HomeMy WebLinkAboutCommunity Service Board D/B/A Community Mental Haelth Center Of East Central Georgia Augusta Richmond GA DOCUMENT NAME: CDm1~U()\-\1.,\ &.~'\J \Ce.. 'o:xL,<O dl.blCl CD01rY'L\r\Dy \'\\e.\\-1-m heo.-l:it:Yl c..eD\-ex ~ eos.-\- ce()t(cJ ~eo real <3- DOCUMENT TYPE: CXj '( e.c:f(lef\-\- YEAR: Cfl BOX NUMBER: DL\ FILE NUMBER: \ ~ S\::) NUMBER OF PAGES: U .. ";::-07:,_..,' ""~ _;.I'!f,., ~ .. -6... ; , ARTICLE I ARTICLE II ARTICLE III ARTICLE IV o~ ;j.SD Form 1146 (4-75) ~TATE~C?F GEORGIA, RICHMOND LOCAL RENTAL }\GREEMENT COUNTY OF 'THIS RENTAL AGREEMENT made and entered into this da y of One Thousand Nine Hundred and N"INETY-SEVEN FHCIU10ND COUWPY, CEORCIA IHCMIvlCJNrr COUWE'~ lWZ\~D ()F whose address is No. 530, Street , by and between pu. 5U.':>tA, ~ G-G-b R- &1 A. O<~P r()MMTC:C:IOWE~l!l GREENE STREE7t:ity AUGUSTA State GEORGIA , party of the first part, hereinafter called Landlord, and the COMMUNITY SERVICE BOARD d/b/a COMMUNITY MENTAL HEALTH CENTER OF EAST CENTRAL GEORGIA ,a party of the second part, hereinafter called Tenant. WITNESSETH: PREMISES RENTED AND USE OF PREMISES Till' Lalldlord, ill l:ollsid,'ratioll of tbe renb agreed lo h" paid l.y tl\(, Tf:llalll and lif ll.;, eovellanls, 'I{!:rc'c'I'lIe'lIb, pwvisiolls alld stipulations hereill agrc,ed to be mutually kepl and pcrformc,d Ity' the parlies I",rdo, dIll'S hne'by this day grallt, de'lllise alld rent, upon the lerms and conditions Iwrc,ill slatc:!l, Ullto tlw Tt'IHlullhose ce,rtaill prellli~,s siluakd ill RICHMOND Coullly, {;eorgia, amI more: particularly dcscrillt:d as follows, lo wit: BUILDING A, BUILDING E and kllowlI as No. 3421 ,Slreet MIKE PADGETT HWY, City AUGUSTA (; "orgia, togdher wit I. all tbe improvements, lenements alld appurtenances, thereunto belong-illg or in any wisc, apperlailling,illduding the right of ingress and egress thereto and therefrom at all times. The Tenant doi's hereby this day re:nl and lake from lbe Landlord, upon the terms alld eondilions hereinstated, for the W'oC' of MH/MR/SA funclions anll faeililies, lhose cerlain premises, more fully I\t-snilwel above~, lo~dl"'r wilh 1I11lhe improvemenls, lenements and appurtenances, lhereunto belonging or in any wis!: appe~rlaining, ineluding the righl of ingress and cgress lhereto and lherefrom at all times. TERM This rcnlal agreement shall be for a lerm of of JULY ,A.D.Il) 97 of JUNE ,A.D. II) 98 ONE YEAR , eommeneing on the 1st clay , ancl eJl(ling al 12 :000 'dock midnighl on the 3 Othlll~ , IInless lerminaled bdoreharul as llerdnaftl~r providc:cI. F IX ED RENTAL TIle' Tc:nalll agn'es lo paY,lhe LlIIl\lIonl, al his abov,~-slatcrl address, or al sueh address or addrcsSt~s as IlIay III' d.:signale,d in wriling from lime lo lime by llw I.andlord, llw lolal fixcd cCJuallllonlhly rc,ntlll of ~~VE THOUSAND FIVE HUNDR(dD 12,500.00, for lhc: use and rent of lhc said pn:mi.~es DOL~lJIl1illg on IIII' first clay 0 f JULY ,ll) 97 ,ancl paya"l" 011 lhe~ first clay of ,~ach arut c've'r~' ("ale'llIlar 1II0nl h c1urillg 1111' saicllc'rrn. OJYfION TO RENEW OR EXTEND TERM '1'1\1' I.and lonl. ill cOlIside'ral iOIl of 11\1' pre'lII ise's alltl of l he cove'lIanls, agrc,c'lIIcnls, provisious ancl slil'ulaliolls III:n.ill agrc'.'d 10 I... IIll1lllally k"l.1 and pnforrlll,d by 11\1' parI ie's 10 this agree'lIIc'lIl. doc:s III:n'hy giv.. allcl gralll Ullto Ihl' T.'lIanl 1111" ,'xdllsive right, privilew, .lild optioll of ft'lIewing or e,xl,'ruling Ibis agn'I'nlC'lIl allhe~ expiralion of lllC' afon,nwnliOlwd krill on a ye,ar lo year basis for 4 (tYRS & 5MOS cOllseculive' y.'ars, Said relH:wal or e:x l.:nsioll shall be IIpon llll: sanlt' ll'rllls, condilions, ,'o\"'lIallls. provisiolls. sliplllaliolls atHI ah'Tc:elllenls as he,reill sd forth and alllll~ sallle~ 1II0lllhly rale of rcntal IlI'I"ein sliplllah:d; provided, howI,ver. I halllolicc of TI:nanl's (ksin' lo cxc,rcisl' Well oplion shall I", givcn 10 till' I.andlord at leasl siXly ((iO) days prior to llw ,~xpiralion dale of lllC' originallc'rm of Ihis agrc'~n1t~nt or of any n'llt:waJ or e'xlensioll tenn tlll:reof. It is fllrllll:r provide~d lhal 1I1is oplioll lIIay I,,: "xc:rcise:d by lh" Te'IHlIll only ill lhe, I:ve:nl all n'lIls Ilave IH:cn fully paid and lhal all covc'lIanls, agn:ellll:lIls, provisions, stipulations, lc:rllls and cOllditions of lhis agre('nH~nl on th(, parl of Ihc: Tenalll 10 be IH:rfornwcl, kq.l alld observ,'d, havc: be,,,, fully and failhfully perforllle,d, kepl and obse:rve~d. Page 1 of 4 ~_,'IIiliM;:..~ --- ..... . ..; ~ ,. . .,' " . ..... r .ARTICLE v r.::1- /'urpose of "arngrtipll Identification References DefiniJions Time Is Of Essence Service Of Notice COIlcnant Of Titll! and Quiet }o;njuymen' Nutit". Of .'I/'pointment Of..1gellt Change In Ownership Of Premises Form 1148 (4-75) \ t;<' STIPULATIONS -.' 1 . Thl' following stipulations; provIsions, covenanls, abrrecments, terms and conditions, marked Exhibit "A" and attached 10 this n~ntal agreemenl, are expressly understood and are 1II111ually agreed to hy the parties hereto. The said sliplllatioJ'ls, provisions, covenants, agn~emenls, tenus and conditions attached III~rdo and marked Exhibit ".A", are hereby incorporated lu:rein and lIIade a purt of Articlc V of this rental ugrt't'llIc'nl hy rdt'n~nt:('. )~;D IN WITNESS WIII':III':OF, I.alldlord and 'I'c:nullt hav.: 1"'''':lInto CIXt:l:ukd, sigll.:d, alld ddivl"I"t:d Ihis ~.., ag-rC'11IlwlIl in dllpli.:att' lIlt' day, IlIonth, and YI:ar firsl ahovl~ wrill':lI, (:adl oj~l.Iw'said parlics kCI."ill" 0111'. of "'- . ~. J..'-"f' ,-, ~ tilt" Cllpi,.s h"re:of. RICBMO~);) C6UN'l'~ AU. frU ~ ,A , RICIHK>ND COUNl"~ BOARD OF 6EOf$/4 SIl; NI<:I), SF:ALF:n, ANI) nEI,IV I,;\{ ED Thb'~~edas As.lo LUlldlord, in the presclIl;c of: to l~ sUlIiclo~ Ij!d form. . ,~,,_"~'A<'~ '~<''<r, tV . :ctSD "-/'1-'1']'''<\, '. ":-' r",- , Dal& ..... " .... - , KJ,7'Q . , ttorney , ...., -_~~. ...' ~ :'::'~:'~ "-e. ;, ..) lIofhelal Wllness ~~':' - '.~,.~ ~ ~ ~..I"""\ i} , " -;. :::: : ~",'V .. ~ . : -:- ~: .~, : ;~'la~;-;I;k :::. :. ,-'.-~. _l'....... = -=- . ~ _:.. 1" t,~.':" ::_ ~'~c. Richmond Cour\~ Georgia ~./:-.-...<' '. ,~f) .My C()mmlsslon Expires Dec. 0, 2001 . ~..~.~:::::~~ ~:~~~;.-.~ ~:..>~ COMMUNITY SERVICE BOARD OF EAST CENTRAL GEORGIA d/b/a COMMUNITY MENTAL -'HEALTH CENTER OF EAST CENTRAL,-'GEORGIA (L.S. ) Notary Public QMO (1,,5.) JOHN S. WARNER Approved: Representativc: from Georgia Department of Human Iksourcl'.s Notary Public (~llal) Dale; EXHIBIT "A" STIPULATIONS, PROVISIONS, COVENANTS, AGREEMENTS TERMS AND CONDITIONS OF RENTAL AGREEMENT: I. The brief, eaptione:d, paragraph-ide:ntificalion references which appear ill the Icft hand margin uf this Exhibit A an' for the purpoge uf eonveruellcc only and shall be completely disre[(ardl,d in eonslruing this rental agree:mellt. 2. A. The word "Landlord" as used inlhis reutal agreemenl shall be construed 10 mean Landlonls in all cases where there is more Ihan one Landlord, and the necessary grammalieal changes required 10 make the provisions hereof apply either to male or female, corporation, partnership or individuals, shall in all cases be assumed as though in each case fully expressed. R. The word "Premises" as used in this rental agreemenl shall include not only the parlicularly above,deseribL~1 property but also alllhe improvemellts, tenements and appurlenanees, Ihereunlo belonging or in any wise apperlaining, C. Any and all references, to the "Term" of the agreemenl contained within this rental agreement shall include not only the original term bul also any rencwal or extension of the originallerm. 3. AU time limits stated in this rental agreement arc of the essence uf this agreellu,lIt. 4. AD nOliees, statements, demands, requests, eonsenis, approvals, authorizalions, hereunder given by either party 10 the other shall be in writing and senl by registered or certificd mail, postage prepaid and addressed as follows: To Tenanl, at the address shown for the premises rented herein, and 10 Landlord, Ihe same shall be sent to the address stated above or al such other addresses Landlord may from time 10 time designate lIy nutiee to Tenant. In eilher case, Tenant will he responsible for notifying in writing the appl'Qpriate represenlalive: from the (;C\orgia Department of Human Resources. 5. Laudlord mve:llants that he is seb:edof the said de:miscd pwmise:s in fee: simple.absolllle:. Landlord'agrees thaI the Te:nant, paying Ihe wnts and keeping the: stipulations, provisions, cove:nants, terms, agreements, and conditions herein colltaini:d, shall lawfully, quierly and peacefully have, hold, use, possess, enjoy and occupy said premises hereby renli'd, with all the improvements, tenements, appurtt:nanees, and each and every parI and parcel thereof for and during said tcrm hen,by granted, without any suit, hindrance, interruption, inconvenience, evictioll, ejeelion, or molestation by the Landlord or by any other person or perS()JIs whatsoever. If for any reason whalever, Tenanl is deprived of its right 10 lawfully, lIuielly and peacefully have,\hold, usc, possess, enjoy and occupy said premises hereby renlt,d, wilh all the improvllllle:nls, tenllmenls, appurtenances, and each and eve:ry part and pared Ihereof, for and during said term hen:by I(ranlt:rl, withoul ail)' suit', hindrane.',inte:rruption, ineunvllni"u".', "vielion, ej""lio:: or molc:slation hy the Lnurllord or hy IIny oll,,'r I,,'r"'ln 01' p,'r""ns whatsollvt"f, Ihen Ihia '.g~n"'mc'n I may he imnwd iately eauedlc:d and IUlllinalt,,1 at Ihe option of II.., T,'naut hy givillj( II.., I.alllllonlnulit'e tlwreof. If Ih" Lalullord's litle shall lion..: into dispuk or litigation, II..: Tenant Inay withhold paynwnt of ft,nts (without inlerc:sl) until final adjudiealion or olhe:r setllenwul of such dispute or litigatiun. 6. Tlluanl shall be under uo ohligation to rel'ogni...e any agent for lhe collection of renl accrued or to aeenw hereuudclr or ot/wrwise authori...ed to act with respeel to the demised premis"s until notice uf the appoinlme:nt and the extenl of the anthority of such agenl shall be given to the Tenant by Ihe party appoinling such agent. 7. No change or division in the: ownership of the rented premiscs, or of Ihe rents payable hereunder, however accomplished, shall operate 10 enlarge Ihe obligations or diminish the rights of the Tenant. Further, no change or division in ownership shall be binding on Ihe Tenanl for any purpose untillhe Tenanl shall have been furnished with a certified C0;;" ,f Ihc recorded instrument, or other legally authenticated writlen instrument, evideueing such change or division in '.wnership. Page 2 of 4 " , ' :~- "'.': r" ., "':f _ ... .. lIi/~"i1W I':[f,.", Oil I/,.irs, ..1 ssiKIIS, I-:tc, La .ord's Failure 7'0 Deliver Premises At Commencement Of Term Destruction Of Or Damage To Premises insuRlnce Use Of Premises A nd I nsum lice Requirements Cal/cdlation Of Rent,1I Agrel'mellt fly Lalld/onl J/o'ding Over COllllemlla/ioll w CU~SD Rubhish H emom/ Repairs /ly I,(III/llord ~~ U #5D Elltry f'or Inspection A nd Repairs, A ltemtions Or Additions Janitorial Services lfrJ~P Form 1148 (4-75) ,,' . II. Y"dl of IIIl" NlipulaliollH, proviNiollN, IITIW', ....lIdilioIlN, (:()vc,lIaIlIN,al(rt"all.:!lls alld o(lligalio\ls "'J11I.linc~' illlhis 'rc'lIlallll(~\"'illelll Hhall apply', extel"llo, I", hillllill~ "IH.II alld illure 10 Ihe l":I,,:fil or .1"'rilll"ITI or ead, ~lIlll:very 01'" of Ihe 'wirH, Iq(al n'l'r"seulaliv.'s, .kviseeH, J"I~alel'H, nexl~.f-kill, S\ll:""ssors alld a88i!,(ns of 1/11, n,slll'dive parties hu<:Io, alld shall lw dl:I:nwd .11,,1 Irealell as "ovellanls real n1nning wilh 1111' premises aforesaid dllrillg th" lerlll of lhis renlal agrc'''lIIcnl. Wlwllt'ver a ref'T,:nee: 10 till: parlics hereto is made, sueh rderene,e shall be deellled 10 includ.. the he:irs, le:gal n:pn,senlalives, elevisees, Ic:l(ale,cS, nex 1-<>1' .kin, successors alld a&Siglls of said party, Ihe same as if in each easc: cxprc:ssed. 9. Should the Lalldlonl, for any reason whalever, he ullable to dC'liver possessioll of the said n'lIlal premi,,,s 10 Ihe 'J'ellanl OIl III<' e:ommelle"llIelll of said IITIII as he,n:inIH,fort, speeifiell, Ihis agr"'''lwlIl lIIay hI: illlnu:diald~' eanL1'1I..J, lertllillaled alld dl:c:larc:d lIull alld void al Ihe option of Ihl: Tenalll by givin~ Ihe Lalldlord lIolil:c: 11"''''01". Shall tlw '1"'11 all I del;t nol 10 nereil;e II,,; aforeslaled "plioll 1111:11 il is agreed hy Ihe parlil:s III:r<:lo Ihal 111I"e shall he: a lotal ahal.:llIe'lIl of renl dur;n~ the I""iocl ')('lwe",1I Ihe eOllllllellcellll:nl of sai.1 lerlll allll tlw lillll; Ih" Landlnnl cldivers ,I<'SSt'SS;OIl of tI", premiN's to IlIe T"lIanl. 10. In'tlll' evenl Ihl' said demised pr"miscs, eilher prior to Ihe eommencemelll dale of Ihis renlal agreement or dur,;ng 11ll" t,'rm th"fI'of sltalllw s.. .ialllaged, hy .my eause whalever, as to be rendered unfit for occupancy hy Ihe Tenallt, a,,,1 LJ", said prelllis.'s shall nol 111I'1"I,afler h" repairecl hy IIII' Lalllllonl al his expense wilh reasonable promptness and dispaleh, I::,." Ihi- rl'lIlal al(fI'elll"111 nlay be irunwclialc:ly eaneelled allll Il'f/llillaled al Ihe oplioll of IIII' Tc;nalll hy givill~ lilt' "amllorcl 1I0liee IIII'fI'of, alld relll (if any) shall Le payah)e only 101111, dale of sllch damage. Shall said pfl'misc;s, eillu:r prior 10 1111" eOlllllll"n'"I"IIWnl dal" of this fI;nlal ag,,'ell1enl or during till: leflnllll,reof, be partially deslroye.I. by allY cause wha"'ver, hili 1101 rellelerl'd Ullfil ror oe"lIpa/lt:y hl' Tellanl, Ihen Ihe Landlonl agfl,es Ihal Ihe premisc:s allhe Lalldlofll's .'xpe'nSt' allll wilh fI'asollahlt' pn"npllll'ss .lIld clispalell, shall 1)(' fI:paired alld restored 10 suhstantially Ihe sallll' eOlldilion as IlI"fOfl' IIII' llanlill-(e. In IIII' ev"nl of a parlial eJ"t<lrlIclion of the premises Ihefl' shall h" a fair abatenll,nl in Ihe renl payable .Imill/{ Ih,' lilliI' such "'pairs or rdlllilllillg are IlI'illl-( made. SlIdl proportional" decluctionof renl 10 be hased upon Ihe ,'xll'1I1 10 wlli"h II", makin~ of Sill'll r"pairs or fI,bllildillll: .If" t..,iug lIlade. SlIeh pl"Oportiollate deduction of rellllu b" hased lI)lon Ih., ,'x"'nl 10 which IlIe lIlaking of sueh ,,'pairs or rebuilding shall inlerfere wilh Ihe husin"ss carried on by Ihe '(','nanl ill saiti )lfl'mis,-s. Fn:1 fl'ltlal shail again WIIlIII"II"c after mmpldioll of th" repairs alol resloralion of tI..: prelllises hl' II... Lalldlord. III eonlleetioll with Ihe foregoing, il is agrced by the parties herdo Ihat II", Tenalll's deei~ion shall hI: eonlrolliu~ as 10 wl"'llwr or 1I0t the pflallises are fit or ullfil for occupancy hy the Tenanl. II. Lallcllonl shall and will, al his UWII mst alld cxpellse during Ihe term of Ihis renlal agreemelll, keep Ihe prellli;;es insufl,d agaillst luss or damage by fire and ulher easuallies, for nolle&s than Ihe amount Ihe premises wer<: lasl assessc,d fur the pnrpose of laxalion. Said illsuranee shall Le placed wilh solvent, ine.orporalLxI insmance companies lieensL.J 10 do husiness in the Stale of Georgia. Lanellord shall fnrnish Tenanl wilh Cerlifieales or olher aeceplable evidenoc that such insurd lice is in crfect. 12. Tenanl shall not USt, said pfl:misc,s fur any purposc, olher Ihall fllllclions anel facililie's for which tile said pn:mis,,~ arc hereby rented; and no usc shall be madc of said premises, nor acts done which will canse a cmu;dlalion of or an inen,ase in the existing rale of fire, casually and olher exlendcd eove:rage insurance illsurillg 1111' said pre'lIIi"..s. Tlu, Tellanl furl III" agrees nol to sell, or perlllit 10 he kepI for use, in or aLoul said premises, any arlicle or arlides whidl lIIay he prohihiled by Ihe slandanl form of fire insurance policil:s. 13. Shalllhe: Tellanl al any lin", he iu elefault in Ihe paynwnl of relll, or in Ihe, performance of any of Iht: slipulations, eovl,n:ulls, 1"fIIL~. conditiolls, agree'lIIe:nls. or provisions uf Ihis relllal agn:enu:nl, and fail 10 renu:dy sneh ddaull wilhin Iwe,nl)' (20) cI,,'ys afln rc",eipl of 1I01i"e IIl"reof from the Lmllllonl; il shall he lawful for Ihe Landlord \0 enler and re,"'s.~"ss said prc"nisl's, expd '''MI rCIIUIVl' Ihe Te'nanl and ils df"c1s lIu"drom. 14. Any holdin~ over, or eOlllinlltxl liSt' and/or occupancy by Ihe Tenant, of Ihe rented premises after the expiration of this rental al(fl;emenl shall operale and be wnslrucd as a tenancy al will al the same monthly rate of renl st:! oul WOVe and nnder Ihe same lerms and t:ullditiolls in force allhe expiralion of Ihc a~reelllenl. ]5. In Ihe e,vcIlI, during Ihe lerm of Ihis renlal agreement, thc whole or any part of the premises hereLy renled shall be appropriated or takcn by any Municipal, County, Slate, Federal or olher anthorily for any public or quasi-public use: through Ihe ex.:reisc of the power of eminent domain or condemnalion 'proocecling, or solrl to lhe possessor of such power under the threal of its exercisc, or if by reasoll of law ordinance or by wurt decree, whether by consent or otherwise, Ihe usc of Ihe premises by i he Tenanl for the purposes hereinabove referred 10 shall Le prohibiled; the Tenant shall have IllI" right to immedialcly terminale this renlal agreement upon nolice to Ihe Landlord and the rent shall be paid only 10 the limc when lhe Tenanl surrellders posse,ssion of the premises. When only a pori ion of the demised premises arc aC1luired for public or quasi-puhlic use Ihn)ugh Ihe exercise of or under the: Ihreal of elllinenl domain or eonderrUlalion proceeding, Ihc Tenanl shall have an c1eclion as 10 whelher il will lerminate and cancel this n:ntal agreement at the time a porlioll of \ he demise,d premtH:s musl he surrendered or whether it will n:lllain in Ihe delllis.~1 premisl,s wilh relllaining mOllthly n'lIlal /laymen Is redueed by an alllounl elelemlined Ly the ralio of s'luare feet 1I11Isac'luin~1 \u the tolal squaff: reel uril,'1nall)' wlllained in Ihe c1emi.'ed premise,s. To eX<:J"eise Ihis e1edioll, Ihe Tenalll nlusl notify the Landlord wilhin twe'lIty-five (25) days afler il is ullimalely c1etcrminell whal portion of Ihc premises will he lakell IIncler such proel;eding. In tile evwllhe Tenanl dl:t:ls 10 rnnain on the: pn,mises under thc eOlulilion sc:t forth aLllve Ihe Lawllord agn:es to promptly make all I"'('e'~ary alll'ralions alld re'pairs which shall I", fl''1uin;d Lecause of suell parlial aC'luisilion. The ri~hls of till" Landlonl shall in 110 way l'n~ullie(' ur inlc'rfere wilh any claim which the Tellanl may have againsl Ihe authority t:xerc:ising Ihe power uf t'luinl~nt ttulnain uf t.~olldt:n'nalioll fur datUllf(.t:H of otlll:nviMC for clt:slrucliofl of ur illlt:rfl~rc:IICt; wilh lilt: husirH:ss uf Hit: 'I"'lIanl ill tilt" t\.'nlu<t:d prt:miSl',H. .XX!K~<XOC~XX!K~K~ri~)f~~ttX'~s, ~iJfiXX~~KJOtJfI}(l~~~OO>~XXXXX XXXXK~~O@{X~~~JOG:~X~ "'~XOOX*~~~!)IJrn(lX~~~ D~~XXJC;XI~.-!-~j)(JxxooaB<<~~J(!X~D~ ~~X;IDG{~X~~lO~X"; . ' '. ~~~~g~~~ ~tHXMOO~oo-~~ ' .~ iKUX~~~~_iX*g~~ ]8. Tenanl shall pennit Landlord, his agents or employees, to enter into and upon said premises at all reasouabl" times for the purposc of inspecting the same or for the purpose of maintaining or making repain;, alteralions or additions 10 any porlion of Ihe premises. )OIK~~Il(jMM~JU{XiJC!JQ~~~W ;U~~GiKGD~XOOlCiJCIXIXi~~~ ~1aX~~~~ ~~~XH' ~ Page 3 of 4 ,,\ ~,~:.:::.\~t,l'. t lJ tili tie s ~o Notice To tand/ord Of Damage Or DeI"cts Taxes and A "-<,'ssm en ts ~~ Termiles, U<~d (>11 Is, A (1(/ /'",,'s R""'~'ml Of In.proven.enl.\', f:recfions A'I<J Additiolls B" Tenant [{enwoo' Of Fixtures fly 1'e/wnt Waiver Of Right Entry For CardUIl!, Etc. Abandonment Of Ren ted Prem ises Waste And Nuisallce it ssignment A rul Subletting fJfecI Un Assignment And Subletting When l' enallt Surrenders [{ental Property Surrender Of Pt" III ises /nvalidity Of ~ooision Or Portion 0,( Pro v i.fion A lXIi/ability Of Funds Further Special Stipulations ~D Entir/! Agreement Form 1148 (4-75) X~~~ ~X~KX~~iX ' ~lfOO(~ ~. ""\" ~ ~ 21. Tenant shall give to the Lanrllo,J prompt writlen nolice of any accident 10 or any defects in the eaid prcmil'C" and such damage or defeds shall bf, n:m,..di,:d with liUf: <Iiligenc'~ hy the LandlonJ at his own expense. 22. Landlonl, duriul! lill: said i!:rni of ti:is rculal agreement, agrees, and covenants 10 pay ',fi, sati"fy and discha'l:e, as they beIXltlle due, all as":>'SlIwnts, laxes, levi~s ar.1 "t!ter cha~es, gt:neral or special, or what!:,'er nlrnl:, ualure and kind, which an: or lIIay !Je levi/11, as"I:SlH:d imposed ami charg::d UI'OIl lhe prl:mises herein demiSj:d alld rented. X~axxJlXXU:XXJ(l~X~ ~~~ ~x.x~ :!,of.. Wilh Ill/" .:xprc.';,' I'IJlIseul of Ihe I.audlorrl firsl having heen had and ohlailll'd the T(~nanl llIay mak,:, al it;; own . "xpell~e, 811C," improv"IIll"lIts, "ft":lioll~ and iil"'rltioll~ a8 arc neee~"ary 10 adapl 1I1'.~ premises ior Ihe~ '~OllllIlCI of the Tenant's hllsill(:.'S. AU illlprovelllelll", erect!ons and addilion" il1slaUed in or plaenl upon the d~mi.>cd pfl:mise~ by the Tellant. ",Iwtlu:r permalu:lllly affixed thereto or otherwise, shall eontinlle and remain the propert yoI' the Tenant, and may I", removed by IIII'. Tenant, ill whole or ill part, al any time hdore the expiralionor termination or this agret:mer.l. If the Tellant removes any or all of the improve/llf~nls, ereetiolls and additions it has i'nstalled in or placed UpOIl the~ lkrn:sr.d pr"mises, the Tenant agrees 10 ,,:pair any specifir: dama~e direcliy resulting 10 Ihe premises from such removal. 2:'. AI any time hef"r" Ihe ,'xpir<;tiolJ or termination of this agreemenl, Tenant shall have Ihe ru;ht and pri,'ilege 10 remOV(~ all fixtur.;s, equipl"""l, appli~nc"s and movable furnilure which it has placed in or upon the demisoo premiEcs, 26. TIll' waiver hy La!ldlord, ';1' by Tellanl, of any breach or any stipulatioll, provision, IeI'm. covellanl, .\f;reelll"I:1 or condition hercin conlairll"d shall not he d'.'I:lIIed 10 he a waiver of such slipulalioll, provision, It:rrn, covcnant, agrcl'mell! or condition on any suhseqUf~1I1 hreaeh or lhe sam'~ or any othcr slipulalioll, provision, ienn, covenant, agrif.lw:ril or condilioll herein colllained. 27. In the e\'enl Ihe Tenalll docs nol exe:rcisc the renewal or exlension option provided above, then il is agr'le.d that the Landlonl may, within sixty (60) days ncxl preceding Ihe .:xpiration of Ihe term of this agreement, eani f.rem:scs advertising Ihe said premises "For Sale" or "For Rent." Landlonl may enter the premises at reasonabl" houl" to exhiliit t he same to prospeclive purchasers or tenanls. 2B. Durin~ the terrn of this lIgreenu:nt Tenanl agrees not to abandon or vacate the premises withoui clIuse. 29. Tenant shall not commit, or suffer to be committed any waste upon the said premises, or any nuisance, or other act or thing whio:h may di,1urb the enjoyment of any other Tenant, if there be any, in Ihe building in which demised premises lIIay be 10cale.1. :~O. T"nant shall not assign thL~ rental agreement, or any interest therein, and shall not sublet the said premises or any part thereof, or any right or privilege appurtenant thereto, or suffer any other person to occupy or use the s:.id premises, or any portion Ihl:...:of, withoul Ihe eonS/"11 of Landlord fi:l>t having heen obtained. 1I0wever, it is lI~reed by I!II:' partie.. hereto that Land 101'11 ;;hall nol unreasonably. withhold such con:;cnl. Any such assignnwnt or suhletting without sueh consenl shall III, void, and shall, lit th" oplill/I of Landlord, on twenty (20) days noliee to Tenanl, terminate this rental agreemenl. COnSN)t !o one assignmellt and/or suhIeHin,~ shall not destroy this pro\'ision, and all later as.~igllrr.ent;; and/or sullletling shllllnol deslroy this provision, and alllatcr aS8ignment;; and/or sublettings shall likewise be made only on prior cOllsenl of Lalldlonl, width lllnser:t shall not unreasonallle bf: withheld. :~ l. Tlu: voluutary or 'Jther surren;]er oi Ihis rental agreement !Jy Tenant, or II mutual cancellation thei'eof, shall not work a merger, and shall, al th., oplion of L;:ndlord, Ierminate all or any existing sublets or subtenancies. or may. at Ihe option or Larnllonl, opaale as an assigllment (0 him of any or all5l1ch sublets or sublenancies. ;\2. Tenanl shall al the termination of tlris agreem::nt surrender III' said renled premises in good onler and condition; reasonable use and ordinary wear and leal' thereof, darnage by fire, acls of God, Ihe clement;;, olher tOlsualties. eondemnation an<i/or appropriation, and damage or dt:fe'~15 arising from the negligence or defaull of Ihe Lar>dlord exeept"'\. 33. Shall any provision or portion of such provision of said rental agreement be held invalid, the remainder of Ihis 113id rental agf(~elllent or the remainder of such provision shall not he affected there!Jy. 34. This rent,t1 agreement is snbject to Ihe condition that funds be made available by the Congress of the United States, hy Ihe General Assembly of Georgia, ,H other roUfces, and by Ihe proper hlldget authority for ea:ryiru; out the functions wh.icJ.. this rental agreement implements, "'" 35. Insofar lW Ihe followiJ\~1 special stipulations conflict with any of the condiliOIl8, covenants and agree~ents, the following shall control: foregoing stipulations, provisions, terms, 36. MAJOR REPAIRS SHALL BE MADE BY LANDLORD PURSUANT TO AGREEMENTS BETWEEN THE PARTIES DATED NOVEMBER 14, 1989, AND NOVEMBER_I,' 1990. 3(1. This ...,nl..1 ag"'''ment !let;; forth alllhe pmviloion~, al\fI~f:rnent;;, eondiliond, covf:nanls, lerms and und.tandings bdwO:l:n tho: parlie:s relalive to Ill/: demised premi:;cs. There shall be no provisions, agreement;;, conditions, covenanls, terms, underslandings rcpresentalions or indueement;; eilher ordl or written, helwe''11 the parties olher than arc herein set fnrlh It is furthcr understood and agreed that no ~lIbsequent alteration, amendment, change or addition to this rental agreement ahaU be binding upon the parties herein unless reduced to writing and signed by aU the parties to this rental ag ree men t. Page 4 of 4