HomeMy WebLinkAboutCommunity Mental Health Center of East Central Georgia Augusta Richmond GA DOCUMENT NAME: ~M"-.J1"'~~ ~-\-o-.. \ H-e& \ ~ L&l+ey 0 r- t:::.. 45+- {eh. ~ I G ~ i k.. DOCUMENT TYPE: Gg Y-~e~+- YEAR: 1 q ~(p BOX NUMBER: 1 FILE NUMBER: ) 9- -;;)0 NUMBER OF PAGES: Lt AinlCLE I ARTICLE II AlzTICLE III AlnlCLE IV j:'nrll1 IllI (\ (11-75) .. STATE OF GEORGIA, RICHMOND LOCAL RENTAL AGREEMENT COUNTY OF TI-IIS RENTAL AGREEMENT made and entered into this 1st d:lyof JULY One Thousand Nine Hundred and NINETY-SIX I by and betwccn RICHMOND COUNTY, GEORGIA RICHMOND COUNTY BOARD OF COMMISSIONERS whose address is No, 530 ,Street GREENE STREET ,City AUGUSTA State GEORGIA COMMUNITY ,SERVICE BOARD CENTRAL GEORGIA , party qf the first part, hereinafter called Landlord, and the d/b/a COMMUNITY MENTAL HEALTH CENTER OF EAST ,<1 part)' of the second pan, hereina ftCI' called Tena nt, WITNESSETH: PREMISES RENTED AND USE OF PREMISES 'I'11f~ I.mldlord, ill cOII"idnntion of the renlH agreed to h,: raid hy tlll~ Tcnallt and of th,: COI'Cllo1nl~, :lj.!r"I'nlf'lIts, I'rovi"illll" and Htil'ulationll herein agreed to be mUlually kepl and pcrCorllH:d I,), Ihe parties herr'to, nOI:s Iterd.>y lllis day ~runl, dl~mise and rerit, upon thc terms and conditiOlls hueill Sl,,(,:d, 1111(0 tllf: 'I'rllulltthose cI~rtain premiS/'s situalr.d in RICHMOND Count)', (;corgia. and 11I01'1: partieularl~, u,:s(:rilll~d us follows, lo wit: BUILDING A, BUILDING E and known as No, 3421 ,Street OLD SAVANNAH ROAD , City AUGUSTA \.wrgia, logether with all the improvements, tenements and appllrtenanccs, [hcrcullto IdrJlIgillg or in all)' \Vise appertaining, including the right of ingress and egress thereto and therefrom at alllillles, The Tcnalll 1101''' herd.>y this day renl and take Crom the Landlord, upon the terms :Inti condit-jOlls herrjll~lated. Cor 1111; IIJ'/' oC MH/MR/SA functions and facilitics. lhose certaill !,remist:.';, /1Iorc {,dly (h'~eribl~d nlJOvf:, to~dh'~r wilh all the improvements, tenemcnts and appurtellances, thcn;lInlo belollgillg or ill nllY wi~e apperlaining, including the right of ingress and egrcss lhereto and thercCrorn al all timcs, TERM This relltal agrl'cment shull he for a term oC oC JULY ,A,D, 1996 oC JUNE ,^,D, 1997 ONE YEAR ,COIIIIIICIIl:illg "II 1111' 1st dal' ,and ending at 12:00 ,,'dock IlIidllil!hl 11111111: 30th d,lI ,unless tcrminalcd hdorch:llld a~ IIl'fl',inidlrr I'rllvickd, FIXED RENTAL '1'1,,' '(""1lI1l1 Uh"""'~ 10 pay the Lnndlord, lit his ubovr..stalt'.d addr,:,,,, or al ""ch ;,ddl""" Ill' ,Illdfl:"~:" ,I:' !lIay I..: d,:"il!"atl'd ill writing from timc to time oy the Landlord, IIIC lolal fixcd ,'qllid 1I101l1hl) r"lIlalllf ~~Ll~SHOUSAND FIVE HUNDRED ($12,500.00 ), for I Ill: """ alld 1'1:111,,1' Ih" said /,rl:llli"", h":':11I1I1IIg (III till' fir"l day uf JULY , II) 96 . alld I'al'alll" 1111 Ih,: fil',,1 d:l)' ",. cael, alld ,'v"r~' "lIll'lIdar 111011111 dllrillg till' Hllid t(~rrn, OJYfION TO RENEW OR EXTEND TERM ,(,h,' I.a!ullol'd, ill ('tlll"idl'ralillll of IIII' prl'lIli"l:s alld or IIIl' "111'1'11;1111", agr.:t'II"'III-, 1"'III'i,illll" and ,til'"latillls Iwrt'ill agrl'"d [1I III' 1I111111:111y 1;1:1'1 alld I'l'frorllwd II)' (!II' !Ii,r:i,', III tlli, il;~"":'III1'I;1. .1'"'" 1t''1'I'h, gil'" alld /.(nllll II II to lhl' '(','II an I th(' ('xelusive riglll, pril'il,:g" alld "ll'lillll of 1'I'lIc\l'in~ III' l'\II'lIdillg Ihi,- i1gn'I'III"II1 ill till: C:Xl'irilliolloC 1111' n"Ort~nll~IILiorll~d krm Oll,a )"'ilr III \"',11' Ilil~i" 1'''1' (5 yrs. & 5mos~(:OllSI~I:utivl' )'''nrs, Said rell!:wnl or l:xL,:nsi,," ,hall III: 111'''11 1111: :'all',' 11'1'111', /:lIl1dilillll,-, 1'1l\"'lIillll"'l'rlll'isioll", stipulaliollll anrlnwe(~I1ICllllIlI~ hl~fl~ill sl~l forlh and iilllll' "'11'11' IIHIIIlI"~ I'atl' "" n:nl,d 1lI'l'I:in ~lipulall~d; provide'd, howrvl~r, that notice or Trnant '" 1I(:,ir(' tu I:'\l:n:i,c' "lIch "1'lillll "hall h" i!.i\'l:1I tu till' I.anillllru at 11~i1"l tiixt)' (CIO) tlnys prior to,llw (~xpiration dill,: of lh.: originid II'i'Ill11f Ihi, i1i!.rl"~l11c~nl or ur .III~' rc~nl:wlIl or 1'.\II~IISioll l,:rlll llll:rcof. It is furtlwr providcd Ihal this ol'lillll lllil\ Ill' 1:,"'l'l:i,.:d Il~' llli: Tl'lIalll 0111)' ill thl: ,:vclIl 1111 rt~lIll1 have ul:en Clllly paid alld I hal i111 l'lIl'I'lIillll", i1;!r"':lIwlIl,-, I'I'IIl'i,iIJIl", "tipllllllillll~, ll~rms lllill eondilioll~ of lhi~ agreement Oil 1111: [lill'l Ill' 111l: '/"'11,1111 III Iii' I'l'I'flll'lIlf'd, 1;"1" alld oh~erv,'d, hUI'e been Cully and fnitllfully pcrformed, kept alld 6"I:":I'\'I'd, ("'9C I 01 <1 ,ARTICLE V 1'llrJ1(1,"~ 01 l'nr'Yfropl. Itlcllli/icolion Rcfcrcnces Delin i1ions Time /s Of Essence Seruice Of Notice CUPcllont Of Title ond Quiet 1"lljuyrncnt Noli"" 01 ..IJ'iJoilllnlcnt () I ..lccllt Change In Owncrship Of PremilCS Form 1148 (4.75) STIPULATIONS Till' following IItipulnlions, prOVISIOns, covenant..~, agreements, terms anu cOllditions, marked Exhibit "An alld attached to this rc,ntalngrecmenl, are expressly understood and lire mutually ur;reed to by the parties hereto. The said lltipullltions, provisions, covenants, agreements, terms and colldiliolls attached herdo and marked Exhibit loA ", arc hereby incorporated herein and made a part of Article V of this rental IIgrc'l'rnc'lI\ hy refc'rclIl:t'. IN WITNESS WIIEIII':()F, I.lIlIdlord lInd Tl'lIl1lll huv.: hl'r,:ulllU c'xl'l'lIll'd, ~iglll'd, illld d",lil,,'/',.d II,i~ ul!rc'c'/IlCIlI ill c1l1l'lit:ulc' IIII' dllY, IIlOlllh, IInel yc,nr rirslubovc, wrille:lI, e:;ldl of 1111: ~Hid I'arli,;~ ''''''I'ill!! olle: ed' I he' l'ol'il'~ IlI'rc,of. RICHMOND COUNTY RICHMOND COUNTY BOARD OF COMMISSIONERS Notary Public C BY: (L.S,) WARNER (L,S,) Representative; from Georgia Department of Ilul11an Hc"ourees Notary Public (Sc:lIl) Date: EXHIBIT "A" STIPULATIONS, PROVISIONS, COVENANTS, AGREEMENTS TERMS AND CONDITIONS OF RENTAL AGREEMENT: 1. The brief, euptlonl,d, paragraph-Identlrleation references which appear in Ihe lefl hand 'Ilal'):ill "I' this bhihil A are' for the purpose of convenience only and shall be completely d lsrcgardcd in consl riling I his rental ag "":1111'111. 2, A. The word "Landlord" as used In this rental agreement shall be construed 10 mean Lancllonls in all cases wherc there is more than one Landlord, and lhe necessary grammatical changes required 10 make the provisions hcreof apply either to male or female, corporation, partnership or Individuals, shall in all cases be assumed as tholl!!h in each c.1se fully expressed, B. The word "PremlsC3" as used In thls rental agreeme[lt shall include not only the parlicularly abovc-deseribed property but also aU the Improvements,tenements and appurtenances, th~reunto belonging or in any \\'i~ appertaining, C. Any and aU references to the "Term" of the agreement eontaincd within this rClllal agre'~'llcnt shall inclllde not only the original term but also any renewal or extension of the originallerm, 3. AU time limits stated In this rental agreement are of the essence of this agreem~nl. 4. AD notleea, statements, demands, requests, eonaeniA, approvals, authorizations, hercunder gil'en by either party to the other shall be In writing and sent by reglstered or certified mail, postage prepaid and addressr,d as follows: To Tenant, at the address shown for the premises rented herein, and to Landlord, the same shall be sent to the address stated above or at such other addresses Landlord may from time to time designate by nntier, to Tenant. In eilher case, Tenant will be responsible for notifying In wrltinlt the appropriate reprr.s,entallvc: from the r.r,orgia Departmrnl of IllIman Hrsllllrecs, ;" Landlord covenant" that he IR 8elzed of the Raid demlllCd prmnlsl:. in fel: simple absolute, Landlord'al':rccs Ihal lI.e, Tenant, paylng the rents and keeping thl, stipulations, provisions, covc:nanls, tcrms, agrce'ments, and wnditiolls herein contained, Bhafllnwfully, quietly and peaeefully have, hold, use, possess, enjoy and oeCllpy said premises hereby renled, wilh all the Improvements, tenements, appurtenances, and each nnd every part and pareeltherrof for and during said term here',by granted, without any suil, hlndranee, Interruption, Inconvenience, eviction, ejection, or moleslalion by the Landlord or by any other person or persons whatsoever. If for any reason whalever, Tenanl is deprived of ils right to lawfully, quielly snd peacefully have, hold, use, possess, enjoy and occupy said premises hr.rehy ",nlcd, wilh all the impmvelllenls, tene:m(:ots, appurtenances, and each and r.vcry part and panel therr.of, for and during said lr.rln hereby jo(r:lnled, witlllllll any wll, hindrnner., interruption, ineollveuillllcl', evielion, r.jl:clion or molrstatiun by Ihe Landlord or by IIny ollll'r pc'r:lon or pl'rslllIs whnlsoe:vc'r, Ihen this ngml,ml,nlllllIY be imml:dialcly eanedkd and ll'rluinalrd "I 1111: option of Ih,' 'l'I'ullul hy I(ivillllllll' Imllllord notice tllercwf.1f the: I.nnlllord's'tllle shall WIIW into di;[1lltc or lili~alion,lhl: 'I'I:llalll lllll~' wilhholtl pnYllle,nl of re",ls (wilhllul inlerest) until finnl arlJulliealion or ollwr scltlenH'I.1 of sllch di~plltc IIr Iiligalion, 6. 'l'l'nnnl Mliall bl~ undc:r uo oblillntlon to recognize any agent for the eulleeliun of rcnt accrued or 10 neenlc hcre,undt'r or olht,rwise aulhori~ed to net with respect to the demised premises unlil notiec of thr. app"inl'ncnl and thc ex lent of the authority of such agent shall be given to the Tenant by the party a[1poinling such agr.nl. 7, No change or division In the ownership of the rented premises, or of the rents payable herCllnrln, ho\Vescr aeeomplishr.d, shall operat~"to enlalJle Ihe obligations or diminish the rights of the Tenant. Fllrlhr.r. no chang!: or dil'ision in ownership shall be bindlng on the Tenant for any purpose untU the Tenanl shall have been fllrnisherl \\'ilh a certified eC';.; If the recorded instrument, or other legally authenticated written instrument, evidencing such change or dil'ision in '.wnership, POlJC 2 of 4 /Jill,fily( r.'ffi,t:I 0" 1/",'r,I. ,'1,<.\'iKII", FI,:, /,,, .0"J 'j I-'Iul",,: '/'0 Del jur:r I'mlll i.II!" ..II Conllll/mc/:mclI! () f Tl!rlll Or.,'truction Of Or Damagc To I'rcmis('.l I {I'</ln! nee lI.ll! n [1'rclII ilcs illlrll Mum IICC f{ cq u ircnlcn Is (allce/latiol' Of RClltnf Agrc/!lIIcIII /ly I.nnd/orr! I/olding Oucr Corll/cnlllatioll /lul, II i,<I, 11""10101 lie 1'(1 in /I y I./III<I/or<l 1':"lr.l' For f""l'cction il "d II CJ}{l ir,! , illtcm/ioll,! Or 11"<1 itions .Inllilorinl Scnliccs Form 1148 (4,75) II. Elii'll of IIII' MliplllulllllIM. pruYIMillll.. II'rmM. ",,"lIli/)II,', t:"vl:llalll., n~":I:lllelll~ allll IIll1il'aliOI'" 1,,,"1 ainl'li in Illis "'IIII1II1t(re'e'nwlIl Mhull upply.nxll'llIllo,llll hhllllnll UpOlllllld illure 10 Ihe, IJI"lerit or ddrillll:1I1 or ",":h ;/lIlI "ver)' "11<: "f Ihe III,irM,II'Il1l1 re',prnsenlallye's, de',vi"""M,'le:IlUI/!CM, ncxt.()f.kln, Mue'/',I'MWr>i alld :\.',sllln" of 1I1I' r",'I"'"li\'!' I'arli/',' 111:11"'" and "hall I", de'c'mf,1 IIncl trellled 11M C'()ve,nllnls reul mnlllng wllh lhe, prcmist:" IIr"re~aid dllrillg IIIl' terlll of Ihis r',"1 al al(ll'l'"ICIlI. Whenever II refl:rr.ne(, 10 lhe parlies hereto is madc, such referene.l' shall bc deeltll,d II) illcllllJc. Ihl: h,',irs, I<:g:" reprt,sentallyes, dc:vi:ol:e,~,lelllltl:e,~,llext.()f.kln, Aueer.ssors and ussigns of said flarty, thr ,<alll" as if;1l 1:I(:h 101,'1' rxprl:,<~"d, 9. Should Ihe Lnndlord, for Rny reason whatever. hc ullablr. to d.,lil'I:r fl"S,I:"illl or Ihl: slid rl:lllal prc'IIIL"" III lilt: 'I'r.nlllll ul till' (:onlllll:I":C:1I11:1I1 of saiel 1l't111 M he:rdnbl:fore spc:eified, Ihi" agr""'!I"1I1 11101)' k illlllll'di:t11'1" l'allCI'IIi:lI, Il:rmiIHlt/:d IIl1d <Ie:r,hltl,d IlUlllllld vIIi II lit thl! uflllon uf IheTclI:llltuy j(ivill~ 1111: l.andl""llIoliI:I' 1111'11'''1', :-:1,:11111\1' Tl'lIalll o:Ic:cl nolto e:xl:reixe lhl! IIfore~llIlt:d IJpliulI 1111:11 il t, ugreed b)' thl: parlil:' hnc:tlllhal 1111:11' ,hall Ill' a I",:d :d 1:1 I 1:1111:11 1 uf rent c1urillJ.( 'hI' pe:rlucI I1rll"C:I:1I 1111: Wlllm/:ncem"nt uf said Ic:rm alld lIH: lillll! IIII' I.alldlnrd ddil'l'r' I",>>",,'inll IIf lIlt: fl,,:misrs to lhe 'fe'IIlIII!. 10. In thr. evtnl thl' ~,Id demised prl:mlsr.s, f.llher prior to the eOmmelleemenl dail',lIf Ihi~ "'lIlal a~reellll:lll or ollr::lf! Ihr tr'rm thrrl:uf ~ha1\ III: SI, damaged, by Rny cause whatr.ver, as 10 be rendered IInfit fnl' occllflallr\' hI' Ihr T C1\a III , a 1101 i111' said premlscs shllll not thr.n:after be repalrr.d by the Landlord at his expellse with reaffillabk lll'nll\ptlle<s alld di~palch, 1:11'1' thL' rentul ~re'eml'l'll lno)' be Immr.dlalely, cancelled alld tr,rmlnalen al Ihe ofltioll of lh,' Tl!I\alll hy gil'illJ: the Landlord nutler. therl'uf, ann relit (If any) shall be payablr. only 10 lhe date of such d"ll1agc, Shnll 'aid p"'Il\I~s, either prior 10 tl,,' eommrnrc'menl nlllt: IIf this rental agreement or during Ihe termlhereof, be p,1rti,111)' d..,lro"ld, by all)' e,111~e ",hatevc,r, IJIII 1101 rellrlerrd ollfll for oerllflaney by Te,nalll. then Ihc: Londlom "I!rec~ lhal Ihe JHellli::r.~ "1Ihe L"ndlord',< I'xl'ell,Oc' IIlld with,t1'nMIIIAhh' pnllllpln"MM IIlId dispatch, ~hall be repaired nnd re~tored 10 .IlIbstanlinll~' Ihe ,<:lIne eondilioll ,1.' I)('(orl' 1111: dnllllll!/~, In the~ (:vI'1I1 of n partial de~lrlletloll of Ihe premlses'thcre "hall be a fair nb"'c/lll:nt in the ,,:nl pn)'abJr. dllrill/( 1111' lime' ~1I('h repalrM or re:buUdlllfl arc helrl!( mAdl:, SlIeh proportionale deduction of rtnl 10 he ba,<ed IIflon Ihr .'xll'lll tll which 1111: makhlllllf weh repall'l\ or ri:buildln/( lire hdJlI! m~de, Such proportionate dcdtlclion of rent to Ill, b,1sed 111'011 11)(' .'xlc'lll 10 II'hi('h 1111: mukinl! of Much repulrs llr rebuilding shnll inlerf"r.: ,,'ith Ihl: btl,<in",<.,< curied on b)' Ihe TI'lIulll in said prrml...,.~, Filii rl,nllllshall again commene!l' after completion of the repair.' ,1nd rr.,<loral;oll of Ihe fl":/lli,';r" hy till' LlIndlord, III elllllll:elillll with the foregoing, It Is lI{\reed by the parties herl:lll thai Ihl: Trll<lllt'~ cll:eision sh"ll hr IOlltrulllnll U~ 10 wlll!lhrr or Ilolthe premises arc fll or unfit for occupancy by the Ten"n!. II. Laudlom shall and will, al his own r.osl and expcnsr. dllring the lerm of Ihis ren!.1I,lgreC/llltll, keel' (/11: prcnIL'e" illsurrd a{!ainSllu5S or rlnma{!e by fire und other casualties, for 1I0tle~s Ihanlhe al110llnl Ihc flrenliscs "'/!II: la~1 a,<,'e,\s('(1 fot the purpose of laxalioll, Said insurance shoJI be placed with soll'enl, incorporated insurance ':oinp,,"ics lir:cnsed 10 do huslncss In Ihe Stale of Geoq:da, Lnndlom shall furnish Tr.nanl wilh Certificales or olher accrfll;d>!1 I:l'idellO: lhal Stich insllrJ'ncr. Is ill effecl. 12. Tennnt shallllol U~: said premi~~ for any purpose other lhan fllllctions nnd facilHlrs for whkh till: Mid Ilreml-'l:S arc hereby rented; and no IISC shalluc madc IIf said prrllli,,'~, nor ae,l~ clolle which will cousr. a eanr.cllallon of or all increase In the existing rate of fire, casualty and IIlhe,r cxlendr,cI I;()v"rage insurance Insurllllt Ihe said "rr.ml~I'8. The Tenanl further agrees not to sell, or permil to be kepI for liSt, in or ahOll1 ~aid prel11isc~, an)' article IIr arlleleR which may br. prohibited by the standam form of fire insurance policies, 13. Shnllllll: Te:llnnlnlnny 11mI' be In default, In thl: payml:nl ofrelll,or In Ihe: performance of "n)' of th.: ,otiplllatiOIl~, c'OVC:IlIlIlIM. Il'rlll~l I:UlldiliollM, IIlltl:cnwnlll. or provisions of this renlal olltl:e'ment, and fail to reln"d)' SlIch default within Iwe'lIly (20) c1I1'YM 1Ii1!!r tl:!!dl'l of lIolit:l: lIwreof from tlu: LU/ldlonJ: it ~hall bl! '",did for 1111, l.i1ndlord 10 enter and "~IKI:<."e'Sllllllirl prt:lIli~c'M, e:xpe:1 ;IIKI re\mllVl: thc Tenanl and its dfl!et~ 1I11:rdrom, /1, AllY holdlnt( over. or eUlIllnurd 111\(: nnd/ur oeellpaney by Ihe TI!I""I, of lhl: rellll'd l"I:llIi,,<'s ,111/'1 li,t' r:xflirati,," uf Ihill renlal u/trc:emenl SltllU operate nnd UI' construed us a ll,nnncy nt willallhc samc monlhl)' r:1I(' of rlol ~elolll "hol"l: and IInder the same terms IInd Clllld illolls In force ulthe expiration of the "Ilreement. 15. In Ihe evr.nt, durinlllhe lenn of this renlal agreement, Ihe whole or any part of Ihc premi~es hr.rthy rl:nlcll shrill be appropriated or taken by any Municipal. County, Stale, Federal or other "uthorit)' for all)' ptlblir, or qll,l~'ptlblic tI<e lhrough lhe exercise of the power of eminent domain or eondemnalion 'pro cx:ed in{!, or sokllo the p(l<~C>5"r of Stich pOll'tr under lhe threat of its exercise, or If by renson of law ordinance or by courl decree, lI'helher by comenl fit olhcrwisr" Ihe usc of Ihe premisr.s by ihe Tenant for Ihe purposes hereinabove referred to shall bc prohihitr.d: Ihl' TW~1l1 shall have Ih(' riJlhl 10 immedintely terminale this relltal ogrcemenlupon notice 10 Ihe Landlord "nrl Ihe rCllt .'h~1I hI I'~irl onl)' 10 II,,: lime when the Tenant surrenders possession of lhe premises, When onl)' "portion of Ihe dellli.'rcll'rrllli.'r.< ilrl: a(1\1,;",d f('lr public or quasi,pllblie use lhroll{!h lhe exercise of or uncler the tltre"' of cminenl domain fit collrlrlllllillioll proee:edillr" II\<: Tenant shall havr. an election as to whelher it will terminate and e"nccl this rental "grecrllclIl .11 Ihe lillle" portion of Ihe - demised premises must be surrendered or whether It will re!11ain in thc demised prrmises wilh rClll~;nin~ monthly rl:lll,ll payment! reduced by an amount detennined by the ratio of square feet thus acquiwl to lhe tolal sqllare fect ori!;ill:dl)' contained in the deml~r.d prcmL.~s, To exercise this eleellon.thr. Tenanllllust notify thr. L.1lldlord wilhin Iwrllly,fil'e (2;') days after It i8 IIll1mately determinr.d what porllon of the premises will be laken IInder Stich procceding,lll lhe el'r.nt Ihc Tenanl c:lr.et~ 10 tl:maln on tIll: pn:mi5(:~ IInder the condition sel forth abov" the L.1l1<1lord agree> 10 IHlollflll)' make .111 IIl:le'R'\lIry ulli'rnllonM und rc:polrs which shall be require:d be:eaul'l' of weh p"rlial acqlli,itioll, Till' rir:hl.' of 1111' l.anrllo,,1 ,ohall ill 1111 WilY I'rc~udiel' or illli'rfere wllh any c1l1lm which lhr. Tellantma)' hilvl: allaill,.1 Ih" alllhoril)' I.'XI:II:isilll! II,,: IXI",.'r or "llllnl:1I1 dlllllllln or c:olld"mnaliulI ror dalllllj(e^ or otherwlsc 1'01' c!('slnlctioll or or illll:rll"'o(',: ,,'ith II\<: hO'<;I\I'<S nr II,I' T"llanl in 1 hI' dl'II1i>l"c1 pre'"j,..:~, ~ )QtftX14~~IDffiiK~X<<~IDlmvm<1XX:J{X!IDtN:.'<'}(:X 1(,Xo}{X XIX'X'.'ll ;'!l<:KK ^i}:'K~ll<:I~t>!XX ~~~~~~-.!.~cR~'RIDLm~~~ XXXXXX~NM>>~K~MXM~~~K~~~*XXX~~X~~~~X~X~~XXXXX~~~X~~~K~XX~ Xcm@.~XX~~:X~~KX~mXD(I,~ml}rIDQx~k/X~IDl.~Wl@{IXKr~~l('XX~'XIMX'}(I)~K'I{IXXiXJ}lX'XJ{1XMX1(~< U"- ~~~~~~~~~~~M~~*'Wx~~~,}\:1RX~5{~RRX'xtxA~X'X~!<~*,X'XX'x~ .. , " ~'xS{' xx')&~* ~ ~X~'XX ~'/', ~rx'X~hl).: ~: IX ~ff~ ~ n I ~ml~~ ~~e COr1S~(~aS a "'al\'rr~U~h" 1 ,,",,]" Jt~,,,.Jllf)\"'I{)JJ~r. ~M({~~fu<<~~~~~~~~~)I;lf~~)I;~~f(~{;~~~jP~fi'tW~;g,{:i'l";;I;\(\~Xt.::~Xk'\(H~K,{)V: };j~'tJ:iX)i~~yOi&*&}f~~jK~~X&~l'(hXN;iXtu.~XiX4~X~KX..::!Xl,~~X, 10, Tcnant shall pennit Landlord, his agents or employees, to enter inlo ancl "pOll ~aid pr"l1\i,e:, ,II ,111 rl',l~l.lIl.1hlt: lilllr, for Ihe purpose of Inspecting the same or for the purpose of maintainin(; or l11akill~ re'p,1i"" altrr.1liillli ilr :,deliti,,", In ,lilY [JOrlion of the premises, ){K.XID5KrN~XK1NDfulfOO{XlNH~}{OlliI)tl{MfuUN1.'Qf~XiXl>lli>.'OtX!..'{ NNJOi KX I}lV[I~ KI;{'.:~ ){i)l1X ~1~>-1.1 H';,; L'lJ\lHiX'X ,:-.1 Xi}( 1.1;{ (\! ~ _- 11M.' iiI.~~k~~\H~~X~~~S:kX~~~~I~~I~X~~~~~KX~7!i~~K~ ~~'~~~~mi~~~ ~ ~^eX1)l X , X '( 1~:}I<(lB}I\)III~HK}lKi{~~L~))l)S~~'(;\'Jf\;)'~!(!'~:~l\\i(~1(;\0'<1 ~ l<'l~~ ~lX I lY ~t8'\",\j(i{:l1;e\K,W~i\J()I1.ll!'ltf'M;lhl'I'r'\'nl)il'>;,'iX'1I:-\.~ r,'gc 3 01 ,j (fti/ilie! 2jb{~0 , ~. r8M, , 1.x&N~~~~K~;ij~1f~ Notice To '-ulld lord ;')f [).lmngh Or Defect.! '/'n,- e.l n/ll/ II,Uf'.Ulllcnl.( Trrlll it~J, 11 '0 rl rll I". :111I//"'"/,, /{"/lIo",/Of /111 /Jrr.lUcml?/l L\', Freetioll.! 11 rJ(J Ildditiolls 81' Tenant Uemow/ Of Fix/llr!.''' 11,1' Tennnt Waiue.- Of Riglit I-:lltry Fo.- Carc/illg, Ele, 11/X1nr/onment Of Rell ted Prcmisc.! n'n.!le ..1 lid Nuisallee /1 .!.r:';lIment ;lnd Sub/elling Llfeel Un !I.l.! Wn m ell I II lid Sublellillg W/,e'! Tellnnl Surrellder" ({enlol [''''pcrty Surrrllrler Of f'rr m ~'(I'! "Iln/idily Of !\,Ot,jlioll Or PortiOIl or l"rolli,/)'oll A wJabi/ity Of Fund.! Fllrll,,:r Special Sliplllalion.! Elllirll II !(rl!rm CIII Fo,m 1148 (4,75) ~W<~1<!~KJ<1)<)~~~~~ ",~ 'R'X~n l~*~xik}{x~kxtx. . ~ Xi 'X*!6( 'XxYX'X'5(X%X m.~ co~~eilt .1nr~jlI"'rr WVICC, o " 21. Tr.nant shall give to the Landlord prllmpt written notice of an)' aeeidr,nt to or an~' defcc:s inlk Enid r~~Illi.'r.~ ~nd such damage or defeelR Rhall be remedil\d with due tlUigenee hy the Landlord at hi., OWil expen5C, 2:.1, LundJom, dllrillll'hl' salci Icrm or lids rr.nlnJ :ll{rocmenl,ugtl'cS, ;'nrl eo\'enanl~ III 1''1:' 'lfi, ,;~I;,'i'I' alxl di,'eh,11l(I;, '1-' Ihey bC'Cume due, ull nX~':>SlI1ents, laxes, Ir.vlr$ UM olher chames, jl:1:nr,ral or spednl. of II'hal':I'<:1' '1:I1Il/:, nalllrC ann kinrl, which urc: or may bl: levlNl, us~eMed imporen and c.hafllcd upon lhe pr<:mL~r.~ herdn dr.mif<:d alt.1 re:",:<I, ~~~~~&l1~~~M*~~M2~~M~t~ :!-1-, With lhl' I:Xl'rl'~ 1'1I11~1"llllr IIII' I.ulldll.m f1r~1 hnvil'll! been had unn obll\llll'n th" Tr.nanl l!lay Imkr, al IL~ OWII "xlJen~r:. such Impruvl"""lIl.. "rc','lionR IIlId altMalloll~ a~ are neee~,'ary 10 1JC1al'I Iho. prrmi.,r.s ;111' lhr. '''"It1llel of Ihe Tcnnnt's bu~lnell5, All IrnpruvI:ment~, err.cllons and addillon~ Imtallr,d in or plucl'rj llpon I he dCll1i,'cd pr"l1lL<r.,~ by the "'cllanl. whr,th,:r permallenlly affi"ed thereto or otherwlBe,shall continue 800 remain Ihe fJrt)perl:' c,r the Tena,'ll, and rIl;.Y be removed by the Tenant, in whole or in part, at any time before the expiration,or termination of Ih;s allrc:el:1r.nLlf Ihe Tenant removes any or all of the improvements, ereetion~ and additions it has i'nstallecl in or plar.ed Ilpnn Ih" rlcrnisf.() premises, the Tcnant agrees to repair any spec.ific dllma~e directly resulting to the premi.<es from wch removal. 25, AI nny lime hr.fort! Ihl: rxpirRtloll or termination of thL, ll,l;Teement, Tenant ~hall have Ihe ri;hl .1nd pril'ileg~ 10 remlJve all fixlures, eqlllpl1WlIl, uppli',nCl',' and rnovablc furniture which It has plaeed in or Ilpon Ihe c!cllli!tJ! preln:~r.s, 26, '1'111' waiver by LUIlcllord, or by Tennnt, of IIny breach (If any stipulation, prol'ision, tcrm, r/)\T,:anl, '!greenlrt;l cr condition herein contained shall nul Ill: ri','I~med 1.0 he a waiver of such ~lipulation, provLsion, Icrrn, e(l"r.,;anl, ilgrcc 11\1:11:' or condition on an~ subsequent breach of Ihe samp. or all)' other stipulation, pt1'lvisiou, tenll, COV"nant, ~s:r'~CI01.~n or condition herein cOlltained, 27, In the evellt lht' 'fwunl docs not exercise the renewal or extellsion oplion providr.d aho\'~, Ih::1l 11 i~ at;r~rJ,1 that lhe Landlord m4Y. withill sixly (60) days next preceding thr. expiratiOIl of Ihe term of this i'.!!'ler.~ell:, eard rrcr,l~<e~ advertisil'l!! 1111: said premiscR "Por Sale" or "For Rent," Landlord may enter the premisr.s at reil~ollablr. I:our,; I,) ~xhihil thr. Mme to I'roRpeetiv,: pllrehnRers or lenante, 20. Durlnll Ihe term or Ihls ullreemt:nl Tenant agrees not to abandon or vac<llc the premises ,\'itlWIlI caust, 29. Tenant ftholl not commit, or euffer to be committed any waste upon the said premises, or allY nlli~aner., or 01 her act or thing which moy disturb the enjoyment of any other Tenant, if there be any, in the builrling in .....hich demised premlscR may be 10eote,I. :-10, I,:nanl shall not assign this rP.ntal agreement, or any InterP.st lhr.rein, und shall nc>l ,~\lblr.t Ihe said p":ll1i~c,' or an\' pnrt thereof, or any right or privilege appurtenant thereto, or su((er any other person to occupy or u,,,, I!,,: ~~irl ,tJrcl1\i~es, or any por1ioll thereof, without the conscllt of Landlord first having been obtained, llowel'r.r, il i~ i\~;"r.d by l!lC'pJrt:e~, herelo that Lalldlord Fhall nol un!t:asonnhly, withhold slleh consent. Any 6ueh a~ignl1\rnt nr ",'!>I<:llin~ \o'ilhoul ~l/ch conscnt shall bl' void, ami shall. at thr. ortitln of Lancllord. on twenty (20) days notir,c In Tenolll, Ir.rmillal,' Ihi~ rr.lltal al:reemcnt. Cons"nl 1.0 one assignment and/or eub\r.t.tl~ shallllol destroy this provision. ilnel alllale, a"'<U;'\I:',elll~ ilnrl/or sublelling shall nol. destro)' lhis provisioll, and qlJ later all5lgnments and/or sublettings shalllikel,'isr hc n\lde ol:l\, on prior consenl or Landlord, which oollsclll shallllot unreasonable be withheld, 31. The voluntary or I)lher 5urrender oi thlR rental agreement by Tena:1l, or a mulll:d c.lll(i'llillll/1l l!:c':~oL ~hallll'.ll lVork a merger. and Rhall, althl' option or Lmdlord, terminate all or an>' exi~lin~ whlels or SlJblell,ll1c,r" ..)~ m~~', at Ihl' option of Lalldlord, operale as an as~ignment 1,0 him of any or all sueh whlels lIr slllJlenilllr,ir.~, 32, Tenant Rhall at the lcrrninution uf this agreement wlTender I'P silid rellled I'rcmi,;cs ill ~o(vl ,!~j,,: .111d c.111c1iliOIl, rcasonahle lI^e and ordinary wear and lear thereor, damage by fir.', ilcls of Cod, thl' 1',1~"Ir.'oIS, "tlwr (:tS'JJllif.~, tondr.mnution ann/or appropriation, and damoge or dcfeo:ts ari.<ing from Ihe Ilq;ligl'lIu PI' dri.l,dt oi ok 1..1;'dlor.1 l:xecplr,d, :-13. Shall any provision or portion of such provi~lon of said rental agrec mell I be hrlrl illl'a lid, 1111' '1'111.1 illd cr 11 f lit is .'-1 id renlal agrl~ement or the remainder of such provlslon shall not he nifeeled thr.relJ)', 34. This rental lIJjrr.ement iR subject to the eondltlc.n that funds be l'Il.de al'ailab!e by Ihe C:olI~r"',' oj 11:1' \:Ilitrcl Stales, hy the General Assembly of Gr.o~la, IH other sources, and by the proper hlldgel alllhnrit" f", r.i1,r:,'i'Hl Ollt I!,~ (unellons which this rental agreemenl implr.mcnt.~, ,.... 35. Infto(ar M the foUowln~i special stlflulatlons connlet with conditlon8, oovenan1.8 and agreey'lents, the folJowl~ shall rontt1'll: any of till: r()rcgoin~ .\liplIl.1Iil/n:', lil'1"I~il)n.\, Ir.rm~. ~ 36. MAJOR REPAIRS SHALL BE MADE BY LANDLORD PURSUANT TO AGREEMENTS BETWEEN THE PARTIES DATED NOVER}ffiER 14, 1989, and NOVEMBER 1, 1990. 3(1. 'J'hi~ "'llIal allrl'l!fI'lr,nl ~l,llI forth allthr. pnll'i..ion~, aj!rel:menIS, I'Cllldilion,', '"l1'<:lIanls, lc.nll; ,In!! lIndmlandillgs lx:twl'tlll llw purtieK rela1lvl' to lhr. dcrnl8r.d premiaes, There shall he no \Jrol'isioIlS, agreemr.nl>, f.IllldiliollS, cOI'r,nilnl.\, terms, ullderslandlng~ rcprrscntalions or inducement! either oral or written, belwe,'~n Ihe partir.s olher Ih.ln arc herein sel forln II Is further understood and agreed that no ~ubsequent alteration, arnrndment, ehar.!:e or ~dctilion lu Ihis rental ~greement shall be binding upon the parties herein unless reduced to writing aoo signerl bl' alllhr. j',ltlirs (I] this rental ugrcement. PolOO" of 01