HomeMy WebLinkAboutCranston, Robertson and White Hurst, P.C Augusta Richmond GA DOCUMENTNAME Cr_QnSfDn I 12olaeftsOrl t, kI~irG-hu:v9'b p. C _ ' J , , DOCUMENTTYPE: A9 Vetl'Y1enf YEAR: ?JfD D FILE NUMBER: 0; J t+& 37 BOX NUMBER: NUMBER OF PAGES: ~Jl / This document has important legal consequences; consultation with an attorney is encouraged with respect to its use, completion or modification. This document should be adapted to the particular ~ircumstances of the contemplated Project and the applicable laws of the jurisdiction in which the professional services for the Project are to be performed. STANDARD FORM OF AGREEMENT BETWEEN OWNER AND ENGINEER FOR PROFESSIONAL SERVICES THIS IS AN AGREEMENT made as of January 26 , 2000 between Augusta-Richmond County ("OWNER") and Cranston. Robertson & Whitehurst. P.C. ('ENGINEER"). OWNER intends to construct a surge tank: near the abandoned raw water pumping station near the Augusta Canal. that will provide surge protection for the existing raw water mains. The proiect will include connections to the existing raw water mains. surge tank. any necessary appurtenances. and restoration to the Proiect Area. (the "Project"). OWNER and ENGINEER in consideration of their mutual covenants herein agree in respect of the performance of furnishing of professional engineering services by ENGINEER with respect to the Project and the payment for those services by OWNER as set forth below. Execution of this Agreement by ENGINEER and OWNER constitutes OWNER's written authorization to ENGINEER to proceed on the date first above written with the first phase of the Basic Services described in Section 2 below and as further set forth in Exhibit A, "Further Description of Basic Engineering Services and Related Matters" ("Exhibit A") and in the other exhibits listed in Section 9 below. This Agreement will become effective on the date first above written. " Page 1 of 15 pages "t .,{ SECTION I--GENERAL 1.1 Standard of Care. ENGINEER shall perform for or furnish to OWNER profes- sional engineering and related services in all phases of the Project to which this Agreement applies as hereinafter provided. ENGINEER shall serve as OWNER's prime design professional and engint<ering representative for the Project providing professional engineering consultation and advice with respect thereto. ENGINEER may employ such ENGI- NEER's Consultants as ENGINEER deems necessary to assist in the performance or furnishing of professional engineering and related services hereunder. ENGINEER shall not be required to employ any ENGINEER's Consultant unaccept- able to ENGINEER. The standard of care for all professional engineering and related services performed or furnished by ENGINEER under this Agreement will be the care and skill ordinarily used by members of ENGINEER 's profession practicing under similar conditions at the same time and in the same locality. ENGI- NEER makes no warranties, express or implied, under this Agreement or otherwise, in connection with ENGINEER's services. 1.2 Coordination with Other Documents. It is the intention of the parties that the Standard General Conditions will be used as the General Conditions for the . Project and that all amendments thereof and supplements thereto will be generally consistent therewith. Except as otherwise defined herein, the terms which have an initial capital letter in this Agreement and are defined in the standard General Conditions will be used in this Agreement as defined in the Standard General Conditions. The term "defective" will be used in this Agreement as defined in the Standard General Conditions. 1.3 Definitions. Wherever used in this Agreement the following terms have the meanings indicated which are applicable to both the singular and plural thereof: 1.3.1 Additional Services. Additional Services means the services to be performed for or furnished to OWNER by ENGINEER described in Section 3 of this Agreement. 1.3.2 Agreement. Agreement means this Standard Form of Agreement between OWNER and ENGINEER for Profes- sional Services including those exhibits listed in Section 9 of this Agreement. 1.3.3 Basic Services. Basic Services means the services to be performed for or furnished to OWNER by ENGINEER described in Section 2 of this Agreement. 1.3.4 Constructjon Cost. Construction Cost means the total cost to OWNER of those portions of the entire Project designed or specified by ENGINEER. Construction cost does not include ENGINEER's compensation and expenses, the cost of land, rights-of-way, or compensation for or damages to properties, or OWNER's legal, accounting, insurance counseling or auditing services, or interest and financing charges incurred in connection with the Project or the cost of other services to be provided by others to OWNER pursuant to Section 4 of this Agreement. Construction Cost is one of the items comprising Total Project Costs. 1.3.5 Contractor. Contractor means the person or entity with whom OWNER enters into a written agreement covering construction work to be performed or furnished with respect to the Project. 1.3.6 ENGINEER's Consultant. ENGINEER's Consultant means a person or entity having a contract with ENGINEER to perform or furnish Basic or Additional Services as ENGINEER's independent professional associate or consul- tant engaged directly on the Project. 1.3.7 Reimbursable Expenses. Reimbursable Expenses means the expenses incurred directly in connection with the performance or furnishing of Basic and Additional Services for the Project for which OWNER shall pay ENGINEER as indicated in Exhibit B, "Payments to Engineer for Services and Reimbursable Expenses" ("Exhibit B"). 1.3.8 Resident Project Representative. Resident Project Representative means the authorized representative of ENGINEER who will be assigned to assist ENGINEER at the site during the Construction Phase. The Resident Project Representative will be ENGINEER's agent or employee and under ENGINEER's supervision. As used herein, the term Resident Project Representative includes any assistants of Resident Project Representation agreed to by OWNER. The duties and responsibi]ities of the Resident Project Representa- tive are set forth in Exhibit C, "Duties, Responsibilities and Limitations of Authority of Resident Project Representative" ("Exhibit C"). 1.3.9 Standard General Conditions. Standard General Conditions means the Standard General Conditions of the Construction Contract (No. 1910-8) (1990 Edition) of the Engineers Joint Contract Documents Committee. 1.3.10 Total Project Costs. Total Project Costs means the sum of the Construction Cost, allowances for contingencies, the total costs of design professional and related services provided by ENGINEER and (on the basis of information furnished by OWNER) allowances for such other items as charges of all other professionals and consultants, for the cost of land and rights-of-way, for compensation for or damagesfto properties, for interest and financing charges and for other Page 2 of 15 pages \ services to be provided by others to OWNER under para- graphs 4.4, 4.5 and 4.7 through 4.14, inclusive. SECTION 2--BASIC SERVICES OF ENGINEER ~ 2.1 Stlltt, and I<<part Phase (Caneeptual Design) Up6ft this Agreement bee6ming eWeeti.e, ENGINEER shall. 2.1.1 ConSt:dt ..;th OWNER t6 tlflderstMd OWNER's reqtiirements fOf the Pr6jeet Md re.ie..' a (ailable data. 2.1.2 Ad.ise OWNER as to the neeessit) of OWNER's pro.iding Of obtaining fr6m otherJ data or se~iees of the types tkseribed in pftf'ftgfaph 4..4 ..hieh Me ft8t part 6f HJGmEER's Basie Sen iees, and assist O\'nmR in obtaining stieh data and se~ iees. 2.1.3 Identi!) and anal)ze reqtiirements of go.emmental authorities ha.ingjttrisdietion tOllflpl'6\e the portions of the Pr6jeet designed 6f speeiikd b) HJGINEER ..ith ..hom eoftsultatioft is to be tlfldertaken in e6flfteetioft .. ith the Pr6jeet. 2.1 A E. aIt:tftte . srious altemate soltltions a. ailllble to OWNER as deJeribed in Exhibit A, and, after e6ftsultati6n .f'ith o.mer, reeommend to OWNER th63e s61utions whieh in ENGINEER'sjudgmentbcst meet OWNER's requirements for the Pl'6jeet. This phase is further disetlSsed in Exhibit A md i3 ealled the C6neeptttal Design Phase. 2.1.5 PrepMe a report (the "R-eport") .. hieh .. ill eontain the Mfttement of OWNER's reqtiire:ments for the Pr6jeet, Md, as appropriate, will e6fttftin sehematie la)otlts, sketehes md eoneeptttal desigt\ eriteria .. ith al'f'l'6flri!lte exhibits to indieate the eonsidel'8tions in.ol.ed Md th6se aItemate soltltions a.ailable to OWNER ..hieh ENGINEER reeommeft~. This Report ..'ill be aeeompMied 6) ENGINEER'sol'inion of Total Pr6jeet CO!lts for each s61ttti8n ..hieh i3 S6 recommended for the Pr6jeet, ineluding the follo..ing ..hieh .';11 be separate!) itemized. 61'18ion ofl'1'66able C6n:Rmeti6n C6:R, all6..anees for e6ntingeneies md fur the e!ltimated total eO:RS of deJign J'fofe!l!li6ftal and related !leniee!l pro.ided b:) ENGINEER and, 6n the basis of information fttmi3hed by OWNER, allo.vMees fur 6ther items and se~iees ine:luded ..ithili the definition of Total Pr6jeet Costs. 2.1.6 fttmi3h the Report to alid re.ie.. it ..ith OVn~ER. 2.1.7 R-c. ise t-he Report ifl. response to OWNER's eommmts, as apl'n~l'riate, 8.fld fumi3h final eopie!l 6f the Rel'6rt in the litlffiber set forth in Exhibit t.. 2.1.8 Submit the Report ..ithin the stipulated period indi eated in Exhibit A. 2.1.9 ENGINEER's se~iees tIflder the Smd, and Report Ph~e .till be e6ft3idered eOffll'lete at the earlier of (1 ) the date ..hen the R6i'6rthas been aeeepted by OWNER or (2) thil't) days after the date ..hen sueh Report is deli .ered to OW}-.tER fur fift8l aeeeptMee, plu3 in eaeh ease sueh additional time ~ may be eonsidered reasonable for obtaining appl'6. al of go.emmental attthorities ha.ing jttrisdietion to re.ie.. the porti6ns of the Projeet designed or speeified by ENGINEER., if sueh afJpl'6. al is to be obtained dttring the Stud) and R-e:port Phase. ~ fiJ The dtlties and resl'onsibilities of ENGINEER dttring the Study Md Rep6rt Pflase a3 set f6rth in thi3 pMagmph 2.1 are amended Md sttl'l'lemented a3 indieated in Exhibit A. 2.2 Preliminary Design Phase. After aeeeptftnee b) o'.'nJER of the ConeefJmal Design, .AJf/ seleetion b) OVlNER of a reeommen6ed s6htti6n llfld'l f'\' indieation of any 3f'et:ifie modifieati6ns or ehllflges in the ;r' seope, extent, ehftffleter or design requirements of the Projeet . desired b) O\'1NER, and ufJon written authorization fr6m OWNER, ENGll-JEER shall. 2.2.1 On the basis of the report, the recommended solution selected by OWNER and the specific modifications or changes in the scope, extent, character or design requirements of the Project agreed upon by OWNER and ENGINEER, prepare Preliminary Design documents consisting of final design criteria, preliminary drawings, outline specifications and written descriptions of the Project. 2.2.2 Advise OWNER if additional reports, data or other information or services of the types described in paragraph 4.4 are necessary and assist OWNER in obtaining such reports, data or other information and services. 2.2.3 Based on the information contained in the Preliminary Design documents, submit a revised opinion of probable Construction Cost and any adjustments to Total Project Costs known to ENGINEER, which will be itemized as provided in paragraph 2.1.5. 2.2.4 Furnish the Preliminary Design documents to and review them with OWNER. 2.2.5 Submit the Preliminary Design documents and revised opinion of probable Construction Cost within the stipulated period indicated in Exhibit A. 2.2.6 ENGINEER's services under the Preliminary Design Phase will be considered complete at the earlier of (I ) the date when the Preliminary Design documents have been accepted by OWNER or (30) thirty days after the date when such Preliminary Design documents are delivered to OWNER for final acceptance, plus in each case such additional time as may be considered reasonable for obtaining approval of Page 3 of 15 pages \: governmental authorities having jurisdiction to approve the Preliminary Design documentation, if such approval is to be obtained during the Preliminary Design Phase. The duties and responsibilities of ENGINEER during the Preliminary Design Phase as set forth in this paragraph 2.2 are amended and supplemented as indicated in Exhibit A. 2.3 Final Design Phase. After acceptance by OWNER of the Preliminary Design Phase documents and revised opinion of probable Construc- tion Cost and indication of any specific modifications or changes in the scope, extent, character or design requirements of the Project desired by OWNER, and upon written authori- zation from OWNER, ENGINEER shall: 2.3.1 On the basis of the accepted Preliminary Design documents, the modifications or changes in the scope, extent, character or design requirements of the Project agreed upon by OWNER and ENGINEER and the revised opinion of probable Construction Cost, prepare for incorporation in the Contract Documents final Drawings showing the scope, extent and character of the work to be performed and furnished by Contractor and Specifications (which will be prepared, where appropriate, in general conformance with the sixteen division format of the Construction Specifications Institute). 2.3.2 Provide technical criteria, written descriptions and design data for OWNER's use in filing applications for permits with or obtaining approvals of such governmental authorities as have jurisdiction to review or approve the final design of the Project, and assist OWNER in consultations with appropriate authorities. 2.3.3 Advise OWNER of any adjustments to the opinion of probable Construction Cost and any adjustments to Total Project Costs known to ENGINEER, itemized as provided in paragraph 2.1.5, as a result of changes in scope, extent or character or design requirements of the Project. 2.3.4 Prepare for review and approval by OWNER, its legal counsel and other advisors, contract agreement forms, general conditions and supplementary conditions, and (where appro- priate) bid forms, invitations to bid and instructions to bidders (all of which will be generally consistent in form and sub- stance with the forms and pertinent guide sheets prepared by the Engineers Joint Contract Documents Committee), and assist in the preparation of other related documents. 2.3.5 Furnish the above documents, Drawings and Specifica- tions to and review them with OWNER. 2.3.6 Submit the above documents, Drawings and Specifica- tions and a revised opinion of probable Construction Cost within the stipulated period indicated in Exhibit A. 2.3.7 ENGINEER's services under the Final Design Phase will be cons.idep::d complete at the earlier of (1) the date when the submittals hllVe been accepted by OWNER or (2) thirty days after the date when such submittals are delivered to OWNER for final acceptance, plus in each case such addi- tional time as may be considered reasonable for obtaining approva] of governmental authorities having jurisdiction to approve the portions of the Project designed or specified by ENGINEER, if such approval is to be obtained during the Fina] Design Phase. The duties and responsibilities of ENGINEER during the Final Design Phase as set forth in this paragraph 2.3 are amended and supplemented as indicated in Exhibit A. 2.4 Bidding or Negotiating Phase. After acceptance by OWNER of the ENGINEER's Drawings, Specifications and other Final Design Phase documentation (including the most recent opinion of probable Construction Cost), and upon written authorization to proceed. ENGINEER shall : 2.4.1 Assist OWNER in advertising for and obtaining bids or negotiating proposals for the contract for construction, materials, equipment and services; and, where applicable, maintain a record of prospective bidders to whom Bidding Documents have been issued, attend pre-bid conferences, if any, and receive and process deposits for Bidding Documents. 2.4.2 Issue Addenda as appropriate to clarify, correct or change the Bidding Documents. 2.4.3 Consult with OWNER as to the acceptability of subcontractors, suppliers and other persons and entities proposed by Contractor for those portions of the work as to which such acceptability is required by the Bidding Docu- ments. 2.4.4 Attend the bid opening, prepare bid tabulation sheets and assist OWNER in evaluating bids or proposals and in assembl ing and awarding contracts for construction, materia]s, equipment and services. 2.4.5 The Bidding or Negotiating Phase will terminate and the services to be performed or furnished thereunder will be considered complete upon commencement ofthe Construction Phase or upon cessation of negotiations with prospective Contractors (except as may otherwise be required to complete the services called for in paragraph E7.2.5, if Exhibit E is a part of this Agreement). The duties and responsibilities of ENGINEER during the Bidding or Negotiating Phase are set forth in this paragraph 2.4 as amended and supplemented as indicated in Exhibit A. 2.5 Construction Phase Page 4 of 15 pages During the Construction Phase: 2.5.1 General Administration of Construction Contract. ENGINEER shall consult with and advise OWNER and act as OWNER's representative as provided in the standard General Conditions. The extent and limitations of the duties, responsi- bilities and authority of ENGINEER as assigned in said Standard General Conditions shall not be modified, except to the extent provided in Exhibit A and except as ENGINEER may otherwise agree in writing. All of OWNER's instruc- tions to Contractor will be issued through ENGINEER who shall have authority to act on behalf of OWNER in dealings with Contractor to the extent provided in this Agreement and said Standard General Conditions except as otherwise provided in writing. 2.5.2 Visits to Site and Observation of Construction. In connection with observations of the work of Contractor while it is in progress: ENGINEER shall make visits to the site at inter- vals appropriate to the various stages of construction as ENGINEER deems necessary in order to observe as an experienced and qualified design professional the progress and quality of the various aspects of Contractor's work. m additi6ft, ENGINEER shall pl'6.idt: tftt: st:....iees 6f a Rt:sident Pr6jet:t Rt:prest:ntati. e at tftt: sitt: t6 assist A ~ ENGINEER llftd t6 pf6.idt: mort: e6ntmtl6tlS 6bsenati6ns 0/ 6f stleh nark. The fttmishing af stleh Residt:nt Pf6jt:et Reprt:sentati.t: se....iees nill not t:xtt:nd ENGINEER's reJp6ftsibilities aT amh6ri!) bt:y6ftd the speeifie ]imitJ Jt:t fafih dsenhere ift this p!tf'8gfaph 2.5. Such visits and observations by ENGINEER llftd tht: Rt:sideftt Pr6jet:t Rt:presefttati.e are not intended to be exhaustive or to extend to every aspect of the work in progress, or to involve detailed inspections of the work beyond the responsibilities specifically assigned to ENGINEER in this Agreement and the Contract Documents, but rather are to be limited to spot checking, se]ective samp]ing and simi]ar methods of general observation of the work based on ENGINEER's exercise of professional judgment 8S assi.sted b:y tftt: Rt:sideflt Pr6jt:t:t R-eprest:ftt8ti .e. Based on information obtained during such visits and such observa- tions, ENGINEER shall endeavor to determine in general ifsuch work is proceeding in accordance with the Contract Documents and ENGINEER shall keep OWNER informed of the progress of the work. The responsibilities of ENGINEER contained in this paragraph are expressly subject to the limitations set forth in paragraph and other express or general limitations in this Agreement and elsewhere. ~ ~ ~ The purpose of ENGINEER's visits to--aflti rel'rest:fttatiaft by the Resideftt Pf6jeet Represefttati. t: at the site will be to enable ENGINEER to better carry out the duties and responsibilities assigned to and undertaken by ENGINEER during the Construction Phase, and, in addition, by)he exercise of ENGINEER's efforts as an experienced 'and qualified design professional, to provide for OWNER a greater degree of confidence that the completed work of Contractor will conform in general to the Contract Documents and that the integrity of the design concept of the completed Project as a functioning who]e as indicated in the Contract Documents has been implemented and preserved by Contractor. On the other hand, ENGINEER shall not, during such visits or as a result of such observations of Contractor's work in prog- ress, supervise, direct or have control over Contractor's work nor shall ENGINEER have authority over or respon- sibility for the means, methods, techniques, sequences or procedures of construction selected by Contractor, for safety precautions and programs incident to the work of Contractor or for any failure of Contractor to comply with laws, rules, regulations, ordinances, codes or orders applicable to Contractor's furnishing and performing the work. Accordingly, ENGINEER neither guarantees the performance of any Contractor nor assumes responsibility for any Contractor's failure to furnish and perform its work in accordance with the Contract Documents. 2.5.3 Defective Work. During such visits and on the basis of such observations, ENGINEER shall have authority to disapprove of or reject Contractor's work while it is in progress if ENGINEER believes that such work will not produce a completed Project that conforms generally to the Contract Documents or that it will prejudice the integrity of the design concept of the comp]eted Project as a functioning whole as indicated in the Contract Documents. 2.5.4 Clarifications and Interpretations; Field Orders, ENGINEER shall issue necessary clarifications and interpre- tations of the Contract Documents as appropriate to the orderly completion of the work. Such clarifications and interpretations will be consistent with the intent of and reasonab]y inferable from the Contract Documents. ENGI- NEER may issue Fie]d Orders authorizing minor variations from the requirements of the Contract Documents. 2.5.5 c.'ra'tge Ordas and W",k Orange Di,ectives. ENeI NEER shall rt:t:ammend Chllftgt) Orders llftd Wark Chlltlge; J!f Dirt:t:ti. t:J t6 OWNER as ltJ'pl'6priate, and shall prt:pare I J \ Change Orders and W 6rk Cnllftge Direeti. t:s as reqtlired. 2.5.6 Shop Drawings. ENGINEER shall review and approve (or take other appropriate action in respect of) Shop Drawings and Samples and other data which Contractor is required to submit, but only for conformance with the information given in the Contract Documents and compatibility with the design concept of the Completed Project as a functioning whole as indicated in the Contract Documents. Such reviews and approvals or other action will not extend to means, methods, techniques, sequences or procedures of construction or to safety precautions and programs incident thereto. Page 5 of 15 pages 2.5.7 Substitutes. ENGINEER shall evaluate and determine the acceptability of substitute or "or-equal". materials and equipment proposed by Contractor, but subject to the provi- sions of paragraph 3.2.2. 2.5.8 Inspections and Tests. ENGINEER may require special inspections or tests of the work, and shall receive and review all certificates of inspections, tests and approvals required by laws, rules, regulations, ordinances, codes, orders or the Contract Documents. ENGINEER's review of such certifi- cates will be for the purpose of determining that the resu]ts certified indicate compliance with the Contract Documents and will not constitute an independent evaluation that the content or procedures of such inspections, tests or approvals comply with the requirements of the Contract Documents. ENGINEER shall be entitled to rely on the results of such tests. 2.5.9 Disagreements between OWNER and Contractor. ENGINEER shall render the initial decisions on all claims of OWNER and Contractor relating to the acceptability of the work or the interpretation of the requirements ofthe Contract Documents pertaining to the execution and progress of the work. In rendering such decisions, ENGINEER shall be fair and not show partiality to OWNER or Contractor and shall not be liable in connection with any decision rendered in good faith in such capacity. 2.5.19 AptJ:icatio1fsj-J, Payment. Bast:d 6n ENGInEER's ~ on sitt: 6bst:~ations as 811 expt:rit:need 8I1d qttfllified design pl'6ressional8ftd on rt:.it:.. 6f ^l'plieatiens fur Pa)mt:nt and tht: aeeomp8ft) ing data 8ftd seheduks: ENGINEER shall determint: the am6tmts that ENGINEER reeommenM Contraeter bt: paid. 8tteh rt:eommentifttiefts of plt)'fl'lent ..ill be in writing 8I1d will t:onMittltt: ENGINEER's rt:prt:sentati6n to OWNER, based 6n stich ebst:n atiens 8ftd rt:. ie.., that, to tht: best ef tht: ENGINEER's lm.6wledgt:, inf61'fflation 8ftd belief, tht: ..ork has progtesst:d to tht: point iftdieated, tht: quality of such ..ork is gent:1'8ll) in aeeord8nee; ..ith tht: C6nt1'8et DoeWftents (sttbjt:et to 8ft t:.alttation 6f sut:h ..ork as a functioning wh6k prior to or tlf'on Sl!bst8fttial Complt: ti6n, to tht: rt:sults of an) subst:qtit:nt tt:~ ealled fur in tht: Contraet Doettments 8:ft616 8ft) other qttflIifieations Matea in tht: ree6mmeftdfttion), 8I1d tht: eonditions preet:dt:nt t6 Contraetor's being t:ntitled to sueh pa) ment 8fJpear to ha. t: bet:n ftdfilled in S6 faf as it is ENGINEER's rt:sponsibilit) to obsent: the ./ork. In tht: east: of tlfI.it price ..6rk, ENGINEER's rt:eommendations ofpa)mt:ftt ..ill ineludt: final determinations of qtlftfttitit:s and elassifit:ations of sueh ..ork (sl!bjt:et t88ft) subst:qut:nt adjuMmt:nts all8..ed b) tht: Contrtlet Dot:ttmt:nts). Tht: rt:sponsibilitit:s of ENGINEER eontaiftt:d in paragr8fJh are t:xl'ressl) sl:lbjeet to tht: limitations st:t forth in pal'8graph Md otht:r t:xprt:ss or gent:l'8llimitations in this Agreement Md dst:where.'" Bj rt:eommending MY I'a)ment ENGINEER sflall not thereb) bt: det:med to ha. t: rt:prest:ftted that on sitt: obst:nations madt: b) ENGINEER to cheek the qttfllit) Of qttfttltit) ofContrae16r's ~ork as it is perf6rmea 8:ftd fttrnished ha.e been t:xhal:lsti.e, extended to e.el') aspeet of the \\ork in pregrt:ss, or in.ol.ed dt:tailea insl'eetions of the ..ork be)ond the responsibilities sl'eeifi eall) assigned to ENGINEER in this Agret:ment 8ftd the Contraet Doel:lmt:nts. Nt:ither ENGINEER's re.ie.. of ~ Contrtletor's ..6rk f6r tht: pl:tl'l'ost:s 6f reeommt:ftding r\~J I'a)mt:nts Mr ENGINEER's reeommt:ndati8n of MY . pft)ment (including final pa)ment) .';11 impost: on ENGI NEER responsibilit) to sttpenise, dirt:et or eontl'6l sl:leh ..ork or for the meMS, mt:thods, tt:elmiql:les, sequenees Of proeedures of eonstmetion or saret) precautions Of 1'1'6 grams incident tht:rt:to, or C8ftt1'8etor's e8mpli8ftet: ..ith la..s, fl:tlt:s, regulations, erdinMet:s, eodes or orders al't'lieablt: to Contraetor's furnishing 8ftd perfarmi1\g tht: ..ork. It ..fill also not impose rt:sp8nsibilit) on ENGI NEER to make 8ft) t:xamination to aset:rtain ho.. 6r fur ..hat I'l:tI'I'ost:s Cofttrtletor has used tht: m8ne;)S paid on aeeotlfl.t of the; C8nt1'8et Priee;, oTto de;te;rmine; that title to 8ft) of the; ..ork, mate;rials or equipme;nt has passed to OWNER free 8ftd elear of 8ft) liens, elaims, seettrit) intereMs or enettmbranees, or that tht:re may n6t be 6t-nt:r matters at issl:le beh.een OW~.fER 8ft.d Centraetor that might aWeet the amotlftt that sftOl:lld be paid. 2.5.11 Contractor's Completion Documents. ENGINEER shall receive, review and transmit to owner with written comments maintenance and operating instructions, schedules, guarantees, Bonds, certificates or other evidence of insurance required by the Contract Documents, certificates of inspec- tion, tests and approvals, and marked-up record documents (including Shop Drawings, Samples, and other data approved as provided under paragraph 2.5.6 and marked-up record Drawings) which are to be assemb]ed by Contractor in accordance with the Contract Documents to obtain final payment. ENGINEER's review of such documents will only be to determine generally that their content complies with the requirements of, and in the case of certificates of inspections, tests and approvals that the results certified indicate compli- ance with, the Contract Documents. 2.5.12 Substantial Completion. Following notice from Contractor that Contractor considers the entire work ready for its intended use, ENGINEER and OWNER, accompanied by Contractor, shall conduct an inspection to determine if the work is substantially complete. If after considering any objections of OWNER, ENGINEER considers the work substantially complete, ENGINEER shall deliver a certificate of Substantial Completion to OWNER and Contractor. Page 6 of 15 pages ~ ~ 2.5.13 Final Notice of Acceptability of the Work. ENGI- NEER shall conduct a final inspection to determine if the completed work of Contractor is acceptable so that ENGI- NEER may recommend, in writing, final payment to Contrac- tor. Accompanying the recommendation for final payment, ENGINEER shall also provide a notice ift the, form aKllehed hereto llS Exltibit D (Hie "Notiee of Aeeeptability of '.'Iork") that the work is acceptable (subject to the provisions of paragraph to the best of ENGINEER's knowledge, information and belief and based on the extent of the services performed and furnished by ENGINEER under this Agree- ment. 2.5.14 Limitation of Responsibilities. ENGINEER shall not be responsible for the acts or omissions of any Contractor, or of any subcontractor, any supplier, or of any other person or organization performing or furnishing any of the work. ENGINEER shall not be responsible for Contractor's failure to perform or furnish the work in accordance with the Con- tract Documents. 2.5.15 Duration of Construction Phase. The Construction Phase will commence with the execution of the construction contract for the Project or any part thereof and will terminate upon written recommendation by ENGINEER of final payment. If the Project involves more than one prime contract as indicated in paragraph 5.5, Construction Phase services may be rendered at different times in respect of separate prime contracts. The duties and responsibilities of ENGINEER during the Construction Phase as set forth in this paragraph 2.5 are amended and supplemented as indicated in Exhibit A. 2.6 Operatianal Pha3f Dttring the Operational Phase, ENGINEER shall, when ~qtte3ted by OWNER: 2.6.1 Pro.ide assi3tlUlee in eonneetion with the refining 8ftd adjmting 6f 8fty eqtiipmtnt or system. 2.6.2 AJsist OWNER in training OV{NER's staff to opel'ftte 8fld maintain the Pr6jeet. 2.6.3 Assist OWNER in de.doping systems Mid proeed~s fur eontl'61 of the operation 8ftd mainten8ftee of 8ftd reeoM lreeping fur the Projeet. 2.6..4 Prepftfe s set ofreprodtieible reeord dra..ings 3flo.ltng reeord infermation ..hieh ENGINEER eonsiders signifielUlt based 00 the Dra.tings, Shop DrawiogJ, aod other reeord doet1fflents furnished b) Cootl'ftetor to ENGINEER \\hieh ..e~ 8ftftotated b) Cootl'ftetor to sho.. all eh8ftges olade dttriog eonstmeti6n. ENGINEER .till net be respoosible fur 8ft) ef'f6f3 in ef 6mi]si6ns in the information pro.ided b) Contraetor thftt is ioeerperftted io the reeerd Ma.. ings or ether reeera doel1ments. 2.6.5 10 eempa'H .f'ith OWNER, . isit the Pr6jeet to obsene 8ft) !tpp!trent difeets in the eompleted ..ork, assist O'JlNER io eoosl1ltatioos !tod di3el1Jsions with Contraetor e6fteemil\g eorrcetian of stieh defeets, Ilf\d mltke reeommendations as to replaeement or eorreetion of defeeti. e ..ork. 2.6.6 Pro.ide miJedl8fteol1s seniees as reql1eJted b) OWNER io eonneetioo Mth Pr6jeet doseoltt. 2.6.7 The Opel'fttiooal PhaJe ma) eommeoee dttriog the Coo3truetioo Phase 8ftd ..ill terminate one )eftf after the date of Sl1bstltfttial Completion. ~ The ditties 8ftd ~spol\sibilities of HIGINEER dttring the Operational Ph!tJe aJ Jet forth in this paragraph 2.6 are amended and sl:tl'plemented as indieated in Exhibit A. SECTION 3--ADDITIONAL SERVICES OF ENGINEER 3.1 Additional Services Requiring Authorization in Advance. If authorized in writing by OWNER, ENGINEER shall furnish or obtain from others Additional Services of the types listed in paragraph 3.1.1 through 3.1.19, inclusive, as amended and supplemented as indicated in Exhibit A. These services are not included as part of Basic Services except to the extent otherwise provided in Exhibit A. These services will be paid for by OWNER as indicated in Section 6. 3.1.1 Preparation of applications and supporting documents (in addition to those furnished under Basic Services) for private or governmental grants, loans or advances in connec- tion with the Project; preparation or review of environmental assessments and impact statements; review and evaluation of the effect on the design requirements of the Project of any such statements and documents prepared by others; and assistance in obtaining approvals of authorities having jurisdiction over the anticipated environmental impact of the Project. o 3.1.2 Services to make measured drawings of or to investi- gate existing conditions or facilities, or to verifY the accuracy of drawings or other information furnished by OWNER. 3.1.3 Seniees reJI11tiog fr6m e.alttation by ENGINEER duriog the Stl1d) 8ftd Report Phase ftt OWNER's reqtlest OffJ altemftti-.e soll1tionJ in addition to those speeified in Exhibit fir: 3.1.4 Services resulting from significant changes in the scope, extent or character of the portions of the Project designed or specified by ENGINEER or its design require- ments including, but not limited to, changes in size, complex- ity, OWNER's schedule, character of construction or method Page 7 of 15 pages of financing; and revismg previously accepted studies, reports, Drawings, Specifications or Contract Documents when such revisions are required by changes in laws, rules, regulations, ordinances, codes or orders enacted subsequent to the preparation of such studies, reports, Drawings, Specifica- tions, or Contract Documents, or are due to any other causes beyond ENGINEER's control. 3.1.5 Services resulting from facts revealed about conditions: which are different from information about such conditions that OWNER previous]y provided to ENGI- NEER under paragraph 4.4 and upon which ENGINEER was entitled to rely; or as to which OWNER had responsibility to provide information under paragraph 4.4 if such information was not previously provided. 3.1.6 Providing renderings or models for OWNER's use. 3.1.7 Preparing documents for alternate bids requested by OWNER for Contractor's work which is different from the Conceptual Design. 3.1.8 Undertaking investigations and studies including, but not limited to, detailed consideration of operations, mainte- nance and overhead expenses; the preparation of feasibility studies, cash flow and economic evaluations, rate schedules and appraisals; assistance in obtaining financing for the Project; evaluating processes available for licensing and assisting OWNER in obtaining process licensing; detailed quantity surveys of materials, equipment and labor; and audits or inventories required in connection with construction performed by OWNER. 3.1.9 Furnishing services of ENGINEER's Consultants for other than Basic Services; and furnishing data or services of the types described in paragraph 4.4 when OWNER employs ENGINEER to provide such data or services in lieu of furnishing the same under paragraph 4.4. 3.1.10 Services attributable to a variation in the number of prime contracts from the number specified in Exhibit A for work designed or specified by ENGINEER. 3.1.11 Services during out-of-town travel required of ENGI- NEER other than visits to the site or OWNER's office as required by Section 2. rr 3.1.12 Preparing for, coordinating with, participating in and responding to structured independent review processes, including, but not limited to, C6n3treetion Mtmagement, Cost Estimating, Project Peer Review, Value Engineering and ConstructabiIity Review requested by OWNER; and perform- ing or furnishing services required to revise studies, reports, Drawings, Specifications or Contract Documents as a result of such review pro,cesses. 3.1.13 Determining the aeeel'tabilit~ 6f 3t1bMitttte mttkria13 ~ llfld eqt1il'ment I'rOl'63ed dttring the Bidding 6t' ~kgobftting Pha3e ..hen 3~3titttti6ft prior t6 the award of e6fttfaet3 i3 a1l6\\ed b~ the Bidding D6et1ment3. . 3.1.14 Assistance in connection with bid protests, rebidding or renegotiating contracts for construction, materials, equip- ment or services, except when such assistance is required to comp]ete services called for in paragraph E7.2.5, if Exhibit E is a part of this Agreement. 3. I .1 S Pro. iding fie:ld 3m . e) 3 fur de3ign I'tlt'J'e3e3, engineer ~ . ing sm .e)3 and Making to enable C6fttraetor tOl'reeeed ..ith 1'1'\.... / it3 work, and 8ft) type of prepcl't) sttr. C) 3 6r related engineer ing 3er. iees needed fur the transfer of intere3ts in real pt'61' ert), and pre. iding other special fie:ld sm . ey 3. 3.1.16 Preparation of operating, maintenance and staffing manuals to supplement Basic Services under paragraph 2.6.3. 3.1.17 Preparing to serve or serving as a consultant or witness for OWNER in any litigation, arbitration or other legal or administrative proceeding involving the Project (except for assistance in consultations which is included as part of Basic Services urider paragraphs 2.1.3 and 2.3.2). 3.1.18 Providing more extensive services required to enable ENGINEER to issue notices or certifications requested by OWNER under paragraph 4.12. 3.1.19 Other additional services performed or furnished by ENGINEER in connection with the Project, including services which are to be furnished by OWNER under Section 4, and services not otherwise provided for in this Agreement. 3.2 Required Additional Services. When required by the Contract Documents in connection with the performance or furnishing of ENGINEER's services during the Construction Phase, ENGINEER shall perform or furnish, without waiting for specific authorization from OWNER, Additional Services of the types listed in paragraphs 3.2.1. through 3.2.6, inclusive. These services are not included as part of Basic Services except to the extent provided in Exhibit A. Required Additional Services will be paid for by OWNER as indicated in Section 6. ENGINEER shall advise OWNER in writing promptly after starting any such Additional Services. 3.2.1 Services in connection with Work Change Directives and Change Orders to reflect changes requested by OWNER if, because of the method of compensation agreed upon by OWNER and ENGINEER, the resulting change in compensa- Page 8 of 15 pages tion for Basic Services is not commensurate with the extent of the additional services rendered. 3.2.2 Services in making revisions to Drawings and Specifi- cations occasioned by the acceptance of substitute materials or equipment other than "or-equal" items; and services after the award of the construction contract in evaluating and determining the acceptability of a substitution which is inappropriate for the Project or an excessive number of substitutions. 3.2.3 Services resulting from significant delays, changes or price increases occurring as a direct or indirect result of materials, equipment or energy shortages. 3.2.4 Additional or extended services during construction made necessary by (I) work damaged by fire or other cause during construction, (2) a significant amount of defective, neglected or delayed work of Contractor, (3) acceleration of the progress schedule involving services beyond normal working hours, or (4) default by Contractor. 3.2.5 Services (other than Basic Services during the Opera- tional Phase) in connection with any partial utilization of any part of the Project by OWNER prior to its Substantial Com- pletion. 3.2.6 Evaluating an unreasonable claim or an excessive number of claims submitted by Contractor or others in connection with the work. SECTION 4--0WNERS RESPONSIBILITIES Except as otherwise provided in Exhibit A, OWNER shall do the following in a timely manner so as not to delay the services of ENGINEER and shall bear all costs incident thereto: 4.1 Designate in writing a person to act as OWNER's representative with respect to the services to be performed or furnished by ENGINEER under this Agreement. Such person will have complete authority to transmit instructions, receive information, interpret and define OWNER's policies and decisions with respect to ENGINEER's services for the Project. 4.2 Provide all criteria and full information as to OWNER's requirements for the Project, including design objectives and constraints, space, capacity and performance requirements, flexibility and expendability, and any budgetary limitations; and furnish copies of all design and construction standards which OWNER will require to be included in the Drawings and Specifications. 4.3 Assist ENGINEER by placing at ENGINEER's disposal all available information pertinent to the Project including previous reports and any other data relative to design or construction of the Project. 4.4 Furnish to ENGINEER, as requested by ENGINEER for performance of Basic Services or as required by the Contract Documents, the following: 4.4. I data prepared by or services of others, including without limitation exploratiorts and tests of subsurface conditions at or contiguous to the site, drawings of physical conditions in or relating to existing surface or subsurface structures at or contiguous to the site, or hydrographic surveys; 4.4.2 the services of an independent testing laboratory to perform all inspections, tests and approvals of samples, materials and equipment prior to and after installation, or to evaluate the performance of materials, equipment and facilities of OWNER, prior to specification, and during construction; 4.4.3 appropriate professional interpretations of all of the foregoing; 4.4.4 environmental assessments, audits, investigations and impact statements, and other relevant environmental or cultural studies as to the Project, the site and adjacent areas; 4.4.5 field surveys for design purposes and property, boundary, easement, right-of-way, topographic and utility surveys or data, including relevant reference points; 4.4.6 property descriptions; 4.4.7 zoning, deed and other land use restrictions; and 4.4.8 other special data or consultations not covered in Section 2. OWNER shan be responsible for, and ENGINEER may re]y upon, the accuracy and completeness of all reports, data and other information furnished pursuant to this paragraph. ENGINEER may use such reports, data and information in performing or furnishing services under this Agreement. 4.5 Provide, as required by the Contract Documents, engi- neering surveys and staking to enable Contractor to proceed with the layout of the work, and other: special field surveys. 4.6 Arrange for access to and make all provisions for ENGI- NEER to enter upon public and private property as required for ENGINEER to perform services under this Agreement. 4.7 Examine all alternate solutions, studies, reports, sketches, Drawings, Specifications, proposals and other documents presented by ENGINEER (including obtaining advice of an attorney, insurance counselor and other consul- Page 9 of 15 pages tants as OWNER deems appropriate with respect to such examination) and render in writing decisions pertaining thereto. 4.8 Provide approvals and permits from al1 governmental authorities having jurisdiction to approve the portions of the Project designed or specified by ENGINEER and such approvals and consents from others as may be necessary for completion of such portions of the Project. 4.9 Provide, as may be required for the Project: 4.9.1 accounting, bond and financial advisory, independent cost estimating and insurance counseling services; 4.9.2 such legal services as OWNER may require or ENGI- NEER may reasonably request with regard to legal issues pertaining to the Project, including any that may be raised by Contractor; and 4.9.3 such auditing services as OWNER may require to ascertain how or for what purpose Contractor has used the moneys paid on account of the Contract Price. 4.10 Provide such inspection or monitoring services by an individual or entity other than ENGINEER as OWNER may desire to verify: 4.10.1 that Contractor is complying with any law, rule, regulation. ordinance, code or order applicable to Contractor's performing and furnishing the work; or 4. 10.2 that Contractor is taking all necessary precautions for safety of persons or property and complying with any special provisions of the Contract Documents applicable to safety. ENGINEER does not undertake in this Agreement to perform the services referred to in 4.10.1 and 4.10.2 above. The identity of any individua] or entity emp]oyed to perform such services and the scope of such services wil1 be disclosed to ENGINEER. 4.11 Advise ENGINEER of the identity and scope of services of any independent consultants employed by OWNER to perform or furnish services in regard to the Project, including, but not limited to, Construction Management, Cost Estimat- ing, Project Peer Review, Value Engineering and Constructability Review. If OWNER designates a person or entity other than, or in addition to, ENGINEER to represent OWNER at the site, OWNER shal1 define and set forth in an exhibit that is to be mutual1y agreed upon and attached to and made a part of this Agreement before such services begin, the duties, responsibilities and limitations of authority of such other party and the relation thereof to the duties, responsibili- ties and authority of ENGINEER. 4.12 Prior to the commencement of the Construction Phase, notify ENGINEER of any variations in the language of the Notice of Acceptability of Work, or of any notice or certifica- tion other than such Notice that ENGINEER will be requested to provide to OWNER or third parties in connection with the financing or completion of the Project. OWNER and ENGI- NEER shal1 reach agreement on the terms of any such requested notice or certification and OWNER shal1 authorize such Additional Services as are necessary to enable ENGI- NEER to provide the notice or certification requested under this paragraph. 4.13 If more than one prime contract is to be awarded for work designed or specified by ENGINEER, designate a person or entity to have authority and responsibility for coordinating the activities among the various prime contrac- tors, and define and set forth the duties, responsibilities and limitations of authority of such persons or entity and the relation thereof to the duties, responsibilities and authority of ENGINEER in an exhibit that is to be mutual1y agreed upon and attached to and made a part of this Agreement before such services begin. 4.14 Furnish to ENGINEER data or estimated figures as to OWNER's anticipated costs for services to be provided by others for OWNER (such as services pursuant to paragraphs 4.4,4.5 and 4.7 through 4.14, inclusive) and other costs of the types referred to in paragraph 2. 1.5 so that ENGINEER may make the necessary calculations to develop and periodical1y adjust ENGINEER's opinion of Total Project Costs. 4.15 Attend the pre-bid conference, bid opening, pre-con- struction conferences, construction progress and other job related meetings and Substantial Completion and final payment inspections. 4.16 Give prompt written notice to ENGINEER whenever OWNER observes or otherwise becomes aware of any development that affects the scope or time of performance or furnishing of ENGINEER's services, or any defect ornoncon- formance in ENGINEER's services or in the work of any Contractor. 4.17 Furnish, or direct ENGINEER to provide, Additional Services as stipulated in paragraph 3.1 ofthis Agreement or other services as required. SECTION 5--TIMES FOR RENDERING SERVICES 5.1 ENGINEER's services and compensation under this Agreement have been agreed to in anticipation of the orderly and continuous progress of the Project through completion of the Construction Phase. Unless specific periods of time or specific dates for providing services are specified in this Agreement, ENGINEER's obligation to render services hereunder wil1 extend for a period which may reasonably be Page 10 of 15 pages required for the design, award of construction contracts, construction and initial operation of the Project including extra work and required extensions thereto. 5.2 If in this Agreement specific periods oftime for rendering services are set forth or specific dates by which services are to be completed are provided and if such periods of time or dates are changed through no fault of ENGINEER, the rates and amounts of compensation provided for herein shall be subject to equitable adjustment. If OWNER has requested changes in the scope, extent or character of the Project, the time of performance of ENGINEER's services shall be adjusted equitably. 5.3 If OWNER fails to give prompt written authorization to proceed with any phase of services after completion of the immediately preceding phase, or if the Construction Phase has not commenced within the stipulated period identified in this Agreement (Plus such additional time as may be required to complete the services called for under paragraph E7.2.5 of Exhibit E is a part of this Agreement) after completion ofthe Final Design Phase or does not proceed in an orderly and continuous progression, ENGINEER may, after giving seven days' written notice to OWNER, suspend services under this Agreement. 5.4 If ENGINEER's services for design or during construc- tion of the Project are delayed or suspended in whole or in part by OWNER: 5.4.1 for more than three months through no fault of ENGI- NEER, ENGINEER shall be entitled to equitable adjustment of rates and amounts of compensation provided elsewhere in this Agreement to reflect a~ong other things, reasonable costs incurred by ENGINEER in connection with such delay or suspension and reactivation and the fact that the time for performance under this Agreement has been revised; or 5.4.2 for more than one year through no fault of ENGINEER, or if ENGINEER for any reason is required to render Con- struction Phase services more than one year after Substantial Completion is achieved, the rates and amounts of compensa- tion provided for elsewhere in this Agreement will be subject to equitable adjustment to reflect, among other things, changes in the various elements that comprise such rates of compensation. 5.5 In the event that the work designed or specified by ENGINEER is to be performed or furnished under more than one prime contract, or if ENGINEER's services are to be separately sequenced with the work of one or more prime contractors (such as in the case offast-tracking), OWNER and ENGINEER shall, prior to commencement of the Final Design Phase, develop a schedule for performance of ENGINEER's services during the Final Design, Bidding or Negotiating and Construction Phases in order to sequence and coordinate properly such services as are applicable to the work under such separate prime contracts. This schedule is to be prepared and included in Exhibit A whether or not the work under such contracts is to proceed concurrently. SECTION6--PA YMENTS TO ENGINEER FOR SERVICES AND REIMBuRSABLE EXPENSES 6.1 Metbods of Payment for Services and Expenses of ENGINEER 6.1.1 For Basic Services. OWNER shall pay ENGINEER for Basic Services performed or furnished under Section 2 on the basis set forth in Exhibit B. 6.1.2 For Additional Services. OWNER shall pay ENGI- NEER for Additional Services performed or furnished under Section 3 on the basis set forth in Exhibit B. 6.1.3 For Reimbursable Expenses. In addition to payments provided for in paragraphs 6.1.1 and 6.1.2, OWNER shall pay ENGINEER for Reimbursable Expenses incurred by ENGI- NEER and ENGINEER's Consultants as set forth in Exhibit B. The amount payable for Reimbursable Expenses will include a factor to the extent so indicated in Exhibit B. 6.2 Otber Provisions Concerning Payments. 6.2.1 Preparation of Invoices. Invoices for Basic and Addi- tional Services and Reimbursable Expenses will be prepared in accordance with ENGINEER's standard invoicing practices and will be submitted to OWNER by ENGINEER at least monthly. The amount billed for Basic Services and Addi- tional Services in each invoice will be calculated on the basis set forth in Exhibit B. Invoices are due and payable on receipt. 6.2.2 Unpaid Invoices. If OWNER fails to make any payment due ENGINEER for services and expenses within thirty days after receipt of ENGINEER's invoice therefor, the amounts due ENGINEER will be increased at the rate of 1.0% per month (or the maximum rate of interest permitted by law, ifless) from said thirtieth day; and, in addition, ENGINEER may, after giving seven days' written notice to OWNER, suspend services under this Agreement until ENGINEER has been paid in full all amounts due for services, expenses and charges. Payment will be credited first to interest and then to principal. In the event of a disputed or contested billing, only that portion so contested may be withheld from payment, and the undisputed portion will be paid. 6.2.3 Payments Upon Termination. Termination by OWNERfor Cause. In the event of termination by OWNER for cause under paragraph 8.1.1 : Page 11 of 15 pages Upon the completion of any phase of Basic Services, progress payments due ENGINEER in accordance with this Agreement for all such services performed or furnished by ENGINEER and ENGI- NEER's Consultants through the completion of such phase will constitute total payment for such services. ENGINEER also will be paid for all unpaid Addi- tional Services and unpaid Reimbursable Expenses. During any phase of the Basic Services, ENGINEER also will be paid for such services per- formed or furnished in accordance with this Agree- ment by ENGINEER during that phase through the date of termination on the basis specified in Exhibit B. ENGINEER also will be paid for the charges of ENGINEER's Consultants employed to perform or furnish Basic Services to the extent such services have been performed or furnished in accordance with this Agreement through the effective date of the termina- tion. ENGINEER also will be paid for all unpaid Additional Services and unpaid Reimbursable Ex- penses. Termination by OWNERfor Convenience. In the event of termination by OWNER under paragraph 8.1.2.: Upon the completion of any phase of Basic Services, progress payments due ENGINEER in accordance with this Agreement for all such services performed or furnished by ENGINEER and ENGI- NEER's Consultants through the completion of such phase will constitute total payment for such services. ENGINEER also will be paid for all unpaid Additional Services and unpaid Reimbursable Expenses, and for termination expenses under subparagraph below. During any phase of Basic Services, ENGI- NEER a]so will be paid for such services performed or furnished by ENGINEER during that phase through the date of termination on the basis. specified in Exhibit B. In addition, ENGINEER will be paid for the charges of ENGINEER's Consultants employed to perform or furnish Basic Services through the effec- tive date of the termination. ENGINEER also will be paid for all unpaid Additional Services and unpaid Reimbursable Expenses, and for termination expenses under subparagraph below. In the event of termination by OWNER for convenience during or at completion of any phase of Basic Services, OWNER shall pay ENGINEER's reasonable expenses directly attributable to termina- tion in accordance with rates applicable to the various categories of Additional Services measured from the date of termination, including other fair and reason- able sums for overhead and profit, and costs oftermi- nating contracts with ENGINEER's Consultants. Termination By ENGINEER for Cause. lnthe event of termination by ENGINEER for cause under paragraph 8.1.1, ENGINEER shall be entitled to receive compensation calculated as set forth in paragraph 6.2.4 Records of ENGINEER's Costs. Records of ENGI- NEER's costs pertinent to ENGINEER's compensation under this Agreement will be kept in accordance with generally accepted accounting practices. Copies wiIl be made available to OWNER at cost on request prior to final payment for ENGINEER's services. SECTION 7--0PINIONS OF COST 7.1 Opinions of Probable Construction Cost. ENGINEER's opinions of probable Construction Cost provided for herein are to be made on the basis of ENGI- NEER's experience and qualifications and represent ENGI- NEER's best judgment as an experienced and qualified professional engineer generally familiar with the construction industry. However, since ENGINEER has no control over the cost of labor, materials, equipment or services furnished by others, or over the Contractor's methods of determining prices, or over competitive bidding or market conditions, ENGINEER cannot and does not guarantee that proposals, bids or actual Construction Cost will not vary from opinions of probable Construction Cost prepared by ENGINEER. If OWNER wishes greater assurance as to probable Construction Cost, OWNER shall employ an independent cost estimator as provided in paragraph 4.9.1. 7.2 Designing to Construction Cost Limit If a Construction Cost limit is established between OWNER and ENGINEER, such Construction Cost ]imit and a state- ment of ENGINEER's rights and responsibi]ities with respect thereto will be specifically set forth in Exhibit E, "Construc- tion Cost Limit," to this Agreement. 7.3 Opinions of Total Project Costs. ENGINEER assumes no responsibility for the accuracy of opinions of Total Project Costs provided for in Section 2. SECTION 8--GENERAL CONSIDERATIONS 8.1 Termination The obligation to provide further services under this Agree- ment may be terminated: 8.1. I For cause, Page 12 of 15 pages by either party upon thirty days' written notice in the event of substantial failure by the other party to perfonn in accordance with the tenns hereof through no fault of the tenninating party. Notwithstanding the foregoing, this Agreement will not tenninate as a result of such substantial failure if the party receiving such notice begins, within seven days of receipt of such notice, to correct its failure to perfonn and proceeds diligently to cure such failure within no more than thirty days of receipt thereof; provided, however, that if and to the extent such substantial failure cannot be reasonably cured within such thirty-day period, and if such party has diligently at- tempted to cure the same and thereafter continues dili- gently to cure same, then the cure period provided from herein shall extend up to, but in no case more than, sixty days after the date of receipt of the notice. by ENGINEER: upon seven days' written notice if ENGI- NEER believes that ENGINEER is being requested by OWNER to furnish or perfonn services contrary to ENGINEER's responsibilities as a licensed design professional; or upon seven days' written notice if the ENGINEER's services for design or during the con- struction ofthe Project are delayed or suspended for more than ninety days for reasons beyond ENGI- NEER's control. 8. I. I .2.3 In the case of tennination under this para- graph, ENGINEER shall have no liability to OWNER on account of such tennination. 8.1.2 For convenience, by OWNER effective upon the receipt of notice by ENGINEER. 8.2 Reuse of Documents. All documents including Drawings and Specifications provided or furnished by ENGINEER (or ENGINEER's Consultants) pursuant to this Agreement are instruments of service in respect of the Project, and ENGINEER and ENGINEER's Consultants, as appropriate, shall retain an ownership and property interest therein (including the right of reuse by and at the discretion of ENGINEER and ENGI- NEER ' s Consultants, as appropriate) whether or not the Project is completed. OWNER may make and retain copies for infonnation and reference in connection with the use and occupancy of the Project by OWNER and others; however, such documents are not intended or represented to be suitable for reuse by OWNER or others on extensions of the Project or on any other project. Any such reuse without written verification or adaptation by ENGINEER and ENGINEER's Consultants, as appropriate, for the specific purpose intended will be at OWNER's sole risk and without liability or legal exposure to ENGINEER, or to ENG INEER' s Consultants;ilftfi OWNER Mlall ifukmnit) and h61d hllt'mless ENGINEER llt\d ;po [NGI~mER's C6ftstlitant~ fr6m all elaims, damages, 16sses Il11d eXflenses ineltlding att6me) s' fees ft1'ising OtH of 6r resttlting therefr6m. Any such verification or adaptation will entitle ENGIN~ER to further compensation at rates to be agreed upon by OWNER and ENGINEER. 8.3 Insurance. 8.3. I ENGINEER shall procure and maintain insurance as set forth in Exhibit F, "Insurance," for protection from claims under workers compensation acts, claims for damages because of bodily injury including personal injury, sickness or disease or death of any and all employees or of any person other than such employees, and from claims or damages because of injury to or destruction of property including loss of usef resulting therefrom. ENGINEER shall list OVlNER as llt\ additional insltfed on ENGINEER's generalliabili~ insltfllt\ee pottey-: 8.3.2 OWNER shall list ENGINEER llt\d ENGINEER's Consttltllt\ts as additional insttf'eds on an) generalliabilit) 6r flrofler!) insttranee fl6lities camed b) OWNER ..hieh are aflfllieable to the Pf'6jcet. O'NNER shall reqttire Contraetor t6 flttf'ehase Ma maintain generalliabilit} llt\d 6ther inStlfttt1ee~' as sfleeified in the C6ntraet Docttments and to list ENGI NEER Il11d ENGINEER's C6nsttltll11ts as additional insttreds 'Ai .iith resfleet to stleh liabili~, flrofler!) llfld other insltfllt\ee vp flltfehased llt\d maintained by Contraet6r. All fl61ieies 6f flrofler!~ inSl:l:t'Mee shall eontain flro. isions t6 the effeet that ENGINEER's Md ENGfNEER's Consttltllt\ts' interests Me eo.ered and that in the e.ent 6f fla)ment of an) loss or dttmage the insttfers .(ill ha.e no rights 6freeo.el) against llt\) of the iftsttred or additioftal iflsl:lt'eds theret:lflder. 8.3.3 At any time OWNER may request that ENGINEER, at OWNER's sole expense, provide additional insurance coverage, different ]imits or revised deductibles in excess of those specified in Exhibit F. If so requested by OWNER, and if commercially available, ENGINEER shall obtain and shall require ENGINEER's Consultants to obtain such additional insurance coverage, different limits or revised deductibles, for such periods of time as requested by OWNER, at OWNER's sole expense, and Exhibit F will be supplemented to incorpo- rate these requirements. 8.4 Controlling Law. This Agreement is to be governed by the law of the principal place of business of ENGINEER. 8.S Successors and Assigns. 8.5.1 OWNER and ENGINEER each is hereby bound and the partners, successors, executors, administrators and legal representatives of OWNER and ENGINEER (and to the Page 13 of IS pages extent permitted by paragraph 8.5.2 the assigns of OWNER and ENGINEER) are hereby bound to the other party of this Agreement and to.the partners, successors, executors, admin- istrators and legal representatives (and said assigns) of such other party, in respect of all covenants, agreements and obligations of this Agreement. 8.5.2 Neither OWNER nor ENGINEER may assign, sublet or transfer any rights under or interest (including, but without limitation, moneys that may become due or moneys that are due) in this Agreement without the written consent of the other, except to the extent that any assignment, subletting or transfer is mandated by law or the effect of this limitation may be restricted by law. Unless specificaIly stated to the contrary in any written consent to an assignment, no assign- ment will release or discharge the assignor from any duty or responsibility under this Agreement. 8.5.3 Unless expressly provided otherwise in this Agreement: Nothing in this Agreement shall be construed to create, impose or give rise to any duty owed by ENGI- NEER to any Contractor, Subcontractor, Supplier, other person or entity, or to any surety for or employee of any of them, or give any rights in or benefits under this Agree- ment to anyone other than OWNER and ENGINEER. All duties and responsibilities undertaken pursuant to this Agreement will be for the sole and exclusive benefit of OWNER and ENGINEER and not for the benefit of any other party. The OWNER agrees that the substance of the provisions of this paragraph shall appear in the Contract Documents. 8.6 Dispute Re1l61uti6D. I If llftd t6 the extent that O'.'INER llftd ENGINEER ha. e a~ed 6ft a method llftd proeedtlfe fur re1l61. ing disptttes hct...et:ft them. arising out 6f 6r rc:lating t6 thi3 Agree;me;nt, 31:leh displ:lte fes6luti6ft m.ethod and proeedtlfe;, if any, i3 set forth in Exhibit G, "DisptHe Resohttion." OWNER 8fta ENGINEER agree t6 negotiate in g60d faith fer a period of thilt) days from the date of notiee af all disl'tttes bet'neen them prior t6 exereising their rights Meier E~ibit G or 6ther pf6. isi6ns of this Agreement, 6r tlftder the Ian. 8.7 Allocation of Risks-Indemnification. 8.7.1 To the fullest extent permitted by law, ENGINEER shall indemnify and hold harmless OWNER, OWNER's officers, directors, partners, employees and agents from and against any and all claims, costs, losses and damages (including but not limited to all fees and charges of engineers, architects, attorneys and other professionals and all court or arbitration or other dispute resolutions costs) caused solely by the negligent acts or omissions of ENGINEER or ENGINEER's officers, directors, partners, employees, agents and ENGI- NEER's Consultants in the performance and furnishing of ENGINEER's services under this Agreement. The indemnifi- cation provision of the preceding sentence is subject to and limited by the provisions agreed to by OWNER and ENGI- NEER in Exhibit H, "AIlocation of Risks," if any. .. 8.7.2 T6 the ruIlest extent permitted b) lan, OWNER shaIl indemnii) and hald hft1"mless HJG~mER, E~JGINEER'S offieers, direetor3, partners, empl6) ee3 Md agents llfta HJGINEER's Cansl:lltllftts fram and againM an) llftd all .....t1 e1aim3, ea313, 163ses and damages (ineltlding btlt not limited '\l'.~y ./1 t6 all fee3 Md eharges of engineers, al'ehiteets, att6rney 3 llftd fYbvJ 6ther profes3i6fta!3 and all eotl1't or arbitration or other di31'ttte I.f~ re36h:ttion e6Ms) ea~ed 36ldy b) the negligent set~ 6r omissi6ns 6f OWNER 6r OWNER's 6ffieen, direet6rs, psrtners, empI6)ees, agents llftd OWNER'3 eon3tlltant3 .lith respeet t6 this Agreement 6r the Pl'6jeet. 8. 7.3 In aaditi6ft to the indemnit) pro. ided tmder pSI'8gt'ftf'h tP 8.7.2 6fthisA~ement, and t6 the fulleM extent permitted by ~IJ /, Ian, OWNER 3hsll indemniry and h61d harmless ENGINEER and it3 6ffieers, direct6rs, plU'tfter3, emplo) ees, ftfId ageftt3 llftd ENG~mER'3 C6n3tlItllftts iTem llftd againM all claims, C6MS, 103ses, and damage3 (ifleh:tding 6tH flo1 limited 16 all fees llftd eharges 6f engineers, arehiteet:~, att6rney s llftd other pr6fe3 3iona13 ftfId all e6M 6r arbitrati6ft or 6ther di3ptlte res61tttion e6st3) eatl3ed by, arising em of 6r relating t6 the pl'e3enee, disehllf'ge, relea3e, 6r eseape of Asbest03, PCBs, Petmlettm, I1azardotls Wa3te, 6r Radi6aeti. e Material at, 6n, Mder or iT6m the Pr6jeet 3ite. 8.8 Notices. Any notice required under this Agreement will be in writing, addressed to the appropriate party at the address which appears on the signature page to this Agreement (as modified in writing from time to time by such party) and given person- ally, by registered or certified mail, return receipt requested, by facsimile, or by a nationally recognized overnight courier service. AIl notices shaIl be effective upon the date of receipt. 8.9 Survival. AIl express representations, indemnifications or limitations of liability made in or given in this Agreement wiIl survive the completion of all services of ENGINEER under this Agree- ment or the termination of this Agreement for any reason. 8.10 Severability. Any provision or part of the agreement held to be void or unenforceable under any law or regulation shall be deemed stricken, and all remaining provisions shall continue to be valid and binding upon OWNER and ENGINEER, who agree that the Agreement shall be reformed to replace such stricken provision or part thereof with a valid and enforceable provi- Page 14 of 15 pages sion that comes as close as possible to expressing the intention of the stricken provision. SECTION 9--EXHIBITS AND SPECIAL PROVISIONS 9.1 This Agreement is subject to the provisions of the following Exhibits which are attached to and made a part of the Agreement: 9.1.1 Exhibit A, "Further Description of Basic Engineering Services and Related Matters," consisting of ~ pages. 9.1.2 Exhibit B, "Payments to Engineer for Services and Reimbursable Expenses," consisting of -L Pages. 9.1.3 Exhibit F, "Insurance," consisting of -1. Pages. 9.2 This Agreement (consisting of pages I to..l.2..., inclusive and the Exhibits identified above) constitutes the entire agreement between OWNER and ENGINEER and supersedes all prior written or oral understandings. This Agreement may only be amended, supplemented, modified or canceled by a duly executed written instrument. IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the parties hereto have executed this Agreement to be effective as of the date first above written. Municipal Building Augusta. Georgia 30911 ENGINEER: Title: President Address for giving notices: 452 Ellis Street Post Office Box 2546 Augusta. Georgia 30903 Page 15 of 15 pages This is EXHIBIT A, consisting of2-. pages, referred to in the agreement between OWNER and ENGINEER for Professional Services, dated January 26 , 20QQ.... Initial: ~I OWNER Further Description of Basic Engineering Services and Related Matters ENGINEER Sections 2,3,4 and 5 of the Agreement are amended and supplemented and the time periods for the performance of the Basic Services as indicated in Section 5 of the Agreement are established, all as indicated below: A2.0 General The Basic Services are premised on the following general scope of professional services: The work will begin with making a design base map by utilizing existing planimetric and topographic maps. Base maps will be prepared in both digital and hard copy format for use in subsequent design phases. Upon completion of the base map, the conceptual design Phase will be commenced. Concepts and layouts will be developed in consultation with the Owner. Budget cost estimates will be prepared. Initial plans requiring approvals or permits of other agencies, such as EPD, GAOOT, Augusta Public Works, and Augusta Canal Authority, will be shared early, so that their comments can be taken into account. The preliminary layouts will be prepared for review and approval by the OWNER. Upon completion and approval of the conceptual plan, the Preliminary Design Phase will be undertaken. Field surveys of the proposed surge tank area in sufficient detail to locate the roads, fences, valves, structures, and all visible improve- ments in the area will be completed. The conceptual plan will be refined and further worked out with the advice and input of the OWNER. The Final Design Phase will begin upon approval of the preliminary plans. Final design plans will show the horizontal alignment, structures, and miscellaneous details. The work will include incorporating comments received on the prelimi- nary submittal. Specifications and project documents will be prepared. Any required utility permits or encroachment permits will be completed and forwarded to the Georgia D.O.T. or other governing authority. Construction cost estimates and a bid schedule will be provided. These plans and documents will be submitted to the OWNER for approval. The bidding phase will follow the receipt of approvals of the final design documents. The work will generally consist of assisting your department with obtaining competitive bids for the construction work, reviewing the bids, recommending an award and issuing a Notice to Proceed. Construction phase engineering services will consist of periodic site visits to observe the progress and general quality of the work as it progresses; reviewing shop drawings; preparing any change orders required; reviewing contractor's monthly applications for partial payment; and making a pre- final and a final site visit to determine whether or not the work has been completed in substantial conformity with the plans and specifications. Site visits will generally be at varying intervals no less frequently than weekly, or when called upon to observe a particular area. While more intense on-site observation services are beyond the scope of this proposal, we have the capability for furnishing more frequent observation or resident project representation, if those services should be desired. Any observation services will be for the purpose of monitoring compliance with the plans, specifications and contract documents, and will not in any manner be a guaran- tee of the schedule, materials, appliances, or methods of the contractor, nor for the safety of the job. A2.I Final Products Deliverables under this proposa] will generally consist of ten sets of detailed construction p]ans, technical specifica- tions, contract documents, and cost estimates. One reproduc- ible "as-built" will be prepared and provided upon the completion and acceptance of the work. Additional copies will be available at the cost of reproduction. Drawings will be prepared in ink on Mylar film at suitable scales, using matched sheets where necessary. Drawings can also be finished in digital format in Intergraph MicroStation or AutoCAD Release 14 format, if desired, at no additional cost. In the case of difference between the drawings and the electronically produced images, the hard copy tracings will govern. Page I of 2.. pages (Exhibit A--Basic Services and Related Matters) A2.2 Time of Completion The design and bidding phases will be completed according to the following estimated schedule, exclusive oftimes required for review of the work at various stages: Phase Survey SiteIFinal Design Total Estimated Time 30 days 30 days 60 days Bidding and Award Phase (If needed) 45 days A2.3 PROPOSAL The general scope of work, a breakdown of the proposed lump sum fee, and the time of completion are stated in the following proposal letter dated May 20, 1999, which is incorporated herein: Page 2 of...i... pages (Exhibit A--Basic Services and Related Matters) (" .. <' .~..... ,." - ,'" .,. . r ~ . . Cranston, Robertson & Whitehurst, PC. ENGDNEERS PLANNERS SURVEYORS OLD ENGlNE COMPANY NO.1 452 ELLIS STREET POST OFFICE BOX 2546 AUGUSTA, GEORGIA 30903.2546 J. CRAIG CRANSTON, P.E., R.L.S. THOMAS H. ROBERTSON, P.E., R.L.S. ELDRIDGE A. WHITEHURST, JR., P.E. JAMES B. CRANFORD, JR., P.E. DENNIS J. WELCH, P.E. TELEPHONE (706) 722.1588 TELECOPIER (706) 722.8379 E.MAIL CRWPC0CRWPC.COM May 20, 1999 JOHN T. ATrAWAY, R.L.S. WAYNE SWANN, R.L.S. MaCRAELS.BERGLUND STEVEN M. BRYANT DWlGHT E. FUl'o"DERBURK, II PATRICK W. HUTTO KEITH A. LAWRENCE KELVIN G. OGLESBY Augusta Utilities Department 2760 Peach Orchard Road Augusta, Georgia 30906 Attn: Mr. Jim Rush Re: 60-inch Raw \Vater Transmission Main Surge Tank Our File No. 97-280. ~o Gentlemen: In accordance \\'ith your request, we are pleased to offer the following proposal for accomplishing additional surveying and engineering design services for the surge tank to be constructed in conjunction with the neVl 60 inch ra\\' water main. This letter \viJ1 present our understanding of the scope of work, our fees, and the time required to accomplish the \-vork. SCOPE OF \VORK The additional work includes field surveys to update a site map of the area near the abandoned pumping station on the Augusta Canal located generally between River Watch Parkway, the Canal, and the CSX Railroad in sufficient detail to locate existing roads, fences, valves, structures, and all visible improvements in the area. This field surveying will be utilized to produce a base map of the overaJ1 area for not only the construction of the proposed surge tank, but also for your use in having a more accurate drawing of this general area. At the same time th~lt the surge tank is being designed, general improvements to "restore" the area will be unde11aken to include installing valve pits at several locations v,ihere open excavated holes currently exist, removal ofmmecessary debris, and general clean~up and fencing of the area. Thus, in addition to the surge tank at the end of the project, you v,'ill have an improved valve pit area to facilitate maintenance and operation for the various lines. Page 3 of 5 pages (Exhibit A-Basic Services and Related Matters) " .. Mr. Jini Rush May 20, 1999 Page 2 We will prepare plans, specifications, and contract documents for the surge tank and proposed improvements such that the work can be negotiated \\lith Chandler Utility Contractors, Inc., contractor for the 60-inch water line. Drawings will be prepared in ink on mylar film at an appropriate scale. We can also fumish the drawing in AutoCAD computer disk format, if desired, at no additional fee. In the event of difference between the disk-reproduced drawing and the original tracing, the hard copy tracing will govern. FEE PROPOSAL Our fee for this additional work \\,'ill be based upon five percent of the attached preliminary cost estimate of$3 73,311.00 plus surveying, for a total of$22,065.00. The total fee is broken down as follows: Description of Service Fee 1. Surveying, updating and compiling of base $ 3.400.00 map 2. Site design $ 3,200.00 .., Surge tank design $ 11,700.00 .J. 4. Negotiating Phase $ 950.00 5. Construction Phase $ 2,815.00 Total $ 22,065.00 We expect to submit periodic invoices covering the design work as it progresses and to receive payment within fifteen days thereafter. TIME OF COMPLETION We are prepared to begin \\lork at your direction and expect to complete the surveying phase in 30 days and the design phase 30 days after completion of the surveying. Pursuant to your direction, we will accelerate a portion of the design so that the connection sizes for the existing and new pipes are established so that the fittings can be installed while Chandler is working in this area. Page 4 of 5 pages (Exhibit A-Basic Services and Related Matters) Mr. Jim Rush May 20, 1999 Page 3 We appreciate the opp0J1unity of making this proposal and trust that you find it satisfactory. We \vill prepare an Exhibit I, Contract Amendment, to our existing contract with you for the 60-inch raw water main when you notify us that our proposal has been accepted. Should you have any questions concerning the scope of services offered, or the fee, please do not hesitate to contact us at your convel1lence. Sincerely, CRANSTON, ROBERTSON & WHITEHURST, P.e. T~OeS~ Eldridge A. Whitehurst, Jr., P.E. THR/EA \\1 Itmr \\Server\crw\A A-COR R ESPONDENCE\ 199 7\9 i 280-20A 1I~lIs1a WalerMJinSlIrge T ankILETTER S\pl'Opos.1Inlsh 5. 20-99. "1)(1 Page 5 of 5 pages (Exhibit A-Basic Services and Related Matters) -. This is EXHIBIT B, consisting of..l pages, referred to in the Agreement between OWNER and ENGINEER for Professional Services, dated January 26 , 2000 Payments to ENGINEER for Services and Reimbursable Expenses Initial: OWNER ENGINE~ Section 6 of the Agreement is amended and supplemented to include the following agreement of the parties: Lump Sum Method of Payment (With additional payments on a Salary Costs basis for Resident Project Representative and Operational Phase Services and additional payments for Reimbursable Expenses) 86.1 Methods of Payment for Services and Expenses of ENGINEER. B6.1.2.1 General. For services of ENGINEER's principals and employees engaged directly on the Project performed or furnished pursuant to paragraph 3. I or 3.2 (except services as a consultant or witness under paragraph, an amount equal to ENGINEER's Salary Costs times a factor of2.15. B6.1.1 For Basic Services. OWNER shall pay ENGINEER for Basic Services as follows: B6.1.1.1 General. A lump sum fee of $22,065.00 for all services of ENGINEER (except for services of ENGINEER's Resident Project Representative performed or furnished under paragraph, Operational Phase sen iees perf6rmed 6r fl1mished tinder Pllt'8grllflh 2.6, and 3eniees t6 fttmish ea3e ment plltts.) including services of ENGINEER's Consultants. See paragraph B6.3 for breakdown. B6.1.2.2 ENGINEER's Consultants. For services of ENGINEER's Consultants performed or furnished pursuant to paragraph 3.1 or 3.2, the amount billed to ENGINEER therefor times a factor 1.15. B6. I .2.3 This section has been intentionally omit- ted. B6. I .1.2 Resident Project Representative Services. For services of ENGINEER's Resident Project Representative performed or furnished under para- graph, an amount equal to ENGINEER's Salary Costs time a factor of 2. I 5 for services per- formed or furnished by principals and employees engaged directly in resident Project Representation. B6.1.2.4 It is anticipated that the contract for con- struction will be let in one (I) prime contract. B6.1.1.3 Operation Phase Services. For Operation Phase Services performed or furnished under para- graph 2.6, an amount equal to the ENGINEER's Salary Costs times a factor of 2.15 for services performed or furnished by principals and employees engaged directly on the Project. B6.1.2.5 Serving as a Witness. For services per- formed by ENGINEER's principals and employees as consultants or witnesses in any litigation, arbitra- tion or other legal or administrative proceeding under paragraph 2.1.17, at the rate of$I.200.00 per day 6r Ml) porti6n there6f (but compensation for time spent in preparing to appear in any such litiga- tion, arbitration or proceeding will be on the basis provided in paragraph B6.1.2.2. B6.1.3 For Reimbursable Expenses. OWNER shall pay ENGINEER for Reimbursable Expenses such as: B6.1.1.4 Eau",elftJ Pklts. For easement plats, Ml amol1ftt 6f$299.99 for eaeh plitt. Surveying services are part of the basic services. Out of town travel. ifanv. B6.1.2 For Additional Services OWNER shall pay ENGI- NEER for Additional Services as follows: Page 1 of .l pages (Exhibit B--Lump Sum Method) :. The amount payable to ENGINEER for Reimbursable Expenses will be the charge actually incurred or the imputed cost allocated by ENGINEER therefor times a factor of 1.15. B6.1.4. Salary Costs. Salary Costs means salaried and wages (basic, premium and incentive) paid to personnel plus the cost of customary and statutory benefits including, but not limited to, social security contributions, unemployment, excise and payroll taxes, worker's compensation, health and retirement benefits, bonuses, sick leave, vacation and holiday pay applicable thereto. The principals of ENGINEER and the imputed current hourly Salary Costs of such principals are as follows: Imputed Hourly Principal (name and title) Salary Costs As substantiated by pavroll records $ $ $ $ B6.1.5 Adjustment of Salary Costs. The Salary Costs and the factor applied to Salary Costs in determining compensation payable to ENGINEER will be adjusted annually and equita- bly to reflect changes in the various elements that comprise such Salary Costs and factor. All such adjustments will be in accordance with generally accepted accounting practices as applied on a consistent basis by ENGINEER and consistent with ENGINEER's overall compensation practices and procedures. B6.2 Other Provisions Concerning Payments. B6.2.1 Preparation of Invoices. The portion of the amount billed for ENGINEER's services which is on account of the Lump sum will be based upon ENGINEER's estimate of the proportion oftl]e total services actually completed at the time of billing. The portion related to services rendered on a Salary Costs basis will be bilIed based on the Salary Costs (multiplied by a factor, if any, as stated above) incurred at the time of billing. B6.2.3 Payments Upon Termination. B6.2.3.4 In the event of termination during any phase of the Basic Services, ENGINEER will be paid for services performed or furnished in accor- dance with this Agreement during that phase on the basis of ENGINEER's Salary Costs times a factor of 2.15 for services performed or furnished during that phase to date of termination by ENGINEER's principals and employees engaged directly on. the Project. B6.3 See page 3 (The remainder of this page was left blank intentionally.) Page 2 of .l pages (Exhibit B--Lump Sum Method) .. .- B6.3 Breakdown of Lump Sum B6.2.1 The following is a breakdown of the lump sum fee given in paragraph B6. 1. 1.1 : Phase Percentage Fee Surveying, updating, and compil- 15% $ 3,400.00 ing of base map Preliminary Design 15% $ 3,200.00 Final Design 53% $ 11,700.00 BiddinglNegotiation 4% $ 950.00 Construction 13% $ 2,815.00 TOTAL 100% $ 22,O65.~ Page 3 of .l pages (Exhibit B--Lump Sum Method) . Insurance ~ . This is EXHmIT F, consisting of --1- pages, referred to in the Agreement between OWNER and ENGINEER for Professional Services dated January 26 , 20Q!L. Initial: OWNER ENGINE~ Paragraph 8.3 of the Agreement is amended and supplemented to include the following agreement of the parties. F8.3 Insurance A. The limits ofliability for the insurance required by paragraph 8.3.1 of the Agreement are as follows: l. 2. By ENGINEER: a. Workers' Compensation: Statutory b. Employer's Liability -- 1) Each Accident: 2) Disease, Policy Limit: 3) Disease, Each Employee: $ 100,000 $ 500,000 $ 100,000 c. General Liability-- 1) Each occurrence (Bodily Injury and property Damage): 2) General Aggregate $ 500,000 $1,000,000 d. Excess or Umbrella Liability-- 1) Each Occurrence: 2) General Aggregate: $1,000,000 $1,000,000 e. Automobile Liability-- 1) Combined Single Limit (Bodily Injury and Property Damage): Each Accident $ 500,000 f. Other (specify): Professional Liabilitv $1,000,000 By OWNER: Self-Insured. Page I of -L Pages (Exhibit F--Insurance)