HomeMy WebLinkAboutAsphaltic Concrete Material (2) Augusta Richmond GA DOCUMENT NAME: l\S\J<lCA\t\ L, CO()Cre-\e (y)Qte'<l CJl DOCUMENT TYPE: CXj (€ernerti- YEAR: CD BOX NUMBER: , \ FILE NUMBER: \~\~ NUMBER OF PAGES: c:O ~ , @ '( 801 Fourth StreetlHighway 15 South P.O, Box 8 Telephone 912-552-4600 Fax 912-552-4677 Department of TransportaUon State of Georgia Office of District Engineer Tennllle, Georgia 31089-0008 September 27,2000 AugustalRichmond County 530 Greene Street Municipal Building, Room 806 Augusta, Georgia 30911 Gentlemen: RE: APPROVED AGREEMENT FOR ASPHALTIC CONCRETE MA TERlAL SMPMR 8502094245 - AUGUST NRICHMOND COUNTY VARIOUS COUNTY ROADS Attached is an approved agreement for the Deparbnent of Transportation to furnish AugustalRichmond County with asphaltic concrete material for the above mentioned project. The material must be picked up from the Department of Transportation only in local government trucks and must be placed by lcoal government forces. Please notifY the Department of Transportation Asphalt Plant one day prior to picking up the material at 706-592-0816. Yours very truly, DEPARTMENT OF TRANSPORTATION BY:~~~ District Maintenance Engineer FOR: Michael L. Thomas, P.E. District Engineer GRJ:js Attachment c: Jim Leben George Wombles Rusty Merritt Yvonne McCaskill 09/25/2~00 15:41 4045577286 GDOTMAINT PAGE 03/03 .', . .: '; j.'/ 'O'~',";, . ,....~ " ~ :-:;..,1' ., ; "HOG S~bjec.t z,;-o. 6110 NoCice Nu~be~~ 31.3 'uperse'des. 6110-1 AGREE.'1E:N1 DE?~_~n{:::NT Ot:' TR}..NSPORTATION &. LOCAL COVE~E,NT (Asphal~i~ Concre~e MaCerial) (Proj&cts) . 23f$."'1'"': ~ THIS AGREEHE:NT. made and enter2d ,-nto this _ day. o! v UN E. . -13_. by and bet~~en the Department ot Transporcation, acting by and ~hrough th@ Office of Haineenanee. and ~ ~.,~.w~ c:-.~ , he~eina'te~ called the Local Government, set. forth the 10110w1ng, ""ER""", the nepa"""ent and. .J;.~ ,.....- havo ag"..d that it will be ~vantageous(to both ~artles, as well as ehe traveling publ~c, for the D~~art~ent to furnish' 1:::':1c.HM.D....r:o _n~i'i - with -* tons ot asphaltic concrete ~ llIateI:'hl at an approximate cost of $ ~hich will b~ funded ffom State Aid Funds, The material to be u. od for the cons truc t ion or Ncons t ,,"cti on 0 f 3, 5+ !:!l,ce, D<;. ,,~..,""" ~""'1'/ ""'A~ ~ 2..~~ .ib".s o~ AS,H C~c. ~ ~ ~ltI~ ~o 3,f.44 -ThI-lS 01= A~r~ C~c. F NOWT~ERE?ORE. in considera~iono! the aforesaid ~ent1oned mate~ial, ~ne parcies h~reco mutually agrQ~. each wich the other, as fol1ows~ , COUN'!''C ~ u:_ ~oNb , ~ROJECT 2R 000 0 :;02.0.936. -4':;- 5mPmt<. 85020qtf~1f5 1. The ~part:lnent will furnish the mac9rial in the amount dete:.-mined by and bec~aen the St~te . Maintenance Engine~r and the ~roper 'repr~sentat1ve o! the Local Gov~rnrnent.o ' . . 2<.:, The Local GOVii!rnmene. agreus Chat; this mar::erial will he pla'ced ONl.Y on public roads ~nd street~. and will no~ify ch~ Oistricc Engineer by letter. the name. location and length of roads on which the material will be placea, , The LOCal Gover~~ent agrees the material will be picked u~ from the D.O.T. plan~ only in Local Government t;rucks, "nless a trucl< waiver is granted. will be. placed. by Le<;al Government forCQs in accordance with accepted D.O.T. Standards and Specifications 'and the Local Governmen~ W+ll oe r~sponsihle tor the placement of pavement markings. 4, The District ~gine~r ~illprovide the S~ate Maincenance ~~gi~eer'with a neeqs evaluati~n of each of the roads to be imp~oved. . 5. Before final execution of this 2.,;;reement and release. of the taat:~iaL t.he Local GOvelT'~'Uen;:, will certify to the ownership of said roads, the same as cn any oth~r State Aid proj~t~ 6. This agreem~nc terminat.as upcncomplec!on of the WOrk agreed Co harein, ,agreement: daCe above. . It!.o ~ -~ %J5 eo _ .'P;;-oject. Cost:: '1(;:,,'595. - Sc.ate ?art.icipac.ion: / I . - LOcal !?a~~ici~t.io.n: AtrrHORrzW TO US'E LE.a.SEO HAUL V=:H!CLES ?ER HOC 6110: YES' /' ~o " ' or one Y~ar from .!i J). E!- 'i Lcx:.u IN WITNESS ~HEREO~, the parties herec.o affix their ~ignacures: '1.O(}O ,~- '~~ BY: r~ Comrn' ooer DEPARTHE.NT O~ TRANS?ORTATION The ~ da.y' of' ~~ .;Jt1' cO bire " r:.~~./... 1- cl- x c APP]D' STATE MA!NTE ~C2 ENCIN~ER