HomeMy WebLinkAboutAsphaltic Concrete Material Augusta Richmond GA DOCUMENT NAME: AsrhdJ.ht C{f7trek )Vlet+enJ DOCUMEm TYPE: A 5 tee m.€.ll.J YEAR: aoDID BOX NUMBER: J 0 )41q~ d FILE NUMBER: NUMBER OF PAGES: ;;7 ""~-;: A 801 Fourth StreetIHighway 15 South P.O. B(IX 8 Telephone 912-552-4600 Fax 912-552-4677 Depa~entofT~sportatlon State of Georgia Office of District Engineer Tennllle, Georgia 31089-0008 9 May 23, 2000 Augusta/Richmond County 530 Greene Street Municipal Building, Room 806 Augusta, Georgia 30911 Gentlemen: RE: APPROVED AGREEMENT FOR ASPHA.LTlC CONCRETE MATERIAL PROJECT NUMBER SMPMR 8502(88)245 - AUGUST AlRICHMOND COlJ.NTY VARIOUS COUNTY ROADS Attached is ~IO approved agreement for the Department of Transportation to furnish Augusta/Richmond County with asphaltic concrete material for the above mentioned project. The material must be picked up from the Department of Transportation only in local government trucks and must be plao~ by local government forces. Please notifY the Department of Transportation Asphalt Plant one day prior to picking up the material at 706-592-0816. Yours very truly, ~ BY: George R; J District Maintenance Engineer FOR: Michael L. Thomas, P.E. District Engineer GRJ:js Attachment c: Rusty Merritt . George Wombles Yvonne McCaskill . ,:9~/Z3/00 TUB :~8: 18 FAX 4048577286 ,:~1:'-~ r,,: -~\ ,..: -j)'. , ' MAINTENANCE ~- iii 002 .. ,( iOG Subject No. 6110 ~oHc~ ~ul1lber: 31.3 'upersedea 6110.'1 COUNTY ~\4:.~1:> , PROJECT ~.2fS' AGREEMENT DEPARTMENT OF TallNSPOR1'ATION ~ LOCAL OOVERKHENT (Asphal~1c Concrete Material) (Projects) TIlJ:S AGRUMEtrl. made and en~ere4 into this 2..\ 6T c2ay of tl\M.c.M . ~. 'by and ~t.ween the ~tm8nt of Transportat.ion, acting by and througb the, OfUce of )(a1ntenan<:e, and !Sl~"'D .AII~rt , hareinafter called the Lacal Government, sets torth the follQW1ng. WH1m2A9. t.he Depanment. and. _~.a. t::' ~\JtoIN have agreecs that. Sot w111. be u1vant.acre0u8 to both perties. as well as the trawUbg public. for t.he _~t to furnish !SI'T D"".G" r --..-11-- ~tt. -* tons of asphaltic c:oncrete ---S.-... ..t.er1al .t an tpprox1mate cos!: elf $1\-"""" ~ whicb wlll be f~ded fram State Aid ~nds. . '!'he material to be Jse.d tor the conBt.:n1c:~lon or reconst.ruction of lU"lUi&. """'IE. tUolb ~~.Iol 'b&\'C LJD "t"DIItJ,. ~ ~ LDHL cq ~ SfDT lZ'IlELl~ ""'~ 4-\, T6tt' oS: A~'" Cc..c.. F HOW THBREFORE;. in conaleSerat ion ot t.he aforesaid lIentloDQ41 mat.erlal. the patties he~.t.o lJutually agree. each with ehe other.' as follows. . ) l. ~. ~ The Department. will tumisb the material in the amount determined by anct betveen ~he Rulte Maintenance Engineer and che proper represent.ative of the Local Government. , The LoCal ~rvernment agrees that this ~t8r1al will be placed ~ on pUblic roadS an~ s~e.~B, arKl will hotlfy ~he District Engineer by letter, ehe name. locat1~ an4 l~h ot roadS on wbich the ...ter101 w1ll be placed. The Leeal ec.v.rnDI.nt agrees tile mat.erlal w111 be plake4 up from t.he D~O.,"1". plant only 1n Local aover.~.nt trucks. unless a ~ruc:lc waiver 18 grant.e4, will tMl placed. by Local; Government forces 1n aCcorcSllnc:e wl~h accepted 0.0.'1'. $tl:U14ards end 'Spec:iflcations and t.he Local Coverr.sent. w~ll be responsible for the placement of pavement marklngs. . . The Distr1ct Engineer will provide the State Maintenance Engineer w1~ . needs evaluation of each of t:he roads to'!HI 1mprovlid. Before final exeeution of t.his agreement. anc1 release of the mat.erial, t.he Loc:e.l Goverament. will cert!!l' to t.he ownership of said roads, the same a8 on any ocher State A1dproject. 6. This a",reem4itnt terminat.es upon complecion of t.he work agread co herein. or one year from 8grtlfi!Dl4mt de,~e above. . Project Cost..1 8. ?:rt. 1&. Sr.a~e Part 1~is>at1on:' 8.3r1. "'!!::. L~al. P!trt;ici~t1~Jl; '~-e: ,!.e- ,A1J'rKOR%ZED 'ro USE LEASltO lIAUL VEHI~ PER MO(J, 'no: yes ,..,r NO . IN WITNESS WHEREOF, ~be parties hereto affix their signatures: 4. s. '! DKPART~ OP T~SPORTA'l'ION TbecilL. day' of . )C BYs. AD'rHO'kU.BD OFPICI ~ APPROVED: ~~~INEER