HomeMy WebLinkAboutFIRE STATION #13 LUMPKIN RDFIRE STATION #13 ..:::,,';):.' ';.-;.,'".): '.'-:,:-,:>~;, .';;.:, -', ,".-:" ::"~>.)), ;,:.:\.,:-:;<-><->:-..-.., _,,-,'f.',',,>';' :,;~:_'?:)>.:::'(': 'I,....... - ,.......A.. I A@ ....., fl. ....;.'<:,:,..-::>.:. -'-'<,-:;',)."--'<',':"::.\::;\:':~ Document A101™ -1997 ".... >.,,":;.:.' .-- .- .:-: ~ ' -, <,.~t~fJdard Form of Agreement Between Owner and Contractor ii/where the basis of payment is a STIPULA TED SUM -"-"". "-.-"" ":; \-;: ,'_:: ,:-' '.,' ~ ,.' 'q'A~REEMENtmade 3S*fthe Fourth day of April in the year of Two Thousand and Five ; \ (Iilwords, in(jicate day, month and year) 1X!~~TWEE~~~.8wn~:;}+;!{ (Name,lukIr~ss a1J4ot~er information) .' "" '~'_ -.:;'; c,:. ''''':'-:,.,';-,'. ,.... ;{i;H'~;-;;:{ .-:.\r:" ';,,"'~;',:;.,:/..:',y -;';\ ;.: :',',~::::i ;;' ~,',:~ ':;/',:;;':;,,";' '::/;}/i -:',":,'.::'.' .',-::::-~'~','., :~:.:;~~jY:' :f:-:':::::','::,;:,,:-:.::': -~-:. -:: ':::: ! : :; ,:'; ::, :~:_:':\".: ,::",.-,:. 1,,:,_,:.: .>-...,<".:--:,:', c_'..::':"__,:....-.'. '; <\,~..~.',~. .:-. . ,',',.... ....,.-\;;'. " ;.";' '.'-~- '.;;,'. ~-'::..:.:.\':'" "'.'>';"-:'-".' ,::.:':,':->-;:,::"J <_<:C"..)",:: >;';". -/,.;-:."-,,.... -,,!,', ':<:. >" ". , " ...;" ,': '. .':":;.:;-. :,,-.,'.""'," >~'-:;;!::' ~) This document has important legal consequences. Consultation with an attomey is encouraged with respect to its completion or modification. AlA Document A201-1997, General Conditions of the Contract for Construction, is adopted in this document by reference. Do not use with other general conditions unless this document is modified. .-..-'...:..:-.,..... .- '.',--" ..;','."'-'.'--.--:." . .;.,,::-..-.'....'.,'- . "-" 'CA~gus~.(]",-. ap~iiitg;U~ribclivision of the State of Georgia 530 GreeneStreet, Room 801 AugUsta..Georlria30911'i....... ";;\'0"::"< ,,' ~. - ::,' '-:_.' i.., ;'-....,;... ',>,.;,:';'. ,(~.: ~=~?L~~tlonJ ':;:' -: ;, ''':~':~'~:'- >,-;:;:::-:./,"- .'. .-.,......,.-..:,.; >:::.:-<'5-';:':'::';':'-:;::'''' ;;t~:I~~~~~ti;~)?"""'" .......... '.- "-'.. ,>-' . .,--,.' :,:,->,:":':>:::::_:':::~:;':' . . - - :::_:>,:.'; .:,- i:'>;i:' ,1.............Fit"e S~tio~#13' ",Lumpkili Road ',' '.' -;':.,:' ::,~: .,. <'~ >'- - .:.: '--;:." : ~_:': :_; ::~'-' ~. .....T~~.~Chi~ii~:;J.... .... (Name,dddressand ........ i(;~~f:ei~:~~~~}~;.\;;J;f.iI .... TBeechIsland. SmithClll"olina29842 . .' ;?TeleplioiieNumbeJ::'803.:442~4474 This document has been approved and endorsed by The Associated General Contractors of America agree as follows. AlA Document A101T1. -1997. Copyright @1915, 1918, 1925, 1937, 1951, 1958, 1961, 1963, 1967, 1974, 1977, 1980, 1987, 1991 and 1997 by The American Institute of Architects. All rights reserved. WARNING: this AlAe Document Is protected by U,S. Copyright Law and International Treaties. 1 Unauthorized reproduction or distribution of this AlAe Document, or any portion of It, may result In severe clvllancl crlmlnlll penlIltIlIS, and will be prosecuted to the maximum extent possible under the taw. This document was produced by AlA software at 12:21 :49 on 04/0512005 under Order No.1 000145777 _1 which expires on 11/t 0/05, and is not for resale. User Notes: (152013704) ARTICLE 1 THE CONTRACT DOCUMENTS Documents consist of this Agreement, Conditions of the Contract (General, Supplementary and other Drawings, Specifications, Addenda issued prior to execution of this Agreement, other documents listed and Modifications issued after execution of this Agreement; these form the Contract, and are as of the Contract as if attached to this Agreement or repeated herein. The Contract represents the entire agreement between the parties hereto and supersedes prior negotiations, representations or either written or oral. An enumeration of the Contract Documents, other than Modifications, appears in ..:,':"._~,'-' .-:,:.',i-:':-;;',.,,:.:_:," :.:.O:-'<'.::--:/,:~.'~:::'.::,'::~ ,~ __. -, -:::,.: ':' " ,.- ~,'.: ".'-' ' ~':'_: ;!. :::_:,:,~, '_:'- :: -,' . ',;-<:>:"-;",",,, ~;: >- : -~'.:-- ;: '.-'.\'.", ....:.~','<__.... ,',' .~ '. ,',-,:'-. t': _:'. ',- :'..:' ''')~RTlCLE 2 THE WORK OF THIS CONTRACT , . 'l'~e Contractprshall [tIllyexecute the Work described in the Contract Documents, except to the extent specifically iIldicated intheContraetDocuments to be the responsibility of others. _....:::.-".. -:'..--'-'- ..:. ;',- .'..:.>..:_:.,.~,.-,.; . -'-. .- - - - -'.-. :.-:,:::.::-_.'::- --:-:':',:,--;:-:'-: .'._;_:'.--:;\:'-'.,:..... \ARTlCLE~f)~TE O~,C::9MMENCEMENT AND SUBSTANTIAL COMPLETION q ~3.1 The date of c()111Iill:lnC~Inent of the Work shall be the date of this Agreement unless a different date is stated b~loworprovisi{)nis.lllad~Jorthe date to be fixed in a notice to proceed issued by the Owner. (Insert.t~e.4Clteofco.'nmtfnp1'!Jpnt if it differs from the date of this Agreement or, if applicable, state that the date . will bejixed inp noiiceioproceed.) ':>::V -.';\.,"" :' -<: .::.....,-... 'F! 3.2TJ:iecbntradTirri~shaIibe measured from the date of commencement. "', <',-:-.".-:":.>:,.._"",-.:::",,.-,-',>' ~ ,",':-. ,:~.:,---::;"/::--::,:.:_-. - :,:-::' .-':' ',- . ,,:"::.-;': 'X~:-:>,' ~34'I11~(2ontract?r~l1~lllChieve Substantial Completion of the entire Work not later than l50 days from the date .0ff{)I1'J.Ill~nceJ:Jlent;()i as. follows: (In~4rt'Jumber pfc{lIf!~ti9:r days. Alternatively, a calendar date may be used when coordinated with the date of cOntmencemf!n~. U'fless st(lted else~~ere.jn the Contract Documents, insert any requirements for earlier Substantial ......Cornpletion of ci!,iainponions of the; Work.) :::'1 ::'\< Substantial Completion Date to a9j~stIn~l1ts (){tllis<:ontract Time as provided in the Contract Documents. (Insfrt provisions: ifi1;ny,for~iquidated damages relating to failure to complete on time or for bonus payments for earlYcompletion oftheWork.)" :'." ," ""';-''-;'-'''-'---.'' ..-,:.... , contl"~ctC)ra~~~~}o pay as liquidated damages to the Owner the sum of $200.00 for each consecutive calendar after eXI)ina~oriof.the contract completion time, except for authorized extensions of time by the Owner. ARTICLE 4 CONTRACT SUM pay the Contractor the Contract Sum in current funds for the Contractor's performance of the Sum shall be Two Hundred Seventy Thousand Dollars and Zero Cents ($ 270,000.00 ), and deductions as provided in the Contract Documents. Sum is based upon the following alternates, if any, which are described in the Contract and are hereby accepted by the Owner: (State the numbers or other identification of accepted alternates. If decisions on other alternates are to be made by the Owner subsequent to the execution of this Agreement, attach a schedule of such other alternates showing the amount for each and the date when that amount expires) AlA Document A101T11-1997. Copyright @1915, 1918, 1925, 1937, 1951, 1958, 1961,1963,1967,1974,1977,1980,1987,1991 and 1997 by The American Institute of Architects. All rights reserved. WARNING: This AlA"' Document Is protected by U.5. Copyright Law and International Treaties. 2 Unauthorized reproduction or distribution of this AlAe Document, or any portion of It, may resuh In severe civil and criminal penalties, and will be prosecuted to the maximum extent possible under the law. This document was produced by AlA software at 12:24:15 on 04/0512005 under Order NO.1 000145777_1 which expires on 11/10/05, and is not for resale. User Notes: (1242612692) N/jI , if any, are as follows: Description N/A - Units Price ($ 0.00) ;;,:,::(,_:,~:,:~: ;. <-'- '':; -' ~'-" ",-> -; ;.'{:';':: ,~. ;'-"-::~'. :;,~,:;:,.".",. . ",',,:"__c; ~-,-:::,:,,->, "'}, i) ,'iARTICLE 5PAYMENlS< \?')'~!~.1 PROG~~~~ PA YME~ts '::,S~.1.1 B~~,upon A.pplic;ttions for Payment submitted to the Architect by the Contractor and Certificates for >\;!~,{ ':YRaxmentis.~u~bYtl:1eAic:hitect, the Owner shall make progress payments on account of the Contract Sum to the '" ...'{c:ontrac.f~t_~provi~ed>BeloWand elsewhere in the Contract Documents. -;~ ;,; '.; ::.. " -;\(~::\',:;:\ ~~-~f)<\:;~: ":~~~'X~';? <,'. '. '~,,~'.:", .. , ;, ~';.-.:. -,; '-":- .;..,...,.. '';,S5:1.2fJle'p#ri94S9~e're~~y.:e,ach Application for Payment shall be one calendar month ending on the last day of ,<the rrionth;' or asfoll()ws~;'} ..i::: "_:":-'\',i ,">;-';:;,:..:;; :':-;/:~,',;,',~<;- ::.'Y) ":"..~,-,,.:',.':' .,;,,<.:::~,:,>.-:; ."\".>:-:_'-;--:" ,',"',,", " liSabov(;< }'.:,':.'<i.','" ".c.,_'... :;.:;~;.:::;:; .<-'..,..'-':>;:~--'-,.- :;~:':,_.. ::;,.,.-.:,:..:;:;;,:. ;:S~;J..6shhj&tt9~ili~ii;rO\iisions of the Contract Documents, the amount of each progress payment shall be 'com'putedas follows: i.,,;, ' ',;i',','::-' ";:~ 1 iN,'Titke~l,lt ~6~i~~:~f~~tontract Sum prOperly allocable to completed Work as determined by . . multiplying the percentage completion of each portion of the Work by the share of the Contract Sum al1cx:a.@,tdtpa~portion of the Work in the schedule of values, less retainage of Ten percent ( '. ;.,1 O.OO~)'.'p'ep.~ingfinal determination of cost to the Owner of changes in the Work, amounts not in disputeshallb~ip.cIuded as provided in Section 7.3.8 of AlA Document A20l-l997; '"--)':'.:;--''''''' "" '.>-..>~:~-, "";.~..,:,. .2c;,;Ad(Ithat portion of the Contract Sum properly allocable to materials and equipment delivered and "spitabl:y~tored at the site for subsequent incorporation in the completed construction (or, if approved ';iti'a~yan:ce by the Owner, suitably stored off the site at a location agreed upon in writing), less retainage of Ten percent ( 10.00%); the aggregate of previous payments made by the Owner; and amounts, if any. for which the Architect has withheld or nullified a Certificate for Payment in Section 9.5 of AlA Document A20l-l997. S 5.1.7 The progress payment amount determined in accordance with Section 5.1.6 shall be further modified under the following circumstances: AlA Document A101™ -1997. Copyright @1915, 1918, 1925, 1937, 1951, 1958, 1961, 1963, 1967, 1974, 1977, 1980, 1987, 1991 and 1997 by The American Institute of Architects. All rights reserved. WARNING: This AlAe Document Is protected by U.S. Copyright Law and International Treaties. 3 Unauthorized reproduction or distribution of this AlAe Document, or any portion of It, may result In severe civil and criminal penalties, and will be prosecuted to the maximum extent possible under the law. This document was produced by AlA software at 12:24:15 on 04/0512005 under Order No.1 000145777_1 which expires on 11/10/05, and is not for resale, User Notes: (1242612692) .1 Add, upon Substantial Completion of the Work, a sum sufficient to increase the total payments to the full amount of the Contract Sum, less such amounts as the Architect shall determine for incomplete Work, retainage applicable to such work and unsettled claims; and (Section 9.8.5 of AlA Document A201-1997 requires release of applicable retainage upon Substantial Completion of Work with consent of surety, if any.) , - ~.'- -. . t,.::,;::"" ,',',i...<,','; ': :'~~" '/. .,..,':-',...,., ...-:,...--/,.. '-~ :.:, "'.:' :; .. .;:~(~ ;,;->,~,(;-; "i'>.. ',,",: :.::,::: ',,: :',', .2 Add, if final completion of the Work is thereafter materially delayed through no fault of the Contractor, any additional amounts payable in accordance with Section 9.10.3 of AlA Document A201-1997. ,;:;.,...,-,'; .;.'.i,:...:,:"'-:' , .,~ ',,',:: ,j}S~.1.8 ReductI6n or ~,@tation of retainage, if any. shall be as follows: ::(/fit is inte1J4~d,priqr.l9JS.ubstantial Completion of the entire Work, to reduce or limit the retainage resulting from }t~~percent~g~s.inse1Je.d.iin Sections and above, and this is not explained elsewhere in the Contract <}'Documen{s/insert herep,.ovisions for such reduction or limitation.) ~:\)- ,~-",:,;':)->':<::>' ;, . ,-~ :::. "- \. F~!#Q~e ,':",:,:',";:' ,'.irei" ';...',' ,,',: ,.':,,?< .,',iL \ ! 5.1.9 E",cePt\\lith ~e ()~~7~'~ prior approval, the Contractor shall not make advance payments to suppliers for ... tn~;teriilIsor equitl1~:ienf\vhicIihave not been delivered and stored at the site. ',::','.'.::'.:':'.;:'; ';::--::;;::-::<'/;~ ,::_:,:,'-)::.~::':'~;'::' S5.~A~ALPAYMENTY':""./' ,:. )fi~.2JFin~p~ym~~t;'86nStit1i#hg the entire unpaid balance of the Contract Sum, shall be made by the Owner to the __";\'\;:Co:i1tiactOr-\*heri::"~'~'-',C,'~?:<;:" ,-,,-,,_: ";".:,,<':,': ",~; :,;;.;y: , :':: ::-";: .' ;':',~ ~:--:..-:' .,'/-:>,:'",<,' : ".'",":-.:>:.' - ';:,:':'-,"::'-;, ,:_-.:'-.:,-: .,;;.X~ 1;:lli~C9IlR~~o/has fully performed the Contract except for the Contractor's responsibility to correct '\,y%.\"',:! 'Y()rk~provi(IecJ in Section l2.2.2 of AlA Document A20l-l997, and to satisfy other requirements. :':/>c..ifll11y,'whi~hext:end beyond final payment; and :":,'-',-:";~':-/,:<::':,:>_:" 'r 'i",:?i:2~!;, ~'~nlll~ffg~te for Payment has been issued by the Architect. '> ";' "',;'S5.2.2TH~o~~r'sfi~~!paymen t to the Contractor shall be made no later than 30 days after the issuance of the ArChitect's firilirCertificatefor as follows: ';','.': '- -, -, ': ',:; ':'.'-'-:;,'- .:..;. ~ ;:'. .... ,: . ;, .' _,'h:.:;,.:,::'-..-......._:-,.; :-.~, '.-,.- I}~above ; ;,-.,"",." ,.:..-..>..:->,..';. '.,:.-,;;-.,..:--.-.-:.,..'.,:..,':.-...._:.,.,:,:." ':..: ',,-' ,C,' '....AFl!1~E~~.,1'~~!v1l~X+ION,.6R SUSPENSION " 'fi6.1.Ihe9>ntracfmay be terminated llY the Owner or the Contractor as provided in Article 14 of AlA Document , ,',A20g1997.' X/.,:, :<::;,~":"''';'~' ";':;':;'/;'::.',('," ,. "":',;',",; V5~.2TheW()ikmayb6 suspe~d~by the Owner as provided in Article l4 of AlA Document A20l-1997. . '.',.... . .. .~;- ". i~tj~(E 7MiSCEI.~~~9:lJ~;PR()VISIONS fi 7;1 Where referencd.sin3.d~itlthis Agreement to a provision of AlA Document A20l-l997 or another Contract , ';;; pocument,therefeJ:"enceferers10 that provision as amended or supplemented by other provisions of the Contract ::::).~'i?(::,;~.J~pcumeri~$~\ --:. ~"-;::::;',::;.,,':'" ',,'-,,:::,/r::::,:.<',; . "',,:, '<57.2 Paymentsdue~ndimpaid under the Contract shall bear interest from the date payment is due at the rate stated below, or in theaI,sence thereof, at the legal rate prevailing from time to time at the place where the Project is ." .... : .' , INil ) '..', " , , :' agreed upon, if any.) monthly (Usury requirements under the Federal Truth in Lending Act, similar state and local consumer credit laws and other regulations at the Owner's and Contractor's principal places of business, the location of the Project and elsewhere may affect the validity of this provision. Legal advice should be obtained with respect to deletions or modifications. and also regarding requirements such as written disclosures or waivers.) AlA Document A101TU -1997. Copyright @1915, 1918, 1925, 1937, 1951, 1958, 1961, 1963, 1967, 1974, 1977, 1980, 1987, 1991 and 1997 by The American Institute of Architects. All rights reserved. WARNING: This AlA" Document Is protected by U.s. COpyright Law and Internatlonal Treaties. 4 Unauthorized reproduction or distribution of this AlA" Document, or any portion of It, may result In severe clvU and criminal penalties, and will be prosecuted to the maximum eXl8nt possible under the law. This document was produced by AlA software a112:24:15 on 04/0512005 under Order NO,l 000145777_1 which expires on 11/10/05, and is not for resale, User Notes: (1242612692) . ~,' ,~:.:' ,:) ':':, ~.:...,: ":,-;'::C", ~})%;t)' ; : -. :,:; :~ :',:::,'; ;,'-,:';-">',,-" i.';"" ::){:,::\:.(:,,:,;.,,;, ::'::>}:':"::<-:': ;'.:,;:'--:': '.:-, '.' ,';,,-, ~-: :?::"'f,~;~:':" ;': .-;.;~ ~-, ':... . ,'....~!',".. ;"'.:_:;,:;::/:'--- :. ;:';:'~: ,~/:-:;-:.'" . ,::/,.:-,:-; ; ,,-:-: ':'.:','.;:;,',..'::, ~'.~C::j;",::~~' ,-',,:"."..., representative is: and other information) Rogers ..?~5,Hwey-Walker Blvd. ;.1\~gusta, Georgia 3090l '706-82l-l643 ':.'....'^';:..... ';':'--'. ~'7.4 The COIltractor'srep.resentative is: > (Name, addreSs,and ofljerinformation) ',',-:.,--',...-...:., ;.,.. '..,-.......-..,...... , :;.,..,'..:'...... :~,~f~~J1~~:di~gad .", .t.'.,',', '.B~17h Wimd,~outl1 <:lliolin~2.9842 '706-231~1490 ' , , ~7:fj Other pr<>visions: :-'>--:_;:_::"~ ~::' In~h~ _'.::C,:<.:;: ',', -:\:<''':...,:,:;,:'' :.,:<.;,>;_:..,:,.~.:,: ,'.,",;,', .AFlTlC, L,'..,E, 8 E" N" .,U,<MERA" T, iO"".,N,,',.',,.,.,,',OF CONTRACT DOCUMENTS ..~8.11'he.9>ntra(;t[)6cu#u;n~~, except for Modifications issued after execution of this Agreement, are enumerated as ">follows:' ,,' " ,.,' ., .~.~.1.'.TIi~.j\.gr~~m.e#t.i~tW{~xecuted 1997 edition of the Standard Form of Agreement Between Owner and "'c;()ntr~ct()r, AJ:J\.oocuineiii: A 10 l-l997 . ~~.1;2~.@~ q~n~mito#dit.il)~S aretlle,19,9.7 edition of the General Conditions of the Contract for Construction, AlA DocumentA20};.1997 iAsamended.SeeAttachment D. ,'- - "'-"'.'-'.. .,,- ; :,:.- :'.:: '. ,- . , '.' , ". '-, '.' '.', "" '..., ' ,', '-:. :. '.':' ~ '.. ';. ' :'--.;"-'. '..-..,.:..",--. .',',". ";,--:'-'.:.;',{--'.':." ,':."'-,'-' .;.,...--,...,' ...', ''-'----''''--'--:'''',-.','. i8.d'I'l1:~UIlI~l~m#n~atldothgl'C~nditions of the Contract are those contained in the Project Manual dated De,cember 23;2004;'imd are as follows -"'-'J Pages '><'.Docurnent ',," See Attachment Title '.'-'_'X.',.-c. " ;-~>' ',--:,_::,:': ~':'_: SIiecrfidaIT6Il~i~~;ih9~~ contained in the Project Manual dated as in Section 8.l.3, and are as follows: list the Specifica.ti()n~Nr(!or refer to an exhibit attached to this Agreement.) of Specifi()ations eXhibit: Augusta Richmond County Fire Station #13. See Attachment B. ,..',",'--'."_:.:.'.c....,..:,......:.:',.--...':..: '" ~.,;" .' - ':',' .:...,' ....-;.. ','. .-:', ~~ipta~~gslire as follows, and are dated December 23, 2004 unless a different date is shown below: list the Drawings here or refer to an exhibit attached to this Agreement.) Title of Drawings exhibit: Augusta Richmond County Fire Station #13 .. .;, if any. are as follows: '>,,' ':.. "', ',I '",' '" " 2 Date 2/l6/05 2/17/05 Pages 1 1 AlA Document A101™ -1997. Copyright @1915, 1918, 1925, 1937, 1951, 1958, 1961, 1963, 1967,1974,1977,1980,1967,1991 and 1997 by The American Insmute of Architects. All rights reserved. WARNING: This AlAe Document Is protected by U.S. Copyright Law and Internlltlonal Treaties. 5 Unauthorized reproduction or dlstrlbutlon of this AlA" Document. or any portion of It, may result In severe clvU and criminal penalties, and will be prosecuted to the maximum extent possible under the law. This document was produced by AlA software at 12:24:15 on 04/0512005 under Order NO,1 000145777_1 which expires on 11/1 0105, and is not for resale, User Notes: (1242612692) Portions of Addenda relating to bidding requirements are not part of the Contract Documents unless the bidding are also enumerated in this Article 8. documents, if any, forming part of the Contract Documents are as follows: additional documents that are intended to form part of the Contract Documents. AlA Document A20J- that bidding requirements such as advenisement or invitation to bid, Instructions to Bidders, sample the Contractor:S bid are not pan of the Contract Documents unless enumerated in this Agreement. They be listed here only if intended to be part of the Contract Documents.) as of the day and year frrst written above and is executed in at least three original to the Contractor, one to the Architect for use in the administration of the Owner. AlA Document Al0l1M -1997. Copyright @1915, 1918, 1925, 1937, 1951, 1958, 1961, 1963, 1967, 1974, 1977, 1980, 1987, 1991 and 1997 by The American Institute of Architects. All rights reserved. WARNING: This AlA" Document Is protected by U.S. Copyright Law and International Treaties. 6 Unauthorized reproduction or distribution of this AlAe Document, or any portion of It, may result In severe civil and criminal penalties. and will be prosecuted to the maximum extent possible under the law. This document was produced by AlA software at 12:24:15 on 04/0512005 under Order NO,l000145777 _1 which expires on 11/10/05, and is not for resale. User Notes: (1242612692) Attachment A Page 1 of 4 SECTION 00800 SUPPLEMENTARY CONDITIONS INTENT 1.01 These Supplementary Conditions amend and supplement the General Conditions defined in Document 00700 and other provisions of the Contract Documents as indicated below. All provisions which are not so amended or supplemented remain in full force and effect. 1.02 The terms used in these Supplementary Conditions which are defined in the General Conditions have the meanings assigned to them in the General Conditions. MODIFICATIONS TO AlA A201 2.01 ARTICLE 1 . GENERAL PROVISIONS A. Paragraph 1.1.3: ADD and INSERT: The word "product" between the words "materials" and "equipment". B. Paragraph 1.2: ADD SUBPARAGRAPH: "1.2.4 The drawings have been prepared on the basis of surveys and inspections of the site, and are intended to present an essentially accurate indication of the physical conditions at the site. This, however, shall not relieve the Contractor of the necessity for fully informing himself as to existing physical conditions including all applicable laws, ordinances, rules and regulations." 2.02 ARTICLE 2 . OWNER: A. Paragraph 2.1: ADD SUBPARAGRAPH: "2.1.3 The owner referred to herein is: Board of Commissioners, Augusta/Richmond County Municipal Building, 530 Greene Street Augusta, GA 30901." 2.03 ARTICLE 3 - CONTRACTOR A. Paragraph 3.4: ADD SUBPARAGRAPH: "3.4.4 Not later than thirty (30) days from the Contract Date, the Contractor shall provide a list of all products proposed for installation, including the name of the manufacturer of each, for approval by Owner and Architect. The list shall be tabulated by and be complete for each specification section. Where applicable, subcontractor"s names shall be included \ in such list. a. After the Contract has been executed, Owner and Architect will consider a formal request for the substitution of products in place of those specified, under the following conditions: b. The request is accompanied by complete data on the proposed substitution substantiating compliance with the Contract Documents including product identification and description, performance and test data, references and samples where applicable, and an itemized comparison of the proposed substitution with the products specified or named by Addenda, with data relating to Contract time schedule, design and artistic effect where applicable, and its relationship to separate contracts. c. The request is accompanied by accurate cost data on the proposed substitution in comparison with the product specified, whether or not modification of the Contract Sum is to be a consideration. d. Requests for substitution based on Clause above, when forwarded by Contractor to Architect, are understood to mean that Contractor: 2412/ Augusta/Richmond County Fire Station # 13 00800 - 1 SUPPLEMENTARY CONDITIONS Page 2 of 4 1) Represents that he has personally investigated the proposed substitute product and determined that it is equal or superior in all respects to that specified; 2) Will provide the same guarantee for the substitution that he would for that specified; 3) Certified that the cost data presented is complete and includes all related costs under this Contract, but excludes costs under separate contracts and Architect"s re-design costs and that he waives all claims for additional costs relating to the substitution which subsequently become apparent; and, 4) Will coordinate the installation of the accepted substitute, making such changes as may be required for the work to be complete in all respects. e. Substitutions will not be considered if: 1) they are indicated or implied on shop drawing submissions without the formal request required above; or, 2) for their implementation they require a substantial revision of the contract documents in order to accommodate their use." 2.04 ARTICLE 4 - ADMINISTRATION OF THE CONTRACT A. Paragraph 4.1: ADD SUBPARAGRAPH: "4.4.4 The Architect referred to herein is: a. Virgo Gambill Architects b. 2531 Center West Parkway Suite 200 c. Augusta, Georgia 30909" 2.05 ARTICLE 7 - CHANGES IN THE WORK A. Paragraph 7.1: ADD SUBPARAGRAPH: "7.1.4 In determining the cost or credit to the Owner resulting from a change in the Work, by either Change Order or Directive, the allowances for overhead and profit combined, included in the total cost to the Owner, shall not exceed these percentages as follows: a. For the Prime Contractor, for any work performed by his own forces, 15% of the cost; b. For the Subcontractor involved, for work performed by his own forces, 15% of the cost; c. For the Prime Contractor, for work performed by his Subcontractors, 7% of the amount due the Subcontractor." 2.06 ARTICLE 9 - PAYMENTS AND COMPLETION A. Paragraph 9.2: ADD SUBPARAGRAPH: "9.2.2 The Schedule of Values shall be prepared in such a manner that each major item of work and each subcontracted item of work is shown as a single line item on AlA Document G702A, Application and Certificate for Payment, Continuation Sheet." B. Paragraph 9.3: ADD SUBPARAGRAPH: "9.3.4 The form of Application For Payment shall be AlA Document G702, Application and Certificate for Payment, supported by AlA Document G702A, Continuation Sheet. a. Until the work is 50% complete, the Owner will pay 90 percent of the amount due the Contractor on account of progress payments. At the time the work is 50% complete, if the manner of completion of the work and its progress are and remain satisfactory to the Architect, and in the absence of other good and sufficient reasons, the Architect shall (on presentation by the Contractor of Consent of Surety) certify for payment to the Contractor half of the funds then held as retainage by the Owner. Thereafter, the Owner will pay 95% of the amount due the Contractor on account of remaining progress payments. b. The full contract retainage may be reinstated if the manner of completion of the work 2412 I Augusta/Richmond County Fire Station # 13 00800 - 2 SUPPLEMENTARY CONDITIONS Page 3 of 4 and its progress do not remain satisfactory to the Architect, (or if the Surety'withholds his consent), or for other good and sufficient reasons." . .2.07 ARTICLE 11.5 - INSURANCE AND BONDS A. Paragraph 11.1.2: ADD SUBPARAGRAPH: " The insurance required by subparagraph 11.1.1 shall be written for not less than the following limits: a. Workman's Compensation - Statutory b. Employer"s Liability - $500,000 c. Comprehensive General Liability: 1) Bodily Injury - $1,000,000 2) Personal Injury - $1,000,000 d. Property Damage - $1,000,000 e. Automobile Liability: 1) Bodily Injury - $1,000,000 2) Property Damage - $1,000,000 f. Contractor's Protective Liability - Same limits as Comprehensive General Libility above. g. Products and Completed Operations Liability - Same limits as Comprehensive General Libility above for (2) two years minimum, commencing with issuance of Final Certificate for Payment. h. Contractual Liability - Same limits as Comprehensive General Libility above." B. Paragraph 11.1: ADD SUBPARAGRAPH: "11.1.4 Furnish two (2) copies of Certificates herein required; specifically set forth evidence of all coverages required by subparagraph 11.1.1 of the "General Conditions. The form of the Certificate shall be AlA Document G705. Furnish to the Owner copies of any endorsements that are subsequently issued amending coverage or limits." C. Paragraph 11.2: ADD SUBPARAGRAPH: "11.2.2 A certificate of compliance shall be furnished to the General Contractor through the Architect. This insurance shall have a $100 "Deductible" on any insured loss and that the amount of this deductible and ANY other losses not specifically covered under the Owner's policy shall be borne by the General Contractor and/or his subcontractors. Loss of any tools, equipment, scaffolding, staging, towers, forms, machinery, etc. owned or rented by mechanics, or the Contractor or the Subcontractors, which are not intended to become a part of the project will not be covered; but it does cover damage to the building or contents because of theft or burglary. The General Contractor and/or his subcontractors must report any loss to the Owner as soon as the loss occurs in order that damage be assessed before job conditions are disturbed. Formal claims against this policy should be submitted within 21 days after occurrence." D. Paragraph 11.5: ADD SUBPARAGRAPH: "11.5.3 Prior to signing of Construction Contract, the Contractor must furnish Performance Bond, and Labor and Material Payment Bond covering the faithful performance of the Contract and the payment of all obligations arising thereunder. Bonds must be executed in triplicate and issued at 100% of the Contract Amount for all coverages. The Performance Bond and the Labor and Material Payment Bond may be in one, or may be in separate instruments in accordance with local law; Surety Company Underwriting this document must be authorized to do business in the State of Georgia and must be acceptable to the Owner.The bond value requirements are as follows: a. Provide a 100 percent Performance Bond on AlA A312. 2412 / Augusta/Richmond County Fire Station # 13 00800 - 3 SUPPLEMENTARY CONDITIONS Page 4 of 4 b. Provide a 100 percent Payment Bond on AlA A311. c. Deliver bonds within 3 days after execution of the Contract." 2.08 ADDITIONAL ARTICLE 15 - DEFINITIONS A. Products: Means new material, machinery, components, equipment, fixtures, and systems forming the Work, but does not include machinery and equipment used for preparation, fabrication, conveying and erection of the Work. Products may also include existing materials or components required for reuse. B. Furnish or Supply: To supply and deliver, unload, inspect for damage. C. Install: To unpack, assemble, erect, apply, place, finish, cure, protect, clean, and ready for use. D. Provide: To furnish or supply, plus install. END OF DOCUMENT 00800 2412/ Augusta/Richmond County Fire Station # 13 00800 - 4 SUPPLEMENTARY CONDITIONS Attachment B SECTION 00010 TABLE OF CONTENTS Page 1 of 4 00001 - PROJECT TITLE PAGE 00010 - TABLE OF CONTENTS 00015 - LIST OF DRAWINGS 00100 - BID SOLICITATION 00200 - INSTRUCTIONS TO BIDDERS 00220 - SUPPLEMENTARY INSTRUCTIONS TO BIDDERS 00410 - BID FORM 00500 - FORM OF AGREEMENT 00600 - BONDS AND CERTIFICATES 00700 - GENERAL CONDITIONS 00800 - SUPPLEMENTARY CONDITIONS DIVISION 1 -- GENERAL REQUIREMENTS 01100 - SUMMARY 01210 - ALLOWANCES 01300 - ADMINISTRATIVE REQUIREMENTS 01325 - CONSTRUCTION PROGRESS SCHEDULE 01330 - DELAYS AND TIME EXTENSIONS 01500 - TEMPORARY FACILITIES AND CONTROLS 01600 - PRODUCT REQUIREMENTS 01780 - CLOSEOUT SUBMITTALS DIVISION 2 -- SITE CONSTRUCTION 02230 - SITE CLEARING 02361 - SOIL TREATMENT FOR TERMITE CONTROL 02751 - CEMENT CONCRETE PAVEMENT 02764 - PAVEMENT JOINT SEALANTS DIVISION 3 -- CONCRETE 2412/ Augusta/Richmond County Fire Station # 13 00010 - 1 TABLE OF CONTENTS 03300 - CAST -IN-PLACE CONCRETE DIVISION 4 -- MASONRY 04065 - MORTAR AND MASONRY GROUT 04220 - CONCRETE MASONRY UNITS DIVISION 5 -- METALS - NOT USED DIVISION 6 -- WOOD AND PLASTICS - NOT USED DIVISION 7 -- THERMAL AND MOISTURE PROTECTION 07212 - BOARD INSULATION 07260 - VAPOR RETARDERS 07900 - JOINT SEALERS DIVISION 8 -- DOORS AND WINDOWS 08360 - ALUMINUM SECTIONAL DOORS DIVISION 9 -- FINISHES 09900 - PAINTS AND COATINGS DIVISION 10 -- SPECIALTIES 10523 - FIRE EXTINGUISHERS, CABINETS AND ACCESSORIES DIVISION 11 -- EQUIPMENT - NOT USED 2412/ Augusta/Richmond County Fire Station # 13 00010 - 2 Page 2 of 4 TABLE OF CONTENTS Page 3 of 4 DIVISION 12 -- FURNISHINGS - NOT USED DIVISION 13 -- SPECIAL CONSTRUCTION 13125 - METAL BUILDING SYSTEMS DIVISION 14 -- CONVEYING SYSTEMS - NOT USED DIVISION 15 -- MECHANICAL 15050 - GENERAL PROVISIONS 15051 - CODES, PERMITS & INSPECTION 15060 - FIRESTOPPING 15090 - MECHANICAL SUPPORTING DEVICES 15100 - VALVES 15200 - VIBRATION & SOUND CONTROL 15250 - MECHANICAL SYSTEMS INSULATION 15311 - COMPRESSED AIR SYSTEM 15350 - NATURAL GAS SYSTEM 15401 - DOMESTIC WATER SYSTEMS 15405 - SOIL, WASTE AND VENT SYSTEMS 15450 - PLUMBING FIXTURES & ACCESSORIES 15815 - GAS-FIRED UNIT HEATERS 15820 - FANS 15851 - VEHICULAR EXHAUST REMOVAL SYSTEMS 15900 - HV AC CONCTROLS DIVISION 16 -- ELECTRICAL 16000 - GENERAL 2412 / Augusta/Richmond County Fire Station # 13 00010 - 3 TABLE OF CONTENTS 16010 - LIGHTING AND POWER 16015 - FUSES 16020 - RACEWAYS 16030 - CONDUCTORS 16040 . OUTLETS 16050 - WIRING DEVICES & DEVICE PLATES 16060 - LIGHTING FIXTURES & LAMPS 16070 - DISCONNECT SWITCHES 16090. PHOTO CONTROL & CONTACTOR 16100 - PULL BOXES & JUNCTION BOXES & FITTINGS 16110. GROUNDING 16120 - EQUIPMENT INDENTIFICATION 16130 - DATANOICE CONDUIT & OUTLET SYSTEM 16220 - CONSTRUCTION REVIEWS, INSPECTION & TESTING END OF TABLE OF CONTENTS 2412/ Augusta/Richmond County Fire Station # 13 00010 - 4 Page 4 of 4 TABLE OF CONTENTS Attachment C SECTION 00015 LIST OF DRAWINGS COVER C1.1 SITE PLAN D1.0 DEMOLITION PLAN A1.0 NEW FLOOR PLAN A2.0 SIDE ELEVATION A3.0 TYPICAL CROSS SECTION A4.0 TYPICAL WALL SECTIONS S1.0 GENERAL NOTES, CONCRETE SECTIONS & DETAILS S2.1 STRUCTURAL PLANS & NOTES P1.0 PLUMBING DEMOLITION PLAN P2.0 PLUMBING NEW WORK PLAN P3.0 PLUMBING SCHEDULE & DETAILS M1.0 HVAC DEMOLITION PLAN M2.0 HVAC NEW WORK PLAN M3.0 VEHICLE EXHAUST SYSTEM M4.0 HV AC SECTION & DETAILS M4.1 HVAC SCHEDULES & DETSILS E1.1 FIXTURE SCHEDULE & LEGEND E2.1 LIGHTING PLAN E3.1 POWER PLAN E3.2 DEMOLITION PLAN END OF LIST OF DRAWINGS 2412/ Augusta/Richmond County Fire Station # 13 00015 - 1 Page 1 of 1 LIST OF DRAWINGS Attachment D Page 1 of 2 AMENDMENTS TO AlA DOCUMENT A20l l. AlA Document A20 l, General Conditions of the Contract for Construction, 1997 Edition, is changed / supplemented as indicated below. These changes / supplements should be posted to Section 00800 - SUPPLEMENTARY CONDITIONS in addition to the supplementary conditions already listed there. Paragraph 4.4.5 DELETE the sentence "The approval or rejection of a Claim by the Architect shall be final and binding on the parties but subject to mediation and arbitration." Paragraph 4.4.6 DELETE section. Paragraph 4.6 DELETE section. Paragraph 4.6.l DELETE section. Paragraph 4.6.2 DELETE section. Paragraph 4.6.3 DELETE section. Paragraph 4.6.4 DELETE section. Paragraph 4.6.5 DELETE section. Paragraph 4.6.6 DELETE section. Paragraph 9.7.1 DELETE the phase "...or awarded by arbitration," after ".. .the amount certified by the Architect". Paragraph ll.4.l DELETE the phrase "Unless otherwise provided..." in the first line. DELETE the first reference to the word "Owner" and SUBSTITUTE "Contractor" in the first line so it shall read, 'The Contractor shall purchase and maintain...". Paragraph ll.4.l.2 DELETE section. Paragraph ll.4.l.3 DELETE section. Paragraph ll.4.2 DELETE the first reference to the word "Owner" in the first line and SUBSTITUTE the word "Contractor" so the document will read, "The Contractor shall purchase and maintain boiler and machine insurance. . . " . Paragraph ll.4.3 DELETE the sentence "The Owner waives all rights of action against the Contractor for loss of use of the Owner's property, including consequential losses due to fire or other hazards however caused." Paragraph ll.4.4 DELETE section. Paragraph ll.4.5 DELETE section. Paragraph ll.4.6 DELETE section. Paragraph l1.4.7 DELETE section. Paragraph ll.4.8 DELETE section. Paragraph ll.4.9 DELETE section. Paragraph l1.4.1O DELETE section, Paragraph ll.5.l DELETE the first reference to the word "Owner" and SUBSTITUTE the word "Contractor". DELETE the phrase ".. .have the right to require the Contractor to..." in the first sentence, DELETE the phrase".. . stipulated in bidding requirements or specifically required in the Contract Documents on the date of execution of the Contract." and SUBSTITUTE the phrase "required by Georgia law." Paragraph 13.6 DELETE section. Paragraph 13.6.l DELETE section. Paragraph l4.1.1 DELETE number 3. Paragraph l4.l.3 DELETE the phrase".. . including reasonable overhead, profit and damages." Paragraph l4.4.4 ADD the following: This Agreement is intended by the Parties to, and does, supersede any and all provisions of the Georgia Prompt Pay Act, O.C.G.A. Section 13-ll-l, et. seq. In the event any provision of this Agreement is inconsistent with any provision of the Prompt Pay Act, the provision of this Agreement shall control. All claims, disputes and other matters in question between the Owner and the Contractor arising out of or relating to the Agreement, or the breach thereof, shall be decided in the Superior Court of Richmond County, Georgia. The Contractor, by Page 2 of 2 executing this Agreement, specifically consents to jurisdiction and venue in Richmond County and waives any right to contest the jurisdiction and venue in the Superior Court of Richmond County, Georgia. Notwithstanding any provision of the law to the contrary, the parties agree that no interest shall be due Contractor on any sum held as retainage pursuant to this Agreement and Contractor specifically waives any claim to same. Notwithstanding any provision of the General Conditions, there shall be no substitution of materials or change in means, methods, techniques, sequences or procedures of construction that are not determined to be equivalent to those indicated or required in the Contract Document, without an Amendment to the Contract. Contractor acknowledges that all records relating to this Agreement and the services to be provided upon the contract may be a public record subject to Georgia's Open Records Act (O.C.G.A. 50-l8-70, et. seq.). Contractor shall cooperate fully in responding to such request and making all records, not exempt, available for inspection and copying as provided by law. All reference to AlA Document A20l-l997 in the Standard Form of Agreement Between Owner and Contractor shall reference only this amended and attached version. The Contractor evidenced by his below signature asserts to the hereinabove modifications, deletions, and/or amendments to this document. END OF AMENDMENTS