to be supervised by a designated person at all times and a~tively employed at all times, except during designated lunch and break tImes, 8, Innates are not allowed to receive mail or packages while on assignment, Inn:.ates are not allowed to mail letters or packages outside of the assigned institution. 9, Inmates are not allowed. to change into non-regulation clothing and/or modify dress llppearance while 011 assignment, 10. Inmates ore not alluwed to have visitors while on work assignment without expressed written permission of the Warden. '( ;;, Atttlchment I SOP IlI.lJ--OOJ Page 2 11. Inmates are not allowed to receIve money, glfts or gratuities, or to have money on their possession unless t1uthorized by the institution, 12, Inmates asslgned to detillls <1l1thor,i7.ed in thls procedure must h<lve achieved trusty status heCore being so assigned, 13, Inmates are prohibIted (rom usIng the communication device, Exceptions (or calls must be au thor !zed by the \~arden, telephone, radio, or any other use of telephone and receipt of 14, The Warden or his/her designee shall inspect the work !lssignment area of each inmate at least once weekly during the hours that the inmate is on assignment at that location. 15, Inmates will not be allowed access to weapons, ammunition, secured areas, secured equipment or secured or clilsslfied information, 16. inmates wiil not be p1.cked III' ~lt the :l.nst:Ltntion before 7:)0 a.m. I'hey will return to the institution prior to 5:00 p,m, In the event of an emergency whIch prevents the inmate [rom arriving at the institutIon at the designnted time, the institution must be notified prIor to 5:00 p.m. as to the expected time of arriv<1.l. 17, Inmates must be transported to and from the institution in a closed state or official government veh:lcle. Under no circumstances may an inmate be transported in a private vehicle. Inmates will not be allowed to stop <lnd enter private or conllllercial establishments while in tr<lns[er. 18, Should <1ny assignment, institution. dlsc.lp.lilwry, medical, or such in[orlllation shouid be other prublem uccur wh.lle reported immediately to on the 19, As required by local circumstances, additional items of agreement may be needed but any additional items agreed upon shall be in accordance with GDC Rules, 20, In the event of a change will be reissued, cc Inmate File in the ul1itjUpervisor or Warden this agreement {/zJJi~~ ;&-UA'1a.'!d l/o-!-91o Na~& Title, Agency/Activity Supervisor Date I~-L . / tJ -y-9? Warde t Date