HomeMy WebLinkAboutEnd User License and Warranty Agreement Augusta Richmond GA DOCUMENT NAME: f..hd Usev LiCeh5e tLro/ Wet VVOtf1~ Ajv-avnen+- DOCUMENT TYPE: Ae're.emerrt- YEAR: I qU/ ~ BOX NUMBER: :J Fll..,E NUMBER: /3//2 NUMBER OF PAGES: 1/ , =rK.." May 22, 1998 Mayor Larry E. Sconyers City oJ Augusta, Georgia Room 605 Municipal Bldg 530 Greene Street Augu$ta, GA 30911 Dear Mayor Sconyers: Enclo~;ed is a copy of the signed End User License and Warranty Agreement for your records. At Itron, customers come first - an attitude that has earned us a reputation for top quality, practical data collection solutions the world over. Our goal is perpetual customer satisfaction. We are pleased that you have chosen an Itron system to support your data collec"tion needs and look forward to a long and mutually beneficial relationship. If you should have questions or concerns, please do not hesitate to contact Customer Support at (800)635-8725 or me at (318)728-6620. Sincerely, "1/vlwuu,-, -1r~ William G. Waller Director, Distribution Channel Enclosure c: USI 2818 North SullivJn Road. Spokane, WA 99216 . 509.924.9900' fax 509.891.3355 -, ~ILE No. 105 04/08 '98 13:26 ID:ltron, Inc. Executive Of 15098913334 P~E 2 ITRON, INC. END USER UCENSE AND WARRANTY AGREEMENT This Agreemenl, is made this l~drJY of ,19 ,<7 . by and between "ron, Inc., a Wa5hington oorporatior,. hereinafter 'Itron', and ~ h&relnalter 'End User" . WHEREAS, llrons In the businaos of designing, manufac1uring, licensing and seling electrcnic and complier products vIIich am di&ribuled to end usero by U(. ~: . I. , hereinafter 'D!9t11buto'-; 'NHEREAS. Di61ri out()( int!lnds 10 provide sud1 electrcnic and computer products to End Us9f; and WHER€AS, 11ron requires End Uoer 10 'Iocut& this End Us.er Ucense and Warranty Agreement prior to delivery ot the alec/ronic lIJld computer produds to End User. NOW, iHEREFOi~E. in consideralion ot the mutual covenants and agr&elllenls hereinalt8r sel forth, IIron and End User hereby agrve as follows: SECTION 1. DEElWIlQ8S. When used herein, the lolowlng loonS, v.Mther plural ()( singular, shall tlave the meaning 681 lorth below: 1.1 ~nt:, The compl)1llnts and devices manufactured et'tdJor tMJt.eled 'cty Itron and provided to End User by OlGtrlbutcr. 1.2 ~I Software'. The program ptodJctB in ~Ie form and ell OCher programll recorded on the meala to be 6censed to End U 1*, including, but not imitsd tD: (a) any form of /Iron Millen programming lanGUage 6OUTCO c:od& and machin<<eadeble COde d8fived from lhe souroe oode or ottwlr.W;e licensed to End User and (b) any subsequent modifications, correctfoos or ~lsions to the pl'OlIram produdS Bcensed to End User by Itroo. 1.3 ~l:&.c\lrTlentat;on'. Any humS/Hiad4lble PtOgranl IIstJngs, now cha rts. input and ootput rMM. manuals. specificatla'lS, instructioi1s, and other ITIllterlals, and aJ'rf l::Opies of any oIlhe foregoing, in any medium, re/a!ed to the Equipment and/or LkenMd Software and deUvered to the End User. SECTION 2. TlfE LICENSED SOFTWARE 2.1 ~ I1ron hereby ~anls 10 Iind User a nonexWsive. r.onlransfarable, perpe1ual ~cef'l80 to~ltIe licensed Software, 'nduling tl1e Rel819d Doa.mentatiofl, 2.2 .l.tr2!J.:L.E~. The Uoet\68d iii. illduding w1lllout limi\i.\ilXl. programs, Rela1ed Docum . etiorl and methods ot prooe6&ing, shall rumain lI',o solo and exClusiVe property of 111011 and 6ha I not be sold, revealed, dlsd068d or Olherwise COIl"rTlunlcated. dlrealy or lndireclly, by End User 10 any pIIlWl, company or inslitulion whalS06Yer except as &81 forth herein. 2.3 ~~. End USI'lr may U88 the Lic:en8ed Software on hardware used or owned by End User. The Lioensed Software shal be llsed only for the processing c1 End Use(s 0Wl'I bosIness, 'MVch shil.lllnctuda servlclr,g and meintaring I'9COl'd6 on behalf 01 its ClJslomers. End User GhalI not {al permil any tttd PM!Y 10 use tie L.omwd Software, (bl use the Licensed Software In the oper8liOl' 01 a ool\lice bureau, 0( (e) reverse engtneer, d1sesS6lT,ble, mod"lfy, prepare derivative works or othelWisa aller the LlalnilOO Sollware, ErxI Usef may, 41116 own expense. copy al or part of !he Related DocumerilaOOn Ioc its internal U&e. End User shel reproduce 8I'\d InckJde any copyright ()( trade "MIl notials on any su::h copies. 2.4 ~ni~ I anCJJ'lga The Uctlnsed Software Is WTitlen in a specific :>rogramming languag, for use with operallng system software. Itton shall not be responsible lor fho parlOr'/Tl8llCtl ollhe l.icon$ed Software In any ocher progl'lllMling IMQUagO and operatln, system comblnallon no18Pproved by lIran. 2.S ~I)' Information. In addiOOn 10 the righ~ I!I'Id obHgl'rtlons set lonh In paragraph 5.4 herein, End U&er 1CknQwl.d~ and agrees U \at 1M IrtOtITlallon contained In lt1e Ucemed Software am RQ Iated DocuIl'lil'l1a1ion i$ proprietary or confidentlal informali'ln and is the property of llren (()( anolher pat1y who has 4/22/97 llGOO6Eld to Itron), and thai th, propriell1ly inlormation I~ being made avalabla to End User rtt l1ron in conIldMCa and solely on the basil; of End Uslll's conlidaniial rela1ionsl1lp willlltron. The proprietaJy information hi oonsidelid by Ilron 10 be a trade socrel 01 Itrcn. End User v.il1 no! provide ()( otherwise make avallab\e any Ucensed Saftwaru ()( Related Documeotmion, in any form, Ilxeepl 8S rBqJirad by law or /Ulfcla/ or {J:lYelTUTltln1al ooter, Mthoul Ilron's prior written consent, exeepl to ~ or consultants d End lie$( \\otIOse aooess to tho lnformatioo is necelUry to en8ble End User to exerclse its righta under INs LJcense. SECTIOM 8. PAYMENT End Uoor acknowledges th81 Distributor will provide payment to Ilron a'l End Uoo~s bet1aJf 10 p4'Ovlde consideraoon 01 thj$ Agreement and that End User is the beneflclely of SIICh payment. End U&er IIJrther understarxis Ihat End User is nrimbursing Oi$trilufor for such payment as pari of End U86(1I Bgf9am8n\ 10f ctrtaining \he Equipmen\ and Ucensed Software. SEcnON 4. WARRANTY AND WARRANTY EXCLUSIONS 4.1 ~,"ron warTallts that. lor the periods set forth below lrom the dale of shipment from Itron. elld11tam of E~~rrnmt Will be lree trom da1eCfs In material and workmiWrnp llIld the Ueensed Software shall perform substanllally In accordance wlth the then current speOOcations: ~ Upgraded Equipment All new Equipment and UOIlnsed Software Warranty filiQ\1 gO c1ays 14 monlNi Itrtn shall repaJr or provide an equivalent Illpl~ cA any ~em of Equipment and Ucensed Soflwe1e deemed ciefec1iw at no charge to End User duri~ this warranly period alter properly packaged and rutumed prepaid 10 lIToo's designated 69l\1loe Cluller. End User agrees 10 1umish Itron rellSoneble ecee68 to said Equipment 8lld licensed Software. End User agrees !hat Ihe 9.boYe remedies are End USefs exdusive remedies ~ the event 01 breach of warranty. THIS WARRANTY 16 IN LIEU OF ALL OTHER WARRANTIES, WHETHER EXPRESS, IMPlIED OR ST1TUTORY,IKClUmNG BUT NOT UMITED TO IMPUfD WARRAHTlES OF MERCHAHTABlUTY AND RTNESS FOR A PARTlCUlAIl PURPOSE OR ANY IMPUED WARRANTY ARlSWG FROII COURSE OF PERFORMANCE, COURSE OF DEAUHG OR USAGE OF TRADE. 4.2 WarrantY ExclU&Jons. The warranties provided by Ilron under II1is Agreement do not indi.de 'he loUowing s8lVices. but if such -"', FILE No. 105 a4/08 '98 13:27 ID:ltron, Inc. Executive Of 15098913334 PASE 3 mvices ;U'll available, \hey ClIn be provided by llron under tI1ls Agreement at Itron's then appAcatle time and material charge6 ~nd travel expen9116. (a) Repair cl damage or increase in ~rvice time clW6ad by lailu re to COOflllJlIlly pmv;de a 6uitable Installation onv roomant. (0) Ra~air of damage or increase in setVice lime caused by the use 01 \he Equipment or Ucensed Software tor oIhe1lMn datil procas.ing purposes for wtich designed; 0( /'lllgled Of misuse. (c) Repair 01 damagi C&'J,ed by accident 01 di5aster. v<<Vch incl Jdss, but Is not linted to fire, flood, submersion in water. wind, HghtnSlg, t~m5pOl1ation subsequent to delivery. or force maj8Utll. (d) Inspection 01 aIIeted EquiplTl8nl, repair 01 damage or iflCl~ase In service lima caused by anerallons not aulhorized by 'tron, whicl1 alterations indudll. but are not rllTited to, any dEl\iation lTom Itrtrl'S physical, mechanical or eIecllicel Eqllipment design. (e) Repair of damage or incrtU8 in selVloe time caused by the eorlVersion lrom one Itron model to lIflOther or \h8 ins1 aJla~on or removal of an Itron teature whenever any 01 the foregoing was performed by other than Itron or M authorized agents. (~ Seivice lima and ma\8rials IUlSOCialed with the rea lWlgBment or relocation 01 EqLipment. SEC110H 5. RKiiHTS AND OBUGATlONS 5.1 lnfdllw)6f1t indemnity. IIron wil defend End IJJler agM'ts1 a daim thlt Equipment or L.kensed Software i\4lPliW M18under infringes a U.S. palen!, copyright, trade seetel or olhei proprilllaJ'y Propirty rigrt or \hat the Equipmenfs operation pur$uant to /I currsnt nron release and modification 1M! of any Ucensed Softwaro ~plied by "ron infr1ng65 a U.s. palent, copyrighl, trade gecrst (If other proprietary property rtghl, and Itron wil pay ra6ulti"' costs, damages II1ld attorney tees finally awarded. provided that: (a) End I.l5er promptly notiflElS nroo in writing oI1he dalm; and (b) flrm has lOIe contra of ths defense and an relaWd 5e':tlemel'i nagolialiOllG. Itron's obllgaton under lhili Seclion i$ cood'rtionlld on End U8ers agreemtlnl tha1 M the Equipment, or lhe operation thereof, or the License:! SoltwlU8, bIlcol'l'lll!l. or in "ron's opinion is nkely \0 baCOfOll the subject 01 sod! a claim, End User will permit Ilron, at Itron's option and expense, either tc prooJ18 tho right for End User to continue using the Equipment or Ucensed Software or to r6P1l109 or modify !he sarre $0 that they become nonllfringing: ~ch ,!placements or moOmcaliona shall be lunctlonally eqtivalmll to tI1e Equipment and I.iconsed SoIlwere; and if the foregol~g alle~s are no! available on terms whic:tl are reasonable in Itron's jud!JBlOOnl, End l.I6Q( will re!Inl the Equipment or Licensed S~re on written raque91 to limn, llroo shall re' und 10 End User \h& End Us~s then boOk ..-alue 01 suct1 returned Equipmalll and Ucen5ed Software lIS depreciated. Itron has no 8ati1ity lor any claim bas6d upon the comblnatlon, operaticln 0/ use of any Equipment or LiceMed Softw/II'll supplied hereunder 1'01lt1 equlpmen1 or so1tware not approved by llroo, or based lopon End Users alteration 01 \tie Equpmant or modlIlcation 01 any IJcensed SotIware supplied hereunder. The lor~golng .lates the entire obligetion of llron with I1I6pecllo Infringement 01 patents, copyri\11ts, trade scc18b or OItier proprifllary property. 4/l2/~7 5.2 U[J1~a1lon 01 Uability. ITRON'S TOTAL UABlUTY FOR DAMAGES TO END USER SHALL NOT EXCEED THE AMOUNTS PAID BY END USER FOR THE EOIJIPMENT AND LICENSED SOFTWARE. IN NO EVENT SHALL rTRON BE LIABLE, WHETHER IN CONTRACT, NEGUGENCE, TORT, OR ON ANY OlliER BASIS, FOR COVER OR FOR INCIDENTAL, CONSEQUENT1AL ONCLUOlH<l LOSS Of REVENUE, SAVINGS Ofl PROmS) em EXEMPLARY DAMAGES ARISING OUT OF OR IN CONNEC'TlON WfTH lliE SALE, MAINTENANCE, USE, PERFOfU,tANCE, FAILURE OR INTERRUPTION IN THE OPERATION OF THE EQUIPMENT OR UCENSED SOFTWARE. 5.3 lZmIce A1\8r W8ITBIlty. ltJon warrants that the EquIpment and lkooSBd Software are ell~bla for servioo llldar Itron's SWldaId mce agreement. The 100 for SIlrvice shall be at ltron's then prevailing rates. AJ. End Users option, ltle service ageemanl may commence on lhe data of erpirallon of the ini~aJ warmnty period lor the Eqlipmenl and/or Lk:ell66d Sottwe.re. 5.4 A1nfidentlallty. Excepl as req..ired by law or iuclidaJ 01 pemmental order, llron and End UAr iglOO to hokl in slridest confidenco all infOrmation and matertal which Is releted to ei\hel party's busine9s, which is designalod as proprietary and oonftdentlal herein, or whIch Is related to the periormance, by the parties rJ thair obigalioos undef this Agreement. Proprie~ and oon1idential rnormation Includes, but i6 no\ limitlld to the \erm6 01 thls Agreement. information ralalee! to research, development, pr1chg, trade secrets, CU6tomer lists, &alari~ or business affairs of 'he parties to this Agreement. The parlles' obllgalions 01 confidentiaity under Ulill Agreement shall survive lormlnatJcn of this Agreement 5.5 Equpment or I.icaO&8d Software Modlflcalion. ttron's obUga1lons hereunder may be aUvefisly affected In tha event End User modlIles the Equipment or Ucensed Sottware or LIleS 81rf attachment, feature, or device on IIla Eqliprnenl, wilt10ut ~! otrtainng Itron's vrrlttEWl approval. 5.6 Law Complianoe. "100 6han comply wtth provi5ions at the Federal Fair Labor Standards Act In the mamfac\uru 01 the Equpmerrt and lioensed Software. induding all laws prohibitilg cfl6C!irrenation in e~loymlYlt, 10 the extent that $l.ICh laws pertain \0 Itron. 5.7 Term and Termination. (II) T ermine1lon. This End User L1cef\96 and Warranty Agreement shan beoome eltecti\l'll upon execution by \tron and End User and may wrmna!e: (') Thirty (30) days alter a party gives the o1her party written notice of that party's rTl!1cr1A1 brellCh of this "'greemenl, unless the other party has made progress in Ct.ri'lg the breach \0 an extent 6atisladory 10 the nortJreaching party; (2} At a Ilarty's option, upon ten ('O} days wrttlen notice ol termination, upon any anempl by a party to IUlslgn, OeIegaie, sublicense or othaMlS8 lnr.sfer this Agreement. the l.icansad SoItware, the R&laled Doc\Jm&ntalion, or any 01 its rights or obligatIons under this Agreemenl without the priO( written consenl 01 the oth&r party; or (3) At a party's option, ~ ren (to) days wr1I1en noI1c9 rJ termlMllM, it the other party becomes Insolvent, executes lWl BSslgnment fO/ the benefi1 of aidi\ori, 0( becomes subject to bankruptcy or reoelVershlp procoodlngs. (b) HIQI11& and ObIiQafions Uoor] Termination Upon \armi\a~on o1lhis Agreement ..,:;. .. FILE No. 1050'4/08 '98 13:28 lD:ltron, Inc. Executive Of 15098913334 p~ 4 (') End Usefs obligatials under paragraph 2.5 ('Propfie1asy ln1orma1ion') and Iho parties' ooligalions under paragraph 5.4 ('Confldel'ltiaJity.) shaU survive the termination; (2) End Use(s Software Ucense rigtcs uroer Stction 2 shall immeciately ~; End User shall delela !he Liceraod Soflw8re !rom all other 80IlwarB i1Io which II has been merged; lI'ld End User shan Immedlal8ly deliver to Itron or destroy all CQIN' 01 the IJcenud Software ard ReIIllM Doeoolentation; howMlr, End U&6r may, ~ llton's prior written wnsent. I'lItain one (1 ) copy of the lJeensed Software and Related Documentation lor erchiYe purposes crly, and (3) End User shall, within ona (1) month aft".. the termination 01 tt1ls Agreement, certify In .",mg to IIron lhit, to the best ot End UsOf'a lcnotMedge. all copIas of the licensed Soltwartt 1m Related OoolJT18l11atlon have been rel1sned or destrOyed, except !of MY ardtive copy pennilted under paregtaph 5. 7(b )(2), (e) Qltm...Eligll1i. Each party's ~ to IeITniMte as expressed In IhIs Agreement shd be in addltion to MY Olher rights. leglll Of equitable. provided ~ law. ~CTIOH 6. QEIiiBAl. 6,1 WaM~. Ne/Ihef party he~ sMJI be I'8lIponatie for ~ failure 01' delay in t11e petfom\eneQ d ~ obligation hereunder if N:h laKJre Of deley is due 10 a ~ beyOnd the pllrly's control, IncludlOSl, bli not Uml\ed to acts 01 God, "cod. fire. YOIcano, war. lhiflJ.p;lrly $l.Ipplters, labor dGpules 01 govemmenlal ads. 6.2 ~~ 1m AS&llIlrllllnt. Neilher party may $Ublease Of BS61gn l\."" aJ t< its righ~, Of obigetion& under thiS Ag~nl vmhClJllhe wrtnen P'" 7\. consent rA lt1e other pany. ~ ~w.aw. Thl. Agreement and perfonnance hllnlVndef' thall bfl gowmed by .nd co~ In ea:qnt.ne. with Itle ..... of !he S\aSe of WMlUnglwo. q ~ rry , 4 . ~4 ~lbIJitv and Atlomey Fees. If ertf proo.isia1 in IhIa Agreemlnl ahaIl be held to be irmfld, I1egaI or unenforceable,lM vafKfrty, legality ard enIorcealliity of the remalnilg provisions shall In no Y#I'f be Bffectad or implllred 1her8by. 1ft tI1G 1l.1l1ll e/ ~~ ~atigR tQ tR/Q1Qi l!:l9 18r:mt grilli, ~~iRl ~ ~~a~~~ "lUJ Jl6fty e~afl IIll elllillee I~ reael7lRebla ~R\ey lete; belli ~ Ihl UAlQ 'fb" el IReI 8119 QR ~p,a1. 6.5 Concurrent Remedies. No righ1 or remedy herein COI'Iferrad Upal or reserved to either party is axcluliive of etrf oIhef right or remedy lutruio or by law or equlY provided or perminad: but each shall be cumulBlive of (NOry other ri!frt or remedy rjlllln hereunder or now or hereaft,r _Ing alllrw or in equity or by statute 01 othBrwfae and may be erdorced conaJr1W1IIy therewith or from ijme to time. 8.8 ~s and Reaue8ls. NotiClt$ hereunder shaU be in wrlIing and shan be given by either party to the Olher ~ dGrM3T)' or by lNiling the lame by prepaid 1'lIgi$lered mail adae6S8d as &pedfied her&in or 10 such other address as may be subslil1Jed by wnllen notiClt by elIher party to the other: End User: NOOcu to End Usar at ~ress provided below. llron: ITRON. INC. 2818 N, SUliv\w1 Rged Spokane, WA 99216 Attn: Contract ~ AIr; such notice so givlln aha. be deemed 10 haVe been received by Ih, party \0 whom addressed on the day o! deivery thereof. 6.7 Enlire Aareemenl Each party ~!lee that it hali read \hIs Agruemenl, understands ~, and egrees to be boU1d ~ its lllrms and further agrBK that It Is \he ~ and (lXQ\.ISMl IitlII.8meI'I1 of tht 19/'Il8I11ont between the parties. Arti tetrns and concilions appearing on End User's autholizalions wn not apply to or blKOmCl a pelt of this Agm/Mnl; tl1s Agreement mtr'I be modified or altered only by 11 wrilt8n instnl't'l9nl that refel$ to this Agreemsnl and is duly ex&atecl by an aulhOllzed ~ of each party. 6.B Healing! Nd Controlli'lg. HeacAnQ5 und In \hI9 Agreement ara intended lor CCI1V!lnlence or reference only ard shall not control Of aIlGcl the meaning or COIllilruction of eny provision of this Agreement. END USER: artles hereto have signed \tis Agreement the day and year 1m above written by their rmcm, INC. By: Name: Trtl&: ~ rl'"'.' ~. / ~ It Ii corporation, name lhB StaIB in which Inoorporated Dun am Bradstreet Numb1M' o jo(,.-v...u..I1"'e5 >>e11. 1/.rv/Af~ tLG, By: Name: TItle : 4/22/97 -- , 03/23/1998 08:38 7702<122550 USI PAGE el<:l rTRON, mc. SERVICE Ar3REEMENT CONTRACT NO. _ Thi$ Agraemart Is ~de!tis /~ day of ~ ... 19ft by ~ berweet1 tra\, lnc... a Wuhington corpotllIk;rl. 00n:ilaftar .ltron', and tA1~ 6"~f" , IloreInafte1 'Qmlcme( WHI:REA$, Cummei' deSi/'e$lhalltron ~ NM:ea fa tho ~.o>)( JOllwm'lt bled on ~ A. hereNAellM~. and WHEREAS, Ilrtx'l dam to proWie ser.bs b!he PtoclxU. NOW. nEREFORE. in considefatlon d!he nUuaf a:JWl'I8t1tS nf agr&emlIlall8l'eila1ler sat fOfth,Ilrcn .-d ~ heteby agree as tcIIows: SECTION 1 EUGJBIUTY AND TERfd OF AGRe!MSfT ~r ~ I~ ~ jg lt1a owner or Icensee d!he PI'lXld5 AMc:ed l.I'lder lI"is Agreernert ct, if nee h Cl'MmI' rr bns8e. has Il.t1Cdy fran I!1lI owner Of ioensee to lrdude the PIDlb:tli under this Agl1ll8l1'lent. This Aqreame::t shaI !HI eliedive from !he dilte aacepted by IDoo and ahaII remafn In btslol' lit &14St one (1) ~ * ltle wamny e~ cSatt (In "0 ilitIa1 Products, hI "AtvWersaIy .cae.. The ~ {1} ~ pedod 110m one Atr:'iririaty Dale 10 !he next AmiYersaIy Date IfIiII be dIomod flo 'AIvW8rIaiy Year". . Bh6t paIty may, at IIRJ lime We !he InIIIIl AmImaty OllIe. ...... Product rnodeb !ram thE ~ upon .Iinety (!lOt Ga)'l prior YdI8n notics. Whisn. Prodld is ddnnoin from tis ~.... Q:sbner wfI 19OBiw.tm\ lor &n'f d\8rges already peid for wMc:e ~ hi cWII d lIIfthdrawal. Allar Ihe.inilial Anriversary [)aW, this ~ IJIlZ)' bo ~ 'I';:~ I!Y eIIher party upon nlrlety (90) :lays prior writt&n notice. SECTION 2. SE6VICi Itron WIl p."OYide sonices, heteinatler 'Se~ keep !tie Prodl.ds I5Ced on ~e A in gocd ~ order In d lie IletI a.mn appbb!e ltron SeNbI Program. A CDp'f r:I sui:h PC'O\JIftl tOt the Iisl year of Setvice is altaehed he. 'e1O 8$ EllIllbll A. seMele WI ~ 1Ibor. PA/tI, . tools, and te51 ~nent ~ 6)r bl seMce w Il4'PC:It cl ,. PtQduct$ befng seNiced. New or eqWwI6nt to new tbandaId pIItI WI! bt used in..eff~ rq:Jailc. .fazts $halI be provided (In an excharige bask and , ~ partS WII be>:ome!he ~d Mn IIroo WI hIM ~ aCC&SlS to lh& PtOCl\JetlI to pl'O'Me SlMoe Ihe~. . ~eCTlON 3. OUA.RTIfRL Y CHARGES ServIca etwpes, as I:pGCified in Schedule A b' aactl Proc:tJd In! BIly ProdudI pcJ1d'Ia8&d or lICensed Slbsequert 10 Ihe IffecllVI data of thIS ~ ~ COllIIneOOll upctIlhe expltalfon of IN wananIy period tlr AJd Product. The qu~shaII be prarad'ba* ~ tdUa1 ~ expi'a!on dales. chstges sheIl be IIMlIc:ed tti1y (SJ) days ptlO( to thI HI1t d;~y of -.ch quart<< (or ~ SeMcec .. tel be prcMded. All Invo~:es for quartelti cbal1Jl'I 4halI be peld b't Cu&lDmsr . t1irty {SO) days from dare of ~pt 0I~. . lIoo may change lht l~ ~. ~ rinety ~ cl8Js ~ ... nocIce. Arrj sud\ lIIqusted ral8s shall beaIn8 Iftec:lIv8 (1'1 hi d&e 5pedlied n !he no1lcs an:! such change shall nc:( be 8fIect.oe P!klr lD tis InIlaI AmtvfJrwy Date. In no event allalt the r1Ies be rnodirltd m:n t.an once duriflo ead1 Anrnllrwy Ye8/, Changes reque&ted by Cuslomer. to Pn'x1ud &peciflcallons a~. altachments, CI feature;,may reNt i1 an ~~l of ~ $pOdliecl bUll; ~/tf c:hatge. SECTION 4. TAXES n attiIion 10 tile cfwgllS due undsr ttis Agreemn. Culibner l1gIMS tl pay amounts equsllO 8tr1 tllX8S and duties r&&iSting from Ita ~ or Ill)' aclMlfes herel.l'lder. excll.tSivo of ~ twed upon net n:ofn&, . . ., lh& eYtlIl! Customer is a iax exempt 8t\Iiy, CUslomer shalf pIOVi:fe t'on ~ a o::Jf'1f d ita lax Exemption ~ upon tXIlICUtlan of thia ~ SECTION 5. EARLYTERMINATION This Aareemenl is etfecive frmllhll date 00 \frhCh it Is aeQlCllecf by Iitn and lI'I1 remU1 ~ effe::t un\i tcqnNIed aI Iho Option 01 ~ ~ as provided In ~ 1 hEi'&ln, Of upon 1M oocurrenoe of 81I'f 01 toe toaoYMg: 4It 4,194 (a) If a party bec:cme8 i\sdvent. execulas an asQgnment IOf!he b&neflI d CtedIlDrs, or" becomes ~ to ~ or ~ .~ ~ a matarial rovision d lIWs AQ~ !he oht party ~ glrwe M\IIlIn r~:A'Dl of the brMch. I ht ~ party talls~tmak8 10 curt" breacb 10 an 8XI8r<<. ~ Ie tie patty wINn f1ity l3Oldays. tWI ~ plIty IfYi1'/ tetrnInatt AgreemenI ~'wdaeri naIIoL Upon 118 0l:llU!WIt d IUetl ~ hi 0IhIIr ~ m!}', ~ lis ClplIan lid Yhlout noIIce 10 rr demin1 en hi party n dsfd, dedare this ~ 18mil:ded. Cus!cmer sbaI receIYe . credllor any ctwoas aIr8adY peJd b" Servk:eI Ile)'t:lnd tIlJ cid!t d Is1rlllnIfIal. hCiwlMlr, i1 lhe ewnt 01 ~ an ao:::rued d1srgei WI. bec:c:lm8 ilmldIarely lbt end uenOM e. GENeRAL (ll) Sublease W Asslgmml Neilher party mlrf subIGase or ass91 iI5 ~ or otllIgaIIons ~ OK Agmemen! w!ItloU. the wriInn cmrart or I'l& oChGr party. f:lj GoYemlno LaM: na Agr8emI!lnt lWld perfonna1xle tEnu1der 2ihaJl be ~ by and aansllved in ~ WIlh lha Iawt Clf tie 8lzIle ofW~, U.s.A. (cJ Enfon:eabilty rd AlIon1ey FlH!5. It I1rf provisi:2n tI eNs ~ thall be Mld 10 be kward. I.evaI rr ~, till ~. \egaily and ~ hi ~ ptOYIsIcnil shall ~ IlC) Yn:J be atreded (I hnby. In iN Mnt of IIfgaIlon 10 enbo& lie ~ or . ~ I1e P'MiIinQ party wa be dlIId 10 reasooatlIe lItSOmGy fees, bcIh alh Ume ct trial m QI'l ~ ~ RemediBs.. No ltjtt ex tem9dy herein CXll1fened ~ CI I'Q$GNGd to eiher p.~ is exdU8lYe at ~ olher righI Of mmedy hetei1 a by law ~'8((Iity proWded rr penrittaCI; bIi each WII b8 ~ Of fNQry clhar rig'i or remecfy gfven ~ Of ('IJN Ct hetUtl8t 8ldslIno lit law Olin equir. <<.w staib rr oh!twfse n1 may be enfotced' ~ ~ arllan&ne 10 Urn&. fet Ndbn: ard R"<:r',",cltr, Nocloes ~ 6hd be ., writing am shafI be given by eIIhor pettr tllhlt cfler by cIeIMlfy rr by mailing !he same by ~ regIateted mallIddrIcSed aslp8cllled below or 10 euch ohlr adnA aa may be 8lC8lIMecl by wriIlan noOce by eIhGr JlGItY 10 III obi: ~ NcIlcu 10 CuI2cmet 11 addt8sI pl'lMd8d below. Iron: ITRON" INC. 2818 N. SuINan Road SpokaM, WA 99216 AlIn: Cclr1nct 1d1WIIr8Ior AIrf such ~ so J;en shall be deemed to have bocn l'callvcd by Ihl party to .t.u" ~ an ifill *t a dfIfv8ty Ihefeo{. (l) E~ Each pa1y ~ ~ it has rud this ~ ~.. and agrees to be bcu1d by.1t3 lenns inf fuittw apes that It Is the ~ nf m:dusIY8 ~1l8l11 d fle If}'8G1'KIIll between Ihll paJ1Ies 'fltt1 respect 10 ServIceI. Arrt terms nf cudIIons IlflP88Ik1g en CusbnBr"8 aufIorlz;alions WI cd ttd'/ to Of become a paft of \hit Agreement; ltB AaeemenI may be rriOQ{lIJd Of ~ odf by a WIlaen ~ lfiaI rafss to an1 & ICXlIpCDfeS ~ Agzaeinsil,m is tiiy eDCut8d by .rl IllJ!horized ~ at eich party. ..... . B3/23/1998 B8:3B 77B242256B ~ H8adIrQs Not ControIIIn9- HA!I9 used In Ita ~ .. ~ for 00fMC'Iience ~ Nftnlnce only and WlI not conltcI a etfect the mearing or ~ r:f any ~ d !hfs Agreemert. seCTION 7. FORCE U&.IFlIRE NoIlhIIr party hcntcl shd be resp:tlSIbIe b Ilr'f faIkn or delay In hi peIfoalalOa allIn'f llbigCion ,.... If adt fd.n or delay Ie eM eo . cause ~ !he plllty'~ ~ ~ Ie noIlrniI8d 10 _ d ~ load. n. Y'tbno. ,,... ~ 1IffIIIn.1abor ~ or panI1I acts. . USI PAEE B5 SECTION a. UABlUTY ~ ~IUER or WARRANTY 'lTAon TOTAL UABIUTY FOR [).IW~ TO CUSTOMER SHALL NOT EXCEED THE TOTAl AMOUNT PAID 8Y CUSTOUER TO ITROH HEllEUHDER. IN NO EVENT SHALLITAON BE UABlE, WHEntER IN CONTRACT. HEGUGEHCE, T~~ AHY cmtEA BASIS, FOR COVER OR FOR 1NCmEHTA1. I EHTIAL 0HCUIDtNG lOSS OF REVamE. BAV1NGS OR )ROR1'S) OR DBApLMY DAIWlES ARISINQ OUT OF OR It .COHHECT1OH WITH THE SAlE, UAlHT!lWfCe. USE.~ PM-VA! OR IHTERRUPllOH IN 1"H! QPERAllON OF tHE rrRON OFFERS NO W. ~ OR IUPUEO, INCWDlNCJ. BUT NOT tJIII1'U) TO. n IMPLIED WARRAHnfS OF IlERCHAH'tA8ILITY AND mNESS FOR A PAm1CULAR PURPO$E. parties henIto have signed lis ~ !he 4ft and year rTRON. IN By: Name: TltIe: IN WITNESS ~ TaxExenipt. No__ Y8$ V lfyes,al:tach~ofTaxE1:lmplla1Ccrl1bde. II B lXlI'pOOIlIcn, narrlllllhB Stata CI" PnMa in which ilCOlJlOl*d oot.-v-1~t,(1'IE:;~ Pe$-r; 7f,;r1cy.~ .. U~ ThiI cIoc:ument llllIl'O'ttd as ~Iet:n; ~rm13 "'.w4 SCHEDULE A Augusta Utilities PRODUCT SERVICE CHARGES Item Qty Description Quarterly Price 1. 15 FS/3 2MB 2. 5 FS/2 Cradle 3. 1 MV-RS System Support $1,530.00 $105.00 $198.00 $1,833.00 - . B3/23/1998 68:36 77B2422566 US! Exhibit A TOTAL SYSTEM SUPPORT PROGRAM Electronic Meter Reading Applications. Itron'3 Total System Support Program (TSSp), consists of software and. equipment support managed and coordirtsted through Customer Support Analysts. CUSTOMER. SUPPORT Total System Support Program clients have access to Itron"s CUstomer Support Center, twentJr-four hours per day, Seven days per w~ The Customer Support Ccmet is the client'Cl central contact. augmented by tochnicaI support analysts to ensure nnin~ted access and efficient problem ~lution. The Customer Support Analysts are responsible for troubleShootiDg equipment and software issues. statUS repOrting. managing problem resolution and 1".~lllrinrt ~. record ~iDg. and COO~ logistics such as ~ part 0IderB, servICe contract Bllmim~ and the dclivcIy of services such as training, -on-site support. systcm audits, etc. . In addltion.. TSSP clients can consult with OJ.stomer Support Analysts ~g . instsJlsrtion procedwes, modi~tions to the ...mting system and operating procedures. Through. the Customer S~ Analysts, clients have access to a team of .traiDcd - professionals from all orgflnI7~~ons within Itro.n ~S8ry to resolve a problem or address a concc:m. . . All calls are logged through "Call Traclcing" and all verified problems are documented to assist ill the resolution 6f issues through "Cef..tml Problem ffBCking". The stD1us of all verified problems are moJiltored until final re.solution. Tbe TccbnCCaI Support Analysts monitot' and ~mh\rn the logs reflecting the ~ status of any outstanding issues and client 1"I::quested modifications. These logs in~t~Oblem or modification reference numbers. date re~ description, priority and ed release date and 8RI provided on a reg~ basis to the client for review. A response to a request or a pIan for resolving the. reported issue. is provided by the Technical Support Analysts. . OJstom::r ~upport analysts are also responsible for providing clients with Hardw~ Analysi:1 RepOrts upon request. Drawing thcU' data from continually updated equipment service l~orles, these reportS detail the field perl'ormance of a client's hardware devices and COtJ:1p8rC it to that of Itron's entire in...t:tTlM. base. WIth this data. plans can be develop:d that can help improve hardware field per!0lDWlCC and therefore system uptime. SOFTWARE SUPPORT Softwa1'~ Engineering ~ can be accessed tb.rou;h the Customer Support Center. Softwa.m Engineering SClVices maintain the software m accordanCe with the Functional Spec;.ific4ttion document through problem. IC$oIution work tlmt. ot"tcn results in software releases. Itron softwm releases occur through the transpoltation of~ media to the client aite.. Included with the release me the Problem Tracker or modification description, description of the change, documentation, and inst3l1ation procedures. Once this software is released, it becom:::s the new software base on which aU future changes are delivered. TSSP Poli:y - Revised 6I9S Pa,ge 1 PAGE El7 -- . 83/23/1998 08:36 7782422566 USI PAGE 88 Prohlem Resolution Problem resolution work begins after the problem is verified by Itron. usually through duplication of the problem. In order to verity a problem, the Customer Support Analyst may request additional documentation or data from the client. Between major System releases, problems determined to be "critk:al" in naI11re are acted. upon imrTlf"Lfi2~ly. These are problems that impact the collection. or pass-throl1gh of data and therefore affect mainfrm!c processing. . . On-site critical problem resolution by ~d Itron progpmmm.g staff is included in TS~P .~ available twenty.tour hours per day, seven days per week, when a joint deteaIUDati.on by !tron and the client ~ been made confirming thc". need for OIHite assistance. . Itron charges cwrent time and mat~ rateS and expenses .tor on-aite problem resolution when it ,.w.,..nnincs that the failure it; due to. ~ware or Software.i1.ot supported by Itton. In adcUtion. Itrou, mamtmn!ll a cmrcnt backup of an ~ related software; l5OUl'CO <:ode and llJ'.P.l?priate documentation with which it ~ start helping the cliem: attain software recovety W1thin ~ty-fom ~ of notification.. . '. . TOtal Systetri SUpport Proiram problem resolulon ~ suWOit o(tbC folloWIng: .'.' I. a~cnt modifiod software, 2. TIdrd-party software not supplied by!trou or desi~ in the System. Specification . Dxmnent. - 3. Sc~ftware .changes required to integrate into the systrJn .thUd-party software or firmw~ not suppIierl by!tron or designated in the Systcni Specification Docament.. . . . . . 4. S)'Stcm corruption due to accident. misuse or oegfigencc.. 5. . Sc~ not included in the Service Agreement between 1tron and the client 6. Qlmnn.mication problems related to client :mpplied modems &nmor relephone llnes, that do not meet Itron rlM1(hnds. 7. Software release suppon for applications that arc not on the most curent version. . Software Updates and Modifications . The T4)tal System Snpport Program includes software updates upon req~L Updates. arc !tron ~~cd changes to the software blg[c set. tfmt rnmntRin confnnnAtlt'I'o to. the Functil)nal Specification document and result III a new release number. Modifications are client requested changes to the software that cause it to differ from the .definitJ:on in the Functional Specification document. Modifi~on requ~ arc sub~tted ~o!tron in writing and incl~ ~ ~ m~ pages jrQm the Functional S~ification document. If the modification IS significant m SIZe or sCope. Itron may elect to send a Project Manager on-site to finalize the design of the modifk:ation. If it is determined that the modifications &Ie to be perfon:ned. Itron will submit a bid that includes programming. documentation. testing, ImpJ~Rtian and on- " going ~:ervice. TSSP Pdicy - Revised ~s Page 2 . ----. El3/23/1998 B8: 3El . 77El242256El USI EQUIPMENT SUPPORT Hardware support is accessed through the Customer Support Center and performed by the Itron Service Centers. Through these services. Itron provides the labor and material necess:uy to main~in the equipment in accordance with the. published product speci1katiOIlS. Removable batteries are covececl under the Total System Support PrOgnmL In addition to diagnosing. isolating and tc::pair'.ng the spccifi~ problem. cause. UDder Ithe Total System SuppOt't .Progtam barl1ware items .tor repair undento a proces:i of full refurbishf'nfl!nt that includes preventive servicing, bum-in. testing and the automatic incoqx>ration of all. appropdatc product updates. In order to ensure that an appropriate ~wpment reccive.adequate preventive service. clients may ammge through the CustonlCl' Support Analyst for the periodic refurbishment of eqwpment not otherwise sefflced annually. Itron provides a sevel1ty~two hour in-house tmnaround for handheld computers and five day irr.bousc turnaround for an other equipment arriving at the Service Cc:ntcr daring normal business hotIr8. St=rvicc ~ hours of operation.are Monday through Friday. 8:00 a.m. to 4:30 p.m.locaI time.. excluding holidays. Should the Seriice Center be unable to meet the turnaround time by completing seMce on the clie:i1t's own oquipmont. upon ~t,. Itroil will ship to the client loan~ equipment. Equipment loaned to the clic::nt to fulfill !be turnaround r.nmmltrtvottt must be re~ to Itron se'ven days after the client's own serviced ~pment: is shipped from Itton or a rental charge is assesse:d. with a minimum one month charge. In addition, Itron.will provide' "emergency loaner equipment" to clients in the event of an . unantid;pated equipment shoitage.. as long as the client maintains. the ~'W'-J)~ equipzm:nt $parlng levels. "Emergency loaner equipment" must be.returned to Itron Within fifteen days after being shipped to the client or a.ren~ chlUge is assessed, with a mininnTf1l one month charge. . On-site <:riti.ca1 problem resolution by qualified Itron service staff is included in TSSP and availabkl twenty-fout honrs pet day. seven days per week. when ajoint determination by ItrOn and the client has been. made confirming the need for on.-site assistance. ItrPn charges current 1m and maflorlalli: rates and expensc.1 for OIHitc problem resolution when it determiDes that the failure is due to hardware or software not supported by !troll. . Total Sy:item S~ covers shipping charges of the repaired eQUiome.nt back to the client. Return shipment IS in the tTIsnnP.'r used when the eqwpment is shipped prepaid to Itron. Expedited shipment for an additional ~ can be requested through. the Customer Suppon ,/\nalyst. TSSP ha::dware support excludes support of the following: 1. Equipment that pemms other than authorized Itron representatives have aIteIed or attempted to repaIr. 2. Physical damage resulting from accident, misuse or neglect 3 . DWIULge resulting from sta.ti~ equipment relocation by client 4 . D~.ge reSulting from electrical power, air .;onditioning or humidity control failure.. 5. Non-Itron supplied components and eqWpn1cnt 6. The filIIlishingof supplies or accessories and of shoulder straps and bo~; painting or refinishing the equipmenL 7. Hardware not included in the Service Agreement TSSP Policy - Revised 6/9$ Pa8e 3 PAGE El9 - . ST-6 (REV. 7-861 STATE OF GEORGIA DEPARTMENT OF REVENUE SALES AND USE TAX CERTIFICATE OF EXEMPTION GEORGIA PURCHASER OR.DEALER To: Date . 19 (SUPPLIER) (STREETI (CITY) (STATE I (ZIP CODEI THE UNDERSIGNED HEREBY CERTIFIES that all tangible personal property purchased after this date will be purchased for the purpose indicated, unless otherwise specified on each order, and that this certificate shall remain in effect until revoked in writing. O1eck proper box; 1. Resale or rental only, including but not limited to. the purchase for resale of gasoline and other motor fuels. 2. Materials lor further processing. manufacture or conversion into articles of tangible personal property for resale which will become a component part of the property for sale. or be coated upon or impregnated into the product at any sta~ of its processing. manufacture or conversion; or. are nonreturnable materials used for packaging tangible personal property for shipmE'nt or sale. Containers or other packaging materials purchased for reuse are not exempt. 3. Direct Pay Permit authorized under Regulation 560-12.1-.16. The holder of a Direct Pay Permit must pay the 3% Motor Fuel Tax to suppliers on purchases of gasoline. X 4. For use by Federal Government, State of Georgia. or any county or municipality of this State, supported by official purchase orders; and, likewise. Hospital Authorities created by Article 4. Chapter 7. Title 7 of the Georgia Public Revenue Code. The State of G~orgia. Counties and ~unjcipalities thereof and Hospital Authorities must pay the 3",(, MOlar Fuel Tax to suppliers. 5. Seed. seecJ:ings. fertilizers. inseclicides, fungicides. rodenticides, herbicides. defoliants. soil fumigants, plant growth regulating chemicals, dl:siccants (including shavings and sawdust from wood. peanut hulls. fullers earth, straw and hay) and feed for livestock. fish or poultry when used either directly in tilling the soil or in animal, fish or poultry husbandry. Non Returnable Maierials used for packaging farm products for shipmenl or sale 6. Aircraft. v.atercraft. motor vehicles and other transportation equipment manufactured or assembled, sold and delivered hy the manufacturer or assembler for use exclusively outside Ihis State. or delivery of the craft is for thl: sole purpose of removing ~ame undel its own power when it does not lend itself more reasonably to removal by other means. 7. Aircraft, watercraft, railroad locomotives and rolling stock, motor vehicles and major components of each. which will be used principally to cross the borders of this state in the service of transporting passengers or cargo by common carriers and by carriers who hold common carrier and contract carrier authority in interstate or foreign commerce under authority granted by the Uni'ted States government. Replacement parts installed by carriers in such craft or vehicles which become an integral . part of the craft or vehicle. Private and contract carriers are not exempt. ] 8. Liquefied petroleum gas or other fuel used to heat a structure in which broilers, pullets. or other p~uJtry are raised. :;~:.._.' Georgia Sales and Use Tax Certificate of Registration Number must be stated below by persons purchasing un.der c;tegories 1. 2,3 and 7. KIND OF BUSINESS ENGAGED IN BY PURCHASER City-County Consolidated Government Any tangible personal property obtained under this certificate of exemption is subject to the sales and use tax if it is used or consumed by the purchaser in any manner other than indicated on this certificate. I declare. under penaltil~s of false swearing. that this certificate has been examined by me and to the best of my knowledge and belief is true and correct, made in good faith. pursuant to the sales and use tax laws of the State of Georgia. Purchaser's Firm Name Augusta-Richmond County Consolidated Government Certificate of Registration No. FED ID 58-2204274 :.,~. Address Room'60S Municipal Bldg/530 Greene ~-~ By U '1Yt-rL Street (CITY) , Augusta, Georgia 30911 (ZIP CODEI TIde Purchasing Director (OWNER, PARTNER. OFFICIAL! A supplier is req~ires \0 have only one certificate of exemption form on file from each purchaser buying tax exempt. The supplier must exercise ordinary care to determine that the tangible personal property obtained under this certificate is for the purpose indicated. Suppliers failing to eXllrcise such care will be held liable for the sales tax due on such purchases. For example. a supplier cannot accept a ('n,..t;I:,..~t" nf R".,ictr~,inn n."......he-r h.tt:llrinn ~ '''''111'' n,o/i", ..in,...o thit UJ'U' irtluul tn ~ "'^ntr~,..t,.,r ,..,h;,...h ho:l.. hao", rloo......or4 tl"\ hP fhp r.:nnsumer