HomeMy WebLinkAboutCH2MHILL INC SUPPLEMENTAL AGREEMENT PROFESSION AL SERIVCES ~, ATTACHMENT uA" ~ SCOPE OF SERVICES This SUPPI.EMeNTAI. AGREEMENT - "An regardIng that certain STANDARO AGREEMENT FOR PF OFESSIONAI. SERVICES" (AGREEMENT) between CH2M HILL, INC., ("PROGRAM MANAGER"), and AUgllsta, Georgia, acting by and through the Augusta-Richmond County Commission, ("OWNE ~'); said STANDARD AGREEMENT being originally dated April 6, 1998 and being Amended thereaft ~r by the mutual Agreement of the parties through and including the ih Amendment to that Contract e 1tered by the parties on or about August 8. 2005. The PROJECT that is the subject of this Supplemental Agreement is generally described as "Staff Augmentation Services for Augusta-Richmond County's Department of Englnel -rlngll , ' ARTICLE 1. SCOPE OF $eRVIC~S PROGRAM MANAGER agrees to furnish OWNER the follOwing specific services: The PROGRAM MANAGER will assist the OWNER in the operation and administration of th ~ Department of Engineering (Department), on an as-needed basis. The PROGRAM MANAGER will also 'oeus on the Department's immediate staffing needs and seek to assist the Department in securing qualif ;:d candidates to fill critical slots within the Department To provide this assistance the PROGRAM MANAGER will function as an extension of OWN =:R'S staff and will provide a core project team for program management, and supplement the core pro. act team with additional staff, as necessary, to accomplish work which requires additional assistance or sl= ~cialized technical expertise. The anticipated responsibilities of the PROGRAM MANAGER will be as 'ollows: Task 1 - Staff Augmentation SLlpport for Enginesring Services and Traffic Engineerinll 1.1: The PROGRAM MANAGER will aSs,ist the OWNER in the management, monitoring, and administration of the Department to include the following services: 1.1.1: Assist the Department with site plan reviews, utility, Georgia DOT, and right-o .way coordination. and stormwater and drainage support. Estimated Labor Hours - 67E Hours 1.1.2: Assist the Department with traffic engineering studies, accident analysis and t affic calming. Estimated Labor Hours - 520 Hours 1.1.3: Assist the Department with evaluating resumes and interviewing potential can lidates to fill vacant slots within the Department Estimated Labor Hours - 312 Hours 1.1.4: Provide general support to assist the Department in the delivery of Engineerin ~ and Traffic Engineering projects within the Department. Estimated Labor Hours - 312 Hours 1.1.5: Assist the Department in reviewing scopes of work and fee estimates prepare I by Designers and Contractors, when requested by the Department. Estimated Labor iours ....156 HCtiiS 1.1.6: Assist the Department In preparing, and when requested, presenting status re lOris Dr other information, as required, to the Engineering Services Committee and/or the Augusta ,Richmond County Commission. Estimated Labor Hours -104 Hours REV 9/94 FORM 3986,2 ',' IN WITNESS WHE:RE:OF, said parties have hereunto set their seals th$ day and year written belClw~ AUGUSTA, GEORGIA (OWNER) B f..lr PRINTED NAME:: CI DATE: ADDRESS FOR GIVING NOTICES: Director, Department of Engineering Augusta, Georgia 1615 Marvin Griffin Road Avgu$ta, Georgia 30906 CH2M Hill (PROGRAM MANAGER) BY: PRINTED NAME: Gerri Dickerson TITLE: Vice Pl'$sident /Area Manage DATE: October 12. 2005 ADDRESS FOR GIVING NOTICES: 360 Bay Street Suite 100 Augusta, Georgia 30901 ~ 2 ATTACHMENT B. COMPENSATION CH2MHILL Su""'ementalArlr1l.ement- 8 to STANDARD AGREEMENT FOR PROFESSIONAL SERVICES This SUPPLEMENTAL AGREEMENT - B to STANDARD AGREEMENT FOR PROFESSIONAL SEER' 'ICES is between CH2M Hll.l. INC., and Augusta, Georgia, acting by and through the Augusta-Richmond County Commission ("OWNEI n for a PROJECT generally descrlbed as: Staff Augmentation Services fo, Augusta-Richmond County's Department of Engineering The purpose of this SUPPI.EMENTAl. AGREEMENT - B is as follows: furnish specific services tha' are in addition to those outlined in AGREEMENT or previous amendments of AGREEMENT, ARTICLE 1. SCOPE Of SeRVICES PROGRAM MANAGER will perform the Scope of Services set forth in Attachment A. ARTICLE 2. COMPENSATION OWNER will compensate PROGRAM MANAGeR as set forth In Attachment B. ARTICLE 3. TERMS OF PAYMENT No changes. ARTICLE 4. OBLIGATIONS OF PROGRAM MANAGER No changes ARTICLE 5. OBLIGATIONS OF OWNER No changes ARTICLE 6. GENERAL LEGAL PROVISIONS No changes ARTICLE 7. ATTACHMENTS, SCHEDULES, AND SIGNATURES This AMENDMENT, including its attachments and schedules. constitutes the entire AMENDMENT to J GREEMENT. supersedes all prior written or oral understandings. and may only be changed by a written amendmeni executed by ~oth parties, The following attachments and schedules ara hereby made a part of this AGREEMENT: Attachment A . Scope of Services Attachment a - Compensation Attachment C - 9/14/05 Proposall.etter for Staff Augmentation SelVlces FORM 398B.2 ReviSED; 3/98 , . .' \. AlTACHMENT 2. COMPENSATION All assignments will require specific Task Orders issued by the OWNER that defi",e scope, r; ;timated length of time required, estimated cost of servioe and appropriate reporting requirements. CI mpensation by OWNER to PROGRAM MANAGER for these authorized Task Orders will be as follows: A. COST REIMBURSABLE-PER DIEM (TIME AND EXPENSE) , For services enumerated in ARTICLE 1, PROGRAM MANAGER's Per Diem Rates, plus )irect Expenses, plus a service charge of 10 percent of Direct Expenses and 5 percent of outsille servi~s, plus applicable sales, use, value added, business transfer, gross receipts, or other simila taxes. Initial Per Diem Rates for 2005 are: Per Diem 2005 Per Diem Rates Classification ($ per hour) 2 262.10 3 196.56 4 170.15 5 157.17 6 129.04 7 104.17 8 93.35 9 79.29 10 74.96 11 95.51 12 85.78 13 68.47 14 63.07 15 55.50 16 46.84 19 70~4 B.BUDGET A budgetary amount of $388,746 (Three Hundred Eighty-Eight Thousand, Seven Hundre l Forty~Six Dollars), excluding taxes, is hereby established for the SUPPLEMENTAL AGREEMENT. 8 additional services defined in Attachment A The budget amount for any additional services not Iiste j in ARTICLE 1 will be established by further amendment to this AGREEMENT. The Initial term of SUPPLEMENTAL AGREEMENT - B Is for one year, and the F'ROGRP M MANAGER will make reasonable efforts to complete the work within tJ1e budget and will. eep OWNER informed of progress toward that end so that the budget or work effort can be adjusted, if found necessary. PROGRAM MANAGER Is not obligated to incur costs beyond the indicated budgets, as r lay be adfusted, nor is OWNER obligated to Day PROGRAM MANAGER beyond these limits. C. PER DIEM RATES Per Diem Rates are those hourly or daily rates charged for worK performed on the PROJI :CT by PROGRAM MANAGER's employees of the indicated classifications. These rates are sub ect to annual calendar year adjustments, which shall not exceed four percent per year; inclUde all allo\\ Emces for salary, overheads and fees; but do not include allowances for Direct Expenses and outs;( e services. D. DIRECT EXPENSES Direct Expenses are those necessary costs and charges incurred for the PROJECT inclu ling. but not limited to: (1) the direct costs of mall, special OWNER approved PROJECT specific insur mce, letters ' of credit, bonds, and equipment and supplies; (2) PROGRAM MANAGER's current stand Ird rate charges for direct use of PROGRAM MANAGER's vehicles, laboratory test and analysis, )rinting and reproduction services, and certain field equipment; and (3) PROGRAM MANAGER's stan :lard project charges for special health and safety requirements of OSHA. 4 " " .. ' The charge for laboratory tests and analyses shall not exceed those rates as approved fc i federal government work. The costs for transportation using rental vehicles shall not exceed the actual cost of rents I of a mid~ size, 4-door automobile, plus gasoline at the actual cost. Reimbursement for use of ape, sonal or PROGRAM MANAGER's vehicle when in travel status for Program work, shall not excee I the allowable federal rate for mileage, Reimbursement for meals and lodging when in travel: ;tat1.ls for Program work, shall be at the per diem rates in the latest Federal Travel Regulations COIIUS, for Augusta (897 5 ~ l/YJ lit ,.., n r', ,"'\~, 1 ~:. :r ';\ ,.i. r c~- I:r( \~~i ~': :,,'. ..... SEP 2 0 '2005 CH2M HILL 115 Perlmeter I :enter Place NE Sulle 700 AlI~nlllr GA 30346-1278 Tel 770.604.90 5 Fax 770.604091 J3 . CH2MHILL ~ (AUGU~I~.HIC~MO COUifd C\lti,Mi~~ September 14, 2005 :Ms. Teresa C. Smith, P..E. Director of Engineeririg Augusta Public WorkS'& Engineering 1815 Marvin Griffin Road' Augusta, GA 30906 Subject: ,Staff,AugmentationServices Dear Teresa: 'f11.e CH2M rnLL Team, including Jordan Jones & Goulding, and Williams Russell rohnson (Team) is pleased to recoIl'lmE!lid to A1,],gusta's Department of Engineering (Depart nent) our revised approach to yoW' requeSt for staff augmentation services as discussed duri 19 the Engineering Services Committee's meeting on September 12, 2005. It is our undet ,tandirig that the objective pi our staff augmentation services is to assist in the operation anc l administration of-your Department, on an as-needed'basis.' We will also focus on 1 he Departm.ent's immediate sta.ffing needs and seek-to assist the DepartmeJ;l.t in seeur ng qualified candidates to fill critical slots with.i:r1 the Department, As, current open st Iff positiomdn the Department are filled the need for our supplerilentary services ma: . decrease. The approach outlined in this letter describes our estimated activities ov ~r the course of 12 months. Our approach also includes quaiterly progress reports to the Board of Commissioners. The CUIl'ent CH2M Hill Supplemental Agreement with Augusta, Georgia, originalJ 'f authorized on November 19, 2002, shall be the basis for services to be,fumished to :he DeparlInent. Specific conditions and :requirements unique to the Department worl : will be specified in a Supplemental Agreement - B, based upon similar terms. Staff Augmentation Support for Engineering SerVices & Traffic Engineerir g 1. The team will supply four professionals within 48 hours of N1P and your appr Jval of the personnel. EaCh W:i.U be well qualified in the areas to which they are assign, :d., It is anticipated that one profesSional will be in your office two days per week, and he other three professional will be in your office one day pet week: These key personne will attend any required meetings that inay require evening work, if they occur on ~ 'uesday or Wednesday evenings, as part of their required duties. If additional evening' \Tol"k is requixed arrangements will be made. The Team's anticipated level of support i ; as follows: ' Ms. Teresa C. Smith, P.E. Page 2 September 14, 2005 1.1. Assist the Departnient with sourcing ,resumes and interviewing potential candidates to fill vacant slots within the Department. ' 1.2. ,PreVide general support to assist the Department in the delivery of Bngir eering and Traffic Engineering proj~ts within the Department. 1.3. Assist the Department in preparing, and when requested, presenting stat .1S reports or other infor.xnation., as required, to the Engineering Services Committee and I or the Augusta-Richmond COUJ:.\ty Commission. 1..4. Assist the Department in reviewing scopes of work and. fee estimates p~ ,~~d by Designers and Contractors, when requested by th,e Department. 1.5. Assist the Dep,artment with site plan reviews, utility, Georgia DOT, and 1: ,ght..of- way coordination, and stor:tX\water and drainage support. \ 1.6. Assist the Department with traffic shldies, accident analysis and traffic ca lming. Dellverables: · Supply four professionals Within 48 hoUl'S of N1'P and approval of the individ llals by the Director. Two professionals will be from CH2M Hill, one professional fro: n Willi.a!ns Russell JohnSon, and one professional from Jordan Jones & Gouldinl ;. · A weekly report on each ,person's ac~vities. · A monthly report and a Ninety Day suminary Report to the Director regardin ~ both day-to~day and long term analysis for filling 'vacant positions, including cw:re \t , backlogs, position assessment and ft.mcti.on, and suggestions on improving Bel vice delivery.' , Estimated Task Budget (mdu4ing estimated travel costs) - $388,746: Assumes 4 professionals for a 12 manth time frame. one professional ~ be in your office n 70 days per week, and the other three professionals will be in your office rOt one day per 11 'ee.k for up to 52 weeks. The Team's anticipated pexcentage split is as follows: CH2M Hi] ~ - 55%; Williains Russell Johnson -15%; and Jordan Janes & Gouldin,g'- 30%. The Tem wants to work for you and assist with achie-ving your goals and objecti~ es for your, newly formed J:)eparlm~t. Sev~ra1 factors and numerous attributes uniquel~ qualify om Team to effectively Serve your Deparf;n:t.ent: , , · Unparalleled institutional knowledge gained,from,working for Augusta Public Works & ' Engineering'Deparl1i1ent, the Augusta Utility Depamnent, City staff and electe i offi.cials will ensure best-in.-clas's services with cost and time saving strategies. , · Incomparable depth of lo,ca.l resources will fulfill all of your requests for serviCE s and exceed the City's expectations for small, local, and/or minority~owned busines I participation. '. Authentic and proven worldn.g,relationships with City staff and elected official; will ensure seamless supporl: and maintain your Department's ownership of projec1 ~. Our strong history with the City will enable us to integrate smoothly with your sta:f: , processes, and systems. And, by building project teams of combined City and c )nsultant . \ . . Ms. Teresa C. Smith, P.E. Page 3 September 14, 2005 staff, we' will transfer technology to ensure' your De~arln\.ent stays in control c fits projects.,' ' · Proven project delivery success on previous City projects ensures a responsivE partner capable of meeting your pl..anned and unanticipated needs~ · Proven track record of community support provides a shared commitment to :he City's qU2Jity of life and fuf:u.J."e. Our contracting vehicle and prqven'track record will enable you to produce quid and long- . term sustainable results that are measurable and satisfying. Thank you for the opj IOrtunity to 'submit our reconunendations for your review and consideration. Sincerely, CH2M IDLL kJ~~ Gem Dickerson; P.E. Vice President & A:rea Manager ATL/Document2 ' c: Larry Scott/CH2M HIT..L ' Eric Gamer/CH2M lULL Jack Seibert/CH2M HILL , Keith Rohling/CH2M HILL Fred Artis/wRJ Linda Graham/JJ &G , Daniel Foth/JJ&G