HomeMy WebLinkAboutCommunity Mental Health Center of East Central Georgia (2) Augusta Richmond GA DOCUMENT NAME: CornJ'Y1()() ; }~ [Yl ex) ,\--R \ ~ eo \-\+\ C e VI 1- -e ,.- OF ~ C-e.^-~\ Ge.-o~~v- DOCUMENT TYPE: 0. 9Y~ ~-\- YEAR: 10,0, (p BOX NUMBER: FILE NUMBER: )~7~c, NUMBER OF PAGES: 4 ....- .. ., , " S:TATE OF GEORGIA, LOCAL RENTAL AGREEMENT COUNTY OF RICHMOND e THIS RENTAL AGREEMENT made and entered into this 1st day a!' JULY One Thousand Nine Hundred and NINETY-SIX , by and betwccn RICHMOND COUNTY, GEORGIA RICHMOND COUNTY BOARD OF COMMISSIONERS whose address is No, 530 , Street GREENE STREET ,City AUGUSTA State GEORGIA COMMUNITY SERVICE BOARD CENTRAL GEORGIA , party of the first part, hereinaFter called Landlord, and the d/b/a COMMUNITY MENTAL HEALTH CENTER OF EAST ,a party of the second part, hereinafter called Tenant. WITNESSETH: A RT1CL E PREMISES RENTED AND USE OF PREMISES Tlw I.alldlord, ill (,oll~idl'rntioll of the rent~ agreed to be rnin by thl~ Tellnllt :llld or till: covl~nnnl~, agrt'I'I'lIl'nl~, I'rovi~i()ll~ and ~lil'ullltion~ herein agreed to be mutuall); kqlt nnd pcrfl'rmed hy the rnrtics hen'lo, rll)(~S hl'n~by lhi:; day grant, dl~mise and rent, upon the tcrms and conditions hr.rein ~l:lll:d, unto thl~ Ti'nuntlhosc el~rtllin prt;rni&'~ situated ill RICHMOND County, (;corgia, nnrlmorl: (lnrticldilrly uc..'r:rilwd as follows, to wit: e BUILDING A, BUILDING E and known as No. 3421 . ,Street OLD SAVANNAH ROAD , City AUGUSTA Georgia, together with all the improvements, tenements and appurtenances, lhcreullto belonging or in nn)' \,'isp. appertaining, including the right of ingress and egress thcreto and therefrom at all timcs, The Tenant cloi'~ hereby this rlny rent nnd lake from the Landlord, upon the terms nnd conditions hercin::tated, for the II~~ of MH/MR/SA functions nnd [acilities, those certain premises, 11l0rr: fully Ik~('ribl,d nuovi:, logdlll'r wilh all the improvements, tenemenls and appurtenances, thereunto belonging or ill any wi~e appertaining, including thc right of ingress and egress thcreto and therefrom at alltimcs, A.RTICLE 11 TERM This relltal agr('r.ment shall be for n term of of JULY , ^,O. 1996 of JUNE I ^,f), 1997 ONE YEAR ,C01l11llcneillg "11 llle 1st day I and ending at 12:00 II 'clock mirlllightl'll the 30thd,11 , unless terminated udorehand 110 ht'il,inaftc.r provided, AI\TICLE III FIXED RENTAL e Thl' TI'II.1I11 aI-,'TI'I'~ lo pay the IJandlord, at his ubovr..statt>r1 addre"" 01' :11 ~llch arldl'l'''~ 01' :lIldre~.""" :1,'- 11l:1~' 11l~ dc~il!llatcd in writin~ from time to time by the Lalldlord, the, total J'ixcd t:qllnlllllllilld\, n'lIl.d of TW~LVhsHOUSAND FIVE HUNDRED ($12,500.00 ), for the liS" nlld rr.:rll or till: ;;:Iid I'rl:l1li"e>, 11<');1llfliIll" Oil till', J'ir~t day uJ' JULY , II) 96 , and II:lI'al.!,: Oil till: fil'st dav or each l""' t" . .-, ,llld I'VI'r~' .'al,'lId:lr IIlOllth dllrillg lhl' ~ajd krm, ^il..T\CLE IV OIYfION TO RENEW OR EXTEN D TERlvj Till' 1.:lll1l1oJ'd. ill I'llll~idl'r:il,illll or IIII' pr<'lIli~I"~ alld or IIII' 1'111'1:11i111l:" :igrcl'IIlt:llh, pi'tII'I:'\IlIl' and . ~ ~.~ -~-:' ~c:' I i.I!''':'lioJ.1~ 111'n,iJI .aW'~I~.d ..1 0-.111',..)1111111:11 Iy ,k i:p (":1 nd pn I'll rlll<:d..I,)' 'I! i<"J '<11': i {':' I () III i, :1;':'1'<' III "lit :-d'('JI",'; 'hnl' hI' gi\'l' ;111.1 gr:11l1 IllItll llll' Tl'llanl lhl' I'xelusive righI, pri,'ilcgl' alld {lllliUIl Ill' 1'1'llell'ill," III' nt/ll<lillg tlli.- agrl'I'nll'1l1 at lhl' npifillioll or till' arorl',mCnLiOnl',d tam on:a )','nr 10 I'car Ir.IKi:, 1'''1' ',5 yrs. & 5ri1.OS~I:onsl~l:utivl' y"ar~, Suicl renewal or l:x(,:n,iclll ,Ji;dllw 111'1111 till: :'alll" 11'1'111.';, Clllldit;lI/I>', ""v.'l\aIIL~, prl1\'i~iol\~. ,tipIlIHtiol\~ anrl ngrellntcl\ls n~ hl:reill ~el J'orlh and ;r'lll)l~ sallll: Illolilldy rat<' uJ' l'l:Ill:d 1it'l'I,jl\ ~tirlllalerl; provided, howr.vl~r. thllt notice of Tenant\ (ksirr tu .:.\(~rci~(: :'lIch "Plillll ~Il<dl bt', gil'l~n llJ tl)r' 1.1I1\dllJrd at Il~a~l ~ixty (CIO) dnys prior to,ll\(: expiration date of the originalt<'1'111 or Ihis ,lgrl:ell1l~nt 01' uJ' all~' l'l'lll:wul ur l'xlel\:;ion tl:rrl1 thl:reof. It is further pwvidr.d tbat tbis Ol'lioll 111;1)' I,,, I~.\nl'i~etl by tbr: ']'1'IJallt ollly ill till, I:vellt all r(,lll~ have u(:en fldly raid Hlld tlwt :.11 (,OVI'II:lJlt~, H!!rr:I:IIlr:IlI;;, I'l'lJvi~ion:" ,qil',r1nliolls, lc~rm~ atid eOllditioll;; of this ngreement Oil lhl~ [Ial't or ll)(: '1'/'11,1111 10 \H', 1"'J'rCII'clled,kc:11l :llId ohsr.rv('d, l1uI'e ocr.n fully and faithfully performed, kept and ol""~l'vt'd, Fnrrn ll~n (~.75) PtHJC , of l~ ; . ., A R 1'1 C LEV e e I'urpll,"! of 1'()rngrapJ. Identification References Definitions Timels Of Essence e Seroice Of Notice Cupellant Of Title and Quiet I,'njuyrnent Nuti"" (if ..If/poinlment () f Agent Change In Ownership Of Prem ~!es Form 1148 (4.75) STIPULATIONS Thl' folluwing stipulal iuns, prUVISlOns, covenan t.~, agrecmcn ts, terms nnd cond i tions, mnrkr.d I';xh ibi t "A" and attached to this rl~ntal Hgreemenl, are expressly understood and arc mu tually agreed to by lhe parties hereto, The said stipulations, provisions, covenants, agree men ts, ter111~ and con cI j li 0118 attached hl~rdo and marked Exhibit "^", arc hereby incorporated herein and made a part or ,t\rticle V of this rental <Igrl~e'rn('n t hy rdC'rell (~(', IN WITNI':SS WI I I':IU.:()!,', Lalldlord and TI~lIallt huvl~ Ilcre'lllIlu (~XC'C'lIll~d, "igllcd, <lIlt! t!<:Iiv"I',~d lhi" lIgrt'C'lIlClIl ill dllpliclIll' IIi(' tillY, Inonlh, lInd YI~nr first <II.JUVI~ writkll, caeh of tlil' ~<Iitl parti,:" kC"j,il!!.! ()1I1~ Ill' llit' ':opil'~ III'rl~Or, RICHMOND COUNTY RICHMOND COUNTY BOARD OF CO}lliISSIONERS :: . "':..'~":::::~<'- .. NotMY Public C BY: (L.S,) HARNER (L,S,) Reprcsentative: from Gcorgia Department of Human I{r,sollrces Nolary Public (SI~al) Date: EXHIBIT "A" STIPULATIONS, PROVISIONS, COVENANTS, AGREEMENTS TERMS AND CONDITIONS OF RENTAL AGREEMENT: 1. The brief, captioned, paragraph.identifieation references which appear in the left hand mal1'in or this Exhibit 1\ ar!' for the purpO$C of eonvenienec only and shall be eompletely disrcgarord in con~truing thi~ rental agrl":lmlll. 2, A. The word "Landlord" as used in this rental agreement shall be construed to mean Landlords in all ea:;cs where there is m(HC than one Landlord, and the necessary grammatical changes required to make the provisions hereof apply either to male or female, corporation, partnership or individuals, shall in all cases be asstunec\ as though in each c.1Se fully expressed, B. The word "Premises" as used in this rental agreement shall include not only the particularly above-deseribc-d property but also all the improvements, tenements and appurtenances, thereunto belonging or in any wi:;c appc'rtaining, C. Any and all references to the "Term" of the agreement eontained within this rrntal agrccllll'nl ~hall include not only the original term but also any renewal or extension of the original term. 3, All time limits stated in this rental agreement are of the essence of this agrcement. 4, An notices, statements, demands, requests, consents, approvals, authorizations, herr.under given by either party to the other shall be in writing and sent by registered or certified mail, postage prepaid and addressr.d as follo\\'~: To Tenant, at the address shown for the premises rented herein, and to Landlord, the same shall be sent to the address stated above or at such other addresee~ Landlord may from time to time designate by nolier. to Tenant. In eithcr case, Tenant will be re~pon~ible for notifying In ,wrlHn!( the spproprlate reprf'.s,entativ(~ from the Grorgia Departmr.nt of Human Rrwurcr,~, ;" Landlord covrnanl~ that he i~ sei~cd of tht, ~ald dtlmiscd prt,misl's in fcl' simple ab~olulr., Landlord',,~rees that lite Tenant, paying the rents and keeping thr. stipulations, provisions, cov('nant~, terms, agrr,ements, and conditions herein contained, shati lawfully, quietly and peacefully have, hold, use, posscss, cnjoy and occupy said premiscs hereby rented, with all the improvemenlll, tenements, appurtenances, and each and every part and parcel therrof for and during said term hert',by granted, without any suit, hindrance, interruption, InC:~nveniencc, eviction, ejretion, or molestation b'y the L1ndlord or by any othcr person or persons whatsoever. If for any reason whatever, Tenant is deprived of its right to lawfully, quietly and peacefully ha\'c, hold, 'use, possess, enjoy and occupy said premises hereby rented, with all the j mp"-)vC:JHel11~. Jel1~~m(,l}t~,_ appurtenances, and eaeh and every part and par:r,cl therro[, for and during said .lcnn, hcr~by "ranleo, with,;lit any suit, hindrance, intr.rnlption, ineollvellimlel', eviction, r.j'~clion or molestation by the Landlord or by Ilny olhl'r p<'r~()n or l)('r~()u~ whntsol~v<'r, Ihen this ngrn('m('lIt fllllY be imme~dialely eanr.I,lled and Inlllinalrd at Ihl' option or II\(' T('lIlllIl hy !(ivillj( lhl~ 1.IlIHIl0rd lIoliee thernof, If llw I.nndlom'~title shull corne into di~plltt: or lili~alion. till: Tellant Inll)' wilhholcl paYlllnnt of r('nt~ (withuut inlcreMt) IIl1til finaludjuclieation or oth", sclllcl11t:1it of weh disputr. or litigation, 6, TnlHlnt ~hall bt, under lIO obligation to recognize any agent for the cuUeelion of renl accrur.d or to acel1Jr. hernulldl'r or olhr,rwisc authori~f.d to act with respect to the demised premises until noticc of thr, appointmcnt and thc extent of the authority of sueh agent shall be given to the Tenant by the party appointing such agent, 7, No change or division in the owncrship of the rented premises, or of the rents payable herr.under. howc\'cr accomplished, shall operat~Uto enlarge the obligations or diminish the rights of the Tenant. further, no change or division in ownership shall be binding on the Tcnant for any purpose until the Tenant shall have been furnished with a certified e<,;;; )f the recorded instrument, or other legally authenticated written instrument, evidencing slIch change or division in ',IVnership, P Dg e 2 of 4 " . , . . /lilldirw 1',/1"':1 Oil I/,'ir.l, .,1,1isigfJs, I,:te. e /,1/ ,of/Is /"ni!urt: 7'0 Deliuer l'rel/lLle,1 ..II Comrn onul!mcn I () 1 Term /)r.stn.Jction 01 Or Damagc To I'rc m isc,1 J/lJumncl.! e (/,Ir () 1 j'rcl/I LICS I1nd j nsum nce R cq uiremcn Is Callccllatioll 01 RClltlllllgreenlcllt fiy Co nd 10m !lording Ouer Condemnation e II, Elii'll of 1111' MlipllllllillllM. prUVIM!OIlM. 1"rmM. clllldiliollM. ",UVr:II:lIIIM, ni-:rl:l:lllcllt, ""'\ oldig:liiull.' l'I)'II:linr:<i in lI,is f('IIIIIIII~f('I'nll~nl ~"ull uppIY.I:xll:lld 10, bl: hindinJ.( upon and illurr, lolhl: l.lt:llcfil ur r1clrilwnl ur l:ar:h alld r:vcr)' 0111: I)f Ille 11t:ir~. 11'1-(111 f(',pfl:~en(alivl'~. Ikvi",:c~, '1r:I-(Ul':C~, ncx(.{Jf..kin, ,<UI',(:I:M,~U~ :lnd :t.o,siJ.(n, or Ihl: rl:"I/f'l:ti\'(: partie,' huelo, ;IIHI ~h:JlI hI' dr:l',nwd IIn<l treated a~ l'ovI:nanl~ reul n1nning with lhr: premisr:s IIr"rt:~nid durillg tl", terlll of this rt:1l1 al ngrt:t:lllenl. Whe:nrver II referr.nee to the parlie5 hcreto is matlc. such rdercner: shall be r1een1t:d 10 illchJrle 111(', heir" Ir:~al representatives.clevi5':es,le!lutee~,next.{Jf..kin, ~Ueep.Mors and assigns of snid pnrty, Ihe .':lllle a~ i( ill each ea,e CXprt:,<~t:d, - 9, Should the Lnndlonl, for nny rcason whalever, he unablc 10 d"lil'I:r po~sc"sioll ur II,,: ,';;Iid rl:lllal prl:IlIL,,'s to 111" Tell,,"l al IIIl' !:o nlf11 I: 11 l:!:!nelJ I uf said l!'rlll n,~ Ill:n:inbl:forr. ~p"eirierl, Illi,< agrl'l'l,III'1I1 IlIn \' IK' illlllll:d i;ill'I~' (':111 t"ll"d, Il:rmillal,:d 1I1ld dl:r1l1r<:JJ llull and voidlll I Ill: oplioll of the Tenanl by Io(ivill>: IIII~ I ,;lIl1JI"rd lI"tilT I IlI:rl'rJi , ,"llalllhl' T"ll;1I1t dl:el not to ':xercu;e Ihe Ilforc"IIlI"cI I,)plioll Ihr:n il L~ ugreed b)' I}ll: pari ie,' I1nl:lo 111;11 111I:rr' ,<hall I", a lolal a 1>11 I 1:1111:11 I of rent dllrin>: lhr p':riod orl"'!:!:1I 1111: l:Olllml:nee!nl:nl of snid Icrm 111ld Ih" 1/1111: till' 1,:llldlord d"lil'!'r' I'o,<",','>ioll uf 1/11: pn:misrs to Ihe Tl'lIalll. 10, In the cvrnl th,' 5aid demised premi~s, p.ither prior to the eommelleemenl dnlc (II' Ihi~ rl:lilnlllgreClllclll or r1l1r;;lp- lhr fl'rfl1 thrr,:of ~hall he Sl, dnmoged, by nny cause whatever. os to be rClldcrcd IInrit fol' OCCIIJ'lI111"~' h\' thc TCIl"IlI, a lid (III: sairl prcmiS<'s shall not thr.r<:ofter be: repairr.cl by the Landlord at his expense with renroll"bk proll1pllle,<s nlld di$pi\leh, :;:1',1' thL. rentul agr(:eml'rll mny be immr.dlately, cancelled alld tr,rminnled nt the option (l( Ih" TCI111111 b)' [th'illg the Landlorrl notiee Ihen'of. and rellt (If any) shall be payable only to the d"te of weh damllge, Shnll ~aid prt'IIli.<cs, either J'lrior 10 tlH' romrnrnr('mr.nl olll!: of thl~ rentnl ap;rr,emcnt orduring thcterrn lbcreof, be pnrtially deslro\'cd, by nil)' cnU$C whalev(',r, UlIt nol rr,ndcrrrlllllf'it ror oerllpaney by Tl:nant. then lhe Lnndlord "!lrces Ihnt Ihe prer1\i"",~ 111 Il>e Lnndlorrl'~ l'xpl~n~l' IInd wiLh,rc'nwnahk J'lnllllpln"~s and dispatch, Fhall be repairerl nnd rC~lored to .IlIbslilntinlly Ihr, ,,,mc condition as Ill'forl' IIJl~ dntll:!!!l~, In th,~ I:V"1I1 or it partial d,:ptrtlcllot1 of Ihr. prr.mise~ Ihere ,~hall bc a filir nbnlenll~l1t in Ihe r(Jlll pn)'ilblc dllrilll( till' lim,' ~lIrh repnlrs or rebuilding are hehl!( madl~, Sueh proportionate deduction of r~nl to be ba,ed lIJ'lon thc nl"nl to which tlw maklll~ of PUc:ll rrpai~ or rl:buildin~ arr. hdn~ madc. Such proportioniltc deduetion or renl 10 bl: bl1scd Ilpllll thl' I'Xtl'1I1 10 whil'h 1111: nJakitlJ! of ~uch repairs ur rebllilding shnll interkre ,,'jlh the oll.<il1l:,...' ei1rricd 011 by Ihe T"lIanl ill ~itid prrnlll'l'~, 1-'11:1 rr,l1tal shall again comrnenl:e after eomplelion or the repnir~ ,1nd re"loralion of the pfl:ll1i~e" b~' IIIl' I,ulltllorn, III eOllllerli(lIl with the foregoing. it i~ agrccd by the pilrties hereto thnl Ihe TCllonl'.' c/eci"ion shill! b" ~l)lllro"ing a~ 10 wlll:lhrr ur not the premi~cs nre fit or unfil for oeeupilnc)' by the Tcnanl. 11, Lnlldlord shall and will, nl hi5 olVn r.oSI and expense during the tcrrn of thi, rcnlal agreell1cIIl. keep 1111: prcIIIl'c., insurrd agninst loss or dllmnge by fire and uther ensunlties, for nolless thnn the amounl the J'lrctlli,cs "":rcln~1 ",<fes&:d ior the purpo~e of lnxalioll, Snid irlSUTnnCe shnll be plnecd wilh solvent, incorpor.1ted illsurance r:<>lnpallies I iccn$ed 10 do busincS5 in the Stale: of Ceo'llia, Landlord shall furnish Tenanlwith Certiricalcs or other aeccptaldc, !:\'idelw: thai slIe.ll insur:lnee Is ill cffeet. ,12, Tel1nnt shnJlllo( uS(: snid prcmi.~~ for any purpose other Ihnn rlllleliol1, and facilitirs for wldeh till: Mid prcmisl:!! arc hereby rcntcd; and no use shnll bc mnde or ~nirl rrCIl1;sn, 1I0r ;ICt~ dOlle which will CaUSe n caneellation of or an increase in the ex\.sting rnte of fire, ensualty nnd othcr extel1dcd col'erage insurnncc in~urlllp; the ~aid premi~p~. The Tenant further agrees not to sell, or permit to be kepi for II$e, in or abolll snid prcmises, atl)' artlc:le or art icle~ which may he prohibited by the stand am form of firc insurance policies, J3. ShIlJlIIII~T(~lIl1nllll :It1y limp he indefault.!n tlwpayml:nt ofrelll,or in the performnnel' of 1111)' or 1/11: ,Iliplllntioll~, l:ovellnllt~, Il'rm~. cUlldilioll~, IIgr(:ell1l'nl~. or provlsion~ of lhi~ rental ngrr:I'mcnl, and fail 10 reln~dy Slleh default will1in IWI'.lIly (20) da'y~ nflllr rt:edpl IIf lIoti(:,: Ihl:reof from lhe Lalldlol\1: it sl1nll be In",flt! for thl: I,andlurd 10 elller and rl~lx,,,~,'~~ ~airl prr~ll1is('~, I~xpd alxl rt\mov\: rill: Tenant and ita df,:et.~ the"Jrom, 11, Any huldinJ.: ovcr, or cOlllinucxl w.e and/or occupancy uy the 'l'l:lln 11 I, of Il1e rel1l('d p":Jlli,,<',,, ,11'1n thl' I:xpir:1liol1 uf' tlti~ rentnl af(reement shnU operate and be eonstrued us 0 ((',nnney nt will "Ilhe S:1l11e monlhly rn ((' of relll ~cl 0111 nho\'1: and under the same terms and eOllditiolls in force ut the expiration of the ngreemenl. 15, In the event, during the tenn of this rentnl agreement, the whole or any pnrt or the prell1i.<r.~ I1crcb~' rented shnll be appropriated or taken by any Municipal, Co'unty, State, Federill or other .1uthorit)' (or nn)' public or fJl/.1si,public u,<e through the exercise of the power of eminent domain or eondemnntion 'proceeding, or ~old 10 Ihe p055c,Sor or SIIeh power undcr lhe threal of its exercise, or if by renson of law ordinance or by court decree. ','l1elher b)' C{)I1~elll or olhcrwise, Ihc u~ of the premises by the Tenant for the purposcs hereinabove referred to shall be prohibited; the Tennlll $l1nll hnl'c 1111' righl to immedintely terminate this rentaJ agreement upon noliee to the Lnndlord nnrl Ihe rCllt ~hl1ll he pnid ol1ly 10 thc time when the Tenant surrenders possession of the premises, When only n porlion of Ihe dell1i~r,d i'rcll1i~c" are :1C(!llirt:d ror public or quasi.publie use through the exercise of or under the thrent of cminenl dOl11ain or eQlldcl11l1aliol1 proceedil1g, Ihe Tennnt shall have an election as to whether it will terminate and cnneel this rentnl ilgreel11elll nl thc lilll!: a portion or Ihe demised premises must be surrendered or whether it wl11 remain in the demised premises wilh rCl11llinil11' monthly renlal payments reduced by an amount detennined by the ratio of square feet thus acquired to the 101111 squnre feel origill:dl)' contained in the demL~ed premiscs, To exereisc this election, the: Tenant l11ust notify thc Ll1ndlord wilhin Iwcnly,fjl'e (2:i) day~ after It i~ ultimately determined what porlion of the premises will be laken Ilndersueh proceeding, In Ihe c"cnt (he Tcnant drct.~ to Tl:main on till: prt:mise~ under the condition set forth nbovl: the Lttndlord :lgrce,< 10 prompll)' m.1ke 1111 l1l:r"lI'\nry ulh~rnlions und repnirs which ~hall he requirl:d bl:eaul'<: of $Ileh pnrlillllleqlti~iliol1, 1'11(' rir-hl,< of Ih(' I,anrllurd -hall in 110 way prdlldiclll)f int<'rf'ere wilh uny c1ulm which lht. TCllnnl may 'liIv<: ;tg:1iIl,tllll: ill/ll1oril)' "X1"e;.<ill{llhe lx,,,'n or 1'llIinl'lIl dOll1ain or l:olldllmnaliulI (or <.Iarnlllle~ or otherwi~e for ck,lnlclioll III' or illlnl'rrt:IlC,: ,,'ill1lll1' bll"illl:,<' oi thc 'J"'lIanl in tl1l' dl'rnv;l:d prernil'<'", ~ Il,! l,bi,1I1 XJtl'Qo4IDfiM~~~~~MJ4X1<)~,{;I{X@P::€9%>:I(IXt}{XXi)\1X~1)NX'Kl\^1}~IKNlV.l~NX:X Iltlmol>11 ~~. " '~~cR..:.~~~X ' 1\ epa Irs f!y XXrK~~KO:OOXOCX'){)XwDfJlt~K~IX.:....c&Q{.J\rX*XX~){XKXXJ?G{iXXWl:YOO\lKXX ~ rAcl,rlor!i~"~.x.1L~~~~~~kJ@X<KK~1}"&:'1ill"&}{1x.,'QX!}tXiXroxiXXK:X- - - ~ ' '~ "~~~~'{lX1OOt~~m . , " ~~~tf~xv~J{}XX'V\Wtv~~jjvVJ,.h.\~WX .&rug,.rvT~U'\l).~T~T~T~Tn;:al , 'l I a no c eons~n~ a "'alver")~i'Tiff1\lla'11t'1ffill\J~itY,Wfl7: ~~ ~~~~4~~~^~~frmn:Xr n1J:iXX~maH~~~irn~*~XiX~~.::.!~lQQ{ j':lItry For I,.spection ;1nd I1cpnirJ, ;1 Itcm/iolls Or /1 dd itions .Ilwitorinl S~n,ice,1 Form 1148 (4,75) 10, Tcnant shnll pennit Landlord. his agents or employees. to enter into nnd UpOll said premises "I nil rr:,lsoII:liJIr. limc, for the purpose of inspecting the snme or for thc purpose of maintnining or rnakinl' repni"" r111~rntinll, t" ;,cldilions 10 ,,11\' portion of the premises, )lKX:IDU:KiN~~XiliiN.lQJ{~Vllia'tXN~XOCNX1'X:!tX!,,{N.N;X.NKXl}Ui{I24.K~'{I)1j{i)l!XW>I){(XNJ\t}{IXIXxti(lm\1}(01 ~ ' ' , ~E~~~~~~\~~\~~~X~~~' X~~ I e :X' T ~Jm ~X~ cK ,Ie :' N8)X'};rlli'X'0'~NX1{~ iX'Xc?! P1 ~1 '<1i'% ~r i&, ...l.e)*XKI11X.f\I....~Xx.,\fei) G'):I>1,\ yngc:3 of t. '-. ) .... ,,~ Utilities . Nnt,'ce To !,"rld/ord ()[ Dum(l{li! Or D,![ccts {axcs alld 11.~.({'.BnlCIlI,~ TertII ites. 1I.'C"rlCllt.', ..tnd J'",,/.< /("III(l,,,{ Of 1m Jlrr.IUCfrtf"!tl L\', l-:rer. tiolls.11 IV! I1dJitiolls 8\, Tenanl Nenlom/ Of Fixture,r 11.1' Tenant Waive.- Of Right e r:llt1'Y Fo; Carding, Etc. l11>oMonment Of Rerl ted Prem ises Waste ,1nd Nui.rollec Ass:'<,;nment ;I nd Sub/citing r.ffecl Un i1,u~nmcnt I1nd Subleltillg Wl,en Tenant Surrcnder,r Ilrnta{ ['roper/y S II rrcn del' Of Pre m i,cs ]n,)(J/idily Of 1~'0t1i!iOIl Or portion Of 1'rOfJ;,,;on e .tj L'Oi1ability Of Funds FI/ 1'11,.:1' Special Stipl/htions Ent;n' Agr"emcnl Form 1148 (4.75) ~o . . ~:JmRM ' , ~l ' . , ',;:;-, :,-,,~., , , In .... ~. [t~_t'j hhtl ~;:.-;.- I r,,! htlr ,,1'\' I . H' lfl'.~ ~Ier.rnclry, gas, tuel, OLl, coal, x aCI Ul ne llgh!. nca an, IX ~m~ , " ' ~~~ kx*~~ . X2OOc~ ~)\"cr s~r.'lce. 21. Tenant shall give to the Landlord prompt writt.en notice of an)' accidr,nt to or an)' dcfect.s i!1I".~ ~nid r;c!lli~c~ ~nd such damage or de./eets shall br. rcm~,diexl with ou~ rlHigcnc~ hy the Landlord 2( his (11\'01 expcn~, 22, Lundloni, dllrillJ! 1111' said I,:rm or ti:is rwlol :usrr.elnenl. agrl'Cs. anrl co"ellanl~ 10 pay "fi, ,',ll:,ci'\' alxl di,<eh.~rge, ~~ they bn:omc duc, 1111 n~io(:~ll1ellt~, laxc$, levicF and. other ehargc,~, i<.;ner.ll or sper.ial, of ",llal,:""!' n:II"", 1I~I'JrC ,lnd kinrl, which am or Illay b.: 1(~\'I,.d, 1I~r.ssr.d impol'Cn and charg':d lIpon the pr"tnL~r.~ hero.io demi~:d and rC:llr:rl, _~~5~~~ :!f, Wilh the \:xl'r"~ l'UII~"lItllr t.lll' l.ullnk,ni r1r~1 having beell had linn obtairll'd Ih,: Tr.nanl 'nay mak,.. nt iL~ OWII I:xpen~t:, such impr()vl'n\(,lIt~. nl'f,tion~ lInd altf~rationA AS are neec~~ary to IHlapl. (he premisr.$ illr I Ill: ':~)llrlIJCI. of the Tenant'$ husintl,ss. All ifl1pruv(:ment~, ere~tl.ons and addition~ instaUerl In or pluel.rj upon Iho. de.rnif-:d iJr(:tnL<c~ by the TCllant, wllf'.thf:r permanently affixed thereto or otherwi!e,~hall eontinuc and remain the pr<Jperly of thc Tcnant. And m;;y li.: removed by (hI) Tenant, in wholr. or in part, at any tinll: before the cxpiration,or tcrmination of this allreern~rll.lf the Tenant rcmOVC$ any or all or the improvemcnts, crection~ and additions it has i'nstalled in or placed IJpon the. ~em:sr.d premises, the Tenant l4(rees to rp.pnir any specific dRma~e directly re5u!ting to the premi.~es from Slleh r~rl1l)\':l1. "".J. ^( nny time hdorl' (he cxpirr.tion or termination of thi., agreo.ment, Tenant shall ha\'c Ihc ri~ht and pri\'ilcf:~ to rcmove all fixtures, equipl1ll'II(, ~prli"'nccs and movable furniture which it has placed in or upon the dCllli~~.rl P;CI;1;~CS. 26, '1'111' waiv(~r by L~l1dlord, or by Tennnt, of any breach of any stipulation, rro\'isiOIl, Inm, clJ\'l'i:al\l, ;!grcen\rl~l or condition hcrein Cllntaincd shall not hr. ci('I~med t.o he a waiver of sueh stipulation, provLcinn, Icrm, cOI'CI~ant, ~grc(:ment or condition on an~ suhsequent breach of the sa:ne or any other stipulation, pl'0\'ision, tem1. cnV^nant, ~P,r~c!D,~r,l or condition hercin contained, 27. In the evcnt tht' Tt'nant docs not cxercise the renewal or cxtension oplion pro\'idc,d abo\'~. 111(:(1 it is aL(r~rJ.l that the Landloni mny. within ~ixty (60) days next preceding the expiration of the tcrm of this ~l!rlCr;lCn', c;ll-rl r,r~r.l~<Cs advertising lhe: said premiscs "POI' Sale" or "Por Rent." Landlord may enter the premises at rea'<Ollnblc. houto' to exhibit the Mme to pro~pr.etivt: purehasr.rs or tenants. 20. During Ihe IeI'm of Ihis agreeml:nt Tenant agrees not to abandon or \'DC<lte the premises "'itholll causc.. 29, Tenant ~hall not commit, or suffer to be committed any waste upon the said premises, or ~n)' nuisance, or othcr act or thing which mny disturb the enjoyment of any other Tenant, if there be any, in the build ing in which dcmi,\ed premise~ may be 10eate.1. iW. Tt:nanl shall not. assign this rp,ntal agreement, or any interest thc,rein, and shall not sublet Ihe said prt:mi.'cs or an;' part thereof, or any right or privilege appurtp.nant thereto, or suffer any other pcrson to occupy nr u:~ the ~~id premises. or nny por1ion thercof, without the conscnt of Landlord first having been obtained, 1/owcl'cr. it i, ag;c.cd by IllC' partier, hercto that Landlord s,hall not un.reasonnbly, withhold such eonsenl. ^ny such assignmcnt 0.r ~ubi<:tlin~ without such consent ~hall h(~ void, and shall. at thr. optit'n of Lannlord, on twenty (20) day~ nolic,,. 10 Tr.n.1nl. tCr!ninalc Ihi~ rental agrcement. Con51~nUo onc assignment and/0,r whlct.ti~ shall not destroy this pro\'ision, and all laiC, a,"~i1;'lI:',enls and/or subleltinll shall n01. destroy this pl'0vision, and nlllater aSlllgnments and/o; subleltlngs shalllike','ise be nwlr. ollly on prior consent or Land lord, which conscnt shallllot unreasonable be withheld, 31. The voluntary or 'llher wrrendr.r of thi~ rental agrcement by TenaOlt, or ~ mutu,,1 C,11w:llntloll 1';r.i'Cof., shall Iwl work a mr.rger. and Rhall, at the option of L::ndlord, terminate all or any' existin~ sublcl.\ or SlJfJlcrlnncle~, ()' 111"\', 'Ii Ilw option of Lnmllord, operate as an as~igl1ment to him of any or All such sublets or sublcn~nr.ic" ,'\2, Tr.nant 5hall al the tcrminHtion of thjs agreement surrender up ~Aid rClllcd prcmi"cs ill gnc,,:1 cd,,: ,11ld conditiulI: re~~()IIll.ble use and ordinary wear and lear thereof, damage by fir.', ncl.S of Co<l, Ihc c,I~I'1r.,",~, othu (:!.Illallic", tOlldemnllHon and/or appropriHlion, and damage or defe~ts an..<ii1l! irom the ncglig"nu, ('Of dd.llflt of :h~ l.apdlo,;J ,~xt:"plr.d. :13, Shall any provision or portion of such !Jrovi~ion of said rental agreemcnt be hclrl icwalid, the rr.:l1~illdcr of Ihie ~,Kl rental agreement or the remaindl:r of sllch provision shall not he affectcd ,thr.reby, 34. This rental agreement is sllbjeet to the condit!Cln that funds be Imde a\'aila.b!e hI' thc r:oll~rc,'\S of II::: Unilcd States, by the General Assembly of Gr.orgia. or other sources, and hy the proper budgct alilhoril:, ror c;i:r:,'inr; Olit I!,C functions which this rental agreement implr.ment~. "- 35, Insofar M the follow in&! special stirJulations eonniet with conditions, covenants and agree,;pents, the followin!l: shall control: any of Ihe (orcgoin8 otipul.lIiol1,', il/'f1\'i.'ions, Ir.rm,~. f 36. MAJOR REPAIRS SHALL BE MADE BY LANDLORD PURSUANT TO AGREEMENTS BE-TWE-EN-THE PARTI-ES - DATED NOVERHBER Ill, 1989; and"-oNOVEMBER 1, T990-.- 3(1, '1'hi~ n:nlal agrr~I"lPenl ~el..>l forth all the pm\'L.ion~. aRrl:l:rnCIIls. cOllditioll', m\'Cllants, tr,nll; ;II1C: IIndmlandings !x;IWI~(~1\ the parties reln~ivc to [hI'. demised premires. Thcrc shall be no pro\'isiolls, agrcl:lI1cnls, conditinlls. cOl'f.nanls, tcrms, ullderstandin!i~ representations or inducements either oral or written, bctwe,~n the p.1r!ie,' other thAn arc hercin set forth, It is further understood and agreed that no ~ubscquent alteration, amendment, changc or "dditioll 10 thLs rental ~greeme~t shall be binding upon the parties herein unless reduced to writing and signed hy all the i'Htirs 10 Ihis rental agree men t. Pc1\lO 11 of 4