HomeMy WebLinkAboutGEORGIA POWER RELOATION AGREEMENT ST SEBASTIAN WAY GREEN STREET RELOCA nON AGREEMENT City of Aub'usta-Rlchmcnd County St. Sebastian Way/Green 51. Extension Improvements TllIS AGRECMENT, made and entered in10 as ofthe . ~ ~... day of. tI(/Ij;J.,~ 20Q1...._. by and between CITY OF AUGUSTA-RICHMOND C:c)lJNTY, S!~t~of'(:i~orgi~ (hereinafter refened !o as the "CIty"). and (rEORGIA P()\VER COMPANY (hereinafter referred to as the "Colnpany"). \VITNESSETH. \VHEREAS. the ('ity pmposcs under the above written Project to construct the SL Sebastian \Vay!Crreen Street Improvement Project PI# 262750 (hereinatter "Project''); and WHEREAS, due to the construction of thIS Pl(,jcd, it will become rll~cessary for lbeCompany to make cenain adjustments to the Company's existing f<Jl'ilities, in accordance with the estimate of Two Hundred Seventy One Thousand, Eight Hundred Sev.::nlY Four Dollars ($271,874.00), II copy of which c,tima!e is attached hercto, and incorporz!ed into this Agreement as Exhibit "A,"; and WHEREAS, it has been established bet\veen the partles that the Company acquired easement rights for its declrical facilltics prior in rime to :'\cquisition of the road(s}, at! as irlVolved in said PI'(ljcct: and WHEREAS, the City agrees to bear the ksser of one hundred percent ( 1 (j()%) of actuJl or 1'\'.'0 Hundred Seventy One Thousand, Eight Hundred Seventy Four Dollars ($271,874.00) of Sflld relocatIon expenses; and \VHER EAS, lhe IOciltlOll of said presently cXlslmg facilities and the proposed ne\".' ivcatiol1 of ~uch facilities are shown on the Company plans previQusly provided to the City. NO\-\', THEREFORE, in consideration of the pronHses and the lHutual covcmmts of the parties hereinafter set forth, it is agreed: S_c;,;:,II91LL 'fheCompany, with its re.gular COllstmctiol1 or maintcnunce ere,v, and personnel, at its standard schedule of wages and working 11llurs (as 11'18y be applicable from time to time during this Agreement), and working in accordance with the terms of its agreclllcnts with such employees, will make such changes in its facilities as previously agreed upon with the City. The Company may elect to contnlct any portion oftlie work contemplated. S:;:ptiQn 2. Vponcompletion by the Company of the work contemplated herein, the City will pay fhe Companya.sumequal tt) lesser of the City's one hundred percent (I OO~t,) actual cost or Share of the total Pr(~ject rclocattonexpem;cs estimare set forth herein, Two Hundred Seventy One Thousand, Eight Hundred Seventy Four DolJars (3271,874.00). for facilities relo(:alion in excess of the "A" attached hereto and made a pan hereof. in said detailed cost estimate, except as shaH be shan, however, also be responsible to the ail costs incurred in acquiring additional easements , " . '.' . tor lmes, access, tree tnmm:ng, Wires, and any and all other sweli eaSCi11cnts and prOpcIt~/ operntional1d H1ai.ntenance of its facilities. Section 4. It is funher mutually agre,'d that the final cost of the changes in the f;lcihries of the Company covered by the dctailed eost estimate, Exhibit "A" atti',chcd heletD and made 2 part hereof, shan be borne by the C:ity, ,- '";. II ~ectkm<)-, The Company shal! make a rcason;lble effort to provIde signing and other traffic control measures during construction as<conlemplated under this Agreement in accordance with PART VI oCtile U<S< Department ofTransport;1tiOH lvlanual tin UnifOf1ll Traffic Control Devices. current edition, an ilt the expense of tbe City. ;2.~ct19;1.0., The covenants herein c(.ntained shall, except as Clherwisc provided. accrue: tD the henefr of and be binding upon the Successors and assigns of the parties heret() 0.f;;Ctgltl_1., It. is mutually agreeJ between the parties hereto that this document shaH be deemed to have been executed in GeorgH!' rN \VITNESS WHEREOF, the parties hereto acting through their duly iluthorized agents have caused this Agreement to be signed, and delivered. .~ 2G () "COMPANY" GEORGIA POWER COMPANY ~~;;;e~lt~1:~ ~;;J.~"< fhV Title: II - / J _ 0 "7 (SEAL) "CITY" CUY OF AUGLJSTA-RICH.MOND COIJJ\l'rY e Notary Pl.lb~jc, Coh.lmbia County, Georgia My Commission Expk~$ July 27,2010 U'z72~~L) Approved as to GEORGIA Power Company Distribution Work Order Type Construction: OVERHEAD :tZEn DIS.TR. SVCS W.O. : 892051002606 N WAY P.E.: 7030 01 WR#: 50 ST. SEBASTION WAY!G Job Reference: 10833005 Job TYPe: JOB TYPE ~ SEE CoordJ.nation Checked: No Substation: Circuit: Charge Account: CredJ.t Account: Date Last Est: 0l-JUN-2009 Job Order: . .. Job Estimating & Tracking SYstem - JETS HQ: Customer: Address: Town: Allow: Yes P ne: Free Ft: No Customer:DOT PROJECTS Es ima.te Name: FINAL REIMBURSABLE Engineer: DANNER II I , ALTON H Committed Service Date: Date:1S-Jun-2009 12:21 PM wo # Job Description: RELOCATE GPC FACILITIES FOR CONSTRUCTION OF NEW ROAD Driving Instructions: Permits/Notification(s): Total Estimated External Charges Included Below: Billing: $ 52,415 Out of Ratio $ 0 Headquarters 20.71 43.42 Total Estimated Fixed o Joint Use $ 0 Travel 61.63 129.13 ~ ~ THQJ:::~-$ . . . . '"'- any rector Onsite 408.71 897.54 ~~~~~I~Ul~~~~i~~; Cost Surranary Company Labor Contract Labor Company MatI. Contract MatI. 1.00 Comment: 0.00 EOB Labor: Plant Transformer 0.00 EOB MatI: 0.00 Maint Meters 7, 930 113 0 59, 705 ,- c:; 5 ~,:>~ 28,521 to 920 0 ~, 39,470 0 " v 5,220 58 0 840 0 0 76 (511 218, 197 6,246 5 9, 539 387 0 208,658 141 5 1,955 6,677 o o Company Egui12 Contract Equ:lp Engr Supv OH Subtotal Blanket Salvage Total Total WO Bill: Total Net Cost: Rate 9:97 o 9,629 101 9,618 Revenue Loc Cost o Total Ratio o Local Ratio Cust Contrib $ 0 Total 4 91 . 05 1,070.19 1,561 . 24 Removal 11,405 21,419 Total 21,403 87,961 34,441 39,470 12,092 840 o o 5,817 o 20,093 96,604 292 , 811 58,73'1 o o 20,937 58,734 271,874 o 271/874: {) Profit: o . 00 ROE O. CO Net Present Val (} TVM Amount: Total Bill AmOtiIlt: Approvals Sales Tax: o Date Completed By Auth: Close: DANNER III,ALTON H 01-JUN-2009 0.00 o Date