HomeMy WebLinkAboutCommunity Service Board Of East Central Georgia And D/B/A Community Mental Health Center Of East Central Georgia Augusta Richmond GA DOCUMENTNAME:~(\1\u Sa\\\Le- 'cx::x1~d er9 roS+ Cen\:'(O-.!- 0f0'(~ O'\b\O- CON\\'(\U'C\~ mef\-till ~\-\t) &0\-&' O\C em\- cenwo1 crorW~ DOCUMENT TYPE: CXd xeem e0-\--. . . YEAR: C\\ BOX NUMBER: 0-\ FILE NUMBER: \'6l\c)(;) NUMBER OF PAGES: 3 SIl;NED, SEALED, AND IWI.IVEHED A~97~,.illlllt;J'J1~m~ - ~I Willll'SS _::-~' _", ~_~_(1.~ .:: ..-. "'<. -;: ~. ~ N'r I'll hi il' ~ :"';'". (~:'al~ - M~ "'Jbtlc. met1mond County. Georgia _ _J ", I . MiCommlsslon Expires Dec. 5, 2001 \'-:-:--:1;':,? ',_ \~- _ .......... ~. ... " 'r\. ..;t'.; .. .ARTICLE V Thlf docuRlenllllproved as to I~ sulfidJl"Y 8Jld 101m. c~$D /1'/'1-'11 ltOmey Data /'urpos" of /'umgraph Identificution n"f"rences 1) efin it ions Time /s Of J.:ssence Service Of No/ice COI'Cllan/ Of 'l"i/'" all.1 Qui'" /\'ujoymcII' Nil I i"" Of ..I"j)oin/mell/ Of :Igelll C hallSe 1 II Owners/lip Of Pre rn is" s Form J J48 (4-75) , \ " STIPULATIONS .. 't '1'1... r..llowinl!: stipulalions, proVISions, cuvenants, agreements, terms and conditions, markl:d Exhibit "A" a III I attached 10 this n'ulal agreement, arc expressly underslood and arc lIIulually agn:ed 10 by the parties hereto. The said stipulations, provisions, covenants, agrl:cments, Lenns and i:Ondilions alladll:d 111'1''''0 a/lll lIIark.:o Exhibit ",\", arc hereby incorporated Iwn:in and made a p.lrt of Article V of this rcnlal aWI:"IIII'nt hy rd,'...:n Cl'. ;j<;D IN WI'I'NFS,-; WI 11,:111,:0(0', Landlonl and 'I'.:n<lnt hav.: hl:...:unto l:xl:.:u...d, ~,'igllt..d, <1,1111 ddivl'l"l:d lhi~ ~ a~n'I'mcnl in .tnl'licali' IIII' day, nlonth, allll y.:ar rirsl ahov.: wrillcn, eaeh of tlw..;~a~d_l~i~1.ies kl:I'l'ing onc or U till' CIll'i..s 1.1'1'1'''1. RICHMeNI> COUNTK It u 6-U S fA , RICBUOND"COUNYY EOARD OF 6Eo!:6-/4 C - . , au.v ,.- .q COMMUNITY SERVICE BOARD OF EAST CENTRAL GEORGIA d/b/a COMMUNITY MENTAL HEALTH CENTER OF EAST CENTRAL GEORGIA (I..S.) N~; ta ry Public (I..S.) JOHN S. WARNER Approved: Hepresentativc from Ceorgia Deparlrnenl of I hunan HetiOurees Nolary Public (SI'al) Dale: EXHIBIT "A" STIPULATIONS, PROVISIONS, COVENANTS, AGREEMENTS TERMS AND CONDITIONS OF RENTAL AGREEMENT: J. The brid, (:aptionl'd, paragraph.identifieation rcfen:nl:es which app;:ar in lhe left halld lIlargill of Ihi:; Exhihit A ar.. for the pnrposc of eonvcni"nee only awl shall h(: completely disrq~ardcd in construing this rcntat agrcemcnl. 2. A. Thc won:! "Lamllord" as uscd in this renlal agreemcnt shall bc ('onstnll:d to mean Landlords UI all cases whITe there is more than one Landlord, and thc neecssary grammatical changes required to make the provisions III:rcof apply either 10 male or female, corporation, partnership or individuals, shall in all cascs be asslulH:d as though in each case fully expressed. II. The wonl "I'remises" as nsed in this rental agreement shall include nol only the parlieularly allOve-<leseribl,1 property but also alllhe improvements, t(:nements and appurtenances, Ihi:reunlo hclonging or iu auy wise apperlaining. C. Any and all references 10 Ihe "Term" of Ihe agrecment eonlauled within this renlal agrecmellt shall include not only the orij,<inal term bul also any rcnewal or exlcnsioll of thc original h:nn. 3. AU time limits slatcd inlhis rental agrcemenl arc of tlu: ess(:nce of this' agrcl:nll,nl. 4. AD notices, statements, demands, requests, consenls, approvals, autllori:lations, hcn:llnda given by either party to Ihe other shall be in writing alld sent by registered or ecrtified mail, postage prcpai.1 and addrcssed as follows: To Tenanl, at Ihe addrcss shown for the premises rented herein, and 10 Landlord, till: same shall be scnl 10 Ihe address stated above or al Bueh otlwr addresses Landlord may from lime 10 lime designah: by noli(~e 10 Tenant. In eilher case, Tenant will be rcslHlIlsible for 1I0tifying in wrilinl( the appropriate repn:selltalivc fwmlhc ';"o'lda Ileparlnwnt of Ihlman Hesourees. ;,. Landlord eovenanls Ihat he is sei'l.ed of the said demised pn:mist:s in fel: simplo: absolll":. Lalllllortl'a~rees Ihal Ihe Tenant, payinl( Ihe renls and keepillg thl: stipulations, provisions, covl:nanls, lerms, agn:elill:nls, and wndilions hen'in eonlailll:d, shall lawfully, quietly al~1 peacefully hav", hold, USl:, POSSI:SS, enjo)' a 11I1 occupy said premises hen:b}' renl."I, wilh all Ihe illll'rovl:men\S, It:olt:menls, appurlt:nanel:s, and each alld every pari allll pared Ihen:of for and during said term hen'liy granted, withoul any suil, hu.drallee, inlerrul;lioll, inconvenience, eviction, ejet:lion, or moleslalion by 1111: I.andlord or by any olhcr person orpen;Qns whatsoever. If for any n:asOluvhatever, Tenant is deprivcd 01' ils right 10 lawfully, I...iclly and peacefully havc,VlOkl, use, poss"ss, enj~IY a 11I1 oe(:U!,y said premises herehy renlt'd, with all the impfl.vt:nll:nls. lelll:lIl1:nls, appllrh:llanees, a 11I1 caeh ami every pari and pan:d Ihert,of, for and during said terlll hereby l(r:lnlt:t1, wilhollt 'lilY ,mil, hillllrallet:, inlt:rrnplioll, inconv""it:n,,.,, t:vielioll,ejt:...im: or 1II0"'slalioll hy the Law\lon! or by un)' ollll'r '11'1''''"1 or pC"fsons whulsllt:VC"f, 1I",n lhill agrt:,'ml'nt ma)' Ill: imnll:dialdy ealll:dll:d and tUlninal,'d allhe Ilption .~I' 1111' T.'n'lnl hy l(ivillj( IIII' Lunlllonlnotice llll'n:of. II' Iho: Lalllll,,,,I's lith: shall wnll: inlo dispulo: IIr lilil\alion, I hI: Tellallt IIIU~' withhold paynlO:nl 111' rt:lIls (wilholll inlert:sl) nntil final adjudiealion or olher st:lllemenl of sud. dispule or liligatiun. 6. 'I'.'nanl shall h.. nllllt:r no ohligalion 10 re('ogni'l.c any agent for Ihe coiled ion of rt:nl aeeruoo or to aeenll: hcn:nndn or otherwise aulhol'i'l.cd to ael with respect to the demised premises nntil noliee of the: appoilllmenl and the ('.Xlc:llt of till: allthority of slleh agent shall 1)(: given to Ihe 'I'enanl h)' I he pari)' appoinling such agell!. 7. No change or division in the ownership of Ihe n:llted premiSt:s, or of the rellls payable hen:ullder, however aecolllplishrd, shall operale 10 enlaJ1lc lhe ohligations or diminish the rights of Ihe Tenalll. Furlher, no change or division Ul ownt:rship shall be binding on the 'I'1:nalll for any purpose unlil Ihe Tenalll shall have heen furnished wilh a certified el';,.. ,I' the recorded inslrument, or olher legally authenticated writlen inslnllnenl, evitleneulg sud. change or division ill ',wnership. PlllJe 2 of 4 .. ..' lIi",'itW l'Iii'''' Oil II,. irs, ..1...i,llll', ,'.',,,. La .onJ'. I.'ai/ure 1'0 Deliver I'remises /1, COnJmellee"..,IIt () f '{'erm Deslrudiu" Of Or J)anJuge ,/,,, . Premises lnsumllcc Usc Of {'rcmises And InsuIU IIC,! Requiremellts CUII"dk.tiuII Uf Rellllll Agrel'lll "" t lIy I,ll/Ill 'un I JJ old illC Over C ulldeilllu'liou lV CO~SO {( u/'/lisJ, {("III""" It Cl'ail"$ fly 1,(l/lll1unl lJ~D E IIlry I'or /Ilspt!dion A lid Repairs, A ItelUlions Or Addiliolu Janitorinl Seroi<'es (J~SD Form 1148 (4-75) '11. EII('Ii' uf till' ."ilil'ulaliuuli, pruvitliUIIH, II'rllIM, t'outJitiuUH, (;tJvc:u~lnht, a~n:t:llu:llt::l awl uLI~atioH:; ('ulllaiIH":{1 in this r"llallll(n"'III""1 ~hall apply. e:x kllll 10, he: hilltl illl( IIpOIl a/lll illllr" 10 II,,: l":lIdil or .Id ri"uj"l uf e:adl alltl I'VI:r)' 0111' "f lilt: I,,:ir~. Iq:al r.."r..~e:lllaliv.'~, .l.-vi,;<:I'~, Iq:all'e:., ,,,,xl...f-kill, ~1I"I'I'"Sul'>l allll at<Oi~ll. of .,'" n:s""l'li\"e: parli"s IlI:rt:lo, alltl ,I&all h., de:""Il'.1 alltl In:ale,,1 as mVl'llallls n:al nllllling wilh the: prelllise:s .do'Tsaitl tlllrillg tilt: Icrlll of Ihis rc:1l1 al agrc'I'llIc:nl. Wh...wnr a rd..n:Il.,.: 10 Ihe: parlil's IlC:rclo is matle:, 0111'1& rd"rcll"e: shall be el"e"wtl lu i"d"tI.. tI,,: lle:irs, 1"I~al n:prc:se:lllalivl'o, .kvise:l's, 1"I:al<:"o, lI<:xl.of -kin, SlIece:ssurs allll a>>signs of said parly, Ihe sail": as if in caeh eas" e:xprc:ssl'el. I). Sholll,1 Ihe Lalllllo...l, for any rcason whall:\"l'r, he: 11llaLk 10 1lt-li\"l:r IHISSl'ssioll of 1111: saitl rc:nlalprc'llIi'I's 10 lIlt: 'I'ellalll al II... '''''"'"1'"1'''11","1 "f saHI Inm as IIe:rc:illlwfon: speeific.!, Ihis agr""1)1I:1I1 lIIay IH: illlllll:di~ldy "~'1I,'1I111, le:nllill"lt:d ~lId ,kd"rt:l1 111111 "lid vllid al Ihe oplillll of II,,: Tellalll h)' I(ivill~ Ihe Lalldlllrd lIoli"" 1111'1'....1'. Sh~1I1111' TC'Ilall1 d"", 11..1 10 "Xcrt:i,H: Ihe: afo/"l:slal,'d .."Iioll 11,,:11 il i.~ agrced hI' 1111: p~rlies I,,:r"'o Ihal II",..., ohalll..: a lolal ahalelllelll ..I' relll dllrill/.( IIII' paiod 1H'I\\'e"" Ih" 1:IlIlIIlIl:lIC':l1I1:1I1 of sai.1 It:rm a11l1 lilt: lillll: lilt: l.aJllllo...I.ldivl'rs IMlSS4'ssioll "I' IIII' pn:mi.s.'s I.. II,,: "I",'lIalll. 10. III Ih" I:v"nl Ihl' said d'~lIlised p"':lIIiscs, dlher prior to Ihe COIllIllCIICelllt~nl dall: of this rcnlal agrcclIll:1I1 or dllrilll( Ih., "'rlll 11"'''':01' shall I... s.. ..amag",!, b)' an)' calise whalt:v"r, as 10 Le rCII.krl:d IIl1fil for ocellpalle)' hy Ihc TCllalll, a'MI illl' ,;aid prelllis.,,; shall 1101 IllI"rc:aflt:r h.. rel'ain'd IIY Ihl: l.alllllo...1 al his "xpellol: wilh n,aoollahk l,,'olllpll,,:,;s allll di'pald., I:,,,,. Ihis rl'lI'al ag 1'1"'111"11 1 ilia)' I,,: illlllletlialdy e:alledkd alld krlllillaled al 1111: opli,," of IIII' Tellalll h)' ~i\'illg 1111" I.alldlol'll 1I..li...: 11,,:......f, and /"1:111 (if allY) shall Lc pa)'a"le: (111)' 10 II,,: dale of sllI:h .Ialllagc. Shall sai.1 pn'lIIi",:o, eilher pri..r I.. II,,' ....1111I11"111.'.1111'111 ,Iail' Ill' Ihis /"I:lllal a(:rt:elllt:1I1 or dllring II,,: Inlll 1111:"':111', h,~ parliall)' .Ie.lru)'cd, hy all)' "all,e whalt:v..r, bill 110' r""d",,,'d 1111 fi I fill' o''''Il"all'')' hI' Tt:llalll, Ihen 1111: L:lIl1l1llnl a~l'I:cs Ihal Ihe premi",', althc l.alldlo...I', "XI"'IISt' ,,"t1 wilh r..asllllal"I' 1""'II,,,II"'~s allll dispal"". ,;halllw l'I'pairctl .1I1t1 n:slon:d III slIhdlalllially 1111, sail II: e((,lIlili..1I as hl'f....., IIII' .Ialllagl'. In IIII' 1:\"'111..1' a parlial.Il,t<lnll:lioll of Ihe prelllises 1111:"': shall he: a fair aLalellll:1I1 ill IIII' "':lIlpa)'ah/t: dllrillK Ih,' lill... Slid, n:p~irs ..r rt:bllildill/.( arc l...i"1g lII~tle. Slid, proporliollale: dCtllIClill1l Ill' relll 10 be ha.sed "111111 IIII' "'1\1'111 III whidl Iht: lIIakilll-\ or slldl n:pairs or n:hllildill~ an: 11I:i,,(: lIIade. SlIch prolM.rtiollale: dedllelioll of rC1I1 10 I,,, hased "1"Il' IIII' ,'xl"1I1 III ",hid, 1111: lIlakillg III' sll"h ...:"airs III' ...:bllildi/I/.\ sh~1I illlerfae will, Ihe hIlSill"'" earrietl oil II)' "IC 'I"'lIalll ill ,;aid pr","iSl'~. 1-'11:1 n:lllal ,;hall agaill ""11I1111:111'" afler ""'lIpldioll of Ihe ...:pair,; allll r::sl..ralion of till: ""':lIIise:s hI' II,., La lid IIII'd. III e..IIIII:I'lioll wilh Ihl' forel(oilll(, ;1 is a~n:ed hy Ihe parlies 1":1''''0 IIIal tIll: "":II""I's dee:i.,ioll sllalllH: I'OIII....lIilll-\ as 10 \\'1,,:1111"1' or 1101 'he pn:/IIist:s are: fil or IIl1fil for oel:llpaIlC)' hy Ihe Tellalll. II. Lalllllunl shall a,"lwill, OIl llis OWII msl allll cxp""oe dllrill~ II,,: 'el'ln of lids r,,"lal agn:clllt:lll, ke"p Ih" prc'lIis..s illSufI.d agaillsl lo>>s or .Ialllagl: hI' fire a/llloll,.". "asllalli"s, for 1101 le>>s Ihan Ihc alllollnl Ihc prcmises lI'eft: lasl a,ses",:eI for Ih" pllqHIS" of laxalioll. Saitl illsuranee shalllu: plaecu wilh solvelll, ineorpol'alcd illsuranec '~)fnpallies liee:ns"d 10 elo husiness ill Ihe Slall: of (;"I)f'gia. I.alldlonl shall furllish T"lIanl wilh C"rlifieales ur olher aec"plall!c e:vide:lH" Ihal sneh iIlSllrdlll:" is ill erfed. 12. Tenanl shallnoluSl: said pn:llli,,:,; for allY tHUpuse olher thall fnllcliolls allel fac:ilili..s for whidl II,,: said pft:/IIis,,~ arc hercL)' I'enlcd; allll nouSl: ohall Le lIIadc of said premises, nor ael,; dUlle which will eallo" a eao,,,:lIaliou of. or all ille:l"I:ase ill Ihe exislillg ralc of fin:, easualty '11Id oll,,~r ex"'"ded ellVerage illsllrallee illsurill~ II... saiel "n:/IIi".,. '1'1,,: 'I'ell~1I1 furlh"r agn:"s 1101 10 sdl, or pel'lllil 10 he k"pl for US", in or allolll said pre/llises, all)' arlidl' or arlie:It:s II'IIieh ilia)' I... "fIIhihile:d hy Ih" slallda...1 f"r/ll of fin: iuourallee: poliei"s. 1:1. Shall 1111' '1','11,1/.1 al allY lillll".llI: ill .Idal/It in II,,: paYII":1I1 of re:lIl, or in II", performancc of allY of 1111, sliplllaliolls, ..ovellallls, 1.'rIlL'. "olldilioIlS, agl'''''III1'lIls. or pfllvisiollS of IIIis r,,"lal agft:""I1:IlI, alld fail 10 rCIIII:d)' olld, .Idalllt wilhill IW"III,\' (211) .1,,")', ,,1'1"1' l"I'I,,'i,,1 of 1I0Ii",: 1I,,:reof from 1111: I.alltllont; it ollall I.., lawflll for Ihe: I.an.llol"ll 10 e:llkr alld n:IHIs.se'ss said pn:rnis...s, "xpl.1 'IIMI n'/IIov" II,,: Te:nallt alltl ils df.:t:ls 1I",rd"rolll. 14. AllY holdjll~'ov"r, or eOlllillue~1 """ allll/or oeeupalley h)' Ihe Te:llaul, of Ihc ft:II...tI prc:rllisc:s aflu Ihe e:xpiralioll of Ihb relllal a(:reelllelll .hall operdlc alld h.: e:ollslrued as a It:llalle)' al will al Ihc samc 1II01llhly rale: of rCIII sl:1 oul aLo\"e allllulld"r 1I11~ sallie 1.'.rIll8 illlIl eOlllliliollS in forl:C: allhe "xpiralioll uf Ihc agl"l~e/llelll. 15. Inlhe: e:ve:lIl, dllrill~ II,,: It:rlll of lhis relllal agreclllelll, Ihe whok or .111)' pari of Ihc prclllises hercLy r""11:tI shall Lc appropriale:d or lakell Ly any MUllieipal, COllllly, Sial", Fc:de:ral or ollllT aUlhoril)' for any puL/ie: or lJuasi-pIILIi" liSt: thr"lIgh Ihc cxaeise of lhe IHIWt:r of "lIIille II I dtl/n;till or e;olldelllllalioll proecedillg, or sokllo Ihc IHISSe>>sor of ouch powe:r IInder IIle Ihreal of ils I:xe:rc:ise, or if by f1:asOIl of law onlillallee or hy eOllrl .It:t:n:c, wlll:lllI:r hI' cO/u;ell1 or otherwise, II,,: llse of II,,: premises by I he Tellalll for Ihe pllrposes hereinaLove rcferrc:d 10 shall he prohibiled; Ihe 'I'1:llallt ohallhavl~ 1111" righl 10 im/llctlialely It:rmillalc Ihis n:lllal agft:elllclIl UllOlI 1I0lice to Ihc I.alldlunl 0111I1 Ihc relit shall hc paid ollly to till: lillle wl":1l Ihe "":1101111 sllrrellden; posSl:ssioll of Ihc prcmises. \\IIII:n ollly a porlioll of the ,It:lllisc:llprclllise:s an: a"llIin,,1 for pllblit: or Iluasi-PIlI.lie IIse Ihnllrgh the e:xen:i.~l: of or ulldcr Ihe: Ihrcal of e:lllilll:II1 110/IIaill or cOIIIII:mllalioll procee.lillg, II,,, Te:llall' shall have: all e1ectioll as 10 \\"1,,,1111:1' il willlerlllillall: allll ealll:c:1 Ihis ft:lllal agn:e:IIICIII allh" lillll: a pllflioll of Ihe elclllisc:eI premises IIlUol III: sllrrelltlereel or wlll:lhl:r il will ft:rllaill ill Ihe elelllise:d pn:lllise:s wilh r"mainillg 1II1l1l1hl)' n:lllal paY/llellls n:t1l1t,,:d lIy all allllllllll .lclel1l1illt,,1 hy Ihe raliu Ill' squarl: fl:t:t Ihus a"qui""l lu till: IlIlal squ,lre f"d IIrigillally t"tIlI I aille.1 in IlIe: dl:/Ili.s".1 prl:lllis"s. 'I'll I:.~n"isl: IIlis dulillll, 1I11' 'l'ellalllmuolllolify Ihl: I.alldlonl willlill Iwellty.fivc (:!:,) days afta il is IIllillla,,:ly tle~I"rllli/ll:t1 whal porlillll of lh" prt:lllises willlH: lakl:lI IIntlcr Slid, procl:cdillg.ln lilt: I:\""nllll" '1',," alii de,,:ls III rl:lIlaill 1111 1111: pl't:mi>ll:S 1I/11le:r Ihe "o/lllilioll se:1 forlh ahol'l: II,,: I.alldlonl agrc":t< III prolllplly lIIakc all IIl:e'l'~ary allnaliolls allel rt:pairs \VIIi"" Hllall h" re:tlllirt:tll,,:callsl: IIf sll"h parlial al:qllisilioll. Till, righls of Ih.. 1.~lul/onl shall ill 110 way prejudil:l: or illlc'rfe:rc: wilh ~IIY claim wllkh Ihe: Tl:llalll lIIay havl: 'lg~iIlHI Ihl: ""lhoril)' I:xe:rl:i,;illg II", IM'\\'I:r uf C'lIainl~lI. (IUHIUill ur (~()lIdl:lllnaljun fur dall'~I:H or nllll:rwiHc for dt~stnll:lioll uf of illl(~rrt'n:llcc; willi Ihc: IJlJ.siw~l"s uf the: '('l'lIalll ill t I... .1"llIin"., pre'"li,;<'.. XXOCX~~~XI}(<~XX!KX9{lJ(iXKRKH~~:kIKKiJt:X'~X~X1(X~x~k*~ft~~xks, tXaliJi!xXKD{~~X!l(OCKHOOJt~~~bx~OO;X!1XDI~X&XXXXXXXXX XXXXJI)X~iXKMOOKX~X!X!l(lx1K~X~X9[lkX}QrX~]OHUf!x][)oXXXD(KXOCXOO~}(oX~ tf'~MiXll(iXlXiXIX**~K~tMKKOOMX~i}I)@x1n(~)fXxD~xtXxX~~~X~ JlX~KXlQQlHX~:Xi}GX~DCiX>>~X1XJa*.x,*KMOO>>~}{~Jf*!)j!~~~K~:K~jl Jt~;x!JI~X~~~~H*~KX'X~"Xx'Xx'XftX~Xy.~X,*~~W'lti'l){ 1)QGX~<<}vXMlXHX~D{~~X~lO~>>XW~X~)Q~**!XK'>>~KI'KiX~~](I}(l~iK~k~~ *~XltiOIXOOX~.MKMOC*XKKXXl}f~~!)fX~'Kit!MOO:~MOOH~~~~~~~~XW IKX:XX~iX:XX;K~:XiXMXi~XK]fJ(lXKl{tX<<~D~~~~*"X~DfX 11:1. Tcnalll shall p"rlllil Landlord, his agenls or employces, to enlcr illlo alld Upoll said premises al all reasonable limes for the purpose of inspt:clillg Ihe sallie or for Ihe purpose of mailllaining or makillg repain;, alleralions or additions 10 any IlOrlioll of Ihe pn:lIlises. XXKXXJGaaHlCJM~~MMiX~XUKJI!lCIJ(!:HN>XX~~~~nt~~~~xX'ifx'Jbt'~ ~X~~~iX:XIXXJQliXiJGa>>~aoaXJXl.XiJ(lXIXi]{~~~Xd!K~~~ ICiK<<RiM~XtX~MPPjp~~~~j(l}(~DN~IdrX'x:*~~1t~i~~ JQCXJGiKIX~~XOIXlKDC:KOO~~~*,XXHX!D':K~1t~j{1jt~~'*~~ U~QC Pege 3 of 4 ". .. lJti'ities ca-~o Notice To LUlldlord Of Damage Or Def""'s 1'ax PS UIIII A .'i.~1.3J"W" Is ~ '/"'''11 iks. 1I,,,/('lIts. :111.1 I....".~ /{.. 11I0"" ( If 1Ull'r'JVCIIH!ItL\. f;rediolls 11,,,[ A,lditiolls 8\' T,mulIl U"molXl/Oj Fixtures fly '/'CIIIIII. Waivc. Of Rig',t f;ulry For Canlius, f;k A bant/ollnicf,t Of Reuled Premises Wasle .'1...1 Nuisallt'f! A ssigllmell t And Sublelliug I'.ffecl Ou .4uigumcllt Allt! SublelliflS WlwlI Tellant SurrclUlers Ueutal/'TOl'l!rty Surrt'f1der Oll'n'm is(js ltllJalidily Of /';uvuiofl Or I'orlion n.{ I'rolli.(iOIl A l'ailability Of FUllds Further Special Stipulatiolls ~D futi", Agreemell' Form 1148 (4-75) .. .. XE{~~~~~~~~}(UU~ ~!ltK~~~XXOOKOC~oo.x~!X~~~ ( ~~~K.x.xxJO)t~~KK~afiX~~~~~c(iXJC/XiK~ ~~~X~~*-~~~~BX9f!x~Jl~ 1.x~~!XX!Mc(OOM~X~~H*K"XOOX :H. Tenanl shall [rive 10 Ihe Landlord prompl wrillen nolice of any aceid,'nllo or any defecls in the eui.i premi>'C~ and sueh dalllage or def/'ds shall he rt:nwdi,x! with Iilll: dilj;;,:nee hy Ihc Landlord al his own eXIl,:nt;l:. :!:!. Lalldlont, dllfin/! lill' said il:rlli of Ihis renlal :tgn":lllenl, agrCI:S, and co\'(:nanls 10 pay 'lIT, sali~.ry and dist:hal'\(e, as Ihey IWlXlnlf: dlli:, all as"':S;II11:lIto, laxes, lI:vi::~ ,,,.1 (lll,er chames, ~.:neral or spet:ial, of whal""t:r n'"I11:, nalure and kind, which an: or '"a)' I,,: ",vinl, as.",:s,;I:d impos.:d and thaf!;::d njKHl lhe pre:mi:;e:s tll:n:in de:miso:d al_' re:n/l:cl. x~xxn~~~X~XX~iKX:xrxxUXl~~~XXXD~ :,~~:pc>>KIXJOO(~lOl~BJf)o~~~Jl!XX!KJOO{)(K_~KXOO~ ~".. Wilh lilt' .'xpn'"" "o"s,,"t of Ihc: l.alldlClnl fir~1 f"".jllg 1)(:cn had and ohlaillt'd Ihe: Te:llOInl lJIay mak", al itJ; olVn "xpellS". sud. impfO""ull'lIls, ,'r"f.tioIlS a/lll al"'ialiolls as are Ilt:ee,~ary 10 adapl Ihe I'remise:s ior Ihe "olHlilcl Clf Ihe '('.'nanl's hnsi",'.",. All i'"prove:n.cnl:;, ercetioll:; alld addili,;r" installed in or pltlt:c'd IIpon Ihe ,1"misc,1 !lrt:mit;c:~ hy Ihe '('"nanl, wl...lI",r p"rmane:lltly affixcd Iherelo or olherwi:;e, shall conlinue and f1:main Ihe ,.ropert)" of the Tenallt, and /lIay I... r"IlIC1\'I:d Ly IIII' Te:nanl, iu whol<: or ill part, al any tinll: I.:foii: Ihl: ,'xpiraliouor lermination of lhis agrC:t:mel\t.!f the '('cnanl f(;/lIOV"S any or all of 1111: impro\'e/ll"nls, <:redions and addiliolls it has i.nstalled ill or plal:ed upon th" /lcmi~f.d pft"llIises,111t' Tenallt agr"c's 10 f/:pair any SI)(:cifiedanlU~': directly resulli~ 10 lhe premi.,es fro/ll such n:rmlVal. 2:'. At any lime I...foit. II..: l"xpiralioll or It:rrnillalion of Ihis agreement, Tenallt shall have the ril;ht and pri,.ir.:g~ 10 remove all fixlures, "'I uipnll"nI, appli!!ne:r' and rno\'al'l<: fnrrnlure which it haD pla,:ed in or uponlhe demisr.tl prclllL,c:;. 26. TIlt' waiver hy LI!loIlonl, (;1" hy T/:nanl, of any hreaeh of any slipulatioll, provisioll, krm. wvellalll, agfl:ellll"l:1 or eomlilion fll:rein 1~1I1Iailll'0I shall 1101 hI: ci'.'.lIl1,d 10 Ill: a waiver of sll"h stipulatioll, provision, lam, (:Qvc:nalll, agre:f1llf:pl or cOl\llilion 011 allY snhse:'luenl hreaeh of Ihe ~am(: or an)' olher slil'nlalion, pre,\'ision, ienn, oo\'e:llalll, :u;rct:/il':r:l or cOlldilioll herein fOlllained. 27. III 1I11: event IIII' Tenanl dOl:s nol C'xt:reise the rellewal or exlension oplion providt,J alll,..c, Ihen it is agf':I:d !hal Ihe I.alldlonl II~IY, wilhin sixty ((,ll) clays m:xl I'reeeding 11\1: cXl'irallon of the lefm of this agrc:cmcn:, e:anll'rcr:1:';';J; adverlising Ihe: said premises "For Sale" of "For HenL" Landlord llIay ,:nler Ihe premises at reasU/wblt: houn< 10 ~xl!jbil IIII' same 10 prospe:cli\'.: purehasers or tmlants. :!fl. /luring Ihe krrll of this al;rc:c:nU:III Tenanl agree:s no, 10 abandon or vac;!te the premises wilhoui (:allse. 21). Tcnanl .,hall 1101 eO/JImit, or suffer to be cunllnilh:d any wasle upon lhe said premises, or any nuisance, or other ael or Ihing whieh lIIay dislurL the enjoyment of an)' olher Tenant, if there: Le any, in the building in whieh .kmised pn:llliscs may he luca/l:.]. Jill. T.:llanl shall 1101 assign Ihi.~ renlal agreement. or any inlerest thr.rein, and shall Ill' I sublet the said pre:mises or any pari Ihcreof, or allY righl or privilege appurtellant Ihe:relo, or snffer any olher person 10 oeeupy or u:;c Ihe s;.id I'remisc:s, or any portion Ih"re:of, wilhoul lI,e c:om~:1I1 of I.andlonl fiost having heell ohtaineol. 1I0wever, il is agreed by Il""parlie:; Il/:rdo Ihal 1.:IIIIIIorol ~.hall nol ullr/:asonahly. withholcl sueh /:On:lCnl. Any sueh as;ignllle:l/I or ,nhlC:lli'll! wilhoul sud, eonsent shall !o" void, allll shall, al lhe oplion of Lalullord, on Iwenly (20) days nolit": to Tenanl, lerminale lhis renlal aj(rc:enH:nl. Cons".1I1 10 one assignment and/or ",hlt:lIil~! shallllot deslre'y Ihis pro.-ision, and ,llIlaler assiglllf,ents and/or snhlc:lIin!( shaUnol destn)y Ihis pnlvi.'iioll, an,i :111 later assignmenl" alwl/or sublellings shalllikt:wisc be made only 011 prior cOlIsenl of Landlolll, which mnsel:1 shallliot ullfl'a>unahle Ill: wilhheld. :11. The volunlary or ',Iher snrren;le:r 01 thi., rt:ntal agrc:emenl liy Tena:.l, or a muln,,1 cant:dlalion tlll:i'cof, shaUnol work a me:!);er, and shall, al the optioll of L:n:llorJ, lermiilate all or any ,:xi:;ling suhl.:ts or sublcnancies. ur ma~. al II,,: optioll of La/llllonJ, operale as all as~igllnU:1I1 to lum of allY or all ,uch suhlt:Ls or suhlenandes. :\2. Tc:uanl shall at Ihe Icrnaillalioll uf this agreelllellt surrellder "I' said ro:llletll'remises in good ul"d.:r and wllIlilioll; reasollable usc alld ordinary wt:ar alld tear tln:reof, damage by fire, aels of Cod, IIle I:1t:l!leIILs, other easualties, tollll.:rnnation allll/or al'l'roprialioll, and dmnagc: or dded:; arising from the negligence or default of Ihl: l.alltllonJ t:x,;o:plo:d. 33. Shall any provision or !K,rtion of such I'rovisioll of said relllal agreemt:llt he held invalid, Ihe remainder of Ihis 113id relltal agreemellt or the remaind<:r of slleh provisioll shall not he affected therehy. 3,\. This rental agreement is snbject to the eondili(,1I that funds he made available hy Ihe Congress of Ihe IJniled States, by the General Assembly of (i"n~ia, ," olher marees, aud IIy Ihe proper budge I allllloril~' for ea:ryinl,l Ollt llae fUlletions whit:h Ihis rental agreemellt implements. 35. 11I80far ail the followul~/special sti\Jlilations connict with any of Ihe foregoulg stipulations, provisions, lenns, condilions, covenallls alld agreelpellls, Ihe follo\\'ing shall Cl"llrol: 36. MAJOR REPAIRS SHALL BE MADE BY LANDLORD PURSUANT TO AGREEMENTS BETWEEN THE PARTIES DATED NOVEMBER 14, 1989, AND NOVEMBER 1, 1990. 36. This n:nlal agr,."menl tl/:\l! forth alllhe p",vi.,ioIlS, al\rt:t:mellls, r.olldilions, eovl:llanls, lemlS and und_landings 1ll:lw"c:1I tho: parlies rclalivl' 10 tlu: dl'mil!t:d premises. There shall be no I'wvisiollS, agreements, eOlldilio/ls, covenanls, lerlllS, IIIwlerslandillgs rcpn:selllatio/ls or indueemeul>l eilher onll or wrillell. 1)(:lwe.:1I lhe parties olher Ihan arc herein scl forth II is fnrther understood and agreed that no ~nhsr.CJuenl alteralion, amendmenl, change or addition to this renlal lIgreemenl shall be LindiJlll upon the parties herein IInless reduced 10 writing and signed by all the parlies 10 Ihill renlal agree men t. Page 4 of 4