HomeMy WebLinkAboutAnnual Action Paln Grant Agreement Augusta Richmond GA DOCUMENT NAME: Annual Rc...-tiDYl 1>!c:1.-n Gyttn-t . A3 ( ee.--m~Y) --t- DOCUMENT TYPE: A~'ree-rne-n + YEAR: 80C)O . BOX NUMBER: J 0 FILENUMBER: I ~ ~'OD NUMBER OF PAGES: . / j .';' , -, . ,'. ANNUAL ACTION PLAN GRANT AGREEMENT CITY OF AUGUSTA, GEORGIA This Grant Agreement is mode by and between the United States Deportment of Housing and Urban Deveiopment (HUD) and the Otv of Auausta, Georcio, Grantee. Emerqency Shelter Grants (ESG) Proqram Grant Number: S-OO-MC- 13-0004 TIN: 5(\-6000513 The ESG award which is the subject of this port of this Agreement is authori2:ed by Subtitle B of Title IV of the Stewart B. McKinney Homeless Assistance- Act, 42 U.S.C. 11301 (1988), as amended (the "Act"). The grant is further subject to the statutory program amendments made by Section 832(b), (c), (d), and (e)(l) and (2) of trle Nationai Affordable Housing Act, Public Law 101-625, and to HUD's regulations at 24 CFR Port 576, os now in effect and os may be amended from time to time, which are incorporated as part of this ,u.greement. .u.lso incorporated as part of this Agreement are the Annual Action Plan and the ceriifications submitted to the Secretory by the Grantee. The Grantee further certifies that it is following a current Annual Action Plan which has been approved by HUD. n reliance upon the f\nnual Action Plan and certifications, the Secretory agrees, upon execution of the Grant Agreement, to provide the Grantee ESG funds in the a:nount of S 1 00.000 as provided in the attached HUD Funding ,A,pproval form, which constitutes 0 port of this ,A,greement. The grant is mode subject to ony srecicl conditions in the Funding ,u.pproval form. The Grantee agrees to comply with ell applicable lows and regulations in distributing funds provided under this Grant p.,greement end to accept responsibility for ensuring compiiance by subrecipient entities to which it makes funding cssistcn::::e hereunder available. The Grantee further agrees to campl:/ \;\/itri the provisions of ir,e environmentci requirements of 24 CFR Peri 58 cs acpliccble under Section i 04(g) of the Housing and ComrT:1-..:nity Deveiopmern i~\ct .-:)f 1974 with resr=-ect TO fun~s provided under tr,is GrerJAgreement. Community Development Block Grant (CDBG) Proqram Grant Number: B-OO-MC-13-0003 TIN: 58-6000513 The terms or the CDBG award in ,he cme,unt of 32.3! 3.0CO wr,iC:--i ore trle .'1 Ir--I'c.r"'" ~r- ""h' IS '~c'"'" ~.r' ""h'ls "'~rc.~mc.n" "r...... .,~" ""r","h :r "he. r'"'""'"oc'"'.~ri .-'(cor- 'T' '-ei :-;1 in .")uu,._.........l~.-i I, L-" tl i '_!I I-'S~""""-::::; 11'-'111"-,, c .:)cl ~~ ii j c 1: '-" '.--tll ' : :t:;"___, ::::;, c:::;,-,,,-4 C ~ (i.......L.J Form 7082, Furdir,g P\pqrcvai/,~.greemer.i. r, HOME Investment Partnershios Act (HOME) Proqram Grant Number: MOO-MC-13.;0206 The ter_nls of the HOME grant in the amount of S 1,311,000 which are the subject of this part of this ,~greement ere set forth in the attached executed HUD Form 40093, Funding Approval and HOME Investment Partnership Agreement. This Grent Agreement is hereby executed by the Parties on the dates set forth below their respective signatures, as follows: UNITED ~)TATES OF AMERICA Departrlent of Housing ane Urban Development By: The ~;ecretcry J i _______ 1 / By: - ' \./'- (S-+grJGltlJre) \ I 'J John 1_, Perry Director Geor~~ia StaTe Office of Community Plannina cnd Develooment (Title) \-- (~ . , ' - - , " . -;, /'-.- '--"-~ ------ , \ ( \ \,-J '1 1 FEE 2000 (Date) GRAi\JTEE City of A,ygustc, Georgia ) /./ ! ,- '\ 2f1J'.- ".,/ ~ ., U' ! : \ \.! , ( i" - i-I: : ,../ :._1_ 8'1: \ iJ v '., ' '- '':-. (Signctt,:re eriC 'it!e) l\-i1. ~ : l ---I ~.... , ! ' ~ /~. i -"'\ :~U . :./, : u~~.~ (Dete) , u.s. DEPARTMENT OF HOUSING AND URBAN DEVELOPMENT EMERGENCY SHELTER GRANTS PROGRAM ~nding Approval under the Stewart B. McKinney Homeless Assistance Act 1. Name OJ: Appl~cant: 2. Grant &: Tax I.D. Numbers __.u_ AugUsta, Georgia .... ---- Grant NO: S-00-MC-13-0004 I Tax I.D. NO: 58-6000513 3. Appl~cant Address (Include Street, 4. ~-o['Appilcation: 11/03/99 n Date City, County, State, and Zip I Code) Augusta-Richmond County 5. Date Appl~cat~on Rece~ved by Consolidated Government .HUD: 11/12/99 One Tenth Street, Suite 430 - Augusta, Georgia 30911 6. FUNDING APPROVAL: I (xx) ORIGINAL I .. ( ) AMENDMENT NO. ____no 7 . AMOUNT OF EMERGENCY SHELTER GRANTS PROGRAM FUNDS APPROVED a. Amount of ESGP Funds Currently Reserved for this Applicant: $100,000 b. Amount of ESGP Funds Now Being Approved for this Applicant: $100,000 Amount of Reservation to be Canceled CLine 7a . 7b) : c. ~nus $ -o- S . SPECIAl:' CONDITIONS (Check applicable box) a. (xx:1 Not Applicable b. ( , Attached " i __u_ 9. DATE AE'PLICANT NOTIFIED FUNDING HAS BEEN AUTHORIZED: 2 :1 C'C'"Q ?nno U. s. DI~P ARTMENT OF HOUSING AND URBAN DEVELOPMENT BY: ~~" /'~ '-. \ ' I I / I ~ ./ . John L.. P e rry.--"':;' ( \ '-'h____ \~ -........... ~ TITLE: Director - , ; I \ I Georgia State Office of Communft~:Planning and Development ., 1 . , . 28Q1J Date: l. .- :'D HUD i\CCOUNTING USE ONLY 3ATCS i TAC I ?ROGRAli '! , .'\ 1 REG I AREA OOCUMEN!' I ?ROJECT mlMBER ! ! i ! ~ER I ; i ! I i I r-- I I i I , i I CATEGORY i AMOUNT .:. :::FP'EC':'::.~"E :- AMOUNT - i i ~ JA~ I i : ,. .. o' '=ur:ding Appiroval/ Agreement Title I of tr.e H0uisng and Community Development Act (F"lblic Law 930333) HI.00515R of 20515FI U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development Office of Commmunity Planning and Development Community Development Block Grant Program ,. iJame at Grantee: (as ,;nown :n ,rem S oi Stanaara Form -l24) City of Augusta. Georgia 2. Grantee's Comolere AO,jress: (as shown in irem 5 oi Srancaro rorm -l24) One Tenth-Street. Suite 430 Augusta. Georgia 30901 3. Grantee's 'J-cigu Tax iD No: i -l. Llare Use oi Funds May 3egln: 58-6000513 01/01/00 ; Sa. ProjecuGrant NO.1: ! 6a. Amount Aporovec: B-00-MC-13-0003 S2.813.000 ; Sb. Project/Grant NO.2: : 6b. Amount Approveo: i 5c. Project/Grant NO.3: i , cC. Amount Approved: Grant Agreement: This Gr~nt ,-\greement beC'.veen the Department or"Housing :lnu Urban Development (HUD) and the ~bove named Grantee is made pursuan to the authorityofTitle [,)r"the Housing:md Cuinmunity De':elopmentActor" I 974, as amenued. (42 USC 530 I etseq. i- The Grant:e's submissions forTitle I assistance. the HUD regulations at 24 CFR Pan 570 (as now in effect and as may be amended from time to time), :lnd this Funding Approval. nciuding any special conditions constitute pan of the .-\~:reement. Subjt:ct to the provisions of this Gr:lnt Agreement. HUD will make the funding assistance speci tied here a nibble to the Grantee upon execution of the Agreement by the parties. The funding :lssistanc\: specified in the Funding Approval may be used to pay Caits incurred atrerrhe datt: specified in item 4 above provided the :lctivities t.o which such costs are related are carrie.d OUt in compliance with all applicable requrements. Pre-agreement costs may not be paid with funding assistance specified here unless they are authorized in HUD regulations or approved by waiver and listed 11 the special conditions to the Funding Approval. The Grantee agrees to assume all of the' responsibilities tor environmental review. d,".>:i.?ion making, :.llld actions. :lsspeci tied :lnd required in regulations issued by. the Secretary pursuant to Section I 04(g) of Title [ and published in 24 CFR ?ai"t.5'S'~ Th~ Grantee rurther ac!mowledg\S Its responsibility tor adherence to the '-\h'Tcemt:nt by subrecipient entities co which it makes funding assistance hereundei'a'.'ailabJe_ ./ I U.S. De~^1o:menr of HOUSing a711can eveloomenr (name, 'itle, signature & aalel ,arantee (mine. utle.(slgnalur1, & calel X---.,(',\) -< ': -' 11 f"'t8 2CnO/~ h/c{;'1. ~\ .~~v-- y- '- ~~~ '/ I V . v,. Y..' JQIln L. Perry. Direc.tor, Geo 'oJ State 0 iae f Community Honorab~80b Young .- ?!~nnlng and Development ( ().iii' Mayor \ 7. Catego!'j of Title I Ass stance lor this Funaing ActiJm) 3.Secial Conaitions: . 9a. Dare HUD Receivea (c~eck only onel . (cneeK one) /---- 11/12/99 S~bmiSSIO~ 10. cneck one \ 'J O' - .. A I . :... ' a. rig. r-unarng . pprova ~ b. Amenamem 11'1 ). Entitlement. ~;ec 106(b) j. State-Admini~;terea, See 1C6fdl(1) "' HUD-Administered Smail Cities. Sec ~06[d\(2i(S) 'j. !ndian CDBG Programs, Sec 106fa)(1) ~ Surplus Urban Renewal Funds, Sec 112(b) Special Purpose Grants, Sec 107 .,. Loan Guaran-:ee. Sec 103 . I None V' AttaChed 'jb. Date Grantee NOlliiea: 2 3 FE8 2000 C_ ."menament No: 9c. Oale of Start or Program Year: 01/01 /00 1 I. Amount of Community Oevelooment Slock Grant -I a. Funds Reserved for This Grantee: ' F'(: 2000 S2,313.000 S2.813.000~ 0' F'(: FY: b. Funds Now Being Approved: .. Reservation to be Cancelled: (113 minus ~ ~bl j '2a. .:"mount oi Loan Guarantee CGmmli:ment :le'.'./ Being ,..\.Dcrcvec: ~ 2b. 'lame --~ ':..:-rnplete .J...caress OT ?'Jciic .":"'c;enc~.I: Loan Guarantee Acceptance Provisions for Designated Agencies: Th~ [)ublic :!gt::1C::' ht:f'':OY ~lcceprs the: t.3r:1nt .-\~rC~!Y:~rH cx~c~:t.:d by the DCpo.nn1e:l[ Housing: ::nd iJ rban. DI.:\'c :O!-ni~:lt on :llt: JOO \'~ . ::;(;. :'!ar7'le. 7;il~. ~ ::ignaiL.:re :-i ,4,U[:"'..:r:zea C;:JC:31 :.Jr DeslG:lalea ?uD!ic .-\~~enc.... .:'., Date: ,:ate ,.\.!th :',:spt:ct to th ~ aoo'.'(; grant :1umot:r\ S) a:i Gran~e': dc:signard ~o rCt:~:\...: !o.Jn .:;u~r:.ln[(~::: asslstJnL'~. and l~re-::s ~o campi:; ',Vlth tht.: te~T:1S ~~nti cundi Irons or,he ..\gre:::11C!1t. ~'[lfl i ic:.lo k ;-~gu!:ltiOt1s. :lnd other re~uirt::lle:HS X ur'HLD :10\V or !lere:l(t~r;i1 ;,,;(f~~'t. ;)e:'t~ining to the :lssis~Jnc~'pro\'idcd it. HUD Accounting use OnlY TAC 3a~.::-', ?~~:C~:1.r.'i '/ ;:).;0...... .J..r,=a Jcc~;r,enl ,'/0, ?~::iec: '\lurr.o~; Caio;:QOPI =rro=__ ItEt= ~ :Jaie =:,::::r~':: .::::.~3. '':\J:e '::~;:er~c ~:.c=s. Sai'::-. :'!u::;c~r: j :unsac::c.n .:;'7i":U::i =ftec::'/e D3!e = ~:i53j :6; :. ;;~')l. i'! ,:... ill :; l; : ~ t ~.-= .:..r:e: E:::af-=''; -3,'/: \/~r:iiec 3~..: ..2-1 '.:;==. 3~'~, :crrr: HUD-i082 :.li9:'~ " .. E.O. 12372 CDBG SPECIAL CONTRACT COf\JDITION WATER OR SE\NER FACILITIES Notwithstanding any other provision of this agreement, no funds provided under t;lis agreement may be obligated or expended for the planning or construction of water or sewer facilities until receipt of written notification from HUD of the rlslease of funds on completion of the review procedures required under Executive Order E.O. 12372, Intergovernmental Review of Federal Programs, and HUD's implementing regulations at 24 CFR Part 52. The recipient shall also complete the review procedures required under E.O. 12372 and 24 CFR Part 52 and receive written notification from HUD of the release of funds before obligating or expending any funds provided under this agreement for any new or revised activity for the planning or construction of water or sewer facilities not previously reviewed under E.O. 12372 and implementing regulations. - i' Funding Approval and HOME Investment Partnership Agreement Tiile il of the National Affordable Housing Act U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Devetooment Office of Communit;, ;::l!annina ana Oe1/eiopment ' - OMS Aoproval No. 2501-0013 (Exp. 11/30/2001) ?u.Olic recorting burden for :t1is collec:ion of information is estimatea to average 1 hour per response. incluaing the time tor reviewing instructions. searching eXisting data sources. gathering ana maintaining the data neeaea, :lna cemplellng ana reviewing (,1e cOllection or Inrormatlon. This agency may not o:onauct or sponsor. al1d a person is not reauired to resoona to. a collection 'Ji inicrmation unless Ulat collecton displays a 'Ialid OMS control number. The HOME statute imposes a significant number of .aata collection and reporting requiremenis. This includes information on assisted properties, on the owners or tenants oi tl1e propenies. and on other programmatic areas. The iniormation will be usea: 1) to assist HOME participants in managing their programs: 2) to track performance of particicants in meeting fund commitment and expenditure Jeadlines: 3). to permit HUD to determine whether each participant meets the HOME statutory income targeting and attoraaoliity requirements: and .:./ to' permit HUD to determine compliance with other statutory and regulatory program requirements. This data cOllec:ion is authorizea under Title II of the Cranston-Gonzalez National Affordable Housing Act or related authorities. Access to Federal grant funds is contingent on the reporting oi certain project-specific data elements. Records of information collected will be maintained by the racipients of 'he assistance. Iniormation on activities ana expenditures oi gr,,!nr fundS i'3 QUbliC 'niQrrn"!!iQ~ a~d is g~!"!~ra!!y a'/:li!.::bl::: for diSClosure. Recipients are responsible for ensuring coniidentiallty wnen public aisclosure is not requirea. 1. Panicipant Name &. Aoelress Augusta, Georgia Augusta-Richmond County Consoljdated Government One Tenth Street, Suite 430 Augusta, Ga 309'! 1 ,2. Participant :'JumOer MOO-MC-13-0206 13. Tax loenriticalJon Numoer !' 58-6000513 245 a. Previous Obligation 15. Aoproonation Numoer ! . 5. Funaing Aoproval Numoer 7. FY (mmJOdJyyyy) ~a. HUD Geograpnic Locator Cooe Numoer 0192 b. County COde 2000 :$ -0- -0- -0- a. Regular Funds b. Community Housing Development Organization Reallecation 9. Current Transaction :$ I 1,311,000 1,311,000 -0- 1,311,000 1,311,000 -0- a. Regular Funds b. Community Housing Development Organization Reallocation 10. F/evised Obligation '$ a. Regular ,=unds b. Community Housing Development Organization Reallocation 11. Soecial Conaition5; (check applicable bOX) '.L a. Not applicable !~ b. ,~ttached This agreement berNeen the Department of Housing and Urban Development (HUD) and the City of Augus':a. Georgia. 12, Cungressional Release Date (mmiddlyyyy) ~ 1 F~8 2000 (the Participating Ju:isciction/E:ility) is made pursuant to the 3uthonr:1 oi :he i-1ome investment ~artnershios Act (421J.S.C. 12701 et seq.). The Participating Jurisdi.;tion's /Entity's aoproved Program Descriplon/,..looiicJ.ticn and :he HUD reguiations at 24 C:=;:; Part 92(as now in effect and as may be amendec: from time to time) and this Home investment Partnersnlo ,;..greemenl. form :-iUG-.J.0093. inc:uding any special conditions. constitute part oi lhi:, agreement. Subject to the orovisions ot ~his agreement, ~lJD wlil make ,he runas for the r:scat Year specified, available to :he Participating ,luriscictlOn/Entitv upon 9xeculion oi this agreement ov the parnes. .~II funds for the sceciiied Fiscal Year provided by HUO 'Jv iormula realloca"tion are covered 'Jy 'his agreement upon -3xecution of oln amendment by HUD. ''\/ithout the Participating Jurisdiction's 8xecution at the amenement ar otner consent. HUD's payment oi runes under rhis agreement is suo)ec: to the Participating Jurisdiction'sf EmitV's comoiiance Nith HUe's ."iectronic runds :ransfer ana :nrormation 'eoortlng crocedures issuea pursuant to 24 CFR 92.502. To the extent authorized by HUO reguiations 3t :24 C:=:=l Part 92. :-1UD mav. ov :[S -:!xec:Jticn ;i ~n amenoment. aeobligate tunas previously awarded to. the ?articioating ';urlsai:ticn/E:-1l1ty .vithoul :he Participating JUrlscictJons;t=:--tiWs -3xecc;tion or me a.menc:r:ent or other consent. The Participating JurisdictioniEntity agrees that funds investea in atfcrdaole ncusinq 'Jncer 24 ,.:;:=;:; ,::l,irt 92 are repayacle ':men [he housing no longer qualifies as arioraaoie hcuslllg. i=\epa~lment shall be :n'ace as spec:fiec in 24 .-::;:=;:; ,::lJrt '~2. /:;:;'e PJrticioatir~lc:ion agrees to assume all of the ,esoonslbiiity tor enVironmental r,"view, Jecision maKing, ana ac::cns. 3S scec:ried ::1ndreauired in regplation at 24 C:=R 92.352 and 24 CFR Part 58. ='Jr :~e U.3. :'eoanmenr ;1 :-iCUSInG .Hle '''':rcan De'JelGamenr :,"Jamel ,;".p'13[:.;ri:!, /'/ / Late IrnrrucOlYYYYJ Jchn L. ?er:-,.J, :Jirec::r - .~<,~ " \ ',.:::-~_ " ~, 1 _1 ;:3 ZmID - +..;,-/\- ',- --"'-- ---------- ' ---- 7'iile 3ecn;;ia Stare Cr:iC2JT Ccrr~unitv :llannirg ':!nc Ce'/SICS:-:-:S!"" .-';r P1rt:c:caur:c; ':unsc:c::or.':=:;:U'/'i'iaf-:ie 'Jr .:"u:~on(:ea :'::fic::!Il ,?/) ~ "C' '/.., I ' n n , .,' ~ \..... I : 1.1..01 l'_~ .....,,, ,~ '--., c.~ \". ~'4 f/ '. .,.- ; ..".:,/l.., './ i .; ; 'l.-L ~ ;"' J,J,i-:/" 'mm/do/'lvYYJ . ',' ,...., ,I I .:.w/~,J :-:.::~ I~: .lu:r.cr::eG '':i~lC::JI \12. '/('; ~ :i U 0-..0093 -l:q:' ANNUAL ACTION PLAN GRANT AGREEMENT CITY OF AUGUSTA, GEORGIA This Grant Agreement is mode by ond between the United Stotes Deportment of Housing and Urbon Development (HUD) and the Citv of Auauste, Georqia, Grantee, Emerq,ency Shelter Grants (ESG) Proqram Grant Number: S-00-MC-13-0004 TIN: 58-6000513 The ESG award which is the subject of this part of this Agreement is authorized by Subtitle ~ of Title IV of the Stewart 8. McKinney Homeless Assistance Act. 42 U.S.C. 11301 (1988), as amended (the IIActll). The grant is further subject to the statutory program amendments mode by Section 832(b), (c); (d), and (e)(l) and (2) of th'3 National Affordable Housing Act. Public Law 101-625, and to HUD's regulations at 2Ll CrR Pert .576, os now in effect and os may be amended from time to time, which are incorporated as part of this Agreement. Also incorporated os part of this Agreement ore the Annual Action Plan and the certifications submitted to the Secretary by the Grantee. The Grantee further certifies that it is following c current Annual ~,ction Plan which has been approved by HUD. Ll reliance upon trie Annual Action Plan and certifications, the Secretory agrees, upon execution of the Grant ,~greement, to provide tr,e Grantee ESG funds in the amount of S 1 00.000 as provided in the attached HUD Funding Approval form, which constitutes a part ef .this Agreement. The grant is mode subject to any special conditions in the Funding ,~.pproval ferm. The Grantee agrees to complv with ell applicable lows and regulations in distributing funds provided under this Grant ,.6..greement and to accept responsibility for ensuring compliance by subrecipient entities to which it makes fLinding assistance hereunder ovaliable. irle Grantee further agrees to ccmely \j\/itr, the provisicr,s Df The environmental requiremer,ts of 24 CFR Peri 58 os Cf=ciic:Jt.le ur.der Section 104(g) of the Hou~;ing and COmmL:r:ifv Deve!cpmer:T ,~,CT ,,)f : 97.J with rsspecT to tunes provideci under trlis Gram .,:j,.greemem. Community Development Block Grant (CDBG) Proqram Grant Number: B-00-MC-13-0003 TIN: 58-~;000513 The terms or ir,e CD8G award ir, Irs cmcum Dr 32. 313.JOO \;vhicr, Cli6 tr:8 3uc,iect ,~)f this ocrt cr trds .Ll,creerns:lt (Jre Set tc.rt~l ir. trle C:lttcctiscf sxecL!ted HLiC; . I _ ;:".rm IO'(~') c, l~a'I'rr 1\ r-r'rr-\ial'/ ^ r~rCc.~~rr I v I i Co:..-. i ....AI: ::::;.t :"\.__Ir- '_ I r'\8 _,___I i Ie iI, t' ~ ~~ HOME Investment Partnerships Act (HOME) Proqram Grant Number: MOO-MC-13-0206 The terrls of ths HOME grant in the omour,t of S 1,311 ;000 which ere the subject of this oart of this ,u.oreement are set forth in the attached executed HUD Form 40093, FundinG: Apprcval and HOME Investment Partnership Agreement, This Grcnt ,L\greement is herety exeCUTed by the Parties <)n the dotes set forth below their respective signatures, as follows: UNITED :3T A TES OF AMERIC/\ Department of Housing end Urban Deve!opment By: The ~3ecreTery I' ----------, BV-~ ,I , 't/\./"'-.. (SigTloture) 'v -? \ .......-'/ / 'r- ~'~'-""'. ',,---- . John _, Perry Direci'or Geor~Jia State Office of Community Plan nino end Develocment (Title) (Date) , 1 F~8 2000 .. - GRf..NTEE City of ,t'l!@b$to, Georgio ,/ I . I i ~.t/ ../ 1 :>i n .' ,yL/'I:..j ..r / /~ cy: :' ,,/ -' '-' (C::I'q~'C'T'1 ICI::. :""'-"0 -:-I'rle\' ,""'" _II I ,--"I_ __I, . I ) I ,'t. if ; ,.' . -- r/ /'I / ~.- '-.' .' .' y-j (Dete) ;- u.s. DEPARTMENT OF HOUSING AND URBAN DEVELOPMENT EMERGENCY SHELTER GRANTS PROGRAM Funding Approval under the Stewart B. McKinney Homeless Assistance Act 1- Name of Appl~cant: I 2. Grant &: Tax I.D. Numbers Augusta, Georgia I I Grant NO: S-QQ-MC-13-0004 ; ! I I Tax I.D. NO: 58-6000513 I I 3 . Appl~ca.D.t Address (Include Street, I 4. . Date of Appl~cat~on: 11/03/99 I City, and Zip I I County, State, I I Code) I I I ! Augusta-Richmond County 5 . Date Appl~cat~on Rece~ved by Consol.idated Government I HUn: '11/12/99 I I One Tenth Street, Suite 430 i I Augusta, Georgia 30911 I 6. FUNDING APPROVAL: I I (xx) ORIGINAL ! I (" ) AMENDMENT NO. I ! 7. AMOUNT OF. EMERGENCY SHELTER GRANTS PROGRAM FUNDS APPROVED I AmOUD~t of ESGP Funds Currently Reserved for this Applicant: I a. I $100,000 b. of ESGP Funds Now Being Approved for this Applicant: ! I .Am.ouz:~t i ! $100,000 I . I I c. Amouz:,t of Reservation to be Canceled ( L,ine 7a lJUnus 7b) : $ -o- j 8. SPECIAL CONDITIONS (Check applicable box) i a. (xx) Not Applicable i i b. ( ) Attached I 9. DATE APPLICANT NOTIFIED FUNDING HAS BEEN AUTHORIZED: 2 3 FFR 7000 j I U. S. DE~'ARTMENT OF HOUSING AND URBAN DEVELOPMENT I I BY: i I I i " I , .- --------- ! I \ ' \ ! ; i , / , ~ , \ i / / :1 I . \ / John 'I \, .... i<., / L. Per=-'./' k.........~'v'- '(' .......... >-'--' .~!,. TITLE: Directo-r , , :1 l Community \ I Georgia State Office of -'lanninq :/ and Deve'lopment ' ----.-/ il 1 1 Fi="~ 2000 'I Date: :1 I :1 I HOD ACCOUNTING USE ONLY 3ATC3: 1'AC ?ROGRAM '! A i :lEG I .\REA :x>cUMIL'IT rn1MBER ?ROJECT ~ER C.'\TEGORY AMCIJNT _ :::l"P'ECT!VE ::JAT1!: :- AMOmIT : ;:' ~un:Hng Approval! Agr'~ement TiUe I of :he Houisr.g and Community De'/elopment Act (Public Law 930:l83) HI-Q0515R of 205151=1 U.S. Dn;:Jartment of Housing and Urban Development Offjce or Commmunity Planning and Development Community De'/elopment Block Grant Program ~. Name ot Grantee: ;as snown in item:: ot Sianoare :=:Jrm ~24) City of Augusta. Georgia 2. Gramee3 Cumolele Acioress: :as snown in ,iem 5 Qf Sianoaro Form 424) : 3. Gramee', 9-oigll Tax 10 olo: 4 Date Use oi Funds ,lAay Begin: 58-6000513 01/01/00 , One Tenth-StreE:t, Suite 430 Augusta. Georgia 30901 i 5a. ?rolectlGram NO.1: B-00-MC-13-0003 !':b. Project/Gram NO.2: . 6a. Amoum Approveo: ! $2,813,000 ; 6b. Amoum Approveo: : 5c. Projec:JGrant NO.3: ! . i ! 6c. ."'mou~t Approved: i Grant Agreement: This Grant ,'\greeme:H berwe.:n the Department Or"Hollsing ~nci lirD~n Development (HUD) :lnd the above named Grantee is made purSUJ to theauthoriryofTitk I or"the HousingJnd C0mmuniry DeveiopmentAcl ofl9H.:ls amend~c!. (42 USC 530 I erscCj.). The GrJnee's submissions rorTir!;: I :.:;:;~:;~,: rhe HUD rcguliltions ~t 24 CFR P:lrt 570 (as now in dfecr and JS may bt: :lmended from tIme to rimel. :lnd this Funding ApprovaL ncluding any special condition constirute part of the Agreemenr. SUDjt:ct to the pro\'isions of this Grant .-\greemenr. HUD wiil m:lKe the ii..mdi"ng :lssistance specified here av:;ibble to the G"-,,,;, upon <=xecution or"the .c\ greemenr by the parties. The r"unciing :lssistanc~ specitilld in the Funding Approvai lTI:lY De usd to pav cc:sts incurred :lftcr ,he d:iLi'O specific in item 4 above provided ,he :lctivities to which s'uch cOStS :Ire related :lfe c:lrried OUI in compli:lncl! wirh all applic:lbie requrements. Pre-agreement costs may n, be paid with r"unding assistance specitied here unkss they are authorized in HUD regul:lrions or :lpproved by waiver :lnd listed n the special conditions to the fi;r;rlin Approval. The Grantee agrees to :lssume all of the responsibilities for environmental review, decision m:lking. :lnd actions. .1sspc;cified "nd lequiled illl c;gubtiu, issueci by the Secretary pursuant to Section i 04(g) or"Tltle [:lnd pubiished in 24 CFR Part ::'8. The Glantee funhel.1cknowledg<s its responsibility ti)f adhnt[l{ to tht: :\greemenr by subrecipienr entities to which it maKes ti.mding assistance hereunder available. ., -,....---...... I' =--~--- ~ - - - .--- - -/- '. ... US. Department of HOUSing 3n~~elopment: i.name. !Itle. signature 3. date) . Grantee (na~e, iitle. signature! .\ date) " \; '. /, r~ __ 0" i'- ''I !" /1 /7 :('l:~::v 'L-,\'/. / l' ~-:3 2000 5f':/uy !/,'v~) ~'X. ----J6\'-;;-L. Per;y,-Dire~tor. Ge~~~ommunll'; '-ionorable Bob Yoang . " \ p'1,l3.nntng and Development : \ Mayor. ____ ~1_ [' 1. _ __ 7. Ca;~gor,! of Title I Assi;tance ior this Funoing ACtl~~1 3. Secial C;Jnditions: 9a. Dale HUD Received Suomisslon: ~heck one --- ------- (cneck only one 1 (cheCK one) 112./99 11 ;v' a. Orig, Funding Approve. :lb. Dale Grantee Notiiiea: ; ; b. Amenement Vi 3. Entitlement, S~c 1C6(b) b. State-Administered. Sec 106(d)(1) :. HUD-Administered Small Cities, S~c 106(d)(2)(8\ 'j. Indian CDBG "rograms, S~c 106Ia)(1) ;l. Surplus Urban Renewal Funds, Sec 112(bl :. Special PL:rpo:,e Grants. Sec 107 ! None 'Vi Attached 2 3 ~FR 7rnn c. Amenament No: . 0c. Date vi Start oi Program Year: 01/01/00 I I. Amour.r ;Jr Communltv De'le!oomem alOCK '.:Jrant . . J- Loan Guaranwe. Sec ,08 a. FL:nds Reservea for This Grantee: F(: 2000 32.813.000 i $2.813.000 : 0; rY: FY: D. Funes Now Being Acorc'lea: c. Reservation 10 ce Canceilea: i~ l' a :ninus i ~ b1 i 2a. .":"mOL:rH Qt L:;an Guarantee Commitment :'-IO',v 3elng: Acorcvea: ~ 2t. "Jaf~e :'t C":~olele .':"'ucress or ,oUCIJC Ager:c~/: Loan Guarantee Acceptance Provisions for Designated Agencies: The pubiiv ag:t::nc:,: ;It:rt:by aCi.:~prs ~i1e Gr::nt .'-\grce:ne:it ,,:xt::(urI..:U by rht..:: Deparnnenr Housing Jnu L:rb~n Dc':~1opmt:n( un (he Joo\'e . 2c. . iarr:e. ,;:!e. .:', 3lqnait..;re ::r ,';u:nor;zec C:;;c:a! :0: !Jesignatec Public Agency &. D~r~ \.:~ltC \\'t(h ;'t;Spt.:c~ :0 th~ :.loo\'e ~r~lnt l1Umb~:-1 :;"J :l:i \)rJ,nrc= ucsign:Hcd :0 ~C~;'::\'''; iO~ln ~uarJnte~ :lSSlS[3nl..:~. :lnd Jgrc;;:s to ..:::>n1piy '.,vith ~hl.: rcrl':1~ :..:nJ ~unJi tlons ot'the .\gree:'1etH. ;1[1pl i~:Jblc regubrions. Jno LJthe~ ~eljuire:lle:;rs X vr'Hl"D nu\v ur h~reJf~er::1 ~~fc:ct. pc:rt3ining (C) ~ht: Jssis~Jnt:~ provili:.:t.i it. HUD Accounting use C nly 3a{c:~ ~;..c .::I;c~ ~ -:::.. ~ .':'.r~a -= oc~r;-:en[ .'10. .::l~Qlecr ;-'lur-;-:8er S~li-=CC;': .~rr.::IJn! =lfeC:I'!e Gaie is 31 IITC ItI1= ?~cJec: ~JurnJ2r :--oIj ::nrerec _":CCS. 01 '( .':'_mc~nt ~rn:JU(H '':(.1;2 "=: '~":'r;):' ;-.......:., -:=\ilc 'lun~::::::r: :;'::nsaCHon "':..:::e: :::"'ii5:f2!; 3':: \' -:?fmeG 3'i: :cr~ HUD-7082 14/'): E.O. 12372 CDSG SPECIAL CONTRACT COI\JDITIOI\J WATER OR SE\NER FACiLITIES Notwithstanding any other provision of this agreement, no funds provided under this agreement may be obligated or expended for the planning or construction of water or sewer facilities until receipt of written notification from HUD of the release of funds on completion of the review procedures required under Executive Order E.O. 12372, Intergovernmental Review of Federal Programs, and HUD's implementing regulations at 24 CFR Part 52. The recipient shall also complete the reviE;w procedures required under E.O. 12372 and 24 CFR Port 52 and receive written notification from HUD of tr--Ie release of funds before obligating or expending any funds provided under this agreement for any new or revised activity for the plannin~J or construction of water or sewer focilities not previously reviewed under E.O. 12372 and implementing regulations. Funding Approval and HOME Investment Partnership Agreement Title il of the National AHordable Housing Ac~ U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development Office of Community Planning and Development O,iIlS .~pproval No. 2501-0013 (ExO.11/30/2001j Public reporting burden for this cOllection of information is estimated to average 1 hour per response. incluaing the time for reviewing instructions. searching existing data sources, fjathering and maintaining the data needed. and completing and reviewing the collec:ion of information. This agency may not conduct or sponsor, amI a person is not required to respond to. a collection of information unless tllat collecton displays a valid OMS control number. The HOME statute impcses a significant number of data coilection and reoorting requirements: This includes information on assisted properties. on the owners or tenants of thE! properties, and on other programmatic areas, The information will be used: 1) to assist HOME participants in managing their programs: 2) to track pe rformance of partic:pants in meeting fund commitment and expenditure deadlines; 3) to permit HUD to determine whether each participant meets the HOME statutory income targeting and afforaability requirements; and ~'llO' permit HUD to determine compliance with other statutory and regulatory program :equirements. This data collection is authorized under Title II of the Cranston-Gonzalez National Affordable Housing Act or related authorities, Access to Federal grant funds is contingent on the reporting of certain project-sp'ecific data elements. Records of information collected will be maintained by the recipients of the assistance, Information on activities and expenditures of grant funds is pUblic information and is generally available for disclosure. Recipients are responsible for ensuring confidentiality when public disclosure is not required. 1. Participant Name & AadrE'SS Augusta, Georgia Augusta-Richmond County Consolidated Government One Tenth Street. Eiuite 430 Augusta, Ga 30911 j2. PartiCipant Numoer , MOO-MC-13-G2G6 13. Tax Identification Numcer I 58-6000513 I 245 15. Appropriation Numoer I I i o. Funoing Approval Numoer ; 7. FY (mmlddlyyyy) 4a. HUD Geograpnic Locator Code Number 0192 b. County Code 2000 8. Prt!vious Obligation is -G- -0- -0- 1,311;000 1,311.000 -0- 1,311,000 1,311,000 -0- a. Flegular Funds b, Community Housing Development Organization Reallocation 9. Current Transaction is a. I,egular Funds b, Community Housing Development Organization Reallocation 10. Revised Obligation IS a. I,egular Funds b. Community Housing Develooment Organization F3eallccation 11. Special Conditions (check applicable box) CKJ a. Not applicable C b. Attached This agreement between the Department of Housing and Urban Deveiopment (HUD) and the City of Augusta. Georgia. : 2. Congressional Release Date (mmidd/yyyy) ~ 3 . FEe zoco (the Participating Jurisdiction/Entity) is made pursuant to the authority of the ~ome Investment Partnerships Ac: (42 U.S.C, 12701 et seq.). The ?articipating Jurisdiction's /Entity's approved Program Description/Apolication and the HUD reguiations at 24 CFR Part 92(as now in effect and as may be amended from time to time) and this Home investment Partnershio ,:l.greement. torm !-iUD-.:l0093, Including any special conditions. constitute part of this agreement. Subject to the provisions of this agreement. HUD wiil make 'he funds for :he Fiscal Year specified. available ~o the Participating Jurisdiction/entity upon execution of this agreement by the parties, .~iI funds for the specified Fiscal Year provided by HUD ':Jy formula reailocatioll are covered by :his agreement upon execution of 3n amendment by HUD. without the Participating Jurisdiction's execution of the amer.dment or other consent. ;-iUD's payment 01 funas under this agreement is subjec: to the Participating Jurisdiction's! !::ntity's compliance with HUD's e!ec:ronic funds transfer and information reporting procedures issued pursuant to 24 CFR 92.502, To the extent 3uthorized by HUD requlations 3t 24 C~~ Part 92. :-1UD may, 'Jy its execution .)f an amendment. decoligate funds previously awarded to the Participating Jurisoic:ion/E:1tity.vithout the Participating Jurisdic:ion's/E;~tit'l's execution of the amendment or other C8nsent. The Participating Jurisdiction/Entity agrE!es that funes invested in affordable housing unaer 24 cr=~ Par. 92 are reDayacle when the housing no longer qualifies as affordable housing, Repayment shall be made as spec:fiec in 24 Cr=;, Part 92. ...:rhe P3rticiPatin._g)~iction agrees to assume all of the resoonsibility for environmental review. decision maKing, andaoticns. as 3cecified andlrequired in regplation at24 CF~ 92.352 and 24 CFR Part 58. ~or the U.S. Deoartment 01 Housing 3nc UrtJan Oevelcoment i.Name! Si(:n:lt~rq, ../ Date (mmJdd/YYYYl John L. PerrI, :\irector .~ 'I \ . '" < .- --.-L ' :-:::3 2000 . ~ "i':'_>\~ " - -___......"-- ~-. 1 _ Tille _n \. Georgia Stare OffiCI': ot Community Planning and Develo~mer.t ;=or Participating Junsdic:ion'Entit'lI.Name or ,.l.umonzed Ciiic:all ;JfJ Bob '(Dung cP /""'\; .~ Ti:le l){ Aurnon;::ea Ctfic:31 ,S'~i~ Y )"/ .: : /I:'!':...: I '-(,,1...- -.---. /. sa;e Irnmidc/'I'IYY I ......., /~.. /11 , .: ..:J-:.'/ou ;'1aycr HUO-..0093 f~,931