HomeMy WebLinkAboutAugusta Georgia and Community Mental Health Center Augusta Richmond GA . DOCUMENT NAME: A,Ul1.rA b-IEOIUj'4 ftMJ CO'" r'lUtVllj fYl"' I0n1L .JJerl'l~-rA C-E N1'ef2- DOCUMENT TYPE: 'A '3 R e e' TYl E:.a0'1 YEAR: \ q q <6 BOX NUMBER: to FILE NUMBER: 1 ~ <6 79 NUMBER OF PAGES: t-j. . " \ 1 .; .,;. 1 ~ ARTICL E 1 AR TICLE (( ARTICLE III ~ ~ ARTICLE IV Form 1148 (4-7e,) , STATE OF GEORGIA. LOCAL ({ENTAL AGREEMENT COUNTY OF RH~HMONn THIS RENTAL AGREEMENT made and entered into this 1st day of JULY One Thousand Nine Hundred and NINETY-EIGHT , by and between ...wCUBT.^.,'IU8IH10NB €JeHU'!"; BeflR9 GP COMMISfHONERS (lUG-USTlI, 6-E-DRVII+ whose address is No, 530 , Street GREENE STREET ,City AUGUSTA ~ State GEORGIA, 30901 , party of the first part, hereinafter called Landlord, and the COMMUNITY SERVICE BOARD OF EAST CENTRAL GEORGIA d/b/a COMMUNITY MENTAL HEALTH CENTER ,a party of the second part, hereinafter called Tenant. ~~ I:> WITNESSETH: PREMISES RENTED AND USE OF PREMISES . TIIC' I.alldlord, ill ,'oll~idnation uf the rent~ "J.,'Tccd to be raid by the Tenant and of tIll: eovl:nanL-. 3j!rt"'ln"lIt~, I'rovi~ill"'; OIlId ~tipulations herein agreed to be mutually kept and performed fly the parties IlC'rdo. do.'~ IH'fI'by thi~ da~' ~rant, ckmisc and rent, upon the terms and conditions herl:in statt:d, unto thr. '\'I'n all t those (,1:rtOlin pn.:tni:-;('~ ~ituakd in RICHMOND County, Ceorgia, and mon particularly lk:'l:rilwd a~ follow~, to wit: and known as No. 3421-BLDG Af,t'treet MIKE PADGETT HWY ,City AUGUSTA Ct:orgia, to~ethcr with all the improvements, tenements and appurtenances, thereunto belonging or in any wi."l' apPI'rtaining, including thc right of ingress and egress thereto and therefrom at all times. The Tenant nOt':' hcreby thi~ day rent and take from the Landlord, upon the terms and conditions hereinstated, for the 111'01' 0 f MH/MR/ SA functions and facilities. those certain premise!', more fully dc'~cribt'd above:. togdl'tff with all the improvements, tenements and appurtenances, thereunto belonging or ill any wi~e appertaining, including the right of ingress and egre8s lhereto and therefrom at all,times. TERM lhi~ rental agfl'(~mellt shall be for a term of of JUL.Y , A.D. 1998 of JUNE .^,f),]999 ONE YEAR ,r.ommcnein~on the 1st clay , and ending at 12 :00 0 'clock midnight on the 30 th cla~ , unless terminated brforehand a~ lll'rt'inaflrr rruvidl'll. FIXED RENTAL Th., 'I"'llanl al-,"'t"'~ to pa~' the Landlord, at hi~ abuvr.-statl'd addrcs.s, or al ~lIch <Jddn'",s or <Jddrt,~~:s a;; 111a\ I... dt'~igllatl'll ill writing frulll tin1c 10 time by the Landlord, the lotal fixed .:qual monthly n'nlal of Twelve Thousand Five Hundred doll~1>?P!,'e9~:~00 ), for the use ancl rent of thr ~aicl prt:mi.ses Ilt'giII Ilillg Oil tilt' fir~t cla\ of JULY - . , ,1998, anrl payable on thl: first clay of ",I(;h ;11111 ""t'r~' 1'<Jlt'lldar '1101111. durillg IIII' ~;Jid Ic'rrn. OPTION TO RENEW OR EXTEND TERM ,TIle' -' ,alllllonl. iIL",'~IISitlt-r<Jlillll_o( IIII' pr<:lIli"c'salld. Itl~lllt' .:m"'lHllIL~,;t:""'t't''''!:.llt>:, !,!,!~si!>J.I.~ ,;Jnd ~lil'ulali()ll~ IlI'rt'ill agn'nl 10 I... Illlllll;illy kt:pt alld IH'rforlllt'd hy till' I'arlit'~ lu thi~ agrr~'I1I"lIl. d(H'~ Iwn'I,)' gil'l' alld grallt Ulltll Ihl' 'I'.'llalll th., .'xdll~i\'.' r4,:hl. I'ril'ilt'gt, alld optioll of n'llt;wing or c:xlc-iltlillg thi... ;lgn'I'lIIc'1l1 at till' t'xpiratiotl of till' aforc'mrntiollt,d t,'rlll Oil a YC'U to ~'t'ar ha~i~ for (3YRS & 5 MOS ) t'Otl~l'I:tltiv.' ~','ar~. :-'aid n'lIewal or cxten~ioll ~hall be: lI\,un tl... sanl<' krlll~, conditiolls, .'m"lIalll:" I'rll\'i~ioll,'" stiplllaliolls ami agrc1'IIlenLs a~ ht'rt:in set forth ancl altllf' ~amt! motlthly rat.- uf n:nlal IWrt,j'1 :'lil'lIlall:d: I'rO\'id,'d, howl'vc'r. that noticl: of T('nant's dc:~irt, to t'Xt:rci>'l' ~uch optioll shall Lll' gi\'l:n lo lh., I.alldlord at Ic'a~t si\t~ ((If)) duy~ prior to tIll' l'xpiration datt' of tht' originalt.-rm of this agrt'l:mc:nt or ,,1' ;111\ r"llt'wal or I'Xlt,tl~ion tC'rII1 tl,,:rcof. It i~ further provided that thi~ optiun may Ill: eXl'fei~,'cl hy tIll' lc'nJlIl ollly in tl... "\'t~lIt all rC'llt~ hu\'1' IWt'n flllly paid and that all l:o~"nanl.-, ~rc'l'rn.:nt~. provi~i()ns, stiplllatioll:', lnms aud t'ClIlClilioll, of this agrC1'ml'nt on tIlt' p<Jrt of tllf: '!'.-nanl to I", IwrforrTlI:d, k"pl illld uh,erwd, ha'.' \,{-c-II fully and faitl,fully performed, krpt and oL~'n,,'d. P&ge 1 of 4 ~ \ _......- " ",'" <.. ~ ....... .. ,,- v ::~.~./' ;.~-~ I '{~,'J~~r.~ = : ':' "~. --..... ~. - ~ . '- .,,-' .. - .::: - -\#~~'al )_~-~~:- ~ \::~.~.= .' .--' .'.. ~- '~.. -..... ........-,...... "-. " AR:T~CLE V ," l' " J'urpo.oc of ParC1(fTaph Jd en tification References Definitions Time II Of El3ence Service Of Notice COI'ellant Of 1'il/., and Quiet t: njoyment ,'II".;",. Of ..Il'poin.ment Of ..tgen. Change In Owner.hip Of PremUN Form 1148 (4.75) STIPULATIONS ;- TI". flllluwing ~tjplllatjuns, pnlVlSlOns, covenantc;, agrt'cml'nlc;. trrms and conditi()n~. marked Exhibit "A" and attached 10 this n'ntal agreement, are expressly undcrstood and are mutually agreed to by the parties hereto. The Mid stipulations, provisions, covenants, agreements, terms and conditions attached hl'rl'lo and markcd Exhibit "1\", arc hereby incorporated hcrein and madc a part ofArtic\e V of this rental agr('t'ml'n 1 hy rdl'rclI ('1'. . IN \\TI'NESS WIIEIlEOF. l.alldlonJ ;lOd 'I'C:II;1111 !.;lVC' ha"lIntu ".'('~l:lIll'd, "i:,:lll'cl. ;lnd -d"livl'rc'd Ihi" ;lgrl'c'IIIelll ill ,llIpl;c'OIk IIII' rlOIY, IIIOllth, ;lnrl yc~ar rjn;1 aLov(~ wril"'lI. ('ach of llll' :<aid parti,::-; kel'pill:': OIW lIf IIII' cllpi,'" IlI'rc'of. ' Sf(; NEil. SEALED, ANIl DELlVEltED ~,~ III Lalldlord, ill thl' prc"....II;c of: (L,S.) (I.,S.) This docull18nt IlllProved .a III I8lI!II suIIlcieney and Iorm. J...,.S (/ 7-.37~ ~~ Dale I I' . rMehmond Coumy, Georgia Isslan Expires Dee, 5, 2001' COMMUNITY SERVICE BOARD OF EAST CENTRAL GA d/b/a COMMUNITY MENTAL HEALTH CENTER Name ofT"nant) ~ Notary Public (L.S.) (L.S,) DIRECTOR A Notary Public Representative from Georgia Department of lIuman Hesources 0,1, O/Z jifJ (Sf';d) EXHIBIT "A" STIPULATIONS, PROVISIONS, COVENANTS, AGREEMENTS TERMS AND CONDITIONS OF RENTAL AGREEMENT: I. The brief, captionl'd, paragraph-identification referenccs which appear in the lefl hand margin of Ihis [xhibit A ar,' for the purpose of convenience only and shall be completely disregardMi in construing this rental agreement. 2. A. The word "Landlord" as used in this rental agreement shall be construed to mean Landlords in all cases where there is more than one Landlord, and the necessary grammatical changes reqiJiicd to make the provisions hereof apply - either to male or female, corporation, partnership or individuals, shall in an cases be assumed as though in each case fully expressed. B. The word "Premises" as UBed in this rental agreement shall ine\uqe not only the particularly above-deseribed property but also all the improvements, tenements and appurtenances, th~reunto belonging or in any wi...-.c appertaining, C. Any and all references to the "Term" of the agreement contained ,,'ithin this rental agreemenl shall include-<>' not only the original ~rm but also any renewal or extension of the original term. 3. AU time limits stated in this rental agreement are of the "ssenee of this agreemt;nt. 4. AD notices, statements, demands, requests, consents, approvals, authorizations, hereunder given by either party to the other shall be in writing and sent by registered or certified mail, postage prepaid and address"d as follows: To Tenant, at the address shown for the premises rented herein, and to Landlord, the same shall be sent to the address stated above or at 8Uch othu addrell8es Landlord may from time to time designate by notice 10 Tenant, In either case. Tenanl will be responsible for notifying in writinlt the appropriate r;>:presentativr from the Grorp:ia O"partmrnt of Human Rrsources, !l. Landlord coVl'nant8 that he is sdzcd of thl' said dcmi!lCd premises in fe.' simple absolute, Landlord'a~ees Ih.ltlte Tenant, paying the r"nts and keeping th.: stipulations, provL.ions, covc:n.nts, .erms, agreements, and conditions hen'in !'ontained, shall lawfully , quietly and peacefully have, hold, use, possess, enjoy and occupy said premises hereby renled, wilh all th" improvements, tenements, appurtt:nancrs, and each and evcry part and parcel thereof for and during said term herl"by granted, without any 8Uit, hindrance, intcrruption, inconvenience, eviction, ejr.ction, or molestation by the Landlord or by any other pl'r80n or peJ'!!Ons whatsoever. If for any r"ll5On whatever, Tenant is deprived of it~ right to lawfUlly; q',ir.t1yaoo-p-cac-fiiHly 'have,-hold;-use--;- possess, crljb1'Yoo-oc-cuPY saia-premises-herebrrl'nt..u, with .I\-thc- --- im"nJvr"lclll~. Irnl'lTlI:nts, appllrtellance..', and each and r.v!'ry parI and parr.d thereof, for and durin~ said Icrm hereby Ill"Jnll'll, wilh"1I1 :lny slIit, hindrantt, intr.rruptiOIl, inconvrllit:III'I', eviclion,r.jt:ction or molt-station by the Landlord "r by nny ollll'r JM'I'l4IJIl lIT 1"'l'l4IlIIS wh.tscM'vc'r. lhen thill agrec'mc'nl may lx: immrdialrly canedlcd aM tl'Tnlinalrd al the oplion of IIII' '1"'11:1111 Ity j..oivillllllll' 1.llIMllurd Ilolie" thereuf. If Ihe Landlord's title shall rolllC inlo di~pll'" or lilij(ation.lhc: Tenant mn~' wilhh,,111 paYlllI:nl "f TI'nl~ (witlwul inlere~t) until final .djudication or olhn scttlcnll'nl of sueh dispute ur litigation, 6. 'l','nanl ~hall Ill' IIndrr 110 obl~ation to recognize any agent for the roUection of renl accrued or 10 accrue hCTl:ulldrr or othrrwj&: authoriud to act with respect to the demised premises until noticc of thr. appointment and Ihe r,xlent 01' thr authority of such agent shall be given to the Tenant by the party appointing such agent. i, No cha~e or division in thr. ownership of thc rented premises. or of lhe rents payable hereunder. however accomplishrd, shall operate 10 enl~e the obligations or diminieh lhe rights of the Tenant. Further, no chanp;e or division in ownership shall be binding on the Tcnant for any purpose until the Tenant shall have been furnished wilh a certified Ci';" .r the recorded il18trument, or other legally aulhenticated written il18trument, evidencing such change or division in '.wnership. Page 2 of 4 ~ ) f lIi..oIu.r fIf"'" 9 J (I,. ;'1...." # ,.f....~.., f:tr. .. Lo .ordi failure To Deliver /'rp.m ire. At Commencement Of Term Dntruction Of Or DomD(i'e To Premises Insumnce Use Of Prernires And Insurance Requirements Cancellolio.. Of Rental Agrccrnelll lIy Landlord I/o/ding Over Condemrwtion II, Ead, nf Ill<' "'il""nliclI.... ,"'uvi.ion., I.'nn.. mll.liliuIlK. c'ovrllnlll"- ~r,.,..mrlll">n,wl ubl~alion' n)f,lnimYl in Ih~ "'111,,1 RI[T""ltlC'1l1 "',all apply, rXh'lld In, hr bind illl(' UpHIl and illu/? In Ih,. ~fil 0' d,.trimrnl of rar.h .,.1 rver)' nile "f the Iwi"" 1"1(,,1 '''IlC't'~'C1talivc..., dc'vi...",.. Il'l(atc~., nexl-<.lfJ..in, Ku,.r"~"" and ~K of Ihr. rc:!!p"c:tivr parti"~ Mrrln. and ~h.1I I". dc"'nlt"d a.lIt l~alNl a.~ ,'lVc,llanl. ~al running with thr premilll'. dum.aill duri~ thc' term of Ihi.~ rrnl al ajtff'.'menl. WhrOl'vc, a ~frrmC(' h. Ihl' parlir. hrreto i! made, such refr.rencr !f..tU ~ deemed to includr th.. hrin<, legal 'rprellenlatives, devi!:~R, k~al..es, next-()f .kin, succes.ol'S and assigtlll of.aid pIIrt)'. lhe same as if in each case exprc!'ll"d. IJ, Should Ill<: Landlonl, fnr any reason whalever. he unable 10 drli\Tl' pos.>;('SSion of Ihe said rc,nlal prrmr\l's 10 Ihe Tcnant al II... rtlmml'nc"melll of said Ic'rm as h.:rdnbdorr. epeeified. Ihi, OIj!:m"'ll'lIl may be immr.dialrlv .'anl:l,1\...I, terminated allff drr/amf null and vnid al the option of Ihr Tenant by IOvi'lE Ihe I.nndlorUlloliec t1wrrof. ~halllh,' T"llanl rll'ct not to l'xcrCI;e the aforr.~la,,'(t oplion Ihr.n it is agreed by the part~ herelo lhal then' shall Ix, a total nbatemelll of renl durin!: 'thr p"riod brllvc"1I Ihe colllmenc<.'ment of said tt:rm and tht: limr Ihe Landlord deliver.; po~,..."ion of IIw. prcm~'r, to Ihe Trllant. 10. In the evenl the !\:lid demi.ed pn'mises, I'ither prior to the commencement date uf this rental agreement or dur:nll Ihr trnn then'of ~hall he St.. oamaged, by any cause whatr.vcr, as to be rendered unfil for occupancy by the Tenant, ann tl1" said premises shall not thl'r"aftcr be repaired by thr Landlord at his ex~n..~ with reasonable promplness and disp~tch, 1,::'1' thi." rental agreement may be immooiately cancelled and terminated at Ihe option of thr Tenant by !tivin~ lhe Landlord nOlierlhrn'of, and renl (if any) shaU be payablr only to thl' nate of such damage, Shall said premises, either prior to th.' rommrnrC'mrnt dal,' of thi~ rr.nlal agrr.eml'nt or during th.. lenn Ihl'reof, be partially deslroyed. by any cause whatevl'r, bul not rrndcred unfit for oerllpanc)' hy Tc,nant, Ihen Ih<~ Landlord 3grttS Ihat Ihe premises al the Landlord's I'Xpr.n~' IIl1d with tI'".ona!.),' pn'lllpln''''. and dispaleh. .hall be repaired and re!'tored to substantially the ~amr condilion as lwfotl, till' dlllll~', In tl... "vl'lIl of a partial dcstruclion of the prr.misc~ there shall br a fair abatem..nt in the rr.nl payable dllrilll( lh.' timl' ~lIrh repair:; or tf:bui!dirljt an hrirll< made. Such proportiQ/1ate deduction (If ren, to be ba~d upon thr "XIc'1I1 to which lhr makill!: of surh r"pair.; or r"buildin~ arl' Iwin~ made. Such proportionatl' deduction of rent 10 b" baser! UpOIl lh.' <'Xtr'nt 10 ",hid, II", makinl! of ~ueh "'pairs or rebl1ildi~ shall interfrre with the busines.. carril'd on by Ihe T,'uanl iu ~aid prrmi1ll's, 10'11:1 rc'ntal shall again m mille IH'" aftrr oomplelion of the repairs and restoralion of the prl'mise.~ hy III" Lalld lord , III eonneeliou with the foregoing. it i.. a!(reed by the parties herdo that tIll' T..nanl's deci.';ion shall be rontrullin~ a~ 10 ~'hr.thrr or not the premi..r.s are fit or unfit for occupancy by the Tenant. ] 1. Lalldlom shall and will, al his own rost and expense during the lenn of thiHental agreemr.nt. keep th.: premi.<rs insu"'4 against luss or damage by fire an..! other casualties, for nolless than lhe amount the premi~es werrlasl a~,;t;ssed for the pu'rpose of taxation. Said insurance shall be placed with solvent, incorporated insurancc companies liCf'nscd to do business in Ihe Slale of Georgia, Landlord shall furnish Tenant wilh Certificates or olher acceptable evidena.: thaI such insurance is in crfect. 12. Trnant shall not u:<c said prr.mi~~ for any purpose other than functions and faeilitil's for which the said premi..,'g arc hereby rented; and no use shall be made of said premi8es, nor act~ done which will eausr a canedlation of or an increase in the existing rate of fire, casualty and other extended covcrage insurance insuriJ~ thr. said premi~I'.. The Tenant further agrees not to sell, or permit to be kept for use, in or about said premises, any artirle Ilr artirles which may br prohibited by the slandam form of fire insurance policir_., 13, ~hi\lIllH' 1"'11:101 af any liml' Ill, in default in th" paymc~nl of renl. or in th" p"rfonnancc of any uf tht: stipulatio1l5, l'ov"uallt~. I"rll\~. l:OlIIliliulI.. :lj:fl:t'/ll.'nl,. or "rovi.ions of Ihi, rrnbl 8j:"'t'ment, and fail 10 remedy slIeh dcfaull wilhin tW"III~' OW) dny' aflt'r r"".'i,,1 of 1I0Ii"" Ih"reof from th" Landlo"J; it s1lnll be la..ful for the I.andlord to erller and r"I"'''~I'.' ~nirl "r"miS4'~. "xp.:1 :uMI r.'",ov,' II,,: Trnant and il. I'ff"cl~ 1I11".,(rom, 11. Any holdinj! over, or colltinurd I"'" and/or occupancy by the TI'nant. of Ihe renled premises after the expiralion of Ihi~ rcntalllj!;rr.ement shall operate and b.. construf'<l as a Ic'naney at will al the same monthly rate of rent sl'l out above and undcr the same t..rm.' and eOllditioll~ in.forceal the rxpiration ~f the ~<TJ'Cemenl. 15. In Ihc evenl, during the tr'nn of Ihi.. rental agreement, the whole or any part of the premises hereby rented shall be approprialed or taken by any Municipal, County, State, Federal or other authority for any public or quasi-public use through Ihe exercille of the power,of eminent domain or condemnation proceeding, or sold to the possessor of such power 'under the threal of its exercise, or if by reason of law ordinance or by rourt decree, whether by consent or otherwise, the Ulle of the premi~es by the Tenant for the purposes hereinabove referred to shall be prohibited; the Tenant shall have thl' righl to immediately terminate this rental agreement upon noticc to the Landlord and the rent shall be paid only to Ihc time when the Tenant surrenders possession of the premises, When only a portion of the demised premises are acquired for public or quasi~ublie use through the exercise of or under the' threat of eminent domain or condemnation proceeding, thl; Tenant shall have an election as to whethcr it will terminate and cancel this rental agreement at the time a portion of Ihe demised premises musl be surrendered or whether it will remain in the demised premises wilh remaining monthly rental payments reduced by an amoun! determined by Ihe ratio of square feet thus acquired to the tolal square feel ori~nally mntained in the demi..ed premises. To exercise this election, Ihe Tenant must notify the Landlord within Iwenly-fivc (2S) days aftrr it i. IIltimatcly detcrmi~d whal portion of the premises will be taken under such proeeedi~,ln Ihe evenlthc TClInnt dcets to rl'main on the pn'mi!\,,!\ undrr the condilion set forth nbuv" Ihe Landlord agrees 10 promplly make all llC'rr1\01!ry altnations and rt:pain; which shall be rrqui,,:d bc:caulll.' of such partinl acquisition. Thr. ri~hl. of Ihl' 1.and lord shall in no way "n1urli.." or inlrrfrrc w!lh any claim which Ihc Tellant may hav" Bl!.ainst th" authorily I;x,:rci~inlt Ihe power of ('min,,"1 domain lit ('olldemnalioll for dsm8ll:". or otherwillC for dl,~truclio" Ill' or inlc:rfert,"Ct: wilh th.' busin"ss of the TC'llanl in II... rl"/ll;..,it I'r",";""5. ~J Hubhi.'[. XK~KI(j}A~. """'~it>>X_""JOlt"'ll>ll~~J!J{J<J<!lEl!l<lOOI.X'k~~K*~.xxxx lI~O. Remolnl ~XrXSIIX~.xOCdtX<<Q[UNX~HKQ(~X~X~~~~' _ _ ____ _Repairl./ly_. XXOQ'XXJ()X~~XIlCij{)BiIJ{1K~Jfi{!ID{~H>>mJtI4btl!.M~OOKmm~~~X~)@~~ lAndlord ~WQK){l~~m!ltX~~~xm~_m' ~~~~~Xfi.' --.. ~~~Wx~~~~wxj[lj(l.K'X~' , " ~Ji~~O~k~~k~~~ ~1ntrXIX~Xif<<:XXt(~JUO{~m~KlX~~ ~ ~Xti~&~~~~~l ~ 00 ~!x!lOO{~Jt~~K~~jp~xtm!X'X~mut8XWJ9(~m~~nn~5e , ~ V ~~'k-J.!mt~~~~X)f~)OOuHM~~JW\.~mt~~m~~ K~ ~XXl~IDn1i~dfX~JM{oa<<P3X~~JQX~MocJm~mX'~K~XYJRk, rr f:nlry For Inspection A nd Repair., A ltem"ions Or AddiJioM Janitorial Se", ice. rr~ Form 1148 (4-751 18. Tenant shall pennit Landlord, hill agents or employees, to enter into and upon said premises at all reasonable times for the purpose of itlllpecting the IIBme or for the purpose of maintaining or makilll( repairll, alterations or additions 10 any portion of the premis/-'!'. xmcx~>>>>}[XYtl{jOXJe(ttx~JtiXlJt~ ~){J.xtX~K>XR.k~mitJ{4a~k ~XlflIDt~~IDc~<<'K~ . ' '~l~~RifK~~ fi. =mil~~' ~~~, ~~~ Page 3 of 4 . # .. l/tiJit~1 . 1 '. 'Y . ~ t I , \f0 ~8 To Londknl Of DamogP. Or Defcctl Torel and A.f,fPJlmentl ~?Q T('f'mit.!I. Uodl'lIitJ, ..I lId 1"'1'/1 H."mapaIOl ImIJ"','Vcmenl~", f:rectionl And Additions B,. Tenant Removal Of Fixturcs By Tenallt WailJf,r Of Right f:ntry For Carding, Etc. Abandonment Or Rented Premisel Walle A nIl NUUallce A lsignment And Subletting Effect 0" ~IIWnment And Subletting When Tenant Surrenden! Rental Properly Surrender Of !t('miself In'JIJ/idity Of Provision Or Portion Of Prollixion A ~i1abi1ity Of Fundll Further Speciol Stipulotionll _-rri~n ~Il'ir" Agrflement Form 1148 (4-75) . . . , x!9ocx-x~~i~~!{,~~~~"X.~K~X\X<<XIx~~XIW~Jfut~~~~)ffl~ X)(~cU>>~iti~ut~.h<<X<<IX~)t!X/X~~m~~~1fX~~~~t~Jfm XXlRJmmCkl~9{~~~~~J0{~~J(lxWkm~~m~JOOe{~~~~~~~~ Jf~~R~lJh{kK~xx~R:fc~~m1lkXx1\~~~<<~~X~~X~ ~.lIKPf1XdaOOlOOKj{lltfVK~9mJa~~ 21. Tenanl shall ~ve to Ihe Landlord prurnllt WTitten notice of any accil<<"ntto or any defects in the eaid r!r,mi!'e~ ard such damage or dd('ct~ shall be remroird with duf. I'!iligr.n~ by the Landlord 21 his own expense. 22. Landlord, durirlj! lh~ said term of l!:is rClllal ~('cmcnl. agrees. anI'! covenanls to pay <Jfi, sati~(V ard discha~, as they bt'oome due, all a~~:lSlT1C'nts, taxes, Ip.vic.ll and other chal'J!:tS, jtr.neral or special, of whatc\'er name. nature and kind, which are or may be I('vil'd, a!\.~S8C'.d impo~.d and charged upon lhe prem~p.s herein demi!\ed ard renttd. XHh~~~>>JiMK~K}U(~}DfX~mr.XXl)O;!~9al~M~~~Xd{~ocJ(KXrX!1U~~~<<'~ ~~~~~~~~JO<<~~xk~ :!~, With IIl1' !'Xl'rc',.. "UII"'~lIt of Ihe I.ulldlt.m fil'lll having been had and oblai/ll'd the Tenanl may make, at ilJi own exper.,.c, such improvi'IIl,'nl_. ",.'eliolUl and alkrations as are necc~~ary to adapt the premises f.If Ihe I;olldud of the T('nanl's busine:lS. A II il/lprovt:mcnts, erections and add ilion~ inslaUed in or plaet.'d Ilpon the demise..1 premil<e.~ by the Tellant, wlll'th.:r pcrmallently affixed Ihereto or otherwise, shall continue and remain the pmperty of the Tenant. and may lit' remov('d by I hI' Tenant, in whule or in part, at any time before the expiration or tennination of this ~reernt;nl.lf the Tenant removes any or all of Ihe improvemr.nts. erections and additions it has i'l\Slalled in or placed upon the rlcmisr.d premises. the Tellanl i1(rt:es 10 repairany'spf'ciiic dama;!<: dircdiy resultiru: to the premi_es from such r<:mova!. 25. ^ I any time hefon' the e:\'pir~lioll or lennination of thi., agreement, Tenant shall have the rit;ht and pri\'i1cg~ to remove all fixlures, cquipnll'lIl,' appli~nces and movable fu.Tl1ture which it has placed in or upon the demisoo p!em~c", 26. TlIf' waiver by La!1rllord, Gr bv Tenant, of any breach of any stipulation, provision, term. covellant, agreemcr.t or condition herein contained shaJl nol be o':"med to he a waiver of such stipulation, provision, term. covenant. agret.ment or condition on any subsequent breach of the same or any other stipulation, provision, lenn. cove.nant, 3l!;r~m~n or condition herein contained. 27. In the event th<<" Tenant does not exercise the renewal or extension option proviled above, then it is 3I!;r~ed that the Landlord may. within sixty (60) days next preceding the expiration of tlie tenn of this agreement, card> prem:ses advertising the said premises "For Sale" or "For Rent." Landlord may enter the premises at reasonabJp. hours to exhibit th<<" same to pros~ctiv~ purchasers or tenantf. 28. Uuri~ the term of this a~rcemenl Tenant aJVecs no! 10 abandon or vacate the premises without cause, 29. Tenant shall not commit, or l!uffer to be committed any waste upon the said premises, or any nuisance, or other act or thing which may di!lturb the enjoyment of an)' other Tenant, if there be any, in the building in which demised premises may be 10cateJ. :10. Tenant shall not assign lhi.~ rp.ntaJ agreement. or any inte~st thr.rein. and shall not sublet the said premi<:es or any part thereof, or any right or privile!:e appurtenant thereto, or suffer any other person to occupy or u~ the said premises, or any portion thereof, without the conSC'.nt of Landlord fi::st having been obtained. However, it is ~recd by the' partie~ hereto thai Landlord shall not ulI!'easonably withhold such consent. Any such assignment or subletting without such consent shall he vllid, and shall. al thr. option of Lanrllord, on twenty (20) days notice to Tenant, terminate this rental a~reement. Con!w.nl to one assignment and/tH suhleltirul; shall not destroy this pro\'iBion, and aU later assignments and/or sublcll~ shaH not destroy this pmvisi,m; and all later assignments arxl/o! sublettings shaU likewiM. be made only on prior consent of Landlord, which consent shall not unreasonable be withheld. 31. The voluntary or i)ther surrender oi thiE; rt;ntal agreement by Tena.,t, or a mutual cancellation thereof, shall not work a merger. ard shaH, at the option of Lzn::llord, terminate aU or any e)tisting sublets or subtenancje~. or ma\'. at th(' option of Landlord, operate as an assignment to him of any or all such sublets or subtenancies. 32. Tenant shaH at the termination of this agreement surrender III' said rented premises in good order and condition; reasonable URC ani,! ordinary wear and tear thr.reof, damage by fire, acts of God, the clements, olher casualties. condemnation and/or appropriation, and damage or defeets arising from the negligence I'r default of the Landlonl exeept<<"d. 33. ShaU any provision or portion of such provision of said rental agreement be helrl invalid, the remainder of this said rental agreement or the remainder of such provision shaU not he affected thereby. 34. This rental agt'p.cment is subject 10 the conditi<>n that funds be made available by the Congress of the United States, by the General A.ssembly of Georgi,'\, or (.ther eources, and by the proper budget authorit~ for ca:ryiru; out the functions which this rental agreement impler.lents. " 35. Inoofar as the foUowin~' special stipulations conniet with any of the foregoing stipulations, provisions, terms, conditions. covenants and 3I!;Teerjtents. the foUowi~ shaJl oontrol: I **ALL MAJOR REPAIRS SHALL BE MADE BY LANDLORD PURSUANT TO AGREEMENTS BETWEEN THE- EARTIES-DATEDNOVEMBER -14.,-1-989 AND NOVEMBER 1,- 1990-.- 3(,. Thi~ relltal a!(rrt'melll IICltl forth allth<<" prnyi.-ions. altrf:t:menlB, eonditiol\:t. covellants, terms and und~tandings b<-tw~<<"n 11M' parties relalive to thr. dtrni8P.d premille6. Th<:re shall be no provisions. agreements, conditions. covenants. tcnns, underslandinjts reprev.ntalions or inducefTl('nIB either oral or written. between the parties other than are herein set forth It is further understood and agreed that no ~Ilbsequent alteration, amendment, challl!e or addition to this renlal *KTeement lIhaU be binding upon the parties herein unle88 reduced to writing and signed by aU the partH:8 to this rental ol{lreement. Page 4 of 4